pair ritroTti: WEDNESDAY AUG. 2'.2,, 1866 Naw Ativertiffiermento. • Extra Trill" Farm h• r ale —A. N. Webster, , DecLers' Piunoa—powen. vff et Coat—Nast & Auerbach s s -cniFt'arSsie7-76ienry Griffin. Union flatel—Minor ‘Vtitkina, ' The Tioga Baptist Aesoch►tiud will meet, an- L eal meenug with • the Delimit- Baptist church, s toi .y Fork) on Wednesday, Aug. 29, instant, 'euuuseucing at 113 o'clock .A. M. Revs L. Stone R ill freech the opening sermon. H. T. BENTLEY, Clerk. Voga, Aug. 13, 12G6. ImPRovraiENTs:—VAN.Er.QRN - i 5 get tir,e Las new factory into working ora•r, and our people may soon expect to bear the old whistle old the whirr of usagtsinery.i The new engine is set, and moves nff glibly on trial. • Messrs. Williams & Sears have pur chroed a quantity of new machinery for their ma chine shop, and will add still more to its capacity for work from time to time. The Messrs,.Bodine are preparing to erect their new steam milk alluded to 144 weitit, and we shall soon count four steam engines at w ork in the borough. CoVilkflidirfiLetl39-Woßtta. - "A14068111 1 a Messrs. Newell& Sanders, of Syracuse, N. f, sre fitting upllop.ov,42gtaucliKafirtory for Easiness. They have already erected an addition Ej the main building of 40 by 70 feet, at a large apeuse, and have 4tothir important improvements in band. It gives us pleasure t? note this busi ness stir in Covington; TH FAn3 PaItQIINDSWidaPPO9-ivin rei ate being rapidly put in shape for the Fair and Cattle• Show of the Agiionitdrid -Society on toe 2d 3d and 4th days of oOt v otiet.. Mr. F. D. Bunnell, the contractor,-has the woq of grading, fencing' and building, Wen in and, and expects to get the track in. order in two weeks. This looks like business. i r THE FROST.—The heavy f t which v.sited this region lin_ the . =n .t' tha 16th in fated considerable damage upon th Buckwheat initato crop. - Some fleilds of butkwheat • were teary mined. Corn showaLthe marks of severe freenng, but the stalks and oars are not hurt. The damage is not . 80 hay as was fearbd; for stall all may be very grateful. Mr. W. H. BALDWIN has disposed of Lis interest in -tile Troy TIE to . Messrs, A.'S. Hips a, k 00. The paper appears this week with a new name—The Northern Pennsylvanian and enlarged to E0::9011 . Column! to the page: Mr. HooKen. NI , be is to edit the new paper, is swan of excellent talents and should be able to Nu:mlled a liberal patronage in Bradford Conn ty. We extend to him the right hand of fellow ddp and bespeak for his enterprise' the whole urartod support of the Itepublicans of Western Bradford. MORE A BOUT THE SIIOOTIpIGAFFAIR. —t•ince our last week's notice of the shooting of Mr Alexander at Hollidaylown, Penni, la whose hands the pistol was discharged,'lms be, n arrested, examined, and cetmuitted to jail. For some reason, the discharge of the pistol is [Lough( by some not to bare been en accident.— We hare not received the evidence upon which Peters was held to answer, and cannot therefore speak farther. PROFESSOR FULLER'S PAM:MAMA.— This exhibition of historical and scientific paint -Irls at tha Methodist church last Wednesday veiling, was witnessed by a large audience; and reams to belie given general satisfaetiou. The Lecture by Professor Faller was interesting and IDS tructive, and the entire exhibition was-ealcula ol to improve the mind. The astronomical pan (lama was very one.' We take plettenre in corn mending the Pi:ofelaor to public patronage. BOCNTX . TAX.—pen, ,C. Cox, of Liberty, writes us to say that }eis almost daily applied to by members of the 907th regiment for the reason why they should-pay the ibounty tax ; mat he has referred the matter to the Department at Washington, as well as to Adjutant °ea. Rue' :ell at Harrisburg, but receives no definite replies. In view of the fact that th regiment wee sworn n Ly squads, some two'weeks prior to the muster in i , f tile regiment; as also that from the d;y of inuster-in to ,the day . of muster-out there were :f , S days—five days less than nine months—we endorse Gen. Cox's opinion that the regiment was In the service fully, nine" naoptheenksotnetbing ever, and the members thereof entitled to exemp t= frotia bounty Utz within. the weeping of the JfoNEY ORDER POST OFFICES.—The following named Pos.ollese are tramMylorder offi- Cee In this Commenrreallh: It would be well for . 'tuoness men to cut this out and • preserve it for - • cerence Allentown, Altoona, Bedford, Bellefonte. Beth :,neru, Brookville, Brownsvilte,...Butler, -Cbambersburg, Chester, Clariota,,Pearfield, Co 'ae,l.l,l, Corry, Coudersport,- Muirilie, Loylee ems.. Easton. Ebenstihry, Erie, Franklin, (let tysharg, Greensburg, .Greenville, Hanover, liar 'burg, Honesdale, Huntingdon, Indliana,clohns -1,,;, Kittanning, Laneastcreity, Lebanon, Mid ,: mown, Mauch Chunk. Mbwiville: AllnersVine, YfJutrose, Money, New Brighton. Neir•‘Cattle, N'rristown, Northumberland, Oi! City, Philadol rm, Phenixville. thy, ilttititsrg,- Pitts- ;s, Rending, Ridgeway, Scranton, Setins rive, Somerset, Stroudsburg, Susquehanna De• P t, Titusville, Towancia, Troy, Uniontown, War m, Washington, WeHeber°, West Cheater, Wil- Wilkosbarre, York-72. There has also been a ehange in, the rates of c , weteeifin, whi , b are now regulate44folloae : ( It, orlon, not exceeding $2O, 10 cents. f- " 7 '12 , 1. and not exceeding $.50, 25 cents. N " Elsgle order issued Tor mare than :350. PerE ,, ,s. desiring to remit larger some obtain hational money orders.. • LIE DECKER BAWL - BIM PIANO —The Moravi an Seminary, at - Eiethlehpm, Pa., bail the acknowl: ejzed reputation throughout the United States of ELl.taining a very large and, suceessfol musical departrueut. There is a - large corps of musk %e there, and no less than thirty sevrn . pianos in the building, comprising instruments Vom all the -t prom,nent makers. Last May. hearing of great improvements that had been introduced To um Decker Pianos; one was purchased as no :Iper,tnent for the use of the school. The fol- very flattering letter. ba's lately been re "'«d from Rev. Francis Wulle, the Principal of metltutinu, conoorning the success of the- in ttrumeut. This testlmbnial, it will be observed, 'Lae great weight from the fact that an excellent I , portunity ie theta iffordesi fox.. comparing ti e "ne of the Decker Diothitii'Viatio - with others, std al tte fact that the instruments are used -ley for their 'educational interests, and never "Pt an sale. Cousequently there is . no pecuniu rYedvantage derived from attaching a name to a tentnoeial, ae is often the case in the city : BETHLEHEM, Pe.,, July 26, 1866. "fir. L. B. Powell, Scranton. Pa.—Dear Sir : The piano purchased of you,of Messrs. Decker Brothers make, I have now aout two months in daily and hard use. I not delighted -with it. It is asexcellent inatrunaeut in every respect, com besides the superior workmanship, a fine a depth, richum.s.„ Ind volume of tone, and 'net a perfect evenness throughout .14, ;Oars Ile at we rarely find. '•IT this i 4 -the character of all of Decker Brothers instruments, lean cheer fully and Warmly recommend them. I coulil want nothing better. NaAri CI Wotxr." 1. B. Powell, 116 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa., Et! the wholesale agency - nf Decker Brothers . !i.ano s for a large part of Pennsylvania and N. York States, and is belling si large number of them. SELLING OFF AT COST.—We learn that Those -enterprising inerchtsits: Auerbach, are now selling off their large stock Of dry goods, olotbs, clothing, booti"al74 shoes, et cost for cash. They wilt sell at cost until Ser tetiihim 1. - Their,clothing is all'inade under their own supervision, of the best materials and in the best manner. They also -import their ninths, or purchase direct from the wannfacturer. They offer superior inducements to purchasers, hiving a large assortment of gents' furnishing goode,- 7 ... Give thew a call. ref • TlA'PER—Three qualities of Commercial Note Paper, Lettorand FooLimp, by the Ream, half ream •or quarter ream at wholesale prices to close out the old stock, at YOUNG'S Bookators. Aug. 1,1866--3 w. MARRIAGES In Westfield, on the Oth instant,hy Charlton Phillips, 'EN., Mr. Jo:s Se.s.mass and Miss FRANCEB STEELE, both o Westfield. THE AMERICAN C00K1240 ETOVE is ManilfaCtUred with certain improvements, secured by letters patent, under dates of May 6, 1863, and December 5, 1865. , One of these improvements covers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash peat in the hearth of a cooking store, to receive the ashes as it passes down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or using other stoves made in imitation of the Amen can, as suits have been commenced for infringement of these patents ; and all persons manufacturing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages for infringement kin these letters patent. .•. SHEAR, PACILARD ; • 17 and 19 Green street, Albany, The Astraicsx is for sale by WILLIAM ROBERTS, Welleboro. jl3-Bm-sp THE CONFESSIONS & ExplaumE orAtt:7- 1. VALlD.—Published for the benelltitturAtt to yming men and others, who fauflerffitfolar*tii !ditty, Premature Dccay of Manhood;&c., supplylng-,at% the same time the means of self-cure:" By one who his -gored lahneelf after undergoing eonstgerable quaekery, By enclostoga postpaid addressed envelope, single cop ies, free of charge.may he had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. „Itrookly:n _Kings‘Coi, , r4O 60 - NBUItiPTIVES.—The advertiser, having bean I restored to health in a few weeks by a very skald& remedy. after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Conga:lo tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he will send a copy'. of the. pre scription-deed, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using -thesame, which they will find a; sure eureforConsumption. Asthma,Bromhitis.Coughs and Coldi,and all throat and lung affections The only' object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted andspread Information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, an it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the preseription FREE, by return mall, will please address Rev. ED WARD A o it;, 4, [Jan. 31. '6B-Iy] RitORS OF YOUTH.—A. Gentleman who suffered La& for years from Nervous Debilityarenuiture Decq and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for The sake of suffering hurnanity;eend .free_tualf., who:need it. the recipe and directions for making - thestimple rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can tlo do by addressing JOHN B. OGREN,I3 Chambers-St.,.N. Y. Jan. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH.! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will cure the itch in 48 Hours AI6O cure 3 SALT RFIEU3I, ULCERS, CIIILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OP TILE SKIN. Price SU cents.— For sala by all druggists. By sending 434.1 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington St. Boston, it will be forwarded by. mail. free of postage, to any part of the United States. June 6, 1666. sp. notice ly. :iTIIANGE, BUT TRUE.—Every young lady and gen -17 in the United Staten can hear something to their advantage by return mail (free of charge) by ad dressing the underiigued Those having fears of being humbugged n ill please oblige by not noticing thin card MI others will please address their obedient servant, THOS F CHAPMAN. Jan 31, , d6-1y 831 Broadway, New York LECTION ?NOTlCE,—Notice le hereby giviln, that an election for a board of tilanagers of the Wells- born Cemetery Company, Will be, held at Um office of the company, on Monday,.the 3d day of September next, at two o'clock P. M.' M. If. COBB, Secretary. Welleboro Anguet 1, 1866.--tt THE EXTRA .TRIBUNE for. thp POLITICAL - CAMPAIGN.' A political struggle, rarely surpassed in impor tance or intensity, has been precipitated on the country by the treachery of Andrew Johnson and -,etneoal his Afteial or personal adherents to the great patriotic party by which May were Cramm ed with power. The etas of this treachery is to put the 'stead fast loyalists of the South under. the feet of the whipped but not subdued" Rebels, and to.ena- Wellies latter to glut their Vengeance oh the for mer, whom they hate mid curse as responsible for the umet unexpected overthrow of their darling The recent wholesaletnaseaores at Memphis and New Orleans were but conspicuous manifestations f the spirit now rampant' in the South, whereof he pro-Relic! triumph-in Kentucky is a mere cent example. The soldiers of Lec,i3eauregard; -Johnston cud Hood are nevi the derninaht , power inita the Potomac to the Rio Grande; they elect .sacb other to office in preference oven to stay-at home Rebels . ; they have supplanted nearly all others as policemen of Southern cities; they are organized anil officered as State militia; and they ruthlessly crush every demonstration of loyal whites or loyal blacks in assertion of the EQUAL RIGHTS 'of AMERICAN FREEMEN. The school houses of the blacks are burned and their. white teaszbertzuhjected - 10. - violence -and "autrage by unchanged Rebels, who relieve the work of murder ; arson ,by cheers for Andy Johnson and execrations of Congreti. : , • The purpose of forcing representatives of -the rebel Stalls .inte-Congrees,, in-Aefiance of the -loy al oath, tip PritricfeettaTtlet and Military poiver, is openly avowed,• with threats that those wbe ' resist it shall be treated as - rebels, and a civil War thus kindled - threughouttffie ,North and' West., I "has Otis becomelEaperiative that those lthti, stand for 'LIBERTY fthd","IIS'VALTY-fol"the . ri;..44l * Ef difiIJNION m exisflltl' Ji of MAN ro'b'e ;FREE—should organize and' work to strengthen the hands of CONGRESS TM; the inevitable ften-- - e test before ne. We must convince the SOUTH and the COP PERHEADS that revolutions go not 'back irtsrd—: that-Emancipation is an unchangeable faet- , :that the ,Liorions; CIVIL RIGHTS ACT can never be repealed—that the rights of .- tho'hurnblest AMER ICA N tare henceforth guaranteed and shielded by the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION ,and „mast be maintained tipsiest all gainsayers—that the days wherein BLACKS bbd no rights which -WHITER 'were bound to respect, have passed away - forever. We -hold to-day the power in all 'the - FREE STATES of 18110, in-WEST io MlSSOURlbetside. 'We miner held thesein , enr ensuing elections, and add to theme MARYLAND ind - DELAWARE-- - the - fernteriest tons throUgh trecrehery,,otherwise'dohnsonista. We , must eltet , to the XLth Congress en ;overwhelming majority devoted-to Loyalty,. Nationality and the inalien able Rights of Mao. ' • ' .; ' To this-end let-fright and 'Truth-be-syetemati cally diffszsied to everrrasighborboed, every; Arse-, throughieit our broad eouisfry. To this end we propose an extra issue of Tar, WEEKLY Tisanes- (identical in siseand contents with the regular edition), which we will supply to all subscriptions received prior to, September 12, on the following teas, the -paper to-bet-sent - awl subscriptions to commence on receipt of the money 1 2 copies for three months $t 14 9 1A . 1T-Ve . OW' ) 4 9 Ynth.. s . •,•!?••=--=.••—• 5 2r, copies for three mont hs .. - 10 CO copies for three months 9 0 WO copies for thrrie monthtr - ' 30 PAYAILLE ALWAYS IN ADVANCE:. AU frieudW. tbq cause- are invited to form clubs. Address TAE TRIBUNE, 154 Nassau streey . Netv York. lINIIIP-1104;59. [ Fe nu erlYllartii Rater.] MINOR WATKINS, Proprietor, This house is situated on Main Street. in Wel'shore, and is surrounded- with beuuti fuirihadh trees, and has all the necessary accommodations for man and beast—angc:22; ly , , x - m - ANTED FIFTY BUSHELS OF V V dried raspberries, 50 do of blackberries— for which the highest market price iii cush will tie paid:by J. R. POWEN S: CO Wellsl?oro,,A ogust 15„ 184.6; , Farm for ,Sale. - - • TILE subscriber offers blahs= for-sale,- eon-- lOU agreo,-48 aeresiar which are un der good ituprovernent. — Good ftiatue house there on. one and a half, story high; .also a new fratnis ham, 3U, by 45 feet. -,A thrifty youngrirehard, tiE apply ; ptiar ' and cherry trees, mostly grafted; LOU in 101. Well.watered-Ly never failing spriage..-- said faro, i 8 situated in Delmar township, ou the road leadieig from Stony Fork to Pine-creek. Fur term, apply .:to•the-subscriber, on-the Olio, or to, A. L. Enaworth, at the Bingham oilke, Wellaboro. • - ALVAN N: WEBSTER. Delmar, August 22, 1886.—tt .ItArtAL,Atikg.,S-1 , 047._e. 'BLOS SBITRG, PA. r: . , ; ,v ! J. Li :WILLIAMS tf., C 0 .3 TA Kg-this ritithod of announcing to the till- Lens of Blossburg and surrounding country that they have opened a store at the above plate for the sale of pure • - - - - - _ EDIVIS& litiZlM2E'lligt Liquors of allkinds. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Lamp, Coal Oil, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts of all kinds, .Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions,Ac." PRESCRIPTIONS : carefully put up at all times. We ask an inspection of our goods, assuring the public that we cannot bi undersold in the county.. Everything usually kept in a Drug Store will ways be found attlris establishment. Satisfaction all - cases. Remember the place, Main Street,-opposite the Post Office, • -• • - "Blosstnirg . , - • • • - '" 4 '-1.; 7 1 -1 *1 • ±ALLC•itif•Vaig - ' 3 Bloasburg, Aug. o.d.r E HAVE NOW : ON HAND A .2 d cru ea; . 4“.1. a-twd EMS . • SPLENDID MISIDWIMENT. RES SOMIF4AO 0 : O'P's r ~.r ~ .. ~ ; y.; At the Peeplels Store r Corning, PC F. Adapted to the wants' of'. all .elasses; apd _ had in for a good stock : jtifebefioe - thi ha it tiik cance in New York, we are - now enabled to-sell most of our goods at r ali me ,-, "-' E7 i f - t•-• - - 1 1 , 'P CIE 6. 1 "4 4 .1 2 We would call eepecial 'tootir - largic stock of goods tot.. lABLES'' SUITS • • -.4 ' and the finest line of FRENCH'MUSLINS AND ORDANDIES • •• ever offered in this market. We also have * nice assortment of ; " LADIES' SACQUS, TALiIAS4NL! BASQUINES; in eljth - iind silk, to which-we invitethe atiention, of buyers. Pur stook of . ANTI) 'CASSIMERVS, fur men's and bars wearOs:ker:irery fall; and CLOTHING MADE To ORDER, u short notice and in theiatest style. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, - iGrING-H:AMS, ALPAC46,9 I.) P,9 . K.IfSO)eLAINES, CWALLIES;'BUN 4,44IBREEDISi-' JEANS, COTTONADES,. SHEET- PIRSiTA ( Uq!NCO'ir( Our facilities for BUYINO,GOODS are UN SURPASSED by in fide leetitni,"and we wish it understood that ..„„•,. • 1,, ; We do not intend to be UNVERSOLbb iharifes - ro zAna c d l l' ceo., wfro have pattonized us and 14 , 01411 zieisjibtt fully invite those who have nerverido - nal 90 . 10 rtallP and ; •stess Wrp cirpp ocT44l+; yiajuajOX:int or, on lilycket'S tr t ' tbrais itcrErti-wn'sebt"thrOornet andlwO*oleafsi britlin'Oforrei ‘.• - • _ SSUP &, I#i4 CarniPg; Y,J an e: 27; 40_66. , .••7777 - 7 . 1•L '9961•'03 ouniCoaoqsueAt nurEil—v---v - `4l ifinri II - ~7~5 ~4~c'~:C~'J~Q~ 4!uIDIA ply oioqslioa Jo etdoad-elf [11.19/10, e4e 1M1111141105 :r i,4J Laa.! a-, -4. tem evalevaup o; q2nakcii:2l4 aq 4,appaom tiovapErreatuviotti ins ‘931017a1- . 19a4 tmhe uetnioo e fl sieop Lou_ ,J ~,>' , —L 'pe4qpiguir Cluvp 4 ciliker , -bop nee Scnn snq gipeo2 Lean sAlif i‘ti°o44"4l ;&3 if ri V ' ,a,saavnio `saolucT isas,r7 `sTixls ISalv7 "J.llO 41S axossxam giNVIMILL aurnna tv si saa - VIIONOII awe - IN:HOMY SITU NI AOllO9 ; .10 INtAnnie T4"4-XVI 3H T i S(1000 kalst YintiA-A414 uce $2,000Td019: sary. The Presidents, Cashiers, and Treasurers of 3 Banks indaistithii dtanllr. Bent free with samples.— /uldress 'the American Stencil Tool Works,. Springfield, .I\TOTICE is herebi , glieti that -dliera citizens of Charleston tutvepetitloned, the lionorabie.courtof Common Pleas of Tioga cerinty.for a charter of. Ind°. -s potation "tinder theimme and style of the - -Welsh COu- . grey...dotal Chitral' and Society of Charleiton," end dad:the said cohrt base appointed_ Monday, the 27th day of august hurt., Sro hearing and granting Mimi, at which" time ad persons, interested can attend Wellsboro, Aug. 8;1886. J. F. DONALDSON. NOTICE is hereby given that Henry Holland*, L B. , Smith aud,C, H. Milieu, have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a charter - of in corporation for " The First Baptist Church of Blow,. burg and that the said Court has appolnted - Motiday, the 3d day of 'September pent, fora hearing in the pram isea,,at which time said appLuo . ition will be granted if no objection As:guide, ' 4 . 01 - IN - F. DONALDSON. , WaUsboro, Anon 1,1866.-4 w Protturt6. T44..,,111111.W1N,_,,k, t.O,L Iteapectfally - fitialitt their oustoneas and friends, that having Illatrao itald out 010 ;Reek of At Auctilin. They :have replaced aim 'with a new =divans/400(11a DeLAINES, CHALLIES, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN iIUBLINB, 0_04131.a ELM ,Ai s PqßAPiik LAI:4We HATE TRIMMED• -AND ISZEM EERIE INDWARit :.'; Our stock of :ri...E.f.A • '':_{ - ... 1 ..( 4 1i .1 q :':i , 4ROOERIEVIAND TB(VISIONS ie large qud,,complatnl and we w9µld wont epecifully aaI F your aireution to ftye keep on Lahti at id! ttuies antrviill : be sold at ,privett to tlet'y congiatition. I Is as good 48 the CASH to us at their market raloe:•t = ' • T. L._II4OWIN tic CO TIOOA, May 16, 1866-1 y " New Firm. awl ,,, New.4lnode. , -• J. R. BOWEN & CO., • (late J. B. Bowep,)- . ' ; The undersigned, having forined a copartnership in the mercantile husiness, re now receiving faom New-York a fine stock Of GOOPS AND . . ; BOOTS AND SHOES, 15 :: 6APS,"' We ask particular tiftention "to pur stock; of GATTEItS,. , u - as wet dual sell them very meat ebeaper Wittiest, WE SHALL SELEtGAkii3B" ASTBEAP THE. 1 .91114T cirßaL .44viTokiFp.R. READY PAY. t,RQ : Lt L I.= LUniontiockrlVlTelialmre,l , Fa. , o : "r i ' : nowlann.: =I • • J "ICE; LIFE & AMORNTAL .; " MEE= . E411.444.PA1CY AGENT FOR„T, OGA' COUNTY, - • chivd w iti l t, — Ageo. rip a, ft ... .... ...szootkupe ' '53,589;811 tu .33a ; , -- . . 2:090,000` 3,800,435 • 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 VsArtb Atilerlean •PhiraTa, 4 l;ooo;ooo • 731;000 -Putnam, • -- istomo 'Partnery',Nutual, Middle Palma 357,402 92 , • - '250;000 .Lycankiug Mutual, Muncl,4.a.: Columbia Mulubl, Lancaster, Pa ... Moho Mmtuul, - LifaiN. S. City, N. V. AceidOtill, - Travelers' Aceldeutal, Hartford, ~ Equitable.. Life Aasur,inoe Society. Non-Ilazardous, linzardoue, and Extra4laz aedous Rialto taken'at reasonable ral4a.: Policies Issued, and all Lui3sau.adjusted at this - SM Wellsbore,-Pa: - July 20, I • -•.•-• PICTU PECTU , 'ES.Tbe subscrlber'rever t Curly - anuotto,-; the citizens oi Them and I ilcinlty. lint lie : Inia:htieued a Phidograph Gallery. tu where Le will remain a abort time for. the purpuee of makin iitedearapli hr ambrotype picturem for all who may irealifirlYeni. /A3N_ 4,4 kinds ut pinograplie, and plclime; ltrukrotyperr; Ac , taken in ,tlu, best„,tyte of the Irt., 4 good assio•lin'eut of photograpti truisms att lonils:-.1:e:. filivay4 on hand. Particular' attention Tikki' copying. Ttitme de:drink a good picture, wilt do well) to give. hini.a BOOM. CA KRIEL, • Tanga, July 2A, ISI 6.4 t OTIC E bi hereby given that the undersigne4 N bas been appointed Trustee nt the eitateee A. J. Si E. R. Webster, of Mansfield, udio hatie been diseharged'tis , insolvent . 'debtors;' atid liersons indebted to said insolvents Gr holding property belonging to.thein; are hereby requited pay-and deliver all such '31.111111 of money mail propertyldue and belonging to said insolvents,_[d ate; an.l all creditors are requested to_ present their aeecrmris at au early day. - • JOHN I. MITCHELL, W Proth'y TON - PaN.A. SITSgR POWDER.—An entirely new 111. invention for silverplatthgarticiell crircincr; Per. German allver, brume; and forte:Dewing and PA- Wang ulcer and eilver plated ware. , Irwin _be desirit‘i ble in trym and srorki4op, us by Its use.lilver, plated .whose wornriireariTur restoreji to_its beitutyould all artieliV braes, copper, &c, can Le instannuseorislY silver plat at a tri ug_expense, awl can be kept permanently . silvered by en occasional appikstlon, .:Pdol4 at 1,t,01 1 6 drug dm.. TTOiA, PENN'A DRY. GOODS DriEss' - GOODS, -- i - FANCY -CASSIMEBES, MIME • i. 1,1,11 - 1 2. READY - MADE CLOTHING , - C. 44140 *9' - ' EEC :•-,, 1 WALL AND WfNiM* PAPER, %.• ,1 tL DE d QUALITY AND PAIGE FIOUR, SALT AND SAILS," ; YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, GRAIN, &e, •&e., AV.EI4LOBORI)TICTIT:'• - sem INSITRANe,E ffilJ PARSON'S COLIIBIN. 4 1 g.P.9w . °F2-EBnirft..3444.l32lPAß'. - French Cambrics , ,French Prima ' English Prints-, American Prmts,• i . 1 - _~ J + 4 Fiitticir , Girtikailnr, English'Ginghams, =I • kiptcas- it 1,1•1 'Ol - Plaid Alpacas, • Striped Alßacae, Plaid'Poil de Ghees„ i . ~liCil~~F. a ~ .., Ili= Figured_ t~ ~ , . !MEE - Pjain s a 1 7... i. -- ,:, il ;HIT - it?. .4 V. Tr: :'.;r. - 3 1 1 f:- spring,Coaqngs, Spring -Cassimereg, a,: .i ~+ t Kentuaiy .Jeans; • s ! r• Sheeting,s, 600,000 _500,000 ..:5011,000 -Sturtings,i •,4y - &e., El I :Itivite,tha', attektio4iil all baj , arit of dry',goodit to KOglite* tdbok ; assuring t.Srt: that! intend to give them the full value of ;their money, and alen a good eesortmetit Of nevi 4 1 / 1 1 .0.0m4xutble goads to select froth. April 18,./886. FREINEZI .'l~. i.i =EI II .1 ! ME BEM !MEI meriidges POplins, Challies; De Laines. Wool Pe, ine§,l_ Sun-Umbrellas, INS Shi . l44 Sacques, ME bedies':CllthG •• • ••,•• L'-Blatk Siikb; i , MEM 'lt , • 1 •, t . MEM ~, I s 1 Hoop Skirts, Or h'') - 1 i, * - PAREONS: Comma, N. L. ,4,-.3.filING 0F.11104. PILE& OF NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. C. S. Mather & Co. take pleasure in announcing to the publio,gen erally that they have just returned from New York with: the Isrgest; qed most desirable stock of Goods in Tioga County. We have a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASHMERES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready Zade Clothing, and Custom TAILORING superintended by a first-class Cutter. :13-• 1 • f ' In fact, we have a complete assortment of all that is new and desirable. ,We are determined so take the lead in Low PRICES for the Spring of 1866. COME AND SEE ! To see is to be "convinced," and to look will cost you nothing. We extend thanks for former liberal patronage, and only ask that the friends of low prices and small proJils mill AL L Tim collators ali- satisfy themselves, HMI' 'Lawrenceville is the and, to buy floods right. ' ' MBE C: 8, MATHER a CO Lapwincevllle o 4r.. 25, 1866. , 0 - DUSTRY - MUST PROSPER. 1 ___ Boots, Shoes, Leather f f. Findings. GEO. 0. DERBY, AVING bought the stock and good-will of the bu- Linea 104 g conducted in this borough by ** The 'BUYS: 9 will - con thine the setae at the stand lately ARAR.4 occupied by - them: Good custom work, made to order sad warranted, will bo the first thing •in order at this Opp; but special att en tion will also be given to keeping lap a good stock of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Such as SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, — 1.4-ST I S,:AWLS, WAX.,. &t.; . - and, in a general way, the various fizin's usually kept at a finding shop. ' Cash paid for HIDEe, sKINts, FELTS and FURS ; and par ticular attention given to the purchase of veal and dea con skins, for which the highest market price will be paid. REPAIRIMI done promptly and well. . . 1 . GEO. 0. DERBY. _ • Miring - sold the stoc , k in trade and good-will of the business lately condtkted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and a square-dealing man. CLIAS. W. It GEO. W. SEMIS. Wellsboro, May 2, ISlib. Whitntivilla Wool Carding _ and Cheese Box Factory ! THE firm of Avery 4 Whitney having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will hereafter be conducted by the subscriber. I tiave purchased a Double Doffer, _thirty inch CARDING MACHINE, enpible of :carding 500 pounds of wool in twenty four hours. So L can safely promise to card wool as fast a• it comes in, and people will not have to wait for their Mr. MARVIN SMITH, well and favorably known to the 'people of this region, ha's - been en gaged to run the machine. lam altar preparftlio make . • CHEESE BOXES to order and on :Aloft notice. Dairymen will please take notion. TURNING DONE TO_ ORDER, AND • - SAWED - SHINGLES alwaYs on blind. I intend to do work so well and so promptly, that people will make nothing by going away from home to get their work done. A. H. AVERY. Whitneyville, May 18,1686-tt Thomas. Harden, - WOULD respectfully, inform the inhabitants of Tioga County, that he is now receiving great additions to his stock of Merchandise which he offers at a small advance from cost. His stock /.onsiits in part of SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS _GOODS, of various styles and colors, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SATTINETTS. -RENTUCKY JEANS, •anitable Atm men and boy§ wear TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELLING, TABLE SPREADS. CARPETINGS AND OIL CLOTHS, RIBBONS, BLONES, HOSIERY, VEILS - AND NOTIONS. Amongst the Domestic Goods will be found a great variety of Brown Musline, at prices from Is to 2s per yard. Bleached Sbeetings and Shirt ings, Denims and Tickings at Various prices. Akre)" igfil'grgat' eitiiety RE'ADY MADE Please Sail 'and see Ter "yOursel res. June 12, 1868. THOS. HARDEN. KNOW'S T THOU ABOUT THE lOW CLOTHING STORE. IN WELLSBOB4OUGH? A NEW STORE OF THE BEST 11111 IREADY . - MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, and a fine assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS been opened The talk is, that at said store Goods are selling TW*TY-FIVE PER CENT. CHEAPER vi l i tau ikt'aizy . otheyst reut ure in the etry._ 1 T • - I - L L P A Y everybody to go there and examine tho assort ASHER;. AT HIS NEW CLOTHING STORE under the. Agitator Printing Office Next door to Roy's,Drug Store to Jun 043.1468:. IDOLLAH is SON; Meerschaum manufactu i rers, 692 Broadway, near Fourth street, N. T. 'Wholesale and retail at reduced rates. Pipes and Holders cut to order and repaired. All goods warranted genuine. Send stamp for circular.— ;Pipes $6 to $BO each. apl 1 '6B ‘TIOHOLS" PERUVIAN' DARK & PROT -11 OXIDE OF IRON; tbriaale by [jan.3l, '66.] BORDEN BRO'S.,TingsV.7 went of fp lOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Bon. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge. for the 4th Judicial District of Penn sylvania. and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of July, 1866, and to me directed, for the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin or, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of August, (being the 27th day,) 1886, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro ner,Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own properpersons, with their record s, inquisitions, ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to done, and all witnesses and other per sons proseunting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pe. - von or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their porn. Juror are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office, in Wellsboro, the 25th day of July, in the year of our Lord rsrie thousand eight hundred and sixty-si.-. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. THE 2EITNIL. 1=0:1 PORTLAND FIRE. PL: INSURANCE COMPANY, ,HARTHORD, CONN. ASSETS JULY 1, 1866. Cash on band in bank and with Agts, $257,320 09 United States Stock 812,277 25 Real estate, nnincumbered 90,359 05 State Stocks 498,690 00 New York Bank Stocks 734,170 00 Hartford Bank Stocks —.... ......... 370,810 09 Miscellaneous Bank Stocks ' 129,000 00 Railroad Stocks, etc, 273,067 50 Mortgage Bonds, City Co. &R. E. 1,011,136 00 TOTAI LIABILITIES Losses unadjusted and not due $221,236 35 Net $3,84,590'20. Income for last year (net) - $2,933,399 94 Or a daily income of say $9,300. Lasses and Expenses for same time $2,541,294 30 Total Logsos paid in 47 yeara......519,12.7,410 06 viz: Fire, $17,243.000 99. Inland, $1,884,409 07 Government and State Taxes paid $179,178 34 Loss by Portland Fire July 4th. The total amount covered by IP.tna policies on property destroyed or damaged, is $200,854, on which salvage will be about five per cent. Our total loss will not vary much from $200,000, and is being promptly adjusted and paid. This sum is live per cent. upon the assets, a figure hut slight ly exceeding our government and State taxes paid last year, or ri proportion equal to a $5,000 loss for a company of $lOO,OOO assets. The necessity for insurance and the value of wealthy, strong corporations, is forcibly illustra ted by this fire. Several weak insurance compa— nies are destroyed, Portland has a population of :1.;,000; was handsomely built, mostly lino brick or stone structures—protected and screened with ,'swards of 3,000 shade trees—bounded on three sides by water—indeed, literally, almost rising from the ocean—and with a good steam fire de— partincnt ;—yet it has $10,000,000 of property consumed in a few hours, upon a holiday, when its people are least occupied—from the very insig• cificant cause of a contemptible fire cracker. Remember the trifling origin of fires that sweep away in a few hours the earnings of years. Con sider your best interests, and give the £tna agent a call, if you need proper insurance security.— Policies issued at fair terms. WM. 11. SMITH, Agent. Wellsboro, July 25,15116.-1 Pf_x' GENERAL whole ale agent for the Celebrated PATENT PLATE PIANOS, manufactured by DECKER BROS., CHICKERING & SON'S PIANOS, HAIXES BRO'S PIANOS, MASON a lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, and Treat, Linsley a Co's Melodeons. Grders from-dealers and Teachers especially solicited. Address. L. B. POWELL, July 2U 116 Penns Avenue, Scranton, Pa- REGISTERS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Executors and administrators have filed their accounts in the Registers office of Tioga County, and that the same will be presented to the Grphans Court of said County on Monday the 27th day.of August 1886 for Confirmation and al lowance. Account of Guy C. Smith and Lockwood C. Smith Administrator's of the Estate of Philemon Smith-doe." Account of John W. Guernsey and David L. Aiken Executors of the Estate -of Jacob Pmts. man dec." Account of Goo. W. Mott administrator of the Estate of Chauncey Dartt dec." / Account of J. G. Dartt Executor of the Estate of deo. Dartt dec." Account of 1,. H. Brewster and Alice Cady, Ad ministrators of the estate of James B. Cady, de- ceased H. 8. ARCHER, Register IVellsbero Aug. 1, Md. NOTICE IN DIVORCE .— To William Waters: Take notice that your wife, Marinda Witten., by hor next friend, Eli !tartlet, WM petitioned the honorable Judges of the Court of Conunou Pleas for Tioga aninty for a flivorfm front the bonds of matrimony; and that the said Court has appointed Monday, the I .2:7th d, ‘) of Aufmt, instant, at the Court House in Wallsboro, for a hearitm of the said petitioner in the premises, at whir h time and place you can attend if you think pre- Per:. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. Wrllsburu. August 1, 1366.—tt STRAYED from tlfe premises of tho subscriber in Delinaro a ,two year old ROAN BULL, short-legged and large born'. Any person giv ing me information where he can he found shall be liberally rewarded. JACOB lIILTBOLD. Aug. 8,1866- 3t. NOTICE IN DIVORCE.—To )largaret E. Seeley: Take notice that your liusleuitl, Luke D. Seeley, }Mg petitioned the honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas ter county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and that the Natal Court has ap— pointed Monday, the - -.l7th day of August, instant, at the Court House in Wellohorough, for a hearing of the said petitioner in the prentisee, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. Welletwiria August 1, 1v30.4t GOLD received on deposit°, for which certifi cates will he issued, be c tring interest in golds E. W. CLAItE, , ,t, et), ,Bankers, No 35 south Third street, nib. All pavans who recruited previous to April 1883, and whn haranocbcen pant for laid oairttce;can receive pay b 3 applying ta Datng s Smith, Third str«tn, Hu risburg, Pa.; niso ealdiura of Ur/ or their widows, cut receive SCO, cash, by appiying to the sanorpersons.-altt $4,075,830 55
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers