pat staid: WrEb./C E8T121..17.7 BERT. 5, 1866 New Advertieeutenta Brrtmatei-Sefety Simpson orphans' Court Sale—E. S. Seeley. Executor's Notiee—ti. Baker: To Committee en Statisties—M..L. Clark. Estray Cone—Geo. Slingerland, Fortano—W., 4, Smith's Sons.— Republican - Ineetthes The Republican Canvassing Committee have Iced for meetiptein. this county at . the followins times and places : septet:Aar' 10—GREEN: SCHOOL HOUSE, Delmar, W. H. Smith, Major Niehole. September 11—Mao field, S. F. Wilson, W. H. Smith. -WELSH sump *HOUSE, Chaileston, yzjor Nichole, M. H. Cobb. Sept. 12—ROSEVILLE, -Wilson, F. E. E m ith. WHITNEYVILLE, John I. Mitchell, J. B. Niles. • Sept. .13—ELOSSBURG, S. P. CHANDLERBURG, Henry Allen, W. R. Smith, - • , Sept. 14—LIBERTY, (Bleak House,) -S. Wilson, Maier DAGGETT'S Milts, W. H. Smith, Henry Allen. REENEYVILLE, B. B. Strang, J. B. Niles. COVINGTON, F. E. Smith, M. H. Cobb. _ Sept. 16—UNION, (Sivnurp) S.lam Ma jor Yvichola. ' These meetings will be held in the evening.--, The friend/ of Republican principles will please mate allniecesaary arrangements for the meet-' t ogs and secure a good turn-oat. Appointments for the following week will be renounced nest week. - xtEraclotrs.-Rev:_ .4.. 4: 14.44*LE will preach in St. Penl'a church, on Sum lay, Sep te caber -AIL EEE BROOKRIPTITI CFLigEE 'FACTORY.— Mews. Wood & 'ohirOOklixd, have eitabliahati ory in Brookfield Hol low, and aril malting 2,400 lbe. of cheese and about s2.soLisorth of_brottor per week. Thiskpenke well for the enterprise of Brookfield. What town fifp will rt"ezirepoitY VANEwr.§l _got 77..uri.".teani on Friday Lod set his Woodworth Plg.ner in motion on its Trial trip. The new engine and maohinery work to a charm. If anybody-wants to see the poetry of motion exemplified, they have only to ,watob that engine foi half an honr. - Its a beauty: AssEssinii 4 n3:—SOme - of_the soldiers lost their asseisinines at their usual gimes of res idence during the.war, -These ehorthi_he-et onto attended to and theienames•iint on the rolls. Let no loge no votes hilittglectring' thq isiesieuieiato.— . Be vigilant . , PoniToEt3:—Ayfit are under bbliiations to Mr. Darius Hotehkies,:i4 qh.e.ileipor!,l'for half butte] of superb Chili potatoee, tie largest and best we hare . seen this season. • - 'The Republican Convention of 131inton -county in:tructati for Wilson for Congress. This makes four oat of - five couttitia. r The - notiiinatidtf was by acclamation W,sasrTED—A Postmaster , for -Wells bore, lie mast be able to shed tears over Alas. sachmietts and'Sonth - Carolina walking arm in aim, and be vrillq to-believe that the men who spent fourryeafe in a vain effort - to overthrow the Government, are Abb - tieffsat, Plersoni to _is_kopf the control of public affairs can be given. Salary 51300 a year. - Sealed groprnsals•received at the headquarters of the Knights of the Golden Cir cle until a choice is made.- „cendidates will be expected to surrender up their= self-respect tied free moraragency and vote the coplitibered'tiTk et, for Congress, et least: „, _ , _ _ . FINE E.StABLIEHISENT. —Mr. JOHN A. soy, druggist, 'if this village, has had made a very superior trace wagon. Which reflects much credit upon the builders and finishers. The run ning gears were got up by WoRTENDTZE, the-lox by DARAT, and, thefroning by MACK. The whole sae painted and otnameuted BENSVAET:44r bee a fine carriage top, - Mr. Peter.Wcrtitidyka; lute the obliging clerk at lloy's J. ug t ejOi*.is new iisitinAvatious point's in this and adjoining conntiereith this 'establish -meat freighted-with vations notions, ranging from a hoz of prime eigari - to - is - boa of pills. Traders will find PETER a good fellow to deal with, We take pleasure in recommending him as an 4oikeist and fair dealing Young man. . . A,B cka)k. it s= A Iqes to us the following laughable occurrence at Irvih's faun SSW "Mill Vt. .11/1101ti (0413Ebip The mill;'whieh 15 11 . 1fne"Otte, ia'.quite a - Plice of retort for focal bletic4g ago 'a tierman eltizeriwalked ii/14 0 tkst millAndy&tohed the pro gress of the big circular saw with Much intereet. In rapid motion fascinated him, and stepping tip he appliektbe index finger of hie right the ill-defined periphtry, titian - , much 'to tile eur prise, the end , of the finger disappeared at the record joint. Very - ,placidly he bound ; up, the wimp. Just then dlr. 'lrvin entered, and the Tictim of misplaced confidence accosted him " Mr. trirtn; f comic to:eCe ypurluill . s.. I uep, : .. er coineiti; see - y'c;li`i — tticle before. 6'4, - , A: delice mine finger like dis, (putting the index finger of le(!ketzuktli to the stlyo. to Teol ortitLand, mein Gott!—" Thp usaugity Dutohuttoo, iy:explahaing ,his ilrst mishap, toutetedthe wit with his loft forefinger, ttev theknuckle: the pialr p tc . ii:" .. ip. - 1111irolt ! ciiet4iiis amaxgment he fitiilry stammered out c - "Mr. Irvin I comes to see your mills. I never hat teen him before. kasill-ga avay, and never rill rant to tee him any more." REPUBLICAN lef.EETlNG.—Thellepub; licas Club of . . Te 44sid : ,.a _meeting its, the.. Conn Rouse heat week Tuesday evening, at which Hon. R'' f r.*,RlTE:Ertrit'llt: TW_ollat war torapletelylltea,;ssil the occasion one of much interest. - Ron. lisi.sors ' was introduced by the Chairman, filka made er graPhia; l !" . -37, ,To4',ffect ire speech. His'resPii to - tiie charges which All the Copperhead papers of the district, was a di rect and triumphant refutation of such calumnies as only the enemies of civil liberty can devise. Mr. Wilson WaSfelfeived by Mr. Strang, who declared that he could soot think of indulging inn speech,lnt would,place himself squarely-Orr the record and before the Public. 4 11 e stated the issue whether. %Control of Tublie 7 .e.frairl3 shall be entrusted - to men,wbo rallied i?.britit: the Yana; ernment in its hOur of peril, or tb those who en deavored for four ypratedestroyit, and who de fire to rule or•ruirt. -In view of this, - he said the country eived - i'debt t ol gratitude to the Congress Which - had closed .its lideors to rebels, and that he Wu dieidelY in favor of keeping the doors closed against rebels and traitors forever. This. senti mearwa=gregetwplinoWiiiitliiiekrztreCiPPlit-u;e7:: Cal. O'regg:heing fondly called' for, * took -the floor and `made a short speech;- wllich,,.tris. -Moat' rwiferouely applauded. , - -- go motio n k i y, grq., alio:re, 6 14- - ft. T. W00d,,-Mujor W. A: Nichols, we'd Mon: A. G. Oliustod,'were o(m:teti to reigesent this Assem bly duarict in theCostventiou of Southern *Onion' m en ii o- rt. in session W e can assure our frfetgiashitaittinst-jte, lay 4E 2 of freedom are alight in Tioga, contribute our usual pro Portion to swell the triumph in October. of 1 " Peregrinh tingeorrespoidelii*" writes from this villageto` 'the Montrose .riepublicatt' quite rk racy letter, por- Pons ef:w,hich-we:give herewith : • "IThis county has always been overwhelmingly ,ifepublittan;.rind will now-go just as strung anti- Joluistor. - The-beauties of 'my .policy' do not tomato be an well appreciated by the' iutelligell voters of Tioga county as they are by tbe foreign population of Lucerne, who drink whisky and vote:tiro Deutontatie ticket.'" Hie adventures: on :the roan, are - rather emus.; log. , here is one: " Dld you ever, in traveling, lr. Editor x esk of a person you met how far it was to the neat town ? T 'believe I hare:. Yciterday I was going.over to Whea - witlain.abont a mile : of the place r met two women. Now maybe. I :wanted to know the-slistarioe; then maybe I didn't; how ever I 'asked: Oho of them- said-it was three miles to"Whitneyville. the other, 'it's Only a mile.' Well; returned the first, ),walk ed from there Ohre - the - other day, and I thought it was at least three miles.' "But - that is hardly_ equal to the reply I once received from a - boy that I asked who lived in the. next house, end reeeivad the genuine Yankee an : - ewer, drawn out with , provoking- slowneAs, ' What do you want to knoi,7 for ?' . Discorraisfrivls).—By the ,i - o lit,nation, of Postmaster Lawrence, at Bailey wreck, that pest'pffice is vacant, if - not discontinued. The' mail matter directed to that office ks dropped Rutland.: The public will please Mite notice. PERSONAL.—JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Esq., has returned to hi, old home at Ttogn, will resume the practice - Of the law atthe Tiopt county bar. We apprehended that.tiiitt stir identi fied- with our: county - and its inteiesta_would scarcelyfinsiasty other spot in Pentasylyouts ;to, pleesent• - and home-like. We 4i lam rif oo'r4ial,teleenae. Taß PAM GRotliND.--: We are r6quels-. ted to the 4 tivalmrart eourso . on'the :Fair Ground will be ready ferule , Situidnfr-"next, Mr. 13unnell;COntractor,:offere a pieiniilin - of $5. to the horse trottingthe slowest best three in five, mile heats. Judges: Samuel Dickinson, Alpheus iilard„ and Angus Griffi n. • The. Fair building was raised. yesterday, It frill tosseels that the worli is progressing rapidly. The buildings hill be well - near completed in ten days.: A NEW CHURCH ORGANIZED.—A Baptist church of forty-five membec6 has been recently organized at Whitney's Corners, under the name of the East Charleston Baptist Church. On Tuesday, August 28, a council from the vari ous Baptist churches of the county met to rang nise,the body as in fellowship with them. Fol lowing the usual preliminary business, which oc cupied the morning, the afternoon-was devoted to the recognition services. Theie consisted of an opmting prayer, a sermon, the prayer or recgni- Lion, hand of - fellowship, cbargo to .the - ibirrch, aid - concluding - prayer. - The posts were 'filled by the following named ministers: C. A.,sthne, D. R. McDermond, G. P. Watrons, L. Stoneigit.-Lo& mis and C. Beebe. Rev. N. L. Reynolds has been instrumental in accomplishing this object. Coy. _ - • KELLEY his gOt a fine -degortment of new fell goods fresh from New York: If you haven't seen them, go at once. NEW o,ooDS.—Messrs. Bullard & Tru man are receiving at the Key -Stone store a largo and fine atpok of . fall goads,.-not to_ be, beat, in price or qtiality„ Tbpir,solvfitisalpent, Qatie' too late-for this week, Thert, rekiwg/pabHe will find it to'their inibrelf, to ealrearli amid eiianiiiie this ' •."" • • tiaTitia • MAW* fni ` Bepte fiber con ttiOrmattoia,:iiiisity on Life Agmarance:contitins o:want:, of in. formation. t.TlK.Johnioni- Party" is a polished and caustic diaillijilps„ of Che' ayuation. Vtiitimiy*Vornet u titigii.t . :great ''refoia:in'ilie - 'tettne : s47per year,—' All the ma - guinea -taffy heordero„ of Young, at the Wellsbore_BeAttatgro. The Troy Times ha.'s a , ppeareq_in the alinjw. of 11,114(1 .7he or ena Ter `Gaze tte , en , beautified, and !mprovod• teyan - d, :anysanguine expectations. Friend jiapxon eeems to the man or. bunt., ,Aef,il9B us,a; tarot/ . @ of geed thiugs to be axpecad,tetenjored; achieve a grand success., Harper, for Sefiterribei.. Well, it is o d - 7 o ft fling 'kith enotilyir,liletelixtent of Porte Crayon's Reecte4orle the,..Yar r and w . :94?eed- Jo -14 11 56 t I. o 3ld l Pgrr There ;,is .flpttaeriilrECT reminiecenee;:but...written by a late rebel officer. Dia ."11116t r ingtott ihtifng the - Ittre, Inrdt."—Tlib'EditbrifTlible—iinVrtrierive? tife*Wfrfiljil: tii3;:.44tzr 7e'lr • •1 : :. ".• tFor the ligitatura u 0 .6411,0 t Stony V- _ In accOrdanco.alth previaue 4rpitigeinentz. the loyal and liberty loving citiieno of stoni' Fork and vicinity assembled at, the Meeting b se•in'S ten - Forlt, On the evening of the"lst - h ultimo, and listened to a Elifriiik,ipe , ech from Col. Thiodore Gregg, upon the queitionef reconstruc tion. - 11Whietigbt clearly. before "hie ltearers the, issues of the day te bedecided in the Chnilitg. fall' orations.' Ili: thought the failure - of the'pebple - , to he represented by the same, or others asloyat: mairatknow compote the majoritiea nf' nue prest ent Legislatures and Congress, would bring. us back to the times ~and terrible I..cenes o'f 18111: 7 1 -' Bc'paid n high - tribute . of praise' t the' hdelity; and patriotism . of Goi.'Curtin,..ind'aarranacett:in strong; -term's bid -*ortid-be - murderers' end their sy nipeth trete: - kii`grifi'a - sketch of the - life; and, career of Geni.Geary;,- his service's 'in - the . ,War with Mexico, and hia . patriorii, course. thionghotit' our late - Struggle for national: life and' lihe'rty. 77 , Hii-reutFka upeullie life'and 'chi - tractor ''of Gem' Geary's:Supposed 'contestant for the Governorship . of Pennsylvania, were in terms. that I•think deprive-trim - of -uvery - ratditref minibus conseientioustp,Akiflaitrating caticittacttrateri. as ably as COl. Gregg:o(lft on the evening of dire 15th ultimo. The Colonel was often applauded throughout isiaalldreas,-after 'which kfaj.-Niehals, of Wellsboro, being Celled titian; respondid in 'w short but pointed speech. Thich was - APPTe-- ciateeliy -all. - denounced - the • Piiiiiient's course, and the late riot at New Orleans as being the logical consequence of his " policy." ONE OF THE FORTY-FIFTH. • •'• 1 (For the Agitator.] Attention Soldiers. mum Widows, mothers, and erphaus who, are. en titled to any persioti;i6fbetuity'frolieqbe'tf' States, I wish to give 1,V1,...a. little„infortuation, because othethneti wrotniglit: , bave-ilfine-46 have not, and the want of which has cost sumo of you a " sawbuck greenback?' rfaa..llitrefore is not for the benefit of money-sucking war claim agents, but that all may reap the benefits which are justly theirs. If any of , the readers, of this are „etftitthd to J ,an - increased - pensiOn -trader Hie• act approved June 6, 1866, write to Hon. Joseph H. Barrett, Commissioner of:, Pensions, Washing :ton, D. C., for a copY"orhislifitructions - fur ob taining an increased pension. Follow the instruc tions, only remit yottr 04LT:et pension certificate with your application. Write the word "official" ou the upper right hand cornerof i the envelope„ and thrtasaveyoetag'e: •. If you - are not "coMpetent' to''do the business,,. wrack) COI. Francis Jordan; No. 488, Eleventh 'street, W is-State-military agent for Penneylvatila., - Tsiatingynii - caSe, what you think you arclantitlerto, &c.; whether - sioa, increancd,,pension, • bounty, or- b e'ek•pay.— net/nest; blanks and information, and the or one of 'his assistants will sendyou. all_ necessary - blanks: all r r,4t top., so Jolt can get them B.i:baited at home ; and he will got your bounty, back pay,; ..rer pensiolacertificatorfrce., ctshurgwyßpkvmber and write-so-Col: .16rdarr for normforroatfon - You muy want., ne,matterhow simple or complex-; he will givu , tatist'action, - and-save idur Alines-as nett as dollars, We.rieid Augns"„t • 27 1806 ' '• " cr • • buy r•, asht4 *Cc' lc your goods this full is at W. 'R. Smith's sons, Addison, N. Y. The stock is larger, cheaper, and of 00111110 the attractions much greater. Bee their N. Fall column. We have barely roonitit state that ye "democracie" of this county met in the Court Renee (in - MondaST evening - and `nominated the fellotying :ticket r - A3siriathly,-4/t. M- 'Loop; As sociate - judges—A. Lathrop, - Eddy! •Howland; Frotlinnotary - t-74atOte.geren,;:"Itegister—Peter - Walbridge; --- : :ComVi-lotior,--;:rfidsliert Stewart ; Auditor—H. H. Rockwell. BRING TRBICAIANG ti sent/ per pound for rags;' pound for old newspapers, pamphlets, documents, and books without their covers; and one cent and a half per pound for mixed scrap paper ;--CASH—itmy bookstore,No. 5, Union block, Welleboro, Pa. Sept. 51856. HUGH YOUNGj.., MARRIAGES - Mansfield, July 3d, by Rev . . N. L. Rey nolds, Mr. PORTER R. llatian.a.zt iind Miss EL LEN Roar, both of Middlebury., lu,peerfield„ on the 15t. instant,-by the same, Professor jtiaa6l., - Vt:; Ataxy, of Coudersport, and ,MiseAlant%•_BolvaN - ..- - z .• •," • - , Jn Tioga;Vingust-23, - -by-- Rev.'ii.'"fi.')lfeDer ,Tiodnd, CEcktil k EtL BityntN,". OrLisroriool, N. Y.,%ond vita JEVINILe Er.-Mreenipt.,'of Tioga„ , , . Keob4ville. Auo'notl2;,b/11: 'Keeney, Seq., Mr..So.livEr.k.'BAZtElf EWA A. BEIOVF, bdtb of •Etithind:', " In Middlebury, Sept, 1, •by Thomas Keeney, Esq,, Mr. Pax :i..orlonoluun of Middlebury, and Miss MARY COLE, of Chatham. DEATHS - :lnfalebniond, August -11th; . .TiliarS` only daughter df.pir.' F. IL- and Ma4 . 4 .- .'Wh . itu, aged five menthe.— • -Tlithigh iheY may idy - betieath'th'elisop44,- Tho form of Jennie, dea,v, fitiOw t her ,npirii hova're till • : - • nd ':)( 1 ;lingers ,with las here: J .; ; der homeEttay hain'.ilenven,ab"ove`; ,•:, Yet oft tells She will raturalo-hreatlia her lovii— „ Gt told - V sco. _ ."•4^•• 24,.186knt the renidanae ; of hareetalihu 'l3owite;' - or - Vir,,,4„tranpri..-(for manly Wife 'cif - Martin Deerdiel44 in the 7,7 th year of ,her age. - ;7 7r7 ; ' The - de:Ceasiicrit tid'heen i t ;iasiiient - of tbit court. ty for nearly Mty ' - yeari f an intelligent and effi cient member of the socioty of Friends. The years of her active life were eel) .- iCialb marked by neighborly-kindness to the sick and sufferingl , itliaslier . krivilege and'happiness to minister to.their "eonafort; • an:d .sMootlx. the - 'dying, pillow:. aWn , weam:deyp- 'Shireringr were cheered by many tokens of kindraistatiClespect froth her numerous acquaintance; verifying the promise: 7‘ tre that ...watered/ shall himself be watered." With regard to her hope, she re marked "Semis Christ is all sny_'truatii-Xhavo nothing_ to fear," ' - • • Most:- ofa numerous family.- had--gono-before her. Peaceful, patient. and resigned, sho ., passed to an honoye,d_gra've, suireund'ed by her remain olildrett-,and-grandebildran. .The iittlp.pnes ?- taiti 6 o..e . talliadar.l.olier.s.k.tieiiiele.ZEtAiii.; He talniu 11 er Jecultiei • protaated iiti Erings (Cans - id:by-a painfulthuiel'a-alityaiipie, viateditik their ttle - efforts ;to hei:notafer- Ati4ojltind this Emiblirinialerself. - InlitklF heartii m I;,luemones sweet-. 7 • • c*ivat3iose wo - leve!to„7 and:*irpth inFe - . tendere'sr loyeAnd,:catit. , Tai dxEtucewCoottt ea` Si.ONT - is,manafactnredwith I .Cartaindinpinvenientii, !seanted.,by letterayatftt r under Cteloirof nay lB63 rD4C4lllber:s;-3.865.' Ohe of thise hivra vym.itts covers the errin3tematit of Itttine pdital4e aslistui in thit - .-heurth, of.a coakituritoW - to ".reCeisp. thaashei as it-passes, down from - The 'grate:4ll pernonsara cant.loaed rtg4trat inavalt.mtafring; , fending or neing tither stove"; made in imitation of UW41 . 14'011. can, as suits hare been cormnencedfor infringuirient of - theseliatent a ; and ail Reno= manufacturingOienirtg - or using Said laiitilions, trill be liable for damg:ee for Infrinipment. on these letters pafent,.. - : SMEAR, 2AOKARD 17 end 19 Green _street, :Albany; N: Y. The Samitaiti is for tale by WILLIA-1111tOBERTS, - • • 7*-- -jl3-6m-ip . sesta:rd n-few_sreeks.lry 'Wry' siMple :rerpedyValterltaring:•snifered Corsa - resat yea'ra - irfthla daveke lang - akeclioti.atrd.nint dread , _ll.l.Seld‘e; Cthlipiitjr to.rnalzejtnowyto22,l3l",iitoulimifte r . the naeans 'l'e; all who` desire` it. he ;; wilt send a.copy: , of tliajnre scription used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will -gild a sura-eure,for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,Coughs and Colds, and all threat_andlunveffatifions The only object of the advertiser in settling the Prescription t 7. .tu. , ho , t ai t.theallioted.antispread - tuforniatfOn - Wlifetila conceives to be invaivablei and he hopes °Ter) , Sufferer :will try-JAW:remedy, as it•will cost thern_nothingrand may prove a blessing Parties Witthing the PieseriptfOn PREZ, by return mail, will please ,address Bev. ED WARD 4 Ltn omr;, titngi 03.-N pan. 31. '6O-Iy] _ T:IRROE,S4.E i'OUTEl.4 , —.A.Gentletakyi.;ydio suffered for ieittra tronf Nerio7 , pile - Dobility,'Premature .Decay and all the effeppef -youthful Inalscrutiel4le3ll4 ter-the sake of-suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he NTRA.,Vpred .574 30fferdikViWincco profit by the adveitieer'seexperiefick can'ab so 1i:1'ml - dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, 13 Chambers-St., N. Y. Jan. 31,'66-1y. .. - , , • • • .M=MMIMM . SCR •H I,3SCRAT.CH! - WE'EATOWS - OINTMENT Iva cure ti) „itch in...,44.1 - 19yu:5, 1 ,, ~A rt. acres' SKIN RHEIJSKIILOEAS; bt anctjalt E#IIIVIIIN,T_OF THE SKIN. Prlikaalliziiital Poi — alb by all druggists. - By. to WEEKS & POTTER, Sale -. .tierits, 170 Washinstort, St. Bust,,u, it-ertH - trtrforwirtd4ll7.srllTlll — lfir3id" postage, tp arry part 94' theetUai,e+States.- 1.1ir1ae43,1•1866.',44-thrtiee'4.` Sletruni,j4 ;be llnfttd 41t..g.64 cara zet attmeltitagl,i . their a'tiv autage'by return mall ((free of olive) by .q+) , ! dreaslng,the undersigned ..Those - baying. fears, of, balm, hambaggad will' please oblige:by nOt betlq4tibii ea' All others will ;dame Liddpase their ebPdferitaervilitr, . • TIIOS F CHAPMAN, . . CONFESSIONS - `& EIpERIENCE 4',lN Tttf VALlD.—Published for the-bciiKt ae4t caudeit to yotiug'tx.'etbind iithore, frOna'Nervotis De. bllityi Prot:Attire st_B•ltinhood,.&s: - ; tittytklAtii :11,t tho same time the means of- aelf-pytre...By.Ntztp:vitp blur cored himself after undergcaiig •coiliaerable quackery. By " l'o ''e notating postpiaittudareased ,euveloweiugle, Rev tee, free of charge;rusibe'llEef:ttieitithort . ''' - -.NAT BAN-18-11 7 A1R,-Esqvßrooklykrititritiro N. ••- - SPP A INGIF 14gtr,:, 77: - y~TagN? toko - l)eakirkllit otpouncitig. : to y tiielpublic gap witliAtio4argoAt aed most de ' sirkbie Stock of Goods • •:1 1 i:Tingt• CoAny: tatilllitto of - STA 'pritani:VAldie,p.iiol:s6Ds - ,' - oI 4 O).T}W AND CAS§I,KERTS;:HATS =tc . tAPS, &'',SI3 . OES' . 6II.ISb — RIES , - TAILORING - —••- Cutter: - ' In fact„ r° tiara's-complete assortment of 'tit that. it new and 'desirable:- ;we are 'doteitninetf so ttikeithe laud in Lots - icse = fni tfie .s piitig of - , • - pio;-.A.Np_S,EE - To ieols to be "convinCo "...and to 141rwill cost you-no. g. Viroottetd thauka,for former liberal andonly oak I.l2a.f.thecfriends of low pricikan small profttr, will call at our countOrs•lnil iatisfy• : thaKoselltoz,, that • Lmtropcbtillo - is buy Goods right. C. S. MATHEit Ik. CO • - laltuliAN:- HAIR `T4 -11y_ G. C. Catipbell,'4l4o`ii nori „prepprtal, to uranufaoturdon shore:mitten; pi:wiling ire .. 4l,i ) , Hue of 'hatr4ork: switches, co4leittls,,frizze_tta, braids; slitifitNaticir?7:4Xl4,,,, j curlinz, - tte.„ , (War I.atl r . 1 -1 July 4, r 1 per ns who recruited previous to April 22., 1864', and who have not been paid for said service, can-raceiv,. pay by applying to Ewing & Smith, Third street, H rishurg, Pa.; also soldiers of 1812 or their widows, receive $OO, cash, by applying to the same portant biut44e ruude•tzeicirl tnitn;wymazi,'aaa ,ebilci in • i. 4 34. •-• • • • thin couinty if they will strictlyadhete to the pleitid:ho944ll744ottde of the well; knows.,popn!a; old op_noor,n of 1.; / 71, 7 : - 7=7 1 .7 . 1-7 ,•r ,t7tim W. ,a,..tAinithls . Son 2 , , - 41:!. (ji I,hss x• ,a..t Lao elsib 123 ximOrjor.s a lioie i-altricao:nay. aiu li, 1 l altsiC °As z-vhoar people have 11 :, ready reaped their4dStafit b7.thill doh* 'Eve l lY ,FF ° Pi %WWI rl:t "Vr-sh Ci.nt LITT? ; r t -..' CtODS, , -GROCEit MI; CL O* Di ; ;, 800 TB-aHO E , -V • pki 3 9 • - 04 , 1 4 f i g/rSi OILS, „Itc,leri,Std4l4 Ate . • ,Tt2.1 7 1 . dry tnAtj.4llP;iiihince, MEM CHEitilitTF A - 1110N i 9 Laz tr. t 4.1.1 x hoc raz: 41. at the old Reliable Corner; Me' PEOPTW - 510 e.E, !GRAVE ANIVIMMIIKANI ,t 1 'A 4.5tr-Buyggtivtio wpar " TO SPEND THEIR MONEY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. SNIITH'S SONS' system of keeping an enormous stock of goods at all times of the' year, and selling tbent-chesp-this System - ad oh- - n o sands to big-pro - ft-stores —it'Yairly hegug far SLa Frallastsott al:flieirstorn;:atiditich.'n'year far doivig" pedpio gacid viziadiAvltifowg before..; Cer solely tliere is ria good teasels fui -4 switidlingliti-, ces now; we have htfa'.-eiitYnkirctif`tlititi - iibsetidy.. The great advantage and ituportugce „ of trading for Cash or 2 , ... - 4 d l.44o",f4Piiil4strAked' by the low prices now eagilig at the Peeple's Store. . _ caw , iIOtiSEEMILD-WORDSFOR THE FARMER.. • -MEC A N IC, &' PEOPLE GENERALLY. . 7) -7, • IT; T, •, " • 130-Itottr goods of a oonelt4, — -, i; 0414 thilie Ida tug ten tira9.4ulav, ic iOds dof course oan - iell"thein - ati many Tunes a. per than entail concerns. ,Rik.giya„All_sucia ad eeikairs.;. . _ ;',"! •INING2 .ItOR DENT'TO; C TiNSLItEit .13E,Boxf avz n nm 4418 , MIONItit • ""--. ' ' --•- • 1 2 :•.;.! ~, , r r eu,..4.1t,4414 big 4G:iris:and lig recitzei niaio 0 .44 1 401. , ,1eP ef tots and na'rear. talitts of which to very batL'astigarfirt4. Sulttlft?:SoneLtdruntion.C.,:Light eapensualttaii - :;3o renie, new geoc_le rtt_break_tle3vu..• price% .'"trba g 87rElTriuTtii of email.. rutite. good .yaiUe and quick -rot lirD dying to thadhreace.'' , - no•faet: ia; th, only true and certain-read to fortune fa fhb uu.rebant. to 111WaYSAl. ,wore his custoalers. airwe do. thiridios t eriedefeh - d — on argu, !like tor : big '.' Again, errs{copular gya01:11 ut l dealittg; buying strretly alwaye having'"call on hand..reuder.tre jui.o.tera of the situation when a drop `Ootneejio die `lYevor' - hefire wasiifore'3llett . - a -tplipiz . ink lot 'Of ':96o4;::4l : , piilpit'it ,- o; . a4;_: • and will sh9tofroni_thi,3.,„ Ell 2 , Our 11t04: pfl:l6_,Gilodiand,Cl*ipg.qayeAlis btlit;iScirio' - puato,irter..ivki9 is hp'i :gap ever , without- buying and ,app) whp;Cace ;he tisastftion. tli(a . they"csu 154 guii elascskisrq fis,qhsap. .We keel? the largity: _ , - BOOTS 'AND , SHOES:IIAT AND . CAPS ME= . _ tbat iaktip ccounty, , tbau GOODS an aouater: . - - CARPETSIAIsit * CLOTHS - • atrnlufluf•low:ratea.: . : The eettigi3 and palaeo etre be raplerishect fat' a eartglnoiv — ,. by "atillitig at ilia Peeptes.-Friend. _4 :CRO-CKERT WALL PAPER' • and a - thousand other articles man' ho-fmind ; and no one iTttrOL7tie - ea", thetalaiiia :help buyins. We E9RmribelPre all thti CIL Ci2737NG Itiaselt,.. , Every drease& .un - _ mitirif:Ebti& IV4i Sitio make to order. Our Cotter master:il - his art . ; be stands down the ball no man tala:nrielda ' the shears for ,a livelihood; his fits eine the deformed. i'1•1111 - . always orless than rciiiiki3i" ratOZ It is m ' a're then_ . ever :file - duty ,Pf and woman to cell berirbefore ,huyipg;, l ' alai '3 oo k -ttirocio:lll43 stock- of ten, pting goods and-lisrgain as no one , almimegiat -or • form - dity" idea lion , great a difference there_ip , tWOolltheprieeer of • emods bought far cash and yrieei of goods else ,wh ern bl'ihs.'rkt fly p otes_that are. notpaid.promptly— Mae safest t hi ng fur,- fill,boyers , •I,olreqt notch . - in_ g00da, to - call a risz'rf-'IV..: .-rnitlCA.,Sonat—prices,,Aind yin -your- 1 'packetlt,a,lompere, -, groat sthreffirill ,get the - enrii•shoalcierafter ycek.,.7 'sit IsO tor:L . 'ner wber.a.the,y,worlr, for ttAi'Thlromers. • 5 oircii3bot mistake ‘.l`gm s, the room,ol - Erie igilway. and t€ie faob/5" 0 0 n go, n nth inem(rov;rly to spike i - tiegtine. YoUrs--grolY 4 ". B. SMITS343ONS. 5ep(8,18613: aim A FORTUNE IMIMII!11=1 Ti 3 BEANE d St El our au fftiiii New Drug Store AT BLOSSBURa PA. _ it/ '7. WILLIAMS CO. • MAKE this method of announcing to the old tens of Blossburg and surrounding country tkitt Wr l yave opened a storyat the atltee place for the sale of pure ;awn 'Zil - MIZCZNIO D Liquors of all kinds. Painti, Oils, Brushes, Lamp, Coal Oil, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts, . o tansitilide, nancy Articles, Yankee Notions, keg' PRESeRrPTIONS - carefully put up at all times.. 11 : We ask - an inspection °roar goods assuringthe .pablietbat•we cannotbo undersold in the county. Everything usually 'kept in a Drug Store will al ways be found at this establishment. Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. Remember the place, ;T - j , ; Main Stteet, opimaitelh'e Polt Offiqe, Blosaburg Pa • .-t T. WILLIAXSA co., 13IErturg, Aug. 15, 1866 f. ~`.4 wE HAVE NOW ON HAND A ~.cs._._,S .J *4ll - 1 ;•", .11310,eatVr „ • ••• „ •••• • ; OOD . , gempifEß-G t. At; the Peeplel-Stoia - ,T.deraing s , Ni It, • - • Adapted to the wants or all classes; . ' its we isid-itritynrgaml - stook - jcosr - befoFe — th - l - rats ad etrhge.,l°l3llq Yofic,Nrip 6se I w °maid - to sell Pli Pi 'o l l' :good!. 0 000 7-s Nksi 1 • i! 'l 4 .74`otild stock of goods for 1'0X.:,95 ZaiZ , 11 '2:77,,t,.....T.r75• t,LA-JS_ 4!' iiijSt3l,l4;Of'. EWE " 7 . _ - TRENCHILUSIIINS - AND QRCIANIOS ; ever offered in this marliet:'"irellact LADIES' SAW/11ES; T2i12:1-1AS7;c141:0 in ei:atrtaiscf iiii, 2 6ivi i iefi — we invite Chinttenting .of buyew Ourapi-clg,of CLOTHS - A. 16 ES, for men's and boy'rietar, is kept very fall, and %NY. (*I'M T,(12 0 --AD" - • ; ‘: oalatitrrt toact iisd , io xLd istestistrict— z mss of every variety. G-INTGHAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLAINES, !ES, 1313N-I'LL'A."T, JEAW . S, COTT . O A , PET (A ASRIBMINGS. ;* L. 7: `l...Vt • •I`L r • [”- 4 ‘ •••g -j • Otir SURP tSSED by any in this section, and we i wish it unttareto,o4 that;--; L • We, dodot- ioteod; 474 lii l i-DX,R,fiCaLt" bk. We tender our thanKs, to the eittisasm.of TO/1w Oo„ and woul4,rwspoet-: fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson House on MsiTkottlroctirtht4ATANOta and two `diVori east of Hungerford's Bank. Corning, N. Y. 44, nim/.7,:k4EpSA. Jmpertant toaS6ld!@tB: 'rEIHE bill 10•41111 dill il , iiiattaiii.Thecome a law. The folThiring is an analysis of its. provisiunq . : I. 4100.toiWiegieWinitn who served their time. '.' 2. $lOO to three years men dispjarga hy rentrorr of - wormlirretervadVier.7,lso- 7 - ihterorjhilfrOsyl in* f6e -4 0idir Or any such soldier who died of wounds or &nese contracted in ser vice. _ »k•~ 450 to: sa9h ),„uot.inaltuted goijig - 1731:2810 . 1 r , who_ aldjatedzfor-ta4 i4my.,43y cadre, and diaa)arked afmr:en:rpinglwfij) E a. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for two years, and disAharged 'received in the line 0f:44V,, 6. $5O - to the„widoi,V;44.s--atave, of every soldier enlistedicir Test thew rwo'• years, who died in service,,,,er of wends.or,diseati.e.4ortraatod -in No addif,intialb4tintfiCalloied . tailiree years' men who avo received, -0, - htsve koMOore been entitled to receiiiii;"giorelliiiitsloo..national boun ty, and none to two years's - men, "who have re ceived, or are.,entitled ,to -more ,than,sso. The law only applies , to honorably disehaige'd soldiers i-of the late war, and to_ none - Who have sold or , transferred their discharges or rights to bounty. ' The :mulct attend promptly to the collection of all such claims,,-at reasonable rates. :Where -parties-reeide-atw-distartrertrer business ;inag- l bek4ozie by letter: , Address - - AIM hELL; Cl.%.firk Agee. Wellsboro Pa:" Au ,, n - st 15,1866: - . INDUSTRY: - MUST PROSPER. , .. , 1 .8 . & - e,t3.-Sh:oes Leatite: . i! d , '~Andings.-;, . . ... 1 _ _ _..._ • _ _ - T T-OlNG.bOtig,ltt the; stock and 6ml-trill 'cg the. tra...• -'-' - siness tong" condUcted in this borough by-" The• SnAna. Bora," will continuo the same at the stand lately occupied by them. Good custom work, made to order and warranted, will be the first thing in order at:this shop; but special attentien.will also be given to. kelpinyu up a eod stock of ".. :: :',.. ~,., „ -- ~ ; _ . LEAT,I3 ER: , L AND P li - Z DING S, ... Stiehl , iti - ' SOLE -- iria UPPER, .LIN - INC\-.5,....13 , 1N b. -, , . - . - .-IN G, - PEGS, - THREAD,: NAILS;-, : -' • - tag a r - S; AWLS, WAX; &c.; -- - • • antl, - lu s:general way, the variona hiin' s d, itspally' liept at a finding - shop.. ,* ..- - , - - - • :: - . i- , Cash 'Paid Cot unitst,-Filiiai, PELTS 517:61:Pfrlial and...„04 - :. :titular attention Kt - Con to the pnrchase'rof Teal andtida ebn skin% ier_which_the highest. market price - will - be Paid. REPAIR/ G done promptly and-well. , r . - 4••• r- - ,:-.G SO. a. bnpl. ', ,t. ; -,_- .: . .1.1.-.3'0 , -) . i:L . q ::.,:flia , ",, Moving sold the stock in trade and good-will of the business lately conducted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and a squaresienling man. CUAS. W. & GEO. W. SEARS. WeUsboro, May 2,1866. ME RIM NEE BASQUINES, v~ + ~ any PARSON'S COLUMN. I AM NOW OFFERING BARGAINS IN French Cambrics, , P ^".. - ' - • - i r . :•- Sl ' ;. 1 ' --. :g -'-- ..'7 . , - Tiench Prints, English Prints, - American Prints, 4 • _... 2,j % 1 1 . 1 . , :=;, e,„ 1 3 • 1 .1;• i , , . 4.- , . French Ginghams, "") English Ginghams, :;laihrt4 Lit , • n alpaca's, — - .., , ,:a ,;.., - ,c,, , !: - Maid , Alpittaa, Striped Alpacas, Plaid Poil de Chenes, n Chenie " 4 :_! ! , , _,-... ,:. . " Vii .' ''' ‘-'i'-' :fl ,T; t, NAVAgetVI-1. ,a1t , 7,91.: a3z.-,4 EIMEE Poplins, ,CluOlies, _~. ~- , MEE ~. • . • • .. • ESE Plain WoorDe•Liiines, , , _ „ Sun Umbrellits, et a rt. hi 1 .1 1 25 71!. " trio. •,' • Szulques, 4-; 2 ; If= cfr.h _ - .ri Silks,}; :. 1;!MilIZIMMMI if:, -, , - .1: - /i. ( - ia.-Lit.)..i. ..1 . .,. - t .a..i Springy coatings, IsN44fi r tilii taditg, ' s•SE:',lql 7 . Tot_t. 1:.• z•J't _ Kentucky Jenne - —"" JT.,; ti -; r, : neetangs, "„ - ; : . i J' ;''... t , -- ..... , .;_Ttlittitigiii-11 vi -{l' _ _ Hoop -Srtg ii *: ii : , ~-.. ;.."? a: i .H.--7 jt.; I invite the attention of all buyers of dry goods to my new stook ; assuring them that I intend to . ,give them the full value of theli Money, and else)} good - aisertmeor of new and seasonable goods to select from._ I 7 ,~t _ , J. A. PARSONS. April 18, 1866. Comma, N. Y. New Firm and New Goode J. R. ROW - Ki & CO., (lath J. R. Boma,) The undersigned, baring formed a copartnership • in the mercantile business, Arenow receiving Nom Now York a fine stook of DRY GOODS -CND GROCERrES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &C., &C We ask partieular attention to oar stock of lAADIT2' GAITERS, SS Vir• SW) sell them vary much cheaper than last season, 'OE SITATJ, SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS THE MAIMPT WILL AFFORD FOR - BEADY PAY. No. I Union Block, We/labor°, Pa, July 4, 1566. J. R. BOWEN ,t CO. J. IL JOWfN. A. HOWLAYD WELL SBOROUGH TIRE, LIFE & ICCIDENTAL INSURANCE AGENCY. W. H. SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OGA COUNTY, PA. Oath Capita. ...$2,000,000 $3,589,811 Home, N. Y., ..... latna, Phenix, 1,000,00 a 5,000,000 North American, Philacl'a, 1,000,000 731,000 Putnam, 600,000 FarmereMutual, Middle Penna— ..... .357,402 92 Wyoming, 250,000 Lycouting Mutual, Muncy, Pa Columbia Mutual, Lancaster, Pa... -Globe Mutual, Life, N. Y. City, .... 'Ff. Y.- Accidental, Travelers' Accidental, Hartford, .., Equitable Life Assurance Society. -Non-Tfasardons, Hazardous, and Eztra.Haz andousilisks taken at reasonable rates. Polieies Doted, and all Losses adjusted at this Office. W. H. SMITH, Wellsboro', Pa. July 25, 1866.—tf. • 1 1.44 mis John A. Roy, EEEMMO MEDICINES, CEEMICALS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISIIES, DYES, COLORING MATERIALS, run WINES & LIMIORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. All selected with great care, warranted to be FIRST-CLASS ARTICLES, and bought in such quantities that they can al ways be sold at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Air Quality is of the first itoportarioe is uted- Joiner- 1/11/1" - Priees reduced tai set the market. These are the reatoec at ROY'S DRUG STORE Always call before you purchase elsewhere The stook of DEWS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYES, COLORING MATERIALS is without doubt the most oompleti and extensive to be found in this part of the State. as - E,Rs & WOOLEN FACTORIES SUPPLIED WITH DYE-WOODS BY THE CASK, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Tke stook of glass is also extensive, comprising Window, glass, alt sixes, French- glass ter Pictures, Mirror glass plates for old frames, Flint glassware f' the table— Such as Goblets, Tumblers, Cream Pitchers, Spoon-Holders, to., Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Gass, bifait, it is impoesiblo to enumerate, All sorts cif articles made of Glass and sold at Drug stores, 411311.110 found at Roy's. .411pytatookof pure Wines and Liquors for Me dic:W*l purposes has long been known to the phy sielani of this county. Those Liquors are of the purest and beet quality, selected with great care, and expressly for medical use. Perfumery and Soaps of all kinds, SODA & CREAM TARTAR, SALERA TITS, GINGER, NUTMEGS, SPICES, CLOVES, PEPPER, WRITING-PAPER, INK, PENS, PEN CILS, YANKEE NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. CRYSTAL KEROSENE, a iitrre and reliable artiole,perfootly aal to use. Lute itittch longer than the poorer qualities. It will be sold at Roy's as elreap as.the cheapest. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS carefully and accurately compounded - from pure and reliable medicines. i2fr. Orders by mail promptly attended to. $2,000 A YEAR mado by any one with 12.5 Steucel Tools. No experience necee. levy.- The Presidents, Cashiers, :and Treasurers of a Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples.— Addreag tbe American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Vermont. O' AN A SILVER POWDER.—An entirely new invention for silver plating articles of braes, cop per, German silver, bronze, and for renewing and pol ishing silver and silver plated ware. It will be desira ble in every bons:Mold, store and workshop, as brita use silver plated ware, whose plating m worn off. can bo restored to its original beauty, and ell articles of brass, copper, Ste, can be instantaneously silver plated at a tri fling expense, and con be kept permanently silvered by an occasional application, eiold at BOY'S drug store- TUBILATE.-A now book for the choir, sing— ") ing school and conventions, by L. 0. Emer— son, the most popular compoier of the day. Sin gle 38, or 112 per &Atm. For sale by LANG S WHITE. Mansfield, Aug. 15, 1868.-4 t RR TIOOA CORNET RAND fa in good blowing or der, and will play for picnics, celebrations, &c., for a reaaonablo compensation. F. 11. Adalxis leader, 0.1% OARRETSON, &pre:Lary. Vega, AugustlB66.-2m. I n 4 2,000,000 3,800,439 800,000 500,000 500,000