The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 04, 1866, Image 2

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    THE El , ; r -
BROWNLOW:VrlstineketiEv: - -
1. The readers - of - the -Agitator will bear,,
us witness, that during the
President Johnsen - wt.6'exerciSitrg the
pardoning power in a manner to 'excite
the alarm and dissentof the known and
• tried friends of free .G 7 overn men t, -we
- I counseled patienc - e and forbearance; that
,1 the experiment or exfraciriliiiary'clein=
i en ey might 'be fullV, Wed." - , That eiperi
- meat has been fuliyArled,,; and in order •
_ .
that its result may-life-1011)1i
n, we *her.-
, with print aletterjroen Gov. Brown - -
low, of Tennessee, to Hon. W. D. Kel
ly, of the:loWer):lOlise of borikreSs; un-'
der date of March 8, 1866:
"Dear ,Sir :—Enclosed I send you a
. copy of my proclamation, - -from which
you will learn that a faction of twenty
one disorganizers have, in the- true spirit
of the late-iniquitotistrebellion, with
. drawn, and reduced our House Rep
resentatives -below -a. quorum. I need.
not add further reniarks,as. the proela
mationfully discusses the points at issue.
On Friday last the election of county
officers took place throughout the State,
such as clerks; sherlffs t - justices, trustees
and tax collectors; and in Middle and
West Tennessee the rebels have made a
clean sweep, turning the nion men out
and electing their own Candidates, who.
electioneered -for -office on the ground
that they -Were rebels, and bad either
served in the-rebel army or-in some
other capacity given- their influence to
the cause of TREASON and traitors.
When Richmond fell and Lee surren
dered, rebels , and many who sympa
• thized with them were •very respectful
to Union men, -often obsequious : guilty
culprits, they evidently feared arrest
and punishment; and felt that .to be let
alone and allowed to live was all they.
had a right to expect. But, since par
dons have been so multiplied, and no
roan has been punished; they have eve
rywhere become impudent and defiant,
until, ihmest -counties in Middle and
West Tennessee, it •is . disreputable to
have been a , Unidn man, or, as a South
ern man, to have served in the Union
army. And matters are growing worse;
the reconstructed traitors, openly -curs-,
fag loyal men, and threatening that
they have the President on their side,
while we ail feel that the President's
policy is ruinous-to us.
When I-put tbe President in nomina
tion at Baltimore for the Vice Presiden
cy, I felt that he had so thoroughly com
mitted hiniselt to•the Union cause, and
had been so badly treated by the rebels,
it was impossible for' him ever to get
round to them 'aeain ;—but I give him
• up as lost to the Union party, audits the
man who is to head the rebels and Dem
ocrats. Every rebel in all this country,
• every M'Clellan man, and every ex
guerilla chief, are loud and enthusiastic
in praise of the President. The men
who, but a few months since, were curs:,
' ing him for an Abolitionist and. traitor,
and wishing him executed, are now for
, executing all who dare, to oppose his
policy, or . even doubt its success.
There is twice the amount of bitter=
ness and - intolerance in the South, to
day, toward the Union and everything
Northern,-than there-was at the tinie,oX
Lee's surrender. Abuse of ' Union men,
of the radicals in congress,.and. self-as
sumed superiority on the part of the'
southern chivalry, have arisen to such
, a hight that loyal men cannot travel on
a steamboat or in a railrocuicar without
' being insulted. As it was .during the
war, so it is how ; all concessions from
the North, or from the majority in Con
gress, are regarded as evidences of fear ;
all the old rebel papers of 1861, and ma
ey new ones, are in full blast, threaten=
ing Congress and the North with ulti-,
mate vengeance, and boasting of. South
ern prowess. The most popular men in
' the largest portion of Tennessee, to-day,
arc the-men-most distinguished for their
hostility to the North, and what they
are pleased to call - the " Radical Con
gress" and they are the class - of wen
who are-selected OM offices, as the late
county- elections show.: The same is
true of the entire South, onty more ,so
In a word, they are resolved on break
ing up the Government, an,4l they ex
pect to carry out their schemes through
the ballot-box; and how, men of candor
and intelligence can represent them as
loyal and kindly-disposed, is a mystery
to me, even in this age of rebellion and
treachery.. Ido not understand them ;
and my opportunities for learning their
temper and ultimate purposes, are. as
good as those of most men.
Why, sir, many of them are expect
ing the President to disperse Congress
with the bayonet, as Cromwell dispersed
the Long • Parliament. The Southern
heart is rapidly being fired to deeds of
war ; and all this, and more,- as I be
lieve, has been occasioned I by the mis
takes of the-President. •
His iolan- of trusting rebels with, their
State Government, has had au efßict ex
actly the opposite of what he intended.
It has ruined the pirospects of the J..7niou
men, and they feel that there is no safety
for them, , unless Congress shall choose
to protect them. Even three days ago
Gen. Thomas .had to send, troops into
Marshall county, some sixty miles dis
tant , to protect loyal men and freedmen,
who were teeing for safety and coming
to. this .city.
So far asl ant individually eoneerited,
the intemperate abuse of rebels, the de
nunciation and blackguardism of their.
reconstructed jounaals,the thxeats of per
sonal violence from their amnestied pa
triots, and- the anonymous letters of
cowards threatening my assassination,
all fall harmless atmy feet. No earthly
power can driveme from the support of
the men and the party who fought the
battles of the late war and put down the
- - -
With kind- recollections of. the past,
and the hope of a pleasant future,
W. G. . - 13RowNLow,
Gov. of Tennessee.
" I am the Governor of Kansas Terri
tory, and the'lOrs shall' be obeyed.."—
Geary'in - Zeinsaai
" Gentlemen Ave must not fail. ,
tend carrying 'this mountain."—Geary
at Loolgktt ifoimtain.
" Born among the mountains of the
Keystone State; he inherits all that love
of country and love of the republican
institutions of the country, that hits led
her 8011 E to - be among the first on every
battle field where the enemies of our
country have been made to strike their
colors."—St: Louis Republican, 1&56.-
"A perfect gentleman in his manners,
having 'high Moral' - courage, temperate
in all his habits and tastes, he was al
ways able to control, and; at the same
time, win the respect and-friendship of
the men lie commanded."—,/
3 EDGE WoOnwAun expressed during
the war a wish that the line of the•Beb
el Confederacy was•sd drawn as to in
clude the State of Pennsylvania, and
CL - ntEn voted for him, thus sustaining
him in thatinfaraous wish. The Judge
also decided, as a member pi the Su
preme Court, that the Government had
no right - to levy soldiers from the State,
and that the fact of service iu the Un
ion army disqualified a citizen for exer
cising the right of suffrage. and CLY
MER sustained him in_this also. er.„ - y_
ILER and Woonwaitn are aims twin
brothers in treasonable Aspirations and
in hostility to t Goyeriuttent and the
«irNagy , Aik,'-vr
_ .
With MALICE toward tione, wht s for At., b
' 'firuinetta'in the ainfit. let us finish the 'Rork
re are in, to bind up the naticul" wound., to care
for him p ho shall have borne the battle, and for hie
acitv orphans. and to do all which may achieve
'nod "Chertsh a just and lasting peace among oureelvee
willow:s.—A. LINCOLN—MARCH 4,1865.
czno - crzik , r i'o Tv 1,620_
The'Rresident has vetoed the Civil
Rights )3111, the chief "features e' Which
we Published last week. ' 4
We make the ,announckineat ivith
sharp regret, but without a grain of, bit
terness, and not , with disappointment ;
for the course
, i i pt s 'the =President during
the last two nionths almost forbade -a
hope :of better
Still,we did hopelfor better things - .
'We 'hoped that -hiig,objections•might lie
agjitnit, the details, aid hot ''agithiiit the
principle and objects of
,tbe theaSure.
'And we'hoped the President might
the measure in the light of his of
ten and solemn pledges to the American
people, that loyalty should receive en
couragement and protection, and that
treason should, be condignly punished.
He dia not so consider it. Though he
redites lit length • his reasons:for reject
ing the Measure, his first ollectislm:cov
ere the w.hole ground ; for the second
time he informs the Representatives of
the 'people that he will not approve of
any measurefaffecting the rebel States,
until Congiess, shall admit the,iepre:-
sentatives of, those - States, stained with.
the blood of tens of thousands of Union
men, to - seats - in the National - Legisla
ture. „
- This: is r plaixtly, an attempt to usurp
the ,constitutional prdrogative of Con
greSs by the E*.ecutive.
The Constitution-expressly declares
that Congress shall ibeliole judge of the
qualifications of its members.
SO the issue between the President
and Congress is 'just ,this : Shall two
hundred legislators, each the peer of
the President, waive their constitution
al prerogative and' conform to the
fined policy of an Executive who ex
hibits a cleverness at violating pledges
unprecedented in history or, shall.
these two hundred representatives; freSh
from the people; exercise their sacred
rreroginfive, I.44i.lee,ide'once and for all
the manner in„which, and .the ,time
• the "seceded States shall resuine
their lost standing in the Makin? •-
That is the, question, divested oT, the
tinselry and clap-trap of demagogisto,
and considered entirely apart froti the
craft,ideceit, and Specious lies of trea
son and its sympathizers; the question
as frankly stated by the President 'him
self in his two veto messages ; and the
question* it must be met by the peo
ple. . ,
Are you ready for the question? •
To that we respond, for one, that we
core reud,y.,: Our lidStility, to a hasty' re
construction. of llietnion is older'tfirin
Andrew Johnson's avign. . take , no
counsel'of men in this matter; but ap
peal to reason. based Upon' the levels-.
tions of, histOry ; and from that to faith'
in a Plovidence who, has scourged the,
nation with tire and steel; and woo will
one day sift the -men of this day, and
will scatter the filse, the weak; and the
time-serving like chaff from the win
, —
Dower's fan..
Under this Irresistible Power, justice
. to all men, . whether of high or low de
gree, will be,establiShed - in 'this repub
lic ;, if not in the day of him, who pens
or of him who reads this, then inkiod's
own time ; and he who reads , history
backward, be he President' or himble
citizen, will 1?e cast into the stall ss ob
livion of Folly. - •
The Civil Rights Bill proposed to dis
lpelnse equal julatice to all Merv; and it
was framed with eipecial: reference to
the oft-repeated asseverations of the
President • •that all a loyal men; .without
distinction; 'should be fully protected.
'So unaniiriom. Vas the feeling in fa
t.o of this measure that it passed the
Senate by more than. a two-thirds ma
jority, and received a still larger major
ity in the House. Even the New York
Efeer t atd declaxed that the measure ; Wrai
It was vetoed. The - President re-de
clares his intention to force Congress to
adopt what he calls " my policy" of re
construction. ,
We unite in the deinand ulxm•Con
gress to.stand firm; to determine in its
right the time and Manner qf restora
tion. To resist dictation and usurpa
tion by whomsoever, attempted; and
the loyal masses, having more confi
dence in a Ober' 'Congress than is One
man whose sObrietk is, alas, excepticaml
and uncertain, will stand by•their rep
, 4 1 { he United - States' deliberately strutk
'the fetters of slavery from. 4,000,000 of
people. To-day that act stands endor
sed by all parties in their Conventions.
The Government of the United 'States
1 solenanlY pledged to protect these
freedmen., Notto do it is to break . faith
with them, and with the Almighty,
and to invite judgments -more terrible
than those which have desolated every
loyal heart And hearth in ;the North?
Let us look at the persistent demand
of the President for the • immediate ad
mission of the rebel States, in the light
of testimony from those States
selves. First, then, we direct attention
to the letter of 'Gov. 33rownlow; , of-Ten
neSsee, ,who is presumed to '4noW' 4 of
what h,e, spea4sl,: - This will befodo in
another column.
To this we add au extract from a let
ter written to as,from Athens, Alabama,
by a former. citizen of Charleston town
ship ; a man who has earned firight,to
be heard, by four•ywarsof active service
in the saddle,. and who' marched with
Sherman from chattanboga to the sea.
His name, if mentioned, would bg fa:
nalliar to many i% and to those who know
ble. lie is now a citizen of Alabama.
Under datenf *arch 24, he
" Allow the, one of the
men'of Alabama, to congratulate'
Oe'!..o . , ; cat - Repubpettn' - party ofTennsyl
ikanlg!altowhaving nominated;, bat un
' IblOat4tit, and •; truc 'Ren tie4n
G ra
' 'eary, sftior Governor of you MoY al A..
God grant you tuay,eleetilim by a round
50,000 majority. = -
"The Union men of north Alabama,
' (and they are neither few nor scatter
ing,) implore their northern friends Tt) .
in closing the halls of our national legis
lature against red-handed traitor*,
whose very lives are spared only• by the
generous tnagnanimity of a, deeply in
jured but forgiving country." •
'These are but a few of the-home argue
'ments against the policy of the Presi
dent. We repeat , it, tii,South lin4
bring forth., fruits meet for .repenta nee,
before her representatives will beiuimit
tn'the liallsof Congress. And we
sub in all that, were the Pres-'
identig policy adopted to 7 daY,,before the
-showers of April di&inived in the sun of
May; the alaruni of watwould again
e itartle the land, and the ralling of men
to uphold the Onvernment against Un-,
.repentant . , traitors; would drown the
horn of induatry as it tild'in 1801.
We'commend Gov. Biownlow's letter
to every douliting.min. Read it. It is
from the pen of one who lives in the
Midst Of perils, and whose integrity
ehallenges the achiairation . of- the -loyal
We notice that most, of, our Copper-.
head cotemporaries insist that the plat-
Totm of the RepublicateConvention Was
"adOpied against tiVenty l dissenting votes.
That is one.of the little, ignorances; or
shallow.lies, of the campaign. "There
was no contention over a single resolu
tion, Save that of endorsing the Andrew
Johnson of the past. Twenty7tirie voted
against .that. Will you tell the truth
now ? Or are you-of , the sort who make
long "prayers and tithe the mint, and lie
4ke dog*? , '
We hear so much said about maintain
ing' the supremacy of the white race, by,
the eopperheads; that it really seems as
if that party' were' in mortal fear lest the
negro should' . get the 'start of them.-'--
MOrally, the negro is far ahead of the
leaders of that wicked faction, already;
and we doubt if legislation Can mend
the matter for the CopperheadS: Wash
yourselves and put on clean shirts, !ic
easionally, gentlemen, You look well
enough on the surface, but within—ah,
there's Where
_you fail to appear as White
as the poor , African. , •
lie Copperhead:papers are calling,
upon Pre'sldent Johnson to disperse the
Congreis now ; - * l e • Washington
and recognize the outside -delegation
from the rebel States as the legitimate,
Congress. Unfortunately for that party .
and for truants generally, but happily
for the country, the President will not
attempt to .overthrow Congress. He
will not do it for two reasons,• one of
which will suffice; and that is, he can
not do it. He is not equal to the Crom
well tactics even Were be so minded. It
would be attended with more risk than
be is likely to incur for •the benefit of
his late T born fiiends and allies. , The
t peopiei and only the pet can diem lea
Congress: = Were any President :to. unT.
tiertake the Workt,, Congress would dis- •
thiss the President. „
Hon. HENRY S. RAYMOND, editor of
the New York Times and member of
Congress, remarked after the• death of
'Mr. Lincoln: "We are sold. But it
is best to follow the President."
We object in the phrase "sold." The
people cannot be .sold,, or bought, like
chattels, nor will they acquiesce in any
Presidential "sell." They will not
follow any' man, as such; 'but when
.men prove_recreant to trust reposed .in
them, the people will follow principles
and leave "men') to elect Whetherthey
will serve God or the devil.
We are waiting to hear the guns of
rejoicing fixun ~the . 9opperheads over
the New Hampshire 'election. They
claim it ate victory for the President
over the, radleall. Why don't you re-'
joie& then?: Why not run np the 84
and have an old-fashioned . !`demo,cratic
drunk?" •
There will be just such another vic
tory , Pennsylvania next October.—
And all the ganstwill be fired by repub
licans, as in the case of New Hamp
Genius is said to be. 'eccentric. The
editor of 'paper befOre us is eccentric,
iheiefore a genius, The logic of this is
as good ss.that .w.hich he employs. He
says that the Republicans crowover the ,
victory in NOV' Hampshire, when no. ,
body expected New Hampshire to go
otherwise; and that all the Republican
victories are off the same piece. Upon
the:heels of this he goes into ecstatic
convulsions over the election of a Cop
perhead Mayor in Harrisburg. §ince :
when has Harrisburg elected-any other
than a Copperhead Mayor? • • ,
According to the logic employed by
Andrew Johnson, there is but one man
in the republic at this tiniewho has any
right to act as President of the United
States. That man is LAFAYETTE S.
S. FOSTER, Vice President by virtue of
his office of president of the:Seinite.—
Andrew Johnson did not receive a vote
in any one of the eleven States whose
rights are, to him, paramount to the
rights of theloYA.l twenty - -five remain
ing. If Andrew Johnson would -con
vince any reasonable maaof his hones
ty, he can do it by' retiring .from the po
sition which, according'to his • own rea
soning, he has usurped, and bOldshyan,
net of:usurpation..
J• a
:1 1 0 show hoW infampusly given to ly
ing are the Copperhead leaders, we 'will
relate n conversation which we: Over
heard on the Sias while on 1311 r return
from Harrisburg, A somewhat promi
nent Bradford county Copperhead was
enlightening a!select audience touching
the Republican State Convention. ' It
was a small airair,; - said he; `,no . inter:
est; no 9nthualasm ; . the platform goof;
the President.'
Now that man lied, and knew it. He
knew that the Conventiini was, by uni
versal assent, the largest:andinfiat
thusiastic ever AAsernhied itr.
burg. He kn that the Sl'esfiAtitipinii
did not attack the Oiesitl - 44ii;i 1 13],k59:41 1 :
he lie'? You tett; EkLeuse.
XXXIXth Coi)gihs. - tit session,
. .
Mareb 20 . 1101Rik.1.—A resolution rel
ative to the publieaqou of a work-giving
'nil] and. acetnittc4:::nteps andJnillsaatte
views of the battle-fields of the rebell
ion ;
was adoPted.•
March 22. Satin.—A yearlintion
structiug the Committee on Finance to
report what legislation was needed to
allow disabled soldiers to, peddle goods
without a license, was passed.
HoirsE.—A bill was introduced provi-•
- ding that in trials for treason no juror
shall be disqualified by 'reason c>f hav
ing expressed an opiniOn.
March SintasE.--The chief sen
sation in the Senate was the tleeision in
the cuss of. Senator - Stockton; of NeW
Jersey.• His claim to a seat in the Sen
ate•was disputed on the ground that he
-was not duly elected. It was- proved
that he did not receive a majority of the
vales cast by the Legislatnre. The vote'
on his adthission stood, yeas 21, nays 21;
when• he voted for himself, and so-deci
ded-the question in the affirmative.
HouSE.—A bill giving increased pen
sions in certain cases was sassed. An
other bill to reimburse the State of Penn
sylvania for money expended by her, du
ring the war, was ptssed. The. loan
.bill weJs reported -from the committee
and intssed
On the 21st a Unit° equalize the bonn
4ies-•paid to soldiers and sailors who
-served during the late rebellion, was inL• -
troduced by Mr: Julian of ludtauu, The
Committee on Military' Affairs in the
House 'was instructed to report a bill to
carry out the work of collecting the re
mains of Union soldiers in national
• March ,211. Szisz.e.TE.—Tke Stockton
-case was considered, by the Motion of
• Mr. Sumner ;to amend the joninal, by
striking out Dar e Stockton's vote for him 7,
Self. l The motion was debated but not
disposed of. •
• • March 27. SiaNATE.—Mr. Stewart, of
Nevada, offered a substitute for the res
olutions passed last week. The substi
tute provides for a general BKIID csty and,`
universal suffrage. Mr. Stewart is sup
posed to represent the President. [lf
so, the Copperheads are committed to
negro suffrage.] The case,ofXr. Stock.:
ton came up on a motion to reconsider s ,
and he was ousted from his seat, by a
vote of 23 to 20. The President's mes
sage vetoing tile Civil Rights hill
read, but owing to the excitement caused,
by the Stockton case, it created bp sen
The House debated the ,bankruptbill,
without coming to, a vote. ; , ,
March 27. S)ENATE.—,The.. death of
Senator Foot, of Vermont, known as
the " father of the Senate," , was an- .
nounced, and the Senate adjourned. ,
In the House, the Committee of WAys
Sand Means was instructed ,to enqinre,
into the; expediency of ii.bolishinig th 44
tax ;on slaughtered animals. The bn4-
ruPtibilli was, defeated, .by 2 ,TY9PI 0; 5 9
to 73; „ ;
Pennsylvania Legislature.
' An act legalizing the action of the
School Directors of Sullivahrelative to
Bounties, and authorizing an! ine • ssed
tax in Rutland for bounty purposes,
passed the House, and was reported
from committee in the Senate, with
A similar act relating to Elkland,
passed the Senate on the 21st.
An act to repeal a supplement to the
landlord and tenant act (The "Tioga
act") was the subject of a vigorous did
cuagion on the 15th of March, ultimo.
' The Governor has signed the follows
ing bills relating to this coUnty :
' To authorize aaincreased tam for pay
ment'of bounty bonds in Jackson.
To prevent minors from frequenting
billiard Saloons. -
To authorize the townsbii) of Charles
ton to pay bounty bonds.
On the 16th, Mr. Humphrey present-,
ed the following petitions :
' One from citizens. of Delmar relative
to hunting deer with 'dogs.
'One from citizens of Tioga county
asking for the abolition of the office of
county Superintendent of Tioga coun
One from citizens of Rutland for
law for an increased. tax to pay bounty
One for , an increase a - fees of the
Sheriff and Prothonotary of Tioga coun
The bill to disfranchise deserters from
the army passed the Senate bya strictly
party vote. kprotest signed by all the
partisans of Mester Vlymer in that
body, was read and put on record.
.Torriblo Throat froth South Carolina.
The ,South Carolinian is published in
,Charleston„ and bears the names 'of no
less persons than F.,G. De Fontsone, W.
Gilmore Simms and. Henry Timrod; as
its editors. Among the Southern sup
porters of President Johnson's policy,
none are more earnest and uncompro
mising than these gentlemen, who of
course took an energetic part in the ori:
ginal attack upon Fort Sumter. Their
essays upon the Subject of reconstruc
tion are as animated as they are
otie; but we confess that now and then
they happen upon expressions which
sound rather Strangely to ears in which
the reverberations of those'first guns of
the war have not yet quite died away.
For instance :
" Should the captious, peevish, disor
ganizing and,wicked spirit still prevail
arneug the destructives, so as to defeat
virtually what the President has done,
so well and • so' rapidly, for the restora
tion of the Union, the penalty will fall
upon their own heads. There is still a
people! And common' sense and cern
/non feeling', hi say nothineof common
necessity, will prevail over that which
sees in the business of national repre
sentation nothing beyond the objects of
party and the natural desire of the self
ish mind to keep itself in power, though
at the expense of the best interest, tine
peace, and final safety of the . nation.—
There is still a people! and these, tho'
dreadfully demoralized, are not yet so
far sunk into: the sensual stye as to cut'
their own throatd, that the demagogue
still suck their blood. They will
arouse themselves. They will be their'
own avengers and ours. Be sure of it,'
the, struggle at hand is destined to cure
the : country, for a season,'at least, of all
: those : wretches who have eaten of the
insane root, under the laW of that Prov
idence' which : wills , their destruction."
-This appeal, to the, Northefn pegple•
would have been more eVe:Otiv.6, had
eloquent'authors withheld the remitk
that werare dreadfulirdemoralized and
sunk in the sensual stye. liogpod law
yer will advise you to abuse the . jury to
whose verdict'your`case is committed:
Even., if they are fools and beasts, it is
,polite" to tell theta sp to their
What does - 'the South CaroZinian'
litroPps,g,h4 ilppeal to the people abbut
rreatdent ,i.o4nvin told the citizens of
that Mate that they rePl4tlge
for the civil rig its of the ireednien, or
he could not recommend their restora
tion to Coidresa. The first they flatly
refused to do, an the second they did
in such a Miiiiinet that the President,
AbriogliGen:Sicklbs, was forced to i*t'
z - nside tivir barba*is and oppressive
-411.*s by a•military Order. If, therefe,
,South Carolina -is still kept out of the
luli l relationi to the Union, it is not' ,1 4 0
the foolish, disorganizing, and wicked
spirit of the Northern Destructives, that
is the cause of that misfortune, but the
spirit of treason and rebellion still ram
pant among the victors of Foit Sumter.
Peforetrying relaoye a mote from the
eye of the Northern people, let South
Carolina - take the beam from her own - -;
[Chicago Republican.
• ,
NEARLY all the military commanders
in the rebel States have been called
upon to report to a.committee,of
ggress as to the loyalty of the people late
ly in rebellion and the condition ;of
:things generally in those States. It is a
significant fact that. every one of those
.offleers has stated under oath, that if
the military should be withdrawn no
'Union man could live thet•ej and, the
condition of - the freedmen • would, lie
verse then ever it was while Slavery
existed. All agree that the hate of the
rebels for the government and Union
people is if possible, intensified by '1 he'
erase of the war by the, .defeat, and
their chief aim: is to direct' the overthfoW
of the government by getting their .rep 7
resentativesintis Congress and 'shaping
its policy to compass its death, -.Frank
lin Repository. ,
TION.—The constant cry of the disloyal
men of the South is, that . taxation
without reliresettatibn" is nnebnatitn
-tioncd.• Yet in all the
_Boat,Jaer4 iSt4es
laws have been' framed Imposing taxes
upon the blacks equally with the whites.
If it la right to tax the blacks 'and `yet
disfranchise them, it cannot be wrong
to treat the whites in the same way. If
there is any injustice in taxation with
ont• representation, why are they the
first to practice '
[Fottbe Agitator.)
'Teachers' examinations will be held R 4 fellows:
Liberty; (Schaubacker school b0nne,)..... Aprille
Union, Academy, . ". kt
_- id 2 , 1
Wencher°, " 28
The Tioga county Teachers'inatitnte will meet
at the Court House, lir Wcißaba* April' 24th, at
ta o'clock, A. M., and continue four days. The
teachers of Wellsboro AdtidemY, alscrtheteacbera'
Of the State Normal School at Mansfield, will be
present and assist in conducting thu..exereitiec.—
Au edricitiorittl tech:ere may be 'eXiebted 4)171311
evening during the continuance of the Institute.
Teachers attending during the whole term of
the 'esthete, will be allowed an examination foi
pernianent certificates, on the Saturday following.
;hose desiring to enter this ciao; will please give
me notice to that effect, on or before the first day
of the Institute. - • - -
The public are cordially invited to attend all
these exereiaes.• V. A. .q . ,LIIFTT,
Mandela, March 30,'1.866 - . Co. Sup't:
corrected weed y by ETTZGERALD & TRACY, Cool
, mission enchant., 2 '&13 01, th NV ni' St . ) ' N.: Li I .'
'flour, sup.? bbl 1 7 , 25 @ 7, 7 6
Flour, fanitly),„ 8,25 @ B,Bi
Mat IL, !Attu,. * - t .... ,t-r-1-, 2,30 0 rt.,
'ailzior 913 6 ,1.6
'Caro ' - ...: "t 2 IA 80
Pork, (freah,) 'f lb
Butter 46 @ 52
Lard ' ,17 —2l,
Hope, 20 ti 70
Benin's, *lb 43104 42c . ,
Wool ' 00* - 4.7Ect ,
laxseed, • Tar btLsbel 2,56.01,76'
CIOVIN Se9d•••••••••••••••,••••••,•••• .. .. 4 0 , • 9 499 1'?'4:43
Quarterly Report •
P MPS NATIONAL-BANIL al Wallaborougla, Pa
ohoWiag, WI eon ditioo on ttiO morlatnit Of tip Oro
of April, 1866.
assooacas. , ,
U. B. Bonds deposited to isciAr4frehlatkisi;,oob 00
U. S, Bonds on hand, 39,488 80
Notes 'Discounted, 67,350 11
Dna 'Atm-National Banks, ................ ,:-.....,.... 21%981. 33
Bxpastss account 688 78
. .
Revenue atom"
raid Vender Notes on band WV%
Plitt National Bank, Wellsboro, notes on hard ' ris 00
National and State Banks notes on band, A 3,120 Ce2F
-x}7,640 99
044161 fitopk, 4100,00 00
=.................... ' 900000
land ' • - - • 6,896 78
Dipoetq ....... ... ... 767 61
1166xrunt, ntereet and YzchsnBy, 08
Duo fo Ballyt, • fp.,e2
• • -
, $267,4691
RISBIN.Sigi, Cashier:
aubscfibed b6fOre• me thfilii day of drdif, 1866: •
R.C..ighIPSOn, notary P*l.lo,
nITION SETTR for sale at
IL" •_• • . .ttOrs DRUG STORE,
711"\ISSOLUTION.—The partnership heretofore
existitiff between the subscribers iartbeAro
'eery nn d provision business, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The books and accounts are
kr the bansls of William Roberts, who will carry
orithe blisniess at the old 4 stand. - •• . -
liYallsboro, March 19, 1888.. ap 4
rran Spring Term opened very promisingly on
- March 28th. The attendance is already on
usually large for a spring term. Many more can
be well accommodated. Students will be received
at any, time, and will' be required to pay only from
the time they enter. Teachers who leave in order
to teach, and others having good recfsona far leav
ing,-will be charged only for the time `they are
actually in school. board in private families, and
rooms.for self-boarding, can be secured at very
reasonable rates. D. D. VAN ALLEN,
, Wellabora, April 4, 18158.. .
T IST OF LETTERS remaining 'in" the Post
,14 Office at Wellsborci ' -April 1, 180.
Aurbach A. M., Bird John, Baader .1., Barnes
M.. 7., Br4gs Alice, Dorr L A.,Dooling Bryan,
Goe' H., (foreign) Griffin 131. J., Harris Sebastian,
Hady Daniel. Hoyt A Lewis, Horner W., Jones
Mrs: Louisa F., Kendall Rev. H. R., Kegger Ada
H., (2) Lett Charles, Mahar Michael, Mathews
Wm., (foreign) - Pieice Alonzo, Peters C. S., Pig
twisque Reese John J., Smith Nancy, Simmons
Franklin, Scudder - A. A., Stratton H. $., Thank
ful Miss, Tuttle C. S., Taylor Lieut.' Win, Wick
ham Ellison, Winchell B. C.,
Williams M. C.,
wileek N. F., Walker Barton, Webster Maria 8.,
- Woolbino - S.,C. B. • • .13 - • - • -; _
,24.M7- To obtain any of these letters, the appli
mnit-mast call for "advertised letters," give the
date of thin Hat, and pay'tito cents for advents.;
log. If not called for within one month they
will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
IaIST 'OF 'UTTERS remaining, In
,Post Office at Tioga, April ], 1868 :
13Mier.ilfrg. Sarah, Branin A. A l Frost Julius.,
Sera D. 4litßaer• Miss Butiannah, litiridsbn
- Daniel, Sears .! Bostwicks. Simpkins F.,2, Smith
Fred, Sherwood Delos C., Pierson!! Henry, John
sort Asa I,
iggr- To obtain any of these - letters, the appli
.cant must call for "advertised lettere," give the
datei of this list, and pay,two, cents for advertis
iing., If not callid 2 for within.' one mouth they
rill be seat to the Dead Letter Office.
.800 : 44. WETZ, P. 14
NT OTICE is hereby given, that the firm known
1.111 as SILAS 'STAPLES & CO, is tbia day dis
jsoived:by mutual consent of • the parties, and
that', the books and accounts of said firm are in
tliequindsof.M. IV. Staples for Bantu:Sent and col
lection. dli those having unsettled accounts will
pleaac oaltand settTe at'onee. •
Ci ao • . 111 b.'4 , WiLf3,9lf.
ne P U NADT /1 1/.‘6 64r-- _
Directors of Char)e4toit will tweet et the
Young, School 25111,
at.? o'clock A. M., to let the getting of Wood for
next .winter school;' Lnd I o'cloOt P,. M., eatLe
plAce,:(o taro Tinchors for next t,iiinuier schools.
for , .;:intracte; an tie had of
the Boarel.:s By - unit r of flit:II-1mq)
''Firixtiirgton .. .. - :Nfurch 27,
ji.4 been grunted to the untlen.igned, on the es
tate ufMein L. Soule, late of Farmington, Je
eetised, those indebted to the estate will please
make immediate pnyment. 44 those' havik
claims aguiurd the game wilt jirenenethefe fiir sot ,
tlement-to JORN C. ROBB, Adm'r....
Farmington, April 4, , • •
- New Drug Store.
11)TCH tc ti11..888.T have opened u Drurand
Chemienl Store on Mein Street; one dotnr be-'
low Dr, Mettieou's -hotel, in -the-Berough
Knoxville, where they keep on hand a full•aas
sortment of
a good arable Alf
Marehlk 18845-3 at. '
Great lodueemehts to the Mite
NOT bentitgaLiaeis of otn-acfoi:46
above off at anetion, I am enabled to take
advantage or the presint. that pricey, and am real
dy to supply the public with a splendid stook,ot
Styles, purchased to accommodate this mar
Particular attentiod is directed to my de.
sirable stock of Lidice •DRESS GOODS;
Alpaccas, Poplins, Prints, De'sines, &c., &c.
Added to whialy- Y Istik offering A -144
and splendid stock of
and CAPS. &c„ &c., ftc. t &., &a.,
at )pries.stOdinit the 1,000,000, at .01lateetPs
.old stand, WeUnborn, , Pa.
April 4, 1866. . • .
ID RR/WIGTON, J SON,S, Minufacturera
Ali. of Revolverii, Riflea, Maskers and Car-
• ,
I X bines, for the United States ser
vice. Also, pocket and belt Revolvers,
Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolv
ing.Rtle* Rifle anti Shot'Gu4Par4 4o lol
and Gan Materials, sold by gun dealers and the
trade generally. r
In these ddys of housebreaking and robbery, ev
ery house, store, honk and office, Atiutti"hace asset/
Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late
traprovetrorese in pistols, and those, of superior
'Workmanship and form,-will And all combined in
taming cuts and description of our Arms, will be,
furnished upon application. -'
E. RIMING! ON SQNB, Ilion, N. 7,
Moons & NICHOLS, Agents, No. 40, Conrtland
street, New York. ap 4 66
such is the experience of thousands. -Few
enjoy continuous health. To what does the - oeca
Mona! invalid attribute his uncertain condition?
Not to himself, uf course. He lays the blame on
the climate, perhaps. It is too hot, or too cold, or
too damp, or too dry, or coo variable, But dues
he take- the proper conriel&fartify 'his- conatfttr
tfon and bodily organs against the extremes and
changes of which he complains ? No. Be says,
perhaps, that only an iron man could bear such
great heat, or such violent cold, or such sodden
vicissitudes. ,Why then doestien,ot rasort,to the
great Tonle and:Previintirti which. if iit will riot
make hint an iron man, will at least quadruple
the capacity of his system to repel all external
agencies that tend to produce 'disease ? -HOS
TERS, taken faithfully acoordidg to the direc
tions, will BO strengthen the stomach, brace the
nerves, tone the liver, and regribite and invico
rate the whole animal machinery, that the sys
tem, instead of being at the mercy of the weath
er, and liable to be prostrated by every change of
temperature, will become case-hardened, as it
were, and almost impervious toy climatic influen
cer. it is to this preventive principle that Bee-
TITTER'S BITTISRS owe their great popularity in
the Went Indies, British America and Australia.
ti (4 22
An OR.DINANCEfur the Maintenance . of Order,
- . Be it ordained by the e eis and Councii of the do
'rough of Welleboro, That from and after the due publi
cation of tide ordinance, any person or persons who
shall be friand'lntoxidated in any street, higlitvity,lanis;
or alley, within ditilhnita of the borough of,Wellsberk
shall, upon the view, or upon proof made before the
Burgess, o any Justice of the Peace within . said to•
rough, be exceeding two dollars, ,tblei,„leried.
with proper coats, as provided for Cu the fouitli 'lectidra
cf an act of Assembly, approved April 22, 1794, entitled
"An act for the prevention of vice and immorality,"
Ac. And said offender shell, in addition to the penalties
imposed by said section, be Imprisoned in the - lock-up
not exceeding twenty-fotr hours, at the diacretlote of
the magistrate having Jurisdiction of the matter. And
any person or persons using obscene, boisterous, or pro
fane language, to the disturbance of the peace, and the
annoyance of - peacable ,citizens of said borough, shall
be fined in the enm •of two dollars for every such of
fence, either on vleW, or on proof made before the Btu+
or any Justice of the Peace of said borough; to
be le vied and collected, and enforced, as provided for in
the fourth section of the act of Assembly above cited._
-Sec, '2.. That the High Constable of said borough
shall take notice of all offences against the several ordi
nances of said borough, and is hereby authorized and
required to arrest all offenders against the same, e ther
on view, or upon information given to him, an d to
bring them before proper authorities for punishment;
Provided, That said High Constable shall not be re
qutred to biting arty intoxicated person before the proper
authorities while so intoxicated, but shall commit him
or her to the lock-tip forthwith, until he or she shall be
come sober, not exceeding twelve hours, before bringing
such offender before a magistrate for a - hearing f Provi
ded, further, That for every neglect of his duty as
herein defined, where he is cognizant of the offence, ei
ther on view or on due notice thereof, said High Consta
ble shall be ' fined in the sum of five dollars and cosies of
prosecution ; And provided, further, That said -High
Constable shall, for all serricea performed by him as re
quired by this ordinance, receive the fees provided for
In like services Under the laws of the Conlikniwealth.'
Attest : M. IL,C9,pli, Burgess-
CRAB. L. Sostarts, Sec'y.
Wellsro, March 26, 1860. ,
E .
XE UTOES' NOTlCE.—Letters Tea . ' tuition_
tary having been granted upon the estate of
John Hamlin, late of Mansfield, deceased, the un
dersigned request all payments to be made, and
all ;Mims to be presented to P. E. Smith, Esq.,
at tae office in Tinge. WM. T. POST,
f • L. BALDWIN..
Elmira, N.Y., Mar. 28, 'BB.-4 , . Executors.
PLASTER ! PLASTER !—The undersigned
will be prepared to furnish the fanners of
Tioga county with fresh ground Plaster, as soon as
navigation openf r at their.mill near Mansfield.
B: OWENS 'CO.t .
Mansfield, MarchlB, '
AflitPß4.N.9' COURTEI--Pureueni to as
order of the Orptisoe'Coort of Tiog county,
dated February 1, 1866, I will expose to public
en4e, at the Court House, in Wollsbero, on Moo
day, the 30th day of April next, at two o'clock,
P. M., the following described real estate, late the
property of James E. Johnson, of Delmar, de
ceased, to wit:
- A certain lot of laud in Delmar, Tioga county,
Pa.. bounded as follows:—Beginning at a post,.
,the northwest earner hereof, adjoining - the lands
I of Phelps It Dodge; thence_ south, 88: degrees
east, 128.,p,erebes, to a small beech tbenoeeontlt,
two degrees west, 162 perches, to a point in
Round Island road ; thence along said road !mph;
JBB degrees west, •five perches; thence north., -
degrees west, ,3,3 perches; thence north, 69 de.
trees West, 34 perches ; thence west eight per-,
ebes; thence south, 69 degrees west, twenty-four
perches; thence south, 87 degrees west, twenty
-eight porches; thence north, one degree mot,
bandreal and twenty-one perches, to the placo of
beginning; containing one hundred, and eighteen
.dud three-lithe acres. Terms, nesh,,on aoridrmit
tion of the gale. ,
1111 - 813111; Adtn'r.
Delmar, March 21„4886.--41t.
" "1818
I 1;?
i i 4 I
a~►J`l':s:-'i~ei l
THE 0 00RNIRS" 1 0P triliemets,
la, • I,
:7 , 21 f ti o."
• 01
W. H. Smith ' Sons,
4 •k , ?, 4 ;"0
The' old 'aid reliable
In Splendid shape to- estiely everybody
-1, I: t
) if
• E `P . WS E s4 x i I its ..- 4
I .f v 4-3/
- To 800 to to !),
caNNSYK .PO_.$tl7TER.
.I - ,
_ .
Put an . ..". over on. the Local Calumet fur the
Irrozwarr, Nara.
Vigitres wemiki. Lie.•
,‘ ; r,
Mrtitt Mt NU Wit,
Who hold large ¢to4B of cioßda at
High, Prime.
r-,4 t c.trl rt 1
" „ n os
1 4 .. '1
~;S s ~~~„
. 7 .
Oiot k04:44.0*,-1,,,,,1'
Th*n to buy you Ooodaof
w. Ace:l4MM SONS
Anotios, N. Y., kareil4lBo*
- 14, 4 ,