The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 02, 1866, Image 3
I ALir F:oral WEDNESDAY MAY 2, 18G6 -- goy' 'Advertisements. Industry Must Prosper—Geo. 0. Derby. Estray Sikeep--E.R. Burley. •_. _ _ _ Licensed Auctioneerf—F. D. Bunnell. Auditor's Notice—W. H. Smith.. - .. • Rand Power Loom—L. Wettnoro . .t Co. Song Birds—Lang & White. Wanted—Lang & yhite. -. _ . Wellsboro Fire Co. . In Divorce—Levy &, Edgeomb. , . liCie6te Ap;Mentions, ' . Card—Dr. Bdeon. List of Letters—Hugh Young, P. M. Cbolera Drops and Powders W. W. Webb The individual who bas Barnes's• Map of this itste, the property or the Wellebore Academy, 61 confer a favor by returning it without 12D coestary delay. The Cheese Factory building at the old Whee. ler Farm, on the State Cha'rlestan, is pro gressing. The vats have been ordered, and we L o pe to announce the factory as in operation in due season. LUzuno n Sunday week; Rev. Mr'. Calk pastor of the Presbyterian ! Church in tbis bo rough. adraiutstered the rite of baptism, by im newton. to four persons. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of spectators. THE EFFECT OF CARELEgONE.”.—Wo have been shown a letter to a•gentleman it ibis vilL lege, in which it is . stated that a destructive fire occurred in the village of Geneses, N. Y., last week, by which seven stores and a bank were consumed. The fire originated in an attempt to draw Kerosene by candle-light. Let traders ise warnel CCIIENT ran WALLS.—Mr. George Raab, of cbarieston, bas given ue a,Tecipe for making a. durable cement to close up cracks in the walls of b e drooms, and asks that it play be made public : Take rye flour and mix in water to the con: Mtency of stiff cream. Then add fine sand an ti the mass becomes a stiff _mortar; and use." lir. R. says that this cement becomes solid as none in a few days, and will last as long as the licit itself. To FJ.P.ISER7S.—Farmers Will find it to their in.: treat to turn to the Agricultural column on the rth page of this paper. They- will there, find as timely hints and suggestions from Mr. Ira itgi, who thinks while be tills the land. No alb: there are many more like him in this re rie:t : and to them we say, sand on your little ex.: Fioaces and suggestions, that your brother far. rert may be ben efitted by them. Farmers should le mere sociable, giving each other the benefit of u!iridual experience and observation. Those ;so may like to do this, shall have apace every rest in the ACITA.TOE. Send on your - thoughts u.d the results of your observations. Bcsm - Ess CHAJSGE.—The " Smsns BOYS" have sold their Shoe and Leather business to Mr. Goo. 0. Derby, long an ew.ployee of the firm. His sdrertisement appears elsetv:3ore. The 'Sears Boys have long been one of our most substantial std enterprising business firms, but they have put the business into encellent" hands. Success to the old and the Ecw. We also take pleasure in annonncing that W. A, Nichol. 9, Esq., has formed a co-partnership in the law business with John I. Mitchell, Esq., of Tioga, tinder the name of Nichols & Mitchell:— They will be found at the office formerly occupied by Lowery a, Wilson, Main-st. Mr. Mitchell is ohs of the most promising of oar young lawyers, end we predict a successful career for the new true. A REMARKABLE FAX24—Zits. E. S. Seeley, of Deerfield township,"has given tie a fell , facts which go to show that long life is sometimes a family characteristic. 'The family of Mr. James Eisg, deceased, consisted of twelve sons scud imghters, so Into as last March, at which time as of the daughters died. • The oldest of the .fleren living is 76, and the youngest 51 years of qs. Five of the family are residents of Tioga canty, end six reside in Southern New York.— The daughter who died in March was 70 year. of ego. LTILENAL REVENE7E,—We are requested to stzte fa the information-of the public. that the rumor of a postponement of the annual assess. :%,; netts on licenses, incomes, carriages, ,&e, is' without foundation in fact. On the contrary, the :tltostsments will be made as usual, and all per ass ere recommended - to prepare their lists irtzptly, en as to handothem to the Assessor - on Wt. vtefore the 30th inst. It is believed that the 4 - . its rill be more rigidly enforced this year thaw itretofore, and the penalties for default, end for {taring licenses by misstatement of facts, will It imposed. EZICIDE Ia CEARLESTON.—WO are pained to rmrsithe suicide of a lady, formerly r a resident. this borough, which took place. near Whithey t2it, last Saturday afternooon' or evening. Thu Le-teased, Mrs. Henry Petrie, bad been inffering ism mental derangement for two years, at inter.. n.ii. In the absence of her husband hat Saw- ul the left the house, uncl on his riitaia.waa net be found ebdut the premises. • Senreh was trait and continued. until Sunday forenoon,-when Et Tits found lying face :downward in the little 0. 4 tath tcar by, dead. The - water where she lay , *Q ILs but a few inches. in depth. _ . • hgti Tee occur:lnce has east a gloom over themeigh- P 3 ,s andfalls heavily upon -Mr. Peatrie, • eon estimable man, and the two children left 'to ,„ , 6v ectrn her • - - rs'll2. . Li JAIL—Our village was thrown into a &lett excitement on Sunday, by the report tbe-t„ tte Hutchinson, alias Cross. con7fined in- the 'jail cot chtzge of highway 'robbery, had broken tcca durance and made his-escape eat of town: I he Sheriff had let the prisoners into the corri dor outside of the Cells, for air and exercise.— ; Ctou, id:kg advantage of this liberty, picked the lock of the back door and walked, off. The Ll , Zir , yes ia.mediutely givnn. ati.4 iperAons's'euit i(tither him, but he succeeded in getting clear of ~: t".. , • Notice of his escape *askiveci to tlicLin_7 2 1 -thts.nts living On the road through Catlin Hol i4 l'ac to Middlebury, arid pursuit pressed. Duch'. 411p A i ly, late in the day,• - Frejerich "bee, liiing ca 2, ~ ttilt :Niles' Vrilley, succeeded in arresting, the fu ,- ~ 45re. Crool accosted - him,' asking for tobacco, V r,L 67 1.:,i after tope little parley,-Gee took- him• into 004 " 46 4, and hc, was lodged in his old quarters 49,;11i , -69 '. 4 L'The evening. , cel • ~.., ' - , e-', E. T170.1140E1) correspondent at re , tteld Writes us, under to of April 28d, as loner • T., • "atvilaff seen many reports in the Agitator of . •La-crE, both in the veg„etable and aittial king i,T4, I take the liberty to transmit you the fel "'mg, which I will admit is somewhat tough Ito Cu-then Phillips, Esq., of the town of Vireselti o e lamb about two months of age. In the ex evict weather ihich we had sometime Leee, the temb unfortunately had both hind legs e itT erOY :roma ; so bad, nt all events, that both , t them rotted entirely off; close to the body.— Their-set, es a matter or course, was now in a Ten , E .• ''"UtEs prsLitineicat; but. Lowever, after many endeavors, it lit upon the following t,s, singular mode of locomotion. The itself upon its fore foot, r.itb the 1 !)C::i Lt en eagle of about forty-are degrees, nt-sa in position it walks, ei.nd rune, witirappa. rtlY the greatest of ease. It albo stands in tt a ft,Quela while feeding; and, strange aEt it . ! -1 , ttun, It EMI run as fast as any sleep in the ntt'dThe case and grace with which it poises in its - nearly upright position, would do t Vat to a C2o;tritebazik." Tam MAT MAGAZINE .-..The ATLANTIC MONTIMT fur• rashes a very choke variety of reading this month. A mni :hitch 0,-/10,-.4!-ThWitee, -Iftermoiilatk,-..tatorejli "Hawthorne's Note Bonk," a Critique of Edwin ftootb, by E. C. Stedman, something good about " Dress" by, :Ste. Stowe, "The Fenian Idea. - by Mini Frances Pow et Coble, and a plea for a return to * pay m eats, by ' E. H. Derby, together with a beautiful poem by Whit tier, 4 sonnet by LOngtellow, and a pungent Diglow pa per by Prof. Lowell, will be read with interest. V 4 per annum—Ticknor .L Field, Boston, Mate. Onn'Yoiio Fame, by the same publishers, desmealy grows to grace autifavor with. the public. 3t is ono or the tultaticfators in this or tiny utile! cauutrry. $l3 psr, year. Goner's Laos's Boos is quite elaborate and gorgeous itseugmchsgs, fashion plate, and patterns this month. The literary matter is also excellent. Address L. A. Godey, PErEasoa's Euttazutz opens with a beautiful steel en graving and elaborate fashion plate, with a etch pattern department. The stories are by the best American au thors and its terms moat reasonable, $2. per year, three copies for $4,60; Ches. J. Peterson, 206 Chestnnt.St. Pefladelphia„ Any of the above Magiztaevasay bo tad at Young's Book Store, Wellsbore, or of 3ire. Etz, at Volga. NEW YORK MARlClall.—Superflum flour, $7 to $7 80; extra, $7 50 to $8 70; corn, 75c to 90c; oats,s6c to 65e; butter ; firkins, 47c to 50c; cheese, 16c to 18c; hops, 20 to 66c; wool, 45 to 65c ; - nitipieturty, 4949 gig; pi* totoes, $2 50 to $3 75 per kW. MARRIAGES On the 20th of March last, at the house of the bride's father, in Greenwood, St. Clair co., Mich igan, Mr. F. MARION BUTLER, of Tioga co., Pa., and Miss M. KERN, of the former place. In East Charleston, on the 19th ultimo, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. Charles Weeks, Mr. JOHN W. FENN, lately Drum-Major pf the 45th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteire, and Mrs. ELIZABETII JOHNSTON, late wife of the Rev. Peter Tipple, all of the above place. We welcome the Major into the ranks of St. Benedick, and predict for him a happy life in the new service in which he has enlisted. "All bon ,or to the brave." H. DEATHS In this borough, on the 28th ultimo, JOHN A., son'of H. S. and C. E. Cook, aged one year, five months and two days. "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of Hsieh is the kingdom of Heaven." y IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Pea JL4 Office at Wellsboro, April 28, 1866. Andrus Kate, Briggs Addle, Buekbee Mary, Bonn Wm. J., Cole Clara, Carty James; Dykins Philip, Dodde Sarah, Dodd J. 8„ Doolittle Ma tilda C , Fitz Patrick Daniel, Garret Mr., Heyl murr James W., Kimbel Mrs. Mary, Lee Chas., Lynahan William D.i , Maxwell Seth. T 4 Murray Joseph D., Morrison Ellen, Ramidell Charles B. Rush Michael, Roberson Lydia, Shaw J. L., Strin ger C. M., Stratton H. S., Sherwood Reuben, Sherwood A. E., Swan Daniel N., Smith L, G., Tiffany Sarah 3., Weed Maria, Wilcox N. F., Winchell B. C., 2, Walker Theodore, Wilson Ma ry E. pi To obtain any of these letters, the appli cant must call for " advertised letters," give the date of this list, and pay two cents for advents lag. If not called for within one month they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. HUGH YOUNG, P.M. C't ONG BIRDS.—A new singing book for flab ),D bath schools, by' eorgeß. Rootc published quarterly. The Raisin:, or April niutilini, is now ready, and for sale by Lang A White. $2 per dozen ; single copies, sent by mail, 20 cents. Su perintendents, would you make your schools in teresting, supply them with good new songs. Mansfield, May 2, 'fi 6.-2 t LANG A WHITE. ANTED—Tfroschange,a Amt. class piau Vie or melodeon . for a bingo. or—biaggies-And &moors. LANG & Minsfield, May 2,1868.-2 t I am making pictures cheaper than before the war.. Now is your time. Notice _prices, telow..:- Sitting or standing cards, $2 50 per dozen ; vign ettes; $3 00 -per dozen ; duplicate, ,sitting— smutting, $1 80 per dozen ; duplicate vignettes,. $2 25 perdOten.- Tesides.sellikignt qinsse pnees, I will give you good pictures. Entrance between Win. T. .Matheris and J. D. Jones. Wellsboro„Pau Men - eve Wortg.s.—Calkins J Conklin„prenri-: eters of the Tioga Marble Works, are now deliv ering orders executed last winter, comprising to variety ;if styles and sizes of tombstones, :whjeh will compare favorably with any work inthistline ever sent out from any country -estobliitiment.— They work a superior quality of - marble in a su perior style of finish. The latiiinbas of "the estab lishment has increased largely during-6434Ra two years, under tho enterprising management of Mr. Calkins, one 'of the firm, and the canvassing of Mr. Harvey Adonis, their,efiTaient agent. *4O W. R. SMITH'S Sons, Addison, ha - ve just re ceived their third new stock of spring goods.— Among the bargains, are prints at 10,42.10 /A :ots: and is 6d; 'sheetings;lBe ,very heavy 44;25e; 4.4 bleached shirting, 220 ; carpets at 409, I,drid led; dress goods, I.2ie; beautiful fig,ured alpae eau, 45 ; new and handsome all wool casaimeras, 161 ; very fide, Ss,' sugars, He and ie; best white; 16e ; teas, 85c.' Eve'rything • proportton,*fide ma m moth- low-priced store. Give thema eafr, 'and save from To to 20 percent.. - - II!NI's liouars.r.Eimu-5.,- , DiMp , tralle -cause' typhoid fevers; so say/ Eall's Journal. cif - Wealth. This is a good time to clean your walls fm.d paper 'thew. • Youtta bee reeeiirsdlifs'etifinisteck of wallpaper,which be is'now selling at prices" from one shiling to twelve. cliffer4i . styles; twenty of them entirely new. lt_lB believed that the sun fades the carpets.— Young hes received a large steel: . 9f matt, Moth - sba'des, Eigared`and"plain, varying in price trom.ohe chilling to three dollar/. .• Also fixtures.. QM , ' soon - and make a selection. "femoral:tot The. Wellakoro - Book Store. Pay 2, '66. 4 ..5t • " — al' I am - now prepared,to shoVr a good. stock of new patterns of Carpets; such as, Tapestry Bnassells," Hartford Co.; s,Ply,,Snp?rfine and, •Ingrains, Philedergiqe, -Union Ingalls; Hemps ./e., at the lowest rattrke desirable, tintev. , . tlijnk. the Patterns will hi) Toiria very meir stock of ,Diesi Goods Ir,e. _fiee regylar,jad-. veitisenteet. , and, all the etrectaof youthfill-Indiscretion, still, for the of si ar e ripg tkvermrdty, send frets to in:who need recipe and directions formahing the.simplo rem -eclyiby which he Was cared. .Stifierers wishing to . prollf - by the , vertieer's - experience can do ao - liy addressing - 3I S. OGDEN Chambers-St ~N.Y: Jan. 31, - 0 CONSITitiPTIM—The- advertiser, hikving {deep,l restored to health in a few weeks by a very aimple remedy, after Raving suffered for several. years with a severe lung affection and that daild disease', ffonibtap don—is anxious to make kriptsmia_hia fellow.anfferera the mesas of cure. To all who dgelro if, QwW send a xapy-of the •pra-Li acription used, free of charge, with...the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure c rare far Consumption, Asthma, DitrachitiCouglat , and ds, - and all threat and Inng L atfectiotis,- The only; object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the allflictedand spread_ information whisllieo I conceives to beinvalnahle, and he hopes every - sufferer' will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription - para. - by return mail, will pleasO address Rev- D. WARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kluge Co. N.Y. Pan.31.'05:71..y.) r , HE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE OF AN IN- A. 111 VALlD.—Published for t h ettlneE t and as a caution TO young - men and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay, of Manhood ; to., supplying at the same,titee waile-of self-cure. -By ono' who has cured hirpself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed ,cntelope, single Age, ies, free of charge, may be had of the author. VATIIANIBI MAYFAIR, Esq.,,Brooklyn, rings C o N. Y. , Dan. 21„...V.Y4Y.1 0TRA7 , ..6E, BUT TRUE.—Every young lady and gen • i,D tlercan in the United States can hear sernething In their advantage by retp.rn =AU (free,of cbarge)ly ad dressing the underbigned. Those haring fears of being lantnbug,ged will please oblige by nnt_noticingthla nar i. All others will please addiees theic.obediena Aerrant', THOS. F. CHAPMAN. 5an.1.11, , 65-Iy. S3l Broadway, :Plew yoik. __ll4 DlVORCE.—Laciuda Jones,_ by her next 'riend. Augustus Andrews, to Tip. p Jones Take notice, that 7oui wife ; Lticindi her next friend,' Andrews, h ; A as applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a di rorco from the bonds of matrimony; and that The said Court have nfirtuinted Monday the 2Sth day of Allaynext, at the. Court ROM* -in Weilsboro, for arbearing of the said applicant ip tIiCS premises, at which time and place you, can at tend if you think Propei. L: 'TABOR.; Slx% Wellxborn, April iB, 1:888.4t: AM NOW DENII,ING BA/OWN§ Psf English Gingliams, -2:: `"' " Mil '7f I,`:V,' 5;.77Y 7 T - 0 7 7 T• 7 , Plant Wool De Laznee - `J n i J. - A, EARsoNe - Corning MI • ' t.. r , I invite the: attention of all buyer: of dry goods to my . new ato4k ; iteg_tririg thep that I intend to give them ',the foil value of their money, - ao,*o pjgOed asiortment_of nem and reasonable goo to eeleet from_ ' ; - -',:,l6;Prii,afs,...-144#0 PARSON'S COLVISIW. FireAcb..CArahriesp . „ Frepdh P*to,', lIIIIMIEHE h':Prinis; American_f‘rintB, !MI French Ginghams; IMMO Pktin fs• MEM EZI plaid tAlpadattif-`,:i ' 7.Z1i5 , ; Stripqd, .13,1pAcas, t.. 1:7 „:f la :::::.::;,...., :...-2.-; , : - ...6 CL - 2 :` :27 :Fi .1: '1 , • :).13 Istaid Po/I de Chenes, t...•:= =I -_ - ..i. L 1 1-: L.,.tt:ij iic..:o - Lf if.: ; . ..',.. i.A.3 `47.. 3.41! :.111Z.1 0 14' 7 1 zo, Asa?ztv.•z. ?Ad; .;:sal, Figured' " r ;_;.` .11. 1 Nl eianges_ 7i".'f 7,11,-7.20.11 ,t,.k, vi;..,' i.... - ,) %,‘,: • - tir;.;t: Fit - ettiOhet • . , :•':-':.',..; ...L: ..E. -,.' ,- 1;,.... ..i . ,:i . ;.,... :-...-;.. ,-,.: i: ; ~, „.., , %la Ihnbxellasi linli : t: • - i - Ladies' Cl•a-tht,, =CHIMBIRMI 4. ~ ..° ~=~B~a~k:Silks~ ~~ - Spring ..14413.1.ing5, .s._ •C 4 .7 ' lev • PPKAllgEV4B3lnlerl3si --,--,..']: il. : ...._J ::.: t.' n r. ME • K Ott tiarpteittlir'-'7r A - ......2.- -:;%•.i i''. 4 , ..; :. • , ::: .... LI t a - ....!.:7•3 .? •;'-'-'--; ; .....,.. , a - 4S 7: 1..4 CoitoaLl ~, ~-,-...r. _ , ~. '. - , a 4y , ..,-.,„, -,;'; 3" . .. ` •.* ~L., 4414` 1116,2, - • - ta 2-, Shirting% t. 7,1 - 7::!::". ,',i 4c 4 405 . 11 - - - _ -- T A: PARIONO, j , ; t.;•Ttilarntaili44l%!- E=E John A. Roy, MEDICINES; dEtEMIOALS, SOAPS, 4, P,B,FiThIEB,Y, GLASS, PUTTY, , OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES,. • , DYES, COLORIN.Gt - DIATERIALS, ?ERB Vill =& FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. ARaideete4 win?, great ears, 'warranted to bar Ieni,g.T.OLASS ARTICLES, slug bought in idolr quantities that' they can it ways be sold at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. MIME Quality is of the first Importance in mad • . t ! , • J JIMP" - -prteete reduced mutt the market.. BIM wirs DRUG ' STORE. Always call before you_ ebiewberc. 4iiIIGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Y .. . I? R%:'4V-COLOItING MATERIALS • is without dealt the must complete and extensive . ; to be found in this part ()lithe State. MYX,1143 1 ,-..WOOLEN : F. f teroms SUPPLIED -WITH DYE-WOODS .„ I BY THE _CASK, Art, - re3l WHOLESALE PRICES. stock of glass is also extensive, comprising YY,irldaT sham- all sizes, Alieribbt Picture; ' !AtirrorslnAlilat i es for.old. fraMes, Flint glassware for the table— Stich as Goblets, Tumblers, Cream PR - Chem Spoon-Holders, &c.,. Lamps,::Lamp Chimneys, Lantern Glass, "la WI, it is imposaiblo to enumerate. All aorta 07" rticlbam ' sde of Glass and sold at Drug ikons, be found at Roy's. =-"Roy's stock of pure Wines and Liquors iorlllie pimposes-has long been known to thephy eleinne of this county,. These liquors Ere of the pureit and best quality, selected with great - care, and i!ispresaly for medicarnse. Perfumery and i oottpa of all kinds, • , • DA ` "& - CREAM TARTAR, SALERA• 111 411 S, GINGER, NUTMEGS, SPICES, • , GLOVES, PEPPER, WRITING PAPER, - INK,' PENS, PEN • CIES, YANKEE NOTIONS AND • - FANCY GOODS. QtY:SAL_ KEROSENE, ixt r ond,reliable artiole perfectly safe to use tails:much longer than the poorer qualities. sold at Roy's as eheap to the cheapeit- it- ! PiIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS - varyfttUy and'accurately compounded from pure utl reliable medicines. ;3'• Orders by mail : pron?ptly attended to. ME 'WELL TO-DAY, SICK TO-MORROW.— Such is the experience of thousands. Few "enjoy continuous health. To what dais the aces ' glottal invalid attribute his uncertain condition?- Not to himself, of course. He lays the blame on the climate, perhaps. It is too hot, or too calker too damp, or too_dry, or too variable, But data he take the proper course to fortify Ida 4olatitu -Itou'and bodily organs against the extremes and :fllittatee of welch -he complains? No.. He says, Perhaps, that only an iron man could - bear such great heat, or each violent cold, or such sudden ?Agnate-des: -Why dada doei be not resort to the great Tonia.and Preveeitive,.which. if it, will not. make him an iron man, will at least quadruple the capacity of his system to repel _all external , agencies: that tend .to produce disease? H . 08- TETTEBIB. CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS; taken-faithfully according to the diree limit; will so strengthen the stomach, bracts-the , ,nerees; tone the liver, and regulate -and invigo; rtate the whole animal machinery, that the sys em; instead of being •at the mercy of the weath -1 er;!and liable to be prostrated liy every change of tetapeniture, will become case-hardened, 118 it were; anl aimostimpervious to climatic inilabn ..cleel Itie to .this preventive principle that HoS marzies,Eifreas- owe their great popularity in `the West=iladieiy British America and Australia. 11 INISCItVE.bit NOTICE.—“n the matter of the apiltieffon of "A: J. E.,R. Webster for the lifOilit;orlhe insolvent laws: • flake notice, that A. J. IL E. R. Webster, of Mexuttield,•Tioga :county, Pa., bade applied to tlfe Vourt of Common- Pleat: of Tioga - county for the betieflt - of the insolvent:lava; and that tha.couft - Misfiled the fourth Monday of May next, „at.twe o'clock P. M. of iaid day, as the time for I :.gtibearing pf the petitioners and thely,croditori; -Atlao Court ...Hone! in Wellsboro. ' A:J. - 4. t E. - Its WEBSTEIC: ; lEEE ES --- . . _ , ......, LETIF,. TRUSTEES.—The atizek-, .. ... ..,ON •-O , - iE Am dere of the - State Noral School cf. the Almdil — triet,'are - requelted to meet at the IsTormel building,;lo'Manafield,, - - on the first Monday ip May,' at ~ t iy_o- o 'clock 'l=r M.; for the purpose of electing 'trances foi' the erisiting - year. S.S.- ELLIOTT, Pres't. F. A. itUtit; Seey.'' April 16,'66.-It ' 'NOTICZ—The ,underaiped. „Aellevltigheen appointed ari-Anditor. to make redistilbutlod of the money collected- in the case of the Counonivealth've - . William dltttten , et. al., he will attend to the - duties of his appointment, at his olZan'ip Wellsboro; on Friday the 11th day of May, IRIS; ak i n o'cloa h W. A. NICIfrOLS, Auditor. - -Wellsbdro,-April IS, 1868;-3t - • ASTER! PL '4'6TER _±-3—The undetsigne. Macitrill be prepared ti - furniih the farmers of Itegasotitty "with fresh grotuid Plaster, as soon as ,nagisstirai o - pene; at their Milli:mar Mansfield. C: B. OWENS k .CO. Marell2B l 'fid—tf - RTTER'S:OF` ADMINISTRATION 'having beet ,grantelto-the undersigned, on the tar : tate of William late,of Fartnington,de. ,einiislitheso-fadebtod to. the estate will please stoke immediate: purpent. and ~.those Raving 9lstlme againF!tAlie satuo will present them forgot... - flea:6a to_ - JOHN C. ROBB, Vienaingtop; April 4, 1860.-61, • • , - -1106 BMOS ; AL.—MRS. A. J. SOFIELD has rt.. , cancedhei Millinery Rectal to the building opposite the "Post °Pee, where she is now reach , - ing- good $ from, Now... York: - Bonnets & Mats repaired and- cleaned in the best-manner_nna mOst,spprocea styles. ./.866-4t ETTERS. OF ADMINISTRATION having , j-been granted on theorem of - Morris Knapp, decce.sed, , late of Lawrence township, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to =ha aymen t i and th ose burin g. claims agains it to present there to ALVAU KNAPP, Lawrence, April 11, ", Adrcer; N EW GOODS—S:44M ARRANGEMENT. All'persons indebted to C. L. WILLCOX us ittvltOtt to - call and settle INitllln teo - dive. WAhoso 11 'Matt. a' ' I J LEB ITT Thek,,ara t4o mottoes at The stock of Ls.: -. ~, -,.-,.-108e. STING :FIR ENDER, 1!•1==11111 THE 4'0074 . 14)1114r:; , ..00 HIGH PEWEE, ARE *olf ItOUItDING =NE MEE MEM EVERY. THING DOWK TO,sWiIaBSP.ONO WITH THE EMERGENCY, AT W. R. Smith's Sons, . . ADDIsoN, • • • The eld and relinbier , ..:i-,:iA _.-,1 , . ~ - ;.,. - ;4 PEOPLES"' STORE,‘, •• In Splendid shape to entislievaiybedy VERSO STOOg.. Oll* ,gpops NOW '1 • . • invoie AT Tlirk . ED RATES: - k • 4, : IM To sea is to bit ootvhaesd that you tdr:bo iiETTEEt. Put au eye over on dui Local Cobruin' for the tlii•OßT*lr4 OM Figures won't 19E1 111111 EN .*.-, WIER a Mifir oWI, . . . , Who hold _tpze - Stociso ofc oohs at. • IMila MEM= Eillil • _YOu Do BLPTTERI 1!•=1=119 (!o tt /ve igtow -• •- Tbau to buy yoUr Goods of W. R. SMITH'S SON'et • 4 ADD.IIOII4_3!. Y., /pa* 14, 18e8s - • • CORNING, STUMM COUNTY, N. T. E Girt - A RA 'Orr Olt E ;1. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and the community generally. Not being a friend to long, and windy advertisements and large es. pendituree to the Printers, I 'herewith submit a condensed statement of facts al a small coat, with the understanding that the surplus capital will be better employed in reducing the price of Goods to my customers. - 1 My stock is fall and complete to supply all the wants of my old customers and many new ones, both in the Retail and Job- Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Raving at 41. per yard. Baragausett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 4s. Good yard „wide Brown Sheet ingsL 2s . , Prints 18 to 26 ants per yard. :1 CHOICE DRESS GOODS from 2s 6d to es per yard, quality equal to those prices six years ygo. Dress Goods at lower pri es; es well 114 s. Splendl4 assortment of ISO goods at less prices than can be bought in the State.— Arnow them maybe found MI ' at As to 12. per yard. Bmprass Cloths plain and Vtiiitarinoos, Bombaxiass. Alpacas*, Scotch ,- Mohair*" and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class country store., Ladies' Cloth. far Claokings at va rious prices, including. Wash - 'frlgtoll Xaqutoosaz sad Costar Broom, and awn/ °that: too tininerogitifillosol jig* Aemr . at $3,130, (Cisitttlitio Qliftors ocinalrY cheap.) fly Boots,. Shoes, and Carpet 4tock, dOwsk stairs was never mart full and complete ) Or at plater inducements to the purchaser. Bargains may be fond at the In Hats, Caps,- Gloves and Mama; ME MEM BPD; ":" HORSE BLANKEIS. ese. - bet k to be misunderstood, when the steady and'euiekampled_ increase of buainese -is taken into the account.. I saywithoet thelear of con tradlot4on; that withi the large purehasea -I am Ataking frotrindotith to month for cash, I can sell 0:0 the country trade as low as they can buy in obesity, including freight, which gives me an oppertsnity to' slier I= . "Aalalt ADVAZITAGiS ME to the Rena twit, *Mob-Linn doing aniebound to do sr testimonial -of nty.ltratinido for their way favors and Miami potratogo. will - glee any macaws the benefit of any chimp fa the saarket as I are posted in auction and other NON frost day to day by telegraph and othereile. .„ fi. GOFF. CONC`,-E-R T B-L OC, MI NO. 1 & ALL WOOL CASSIMERE 4LL 'WOOL 1111.1111V0E2 Vat& I*(4 Uniirnßeaver, REGULATOR ' ' , , lIINEJ I l'be adirantao _~ GROCERY OV,ITOKERS Coming, Jas. i 1p35, WILLIAM ROBERTS, bo found one door beiow Sawa Tutor's Hardware Store, in the building formerly 0003. pied by Bcast Seams, - which building Ito Lae refitted throughout, mad intend tooplas uNSTANTLY ON SAND FAMILY, emxmams AND MUM Abides Buns Skokie' g Zeof Casale Coffee Candles Crackers Chem Cloves Dried Apples leas. Coffee Ferias Gelatine Cliager Earns Indigo blue Lead lkastarA, ' Molasses Nutmegs Oysters Kero.ser.s, Pork Popper Powder .pipes Potatoes Pruner Peaches , Pioltles 'Sloe Raisins Salt Sweet Core Soda Carb. &Justus Syrups Starab (ccrs) Shot Stervb,ploss Soapo Sugars Sardlass Tobacco T 413.11 Tomatoes Thew &c., &c., &c., &c. ESPEor AT. T,y THE AND SO FOBTX Wbioh gonaprises everything dssignoti fox family us* not noontfonst All of which I pro** to all as &sap as I I claim to ban u Asa an melds of SYRUPS, SUGARS AND MOLASSES as was ever offered in We!labor°. jar- Romans ,ber the place—ono door below (limn k Taal:se& Wellaboro, Rob. 7, IsB3 NEW SPRING GOON T Ir. Great Inducements to the Public! N OT having a big stock of OL_P QQOPS to above a at auction, I aca enabled to task* advantage of the present low prices, and =rea dy to supply the public with a aplantlid - ateok. of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, LATEST. Styles, purchased :o accommodots Clio mar ket. Particular attention is directed to my de sirable stock of Ladisa' DRES3 GOOD.S, Alpaceas, Poplins, Prints, Deloins', Added to which I am offering a largo and splendid stock: of GROCERIES, BOOTS arad SHOES, HATS sod CAPS. 'dm, &C.,, +ho g 4b., at prices to snit the 1,000000, at Osgood'a old stand, Wellsboro, Pa. April 4, 1888 NEW GOODS VAN kW & MUMMA'S WlO l4 Te reedi Ili ROW arailH wan; aslaahod :s64ch of Goods which ins ars awry low for Cash or ready pay. • Good Yard Wide Bbietiag for Heavy it I Staridaid Prints from OTHER GOODS 'IN PROPORTION. . We also keep constantly on Lands. *Waco stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORE, &c. sh 4 my low figures. Tioga, April 11, 1886-1 X IATAIVIED.—Agents—V6 to $l4lO per month, for gentlemen, and 135 to 1195 for ladles, everywhere, to introduce the Common Sense, Family Sewing Machine, improved andperteoted- It will hem; fell; stitch, quilt, bind, braider:id em rm. - - Holly. Price onry $2O ; tnakfzs. the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for thrso years. We pay the above wages, or a - commis ; lion, from which twice that amoant can be made. Address or call on C. BOWERS h CO., allot ;Jo. 965 south Fifth street, Philadtiphia, Pa. All :in fers answered promptly, with oirenlan and tarns. April 11, 'OO.-lm ME New Drug Stores RICH GILBERThavo opened a Drng and Chemical Storo on Main Street, one door be low Dr. Mattison'a Hotel, in the Borough - of Hnoxville, where they 'acep on hand a fall 34- eortment of DRUGS A_ND MEDICINES, a good article of ineclicimoi'Wino3 3,213 h§77PJ - escriptiou3 carefully 'prep.nrari. Knoxville, March 26, 1358-3 m, LUMBER FOR SALE.—Tho subscribe; has e largo quantity of SIDINO, ?LANZ and 30.4.4 1 1.D5, athia mill in Catlin Hollow, which will has o 1 to customers at market :prices. Charleston, Maroh 21, 13376.—tf. CAMS WA TED.—To toll the Greet Puzzlos,tho cheapest and awe: woad:tell . of the ago- AVII C. 41.1 rarvi2l7 =at. n'OM2 $lO l Vt per clay. I will giro any agonf. MD if be will sell 'Aend 3•J total for ion of entrles. All'orters sent try frto. PHILIP IULL, i=xportor .15,Akoa =149 Market otrwor, LAAtme. Book, containitz 110 rf tho how: mrwitile4, srpp By =ail on rateipt of 3f, onto. apli6lazi yANTLID-2GENT9.—To taara ter the "Seiatr's ladiTtical 2 , lemor!al." Grsatar ladtcemeata of fered t h a n by way other 7abilahare. 2.4.wate ha - re ass entire mew:poly in the territory azs!..gaed atm, as there has boon Itothca3 Of the klati yet /leen with onivarkal ar.;:tmt.l, urrAmeatal, eleo record et Yait".3 to :LOS+) 'NhO .19741 aerial la am; 40 11 z" try's defects, rd 10 friazde of dtctased toUtart. circulars, dic, nthirtea, oneloatzt stamp, B. C. BAS,Int., Columbni 3 O., Lock Bum 971. apll.lst DIITTY .1 WINDOW GLASS at ROY'S DRZO BTO7II. a geassal assortaoatt of ;MEATS, caninat' ing fat par 6 of um Ea Hie. WILLIML ROBERTS. AT REDUCED PRICES. C. B. KFT.LEY i AT Tioga; CYB cATLni. 20 Ct.. EMI Um,* .14 to 20:Cts.