The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 09, 1866, Image 3
*, r.~~amer.c~sr+~a~w,~,~ i .4,11 1 ...4,,Z ? ti-10dt;.:,',..-; ID E(til"glarttl. WEDN 'A. ‘ i" Ai:A 41, New 2Ltivertiseme is Bark Wanted—Baser, Johnston 1 Co. Recorder's Notice—H. Archer.„. Attorney a Les-F.H—Clarkf New Goods and New Prices—H. B. Fish Mercantile Appraisement—F. Sheriff's Sites—L. Tabor.' " Debtors Aboy-0. Bullard. Notice to Teachers—V. Auditor's Notice—.T. B. Niles. New Millicerp—Mrs. Sofield. • „ •; Penusylvaniallouse—A. Nesbitt. lAtt of Lettere- 7 Mrs. SOIL DED/CISION. — The new Diesting•honse in Blossburg baring been - pnrcluised by the. Baptist March of that piece, will be dedicated by appropriate services, begin ning Wednesday, Nay 16, at one o'clock, afternoon.— Bev. T. S. Sheardown is expected te preach tha opening sermon. The third Quarterly Meeting of the Tioga Bap tiec will he held with the let Jackson Church (Job's Corners), on Wedneeday. May 23, at .10 o'clock, L. M. Roc. N L. Reynolds will yreack - the op t:tug sermon. Contributione forthe Missionary Union. 'logs, May 9, 1866. E. T. BLNIELIT, Clerk. UNION LEAGI7L—The Wallsboro Union - League met st the new geadiluirta ret over ILSIVet,Ww Otis inst au elected thf's followitig — egtee t tr the cams president--Joss F..Donimetedx. VierPresidents—Sr. Webb; J. N. Bache. Recording Secretary—Willuun H. Smith. Cor. Secretary-4. B. Niles. Committee of Ways and Means—Leroylabor t J. scrple, John Alexander, 'Wm. Roberta; SAL Latidfc. Canvassing COMmittee—Hon. Wi.•AV H. Cobb, C. Soule, John I.MitcheU, Jim. Williams.' The League will meet regularly every - Friday , vrening for business. But the Room will be open to the public. atry day and evening. , The leading Nelir 'Rik Phila., dslphia, Washington and Richmond dailies will be pro-, cared and placodln the tteadingi Boom s it 'once.' -- Our friends from the townships are incited' to call often. COL. GREGG ' AT THE COtrtT/101.58E.—C01. Theo dore Gregg, late_ eommandirig the 4541 ;b.. made a spirited and characieristic address to a' large and enthusiastic audience ; Met at the Court House . 'Tile subje ct of his altressi was the history of ,:tho 4th ,rlsgiment, from its' muster-in to its muster-out ; and a more graphic; relation of the varying fortunes and vicissitudes of war, and the mortal perils of battle, is-seldom heard, or read. The Colonel talks as he fights— in his ownstyle—midetriker hot:De-every time. He was constantly interrupted by the cheers of the 45th boys, wh& were out Inlore. The meet ing was presided over by Capt. Seeley, of Knox ville, and broke upwith three rousing cheers for the Speaker. Come again, Colonel. PESktBYLVANIA)EicatBE.—The old patrons of this fiotel.will find tin apple-pie order, tini pna cot owner having thoroughly overhauled and refarnishea. it- Guests may be - certain of! good fare and good beds—whieh, - we opine, constitute two cardinal poinia - of a good hoteL— Mr. Hazlett will be found an attentive and Oblig— ing landlord. :".;( ROBSED.—Some one of the :scoundrel& who in fect the Erie Railroad are and di a pOt robbed Mre. A. J. Bofield, of this • bum:iglu on' her return from New York last week. Alliel'intre taken exceeded $BO-a large euM' to 'tier,' nod sufficient to temporarily embarasa her in her bnei- BM Mrs. S., has just. fitted up} splendid Shop on Main Street, opppoeite the Post Office, and is &OW receiving - a lazge'antl' elegsfiSsasort mesa tof goods from New York. Oar people will at once see- thattheitave'.ult opportunity to as sist her to retriebe her late loss, and we hope they will at once comelorwarcl avid enconragirher with a generous patronage: We have no more worthy or deserving lady in, our midit. T. L. Baldwin & Co-, Tioga, have entirely sold oat their old stock of goods and replaced them with a splendid stock of dress go'ods for the sum mer market; as well a~gen*, cloths,. and ready made clothing, wall And window paper, hard ware, hats and caps, groceries and'. provisions, which they offer at Vricatt to defy 13ampetition.— They consider Utter, cheere; -eggs and grain as CLSH, at market pricer. - Their adwartiseipetit reached us too late for insergotiltiprei# Shape this week. t' _ ELECTION on COUNTY SUPORTNITNIYNNT.—The triennial convention - of the School Directors of Tioga county, was held in the Court House, Tues day, May 1., Ninety-a4.,:or,leas than ',one-half the whole number of Directors, were present.".. Mr. 8. B. Paws, of Deerfield, was elected on the first baßef,lll - i't Price, 52 Eton e, Calkins Giving a majority of eight votes for 1411 r: Price. 35r Price has been long and' reversibly .- known as as educator of youth in this splint": geerected the Academy buildings near Knoxville; and,fpr many years maintained a school of considerable note among high IVO 441 'jai: laull measure of success in his new office, and trust that Directors. teachers and parenterniy-cdrdially cooperate with him in the great and noyle task o! elevating the standard of eicellence aindng the Common Schools of the county. F. H. akar., ESQ., 114"hrug . out hie yLing~e in Ilimifield. We bespeak for him ari - eneouragipg patronage. The Littie - Co'rporill ie iibo34 tine girlar'Paper, which we ow moot cordially commend ta•alk.our ouag peal*. IL ,is. priateei,..auti tau but $L par year... Addrees 'l.ittle Corporal," Chicago, DEVIRC(TIVE FIRE.—At shoat 'is - quartirr'ln four o'clock on Saturday morning a fire broke out la the Cabinet and CailTiretory of Mr. B. T. VELD horn, in this borough, and progressed*so rapidly, that itt_th#l4,o. if,..rour and a half the building;'vi i ft aita valuable stock of turned-AMC, an d )ta i machinary, tpgepser with three bard its the kik', bn Pearl street, were a glowing mass of ruins. The engine was early en the ground, but-bitimg byeitonatistastees which alway s rule when there is want of system, was 'utak to do its most elfeetive work. The neigh. boring buildings were in great danger for a a time, but by the heroic exertikelit4aliens and firemen the flames were held at bay. ' The loss falls heavily upon. Mr. Van Horn and his workman, some of the latter losing all their tool.. The Factotiwil one of airlifted public i mprovements, built up by the energy and Indus• try of its pryrielcor. ItlVloll#'°ll which there Wei; an o 2 Ob. Messrs. II!. Wilkinson, D. Hart ) end" ..r .each lost a barn on which thire was no insurance. A meeting of citizens convene d at the Corn, roissioners' Oflice at 10 o'cloek for the pqrpose of devising tome plan' in 'aid of the sufferers. A watudttee of Ave was appointed to procure: sub striptions with instructions to report at an adjourn meeting at the , Conrt House at tlir P. M. Ac. ssrdingly the committee set about the work, and at the adjourned meeting reported a' subscription of 5710, which, on motion, was Creeted to 3re collected and distributed pro raft. • - This prompt liberality stands to the credit of our citizens. It will enable Mr. Van Horn tore build his Factory , and thus provide work for thorns thrown temporarily out of employment. 'Now let us organize a ore Company, perfect it b 7 rigid discipline, "and so make smite esstwitadailio those who have struggled against wind laid tide, and public indifference, to preserve- theidzadow Of an o rganization. The charter will be granted in a I, few weeks, and there will be room for seventy_ tore working members. ;'.. C S.I WELLSBOHO ACADENT.—The last half of the spring term commences this week. Pupils wish— ing to enter for the balance of the term, should do so si once, ample preparations for their recep— tion having been made. yf e regres to sly4titt l Mr. ,Vpn ,Allen if:Air:labors amolag us with the present term. Whether it will be pos— sible to secure so much energy and ability to con tinue the seseions of the Academy, is a anions question with many. We understand his decision as made beyond revocation. A "Tut WVDDINB."—"A what r asks some of the younger of our readers. Many have heard . famous ; Diamond Wedding," , eati'Stedinati. Mor:baVi beard - bf Weddings," of which ale pipers make occasion al mention. All have heard of joyful weddingsf and great weddings, and sorrowful weddings.— But a "tin wedding" may not have transpired in many neighborhoods hereabout. However, Wells born lied a elecidedlY -Pleessut . o egugitiau.i l 4 I the form of the celebration of their "tin wedding" by Hon. & Mrs' H. W. Williams, last night wifek, that being the tenth anniversary of their wedding' day. , The invitation cards wrre appropriate, being of tin, about lix 3 inches, upon which the usual formal invitation was written with a steel point. As may be suppoied, the tinners were much in requisition during the day,' and the strife to, get; "somethifilda4-414* , bad thatiglitt. of," was interesting, and so successful that few, if any articles, were duplicated. The guests began to arrive at about 8 o'cls;Ok, each with his and her planished wares. Every , tin-kle of the docr-bell announced a new arrival offTisike99, uut4 , the i"lrs*ezt, gaine d gronedlhat - a goodly portion of of the of Wellaboro bad turned traveling tin-kere. Of course we we can not undertake to enumerate the' various articles brought by the guests; but we; have 'a distinct and rather funny, recollection' of a lugubrious old bachelor, who presented his wiritt.;ance held to answer for his presence on an occasion, the like of which be seemed unlikely to make for : others. There - -were, on the final exhibit, all the articles usually found in well regulated hitch; ens and pantries, besides ornamental ware, such as combs, bracelets _, finger-olug,i,Jaceast-pins, belt slides, etc.. etc:, -1 l ift ill efititgiPto handsomely; fit out a modest tin-pedler. Supper was served at 10 o'clock, and the bill of: fare was discussed in a manner most complimen- , tary to the provider and cook. Later in the", evening a song, gotten up for the occasion,was sung, much to the aminatient and edification of the company; and the "good time" extended to' the small hours, when the guests separated for: their respective homes, *ishing the host ind host ess many happy anniversaries of the wedding-day, and a "golden wedding" at the end. i s t r I have maTtlielhitherThilion in, prices, to correspond with New York values. I now sell! Feat colored prints, 123 c Merrimack and Sprague prints. 20c Yard wide aheetings, heavy, 18c " best, 22 to 26c: Fine bleached muslins ' 25c ' Best - , 37c Alt dth.PgAds tritigisalltslaeayil tab* prices of goods now average lower than at any time this season, and it is a good time to boy. Dress goods are very cheap. Cloths and caseimeres are also cheap. I have also a fine stock of ILirtford Co. ingrain and ply carpeting, -tapestry Philadelphia ingrains and hemp carpetings; in new patterns, at the lowest possible prices. J. A. PARSONS, Corning, N. Y. 9, J.Pflil• • . ; z 14,1 You will find at W. li. Smith'i Sons; Addison, Yibetutaul Black Bilker, teOm lOs to s4.sPop. WO, frogs 50c to lls. Shawls, 10a to $25. Brk Cloth and' Silk Ba:scinenes; $5 to ,$25.. Duplix Hoop Skirts, from 18s to $4. Silver 'Skiitifi - Orn , toites4o OtherBtyles,.:os and - upwards. 1 The Mammoth conceru,abounds irk rarer hargairk . s and rare goods. -; I am making *lards eheaber than before the war. , Now is your tip!. , N o tice,. prices- lifter,: 'Sitting or 'standing cards; $2 SO perlioien vign ettes. $B.OO 'per dOzen4. I duplicatel,,:i sitting or standing,,o 80 per dozen; doßlioato vignettes, $2 25 per dozen. ~ ,BesideeiellineitilhBse prices, I will give yontgbild'tdetures. z Bbtrance between Wm. T. Mothers and t Jones. Wellsboro, Pa. B. 13. WOOD. HINTS jp, iikkuslKEEltaltsb—Danipilyps cause typhoid feVere; - do says ifall's Totirea of Health. This is a good time to clean your walls and re paper them: Yonne bas received hit epting;stbck of wall•paper,-which be is now selling =at' prices from one' shilling to twelve. - Fifty-six different styles ; twenty of there- entirely new. It is believed tliatthe can fades the carpets.— Nnang has 'recas . ived a large stook Of, paper tani cloth shade., figured and plain,' varying in price trom : onelikilling.te three dpliars. „Alec. faApree. Cali soot a,andAake,n7 W A / 40 0 13!).A-4t4k!':-, NEW YORKASIARKETS--- - ecnTrSte , VAreekiY .rtrt ~ ^RENWISrEITZGXRALpri* 4 TlMOirlislotrlderchai4-28 4 414Lfteriiin,iti:=4 Now. Pja r , 'Flour, enperBne , $ 7, idd4r,s6l Extra; $7,6 to' lita .Wheat. $235 to V80...80rn, 46c - to t 63 tops% t o l —Butter, 446 to.46c—Chouse„:l4c - to ).coA ThS".? wjioleaate_Orices . .„ , . , MARRIAGES.- . _ l,i On the.2Bth ult o at the op:scrooge; by Rev. .1. OftliciEurdar,dlas es Esomso and - hiAetiotltt. Ills Ben, both 01 -Delmar, r . 1 ' At Tiegri, "Witte Ri"Dvl#4 1 14ntleugh; Mr;Caetrams - Bootto; - oeBlObrip ; emsl Miss,‘ , OGEli, of, Liberty, fillfrfaasetea 'by Bev ` : L. laynohla „ea ftth ult., Mr: Cotqtrio Cookm.y, of - _Ccivitiml f aril titiS'ADELADO S.."'Y'orku4No, A14.„ - ik the same at the - iame - titair siO4 adr....PE:r.o.WeitTs.itcrso of 11313 - ere, andj DART of ... Cha; 19- leston. ' ; 4.49:4•1 11 e same oct the 25th ult., at' thelnote kortreref,the igides,fathfn in Nelsen) Urr-Ratot , fizZ itiv TER,_;of Nita ennid.y: An *MC 151 - a TW StroxgePro. Also, by the same in-Mansfield on , IEI6 Utiti - It., AUCKVIAIE N.t• B IUMF4. both,of ,Char/eston„Pri-• . the - same "re'sittOica'A""Ortgo bride, on the lit it:tic - Capt. AARON PiTTS, and Al iss:Faxisrtz A. Busy. - DK.ATSS. At the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. Amos Qhapmnn, in Charlest:crn, on the 29th alt., Mrs. Ememaitri Rosau, aged 83 years. LRRORS OF YOUTH.—A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous ,Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of yobthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of_ suffering humanity, send free to all who 1:1,1 thiecipe sod,tilfttetions forutaging the-ibitplatda edy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experienct pan tiotd-try addressing 'RAIN B. OGDEN, 13 Ohienber*St., N.Y. Jan. 31,'66-Iy. o CONSllMPTlVES.—Thblidvertiser, having been T restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, go i m i nt tine-12 isnzioin triiriake known toads Wider: the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pro. scription used, friss of charge, withftha directions for preparing and using tbo same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma Bronchitis. Coughs and Colds, and all throatenvijerig Ofections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted end spread information which he =twelves to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try 1113 remedy, as it will costtheru EnthiPS may prove a blessing. Parties wish i ng the prescription FIZZ. by return mail, will please address Bev. 'ED WARD A. WILSON, Wilframsburg, Kings Co. Ran. 31. '63-Iy.l IEE CONFESSIONS it EXPERIENCE OF AiillS . - VALlD.—Pnblished for the benefit and as a cattier( to young men and others, eho suffer from !Cartons Po. Way, PICIMattITS ikray of Manhood, 65., tat the same time the :mans of self-pure, By one ® ho _des cnied himself after undergoing considerable gnerkirl. Ey enclosing a postpaid addressed 'enelope, sines c op- Yes, free of charice - otsjr - he had of the 'author: —NAV:IAN/EL IfilidEFAlßeasq4ldrOoklyn, Rings Co N.T.: • . WM. 32i,664ja A N Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE „et wLII be found at ROY'S DRUG STORE, .'i ~.1k., : .:3,-o.h Vl. \.) ,A [tea kal (1 i - v v " JAr*smoins-ANMEAMfIOhiII AM .NOW .02F.E KING . JlAMfabitiB Frefi MIME ~ :'>,~' .::~'i~en ` .Prints; , i. 1 EriglistrPrints; :ill I i.e. American - Prints, t;,• c' ME J - ...J. s _ i.l ifireucti-bitrighaints,, 34.311.+51 Edg'li~h Thg4 thi, t - r 4 1.3,11 !IA tA:C,III Tat: o's•u , .l _ i41,:4 1 ift,ioAl A 40141 , 1 ,4 :LW ;Iv s-trOi; _ PlaidAlpaiaa, 7451 887 d 22 , Nl..{ it ie.27 _ ,D 0 , 4 Y-Ftineet CeP I N I P"4O I4 2V-Nit:l,l; 4vioxi . IQ._ ail 4 . 10071 =0 ;.)ai mi..' 7 4 -v,s4 t i ft as snag 4a a neo f sir ,aaTIASIOit (14-011 tr,:..II;MP. tvf.S 3oit ta.4.12.. - v t - g , as Chanion ;+±. 6 l II 11u4s ni•ew ,•ar: 911.11; EZIEI " . 4 -1 .1. .E#~ellies, t.'iia i..ii;7dA '2 t% , %;.7.%4.1.7;.,... is_ 7 :NIL, 10 t.,174.1.1 fill cl t r,{P.Pf.7 . ; viari" •:. ,soains46., I ile 4(44; IL EMMA 1 " ,„! p • Sun Viabrellasi . .•,,, •1 ; ;1. j qri - .31 . tt to4ll 1:44111i15itya1vhf.,11.7;..... .1 • er, : L:lfi j. 7. - -;.2min uc. , o '4.9usgoes,.e. 1 , 1,1 4:1-4"ft.4 `I I ;1 A....-: c I orAiy:a , !:.A.:t c 41Ar (~..,lis 1 ;-''S 1_1#.4.... 9 ‘ R. 1° 1!) 0-r-, tr; L" • ; titF7 §-Xi! k st orP7 '`. t>3 11,;:.) .1- 'iolf S.printunit --1110 satillaB MEI c,t3.fringkelynesi '-'itintAckir4eans, TaillZA:)B . ‘;ll,ll4Ail r.O Bdf .111 0: sir!! ter-Silib etroo t to 4 -:(% , btrt LiAnfA , 25411) 6 a. 4 1 .1. `',A, Lvtvelitti . anti: I , okeursk Z0:31.14 .n1:11,14. ,ana. EU _Seiugi7l . .51 a A , 1 - ,ITZT4a.P. , aOr.l' fllrlungll3, I :.-+.71•61:d wit r.: etqletv ,k 1 EO7 11 1 ":41.!' 14. , f 917 , 1"1::T f , 71 - 1.:111-t71 1.4%.5 4110;11j ... 7.LW1, ,, t 7.1 eqUigt4 nr L.11 , 4..: - 7. al) if! I el.tei IT t) t 01: • , r! 5r.. 4 1 e 14C , 21 , . igkOPPS , - . 1 400 0 4*. - We* 4,2 .;I iOFitextles stfainOn • oftil.ptiyart. of dry goosi to' my. DO W. stook . ; aaou nng Om that I latetta Soigivi shoot the 'foil value of their mote and filiartinOikt of Revilkud.setssopable g9o4s,to.aeleat =II =I t , J. A. PARSONS, Comm, N.Y. April /8, 1860. MEI !EMI CIEIEbIkALS, SOAPS, RY, •OLASS, PUTTY, ‘..*OItS, - PAINTS, VARNISHES, DIES, COLORING . t , I ?IRE ,WINES f I 'LIQUORS • FOR iiEDICALPITRPOSES.. • EIRS,T•CLASS ARTICLES, 1 .0 , and*4 l -00 tkak'Pl'itT can al ways im sold at '3:414 icine. AN" Sinpneintee in med- HS" .rrices Menhir; iheimarket. - These itid Vinimettoes RAY'S DitTi STORE. tIaT.CI:I .14 jOurchasii sliewbeie. DRUGS,- MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OM% AMIIO.4(N9SI4TRR kkkau to wits bltr t6' e artzcf goet.? DYERS ell kikik)I4I4: I TFACTORI ES : SUPPLIED WITH DYE-WOODS ' ZAU :10AY WH O ;7114 E LCrE t_i: „ , , " " The stock of &sails u 419 spans - lye, comprising Window glass, all , iin4, Branch glass for Pictures, ,Mi . ifor:glass plates for old framq,, . 'l = inch glaihrware for thi. Su& as - Goblets, "Paniblers; rea lichers, IMMEEI Spoir,aaloldsrm, Lantiimr,iliamp Chimneys, Lant , ern glass, in fact, it is impossiblo 'teventimerato. All sorts of articles made of Glaisi.and sold at Drug stores, can be found at Roy's. &MAW utt thee'llkigLWA-ktiown t 4 plty. slciantof this county. These Liquors are of the pre"; and, heat qttelitY, Selecoo with great care, and - eoresplY for suedioal use.. 'Peewees* and gnat's of `all kinds, ' SODA-4'•CREAM TARTAR, 7 , SALERA.• " TIM , GINGER' NUTMEGS; SPICES, IsbVES PEPPER WRITING PAPER,. INK, „PENS, ,PEN= OILS, YANKEE NOTIONS AND ._ FANCY GOODS. — - MEI EOM ; MEE MEESE 1= . „ CRYSTAL REROSRNE, - . 14,irr t ant r eliat i le,arti o le, perfectly safe' to' , use. Lasts mncti longer tlian the poorer qualities. It will be sold at Roy's as cheap as the cheapest. ANS' PRESCRIPTIONS =VIM wanly Ao4 eecurecEly compounded from pure oja reltePle, medicine.. .00". 9rders meg NI,I44IYAA 4 I n d44 I Pi , . . Musti` Prosper: Boots, Shoes, Leather j• Findings. ,tivo..{..mti)... tikECI. 0. DERBY - , iteoliboui,i4 ; ,. - he;iti.`ck and goad-will bt the buL linciiii•Toug conducted to this borough by " The lieu," will continue the same at theatandlately occupied by them. Good custom work, made laG order 7 4mi:eg. fithint:tordert;„ll.vValaobventotel: IWAtaa of O,O,IaO.::_AND FINDINGS, Such as BALE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND. ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, ,Li I - 4STS, AW LS,' WAX; &o:; ' and„.in a general way, the various 13zin's usually kept stat Stadia .14- , . . . tir.)l . l . l.o4;fivjaws, BEOB, MIS and rues ; entrpar... gtFer4on, given to..the purchase. of real and dea l CO .'' ' Z, fetVilcli. th e 'highest mallet price 'pill be Pik. RliantitterdOne piomptly and Well, ' ' ' - lo; G , II-.. - _, : -,• !1"," • - • -' GEO. 0. DERBY.' I_l Fllllll ~ BEE t igsajugsold' tbe stock In trade and good-will of ass 444;fiietalfixe4 conducted by us to Mr. Derby, we cor ftilly iiconinlend - blua to'our old cui.tomers, as a good workinenondu.bynare.dealing man. iTit , e , •a • CLUB. W. k OEO. W. SEARS. .111A5.,9.,..,,Ng,v P9 0 4)-s,± 6 4 JAW -4tEIkEV.IL LE, AT-GR . EATI.i- . littfiJCED ;.` !..‘;.l .2.- .1- • - , :0. I to Atekifftrein.Annoutrciag.lo-tbe.:publialob &43 t,. t.Pt.trttlett,bliv9 i ant te4u7ned tyggilieW Xerig t fklargeqtaftitmostdestrAbleitoOk of-Aiootft bkirfteggrAkty,: NyA4B,l(l, et.. full line ci •,, 11 -, .. - :;.1i. - r.. , , 1 , liWrid, ANL) ;FANCY PRY.(ii()ODS.,, CLOTHS: a o s ,s 4trASPlfilk,Rpii,-:HATS & CAPS,: - - - :;e7r, 4 ;b 15 -4.ifi i :ilicligo; . 0/OdETLiE4 ~ . teadyiilikthing, and Custom z." 3 - 11 '':;—' e: :.t ';,'_VATLOI4-N-G-; : 7E . 1.T . ,: i . ~... .--,.. '' ' " 1-,1- ' -- iiiiiiteide - 4 by a first-cja,sa ' Cater. : ' ;Lc, 71 /a **IT, *MA a, oemplete assortment of. -al_ that , if -n Arid fiesta/hie. We are determined sectikeihe erw lead iti Loiv Prticts for the Spring of 634E' - 16;asiD,— sEE , 14-"c . :liiiiicea . " arid to look' , 9oiidtGg - rijirw.extend thanks_ for former liberal pairringw; "• 1 114 - 1:/49 - ak that. tbstfrieuds :of low "pricer arid ` atual.protiti vriii call tit'our Coaiters - and satisfy therOselYesotbat-Lawrenceville is: the Wave to bay Goods right.r• - - . •-, O. S. MATTiI.ER' SF ' -4k-Afttil'Oß'S NOTIC2.—The undersigtual oWitutvitig bcomatpointed an Auditor to Make a.distributime - of the money collected in the case of.thisCommenmealth vs. John Beason, he will attend to theft:ties: of his appointment, at - hie office iiiMellabtrro, lin Friday •the, ility%of Iday, ItiCti,sit 11l ode& d. M. = FARM , ' SALB--Situated three - miles - morth'of - Holidaytown, near the Farming ton line. Said farm contains about 74acres t abentO 70 acres under cultivation; and a thrifty orchard of 300'trees;just bearing, tboreon., Said farm Willifatered - and - Well fenced; a good well of Wa ter at Ai licsime3 -frame house, two frame Inge and other-cOnitimient catbaikliaga thereon. further particulars, enquire of A. B. A. Briggs, Botidaytown, Middlebury. IRA BRIGGS. April 25:1866•—ate" 'Ili: ;-:.:•714" BE +^u' , :sa , '+:i~Y_i''ti3n2~cec}.rinaCedc: : ~.-. _.. ~.,. I John AQ ritoy9 DEJA.LF.E. All 'leaded with great care, warranted to be ,f -- (1 ("6 - te .1 • .• i;. , • • - ` Tim stock ot .l_, • it to bejojrEdrio 4hisyytof-i'tata ,443..;ti:r PRICE: SPlinqG Or 12MIEM tprrenVeville, Apr.. 25, ,1866 W.A. NICHOLS, Auditor..lB,ls66.4t: " 1711 ==l : : STAND FROM UNDER. - ' ‘-t•NiM - • V •" , :p - • VORNARee OR. • PRICES, ARE NOW- ROUNDING OFF ! 7 L • - :-• - , - 71 2 , - ; • . _ • , THING DOWN TO OORRESPOND-WITH THE 1/11tERGENCY, . r •... c. lit ,44. '17.07° --, - 4 APPI . SOINT, N. X" t iTg W.l ;4 't 3 The old,and reliable PEOPLES' STORE, .lu4pliii44 abspe to agilely everiondy. , FRESH STOCK OF GOODS .NOW RIVING AT TkLE SLAUGHTER- 11111=131111 _ TO lee 411 to bo.ooovinoed thai • yen I • • .3.• f :./. ;CAIN Ci‘ BE TER: :pat erk.fixe eve; on the Lees' colaise."p:tie. MEM. °.;...,. < :V,qt .LL :I:. 1 T r 1• I . Tigure . LIO 1 r..8.: .J . • • •~ ~, Wiri 1101f,,' .. T_I_ 'i Y,'-11:6104 Who hold largo Stocks of thx+do, at, E •, - • :• - Prices. ‘' 1 : ••••' =, ;, , . ,-c• , „ 1 1 1/ CAW irco BSTIER ? (not if wo.kntroitorollt*o IThan talsny , your Gbiidi ot` • R. SMITH'S SONS. ADDISON, N. I r e, Marob 14,1866. =I 186&k ME MIME =I i . -1 RD RATES - MEC MIME litiN7 Nz *l ~~. MEM MEI I=EMM ME IM=EMM =E=ME MEI ,ek.L ? MIT .THE PLACE TO BUY DRUM P. H. Williams, f i,'4) .0"" ib i s ' 64 _ gz,,,-..., =EI PUB HUGS I MIME, CHEMICALS, P,V,,I,LFUNERY, ,g• •I ♦~i _ Mil ;PMEHTSIS 9 .041L111, (grr.9- "MAIN *TAUT, WELLSBOBO, PA blicrif Par* ' J.1.11.1:' t tf .16 lIIIMI • - . 1017-XX.a , le the,ony FAMILY MKDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMES, TOLLET_SDAP, -YANKEE NOTIONS,, , 2 FANCY A4TICLES,'TIIRE WIrNIT Lt . LIQUOIS, IWANT it distinctly understood that I frill aell every thing lu my lino cheaper thin can be bought at any other establishment in Tioga County. "- • Lam selling beat Turkey Opium at $1 per oz., Morphine $1,25 per bottle, Jayne's Alterative and Expectorant atsl per - bottle, -or 6 bottles for $ 5 , Ayers Sarsaparilla and Pectoral at $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Constitution Water Constitution Life Syrup, 1,16 " Scovell's Blood & Liver Syrup 1,00 " Wm.'Hall's Balsam 1,00 " " uchies Cathoikon 1,75 " " Daids:llepuretivc 110 " 4" And everything else in proportion. I get my medicines from the manufactory, and will war rant them genuine. My stook of ^~~aiso':.y PAINTS, Oils and -Varnishes, are complete and are selling at greatly reduced prices. All who have painting to do will find it to their interest to calli at my stop before buying elsewhere. lam selling best Turpentine Varnish from $3,50 to Sc. per gallon.. _ - • I. VARNISH & PAINT BRUSHES, all ag,Ttai:auack , 4imia, frow 10 cants to s2.each WHITE LEAD AND ZINC, from 10 to 16 ceqta_pirjonud. LINSELEV 'Ott; -13DILED AND AAA- L'iiercheap.- I= WINES, GIN .11:NV will lie -sold at the /owlet calk . itrige. "I here talso slimy' stock of , • _ • . • TITRE PAINT S ANA WitIISITES, for Oil Painting, which will be nit for a mall 1 41P"S'er A Pti' mg * , , r:?!T17 -. `i' l of all Mims. Hone and Steven's family Dzs • • 31.014ta6: aliti ALLSPICE, PEPPER, CINNAMON, ei dzti.l.itttA Ttjc4l3l ‘ SOAP,: SODJWICRIANTARTIB, (#l , o* EakENCE ' coirsty FLVORINd THUM &C &C. &C. f= Alai' liirge stoOk of WHITE .WASH LIME, and in fact every thing ever kept in aprug Start, IMIIIIM Mil Persona wanting anytiringin will save lieaap.byriiiHng store, _ I NO. ' NIHON .WILLABOXO, PA P. R. WILLIAMS. Wellsborough, April IS. 1866. IMMO umbscribers take pleasure in announcing to the Mtrpit of W . fis i i ? iur4 o lit i V in slc l i a ni te ty that they have barber and hair• dresser at Wellaboro, and have fitted up Is neat and pleasant room over C. L. 'Willcox's store, where they will always be on band to wait on their el - Lanz:vers., and as they will spare no pains to plome, they hope to merit the patronage of the community. Particular attention paid to Wiles' haire:uttin g, inSal• peeing, dyeing, de. Ladies' braids, puffs, swichss, coils and curls kept on hand, or made to order, H. W. Doan:. J. JoiXSOX. April 25, 18138.-ly OM NI lIZMIE =3l 911111/1211 &e., ate SI per bottle ME =CM New Shavize;and Saloon.; DIBABLRD NEN, ATTENTION!—Wanted, ono . or two men In Wellsboro and vicinity , oto have lost er an arm or leg, to sell Waditvorth's Water Proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the best and cheapest court planet in the market. Prom 35 to $lO per day can 5* mad*. Address, with 25 cants, for sampla and fall br formation, A. P, BELCII3I3, Box 45, Pidiadelplaia,Pa. N. B.—All agents and peddlers *Gold and it to their interest to answer the above. spiti-adt SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS! I AND :CALL CIPT.TN AT Nast & Auerbach's - CHEAP CASH STORE. ELOSSICURB. PA., - Where you oan always And the best assorted stack of '• • DOMESTIC & FANCY DIjY _GOODS, CLOTHS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured under their own saperviaion. Also Gents' furnishing goods, &a., &v. In their merchant tailoring establishment they defy competition; baring du, best tailors of New York city, and an • • snood cutter, Mr. H. P. Erwin. [feb2l6ely TIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Penn sylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of April, 1868, and to me directed, for the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin er, at Wollsboro, for the Conn ty of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of May (being the 28th day,) 1886, and to continue two-weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro ner,Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisition s, ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their pesl. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice.: Qivert under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office. in Wellsboro, the 25th day of April, in the year of our Lord thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. LEROY TABOR Sheriff. Hand Power. Loom !-Patented 1866. A LL persons intereated Is the production of pricti- Jci, cal machinery into oar country, are requested to investigate the merits of HENDERSON'S HAND POWER LOOM Thu loom will do all kinds of hand weaving . . It will weave jeans, blanket*, plain-- eleib, satinet, keney, flannel, seamless sack, double width blankets, dr any kinff of cotton, wool, or lax cloth. It treads the treadles, thrower the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batton comes forward, and beats up the filling after. the cross is made, making better cloth and better selvage than can be made in any other way. - It is Me only hand loom Mat is suitable for weaving wool, as no loom that make* all the. shed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no strings to stretchand get out of order ; bee treadles at both sides of the loom, making the shed complete at both sides. This loom is made to weave the different kinds of cloth, by simply changing the pins that make the up per shed. 3 _ Township rights for sale. Call at Mainsburg, Tioan county, Pa., and see a full sized loom In operation. Or dere for banns solicited. LEWD WRTMORR, Mainsburg, May 2, '86.-ly A. F. PACKARD. WELL TO-DAY, SICK TO-MORROW.— Such is the experience of thousands. Few enjoy continuous health. To what does the occa sional invalid attribute hie uncertain condition Not to himself, of course. He lays the blame on the climate, perhaps. It is too hot,.or too cold, or too damp, or too thy, or too variable, But doss he take the proper course to fortify his constitu tion and bodily organs against the extremes and changes of which he complains ? No. He says, perhaps, that only an iron man could bear such great beat, or such violent cold, or such sudden vicissitudes. Why then does he not resort to the great Tonic and Preventive, which, if it will not make him an iron man, will at least quadruple the capacity of his system to repel all external agencies that tend to produce .diaease ? HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS, taken faithfully acCoi•ding to the direc tions, will so strengthen the islomach, brace the nerves, tone the liver, and i•egulate and invigo rate the whole animal machinery, that the sys tem, instead of being at the mercy of the weath er, andliable to be prostrated by every change of temperature, will become case-hardened, as it were, and almost impervious to climatic influen ces. It is to this preventive principle that Hos 'MITER'S BITTERS Owe their great popularity in thirWeetlndies, British America and Australia. INSOLVENT NOTICE.-4 the /natter of the application of A. T. E. R. Webster for the benefit of the insolvent laws: :Take notiee, that .A...1.4k Wsibigir, of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa., have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for the benefit of the insolvititlawa; . and that the Court has fixed upon the fourth Monday of May next, at two o'clock P. M. of .said day, as the time for the hearing of the petitioners and their creditors, at the Cant House . A. T. ,k E. R. WEBSTER. Mrtroh 30, 1866,—ap 31 ELECTION OP TRUSTEES.—The stock holders of the State Normal - School of the tifth district, are requested to nieetat the Normal building, in Mansfield, an the tint Monday in_ May; at two o'clock 'P. M., for the purpose or electineTrtistees for the ensuing year. - Er'. B. ELLIOTT; Preet. P - ;-ALLEN,-Se r cey. April 18,'88.-3t " A ,SDTOR'S NO,TICE.—TheI undersigned `having beep appointed an Auditor- to make a distribution of the money collected in the case ofthe Commonwealth vs. William gait= ei:rl4. he' will attend to the duties of his appointment, at bis office in Wellsboro, on Friday the 11th day of May, 1886, at 10 o . olook - A. M. - I - W. A. NICHOLS, Auditor. Wellsboro, April 18, 1886;-3t PLASTER PtesTER !—The undersigned will be prepared to furnish the farmers of Tioga county with fresh..gruund. Plaster, as soon as navigation opens , at their mill near Mansfield. C. H. OWENS CO. Mansfield, lifareh2B, 'fiee-tf : - ET'PRS OP. AD MIN /*TRATION. Lgaing bees- granted. fa 'the lindersigned, on the es tate of William L. Soule, late of Farmington, de ceased, thawindebted ta. the estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for set tlement, to JOHN C. ROBB, Adm'r. - Farmington, April 4, 18138.-80, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION 'having been granted on the estateof Morris Knapp, deceased, late of Lawrence township, all 'persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate pay - dont, and those having claims *gains it ,to present them to ALVAII KNAPP, Lawrence, April 11, 1206.-dt a Ada*. N EW GOODS- & NEW JARRANGEMENT. All persons indebted to C. L. WILLCGX raze invited to call and settle within ten days. Wellsboro. April 11, 1868. _ QOM; BIRDS.—A new singing book for Sala -1.0 bath schools, by George F. ROot, published quarterly. The Robins, or April number, isnow ready', and for sale by Lang A. White. $2 per dozen; single copies, sent by mail, 20 cents.- Su perintendents, would you make your schools in• teresting, supply them with good new songs. Mansfield, May 2,'88.-2t LANG ,t