1! El 8 111 M LETTS* rams_ EANSAB. 11 .Borcatsos, Kan., Marc; 3, 1866. :11. Severe Winter—High PPiees—Fine - Weather— :- Freighting—The t .. 4. and P. P. R.. R.—Rento and -Business Bonies— The Market, &c. Dear . 4 4gitator :—We have just passed through brie of the severest winters ever • ,before known in Kansas by " the oldest "'inhabitant." The Missouri was bridged ' aver by ice and navigation suspended early in winter, `ranch to the inconveni ence of wood and produce venders ' as 'the people of .1 5 i.tchison depend in the main on getting 'fuel and a great deal of produce from Buchanan county, Mo., , .opposite to this city. Notwithstanding ' , the free bridge over this _mighty slyer, most everything has been exorbitantly high, and the -demand has been fully . equal to the supply. Wood has been • selling readily for .•$-3 to $l2 per cord, ap ples for $3 per bushel, potatoes $1 25, and corn from 75c. to $1 per bushel.— 'Butter (fresh)• has been ranging from '6O to 75c. , lard 35 to 45c and eggs from • , • 60e. to $l. • The weather the past few days has been pleasant and delightful ; nearly all the frost is out of the ground, the roads are fast drying up, and the farmers are making every preparation for putting in -an early crop. Last year was au unusu ally wet season, though a pretty large crop of corn and potatoes was raised ; :but as one extreme generally follows an other, many are calculating on a season • equally as dry the presentyear, in which case only small crops will be raised on the high, rolling prairie. Professor Swallow, our State Geolo gist, has ascertained from observations that Kansas suffers no more from the drouth than any other State, while she has advantages equal, and possesses ma ny superior, to any other State. For stock-raisixigi there is not another Mate in the Union as well adapted. - , - The freighting business' rom this city to the Rocky Mountains, Santa Fe, Salt Lake and Montana, will be carried on much longer this year than ever before. There are acres of mining machinery here now, ready to be transported to the ' gold and silver mines as soon as grass ' comes ; and by the middle of April or first of May, trains will commence mo ving. Wagons can be counted by the hunreds, while ox yokes and bows are piled up like pyramids, and can be coun ted by thousands. Good mules can now be purchased for $lOO each, and oxen for $lOO per yoke ; though an advance oil these prices may ' be looked for as soon as grass is plenty and the demand for stock increases. The Atchison and Pike's Peak R. R., which waS commenced the summer be fore the war, and suspended for four years, has recently been commenced again, and l promises to be pushed ahead ,as rapidly as possible. The track is laid down some six or eight miles, and the cars will be running over thirty miles by the first of June or July. All kinds of property are advancing rapidly, and buildings are being rented at fabulous prices. A dwelling that would cost in Wellsboro less than $l,OOO, will rent rea dily here for $35 and $5O per mouth.— Good business houses are in demand at $l5O per month ; and although many of them are going up, yet I think many business men will be compelled to leave here for want of buildings to do busi ness in. Our city contains a population of some six thousand souls, and the prospects are that it will nearly double the present year. Business of all kinds is good, and promises to be better as soon' as spring emigration commences. We hear very little excitement in re gard to the new mines of the northwest, though it cannot be doubted that it is a good country, and that a in. n with cap ital can make money there; but while ten men may go out there and get rich, one hundred will return without a dol lar. I have lately received calls from G. 'D. Sofield, Lazell Kimball and John B. Emery, all from Wellsboro. Your quiet little place is well represented here.— Bailey and Emery are selling goods, Kimball is recruiting his health„Fid John C. and Henry C. Root are " stick ing type"? in the Daily Free Press office. All are *ell pleased with our ten year old city and the bright prospects before her. F. A. R. A SMART LAD.—A boy from the country was recently taken into a gen tleman's family. One evening, after having been called up to :the drawing room, he came down into the kitchen, laughing immoderatly. i" What's the 'natter ?" cried the cook. "Why," said he, " there are twelve ()teem up there who could not snuff the candle, and they had to ring for I to do it." THE oldest lunatic upon record—Time out of mind. To remove stains from the character, get rich. WHAT IS IT2 WHAT IS IT ? What is it willieh is as marvelous as the magi cian's art ? What is it which the more you use it the better you like it? What is it that causes the lame to walk? What is it that gauss the pains of rheumatism ? What is it that loosens the stiff joints ? What is this chemical compound that is called an infallible remedy for Neuralgia, acting direct ly upon the nerves and giving almost instant re lief ; curing all sorts of aches and pains as if by magic ? It is SALUTLFER Selling off now at Roy's Drug Store. IFeb. 143 FOR SALE.— Near the residence of H. H. Potter in Mid dlebury township, Tioga county, Pa. containing about sizty acres, about fifty acres 6nproved; a two-story frame house, nearly new, a frame barn and a good orchard; partly young trees thereon. Terms easy, Inquire of Henry Sherwood, Esq. Wellsboro, D. C. Scudder on the premises, or S. Bennett & Co., corner Canal Second-sts., El mira, N. Y. SOLOMON BENNETT. Elmira, N. Y., Fel). 21, .1366-2m* WOOLEN FACTORY FOR SALE.—Sitnated in Wellabor°, Tina, County Pa.. Said Factory has a Roll Cardine Machine, a Spinning jack, two power looms, picker, and Falling Mill, in good order. The Factory has a good S horse-power steam engine and water-power by which it may be driven. Also—one acre of land on which the Factory stands, with Dye House and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. This establishment willibe sold at a bargain. Tile location is unsurpassed in the county, and OM run of custom large. For further particulars inquire of JACOB EILLTBOLD, ORRIN . BLAIR. Wellsboro, Feb. 21. 1666-41. 'Corning Tournal,"Elmira Advertifer,' end Atlditoa Advereser; publish 3 times and send bills to this office for collection. TEE MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS' forty different styles, adapted to sacred. and seeder music, for $BO to $BOO each. y7:frill-Fire Gard or Sitter Medal', or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues cent free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Bos ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. [Sept. 13, 1885-Iy.] NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to us by note IN or Book Actount will please tan and - settle,- as we aro about closing up for a STRICTLY cash business. WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 31, 1666. WA Girl to do Housework, Apply to J. F. CALKINS, Presbyterian Parsonage. Wellaboro ERZ ROBINSON'S BOOKSTOIT NEWS-ROMA PAPER WAREHOUSE ! No. SilNarket.st., Coming, N. Y., 'and Postoffice, BIM EDWARD E. ROBINSON Returns acknowledgments to his friends for the lib eral patronage bestowed for the last eight years, calling particular attention for the, present seas, ott,to his estab lishment, which. having been completely renovatedand tarnsformedi as now stored anew with such a cot-Akins lion of attrartionsiti i t iteragire and Art as cannot fail to interest the public, and ifrtach it is may sup. ply the general want of this region aiiit keipspacti with the adeannceme of the age.[ CLASSIFICATION. Books & Stationery. This department comprehends the most desirable col lection of works by ancient and modern authors, Prose and Poetry, Classical and nistorical, Fiction and Fact. Ail new Bookareceived as soon as published. A large at of School Books used in city and country Schools. full stoek of Blank Books of ail descriptions; Tuck Memorandums; Time Books and Diaries; School Sta— tionery in endless variety. The Stationery department comprises Cap, Legal, Bill, Letter, Note, and Billet Pa per of all kinds, Envelopes, all shapes and sizes. Pen holders, Pencils, Inkstands,--and, in fact, everything in the line. Particular attention paid to the selection of Ladies' Stationery, a choice assortment of which is always kept. News Department. This departmenuis the specialty of the concern, and is under the Pram:tat, supervision of the undersigned Who has given 12 years attention to this branch• Here are found the entire• publications of the New York, Boston, and PhalldeiPbla PTOBB, daily, semi-weekly, and weekly editions; together with the principal American and Foreign Magazines—orders for all of which,are ex ecuted at publishers' prices. Unusual facilities are af forped for the execution of special orders, returns be ing received from New York twice each day. Subscrip tions taken for any periodical published in the (Jutted States or Europe. Subscnbers on the line of the Erie Railway (including from Avon to Rochester), also on the T 1 oga' Railway, from Cornlail to Somerville, can have dailies, weeklies, monthlies, or back numbers of any serial delivered by my agents on the cars. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. i A large and carefully selected assortment embracing the beat and . most desirable patterns at various prices, from 10c to $1,50 per roil, leaving no excuse to families for neglecting- wholesome improvements of the walls of their houses. Borders for the same in gilt. velvet, and satin, extra and narrow width. An elegant assortment of Wendow Shades, white and buff, also green, blue, buff and figured Curtain Paper. and Putman'aapproved CUT fain Fixtures, Fite Board Prints. Curtain Cord, Tassels. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. Always open for inspection and sale, a gallery of fine Oil Paintings, Steel engravings and French Lithographs. A great variety of colored Prints, illustrative of the sconce and battles of the late terrible Rebellion, execu ted by distinguished artists, forming subject. of inter est to every American Citizen, A large and varied as sortment or Picture Frames,various sizes and styles, in cluding moat unique patterns of Ovals, gilt, Rosewood, Walnut, &c., &c. Pictures framed to order in any desi red style at short notice, and on moat fecceable terms. SUNDAY SCHOOL Special attention is devotedto this important branch, and it ja intended at all times to be impplied with the latest publications of this class of litetiture. S. S. Li braries furnished at ; wholesale rates, and subscriptions taken Tor all kinds 01 Sunday School papers and pro cured free of postage. Gift books, embossed Reward Cards, Certificates of Membership, Singing Books. Gol den Chain, Shower Censor, Chime Bell, and various others. Altogether a complete stock of Sunday School Paraphernalia. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. This will comprise the ordinary Catalogues offered at Music Stores, such as Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accord cans, Fintinas, Clarionete, Flutes, Fifes, de., &c. The best quality of Italian and English Violins, Guitar and Banjo Striugs. Sheet Music kept constantly on hand. AU the new and popular songs and Instrumental Music received as soon as issued. Teaehers supplied at the usual discount. Musical Instruction Books of all kinds Music and Books mailed free at market prices. Also, Agent for the most popular manufacturers of Pianos. such as Chickerings, Boardman & dray, &c., and Prio r . oe's celebrated Melodeons and Harmoniums. None who take pleasnre in preserving the lineaments of their friends In the form now most convenient and most in vogue, can afford to be without one of these beautiful and appropriate receptacles of Card Photo graphs. A splendid assortment of Albums, in all styles and pricks, from 50 cts. to $2O, to 'snit the taste and ability of all. wt. A complete stock of Mirrors of all sizes and pri ces. Picture Cord, Tassels, Knobs, Ac., de_ 41- Large and small Bibles,Hymn Books, Ca th olic Bibles, Prayer Books arid Cateiams. IMISCELLANEOVS. Law Blanks,hiarrfata &el:Mesta, Wryer'. Tara, Beale, Gobi Pans, a corn lite stock of Pocket Books, La dies' Traveling Batche , Toys, Children's Games, Dia eected Maps and Pictures, Backgammon Boards, Chess and Chequer men, Dice, Writing Desks, Portfolios,Draw ing Casa], Ladies' Work Bores, Baskets, Tissue Paper, Notes, Pratte and Raceipts, in Book and Sheet form, In voice and Letter Piles,Black., Bins and Carmine Inks, Quill Pens, Pens, Mo urning Paper and Envelopes, and a thousand and one articles too numerous to mention. 41W-Books Bound in any style that nay be desired. I,o , P;vii; Orders by Lad Promptly attended to E. R. ROBINSON, Jano.o.BBB-Iy. CORNING. N. Y - litlYte Goths Powders. ' Ttas p tparation, 4 MSS faVorUbly afar : %. , 4 - hi 1 5g..,1, org. rtinvigorate I , r , 1: : - .-ficlvll and kw-I:hit - 4d horses, , b , t ngthcuibg e. ! and cleansing the 4 s t iz s . aea z..nd inks- I • is a Fun! .pre "4 - re' • • = - this animal. each YCLLOW W' 't ...it. II E r}: C r)11' GI( S. DI 'I'.;'IPER. }' FOIL `ID, I,OF:S OF API', lUl} AND VITA F,XEROY, An. - 0 use 1131pro,'n: tl wind, inc.e.az the appetite- giv a a MC/olb. Air ,nosey stirs at traastortag t h mi3crable skelet Low:. MEI =in In all diseasisßf Swine, such' as Coughs, Ulcers in trie Lungs, Lie cr. . &c., this artwie .• •-•'• • acts as a specific. • ' . e By teuttutg .• .e.••• • • one-halt a '• to a ntpn• in • barrel S r ;will _ above a: s _ --e. - t - or tntirtly re..weate , t If gimm in time, ait,..erlain prevertaire . • e'• Ho- Ci . Ciatr.; r 4 .1;.:.S NEI • • • PREPP-L' r-• S. A. VOTTT.T, No. 116 Franili'm Paiiimere, Yd. r•q- s f' out the Linit,Al For bulb by John A. Roy, Weileboro. IMPORTANTTOFEMALEF , -A,vitESLY- .. 4 4 4 te i z .,A' -:-•.. _: . ,...,z 1 : 1._, ,rl, r . r.... PROCLABLATION I—DR. CIIEB&EhIAWS PILLS, .--Tht combination of ingiedienti in time Pais }a the ream-of a long and eztensitre practice. They are mild 1n their operation, and. cannot do harm to the moat delicate; ceretain In correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing. all obstroctions, whether from cold or otherwise,headaebe. pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back - and limbs. ac., disturbed Bleep, which arise from interruptions of nature. Dr. Chessemazi's Pills Was the commence ment of a new era in the treatment of irregularities and obstructions which have consigned so many to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she is, regular, and whenever an obstruction rakes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward- with immediate andpersietent success. DON'T BE DaciaVED Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the Beet and most Reliable Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised In these Pills. Re ll tne r. dy C fo h r e r e wer Uk thirty alli y il etus Pill , and h a a r v e e th b e e ni en o sat Standard one eVerever known for all complaints peculiar to Fe males. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout this country, baring the sanction of some of the most eminent Phyrdciansin America— directions, stating when they should not not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box. or 6Boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mall, promptly aware from observations, by remitting to the proprietors. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by adressning HUTCHINGS & RILLYRB., Proprietors, 28 Day Street, New York. Sold in Wellsboro by John A. Roy; in Tioga by Bordenßro's; in Lawrenceville by W. G. sfiller.lloct6s— 1",•••!...„ ••• .V• • Y - g , - - , A c i r .4 4 ,10 A L :if „., Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia:and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately Correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomich, Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one for the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating - power they are sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrbcea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, safe and sure restorer of the di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. EOCHWELLJ S. E. Car. 21st and Market Sts., PhiimPa, Pa. See that my Signature is on the face of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurious imi tations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor ning, N. Y. Bold by all Druggists. Corning, Sept. 20, 1865-Iy. SELLING' OFF AT REDUCED PEWS. The undersigned would respeotfUlly invite the at tentiou of the public to his GROCERIES & pmivitionrs, StIGARS; MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, PORE, FLOUR, FISH, TOBACCO, SEGUES, STONE & WOOD• All of which will be sold at greatly reduced pri ces for OA6O. Call and see for youraelvea. Wellaboro, Deo. 13, 1865. J. D. JONES. - L'IRROBS OF YOITTH.—A Gentlornan who suffered 131 or years from Nervous-Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, win, for the sake of matering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which be was cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do soaddressing JORN B. OGDBN,I3 Oltiunber* by St., N. Y. Jan. - -I' „. .., _, IM!EME! "f :ii:u T Z' S Qu.sDQslBD To 'keepers of Co •tt is preparation is ittraluabl:•. ' itn prooLs the of the milk. It 1.a3 hu o pros en by ar ca:ll expelinient to increase the quan tity of milk and cream Meaty per cent and make 11 _, bLtter dent and sue, t. In fattening cattle, it gives them un ity.t.,...tite.loaitimt. theft . hide, atd um!. ligenl thrive fa TAME wnoxFir..r rritT, ;on .!IrDiiINT DEPOT, LARCIE AND' CHOICE STOCK consisting of EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., Ottrfetii '411r., Tin Ware FOR :'SE MILLION. Messrs. ROBERTS 6. KELSEY oppokit BAY'S' BUILDING!, Are now prepared to furnibh the public With anything in their line of business, in, quantity as large, in quality :14 good, and as cheap in price as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania, They pay-partionlar attention to the STOVE.:AND TIN WARE. BUSINESS, and intend to keep a full nesortment of everything in that line. . TIN WARE MADE_TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction. - • , executed in •the.bett manner and with dispatch. CALL AND SEE, Wollsborough, March 7, 1855. GOBS ON A SPECIE BASIS 11 T. L. BALDWIN & =MEM FRQM THIS DAY FORWARD, UNTIL DISPOSED OF, WILL OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK BOOTS AND BNONI3, BATS • •AND CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, wAtr, PAP=, For Ready Pay. TIOGA, Feb. 27, 1866—tf. Ts HEALTH WORTH HAVING f—lf it is, protect it. It is a jewel as easily lost as vir tue, and in some eases as difficult to recover. Nature, in our climate, and especially at this season, requires to be occasionally reinforced. But everything depends upon the tonic need for this purpose. The medicinal tinctures, all of which are based on common alcohol, are danger ous. Quinine, as everybody finds out who takes much of it, is a slow poison. One safe protect ive from all unhealthy atmospheric influences ex ists, and ono only. This powerful preventive is HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, a compound of the purest stimulant ever manufactured, with the most effective tonics alteratives, and depnrators that chemistry has yet extraeted from the botanical kingdom. Conva lescents, languid and feeble from recent sickness, will find the Bitters an incomparable Restorative, not disagreeable to the taste, and eminently in vigorating. No other stimulant produces the same effect as this Stomachic. It does not excite or flutter the nerves, or occasion any undue arte rial action; but at once soothes and strengthens the nervous system and the animal spirits. w HOLLANDS . HARNESS-MAKER, MANSFIELD, TIOGA. COUNTY, PA. Halting carried on the above business for the space of fifteen years, he wishes to return his sin awe thanks to his patrons for the liberal sup port received during that period: and feeling that he has given general satisfaction in the past —which fact is shown by the increased demand for his Harnesses—he begs leave to announce that he is now prepared (by the employment of first class workmen) to execute all orders at short notice, and will not be excelled by any establish ment in the country. OP. Hansoms always on hand. Call and see him. Shop opposite the Mansfield Hotel February 14, 12436. IVARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers . 4.7 for sale his farm, situated on De lm ar road, Delmar township, Tioga county, Pa., two miles from the village of WeUsher°. Said farm con tains HO acres, 80 acres improved, well watered and well fenced. The buildings are good. The orchard on the farm is not surpassed in quality and variety of fruit, by any in Tioga county. The above farm will be sold cheap. Per fur ther particulars inquire of "Wm. Hardin, near the premises; or of Brown, Tire Whore. March 7, 1866-sw. • VCR LICE on Cattle and Horses, harmless to 1: animals, bat death to lice. Mix it with est equal quantity of water when it is applied. .13old at' ROY'S DRUG ISTOIIN, Jan. 17, 1888. Wel:Moro, Pa. REPAIRING ROBERTS a KELSEY. TIOGA, kENN'A. DRY GOODS, &c., &a AT COST DEAD SUOT PAUSOWVM A L I ThiIf• J' - AVINci• found the Tiop. Jiarrxrcie very prcdttable medium for steady advents. leg; I propose threugb thaooming year to increase NY ADVERTISEMENTS LALROELY I invite the careful attention of the community to them, promising to make, them simple state ments of Why as to ‘,., . 7 PRICES OF GOODS,. „ i azul Mita- of halo, to.; and avoiding all bragging And loarnindea yarns. • I . ' My expo:lance has been, that liberal advertia- Jai if bastsion'truth, pays well ; - auB 1 think it wise to follow it up.,Any one' that 'has a busi ness wank hti'nging efore the' attention of the eonimutpy c itaanot well ante it too plain or well known.. I - • I hereby return my thanks to du_ citisens of Tlorpr pointy -for the very liberal share of trade I have t tived for the put • ten years, daring which amy trade has , steadily increased; and I freely! knowledge that rey7logs County trade is quite - all/4gs portion of it. 1' Intend to try sad deserve it still more in the future. ' . My austomors can dygelid on allnipt finding a /Aro stook of- SEASONABLE GOODS, at price' guaranteed to be at the bottom of the market, and with Attentive [ Baleatnan to wait on them prdwiptly. In all oasts whom tboro,laa obance to receive stock unite Junket piOOO,A (which frequently *c owry) such bargains will zbe ;lion to my maito- MOM • alas am enabled by my bulge sales, to buy a Est many Goods from first bands, saving• New 'fork Jobbers profits—enabling me to offer such Goods at much less than market rates. Lobtim several advantages over most Stores, via: LARGER SALES IN PROPORTION TO EXPENSES, A LARGER STOCK OP GOODS 'SUITABLE TO ' CUONTRY TRADE. A BUSINESS CONDUCTED NEARER ' '"' TO A CASE: BASIS, than most any store in the trade. For farther information, see notices at Priests below; also local toohunt. , -Yon can buy standard Shakings at 34 cents, good heavy_44 .I sheetings at 25 to SO cents.at my Store. There is no *drank* in prices/ of Fisnnols, Blankets, Simms, &e., st my Morel We continue to sell but DeLines 2s 6d. Best pinta at 2s. and good Print* at. 20 cents. See 'special notice, J. A. PABSONS, Ct?sernia, N. Y Jan. 1, 1866 A GENTS WANTED, NOW IN PRESS, and will be ready Soon 11EIBLEY'S HISTORY OF THE WAR • Complete in two volumes. Also issued com plete in ONE VOLUM!. The best, cheapest, most interesting, popular and tamable History of the Rebellion published, wbich is fully attested by the enormous sale it has reached of 300.000 Vol umes, and is now selling with increased rapidity. Bold only by subscription. Exclusive territory given. For fall particulars send for circulars. Address--AMERICAN PUBLISHING COM PANY, 148 Aulcun.St., Hartford; Conn. Mar. 7,-4w. SCRANTON b BURR. Agta. AVMS'WILTON SOLDEEus. M. B. SMITH, Knoxville, Tioga County, Pa., (U. S. licensed_Agent, and Attorney for soldiers and their friends throughout all the loyal States,) will prosecute and collect with un rivalled success, . SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES of all kinds. Also,' any other kind of claim against the Government before any of the De partments or in Congress. Terms moderate, All conunnuications sent totho above addrelli will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 11, VIREL CREV.ALIEN'S mint TONIC AND jjj. DRESSER, at WEBB'S DRUG STORE. ":,TARGE STOCK of TEEPUMBER.T and r TZAR KEN NOTIONS, for sale by P. B. 'Williams, No. S 'Union Block, Wellaboropa. NEW FALL 'AND WINTER GOODS! I AT TB& PEOPLE* STORE, In Corning We now have on hand an unnonally LATWE ASSORTMENT OF FILL AND WINTHR GOOK, adapted to the best trade of this place and vicin ity, and shall'be constantly receiving such ad ditions to oar stock as the varied wants of onr "numerou:s ensteinerev , Our stock co'rutists it part of our usual variety of - DOMESTIC GOODS, a larger stock of Mourning and (oilier Dress Goods than ever before,,among which are a large line of FRENCH IN Gipt)D ,CciLoft§, AT SLOG PER. ORD. A good 'took of Cloths and Cassimeres, to be sold by *ha yard or made up to order BEAVERS, DOESKINS, tir, SACKINGS, for Ladies' Maki and ornaments to trim them FLANNELS OF EVERY VARIETY. RED. BLUE, OREY,`YELtOW : , WHITE; PLAIN & TWILLED, OPERA FLANNELS, SHIRTING ELA.N.NELS. SHAW 1,8,f0r Elente, Ladies, Misses and Children Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, of every variety, among which are ALEXANDER'S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, and GLOVES BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBEIRS, Among which are the Arctic Rubber, anew and very nice article. DRY , GOODS, Ike Ourfacilities 'tot Sl T&` itt-01)&are5 1174 81/13.PA138810 by any in this section, and we wish it understood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by any, quality of Goods considered, whatever others may say ablest it, and in proof of this we ask an EXAMINATION of our GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not to get angry for show ing Goods when no purchase is made. We shall give our customers the FULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE' in the Market 'should there be any, and should Goods advance we shall be com pelled to follow. We shall continue the system of One Price and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor. We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronized us and would respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson Uouse on Market Street, threw doors west of the corner, and two doors east of Hungerford's Sank. SMITH & WAITE, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1866. WINTER GOODS FOR THE MILL v ion at No. 2, Union Block. tTEROM I E SMITH Has lately returned from New York with-a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING 7, BOOTS dr, SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS OE- CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS; WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSI MERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and • Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goode, • Matinees, Black and Figured DeLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, die., kc., ac. Purchasers will nd that No. 2, Union Shock, Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. .TEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE UNDERSIGED having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. AB. S. Bowen on the 0014511059110 River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares tosnit customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERES, DOE.SEINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has be en . thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an im proved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire season. He will pay particularatteu lion of Roll Cardin; ilk Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible mai mar, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. Re would farther say that he has carried on the business in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years ; he therefore elm warrant all work and satisfy his customers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH LNGHAMI. Deerfield, Jan. 1, 1888-Iy. CALL AND SEE. r PHE attention of the Farmers and every body else in Charleston and Covington town ships, are hereby notified, that the store at Cherry Platte will be kept open where they can procure a full assortment of DRY GOODS d• GROCERIES, WHEAT and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, RICE, • MOLASSES, CODFISH, Mackerel, &0., constar tly on band. Give-us a call. Cherry Platte, Jan. 17, 1866-3m.* L. E. ROCKWELL. THE CONFUSIONS £ RIZPRIIIIINCE OF AN IN- VALlD.—Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay of d Manhood, go., supplying at the same time the Means self-care. By one who has cored himseliafter undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a tiostpaid addressed encslope, single cop ies, free of charge,may be had of the author. NATI:UN - ILL MAYFAIR, Reg- Brooklyn, Rings Co N. Y. jjan.3l.' Gs Iy.l STRANGB, BUT TRUE.—Every young lady and gen tleman in the United States can hear something to their advantage by return mail (free of charge) by lid dressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will please oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please addresa their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN Jan. 81,'66-Iy. 831 Broadway, New York. AN - Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE A will be found at ROTS DRUG STORE. H ELMBOLD'S EXTRAQT BUCHU.- HELMBOLD 9 S OUCH U. lIELINISOLD'S SUCHU. lIELMVOLD , S BIIC HU THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BL&DDER, STRANOURY OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseases it is truly a sovereign rem edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise.— A single dose has been known to relieve the most. urgent symptom& , Are yen troubled with that distressing pain in the small et the back and through the hips? teaspooeful a day of lieltobeld'i Buchn will relieve you.. PHYSICIANS• AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no,secret of ingredients. Belmitold'r kl*tract Bataan is composed of BudiP, Cubob3, and Juniper Berries, selected with 'great care, prepared in vacuo and recording' to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY These ingredients are known as the most val uable Diuretics afforded.. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys RELSBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injur ious properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensa tory of the U. S., of which the following is a-cor rect copy: •!,"ditcan.—lts odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and an alogous to that of mint. - It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Grav el, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It has also been re commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheuma tism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor pewees' vainabie works on the Prac tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phys ic' of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. FROM TRF LARGEST MANUFACTURING CHEMIST IN TUE WORLD. lam acquainted with If. T.tHeltabold ha occu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was succestui in conducting the business where others bad not been equally so before, him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Elm of Powers d Weightalan,) ga.nnfacturing Cbinni,t2, Ninth and Brown Sitreeta, Philatielphfa. (From the Philada Evening Bulletin, ifocrk 10.] We are gratified to hear of the contiptied suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Melmbold, Druggist.. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 2S feet front, 230 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. , The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that bis remedies, although advertised, aro GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—moat of which are pre pared by self styled Moors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to varions means of effecting sales, such as copy ing parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Bags, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capitol. A WORD OF CAIJTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertisid medicine, or any remedy, unless its content* or ingredients Ire known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. lIELM BOLD'S GENUINE i'REPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT BUCRU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Established upwa; ds cf 16 years Prepared H. T. HELMBOLD. Principal Depots. HELMBOLVS DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New York : And -HEIMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. October U. 1886-1 Y ER $1.600 :here Y t . o sell or wall e t 'lnte7z,oj inir Machines. Three new- bads. _Upper and. under feed. Warranted live years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The only machines sold in the 'United States for less than $4O, which are fully licensed day firawe, Wheeler d Tri/zols. Grorer Le Baker. anger ce Cb., and Bache/der. AR other cheap machines are at fringementt, and the viler or user are /fable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or cal: upon Shaw e Clark, Biddeford, Shine. $9O wa out n . ted Ad f r CURET, City Building, Biddeford, Moine. dee.27,415-lorly.