; # , 4,1 1. 1 4 1 oxid total w Emit,Bl3X - Y - ' kEPti-n! Vl* lAervertiefeitiimiti.` a " Gardening — J. Clain. New Geuds—Van Name A Wickham. School Dirictors'NoticeL-Wellioborti. - Administrator's Notice—A. Knapp. C a ution 7 -S.LC..*Gkpo , D is solution-A:Jolt 4a4i g ,e . t. Marble Works—ll. Stowell, Jr., A Co. pousdelphia r Atlyertianta. , New Arrangements—Z:l. Will cox Caution—Wm. Robectsp. R em oval—Y*ll'3.'B°6l4d: ; Druge and Medicines—J. A. Roy. PAINFUL ACCIDENT.—We learn that, Mr. James Blackwell, of -Morris; lastmeek land jAkkleg ;torn co mpletely off by a rafting rope.' The rope caught him abonti then of Iltet leg.' •No par ticnlttra have been received. w o commend: Adie.-10nitAre .pa plgwiog, do. be, found on our fourth page, to the pausal iof.fiersa er, Mr. Edwards is a wide "asrakeliiridar,'and believes in doinf well what-,is worth doing at all. Soldiers w tiKitsciatitin isslattre to the lo cation of lands the West; can Ca "infonii,d ougbly by applying to Mr. D. D. Denting of this village. lie has the papers. Pavvism.—Twenty-four persons were received lute the Presbyterian Church in this village last Sunday. Baptism Os adMinistaectby the pas tor, Rev. J. F. Catkins. A MONSTER.—L t,ow, owned .by Mr.-James Ki n g, 2d; of Westfield biernebip, reeenny' 4.ave birth to a calf with tr 4) hcnids, and - two bearts.- We hope nobody will try to beat this. .; ' . Brstsiss 0#1.1.' .-41411. Stosiell; Ji.; has purchased Mr. P. C. Hoig's interest bailie, marble business, and the business will .be eotidVi* henceforth by Messrs. Stowell /t Warring. dot ohi his issiiestiitfiWkoHainery shop to. the building forznetly.occapied 1)y. Dr. Gipson as a drug store. i'e Zflmafferlk - ffili. r .§ l .lre 3batiteilVittal: beautiful sample of penmanship, executed by Mr. C. W. Palinet,t of Sullivan.; :-. The Lord's Prayer is written very legibly within the circum ference of a dime, with aka • ornamental harder, altogether occupying not - more than the Space Nvered by l,qwitter of a dollar, as nearly as we ran judge fimit recollection. - • Mr. Palmer de serves credit for his proficiency. FIRE!-Mr. 3.11. Fish, of Farmington, writes us that the dwelling of Mr. Seneca Sonles, of that township, was .destroyed - by fire, itogether with nearly all of its contents, on tbo Unfortunately, over $3Ol/ in money las lost in the house, as also the discharge papeis of a sol dier. The latter can be replaced on application, with affidavit of the fact of loss, duly attested.— The fire is believed to have been - commisnicated from a stove pi.gw....poly initially insured. FIBE LI BROOKFIELD:We learn from keit-i -nn of We'stfield, that tv twelve cows and twelve tons Of hay, belonging to Mr. Isaac Plank, was entirely destroyed by - Hie, on Thursday night, March 29th, ultimo. Two of the cows, only, survived the fire forziatiorttime, but died soot after. The l 4 is estimated at $l5OO. No insurance. The fireiis prOsumer to` have been set by some moundrel.' Theloss fill fall heavily upon Mr. Plank. Edife`;•'.A . gitoior=Bir'l'—illeie is a'material er ror in your list of Knoxville borough officers, published is AC/fit/tutor of but, weak: Messrs. J. Dearman, H. Freeborn and J. P. Biles are not members of the board of Council. The board consists of-the following 'members : V. Case, S. L. Love, J. E. White, Dr. G. W. Mattison, B. P. White and W. W. Dunham. Plertie correct the error in the next issue. Respectfully yours, arugs EOBEETSrßurgess. Knoxville, April; 1866. AteAMUSING CAME OF COLORFNOBIA.—We are told of .a severe, hitt , rather ludicrous eaae.of this unpleasant disease, which occurred last week on the stage route between this village and Tioga, which case was roost skillfully and successfully treatelby William.," the wide awake driver. Tee up stage bad reached Potter's, and 'a well behaved ok,rid pair applied for transportation to Wellsb..ro. There being room, the driver told them to get in. To this a notorious Copperhead who haptened to be a passenger, strenuously ob jected. William insisted. The objector grew ve hement and insulting. .Upon this William direc ted the woman to take a seat beside-the -objector, who declared that he would not ride with it "nig ger," and accordingly got down, the stage pro ceeding withent hies. • - Some day, peihapa, such pers,ons may awake to a knowledge of the fact that „Stage propr: , etori, who advertise to miryy passengers from point to point, eannotjefuse to carry: passengers who.are sober and well-behaved, while' there -is room -for them. We - oiamuiend Win at sa.a Man: who au ierstands his business, and as one of the most obliging of drivers. , To THE Bers.—We have a word to say to the boys ; and we hope they will take - tt se kindly as n ii intended. BonSres on the PUblic Square - are of long stand. log; jut the practice is*. bad one. It.may do, on ghat occasions,to practice it in a rational manner; bat at present the public square bid* fair to rival the valley of Ilinnem in the constan cy of its area.. The best.citizcns of Wellsboro, or many of them, Wish IhelfactiCo' They say, and truly,, that it ditß6gures the Square, miles good and bad bOys . tog4her like ruin "and water, and is, in other .respects, beoon3ing a very great nuisance, But" Wale° involves other bad things, among them actual crime: _ - ' For instance; The boys are in the habit of going upon private premises without leave, and carrying off boxes and barrels, of money value to the ownerseand using them for illuminating , urposes. They are also se *-klailjt, of going Into the wood - sheds ortfe law-office near by, and purloining wood icic tlln stunPssris 'l 6 e 3 . This, we presume, is •diftie • throbglitktsily ; i but we feel obliged to say that, when a boy takes a dry -goods box worth tirelio or twenty abating*, without leavei be commits an offence, iwhich, if prosecuted, will take him, either to thotlliontse of Correction ur to the Penitentiary. And the boy who takei a tb;iibarrel:wortb two chitlings, in the same way, may be, on convie win, confined in the county jail. - Further, all boys who are in the habit of build= lag bonfires will bo slispeated of dealing, who• tier they aroVilty or not. - The boys * Jowl_ fa les without leave from the 't srnei,";re gai of theft --as guilty u they would be were they to take money froM a money drawer. We direct the attention of these boys to an erect which happened last week, kern in Wells. bero. Two yoting min, capable of better things, We re bound over by the Justice; on a charge, of breaking into a store and taking from the desk a kV! *mot inane,. If Gieshastain sustained, then young men must go to the Penitentiary. Be warned by the probable fate o(theseasnfor moats young men_ .11sOid bad , AteSift , :t.Tlo - Pass upon naroan's premises at any time. .Go to Your homes early, Try to be Men and you can not fail to win golden' opinions from your elders, and be a comfort and pride to your friends, Ventre or hter,tl.-Tirren SHODi FOR CHILD- Her.—en acqtaintance who bas three children, informs as that' tines be aommencetr A NYlllg tipped shoes (one year ago), be hoe an4 , Wilito price of new boots for himself.—eommereiai April 4th, by Rev:N,. L. Reynolds, at the res idenokal the bride's father, Mr. iOSEP4 )3. Rum cr;',3f and Vibe Slier' A. "Ittei:ii* Richmond. In Mansfield, by the settle, Jan, fith, Mr. Vol.- :my RIPLIBX ' f Camden, N, J., and Miss A. S. Rurusey, of Sullivan:S In Mansfield, Feb. I7th, by the same, Mr. JAS. E. Wa h r u f l misfq imuz.ll, • $2 88x, 1)410 4 ME Jan. lith, at the residence of the bride's father, by the ,sews. A-. Owsa, 14. KeLurr and Miu Juige 4. BBMWSIAR, alt of Richmond. In Keeneyville, Feb. Ist,. by the same, Captain ROBERT B. FERRT, of -Charleston, and Miss FLo as WILSON, of •Middlebury. In Mansfield, March 20th, by the same, Mr. " AARON O. yOnat,Asti, of ,govimgton,,add ,Miss M•Rositar BOviTratt, of ChaAestoi.`' I= In Mansfield, Marcia 25th, by the same, Mr. ALBEtif .r. 'B. Diarr 'and Miss Attaittral't Pa ri , both of Charlestoh. REATH - 4. -e On the 22d nit., Mrs. JANE M. Prrrster, wife of Mr. Charles If: Pittilley . ;iged 19 °years. t• _gat- f i3ow goods c' heap : fast colored Prints, 12ic.; choice t Prints; is 6d; Mer. rimack prints. 22c. ;' held - "Delaides; 25c.; heavy good wide Sheetings, 22c. ; boatyard r i de Sheet /rigs, 280.; good - Bleached 4fuslins, 25Q.• ' new styles Ginghams, 28c.; Kentucky Jeans, 3to ss. other goods equally cheap. Bow i .i.e.the.time to buy your goods. I think the bottom is about reached. , ; - Corning, March 28, 1866. RVIL. 13 . 9 FOR toirSE-dLiAing6;—The following rules ougit ps, be observed tu , oil good bonseysives engaged in house-cleaning : - Do. your aeruple..na . u. lo .voL ue Jo , avoid 2. _ Select a windy h •to ehske , ear. pets. -3. Visit Young's:BJ . 4 Stork and select from his FIFTY-FOUR different pattern's of Wall Paper, something that will, suit your own taste—and your , - i „,- 4. Examine Young's stock of Window Shades, cloth and_paPaegilt_apt 0_444 alsoissiß49*.fix tures, cord, tasseli and borders. Ea sells all these - 203 . arlet3heigrp , than laptztur k ,izr .r , , 5. After your papers atd - borters Ira phedn, adorn your : 1 , 1_04;10114a feyv,fine,pictures. Young has a fine assortment of Votit'pleturei and ft'amej. April 11, • - - , , =Si GOLD DOWN—GOODS DowN , --Gootts can now be bought at Lawrenceville cheaper than at any titarktßipirttkeiga,st four ,4s aTple,f., sell ;Bast colored prints, 12i cents. -- Fine brown shirtillgs, 121ie. s , . I , Extra quality prints, 181 c. • Merrimno printa, 22c. o Go elttatd widtAggitititoo9% EitialTavy standard sheeting, 25c Yard wide bleached muslitts,2sc. Best Detainee, 25c: 'Clocid Kentucky leans, 25e. Farmers and mechanics' cassimeres, - 60e: ' We have a full stock, and ail' good§ are sold equally-as cheap . C. 8. MA.111113. • & CO.' Lawrenceville; April 9, 1866. A COugh, Cold, . or Sore :Throat. REQMRES lIIMEDIArE ATTENVION, sitomm BE CHECEED. IF ALLOWED TO :DoNT/NtirE, Irritation of the Lungs, a Perma4tent Throw .AZection; or an Lacurabie Lutig,Dseaee BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES HAVING .& DIRECT iwujiNcrTO THF. P_ARTB, GIVE - . ,►]4IE3)fATE /113L1F0.* -For Bronchitie,..dathma, Catarrh, Conanniptive . ctnd Ziroqt AHReasep, _ 'MOOCHES IteltE Cal) MTH ALAATB•QOOD3SUCOESB Singers and:Public' Speakers will find Trochee useful in clearing the Voice• When taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the tlartet after an nous* exertion of the vocal organs. Tile 7', utak . / ara retommended and pres cribed:by Physicians, and have had .testimonials from eminent men throughoutthe country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efffedy by a test of:ninny years) eiieh ,.. year*ifi them' in new locilities-in- various parts of tile world, anti: tfief Trdchee are nnitersaily-pronen4. ced better than other articles. , ' : OBTAIN only " BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," 144 not take spy of Abe Wort#Ois,/mitafiopa, that may be ,offered. Sold everywhere in the United States, and in Foreign Counir r ies,jai. 35 . eliate per box'. [inovvB3ll3inj: ITCH' ITCH i I ,i i T9l) ! Scratch I - Scratch !" Scratch ! ViTheaton's Ointment Will Cure .the Itch in 48 Hours. - Ala° cures SALT . , itIIBUM, ULCERS, ditlL: BLAINS, and all Eruption - 13'0f the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by nil DrUggists. Fur. Sale by John•A. Roy, .Welislioro, Pa. By sending BO cents to.: WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 17.0 Washington street, Boston, Mass., is will be forwarded by mail, free of post age, to any part of the United States. 180ct65-tbn. TNllEtOltd.ol , YOUTIL—A. Gentleman who suffeied 1:4 for-years' f&mlifervons Diddlity,llfelmdans.Decay and all' the effects et youthful Indiscretion, will; forthe sake of stifferitig humanity, send free to all who need, it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which be was cured. Sufferers wihhlng to profit by the advertiser's r xperience can do so by addressing t , JOHN '.IB. OW/135,13 Chambers-St.,N ...Y. - Jan. Si, ' 6 6- 1 Y- _L. - • —Th advertiser,havingheen foi . eCs°tOrecaollealo ht . a & e a' , o'sby avery simple remedy, after having - suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, - Consunipt Lion—is anxiouti to make known to higi fellow-snfferera the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pro. scription need, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure -cure lorConsumption, Asthma, Bronchi tin. Coughs and CollB, and all throat and lung affections. The only ()Went of-the advertiser in Betiding the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hope's every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the preseriptlon razz, by return mail_ will please address Rev. ED :WARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, ffings gala. 31. '66431 'rag CONFISSIONS & _EXPERIENCE OF AN IN. VALID--Published for the benefit and as a caution to youbg men and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility. Premature Decay of Manhood, &C., supplying at the same time the means of- self-cure. 13y one who Was cored himself after undergoing considerable quackery. -By unclosing &postpaid addressed envelope, single cop ies, free of charge, may he had of the author. N ArIIANI EL MAY FAlri, Bag., Brooklyn, Kings Co N. Y. , pan. 81. 'ln- • [ITN ANO E. BUT TrilJE.—Every young lady and gen -0 -Orman In the United-Statee-can-hear something to their advantage by return mall (free of charge) by ad dressing the undersigded: Those-hiving fears of being humbugged will please oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant,: TILOS. F. GEAR MAN, . Jan. , gal Broadway, New York. WANTED—Sixty hands for making pants and vests. To good workmen and good saatuttaratood Wages will Call at , NAST & AUERBACWS, March 28;'86. a Bloseburg,-Tiogtrettl., Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —Tursnant to an order of the Orphans' Court of liege county, dated February 1, 1856, I will expose to public 'Sale, at the court Rouse, in Wellshero, on Mon day, the 30th day of April next,' at two o'clock, P. M., the following described real estate, late the prOperty of James E. Johnson, of Delmar, de ceased, to tint: - - A certaislot,4 land in.Peltrisa,_ Tiega county, Pa.. boungeeVi folliiint-;61 at a post, the northwest corner hereof, adjoining the lands of Phelps .1 Dodge; thence south, 86 degrees , east, 128 perihes, to a small beech; thence south, two degeees 1432,perehes almint in the lioundalsiittrtead Mhenisesilekessildflad Ankh, 86 degrees west, five perches; thence north, 62 degrees west. 38 perches; thence north, 69 de grees west, 34 perches ; thence west eight per ches; thence south, 69 degrees west, twenty-four pefebest thence south, 87. degrees west, twenty eight perches; thence north, one degree east, one hundred and twenty-one perches, to the place of beginning; containing one hundred and eighteen and three-fitbs acres. Terms, cash, on confirma tion of the sale. _ AIISSEL LAWiO.II,. 441E4_ Delmar, March 21,1866.-4 t. .• f t t „tviz . • 18 08'8E8 THE 1LE8171.7 W i tilritti laiiißTis i. '. j 1 - -.'-.;. ' / ;: 1 1 late" . 4 4 . -4 - .4.1i14": ..t.' yilfbelfoulid orio'dOor t 4 e Bai*ake B!°Fif_inrgie' ' Agtl7, pied by Borst ,sygdoti building die has redtied throughout, and-into:id keepiugt CONS-TA.NTLY: -ON- BAND ITEM! PuiraLAlNortmentAt 'FAMILY IIIiOCERIP,, = 4.i.4R4TA consisting in part of ~ ~ Alspice Buns ( Blacking Beef .a" 4 Cassia Coffee ' Candles Crackers - 'Cheese Cloves Dried fipples Ess. Coffee Eatinii. 1 , 11 - ' 4 lels.titie:A/inter - S - ` .H l 4OO lO t:: i Indigo blue Lead Mustard Molasses , Nutmegs Oysters, ileroleuer ", .:.Pork 1 Pepper Powder Pipes Potatoes , Pruett', -_;. _Peaches Tickles ,: ~i 3 Mee,: -;:l Rablall.t ~, „I -6116 ,- :1 ONSl6OOlett,llig4a filiabH tea;- .S AjTIIP II .-:Sta,col l (eettl)._.l34tot,:_- :-..- - 4 StarchaGloss Soaps Sugars AVOW* ir, Tobacco Teas Tomatoes Vinegar • ~. I ......i. )i:.l ii,:giii *SZC &c cams , - - • • - . .. : ESPECIALLY THE AND , » 805 'WORTH Which comprises everything designed for family : - 4 Ulia 4 W i t 1 119 1 .5414,1 r?.! • 411 ' of which I, ,propogo4o,oell (IA Oltfap • oda arstirlive. I craim to as tinfi'au aiedi of ~• SYRUPS, SUGARS AND MOLASSES to waif Itenteni, ber the place—one door below Gunn & Tucker's. xxLmkat itb-fai/Oti• Welleboto, Feb-7, 1866 Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE- HALTON: Messrs. _ROBERTS 4- KELSEY OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDIIiG, Are now prepared to_ Amish , the ptiblio with anything in-theinlinent-bnainess. tptiuthilY.BA. large, in ,quality, ; as good, and as cheap ne any dialere in troithern-Peniniyivarda:"%' !They, pay parties/sr attenfioik lo the ; STOVE AND TIN . 'W.tatE"4I3.IIBI:NESS' 'told intent to keeps fipll maortmentuof overytling that line. - .• : TIN WtiRE , MADE TO. ORDER, pr?mptiy,iita satiatitetiim - g!' REPAIRING - - • ;, 4 eXecga4,l24'.l.hpabel“ P)lagoirel44 &POW ' ClAtil AND SEEDS: ao~xa°&ELsEY. Nkrensborough,March 7,1886 . . p R. iyiLizAms Will sell his entire Stock of, Wags ,aocl , f4tt',Neilicine,s YANKEE • NOTIONS,,;PERI:UM:4IW, FANCY AitTIODEE,' AT NE Mr - YORK-COST, - FOR • THE NEXT THIRTY - IDA Yfir haY•eveigtMfn' e 4 eY kept 6•s' - MST CLASS • DRUG SIDRE. WellAoro, Beli. 7, 1988aC • _ Ti r 'I CALKlNS9 o rfirA.UlL:PrOlorigtors• (late Cole and Calkins) • . . , .. .. .. . . MR. CONKLIN luiveng had iiirge' .et: 41L perienee in someof the best Marble Biqa le.the country in the'ait' tiapart of this butinesa the proprietoreare(no Tapered to ixecute orders for TOMB STON of all kinds, "and . :MONIJ- F es MENTS of either i RUTLAND OR ITALIAN IKARRLE, ___ . . _ in the moat ' workmanlike_ manner, and , _witli Vs patch,. They will keep the best, quality of Mar ble, of both kinds named, constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and made to look as good as new. Mr. Hirvei Attains, of Charleston; is our an thotited Agenti4nd , all contracts mada wittilifis Will be vali& Onsiomets pan: contract, for walk - . Such him at shop-prices. .- • '- . -.. Tioga Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. ..„, WELL To-DAY., Erpic LTO-M05L0w,...4 Such:is-the-experience of thonaenda. East enjoy continuous health. To what does the wear! sionalinvalid attribute hia uncertain creditiota ? Not to idinself, of .course. He lays - tha*blametut the °bombs, perhaps. too hot, or too cold,or too damp,nr too dry;" or too -variable, But does he take the. roper course to fortify his-constitn tion and bodily organs against the extremes and changes.of which he complains? No, • He says,- perhaps, that only an iron man could bear such great heat, or such violent cold, or auch sudden vicissitadet. Why then do - es he not resort to the great T'onic and Preventive, which. if it will riot mate him au iron man, will at least quadruple the • capacity of his -system to repel all external agencies that tend to produce disease f HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS, taken faithfully according to the direc tions, wifrio strengthen the stomach, brace the nerves, tone - the liver, and regulate and' invigo rate the whole animal machinery, that the aus tere, instead - of being at the mercy of the weath er and liable to, be prostrated by every change of temperature, will heenme case-hardened; as it' were', and idniost impervious to climatic Milieu= ces. It is to this preventive principle that Hos- TETTEI!.'S BITTERS owe their great popularity in the West Indies; British Atneriea and Australia. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that thefirtik:iiakowa as'SILAS 'STAPLES do C 0; is this day - S4- solved 'by mntnal 'consent of the parties; and that the books and aCcoants of, said lirrn , afe fh the bands of M. W. Staples for settlement and col lection. All those having nisetiled acnointr7lll please rail and' settle at - once:: • - • SELAS STAPLES; = M. W. STAPLES, - - - - P:WILSOIL Keeneyville, ' ' 4 000,17"."",00:1Lbr°t2K.P0A:%K.„7.2,: 1,000 for the Brooklyw_tatinery, of this year's peeling. Four to five dollars per cord wl-1?* paid, So inters the best price; it rilutit` foir feel 10.14, - weltctiftd;_ario free from aging. E. BAYER. , ,_ , 4 . 0101 , §T,011;"te 4 / 1 1:14 CO.I . 'Melts; Karol/18, '6B-4t EINI THE tlvaNswirdmitictffi kAvfos, &C , r Lvtiv lOU H, IME W. B. Smith% Sons, ti•EitipLEs' In Splendid shapati!,eatialy everybody FRESH STOCK OF GOODS 'NOW SR. 04N 4,1,0-T. DO AFIR'XI,V4t. touthitgyp,.bver owthe"Leeal Coltima for ' the Fhwk.es wital MUM TOY L L.. r,re is SONS • -Ai;itiAr, ligft 4. 4°t ! 411.*M1644. STAND tit NDER. - - ~- "(44 - IMI NckVitciutipisa ogV ErII 1!=IIIIIMI!!101111! ,f)lJuhr .1J iel I .11 Agitii 1..:1 ..., ..-r....111:...11. U. 4 , lIMM 'I) Li! TO OORRESPOND WITH TAE ElittitdENC% • ..:;, ;I 7 i -ADDISON,' N. The old ah 4 relia4le ; i f. - :;:i-i-ii.:_i,01. ,:it,i14.1,:,_ 'F_ BM ME EMI RrltllQCi AT THE SLACGHTEE- ED RATES ~-,-t- -- - -: ;I; : 1 :::-. To 800 is id-lie oiiii4ritittirathist--yon ME IMPORTANT NEWS I= = ISM Who hold laige Stooks of Goods at .114,11 Prices. .1 7 ; „ ET TVA ? ::: .(nab. qe knoii:D~uildy~), Thilito buy. your Gkoo* of . HA S, Plaid the Tioga: 40IT4TOR NISt Pr . 1,41 11 ble medium for steadj advsrile lug, I propoie through the coming per to increase MY ADVERTISEMENTS LOWEY. I invite the wilful attention of the community to than; tamulaingte, make them, simple Oats. mute of facto, se to . - -... . fj: - ' ---.;', • il it , ----. 4c-c!-:-7:1_.1.N°:i.-.. . _ ~4..,..- -.- , ..w. WOODS, El ipd state et trade, itch, and avoiding all braggistsr inn loaf-adstdod isms. MI _ _ oiVir,leryzituie ski log I f beavi oCtratlg, '0 414 ' it it wise to followat.up. V *Ol bug -nem -Worth bringing before the ifitention -of the eomninnity, cannotlrell make it too Plain or well known, =ERE MEI • I h r . sfy? .. lltiniti to the citizens of TioviC 'hare of trade I have ved=for} : past - IdOpast ten yean, during whiskiiiiijapy,trida Arfareteadily increased; and freely'abinowrageiliat spy ?logs County trade is citilta'a largie'portion of it I intend to try and deserve it stillraore.in the future. BE • hty oaatomefi aitt Amid Wing a large stook of • _ It prialia.gnikanteed to be at the bottom of the la!arket, and with attentive „ iilaleamen to wait on. thempromptly,. , " In'all eases wbeiii there le a chance to melee ; Block under market pries!, (which frequently oc curs,) such bargain; will be given' to my,Mmte- -_ --i 1 :ii. -, i --, "i! I also am enabled by my. large Joke, to. buy a gnat many Goods from B rat -bands,. saving New York Jobbers prollts—enabling me to offer snob Goods at much lees than market rates. claim several advantages 'over most Stores, via: LARGER SALES IN PROPORTION TO EXPENSES, A LARGER STOCK SUITABLE TO OCKiNtitY-TRADE. A itTANESS 'CONDV6TED • NEARER than most am store, in the trade. For further at inferatiork, see notices of Priess below; olio local,eolnatn. „ . , Ton can bity standard Shootings 'at &it cents, good heavy 4.4 eheetings at 25 to 30 cents at my attire. ~.. _S.Z~ vY '. i —Thom ie oo sidianco -io prices of Slat►aols, Blankets, Shows, Aof, at my store. We continue to sell beet DeLaines 20,64. ptintritif2e: and gbittrPrinbt at' 20 cents. !pedal notice: Jan. 1„1866 laT SOLLANDS TV . HARNESS-MAKER; MANSFIELD, TIOGA. COUNTY, PA. Basing carried on the above business for the space of fifteen years, he wishes to return his sin cere Osaka to his patrons for the liberal sup_ perk received during_ that period: and feeling that he has given general satisfaction in the past =which fact is shown by the increased demand for his Harnesses—he begs leave to announce that he is new prepared (by the employment of first class workmen) to execute all orders at short notice, and will not be excelled by any establish. merit in the country. • Harnesses always onband. Call and see him. Shop opposite the Mansfield Hotel. Februiary 14,1866. +~ - lEEE ATTENTION SOLDIERS. B. 'SUITE, Knoxville, Tioga County, TT Pa.,. (11. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney for soldier* and their friends thronghent all the 1074 States,) will prosecute and colleat with-nn rivalled success, SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES kinds. Also, any other kind of claim against the Government before any of the De partments or in' Congress. Terms moderate, All communications sent to the above addredl will re. Jseive prompt attention. dan. 17,1888. , ONIONS SETTS for sale at ROY'S DRUG STORE. pAssows coixass. <:ri~ MI MB sori~avß)eps, TO A CASH - BASIS, J. A. PAESONS, Conanca, .N. Y. CONCERT 'BLOCK, NO. 1 I & 2, f; CORNING,' sncuREN COUNTY, N. Y. ME REGULATOR STORE. OM =I A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS and the aommunity generally. Not being a friend to long and windy advertisements and large ex penditure!' to the Printers, I herewith Submit a condensed statement el facts al a small cost, with the understanding that the surplus capital will be better employed in reducing the price of Goods to my customers. My stook is fall and complets to supply an the wants of my old customers and =any new ones, both in the Retell said Job Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Hawing ALL WOOL CASSIMERE at Ba. per yard.. Naragansett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 4s. Good yard wide Brown Sheet ing at 2s. Prints 18 to 26 cents per yard. CHOICE DRESS GOODS from 2s 8d to ;II poiryird" to those prices six yean ygo. Dress Goods at lower pri ces as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods at less prism; than can beibought in the State.— Among them may be foun t MEI ALL WOOL .MERINOES at 51 to 121 per yardi iimaass Clothe plain and figured. Merinocs, Bowbazzner.Alpadoas, Scotch Plaids, Motiaires, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class country store. Ladier'Cloth for Cliaokings at va rious prices, including Wash . ingion r • Water Proof Union Beaver, Butnimaux and Castor Brown, and many other too numerous tumention; a heavy Black Bfasver at sB.oo4Gints , flrti,Cassiineritsitually elthaik) illy Boots, Shoes, and, Carpet Stock, down stairs was waver more , fall and oopplete, or at greater inticeinente to tlie'purcbater. Bargains may be found at the REGULATOR r In ..4ats, Caps, 9 -loves and Mittens; elso., B.E.D, d• HORSE BLAN.4-ETS. I f he Advantage to my GROCERY CUSTOURBS are not to be misunderstood, when the steady and unexampled increase of business is taken into the account. I say without the fear of con tradiction, that with the large purchases lam making from month to month for sash, I min sell to the country trade as low as they can buy in the city, including freight, which gives me an opportunity to offer • SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES to tbe Ratan trade, which I am doing and• ligand to do arra testimonial of my gratitada for *dr many fovea ankr43 , WATS pstromtga. Will give my ,onstomiaa' thi hansilt of any change in the mitiket its I am ported in auction and other - sales from'day to day by uderslib aid otbarwiaa. H. 60FF. Corning, Jan. 1, 1865. SAV Y,01 . 3* fa . RIMV4CIES 1I 1 . , ' - - ' AT NAST AtEABACIPS; CHEAP- O.4.BIILBTORE ' Bionstut, PA. Who* you can always find tits beet auerta stook of DOMBSTIO k FANCY DRY GOODS; GUST= NOTIONS, BRADY.ISADI CLOTHING mlkuB►oturad under their own supsr►Liost, GYMS' FURNISHING GOODS, eta., sta. In their Merchant tailoring establishment they defy competition, having the beat tailors of New York City, and an azperianced Cotter, 3fr. B. P. [Feb. 21, l 0-1; =EI Card, Staples & Son, • ARE PREPARED TO BELL - AS MAP u any dealers in the county, a general as sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, - READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS a SHOES, FUR RISKING GOODS, EA RTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a country store, all of which will be Ea air low as iler where, for READY PAY 'ONLY! No trouble to show Goods, CALL AND SATISFY YOITES R L I TES. STAPLES k CO., grateful to old patrons for put favors, hope for a continuance of the, same. Having fermed a copartneuhip with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better than ever before, as the new firm will have , a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED-! • CARD, STAPLES a SON. ' Feb. 21, 1886.—1 y. , ' 1866. FOR SAW. 1866. BY B. 0. WIOB-11Abf, A T HIS NVB.BBBY OF FRITIT AND OR NAMENTAL T 8228, IN TIM& : 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PRACH.CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES a SHRUBBERY. T The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest Varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhire. oar Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. - 28, 1888-Iy* AVELLSBORO ACADEMY. THEgiNtlllerTP:ePealittaandan yeryeepumisingly on alxsdy . nasally large for a spring term. Many more can be well accommodated. Students will be received at any time, and will be required to pay only from the time they enter. Teachers who leave in order to teach, and others haying good reasons for leav ing, will be charged only for the time they are actually in school. Board in private families, and rooms for self-boarding, can be secured at very reasonable rates. D. D. VAN ALLEN, Wellabor°, April 4, 1886. KEROSENE AT SO CENTS A GALLON We are the purest quality of Kero sene at EIGHTY CENTS a gallon. A DAIELNISTBATOBS' NCYTlCA—Lettere of Ailinin- LL nitration baring been granted on Z. estate of Peter Mowry, late of Farmington, deceased, all indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all claims must be presented to HENRY MOWRY March 14, 18 68-8 PAWL MOWRY, Ad's. 'UMBER FOR SALE.—The imbsoriber has a largo quantity of BIDING, PLANK and BOARD.% s at bis mill in Catlin Hollow, whiolt will be sal to sustainers at mast prices. Would inform the citizens of Woßighorn and vi deity, that he bag fitted up a desirable suite of rooms over John It. Bowen's store, No.l, Un. ion Block, where he is prepared to execute all work in his profession, with a promptness and style that will enable him to offer superior induce ments to those requiring dental operations- All work warranted, and at reasonable rates. Plass* call and examine specimens. Wellaboro. March 21, 1864.—if 10 ♦ND CALL OPT/IN P. B. WILLT A „ A. W. T. MATHEW, Wellaboro, March 14. WM. TOWNSEND -CYRIIS CATLIN. on, March 21, 1868.—tf. E 1t22 A EASTMAN, S . Letinal and Mechanical Dontiat NOTICE.—AII persons having unsettled ac counts with the late firm of S. Bennet 4 Bons, are requested to call at the store of - Tischer, Dimon 1 Randall and settle the same immedi ately, and save costs. VISCHER, DIMON do RANDALL. Niles Valley, March 21, 1848.-9 t. ATTU LATH ! !—We are now manufacturing. Li a superior edicts of Lath, which we offer for sale at the lowest market price. VTSCHER, DIMON 41 RANDALL. Niles Valley, March 21, 1868.-9t* An ORDINANCE for the lininurnance of Order. Be it ordained by the Burgess and Council of the bo rough of We'labor°, That from and after the dne puha .catlon of this ordinance, any person or persons who shall be found intoxicated in any street, highwsy, lane, or alley, within the limits of the borough of Wellston*, shall, upon the view, or upon proof made before the Burgess, or any Juetice of the Peace within said bo rough, be fined not exceeding two dollars, to be levied, with proper costa, as provided for in the fourth section of an act of Assembly, approved April 22, 1794, entitled "An act for the prevention of vice and immorality," etc. And said offender shall, in addition to the penalties imposed by said section, be imprisoned in the lock-np not exceeding twenty-four hours, at the discretion of the magistrate haviagiuriadictlon of the matter. And any person or parsons using obscene, bolaterone, or pro fane language, to the disturbance of the peace, and the annoyance of peacable citizens of said borough, shall be greed in the sum of two dollars for every such of. fence, either on view, or on proof made before the kw gees, or any Justice of the Peace of said borough ; so be levied and collected, and enforced, as provided for in the fourth section of the act of Assembly above cited. Bsc,2. That the High Constable of said borough shall take notice of all offences against the several ordi nances of raid borough, and is her authorized and required to arrest all offenders aged.= the same, sitter on view, or upon information given to him, and to bring them before proper authorities for prinleliment ; Provided. That said High Constable shall not be re quired to bring any intoxicated person before the proper authorities while so intoxicated, but shall commit: Wan or her to the lock-np.fortherith, until he or she shall be come sober, not exceeding twelve boom,. before 'aringin ; such Offender before a magistrate for 3 hearing ; ?root. ded,- farther, That forsievery neglect of hie, dnty as herein defined, where he is cognizant of the offences ei ther on view or on due notice thereof, said high c era t a ., his *hail be Ina: In the sum of dye dollars and costa of prosecution; And provided, further, That said high Constable shall, Dar all *arrives performed by him as re quired by this ordinance, receive the fees provided for in like genic.* under the laws of the Commonwealth. Attest : COBB, elnrgeas. Ow. L. Suracen, Sec'y Welfsborc, March 28,1888_ 10XECTJTORS' NOTlCE. —Letters Testa:24m- M! tart' having been granted upon the estate of John Hamlin, late of lien:field, deceased, the an &raped request all payments to be made, and all shims to be presented to P. E. Sadtb o fi sq ,, it his office in Tioga. WV. T. POST J. D. BALIN, 'Bll-41t • Ihnouton. Ihdra s N.Y.,