,T Ei g a orioutta g itator If Pablisbod every' Wbiloe'spia ' y -Moiratag; $11,04 a Say. iu~ - xrtably in advance, by COBB & VAN GELIAR. 3,t e C 0138.1 is ,ri s N.r.IR.3".Z.S.T.2•4 - 0.;1- I:t..ea-r ✓ tEi. Imo. 3 mo. 6 mo.I 9 mo. I-1 yr 1 'f aire ....... $2,50 5,00 7,50 10,00 12,00 ~ , ,B ra ....... 3,75 8,00 — 12.00 15,00 1.8,00 ~..."4.2010cun ,00 7 1 10,00 15,00 20,00 2,5,00 1, column 12.00 20,00 30,00 38,00 45,00 i i , ,,,i ut oc •• ' , Ma 35 , 0 0 45,00 G 5,00 80,00 1 Equ,,,re 1 im3er'n $l,OO-50 eta.eaehlyackthereafter. o, i ,cif trators and Executors Notices $2,00 each. Bo wep oard. Of Ore lines $5,00 per pap,. , . - BUSINESS DIRECTORY, IV. D. TERRELL & CO., ifIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Tell Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfamery, Paints and Oils, 41, - e., Jce. Cueing, N. Y., Jan. 1, NICHOLS JOHN I. MI T CHELL. Nrcrioza & MITCHELL, n'TORNEYS. AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office formerly occupied by James Lowrey, EN.. A. NLCSOLI3. JOBS I. MITOEIZI.A.c° Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 18811-I.y. . • . WILLIAM H. A rioRN.EY ' COUNSEI,O I R 'A1 t L LAW, Inearance, Bounty and Peasiott Agency; Main inlet Weliaboro, Pa, Jan. 1, 1866. 6. I. Wri.solt. WILSON dir. NILES, itioßNErs & COUNSELORS 'AT LAW, First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenne)— Iflll attend to busitiess entrusted to their care le the counties of Tioga end Potter. li Ilthoro, Jan. 1, 1866. , F. W. CLARK, AMWSET Loy—Mansfield, 'Plop no., Pa lay 9, ISBII-1y • GEORGE - 4iir AGIVIER, ;AILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Seare'e Shoe Shop. 74,`Cutting,Fitting, and Repair ing done promptly and well. WelLsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy. " JOHN B. SUAKSPEARE, DRAPED. AND TAItOR. Shop over Bowen's Store, second nom.. Afrutting, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and ie best style. iVeilsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1888—ly TOEiN 1. rartartELL. GENT for the collection of bounty, back pay 11 and pensions dOe soldiers from the Govern, teat. Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells. • m3U, '66 WA.LICON HOUSE, Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. H C. VERMILYRA, Paosatnron- This is a ~eat hotel located within easy Access of the Den fithing And hunting grounds in .North era Pennsylvaniti i , No pains will - be !pared icr the accommodation of pleasure cents and the traveling . [Jan. 1,1 66.] Pennsylvania Howe., • A-RIAR HAZIETT PROPRibTOR. rfu"popular hotel has been lately renovated and re tarnished. and no pains will be spired to render its p tulHied acceptable to patrons. Wellsboro, May 9, I,Siti. J. HERVEY E'tVING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR 'AT LAW, No. 11 Law Building,—St. Paul St , saltimore. REFEIIENCES.—Levin Gale, Aoroey at Law, E.lwura ferael, Au) , at Law, Rev. J. McK. Rile;, D. D., Rev. Decry Slicer, D. D., Con. field, Bro. Co., F. Grove ACo , Ludwig tE geSherry, John F. MeTtiton, Esq.. Robert Law. , on. Esq ,S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr..Ewniu it authorized to transact any business appertain. lug to this paper in Baltimore.) Jan. 1, 1888-Iy. DBACON, 31.. D.. late of the 2d Pa Cavalry; after nearly four years of army service, with a large In geld and hoepztal practice. bait/paned a(, for the practme of medicine and burgers - , In ail iti branches. Persona from a distance can find good warding at the Penneylvanta Hotel when desired.— Wni lea any part of the State in consultation, br to ,oircLutl operations. So 4, Union` Mock, up Wellsboro, Pa., May 2. 1566 —ly. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.- FRANR.• SPENCER L the pleasure tooinform the citizens of Togs cztty that they have the beet opportunity over .:trod them, to procure Ambrotypes, Ferrorypes, Cartes de Vieite, Vignettes, and all kinde fancy and pnprtiarmtrd, and colored piotures, at his Gallery on'Elmira Street. llantfirild, Nor. '6s—tf. F. M. SPENCER. 13. EASTMAN, SURGICAL AND ME CHANICAL , e~~C=;~ Would inform the citizens of WeHaber° and vi taaty, that he his fitted up a desirable _suite of %OM" over John It. Bowen 's stere, No:7, ,n Block, where be Is prepared toe.N4ente all in his profession. with a promptne.ia 'and tyle that will enable him to offer superior induce ranti t., those requiring dental operations. All . w,rE warranted, and at reasonable rates. Plettie ,all and examine specimens. Well:born. March 21, 18136;--if DENTISTRY.. 'Q. C. N. p . Alt T, WOULD say to the public that he is perma nently located in Wellsburg, (Office et his %Mence, near the ;Land Office and Episcopal :arch} where he will continue to do alt kinds of "..k confided to his care, guaranteeing complete tetxtaction where the eicitt of the Dentist can , Tail in the management of cases peculiar to the ttllng. Re will furnish - - ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any material desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, ku:natii to on .Fb o l ltcst notice, and done in the teit and est approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Lv the the use of Amesthetics which are per fteny harmless, end will be administered in prery taie when dtaired. ice/i.tr)ro, Jan. 1, 1666-Iy. ATTENTION SOLDIERS. V. B. SMITIL Knoxville, Tioga County, , IC. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney . 9, ltherg and their friends throngbeut all the '"•i li States,) will prosecute and oollect with an ailed lucceEe, ;:OLDIERS' CLAWS AND DUES all. kinde. Alto, any other , kind of claim t , giact.t the Government before any of the De lutalents or in Congtate. Terme moderate,- All ' r afuunimtioos gent Wks above address will TO ceire prompt attention.' Jan. 17, 18611. • UNITED STATES HOTEL. Main Street, Welleboro, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. iluyieg leased this popular' hotel property, i;teh occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall trctietwo r to make it traly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, and thv manful of guests will bee prime object. Ibe a whlee will be under the cure of an expert tlxed hostler. Wellsboro, Jan.•1,1880-ly.: Net ° Shaving.and r-Drosaing Saloon. THE subscribers take pleasure in announcing hi the of Weil4horo and vicinity that e .Im7 mo Mr. S. F. late barber th and y law e. dt,iv e n.li oro. an d hare fitted up a neat and I,,,,sAnt room eve.* C. L. 'Willcox's store, where they elaars he on hand to wait on their customers; as they Will spare no pains to piease, they hope to 4, `-'tit the patronage of the community. (cater attentionaid to Wiles' hatmnttlog, sham d3 Ong, Le. L adies' braids, puffs. striches, coils nris kept on hand, or matkt to order, 11. W Dotecr. J.Joassos. April 25,1888.-1 y E. C. 4AY Ql.urat ,VOL. C. F. .SWAN, AGENT for the Lyooming County Inettranoe Company, at Tioga, Pa. June 5, 18615.-3m* FARR'S :HOTEL,- COIINTY,I?,4, GoOd stabling, attaohoti, and an attentive, bos= tier always in attendance. F-ARR, . Proprietor, ' WELEsBOR:O HOTELi (Corner Maio Street ante - tile Avimite.) - . B. B, HOLIDAY, Proprietor. -• " HIS is one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Hotel is the principal Stags.-bchise in Vre)liaboro. Stages leaTe daily as follows c For Tioga, at 9 a. m. ; FOr Troy, at' S a: 'in.; For Jersey Shore every Tueidtv,y. and "Frtaity` at 2 p. in.; For Coudersport, every Monday' and Thursday at 2 p. m. STAGES ARRIVE—From Tioga, at 121-2 o'clock p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. From Jer sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. in, (From, Coudersport, lliond.s4 and Thursday 11 a. M. • N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-knoWe host-` ler, will he &tied on- hand,, , Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. ~- • J. B. isiutt NEW FIRM ?zlk/Wirawp.s4y,noGA BORDEN BRO'S '" Would respectfuiiy•announoe to•".a11 who= it may•eoncern," that they keep constantly on band a large and Welt selected seeertelent el • DRUGS AND DIEDIaNE9, GLASS AND .WALL PA-PD; DYE STUFFS,. FAMILY DYES, LAMPS, GLASS WARE, PLATED WARE, 4 CAKE DISHES, &c. WRITING rAPE ENVELOPES, scuba, BOOKS, PATENT -MEDICINES; Tea, Coffee, Spice,,Pepper, Gin , I ter,Saleratits, Starch, TOILET AND WASHING SOAPS, and an'endlesiJ variety of 4 7' YANKEE NOTIONS. Tioga, Pa, Oct. 4, 1.865-Irs 'GROVER&BAKER'S Elastic and Lock-Stitch Sewing Ma chines GENERAL AG ENCY,'2B Lake street, Elmira. Local agents supplied at factory prices, and nen agents wanted for unoccupied distticts. Also, a large stock of machine findings. For circular. address TUGS. JOHNSON, General Agent of G. A B. Sewing Machines, .inne ti, 18fs6—tf 25 Lake st.,Elmira,l3 . . RUSSE.S.—" Seeley's .11ailI ithbler "'Truss' T cores rupture, frees the cord fypm . all press ure: will never rust, break, limber, chafe, or be come filthy, (the fine stebr spriing being coated with hard rubber); spring made any power re quired; used. in bathing, fitted lo.foriu; requires no strapping; 'cleanest, easieet, and beat Truss known. Send for pamphlet. I. B. SEELEY; Sole Proprietor, ti' Chesnut st.,Phila'W, Pa. gal 138 THE THIRD LOT New JUST RECEIVED AT VAN WE & WICKHAM'S, WE HAVE JUST . RECEIVED A 14E* and well selected, stock of goods, which we are selling very LOW FOR CASH 0 - ft .- READY PAY: Good yard wide sheeting for Heavy yard wide sheeting for DeAai nes, Standard prints from OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION We also keep constantly on band a choice stook of GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &c., At very low figures. ALL persons hating knowledge of facts Concerning ! killed and wounded soldiers from Tioga count*,) are respectfully requested to furnish Col. M. L. Clark, of ManAsl3, with*the following statistics : ' Names of soldiers. place of residence, date of enlist- j ant and muster into the United States serrice,l letter In company, number of tegtment, when wounded, and what engagement, date and place of death, and cad et same. M. L. CLARKt`. . ' ' • August I, 1866 . Fruit Jars. w ILLOUGHBY & LYMAN'S AT ! - W 110LESALE .AND' RETAIL; by W. D. TERRELL & CO' Corning, May 30, '6B-3m , . . , . - . , , • + ' i - + . „ ...,•.0. rir ... . 1 le . ~ , . ( 1 4 1 Lti i . iii' - ::- . 16,')", , ::„ . .: - .,.-:.::::1 __________ , . 1 , 1 I \ 0 1,1 ..•,r; • ~.:•. ~, ,11 { , . ' Ind .. . . .. . ... PAINTS, OILS, such as CASTORS,,SPOONS, TEA &TABLE, o i =I 710G41.,,PA May SO, 1866,,_ TO SOLDIERS. • . L. V. SEELY, • J. R. SHAW, W. D. MATTESON, THCS. J. 4AVIES, Committee au Stallatlcs. • SELF-SEALING JARS, LINES 01 TRAVEL. ; On and after Monday, July , 19,1866, trains will leads Corning at the following hones: WESTWABD /30111. r. - 7:05 aln Night kxpress,i Blondaya excepted, for Rod, eater,,Butialo, Salamanca, and 'Dunkirk, making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic & Great Weittera,•Lake Shore, and Grand 'Trunk Rallwaysifor all points West. .1 2:28 a.. m.,Lightning Express, Daily, for Rochester But- Ealamanca„Dnukirlt and the West. 10:23 a. m., - Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffaloand Miltia. 0:05 p. m., Emigrant tratoMally, for the West. 6:46 p. m.. Day Express,.Snndays excepted, for Roches. ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and the West,„conneetips at Salamanca with the Atlantic & G, W. Railway, and at Buffalo with the lake' Ehcre and Grand' Trunk ; RiGlisaye for Poirits Wiser Und'sotith: " - 12:23 a. am., Express Mail:Sunday eakcepted ; for Buffs:- 10, Beilatuanca, and Dunkirk, comiertipg.with. trains for the Wcst. 4, , V.AB4VAII.DII2IIIVD-' -7 ; 2:44 m., Cincinnati Express. Mondays exceptedomn , fleeting at Elmira fur Harrisburg, Philadelphia ,and South; at Owego-tof Ithaca; at Ringtamteat for.Sy-; raertse; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia: at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graiconrt for Newt:Yuri Mad Witrnhck. . 1 : 10:84 a. In, Day Express, Sundays excepted, connecting at Great 'Hod for Scratiton,'Philadelphia, and ffoiath. att.,i Now Ybrk:andlialtimore.Mail, Sundays a oepted, connecting at Elmira for Harristrargh, Phila .. delphia, and South. ' •- ' . • 7:10p. ns„EightninglExproas,linndays elgoopted. 12:12 a m., Night Express, Daily, connecting at that cottirt Ifor. Warwick. - • 12:25 p. in, way Freight, Sundays excexded. NVM. R. BARR, H. RIDDLE, -- 13en°1 Pass: Agent.' - • ; ::Den'l Supt, 131osOurg ,& porning,A vbfot R. R. .4 Lowe:Corning., , „ Mall, „ 8 00 8. nil 5 15 p n. acc4nimodstion; ' 86 - iiinfAcn6mdiddhitidn,lo-1&a - • , r'r .L 1 H. SHATIVCIC,Stip4. Philadelphia , 41 Erie R. R - - Trains will arr. and depart at Williamsport Wil ' follows .- . . , ' 'Eitstiraid — ' - ' ' Vestivard la .4 Erie Iliad - in..- - . in 155 p ErielMail Tra14...f., 20 , a la E. Express rain. 20 a m Edo. Eleaa Traia..9 00 pn/ Elnitra Mall rain 845 a m EMiirallatPtiain 850 pm A. L. TTLSJI,GeD3 Supt., !:- f - Almfr;A.fft Trains will Aprltailind, Depart frpui,Troy as folipws MorinoSPUth.Sing North: • ' •Espeoss, PBantam, .. P . . .. ..... 3[ l .lfail o'3o P ay p,els ' hi; 838A'n Way Freight, 4: P Coal Train, %Dia% Coil Train P Troy, Star 18, 1885. • D.S. STOVEIt, Sup't. . • WHOLESALE DRUG STORE, CORNING, N. Y. rBUOS' AN,D 516,1 C i§U,' PAINTS AND OILS', ' THADDEUS' DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN TII,ATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINIq'ATI'WINES AND WASH LIME, - KEROSENE LAMPS, 'PATENT MEDI CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, _ AND PLAVORINEI- EXTRACTS,.WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, • Sold /4 Wholesale Prices.. Buyers are requested to gall and get •.quotations,.before .going further East. Obnaing, N. Y.,•Jatt.l,,ABB-Iy. S"B , YOURAGREENBACKS I I lEM AND OF TER A.T s Nast &. Auerbach's 114111P:?Asit'qVO4E- wbent . you.c4n always find the best, assorted; stock. of ; , u lIIMEI DOMESTIC &FANCY DRY GOOD, CLOTHS, 'NOTIONS, 'READY- , Manufetciunilutuler. their ownAupervjation Aiso G.arefuraiahing 900Cif, &C., &c. In thatr inarulaant falloriyig eatabnat they, defy competition; haiing the teat tailors I{l York city. and an experleriCed Cdtjer,Mr. ILI'. tieb2leely I 2Octi "2,i 9, NEW SPRISG GtitiflS E3ll T'REDUCED PRICES 14 to 20 " Great Induceinente to the .Public ! OT having a big stook of , OLD GOODS to j N shove off at auction, I am enabled to takci - advantage o! thdpresinft 11 , 14 . prides, and ammo dy to supply the public with a splendid stock of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, LATEST Styles, purchased to accommodate this ma) - kat, • , Particular attention IS directed to my de sirable stook . Of Ladies' DRESS gOORS, Alpaccas, Poplins, Prints, Detainee, &e., &c. Added to which I am offering a large add' splendid stock of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and PAPS. &o.; &e.,.&c., &c., &e., at prices to suit the 1,000,000, at P.sgood's old stand, Wellsboro, Pa. April 4,1866 ICE ,CREAM! ICE CREAM ! !—Every eve ning, (Stindays excepted), at S. S. Epencer's, nrst docr,below Roy's block, Wellsboro. Pa. Par ties wham , ice cream, can be accommodated at a ny time of day or evening., Price, 76 cents per quart. Table prices : Ice cream, 15 cents; with oaks and lemonade, 26oants. July 18, 1888. WELLSB 0 (), AEGUST 22, 1866. EMI E/2111 - ItAlLWirt. ' MEM BRANDY, WHITE- ROCHESTER PER' AND - DYE COLORS, D. "TERBELL & CO BLOSSBVTID:PA., g,pt„OLotiliNe; C. B. KELLEY. Original Vtattg. Pei' the Agitater.] THE EAGLE AND THE FEOG. An Eagle on a lofty pine, fru whom the glorious sun did shine, Was seso dir off, from a slimy bog, a limy, dirty, filthy frog. This frog, forlorn,land helpless, too, Visaed the brace eagle us he Hew - And it tilled his heart with ire, TO'sce that cagle thus aspire. - • • • i lie croaked, and cranked, With 'Mitt And wished the egg% pall been The eagl.•-he nth.sisals the froy,„,„, Squat on his throne. a Allay bog. , . , and croaked a week or inore:,' And croaked until his throat was sure ; • And sung through, mud, " ko,chSg, Until, at last, ho croaked out—tiregg. Than squinting upward,froni.bis bog,, Viol soliloquized the frog: "Yon soaring eagle loth aspire' To high. r tile, and yid to higher. Why should ho such pretensions make . liecau% he's louglit the rattlesnake?" Or what all people equal dread— The.crowling,'poireitons' OOpperhead Then furnikg with a hateful leer. Unseen, ex l eept hydhove quite near, He sung voce more, " kn-eheg, k..-cheg ;" And once again he croaked uut—tiregg. This frog will float in mod and mire, Or:test, the eagle, takes him higher • A heliile,s thing. a slimy frog, Lute , yell just from a I,ollllifog ! 'Speneerville, August, locti. IJn.ou. THE N. ORLEANS MASSACRE. [C. rresp.,n.leueo of the New York Tintesl 1. OrtLEA:s-s, La. hily 31, Ifian. With the origin of the tint yesterday 'the ,-;iders of the Times are well aware. The tippearanee of the colored process ion on Canal street, composed of about boo freedmen, was the signal for its com mencement. Some whitc bystanders at tempted to take away the national flag they were earryinti, and a shiit, was fired. The blacks, ,cluing that the whites fired it. The whites tell a con tradictory story. I have seen responsi ble men who were present, but they fail to give an authoritative statement about this first shot. Imtnediately after it was fired, however, a bright yellow boy commenced haranguing his comrades • in the procession, advising them f,c) clear :the streets of the " was arrested by an aid of the Chief of Rdice. This was the first arrest made., The procession then moved on, and turned into Dryades street, halting in front of the I:Mechanics' Institute, noiv ..used as the State Capitol, where the Convention was in session. They were met with vociferous cheers front-friends of both colors. ' They-gave their version of the disturbance above 111 cation ed , and were greeted with remarks of ap proval when they claimed to have re pulsed their assailant;:. They were en couraged to take a firm stand for their " rights," and told to arm themselves and be readY for any emergency. These things I heard myself, and for the first time I felt serious apprehensions of a riot. The merchants commenced clos ing their stores, and I started from the building to the telegraph office. A squad ' of policemen were gathered on Baron ne street, in the rear of the Institute, and soon marched toward it. - The procession disturbance had been reported to police headquarters, where, anticipating, trouble, a large reserve force - was stationed. Orders were imme diately issued to arrest the negroes en raged in it. Sheriff (ex-rebel General) Hayes, accompanied the force to the scene of action, 'and found Dryade st., in front Of the Institute, thronged with freedmen and their white friends. It was useless to try to get into the build ing while such a. crowd remained in front of it. In the mean time an immense Con='( course of people had congregated at' the: junction of Dryades and Canal,. and more looking toward the Capitol, some of them shouting and blaspheming ter- ! ribly. The whole city was in a trem ble. Such excitement as the t!irizen:, , . exhibited I never witnessed before.— The crowd just mentioned comprised men of every grade in, society, includ -ing many young in Years, wiid were brandishing revolvers in the atr, and`i were seemingly- auXions to be led •on -the- destruction of•the Cidiventioners and all of the.freedmen near and in the building,A similar crowd had also as sembled in CoMnion street, atthe other end of the block in which the Institute' is located. Many members of the, -po t lice force , were mingled with these crowds. They soon commenced firing at the j:rcednien in front of the building and drove' theta into it. ' When'the freednien, members of the. I Convention, spectators and 'others had been. driven into the building, _the po lice advanced to the entrance and forced their way up stairs to the door of the Hall of the House of Representatives, where the Convention had been assem, bled, and into which they and the.freed men had retreated. Several different I tales are told as to what followed. Cer . - I taus it is that one perfcentlin was nior-i tally wounded in -tile hall; while, as tie claims, he was attempting to arrest a member. It is claimed by a member. who was wounded by this his pistol that he tried to shoot, but piatol he-1 ing knocked up, the ball sped harmless ly into the air, whereupon he seized the weapon by the barrel and struck the member on the temple with the butt , end. It is said that all hands in the hall fell on their faces, and after the po lice had expended their shots, got upd and drove them out of the room with chairs, &c. After this, R. King Cut ler is said to have demaded that every armed man leave the room. Captain Burke, formerlytTnion Chief of Police, did so, and received a slight flesh wound in the side while -passing out. Another. version of this assault is, that the po licemeh, without demanding the stir - render of any one, poked their pistols' through the half open door and tired promiscuously at the crowd inside; this, , while a white flag was being displayed from a cane stuck hp on the speaker's platform. It is certain that so much confusion prevailed inside that each of the stories may have some foundation ; for with the hubbub occasioned by the firing and the shouting of the 100 or more men in the ball, no one could see or hear ev erything or he able to tell.ex'actly what occurred. The mob and the pollee filled theside i walk and the stairway of the building. I Shots were tired through the windows TEM A FABLE from both in and outside, and bricks, paving stones, clubs, and other missiles were thrown from both Jiirections. A gentleman named Fox came down stairs and was arrested ; but on stating that he was merely a spectator he was released and he walked across the street, -where he shielded himself on a doorstep.— From this position he Could see inside the building which he had just left, and he states that only one person -after him came out without being killed or badly wounded as they : _came clgum,stairs by the police and the mob of voters accom - .... . _ panying them. Gov. Hahn; who is lame and walks with a crutch, was-met on the stairs its he „came dawn s and escorted out to the,curbstonc by two policemen. On .reaching the Sidewalk he Was surround= ed by abent twenty persons who beat hiti±roti the 4*tek 'Of the headwith club% and..he received .a. severe stab in the back, also j apistol shot froth behind. It is probable that - this Slibrwai fired by a policeman. On reaching' 'Canal street he was plated hi a earriage,' and under the charge of the Chief of Police was taken safely to the lock-up. ~ He awes • hiS life to the Chief and ins squad; as they preventedhlin from being lynched: Fisk, Henderson, Shaw' and other mem bers wctvtreated likewise. On reach ing the foet of the stairs they were beat en by the ,police and the mob, and after being, rendered insensible were, dragged - Oil t()" . jail. Ail attempt tolynch Tisk was made on Canal street; bat-the-police in charge of him prevented it„-althongli they .nearly killed llini lawn/selves by, beat ing, lihn with the:billia of their pistols. But few freednien - weri arrested coming out of the building, as they. were nearly all shot dead at eight. The Itev..Mr. Horton, a clergyman from New Hampshire, now' in charge of a ebtirch in this city, officiated as chaplain of the - Convention. I heard his prayer at the Opening,. in , which he asked fervently that the lives of the members might be spared,and thanked God that peace had been declared in Europe, praying for the same blessing in this country. In a habit peculiarly In mini terial, one which distinctly mark ed hi as - a clergyman, he came down stair. with a white handkerchief, oh his cane, intending to surrender himself peaceably. He was met, knocked down, trampled upon, kicked,. and beaten nearly to death, ,while begging,for mer cy. the police and their rioting friends were his assailants. Dr. Dostie, intending to surrender. himself, also came doWn. He was shot, stabbed, and treated in the sate man ner as Horton, although he implored the ruffians to take him prisoner and spare his life, It is probable that both Hor ton and Dostie will die. 'These details suffice to show how the arrests were made. 11 King Cutler and Judge E. K. Howell escaped without much inju ry, and, chancing to fall into the hands of humane policemen, were conveyed to prison almost uninjured. On Common, Baroune, Dryades, tit. Charles, Ramptut and Carondolet freedmen were murdered, by the police and the mob in cold blood. standing in the door of the telegraph office on Carondolet street, I saw about 200 men chasing one uegro along the sidewalk. Six policemen were nearest to him, and in advance of his pur , .ners. They emp tied their revolvers into his back, and finally another one, when he was near enough to his victim to lay his hand on his shoulder, shot him.in the head, and he fell dead in au alley. • Another freed man trying to escape from the Institute was climbing over a fence, when I saw him fall - from a policeman's shot. As he struck the ground at least a dozen police and rioters surrounded him and tired their,pistols,into his head and his breast, at the same time pounding him with clubs'and canes. The blood flowed from wounds in his scalp, covering his entire face; but they continued their brutal assault until hebreathed his lust, although he several times raised his fee ble and wounded arms to gesticulate for the mercy his tongue coda not' ask for. I saw a white man draw a stiletto and strike it hato.the , heart,of .a dying negro on Common street, The blcod, spirted oft. iu great red jets:, staining the nnir ,derer's elothinV," = face and - hands.' He' got op and . displayed..the gory. marks, as though they were proud emblema.of a praiseworthy deett.,allheise and other inc'ideuts avirreh : set Lv,. Witke. t 9 show you how the freedmen were treated in a majority, of ease.. It is due to justice, however, to say . that comb of the police men' treated' even the freedmen With mod6ration, and - rescued them from death at the hands of the mob, Th.e police behaved, as a general rule, with extraordinary bravery and extra ordinary 'cruelty'. 'Probably 50 of them ,were wounded, several of them mortal ly. - They were nearly all doubly armed, and, used their arms with great. effect and indiscriminate execution. As have before remarked, some of theth did their in protecting t heir prisoners, ,add all the prisoners who are now alive owe their lives to this Act. ~'llhe mob would have,lynetied every , white man in the building, and brutally murdered every black wan, had it mit 'Seep for 'a few "gallant and chivalric policeinen, From what I have already said, howev er, you Must know that sortie l of . the lured were the worst rioters present, A gentleman of my acquaintance spoke to one of them in the act of killing a freedman, asking him,'" Why don't you arrest him? Don't kill him." The reply was—" Shut your mouth; you nig ger-laying —, or I'll kill you. , The force seems to be ti mixture of cowardly brutes and respectable men. The few officers that I have conversed with since the riotdo not pretend to de ny what .1 have here stated about them, and lam willing to affirm that 1 have told nothing but the truth. I saw a colored corporal of an artillery regiment, apparently, walking iu the middle of Baronne street, while on his right hand an infuriated crowd were chasing a freedman down the sidewalk, and on his. left hand another crowd were chasing one up the sidewalk. Each crowd were firing pistols, and throwing stones and clubs at their victim. The corporal walked in the middle of the street, in full uniform,' with side arms only, as steadily and soldierly as if on drill. He had been sent on an errand by one of his officers, and was return ing. It was a scene that made my heart thrill with admiration for a brave man, although he was as black as ink. I heard a Union man in the midst of a crowd of rebel rioters, who were poun ding a negro and shouting for Jeff. Da vis, swear at them and call them trait ors, and every epithet of i ,, nominy that his tongue could'cOmmatick Strangeto say, they allowed him to escape unhurt. An old gray-headed Irishman, mem ber of the Convention, named Haynes, did the same thing while passing thro' the crowd under guard, Although they had ropes ready to hang 'din. He de fied them to do their worst, and threat ened them to haunt them " wid his ghost," if they harmed is hair of his head. - When Fish, the first member that I saw arrested, was passing down Canal street, a ruffian mounted a piece of scaf folding in front of a new building and attempted to throw a rope over his head. Another one hit him in the back with a brickbat, whereupon he turned around and defied them in language remarka ble more for its 'abusiveness than polite ness. I saw negro draymen and other col .oredrrien, pursuing their regular busi-, ness avocations, pass through the - crowd Of rioters Wit:tanned. One old cdlored' man attracted nay' attention particular ly. He walked through the mob on the sidewalk with a bundle under his arm an dap 4 irott liarjithitOiand., ..,,His „chin was-Arm ty .'et itet cr big eyes Mit'Al 4 dag— gers. No one dared tQrnelest him. The Institute is now under guard of company A, Ist -gaited states colored troops, It, isa large turreted brick buil ding, located, as I telegraphed you yes terday, on Dryades street, between Ca nal and Common. Since the destruc tion of the capitol building at Baton Rouge, it has been used by : the atticials of the State Government for offices.— The main hall, in whieh the Conven tion wet, was ezipable of bolding about Ith) persons, being in the second story and embracing : the full extent of the structure, except, a large - double stair way in front. The hall was erected for the use of public meetings, and there fore is surrounded on all sides with low windows, which reach up nearly to the ceiling. At the rear end of the hall is an elevated platform, on which the desk of the speaker 14 located. ' The furni ture in the-room consisted of cane-bot tom arm chairs and a few desks for see retaries. A railing, called the " bar of the house,"- divides the room in half, partitioning off the lobby from the space in which the members had their seats. The office of the Governor and his retinue are in the first story. Yesterday morning everything about the building was scrupulously elean.— At night - it Was blood-stained and be smeared with clots of human - gore from one end of it to the other. The stair way, the lions, the offices, in fact every apartment shows conclusive evidence of the desperation of the mob and the cruel violence of their slaughter. Tan gled and bloody knots of hair and crisp wool show bow whites and blacks died together, struggling against infuriated and implacable enemies. The sidewalk in front of the Institute and on both sides of the street along the whole of the block, is also bespattered 'with blood and brains, and the fences and even tire sides of some of the dwelling houses are in the saint' condition. A refresh ing shower which fell this morning washed away some of the marks; but enough remain to shock even the casual passer-by. The chairs and*urniture in the Hall are broken in piecl , s, and the window panes are shiveret land shat tered from the perfect rain of bricks.— The building stands now, smoking-un der the rays of the hot sun which has followed the rain, a monument of dis grace to the city, the State and ,the country in which such scenes can be enacted. ! I It is asked was.the riot preconcerted.? 1? plainl I/ was ! There was no regular ly organized premeditated attack at any one point or time, but there was a gen eral understanding, among all of the young , bloods aboht town that a riot would occur, and they promised each other to be present and do their "duty" when the time came. ' , heard for days before the occurrence just such talk in the hotels and restaurants, and on the streets. I did not think the speakers were in earnest, nor do I now believe that they were; but circumstances hap pening just as they did, they started for the Institute, revolver in hand, on the impulse of the moment, and the whole aftair seems now to have been regularly prearranged. JUst before one o'clock. when the fir ing had progressed b t a%holt time, the 'fire bell rang. .A mai in tie street cried at the top or his voie , " Now the devil is to pay." Another said, '' Look out for hot work." What authority those men had for the ~t atements, I know init . , nor who tang the bell. The police were partly taken off duty the night hefore, and were . armed better than usual.— When the fire bell rang the fourth dis,-. triet 'fo-ree appeared, it;oving toward the Institute, and in a short time every a vailable policeman in. the city was ou the ground. Young men deserted their business everywhere, and hurried to the scene of action. The signal intended for 'the police was also adopted by the rioters. The atlitir commenced at 1.2:474-, and, lasting three bour,,, ended ,at :.::-1<7. - . It did not end until every negro and white man in the Institute' bad been tither killiid"Or4wountled and captured, with the exception of three or four whites. As. there were about WO men of Kith classes in the Institute, and aboutilly i t wounded outside, the total casualties will amount to 125. [Since ascertained to have been 100 killed and 300 wound ed.] The military force was encamped at Camp Jackson, five miles from the scene of the riot, and in the morning were told to be ready for any emergen cy. They did not arrive until quiet had been restored, and it was only restored when there was nothing left to kill or maim. It is certain thatsomebody was very derelict in ordering the troops into town. Gen, Sheridan was not in town, and Gen. Baird commanded. I under stand that one of his staff reported eve rything quiet when, at the time of mak ing his report, the massacre had begun and progressed for a quarter of an hour. His dereliction should be investigated. The police impressed the baggage wagons of an express firm-in this city to carry off the dead ; one load, consist ing of eight or ten bodies, had two tiv,- ing men at the bottom. They were woun ded, and perhaps would have died; but they had life enough left in them to struggle for air. An eye-witness; whose name I can furnish, says that a police man mounted the cart, and shoving his revolver down between the bodies on top, killed the poor fellows, with one shot for each. The fientlish thirst for blood which seemed to possess some of the rioters, was too brutal for even the imagination of a savage. Their eyes gleamed with it, and rolled in their sockets ; their tongues protruded from their mouths, parched and shriveled almost, and their voices grew husky from dewon hie yells I have no doubt but that some of the policemen' and rioting wilitea were 3OBBING DEPARTICENT. The Proprietors have stocked the establishment with a large assortment of modern styles JOB AND CARD TYPE AND FAST PRESSES, and are prepared to execute neatly, and promptly POSTERS, HANDBILLS, El RHCIARS, MOS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, TOWNSHIP ORDERS, , te., Deeds, Mortgagee, Leases, and a full assortment of Constables' and Justices' Blanks. constantly on hark,. People living at a distance can depend on having their work done promptly. and sent back in return men. Orms—Roy's block, Second Fldor. NO. 34. wounded by members of their own par ty, as some of them seemed possessed with a desire to shoot at human beings regardless of caste, color, or set. - No females were hurt, that I know of.— Houses were pillaged, but the outrages were mostly confined to the immediate vicinage of the Institute. One man in a livery stable deliberately took up a ri fle and killed a negro who ran through the dtlbr looking for a place of refuge. It is impossible to give you any more details than I have without going be yond the limits of nay desire to furnish only authoritative statements. I saw with my own eyes almost everything that I have described, and have respon sible witnesses for all the rest. I have not accepted any rumors ; but as I was fortunately on the spot,, I am able to give you the facts. E. P. B. During the short interval that elapsed between the declaration of the peace of America and the resumption of hostili ties, an officer of the French army found it necessary to visit England and ar range some family platters. Thinking he might turn his visit to some account, he concluded to smuggle a quantity of French gloves into England. Then, as now, these articles commanded a high price, and were much sought after on the English side of the channel. Filled with this idea, he expended twelve thou sand francs, almost his entire means, in the purchase of gloves, packed themup, and went on his way. Arriving at Dover, the custom house officers inquired if he had anything lia ble to duty. He admitted that he had a quantity of gloves, and offered to pay the tariff. As was customary, they in quired the value of his goods, and wish ing to get off as cheaply as possible, he declared them to be worth six thousand francs, and signed the proper declara tion tq that effect. , The baggage was examined, and as the officials readily perceived that there was at least twice the quantity of gloves that the declared value called for, they confiscated the entire lot, paying him the value that he had placed upon them —six thousand francs. The poor soldier was nearly overwhelmed with despair; but after the first paroxysm of mortifi cation had passed away, he commenced an examination of the English revenue law, and speedily became convinced that he had found a means, not only to avenge himself on the customhouse of ticials, but also to retrieve the loss he had suffered. Leaving his family matters to another tine, he recrossed the channel to Calais. Without losing any time he wrote to a friend at Grenoble, with whom he had 01 Liu acquaintance, and Who, it happen ed, was employed in a glove manufac tory. He wrote fully, giving all the particulars of his adventure, and asking tor assistance in the project he had form ed. The other saw te feasibility of the Li plan, and quickly ag ed to do his share in it. He picked up large quantity of gloves, worth about fifty thousand francs, and speedily joined his Mend, the officer, at Calais. Our officer had learned and acquaint ed him companion with the fact that all goods confiscated by the English cus tom house authorities throughout the country were sold periodically, and that these sales took place the same day and hour throughout the kingdm. The friends divided the gloves be tween them, and each took passage tor England, one going to Brighton and the other to Dover. There, as before, they were questioned as to whether they had anything dutiable, when they answered that they had gloves of the value of ten Thousand francs. The packages were exatnined, and it being plainly manifest that the value was understated, the gloves were confis cated as the others had been, and each traveler was paid the sum which had been declared by them as the value of the articles. The day of sale came, and the two friends, one at Dover and the other at Brighton,. intent on carrying out their plans, lost no time in attending. They walked along, inspected the various ar ticiet, offered for sale, glancedAat the gloves, when something pecullarattrac ted thcir attention, and each made a strange' discovery. The one. at Brigh ton found that all the gloves which he had Inst were left-handed, while the other at Dover found that all his were right-handed. The officials were thunderstruck ; but sn those days they had no telegraphs or --teamships, and the sale could not be I elayed. The gloves were sold for were trifle, and amid theheartfelt anath enuts of the- officials, who e - speeted_te make a handsome profit out of the sale: - The next day the friends rejoined each of her, assorted their gloves in pairs, and shortly after disposed of their property at aheavy profit. Thus they not only outwitted the oftleitihi and made a profit ,theou sale of their gloves, but secured handsome little sum at, the expense of the English Government: M. Cheyruel, the Government Super intendent of the dyeing department of the great Parisian manufactories of the celebrated (lobelin tr.pestry, has recent ly delivered a series of lectures'at Paris on complexions and colors, full valu able hints to our ladies. We quote: "The pink of the complexion is bro't out by a green setting in dress or bon net; and any lady who has a fair com plexion that admits of having its rose tints a little heightened, may make ef fective use of the green color, but it should be of delicate green, since it is of importance to preserve harmony of tone. When there is in the face a tint of or ange mixed with brown, a brick red hue will result from the use of green; if any green at all he used in such a case, it should he (lark. But for the or ange complexion of a brunette, there is no color superior to yellow. This im parts violets to a fair skin, and injures its eireet. A skin more yellow than or ange, has its yellow neutralized by the suggestion of the complement, and a dull, white ettect imparted. The or ange skin. however, has its yellow neu tralized, and the red left; so that the freshness of complexion is increased in the dark haired beauties. Blue imparts orange, which enriches white complex ions and light flesh tints; it also, of course, improves the yellow hair of the blonds. Blue, theretore, is the stand ard 'iThlor for a brunette. But the bru nette who has already too much orange in her nice must avoid setting in blue. Orange suite noValy. It whitensabru nCtte, which is scarcely a desirable ef fect, and it is decidedly ugly. Right and Left-Band Gloves. Choice of Color in Dress.