— 'l"h 1e Art of RissinHg. People willi kiss, yet not one in a hun dred knows how to extract bliss from lovely lips, no more than they know how to make diamonds from charcoal. And yet it is easy, at least for me! This little item is not alone for young begin ners, but for the many who go at it like h,anti4g oclOtis or viaellitig corn. First. talow, Whom( yOU are, to kiss. Don't make a mistake, although a mistake may be', good. Don't jump up like a trout for a fly, and smack a woman, on the neck, 10n....±1ie ear, on the corner of the forehead, on the end of her nose, or slop over on her water-fall or bonnet ribbon, in haste to get- through. The gentleman. should be a little the tallest. He should have a clean face, a kind eye, a mouth full of expression in stead of tobacco. Don't kiss everybody, including nssty little dogs, male, or le male. Don't sit down to it, , Ctatid Need not be anxious to get in a crowd. Two persons are plenty to corner and catch a kiss. More persons spoil the sport. Stand firm. It won't \hurt any after you are used to It. Take the 'left hand of the lady in your right hand. — Let your hat go to—any place out of the way. Throw the left hand over the shoulder of the lady, and let the hand fall down upon the right side towards the belt. Don't be in a hurry. Draw her gently, lovingly to the heart. Her head will fall-lightly upon your shoul der, and a handsome shoulder strap it makes! Don't be in a hurry; send a little life down your left arm and let it know its business. Her left hand is in your right. Let there be expression to that—not like the grip of a vice, but a gentle clasp, full of electricity, tkought, and respect. Don't be in a hurry her head lies carelessly on your shoulder! You are nearly heart to heart! , Look down into her half closed eyes. Gent ly, 'yet manfully press her to your bo som! Stand firm, and Providence will give you strength for the ordeal. Be brave, but don't be in a hurry. •Her lips almost open!! Lean lightly forward with your head, not the body. Take good aim ; the lips meet; the eyes close; the heart Opens,- the soul rides out the storm, the .trotthici. add sorrows of life ; (don't be in 8 hurt?) ; heaven opens be fore-you; the world shoots from under your feet, as a meteor flashes across the evening sky, (don't be at all afraid) •, the nerves dance before the just created al tar of love as zephyrs dance with the dew-trimmed flowers; the heart forgets! its bitterness, and the art of kissing 'IEO learned! No noise, no fuss, no flutter ing and squirming like hook-impaled worms. Kissing don't hurt ; it does not require a brass band to make it legal.— Don't jab down on a beautiful mouth as if spearing for frogs ! Don't grab and yank the lady as if she was a strug gling colt! Don't muss her hair, bite her.cheek_ scratch dmria hor oollar, or squizzle her rich ribbons, and leave her mussed, rumpled, and flummuxed ! Don't flavor your kisses with onions, to haze°, gin cocktails, lager beer, brandy, cte.—for a maudlin kiss is worse than the itch to a delicate, sensible woman. • There, now, is our recipe, free, gratis, for nothing. Try it. So - me people think it a big thing to be an editor. Well, perhaps it is—but we don't see it.,. A fellow, is dead-headed into circuses and concerts, and rides on a few railroads and steamboats free—but that one fact destroys all the pleasure. When we had to scrimp for a week to get a dollar to buy a seat at the opera, the delight experienced NMS proportion ed to the sacrifice of money it cost us. When we can ride on a railroad for no thing, we don't care a snap about going at all; and so on. An editor sometimes gets presents, but they are nine times out of ten articles that are of no sort of use to him. In his paper he may say forty good things unapplauded, but if he happens through carelessness or mistake to get off an obnoxious paragraph, he catches fits from the entire community. If he omits anything, then he is lazy. If he speaks of things as they are, peo ple are mad. If he glosses over—smoo thing down the rough points—he is bribed. If he calls things by their pro per names, he is unlit for an editor. If he does not furnish his readers with jokes, he is a mullet. If he does, he is a rattlehead, wanting stability. If be condemns wrong, he is a good fellow, but lacks discretion. If he lets wrongs and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward. If he condemns a public man, he does so to gratify spite, as the tool of a clique, or belongs to the " outs." If he indulges in personalities, he's a black guard—if he does not, his paper is insi pid. They put Job through a pretty good course of sprouts, according to Ho ly Writ, but there is no record of his being obliged to serve as an editor of a - weekly paper. That would doubtless have been more than his patience could have withstood. He probably in such case would have taken the advice of his friends-..enssed and died. Milton was asked, "How is it that in some countries a king is allowed to take his place on the throne at fonrteenyears of age, bUttnay not marry until he is eighteen ?" "Because," said the poet, "it is easier to govern a kingdom than a woman." TlME.—Time wears slippers of list, and his tread is noiseleess. The days come softly dawning, one after anoth er; they creep in at the windows; their fresh morning air is grateful to the lips, as they pant for it; their music is sweet to the ears that listen for it ; till before we know it, a whole life of days has possession of the citadel, and Time has taken us for his own. LINES OF TRAVEL. ERIE RAILWAY. Oa and after Monday, May 14,1888, trains will leave Corning at the following hours: irtBTWABD 8017 ND. 7:OS a ra Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Roch ester, Buffalo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making di. rect connection with trains of the Atlantic & Great Western, Lake Shore, and Grand Trunk Rallwayslfor all points West. 7:25 a. to., Lightning Expreas, Daily, for EAFitester Bpf lo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and'the West. 10:23 a. m.. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 5:05 p. no., Emigrant train, Daily, for the West. 0:45 p. m.. Day Express, Sundays exceptelL for Roches. ter, Buffalo, Salamanca and the West, connecting at Salamanca with the Atlantic A G. W. Baiiwny, sad at Buffalo with. the Lake Slicre and Grand Think Railways for points west and south. 12= a . m., Express Mail, Sundays excepted. for Buffa lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains fcr the West. FASTWAILD VDT= 3:40 a. m., Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, con necting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and South ; at Owego for Ithaca; .at Binghamton for Sy racuse; at Great Bend for-Scranton and Philadelphia; at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for Newburg and Warwick. 10:84 R. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted, connecting at Great Band for Scranton, Philadelphia, and South. 4;15 p. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Harrisburgh, Phila delphia, and South. 7:10 p. m., Lightning Express, Sundays excepted. . 12.12 a. m., r4cht Express, Daily, connecting at Gray. court for Warwick. WM. R. BARE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Biersburg & Corning, & Tioga 11. it Arrive. 14ara Corning: MALI, _ ..... 00 11 ........ 616 p Acommodation, 680 p 'Accommodation ,10 1.6 a m L. IT. SaArrocK, Eup't. ALN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found at ROY'S DRUG STORE C N.V.4IR T B L o‘oBo CORNING, STRUBRNICOUNTY; N. Y. Lfl REGULATOR STORE. EL A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS a • . - the community generally. Not being a filen. to long and windy advertisements and large ex pendtturee to the Printers, I herewith submit a condensed statement of facts at a email Nig, with the understanding that the surplus capital will be better employed in reducing the price of Goods to my cestornera.. i Z-4 'f ik O S : get '11: My stock Is fall and complete to supply all the wants of my old customers and many new ones, both in the Retail,and Jab Trade fdt the ap proacOing cold weather. - Marhig ALL WOOL CASSIMERE ~, . 2.;:t:ve: t-', - iiiii3Lit't... ..'g at Bs. per yard. Naraganeett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 4s. Good yard wide Breirn Sheet lags at 2s. Prints 18 to 23 cents per yard. CHOICE DRESS GOODS from 2s 6d to 43 pet' yard, quality equal to those prices six years ago.: Dress Goods at lower Pri.; may well as a splendid assortment of fine goods a; less pricer than can be bought in the State.— Among them may be found ALL WO )L MERINOES at 55 to 12s per .yard. - Empress Clothe plain and figured. Merinocs, Bombazines. Alpaccts, Scotch Plaids, Mohairee,and in fact every thing usually kept in a first ess eountrystorer. - , • - Ladies' Cloth :for Coakings at va rious prices, including Wash ington Mills. Water Proof Union Beaver, Esqu'imaux and Castor Brown. ind many other too numerous to mention; a heavy Bleak Beaver at $3,00, (Gents fine Cassimere equally cheap.) My Boots, Shoes; dnd Carpet Stock, down stairs was never more fall and complete, or at greater inducements to the purchaser. Bargains may be ropai atthe In Hats, aips, Gloves and Mittens; BED, i• HORSE BLANKETS. GI, O _TAKI 4WOJO*,:i aro not to be misunderstood, when 'the steady and unexampled increase of business is taken into the account. I say without the fear ; of con tradiction, that with the large' purchesei I am making from month to month for cash, I can sell to the country trade as low as they can buy in cbe city, including freight, which gives me an opportunity to offer SUPERIOR ADVAIV7'AGES to the Retail trade, widish I its dcdnit and Bound to do as a testimenial of my gratitude for their many favors and ',very liberal patronage. IL RIDDLE, Gerel Sup't Will give my customers the lemma of Amy amen in the market is ink pelted In ,of and other sales from day to day by telegraph and otherwise. - Gomiagjamel, 3265. .; - • i__.)-L .. ..__ .._ liliiii NM iiiit_Ti NO. 1 & 2, '6.. i , ; '..1. 1 •'; A.Y. , 1 •i: . • ". - , . BEG ULATOB also. In =LA ,The advantage to my Card, Staples & Sem, i D n Z e O et t EL ro t s: A g S eie C r y.y . AR ag E Pitir e 2 s E somata of I ' )ODS, GROUP:RIES, ADE,CLOTHINA3. DOTS- k SHOES, ED ' ' ISTEING GOODS, 1 STONE, AND GLA ARE, in - .oit;evetytbing :usually kept in u country stem all of labich will ba sold as •luu a 1 tire -where, for READY PAY ONLY toiSho* -Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES• QTXPLES &, CO., grateful to old patrons for 1.) past faro* hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed . a.-copartnership wine P. CARD, they feel confident" that` !hey can do better than ever bggpre L ns the new firm,win hays a larger asartsuiliti • , .t COMPETITION I)EFIED ! CARD, STAPLES & SON Keeneyviile, Feb. 21, 1858.-Iy. 1866 • EQR EALE. "1866 , 2 - 2 , ‘,,„ BY C. WICKIIA:M t ., T IlDa NURSERY OF EBUti' AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA:— i - ID • • • ' 64040011).LApple ;frees. 1.0,000 - Pear Trees. A deed supply of PLUM, PEACH; CHERRY; and ORNAMENTAL TREES k SHRUBBERY. The ErnWtrees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in tearing. AnY.o.ue wishing to get- a .supply int! do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere. Or Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1866-lye -I TIOGA MARBLE WORKS. • (late Colo and Calkins) MR. CONKLIN haveng had large ex perience in toms of the beet Marble Shops in,tbe country in the artistic part of this business the proprietors are now prepared to execute orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MONU MENTS of either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MARBLE, in the most workmanlike manner, and with dis patch, They will keep the best quality of 'War ble, of both kinds named, constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rest and dirt cleansed and made, to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, ie - our au thorized Agent,..;.and all contracts made with him will be valid. Customers can contract for,work wth him at shop prices. Tioga San. 1, 1866-Iy. NEW MEAT MARKET WAS. TOWNSEND, AGENT Wholesale and Retail Dealer ii. FLOUR, PORK, HAMS, AND ORO- CERIES, Nsr-cr_s..iszono, ALSO, FRESMBEEE, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c Shop ane'Dnor Son& oR Smith's Law 0111 Ce. Wellshoro, Jan. 1, 11366-tf. I AM SELLING OFF MY STOCK - OF GOODS FIFO** wift • THAN THIRTY DAYS AOO. aft. CALL AND SEE! lag WeUsboro, J&5. 1, 1886. 0. BULLARD. Stores & Tin Ware FOR - Tit, MILLION: ' - Messrs. ..ROBEA'ES ITS t , lopposrri tOluit Are now prepared to -tarnish the public with anything in their line of business, in quantity as large, in quality, se good, and as cheap in price as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. They pay particular attention to the _ _ STOVE AND TIN WARE BPSINESS, and intend to keeps fall assortment of everything in that line. §l4/41 Wittig 'MADE TO ORDER,' •=- • • promptly, and wairMitid to givo'satisfaotion REPAIRING : executed in the neefininnon atd widl disp:ati CALL AND SEE'VS. ROBERTI:1 ' KELSEY Welliborough, March 7, 18n6. ANtIOUNCEMENT: WE have reduced the prig° of Flour $l. per Lured; Bees and areal 50 cents" per ort, and shall sail, pOR CA5311 ONLY, C. J. RILL FLOUR, W - RIGHT :` 4 Belay's BEST WHITE - WHEAT FLOUR, SEIVNG WHEAT FLOUR, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND HEED, CORN MEAL, - BRAN, &a., &c. g CASH! BAIII FOB ALL KINDS OF , GRAIN. WHIG= di- itAILBY. llNlaboto, Jim 24, • . Ste*slt ''StirgietA AND HARDWAD.E: MR, .70144 t „ROBERTS begs A Lut , afttioti4citti Oeititinens Tidin%l9).tosW, &stein lidiiiitonV Vs etc:anent itoct.:4Stoies;' Ti4-Ware. Britton's, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he kag,ist a great outlay, stocked hiistor4 on '(MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with i a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of 'stitch we enumerate thi following articles : NAkLS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, . AIMOC BY CIE BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, i PUMPS, AXES, - 7 0 AUGERS, BITTS, Dr,lli-STOCKS:'HATCHET . f3: CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, • 1 WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, • PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, - • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES,' HOOP, BAR„ it BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE fr*-IfElag y # • POPPERS, SAUSAGE. CUTTERS AND STUFFEDS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, - PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER .AND CAPS. PATENT BAUNDOOR HANGINGS, a Lair thing, and made for_sme. hese are bat a few of i the many articles compos in g our stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We -aim to keep the best- quality- of goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. • Wellsboro, Jon. 1 1885—tf. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!!- The undersigned begs leave 'to announce to the people of Tioga County that be has cash= fished an agency in Wellabor°, for the well known HOME INSURANCE COMPANY,- of Sew York 'at he icprepared is insure all kinds of prop erty upon as reasonable terms as can be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICtRe without sending the application to the ()metal Office. This is one of the richest Rowtßanies in the United States, having a Cash Capital of $2,000,000, besides the Assets - which on the Ist of January, 1865, amounted to 88 765 503 42. Liabi1itie5.......:4 t .... !» ..e _ ' ::..27 . 320/ 52 Ita oMoers are CilAl3. J. MARTIN President, A. P. WILWORTH Vice President, AMIN: Mc GEE " Secretary, it-A /1. 1 WASRBORN...... ......... Assistant Seo'y. - Thi. Company hastaken oat A STATE LICENSE, and monthly pays the per centage charged upon its. Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. Ail polish)! issued by Companies which have -net taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal ty for se insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. Wellsboro, Aug. 23,'65. W. - H. 13.14111 T. ' 0 & N. HAMMOND'S NURSERY.— i • . BlLiddlebarV; Tiosa Co., Pa.; Situated on the Plank /load, 4 oats from 330g4. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Pratt Trees at the following prices : Appletrees—iarge size, 25 cents at the Nursery; SG vents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 50 eta. Somata APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, 'Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Bummer Queen, StimmerHing„ Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. %tut APPLEL—Famense, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribstou Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, ripmloy Desmo, M..iden's BluBD, Large Wine, Ladiks• Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. , %NITA APPLES.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Island Green. ing, Esopue Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillflower ' Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound,Sweet, Pound Soar, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Pwalts.—Bartlett, Anglisla Jargonello, Bleaker's Metdow,.Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seokel, Beurre lY Amelia, Golden Bearre,Flemish Beauty, Gloat Morceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. ,C.h N. HAMMOND.: Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 18136-ly„ nANVASSERS WANTED, at $2OO per month. kj We want reliable agents, ( none other,) male and fepiale, to take the exclusive agency in every .county and township in the D. S., to sell the Pho tograph Family Record, a work which every fam ily will,buy. -It is bound like an album, but has a printed blank page opposite each photograph, for a complete record of the husband, wife, and each child of a family; also containing marriagb certificate, and pages for military history of dni( member of .the family. Nothing like it everpulr. Rehea r and no work that agents can sell so read._ ily. - Old canvassers and others should send for circulars and terms. It is necessary to have cop ies of the work to canvass with ; price by express, $2 50, $3 50 and $7 00 (3 styles); money may be sent by mail. Name tho townships wanted. Address BARTLESON CO. April 11, '66.-2ra 611 Chestnut st., Phila. NICHOLS' PERUVIAN BARS At PROT OXIDE OF IRON, for sale by [jae.3l, '68.3 BORDEN BRO'S., Tioga. K EROSINE LAMPS at ROY'S DRUG STORE. 'YOB-WI:Mk, IR THE BEST STILE, and ILI with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Mon. " CATAR • Grure. or one Dollar !--keadi— For one dollar, per mall, I will send free to any address, nreeaps„and. taedioino ,that I will guarantee to cure the worst cases of Catarrh in the bead or bronchial tubes, in a few weeks. It has saved my life, asuisaado me a well man from Catarrh and a levite` dangerous' bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. I tried the best physicians, and all the advertised medicines of the day, hut found., no, relief tall .I 4 obtained this. I would give one' klindidd 'dollen for this recipe and the medicine, if I now had the Ca tarrh and could not obtain it for less. I believe, if instructions are followed, it will cure any case whatever, that has not already reached the longs and, become a settled consumption. Cure it while you can. Address. T. .P., SYMMS, No. 152 , !,. Fulton at. New York. mar 28, '6B-3m fore their use does not create a necessity for the habi 1 1. al use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness f the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are ectly harmless to the most delicate. ' They will immediately 4 , 7_44 4 AelleStomacia, cure; Flatulence, voirtburn i Sickness or pain in the litomseb. Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa ,greeeble and dangerous symptoms of the disease, ,which unfit one fbr the pleasures and duties of life. i They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiserovithout any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, ;trig-phoning and invigorating power they are lore to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventiet'Oestiveneta, Diarrhea or Dysehtery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured; by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, cafe and sure restorer of the di gestide organs ti their drl4inal strength and !ivy. Prepared solely; lije the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, S. E. Cor. 21st and Market Ste., Philad'a, Pa. Ssii that my Signature is on the face of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurious imi tations. W.D. TERBDLL, Wbolessle • or ning, Q. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Corning, Sept. 20, 186.5-Iy. IMPOITII\iII iiiii:iet!-..,,i.:: -i-• -- -=7 -- ,•-cit - Pc„; p 1 ill 41 ) ‘ /.‹...V i —• . , (• 0 4 - :• =,N:.- 1- t, 14 ,, , E , '• '1- ;4 - ' • . :1 . 1 . 4s t.1.1.11CF..i ' 1. NATION I—DB. CILEESEBLOPS PILLS P.Lrit combination of ingredients in these Pills is the resul.of a long and extensive practice. They are mild initheir operation, and cannot do harm to . the most delicate; ceretain in correcting all irregularities, Painful; Menstruation'', removing all obstructions whether from cold or othervoise,headaol4 pain in the ede,p4pitation of the bea*Nviilf.eie,lirnervotts affea. dons, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, ac' sleep, which arise from interruptions of =re.; Dr. cheasemanfs mug was the commence ment at a new era in the treatment of irregularities and. obstructions which have consigned so many to a pteutatare grave. No female can enjoy good health cab* she is regular, and whenever an Obstruction taw place the general health btgine to decline. These Ma form the finest preparation ever put forward with Immediate and persistent success. Doe's. HE Dm:arm. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the Best and most Reliable Female Medicine in ge World, which is comprised in these Pills. _ Cheeseman's rills haVe been Standard Remedy for over thirty years, and are the moat effectual one everever known for all complaints peculiar to Fe males. To all classes they aro invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. Tbey are knoi‘n to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some et the most eminent Phxlittiansirt; America... • Explicit directions, sating when they should not net:be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, or &Boxes for $5, containing from 60 to 60 Fills. Pills sent by mail, promptly secure from observation, by 'remitting to the proprietors. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by adresining HUTCHINGS 3 HILL Proprietors, 28 Day ttltew York. - 'Sold 1%, Weileboro by John A. Roy. in Tioga by Rordenßro's; in Lawrenceville by W.G.Milleraloct66- yeow. REAR YE I HEAR YE I—Th9 Polls of rthis Election are new open. • C. L. WILCOX 1 0f Wellaboro, STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. • All those who feel anxious , to make a GOOD sAivialinsv, are Invited to call soon, for DELAYS ABE DAI7OfROUS I ,- Call at the "REGULATOR," one Door abOvii the Poet-,Offlee. 0. L. WILCOX. • Welleltoro,'Jan. 1. 29, 1868. At Reduced Prices, AT J. IL BOWEN'S. Jan: 10, 1868. • ' MANHOOD, HOW LOST, ROW RESTORED—Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's celebrated essay on the radical cure (without aaadicluo) Ort3i)ermatOrrhcea. or seminal weak ness, involuntary seminal losses,inapperatey, men tal and physical incapacity, impediments to mar riage, eto.; also consumption, epilepsy and fats, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance. Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming, Atentathencos of self-abase may bo radically cured ..uncut the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cadge of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at oneesimple certain and effectual, by means of whieh every s ufferer,no matter what his condition may be, may.cure h i mself cheaply, privately and radically. ,03•- This lecture, should lut,iel the hands of every youth and every man in the WA. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad drets, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, • CHAS. J. C. KLINE Lb CO., !A:t 4 - m.? 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. office box 4,686. . - ;!4rch 28 18.68-3 r irthISABLRD MEN, ATTENTION I—Wanted, ono or JUF two men in Welleboro and vicinity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wadsworth's Water Proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the best and cheapest court plaster In the market. From $5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, with 25 cents, for sample and full in formation,, A. F, BELCHER, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. agents and peddlers moult Bad it to their' interest to answer tho above. sPIS-4131, ►PHE MASON .&: ILUII.IN!S CABINET ORGANS forty_ different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for WO to 1308 each. nifty-Flys Ooftl,bi Siker Nada; Ortther first premiums awardedjahom. Illustrated Catalogues sent free.; AddreW MASON 4k, HAMLIN, Boa ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. [Sept. 13, 1865-Iy.) PURE GINGER at ROY'S DRUG STORE VA,NBUSSUMB'.BO-ZO D-0 T for Clea cir'llirlop444o the Drug storooti P. A. waramds. • .a,acs~a'>~ :.w'~n".i:"f ,ar.;~4~:' 'i~2~,wx«,: _~~.ts .;.~.. , hr~:..a rte+; ..o - REMINGTON dr SONS, Manufacturers. E . of Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Car. trade generally. lh. - chili Itottatbreakilo in blew tt..NB of ery house, store, bank and ofire, should hare one of REMINGTONS' REVOLVERS Parties deairing to avail themselves of the late improvements in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, mill find all combined in the new REVOLTERS. Circulars con taining cuts and description.ot our Arms, will be furnished upon application. - E. REMINGTON k SONS, Rion, N. I", MOORE Jt Nictiots, Agent 2, No. 40, Courtland street, New York. up 4 68 POUT Z'S CILEBTL.II'ED liorBo Hi POlidglT. - DrCP artat 10n..; and tiro:ably e Liao, n, utll . o inv,gorate o n and horre4, by sveogthenii.g and cleansing the stomach and lutes tines. • ' • to it is a snre pre ventive:of all c:.