The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 01, 1866, Image 4
List of Premiums of Tioga County Ag- cultural Pair Class I—Horata Best draft-oilarm stallion over four years old, Best road stallion same age, . 3 2 Dip. Beet stallion three Years old, --- --I L: 2 Dip. Beet pairmatchedhorses, --• -. 3 2 Dip. Beat pair draft horses, 3 2 Dip. Beet pair matched mares, 3 2 Dip. Best pair matched mares 3 years. old,. 3 2 Dip, Best 'pair matched geldings 3 " - •3. Beat single horse, Best single mare, - -2 - Dip. Best mare 'and colt, ' 3 3 Dip. Best pair two year old colts, • 2 1 Best three year old horse colt. 2 1 Dip. Best two year old horse colt, , 2 1 Dip. Best one year old horse colt, - 2 1p • Best three year old mare colt, 2 1' ! •. Best two year old-mare colt, • - - 2 Best one year old mare colt, 2 1 Dip. Beat sucking colt, pi' 1 Dip. Beet pair mules, 2 1 Dip. Cattle—Durham & Devon—Foil Blood & Native. Beat three year old bull, Durham, 3 2 dip Beat Durham oow over three years- old, - 3 2 dip Best Devon bull over two years old, 3 2' dip Beat Devon cow over two years old, 3 2 dip Beet Durham ball one year old, 2 sl4+ Beet native yoke two year old steers, 2 1 dip Best yoke native cattle 5 years and over, 3 .2 dip Best yoke nat'e 4 year old traWd deem - 3 ,2 dip Best yoke native 3 year old steers, 2 1 inp Best yoke native yearling steers, 1 dip Best native calf, dip Beat native cow, 2 1 dip , Best native fat oxen, Best native fat steers, Best native single steer, Beet yard of cattle not leas than 6 head, 4 . Sheep. . _ Best Merino back, .. Best Merino Bare, Best Saxon back, Best Saxon ewe, Best three back lambs Best long wool =Um: sheep, Swine. Best boas.ilog, , Best sow, Best sow with five pigs, Poutiry Beet cock and hen, Best variety of fowls, Best pair turkeys, Best pair ducks, Best pen of hens. , Agriceataral Implements Beet plow and improvements, Best subsoil plow, Best sidehill plow ,' Best cultivator, Best lumber wagon, Best top buggy, Best open buggy, Beat two horse family oarriage, Best seed drill foiteld, • Best reaper and mower, Best portable horse power, Best thresher and cleaner, ' Best double draft harness, Best double fancy harness, Best cheese press, Best or cart, Best dozen corn brooms, Best straw cutter, Best roller, • Beet fanning mill, Best dozen milk pans, Beet grain cradle, Best twelve rakes; Best horse revolving rake, Best horse hay fork, Booty and Fruits Best peck sweet potatoes, 1 dip Best half bushel potatoes, I.dip Best dozen onions, 1 dip Best six headji.cabbage, 1 dip Beet six blood beets, .. 1 dip Best bunch celery, 1 dip Best pair egg plants, 1 dip Best peck tomatoes, 1 dip Beet three heads cauliflowers, _ dip Best three heads broccoli, dip , Best dozen parsnips, dip , , Best dozen carrots, dip Best general display of vegetables. 2 1 dip Best three bunches of black grapes, 1 dip Beet three bunches white grapes, I dip Best three bunches Isabel grapes, 1 dip Best three benches Catawba grapes, 1 dip Best variety of grapes, 1 dip ' Best dozen autumn apples, f / dip Best variety, (three of each kind,) 2 dip ' Beet dozen autumn pears, I. dip r Beat variety pears, (threeofeach kind,) 2 dip. Best variety peaches, (three each kind,) I dip Best dozen plums. -' 1 dip Best dozen quinces, 1 dip Best two water melons, - 1 diii Best two quarts cranberries, cultivated, I dip Best dozen apricots, _ 1 -dip Best winter squash, "- 1 dip Best pumpkin, l i dip Best general display of fruits, 2 dip All the above fruits to be products of Thy, county. . "J rt Y,"' 1.1, 'v f . Houlehold nomadic., Beet two yards flannel, 2 dip Best ten yards flannel. 1 dip Best ten yards fall cloth, 2 dip Best ten yards rag carpet,' 2 dip Best ten yards tow cloth, 2 dip Best home made bread, I dip Best specimen of bread, 1 dip.. Best sasspleEareelt. of apple bittat,SdiPt _ Best ten lbs. or over of maple sal*, ? dip Best sample maple molasses, I dip Best home-made soap, 1 dip Butter, Meese and Honey. Best firkin of butter, Beet ten lbs. roll butter, Best sample honey, Best 100 lbs. wheat flour, Beet 100 lbs. rye flour, Best 100 lbs. buckwheat -flour, nerd Hall Best pair parlor boqnnets, Best pair hand bouquets, Best basket Bowen, Best dozen dahlias, Best six dahlias, part colored, LU7I2 berm cies bepartment Ben sample 100 feet panel lumber, Best bunch sawed shingles ' Best bunch shaved shingles, , Mechanical Department.' Beat plan farm buildings, description and all, 5 3 dip Best specimen cabinet making, 3 • 2 dip Best specimen shoemaking, 2 I dip Best specimen tailoring, 2 , 1 dip Best speainhen blacksmithing, ' 2 1 dip Beat set horse shoes, 2 Best cooking nese and t rimmings , • 2; ; _ 1 'dip Best side sole leather, 1 Beat side harness leather, 1 Best aide upper leather, 1 Best calfskin, 1 , Beat article of tinware, - 2 1'44 Best corn sheik?,., 2 1 dip Best workmanship in plowing half twin, 5 3= -2 • Fame. Best cultivated'uplaad fano, Best cultivated river bottom farm, PETER GREEN, 1 ' J. L. KINGSBURY, Committee. WM. CAMPBELL, Notice moat be given to one of the members of this committee or the Secretary of the society, of intent to compete for premiums, before the bit of August. The farm drawing the first premium shall come in oompetition only once in three years. ; Field Crops, Grain, ea Best acre of wheat, Best acre of corn, Beet acre of oats, Best acre of barley, Beet quarter acre of broom corn, Bast half acre of peas, Best half acre of potatoes, - - Best quarter acre of rutabagas, 2 1 „... Best quarter acre of carrots, 2 1 Best quarter acre- of Unzips, Beet quarter acre of beets, Best quarter acre of beans, Best quarter acre of flax, Best acre of buckwheat, Best acre of rye, Best acre of clover hay, i Best acre of bard's gram, 2 , 3011 N PIERSON, : I" PALMER SRUMWAY, 1 Committee. SIMEON . BACON, All of the committees, including the ladle.' and gentlemen's discretionary eomudtteee, w ill./ss announced nextlyeek. :•- ' ' ', • : W . When was Ruth very rude to Boaz? When she pufle(L his ears and trod-on his corn. CONCERT BLOCK, ...fiitiff ie4iii till T l'i PromiUma lit $3 $2 Dip CORNING, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y RE GMETtIYit S - 4f Wit E. .A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and the community generally: Not being a friend to_long and windy adurtisements and large ex penditure+ to the Printers I herewith submit a Condensed statement of faOte at a Ismaili cost, with. the t iqtarg eltag thaeuredtts ca pitet be in teidriffltibli price V F*o my on mere. 3 2Op a I dip 1 dip 3 2 dip 2 1 dip 2 1 dip 1 dip 2 1 dip 1 dip 2 1 }lip. 2 1 hip 3 1 hip I= My stock islaltsis4 opmpleptimply all the wants of my old customers end many new ones, both in the' Retail and Job Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Raving 't 1 dip 2 1 dip 1 dip 1 dip 1 dip %LL 3 2 dip 2 1 dip 2 I dip 2 1 dip 3 2 dip 8 2 dip 2 1 dip 3 1 dip 2 1 dip S 2 dip 3 2 dip 3 2 dip • _ t it Bs. per yard. Naragansett Jeans imitable for winter wear at 4e. Good yard wide Brown Shoot ings at 2e. Prints 18 to 25 cents per yard. 2 1 dip 2 1 dip 1 dlp 2 4ip 2 *1 1 dip 1 dip 2 I dip I dip 1 .dip, dip' I dip I dip from 2s 6d to 49 per yard, quality equal to those prices six years ago. Dress Goods at lower pee as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods nt less prices than can be bought in the State.— Among them may be found ALL :WOOL .ME.RINOES at be to 128 per yikrd. Empress Clothe plain and figural. 'Aferinocs,_Bombazine& Alpacca4 &tot& Plaids, biouairee; and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class country store. Ladies' Cloth for Cloakings at va rious prices, including Wash ington Mills. Esquimanx and Castor Brown, and many other too numerous to mention ; a heavy Black Bearer at $3,00, ((cents fine easterners equally cheap.) • tj 111,y Boots" Shoes, and Carpet Stock, ‘-_,l down states Was seta more lava oompleie, or et greater inducements to the purchaser. Bargains mai be found at the MI 2 1 li dip li dip 1 dip 1 d r , 1' t dip dip In Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens; 2 'I 1 .1. dip 1 4 , dip 'v .1 '1141114,01n o.' -*,ll BED, 4- HORSE BLANKETS. 'td cIRA cM11).A)1Ys01 8 6 4 8 6 4 are not to be mininderstood, when the steady ;gut unexampled increase of business is taken into the account. say srif,hout-the fear of con tradiction, that fifth purchases I am making from month to month for cub, I can sell to the country trade as low as they oan buy in ohs city, including freight, which gives me an opportunity to over 4 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 SUPERIOR ..rDVAIV TAGES 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 , to the Ittitgttridst; vriaohl Sul doing and bound to do u a testimonial of my gratitude for their many favors and very liberal patronage. Will girl nut onetemma- the baseitt-; of any change in the market as I am posted in auction and- other eales_from day to day hy telegraph and othitrefeiC 1 3 e°rain& • 00) ^' • ,•_l.k•=-',',36-.,,,,'-r:,t-,ueiktie,;:;\ NO. 1 8c 2,, 1 - ii 1. _,:t ~::. -'l~~•.. :21 111111111111111•11 C01Q.4 1 RESf .fit KgV Water Proof Union Beaver, t , REGULATOR The advantage to my 1 ,: Card, Staples & Son, ArRE PREPARED, TO SELL AS CHEAP 41/111121 AfOilerß ip the county, as 6ortigent by -= • „ 3 .2 PRY GOODS,_ R.OOER I ES, krx&Dy,hteDg CLOTHING, HAr3, it APS ,' OOTSrAtis ES, FUR. NISHING GOODS, KAATTLIERN, .STONE, AND/ GLASS. WARE, in short, everything usnally'kept In a country store, all of which will be sold as luw as else where, for „ . , READY PAY • ONLY, !, - NW"trkii -- tabre - u) - mnow CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES., . 10 TAPLES d : CO., - grateful to old patrons for past favors, hope for- a cgopuonce of the same. Ilaringicreteed i a Copiritierallip with G. P. CAW?, ,they feeLconfident 4het 'btu „Far,drr baiter ilian everbefiire, as the new firm will *A a larger assortment. r• COM P ET I T CARD, STAPLES"d, 10N. ," Kemleyviile,'Feb. 21, 1866.—iy. 186.6. •..1866. • - BY- B. O. WICKHAM, i f itill t jAioA r ttriAPo AT TY A R ,,Mt-NAMENTAL TRRES , IN TIOBA _* • -4; ,r; t. .;•4 Ori• „ 60004 Apple Trees. 10;000' Pear Trees. .A good supply of PLUM, PEACH;.CILERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES sg.Rus,B4E,Y. , The Fruit trees ere composed of the• choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of theta large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply ,wiltdolvell to call and see my stock before pus chatting elsewhere. ; 02- Delivered at the, depot free of charge. Tinge, -Feb..2B, 18 . - • • I . TIOGI lIIBBLE WORDS. OALICINS & CORTICLIN, Proprietors. R. CONKLIN havcog had large periegae in in he country in li tre le ar o tie th tio t? p b a " rt t '.:ptri b e i Lkitie BbQP ee l the propriaters ere now prepared to =setae orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MONU MENTS of either RIITLA.ND OR ITALIAN MARBLE," iri the m r ost workmanlike manner, and with dis patch,. .They will keep:the best quality of Mar ble; pf both kinds named, constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt drama and mottle to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our au thorised Agent, and all contracts made with bim will be valid. Custorhers can contract for work wth him at shop prices. Tioga Jan. 1, 18603-Iy. N.EW MEAT . MARKET WM. TOWNSEND) AGENT. aIIA ;WWI Dealer h. FLOUR, PORK HANS, AND GRO CERIES, ALSO, MESH BM, 14.11170 N, ZUTT44 Shop one Dooi South of Smith's Law 001ce.. 1 Wellsbore, Jan. 1, 1866-tt '' , • • '& Tin -littari Mthars. ROBERTS,, KELSEY' OPPOSITE ROT'S BIIII:DTNG, Are now prepared to furnish the public. will; anything in their line of business. *,gstantrty'res large; in gisailtotns good; -and lit °bean 4n price as any dealgrain-northern Pennsylvania. They pay particular attention to the STOVE AND TIN WARE,' BUSINESS, and intaai,eti,jaap anortinent of erpritt4kg tho.llna. _ _ TIN WARE. MADE TO ORDER, promptly r anct warranted to giro satisfaction. - t t executed in the best manner and with dispatch 4119 T/. *AO) .W44ici, Wellsborough, March 7, me A7ItOt*'CEIIiENTZ AXTE have reduced the price of Flour $1 per y SGrplteell awl tpeal;so cents per etft auk sunmii; FOR CASE ONLY, V Pr J•lag. , EAEL,ErS ;HEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING, WEEEAT, FLOUR, BUCK ' WHEAVIMOUR; GROUND FEED, 'CORN MEAL, BRAN, &C., &c. 1 - i - ; CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OE GRAIN. PtRTGET BATLEY WeUnborn, Jan. 24, 1866. Hand l'oiFer Loom!-Pate nted 1865 ALL persons interested in the prtsluctlon of pnicti cal machinery into our country, are requested to tavoidgate,the_amarite of 11:11NDROSON'S.HAND.-POWER LOOM. This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, karat'', Bann* seitMlefi iack,7dopble width? blankets. or any kbitel iorcottetn, wool, cloth). It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten C. 0111,111 fersrard,tind beets up. he filling after the cross is made, making better cloth and better selvage than can be made in any other way. It is the only hand Zoom that is suitable for weaving wool, as no loom that makes all the abed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strings to stretch and get out of order ; hw treadloi at both sides of tba loom, making :the abed tompletel at both sides. This loom is made to weave the different kinds-of cloth, b 9 simply changing the pine that make the • up- Township rights for sale. Call at hlainsinitg, Tioga county, Pti., and reo a frill sized loom in operation. Or dire for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE, Mainsborg, May 2, 'B6.—ly A. F. PACKARD. rotrnr STRINGS pt WEBB'S DRUG STORE. 111=12111 (late Cole and.Ca/klns) T o, P.A.. TOR TSB MILLION. IMIE CALL AND SEE US. .1 Stoves: Stoves , ::: . AND 11ADLDNY,AILE: • .1.,/f.;,1 llaß. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to mm 012133 to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent *took of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Britt' itatiaLsad Shanit4T9ch _Ware, be has, at a great outlay; stocked bis store on MAW STREET, WELLSBORO, with a completirailadapitet oil OA Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HA-191, 1 44% Igrait SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, ' CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, • HAWKIIk ;; .; BITTS, BII7.B7 : 9 PPOW9Wi I t SEIOVELS, SPADkS, Fake, BENCH-SOREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BGLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS., PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, DAB, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS,iEbRN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL -CARTRIDGES, • POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BJMWik9EIRANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We Invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to tulip tb4 best- quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order demo promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Jun. 1 188.5—tf. FIRE j FIRE 1 g.I4E 11 ; The undersigned bogs leave to announce to the people of Tioga County that he has estab lished an agency in Welisboro, for the well known HOME,INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York That he is prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty upon as reasonablo l tawas can be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a Gash Capital of :$2,000,000, besides the Assets which ou the Ist of January, 1865, amounted to $3,765,508 42 Liabilities 77,901 52 Its Officers are CHAS. I. ALA1LT_1N.i........d...,..j . .-President, A. F. WIT:WORTH . Vice President, TORN hicHSE Secretary, J. H. WASHBORN Assistant Secey. This Company has taken out A STATF, LIOENSE, and monthly pays the per centage charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued- by Companies Which have not taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal ty for so insuring. See Purdon's Digest, page 853, Bee. 21, 22, 23, Wellsboro, Aug. 23,'85. W. H. SMITH. MIE ri &N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY. V . - Anddlebnry, Tioga Co., Situated on the Plapk Boad,4,miles froth Tioga. We are prepared to findsti'lflt3:ooo Breit Trees at the following prices f Appletrees—large sire, 25 ovate at the Nursery; 30 cents delivered. Common sire, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 50 ate. Susumu APPLICIL-134rnham Harvest, Barly Harvest, Chenango' lilttisiderrY, Washington Strawberry, Bed Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. Few, APPLES.--FaMOll.9O, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Largo Wine, Ladies' Sweating,- Liman'a Pumpkin Sweet. WINTER APPLES.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol. den Russet, Roxbury Ruaset,Rhode Island Green ing, Esopus Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillflower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Spur, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. PEARS.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seckel, Beurre D' Amelia, Golden Benrre,Plemisb Beauty, Gloat Morcean, Lawrence. Also--Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots -several varietlea. , C. & N.IIAMMOND. Middlabury,"tfoga Co., Pa., Skin. 1,1866—1 y KINO'S PORTABLE LEMONADE is the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and deliciousness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recom mmendod., by physicians for Invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form renders it especially conven ient for travelers. All who use lemons are re quested to give it a trial. Entertainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For sale by, all Druggists and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by 4.4l:ffS' F. M.ETZGEE, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. No, 549 Pearl fit., N.Y.' NrertoL§.2 PERUVIAN BANK A PROT OXIDE OF LRON, for, sale by [jan.3l, 'B6.] BORDEN BRO'S., K EROSINE LAMPS at ROY'S DRUG STORE. TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and t/ with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Mee. AKE& CREVALIEN'S HAIR TONIC AND 1111, AMMER,' at WEBB'S DRUG STORE. ONION BUTTS for sale at •• BOY'S DRUG STORM. Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their use does not ',create a necessity for the habitual use' of Cathartics. -They cause ne - noes of the stomach, do griping of the bowels, and aro perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flat°leuce, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomach;.Costlytiness; Belching of wind, Liver Complaints,-Headache , and in fact all those disa greeable an dangerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one tbr the pleasures and duties of life. They are ad agreeable dad" wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power they ore sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured by the use of powerful and purgatives, will And them a mild, safe and sure restorot of the di gstke organs te.their originaletrength and vigor. Prepared 6101 y: Iy - the proprietor, tor " . S. N. 110011.WFLL, S. B. Cor. 21st and Market Sts., Philad'a, Pa. See that uy ¢ignatare• ie on the face of the box before Imrtibaeing: Bewai of.spirlons W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor king, N. Y. Sold by 1 4Zugg44: Corning, Sept. 20,1885-Iy. IMFIRTANTTo FEMALE" 1%,..e.1.4f, , • :1- - , ,4P2.- \'llki) ' 1 (‘)- ~..:',!, ‘ O6 / : ';-•-• _„ \' 4 ~, 4 40 ~ 4 - '' t... : S P' \s /. ' t ..: i . -: ~ .- ' .. 6 •-.' dif a te 4 ~,(f, pROGL A auszox/—DE. CHKESEMA.N'S PILLS ._Tht combination of ingredients in these Pills is theereseke a Ipreg and exteintive praotice. They are Mild bi Gioia' operation, and cannot do- harm to the Prost delicate; ceretain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all obstructions, Whether from cold or otherwlse,headaehe, pain in the e, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous &free ematst b7Whatiesitlktigue, Olin in the back and limbs, fie" tilled sleep, !which - arise front interruptions of plaure. 1 Dr. obeegenianf i r Pins was the cOmmence ment of a new era In the treatment of irregularities land obstructions _which, have consigned 40 many to a premature gram. No- female can enjoy good health !unless sbe is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes piece the general -health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with immediate andperaimont success. DON'T BE DECESPED. Take thU advertieenient to your Drnggist, and tell him that you want the Best and most Reliable - Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised in these Pil Dr. i, , , ch ee ' somaxt ri'pjus have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty years, and are the most effectual one everever knotan for all complaints peculiar to Fe males. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regulacity. They are 'mown to Xitutmands, who liavensed, them at different periods, tr, ligtellut the country, having the sanction of some a the most eminent Physiciansin America. ' Explicit directions, stating when they should not not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per BoX,wr Poxes for 15, containing from 60 to 60 Pillv. Pills sent by mail, promptly secure from observation, by remitting to the proprietors. bold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by adresening , SOFIVHINGS a DILLYER, Proprietors, I 28 Street, New York. Sold in Wellaboro by John Dey A. Roy; in Tinge by Brirdenßro's; in Lawrenceville by W. G. Millerilocteb , E 11)14 EAR YE I HEAR YE I—The Polls of -L.ll 'tills Election are; yew open. C. L. WILCOX, ,Of.Nrellaboro, offers for sale his entire STOOS OF 000138 r Ai dOST. _ 4611,4101 in who feel itnzions'iO make a " ~,40 0D pARprAIN, ririted to ealLsodn; for DAATS ABE DAN . 9,,VOUS. ' Call at the REGULATOR," one Door above the Ppet Ogee. •L. WILCOX: Wellihoro, lei. 1.28, ises: " lk/rOHAWK CHOP I—Again on the course. ALL -nll ~b e Anita ike .proientiseasans at the following places Mondays—at Wellikoro until 1 P. M.; at H. H. Potter's at 3P. M. • at Rospeyville from 4 to P. M.; and at Shortmile frdlos 7 P. M., to 7 A. M.. Tuesday, ' - Tuesdays—at Babinsville from noon to 5 P. M.; at Westfield from? P. M., to 9 A. M., Wednesday. Wednesdays—at Knoxville from noon till 3 P. 24.1 Aca49/ 1 3r COrners from P•14. , 4 11 t 2 4. y Thursday. • , Thursdayat Farmington from 10 A. M. to 1 31;,Metritt's from 3 to b P. M. Fridays and Saturdays—at the stable of the proprietor in Tioga. For terms, see large.hills. Tiogi; May It, ; A. SNEAD,. Pro'r. t 11.A1613LET014IA1I, Jr.—Sire, Hambletonian; grandaire, Abdallala ; g-grandaire, old Mambrino; g-g-grandaire, imported Messenger. Seven years old, 16 hands high, dark roan, can trot, a. mile in less than three, minutes. He can show more good stock than any ether stallion in Tioga county., • , , Will stand the ensuing season at the stable of the proprietor, in Knoxville, until August 1, '66. For taint, See large posters. • Knoxville, May 16, 1866. 0. H. WOOD. ItE MASON • & HAIILIN'S CABINET OAQAITS?.. forty Afferentoityles, acittpAed to sacred and el:wales LIIELACI, for 580 to 5600 each. Thirty-Five Got& or Bilaai Ifeclale, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues tent free. , Addreeit, MASON HAMLIN, Bos ton or MASON BROTHERS, New York. " [Sept. 13, 1865-Iy.] T UMBER FOR SALE.—The subscriber has La large qUantity ut ''...9/DING, PLANK and BOARDS, at hie mlil in. Catlin Hollow, which will be sold to customers at market, prices. CYRUS CATLER. Charleston, March 21, 1866.-,tt §,A.Id RE US uttellY cared by. uslqg the Rotuma. Er OINTILVIT. This valuabloruntedyßto truly, called t d 1510018ra' Favor - 16, as It' cures all the sores on all the little atits. It maybe used on the youngest chit drett,with perfect safety. It is useilil for all eruptions and skin dleassis. Sold at Boy's drug store.,Prica,26e. MILOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, . buckwheat flour, corn meatand feed, always on hand. Call at tho Charleston MULbeforo buy ing your flour and feed. I can - make it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 18, 1886—tf LZOYIIIIE - TO YOUNG MEN.— ,Oat 'Test published, in a sealed envelope. Price six cents. • A lecture' on the na , tare, treatment and radical mars of Bpermatorrtmee or seminal weakness, involuntary emis sions, eex - aal debility and impediments to marriage gen erally. Nervoneness, consumption, epilepsy and ilto . mental and VhYgital Incapacity, resetting from self abuse, ftc.,-by Robert 1. Oniverwell, IL D., author of the "green-book," 'The world renowned, author, in this admirable lee bare,clearly prdystangn own;experlence that the awful consequences - 6f self-abuse may te effectually re moved without raedicine, and without dangerous •- operations, bougles, instruments, rings, or cordials,. pointing out a usplie of cure at'unce certain and effeCtn al, by whieliaAWsufferer,_no matter. what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. his lecture will prose a boon to thousands and tAxauxixids. :Seat Mader seal; to any address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stempa, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., 127 Bowery, N.Y., office boz 4,588. EBVIT JARS-r 3 SW'S, BEST and 1q 944. patfizt, for canning ar . td'prti7eivi n g—_ no' wax or rosin nviir4—at A. A. WThLIAMS'g. June 27, '66. - 1 7 10 REMINGTON a SONS, Manufacturer& *.EI• of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Oar. . 1 1- m l • - , .• bines, for the United States ner • • vice. Also, pocket and belt Revolvers ▪ Repeating Rale Canes, ReVolV ing Rifles, Ride and Shot Gun Barrels, And Gun Materials, sold by gun dealers and the trade generally- In these Jar of housebreaking and robbery, es eq,/ house, store, bunk aad office, ohotald hare one of REMINOTONS' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in pistoli, and theist, of superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the nejo Raulgoros . AnvohvEns. Circulars con taining cuts and doicription of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON do SONS, Ilion, N. Y, bloom& nosing, Agents, No. 46, Courtland street, New York. ap 4 66 FOUTZS CELEDASTP.D llorso nil Dello Powdors. Y.ELLOwY It TVE,NEAVE CO lIG IL $, TEMPER,. F VEl3.3,l*OtEk./D7 LOSS OS API TITE AND VIT. Acc. use improves A ind, increase: the appetite—gl. a smooth s glossy skin—m transforms t miserable sicelm born In alt diseases of the Lungs, Liver, ke , this article acts as a specific By putting from one-half a pap_, to a papz.r in a barrel of swill Ella above (lige.' Fill ba era.ll",ac-,1 or entirely prevented If pi-.-nn to tirn , ., a cerium preventive and ca, fir u.e M' C 1 , 1,,, Price 25 Ceat3 pa 7 $L S. 17001[J'177. c 13110., ATri,..OOE WHOLES IF. MUT: A\' DEPOT. No. 118 'Era - a - lin fi` , La For ;34).. 11. i•-•. - i I', ; . I out the For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro. ••tATINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL • ion atNo. 2, Union Block. - J. E It-0 ME SMITH Has lately returned from New York with *splen did assortment of , DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI- MERES, FpTAL CLOTHS. Attention is oalleirto his stock of Black and Figured 'Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinoes,Elnek and Figured • DeLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, be., ho., he., Purchasers will find that No. Si Union Block. Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITE. Wellsboro, Jan. I, 1858. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. rpHE UNDERSIGED having purchased 'J. the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. $.:B. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east or takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on Shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES. DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to, work the entire season. He will pay particular atten tion of Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner, having added one new HO Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from.a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICS. - The undersigned weal - iespeotfally invite the at tention of the public to his „W.9.F . ..4 z 1VD , 911 - 01C,'E STO CK OROCERIF A S & PROVISIONS, ooneifting of SUGARS, itoiisig;SYßUPS, ' TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, PORK, FLOUR, •FISH, TOBACCO, SEEIABS, STONE & WOOD- EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., All of which will be sold at greatly reduced pri ces for CASH. Call and see for yotrrselvet. . ,Wellaboro,.Dee. 13, 1865. J. D. JONES. HA LL's ORLRBRATRD TIMETABLE BBOTLIAN LIAIR RENEWER, can be had at ROY's Drng Store. TIOLLAE k SON, Meerschaum manufactu rers, 692 Broadway, near Fourth street, N. Y. Wholesale and retail at reduced rates. Pipes and Holders cut to order and repaired. AI goods warranted genuine. Send stamp for cirdniar.— pipes $6 to $BO each. apll '66 NrOTICJI—AII persons indebted to us by note or Book Account will please esti and settle, as we are about oloaing up for a STRICTLY cash bueineee ' WIttGRT BAILEY. WeLibor°, Jan, 31,1866: ' ELMEOL D' EXTRACT B (.1C THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR BIAIIKTES. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF Titp, KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE Vor th4so 44tiststss It is truly a sovereign re m . edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise.— A: single dose has been known to relieve t h e meet urgent eymptoms. This preparation, long and favorably known, , Fill thor oughly reinvfgarats broken-down and tow•sptritcd horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines Arlo you troubled with that distressing pain it, the mall of the bank and through the hip , A spoonful 'a day of Malaibold's Bucha Trill retie eryou. - - ' ' • PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS It is a In= pre rentire of all dia. Ral•Ca incident to I make no secret of ingesdients. Belmbaft Extract Brustin is composed of Bucbu, Cabo ' , and Juniper Berries, selected with great earn, prepared in vacuo and recording to rules of Theis ingredients arelcnowicaa the moat val wittier Mantras *forded. iration b invaluable. in proves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and __cream twenty per - cent. and make the butter firm 110 sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them nn appetite, 1009E1,4 their hide, and makes them thrive Is that which sots upon the kidneys RELEBOLDS EXTRACT BROM Is pleasant in Win and odor, free from all injur ions rproperties, and immediate, in its action. FOR TAB SATISFACTION OF ALL, Soo Medical Proportion contained in Dispenm tory of the U. S., of which the following in a oGr. root copy: " Bootru.—lts odor is stroug o diffusive, iai somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and a alogona to that of mint - It is given abut. In complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gear. el, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Dieeaaer ); the Prostrate; and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parte coo eernpd in its evacuation. It has also been re ecurunemied In Dyspepsia, Chronic Rhessia. tiara, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." Sise Professor Decrees' valuable works on the Prim lice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phy3 io, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. MANUFACTURING CHUM fam acquainted with H.T. Helmbold; beoaa• pied the,drug store opposite my residence, and was successtul in condultin the business where otper3 had, not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character aid enterprise: (Evan the Phi Zacia Evening Bulletin, 31arrh We are gratified to bear of the motioned teas, in New York, of our townsman, Mr N. T. liehnbt4d, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 fee: deep, and five stories in height. It is cortain.y a grand establishment, and speaks favorable the merit of his articles. Ile retains his Of3et and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their claw The proprietor has beet induced to agile this statement from the fact that his tenches. although advertised, are And, knowing that the intelligent refrain froa using agly thing..pert i aining . to Quackery, or tti Patent Medicine order—moat of which are pre pared by self styled Doctors, who are tooignormt to read a physician's simplest prescription, mai less competent tcr prepare pharmaceutical yap'. ations. THESE PARTILF.S RESORT to various means of erecting sales, such u cop)• ing parts of advertisements of popular razed* and finishing with 'certificates. The Science or Medicine stands diMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC,--having) Fact for io Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Troth BIM tar ita Capitol. . Health is most important; and the atfitted should riot use to advertised medicine, or say remedy, unless its contents or ingredients 10 known to others besides the manufacturer, Cr 'until they artiSatisfied of besides. qualifications of tea party so offering. GENUINE PREPARATIONS 1 FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Prepared by H. T. HELMS OLD. Principal Depots. RELMEOLD'S BRIM) AND CHEMICA L WAREHOUSE; 594 Broadway,.4\rew And' HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT. 104 south rata Street, Philadelphia, P 3• SOLD BY ALL DRIIGGISO October 11, 1865-13, ij e tzT! 1 1 $1500 ' where i t ll o A s l o t ll on W r e t;a n r:;n l2o Mg Machines. Three new kinds, rrper And tia,r to &ed. Warranted five years. Above salary or missions paid. The only machines sold in the Lr States for less than $4O, which are fall'/ Howe, WhePler KiZsrm. Prorer cc- Eak.r. Cl., and .ttrtcar:Vcr. XI other cheap orteblne , frillgeblentS, Sod the seller or vser are 1,a tje Cr - fine. and mtpthenmert. Circulars free. Addreo. upon Show A Clark. Biddeford, $9O : A MONTITIZ. AGICNTS waniud 11 ' 1 * r hrely new articles, Just out. Address.' GAItgY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. lIELMIUL,D'S BUCiic HE Litiaspurrs BM*" tr lIELDIUOILD'S BUCIit BLADDER, STRANGURY OR PAINFI7L URINATING PLEASE NONCE PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY A IMUMO ACTS GENTLY, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FROM TEE LARGEST IN TUE WORLD. WM. WRIGHT:VAN, (Firm of Powers A Weighttaan.) • Manufacturing Checatata, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. GENUINE PREPARATIONS, A WORD OF CAVTION lIELNIII.OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH• Established upwar ds cf 16 yeah