EfAMI=III a posts—Wrrieß END Dow2o—A short time ago there was printed in the Tele-. graph *communication as to whether fenceposts ought to ille_planted as they • grow,- or the reverse. The writer took the ground and showed that posts -set the small Old down would last much longer, and gave his reasons, which were - excellent, Why it was so. Since then 3ve find in the Prairie Fanner communication on . the. same subject from Mr. D. A. Lillie, of King's coun t, Illinois, in which he says : " About eighteen years ago, My brother-made -100 rods of stilt fence, in Will county, that is, crooked rail fence laid upon posts driven eighteen inches in the ground. These posts were all from the same burr oak tree, and sharpened with out regard to top or butt. A few years bine& I helped Min Move this fence, and found perhaps half the posts nearly rot ted off; and the rest nearly or entirely bound ; and what was most singular, sap posts were often sound, _and heart ones rotten, which excited our curiosity to ascertain the cause, and we found the sound ones set top_ down, and the rotten Ones butt down." This additional fact should attract the attention of farmers everywhere, espe cially-in regions, where timber is scarce and dear. Not only much time and la - - bor, but a heavy expenditure of money is involved in. this question. If any of our agricultural readers have experience in the matter, we shall be glad to hear from them.—Germ'n Tel. WA.ETS ON CATTLE.—A subscriber asks how warts can be readily removed with caustic, lunar, or potash. Five cents worth, of either lunar caustic, or caustic of potash, will suffice. Keep the caustic in a vial,- take a stick of it, wet the end with water or spittle, and rub it on the warts. Two or three ap ptiNd4onalwill suffice. Be very careful with the caustic of potash, pr it will eat too deep and make a sore.—.N. H. Far. To- Evsovr SrumPs..—A correspon dent of the _Rural Reglater states that 3fr. John Barnes, of Baltimore, removed a troublesome stump from near his house, in the following manner: "Last falr, with an inch auger, he lacireOthole in the center of the stump ten inches deep, and Into - it pht about half a pound of oil of vitriol, and corked the hole up tight. This spring, the whole stamp and roots, extending thi all their ramifications, were so rotten that they were easily eradicated." If true, the above would be a cheap method - of removing stumps. The sul phuric acid can be bought forabout five cents per pound. EAT Youm. BROWN Bt‘E*.A_l) FTRST.- It is a plain but faithful ,saying, " Eat your brown bread first ;" nor is there a better rale for a young man's outset in the world. While you continue single, you may live within as narrow limits as you please; and it is then you must be gin to save, in order to provide for the more enlarged expenses of your future family. Besides, a plain, frugal life is then snpported most cheerfully ; it is yibur Mina choice, and it is to be justified on the best and most honest principleb in the world; and you have nobody's pride to struggle with, or appetites to master, but your own. As you advance in life and success, it will be expected you-should give yourself greater indul gence, and you may then be allowed to do it oth reasonably and safely. A MEDICAL tiNun.—Same twenty years ago a farmer's barn in the vicini ty of Worcester was struck'hy lightning and burned to the ground. Many of the citizens had gone to the fire, when a fop, well strapped and dickied, with his cap on one side of his head, met a cele brated doctor and accosted him in this wise : " Can you, ah, tell me, doctor, how far they have succeeded in extin guisbirsg• the conflagration of the, ah, unfortunate yeoman's barn ?" The doc tor eyed the individual attentively, and dropped his head as usual for a moment, and then slipping his thumb and finger in his vest pocket, took out a couple of pills and handed him,_ saying, " Take these, sir, and go to bed ; .and if you do not feel - any better in the morning s call at my office." The latest effuf; of the renowned Artemus we have not yet seen in print. It is said that being at one of the New York churches recently, he electrified the audience by his unexpected reply to the preacher's text, which was as follows: " - How are the mighty fall en ?" After a short pause Artemus looked up inquiringly and said meekly, "I give it uRi" He thought it was a conundrum. Little Ella is about four years old.— One day she committed an act of diso bedience, and her mother in correcting her spoke in no gentle tone of voice ; the child threw her arms round her mo ther's neck and.. ekclaimed " Dear I mamma, pray forgive me ! f I had known how spunky it would make you, I wouldn't have done so." . There is as much difference between poetry and fine verses, as between the smellof a flower garden and a per fumer's shop. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICS. The undersigned would respectfully invite We at tention of the public to his LARGR AND CHOICE STOCK GROCERIES ac PILOVISIO NS, consisting of SUGARS; MOLASSES, SYMMS, • TEAS, • COFFEE, SPICES, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, TOBACCO, SEGARS, STONE & WOOD . - - EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., All of which will be sold at greatly reduced pri ces for CASH. Call and see for yourselves. Wellaboro, Dec. 13, 1865. J. D. JONES. 11011.1sIGTON ie SONS, Manufacturers of Revolvers, Rides, Muskets and Car- trade generally. In there days of housebreaking and robbery, ev ery hour, start, bank and office, should have one of REMINGTON'S' REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in pistols, and those of superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new REMIEGTOI4 REVOLVERS. Circulars COE taiaing cats and description of our Arras, will be fan:l4Ell°d npon - applieation. f.E. REMINGTON lc SONS, Ilion, N. F, MOORE b lizczoLs, Agents, No. 40, Ocructland street, New York. asp 4 66 GOODS OitiV3PECIE iiIASIS G , T. L. BALDWIN & CD.," ts'lia . - • TIOGA, PENN'A FROM THIS DAY FORWARD, UNTIL • - DISFOSRD OF,_ lIM ;i ~ F " - ' WILL OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOOK -DRY :000-DS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WALL PAPER; &c, AT COST For Ready 'Pay: TIOG A, Feb. 27, 1866—tf NEW MEAT MARKET WU. TOWNSEND, AGENT. Wholesale and' Retail Dealer it FLOUR, PORK, HAMS, AND ORO CERIES, - 1VF—MaT.493398. ? , ALSO, FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c. Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Office Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866-tf. y I AM SELLING - OFF My Stock of Goods FIFTY PER CENT. LOWER THAN THIRTY DAYS AGO. son. CALL AND SEE 1 nag Welleboro, Jan. 1,1888. 0. BULLARD WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IV- What is it which is as marvelous as the magi cian's art ? What is it which the more you use it the better you like it? What is it that causes the lame to walk 1 What is it that eases the pains of rheumatism? What is it that loosens the stiff joints? What is this chemical compound that is called an infallible remedy for Neuralgia, acting direct ly upon thenerves and giving almost instant re lief ; curing all sorts of aches and pains as if by magic ? It is S - ALUTIFE - R Selling off now at Roy's Drag Store. [Feb. 14] FARM POE SALE.— Hear the residence of H. H. Potter in Mid dlebury township, Tioga county, Pa., containing about sixty acres, about fifty acres improved; a two-story frame house, nearly new, a frame barn and a good .orchard,, partly young trees thereon. Terms easy. inquire of Henry Sherwood, Esq. Wel/sboro D. C. Scudder on the premises, or S. Bennett k Co., corner Canal .!E Second-eta., El mira, N. Y. SOLOMON BENNETT. Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 21,4366-2m* FARM -FOR SAL.E.—A farm of 125 acres or thereabouts is offered for sale, situate two miles from Wellsboro, the county seat of this county, and on the direct road to the lumbering districts of Pine Creek. There is about sixty acres improved, with a good house and bent, and a number of good springs of water. The timber land is covered with valuable timber, and the lo cation for one that -wishes a good farm near a thriving and enterprising village cannot be sur passed. For further particulars, as to price, terms, Ike., apply to C. E. Brewster, Wellsboro, or to the subscriber at Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y. March 7, 1886—tf. J. W. GUERNSEY. EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Lettera Testamen tart' having been granted upon the estate of John Hamlin, late of Mansfield, deceased, the un dersigned request all paymentst to be made, and all claims to be presented to P. E. Smith, Esq., at his office in Tioga. WM. T. POST, J. D. BALDWIN, Elmira, N.Y., Mar. 28, '66-6t Executors. ArDiEcsuzA.LizzediguargOAßNED. A X , ABGB BTOCIC of PBBFUAIERY and Ald& YAN KBE NOTIONS, for tale by P. B. WiDizzy', No. 8 Union Block, WeUnbar% Pa. Horse ad DIN Mors. This preparation, long and favorably known, will than *uglily veinvigiirste broken-down and low-spirited horses, by - strengthening and cleansing UM stomach mid Intes tines. =; It is a; sure we venlive of all ells ev,Ps inc. - Kent to FEVER, GLANDERS, tEcriE 1 V ER, I COu HS, DIS- ' =* - - - 4 4 , 43 1 7- TEMPER, FE- •,r PERS, FOUNDER - LOSS OF APRE TITE AND VITAL k , ' e ENERGY, &c . Its , , use improves the Sri nd, Increases the appetite--gives a smooth sad gkissy skin—end,-zij transforms th e miserable skeleton into ... a fine-looking and spirited horse. z .0 ~e E .; In altdisesses the Lungs, Lir( /ex., this arti( mUluavmi By patting frc me-belt a pal to II paper in barrel of above diaeaiv will be eradicat or entirely prey' preventive and cL. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for TRENGTH TO THE WEAK! 10 YOUTH TO THE AGED!! This preparation is unequaled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. The aged should be certain to make the Biokrene a household god, inasmuch 'ea it' ill render them youth ful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the daye of their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but ttrengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of senility, eelf abase, misf,ortnne, or ordin ary siekneas. No matter what the cause of the impo tency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. Mok r ew g cures Impotency, General Debility, Ner vous incapacity, Dyspepsia. Depression, Lou of Appe tite, Low Spirits, Weakness of the Organs of Genera tion, Imbecility, Mental Indolence; Emaciation, Ennui. It has a most delightful, desirable and novel effect on the Nervoias System; and all who are in any way pros trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this most excel lent and unequaled pre paration. Persons who,by Imprudence, Dave lost their natural vigor, will And a speedy and permanent curs is the 81-01111 ENE. 01111ENE. The Feeble, the Languid, the Dispairing, the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial: it will be found totally different from all other articles for the same purposes. - ' • To Tozooloo,—This preparation is invaluable in nervous weaknesses stall kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dys pepsia, with the first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to , a degree of perfect health. and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per 'Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. sold by Druggists generally. Not only give immediate relief, but aro sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their use does not create a necessity for the habitant use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomach, Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa greeable and' dangerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one fur the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and 11l purgative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power they are 'Sure to keep the digestive organs in a health - 3 , con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured- by the use of powerful and purgatives, will fuid,them a mild, safe and sure restorer of the di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, B. E. Cor. 21st and Market Sts., Philad , e, Pa. See that my Signature is on the face of the box before purchasing. Beware nf spurious imi tations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor ning, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists- -- Corning, Sept. 20, 1865-Iy. MANHOOD, Bow LOST, HOW RESTORIM--J1.15i published, a new edition of Dr. Dulverwell's celebrateil i essay on the radical cure (without medicinerof Spermatorrlicea. or seminal weak ness, involuntary seminal losses, impotency, men tal and physical incapacity, impediments to mar riage, etc.; also consumption, epilepsy and fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance. Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirtyyeers' success., ful practice, that the alarming censequences o self-abuse may bo radically cured, without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which eyerysi;fferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 2 .7g3•• This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in - a plain envelope, to any ad dress, port paid, on receipt of six cents, or two F . post stamps. Address the publishers, & CHAS. J. C. KLINECO., -; natcm. - 127 Bowery, N.Y., p. office box 4,586. March 28 1886-ly CATARRH Cured for one Dollar !—Read ! IlL) For one dollar, per mail, I will send free to any address, a recipe and medicine that I will guarantee to cure the worst cases of Catarrh in the lead or bronchial tubes, in a fow weeks. It haS saved my life, and made me a well man from Catarrh and a severe and dangerous bronchial trouble I had sfiffered with for years. I tried the best physicians, and all the advertised medicines of the day, but found no relief till I obtained this. I would give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine, if I now had the Ca tarrh and could not obtain it for less. I believe, if instructions are followed, it will cure any case whatever, that has not already reached the lungs and bocomo a settled consumption. Cure it while yon can. Addreis T. P. BYMMES, No. 1527 Fulton et. New York. mar 28, 'Bl3-3m VARBUSKIRK'S 8 0 Z OD ON T. for Oka rung Teeth, for aslant the Drug Store of P... 11. WILLIAMS. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED reparation is invaLnalde. improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty Inc cent. and make the butter firta and sweet. In fattening cattle,it givestheto an appetite, looms their hide, and makes the= thrive. PBX:PAM-VD BY R. A. FOUTZ ...Sz; 1330., AT TICKER. WHOLESALE DUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 1.16 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Bah) by 'Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. ..For'sale by John A. Roy, We'labor° sIOKREINt OR I 14i-$1111::UP:i :q'` • , iiiii.,; - ,,eL_ . 1 Sto*es: stovettli '°- AND IFIARDWARE! MESSRS. GUNN & TUCKER-beg to in fo the citizen. of Tioga' County, that in addition to their et.-talent Stuck of Stoves, Tin-Ware. Brittaoia. nod Sheet-Iron Ware, they have, at a great outlay, stocked their elute oa MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a couiplote assortmeut•of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following as doles i. NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, lIAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, I CARPENTERATOOLS. - 13 „ - PUMPV ES, - AUGERS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS. CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS. SKEINS, WASHERS At 7 TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE ~ HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, - OU . TTAIE'I4Sir ffirfleEttS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR RANGING% a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. - We invite the public tocail and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beet quality of goods'in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Successors of Wm. Roberts. Welleboro, Jon. 1 1865—tf. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!!- The undersigned begs leave to announce to the people of Tioga County that be has estab lished an agency in iyellsboro, for the well known ROME INSURANCE COMPANY, MI Mil of New York =II That be is prepared to Immures!' kinds of prop erty upon as reasonable terms as can be bad in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a Cash Capital of $2,000,000, besides the Assets which on the liter January,. 1865. amounted to $3,765,503 42 Lis.bilities. ..... 77,901 52 Its Officers are ,CHAS. J. MARTIN President, A. F. WILWORTH Vice President, JOHN McGEE Secretary; J. H. WASHBORN ' Assistant Beey. This Company has taken ont A STATE LICENSE, and monthly pays the per centage charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies which have nog taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal} ty for so insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 833. Sec. 21, 22, 23. Wellsboro, Ang. 23,'83. W. H. SMITH. C& N. TTAmMOND'S NURSKRY.- . Illiddlebntry, Tioga Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga. We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees at the following prices : Appletrees—large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; 3 5 :oonts delivered. Common 610,26 eanttrattbe Neirsery, 25 Cents ,l delivered. Pear Truett, - Wets. SUMIIER APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, 'Washington Strawberry„ Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour Bow. Few. APPLEs.—Fameuse, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribstou Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. WINTER APPLES.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rbode Island Green ing, Esopue Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet eillflOWOT Sugar - Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey ' Sweet: Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant,,Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Pnaus.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seckel, Beurre Amalie, Golden Beurre,Plemish Beauty, Olout Marceau, Lawrence. Also—Siberian Crab, Qiiinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. - C. .4 N. HAMMOND. Middlebury, Tioga CO, Pa., Jan. I, 1888-Iy. ITE - LADIES' FAVORITE. TILDRbPS M Concentrated Liquid Blueing for Blueing clothes, for coloring, and for ink. Six good reasons why it sells so rapidly: Because it is better than any other kind. Because it is the cheapest kind of laundry blue ing. Because it contains no acid, or anything that injures clothes or maltes-them yellow. s Becau eakedse it does not o:clothes, or make them tr. 4 Because it itpso Because it makes a perfect blue ink when the directions on thii bottle use followed. • '- Prepared by A. B. Tilden, Dansville, N. Y. For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro, Pa. Jan. 24,1866. TICROLS PERUVIAN BARK & PROT OXIDE OF IRON, for sale by , [ian. 3l , ' 6 6.] BORDEN BROIL, Tioga. KEROSINE LAMPS at - ROY'S DRUG STORE. TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and V with dapatob, at THE AGITATOR Office: • PEN '.21 7 0 - ki•itri r To L'iletilritarsids. - • r n T HE li - NDERSKINED having had - con. . , sidernikla ixparivirea Foeurstig Pension. Bounties and-Bac - 31411y of Soldiersorill , _attend to allintajiioss . isi that line entrusted to hiS - e.are with promptness and fidelity; • ALL SOLDIERS discharged by taaibil of wounds are entitled to f the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, col lectedby the undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please i call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Brad ford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. - " P. MONRO. Refer§ by permission to H. B. aard,,Conoty Troalarer, Wellaboro, Pa D. P. Poideroy, Troy, Pa. A. U. Spa tali*, Sheriff, Towsida Pa.[April 1 Tc NOXV L L E FOUNDRY.- HELD QUARTERS OF THE IRON BRIGADE AUGUST IST, 1866 Special Notice is hereby given to Returned Soldiers; rep:woad skedaddlers, those Rahle to draft 'and to exempts; that the' War is now ended and so should - „ RIGS PRICES END Allyill-take •nottoe that we .are prepared to larva those wanting any thing in our line on abort notice and at _ _ REDUCED PRICES. We would call Utdsulioa ,to a few of this ar ticles of our manufacture. L ' ' TAE PEOPLE'S FRIEND COOK 827 E - - is still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOS STOVE. Oar PARLOR, BOX, & COAL STOVES &sieve fittemtion befempprehasing elsewhere. Our IRON ti - WOOD" BtAM PLOWS ate as good-as any if not better. We world call particalar attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, am we airaonitdant that they cannot be excelled MACHINERY made and repaired on abort notice. We flaccid to keep_ up with the improvemints of the times. Try no and be convinced TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY. J. P. BILES, Knoxville, August 2, 1865. R EYNOLDS'S TUBRINB WATER-wuzzLe The undersigned has been appointed Agent for the sale of these celebrated wheels, which are be lieved to have proved to be the moat powerful and economical in the use of water of any wheel now known. Applications by letter or otherwise promptly attended to, and mills visited, wheels set up, and warranted, and Millwright work done in my usu. al thorough manner. G. PUTNAM. Tioga, Pa., Jan, 10, 1860-3 m DENTISTRY. _ - - t han es . C. N. DART T, -virouLD say to the public that ha is perma nently located in Wellaboro, (Office at his residence, nlr the Land Office and Episcopal Church) whehe will continue to do all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the Management of cases peculiar to the calling. He will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any material desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortest notice, and done in the best and most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT RAIN by the the use of Amasthetics which are per fectly harmless, and will be administered in every cue when desired. Wilber°, Jan. 1, 1865-Iy. MIS. A. J. SOFIELD WISHES TO inform her customers that she is now re ceiving from New York, a tine assoetment of . MILLINERY GOODS, which has taken much care in selecting. La dies *Mind a superior quality of MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, Infants' Hoods. Dress Caps, fine linen Handker chiefs and everything in the Millinery line. Jac. 1, 1866.-tf EXITED STATES HOTEL. Main Street, WelLibor°, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. Having leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall endeavor to make it truly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, the comfort of guests will be a prime object. The stables will be under the care of an experi enced hostler. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866-ly. WELLSBORO HOTEL• (Corner Main 4.4 greet and the Avenue.) WsLualoso, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. THIS le one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Rotel is thit principal Stage-house in Wellaboro. Stages leave daily as follows : For Tioga, at 9 a. in.; For Troy, at 8 a. m.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p. tn.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. in. STAGES ARRIVE—Prom Tioga, at 121-2 o'clock p.m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. in.: From Jer sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. in.: From Coudersport, Monday and Thursday Il a. in. N. B. Timmy Cowden, the well-known host ler, will be found on hand. Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. WOOLEN FACTORY FOR SALE.—Situated in Welbiboro, Tioga, County Pa. Said Factory has a Roll Carding Machine, a Spinning jack, two power looms,:picker, and Fulling Mill, —all in good order. the Factory has a good 5 horse-power steam engine and water-power by which it may he driven, Also—ono acre of land on which the Factory stands, with Dye House and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. This establishment will be sold at a bargain. The location is unsurpassed in the county, and the run of custom large. For further particulars inquire of JACOB EfILTBOLD, ORRIN BLAIR. Wellsboro, Feb. 21. 1888-4 t. _ sMir. 'Corning Journal,' 'Elmira; Advertiser,' and Addison Advertiser,' publish S times and send bills to this office for collection. THE MASON Sr lIAMLIN'S CABINET OttGANS' forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $BO to $BOO each. 'Thirty-Five Gold or Saver Medal., or other drat premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Boo tan, or MASON BROTHERS, New 'York. A,TOTICE.—AII persons indebted to us by note 1.11 or Book Account will please call and settle, as we are about closing up for a. STRICTLY cash WRIGHT & BAILEY.. Weßober°, Jan. 31, .1846. PATTY A WINDOW GLASS at BOY'S DRUG STORE PII_ RE GINGER a t ROY 13 DRUG STORE. NEW PALL AND WINTER GOODS!SULBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU,- L i; • PEOPLE'S STORE, in Corning! FILL IND WINTIM GOODS, adapted to the best trade of this places nd richt ity, and shall be co/Moistly receiving suet. •ad &Mons to our stock as the varied encase!' our numerous customers shall demand. Our Suck coriairto in part orouir usual variety of DOMESTIC GOODS, a larger etoek of Mourning and other Drees Goods than ever before, among which are a large line of BEAVERS, DOESKINS, A SACKINGS, for Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments to trim them RED, BLUE, GREY, YELLOW, WHITE, PLAIN er, TWILLED, OPERA FLANNELS, SHIRTING FLANNELS. SHAW LS,for Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, • of every variety, among which are ALEXANDER'S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, soovi, suoics, do Rummies, Among which are the Arctic Rubber, a new and very nice at tide. Our facilities for BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by quality !f . Goods considered, whatever others may say bout it, and in proof of this we, ask en EXAMINATION of our GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not to get angry for show ing Goode when no purchase is made. We shall give our customers the FULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should Goods advance we shall be com. pelted to follow. We shall continue the system of We tender oor thanks to the citizens of Tiuga Co., who have patronized us and would respect fully invite those who have never done 90 to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson !louse on Market Street, three doors west of the corder, and two doors east of Hungerford's Bank. WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL• ion at No. 2, Union Block. JEROME SMITH Has lately returned from New York with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE.. CLOTH ING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS• WARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KiNTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI MERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Wonted Goods, Merinos', Black and Figured Detainee, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, de., &e., &c., &e. - - Purchasers will find that No. 2, Union Block, Main Street, is the Owe to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Welisboro, Jan. 1, 1866. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. A B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the-inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining Counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES, DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. He will pay particular tten- Bon of Roll Carding dr. Cloth Dress ng, which will be done in the neatest possible man ner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. 110,v/weld farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1886-Iy. CALL AND SEE. THE attention of the Farmers and every body else in Charleston and Covington town. ships, are hereby notified, that the store at Cherry Flatte will be kept open where they can procure a full assortment of DRY GOODS i• GROCERIES, WHEAT and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, RICE, MOLASSES, CODFISH, Mackerel, eke., constantly on band. Give us a call. Cherry Matt*, Jan. IT, 11168-3 m. L. E. ROCKWELL. (Sept. /3, 1865-Iy.) At Reduced -Prices, A N Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found at ROY'S DREG STORE. AT THE We now bare on bind an unusually, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH MERINOS, TN GOOD COLORS, AT 01.00 PER YARD. A good stock of Cloths and Cassitneres, to be sold by the yard or made ap-to order. FLANNELS OF EVERY VARIETY. HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, and GLOVES DRY GOOD& Ste any, One Price and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor. SMITH k WAITE, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1885 Selling Off AT J. R. BOWEN'S, Jan. 10, 1866 OE lIELMIBOLD'S BUCku. II ELIWIIROLD'I9 BITCH U ISELIIIIIOLD'S BITCH THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY OR PAINFUL URINATING For diesa diseases it is truly a sovereign rem. edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise— A single dose hits been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing Fain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Ifelmbrald's Buchn trig relieve you. PHYSICIANS AID OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE I make no secret of ingredients. Eelmbold't Extract Buchn is composed of Bne . ba. Cubets, and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepared in vacua and recording So rnles or PHARMACY AND CHRMISTRY These ingredients are known as the most Tat nable Diuretics afforded_ , A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys MW! ' 7MM.7 ' W.TM ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all la* 'bus properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL; See Medical Properties contained in Dispensa tory of the U. S., of which the following is a cor rect copy : BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, sad somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and an alogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly In complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Grav el, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It has also been re commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheuma tism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor Deweas' valuable works on the Nan tire of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Nip is, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. FROM THE LARGEST MANUFACTURING CHEMIST IN TOE WORLD. Ism acquainted with H. T. Habib°ld; heteettu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally Cu befure him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WBIGHTMAN, (Pinta of Powers I Weightman,) Manufacturing Claerniets, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. (From the PAilada Evening Butlesiu, diaerh to.] We are gratified to bear of the continued sac- case, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. 'llelmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 feet deep, and Ave stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of bis articles. He retains bis Office and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced , to mato this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—most of which are pre pared by self styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplest prescription, mach less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, such as copy ing parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of -Medicine stands MOLE. PURE. and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth 310n0 for its Capitol. A WORD OF CAUTION Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredients ire known to others besides the mannfacteser, or until they are satisfed of-the qualifications of the party so offering. • HELISBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID. EXTRACT BUCHII, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established upwards of 16 years Prepared by H. 7'. HELMB OLD. Principal Depots. HELMI3OLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadicay, New For And- HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Strut, Philadelphia. Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRIIGGIST§. October 11, IsBs-1v e rerf Silin6o4) ail:M l : ra p o:a 6 r e wan :l7ll2 o 5. 1 ' lug Machines. Three new kinds. Upper and a; ,16 Teed. Warranted five years. Above sa/ary ar large c." , °; missions paid. The only machines sold in the Caltf' Stites for lees than $4O, which are Ally liecn.. l -I Howe, Wheeler ef• Witten, Grocer d Baker. Strati' j. Cs., and Bocksleier. Xi other cheap machines are . 3 ' fringeasents, and the teller or user are liable to ar"',' jiine, and itaprisonesent. Circulars free. Address. or , upon ahem & Clark, Bichleihrd, Maine. *goA MONTBS--41£338tTS wanted for ns gnaty new artletes, just out. Addreas.O. (4.11.1tET, City Building, Biddstbrd, Mains.