AGRICULTURAL. 1 [FPgr_tlsci A italtir.} raFsjaers,-Ecatioraize Your rdlantiro As the ULM ;for preparing. ground for the corn crop is at hand, a few moments of time may beprolltably spent in study, that We nisy dt.cide as to the best meth od of applying manure to eoru, espe cially by farmers occupying upland.— As I have had some experience in the cultivation of corn on upland, I; wfll give s.ltChaost , sticcessitil method in - m - y experience. Select ground susceptible of fine filth, cultivate thoroughly, then draw and spread - Manure. partially rotted, fresh from the yard or heap; then slightly covet' the manure, by turn ing the coil into small ridgotl—turning: two ligli r t.furrow's. tog - ether ;- -thus secur ing the:manure from waste, 'by the cape of%ifatili zing gases, -and assist in" the chaaaraposition , oi the manure. The warmth-of-I the fermenting manure pre pares,the.4.seoil very nieely, for the recep-: two. ,of the seed.. Ground - thus fitted can he pla - nted eight or ten (lave earlier than in the ordinary way, with perfect safetYto'the seed., 8001 d as the blades pierce - We - soil, apply a light dressing of plaster ; that will help to start a vigor ous groivtit in thu young plant, cause it to take deep root, and produce a broad leaf, capable of absorbing alarye amount - of nutrition from the atmosphere. Hoe as soon as the size of the plant will do, using n cultivator crosswise the xidges, so as to stir the: fermenting manure be tween the hills in the ridge. As soon as hoed, syply another dressing of plas ter to` the plants, to concentrate the fer tilizing gases that will-escape from the decaying manure, directly to the hill ; thus liberally feedingthe plant from two sources at the the root, and by the gases ; and thus greatly increasing the growth and has!., teningrthe-inauturity - of the - Crop. No plaster should lie used after the first ho hag, as it would prolong the growth of stalks; and -retard the formation of corn. I haVeialsedas good crops by this me= thod on.upl Ind - , as is ukially raised on the river fiats. IRA BRIG GS. - Middlebury, April 20, 1866. - Qn planting so as to get the influence of the mood; Mr: Briggs - lately wrote to the " Dollar Newspaper," Philadelphia, as follows: " PLA.NTING SO AS TO GET THE BENE FIT or min IXELn - E - Ndr OF THE MOON. —ln No. 45 of the Dollar Newspaper,' I noticed an article headed, Planting in the Moon, in which •R. .R:' says some of his neighbors were kind enough to inform hiss, that if he would be more in farming, follow the old saying, and plant everything in the moon. - Now I would say to R. W. R.,' plant early,: and plant everything in reference to the time of maturity.— `R. W. R.' says the moon's light cannot get to the seed to change its condition in any, Way. I hare observed, while tapping maple trees to make sugar, that the sap-owed upward in the new of the moon, and downward in the old of the moon : and that fruit picked hr the full of the moon is more plump, juicy and tender, than that picked in the old of the'moon, and more liable to rot from bruises ; and furthermore, that crops planted earlyizi the season, pro duce heavier and brighter grain. Now, my theory, from my own observation, is this : Calculate.the time it will re quire for your various grain crops to mature, considering the - soil, climate, condition of the soil, and cultivation after planting; and plant all grain crops that mature on the stalk, or above ground, so as to maturein the full of the moon, and all root crops so as to mature in the old of the moon. I have observed that seasons vary. To - meet such vari ation, all grain not fully ripe and likely to ripen in the interim before the next full moon, should be cut and allowed to ripen in the shock. There are other ob servations sustaining my theory, but enough for the present. . - Tioga, 'Pa.' WHO IS WORTHY OF THE NAME OF FARMER ?—Can a man expect to suc ceed in any professional- occupation, without a thorough preparation for their business, by study and careful investi gation. We observe, by investigation, that our medical profession is far short of perfection. Notwithstanding they are required to acquire a college educa tion, they are unable to answer natural questions arising to our mind by an in quisitive study. In order that-we may be understood on this point, we will suppose a case.— If a man, who was enjoying perfect health, should be placed on diet that is in its composition deficient of some one particular property that is necessary for the supply of some particular portion of the human system ; and the system cork sequently becomes diseased; the ques tion is to know the precise article to add to the diet, in order to obtain the. need ful supply for the particular point defi cient in'the system: Now, brother farmers, here is a wide field of"'Study for us.• We should know the properties contained in our soil; their ratio, one to the other, in amount; the properties of our • various kinds of manure ; the chemical changes produced by mixing manures, and also by mixing rrpnures with our soil. We should know all the properties contained in our various kinds of grain and root crops ; that we may Imow just what crop to plant in. our sail, and what kind of ma nure, and what quantities of 'deficient -kinds, to apply to our different kinds of crops. And this is net ail. We are expected to produce animals 'adapted to all the VEXiOUB ut - ÷,3 for rnr.n. Animals can be gro w n with eifrerer,, , tfortaas and different abilities . ; by adhering to certain rules of diet. Thus the importance of knowing the properties and e ff ect of all our dif ferent kinds of food used as diet for growing st6ck. A good =lick - cow can not be grown on diet that would pro duce a beast of excellent fattening pro pensities. immense improvement may be made by giving our attention ana study to this f."l,ll)jeCt. Farmers, let us study to become worthy of the name of farmers. - -- IRA- BRIGGS. Middlebury, April '20,1666 HOLLANDS . - HARNESS-MAKER, LIAN=LD, me A. COUNTY, PA Raving carrie3 ,on the ab. , ;‘ve brainean for the space of fifteen years, ha stashes to return his chi con, thenhE to his Ntrons for the liberal sup• port received during that period and • feeling that he has given general eatisfaction in the past —which fact Is Chown by the increased demand far his Eatt..ttzeare 'Lev leave to announce that be it 1107 pre aced (by the employment of firn class r•orhtnen) to execute all orders at short mattce,nr.divilinot be excelled by any establish.: ment in the cnutitry. Eittain ET dray II on hind, .Call and see him. Shop opposite the 111:octield HoteL February 1,t,15:4 I.INTH I VIZ. I s—We are-now manufacturing G. uiperiv., whtch we offer for Late at the lorect market price. & RANDALL.- Nike Valley, March 21, /6.68;-;-.9t* Mb`RE Gircara at . ROY'S DRUG STORE. 1,7 Card, Staples & Son, ARE PREPARE)) 'TO SELL ,AS CHEAP ee auy dealer, in the eauttry, a general as sqrtiuent PRY GOOD 4, CROCERIFS, READY=iIdDE CLOTHING, HATS, = CAPS, BOOTS - k, SHUNS, FUR- E RTIfEItIvV B MI, 9 A'rWASS WXRE, in ihort, everything uenally kept in a country ,tore, all of which will be veld at low ae the where, for I RFADY PAY ONLY! No , trogthic 40:Show Goodip: CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES QTAPLES Jr, CO., grateful to old patrons for ';past favors, hope for a continuance of the came. Having formed a coportne - rAtp with it P. VARD, they feel confident that ihoy can do better thau ever before, as the new firm will have a larger astoditinettL7 i • . COMP ET 111()N ME El Vn ! 4/9-47),-ISTA P 48 - QcrBON Keenekviite, Feb. - 1866. FOR SALE. 1 866. 13Y B. C. *ICKLIAM, T ZIS °NURSERY' -OF FRUIT AND: OR_ AL -NA MENTAI;TREES, 60 1 000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear _Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL. - TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are 'composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishiug to get a supply will do well to call and • see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Delivered- at the depot free of charge. . Tioga, Fob. 28, 1866—lye . - TINA MARBLE WORKS. CALKINS & CONKLIN, Proprietors. (late Colo and esMine) I- --,. • . "VIR. CONKLIN haveng had large ex perience in oq e oil the best Marble Shops in the country in t e artistic part of this inkiness the proprietors are now prepared to execute orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, -and MONU MENTS of either RUTLAND OR. ITALIAN MARBLE, in the most Workmanlike =unit., arid with die patch, They will keep the best quality of Mar ble, of both kinds named, constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and made to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our au thorized Agent, and alEcontracta raadelvtth bim will be valid. - Customers can contract for work wth him at shop prices. Tioga Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. .NEW MEAT - MA#,BET. .TOWNBEND, AGENT , . Wholesale and 'Retail' Dealer IL FLOUR, PORK, HAMS, AND GRO CERIES, 0240, PA_ = FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER; ,-, Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Office. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1888-tf. I AL „RIMITO ! - .;OFE., • FIFTY" PEA , ' .CENT. "OWES THAN,; THIRTY DAYS -AGO.' tam CALL AND SEE I 'lie Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1146: A O. B[TLLAfiD. - WHAT IS IT P WHAT IS IT ?- What is it sittich.hiarsaarratstui as otisi , magi= cian's art ? What is it which" the more you use it the better you like it ? What is it that causes the lame' to walk? What is it that eases the pains of rheumatism? What is it that loosens the aid' joints ? What is this chemical compound that is called an infallible remedy for Neuralgia, acting direct ly upon the nerves and giving almost instant re lief; chring all sorts of aches and pains as if, by magic ? It is - S A LUT IFER Sellin g off now at Roy'gDrug Store, ; [Feb. 14] "VARM FOR SALE.— Near the residence of -H. H. Potter in Mid dlebury township, Tioga county, Pa., containing about sixty acres, about fifty acres improved; a two-story frame house, nearly new, a frathe- barn and a good orchard, partly young frees thereon. Terms easy. Inquire of Henry Sherwood, Esq. Wellsboro, D. C. Scudder on the premises, or 8. Bennett & Co., corner Canal S Second-sta., El mira, N. Y. _SOLOMON BENNETT. Elmira, N. Y., Feb.2l, /386-2m* ARM FOR SALE.—A faim of 125 acres or thereabouts is offered for'sale, situate two miles from Wellaboro,' the county seat of this county,- and onthe direct road to the lumbering districts of Pine Crook. There is about sixty acres improved, with a good house and barn, and a number of good springs of water. The timber land is covered with valuable timber, and the 10. Cation for one that wishes a good farm near a thriving and enterprising village cannot be sur passed. For further particulars, as ,to price, terms, 4., apply to `C. E. Brewster, Welleboro, or to the subscriber at Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y. March 7, 1866-tf. ;J. W. GUERNSEY. "OXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters Testamen tary having been granted upon the estate of John Hamlin, late"of Mansfield, decanted, the'un dersigned requestlall paytaents to be kezde, and all claims to be presented to F. E. Smith, Esq., at his office in Tioga. Viltl. - T. POST, J. D. BALDWIN, Elmira, N.Y., Mar. 28;'615-6t Exectitora MRS. CHEVALEEN'S HAIR TONIGAND 'DRESSER, at .WEBB'S DRUG STORE. A LARGE STOCK. of - PERFUMERY and -YAN KEE NOTIONS, for solo by P. R. Williatas, No. B . 'Hafort Block, Wellzboro, Pa. VIOLIN STRINGS at • WEBB'S DRUG STORE. FOUTZ'S 11011 Cattlo Potion. TER, HE COUGH] TEMPE] VERS,FO LOSS OF TITE AN ENERGY use impr( 'wind, I. the Appetit a IEIOO glossy lik , transforms miserable Ll= the - Lams, Lin &c.,this attic) acts as a specific By, .po4ting fry' one-half a pal to a paper in - barrel of swill r above discos, will be eradicate -or entirely prev, preventive and c Price 25 Cents per Paper, or S Papers for PREPARLD, DY S. 4. , Viclolf_T r iCZ Sr, 133R , 0., AT Tlil:Elft WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 l'renklin - St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale _by Druggists and Storekeepers throtigh• out the Uuite States. _ .; For sale by John A. Roy, Welliboro. A . • Ar 4; 0 - - LIFEIESIVENOL STRENGTH TO THE WEAK! YOUTH TO THE AGED!! This preparation is unequaled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted of Inert functions. The aged should be certain to 'make the Blokrerici• household god, inasmuch as it will render them youth ful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the days of their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but ttrengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of senility, self abuse, misfortune, or ordin ary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impo tency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. . . gj o ic r o u e cures „Impotency, General Debility, Ner vous Incapacity, Dispepsia Depression, Loss of Appe tite, Low Spirits, Weaknees of she Organs of Genera tion, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Drimclation, Ennui. It has a must delightful, desirable and novel effect on the Nervous System; and eat who are in any way pros trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this most excel lent and unequaled pre paration. I'm-sons who, by Imprudence, base lost their natural vigor, 'will find a speedy and permanent cure in the BI OKRENE. The Feeble, the Languid, the Dispairing, the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial : it will be Maud totally different from all other articles for the same purposes To 3Pemalos.--This preparation is invaluable in nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. " It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dys- Pepsin with the first dose. A brief, persistence in its use wi ll renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Sold by Druggists generally. Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bmrels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They wilt immediately corrects Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomach. Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoins of the disease, which unfit one for' the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injuriUus effects which are sure to follow the use of stimnlating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening -and invigorating power they are sure to keep the digestive organs in whealthy con-4 dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrheas or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured-by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, safe and sum d restorer of e di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, S. E. Cor. 21et and Atarket Ste.; Philad'a,Pa.- • See that my Signature 'is on ?the face of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurious imi tations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor nizig,-N, Y. Sold by all Druggtots. Corning, Sept. 20, 1865-ly. MANEOOD, ROW LOST, HOW •RESTORBD-JUSt published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's celebrated essay on the radian cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhcea. or seminal weak ness, involuntary seminal losses,lospoteney, men tal and physical incapacity, impediments to mar riage, etc.; also coliaumption; epilepsy;and induced by: self-indulgence . or.4eatial'_extrava-, gance. Price; in - a - sealed envelope, only Scents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming ;consequences of self-abuse may "he radically cared without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cationraf the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every Winn in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress,-poet paid, on receipt of sik cents, or two a post stamps. i. dna the publishers, L CO., 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. office box 4,586. . March 281866-Iy ATARRH Cured for one Dollar / 7 -Read ! For one dollar, per mail, I will send free to any address, a recipe and medicine that I will guarantee to cure the worst eases of Calarrh in tho bead or bronchial tubes, in a few weeks. It has saved my life, and made me a well man froni Catarrh and a severe and dangerous bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. I tried the best physicians, and all the advertised medicines of the day, bat found no relief till I obtained this. I would give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine,- if I now had the Ca tarrh and could not obtain it for.less. I believe, if instructions are followed, it will cure any case whatever, that has not already reached_ the lungs and become a settled consumption. Cure it while yen can. Address T. P. SYMLIES, No. 1527 i Fulton it. New 7.0rk.• . ma? 28, 'Bll..din rANBUSICLEUE'S SOZQDONT for Cloa sting Teeth, for Went the 1) Store of P.SwII.LIAMS. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and 107-spirited horses, b 9, strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis eases incident to AL n - V,Zr A WIEI M : R. , WILLIAM ROBERTS beg to ROTiolltie to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock ofStevae, Tin-Wore. Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on aration is invaluable. 'mproves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and tweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes (them thrive with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following.artieln: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, - BUTTS, STRAP 'HINGES, bit.RPENTEWSITOOLS, • PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, • Brffs, BITTSTNKS,. HATCHETS. ORNVLS, ", SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH SCREWS, WOOD r SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS; , BURRS„ SKEINS, IV, ASEIERS,: PIPE BOXES, , AXLE- EthalP i TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES. 1190P,RAX & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN ' • ::POPPERS, SAUSA,GE OcITTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER A.ND CAPS. , . PATENT BARNDOOR,HANG/NGS, a new.tbing, end 'made for nee. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. • - - We invite the public to call and examine for themielves. We aim to keep the best 'quality of goods in oar line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' . Wellaboro, Jun. 1 186.5—tf. FIRE! FIRE! I FIRE! 1 !--; ____ The undersigned ,begs lesiva to anuoU)sea the people of Tioga County that he has estab lished, an agency in Welleboro, for the well known , - • -' of New York That he is prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty upon as.reasonable terms as can, be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a besides the Assets .whieb on tb!sisto 3 f .3 5,50 anns s ry, 42 , 1865. amounted to sl6 ..... 21,90152 Its Ofkiders are and monthly pays tho per tentage charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli ties valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies which have not taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties aro Bahia to a heavy penal ty for so insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. _ - HABIBIOND'S NURSERY.- ItUddletiury, Tioga CO., Pa 4 Sittaitea on the Plank Rood, 4 miles from Vega. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 3'ruit Trees at the following prices : 'APpletrces•-;Aargo sizo,2s cents at the Nursery; 30 cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 cts. SUMICEB. APPLZ3.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenangq,, Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summar Bellflower, Slimmer Queen, Sommer Ring, Sweat Bow, Sour Bow. PALL AppLzs.—Paineues; Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Ball Pippin, - Republic= Pippin., Hawley or-Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Swatting, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. 'Worm?. Annts.S.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rbode Island Green jag, Esopus Spitzenburg, Swans, Sweet gillflovier, Sugar - Sweet, Honey Greening. Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sonr, Peck's Pleasant, Tall. man Sweet, Tompkins Co. Ring, Wagner. PEAT:S.—Bartlett, English Jargonello, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seekel, Beurre D'Amalis, Golden Berwre,Plemith Beauty, Mont Marceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several, varieties. C. k R. HAMMOND. ANVASSERS WANTED, at $2OO per =nth. 'IL) We want reliable agents, (none other,) male, and female, to take the exclusive agency in every , county and township in the t 7. S., to sell the Pho tograph Vamily Record, a work whieh every fam ily will buy. It is bound like an album, but bag a printed blank page opposite each photograph, for a comp/ste record of the husband, wife, and each ehildisf:a family; also containing marriage certificate,-and pages for military history of any member of the family. 'Nothing like it ever pub lished, and no work that agents cau sell so read ily. -Old canvassers and others should send for circulars and terms. It is necessary to have cop ies of the work to canvass with ; price by express, $2 .50, $3 10 and $7 00 (3 styles); money may be sent by mail. Name the townships wanted. Address • BARTLESON A; CO. ItsTICROLB' PERI:MAE BAIU & PROT. OXLDE OF IRON, for gal* by - (jan.3l, 'C6.I BORDEN BROS., 'hop. K EROSINE LAMPS at SOY'S DRUG STORE. ejoß-WORK, IN THE BEST STEM and with despatch, at TEE AGITATOR Woo. MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, aaah capital of $2,000,000, CHAS. J. MARTIN —President, A. E.. WILIVORTLI ......Vice President, JOHN McGRE ' Secretary, J. IL W&SHBORN .6.saistant Seo'y. This Company has taken oat A STATE LICENSE, We'labor°, Aug. 23, '65. - W. H. SMITH CO„ Pa., Jan. 1,1,8 6 y. April 11, fo6.r2m GIL Chaamut, at., Phila. PEN - SION 'AGENOY. To jahliers AO Their TriariAs. rpHE UNDERSIONED having 'had con siderable experience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers; will attend to all busippss in that line entrusted to his care with promfitness and ildolity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds aro entitled to the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of .6ny, col lebtedby the undersigned. „ Persons wishing to confer with me willplease .call ur address mu by leper. .at :sylrazda, Brad ford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to If. S. Cqird, Comuty.Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa B. F. Pomeroy, Troy; Pa. ' ' A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda Pa.[Aprill KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY.- HEAD QUARTERS OF THE IRON BRIOADE AUGUST ler, 1868., Special Notice is, hereby given to Returned Soldiers, returned thedaddlers, those liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so eloduld HIGH PRICES END All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in our line on short notice and at REDUCED:I%I6EIS ' • We would call attention to a few of the ar ticles of our manufacture. PRE PEOPLE'S FRIEND COOK STOVE still in graiii Chitii Chiee tioniliing an ELEVATED OVEN COOS STOVE Qui PARLOR, BOX, & COAL STOVES • deserve attentionbotnre purchasing elsewhere.• Our IRON & WOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good as any if not bettor. We would call particular attention,tetelt ROAD SCRAPERS, as we are confident that they cannot be excelled. MACHINERY' made and repaired on abort notice. We intend to keep up with the improvements of - the times. Try na and be convinced. TERNS CAW ON DELIVERY. '• J. P. MILES, Xioxville, August 2, 1865. trade. generally. In these days of housebreaking and robbery, ev ery house, ;tore, bank and office, should hare one of REMINGTON& -REVOLVERS, Parties defliring to avail themselves of the late improvements in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, will And all combined in the new IirmINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars con taining cuts and description of our Arms, pill be furnished upon application. . . . E. RBMINOTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Y, _ Moo= d NicnoLs, Agents, No. 40, Courtland 'street, Nevi York. ap 4 66 li/FRS. A. J. SOFIELD -WISHES TO LU. inform her customers that she is now 're ceiving from New York, a fine assoetment of .MILLINERY . GOODS, which she has taken muchcare in selecting. La dies will find a superior quality:Or - MERINO UNDER:WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, Infants' Hoods. Dross Caps, fine linen Handker chiefs and everything inthejliiilinetly line. Jan. 1, 1866.—tf • - IEINIVIPED STATES HOTEL. Main Streot, Wellsboro, Pa. D. G. RITTER c PaciisitToit.;. • keeving leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall endmor to make it truly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests will be a peke - object. The stables will be under the care of an experi enced hostler. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. WELLSBORO HOTEL (Corner Maia Stria and the Avenue.) WD' rAseoßo, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. Tis one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Hotel ia,the principal Stage-bone in Wen:Use— , ' Stages leave daily as follows : Fog; Tioga, at 9 a. m.; For Troy, at 8 a. m.; Borjorsey Shore every 'oliday and Friday at 2 An.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. - %sups Annrvz—From Vega, 6t121-2 o'clock p.m.: ''ram Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m.: From Jer eey'Sharo, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. m.: From Coudoreport, Monday and Thursday II a.m. N;B:.—Jimmy Cowden, the well.known hest ho found on hand. Wellsboro, Jan. 1,188871 y. Selling Off .educed:--r Ices, • AT J. R. BOWEN'S. __Jau:lo, 1886. fraE MASON & MAMLIN!S CABINET ORGANS' forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $BO to $BOO each. Thirty-Pies, Gad or Sliver Xedaiit, or other first premismis awarded them.'i illataitted fsitalttgues sent fnati. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Bos ton, or, MASON BROTHERS, New York. • (Sept. 18, 1885-Iy.] 6 6 . -AL. GENTS TVANTEDI"—SI7S per month. Sourothin entirely , now. The Photo graptt-Cese and gamily EccoriL This is a great opportunity for enterprising persons to make mo ney.: It is an article of which the public have felt the need. It retails at a low price, and its 'beauty and utility are universally acknowledged. The - suecess which has attended its sales, warrants the assurance that one can be sold to almost every family. We are prepared to chow that we. have ants who arealearing $175 every month. Ad dram for cirealars'ar,d terms.* ; • , - -E9,7MOND & CO., _ • • Dfanuf ) e, 614 CU-stint et., Phila. VLOUB, AND - FEED, DUCK WHEAT 11: ?LOUR, Meal, Pork and Salt, Tea, Coffee, Saar, , Soap, Candles, Salcratus, Tobacco and Ronson° Oil. Also, Mackerel, White Fish, and Trout, by tbo Package orponnd. -- CHAS. 6 H. VAN VALKESBURG. WollabOro, Jan. 1, 18135. IIikTOTIOE.—AII persons indebted to us by note ...IX or 800 will please call and • softie, as we are about closing up for a. STRICTLY cash business. - WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro, .Tati. 81,1888. GOODS' ON A SPECIE BASIS BALDWIN & CO., TIOGA, PENN'A, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, 'UNTIL :DINVSED:-OF, WILL OFFER'THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF r.)._fcT:'''j,lci.P . P.D.s , li=l=l BOOTS -AND - MIMS, - HATS AND CAPS, HARIYWAW'teROOKERY, WALL -PATERI I= ME &a; _, ! • EEO =FM f,:-,4i'illiiiiiir 2 - -- For Ready Pay. TIOGA, Feb. 27, 1866—if. ITINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL tan at No. 2, union Block. JEROME SMITH Has lately returned from New York wjth a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, - BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, - ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI MPRRS, FULL gLoTus. Atteutlop is called to his sto'efi of Black and Figured Dresi Silks, Worsted Goode, Marinoes,l3lack and Figured - De - Laines, Long .and Bquareltsmh, Ladies' C/9th, Opera Flannels i de. Purchasers trill F i nd that No. 2, Union Elotb, Main stroo, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SAIITEL Welisboro, Jan. 1, 1886. DEEIRRIELD WOOLEN PAOTORY. rpHR UNDERSIGED having purchased the.well known Woolen .Pootory of Masan. B. h R. S. Bowen on the Cowanesquo River, two miles east of Riaoxvilio,- takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining oonnties that he will inanufzeturo wool by the yard or on shores tosnit etztomero, into FLANNELS, CASHMERES, DOE-SKINS, FULL' CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery boo boon thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which willenable him to work the entire 401130/1. Be will pay particular a t ten tion of Roll Cardiac, & Cloth Dres3l - n7 23 which will be done in the ucateat possible man ner, having added .0113 now Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch, and accomrcodasa people from a distance- He would fastbot say that be hu carried on the ir13:111033. in manufacturing wool for :farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; ho tharp.fora corn warrant ail work and satisfy his oustornors, wing nothing in manufacturing but genuine wooL JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 188d-17. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICS The nude:signed would sespeutfully invite the at tention of the public to his LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, consisting of SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, WPM, SPICES, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, TOBACCO, SEGARS, STONE & WOOD- - EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &e., All of which will be sold at greatly reduced pri ce; for CAMEL Call an 4 see for yourselves. Wellsboro, Deo. 13,1860. J. D. JONES. ALL'S . CELEBRATED 'MUTABLE SICILIAN . RENEWER, can be had at a6Y- 4 Drug Store. pOLLAK A 80N, Meerschaum manufactu rers, 692 Broadway, near Fourth street, N. Y. Wholesale and retail at redeem! rates. Pipes and Holden cut to order and repaired. All goods warranted genuine. fiend stamp for circular.— Pipes $8 to 00 each. apll '6B HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIEII3.- WIELMBOLD'S HIELMISOLD'S BVCUL BELMIE . IIOLD'S MICH v. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF TRs BLADDER, INFLAMMATION 'OF Tay, KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF Tap, BLADDER, STRANGURY OR PAINFUL URINATINU For these diseases is is truly a sovereign rsi s . edy, and too mach euunot be said in its praise. A single dose has b•en known to relieve the 'most urgent symptoms. Ara you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and. through the hip! A teaspoonful a day of ilelmbeld's Buchu etjj relieve you. PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. qualm no secret of ingredients. Bakal°lch Extract Buchu fs coropoge4 of Bache, Cubebs, add Juniper Berries, selected With great eats, prepared - in vacuo and recording to rnlea of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY These ingredients are known as the molt vsl nable Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC le aft which acts upon the kidneys IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII ACTS GENTLY, Is,pleniant in taste and odor, free from all iajur lons properties, and immediate in its action. FOR TILE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See'ldedical Properties contained in Dispensa. - tory of the U. S., of which the following is a cor rect copy: "Btcnv,—lts odor i 3 strong, difrusi7s, tut somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and as. alogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly is complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Grar• el,' Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Rladder_and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontipenes of,llrine; from a loss of tone in the parts :on. oerned in its evacuation. It has also bean re. commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheuma tism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFOR3IATION See Professor Dewees' valnabie works on the-Prac tice; of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phys ic, of Philadelphia. Sea any and all Standard Works oc Medicine. FROM THE LARGEST ; r IN THE WORLD. lam acquainted with H. T. Helmbold ; he ()CCU-. pied the drug store opposite my reside - nee, and was successful in conducting the business -where others had not been equally so before' him. I have been favorably impressed with bia character and enterprise WM. WEIGIITMAN, (Firm of Powers ac Weighttnan,) Manufacturing Chomi3ta, Ninth and Brown Stroeta, Philadelphia. [From the PAifada Evening Bulletin, Mau% 10.] We are gratified to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. 11. T. flelmbold, Druggist. His store, neat to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front,' 230 feet deep, end five stories in height. It 13 certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Ofice and Lahratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to ma'3 this statement from the !set that his remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—moat of which era pre pared by self styled Doctors, who era too ignorant to read a physician's simplest prescription, mach less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. Itlkbk*l-oIIKP. 'zivWV*ll,^4W.lo3l94l to various means of effecting, sales, such as copy ing parts of advortisenasnts of popular remedies, and Anishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine atanda S 1 dPL2, PURE, rind 21,AJESTIC,—hxring Fact for its Buda, Indnction for it 3 Pillar, Truth alone for Ha Capitol, 1-7071 D CT CAVTION. Health is moat important; `and the adlictsd should not use an advertised medicine, or sny remedy, unless its contkits or ingredients ws known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied 'of the qualifications of the party so offering. BEL ln[ BOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Zatablishai o ,upwar 16 ye= /ivared by H. T. IifEL:M.BoLD. Principal Depots. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broad :my, New York ; And EfELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, .104 South Tem,fit Street., Philadelphia, ?J. SOLD DT ALL DRITGGISTS. October n. 1305-ly $3l e'Net Tali W .rant 'A s ot i:entre svery .600 ache - ato sell ottr rdr2f.DTZ.5 ra 21W ing Machines. Three now sinda Lipper and under read. Tisrra.nted flue years. <thorn salary or Lary e, com missions paid. The only machines sold In the trnited States for less than SW, "which are- fully »r_rucd t 7 Howe, Whceier 4237 , ,trrd zake,r. anger Ch., mut Bacherdrr. -423 other cheap =chin= are in fringestentroind the etirerr or wrr am atble to (OVA fine, and suprieonmest Circulars free. Address, or cell upon Shaw dr. Clark. Middeford, Mains. *AMY MONTI:It—AD/OTh muuted for /ix as GAUZ des> Just out. Hub& Addrets.o. r Y, City ding, wa Biddeford. de0.27;65-Lturlyt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers