The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 25, 1866, Image 1

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    6,4 Ziii4Altiatal Mak --
1,,„4,AeT ,inery Wednesdaby
y Morning, !it VA •
tariAbly advance, a
B . COBB (P. C. van Grum.
is „I"V"MF - 1"1.21•TC3r R.
Iwo. 3 mo. 6 mo.
$2950 5,00 7 , 50
........ 3,75 800 12.00
I° o ", um „ 7,00 10,00 1 11,00
.....12.00 20,00. 20,00
'O,OO 15.00 46,00
1 Ilrieen SI.OO—SO ets.eaeh
o wnl9 (rat Ora end ICxecntors Notice
F ,,, D cbs Cards of five these $5,00 per
tHOLESALE DRUG ISM, and dealers in
cm paper, 'Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
perfumery, Paints and Oils, Ate., &e.
Crrnmg, N. Y., Jan. 1,18613.—1 y.
ofiee formerly occupied by James Lowrey, Egg
s c i . A. Moil , 'Ls. JOHN I. IllurcaELL.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868-Iy.
I ,, cr 4see, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
:itt e l'ellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1888.
s F. lat.soN. J. B. Nuns.
F:rfft door from Bigoney'a, on the Avenne)—
Cll attend to business e ntrusted to their care
the counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866.
A—TnRSEY AT LAW—Mansfield, Tina Co., Pa.
\lay 9, 1866-iy
leILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's
sboe Shop. Cutting, Fitt-i n , and Rerio_
ng done promptly and well. •
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy.
piIAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Fowen's
itDre, actond floor. ,ASlV`Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in beat style.
scellsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1866—1 y
GENT for the collection of bounty, back pay
A . and penaione doe soldiers from the Govern,
nt. Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells 7
m3e, '66
Gaines, Tioga County, Pa.
C VERMILYEA, Paorientrom This is
:ew hotel located within easy access of the
test fishing and .hunting grounds in North
ern No pains will be spared
r the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
te traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1888.]
Pennsylvania House.
TIIIS popular hotel has beau land,. renovated and re
turuiehed, and no puma will pe spared to render Its
t ^tnrehtiee ameptable to patrol:La.
Well.boro. Nay 9, 1886.
Nu. 11 Law Bnilding,—SL Paul St , Baltimore.
REFERENCLS.—Levin Gale, , Attoroey 'at Law,
Edward Israel, Att'y at Layr, Rev. J. ideK.
Riles, D. D , Rev, Henry Slicer, D. D., Con
bald, Bro. & Co., F. Gruve•& Co., Ludwig it
McSherry, John F. McJilton,'Esq., Robert Law
son, Esq., S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr. EWIN6-118
authorized to transact any bushier' appertain
,Llg to this paper in Baltimore.]
Jan. I, 1886-Iy.
8Ac,,,,„ M. U., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, alter
. nearly four years of army service. with a large
~ .4.-rience In field and hospital practice, has okketied au
far the practice of medicine and eargery, , in all
;a branches. Persona from a distance can god good
t.arthcs at the Pennsylvania Hotel when desired
runt any part of the State in conemltation, or to
r dt rm surgical operations. No ly Union Block, up
Can Wolleboro, Pa., May 2, 1866-Iy.
pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga
• Liy that they have the beet opportunity ever
fe-ed them, to procure Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes,
Cartes de Visite, Viceett?e, and ilLkinds
(:.nee and popular card. and colored pictures,
o t:s Gallery on Elmira Street.
iltufteld, Nov. i 5, '6s—tf. E. M. SPENCER.
• 112
inkrm the eitizetua of Wellsburo and vi
:-t:ty, that he has fitted up a desirable suite of
tea over John N. Bowen's store, No. 1, 1:74-
'.t. Block, where he is prepared -to execute all
ree in his profession. with a promptness Rind
atle that will eaable'him - to offezeuperioel Induce
-Letts to those requiring dental
_operations. All
v't warramted, and, at re t agettablls rages— Please
:aiatd examine specimens.
I rellfboro. March 21, 1868.-4 f
Viet C. N. AA TT,
R~UIiLD ear tctA - pnblie that idspettaa
-1111 located in Wellsboro, (Office at his
': , .acne, near the Land Office and Episcopal
rach) where he will c ; cttn n e t 6 all kinds of
confided to his care, gatmanteeing complete
a action where the skill of the Dentist can
I.a.t Al the t management of CUM, PeAIIIIIF Ao the
lis k svdt i faraish"
set on tiny tni4ashial'sksii4f .
xt:ctled to on shortest notice, and done in the.
'hest and most approved style.
Sy the the ose of Anteathetlos whist!,are per
fectly harmless, and will be administered inevery
ease whin desired.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1865-1 y•
ATTENTION souriAtir.s. -
X B. SMITH, Knoxville, 'Bogs County,
Na-, (U. S. licensed Agent,.and Attorney
• stddiers and their friends througheat all t he
)al States,) will prosecute and collect with up
'l7alled success,
all kinds. Also, any other Mind of claim
. 11 -g . ainbt the Government before any of the De-,
t:ttmente or in Congress. Terme moderate; All
: z atintentinne tent to the above addrepe will re
•e.'e Prompt attention. Jan. 17,1888.
Main Street, We%shore, Pa.
, R aving leased - this popular tel property,
4,tels occupied by Or.-Nelson,-Austin) I shalt
' , dearer to wake it truly the traveler's home.—
Pertonal attention will be, given to the table,
t td the COmfort of guests will bee prime object.
/Le stables will be tuuthr the care of an expert_
aced hostler.
W ellsboro, Jan. I, 1866--/Y•
Nem Shaving and Bair-Dresting Saloon
TUZ kt b . cribery take pleasure in announcing to the
PesPis of Wellsboro and _vicinity that they have
old Mr. S. F. hhaiblin , late barber aud hair.
: tit Wencher°, and have cued up a neat and
recto seer C. L. Willcox's store.. where they
t bssle es on Lana to wait on their customers:
the.Y will spare no initnl to please, they hope to
,rito the cmunity.
"tie lar tronaf
attention f
paid to om lad tee ' h
" shah".
rting, es. Ladies' braids, puffs, swishes, C:ins
D k o e pesi on hand, or made to order,
J. JotpricTr.
Apra 25, 180t1.—ly
9 mo.
1 yr
65 , 00
week tire
w $2,00 et
(Corner-Malin Streefand the'Aventte.)
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor
THIS is one of the most popular Houses in
the county. This Hotel is the ,prineipal
Stage-house in Wellsboro. Stages leave daily
as follow :
For Tioga. at 9 a. m.; For Troy, at 8 a. m;
For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at
2 p. m.; . For Coudersport, every Monday and
Thursday at 2 p. m.
STAGES ARRIVE--From Tl oga, at 121-2 o'clock
p.m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m.: From Jer
sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. mt : From
Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Il a. m.
N. 8.--Jimms, Cowo.en, the well-known twit;
ler, will be found on hand.
Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. . .
AGENT for the Lycoming County Insurance
. Company, at TiOgli, Pa.. , :
June 5, 1866.-3m* . :
Dr. W. W.• WEBB & BRO.
Have opened a Drag and Chemical Store, on
Malt Street, lstdoor below Beatings, where they
intend to keep's fold assortment - of •-" -
5 Di liNS
. A 4 .ALEDip,W.g „:
A gond article of Medicinal Liquors and Wines.
Prescriptions carefully prepared. -
Medical advice given free of charge.
We[labor°, Nov. 8-Iy.
!.:. FARR'S 1-10TgL
Good stabling, attaobod, and an attentive hot
tier always in attendance.
R. S. FARR , Proprietor.
• di 6(1-9)-kii%T.1014-i
Wonle-respectfully announce to "all whom it
may concern,'.' that they keep eatattAmtlyymbialk•
a large and well seleeted assortment of
Tea, Coffee, Spice; Peppdr, Gin
*ger, Salerattis, March,
and an,endleoa variety of
Tioga, Pa., Oct. 4, 1865-1,116.
MRS. A. 3. SOVIRLD has just returned from New
York with a full assortment of ladles' fancy goods
and millinery in every style. 'Toilet articles, of the pu
rest and ben' quality. Mans= DIMOREST'S perfumes,
powders. &e., which no lady will do.stlthout after once
A nice variety of white goods. consisting of hosiery .
corsets, handkerchiefs, collars, cuffs ac,
A new style of Garibaldi cloth, which Is most desi
Head.dresees and dress raps, infant caps and hats
Bonnets and bats repaired to order
Mrs. Sofield will continue to receive goods from N.
York during the season, and hopes to please all her ener.
tOIDEfra. Wellsboro, May 9,18136.
Elas!dic and LcicirLStiteh - Seivinn Ma-
chinos •
GENERAL AGENCY, 28 Lake street, Elmira.
Local agents supplied at factory prices, and
new agents wanted for unoccupied districts...
Also, a large stock of machine findings. For
circular, addreso„ THOS. JOHNSON,
General Agent of G. ,t . l3."SeWitig lgachltier,
Juno 13, 1.866—tf • 28 Lake st., Elmira, N Y.
New Drug. Store.
RICH it GILBERT have opened a Drug and
Chemical Store on Main Street, one door lie:
low' Dr. ,Mattistua'a :Hotel, in the Borough of
Knoxville, where they kCep on band a full as=
a good article:of medicinal Whies'and Liquors.t=
..4gri'sescriptions carefully 'prepared.:
Knoxville, March:26, .1.8664 m. -
T •
REASEE. , -. l "Seeler'.ii - lrard Rubber Trues'
cures rupture, frees the cor d from all press
ure: will never rust, breakdimber; chafe, or be
come filtbTv - , - (ibe fi - ne steel lirritig beincenated
with hard "rublier) ;, spring milli- any' poWir
ryuired ; used in bathing, fitted to form r.requires
no strattping eleithest, lighteaf, easiest, and best
Truss known. Send for pamphlet.
" I. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor,
apll 613 ' 1547 Chestiut st.., Philea, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED—For onr new arid bean
tiful work, the pictorial book of Anecdotes
and Incidents of the Rebellion: heroic, patriotic,
political, romantic, humorous and tragical ;
Oily illustrated with over SOO fine portraits and
beautiful engravings. •This work, for genial hu
mor, tender pathos, startling interest ; and attrac
tive' beauty, stands peerless and alone among all
its competitors. The valiant and brave hearted,
the picturesque and dramatic, the witty and mar
vellous, the tender and pathetic ; the roll of fame
and story, camp, picket, spy, sonar, bivouac and
siege, startling surprises, wonderful escapes; fa•
moos words and deeds of womao, and the whole
panorama of the_ war, are here thrillingly and
, trtrtlingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at
once historical and romantic, ,rendering it the
most ample. brilliant and readable book that the
war has called forth.
Disabled•officera and soldiers, teachers, ener
getic young men, and all in went of profitable
employment, will find this, the best chance to make money ever-pat offered., Eendd for . circulars and
see our terms, Address _ _ _
.113.-Im* No. 507 I,linor st., Philo-, Pa.
pum •& sy.INDOW, GLASS at..
and latest patout, for canning and preserving -1.
no was or rosin required—at •
- • . • P. ir.WILLIA.M.BI3”
Sand 91:'611. - - r ,
wEswa Aiwa STORE
-1......-:-.... ' ...,........ _.A.„ • , ... ::_',, N::,',-,..ait/.f2t.fife-z-t*ln::.':i.'t,-X7:A.0,;,z:;E.447,f;r..;:i4i:;,t;;..- ...zv...rzd.Af.A ,t--.:. , tt:, •.,- , -.: 2•:.:4 -- 2 - .. - -., .......:,..,„.:.__-_ r... :.._ ..-. 7,...; ,...-
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Wellsboto !Barbie Works.
HSTOWELL, Ht. having purchased the
. interest of P. G. Efolg, the bushest; will
now be conducted under. the name of $.-Stowell;
Jr...A Co. _
All descriptions of marble work executed to
the entire satisfaction of customers.
mrr mwra.7lmmw:r
of the latest and most spprored styles. We will
also furnish ," :
and sil kinds of wirisielitilang to.t_bou§ii4e,4B.
We intend bi . Cin'out *Orkin a. zdtin;n4ilhatlvill
- = '
Weltsboro, April 2, 1866. ,
• •
- CORNING.; .-N:
RUGS. AND . ,••
, erNF . - - -- •
80A.14,17, WHITE- -
AND DYE Cof,Oßg, •
Sold at Wholesale.Pric:es. Buyers are requested
to call and get quotations before going further
East. -
, ,_ W. D o T,F I fLBET4L &CO
earning. N. Y., Jan. 1, lied-1y
Hand Power Loom ! -Patented 1865.
A LL persons interested in the production of practi:
cal machinerribto•ourcenntry, ',ate requested to
investigate the merits of ,
This loom will do all kinds ofliand weaving.
It will weave, jeans, blanket , firnin cloth, satinet,
kersey;_tlannel, seamless sack, double width blankets.
or any kind of cotton, wool, arflninlotli„. _treads the
tre&dlee, throws the.W4tlVetaCtlftwelli and takes
up the cloth. It makialhe tippet' nor — it the batten
comes forward, and beattinp the filling after the cross
is made, making better cloth and better selvage than
can be made in any other way:
It is the only hand loom that is suitable
for 44
as no Mai that makes all the - idiedat -ttnetaften'"gnett
back, will weave wool satisfactonly.
It has no strings to stretch and get out of order ; has
treadles at both sides of the loom, making the shed
complete at both sides.
This loom is made to weave the different kinds of
cloth, by simply changing thepirts that make the up
per shed.
Township rights for sale. Call at Mainsburg, Tioga
county, Pa., and see a full sized loom in operation. Or
an, for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE,
Mainshurg, May 2, '66.-ly 'A. E. PACKARD.
SAVE YOURAallifitriAti
Nast & Auerbach's
Where you can always find the best assorted
stock of ---
%. ,7 MAtIE . CLOthh 4 lo,
bianifaotured under their own supervision. .
6:pitiqurnishing goods, tfsc., - • , L 1
Intheir iheKbant tailoring eatablisitint&t,lttarir stet
cOmplititionl;..baving the beat tailork of ROI :York city,
and ail ettiertented cutter, Xr.
lreat !
1 1 1CrilT having a ttigqitook sofz - OLD , .GOODS to at auction, I am enabled to take
ad vantage Of the 'Orient' low' prieea; , eildiard rea
dy to supply the
,public with a splendid atock,of
b:tyles, purchased to accommodate this mar
• Particular attention in directed to my de-'
eirablo stock of La4ioo' DA SS GOODS,
Aided to which , .offering ,large
and , epleadid stock:of - • ; ,
.0 RQCEfi,igS,,,Boo*kti'd ,SHOES] HATS
am:Fe/ITS.' &0., kW., , &e.,
at prices to suit thp'l.',ooo.o(lp; at Osgood's
old ataud„Wellstio'riti„l!a. .
, 0. R. KELLEY . .
April 4,186fi. -, • .
rIiARM FOR SALEt—A farm of 125 acres or
thereabouts is offered for -sale, situate two.
mile. from Wellaboro, the county , seat pf this
county, and on the direct,road. to the _lumbering
dirt lets of .Pine Creek, .Yhere: is -about sixty,
acres improved, with &good house and barn, arid
a number of good springs of water. The timber
land is tarvered with vultiable timber, and the lo
cation for one that, willies a good farm pear a
thriving and enterprising^ village cannot be sup:
passed. - For further -particuldrsi: as to price,
tarots, sc., apply'to C. E. Brewster, Wellsboro, or
to the subscriber at Corning, Btertben- Co.. N. Y.
March 7, 1886—tf. J. W..0118/112BEY-.--
WELLSBOII9, Pay 25,1866,
What legions of "friends" always bless us,
When. golden success lights our way !
How they smile as they softly address us,
80-cordial, good humored, and iti - yr
Butah! when the son of prosperity
Hatt set, Then how quickly they frown,
And_ory ont in tones of severity,
" Kick thsinian, don't you see he's - down !"
What though, when you knew not a sorrow,
fart woe as open its, day,
AK Your "friends," when they wanted to borrow,
You obliged. and ne'er asked them to - pay !"
(What though o , 't a soul you e'er slighted,'
As you wantle'ied - about through the town, -
Your "fried le" become very near.sighted,
And don't seem to sea when yoo'te down.
When you're "up" you are loudly exalted,
And traders all.sing mut your praise;
When you're " . - down" you've greatly defaulted,
And they . " realfy'don't fancy your ways"
Your style was":" tip top" when you'd money,
So singe every - sticker and clown;
But now. 'tis exceedingly funny—
Things hav e altered, " because Yon'are down."
Ob; give me - tlie bedr: that lureter ' '
IS free from ihie world's selfish rust,
And the soul .whose high, noble endeavor
Ia to rais e 10110 a DIALI from the dust: -
And whenin adv'ersity's Mean' -
A victim is likely to OVOAII, •-,
All hail to the friend whose devotion,
Will lift up. a. man when he's " dot. n:"
*to W , ,IfIADE air roaTuNE
, ThreeoC - us; were sitting in a small
room, and Complaining of the hardships
of our Aestiny
1 Without 'dopey - one Can do with
-ink," Said George; " Were Ito havehit
upon ar - speehlation that would •have
Alone: honor to a Rothschild, coming
from a pauperi Hko myself, no one would
thinkit worth attehding tu." • ''Albert, "'have actually fin
ished a work which would establish my
reputation as an author, if .1 could only
find a bookseller., to Amy it."
"I have petitioned toy emplOyer for
an increase Of salary," I exclal med, anx
lona to contribute_ to the chorus of la
mentation, " and he 'told me that for
forty louts a year he could get more
clerks thßth he. wanted."
• "It wduld not so much matter," said
George; thoughtfully, "if besides being
poor, we'did not seem poor. Could one
of us only belhonght rich—"
"What is the use of the shadow, with
out the substance?" I asked.
"Of every 'use," said Alpert. "I a
gree with"Gearge—the shadow some
times makes")the sub Stance. The next
best thing to eapital is credit."
" reLurned,George, " the
credit of:having,a good fortune. Have
115Yhe rich uncle in India?"
A cousin of -mine went to Jamaica
or Martinique, forget which," I said
innocently, and he never caibie back."
Capital That is all one require:,"'
- exclaimed 'George. " - We:will conjure
up this cousin or yours—or edu Id we not
kill him ? Yes. .1 ante , ' Meran, of Mar
tinique; detmlised, leaving a augur plan
tation, u.hundred negroes, and a fortune
of a hundred thousand louts to his well
beloVed cousin; Louis Merlin."
Welangted At the joke, and 1 tho't
no m - oro)Of; it ; but George Albert-,
slightly excited by the fumes tfa howl of
punch which...l,Juni sent do honor
to the tesiatOritist no timil i t cone Oc
t-14, anit afterwards• publishing a full ae-.
cdtint -la , [neat-newspaper of the for
tune that:had been left me.
The,next.dgypieveral friends; dropped
in tp,,couiPlim...ent me. Of Course 1 en
deavore'd-to lindeeei ye' them, • but they
would not take a denial. -In vain aa
sured tlieu4 it was' a hoax.- It • was no'
usel t ;*,eyoral; persons remeiniiefed my
cousin James very well, and , had seen:
him at Nantes before he embarked' hi
1789. Among others came my tailor, to
whom 1' o*ed a email sum, which it Vaii
notquite•cthivenient for me' to pay at
that uxquie.rit.wished my two friends
at a phiee. tliat:4liall be hanieleSS.
"tigod'itairniiii, Mr. - Mayer. • I sup
pose-yin] eatitelin•-those fifty francs ?'
don't 'think I came
for ;such a tritleas that. No, sir„, 1 - came.
to take your orders_for a„-suit of mourn=
'`,Y6',,.tireCith...i'n's'inournitig. • Dark ,
brotizeffeietfOi mOrni rig :wear ;. black
trowsers.and waistcoat.'l_ , ,
A s tAIe,,PNWP,t4-Ponleilt
„ ..„-11.544 • • I •
1. 1-11 9,1T3 m I,l:Ave - one nothing'ft)
forff:th'our ; rs
"But I repeat tHati have,recetved
money at all." , _
1.;,-5 . " Limpe,,•pir,,,,you won't mention such
thing,;4 ttierp -is ,ho Burt of hurry,"'ex ,:
,chtimed..the.,taikor, who busily empleYed:
himself-in -taking mY...m.easure , froni.
AttlipS Orpiiper. - -.;. - =
, MAfter lil 1;' inywardrobe did wan t some
nffditions, and I said nothing more.
*•:" 34)itt , att3iiiin next -.visitor,.
"I havers grcatthyor to request of ,you.
BUy my 14,ci i ime., 4 ;Y r nthare very rich; yciu
must be On tiSr6llidlrorit'for safe and prof
italcil s e' investadejltg". — Sixty --- thousand
fraliciarembthitigiorTyou-z.ii mere frac
tion a•••ybur. income'. , With tue the case'
is different, -L , ,,thpnght Mr. -Feli.X,hed'
• 9 - tovu p los purelitit•:',e'the'prem . -
is, andticikv:l hear he has changed his
intention. 'Whiit-is to• become- of me?
IllniVe heavy, demands to meet, and; I:
don't know where the money is to come
_from. , '„
' Buy your liOuse? Why, it - Would be.
,matiness to th'ink of such a thing."
' Madness?" No such thing. You
coukil l init And a better investment 'any
where. : Ili two year, with trifling 're
pairs,,it, will be worth double its present:
value.; • you,will never pee such a good'
opportunity again. Say -` done,' and I'
am Oft" •• - - •
And he Was 'ofr without leaving me•
'tithe to put in a word. -' .
~ Two hours after, in walked kr. l'elis.,
evidently not in the best of temper. •
•,• "Really, sir,"-,he began, "you have
taken me quite by surprise. That house
isindisperisable to me; I reckoned on it
al if itwere Mine, and only offered fifty
thousand francs because the owner, is
eriabirraPse - d; - and I felt sure that he
Would be obliged to take them-. - With'
You, sir, the case is; icII came..
to ask if you will let me have it "for sev
entyAive thousand francs." '
• Fifteen thousand francs dropping all'
at once Into.. the lap of a poor fellow
who had to•work hard to get, eight linn,,
dred a. year! . 1-could hardly
' believe-lope/int. • • .• • , .
• "real - Mot - give you an answer just
now„ . sir;'.r-I .., 111(1, "but iF you will take
the:tretMle'th call again at five,' I'll see
what Leith do." ' - -; - ' '
- At a quarter - to . n fiV'e•_Mr. Felix made
selett Vottrg.
his appearance. I spoke to him with ‘
" I should tell you, sir, that I had no
thoughts of buying the house till the
owner prevailed on me to do so. You
say you Want the house ; any other will
suit me equally as -well, so I accede to
your terms."
" You shall have a draft on. Paris for
the a fortnight," replied Mr.
Felix, who bowed and withdrew, appa
rently enchanted with my way of doing
A draft upon Paris! The circumstance
appeared so unusual to toe, that I tho't
I ought to send it to Paris and get it
gashed. I wrote accordingly to Messrs.
Flanges and Bergeret, the only firm I
knew there. I was in the habit, of re
ceiving through them the interest of a
small sum that had been left me by an
uncle. I informed them that, having
funds at my disposal, I yished for in
formation as to the best thode of invest
ing them. The significance of the word
"fonds" varies very much according to
the name and. position in life of the
speaker. The rumor of My legacy had
reached Paris, so that when I spoke of
funds, it was evident I meant a consid
erable sum. This was proved by
following letter: •
" SIR—We are in receipt of your es
teemed favor of the 17th current, which
reached us just after the conclusion of
the last loan negotiated by the Cortes,
in which our firm has au interest. De
sirous that our friends should have an
opportunity Of Participating in an in
vestment which we consider profitable,
we have taken- the liberty - of placing
twenty thousand piasters,to your cred
it. Should that amount appear too con
siderable,ifie rise of these .curities ad
mits of your selling out at premium.
" We remain, sir, yours to command,
• " FLANGES & CO."
" Tcfrthis was added a postcript writ
ten by the head of the firm :
" We have heard withpleasure the re-
Cent good fortune that has, fallen to the
lot of our Old friend amitcorrespondent,
and beg to offer him our services, as oc
casion may require."
Twenty thousand piaaters! I let the
letter fall in sheer amazement.' What
would have been my astonishment, if,
More conversant with tile terms of com
merce, and inure attentive to the en
closed account current, I had seen that
what I took for the principal, was only
the yearly interest? I lost no time in
writing to my correspcindents. too in
form them that the sum was much too
large. " I have received no money," I
said, " - from Martinique, and it would
he impossible for me to meet my engage
An answer came by return post:
"We learn with regret, that you have
misgivings with regard to the Spanish
loan. eording to veur orders, we
have sold out half the stockassigned to
you, which brings you an already a net
profit of, eighty thou:natal francs., With
regard to your property at 'Martinique,
we are too well acquainted with delays
which bequests at such sedistance
necessarily involve,- to think for a too
ment that you can be, immediately put
01: your inheritance; hut
your "simple signature will suffice to pro
cure you all the may require
in the mean time. We take the liberty
of reminding you of the advantage of
making timely inverittnents, lest, when
the legal arrangements are ended, you.
should find difficulty in getting good in for so large a capital. Hoping
yOu may have a better opinion of Ger
man securities than you do of Spanish.,
:we hand you a prospectus for establish
lug a hank at Grurnill"ell. 'You will
please to observe, sir, that no deposit _is
required, and, as calls are only made at
long intervals, it. will be easy, for you to
sell your shares, should,you change your
mind, witliont your hating occasion to
make any payment. We have placed
filty shares to your credit, andhave the
'honor to remains ere:"
"Eighty thousand francs ! The amount
was a perfect mystery to me; no doubt
the clerk Intl naade soniernistake in the
figures. My position was becoming em
barrassing. Congratulations poured in
• from all quartets, especially when I
'Made my appearance itt black from head
-to - foot. The Journal 'de Goubmouges
thought it right to publish a biographi
cal sketch of my cousin, and the editor
'Wrote to me asking further particulars.
Ladies, connected with all sorts of so
cieties, begged that my name might' be
added to their list - of 'fflibscribers, and
- the money I had-to pay for postage was
something' alarming. To, escape, from
Ibisiavalanche -of inquiries, I hastily ,
.deptd,forperis.; _Directly after T - got
there, I - Called 'alibi - tiny - bankers; and
was received as heiretd - a large property
generally • are. - ' • .
" Sorry that you; have such a poor
opinion Lof :She -§panish., stock," said
Monsieur liergeret ;-,'‘.lllele"fiaS, beeiLd
great rise; however, - we only sold'Oirt
I half your parcel." •=
" Would you have-the-goodness to let
me know-what the present value of_ the
remainder.might., be?!! I replied. •, ,
"Cerlainly, sir; ten thousiiiid
ters Uock . ,'at seventy, - (the piaster being
.at live francs, thirty=five tentimes,j.thel
' sum 'already 'paid-being—if you:sell out
to-day you will, with,-the proceedS of
the last sale, have from two hundred and
ten thousand to tivo hirtidreclaudtwen
ly-four thousand francs." _
• " Very well. --Yeit_said--something
about a German bank, ,I think
`'Yes • the GoVernment„ made some
,difficulty about granting a'eharter ; but
I it is'allsettled now, and • the promised
I shares 'have risen considerably." ,
" Can I sell out?"
T " Certainly ; you have fifty, at four
hundred and fifty florins profit; that
will bring you in about sixty thousand
"Without any calls to pay ?" -
_None hateyer."
, „ ..
"That seems strange ; but you are no and his' f 4 a 1 ary a few hundred 4 lollars—
doubt well infOltued: "'should like to pills bronchial difficulties, vertigo, cere
find a secure investment for those sums. brat pressure of blood, dyspepsia or gen-
WOuld you havethe goodness to tell me oral weakness (of body we mean) is re
what would ho,the best?" lieved by a change of neighborhood as
"You cannot have anything better effectually as his brother minister a
than our own five percent, I know of broad; or his wife, who is of delicate
nothing more secure. At the present health, but fortunately wealthy, escapes
price 'of that stock, you get six pei•• cent , the east winds and feels'nicely by mov
for your thon'eyl-- I' can , 'efectty tinder- rug ten miles further down on the coast
stand that you should be worried by ,or nearer the city. •
_such trifling details as these; you will •" Indeed, this matter of clerical health
Isoon have more considerable sums to as related to the amount of salary, like
nook after," I- I the effects of Sabbath heat and Cold and
rain .and snow on some persons, is a
• " Then if, I invest the coral - lined pro_i
duce of
five the'Oerman rind Spanish stocks i subjectsubjectfar fro m being well understood.
It is n inviting Yield for investigation,
in the pee vent.l,'What should I get I
a year??' • and we suggest that it he explored mai nt
, #. ~, , ..,. ,
' ly by (Whets .of medicine and doctors
-, ", Let me see. '. Three _hundred thou- of divinity."
Saud francs—funds at. ejghty 7 -eighteen -
- r -twenty—yes, twenty thousand francs 1
a year. - 1 A man noted for his love of money,
' 'Ti!A" twenft thousand cranes ayear! ; remarked to a neighbor : " I think more
and When'eantheinvestnienthe wader! lof my two girls than .1 do of money."
.4 To-morrow morning ; that is, if you ' What a loving father.
4. - .- ,
allow our firm to conduct the transac
" Certainly ; in whom could my con
fidence be better placed ?"
The banker made a polite bow.
" And now," I continued, " I should
feel obliged if you would have thegood
ness to advance me a few louis, as I am
rather short of cash."
" My dear sir, all the cash I possess is
at your service. How much do you
want—two hundred—four hundred ?"
"Thank you; fifty will bequitesnfli
cient." ,
" May I hope," added the banker, as
I *rose to take leave, " that our firm may
be favored with the continuance of your
" Certainly," I replied.
There are few moments of my life on
which I look back with more satisfac
tion than on those occupied in the in
terview with Mr. Bergeret. I doubt if
I should have believed in the twenty
thousand francs a year, if it had not
been for the fifty Napoleons.
In the mean time my two friends
were-shocked at the success of their sto
ry, and Were net a little alarmed at my
sudden journey to Paris, which was at
tributed by others to legal business.—
George and Albert then began to tear
that I really believed in the authenticity
of the invention they had concocted.
Three days after my return they came
to see me, with long faces.
" My dear Louis," said George, " you
know your cow-in is not dead
" I cannot be sure of that," I replied,
"for I am by no mean,eonvineed of h is
" Well ;"you know that this inherit
slice is only a hoax ?"
" To tell you the truth, I think we are
the only people that are of that opin
ion." 4
" We have been very wrong to origi
nate such an invention; for which we
are sincerely sorry."
"On the contrary, I lUD very much
obliged to you."
" But it is our duty to contradict it.
and confess how foolish we hive been."
Truth cannot long remain con►ealed.
People began to wonder that no news
came from Martinique; the wise and
prudent shook their heads ominously
when my name was mentioned.
"The• most ludicrous feature in the
case is," said one, " that lie has ended
in believing in the truth of his own in
vention For my part, I must say that
I was always rather skeptical about that
"And I also," said Mr. Felix, " tlw
it Post nie fifteen thousand irancs."
On peeing a dozen letters on-iny tilde
one morning, I guessed that the bubble
had burst. Their contents were.mch
alike; for instance:
" Mayer's respects to Mr. Meran,
and having very heavy payments to
meet, will feel obliged by a cheque' for
the amount of the enelh,eil.77
My replies tliqtnis.+ed all doulDk of my
perfect solvency.
"Mr. Meran thanks Mr. Mayer for
hacing at last sent in his account, :mil
encloses, a cheque for the amount"
My cool and unconcerned demeanor
kept curiosity alive for a few days
" What. a lucky fellow !" ~aid one.
"Lack has nothing to doM
Nl' I it,"
rejhined another; •' he has played his
cards well, and has won."
Once or twits, I confess, I 4_ , lt com
punction of conscience_ ; but a Moment's
reflection convinced me that my own
exertions had FM share in my good for
tune ; and that I owed it all to a univer
sal public worship of the <4)1114 Calf,
and the truth of Albert's axiom, " the
next best thing to capital is credit."
Salary and Health
The , Boston Review has- an amusing ,
examination of the influence of , salry
on the health of clergymen, showing
that the larger it is the worse they are.
"It is pleasing to see how ability and I
burdens are proportioned, to each other 1
among the clergy. A feeble church'
with small salary is usually able, doubt
from_ its healthy location, - to , get a
pastor who can live and lie strong and
useful from year to year without any
vacation. If the salary goes above five '
or six hundred, the place is somewhat
enervating, he really seems to need two
or- three weeks of recreation. If the so
ciety be a stirring, independent body,
and scorn the idea of paying less than
twelve hundred, a long vacation, and
often a long, purse with it, comes as a 1
Matter of course to the exhadsted la
i 1)6 re r. - .
.: , " But what is singularly fortunate, '
showing. the wigeltdaptations of Provi
dence, theloeationa the most sickly and the clergy, calling for the
'longest and most] expensive vacations,
:ire just those that eau best afford it.—
!Pie wonder is that ministers wishing
settlenien is are not shy of those societies
that: wi l y two and - three and four thou
salja dollars, for the pastor's health is
'almost sure so far to fail as to require a
three month's - trip to England, six or
seven months 'on the Continent, or even
a year or two up the Mediterranean and
' through the Holy Laud and Egypt.—
But the W 1111) is tempered to the shorn
lamb, whether it browSe on its own vil
lart ? e hillside, or the Alps, or along the
Nile. still, the fact remains for *curious
y u
o among t d h et the solution
frequent (l
" Od i l i
: '
I position, chronic diseases,' and those re
quiring long vacations and foreign trav
el, should prevail most among wealthy
and liberal parishes.
" We only add that a fact, abnormal
yet germain, enhances the curiosity,
and tie solution. Sometimes a Minis
ter, nimble to , reach England, Saratoga,
or the White Mountains even, is cured
by, changing his location a few miles
The Proprietors have stocked the establishment with
a large assortment of modern styles
and are prepared to execute neatly, and promptly
TOWNSHIP ORflallii,Ac., Ac.
Deeds, Mortgages. Leases, and a foil assortment of
Constables' and Justices' Blanks, constantly on band.
People living at a distance can depend on haring their
work done promptly, and sent back in return mail.
ArOmucr—Hoy's block, Second Floor.
NO. 30.
Hos. CHARLES R. COBURN, Superintendent of
Common Schools
Sir :—ln compliance with the act of Assem
bly, I have the honor to present to you the fol
lowing report for Tioga county for the school year
ending June 4, 1886.
' Boseaes and Furniture." One acre of ground fa
vorably located, surrounded by a, substantial,
neatly painted fence, with outbuildings, 'bade
trees, and a well of water thereon—a bootie 24 by
36 feet on the outside, walls 12 feet high and
nicely papered, with suitable furniture and appa
ratus finished in the best style of workmanship,
and arranged according to the plan of an experi
enced teacher ;—snch are some of the indispensa
ble requisites to a school of one grade in the rural
districts of this county. Such a building and ap
purtenances would involve an eipense of from
$lOO to $2OO above those ordinarily constructed,
and in time would prove the cheapest and by far
the most useful that could be erected. No houses
of this description have ever been erected in this
county few have approximated to it in some par
ticulars the model school building at Mansfield
COLOCS nearest to it in point of inside finish ; while
most of them are entirely wanting in these rea
sonable and essential requirements. There is no
longer any excuse for not proettins: m• pleasant and
spacious grounds, commodious lainses, and attrac
tive furniture for our common schools. The war
is over, and one local war taxes are fast being
paid. We are now prepared to enter upon a new
era of progress in our educational history. We
greatly need houses that both teachers and pupils
will he delighted instead of reluctant to enter.
• Magnetic globes were supplied to the schools of
Richmond district during the year. I can cheer
fully attest their utility 41 the hands of good
Schools. It is useless to deny that our schools
have materially retrograded during the last five
years. The attendance is less, the average being
nearly 600 greater in 1860 than in 18r,5 ; the
scholars are smaller; and the standard of schol
arship 1.4 not so high. The war has demanded
and received many of our best male tenehers,
whose places have been supplied by females ; and
it is no disparagement to the better class of fe
male teachers to say that the poorer class are not
qualified to meet this deficiency. The larger boys
and girls have been kepi from school to perform
the home duties of their older brothers and sis
ters who bad assumed respectively the more re
sponsible duties of the camp and the schoolroom.
Directors, parents and children have had their
minds too `much occupied, for the good of the
cholars, by the cares, anxieties and sorrows which
iire too well remembered to require mention.—
But these causes are now happily at an end.—
How shalt we induce abetter state of affairs?—
How shall we recall our teachers to the school
room ? shall we persuade our boys and girls
that it ilenit disgrace for them to be found in the
common schools after they have entered their
" teens"? Dow shall we arouse the energies and
rekindle the interest of Directors, parents and all,
so that unitedly they shall go to work to redeem
the standing of our sehoolli? These are practical
questions of vast importance. Nine-tenths of
our people—our farmers, mechanics, merchants,
iind prof,'-signal men—have received their educa
tion in the common schools. Few, indeed, in
e,ditpunson with the many, have ever received
scholastic training in schools of higher grade.—
Cenunou schools have quickened the public con
science, aided moral reform, stimulated industry,
promoted the wealth and prosperity of our ems
tr, and defended the integrity of our civil and
religious institutions against domestic traitors as
well as external fees. It is true, we have not fully
appreciated their influence. Their. cost has been
trifling and we Prize little that which
costs little. llere, then, we ought to begin a re
form; and by liberal and judicious expenditures,
make our schools what they ought to be, namely,
a Met' all ear children may receiVe
tint lit.eraleducation. Thousands and
tuns et thousands et dollar , are annually expend
ed by citiaele4 of this county for the support of
private -cheek and academies. when the same
advantage , . in a majority of cases, might he (a
tum(' i to the eommou schools for one-fourth of
the motley; anti with this-additional advantage,
that in the common schools the poor as well as
the rich would receive the benefit of the expen
Tectchr, , , While oar schools have suffered
temporarily by the withdrawal of so large a num
ber of male teachers, still there has been a mark
ed improvl.lllolo in the qualifications of female
teachers during the past three years. This has
bean mainly the result of two causes: first, the
Inutianle effort, of this class of teachers to quali
fy theui.elves to meet the increased demand for
their serv.ees: second, more rigid and thorough
examination.. During this year alone, I have
rejected one hundred applicants; and I have not
hesitated to declare my intention to reduce the
teaching force to the lowest numbers—reserving
enough ,if the better class of teachers to fill the
schools. In some instances a scarcity of teachers
Has been produced; but the offering of better
wages it is induced older and better teachers to
come tor wa rd to supply the vacant schools. The
effect or II 1-t policy has treen to increase the wa
gps of teachers. In 1815•.1, the average price per
month paid to female teachers in this county, in
eluding the benefit of ‘• boarding round," was $l7
Os. In 1:65 it was $23 03; an increase of near
ly 35 pat icor. Full reports for 1866 have nut
been re raved: but in my judgment the average
price will not fall much below $23, which would
he an increase of over 60 per cent. in three years.
The wages of good male teachers have increased
in a still greater ratio. This is certainly encour
aging. till we need to labor for an increase of
wage. to nod teachers. The best way for teach
ers to labor for this, is to make themselves wor
thy of it Many of our people still hold to the
ail-taken theory that a poor teacher will do for a
backward school. Why, it is just the way to
make a backward school always remain back
ward. The feet is. good teachers are not appre
ciated : poor ones are too much tolerated. It we
wool.[ .ecure the best talent of the country [or
our common schools, we must pay for it, whether
it he tonna in male or female teachers. Bow
shorf.ighted [tie policy, and yet how often it oc
curs, that agouti teacher is exchanged for a potr
one, for the differenee of a few paltry dollars a
Examiimti.ns. Provisional certificates averag
ing "3" were the lowest grade issued during the
year. i however, cumbers " l".and "5" were re.
tamed in conducting examinations. No perma
nent Icitifiestes have been granted daring my
The Normal School act provides that "actual
teachers of common schools who shall produce
satisfactory evidence , of having taught In COM
won schools during three full consecutive annual
tei we pt the districts in whirl, they were em—
pl..)odl, may also he examined at the same time
and in the same manner with the students of their
proper Normal Schools, and if found equally
qualified, shall receive certificates of scholarship
of the same kind."
A certificate or diploma under this act, exempts
the holder from further examination, and is valid
any part of the State. It also has the further
superiority of producing uniformity, by. fixing a
high standard for the teacher's profession through
out the State. This, it seems to me, obviates the
necessity, which is sometimes disagreeable and
perplexing, of granting permanent certificates by
county Superintendents. Particularly is this the
case in this county. The State Normal School at
Mansfield Las been in successful operation for the
past two years, and it is easily accessible from all
parts of the county. I have urged, and 1 would
still urge teachers to seek professional certificates
from this institution, either by entering it for
graduation, if unprepared, or by applying for ex
amination under the above provision, if already
sufficiently educated and experienced.
Visitations. Entering anew upon the duties of
this office, after an absence of nearly a year in
the army, I found it impossible to visit all the
schools (twing the winter term. Many of the
schools were late iu opening, and the bad state of
the roses rendered the means of travel slow and
difficult. However, I' visited 134 schools an aver
age. of I j hours each. This is by far the most
labortiats part of the Superintendent's duties. but
I aim ratistied that it is the Most profitable in its
intluonce upon the schools, though, owing to the
peculiar nature.of the work, it is not generally
appreciated hy the people. The short time which
the Superintendent is able to spend in any one
ttomihuiiity, tends to pioduce the belief that he is
engaged in an idle and profitless calling; besides,
t,s a casual observer the results of his visits are