The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 02, 1866, Image 2
full and complete exemplifications of such rolls and records,-and to cause true copies to be made thereof and furnished to the clerks nf.the several - courts of q uarter se4qinns of this Commonwealth, accurate duplicates , or exemplifications o f such rolls and records embracing the names of all such disqualified persons £:s had their residence within the ihnits of said counties respectively at the time of their being marked or designated - as deserters; and it shall be the duty of the clerks of the several courts of guar ter' sessions of this Commonwealth -to preserveiu books'kept for the purpose, all such copies and exemplifications of such rolls and records so furnished, and to allow access thereto, and furnish cer tified copies therefrcim on request, in like manner as in the csoie of other rec ords of such courts. SEC. 6. That a certified cope or ex tract of any such' record from the clerk of a court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, - shall be Ana facie evidence before any election board of the fact of desertion and consequent dis ability and disqualification as an elec tor; Provided, That if any person shall - wilfully use or present any false, fraudulent or forged paper, purporting to be a certified copy or extract as afore said; be shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished in like is now provided in the second section of this act And provided, however, That if by the production of a certificate of his honorable discharge, it shall appear that such person so offering to vote was in the military service of the U. States before and at the time of his being draf ted into such service, and thereupon failing to - report,'or in case of the fact of desertion appearing by certified copy of his cOrnpany roll, if it shall appear that he was afterwards acquitted thereof and honorably discharged; such proof shall 'be received as evidence to disprove his said • disqualification ; And provided, further, That if any person liable to be objected to as disqualified as aforesaid, shall produce before any board of elec tion officers any false or fraudulent pa per purporting or pretended to be his honorable discharge from the U. States service, he shall be deemed. guilty of forgery, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished as persons are now by law punishable for - forgery. SEC. 7. That it shall be the duty of the judges and inspectors of elections hereafter to be held in this Common wealth, whenever the narne,tof - any per son offering to them a ballot or ballots, shall be found upon a certified copy or extract furnished from said rolls or recs ords by a clerk of a, court-of quarter ses sions, marked as a deserter, or whenever any person shall be objected to as dis qualified as aforesaid, at any election by any qualified - voter, at the request- or suggestion of such person so offering a ballot, to examineauch person on oath or affirmation as to the fact appearing fromauch certificate or alleged against him by the elector so objecting, and, if he deny it, as to his reasons therefor ; Provided, however, That if any of his answers under such exagaination are false, such person dud/ be deemed guilty of the crime of perjury, and upon con viction thereof, he shall be punished as persons are now punishable by law for perjury, Ste. S. That it shall be the duty of the sheriffs in the several counties of this Commonwealth to insert in their proclamations of elections hereafter to be held, the first four sections of this act, with the preamble thereof. SEC. 9. That in. the trial of all cases arising under this act, it shall be the duty of the courts trying the same to enquire into and determine any ques tion of fact tt.t. , to alleged desertion in volved therein, upon proofs furnished by exemplifications or extracts from such rolls and records duly certified by the proper clerk of a court of quarter sessions, which are hereby mace evi dence thereof, and also from such proofs by parole as may be given in evidence by either party ; and upon conviction of any violation of the requirements of this section, any sheriff shall be deemed guilty of a misderneanor in office, and be punished in a like manner as the of fences prohibited by the 2d, 3d and 4th sections of this act are punishable;— Provided, That the provisions of this act shall apply to persons who volunta rily enlisted in the rebel service. XXXIXth Congress---Ist Session. April 18. SENATE. Mr. McDougall made a full apology for the indecent lan guage used by" him, noted last week, and publicly asked the pardon of his colleague, Mr. Connesv [That is all in his favor.] Very little business was done. In the House, the army bill was up and debated at length, without being disposed of. Resolutions to print 50,000 copies of the testimony of A. H. Ste phens, late Vice President of the "Con tederacy," were introduce& A bill to provide a uniform militia was intro duced. April2o. SENATE ; The bill to amend the habeas corpus act was passed, by a vote of 30 to 4. Adjourned to Monday. Iu the House, a bill to grant a pension to Ishmael Day, said pension to be $421 50 per annum; passed, by a vote of 100 to 13. The army bill was again taken up, but put over. On the 21st, the House had the sub iect of Reconstruction up for argument. 'lJr. Thomas, of Maryland, held that Congress hadlull control of the whole matter. He stated that the late rebels were still determined to destroy the Go vernment by - political trickery, and should not be admitted to a representa tion until they could be trusted. He said that every rebel, froth Jeff. Davis to every guerilla, .was .in favor of the Presidents policy of reconstruction. April 23. SenatOr Coziness introduced a resolution looking toward prohibiting the importation" of ' nitro-glycerine, a highly explosive coinpOund. The reso lution was adopted. In the House, the rules were suspend ed to permit - Mr. Wilson, of lowa, to make an adverse report from the com mittee on the_ Judiciary, touching the modification of the test oath. The re port contains many pertinent extracts from President Johnson's utterances in proof of the inexpediency of modifying the oath. ' ANEcnoTS QF DR. ExmoNs.—A Pan theist riinister met him one day and , abrubtly asked : "Mr..Ertmuone,„how old are you?" "Sixty, air; and bow oldare you ?" "As old as the creation." was ;the answer in a triumphant tone. "Then you are the same age with Adam and Eve ?" "Certainly ; I was in the garden wh.en they were." "1 have always heard that there 'was a third person in the garden with t hem," replibd the doctor with great coolness, "but I never knew before that it was you." A Landlady, who had some ''e.r.V• weak chicken broth for dinner, the other day, was asked• b, a wag of a boarder,' if she coldnit coax. that chick - en to wade - through that soup once more. Duelists must have their seconds and widows•are entitled to their thirds: igitator. WELLI3BO33O. PENN'S WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1866: With niALICE toward none, with:mama for ALL, Stith firMitlesB in the HIGHT. let tte mita to, Anteb the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to eare for him who shall have borneihe battle, aqd for his widow and orphans. and to iltfall whiok, may achieve. and cherish a just and lasting peace amoug_ourselves and with all nations.—A.Nona—ld/awn 4, 1865. B. C / 1,6 0 0 - FOR GOVERN9R MAI-GEN. JOHN W. GEARY, OP CUMIIIIIELAND COUNTY THE AGITATOR FOE THE CAM- PAIQN In view of the importance of the cam paign about to be opened in this state, the proprietors of The Agittho'r propose to furnish it toeampaign subs4iberi at the following rates, from May 2nd to NON ; .. lst : One copy $1 00 Five copies 4 00 Ten copies 8 00 Twenty copies, (one address,) lã 00 The friends of Equal RightS and Universal Freedom, who believe that treason is a crime, and should -be pun ished, can, we believe, do the anise good service by raising clubs in their re spective neighborhoods t - THE TRIM,' BY EIRE The battle is not yet over.' The men who fought down the rebelltott and re ceived the submission of the armed hosts, thereof, are about to be subjected, to another test, notso terrible, notso exacting and exhausting, but still re quirit2g an undeviating love and devo tion to the principles upon which , our liberties are ,founded, to pass through scatheless. We regard the evidence of the disaf fection of the President as cumulative; such as to weaken the faith of consid- erate men in his fidelity to the princi ples to which he pledged allegiance when he accepted the nomination of Vice presicient at the hands of the Un ion party. To us thenew test has no terrors. We fear no axe wielded by the dispensers of place in this republic. Were we the re cipient and holder of such patronage, it would be as one obliging a superior, and not as one obliged by him. Trained to labor, not for the love of work, but from necessity, we have; and have ever had, More 'respect for a plow, or' other implement of honest work, than for that patronage which has come to be, wrongfully, the appliance of power. Our leaders tcil at„, once_ guess what the nature of this new test is to be. It is affirmed, with a pertinacity that sa vors of truth, that the President is about to use the patronage in his right to dis pense, to defeat the Republican party in the coming elections. This,. of course, involves the rewarding of Copperheads and the punishment of true and stead fast Union men. It is difficultto believe this, but it is well to be prepared. Admit it to be true. What follows? Simply this: The emissaries of 'the President go out, from Washington in search of men heretofore somewhat .fdentitied with the ,IRepublican party, who can be purchased with some small office. - The number of men-who can be bought and sold by demagogues—among those who stood firm throughout the late war —is small. But here are men who can be purchased ; whose prices are graded all the way from a glass of beer up to an office worth $2,00 per annum. To this class the President will send his agents, if rumors be true. To this class office was dispensed by Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan. Yet, with all this numerous class bought tip and in working order, and at work for Bu chanan and his cb-rebels, ABRAHAM LINCOLN Was triumphantly elected Pres ident in 1860. • r For this reason we apprehend that the day when . the ballot-box can be:con-, trolled jiy political pimps, is passed away ; and that, were the President to remove every true-blue Republican from office to-day, and give their plaCes to men who either gave the Government a doubtful support during its great trial by battle, or openly opposed it, he could not defeat the Republican party in the next fall elections. The loss of place is one of the lightest of evils to the individual. The use of patronage - as a bribe to the weak and conscienceless, has been, and always must be, a stupendous abuse, a nameless degradation to the people, - and a wanton insult to manhood. Think of it: Has it come to this, that a President values the loyal thou sands who placed him where he suc ceeded to-the office he holds, asinarket able commodities? Does he expect to. purchase respect and support denied by_ conscience and right thinking ? Look at it in tbislight: Peter Pimp, duly k4iuthorized by the President of the United States, as an agent to purchase a certain quantity of popular respect for his - employer, (said employer having neglected to fulfil his solemn promises to the people who"gave him the right of way to his present position, and 5)3 their confidence), canvasses Tioga coun ty, acid makes the following report to his august principal. Thomas Trimmer, to Halloo "Nigger!" P. 0. at Bung town. 5.2. So. Drerna Sartain; to Halloo "Nigger.."' P-. 0. at Tinker sine, 00. . Corn. Blower, Miscellaneous, P. O. at Blunderboro Sampson Sorehead, Grumbling, Ist class clerkship. Oily Gammon, Lying, 2,1 class clerkship. E. ::_linisherleg, class We close, the report here, because it is not probable that, upon our mountains, there could be found any renegade of sufficient merit to be worth a more ex alted position than a third class place under a chief of a Bureau or Depart ment. Nor are we certain that one can be found, who could not be as well pur chased with a promise of preferment six months after the overthrow of the Gov ernment by the late-born eulogists of the President/0 policy of reconstruction. Does any man ask - what the rebels and their Copperhead allies expect to accom plish by this attempt at wholesale bri bery? - - - _ _ This : The defeat of Gen. Getiry, and of some half-dozen Union members of Congress in the State of Pennsylvania. The issue is plain. Every man who goes to the polls next October must vote, either to sustain the President's policy of reconstruction, or Congress. But the President's policy of recon struction, according to Ebe evidence of Gov. Brownlow, of Tennessee, Joshua Hill, of Georgia, Gen. Schurz, Horace Maynard and Col. Stokes, the last two from Tennessee and members elect, to CongrAs, is a complete failure. NO man -of -candor can vote to sustain a "dead duck" of a policy. • No. The people who have fought down the rebellion in the field, can do , but one thing and be consisteni:—That is—rally to the support of Congress-- And they will do it. ' Aud the right way to sustain COn gress, is to return every man w.h6 tins stood 'firmly in the great trial of the present session. These men have stood by the country, and the country must stand by theni. What . the bedraggled fly is to-the but ter of the hungry man, or thestray hair to smoking muffin, are the caprices and eccentricities of President Johnson to his late-born friends and eulogists, the rebelsand their Northern allies. When he issued•his proclamation of peace, the orators and editors of that faction vied with each other to see whoshould.shout loudest in his praise. To usean expres. sive, bnt not exactly classical Ph - rase, "all - was lovely," the way . up' to power. regained, and the treasury revisited. They likewise rejoiced that,martial law was no more, that the Union troops would be at once withdrawn from the rebel States, and that the 'privilege' of the writ of habeas corpus would be at once restored. Alas, for the vanity of human wishes and calculations! Days, and even w4s, passed by, and. still the hated "boys,in blue" were kept ih the rebell ious South. What did it mean? they asked. At last, in reply to one of the Generals commanding in the Depart ment of the South, the ,PreSident issues an order to the effect that the troops are not to be withdrawn from the south at present, and that martial law rules in all those places where the civil authori ties are still as bitterly opposed to the Government as ever. The abrupt subsidence of Copperhead orators and press* from great rejoicing to bitter lamehtation, is remarkably af fecting. "Hope, deferred, maketh the heart sick," is written somewhere. If appearances do not deceiVe, this failure of the President to respond to the dear est hopes of his volunteer " eulogists, has " struck to the stomach" of the entire rebel .crew. They are as unfortunate in their loves as they are impotent in their hates and malignancies. ' The appoiptanent of Ex-Governor Johnston, of I 4 ittsbuErg, to the Collec torship of the Allegheny, district, re minds us of a few lines to he found in Macaulay's " Lays of Ancient Rome" : " Where'er down Tiber garbage floats the greedy pike ye see, 'And whereso'er such lords are folind, such'clienti there must bef This is the sa e W tiWm. F. Johnston who, in 1852, wen down on his knees and solemnly recanted his anti-slavery heresits , before the Baltimore Convert , • don. It is also the same Wm, F. Johnston who, in 1856, undertook to force himself upon the Republican party as its candi date for-Vice President. - Fallibg at Phil adelphia, he set up for himself, "on his own hook," and was probably induced to get out of the way by promise of a place should Fremont be elected. He is a sot mow, and classed among wind-bro ken politicians. The people - will see out of what sort _of material Senator Cowan is to' construct the new party. We see that Mr. James Buchanan, once President of the United States, has taken the field, (or council,) for Mr. Cly mer. Mr. Buchanan seems to be for getful of the fact that Clymer is already a "dead duck," having died of his rec ord. For this reason Mr. Buchanan, who is remarkable for rewarding his en emies and punishing his friends, should forbear championship of Mr. Clymer. He is already dead, politically; and this attempt to re-kill him, by Mr. Buchan an, is in disregard of the injunction: de mortuia, &c. The statute against suicide should be enforced. - In the debate upon the bill to amend the habeas Obrpus act, in the J.T. _States Senate,'week, Mr. Cowan got very sarcastic upon the immense State of New Hampshire." In the course of his remarks he -said that he could not be frightened into submission to the'major ity of the Senate, Certainly not, Mr. Cowan. There are two classes who are never afraid—chil dren and fools. Take your choice. The rreednien. Mr. D. G. Edwards, of Charleston, has handed us for publication the following letter, which may remove a false impression touching the distribu tions of contributions for the Freedmen: • TAYLOR Fkian, Norfolk, -Ve./ • April 9, 1868. To the Welsh Congrogational Chuith, Charles ton,_Pa. i—A few weeks ago we received here at Taylor Farm, nine miles from Florfolk, a hos of clothing for the Freedmen, marked -as -coming from Charleston, Pa. My heart warmed on ac count of it, because I, too, am from Northern Pennsylvania, (Hebron, Potter co„) Th 9 new homespun cloth looked homelike to me. To-day, In rending" the American MisSionary, I saw ac knowledged one box of clothing from .the Welsh Congregational Church of Charleston, Pa. Then my heart leaped again, for I had once a friend who had lived among the Welsh people in Tioga county ; and I said at once, " will write and tall them that their offering has not been in vain," for - I did not doubt but that it was the same box. The garments were given out by the teachers, as they found need, so I cannot tell the recipients of many of them. I remember that one flannel shirt was given to a destitute old man, a devoted Christian. We have a school hero of about two hundred and fifty scholars, with four teachers. All are from New England except myself. We feel that the Labor is blessed to our own - souls, and trust that it may- ho to the people among whom we are. We hear that God is pouring out his spirit at the North. 'Pray for us, this souls may be convened on feylur Farm. If I have gummed right, and t'liv reaches its destination ; I - should like to boar from you and of_your Iptercet lathe In the bonds of Christian E CORDELIet HYDORN. Tee INSTITUTE.—Ottr citizens trill generally write down last week-as ktuemorable week. iThe session of the ,institute is always in tere,fing and enjoyable; but thislastisession had added idea sures and taduy wouto in; the gu6e of lee tureseach evening, commencing Monday. and- ending on Friday. The lecture on Monday evening, by Major El liott, the Superintendent, was well attended and highly satisfactory-. The theme was •'"Lifea W a rlare,"_' and - was elabur - ato, while rigidly prat,- The duties and diaculkies'ut it true life were clearly set forth, and no one who its suggestions and admonitions, but felt that - the averting was profitah,ly-speitt. This lecture often to be repeated in every villege and sak,' district in the county. - , Tuesday evening was occupied by -Rev. D. D. Van Allen, Principal of the Academy-, in a lee tu're upon the philosophy ut discipline, menial moral and physical. The lecturer took a broad and comprehensive view of education as a system of harmonious growth. Be g et-god the vital ,ne cessity of educating the entire man and woman, suffering nu faculty to rust or to be stinted in its growth by the aver stimulation of any other. In other words, nultculty should be enlarged at the expense of any other. The lecture was very tibia, and reflected much credit upon the author. Wednesday Lveurng, u large audience assem bled to listen to a lecture by Professor Streit, of the State Normal School. His subject was, as he stated, out of - the beaten track, being no" less than a graphic presentation of , medieval times in the person of the representative man of that sto ried B)3O—nILDEBIWiD, known in history as Pope Gregory Seventh. The 'teams. was able in its grouping of historical characters, and showed tote close student of history. The teaching =forded, as the power of disciplined intellect when di rected perseveringly. to the attainment of ,a single object. Liken ilia:, the irresistible power of know ledge, directed to the control of unenlightened wind. - The lectare on Thursday evening was by Pro falser F. A. Allen, Principal of the Normal School. We find it extremely 4ifficult to - speak of this lecture as it destirves. Perhaps' no man in Pennsylvania can's° forcibly and effectively pre sent the truths which underlie and np-bearizealth ful society, as Professor Allen. Prom youth a teacher of youth, he has bad the remarkable-for tuns to overbear and bold in complete check the narrowing influences which unavoidably belittle minds less self-poised and say-contained, when long subjected to the task of training:intellect of less measure of discipline. s,o, in his lecture, or " conversation," as he namedit, ho was intensely practical. His illustratione,,going to show- the influence of example upon children, were - direct and most happy. He addressed himself to pa rents, citizens and professional teachers, and went do - Wil to the roots of evils now cropping out, in the lives and behavior of the rising generatien. The exciting causes of unrulyand mannerlessle havior, were stated clearly and convincingly; and the responsibility for this state of things was lodged where it belongs—with every adult mart and woman. We have heard more brilliant, and more showy discourses, but never one more emi nently practical, more apposite to the theMe r - ar more profound in its dealings with the philosophy of expanding and ennobling mind, and soul, by systematic discipline. The lectures of Friday - evening were by Rev. J. F. Calkins and Professor Allen ; the theme of the former being Common Sehools—how to ele vate them in public estimation. .The speaker took a common sense view of the subject, and was therefore eminently practical in his applica tion of facts. Professor dilen's remarks touched the subject of " graded schools;" chiefly, but related to the whole system of popular education. He brought to bear upon.the subject, the experience and ob. serration of a life-time of devotion to the cause of education. Occupying a first place in the ranks of educators in the State, his suggestions were listened to with great interest, and, we trust, to the permanent profit of teachers and parents. Thai closed one of the most interesting and profitable sessions of the Institute ever the ofiloial and fuareport will appear next week. PEE TEEXPDORE GRIGG ) late com mander of the 45th Regiment, is spending a few daya in our village. He will; by request, meet the members'of that regiment at the Court House Saturday evening of' this week ; the publie - vrl find the occasion interesting, and are' `Cordially invited. The Colonel is one of the best fighting Men in Pinnsylvania.-, . f3o much has been said about " Con servatism" and " Conservaties," that it may not be out - of place to enqUire what Conservatives have done for the world : Conservatives influenced Pharaoh to hold Israel in captivity, and thus bro't the seven plagues upon Egypt. , Conservatives compelled Aaron to make a golden calf to represent the God of -Conservative Israel. ,Conservatives crucified Jesus Christ. Conservatives stoned Stephen, _ be headed John the Baptist, and doomed' the early Christians to terrible deaths. Conservatives gave to the world the bloody, record of Saint Bartholomew's Day.• • Conservatives ran on errands for the British during the Revolutionary war, and burned blue-lights during the Lest War with Great Britain. Conservatives discouraged enlist ments, resisted, the draft, indulged in riots, and otherwise made glad . the hearts of the 'rebels during the late re bellion. Conservatives assassinated Al*A.- .11 LINcoLIC. Conservatives seek to-day,•not to con serve the good and the beneficent, but to attain the depths of ,a apraved am bition, at, the hazard, if necessary, of the entire demolition of the republic. • RECIPES WORTH SAVINCI.—Cerna.--Por in flammation in,tho bowels, tiiko of linseed oil one pint at a dose. to 6of forced down. If it does not operate in twelve hours, give the second dose. Also when the bag is caked, bathe the bag 'well twice a day with the oil. - If cattle drink too Much sweet in any way, give them salt according to the amount of sweet they have consumed. If they have eaten too 'much Nall, give them syrup. The one will kill the other. This has been known to noire the liven of many valuable cows, by on old farmer, now residing in Delmar. lacuntrilic Liquid —Take or sassafras oil two onncei ; hemlock oil, one ounce; red cedar oil, one ounce; oil of turpentine, ono ounce; cam phor gum, one ounce ; , ca psion to, ono ounce. • andadd two quarts of alcohol and-use.- This is a very voluablo. compound far rheumatism and every kind of pain,"ague in the face and jaws,. neuralgia, spinal- irritation, cuts, brVing, Bathe the parts affected for a few minutes, rub bing with the hand or piece of flannel.- Repeat when painful. - If too strong, dilute with -a little water. The addition of an ounce or two of opi umwould no -doubt make it still better. Try them, all you that human occasion to, and you ' 'wilt ray they are good. It will cost you bit little, and may save you hundreds of dollars.. • • O. E. EASTMAN. SOLDIERS' MONITSIEST.—ORT reaOSES into think that the project of erecting. a Soil • =merit -1? sbandotietd the enterprise thought it best to wait awhilt, suffer ,ph t public indebtedness for war purposes to beef:Mgr reduced somewhat, before making any additional demand upon the purses of the people. Last fall we bad assurances from several re turned soldiers, ollicers in the army, that they would, in good time, set about canvassingtbe county for subscriptions for the purpose -named. Believing it to be the best plan, we have keptsi. knee on the subject until the present. Will our friends inform as what they have done, or are doing Trial List for May Term, 1866 John N.Bache . vs. Wm. E. Dodge, et al M. M. Converse vs. Henry Colton Stephen Orcutt et 'al vs. Isaiah Insoho et al P. Damon ~ -llisia-Baohe - Lemuel Davenport' - vs. Hetiry - Rietlabentint al Ira Lownsberry, , vs. Joseph Yonkln Henry o—Denis:est vs. Thurman Pattisou S. H. Landis vs. R. S. Bailey Parkhurst PrEverettsve. Daggett & Wells Rach'l Billings' Ad'r vs. Charles F. Billings Samuel Ryon et al vs. WilliamEC Stevens E. &B. S. Bowen vs. William L. Stewart Samuel Ryan vs. Daniel Clark L. M. Gillett vs. Silas B. Hathaway • M. McMahan vs. A. P.Sbaw Alexander Kennedy vs. Markram & Roberts Bache A Coup vs. Henry Colton Ambrose Ives vs. D. Seely A. P. Cone • - • vs. J. S. Bonn - John Wightcoan . vs. Anthony Came • Charles Dyer et al vs. Stephen W. Everett William Harrison vs. C. L. Wilcox -Nonce.—The Members of the Union League of Wellsborware requested to meet at the new League room, over the Post Office, Thursday eve ning, May 3d, for the purpose of organization.— Other business necessary and important to the 'vigorous prosecution -of the campaign, will be transacted. It is the - pitrpose , of the League to establish a reading room, ,where the leading newspapers and documents can'be found by eve. ry roan who desires information upon the ruling questions of the day. By order. M. H. Qoun, fieeretarY, Industry Must. Prosper. Boots, Shoes,..Leather GEO. O. DERBY, HAVING bought the stock and good-will of the bu siness tang conducted in this borough by " The Bassus )3o11," Will continue the same at the sterol 'Away:. 'Occupied by them. Good custom work, made to order *and warranted, will be the first thing in order. at .this shop; but special attention will also be given tot eeping up is good stock of LEATHER AND. FINDINGS, Such as - SOLE and UPPER, LININGS, BIND , ING, PEGS, THREAD, NAILS, LASTS, AWLS, WAX, &c.; and, In a general way, the various fixin's usually kept at a finding shop. - Cash paid for RIDE/I, SIMS, PELTS and loss ; and par ticular attention given to the purchase of veal and dea con skins, for which the highest market price paid. REPAIRING done promptly and well. _GEO. 0. DERBY. Having sold - the stock. In trade and. gOod-will of the bUsiness lately conducted by us to Hr. Derby, we cor dially recommend him to our old customers, as a good workman, and a square-dealing . man, CHAS. GEO. W. BEARS. Wellsboro,3lay 2,1888. sand Power Loom !-PatentedlB6s. , - LL persons interested in the production of pm:Ai machinery into our country, are requested to investigate the merits of • HENDEREONSIL&ND POWER LOOM: This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weavo jeans, blankets, plain cloth, satinet, kersoy, flannel, seamless sack, double width blankets, or any kind of cotton, wool, or 11= cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes lap the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and beats up the tilling after the cross is made, making better cloth and better selvage than can be made in any other way. , It is the only hand loom that is suitable for weaving wool, as no loom that makes all the shed as the batten goes back, will weave wool satisfactorily. It has no sttings to stretch and get mast' order ; has treadles at both sides of the loom, maklng the shed complete at both sides. Thhi loom is made to weave the different kinds of cloth, by simply changing the pins that make the up- Per shed. - - Township rights for sale, Call' at Mainsburg, Tioga county, Pa., and see a full sized iOOlll in operation. Or ders for looms solicited. LEWIS WETMORE, Alainsburg, May 2, '66.-ly A. P. PACKARD. FTLA 'CENSE APPLICATIONS.—Notice is here by given that the following named persons have filed their petitions to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Tioga county, to grant to them licen ses to keep houses of publio entertainment and for eating houses; and that a hearing upon the same will be had before said Cour4 at the Court House in Wellsborough, on Wednesday the 30th day of May, inst., at two o'clock, P. M. Tiorntests.—e. W.;Herrington, Shippon ; 0 John Shields, Joseph Yonkin,* Blossbared Jos. Fwd. Joel H. Woodruff, Liberty; Henry IL Potter, John Reddington, Westbrook .k Coyle, Mleldleim ry; E. S. Boynton, Jackson; A. Hunt, Mansfield; Caleb H. Bartlett, Tioga, J. A. Rose, Mansfield.* Hansa HOIISES.—B. C. Buckrey,*N% B. Holi day, Middlebury E. C. Fish, Tioga; ; Geo. Has. _tinge, WoUsboro. J. F. DONALDSON, Pro'y. Wellabor°, May 2, 1866.. ' NOTE.—We have names of several appli cants who have' not paid the sl.. :They win ap peaencat week, if. the fee is paid meantime; or vouched for by-responsible parties.—[Ed:Aer. N DIVORCE.—To Aruadny Law : Tako no j,tice that William Law, yourhusband, has ap plied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and that the said Court have appointed Monday, the 28th day of May, instant, at the Court House in Wellsboro, for hearing the applic'ant in the prem. ices; at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. L. TABOR, Sheriff. Wellsbore r May 2, 1866. , TN DIVORCE.—To Henrietta Edgecomb:— :Ju 'Take natio° that Peter Edgecomb, - your has= band, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and that the said Court have ap. pointed Monday, - the 28th day of May, instant, al the Court -House in Wellsborei for hearing the applicant in the premises, at which time and place 'you Can attend if you think prOfer. L. TABOR, Sheriff-, . . Wellsboro, May 2, 1866. ' IVOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that John 111 :Alexander, W. C. Kress, C. B. Kimball, and others, have: applied -to the 'Court of Col:omen Pleas of Tioga county fora charter of incorpora tion under the name and style, of "The Wellsto. rough Fire Company;' and: tat a hearing upon tho same will be had before said Court, at the Court House in"Welleboro, on Monday the 4th ;Jay of June next, at which , time and place all persons interested can attend. -- J. P. DO7ALDSON, Prosy. WollBboro, May 2,1866. VDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Theundersigtred ving been appointed an- Auditor to distrib ute the moneys arising from Sheriff's sale of the personal pioperty in the case of A. P. Cone et. al. vs. Qharles Lee, will attend to the business of his appointment, at-bis- office-in-Wellsboro, day, May 25, current, at two o'clock P. M. May 2, 'Bll.-.4t WM. H. SMITE, Aud'r. TR . Y. SHEEP.—Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, in Chatham, on or about the Bth of April last, SIX SHEEP, left ears cropped and eiltted. The owner is requested to come for ward; prove property, pay charges and take them away. E. B. .1317BLEY. - Chatham, May 2,1866.-3 t 71, D. BUNNELL, - Licensed Auctioneer, at Wellaboro, Tioga county, Pa., will attend vendlea for the sale of every kind of property, personal or real. sD. Tie also desires to inform farmers and stock growers that he has the choictst thorough-bred cattle and horses, which ho will take pleasure in exhibiting to visitors, at the Morris Fares, Wells hero. May 2,1866.-3 t. eISOLDRA DROPS AND POWDERS—At- Webba' Drng Store. have given the subject of Cholera partictaar atten tion:4nd think my istescription for this formidable die ease"founded upon pathological indications, and the best "and most modern method of treating Cholera. No that. fly Sheila be 'without a bottle of these drops in tho house,_ • ___ - W. W. WDDR,3I. D. Wellitioro t 2iliiy 2,18E8 DAWN, M. D., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after nearly tour years of army service, with a Una aXpeltierlCO 111 field and hospital practice, has opened "an tem for the practice of medicine• and surgery; in alt its branches. Persons from a distance canAlnd - good boarding at; the Pennsylvania Hotel . Anna_ desired, Will oislt any part of the State in consultation, or to petforin surgical operations. No, 4, .Union Bl ock, ,up *stairs. Welsher% Fa, Mai*, 186&—ly. SPRING , OF 1866. PILES OF NEW GOODS AT LAW RENCEVILLE, AT "GREATLY . REDUCM) PRICES. ' C. S. Mather & Co. take pleasure in announeinv to the public gee. erally that they have just returned trent New York with the largest and most desirable stock of Goode ie Tioga County. We have a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 'GOODS, CLOTHS AN.D__CASSIMBRES, HATS dr. CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCENIES, Ready Mattftql , 9.thing, and Custom TAILORING auperiateaded by a first-dass Cotter . . In fact, we have a coo:Tien, assortment of all that is .new.and desirable. We are determined so take ilie'lead in Low PRICKS for the Spring of 186§. COME AND,SEE! - 'lOltee is to be "conrineed," and to look will cost you, nothing. • We extend thanks fer`foriner liberal patronage, end only ask that the friends of low prices and small profits will call at our counters and satisfy themselves, that Lawrencevillo is the pleas to buy Goods right. - C. El. MATHER a. CO Lawrenceville, Apr. 25, 1866. • SAVA XOUlt. GREENBACIC9II. , . - • Ina CA-LL- OPTBN AT Nast & AnerbaCh's CHEAP . CASH STORE. - - . BLOSSPIIPa• Where you cau always, dud best assorted ,stock `-• - • - - - - DOMESTIC & FANCY - DRY GOODS, CLOTiISiANOTIONS, R.COSY MADE- CLOTHING- • Man I:fracture d uridei their 'own sloe. Also GenteltiritisitiroCit,-krrc., co !: theirzr 8 ex , baying' the besttailors of New T rti ' 9 orlt l city, and an experienced cutter, Mr. H. P. Erwin. (feb2lt6ly ELOTRING STORE. - ARE CEA CEforace citizens of Weilsboro R and surrounding country -to •seo tho finest and best nelected,stock of READY -MADE CLOTHING The subscribers wish to inform the public that they ore ' 111ANUFACTURING„THEIB ,pLoT#INa, at Bloomberg. They have an experienced Cutter Mr. ERWIN, and severalthe beat Tailors are constantly at work:rat - their Shops. They assure the public that their garments are BETTtit. MADE' lIP . _ than any ever kept in a country Store. They have a large assortment 9f GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS which they Tin , pelk cheaper alio any other store in this courify: (live them a call before purchasing elsewhere. PRODUCE TAXES Etti -EXCHANGE. NAST l ii - ASSRSACH, 4434,4510 r to. Roy'e,Drug.Store. Wellsboro, At lIDITOR'S -) i•TOTICE.—The undersigned AL. having been. appointed an Auditor to make a distribution of the mote ectllected in the- case Di . the Commonwealth vs. John Benson, he will attend to the dutlee ; of bill appointment, "twat, office in Wellsborq, .Friday the 11th day of May, 186 d, at 10 - oclack A. M. W. A. NICHOLS, Auditor. Wellsboroi April 18,1866.-31, , rinoGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge for the 4th dadicialDistria of Penn sylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tinge county, have issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of April, 1860, and to mo directed, for the bold ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin er, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of May (being the- 28ith day,) 1006, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby - given, to the Coro ner,Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and_ for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, ex atoinations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per. eons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, am required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time;agree ably to notice, Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office. in Wellsboro, the tuth day...cif April, in the year of our Lord .-tte thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. LEROY TABOR Sheriff. MIAMI FOR SALE—Situated three mile° J11:7 north of Holidaytown, near the Fermin ton line. Said farm contains about 75 acres, ab4t 70 acres under cultivation, and a thrifty orchard of 300 trees, just bearing, thereon. Said farm is .welt watered and well fenced ; a good well 01 wa ter at the house ; frame house, two frame barns, and ether convenient outbuildings thereon. For further particulars, engulf . ° of A. B. A. Briggs, tiolidaytown, Middlebury. IRA BRIGGS. ' April 25. 1800 -its OR SALE.—A brown horse, sixiestii 014. 1: broke, - sotind and kind. - Also, two sulkies, in good order. Any or all of the above will he sold,. On. credit,. if desired, with interest and . approved seetrity. Enquire at the Bingham Office. Wellaboro, April 18, 1888,-3t • Now Shaving:and E3air•DDcssitig Siloon. rpm subscribers take pleasmii in announcing to the People of IVellabor° turd Inch:ay gait they have bought ont Mr. S. S. shuiblin, late barber and hair dresser at Wellsboro, and have fltted up a neat and pleasant room ever C. - L. "Willcox's atore - , where they will always bo on band to wait on their customers; and as they will spare no pains to please, they hope to merit the patronage of tba community. - Particular attention paid to Indies' baircutting,ahara tionlng, dyeing. 4c. Ladles' braids., puffs, swiebea, calla and curls kep; on band, or made to order, H. W. DoRSZY. • • J. Tonrao.Y. _ April t, 1868,-ly . - 1 - I,IsABLED MEN, ATTITNRION I —Wanted, one or two men in Wellaboto and 'vicinity, wbo have lost eltim an arm or leg, tcr sell „ Vadocturtles Water Proof Arnica-healing Plaster, ghs beat and cheapest court plaster ln the market. rsons $5 to $lO per day can he made. with 25 clout, for sample and full in formation, It. F, BZWBBR, Box 45, Bhiladalphlaaa- N. B.—All 'agents atid a r n tlent would Bad it to Moir m intaratt amma splB-Bni just opeiied EMI THE PLACE TO BUY HUGS, P. R. WMimeins, • &di in EEEI NM HMS NEMES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, 1 ~ e ~-t t G iPkawaaela ,911/14 3 itcv- MAIN swam.: WRLIABORG, girit door bolOw Jima* , IN73:laMi-X—ELMAGNIV is the place to buy FAMILY MEDtOINIIS, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PIi:RFITAIRS, TOILET SOAP, YANKEE ITIZYTIOES, FANCY AlifIcLEEl,, PLUM wniza •a Liquoas, IWMIT it distinctly understood that / will sell every thing in my line cheaper than can be bought at any other establishment in Tioga County. - • I am selling' best Turkey Opium It $I per OZ, Morphia* SL,2 per bottle, Jayne's Alterative and ltsratorant at $L per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5, Ayers Sarsaparilla sad Pectoral at $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles fur sd. Constitution Water *1 per bottle. Constitution Life Syrup, 1,15 " -te Beard:re BI ood 4 Liver Syrup 1,00 " " Wa. Hairs 'Balsam 1700 " g " • Maratiee Cathoicon, ..!.—... 1,75 " " Dacia Depurative i-4.... 115 " " And everything else in proportion. I get my medicines front the manufactory, and will war rant them genuine. My stook of PAINTS, Oils and Vandshes, are oomPlete and are telling at greatly reduced prices. All who have painting to do will find it to their interest to call at my store before buying elsewhere. lam selling best Turpentine Varnish from $3,90. to $6 per gallon. ,VARNISH & PAINT BRUSHES, all sorts and sizes, from 10 cents to $2. each ' WHITE LEAD AND zinc, ° from 10 to 16 cents per Nona. Also, LINSEED OIL, BOILED AND RAW, very cheap. WINES: 91N AND BRANDY, nice for maillcal nag, arbiels will•be sold at die lowest cash -. price. I liave also a large stock of TUBE PAINTS AND BRUSHES, for Oil Paizoiaz aritieb will be said fors small advance. ..also. Dye Stizib, of all kind*: ' Hdre and' Steven's faintly Drg • Comas. , I also keep - ALLSPICE, UPPER, CINNAMON, SALERATIIS, STARCLI, SOAP, , SODA, CREAM TARTAR, GINGER, CORN - STARCH, ESSENCE corFEE, nAVORINQ =TRACTS, &c: .tc.' - 4ite _ Also a large stook of .1 1 reistc Garden Seeds, WHITE WASH LIME, stain !sot @Tin tiring eirtmiept is a Drug Store Persons wanting mantling trinsynwe„ Witt ss+s xposte,y by aslant water store,' - No. '3 llssos Brocr,'Wittraiisto.. PA P. it—trazzAms• Wellsbarough, April Is. Wilk