Tcrral kLeroti. WEDNESDAY AUG. 15, 1866. New Advertisements. State Normal School—Professor Allen. l'ellsbbro Academy—J. Emery. Trotee's Sale.—J. I. Mitchell. deed News to Soldiers—W. B. Smith. }{'acted—J• IL Boweii & Co. Jubilate—Gang & White. Important to Soldiers—J. I. Mitchell.' Drags and Medicines—J. L. Belden & Co Sow Drug Store—J. L. Williams & Co. Wean much obliged to Mr. CEPH.a.S filLsy, of Middlebury, for a mess of green corn. j t vas the first of the season, and reminded ns of l'iobee Land. —MILO Goon woos, of Chatham, will ilease ac cept the thanks of the Junior, also for a mess of real Corn, which, he says, reminds him of the of "conning." porAroEs.—We are indebted to Mr. Ezeth Clark, of Charleston, fora peck of new po tatoes. They are not only new, bat ripe and deli- UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL PIC-NIC.— Itt Sunday schools of this village will unite in pie-nic, Saturday afternoon, Augiast 18, 10E3Dt., in Mr. Samuel Dickinson's Grove, three fl,arthe of a mile west of the village. Sunday Rhoolg outside of the borough are cordially invi :ed to unite with the village schools on this °ace ,ion, which promises to be of nauott interest and profit to teachers and pupils. The schools will probably , aasemble•and pro ceed to the Grove between 9 and 11 o'clock. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTlNG.—Holiday men wai last Wednesday the scene of a sad need dert resulting in the death of one of its most ~fu l citizens. A young man named Peters was r inlbiting a email breech•lotiding piitol in Benj. Alexander's Blacksmith shop, when the pistol was accidentally discharged, mortally wounding Mr, Alexander. The bullet *entered the abdomen near the right hip. Dr. Bacon of this borough wee called in and made an examination, bat failed io di.,..over the ball. Peritonitis supervened, and Mr Alexander died Friday afternoon. His loss will be deeply lamented by his neighbors. We here mention that by the laws of the State I; re a penal offence to . carry concealed 'weapons spun the person. AN INTERESTING VlSlTOR.—Solne mhe doriee the night of August 5, Mr. S. R. Chamberlin, of Chatham, was aroused by the cry f a child outside the house. Arising and open mg tie front door, he found a baeket on the step, .at of which the cries seemed to issue. On ex amining the basket and contents, a nice infant toy was discovered, together with a quantity of cl,thing. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin, having no children of their own, are much obliged for the gift, as we are informed. The little fellow has !Allen into good bands. ' THE MARCH OF .141PROVEMEN.—The Cemetery Company has just completed a massive cad . heautitul main gateway to the cemetery Grounds which adds greatly to the appearance of the enclosure. The main gate is ton feet • wide, with gates far foot 'passengers on each side. The pouts are of , ChesU'at, octagonal, nine feet Ml) i above the ground, and ornamented with drooping brackets in imitation el capitals. With a fence to correspond on the street front the enclosure will appear most agreeable to the passers-by. • Ihe filessrs.. Bodine are about to erect a Steam mill on the site of the old Foundry, or ❑ear by, with Shingle mill and feed grist mill at tached. If they will add a matching umehiise to the other improvements they will find enough to do is that lice. We iveleotne these improvements. RELIGIOUS NOTICE.—Rev. J. SH.A.w, preaches the closing sermon of his second year's pastorate of the Methodist Church in this village neat Sunday. It gives us pleasure to bear testi mony to the enviable reputation he his won, both as a citizen . and as a minister, daring his resi dence in our midst. Few clorglmen of his de- Domination have gained and retained so large a measure of public esteem, or have deserved it bet tor. Ca for these circa aces we are glad that the maximum pas term term iu this conference no, been extended to three years, and that his return to abide with us is a large ma jority of our people. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.TIaiS to:',el3 is making ample preiaratioos for the Oc tober Exhibitidn. It has leased 20 acres of lard for twenty yearls‘ of Mr. F. D. BLIN?:.:ELL, and con tracted for the election of a Fair Building 32 by 66. two stories high, and the grading of a trotting Course thirty feet wide and half a mile long, the whole to be enclOsed by a close board fence five feet high. The contract price of this work is $2600, of which $l,BOO is already raised. 'This looks like lminate. The' entire work is to be Lae by October 1. WELLSBORO ACADEMY. — The Fall Term opens September 6, proximo, under the di— rection of actable corps of educators, as will be seen by reference to the advertise . ment in another place. This'oplaortunitg fur securing a thorough academic education should be improved by the loon& people of this region. Mr. Van Allen and his co-laborers have •exhibited great energy it the conduct of the school, and enter upon the weond year with enlarged experience and unaba -4.1 zeal. Tlocn CLUB.—The Secretary of the I,la Republican Club writes us that a reorgan uatma was effected on the 4th of August, ere— L 'L'S'• The officers ere: l'retoieut—C. H. Seymour; Vice Presidents— /3 W. Clark, Hugh McDonald, and A.E. Niles ; St(retaries—B. 43. Borden - and A. M. Bennett; Treasurer—h 7. O. Mattison. • The Club is ev . try Thursday evening. A BRAVE SOLDIER GONE.—Wet have received the cad particulars of the death of Mr. b. E. CARR, a discharged Soldier, while on hie waY home from Texas, where his regiment was dibbanded. Mr. Carr was a brother-in-law of ID- D. G. Edwards, of Charleston township, and a native of Bradford county. He enlisted in the 2d Wisconsin cavalry, in 1861, and served faith fully until last November, when be wenincharged. While on his way hOrati with a -,tunali; drove of - . hersea and mules, in which ho and three of comrades had investedtheir ready money, he-was flung from his horse white fording Red river, and drowned before assistance could reach him. Mr. Carr was emphatically a patriot, imbued With the genuine Cromwellian spirit. 110 way at onetime &prisoner at Andersonville, from whence he escaped only to he retaken by the aid of blood hounds. As a punishment for the escapade. he was hung up by his bands foreveral days, and only released after demanding to be shot like a soldier and_ net hung like a dog. We met him after his exchange, and recollect well the marks of the brutal treatment which he bore. He was impatient to rejoin hie regiment and wipeout old scorns against his fiendish captors. In a letter to Ida wife, dated Austin, Texas, March 8, 1868, ho speaks of having sent home by express from Brernhans,_the sura % ef $BOO. Thin package has never come to heed, but sops have been taken to trace it on-A -. io .„ doses the life struggle tiny history Of - one uf the true heroes of the-age. lie had come out of the perils of a great war, and through a captivity worse than death, to find a watery grave in the wilds of the West—thus affording another proof ttuat death is not always nearest amid the greatest perils. MANSFIELD NORMAL SCHOOL.—The next term of this excellent school opens on the sth of September, proximo, with increased facili ties fpr doing good, and with bright prospects.— As this school, of the Normal schools of . the State, had the only gradniting class of the pres ent school year, it.may receive what it is entitled to, the proud distinction of being the first school in 'Pennsylvania. It is in no sense a local insti tution. Its patrons are not limited to this Nor mal school district, even, but reside in almost every section of the Commonwealth. Last term the school was crowded to its full capacity. It gives us pleasure to state that re cent arrangements have been made whereby twenty-five more students can be accommoda ted with rooms and boarding within the Hall. 'We most cheerfully commend this institution , to all who desire to secure extraordinary facilities for gainin g an education. By reference to the advertisement elsewhere, the terms for board, tui tim3, Ac., will be found. • A GRAND CHARITY.—Some of our readers_may have seen ] mention made in these ,columns of the liberal provision for the education of soldiers' orphans, made by the Legislature at its last session. Several of these schools are now in operation, and all doing a noble work. That to which children froM this portion of the State are sent, is located at Harford, Susquehanna county. Children sent to this school are sure of kind treatment and vigilant care. Wey are per mitted to copy a portkin of a letter written to Mrs. S. E. Morris, Mansfield, (one of the Soldiers' Or phans Committee' forliofga mainty,) by - rs. S. E. Welch, of Sullivan : " Mrs. Morris—Dear Madam :—The two chil dren in whose admission to the Soldiers' Orphan school you so kindly and liberally assisted me last fall, are. now at home enjoying the vacation. T am pleased with their improvement, pleased with their report of the rummer in which they have been taught, and of their treatment gener ally ; and I now inclose the application for the little daug:ltter who has thus far been with me.— Will you please inform me immediately if it rea ches you. lam desirous that she should go with her brother and sister at the close of the vacation, if she goes at all at present." These schools are now under the patronage of the State, and a permanent part of the educational system.' The children of all soldiers who fell in the line of duty, whether in battle, or in the hos pitals, are entitled to the benefit of these schools. There they will receive a solid education at the public expense. Application for admission should be made ei ther to Thomas Allen and Mrs. John Dickinson, Wellsboro ; Mrs. S. E. Morris, Mansfield, and C. F. Swan, Tioga. TUE - EMANCIPATION PROCLAISIATION. —Such of our readers as desire to eee a faithful copy of Carpenter's great picture of the eigning of the Emancipation Proclamation, can see it at Young's Bookstore. It is one of the finest en— gravings on eteel eier published in any country. Young has the agency for 'Xioga county. Every lover of pictures, and every friend of Freedom, wh,, can afford the luxury, ought to order one of these splendid engravings at once. l THE FAICH GATE.—We are glad to .•e that the farmers are getting interested in the new farm gate being exhibited by the Lyon ißro— thers in this village. Hay ng seen the letters patent, and the deed to these gentlemen, we can sagely say that they are pre ured to give good titles to rights. There is no i humbug about the gate, or the patent. NEW Music.—We have received the following named sheet music'from 0. Hitson & Co.; Boston, Mass.: "The Virgin's Cradle Hymn," " American Soldiers' &Ileitis*" " Be Rind to Darling Sister Nell." " Scott's Funeral Marsh," and " Through thU Roses," a song by Torn Hood. These are all choice publications, and may he or dered of Young, at the, Bookstore. OUR YOUNG FOLKS, for August, came in due season, but was omitted from our usual monthly notices of magazines by inistako. can only repeat what we have so often repeated, that every family should subscribe for this best of youth's magazines. $2 per year. Ticknor 3: Field, Boston, Mass: PAPER—Three qualities of Commercial I to Paper, Letter and Foolscap, by the Ream, hal ream or quarter roam at whelesale prices to close • t the old stock,at YOUNG'S lbokstore. Aug. 1, IStiti--3w. MARRIAGES. In Union, August .5, by Rev. I. . ' eynolds Mr. FREDERICK RAIISCRER and' MARY E. MAS TERS, both of Union. WANTED—FIFTY BUSHELS OF! dried raspberries, 50 do of blackberries--; for which the highest market price in cash will be paid by ; J. R. BOWEN & CO. Wellsboro, August 15, 1866. THE A.MEIVICAN COHELNIi STOVE is manufactured with certain improvements, secured by letters patent, under dates of May 5, .1863, and December 5, 1865. One of these improvements covers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a cooking stove ' to receive the ashes as it passes down from the grate. All pereons are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or using -other stoves =WS in imitation ot the Ameri- can. as suits have been commenced fur infringement of rhe , e patents ;.and all persons manufactuting, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages fur infnugement on thaw, letters patent. SHEAR, PACKARD & CO. 11' and 19 Green street, Albany, N. Y. The AiiirsiCsil is fur sale by WILLIAM ROBERTS, Wellaboro. jl3-on-sp -rum CONFESSIONS .fr EXPERIENCE OF -AN M- I VALlD.—Publisitied for the senefit and as a caution to 2.oung men and others, who euffer from Nervous De bility, Premature Dccay of Manhood, A - c., supplying at the tame time the means of self-cure. By one who has cared himself alter undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postprud addressed envelope, single cop ies. free of charge,may he bad of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.. Brooklyn,KiugaCo N. Y. [lnn. 31. 'tl-ly.l rU CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser, having been •lestored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy;after having suffered for several years with a SeNere lung affection and that dread disease, Consump tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used, true of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the !RIM, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs and Colds, and all throat and lung affections The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spreid information which lie conceives to be invaluable, audthe hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it win Bost them nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the prescription FREE. by return mail, will please address Rev. LI). WARD A .1 ;, 141C4, ; [Jan. 31. '66-Iy] jIItRORS OF YOUTH.—A Gentleman who suffered j for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, 13 Chimbers•St., N. Y. Jan. 31,'66-I.y, -ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will cure the itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT ELIKUH, ULCERS,' CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS ON TILE SKIN. Price 50 cents.— For side by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A. POTTER, Sole Agents. ITO Washington St. Boston. it will be forwarded by mail free of postage, to any part of the United States. Jane 6,1866. sp. notice ly. ELECTION NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given. that an election for a board of Managers of the Wells. bore Cemetery Company, will be held at the ethos of the company, on Monday, the Ed day of September next, et two o'clock P. M. M. 11. COBB, Secretary. Wellshoro August 1. IECB.—It XTOTTCt is hereby given that Henry Holland% L. B. Smith and C, H. Millen, hate applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a charter of in corporation for •• The First Baptist Church of Blocs burg ;" and that the said Court has appointed Monday, the ad day of September next, fore hearing in the prem ises, at which time eald'anpliCation will be granted if no objection is made. JOHN F. DONALDSON. Welisboro, August 1, 1888.-liv Prothoniy. New Drug Store AT BiIqgSBURG, PA. J. L. WILLL&INS k 00., TAKE this method of announcing to the chi cane of Blossbarg and surrounding country that they have opened a, store at the above place for the sale of pure MaZ i eg WilEargriNagO Liquors of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Lamp, Coal Oil, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts of all kinds, Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, &c. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up at all times We ask an inspection of our goods, assuring the public that we cannot be undersold in the county. Everything usually kept in a Drug Store will al ways be found at this establishment. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Remember the place, 3 Main Street opposite .the Post Office, blossburg, Pa. . J. L. WILLIAMS & CO Bloseburg, Aug. 15, 1868.—tf. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP SUMMER GOODS At the People's Store, Oorning, N. Y. Adapted to the wants of all classes; and as we laid in for a good stock just before the late ad vance in New York, we are now enabled to sell most of our goods at about NEW YORK PRICES. We would call especial attention to our large stock of goods for LADIES' SUITS, and the finest line of FREiCHMUSLINS AND ORGANDIES ever offered in this market. We also have a nice assortment of LADIES' SACQUES, TAL3IAS AND BASQUINES, in cloth and silk, to which we invite the attention of buyers. Our stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, for men's and boy's wear, kept very full, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on abort notice and in the latest style Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, 1 of every variety. GINGHAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, SUN UMBRELLAS, JEANS, COTTONADES, SEIEET- INGS, SHIRTINGS Our facilities for BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that We do' not intend to be UNDERSOLD by any We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga CO., who have patronized ue and would respect. fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors west pf the corner, and two doors east of Hungerford's Bank. SMITH & WAITE Corning, N. Y., June 27, 1866. •9981 'OZ eurifoaowilleAk 31 , 1611111111 'V 'V `cuarnaa •0 SKOO •Sycuioie pus °loggia& jo aidood agi Salmi° els Sag", SKIVDITYff GOOD alp eistetunae ol qgnoue 21q eq /,upleota aory/toy exiling my Inq ‘eveax-4apaq *ma acarqop a ini Luop Seta •penpieaoo Silinnb 'claw -sop im Sect) lnq ‘spoo2 Sean 9A13 mop Logy ,L - S gEf alsIV `lsaixtonpa `lsaavaHo 'saonia 'lsa - i,vri `sarixis J.Sal;rl 'Hums aisiossAa_N aurnna IV SI Il9llll£l arla - VHONOR (INV llizaroNv SIHI, NI SOOOO NI3 N t 11) 'IVAIIIIIV Marl Eta SCEOOO A& ClislV MITA .AiraN A YEAR made by anyne with $l5 $2,000 Stencel Tools. Noe: experience neces . sary. -The Presidents, Cashiers, and Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples.— Address the American Stencil Tool Works, Springield, Vermont. OTICE is hereby given that divers citizens of N Charleston have petitlobed the Honorable court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a charter of incor poration under the name and style of the -z Welsh Con gregational Church and Society of Charleston," and that the said court have appointed Monday, the 27th day of August, inst., for hearing and granting said pe tition, at which time aU persons interested can,attend Wellsboro, Aug. 8,1E366. .1. F. DONA.LDSOIC. Prothey. OTRANGE, BUT TRUE . —Every young lady and gen -11,0 tieman in the United States can hear something to their advantage by return /nail (free of charge) by ad dressing the undersigned Those having fears of being humbugged win please oblige by not noticingthis card All others will please address their obedient servant, TllOB F CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York Tan 31,'88-1y T. L. BALDWIN & TIOGA, PENN'A Respectfully iofozm their customers and Mends, that having ntiiely sold out their old stock of DRY 4OODS At Auction. They have replaced them With a new and well selected lot of DRESS GOODS, DeLA I NES, CHALLIES, PRINTS, . I i BLEACHED AND `BROWN MIISLINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, READY - MADE °DOMING, LINEN COATS, HATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AND PLAIN, CARPET WARP, BOOTS & SHOES WALT, AND WINDOW PAPER, " lIARIIWARR & TINWARE. Our stock of GROCERIES' AND PROVISIONS ie largo and complete; and we would moot re epectfully cull your attention to QUALITY AND PRICE FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep on Laud at all times and will be sold a price, to defy competition. YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, GRAIN, &c., Is as good as the CASH to us at their market value. T. L. BALDWIN CO TIOGA, May 16, 1866—1 y New Firm and New Goods. J. H. BOWTEN & CO., (late J. R. Dowen,) The undersigned, having forrneda copartnership in the mercantile business, Are now receiving Lora New York a fine stock of DRY GOODS AND. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &C., &C We ask particular attention to our stock of LADIES' GAITERS, as we shall sell them very much cheaper than last COMM WE SHALL SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS THE MARKET WILL' AFFORD FOR READY PAY. No. 1 Union Block, Wellabor°, Pa. July 4, 1448. J. R. BOWEN .4 CO. .1. R. 11:14%