5 rit IgAt trot 4. WEDNESDAY JULY. 24,480.. Ologsburg & earnt4roseviota. n.. R. Corning. Arrive. SOO a Nail , 5L5 p gol• • " ...... 530 p milideommoilattou;lo 15 it ,mra° L. H. SHATTUCK, Stipl. ~ga Vir AdliertiBBl2leitto in.furriace Agency—Wl3..H. Smith. Niger Orgautt--1,„13,' p01,e11.. 1 • , i tva IDEUranCe—Wm. H. Smith. :coo -Angell. , , Trustee Notice.—J. I. Mitchell. - otice-1, E. Bpebe,Seeretary, -PletureE—W. Ca mel, Troia - - • REV. E. P. HAlratoNn, the celbratied „„i iEt , preached it a /4110,1elpgrep.tign_ in Presbyterian Church in this village, Sunday Mr. llantsuondds Imre QII ft, viait to hik n uns, and remains but a few days. Be-sails .; the Holy Land this week. To COMM'S. " 14/144.9 . ;Er Day Dream," owing tht . mantier-of itikberi - F° 4 P ed into this oilleerwit too lite for ,patb -1,,,t,5a during the heated term. It will appeet 1,-liver, next " heat." 7ew Darig'S .I)ratata" Le fairlor captain,. erron itrbythm and rhyme. These migiiiii;reit ti:ed, but we hare not time to do it. iVe understand the Normal music in session of Mansfield, will give two -Isd concerts, one of aiSealis and one of .ificretl on Thursday Ilind - Fridayerveldage d of next „A, prngrammes of whICI2 'will 'appear in , our tat 15SUO. SOLDIERS' C(.4 eiNTION.--We have i ptt, from many districts, to the , agent" that be a full representation on Friday. It sot possible to give ail 411e-reptiets4r, full. The delegates for Tioga . township are Lieuta. illttison and Prntsman. For the Borongb, Col. irtiefelin and H. F. Gartatirm. The clerk of t itefection sends us a list of liienly new naniel3 die call. as follows: • , sergeant F. H. Garretson, Berg. J. J. 'Cady, B. i Borden, Benj. Dobb, MEM: Dobb, Col. B. G. rctieGlin, Lieut. 11. D. Calkings; Chas. Padgett; Ectene 'Herring, Marcus Cline, John Cline, Lieut. rn Pickering, Lieut. Hiram Pickeriug, Lieut. \ Edwards, Henry Watts, W. G.: Jobnsum, C. Jansion, E. A. Johnston, Capt. Hugh Mc F r Middlebury—J. A. Fletcher, Benj. Potter Delmar—Capt. Wm. Chafe, D. L. Deane. IV4iboro—Maj. W. A. Nichols, Captain J. H. ro6SED BY A BIILI1)111' WaS reale of a little exciteme taut Monday eve caused by a rumor that William Dickinson, Rtt bUtt of MA.T.ohn Dickinson, living a mile t 0 ,,, the village`, had been teased by a, .vittiona tm, ecd Eevoreli if not fatally injured. ...Extrav i.,l,t rumors prevailed, but the facie, we are glad ,tate, did not warrant theta. ' It appear_ thatthat the young man went into the Edd to drive home the cows, when he was attack- L, In the rear by the bull, which, up to that m(;— ,eh:, was supp..sed to be perfectly txactable-L—. the first notice given to William was a toss in the air, atter which he remembers nothing up to the :.toe he was carried into the house. His injuries rote severe,beinfr in,Mle nature of bruises chiefly, and a gash above the right temple. It was a nar ro w escape &bin death. METHODIST PaZikelfEas' 4ac-R,TJAY ,EN'S ASSOCIATION.—Tbis important association .1 preachers and laymen will bold its session in rillagei July 31 and August 1. Dr. LARY,' Edit or of the Northern Christian Adrocate, Dr. LUSEILET, President of the Genesee College, and Rev . . Mr. WILBOR, Treasurer of the College, - have iromiseci to be present; a fact' which will lend additional interest to_tlie occasion. Dr... Lore will allress the Associaticepou the subject - of Home Mosons. The attendance will doubtless be large, acci the transactions of the ) Association ,of unu mai interest. THE FOUR' fprt of the celebration at Blosabarg bu reae', 00. The officers of the day were ' - President, William Butler; Reader, H. W. Hul iet. SENP.Y ALLEN, Esq., of-Mansfield, delivered -a .r.e oration, which was listened to with great at— Rama by a large 'nasernblY. The rain in the Arttoon drove the people to take shelter under ■mega and elsewhere, but everybody was in humor. , The Morris Run brass band was present, and widen much to the enjoyment of the day. • After :te oration, the Thudleers, &company of rentate— under the lead of a skillful captain, paraded I. o went through various comical evolutions, Tlth which the crowd was Melly delighted. This was followed by a chase for a greased pig, stack race, and climbing a greased pole, all of 'tech is reported toluvrepasseßtfe-tiatisfactorily. Eut sot the least creditable fact attendant upon :Le celebration, was the perfect sobriety and con- Nuent good order whieb prevailed.. The 131oss; tz:gers may .well be proud of it. THE WEATIEME.—We are in the midst a heated term. For ten' sudorific days and ate , even the richest of our citizens have itovm what it , to !wear dewy iselOttgtalthiie ach a, have labored have been almost washed ""1. Only the lean and lank have had the heart mile: the obese, panting, like the belt. for 'uttntig ,creams in the midst of running etteatue. ' , vat tutu/tent/aces suggestive oflong 'prayers foi breath of fresh air. Wt du not rejoice in fat ; yet have we antlered 111 , 1‘t. 'Rah all. Bitting ,here, jotting down crEq t sor& f.r want of better, our eyes sting as jua out rf a surf barb. e4d'tbe• perspiration `Opt dawn tie pen into the ink, giving the latter I.L In p l easatlepallcif. 'Ws. *stet help but , thirric it 1 , ,u1d be a capital time fur repentant prodigala to vrlte their stern " perieuts"; bee/wee r do, you iee, It Ir nexi to impossible'for one`to write with ietttnpaall great swest7dropa upon.tle papw.. id then bony deposits look precisely likeiteart; — }er.itential leers, it you please; for there con— Lr.t L e much difference bet Ween one drop of braelt- eater and another. It it not possible that by this sweating process te inner Individual may come to the surface awl' t teetotally exhaled, like the Morning di`W ? It at likely.' is the stditute against "sweeti it( the ears nor, c'itcdge rills 4kf eo e 6 trs peLcoL, For only au hour ago we drew forth Postal to pay for a steel pen, and the thing wet through and through before we could pass It over e . .uoter. We swallow ice -wafer, and it issues frotri every pore scalding but. Therefore is ma_ n a furnace? It looks likely. And then the dust. Not a drop of rain fur tea dale, say, and every footfall .}ticking, tap nlich duet! It falls everywhere ; tin - your just washed tends, and to ! mad ! It sticks to your dewy face, and behold, a reminiscence of the bays of dot Pies. It gets up your nostrils, tay that dust is not to be sneezed at ? Looki ng at it i n thi s light, wis feel an wooden , f pity for Campbell's Last Man. Think of that L'1 ,0 3 , individual, apostrophizing the sun as he gads chin deep in the accumulated dust of the f lee! Imagine the. expiring winds piling this nan-dust in gray drifts, a grim feast Car eitatui r , Bo we bless the North Pole. It is tea bletlalta ot ice," DA; PRATT, of the Corning Journal,' celetir' &tea the fifteenth year of that paper under 415 editorehip,in &graphic review of the progreaa Or the cortntry daring that_period. • When be auok charge of the Journal it . 17f!!" a "Silver Gray" orgun, but the Doctor, being a "Woolly Read," soon trained its tone to radical utterances, in which it has abounded ever since. Only ones the, Doctor fell from grace—when he undertook to defend Thurlow Weed. But we forgive him, just as we forgive men who voted for Pierce and Bu ,, I clonal]. The Journal, under the ;Motor's manttgemont, has !boootiatt one of the host country papers in the North. Locally it is superior to moat. Our vtish for him is - tbat he may live to make-a daily edi— tion and finally; retire worth a million. - • WHAT' A STRANGER SAW.—T h. VALES, Wheaccompanied Mr. CRAM*, the orator of the Fourth at this place, has written a graphic account of what be saw and beard in- our midst on that pccasion. It makes oyez a ooluind in the lmira Advertiser, but is worth copying in full.— . Ns'4 omit to eofy;it,l6.falij however. npt regally 'to eomeof !JO 4 6 . 4 ,"f ne i,/ what sensitive. - After paying a handsome compiirntlytt-to,.the tdiotter, he Cloies with the followitioolaillin6t. to Wellsboio and the °minty: One fact is worth rioting. During, eay not one drunken linen did we see, eitliough the , 'to*4 would Member .2500. No fighting. No, disturbance of any kind. All civil and well be; hayed. Another thing we noticed,—rneneatly painted and blinded' country schoolhouses along oar journey. - 24 1 . 1 9Aear New Yorkers, won't you please build some new school h'onses T Onts throughout the country are ao shabby." assure Dr. Pratt that Mr. Wales is not a new hand at newspaper writing: He is an old and 'popular 44#44,11.,' • . . . THE MAHAIAINEEI.—GocIey brings us a splendid engravini—" The Toilet of Death"— being the scene preparatory to tit, excel:Jaen of Charlotte Corday. Its fashion plate is superb, and its patteims all that the housewife can ask. The August number of the Lady's Friend" fully gestalt's the high, standing of this maga sine. " Harvest Time" is , a suggestive picture on steel, the fashion plate is double, the patterns gib* merous and varied, and the letterptessl4o4 ae usual. Either or both of . ..these navel* may be had o f Hugh Young, at the boOkatore,-Ifirelle hero. The Pennsylvania School Journal for August appears in a neat new dress., and much improved in appearance. Do our teachers and School Directors take the Journal It is an in , _valuable aid to the educator, and at its price—st per annum—copse within the roach of everybody. 'Address : " Pub. Selma Jo:mm.l; 4 : Lancaster, Pa. DENTISTRY.—A visit - to the dental rooms of our friend Eastman the other day, convinced ue of the fact that be is doing a good ,business. His specimens exhibit good taste, while his experi ence and energy cannot fail. to insure him a lib. eral patronage. He cleans, fill - sr and extraels teeth in a superior • manner, and inserts any style of plate desired. People wishifig, to preserve their natural teeth, sbourd remember that "delays' are dangerous." - SELLING OFF AT COsT,.—ln order to close up my business, I am now selling off toy stock of 'milli nery goods nt cost for cash. All persons indebted to me will please call and settle at•obee. PAULLNA,SSIITII., Welleboro, July 25, 1866. Me4sts.i NASt AND AtTEBBACH, bf Blosb,bnrg are daily in reoeipt of tents' new fur gooda from New York. They employ a fint vntler Red 'fitter, and lave their cloth ing made up AG the most aubstan'tial manner. 1,000 Excelsior fruit jars. 1,000 Lyman fruit jars. 1,000 Buckeye fruit jars. • , The three best styles made, now ready, at re dueed rates. 'De not purditase übtil you have ex unlined them at W.. B. atones $0,411 July 1.3-2 t Addison, In Mansfield, on the Ist instant, by the Rev. G. P. Watrous. Mr: HERVEY 0. ,POtERS 410: Miss PRISCILLA L. Woon, bath of Sullivan. IsßußG.—The In Covington, on the 3d instazd,,by the same, Mr. DELINes •P. WHITEHBAD and .Miss -BEERS, both of Tioga. In Fall Brook, an the 17th instant, by James heron, Esq., Mr. TITUS DRAINSPIELP and Miss MARTHA WHITCOMB, both of Fall Brook. On the 14th inst., by Rev. J. F. Calkins, at the residence of - the-bride's parents;:*rvOSELS: FRED, ERICK YAIIN and MASS'....MATIT AiSa Stan, both of imaltnar. - On the 4th instant, at Tioga,' by 'ltev. , McOuliough,A4r. Groe.fs.,Coup.s.andltiss.pELLl. A. .11 - ; 'LA . - In Jackson; nly 19, by Rev.. Levi Stone, Mr CALVIN 114X/lOND, of Micidlehiry, and Idles . Elf Ys A. STONE, daughter of , ;the officiating - elergy OHM. "VSTRAY.—Fourid trespassinitipon the streeti X 4 of this borough, on or about the 20th just:, A RED k, WHITE ROAN COW, tray 12 years old. The owner is requested to come lorward and pay fine And:coEte; and take her away. Wellsboro, July 25,'66. M. 11.' COBB, Burg: SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S :OINTMENT - Will cure the itch in 48 Hours. Also cares t3A LT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS Of TILE SKIN. Price 50 cents.— For sale by all druggists . By sending GO cents to trEEKS k POTTER, Sole Agents, ITO Washington St. Itoeton, it will be forwarded by Mail free of postage, to any part of the United States. .Irene 0,0366. lip. notice ly. Tor )01£RICAN COOZING 's_ , ro'rE is Manufactured with certain improvements, accused by letters patchy under dates of May 5, 1863, and December 5, 1865. One of these improvements covers the arrangeMent of fittings. portableash panic the „hearth of a cooßlog stove, to receive the ashes as it passes down from the gratW. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or using other stoves made in imitation of the Amen can, as suits have been commenced for infringement of these patents; and all personamanufacturing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable fur damages for infringement on these letters patent. SHEAR, PACKARD & CO. 17 and 19 Green street, Albany. N. Y. The AllCeiciF is for sale by .WILLI All ROBERTS, Wellsboro. jl3-tan-sp TV/3A ORS OF YOUTIL-1, Oentleilian .etlifered Id for years itclurNervolia - Debility, Pionniiure Derier and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to 'all who need it. the recipe and direLtlons for making the simple lent edy by which lie was cui ed. is offerers wi.hing to profit by the advertiser's experience can, tie so, adiireasin . 4 JOON 13. OGDEN, 13 Obettiherssit.,3if Jan. 31,'88-I,y. , TBE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE OF AN IN VALlD.—Puldishgtfor,the benefit apd as-a caution M young men and others, who sutler from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the same time the means of self-cure By one who has curokidutssif after undergoing considerable quackery. By kTeßed rig a postpaid *addressed tiv4.lpe, single cop ies. free of charge-may be bad of the author. ' NATIIANIEL.M.A.XFAIR, Esq.,Drooklyn, Kings-Co N. Y. pan. 31. '65-Iy.l T o CONSUMPTIVES. — Tha advertiser, having been restored to health In a feW weeks by a very tamp% randy, after having suffered for several yearn with a 'A:mere Jung affection and that dread disease. Consump, tion—ls anxious to make known 'to his fellow-enfferera the means of rare . . . . To all who desire it. ho gill send a copy of the pre- scription used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same. which they wilt find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Coughs and Colds. and all throat and lung affections' The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which ho Corr,etwes to to involuelle. and he hopes c,ery sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing and may proce.n blessing Parties wishing the prescription. yen, by return mail. will please address Key. ED WARD A .4 ,;, a m.,, 1:11;, . L.lan. 31. 'fifi—ly.l t 0 THANGE, BUT TRUE.—Er 3. young' lady and gen ° Orman in the United 8 bites I ' n hear something to their advantage by return mail ee of charge) by ad 7, dressing tbe undemigned Thosediarlng fears of befog hnnibugged will please oblige by not noticing this card All others will please address their obedient H servant, 11108 F CAPMAN. Jan 31, 'B6-ly 831 Broadway, New York .- MARRIAGES Ih:lb!,kliJ John A. Roy, DEALER IN MEDICINES, :CHEMICALS, '•• sogs, - ITRFIIMERY, GLASS, PUTTY, , ' OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, -DYES, COLORING. iv • PEE WINE & 11111110118 FOR MEDICAL i'UR'OBEB. All Selected with great care, Wiriagald to'bJr, laß S T•01,-A,S S T L,E,S, bought in' each quantities that they- can al - ways Ilia sold at • - • 'THE LOWEST AtAittET Pittcßs. MI * Ifigr' Quality 144 ilLe first importance in med. .icine. . . Or' Pricee reduced to sakttheAaarket Thalia are the m.ottoeii.at ROY DRUe- AatvaYii,f4l,,W4Te The' stoekof DRUGS, , MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYES, & COLORINO MATERIATLS . is without doubt the !eclat completelo3ll.tAsinsive to bf t found in this part _of the. State. , DYERS & WOOLEN FACTORIES SUPPLIED WITH 1541E-YitODS BY TH,E CASK; AT .i,VßicrEs;, ; F The stock or glass is, also datentike j toshorising . Window glass, all sires, French glass for 'Pictures,: _ Mirror glass plates for .old frames) Flint glassware for the table—,- „ Such as Goblets, Tumblers, Cream Pitchers; Spoon-Holders, &e., Lamps, lamp Chimneys, Lantern ,Glass, in fact, it is itupossiblo to enumerate. All sorts of articles made of Cilass,and sold at Drug stores, can be, found at Roy's: - • - 4 _Roy'rstock of Akre Witils and Liquors for Me dicinal purposee Waiting been known to theliby sieians of. this. county .. IheseLiquotiir4 of tb, purest add best quality; selected with greet cam and' exprthiely for medical use. Perfumery awl Scaps.of,all kinds, . SODA & QUA.* TARTAR, SALERA-: •TUS, GINGER, NUTMEGS, SPICES; qx.O . VES, WRITING-PAPER; INK, PENS, PEN CILS,YANKEE_NOTIONS AND , FANCY GOOD:S. , 3 CKYST,A-I,' :KEROSENE, a pure and reliable article, perfectly safe to use. Lasts much longer than the'peOrer qualities. It will be sold at 134's as eheap as the cheapest. , , PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS carefally and accurately compounded from pure and reliable medicinee., pr- Orders promptly attended to. • „ To Vw.:FAIDLE Eft.S.OF f hb A 'OI3bITY WOOD'S PRIZE. MOWER ancVainf- BINED MOWER and REAPER, ViANHFACTHRED at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., .011 fur gigot() all who may want a good relia ble Machine. - , These machines' ar - e 4- atAiiiiiiiir - 4` fitiii r ligtout the county, as being the beet in USS: A shall keep an assortment of ' • JOINTED BAR MAG'HIN.ES, < which have !atoll. bean pulite.° we. A'so of She stiff bar. A good assortment of guards and other ,fix,t,nres constantly Amid: • - Price• ofleinted bar machines; - $llO. !Cheiepet: ,than they. have over before been offered to the public., -641 GAR. RILL, Agent; Corns E. J. PURPLE, Agent, Wellsboro, Pa. - -qv ells.boro,:Jentie27;:.olll6e-41 =- New Firm and Nevi Goods. J. R. BO I N EN & CO., • I (latej. R. Bowen,) _. The undersigned, having- fornil-0244artn —' - • in the tumant&le.htethule, Are now receiving ia l ohNthe York a fine stock of "''DRY GOODS AND •- GRODERIES,I'• • BOOTS AND SHOES, FIATS • " AND; CAPS,. &-O:: • AG.:. - • We ask particular attention to our afock,of LADIES' G'AITERS, ae we shall sell theta very mach cheap* than het season. WE SMALL SELL GOODS THE MARKET WILL AFFORD...FO R READY No. 1 Union Block, Wellsboro r Fa. July 4, 1866. J.R. BOsyEti . & CO., R. BOWEN. " aIOWLiND. A PYINT WHICH ALL PHYSICIANS AGREE. —Out of• tan thousand. regular physicians you, cannot find one-who:will not say- that edistulatats% and iavigorents are absolutely necessary in medi cal Practice.- - Mid yet in' bygone years hirinaes• practitioners have hesitated to administer theM,' because the fiendish ingenuity of wretches who make merchandise of human infirmities, _had so' polluted - and deteriorated them that the remedy was dietned as dangerous as the disease. Thin perplexity - 1i happily!duniaway with- Physicians know, because the first analytical chemists of the age have demonstrated the fact, that HOSTET TER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH•BITTERS are absolutely and entirely free from all perni dim elements: Hence they have - been introduced, into the United States army,, and are accepted, whereon the testimony of the wise, the intelli gent and the philanthropic is rated at its just value, as the best protective against and cure for all diseases arising from;;irnpurity in the air,or influences, other unhealthy climate that has ever been tested by experience. In cases ofaDyspep.: • sin and Liver Complaint, we state,. without quail.... }leaden or reservation, that the Bitters are as nearly infallible as anything prepared by batman skill can he. jy4 Fruit Jars. w ILLOUGHBY A LYMAN'S SIMF-SEALING JARS, AT WHOLESALE AND 'RETAiL,, • . W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, May 30,'66-3m MERINEMEI TT A 24 NOW OFFERING BARGAINS IN French Cambijcs„, =French Printit!.l:: IMMI Fn &h . TFilitss MEE American - French English Ginghams, Plaiu •Alpace, I'l- - P 18 4,44.iitag1•g?.,1 : , , , , ~ .• striped Alo4eas, Ptaid Poit=de-Clienes; Chenie . .1 i'p i ] Figured 4' „ Melan . gg HEE IMO ?T ~t • • • POOIIRSti:J.• Challies, ME ~~ : ~ , s . '- ~.As~~~iriea~. ME Qlaw WoplsPe.Lainei, SwjJAkbrellag, Sboib, u4l.l.tui) , i Sacques, =I L4sllds' Cloth4,':, • " Blat~k'Si~ks,' =ME , srking , Coaluigs, . !t 'l x }. —.sprilag; galEmresti lin 3E3 =I - Kentii6ky - Jet,}#§, EZZENI :3 , G~~, =ME .~: _ . ►'hktlAgos_ ZEN EMI Habil Skirts, t t OC.) age. - A MEE ENE ME I invite the:4l,rentiotr o f s it buyers of_ dry Aoßde to any, new *toes.; lusturitiwoora that I intend to give tieut the NIL vabae ob their ifinney,OUd'aleS h Bond eesortesent'of Slew and seasonable goods to select from In ME PARSONS, AprinsitlB6B. l =- Coluints, N. Y. ''.'7'3IPitINVIIPIIISB - . isea PILES OFN . EW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ~~,~~ : ,' I =I -take pleasure in announcing to the public gen erally that they have just returned from New York with the largest and most deairablestock of Goods in Tioga County. We have a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS AND cabslmp.p,4‘s, HATS ,LCAP,S BOOTS ,t SHOES, GROCERIES, Ready /U 4 41 0 t 1 illgi a* !RONK TAILORTNfi n , ittperintended by a first-class Cutter. MS In„fiMt, we have a complete assortment of all that _hi new and desirable. We-ate determined so take the lead in Low Pai n ts for the Spring of . • DM. " • 'COME AND 'SEE • 4 To see is to be "convinced;" and tOlookwill,Cost We extend thanks for former liberal patronage, aid only ask .tikat Xho fgimids of low -priests omit stdaillwofits Vill'at'otir saiisfyi themselves, that Lawrencevillo is the .place to bulGoods right. ' • ' • -- • INDUSTAY MUST .PROSPER? Boots, Shoes, Leather 4. sndings. , CAEO. 0. DERBY, fIALNG bought tles to good-wiltnd ott t .locond. ttoroghbyi :Asa* lloX6,”Pftoittinue the saunaat the staniklately occupied by them. Good custom -.work; made ttecirder and warrantet4-Milt, be- the first -thing ID order at hie shop; but special attention Will also be given ' to keeping up a good stock-of _ :LEATO-ER ,FINNY FINDINGS Susth ae SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND INGt PEGS, THREAD, NAILS; LASTS, AWLS, :IV AX, &c.; and, in a general- way', the various tixin's .nsindly , kept At a findiugattop,: , ; Cash paid for HIDES, sante, MTh and rum ; and Par -Ocular attention given to the purchase of veal and dea con skins, for which the highest market price will be Itsramme-done promptly and-welL • - GEO, O..DERBY. " • • - • •,• • Having sold ,the ithek.' fn trade ia ticaittletill of the business lately .contlactett, by ns to Mr. Derby, ir_e cor dially recomthhhd tifin to Our old , eastthriers, as a good workman, and a square-d u et man. C k OEO. W. SEARS. Wellaboro, May 2,1866. k. - . , WhitAeyville Wool Coding and I Cheese Box 'factory ! - RE firm of Avery Whitney having been dissolttal hp, mutual o6pscut, the boainesa will hereafter be condnoteifby the subscriber.' I have- punhased a Double Doffer, thirty inch p A'lt DING MA.CHINE,. • capable.of .carding 500 pouncls of , wooliu twenty four hours. So I can safely promise tp card Wool_ Aisles as it cameo in,-and people will have to, weit:for,theit,rells.„ , , MARVINMr. we4 anl. feveribli known to the people of this region, has heen,on gaged:to run the machine. ; rain also prep.arcd to.lnake. „ CJTE . taorder and ou short 'notice. Dairymen will please take notice. N.ILIRN IN G DONE TO _ORDER AND .1 1,•131 SAWED SHINGLES • • always on hand. I intend to do work so well and so promptly, that People will wake nothing by going away from home to get their work done - . A. H. AVERY. Whitneyville, May 16, 1866-tt I , t , ,Thoitias liarden 9 WOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants iry; of Tioga County, that he is now receiving .great additiops lOUs otociviiiiMerchandiartwhich Le offers at si'im6tiadian6e Fo m cost. Efisstoct consists in part of • SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, EMI BROAD CLOTHS; CASSIRERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, TWEEDS, SATTINETTS, KENTUOEY I,,suitable for men anelboys wear: TABLE LINENS,' NAPKINS. TOWELLING; 'ABLE 13E.tvgAbs. ; ~.644pETrzroo• , AND OIL CLOTHS; ' RIBBONS, BLONES, HOSIERY, VEILS AND NOTIONS. MTN= Amcnigst the Doinesfic Goods will be found a grata variety of Brown Mullins, at prices from Is to 24 per yard. .BleAchedl Sheeting§ and 'Shirt. -ins Denims and Tickings at various prices. . .Aso a great variety of READY MADE 01,THING, . 1 •- •-,t i• , r , r' ' i., . , Agir- Pleaie call and see for yourselves . : • June 12, ISM. ~ THOS. HARDEN. KNOW'ST •TEOU WM II A TS, CAPS tRIINE.B - i :TRAVELING BAG:Srb *BREI:LA S; than atany other store in the country. • - T P nverslfedy to - go there and examine the assort. meat of - " ME NM 112232 C. S. Mather & Co. C. S. MAIHRRIA CD Lawrinceville, Apr. 25-,- 1866. - - of various stylesdnacolors, ABOUT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE. DI:WV;,4S/PBOUGET7: , A NEW STORE OF _THE BEST READY -MADR OLOTIIING and a fine assortment of GENT'S' FURNISAiNG - GOOPS fately been opened._ ilia talk is, that at said store cloodi3 are salitig PAR.CENT. CHEAPER ASIIER, AT HIS NEW' CLOTHING SWIM under"the - Agitator Printing Office A s Next doofto Roy's Drug Store Weitsboro, June, 13, 1.£466, 'Wellsboro Wool Carding Machine. RAN -ma pat this establishment in drat-rate order, and secured the services of an expe rienced workman, we are now prepared to card wool into rolls to order, with promptness and despateh. The machines are operated by steam power, and persons bringing whel from a distance may de pend upon having their work done as early as pos sible, in its turn. JACOB HILTBOLD. Welleboro, June 6, 1888,-tf 1866. =1 1111 STAND FROM ENDER. ~...?::-)1...t,i,.*- , S! T,;,: THE "CORNERS" OF MOH Ffi,IOES, ARE NOW ROUNDING OFF 1 4;; ; -A EVERY THING DOWN, TO OORRESPOND WITH THE EMERGENCY, W. R. Smith's S -ns, ADDISON, N. Y., The old and_reliaple - . - PECFLES' STORE, In Splendid shape to Bedell everybody FRESH STOCK OF-GOODS NOW AR RIVING AT THE SLAUGHTER- r"j' To soe is - to be ootivisoed that you 1' CANNOT DO BETTER. Put an eye over on the Local Column for the IMPORIAMT NEWS. Figures won't Lie. NOTICH BOW THEY ROE, Who hold large Stocks of \ds at . 'i ' High 'Prices. • ' tt't 1 CAN YOU DO BETTER ? (not if we know ourselves,) Than to buy your Goods of ADDISON, N. Y., March 14, 1866. 1866. ~.~ ~ip~; 0111 ED RATES ",,,-; 1 i_ ;..i... ; II M I • NMI W. R. SMITH'S SONS T. L. BALDWIN & CO., TIOGA, PENN'A Respectfully inform their customers and Mends, that having entirely sold out their old stock of DRY GOODS At Auction. They have replaced them with a new end well selected lot of lIRESS GOODS, De INES, OHALLIES, PRINTS, .11.,BACEIBD - AND BROWN MUSLINS, FANCY CASSIMRES, READY - MADE 011,0T81itG, LINEN COATS, BATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS TRIMMED AND PLAIN, CARPET .WARP, BOOTS &, SNOBS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, RARDWIRR & TINWARE. Our stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS is large and complete; rind we would most re spectfully call your attention top ' QUALITY AND PRICE FLOUR, SALT AND NAILS, we keep on hand at all times and will be sold at prices to defy competition. YOUR BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, GRAIN, &c., &c.,, Is as good as the CASE to us at their market value. T. L. BALDWIN ..t CO TIOGA, May 16, 1866-1 y THE THIRD LOT OF New Spring Goods, JUST RECEIVED AT VAN NAM & WHIM'S, TIOqA, PA. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW and well selected stock, of goods, which we are selling very LOW FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Good yard wide sheeting for .. Heavy yard wide sheetinifor Delaines, Standard prints from OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION We' also keep constantly on ha4d a choice nook of GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORN, &0., At very low figures JOIIN SUHR, WOTILD announce to the citisena of Wellabo r. and surroundin g country, that he has op e ned a shop on the corner of Water and Crof ton streets, fur the purpose of manufacturin g all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. Wellsboro, June 27, 1888. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned on the es tate of Albert G. Herrick and Martha Ann Her rick, late of Lawrence, deceased, all indebted are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to JOSEPH GUILE, Adm'r. Lawrencerille, June 27, 1866. GOLD received on deposite, for which certifi cates will be issued, bearing interest in gad. E. W. CLARK t CO, Bankers, No 35 south Third street, Phila. SAVE THE FURS AND WOOLENS !--moth.. killing packets for sale at June 27,1866. - ROY'S DRUG STORE. XTOTICE.—AII , persons indebted to Jerome 1.11 Smith, are requested to eall and settle im mediately, and sale coats. July 11, 1266. Cash Paid for Wool. WRIGHT & BAILEY. Welleboro, June 13, 1866. ELM! EEC EMI 14 to 20" May 30, 1866
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