The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 30, 1866, Image 2

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    erousezwellez just. Yoor Legislatures
should be instantly called together, and
proper laws for the government uv the
freedmen should be passed. Slavery is
abolisht, and the people must live up to
the requirements of the act in good faith.
I protest agin any violation uv good
faith, but labor must be done, for the
skripter commands it, and our frail na
chur demands what can't be got with
out it. We don't like to do it, but shell
skripter be violated? Not at all. The
nigger most do it hisself, not ez a slave,
for slavery is abolighed, but ez a free
man. Etheopian citizens of American
descent, which is a mulatter, and full
blooded blacks and all hevin in their
veins a taint uv African blood, must be
restrained gently; and for their own
good I suggest laws ez follows :
1. They must never leave the planta
tion onto which they are, when this act
goes into effect, without a pass from the
employer, under penalty uv bein shot.
2. They shell hey the privilege uv
suein everybody uv their own color, of
they kin give white bail for costs.
3. They shell hey the full privilege uv
bein sued the same ez white folks.
4. They shell be competent ez witnes
ses in cases in which they are not inter
ested, but their testimony is to go for
nothin ef it is opposed by the testimony
uv a white man or another nigger.
5. No nigger shell be allowed to buy
or lease real estate outside uv any incor
porated city, town or village.
6. No nigger shall be allowed to buy
or lease real estate within any incorpo
rated city, town or village, except as
hereinafter provided for, to wit :
He shell give notice uv his desires by
publication for six consecutive weeks in
some noosepaper uv general circulation
in sed village, for which publication h,p
shall pay invariably in advance. He
shell then give bonds in such sums ez
the mayor shall decide, that neither-he,
nor any of his ancestors or descendants
or relations, will ever become public
charges, and' will always behave them
selves with doo humility, the bondsmen
to be white men and freeholders. Then
the mayor shall cause a election to be
proclaimed, and ef the free white citi
zens shall vote "yea" unanimously, he
shall be allowed to buy or lease real es
tate. If there is a dissenting vote. then
he shell be put onto the chain gang for
six months, for his impudence in mak
ing such a request,
7. Their wages shell be such ez they
and their employers shell mutually
agree but that the niggers shell not be
come luxurious and effeminate, which
two things is vices which goes to sap
the simplicity and strength of a people,
the sum shell never exceed $5 a month,
but not less than enuff in all cases to
buy him one soot uv cloos per annum,
which the employer shall purchase his
8. The master shell hey the privilege
we audit' to this cone such inher rules
and regulations for their proper govern
ment ez may strike him ez being gold
for em, from time to tinte.
These provisions sekure the nigger in
all the rites which kin be reasonably
asked for him, just elevated ez he is
from slavery and thrown out upon-the
world ignorant of the duties of his new
position and status. He is simple, and
needs the guidin hand of the stronger
My hart is too full to make further
suggestions. Organized into a tabloo,
with the constitooshun in one hand,
(which beluved instrument kivers a
great deal of ground,) a sear-spangled
banner in the other, and a tramplin on
a bloo coat, which I stripped off uv a re
turned nigger Bolger which wuz sick, I
exultingly exclaim, "'The union ez itis
is ez good ez the unit ez it was. 'Ror!"
Lait Pastor, tke.
Utley on "Bread and Suttee—He Tells
a Little Story.
Col. Utley, of the Racine Journal,
goes in decidedly for the " bread and
butter policy." Alluding to the report
that Es-Governor Randall says those
v?ho eat the President's bread and but
ter must sustain the President's policy,
he says:
"Now we like this cleanin out ope
ration. We are going to s stain this
policy. Not for bread and utter, for
we should never get any of that, if we
were to forfeit our soul in behalf of all
his policies. We do it for the purpose
of having the Republican party weeded
out, preparatory to the coming in of a
new dispensation. For every man that
was a Republican from principle will
scorn the bribe, and every one that was
a Republican for what he could make
out of it will tick the hand that holds
the axe. What a precious haul John
son will make! It will be what our
fishermen call a water-haul. It may be
that some of our readers don't know
what that means. We will tell them for
nothing, although it cost us five dollars.
This thing happened to us in an early
day, as long ago as we were keeping the
old Fulton house in this city. It was
before they got these new fangled gill
and pond nets. It happened in this,
way : We had been keeping tavern
through a severe, hard, dull winter.—
House full of boarders that never missed
a meal nor paid a cent. (Their bills re
main with us unto this day.) We had
been running the thing on suckers for
some time, when we heard they were
catching trout down on the lake shore,
and we concluded we would change the
diet of our boarders, lest they should
leave us. We were a little green then,
which was a very excellent, thing for
that class of boarders. (They never
leave.) But to the fish etory. We went
down to the beach. They made Ei splen
did haul just as we got there—lots of
trout and white fish. Well, we negoti
ated for the next haul for five dollars,
and the fishermen put out to iiast their
net. The net was very long, and cov
ered a quarter of a mile of lake. It was
a cold, raw day, and after shivering
around there for about two hours, the
thing began to draw in to the shore,—
We were all excitement. There were
evident signs of a big haul. Fisher
men offer us an advance on the haul.—
Couldn't think of it. Head fisherman
congratulates us. How the water foams
as the net nears the shore ! Large white
sides roll under the water. There were
lounders there, that was certain. Well,
they were dragged out on the sand, at
last, when the old fisherman turned to
us with the most blank countenance
that we have ever seen before or since,
and says, ' Bill,' (that was before we
got to be a colonel and general, and all
them sort of things.) says he, ' Bill, I
swear, we've made a water-haul." A
water-haul ?' says we. ' How is that?
There is a wagon load in the net.' So
there is,' says he, ' but they are the tar
nalest meanest things the Lord ever
made, and nobody can tell what He
made them for. They are neither come
ly to look at nor fit to eat. There is no
chance for decent fish when they are
around.' We stopped and took a look
at our water-haul, and we must say they
were the filthiest,meanest looking things
we have ever seen in the shape of fish.
We asked him what he called them. He
said he called them lawyers. H e wa s
unable to satisfy us that there was any
like tir similarity between those crea
tures and that most respectable portion
of our fellow citizens. We started for
the house a wiser, if not a wealthier cit
izen. As we turned to go, the oldash
ennan said to us, ' Bill, I'm right sorry
about this haul on your amount; but
I'm mighty gladto get rid of these die
graceful critters. They area great curse
to us. Theie will be a chance - to make
a haul of better fish now.'
" When Johnson hauls his net that he
has east among the officeholders, to the
shore, although it looks promising and
the net seems full, he will come to the
same conclusion that the old fisherman
did, and swear it's a Water-haul, or at
least that they are the `tarnalest, mean
est lot of critters the Lord ever made;
and he will wonder why He ever made
them ; and the Republican party can
console themselves that there will be a
chance for honest men now." 1p
tht Nitator.
WEDNESDAY, MAY :30, 1866
With MALICE toward none, with MARLEY for ALL, with
firmness in the wort, let ns strive to finish the work
we are in, to bind up the nation's wound., to care
for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his
widow and orphans, and to do all which may achieve
and cherish ajust and lasting peace among ourselves
and with all nations.—A.'Llttcout--Mancn 4,1865.
The Tribune says, "We do not fire a
100-pounder to kill a wren."
Ah—but that is Just what the Presi
dent is addicted to.i Why remonstrate ?
We see that the half-breed :Republi
cans and Copperheads have combined
against Hon. G. W. Julian, for Con
gress, in Indiana.
This reminds us of the toper, who,
when asked if he took his tipple strong,
replied: " 1. - ot very; water, 1: -whis
key, 99.'
The f ion alluded to will prove, haif
breed, opper, 99.
.... ,
Republican victories are so common
that we neglected to chronicle the result
of the first city charter election in Will
iamsport, on the 16th inst. • Maj. J. M.
Wood was elected Mayor by 104 major
ity. The Select Council stands six Re
publicans to two Copperheads, and the
Common Council twelve Republicans
to four Copperheads. This is the first
time for many years that the Copper
headshave not earned `the charter elec
tion in Williamsport. •We congratulate
our friends there on their success.
The countless tongues of rumor wag
/p s
busily now-a-daxs. t old, barratric,
harridan, " ThelifBa prognostica
ting and diagnosing t case of the body
politic in a most noisy manner. ,
We have special reference to the work
of the old dame In this Commonwealth.
This is the situation: son. Mester
Clymer has been selected by the " dem
ocracy" as thei r candidate for Governor.
Gen. John W. Geary has'been select
ed by the Republicans as their candidate
for Governor.
Mr. Clymer,, in the language of his
own home paper, is "the Vallandig
ham of Pennsylvania." Our readers
understand that. In other words, Mr.
Clymer, during the effort of the Gov
ernment to put down the rebellion, ad
hered to the enemies of the Govern
ment, encouraged his fellow Copper
heads in Congress to vote against, men
and money to carry on the war, and op
posed the passage of a bill to enable the
soldiers of Pennsylvania to vote while
in the military service.
During this period, Gen. Geary was
at the head of his regiment, brigade and
division, fighting against the rebels,
that rebellion might be crushed and the
integrity of the Government main
You will see, at once, that Mr. Cly
mer's record is not a pleasant one to ex
hibit among the people ; more particu
larly among the 200,000 returned sol
diers whom he labored and voted to dis
franchist. In fact, his party seem to
regard his election as entirely out of the
What, therefore, is to be done? Lis
ten to Rumor: " They Say"—
That Senator Cowan is authorized to
measure the Republican party in his
silver half-bushel. Every Republican
who puts his foot in that measure is to
have the place, post office or otherwise,
of eery republican place-holder who
will not put his foot in it.
Then, after the half-bushel test - 8411
be thoroughly tried, the dignified Sen
ator will take a riddle or sieve with
holes one half-inch square, and go out
among Republicans to sift them. Eve
ry Republican who can be shaken thro'
the sieve is to be baptized into the new
Conservative, copper-bottomed and cop
per-fastened party which is to inherit
all the plunder within the gift of An
drew Johnson ; and then sit in the great
Conservative Valhalla and drink beer
from the skulls of the radicals.
Then, on or about the 4th of July
next, these „redeemed, regenerated, and
disenthralled disciples of "my policy,"
are to congregate in -Pittsburg, and se
lect some military man to run for Gov
ernor, against Gen. Geary.
The object of the Convention is, of
course, to put a third man in the field
so as to "divide and conquer" the Re
publican party.
But dignified Senators, armed with
measures and sieves, have more than
one string to their bows. On consulta
tion with the people, Senator Cowan,
obtuse though he may be, has discover
ed that few Republicans are ready to
put their foot into his silver measure;
still fewer will shake through a half
inch hole. What then?
Listen to Rumor : " They Bay"—
That Mr. Clymer, having become con
vinced that he stands no chance to be
elected, propoSes to withdraw from the
contest and accept a foreign mission
from President Johnson. Upon this the
" Democracy" will meet in Convention,
and after deploring the declination of
Mr. Clymer, will proceed to nominate
son. pre°. R. Barrett, at present a resi
dent of Clearfield county, but Judge of
the Wayne judicial district.
That would be a nice arrangement.—
Judge Barrett is a man (*considerable
ability, fine presence, and fair personal
popularity. • He was-net particularly
obnoxious to the charge - of sympathiz
ing with rebellion during the. war, tho'
he is incapable of sympathizing with
any Party not engineered by such men
as Hiester Clymer.
Bat, unfortunately for this arrange
meta, Judge Barrett has recently deliv
,cred a partisan charge to a Wayne jury,
in which he denounces the act of Con
gress disfranchising deserters, as uncon
stitutional. If Judge Barrett expects
to find favor with honorably discharged
soldiers in that way, he will be bitterly
disappointed. Soldiers regard the pun
ishment of disfranchisement as light
Whether the prognostications of
" They Say" shall be justified by events,
or not, the fact that there is a plan to
di•‘/de the Republican party, with a
view to its subjugation, is not to be dis
puted. It will fail. There is no likeli
hood of any extensive demoralization of
the party which rescued the country
from death at the hande of treason, and
which will now preserve it from the ill
judged policy, of the President.
Third parties never succeed in getting
any permanent foothold. It is not in the
nature of things that any man can rally
a party around him, and hold it subject
to his will, for any considerable period
of time. The soil is too thin and poor
to sustain a vigorous growth. The edu
cation of the people for five years past
is actively adverse to the growth of such
a party. Whether a Convention be held
at Pittsburg, and a half-breed Republi
can put in the field against Gen. Geary,
or whether Mr. Clymer be • withdrawn
from the field, and a new, and possibly
less obnoxious man, be substituted as
the 'candidate of the "Democracy," in
our judgment makes not a particle of
difference. The • Republican party oc
cupies too large a space in history to be
divided and defeated in detail. The
people cannot be deceiVed into any
movement so absurd. If any eoldier,
heretofore acting with the party, sees fit,
to enter the field against Gen. Geary,'
he will invite the fate which overtook'
the gallant Slocum in New York, last
fall. Treason cannot regain power thro'
the fulmination of borrowed thunder. '
The new Excise Law in New York is
playing the deuce with the rum and
beer sellers. A license to sell rum posts
$250, and for beer, $lOO. Why not? If
revenue •is wanted, why not put the
price of:a license up among the pictures?
But the great effect of this law, accor
ding to-the New York Herald, will be
to use tip the big Copperhead majority
in the city. It says that by this law
hundreds of manufactories of " Demo
cratic" votes will be closed.
Awful ! Positively awful !
The Tribuir said a pretty good thing
when it declared that "it is no part of
the American system to make our obli
gations types of eternity."
Certainly, give us a five per Cent.
to take the place of the other loans
when they mature. Why does Con-.
gress fear to test the patriotism of men
and women Svho nobly invested their
earnings in 7-30's and 5-20's during the
dark days of the war? Give us a five
per cent. loan to fund the present in
The Merchants' National Bank of
Washington lately failed, leaving its
depositors in the lurch to the tune of
about million. The G ernment,
through the rascality of a Wymaster,
loses over half a million. -The note
holders, of course, are secured, as the
Government has securities to cover the
-The Copperhead papers are making a
'great fuss about this failure, calling the
bank a pet National Bank. Thefact is,
that the conductors of the ban,k are Cop
perheads, and to a man the ardent sup
porters of "my policy." Pitch in, little
The loyal Virginians are holding a
State Convention in Alexandria. Sonie
of their proceedings are decidedly radi
al'. One man, a Mr. Lipscombe, stated
that he was born with a silver spoon in
his mouth ; that he had lost everything
by the rebellion, to which he was op
,posed from the beginning to the end;
and that he was in favor of the recon
struction policy of Congress, by which
treason would be made infamous, and
opposed to the policy of Andrew John
son, which rewarded traitors.
Another man, a Mr. Lewis, among
other things, said that he could not see
any other way than to give the bahot to
the negro; that he could see no differ
ence between "going with the democ
racy and going to the devil."
Well, we don't see any difference be
tween tho two " soot)." Going with the
Democracy is a short cut to the devil.
A most destructive fire occurred in
New York last Tuesday morning, caus
ing a loss of $3,500,000. The fire was
kindled in the Academy of Music, the
largest and most magnificent opera
house in America, whence it spread in
every direction. The University Medi-,
cal College, with its valuable apparatus!,
and collection of curiosities, two piano'
factories,' two churches, and a dozen—
other buildings, were totally destroyed.
There seems to be no question that the
fire was set by an incendiary.
A Copperhead exchange says that
when the Union "goes up," the Repub
lican party will go down. Exactly so.
The Republican party have been trying
to keep the Union from "going up,"
for six years. The Copperheads have
been trying to blow it " up" during that
gi t lol s
The Connecticut Le , elms elect
ed Gen. 0. S. FERRY enator for
six years from March , 867, in the
place of Lafayette S. Foster, whose
term expires at that time. Gen. Ferry
is a radical Republican, and received
every Republican vote in the Legisla
ture. We suppose this may be taken
as one of the f v 4f the victory in
Connecticut. r• -P , • the question.
The quotations' which the Tioge Agitator eon
tains of a tterteittertielein Colorable county eke
high. A few specimens of the article are in the
market in this plaoe at just one-half the price.—
Jersey Shore Vedette.
Well, the prices are graduated on a
sliding scale from $2,50 to $1500.
Wherever a sale takes place we shall
look for a market report in the Vedette.
Our folks want to know what men, are
worth in Lycoming.
There is a great money panic in Eng
land. One banking firm failed lately
with liabilities amounting to $60,000,000.
The last steamer from 'Europe brings
news which seems to breathe of a great
war, in which nearly all of Europe will
be involved.commence in Ita
ly, between the Italians and the Austri
We are obliged to Senator Cowan for
a copy of his speech on the report of
the Reconstruction Committee. Qn
reading it we observe that his sympa
thies are still with treason and traitors,
as they have been during the major part
of his Senatorial term.
Some of the Copperhead papers below
the mountain are making a very little
capital out of Gov. Curtin's silence upon
the great issues of the day. One or two
state, positively, that Gov. Curtin ia
not in favor of Gen. leary's election,
but will throw his influence for Clymer,
or some stool pigeon who may be nomi
nated as a "Johnson candidate." •
We doubt if the Goveinor is quite so
obtuse as this gives him credit for-be
ing. He will, doubtless, have consid
ered the plain truth, that his popularity
arises from his conduct during the war,
and not from aught more personal and
peculiar. He is a , man of some ambi
tions. He comprehends, of course, the
fact, that occupying a doubtful position
in these days, would " fling", him, so
far as any preferment at the hands of
the people is concerned.
The Governor's friends in thispart of
the State would be glad to hear from
him. Up here in the mountains we es
timate men at their, worth as unselfish
To DAIRYMB4I.—Most of the Cheese
Factories hereabon:a a+ probably in operation at
this time, and notwithstanding the prognostica
tions of some, we prophesy that there will be
a greater quantity of cheese made in Tioga coun
ty this season than last. By looking over the
market reports it will be seen that Factory Cheese
commands a higher priCe than any save the Eng
lish Dairy. The reason of Akio is apparent to
every one at all familiar with cheese making.—
Small dairies cannot get an even quality o
cheese, the quantity being small, and some of the
curd having parted with its best properties by
exposure to the atmosphere while waiting for
enough to accumulate to make a cheese of proper
dimensions. Factory Ches.'se is remarkable for
its evenness texture andosuality.
There is, however, one fault with the factory
cheese made hereaboit. hii too rich. There is
toe until butter in , it, both for health, and for
priniervatinm The highest priced cheese in mar
ket, a few years ago, was made of milk, from half
the quantity,or which just so 4 tnuch cream as ris
es while the milk is parting with its inimai
heat, was taken. The night's milk was set
n a cool place, and the cream taken off early
next morning. The milk was then pht in with
the morning's milk.
In our opinion—founded upon observation
while a boy, upon a dairy farm--cheese is better
for the stomach, and cures better, when prepared
in this way. If some of the proprietors of cheese
factories would try it for a week, setting the pro
duct for that week by itself, and leaving it to cure
in the ordinary wey, they might satisfy them
selves of the truth or error of this opinion at
small cost.- If we are correct, then our farmers
will be the gainers; and if not correct, nobody
can lose much by the experiment.
IXXIXth Congress-Ist Session.
May 17. Senator Wade submitted an
article as an amendment to the proposed
amendment of the Constitution report
ed by the Committee on Reconstruction.
Mr. Fessenden called up the West Point
Academy appropriation bill, which was
amended so as to prohibit the appoint
ment of any person who had served-in
the rebel military or naval service.—
Thus amended, the 'bill passed.
The House passed a bill to authorize
the use of the metric, or Frenlii system,
of weights and measures.
May 18. The Senate amended and
passed the supplement to the several
acts relating to pensions, and adjourned
to Monday.
In the House, a bill to equalize the
bounties of soldiers and sailors was re
ported from the Military Committee.—
A resolution relative to the planting of
woods in regions destitute of timber,
Was introduced. The tax bill was con
sidered, pending which the House ad
May 21. In the Senate, the House
bill to revive the grade of General, with
a substitute for the second section, was
reported. A resolution enquiring into
the expediency of providing for. a uni
form method of electing U. S. Senators,
was adopted. The fortification biliwas
In the House, a resolution to appoint
a joint committee to enquire into the
operations of the Freedmen's Bureau,
was adopted. Another, to sustain the
President in executing the laws against
treasois, A bill.authorizing the- Presi
dent to employ the following household
officers, was passed, viz :
Private Secretary, at a salary of $4,000
Assistant Secretav, 3,000
Steward, 2,000
Four clerks, each 1,800
Total, .. ' $16,200
All of which, in a time of peace, is re
commended to students of economics.
The tax till was taken up, and some
progress made,,, pending which the
House adjourned.
May 22. The Senate passed a bill. a
mending the Homestead law. The bill
to consolidate the public debt in a thir
ty-year five per cent. loan, was debated
at length.
The House passed a bill to continue
the Freedmen'sßureau three years, and
the Bankrupt bill introduced by Mr.
Jo:lckes, of Rhode Island ; the latter
by a vote of 68 t 059: -
„The bill to equalize soldiers' bounties
passed the House of Representatives on
Friday, the 25th instant, by a vote of
139 to 2.
Hox. S. F. W . lLsoN.—One of the cop
perhead papers in this district contains
an article denouncing Hon. S. F. Wil
son, which will be no doubt gratifying
to that gentleman and his particular
friends, as the more severe the denun
ciations received from that source, the
stronger the evidence that his conduct
is right, and in accordanceawlth the
wishes of the people, who pTaced him
in his present position. The people de
sire no better evidence of the faithful
of representative than that
be sho denounced by the rebels
and th pathisere.— Vedette.
MAAAP 2 •7 2 S Erk J1TFe..77.1. 11 4
"Olgifilifirliture — wld linger many delightful
hours along the pages of the Atlantic for June.
Indeed, we can pay it no higher compliment than
to say that it reminds us of the palmiest days of
Juno, enjoyed Jolview of the sea and cooled by
its refreshing breezes. Ticknor% Field, Boston,
Mass. $4 per year.
PoRTE CBLYON has returned to fill a aloha long
vacant in Harper. Ilia " Becolleotionit of the
War," the first article of which graces the Juno
number, mast prove intensely fascinating. Few
pencils can compete with his in the delineation of
all that can set the reader in tho traveler's shoes.
Besides this, the Magazine is rich in shorter sto
ries, all ortbe flint class. Collins's Armadalo is
nearly finished. slper year.-
Godly, for June, must. delight the ladies who
sport those indescribable hats and waste so much
crewel. • Its fashion plates are faithful delinea
tions of the mode, its patterns elegant, (we guess
at that,) and its stories good: $4 per year. L.
A. Godey, Philadelphia.
Peterson has a fine caricature of a child learn
ing its 'a bc. Pity to spoil, so good , a piece ,of
steel. HO‘ever, the farther you go in Peterson,
the better you like it, and for its price it cannot
be beaten. Charles J. Peterson, Philadelphia.—
$2 per year.
When to Revive the Democratic Party.
Hon. Yohn Sherman, of Ohio, in a
speech made at Bridgeport, Connecticut,
in touching on the question'of the revi
val of the Democratic party, told the
following story, describing the simple
logic of Gov. Todd, of Ohio, an old De:
mocrat, concerning the vitafizirig of the
Democracy :
"A modern Democrat came to a dis
tinguished Democrat of the State of
Ohio, (Gov. ,Todd,) list fall, after the
war had ended, and said: `Now my
friend, you supported Lincoln all till.°
the war; now the war is over; you hal"
had everything your own way; and
now suppose we startagain the old De
mocratic party?' Well,' said the old
Ohio Democrat, ' I don't know but that
would be a good thing ; I like the Dem
ocratic party; I was raised in it, and I
stuck to it until it deserted the country
'and went over to the rebels. I don't
know but it would be a good thing to
revive and purify the old party ; but I
would not do it just yet.' Ah,' said
his friend, ' when would you do it, then?'
'My friend' said the Ohio Democrat,
when the 'Union party shall have dis
charged in full all the obligations it has
assumed during the war ; when it shall
have paid all the pensions that are due
to widows of soldiers; when it shall
have paid every dollar of the national
debt incurred during the war ; when it
shall have punished all the rebels; when
In short it shall have accomplished all
that it has promised to do, then I am
willing that the old Democratic party
should be revived. lam not willing to
trust the Democratic party to perform
obligations that they opposed in their
contracting. I prefer to see it done my
self—to pay my old debts myself.' "
PIZil Diaireil 3 Nlittl WO a :.gird
Corrected weekly •by FENTON, FITZGERALD &
nut% coafunusion iderebauts, 38 , Mg t " 1 "" 1- ii•
New York.
Flop:, $7. 20 to $9 60; best brauds, $14,00 to $18P;
Wheat, $2,36 to $2 60r-Corn, 90c to 94e--data, CH to 68
—Butter, 40c to 46c—Cheese, 14c to 20c—Hops, 25c to
70c—Wool, 40c to 65c—Potatoes, $4 to $5 per bbl—Dried
Apples, 16c to 22c—Dried Peaches, peeled, 18c to 30c—
ritipeeled, 14c to 16c.j These are wholesale prices.
AGENT for the collection of bounty, back pay
and pensions duo soldiers from the Govern
ment. Mee with Nichols and 'Mitchell, Wells
bore, Pit. m36,'66
chinery of a first class mislay saw mill, boil
er, engine, and all fixtures complete, and in fiiat
rate order.
Also a portable engine of twelve, horse power
neatly new.
The above property will be, for cash
or approved paper. Apply to the agent of the
Morris Run coal company, at Morris Run, or at
Blossburg. May 30, '136.-Ilt
Gilt Papers:
Just received by W. D. TERBELL d. CO.
May 30,'66-3m Corning, N. Y
Fruit Jars.
- Corning, May 30, '66-3m
New Spring Goods,
and well selected #ook of goo 6, which
we are selling very
Good yard wide abeati; gti;
Heavy yard wide sheeting for
Delaines, - ..
Standard prints from
We also keep constantly on band a cloico
stook of
Al very low figures.
BEEWAGON, with pole and. thins, and
eprinseat. Inquire of H. D. CALKINS, Tios s
Marbls Shop. Tioge, May 80, .1888.-31
Q UPPLBURNTA to an OrdinanMiltristeed ASO
18, 1857, to prevent cattle, &.c., from running
at large in the borough of Mansfield :
On motion, Resolved, by the Burgess and
Council of the borough of Mansfield, and it is
hereby ordained by authority of the same, That
(from and after due publication of this supple
ment) all that portion of an ordinance passed
April 18, 1857, permitting miletreovvs to run at
large in said borough, be and the same is hereby
repealed. HENRY ALLEN, Burgess.
Atte9t : Aix GAYLORD, ee'y
Mansfield, May 21, 1866.
IF you want to buy drugs, white lead, zinc, lin
seed oil, turpentine, varnish, window glass,
putty, rosin, tar, benzine, whiting, pnris white,
vonitian red, yellow ochre,glue, and in fact eve
rything else kept in a drug store, go to
N. 3, Union block, and save 25 per cent.
Also thihing tackle, of, every tlescription,fish
baskets,' Sy shalls,'Aic. P. It. WILLIAMS.
Wellsboro, May 23, 18130-2 w
MISS PAULINE SMITR Lae just received
fresh from New York city, a complete assortment of
• comprising latest styles of
_. •
Hate, sod Bonnets, Flowers and Ribbons, Ladies'
collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Dress Buttons
Hoop Skirts, French Corsets,
Handkerchiefs, &c., &c.
AN of which the ladies - of WellAoro and vicinity
are invited to examine at her shop, opposite Roy'e
Drug Stye.
Wellfforo, May 16, 1866.-tf.
For use against MOTHS IN CLOTMN(I. he.t.—
Its advantages—Efficiency, Economy; imparts meet
odor to tho clothes. and sure to last through tv.,lve
months. Every Druggist has it.
ml6-1m - u;kraus a CIIAPINIAN, Boston.
We have a correct and striking photograph of the
next Governor of Pennsylvania, which we will sethl by
mail for 2.5 cents. If we mktake the man, the money
will be refunded immediately after election next Octo.
ber, Is it Geary or Clymer? Write and see. Address
ml6-1m BARTLE - SON t CO., ell Chestnut et, Phila.
EARY I CLYMER !—We have ph•tographs. lartgo
and small, of Geary and Clymer. Agents want,l
to sell them. Send 75 cents for specimen copies by mail,
postage paid. Address
ml6-1m BARTLESON s CO., 611 Chestnut at.
tl RANT &SHERMAN !—The two heroes before their
101' tent planning a battle--Orant ernokiny. A beau
tiful steel engraving by William Sartain. Agents wan
ted everywhere. Sample sent by mail for 50 cents.—
Agents make 50 per cent. Address
nl,6-2m BARTLESON a CO, 511 Chestnut et, Phila.
MIIE SALEM LEG.—Under the patronag of the V.
States Government. Models of this supertorleg
may Le seen at the agency of the SALEM LEG COMPA
NY, No 33 son th Seventh at, Philadelphia.
Cal and see them, or send for a circular containing
full enformation.
TATANTED!—Agents, male and female, at $75 to $l5O
V V per month, to sell the celebrated
Common Sense Family Seminy Machine—Pricesl 8.
This machine will do all kinds of work equal to the
high priced machines. and is the only practical and re—
liable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world. Send for
descriptive circulars. Address SECOMB a
ml6-4m ChiCago,lll, or! Cleaveland, O.
BITTER WINE OF IRON.—An exquisite impregna
tion of dry Spanish wine, with - the activity of Cal
isaya bark, and the most energetic of all the ferrugi
nous salts Citrate of Magnetic Oxide of Iron. It has a
vinOne Haver, very grateful to the palate, is without
clutlybeste taste, and will not disco/or the teeth. It ex
cites languid appetite, gives zest to food, improves di
gestion, increases the strength. steadies the circulation,
takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of de
bility, given firmness and precision to the actions of the
nervous system, will' power to endure fatigue and re
slat disease. MeeNtric Crrnare or IlloN is new and pe
culiar, differing from the ordinary Soluble Citrate,in
containing-an equivalent of Protoride of Iron, in pace
of the Ammonia. It is neutral, tasteless , without a-s
-tringency, as prompt and energetic as the Chloride, and
unlike that, induces no local inflammatory aetion or
headache. Calimiya Bark is preeminent among vegeta
ble tonics, has no equal as a strengthener or restora
tive, nor rival as an anti-periodic. Retail, in $1 mid $2
bottes, quarts and gallons for dispensing. 0. S. HUB
BELL, Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut at, Phila. m23lm
6,000 AGENTS wanted, to sell sty sew in
ventions, of great value to familiee;
all pay great profit& Send 15 cents and get 80 pages,
or 2.5 cents and get So pages and a sample gratin.
m=lm EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass.
riBLETON lAN , Jr.—Sire, Hatubletonien;
grandsire, Abdallab ; g-grandsire, eIJ ,
hiambrino ; g-g-grandsire, imported Messenger.l
Seven years old, 16 hands high, dark roan, can
trot a mile in less than three minutes. He can
show more good stock than any other stallion in
Tioga county.
Will stand the ensuing season at the stable of
the proprietor, in Knoxville, until August 1, 'BB.
For terms, see large posters.
Knoxville, May 16, 1866. 0. H. WOOD.
To theMartners of Tioga County
The undersigned, citizens of Tioga county, believ
ing that the interests of the county require the resits
citation of the Tioga County Agricultural Society, or
. the organization of a similar society, for the purpose of
diffusing knowledge and stimulating competition in re
gard to agricultural and mechanical pursuits, do hereby
unite in a call for a meeting, to be held at the Court
House in Wellsbore, on Tuesday eveninz of the 'first
week of the Abut term of Court, next, for the purpose
of organization.
H W Williams, J . L Robinson, J F Donaldson,
W A Nichols, B B Holiday, Geo Hastings, Wm
H . Smith, I M Bodine, M M Conyers., L A Sears,
Hugh Young, 13 D Deming, H H Wood, F K
Wright, Robert Campbell, W P Shumway, F D
Bunnell, W W Webb, F D Ritter, W P Campbell,
I C Brown, M Bullard, Jur Riberolle, C L Will
cok, E Kimball, G P Card, C W Sears, C E Brew
ster, Wm Townsend, A J Tipple, Jerome Smith,
E A Smead, Robt Simpson, C N Dartt, William
'Roberts, A Foley, Henry Sherwood, M F Elliott.
J B Niles, M II Cobb. May 16.1868.
been pronounced "undignified," by the medical
faculty. A physician who advertises a valuable remedy
to fifty people in his private practice, would receive the
cold shoulder from his professional brethren, should be
make its merits known to millions through the business
columns of a newspaper press. This may be `• digni
fied"—but is it benevolent, humane, or just?' Whoever
'is fortunate enough to discover or invent anything that
will prevent, or cure, or alleviate human suffering, is
bound to make it known, through every channel of
communication wiibin his reach, to the general public,
For many years the merits of HOSTETTER'S CELE—
BRATED STOMACH BITTERS have thus been pro
claimed to the world, and multitudes have been restored
to health, or saved from fatal matadiel, in consequence
As new facts have been developed in relation to the op
eration of - this most pure and potent of all Stomachics
and Alteratives, they have been stated in simple lan
guage to the people of many lands; and if the proprie
tors of the medipine have derived profit fiem their dis
semination, thousands upon thousands of individuals
have been- benettted thereby to an extent beyond all
estimate. In the West Indies, Canada, Australia and
South America, HOSTETTDR'S BITTERB are DOW recognized
as the sole specific for Dyspepsia, the best possible safe
guard against epidemics, and the finest invigorant in
poor qt General Debility, and the only diffusive stimu
lant entirely tree from noMors ingredients.
only preparation of the kind made from
the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and
delibionsnese, it cannot be surpassed, and is mom.
mmended by physicians for invalids and family
use. It will keep for years in any climate, while
its condensed form renders it especially conven
ient,fbr travelers. All who use lemons are re
quested to give it a trial. Entertainments at
home, parties, and picnics should not be without
it. For bale by all Druggists and first-class
Grocers. Manufactured only by
Jan. 1, 1886-Iy. No. 549 Pearl St., N. Y.
MILE undersigned, agent for the celebrated Ro
l_ cheater Trout Ties, keeps constantly on hand
fishing tackle. consisting of N. Y. trout flies, Kin
sey & Limerick hooks, on snails, silk, braided,
hair, 'magmas and linen lines ; leaders, gut
strands, hooks, fly books, rods, reels, trout bask
ets, tips, landing nets, &c. Shop in the rear of
Gunn & Tucker stove store. L.. A. SEARS.
Wellsboro, May 18;1866.
201 a.
....-.... 25"
.. 3b'
All persons indebted to C. L. WILLCOX are
limited to call and settle within ten days.
Wellsboro, April 11.1866.
14 to 20"
Drug Store.
I have given the subject of Cholera particular atten
tion, and think my prescription for this formidable die.
ease founded upon pathological indications, and the best
and most moderil method of treating Cholera. No fam
ily should be without a bottle of these drops in the
house. W. W. WEBB, M. D.
Welieboro, May 2, 18d6.
IiaLASTE a l PLASTER l--T h o and ere igne d
_L -- will be prepared to furnish the farmers of
Tioga county with fresh ground Plaster, as soon as
navigation opens, at their mill near Mansfield.
C. R. OWENS .t. CO.
Mansfield, March 28, 'BB.-tf
M•y 80,1866
Re s otice. '
1 07 orwi g te hereby given that the foliowiti l g Eaev ator .
jal end 'Administrators have filed their accounts is
the Register's (Ace of Thins county, and that the sate.
-.111 be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County,
on Monday the 4th day of June. 186(4 for confirms:lon
and allowance:
. Final account of 0. B. Wells, Rxecntor of the estat e
et John Ce.rzatt, deceased.
Acionut of Climena Place, Admintetratrix of the es.
tate of Carpenter IL Place, deceased.
Account of H. E. Smith, Administrator of the Mate
of John G. le n tsch, deceased.
Account of Peter Dalton, Administrator of the estate
of Frederick 0. Dalton, deceased.
Account of J.O Parkhurst, Administrator of the H ,
w e of gazenu Parkhurst, deceased.
Account of William Complicit, Administrator of th.
estate of M. D. Bogard, deceased.
Account of F. X Swint, Administrator de bouts tioa
of the estate of Jaime Ford, abCiaSed
If. 8, AUCTIRR, Register.
Weiisboro, Miy 9, 1886.
C. S. Mather & Co.
take pleasure in announcing to the public g m ,
orally that they have just returned from New York
with the largest mid most desirable stock of Goode
in Tioga County. We have a full line of
Ready Made Clothing, and °Mom
superintended by a fiat-class Cutter
In fact, we have Ir - complete asaortment of all
that is new and desfiable. We are determined
so take the lead in , Low PRICES for the Spring of
cc:mg 4.,14D SEE
To see is to be "convinced," and to look will coif
you nothing.
We extend thanks for former liberal patronage,
and only aak that the friends of low prices and
small profits will call at oar coasters and satisfl
themselves, -that Lawrenceville is the place to
buy Goods right.
Lawrenceville, Apr. 25, 1868.
Industry Must Prosper
Boots, Shoes, Leather 4- Findings.
ALI e ls , T
l b o o n u it e c t o the u
. 0 ( 1 kinantdbitl,colr-wipull
gh dt b
y t
he tn•
Weal's Hors," will continue the same at the stand lately
occupied by them. Good custom work, made to order
and warranted, will be the first thieg in order at thu
shop; but special attention; wild also be given to keeping
up a good stock of
and, in a general way, the various ilidn's usually kept
at a tinaing shop.
Caalr - faia for atom, atrzcia, PATS and Ivan ; and par
ticularattention given to the purchase of Teal and dea
con skit-e,for which th e highest market price will be
paid. Ita.maind done promptly and well.
Ifavieg sold tlio stock iu trade and good.wi/1 of the
business lately conducted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor
dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good
workman, and a squireldealing man.
Wellsboro, May 2, 1866.
Whitneyville Wool Carding and
Cheese Box Factory!
MILE firm of Avery .t Whitney baying been
diesolvoci by mutual consent, the business
will hereafter be conducted by the subscriber.
I have purchased a Double Didier, thirty inch
capable of carding 500 pounds of wool in twenty
four hours. So I can safely promise to card wool
as fast as it comes in, and people will not have to
wait for their rolls.
M. MARVIN SMITH, well and favorably
known to the people of this region, has been en
gaged to run the machine.
I am also prepared to make
to order and on abort notice. Dairymen will
please take notice.
always on hand.
I intend to do work so well and so promptly,
ithat people will make nothing by going sway
from home to get their work done.
Whitneyville, May 16,1866-11
. -
7 -
3d Y& just returned from New York with a large
1.. and weU selected assortment of
am selling
Good Madder Prints at - . cents
Good yard wide Sheeting, - . 12i "
Beat do
Bleached Minding, -
Good Hoop Skirts,
Constantly on hand • large aalortanot of all Mad,
G It U C
Customers in want of goods, will and it to their a
larm to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere
Tiogs. nay 9.1886.-1 y H. A. FISH,
1 1 \KOSAWK. CHIEF !—Again on the course.
1U Will be found the present mason at the
following places:
Mondays—at Wellabor° tut I. P. M.; at H.
H. Potter's at 3 P. M.; at Keeneyville from 4 to
SP. M. ; , and at Shortaville from 7 P. M., to 7A.
M., Tuesday.
Tuesdays—at Sabinsville from noon to 5 P.M.
at Weitfield from 7 P. M., to 9 A. M., Wednesday.
Wednesdays—at Knoxville from noon till 3 P.
; Academy Corners from 6 P. M., till 7 A. M.,
Thursdays—at Farmington from 10 A. M. to 1
P. 31; Merritt's from 3 to 5 P. M.
Fridays and Saturdays—at the stable of the
proprietor in Tioga. For terms, see large bills.
Tioga, May 1d,'68. M. A. ShIBAD, Pro'r.
ir MABEE. FOR SALE.—The subscriber bat
.4 largo quantity of
at his mill in Catlin hollow, which will be sold to
caktomers at market prices.
Charleston, March 21, 1866.—tf.
- - 18 "
do - - 20 "
- 12 to 25