Row Much Makes a Mask Rich? "To be rich." said Mr. Marcy, form erly Secretary of State, requires only a satisfactory condition of /Mini. One man may tae rich with a hundred dol lars, while another, in the possession of millions. raav think himself poor ; and if the -necessities of life are- enjoyed by each, it is evident that the man who is best satisfied with his possession is the richest. • To illustrate this idea, Mr. Marcy re lated the following anecdote "While I was Governor of the State of New York," said he, I _was _called upon one morning at my office, by a rough specimen of a backwoodsman, who stalked in and commenced conver sation by inquiring 'if this was Mr. Marcy ?' I replied that was my name. " Bill Marcy?" said he. I nodded assent. " Used to live in Southport, didn'4 ye ?" I answered yes, and began to feel a little curious to know who my visitor was, and what he was driving at, "That's what I told 'em, cried the backwoodsman, bringing his hand down on his thigh with tremendous force.— " I told 'em you was the same Bill Mar cy who used to live in Southport, but they wouldn't believe it, and I promised - the next time I come to Albany to come and see you, and find out for sartin.— Why, you know me, don't you, Bill ?" I didn't exactly like to ignore his ac quaintance altogetifftr, but for the life of me I couldn't recollect having Seen him before; so I replied that he had a familiar countenance, but that I was not able to call Win by name. •" My name is Jack Eimith," answered the backwoodsman, " and we used to go to school together thirty years ago, in the little red school house in old South port. Well, times have changed since then, and you have become a great man, and got rich I suppose." I shook my head, and was going to contradict that impression, when he broke in : " Oh yes you are, I know you are rich —no use denying it. You was Comp troller for—for a long time; and the nest time we heard of you, you were Governor. You must have had a heap of money, and I am glad of it—glad to see you are getting along so smart. You were always a smart lad at school, and I knew that you would come to some thing." I thanked him for his good wishes and opinion, but told him that political lifedlid not pay so well as he imagined. " I suppose," said I; " fortune has smiled upon you since you left?" "Oh ! yes," said he, " I haint got no thing to complain of. I must say I have got along right smart. You see, shortly after you left Southport, our whole fam ily moved up into Vermont, and went right into the woods. and I reckon our family out down more trees and cleared more land than any other in the whole State." " And so youlave made a good thing of it. How much do you consideryour self worth?" I asked, feeling a little cu rious to know what he considered a for tune, as he seemed to be so well satisfied with his. " Well," he replied, " I don't know exactly how much I am worth; but I think, (straightening , himself up,) if all my debts were paid, I should be worth three hundred dollars clear cash!" He was rich—for he was satisfied. Qualities of Hay. * Timothy for muscle; clover for milk ; corn for fat. The timothy should be cared in full blossom, or a little later.— Clover should be cut when first redden ing, before it is fully matured. This is the time, and the only time, to cut clo ver. Then all the nutritive juices are in perfection. Such hay, or grass cured, has a slight laxative tendeney—just what is wanted in winter. It will be greedily eaten, even when somewhat touched with mould, and give milk with profusion. This never fails On the other hand, timothy, instead fof secret ing milk, will form muscle; hence the hay for horses, and hence preferred so generally. Strew, when early cut and properly cured—not dried—has some what the quality of clover. But oh, how neglectful we are about the curing 'of straw, when it is one of the finest employments. There is a fragrance about such straw, and .the pale green tint, which make it a valuable and a • most pleasant fodder. Timothy, then, for horses; clover for mulch cows; and straw, well cured and cut, for either. It is excellent to mix - with meal, or feed carrots and beets with. We would, when thus fed, make but little difference between good bar ley or even oat straw, when early and properly cured, and timothy for stock, especially cows in milk. For young stock, tender timothy is excellent. We are so reckless in feeding. We feed pro miscuously ; we feed what we nave to feed without taking much paln4 to get a proper selection, or to prepare it well. For instance, we feed cornstalks, raised on purpose for fodder, when yet this is one of the cheapest and one of the best hays that can be fed; and in the sum mer, in a drought, it is of the greatest advantage, fed out green.-Rural World. To CUBE A 11/CEING Hons E.—l saw the following method in an agricultural paper, and have proved it to my entire satisfaction. Fasten a rope to the fore foot and pass it over the belly band back to the driver. With this there will be no trouble to the driver in holding up the foot whenever the horse tries to kick, \ but discouraging trouble to the horse,' and a trouble he will avoid any risk of being involved in many times. With the string thus in your hand, and a pa tient determination under all circum stances not to lose your patience with the anirata,.aiay kicking can be cured. 0133:Lb$E:11. —ln our early youth, while yet we live only among those we love, we love without restraint, and our hearts overflow in every look, word, and action. But when we enter the world, =dare repulsed by strangers, forgotten by friends, we grow more and more timid in our approaches even to those we love hest. How delightful to us, then are the little caresses of children! All sincerity, all affection, they fly into our arms; and then, and then only, we feel our first confidence, our first pleas ure. i. , / 1 1. little girl, after having been. in church, was very fond of preaching to her dolls. Her mother overheard her one day reproving one, for being so wicked. " Oh, you naughty, sinful child," she said, shaking its waxen limbs, "you willjust go to that place of brimstone and molasses, and you won't burn up—you will just sizzle." At a recent marriage in England, the bride startled the minister by making the extraordinary vow to take her hus band "to 'aye and to 'old from this day fortni't, for betterer horse, for richerer power in siggerness, else to love cher ries and to bay." "Ah, Mr. Simkins, we have not chairs enough for our company" said a gay wife to her frugal husband. "Plenty of chairs my dear, but a lit tle too much company." ~~;~~ C ONGE R,T,zd B LAW:4, -- - ' - if.Kil I lied-Ali = NO. 1 & 2, CORNING, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y ;ti "1'.., '' , ;;;,.; - i.ii " "7 -, ,:' ' I 'Eli -. 1 ..:. - _. - " Jf._: r-.. :111 ::; REGULATOR STORE. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and CV- the community generally. Not tieing a friend to long and windy advertisements and large ex pendijusmto the Prill s i,kisere su lpt A coudgneelEtitiitemtilit si4s tit a 0,1 the understanding that the surplus p twill be better employed in reducing the price of Goods to' my customers. • ":i , My stock is fall and complete to supply all All wants of my old enstomers and many new ones; both in the Retail and Job Trade for the ap; proaohing cold weather. Having 4 4 AMP , ' ALL TOOL CASSMERE at Bs. per yard. Naraganeett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 45. Good yard wide Brown Shoot ings at 2s. Prints IS to 2b cents per yard. 2 1 4 1 CHOICE DRESS GOODS from 20 6d to 4s per yard, quality equal to those prices six years ago. Dress Goods at lower pri ces as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods at less pricos than can be bought in the State.— Among them may be found ALL WOOL MERINOES • ' •.to . • • , at 5s to 12s per yard. Empress Clothe plain and •figured. Merinoce, Bombazines. lapnceas, Scotch Plaids, Mokaires and in fact every thiug usually kept in a firer cites country store. •• Ladies' Cloth for Makings at va rious prices, including Wash ington Mills. Water Proof Union Beaver, Esquimaux and Castor Brown m and many other tot numerous to mention ; a beavy Black Beaver at $3,00, (Gents tine Caisimere equally cheap.) , My Boots, Shoes, and Carpet StoeVc, down stairs was sower more fall and eomplate, or at greater inducements to the purchaser. Bargains may be found attbe BEGULATOB In Hats, Caps, Gloves and .Mittens; • also, In BED, i• HaBSE BLANKETS 0 The advantage to my GROCERY CUSTOMERS are not to be misurHaiefstood, when the steady and unexampled increase of business is taken into the account. I say without the fear of ;cox traxliction that with the large purchases / am mang fr om month to month for cash, le* sell to the country trade as low as they can bsy in the city, including freight, which gives Ws an opportunity to offer SUPERIOR ADVANTAGBS t= to the Retail trade, whieh I am doing and hotinil to do as ;astimonl4l ; al my gratitude for , tbeik many femora and very liberal patronage. Wilt give iay onstemers the benefit or any change in the market as /am posted in *notion and other sales from dthy to day by telegraph and • otherwise. a GOFF. Corning, Jan. 1, net ~EI~~~ A RE PREPARED L TCi SELL - AS CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a general as sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN,. STONE, •ANDALASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a country store, all of w , hleh .1011 be. sold ,as ,low as else where, for " " ' `- READY PAY ONLY! No trOlitbie Show Goods. CALY-AfibliAtisPV.YOlMßiiLVEe. NAPLES A CO., grateful to old patrons for past favors, hope for a continuanoe of the same. Having formed ' a copatteerabip with G. P. CARD,. theilesti.nontident;that they can do better than ever before, as the new firm will have a larger assortment. COMPET/TAPV DEFIF.D! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Keeneyville; Feb. 21, 1866.—1 y. 1866 .\ M LE. J. 866. By B. C. WICKHAM, A T II MA OF:FRUIT. AND OR MAMENTAL TREES, ,IN lIOIIIA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear - Trees. A aced supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit tress are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wiebing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. par Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1888-Iy* TINA MARBLE WORKS. CALKINS & CONKLIN. Proprietor% (late Cole and Calkins) MR. CONKLIN havong had large ex parlance in some of the beat Marble Shops in the country in the artistic part ofthia business the proprietors are now prepared to execute orders for TOMB STONES; of all kinds, and hIONB MENTB of either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MARBLE, in the most workmanlike manner, and with dis patch, They wja keep tbe,best quality of Mar ble, of both kin 'Jilin:Led; constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and made to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our au thorised A,gest, and all contracts made with him will be valid. Customers can contract for work wth him at shop prices. Tioga Jan.•l;'•lB66-Iy. • NEW MEAT MARKET WM. TOWNSEND, AGENT. Wholesale and Retail Dealer it. FLOUR, PORE, HAMS, AND GRO CERIES, .Rhagiaissztoitc.; ALSO, FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c Shop ono Daor.,saut,b 0-Smith's Law Office. Wellsboro, JaiL'l;lBil6-tf. Stoves & Tin Ware Messrs. ROBERTS i f KELSEY Ara now prepared to furnish the public with anything in their line of business, in quantity u large, in quality as good, and as cheap in price as any dealers In Northern Pennsylvania. They pay particular attention to the STOVE AND TIN VirARE BUSINESS, '• • and to'keip s faltiisortilent of everything in that line. prouVlblikitillstad - SO give; iitisfaction. executed in the but manner and with dirpatob AND SEE us. ANNOrNtEMENT wE have reduced the price of Flour Si per barrel, Feed and meal 50 ciente per owl, and shell sell. ROR.,CABG -ONLY, C. J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT & BAILEY'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING WHEAT FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT'FLOUR, GROUND FEED, CORN MEAL, BRAN, &0., &c. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. WRIGHT ct BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 24, 1885. Rand Power Loom !-Patented 1865 AI& paporminterested in the production of practi ..a, cal machinery into our country, era requested to Investigate the merits of This loom will do all kinds of band weaving. It will weavo jeans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, kers.), flannel, seamless sack, double width blankets. or any kind of cotton, wool, or flax cloth. It treadstho thiedlea, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, andtakes up the cloth. It makes the upper abed as the batten liotaialbtatard, and beats tip the filling after the cross ,iirmade k niski,tig better cloth and better selvage th an 'Can be - Matto any other way. ! „,ii.,ft is I ,only hand loom that it suitable fi r •WNVin.9. I C OO 4 as no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strings; to stretch and get out of order ; has treadles at both sides of the loom, making the shed complete at both sides. This loom is made to weave the different hinds of cloth, by simply changing the pins that make the up per shed. Township lights for sale. Call at klainsburg, 'nage cptintyi Pa.,,aud ecie a Rd/ sized loom to operation. *- dors foriaoms solicitod. LEWIS WRTMORR, idalfisinirsi, May 2, '60.-ly A. P. PACKARD. EEO VIOLIN STRINGS at WEBB'S DREG STORE. P ~;d s. ~4x~.v Y:~~';{p}i of i'. ~~ FOR, TB _.MILLION OPPOSITE /ROY'S TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, REPAIRING ROBERTS a KELSEY W•llsborougb, Much 7,1846. ITENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM Stoves: Stoves :: AND HARDWARES MIL WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to ANA- annotates to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to bis excellent stuek :stoves, Tin-Ware, &tannin, and Sheet-Iron Warn, ha has, at a great outlay„stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, frith a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles : IVAItS,'SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, II AND , AND BUCK SAWS, . BUTTS, STRAP I NOES, CA IiPENTER' S''l'OO LS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, • - 1,4 BENCH. soußws; _ WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS„ WASHER'S, PIPE BOXES, AXLE -2‘ TREKS; ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STOPPERS CONBINED. Aleo, PISTOLS, PISTOL, CARTRIDGES, POWDER =AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGB, a new thing, and rude for nom There are but a few of the many ertlelet comparing our at..wk of Hardware. , • We Invite the public, to call and examine fur themselves. We *halo keep the best quality of goods is our line ; and all work to order duce promptly and well. WILLIAM ROISERTS. Wellsboro, Jun. 1 1885-tf. FIRE! FIREII FIRE!! !- • The undersigned begs leave to announce to the people of Tiega County that he hao ettab 'lobed an agency in Welleboro, for the well known HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, of Now Xork That he is prepared to penman kind, of prop erty upon all reasonable terms as can be bad in any other responsible- Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without 'sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the Mated States, having a Cash Capital of $2,000,000, betides the Assets which on the Ist of January, 1865. amounted to 83,765,508 41 Liabilities. 77,901 52 Its Officers are CRAB. J. MARTEN ...... .... ...President, A. F. WILWORTH ice President, JOHN McGEE Secretary, J. H. WABRBOR.N...— AsSistent fiPso'y. This Company hail taken out A STATE LICENSE, and monthly pays the per oentage charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws ei Pennsylvania, in order to make its poll ales valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies which have not taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal tifor as „thawing. See Pardon's Digest, page 853, Rem 21,32, 28. 'iWellsboro, Aug. 28,15. W. 11. SMITH. & N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY.- Middlebury, Tlog" Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank 80ad,4 tolled from Tioga. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees at the following prices : Appletrees—largo size, 25 cents at the Nursery; SO oonts delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 50 eta. SuumEn A.PPLE6.—Burnharn Harvest, Early Harvest, Ohenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Rid Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. PALL AP.R.Lza.--Fameuse, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribeton Pippin, Pall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wino, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. Witerna APPLES.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Island Green ing, Rsopus Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillfl,wer, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. PEAR9.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Steckel, Beurre D' Amelia, Golden Bearre,Flemish Beauty, Glont Morceau, Lawrence. Also--Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. & N. HAMMOND. Misidlabury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1886-1 y KING'S PORTABLE LEMONADE is the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. Az as article - of economy, purity, and deliciousness, it cannot be s urpassed, and is recom =mended by physicians for invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form renders it especially conven ient for travelers. All who use lemons are re quested to , give it a trial. Entertainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For sale by all Druggists and tirst•clasa Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS F. METZGER, Jell. 1, 1806-Iy. No. 549 Pearl St., N. Y J EROSINE LAMPS at 13. ROY'S DRUG STORE TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST ETYLE, and ei pith despatch, at THE AGITATOR Office. lt/rR$. CHEVALIENT 11AIR TONIC AND 1,11„ DRESSER, at WEER'S DRUG STORE. FR LI _LT JARS---3 SIZES, BEST and latest patent, for canning and preserving— no wax or rosin required—at P. R. WILLIAMS'S. June 27, 'B6. NEW' YLOUR, (WORRY:, .AND PRO - VISION STORE. Monroe Carvey, Are ready to fllrrarh:e!2l3t o Mertl with FLOUR, COMMON TO BEST, PORK, HAMS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CODFISH, AND PRIME GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. 3` Next, door to Converse's store Wellsboro, June 13, 1886-17. Not only give immediate 'relief, but are sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Com Plaint: They are not a Purgative, and there fore-their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. r They cause no sick now of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are4istrfeetly hartaless to thextost delicate. They will immediately cafrect a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in thislikonstieb, Costivaness,..l3elchLag of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in Tact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one for the pleasures and duties of - - _ They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, ,trengthening and invigorating power they are sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. oils and delicate persons, who have beau in lOW by the ustrof powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, safe - and sore restorer of the di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. 110d5WELL, S. E. Cor. 21st and Market Sm., Philad , a, Pa. Site that. my. Signature is on. the face of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurieus imi tations. W. D. TERSELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor ning, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Corning, Sept. 20, 1885—ly. .- SIOICRE/V i t '"- 0 R I 44;1:1_11110,\u'l STRENGTH TO THE WEAK! YOUTH TO THE AGED! ! This preparation is unequaled as a Rejavanalor and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. The aged should be certain to make the Biokrene a household god, insamuch as it will render them youth ful in feeling and In etrength, and enable theni to live over again the days of their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but ttrengthene, and is really an Invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a ocindition of senility, self abuse, misfortune, or ordin ary stekuese . No matter what the cause of the Impo tency of any human organ, this superb preparation will removethe effect at once and forever. giokrene cures 'impotency - , General Debility, Ner vous Incapacity, Dyspepsia Depression, Loss of Appe site„ Low Spirits, Weaknee; of the Organs of Genera tion, Imbecility, Alental Indolence, Emaciation, Ennui. It has a moat delightful, desirable and novel effect on tnelliervous System; and all who are in ant way pros trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this most excel tent and unequaled pre paration. Person' who, by imprudenoe, have lost their natural vigor ffnd a speedy and permanent curs In the HI OR NE. The Peeble, the Languid, the Dispeiring. the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial: it will be found totally different from all other articles far the same purposes. To Pomales.—This preparation is invaluable in nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dys pepsia, with the first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Sold by Druggists generally. LTE4I.Ii. YE 1 HEAR YE I—The Pons of 11 this Election are now open. • ' C.:L• WILCOX, Of Wellsboro, offers for sale his entire " STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. An those wbo feel anxious to make a GOOD --BARGAIN, Cr. invited to call soon, for DELAYS IRE DANGEROUS. • - call at the "REGULATOR," one Door above gte Post OfEee. C. L. WILCOX. Wellsboro, Jan. 1. 28, 1868. THE MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET - I ORGANS' forty different styles, adapted to Sabred and • iesialar music, for $BO to $6OO each. Thirty-Res Gold or Sliver Medals, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, Boa toa, or MASON BROZIMRS, Now York. [Sept. 13, 1885-Iy.] LUMBER FOR BALE.—The subscriber has large quantity of • SIDING, PLANK and BOARDS, atlas =Min Catlin Hollow, which will be sold to customers at market prices. . _ _ CYRUS CATLIN Charleston, March 21, 1866.—tf. FLOUR PROM CHOICE WRITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleston Mill before buy ing your dour and feed. I can make It an object for you to buy. May 18 160-tf A LEOTUBE TO YOUNG Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price six cents. A lecture on the " turn, treatment and radical ours of Bpermatarrham or seminal weakness, involuntary emir atone, sexual debility and impediments to marriage gen erally. Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy and tits . mental and physical incapacity, resulting from self abuse, do., by Hobart J. Culverwell, 11. D., anthem of the green-book," do. w The world renowned author, in this admirable lea taro, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine and without dangerous aural cal operations, bangles,instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectu al, by which every crifferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sant under seal, to any address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE St CO., jylB 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. office box 4,586. Gilt Papers: - A. GOOD ASSORTED STOCK of GILT AND GOLD WALL PAPER, - AND GILT WINDOW SHADES, .Ittet received by W. D. TERRELL d CO. May 30, 66-3 m Coming, N. Y. Farm for Sale. THE undersigned having purchased a portion of the Thomas S. Berry farm, lyingjust out side of the borough of Tioga, north And west of Crooked creek and Tioga river, 'desires to sell about eighty acres of it, on reasonable terms. It is some of the bait land in Tioga valley, ; and for its quality and proximity to the railroad, and a good home market, 19 one of the most dee, rable farms for a home in the county of Tiogn.— The price will depend somewhat upon the amount of money the purchaser can pay at time of sale; yet if necessary time will be given for a portion, secured by bond and mortgage. Also for sale a, number of pleasant building lota, cheap._ C. SEYMOUR. July 11, 1848.-.Bt Tioga, Pa. Or- Bradford lirporter please copy and send bill to this ales. BaiIdINGTON ft • IiONS, Maa,ufacturars. ILI • • ofj4y4liv,a,rp, Maaketa mid Car- and Gun Materials, rind by gun deale, trade generally. In these chill& of housebreaking and robbery, er. erg house, adore, bunk a n d office, ehonla hare (mei,/ REMINOTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail thteusselves of thedate improvements in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the 'lea REMINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars con taining cuts and description of our Arms; will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON <4 SONS, Ilion, N. Y, Mootta NICHOLS, Agents, 40, Courtland street, New York. ap 4 86 Rom alil Nilo Powilers. this animal, sat YELLOW W TER, HEAVE COUGHS, F VERS, FOUND] LOSS CIP APF TITS AND VIT. ENERGY, &c. use improves wind, lucre; the appetite--wi a smooth glossy ski ri—t transforms t I miserable racist horse. La ail diseases cf S‘nue, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver. , _ o r , thee art acts as a Sp2oillc. /".,••••.- By putting 17,.'m one-half a pay r " to a paper in .s o • harNi o 7 ,trill t 4 • - above disea4 .a will b.: eradi.:.h...l -- - - or entirety pr vented It givs.n in time. a ccrt tin preventivz an 1 e 11 . “,! CI. .1, - a Prica 25 Ca:A.3 pc-- = , o $L 7 s. A. roo-u--rz ^_TLi7 NrilOiti t ft' No, 110 :7` , For s.O„, - , out the r.:41i.k1 For sale by Jobn A. Roy, Wellaboro. WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL V ion at No. 2, Union Black. JEROME SMITH. Has lately returned from New York with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRE§S GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI 'MERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinoes, Black and Figured 1 , DeLainos, Long and Square Shawls, Elea' Cloth, Opera Patinels, to., kc., is., etc. Purchasers will find that No. 2. Union Bleck. Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goode at the lowest prices. JERomr. SMITH. WeHeber°, Jan. 1, 1866. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. B. I B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES. DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. He will pay particnlaratten lion of Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatbh and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Hiadford and adjoining counties for the past twnty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. A. RUSSELL Deerfield, Jan, 1, 1888-17 SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICS The undersigned would respectfully invite the at tention of the public to his LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK GROCERIES £ PROVISIONS, consisting of SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, ,PORK, TOBACCO, SEGARS, STONE & WOOD- All of wide:. will be sold at greatly reduced pri m for CASH. Call and see for yourselves. Wellaboro, Dee. 13, 1885. J. D. JONES. JOHN STJHR, , . WOULD announce to theeitizens of Wellsbo ro andsnrrounding country, that be has opened a shop on the corner of Water and Craf toe' streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of Alf kinds furnished: on short notice. All work done promptly and War ranted. Wellsboro, June 27, 1866. FOUTZ'S S.SLIBEATED Phis preparation, • f '`-,; long and favorably known, Will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-do , rn and f F ion-spirited borses, by strengthening and cleansing, the stomach and Intes tines. It 13 a sure pre- ,aration is invaluable. improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk awl me= twenty per cent and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle. it gives teem an :.ppetite„locatti? hide, and n,1.1.cs th 4 ra thrive FLOUR, FISH, EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. &c., HELMBOLD' EXTRACI UELNIBOLD'S UUCII U. iItEL3IIIIOLD'S BILICHU IitELMUOLD'S DUCH THE ONLY RNOtiWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE, BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF TR2 KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseases trio truly a sovereign rem edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise s _ A single dose has been known to relieve tilt most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pa hi the small of the back and through the hips? A. teaspoonful a day of Relmbold's Bach will relieve you. PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE I make no secret of ingredients. Ilelclikoldt Extract Baohu Is composed of Buono, Cabe be, and Juniper Berries, settroted with great cart, prepared in cacao and recording to rules of, PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY These ingredients are known as the molt n 1 uable Diuretics afforded. A DIIIIIIITIO Is that which acts apart th• kidneys. RELICBOLD'S EXTRACT MOTO ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all iniz ions properties, and immediate in its action.. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties oontained In.Dtspen,a• tory of the U. S., of which the following Is a aw , tett copy : BUCELI7,—Its odor is_ strong, diffusive, tai somewhat aromatic. its taste bitterish, arid as. alogoas to that of mint. It le given ebiettr I . Z complaints of the Urinary Organs, stela as Gru el, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, DiJellSel of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontineto of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It has also been rz. oonnmended In Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheum:- tie/to, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor D woes' valuable works on the Pm tics of Physic. See Remarks shade by the celebrated Dr. Pbyi io, of Philadelphia. Sea any and all Standard Works on Mediaint. FROM THE LARGEST MANUFACTURING CHEMIST IN TIDE WORLD lam acquainted with H. T. Mambold; pied the drug store apposite my residence, ati was successful is conducting the business whea others had not been equally so before ham. I have been favorably impressed with his obsua;:zr and enterprise. WM. WEIGIiT3LSii, (Firm of Powers As Weightases Manufacturing Che vt_z, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelpies [From the PAilatia Evening Bulletin ,-Maui lo; We are gratified to bear of the continued to:• cue, in New York, of our townsman, Mr E. T. HeLmbold, Druggist. His store, next to Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 fc: deep, and five stories in height. It is cortsin:i a grand establishment, and speaks favorably the merit of his articles. lie retains his (fin and Labratory in this city, which are also =cal establishments of their clam The proprietor has been induced to ma this statement from the fact that his rtraitt although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent rcfrdu to using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or Co Patent Medicine order—most of which aro pared by self styled Doctors, who are toolgtort to read a physician's simplest prescriptloc, less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prof* ations. • THESE PARTIES RFJW-- to various means of effecting sales, 8(10110 40 PP ing parts of advertisements of popular and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine,. stands 8131P1I, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—having Pact fcr:u Beals, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alore..: Its Capitol. A WORD OF CAVTION. Health is moat important; and the adlim 4 should not use an advertised medicine, 4 01 remedy, unless its contents or ingrediant s known to others besides the mannfesuow, 4 until they are satisfied of the onalifloanone party so offering. HELM BOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT BUORU. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIU/ AND IMPROVED ROSE 'WOE Established upwards cf 16 year: Prepared by H. T. HELJIBOLD• Principal Depots. HYLMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEIIIa . WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, St to /If' And ITELMBOLD'S MEDICAL o.o'l 104 Sou th Ten th Street, Fhifailelphia,l - 'SOLD BY ALL DRITOGIO October 11, 1865-Iy. $l5O 0 PER YEAR c where to sell our lama vir :.; lug 31acblnee. Three new kinds. UpPer o feed. Warranted flye pears. Above salary or mfaaions patd. The only machines sold In tho States for lees than SaU, which ore fullv Howe, Witexier Witt,n, Gruver Cb„ and I,llow/der. Ail other cheap rorchin,-,t,'',; fringtquants, and the idler or user arc 1,..2t.r Jint, and ,, rizonnlcat. Circulars free. .a t . upon Sheli'l - Clark, Biddeford Usln 11$90 tirrllr rum articles, just out. i GABBY, Chi Building, Biddeford, Mein,. dec.:l7o-1.114y.