00_ ertrratt -c Irv* e _ WEDNESDAY .TITN.„I 60860 New Advertizenann.ta:,,_ trit tor'sNotice—J. Alexander. Intaninrc--0. - • ..- o,utlun—J. M. and G. A. Keeney. Welleboro Woolen Factory—J. Hiltbold. Fu med—Grain--Bennett & Nawhall i fur Salc—Lumber—Bennett & Newhall. Caution—O. L. Butts Wife Etttray—W:. Peters. •• Administrator's Notre(—W. Adana's. `• Itch and Scratch—Special. ILlPTisist.—Rev. N. L. REYNOLDS, of a,t.ttield, administered - the rite of baptism' by „...totr,ion, to 22 persons, at Whitneyville, Sun ny 'att. : , la CREAM ErPERTAINIEN'It'—iIhe iadg: of the Prethyterian Church will give an ~roiei entertainment in the Cork' Rutin, tin f,edoe:ciay evening, the 6th inat.. RNED Our.—Mr. - A. T. Gnerney,' O . Lake c, i y, Min., wrifel us that by a - late destrnotive !re in Hudson City Wisconsin, Messrs. John prlght Chubbuek, formerly of this borough, sere beers to the amount of aomo $5OOO. These „ T ung men were dbing a fine" business business 'and the lie Rill fall heavily upon them. COVAT itten4a4l9e -up 9 r 4 , Court last week, was the largest recollected of by the " oldest inhabitant." An unusual amount of Qaarter Sessions business was transacted. Judge Witham: presided. PEasoNA.L.—We are pleased to chron icle a visit from Wm. &oda?, Esq,' of the Bing- Innen Daily Republican, and Dr. Wu. C. DOALFE, ,f Washington, now of Hartford, Counefti „l.,n Thursday last. The.D'ocier is on a busi ,„e tour, and Mr. Stuart la recruiting his. bealth won g our mountains. He is one of` the most t gomus editors in harness, and , amost genial c,mpanion. Both repoiethenisefiesias delighted Lie this portion of the "rural districts," and cantry air and fare have markedly improved the nalth of friend Stuart. May they have a riles at trip. • t • PERsoNA.L.—Our friend,C. G. WILL 4v. Esq., has pat the temptations of office at t:t State Capital tiehind and has taken , up residence in Wellsboro for the completion or 1: legal studies. ,We congratulate him upon :iring escaped from the shackles of routine, and Ir.;:t that he may find mormtain air and mown. we fare conducive to robust health and a clear BEM BIG BEAlt.—Messis. Videan and os 7 ' bronAiat a large and very fat bear to town edening of last week. his bearship rt.ghed, dressed, 250 -lbs., and was the last of six aitured by those enterprising bunters this sea near the, Rotind Islanqa. We are obliged to Wee. Townsend; of the Meat .Market; for a .uple of steaks from.Brnin'a.carease. li .BUE.INESS CHAziozB.-:i11ir.!.E.13: Will- LIE disposed of his trading stand' at Stony rk tr. Mr..E- A. Miller, and pas ;purchased the gr r cery standioccupied by Mr. I. C. Brown in this Olege. Success to all parties. Messrs..l.louroe k Carrey have parebitted the bu•roess lately carried on by the brothers Van l',lkenburg, and are prepirad to famish flour and rr,,isiees, of the best qu6lity, to the trading lublie. We bespeak for them a geneioni patron age. A FIRE in Williamsport on the night f : , :attirday week destroying the Jail and seven .uildisgs on Third street. A woman was crush dby the fall of a safe from the . second story of building. Loss said to bo $l6OOO. The Rochester Union says that wheu young ladies become obnoxious to the married asides of Elmira they are sent to Rochester to ward at •"Capt. Fnitun's Hotel." We inspect time of them get free tickets in other directions ILan Rochester. How is it FAIRMAN ? THE WELLS.—Th borough authori tiulare e..ntracted with i lfr. F. D. Bunnell, of the Morris Farm, to sink and establish' the reser- Tors along Main and Pearl streets. The price is 1; per foot for twelve feet in depth, withiMcreased compensation per foot if the welts need to be fat lower. He went vigorously at the work Ttetday of last week, and the work is rapidly ad- OM HAND POWER Loom.—There is now m exhibition at Hazlett's hotel, in this village, f Ile,pderson's Hand Power Looms, especially h::geed for farmers' use. What it lacks in beau -1!. it makes tip in utility. This loom works with great rapidity, is simple :construction, and will weave, with equal facili light linen or heavy woolen fabrics, or seam• •d. begs. Messrs. weisztare4 Packard atoll these lams at $5O. MANSFIELD 21TitdorAti !"zlnEtant is set apart by this institution for its ommencegoent exercises. The occasion will be profitable and interesting tie all friends of v%tation, and the attendance cannot fait to be l;e. 4 A alum entertainment, for the benefit of the z.zitution, was given Friday evening of last trek. We Hare - to bur frietid4' *rid Pent! 6.r g be substantial, and unusuallytimer • t , kens of their regard and appreciati n last " ,