The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 04, 1866, Image 3
5 S( it 01 , 111 - -.'' ' eVu; a) ,i t '''... t , , , WEDNESDAY APRIL 4, 1866 WIL.; .E•t -3* New .4vertieements. New Spring 0;46 ,1 6: tt. Kelley `"s,l -o. Adminietrators' Notice—John C. Robb. Be,43 - k ie riii New Drug Store—Rich & Gilbert. - Notice—J• L. Kingsbury. pUsolotion,-+St.ipleit k Ca. + clean Eugene for sale—E. Bayer. T h e Remingto4 , RapivK.. 4 'flogs List of tedblEt 'I. .4. ci ; Qiaissuroteroriy, Report Flue Sauk a of L;esUl Lai On=-Robrili Stos4ll.' Welleboro alter List. W e llsboiNliAcadeuny.'...e.. I I Th e citizenv al Tiogeoasitliticfpfty izati skraluze_ ay of the leading daily and weekly papers, and Ai the Magazine& of _14. -- Ets; l a 'lli, Tioga Post Office. USITSD STATES Assesson.—We learn that Maj. Riga Fottsrna,:fortsterly of :Union'. COUlStyj/SS. Even appointed U 9i Aiseasorfor this District, co mposed 'of -the dowstii, of Centre, 'Clinton, Ti og s, Potter, and Lycoming r in pleoe bt Son. GORGE 130 / 34 FeliAraed.... The Appointnwet hap boo c onftrmeel tioc.thefienato. , : _ TEL Concerer.—The Ceneert of the WeWhom , Singing School. under the conduct of Capt. Suva., given is the ge j thoditt i ptarcb_tast.Tbnrf r , day evening , was ndt so weitliatroninea - us it - az." 4 4 served to be. Capt. Sae has done much in the g work of educati the naudciaLtaste of this community, and de rues great credit there. tor. ' , . •-: , .- -..t•-=-st , : s e Fiat ar Oceota..L.We learn by letter - that the l a rge tannery of Meirera. H. 'A . ,. I t finbbs, at Oceola, Fll6 destroyed by fire on the morning of March 30. The fire brake-out about 2 -calotk.. Welbare re particulars as to the loss. The Illustrated Phreaological Jo-firma far - April one of the very best numbers of that superior ilonthly. It is a largo. Alai& i.ssfAbitty lusges, devoted to moral, intellectual, and physical sci ence. It contains a vaatismount of information and is bat 20 cents a number, or $2. per year. Add r ess Fowler k. Wells, 389 Broadway, Yew Turk. • 5 • TES AClDEMT.—This : iairti6ation eiiii;ired upon Spring term on the 28th of March. We are [4i to be able to state, that the' attendance 'is te.uoinely increased over that of the Winter. wr . The school numbers , now upw ard , of SQ E:tel.m. and will doubtless receive - severa - `tie= moms within thpi present week. .We again urge be people hereabout to come forward lend mike ten object to the teachers to keep the School in peration; otherwise the School must relapse in :o !Lb old lethargy. . . • i Hiders of poles On the yenensci an ‘l a t'atiolel Dec s are informed that the ( notes idea legel, te o - act 'or State taxes, at par value. The cullowinViatiks are reported 'as having Ivied last week ; ithole Bank, Lawrence po. bank, Oil City Bank, Petiole= Bank, Crawford County Bank, Venango County Bank, and Tinge County Bank. Tho 'No& QoptfAajtk e dwitbt i lees good, notwithstanding the report. "Tea Clecs_xv."—The American News Vote piny issue to-morrow the first' untoVer of a pew fortnightly illustrated ,Idagsizirke t with, the above, title. It is announced to contain the best serial itaies of most distinguished .foreign novelists, as.yE, sketches, poetry, and a lively review of the choicest of the World's Ateraiinel its ills. nations fms.tise be!tileigmefuelehratc4 trusts, and the teeN 14111 on ° liito 'p per. Price 25 ceuts Jul; panther. Tonto 1911 bookstore. have them at the bookstore. SweNs.—Voeleara thBt the aiii . .(;rt;ixili4 e ,on die Cowanesqoa have..had rare. sport. of 'late. It name [hat a flock of sixty white awanseettled ofi the river, fifteen' of which Were killed.- 1 0kir, 'was' caught alive atter, imin g. weal:Med. We anapest that , tbseie birds were not ,the true awn, but of the fetidly of Wild °seek on their migration. We initY , be mistaken; tit swan's would hardly touch ibis latitude of their owia ' THE P,Oll Hotifir.—We learn 'that'thete is a disposition among the people 'on the Coi4nesilue nrer to blame Dr. Hosurnstay-for the passage of the Pour House bill. This is all- wrong. , -Dr. Humphrey obeyed instructions as he was bound He read the bill in place early la:Jan... cir, if we remember correctly, and we published i!ynopsia of the ~ bill as aeon as it , reacbed us, hn. 11. On -the --28 of lrebritary the bill -was reported in the Senate, and was held over by Sen. it,r Cowles to give flint), for _retuonstranofs to n®e in. Of this fiadt'we'itive notice at 'Ad 'in unce of both Messrs. Humphrey and Cowles.— "e were in Harrisburg as late as the Bth of ktrch, at which time the bill was waiting far .i.tZ I nernetiou before being put upon ‘its clap. •We stated this fact' our nett issue. . the Poor House bill was thoroughly advertised u.n the Legislature, from Jan. 31 to past March itl—more than re ! mo ll ,4l—zelsd a ot, coutrance was received until after its passage. So man can Fay that ample time and opportunity rti tat given for any popular demonstration igtlngt the meature. We were in favor of sub-' t:tling it to the people in.the beginning; but a Itstnon of the Supreme Court did not permit it. 'td. In fact, of all the:people we talked with du. ntg Court, hut three positively objected to the CILSI.te If there is any blame to benttached to ecuon of anybitii, it inuSt fie .ingapo i ' the qpoteots of the bill, who contented themselves oath grumbling whendthey shemidlieve=fieen ciri caleting remonstrandca. 'This We say in jus4pri to our Senator and )3.epresentatires, ys Well ae tp put the Wet, of neglect nut the part of objeetotoi before the people. The bill to charter a railroad from Wellsboro to some point in Blots township, to connect with the Tinge Railroad, has Leaped bop bosses of the Legislature, and Al iteitt/Alt6liA"66°' Our able Representative; Mr. 41e bill In hie eharie train 'ail . 441'. Imes, as he will receive, the thanks of our °W itt!, fur his zeal in. att.tocating the measures: I To Mr. Mann, also, is due the most excellent Is regulating the mode of toting at alabtions.-- ice publish et for the information of our readers: etc. 1, Bs it enacted, sie., That the quetliflsd *tiers of the several counties of this Common wealth, at all general, township, borough sod qteikt elbenone, are hereby hereafter authorized std required to vote by tickets printed or writ itt, or partly printed and • partly written, save- • r oll classified an follows : One ticket shall em trace the names of all judges of courts votod for, tad to be labelled'. owl& I`.'Adtitilitrlni,=l" uthtt shall embrace - the names of aft State offi ces voted far, and be labelled "State";, one eeaat shall embrace thenamsalof all county a ffi= tea voted for, including office of Senator and combe r or members ''of Assembly, if voted for, end members of Congress, if voted for, and be stilled "county"; o n o ticket shaft embrace the tames of all township officers voted for, and be 'castled township" ; one ticket shall embrace tit tames of all borough officers voted for,. and ulabelled "borough".; ind eticti class shill posited in separate ballot boxes. 'etc. 2, That it shall be the duty of the , ` 2l In the several counties of this Comma ° in their election proclamations heicifeer 41 ud, the fret section of .this act. T 4 il provides a rational mode of depositing err ballots, and makes the labors of the electiott board a yea deal easier and simpler. Mr. Mann . refted the bill at first for Potter anji Tioga °nun -41, bat afterward made itta gena6.l MIL MARBLE Wonva.—Dropping in at Messrs. itesir , Mitirtai9Minprahteatkink-- - we e?" gr"K`Pd" with Ve3 pf Pf'F'! a P e F i f i r na - lit El:lir work which seem trials very Sae. Mr. Warring is evidently a first-elassi workman. his •Jiittering is tasty and finished, and his sculptured ornaments iiiipe'thii;Poople &Lout will bestow a generous patronage upon the eatablielimelit, The . vioric'ol3 exhibition is Vqual to any of its class in city or country.. GARROTED - 7 -The Corning Journal says: . Un I uesars - y ntgat on the arrival-Of lthe Rrese • Rcithesta, 'youtig man named ulford, residing near Tioga, Pa, was on his way from the Denot• to the; Dieltinshn Haase, tal4ex he was seised by ( antne'ruffiziti; who enaerg ed from 'tile itlialc in Ihe - rear':of . the Arcade - 81bokiand choked until he was insensible, and was robbed of -$21 . 5.' - was found- sooa -after 'aid taken to the,Dickinson. , lie was student iA of Genesee College : his Wai , homee The Reno Oil an d Land Company, whose sad vertiesatenl,we published last week, hal ' , failed. We learn this from our New York Agent, who Bays the coil apse was caused „by, thy 4 failArftle the heaci Culver. Those wile felt disjiosed to invest' iii!that • interprise .thould take notice. Tuz hfuncy Luminary says: "The remains of 4neoh Lowmiller, of near Lindell, thlseounty, Wilj t iM:hd recently in a thicket about three miles from bia late residence.' It Willibe-reinembered 3 that he killed his sister, while she was sitting at Llikaifeakfast'lable; on Sunda); morning, about' two yeta aga ll and imta?diap4T dittalimred.r . The gu with which he bad committed the deed was found snap his :remains, and. examinatiop. showed that he had -shot himself through the ?bead with the'saine - Weapon."' -" - MARRaGES, In Delmar, on the lith instant, tit the bride's father, by J. D. Houghton, - .Esq., Mr. Fr.qrn TAY LOR. and Miss AMY BARTLES, all of Delmar. Sn Clinch, at the close of service on Sabbath evening, March 25th, 1866,) Mr.' Wm:.ll.lbirrei of Knoxville, Pa., and Miss SAtt..titit H. Suovx of Chatham, Pa. z, Came: before a large congregation and were united in holy_wedleck skritliatiptopriateMinvieat followed by an admirable song by the choir; after which the congregation disilreeil wig apparent ; jaatiebietion. We wish them much joy. J ' CI : 13 - , Wskirfq To which the Printer says ':Amen.", On the 29th March, 1866, at the rceidence of and by John pickinson, Eacl., Mr. Wm. L. WILSON and Miss Muir E. Loßritofit, - ,tifthirleston,.Pa. •- In Covington, on the 29th ult., at the house of - the bride's fitber l _by EST. 0. Iratrons , 31r, POEM 0. JOHNSON . and Mies ELIZABETH S. DEETTENBACHEB. Also,_at the same time and place, by the same Air. PEBB.I C: JOHNSON and Wes ADALINE Si. DLETTZIEBA. all of Covington. - RIST MILL GEARING.—A complete grist Ur mill gearing, Nbith Mies run' of stones., for sale , by E. 'BAYER'. Mogi, March 28, 1868.-2 t WIANTED-4Sixty 'hinds for making panto 11 • and vests. To good workmen and good selimEt(Fst9od wages will be paid. Call at PAST A. , Bipsebnrg, Tioga en., Pa., 31ar4 28,'66 TREASURER'S 'SALE - OF SEATED, AND, UNSEATED LANDS . IN I TIOOA COUNTY. tbiptireiiance of' the ilioirision's of nn.e'et df l the' General Asimibli, lieseedthe 29th day of 'April,' 1844, will be expireeiLto public,eade, at the Q0p., 7; anissioners' diffee7 on the lideOtot ..Monday of loud, 1888;ttietritetoofttind.iiietribed in the fallowing liar, unless the taxes due thereon are paid before that-time. - ' • , ; C. 1 0 : Treasurer of Tiogu'Counly.-'' Welliboro,'Marob 8,1886. - - • , Bhies tottuship: "• ' - . , ' ' : Quantity. .: Acres Wiped. Wild. To whom naiessed. Tax. Improv / V 20' 1 Vie? li4er,towiiiy" i - ,t ttf.., o s9 26 Vacant:lot Freeman D. B. 1 46 Vacant: lot Luton Isaac: ...• • i '- .ItP Shop di: lot Bush A. C. 39 abuse ik lot Oeldsn, Simon 1.5 Town lbt i • . 1 . • LiiElloVitTtailet.' , ".) -IA 48 House & lot ' Lewis. John a I •t• .• • :.16 Store hogs? ot-gory), S. W., estate ,1 00 Vdcant s kit* - 'Freeman D. s.'" lions° tind lot , Phelps Thomas • 8 House *nil lot Richards David . Improved 13 84 wild i rleese 2 02 House an; for ' '- 8 HOUEO 'find lot - estate' House And lot, .-114ellerna L n )Isupps ,„, .1,1•,16 Town lipts, 88 YOr:d4 CO. 'V 04 2 hotu4s and lots 1 00 120 TiogaA.R.d. Coal Co. - 8. 00 Howse andlol Wallace John 10 HOll6O and lot : 1 . Renee and lot , Wilson itobart 1.1; 3 houses and lots Coining Erasttis /17 Brookfieldlbioiiskip 50 wild Brown Mantaville 1 08 Day* seory,- -73, 50 wild - ttibiti6eoigti 43 43 " ?:'Liavelt *.l:- 75 '` Luce Ira.-- ---. 2 15 Tan-ytard • .240 ..! Putter Stephen , ,5 ;1$ ; House find' lot -Bacon. Shober 4 Co. •, 50 wild Brown MOntracille • 104 " Bit/groin Palos 1. 242 - 75 a Lice Ira , - _ 233 •-, 50 Labar George 156 ' • t 43 Loe#3,lJotie . ; 34 240 " Potter Stephen 558 Saw tall 4. 44 = kerra -7 -"- 45 • = ..; Store liouee.iinxi lot LWelle Andrew Chardeston township. 'lalprof'd 5, 11 wild Bingbam estate 4 01 • 90 "Niles Moses 8 20 Steal:ll4w mill - • 3: B. i • • .1 43' SteaM; ; sow:mtll :Barnes Lemon • . 4,12 60 wild ,;Bally 89 , 50 " .Drysint J. O.: , •-; 3,25 '• S' • ; 147 o.BlcDern3ed 11.6 A, 110 ." Henry.-1 0 . Smith ..•• 5-69, j Wedge Samuel • - 4aB i C4mcr township: - 84 wild' Hetinett Thos: H. - 100- " -Yargeson John 4 - 48. • f.• 25 •e , -• Marvin Joseph 1-15 •• 25' Nellie Nelson 15 " Taff Mi. - -3 35 10 ire o'd, b 6 " Cameron Hiram 445 --50 4 . 1 John e -1 imprined, 45 " Bashi?. and:Enos • I'9B 2 imprby'd, 78, " • _Duch James M. ' : 2„63 4 improed, 38 ". Degroat Almon ' 2 46; 6 impro'd, 3QI " ilarperl 81. 884 100 " Jordon .James- • • 3,05 5 " Jordan Daniel„ • .•9.44, 3 impitred, " Morgan Julius • .1: 51 6 impWsx'd, " McDonald Benj. 2 14" 5 luspro'd,;l4s-. Parkhorat Jahn ; • 16, 8 luipro'd, 247 : ," . Pyge t Edwln 8 55 100 " Shelly Chum & Step'a.3' 3 impro'cl, 17 " WeekalLixam_ -. 1 12_ CsnyiNcon trinstifp", 50 limited, ?miry 100 9'55 - 50 Spt'rnoer 'li., IC • ' 1 / 35 90 WetiziorkEdiiard - '5'157; 73 - 15 86' 50 Pollock James -" 3' Housed lot. 7. ctilver Vihtimps 1.• •• 07 Town for ' Enmsey F. E. 5'33 • Copiligtha bosoi,g7i. ' - Fox Pescter Aohneon A., L House lot louse lot ? FM 50 ' i,Eldridge .- ThOmas 2 96' Molatt, widow 1 17 Deerfield totanihip.- - ME imprivd, ~ R ose'Nathaniel 3 13 96 , Warren Bailin 4,24 NV:•1' 0 4 4 3 0 4r."r: tr• -1.2 JO: DaGNah township: i#pro'll„s' 20 Jacob..._ 3 - :_Sttdtkloteph2-33 • "EttilktiVilli4m ; •' '25 ' Stickler J." ' 78 j Tat % of lypiatah 20 Warren A. "sato -, . . 1,15 f 28 Wiaft,Preairick „ $2 Knapp !Thomas . i. 88; - 75 • ',Kelly Sylvester:- • •-2=14, 14, - 8 • • 'Gibson pills L.' - I'sB -- ; ,llofiniall 'l'ol Hoag 1017 - 7.llasitr.Pwrid :v ~, . ..L.f i: ; , 7;. ;..._",..!•._ ?.,'Y'.:l by - latikson N. 1!!!!!1 . 7 ''Y')l 64 ruiPrteo° .5b 50 1 ' b.v , 4 LGlliaittbiatiniy.i.;- -. . 100 1 ,:. i Hildretla Qhariaa ; , A S Ps , SO Kithiatol2:' "l g '09 1 ,'' SO" ' " 1 KenSiOn - ticiotis • 40 .•'• • ItTitval 31.bols'• • '.2-08- _-6,s)`.' l Dithitead elimient • ' ME 88 Ohne:awl Stephen 74 Toby Elnathan "00 i ilinuallroinb' • 60,, Wakeman orgy "- • Stowell D. A. - • . . • lo:oi•• • r“ , Aably Ante: :: ' - : 1-94 gouso madi--I , —' , l . Ataltek R. 41. -••-; -=:'2 32; „__ 15;, 1 50 - ;:-. 1 -':"Bioruson Phineas 233 ..:?.- : 70 Bean & BnaiScalli -1 - 2,- , 1.63 :.20, = : -I'2 • :- Beimatti Son- --•-3 73 75 Campbell Jairy, - , 7: -: : .': 1 17 ..,, ,„1 i 14,- _; -,.: Croft -Williani 8. 1 % :"---:-;:39 3 Coate Timothy 93 3 44 DaTtIIMIX;3,, , f. .r.-1 A l ZS ' 5 45 Fisk B: S. and Wm. 138 10 , 40 Greenlief W. 161 62 Goodenow Charles 2 22 J.44,21.1 , Ab4 1 4 4 1 , 4is .2 2 Hottsol "Malaif tred. 5B 6 16 Blagicifeonss4lll37t 8 6 50 Poimilaii4ll_„K 1 17 L).1 ( 4 ) ;s i,reTiAg•A! , 3 - 10 OIL XI ` T. 65 lott 4,2 • :It 4 17901.ttiiia 16 • once Redding Nita' "" ,99 1 9 Bodges Cornelius " .28 16 57 i ligrekton/oliu ; -,, T 2. : 43 2 45 • VikrofrAltie're a 2 lots „ Obekee Hong 01 j 66' • - •sti3pifif , aiumr6o 20, 70 Swops Niles "119 " 96 Bit; m estate - 8 . 01 mo, *FI3.E•m , 49 , ” 41 7 !2 Ciaine township," „. ?, 5 1 45 Babcock IL W. 1 '-'6o3`t Tinjecirdi'altir I ? - 630 Hance S. N. "JaCkicia 105 Updike Reuben 4 ,24 ono - ribein4 liirroirs' 24 43 ben „ 45 4 Hemei•A lot Cone A. P. 90 151 TO= 4 ,- 55 ! 100. Mitchell William K. 11 43 nkik di r ailafreY , `i'VE lipa Ameigh L. L. 65 8 , 182 Bemp B ameelJr .4 88 • 1 • 104 .•-• . : lEelta Bobrine.. 2:39 Knoxville. Alrist grist mill Billings D T 2 85 1 Lawrence totanehip.;.2.•. 10: e Catltork D , 73 Dmit 11 If L .1 , 1 I , : 3 40 4.r 4 = 60 ''ff, 133 , 8 , -92 12 t 28 Coon Thomas 1- 53 60 . 42 5 I 63 Reba; John, Sea 92 House 4 lot i „ Ifiepopald 0 - 27 House 4 lot RVinnel Charles 1 99 Lat., " 16 "GUN - bury tOw4hfp.. f -429 -Balmer John Ac 72 51 100 , .149dge Wilparp. 85 '' l l 3 4B' "Hootge3rDanlet I 7' 66' !'•.170 Rims Redington 10 70 '1710" 4t,Vandusen 11' 10' ; 175 " ':HinsYaiu 'estate ' 88 *ralicit "4 3 I 87' Carl- &Co —l' 55 - .71 , Close, Armena . 73 47: ' JoftBtluvu ' '43. - 'Midgeli op 83' Jlll,OBll 78 - • " linsoill'almer : - '7l - Albysori Rice , 78 3 - - 31 Smith-dobn - 1 96 4 40 4 rsiti eri tt i 29 70 26 127, .Brill 11°7f Jr. fi4 J 1.1• . i 44 , Da il y.-Hgglesten 57 , 13t etti!'le 20'25 .100 " ROO 13 48 oo " Ginttf - ,t , '*?id 8 .1 3 RattiaTld tpignahip, -`B-43 6 k o4 ! 3 rl94_,ltutP 18 WI E MEM ft 46 ' SEi ex tcrumiltip.: 42 '"ThisirßiCtild' 5 4 - 4 ASi , 4:1114 - wcotkpiptILt.:•: •A• 1 63 vt . -1#) 32 Jearle Mattson Si 7 - 4 14 '° ffawkihildwill I6b --' 1175." ' 4- "TiOlor-Dtdos • • 44' , Tier; totontyp. ' " • 10270 Benson Isaac 11 71 . 50 , ..plemmepa „Bahia 1 06, ` ll. 0: -; dlaMbiliestate , • 5--2ir /louse - • o•Gortais Warren 8 ; 27 'Morrie Prudent -;;-- 1 - 40 Pail failtory and lot Palme t rJ _ 21 03 112 litiern - tnber "D' - - 20'58 • ,50 , Chamberlain, ; 17 89 100' Daggett Allan_ • 22 08 357 Ballard WW r ., 22,89, gam mijl tl4 Miller William- 2 '• 4-20 , Ti°9p Vacanelot Lovina 7$ - • , 50 Canghlin 29; 2 1 - ---7- - t 4 'oWAVilegtabariss' ' 2 B ; 168 11ecolloy M 14 - 133 -. Ifon•IT. to:I4Y- 37 ; 94 _ How/and IS atrd , ,ll 854 „ 116 LandonB2 . Etiietizet - N 4 .. c - 194 -• 3 I-• • Howland..Desies - : 3-53 1 ; -B = _ , Obaso %.! : 67. e 60 • etritton :3; 94 159 1'55 = ="4 - ;:7,13 - 1.1 - •,! : Traver Dwight:. -.2 16 .227 , L ,Ward--C ' 6 - AT 50 Btepman Augustus .11 55, i 49 Whitcomb Oliver: . .1 183 124 Anthony F-A R- —l-98. f 166 _ 5 ;• - •t - Ftsfranoe - Obtirles2. satfistcl Bie . J'e¢ ee Vansße Naney.s.i ,Welifbvto. ,Fiebbk C IWarci ' .4 48 Zing° a /IA ?: . kkuse hrit. 200 'Al` ri : eh "- Olfkrk..CbArles. „ 10d , ' Ciao Ofsdathir ,4719 r, ' 4 ° l7 ; -.--rordihron. • . r . T flirt William F • ,46 ,„IlAtr;_ 48 - ' I- 'S#6- c 41 4 ' ""1.42. ..1301111;i4eftereon 02 126 Auchiferhorn .Toshtia, Cp2 • '” 92 • g 483 tfidxsiits a is 1 62 tram" 3 41' 100 Wasiklin Johli " 5 45 t- Wail Karon 88 =oo' as _ a- 71 - - - enshoolOolin - •1 25 11 , 1 109 • Astsfus - 155 1 1109.: ' • r7l • t 68 Austin Anson • -90 73 .1-1 ' datt64Vechafort • -'_l:B4 2103 , • `:•:•ooolien46hii ' "11 1, 95 40Giff9rd Joseph ' • 1 89 2 -148-v 106r0haries 4-- - • -82 1 i ' 59; z• 2 r3 "•- Murry Charles • •- 99 91 t 51>Mmoi Anson 141 I 46 • - Z 33 3 10 3 52 Sweet• William i:- • 1 IS - ..Bheritood 6 - 1). . 34 MEM In pitrsuanoe of ansehof the Omuta , Assam oly, passed the - 13th - derof-March, 1816, - will - be JaptataWAlLU o Rale, tkt tho:"Voddniesioitigre , ..ef Ack-aWoll4oto, on thmeeetind.ftfondpy .18* thp , ttacte fetid deacribod in thpfp_ljoitug list4i4w* the :taxpp due thereock-apt paidimfOre, %tilt tie, e - : - C. Treasurer o f Tiortgewnly. Mare!! 8L,186,6. Blau _Tomaislip. Quantity. : t. • : ." N aal. grninnat,'Wenrnatne Xt nr,Oroter. , - 404.95 - ; / 101 : 1 4 'thiizraeord 4ll - up 0.00.1 94 , 97 91 49 ? "1: c m: ',7 ": -t 3 73 V ---- • ‘.,-‘ '''' 1 2315' 903.9 7 iort 227 , ••. 1771.0 at.. 4, 163 85 171 41 e ;+... ~. ~-' .., a 3 42 348 12 06 Liberty township. • "gorer Jelin Sullivan to!czyslajp, -Campbell Jll. *iiTa DAD ; - 1 a .1T i 1 iro - K •400 1127 8.28 -3965- 7131Xt ---- 400 - -- "11.4 , 4 ..A, czaa " " , i ii- 3 - 37 larTs -, 11% ) ~?'', 4 lilt l' a` '''' - 101irSt 461/0 1028 384 William Willson 88 - 41 1 1100 344 Franklin Coledge 83 55 AO r:i *sat) slx . R 10104 0 4 - , 29 80 5685 noir/ 732 J 211144 1 911741443 425 47 5045 , - 11181 440' - 131 78 "4t. • • u " 535 138 74 5047 , ' 0 ~ , 127 14 5932,:' 1001 Nicklin 41, Or/91th 490' e 4 6914 /100 sk 4* 75 5838 1010!. 1040 ft. Coleman 1450 ti 5840 , 1100 gito " 3.00 45 , 8053'- 1099 110 .7aol , tsWllsvn —" 13 9 22 . 59M. 1100 - 304 4 R.ColgatEtta 4,..., 0 4.31 I,'; - 131 W1111440.1Vi1503 37 08 !` rkz , 32 00 139 - , 32 06 AMT 0 - 32 12 222 1L OS 90 .. 87 ME scar sae jr-glauti ocqttcto r ' 131-04/91e14, 214E44.4 ip. 725 34112al ancl others INK " 1861 /865 f 186,1 106 t • 1856 1 8 8601 11f 9 iV3lling 118 - ' 80 William 40 Y. M. yillUng it , ChariestQns TolowhiP 4472 14140 -;, ':';410 Jal 3 O 4 W/ 4 84 4473 1002 : .92; ~ 4474" , 4 -- ' 400 ' ' 4479'; 998 191 - '' - 5050- -1099 528 James Wilson 51143 4851 4 ;;; e3'':`- ) i '4 , 158/ 990 - 1.1i..5 - li Tither 5051 1099 James Wilson 45053 659 , :Luc. see , - 7 490 f -' ailvail Fibber`'-* :'. ,1076, ...1,099 ' 4%9; ' F.M. :WM11,g ,,, : . , Intl --",, 599 C. Willing 1679'990990 370 Hews 4 Fisher 1 4480 9 r .)"399r.: JeMeli I,Plll.onll' , • 7 1 1580 90 a `4()W - , • Heies ; .l. Fisher , L 4474, 1002 400' Janies Wilson , 402.: 1000 200 ~ _• ._, s ,'",. , . . . 1682-900 247 - Betif .4' Et #l4 1' ' lass f , 247 " . I ' ~; . .. , ~ WV f l3 O. --, • - ( 'lt ' ' . 33 " Ni 4473 /092 35 Jamai ilsili -- -; Chatham Totm97tip. .1027 549 149 R. Blackwell _ 1220 s¢` 140 George Harrison 1 .'. - i 1 ' '12,54 40 J. h i gnlall 407 ;' ' ie.ii 1 cu''iliffili7: , P - i 1117 471.1 .-- 407 i) 293 Reber 51orris 371 A. C: Bash . 1 - ' - 1 ° al eo 2rt r r n 1099 R. Blackwell 'Mr ' ..' :f is% 1- ;"! I, s _- , Col,9lgp, 'Fowls/zip. , , : . 4192 4 780 R. Gilmore 3898 u 320._ 40868 ,- - 4 410 Jiinet Wilson 5497 1100 504 George /lea k 1 11 . 99 5836 1 367 R. Coleman MI6 00 550 , :• 4446 - _, , 275 Nicklin 4 Grifiltli . • 50 75 E. Dyer. 60 1 6 , 00 275 NICICIiII 4 flyilgth 1. ' g l , : ~.looit. 4..11105a I,: ' ..1 300. Duldwin Emery Clyinei 'Totdnshap. 2290 966 100 W. Willink - 2295 i 900 2296 1095 500 2297, 990 150 ._ 1227 , 966 135 George Harrison '''' -4291 liKg . - , 150 , W, Willink ; _ , i A l i:, ..4;. ED i 2 georgtHsi el Deerfield rormithi:p. 224 Jiitilge'S_ 6119 1099 I 366 Silas ailltugal 136 James Btrimbridie 817 - 338 5178 ' 1.099 101 fit 15179. " 617 • " .56W3 - 10 061_ ,•• 831p0 . 1 , 16 .,; . V. 1.1 g p inv , , -" -- 36971092 143 1 " 5610 1100'-'751 Jat Strawbridge-- 5180 094" 643 318 87" 03 • oo„ fall. rzt , '514 1099 17 66 ,5M . 1100 , r-t 271 f 3 46 5610_ " 117 " 5181 659 82 137 -, Delmar Township. p 4,54:. SCLiiiMesi Stewart .. 36 P 4 990 196 James Wilson 67 38 " 613 Hews & Fisher 90 67 • :I 28:99 790 James Wilson 309 98 76 6 63 85 455 1545 1579 1586 5206 .42/a , 1 06 '‘‘ " 216 " 1002 9132; , 17 39' "3 . 8 08 - •I''-8 4 L -"i4645 35,5 16 354 - ,16 1 860 74 769 29 P. Voorhees 0,6 a Bache /54,10, Is ; -fritzD:ll,R Diekilisonl6l - ' 65, .21 C. &J. Enieiy. 641 990,-.9 4 94afa , es Filsok. 1g735, • a • • 68' 50 E. - 39 68 71'01 !" " • , 365 , 73 '234. - 'l.4B'_ - 3:anTsjtiditalt 27' Cl 2 99k_ 176siJames4Wilsca. „ 19 ,93 -"VIC " 28 11 " 11,19 54" 'T'l6lO " • 21 84 " 500 . - 78 94 " ‘‘ '7 - 60 ' 4 / 1 80 ; • r 28 63 -274 t' . ‘ • 45 14 El • • • 4216 Fl 4463 •'i 997 •.I. 446' 4215 i 4218 4214 4462 4465 1 99 4208' 421 t 4223 4224 1389 1.341- 4413 4214 MN II ,91f James Wilson' " : 23 Leet • '11'74 66 I3L Zikates Wileon , 14' 'BS .• .13 43 12.9' - • 1-11 - '4Kobert Kennedy 267 82. 439 - James Kimball 302 03 990 .: '5BB James Wilson 208 39 :986 100 - 719 03 636 i ,Jimes Steele 256 - 3'3 , 100 •James Wilson. 25 81 1953 310 4428 4 2 4_ 589: IRI - 163 *: 38 73 ' " ,13 58 04 0 88 10' 966 .248 _ 97 10 990 100 - " - 35 46 . 5. 67 Ogg:: : 34.e4 d # 57 21 Jw .' 7 65 895 ...;'715:: ;Ames Wilson 54$ 86 Effl 1400 - 244 Jas. Stialieridge i 95'117 00 0(994.7i59E1 1§ 3 8 I Elk Township. • 1002 '126 Willink 23 79 - 903 $8" 642 -0 - .12423 , ;.4,454 I . 1 4 .1 f1178.# Ei,‘J sei AA, _l a 24 2916, x 4,14, t 1.5: 75 'Qs:, 'l5 62 - :18131 V49.-,t3A 47 2503 1031 2501 1 S. 2512 2579 f.990 , 1q795 as , • _l.l_l' :150-= 1000 900 2650 24 4 9( 4 El .Trira - 7 ;,..:±..i .`iii 70 fie:Cl 71 , 1.1 E 2';3.—C ' 90 69 1.01. 4 ERE lE= EMI MI PA¢ 56 46 18 117 91' 60 40 38 24 19 12 12'62 24 02 74 84 84'46 21e2 80 18625 87 94 169 61 79 33t 223 68 290 01 189 17 167.42 211 84 1 tt {4. 1 t.. IMI • 118 88 '75141 2TM 41;78 368 40 .80 44 96 44 95 • 16 68 4 $7 9 n 12 00 11 Z' 13 20 140 88 436 17 208 98 • 13 t 67 16 123 24, 43 81 7 61 T •Q 6 ME I 44 2051 48 118 16 86 43 121 58 60 35 11. 06 60 41 _l4 72 21 61 S 6 93 323 33 179 63 54 89 47.47 =ill 54, 09 11860 16 22 62 46 100 1 - 8 as 1p 92 04 92 23 163 98 119 1 1 4 37 98 .178 25. 176 02 -.2.3 , 28 22 48 ,34, F 5 Nil EEO 2636 " 4 , - t 'A 1 .1. 371 70 373 30 N o di 2643 " " 2644 " 2645 " 2647 " 1 r • ' 1 i 373;734 2648 " 679 2650 " 500• 4227 4. .. „ 1 0013 `ttii z., 7 / 1 . , 23” . 46 77 33 .25631,.a77 3 1128.til 18687 , 373 70 3.73,70 422,a 41 4239 ft.„ 4233 "' 4237 " 679 - 4 409 11 r;I:V 679 4422 I. 4423 " MD MINI ERE 4427 pck: 4427 990:. 4428 966• .718 '4 , 1115 i 4 , W 106 - 635, 448111z1990 448.94; ic ti I • LEE i 10 4 4 495 " w 4440 r,#4 i ; I,i .190 73 4441 " :7721 4442 . „_ 7 4 - 1 2 4443- ".Z7 22 4444 • r 77 22 4445 I:I 309 19 .4454v_ :‘, .144 45 4413 as, ; , - NO " 712' W. *Wink Fatllirook. 5240 1089 688 tietirge Mead - 213 47 5253 " 297 30 5254 " 297 30 GaineMprieVrifi 2299 1000 802 W. WillMc 457 66 2303 990 700 " 150 41 2304;1002 502 34 05 -3 , 4)11 t i gt: 18 50 49 39 890, ‘ , .. 1t 424 91 856 " 490 49 900 " 451 24 500 " 40 601 J:g satV at B , f.308-r 990 2348 1002 2351 2359 985 2360 990 2379 1002 2134 p9O 2437 2382-10021 2427 990 2433 500 44 . 271 ad., 740 ;1.7 691850 !! " 2479 " 2481 1002 2501 990 233.5 1002 602 300 7181ri 35 82 40 Robert Blackwell 5 73 280 . • . . 27 74 100 W. Willlnkl 23 88 1041 542 11)41 542 2356 986 2358 989 300 *lOO 100 • 40 4 2 4 2i . 7,, 990 -2294 1000 316 165 232 =EI 12 7- " ; ,:"; a 327 , 20 , 46 7.0 / 5, t. 1719 2305 MEM 2350 ,989 ' • 2298 t t 23061 , 1.002 1000 • " . _. 114 50 2308- 990 100 " 2a 88 1044 541 125 R. Blackwell 10 86 2 3 54 ' 9 . 85 147 i a 96. 2348 i 990 100 13 83 2300 1000 -. 57s 20 Jackson Toumship 3370 1099 4Q R; %/mere 4*l 4§ 37, 8863 ‘• 40 35. 3364 z " 1 8 '3'6B 3366 " 210 " - '96 35 `3367" - 183 .“.! • vi 128 82 " - 40 " , 'l9 33 34581 : 75 " 24 10 3308- 1099 a 55., _ly k F. F ;61,98 3358 , 12Q 3224 4360 "' 1.75 " ds T. 3363 3364 " 210 20 3366 3367 3369 4 , . , 0 ti it 68 t 1Ti 44 , 11 . 20 3 4fa,..timr 4410 _74 I • aaft. 400 . 44 „164 40 200 t , 91, 75 hawrence -Town . p. 4296 1100 .- 95 F.-Willing' •11 87 5624 "' '4Bs' • 165 5Q 51322 , 404 38- 33594099-, 7,6 „R:Gi!urre $ 65. 4300' 1037 220 Ttiomeis Vtillitig 27 54 - -" • - " 20 411 • . . .. , . _ • , • ' ' ''414 , 04, 2t4rerhiP. .:• *, ; -986; 1028 _ 664 _ Nirtittin &Griffith 172 00 1 4780' 1100 270 Miller & ' blurry -' 69 83 5976 5978 5983 f? 64 429 , 586} John H. Reason' 151 71 - 13P33 4 1 T - ! 918 43782 990 Jamie Wilson MI 178 06 119 06 105 23 , 400 I ,7 45 4384 " :111)431::i i 0 1-10C: 4 4102 Sig, gon : " 4380. I " 150 IMI 346 25 183 89 97 441 119 06 _ "V - 71 f - 1-1 5 , r4A 100 • .4385 - '1 4386= 4413] 4414" 4415- =I 4349 " 1.2 03 4416 238 10 4 417 " It 183 85 4366, ' " 468 " 133 03 "- " 3,11. ti-i-ur L 4 79 4 74 "- " 50 ' 167 5242 786 George *ad 200 02 591. 4990 =ll9 Illewskl o "Mhsri tlB 18- 1596 ; " 50 . " 328 4387 James Wilson 38 95 4888_ As UPvs' _ _ _ 4216 " 7 7 5 ^ WillisuiWillipp 59,7: 1968 329 1. o ti wren 42ir 990 Jame. Wilson 135.31 4220 ‘e 920 " *3B 0 4 21: 4224 - 181 " ista " 50' 14345 ....•,.: 707 4846' ". ' - 168 • A§d 4 f , -- ; ; '•''S. '''''".!.,"" a ., , -._!,, i', • ~ ..- .2 2- 3 - ', ; L: i4' .. " ' ' 4;36 990 840 James Wilson 64 26 43651 ' ~436i ‘I' R' 4 3r i i ' i s i 6B 7 ' "-- 48 ' 46 . ".• , - . :., ", -- 118 6.T. '1584 99(f • '• 100 'EfiaNts 4itiihei. aO2 islii6 !t r - --- -- - 41 , .:-. - lik o - 7 - 01 1580 •. " . .774 gi -- .'-i.l-- - -- lag -77 168 f " - “94° •"# '' - V1.74 n' - 156 - ._ u ''.' 790 • ' ' ."'",, ,::„ -... ita 0/.. 159 r ".. .465 •.: ~, • 4 „ ; . ~.;:., :.,.1/2.07 159 4 - _ • ,„: . _,, .tik 7 ~. „ , r .. 15148 15 c',s. „ , , , kfo - - 15148 A • ;44 . , Aft ; ; o , . ; ...I- '..., 19 68 OE= 93 * 47 ' 4 .. .47 it 44 490 1684 " 300 4488 899 400 James Wilson 468 51 4487 " 640 " 608 85 4488 " 399 ". • 171 19 819. 435 George Wood 99 72 ! s 450. .A.. C. Crandall 76 82 288 J. Loeinger 80 99 i. 120 Samuel King 33 85 . 100 H. R. Stale 11 11 4297 2443 f 11 • i; 28032 • 373 73 258 31 188 75 77 23 813 4298 , 1098:+ 220 ip99: 4484 200 33711 1099 100 '516p0 3Q'l4 • 622) 2168 , 20 . 01 • • '• 199 24 41 31 3371 1099 348 1404 " '• 147 1217 " 30 3371" " '46 3372;." 35 Richmond Towraahip 278 852 154 - J. Lockhart 37 72 `233 - 115 " 40 18 427 604 • 232 •4 , 36 10 4481 999 245 James Wilson - 110 01 4182 • " 736 " 288 48 200 " 73 35 93 "- 37 05 274 500 27 John Smith 9-84 4484 J , 512 James Wilsbn 154 35 40741 Jose 5830 J 550 J 777 Morris &Warder2B49l 4481 149- 100 • James Wilson 38 68 4484 " 49 " 14 68 278 852 100 J. Lockhart 36 68 4481 -999 129 James Wilson 44 01 Sullivan Townahili. 77.22 8890 3381 las 342 R. Gilmore 65 58 3382 1099 334 - " 64 02 3384 31 3 51 983 1028 100 •H. Drinker 19 18 1950 990 ' 19fre 340" if it 2293 l" 2301 2302 w 2855 889 2352 190 2367 " • 320 91 32091 - : 83 57 96 46 2.r < " 2448 - 4209 4211 " 213 77 141 35 82 41 204 95 4448 " 4449 1002 4465 951 4456 1002 4457 " 4458 " . 2 21 50 16 72 57 30 152 80 41 t. 4459 i " 4460 " .4955 990 5893 672 k 446 James Steele 51 09 6084 893 358 Robert Steele 57 79 Ike' 540 850 R. Blackwell 56 00 1955 - 99Q , 4Jang e lip Wilson 11 08 ligt4ff*Hgßilio/twirs'• 23 70 .40i 828 154 Jaa..Strawpridge 61 30 585 867 860 Andrew Beaty 75 24 519 317 157 Jas. Strawbridge 62 64 3623 402 195 Robert King_ 77 62 4447 1062 James Wilson 422 70 4210 lak ) . • " 177 87 " - 60 36 ;- 5 0 83 88'63 5621,1100 3373'1099 3372 ". At 44 5625 1:100 5643 1089 5243 1093 1b99 5645 " 5644 " 5625 1100 ,5643 ' " - 2373 1099 2368 " 75.35 - -7-18 1218 1099 1.60 . *24 1100 A3BB 8844 1099• " 5645 " :Ott 1083 5.15 1 , 100 5840 " 4603 17172. 110 99 1 86 77 4608 1097 44611119? 4805.. ' " 4607 e 4609 • " 4610 " 4611 • 4612 ; " 5258 " .1 1937& 38 55 38 55 19 98 11601" P 66 12 - 1" 48 18 • , , 1 1438'1098 64 37 5887'1100 818 13 5839 0 • -818 13 5888 " 44 " . 1 / 31 85 - 5888 ",- ; '6O" "wr ' 46 22 -.984 1026_ _ _277 if: tithilier 5216 8893 1099 376 R, (14more 69 19 327 (14446 MO 85 51. -5252, 41 . 52%1688 ' 400 ' " " " 8685 104 SO 'cilY7 1098 847 Nicklin & Griffithl9o 86 Westfield Tefintehip. : ;,--' 1819 1099 - - 90- ,R. Blackwell 1813 1 .1097 -:.100 •, , "• Middlebury Ibtepship. 530 Thos. Willing 454 74 75 A. C. Bush 12 89 350 " 60 03 A. C. Bash 90 34 'awe. Willing 3108 A. C. Cole 11 39 James Wilson 19 10 200 19 10 Rutland .Thwnalrip R. Gilmore 29 78 ' 4 88 95 R. Blackwell 40 88 Geo. Harrison ' 894 R. Gilmore 13 70 lf 10 39 Shippon To wna ha 2). 120 James Wilson 26 28 150 " 65 94 688 " 129 00 840 J. L. Vow*** 58 41 267' W . Willtnir 54 55 191, • " 23 22 2/J3 63 182 87 203 63 18 02 50 20 51 89 29 11 10 46 • , 69 ' `47227 308-97 limes Wilson 622 22 146 86 14 26 394 04 440 39 108 54 29 58 484 53 272 57 292 58 26'46' 78 16 52 94 418 83 686 26 125 70 I " 140 41 220 LI 310 200 600 931 59 182 128 661 184 300 288 875 200 Tioga Township. 239 William Ellis 97 47 369 R. Gilmore 107 43 567 165 11 200 , 68 25 •447 William Ellis 10046 , 269 S. M. Fox 78 32 585 George Mead 161 44 all. J. W. Guernsey 81 82 146 R. Gilmore 61 05 , 76, • , " -, 25,47 =549 'S. M. Fox 1 4 69 85 187 lt o 4 44 456 • Win' •ni Ellis 132 81 269 8. M. Fox 78 40 200 R. Gilmore 58 55 48 ' " - " - 1794 187 H. G. Wilcox 54 44 514-5 Geo. Harrison 15 76 46 60 32 83 57 23 98 67 159 93 61 Willignp Ellie 200 R. Gilmore - 840 •S: M. Fox • 549 --• Union Touintthip. 200 George Mead -165 "- 500 R. COemart. 100 John. Vaughn 2711 Wm. Wilson 412 - " '4lO , " Li 842 , =I 1111 187 187 187 187 es ,g 41.84 8641 • . 41 94 17 49 41 94 gem 4' 41 94 . 8826 , "4194 3 "' 3 86 61 8 , 4 5 i 18 I 18 I 187 187 137 137 137 7 1100 2 " a .it 4 " 5 a, 45 94 821 Jottli , Vaughn ' t 3,1 34 6,9 73 32; 1.14 U . 190 187 LL 187. " 80 56' " 65 George Mead Ward 2bunaskipH. 174 Pi' Connelly Colethan LE A" YOUR GREENBACKS! 1 AND CADA. ONTIIN 74 98 22 98 25-15 , AT NAST f ik AUERBACH'S, CHEAP CASH STORE BLOSSBURG, PA. Whets you can always And the big, Assorted stook of DOMESTIC & FANCY DRY 4 SOODS, CLCIZIS NOTIONS, READY-KAD3 CLOTH:DM manufactured under their own impervistaa, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,w etc, stc. In their Merchant tailoring establiehrosat thoy defy competition, having the hest tailors of Now York City, and an emperienced Cutter, Mr. B. P. Erwin. E 303. 21, 11106-17 Card, Staples az, Sou, ARE PREPARED TO BELL AB CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a rural as of - • DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, • READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS 3 SHOES, PUB— ,' PUSHING GOODS, EARTHRRN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept in a comatu store, all of *blob will be sold u IoW mid...- where, for READY PAY ONLY ! No trouble to Skew • Goods. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. QTAPLES '-‘t CO., grateful to old patrons fir 1.7 past favors, hope for a oontinnance of the same. Having formed a eoputurablp with 0. P. CARD, they feel confident that they 011* do better thur ever before, as the new erm will have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DEFIED! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Reeneyrille, Feb. 21, 1866.—1 y. 1866. FOR SALE. 1866. BY , .B. C. WICKHAM, A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND (PR- I& NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA.:- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10;4100 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES ,t SHRUBBERY- The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock befor*.pro chasing elsewhere. Itte- Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, IS6e,ly* New. Goods: CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST. VAN NAME A WICKHAM, now offer (for Cash or ready pay) a good assortment of GOODS, generally kept in a country store, and at lower pripas than usually offered. Taking the qualitd of Roods into consideration they are unnanall4 IoW. _Set-Please call and see for yourselves. liogy March Ist, 1886. leD TRUCK OIL AT LAST I.—And oil that le oil; war °' ranted pure, and It sells as cheap as theta:pure mold by those who do not underatand the different grads of Oil. This pure oil 4 now selling off rapidly at 'tars Drug Store at radiated pricer. Call and secure a bar gain on your light. CHOICE TEA is now telling off rapidly at low Armes at Ran DRUG Stare, 'Tellabor°, Pa, [March 14,1165.4 w) MIISIC l-4lLse TODD. haring just returned from th e MimdeUmbria Musical Institute, Boston, whereibe has been endeavoring to perfect herself itt the art of Teaching. would announce to her old patrons, and the citizen,: of Wellsboro and vicinity, that she hi to give instructions upon the Piano and Vocal Organ In culture and Thorough. Bass. Refers to Prot B. D. OL IVER, Boston, Mass Terms made known ouapplication. Room at Mr. C. G. Osgood's. Miss Todd ] Is agent for the celebrated Broke an d Hallett k Davis' Pianos. We ugh, March 14, 1366-4 t. ME KEROSENE AT 80 CENTS A GALLON I We are selling the purest quality of Kero sene at EIGHTY CENTS a q's)lPu. P. R. WILLIAMS, W. T. MATHERB, Wellsboro, March 14. WM. TOWNS. D. DIIINISTRATORS' NOTlCE,—Lottera of Admin. .gol L titration having been granted on that estate of Pstet Mairrp, late of Parnahagtcni, decatuted,allisnktOted to said ways will make Imxnettla.ta payrien, _t and all claims mist be pr e sented - to HENRY MOW= March 14.7863-6t* DAN'L MOWIMAd's. THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of Delmar dia trict, will meet at the Butler school house; in Stony Fork, on Saturday, the 21st day of April next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the transantion of business relative to the schools of said.diatrict. At 10-1 o'clock, A. M., will attend to hiring teach ers for the ensuing summer term. Attwoo'cdock, P. M., they will contract kir wood for the next winter term. Teachers will please to probing" their latest certificates. and remember that. ilea cent revenue stamp required on each contract. • Per order. ISRAEL STONE, Seep. Delmar, March 13, 1888.-3 t. T UMBER FOR SALZ.—The subscriber has a 1,,,i -large quantity of SIDING, PLANK and BOA.141)S, - - at his mlll in Catlin Hollow, which will ter rdd to customers at market prices. CYRUS CATLIN. March 21, 1886.—t£ A. B. EASTMAN, Surgical and ObatuniinalSkuctbit. Would inform the citizens of 'Won/bore and vi cinity, that he has fitted up a desirable suits-et rooms over John B. Bowsn'a store, No. 1, Un ion Block, where he is prepared to execute all work in hie profession. with a promptness and style that will enable him to offer superior induce ments to those requiring dental operations, £ll work warranted, and at reasonable rates. Please call and examine specimens. Wellaboro. March 21, 1888.—tf OTICE.—AII persons having unsettles ea -11 counts with the late firm of S. BOUM t Sons, are requested to call at the store of Vlsober, Dimon ct Randall and settle the same imnaedi= ately, and save coats. VISCHEA, DIMON A. RANDALL. Niles, Valley, March 21, 18416.-9tm 2485 ATH ! LATH ! !—We are now manufacturing a stiperior arliole of Lath, which we offer for sale at the lowest market price. VISCHER, DIMON ck RANDALL. Niles Valley, March 21, 1368.-90' 19 74 pir I am now selling goods very cheap : fees colored Prints, 12i0.; choice Prints,-Ii 8d; rimack prints, 22c.; best Delaines, 25m ; heavy good wide Shootings, 220. ; best yard wide Sheet inset 28c.; good Bleached Muslins, 250.; new 'Wee Gine:laces, 280.; Kentucky Jeans, 3 to ss. All other goods equally cheap. Now is the time to buy your goods. I think the bottom is about reached. J. A. PARSONS. (Tornio:. March 2S, 1888. A STEAM ENGINE CIF ten inch or thirty horse power, in mining +kJ - order, for sale by B. BAYER, Midi 4,186 M 2721 -802 S