The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 21, 1866, Image 3
_.,„, _o_ zt- 01 41. _ tr r . U TEDSESDAY MARCEI_2I, 1866 New Advertisements Pelmo- School Directors. Lum for Sale—Cyrus Catlin. rphar...: Court Sale—K. Lawton. , Loh—Vischer, Dimon & Randall. , sargo o Dentist—A. 8. - Eastman. ! -1 . , We11:boro Academy. Aavni,tr Ltorsr Sale—R. Rose Estate. I- , Nat ee --N if cher, Dimon & Randall. 5, Nres Cauncn.--:-The annual election for, of the entry, Will be held at the church, ;m a day, the god of April, next, between the tor , of two and three o'clock, P. M. The pew one nod all, are earnestly requested to at :aj By order of the vestry. I r e publi,b elsewhere the , Roll of Honor and 'fl„ jilts leaders of the winter term of the Aced- spy, The closing exercises were well managed, ose noted last week, and gave very, general tedaction. The spring term commences one "a from to-day, and presents a rare and value lie o pportunity for securing a good academic ed vc,nau We feel free to urge young men and rmipf; „ melt to availthemselvis.of the opportu- GaT thus presented for their advancement, because tue conduct of the Febool is superior; and to those . who desire knowledge, Mr. Van Allen will appear In the light of a most energetic and thorough teacher. _ , - E:,TI:AI CATTLE AND HORSES.—Owners of ma th. lorses, sheep and swine, may save themselves cot by pnv isg prepay attention to the following tection of au ~ r dinanee approved August 10, 1863: .. Sec 2. That auy owner of horses, cattle, ,b e ep, mine. ur geese, who shall suffer them to rco at large within the limits of this borough, up,a conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of oLe dodo for erica and every head of horses, cat :ic and twine, eo suffered to run at large, and toutpure cents for each head of sheep or geese." Section third requires the Constable and Street Commissioner to report all violations of this ordi tfirce which muy come to their knowledge, to.the l arge ss : one-half the penalties received upon ties complaint, to be paid to them by the borough Treatilter, whenever collected. - Wr are of opinion that the cattle buiaance can kt abated under the operation of thie ordinance. FLLLSBORO ACADEMY—ROLL OF HONOR.- - 1-A Landis. H. Hammond, A. Archer, J. ; ; ;nerd, T. Rogers, J.-J. Rogers. E. Carriel, C. M. Lounsbary. • , J• SO2 Margraff, E. Blair, A. Donald f:. E. Hoyt, E. Crawl, C. Boyden, L. White, C• Etagere., K. Conway. ,1,,,a(0-g—F. Emery, J. Robinson, W. Shake ;at, W. Niles, A. Hart, F. Fisher, G. Riberolle, E.Biden, W. Card. • c(uae rfaders—A. El. Algebra, W. Shakspear; 1. El. Algebra, A. Archer; C, El. Algebra, E. Erydaiii A, University Algebra, H. Hammond; B. do, A. Landis; A, Pract. Arithmetic, J. Max.. well and C. Webb, a tie; do, J. fßobinson and F. Emery, a tie ; C, Higher Arithmetic, M.. Ma p& D, do, T. Rogersj - E, do, H. Hammond and I. Stoddard, a tie ; A, Mental ArithMetic, cr. Bo wen: B, do, J. Robinson; 800k -Keeping, 5. E., kiLerolla ; Berman Tragedy, A. Landis • Grammar. M. Williston ; Physiology, E. Carrie; Chemistry. E. Herrington ; Science Com. Things. H Margraff; A, Grammar, (Kerl's,) K. Camay ; ktiru'wn's,) E. Carriel and W. Shakapear; B. a, do, C. Card and H. Hammond: Latin Rea d(r. A. Landis ; Latin Grammar, U. Hammond : er,.metry, A. Landis; A, Geography, C. Webb : I. do. F. Emery and F. Fisher: C, do, W. Shalt., ;car: Spelling, Ist dic., F: Fisher, A. Hart and t.. Niles; Spelling, 2d div., A. Landis and M. Iturroeic : Quickest to solve examples in using tLe arid]. frame, A. Landis, 4. Stoddard, A. Farling, C. Card, M. Luuusbury, E. Blair, Wm. ii.s.k.espear, F. Emery, J. Robinson, L. Maynard, F Fisher, W. Card PRIZE STUDENTS.—Settiors—lst prize, Alice I.6LiIS : 2d do, Thomas Rogers ; Emery Prize for wthful trying, H. Hammond. prize, Helen Marigraff;.Bm cry prize, Emma Blair. Jooor ,, —F. Emery, J. Robinson, W. Shake pear, vr,re s of equal value; emery prise, F penmanship, A. Hurt. HALF A CENTURY'S LABORS IN THE G..SPEL. AN AUTO-BIOGRAPHY i BY REV. THUS. S. SHEA.RDoWN." PUBLISHED BY 0. N. WORDEN AND E. B. CASE. The lives of public men are always more or less otritful , yet, telt , Auto-Biographies win their ny to publie favor. A cursory examination of to volume, however, discloses the conditions of ppularity. It is a remarkably candid and in ptuous history of the life of [ an earnest man, re ,aed by himself when past ,the allotted age of 'ihree score and ten." The yeti. - -simplicity of narrative attracts, and renders interesting 'Lot would be cemmon-place in the lives . of or :ltary men. • The relator—Elder. SHEARDOWN, is well and '.l:urably known to the people of this county.— lc Englishman by birth and training, re die cuer much of the native Yankee in his character lie came to this country when a young man, ;minediately entered upon thsi toils and pri ealoue of a pioneer's life. His descriptions of pcuter life are always entertaining and instruct it One peculiarity of the man stands promi tectly out. Whether as a pioneer heaing down itt turett, or a preacher of the word, he carried .:th him into his work am energy and singleness ct purpose which smoothed the road to success. In lt2: l ‘be visited Middlebury, in this county,' a unszionary. Reminiscences of men .and thugs at that period render tbti book peculiarly :nteresting to residents,. and ought to command fr,t a a large sale in our midst. Though a Bap nit and treating chiefly on the growth of that denomination in Tioga County, the book will prove quite as entertaining fo other denomina-. tione, for the reason that it marks the periods of religious progress without especial reference to his awn denomination. True, be is a Baptist in all that constitutes the-outward forms of 'worship fad "Chef; but there it a broad vein of .catholici runuittg through his conversations touching rehgtvu2 matters. It is pleasant to remark the changes which he passed through the advocate' of truth Sulu ng out with the invariable eager- Leh' the true reformer, full of his mission and 1 4efal of the result of bie labors. In t passage from darkness into light is oft repeated. Now full of hope, and anon mil down, yet al vap preserving the balance of a lively faith. We cannot follow him step by step. It is `Lough to any that the publishers have done welt 1 ,5 0%, the history of so earnest and unselfish a 'l5 to the general public. The /object of the narration resides at Troy , Bradford County, a bale old man, still breaking creed to his people. If a word from us could in cite every family to purchase this excellent book. beautifully printed, we would speak that word. It may be bad of Mr. E. B. Case, of Troy. or 0 10. N. Worden.Lewiamrg; Pa., by' mail for 25, or by Express at $2.00. - • WALL P APER.—Young iR receiving addit ions i ° his large and well assorted stock of WALL PA' 'l t; for the spring trade. He is selling 20 per ce `t• lower than last year. Call at the WilleborO BKI; Store. • The contioumfileclioe in the.eastern mar "Ls Las enabled me to offer the lowest prices this of the swan. I now sell fast este'tt..Pti_343) Art taluttas,) at 10.'ete;- handsome: de,.4,raelige" - Hi eta ; best 'prints, Sprague - and Pacific, - 22 eta ; good brown shirtings, :18 and 20 eta,- yard wide do, Henry, 25 ets • i Tacit° extra do, 28 eta; good bleached muslins, 25 - Cts; "yard wide-extra do; 28 to 3 7.1 Ms; best do lathes, new styles, 28 cents; Kentucky jeans, 3 to 55.; pant stuffs, 48. 6d. to its. All othergoods equally cheap. I intend to offer great bqrgains in new goods, as fast as they are offered in eastern markets. lam buying. in small lots, almost daily ; thus giving my custom ers the advantage of all reductions. No one who has bought or buys large stocks of goods at such times as these, can give you the full value of your money. J. A. PARSONS, March 21, 1866. Corning, N. Y., B,PECI-AL .NOTICE. DRY loon —Goode are now cheap. Is it not wise to buy such goods as you need.. I sell good Prints at 15 cts, handsome at 20 eta, tnerimack 25 eta. Good yard wide aheetings 25 eta., best yard wide sheetings . 28 eta. Delains 28 cts. Good block Muslins 25 ete, l extra ,2s 6d to 3s. Rep tuckey Jeans 3s. All other geode equally cheap. March 7, 1865. J. A. PARSONS, Corning, N. Y, Ai Cough, Cold, or Sort Throat. REQUIRES lIIIIEDILTE ATTENTION, AND BHOOLD BE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of do' Ltitigs, a Permanent' Throat Affeclioli, or an incurab/e - Lung DieecloW 18 OFTEN THE RESULT. BROWN'S BRONOWAL TROCHES HAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, GIVE =2 Ar Bronchitis, ARthma, Catarrh, Consnsaptiva, and Throat Diseases, TRODUJIES ARE USED W/TEOAIIRA4B GOOD'SUOCESS - Singers and Public Speakers will find Trochee useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after-an unusual exertion of the vohal organs. The Troches are recommended and pres cribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughoutthe donntry-Alteing an article-of - true - merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year - finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the TrOchia are ani;reicalliirononA ced better than other articles.. OBTAIN only "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," and do not take any of the-Worthless -Lnitatioris tbat may be offered. ' ' , •' Sold everywhere iu the United ,States, and in Foreign Countries, (at A cents per [lnovv6,s-dm] ITCL(I ITCH! IT,CIj.I !I, Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch I ' Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHFL BLAINS, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. For Sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro, Pe.- By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER; Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boaton,; Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of post age, to any part of the United-States. 180et6.5-6m. TREASURyR's SALE OF SEATED AND U SEATED LANDS IN TIOOA OUNT Y. pursuanceln t of the proyleions of an act of the Genera Assen.bly, passed the 2ililth day of- April, 1844, will be exposed -to-public sale, at the Coin tuis,ioners' office, ,i124 - -Wielleiborn, the second Mtkb day of June, 1866, the trietii of liind described, in thefollowing ;16t, pnlenef flee t4es due tbeKeint are paid before that time. C. F MILLER, ' • Treoeurer of "Tioga Comity Washer°, March 8,]886. • Moils isyynahl:p Quantity. . • Acres imped. Wild. To whom aseesbed. Tax. Ituprov'il ip 240 Dyer, Logre:re 5926 Vacant lot . Freeman D. B. ' 1 4fl Vacant lot Latun ; 16 Shut, & lot Bush A. C. 39 House & lot Gelden Simon -15 Town lot „ Ludlow Isaac , lO House lc lot l4,ivi;i John" S. . . ld Store house & lot :Norris S. W. estate 100 Vacant lot Freeman D. B, 2-55 II. -tiara ansllot Phelps _Thomas, 8 : House andlot ' --- Tritctovd,--Di.:gid. • " 5 ' ' ' - 2ti Improved 15 85 wild Reese, William- - , . 2,02 . .. .., 1.1-ouse and-lot - W'illiAsin Walkso,-,,„ ,•, ~,8, llou,e and lot Lang John estate !in House and lot MeKertnis.lamee , 1,.?„ . 4 Town lots, 88 Rathbone, Ford & Do. 7 04, 2 houses and lots. Smith. C. E. .. , 100 120 wild - Tioga'R'.. &A - Coal Co. 3. 60 House and lot t Wallace John -- ' ,- , 10 Route and lot - Sampson William , i "411 Bonn and lot Wilson Robert- . • 1 J 7 3 houses and lots Corning Eiastut - - "2'17 Brookfield totpnehip. , ... . 50 wild Brown Ilionraville - -- - 1 - 08 Tan-yard - I,lavis.l3eor4ilß. , :-',._ .74. 50 wild Labar George 1 43 43 " Lovell-Jobn -- .' . 124 75 ." Luce Ira 2 15 . _ 240 " * Potter Stephen__"'s 13 House and lot Babon. - Sbober ta. 109 50 wild Brown Montraville '1 17 104 42 75 ;" `4.kticelrit.'k z- .-143 T 50 " George,, 55 43 " Borg Johnl 34 240 "- Potter Stephen - . ' 58. Saw mill &44 " Sehoonoqer Ezra 225 - • 68 " Spade Hiram ' 1,59 Store house and lot Ai3diew 1 5,5_ Charleston township Ituprov'd 5, 11 wild!, P,ingham eatate COL " 15, 640 " Dan by. Nathan.. 70 3,1 96 " Niles Moses -8:20 Stuttu saw mill Wilam 'J. B. - 1-43. Steam saw mill Barnes Lemon - -- 412 .60 wild Baily d - 1 86 50 " Bryant J. ""' 25' 187 " -MeDerreed• • 11 64 , 110 " Henry F. Smith - 559 77 " Wedge .Stininer 418 Clymer- kneel/hip.' - 84 wild' Bennett' Thoee ' 100 " Furgeson - John • -I-4 48 , 1 26 " -Marvin Joseph 115•, 25 " Nelse Nelson r 10 impro'd, 82" " Taff Mi. 8;735 10 impro'd, 56 "" Cameron Hiram- • 4 45t 50 " Buck John.• 1 53- itnprov'd, 45 " Bush It and Enos 1 98- 2 improv'd, 78 " Bush James-M. 2 133 4 improv'd, 38 " Degroat Almun - - 248 6 impro'd, 301 " Harper J. M. 8 84- 100 " Jordan-Tathes 3 95. 5 improv'd, 55 " Jordan Daniel 244 3 iinprov'd, 37 " Morgan' Jallue 1-59- 6 Improv'd, 27 " McDonald Bettj. 2-54- 5 iiopro'd, 145 " ParkhurstJohn 5 16- 1 8 impro'd, 247 ,`• Fyce Ndwin„ _ 8,55 100 " Shelliebas: & Step p '3'os I 3 impro'd, 17 " Weeks Mimi 112 Covinffiontoiniehl:l). • 50 Heated Henry 4 71 100 ltießlair Charles 9 35 50 Spencer D. H.' 4'35 30 Wetmore Edward 5 57 73 • Smith C A I" - 085 60 Pollook James --- - 3 13 House& lot - Calver , Pihemusl ' Town lot • Rumooy F. E; .5_33 . . Cot; ingfon'bo Rouse &lot ' Fox Dexter • 2 . 33 Donee At lot JohneotiA. L. " 3 10 Cillatkon-rowne4ip.- - 84` Thinnal 50 Mylatt, widow 1 17 Deerfield el:Ai/211+p' • S impro'd, 17 Rose Nathaniel ' 313 98 : Warren Rufus ~. .4.24 3 impro'd, 37 Woodcock J. J. 2 10, Pcimdr totraahlia..:-_,t.. 1 impro'd, 5 Simmons Andrew 12 25, .- Shmtnani .UO4 - - 59 100 . Smitleangeph =-= -2 33 i lot Smith William A. JO ..- , 26 Etickler T. , = . i7B Lot tTpahiah — 2 O Warren 'A. estate •- 45 28 Wise Frederick , 1 , 82 5 . 20 • Knapp %%owes • -86 5 75 'Kelly Sylvester - - 2 14' 14 8 Gibson Otis L. 1 53, • - 5 65_ _ _. Roffman William "-- lilt ._ Muse & Lot Hofer Dayil . . . 1..15 r :-. t' t• 1t„....c.4 se . e i tc r ; : :; 4 4 , .1 0 00 - • ." .. "5 •. .70 . Mess , leg-A1ina i .14,•,..< _2 25 - 75 Camp Sell Jeremiah A 't 132. , .., 50 - Job Green — ' 3 - 25 50 Gamble Henry . 151 . , 100 - Hibireth-Charles • ' , ' , 3 2 98' . . -._ . 50 • • Kinnon L.: •- - . • 3 1 ' , 119 , - 50: , - Kriner Heorge ---" - . . - .73. .. '5O Kenyon Luoious 151 10 - .40 Naval Jacob 298 .. . ' 60 Olmstead Clement 1 78 .. - „... • 60 Olmstead Stephen 72 . ~_ . 74; , ...',. ,_ TohY.E 1 .11 11 01 1 :# ... .• - 2 ' 22 -' ' 50 Hiram Tomb ' * l • ' os' . 60 Wakeman George 90 38 Stowell D. A. 87 ' 100 Ashly Allen 1 94 House. and .3. Archer R. H. 2 32 15,' ' 50 - ' -- HrOttsort Phinias '' - -=-2.33 lb '" Bain . 1 - Enurweith 'A <' , 4 . - 68. 72 Bennett & Son t - - -3 73 75 Campbell Jerry 1 17 1 - 14 Croft William B. 39 3 -- Coate Timothy 93 3.1 44 Dartt G. D. 125 5 i 45 Frislr. B. S. and Wm.l 38 10 , 40 tgeettlief*G. W.' 45a A ;at 10 ,' 62 Goodenow Charles 2 22 18 4 ' 4 ,! 27 Hurd T. J. 2 87 House 11 , Magoff Fred. 51 5 ; 15 Mark Leonard heirs ' 86 50 Pond Emmit It. 1 17 - : . V 10.34.4 - ter i 111SAIJ., F,_,. , .../.. 4;4 10 , ' ••' - .3 5O Pond A. ..-:-.:11,z 14-0 C Yibi : .' ; Royce Ithiel l6 limisit'lll4 Redding Pratt 1 09 1 1 9 Hodges Cornelius 28 16 , 57 Skelton-John 2 43 - 2 . 45 Magroff Albert 1 71 2 lota . . _ - _ Dheiteetidenty . . : ,31 • . 60..... , tiltnetett[l,Plataint:., ''."; 93' • -,, 25; ~ . Ab.oElon , JacoY.„ ' " - 09 - : 10 ...70 . . .§IYPPO 2 ../. Elie.- -.- i : - .42. 3 P: 1 - '4l"aratiagton.toumshiru. :.:. • . - ....1.1:: .T_ ; 96 Bingham estate 8 01 - ''' '''' i5OO Mercereau James 41 72 20 Gdines township. - ; 5 ; 45 Babcock R. W. 342 1 ' 69 Reynolds J. B. 342 580 Hance J. H. 12 06 .• - - , ' • e:I 741 . .1 ' - av,..0-. . " '.rackion:tinchisksp. , - • •? 1 04: , ~ tif'd*P 4 , Pla ii ,P . l , - - --4 ' • : 6 00 ~,, :V01 111 kPairY7.:6 . p 4 -• ...., , .00 , d... , 7 11 :46r1F.1:::. • . 215' - 4 ; : ,40 ..•.", - clragorria-: ".. 4 Itfr ilossa,&, lot ' Ciin.ii - A k.,.:;: 7- :' ` ' .9o' 15 i 157 Fleet 11.L.' -- ' - 4 '55 •, , 1 .. , 1.. 1 100 Mitchell William K. 11 43 Rhinesmith Godfrey 140 „10 , Aweigh L. L. 65 i , 132 Hemp Samuel Jr 838 ' 104 Kelts Sobrine 2 39 i: . " """ ' 4 Aligkiitte. "'"-' '''''' ''''' 4l -'s .• . ... I} grist mill , Tiffany William 215' i firmt• mill " Billings 1) T 285 Lawrence township , Carlton D ' Dent El H ~ Libe ,EEFil i P..l.,!. ''....1:-; . :.:-.:::•'1•:.: 3: ' 92 Forrer,John 4 63' P 12 ' 28 Coon Thomas 1 53 5 : 60 Erwin, widcf* 142 • - , 83 Rehm John, Sen 92 11Ouse L lot McDonald 0 27 House & " Jot unreel Charles 1 99 Lot , !": • - ol'i'etlafeA " =,---• :;• - ,- .41/, ' -._ ~ '.lfidtlieeig y lt44saP : -'"' ' b. ; 7 I " a ' 0 i 1,1129 Bulmer John &Co 72 . 51 Li_ 160 Hodge William 835 140 , Hodges Daniel 7 66 ' 170 Himes & Redington 10 70 170 Leeper & Vandusen 11 10 175 Bingham estate 14 88 '''' - 'Biker - .retinal' `", :- ~,: i43 _ .. . 50 15. x :. 133 • :.: 7 ,'' 4 3 .':" b '`q loie 'Aintinit''' %-:'•-:- --r.f7t .113: ' 97 Greely Jonathan 245 80 Hodge Isaao 83 1 ' Mitchell William K 78 Anson Palmer 72 __..... 50 Albyson Rice 78 25 1 31 Smith John "'1 96 A - ".-- , ' , - 40; .. -.--W1044100:00, , ,t L...,- J .., 93. -- '29 ; - _7og .. ,, v....3 .7 4thi5ii0.1t4 - .C.-.. , -;:t . .:1- - ; t 4 W. : -, T •• 'l , -, , -;Tmat+i6aTborttgyi...a,--:4.,-_,- 5 rt. , ....= - .125 187 • - - - kiiii -taiiii, -lii , - tqt•-! -;"--s-ltaz '-1 ' Nelson township. ~ , . 40 Daily Eggleston 57 F Richotolid township. 150 Bingham estate 20 25 e.:100%, :, ~RO P O..g ;Y -, . 13-4- 100 Gillett kAtoiia" ''''S't . 1 Rutland township. Livingston William 343 Simerson Isaac 3 15 80 4 SKS Sullivan township, Baer Miles Sri} ett =6;t4ciA j Ellsworth E Stinthitshtatiisitiii limy 4, in 4, Br* 55 ' zl 114 4 46 , ‘.J 1 -12 42:. • 56 c S 3 32 105 Tioga township 270 Benson Isaac 11 71 lil' : 50 Clemmens Rufus. 1 Oil 50 Ford James, estate 5 23 'if - Co:tee & lot ; -.,cl,arton Marren, 57 8 '-27 i '‘ MorrieFri(dent) -;f:: -; "'....-ii....iii Pail factory and lot Palmer-4 Ic -,.... ~ • , .. 21-03 -- „: 112 - liftionmliete'D''' I:0 1 58 ':'-' ' 50 Chamberlain D 1 17 -39 100 i ' Daggett Allen 22 06 357 Ballard W W 22 89 Saw mill & 14 impr'd Miller William 4 20 Tioga borough. -: 7:I IrtitgOilineto:l4lls' 4 7 - -.."' 78 , 12.2. . Union tonsAtp. i r -- : 50 Caugblin William so" P -- 5 2' 1 7 Campbell 38. 149 50 Williams Charles 3 28 168 Decorsey T M 12 14 . 133 Lycom'g Iron &C. Co.lo 37 I 94 Howland S and H 8 54 1 1 116 Landon 'Daniel 14 62 ' 55 Spencer N J Howland Denes 2 Chase 11 W -,-'' 1 50 ' Stratton William 3 94 'e, ' 79 Traver Dwight 216 4 ..25 .: _227,2 .;'‘,. Vkard,C4L , i2,1 - ....:ta T , iB 07.. 1 -' ' :50; -: ,z , ... Stiginian tAnikttatinc.- .-..- 6:55: 1 - 1 49 . Whitcomb Oliver 1 33 1 124 Anthony F A A 1 98 66 Defrance Charles 1 51 Westfield township. 48 Brownell Jesse 93 House; & lot Vansile Nancy .62 i ..-.:2..:- I ' .Triliak6 ro .4l ...4.47 ,, .;44, ~ .,..1 Id C. Ease ct lot I Nita d:S" • '='-. i''4' Jr Ward township. Vacant • •`y , , N ". • 200 Aldrich Andrew 11 00 115 Clark Charles 6 33, : a • 105 Cross Jeduthar 4 791 ;I: '" ' l lOO- 4 if- •g"F4iitlitirws_44_ , ...42 -'.:.::-5,90J _ 1' '' 47 , 1 E. - - -'akrtcw i ma a p -. 1 1..,r, ES& 46 Hart Nathaniel .5:1.:= 431 - • 10 Larcum W II 7 95 ' .., 102;:• ) ::„48tukth i lLefferson 4 02 -- - , •;-, , 4 4 ,- -1,26„, Shermerhorn Joshua, 852 . ' 92 ' -”- Vella 0 C -' '6 01 98 • - Velia Nicholas 516 - AtairatiErril : :• l :-' - -; 2 . 04 : 4 - 7 4 - 4r 100 Wadkins JulArti,: - - 5,•45; 82, , o _ WpgdiAltron; ; B B- 60 .. 94 Krittpp 13! 5 71' ' 1 180 , it ittertgD D . r 'r: '-',..!: 4. 6 , f 3`lloo i dllCalikeefilohn i i -1 ait: ti 100 , -.Attstl;l4„P _., 4..55 110 ;:,' ` s l44ltingglß„2:" , 'L •; i lll 58 Austin Anson 9O - - 90'''''' - Ctinedilloinfort:;..' .I. l ' 34 ''•2lo, ''', - -Cirshan John”'--'' ' ;ill' 95 - ' 40 . , , , - ', -, Giiromueuippi- i, - ,--- - `,-;62 '42 '''',' f • - I(aii Adam ',-- --' 7 i' . l'iiii , ' ±43 s, '„ ; Lfo - .CEiiiliia '-- -- :92 " - b 9. -'''"- Murry Cl/tales - "f 90 "•''9T - I' - -- Nlmer Anion -- .' . 1 41- -1 - 40 ',',". • - Riliy,J. .0 : ' . - ' -72. - " 02' `-'," ' SOreet William 25 - . .. ' SherWooaz Dr MI Oil ' inirsisaniii.4l minlact of the tly, passedite-13th darof March, 1818; exposed to - public sale, at the COM ailed:oilers' OF. flee, InNellaboro, on the vecOndiXonday'of Jane, 'lBB6, this tracts of land described in the following list, :unless the taxes due thereortare paid before that time. C. F. MILLER; - Treasurer of nogg County. Wellaboro, March 8, 1888. Blois Qckanti ._ • , . • No: Origio4 present . W a rranteerorOwriii. 5493 1100 - George Mead 5916 1100— - 275 •Nlckthr&l2lllll3th •^- 69 F. 7 '. • :tiff a it 400 , " 90 68 59E5 1101 ; , ;,3 , .7.,11, ',.C.•,.. , , ,- " , i ,. 14 ' - , - -135.90 7 „ ..„. $ ~- "...., .......... --....,..4,e2 5 , , 37 _ , 5978 - 1100 436 " 105 89 5980 1028 ' 304 WIIIMm Willkon , •,88 41 I,' -,1.;yA . 1.40 344 Franklin Coledg• 83 55 ; 809 r3OO 87% R. Coleman 29 80 5835' 7097 732 James Wilson 425 47 5045 - 1081 - 440 .• 131 78 535 138 74 6047 " . 1. ~.,;.....‘ , ... ~,,,, ;. - % ' , 127 14 5932 1061 , - I , llCilin & Griffith . 480'64 5914 1100. “ 409 75 6838 1040 '. 1040 11,00101 w, ..,. -- • -.. 346028 .5840 ; UOO wo - 300 45 5053 . 1099 . 519 James Wilson ' 132 22 5936 1100. - .509' , 111.Colewen , 47643 , 1 - ~ ..11r, . .%4W01i5m Wagon.. • __ - •• ; 133 '-'- a ''''''' —" - 133 2.5 Frriklin CAillge Brookfield Townskip.'. E . i.724V - Tallb4 awl:9ol 6 TP ' we a ;802,:.304 1864 1865 1864 1068 1856 1860 1881 7.-:-.2fffit-21 1 . M. Waling 118 80 William Lloyd 40 F. M. Willing . 4 Charleston Township 4472 1000 2fo' James Wilson 4478 1002 4A4' 4479 991 'l.# 6050 1099, 52s James Wilson 6048 , 689 1681 990 ma 4099 James Wilson 5053 689 I 11b84'. , • 990 490 Hews & Ester - 32125.. „1099 1159 F. M. Willin4 ' 699 C. Wilting A 579 990 370 - Hews & Fisher 400 — 999 199 Jimes Wilson 0 77 300 Hews & Fisher .- 4474 1009 400 James Wilson 4472 1000 200 1582 990 247 Hews & Fisher 44 95 1588 " 247 44 95 1680 " 13010 68 38 4 87 449 1002 35 James Wilso l n 971 ".• .4 Chatham Township. • lackw )1097 .4 449 • r 00 12'49.3 t ft . . /Pliant r 27 1 06 ' LI, Lqun ff 29 424 J. S. Crandall 140 88 Act , Crandall 8; Emery 135 /7 629 '2os 04 2,N 96 00 13638 ',,L-67 /5 123 24 43 81 7 61 7 OS Samuel Kiog , Jutura Watrtta 293 Robert Alorrlii. 371 A. C. Buell 1221 I' 32/ George Harrison 1329 1149 54 R. Blackwell 1815, 50 ; uz .: 4 Coy:nylon township, 3392 ",71 4 4t9Pulleaol 6393 " 1 5046 " 410 James Vills4l9,i,Z 5497 1100 504 George Mead 5836 1009 , 367 B. Coleman 5536 1160 550 5916 "1 275 Nicklin & Griffith 150 75 E. Dyer 5916 1100 275 Nfcklin Griffith 500,,, ( 100 Al Bless 300' 1 - Zabisthi.k.Essieril I Clymer Township. 2290 988 100 Willink 2295 1 900 • '92991 '1095 500 2296r)±:,900 150•"- - 12271:7 f , ...955 135 George Berri ed 1291 1002 150 W, IM 73 3 40 46 George Radius Deerfield Township. 6179 1999 224 ,Jerre e strextiAlage 3e6 .4(11401,j994*4 116 James Btrawbrulge ~ 15177 ,1100 336 4198- , ;1099 191 617 6191" 1 069 840 5610 1100 216 " 3697 1092 143 " 561 - 0 1100,..2751 64,-Atrawkitike 5180 1099 643 ; r " 318 14, 68 Vl - „,1100 60 5 78'1099 113 ' 5177 1100 5610 " ' 1 11 r 5181 - 659 82 137 1222 101* Delmar Town ri 85 455 1i455 80 James S.ewart 1545 990 196. Ja uie.ik Wilson • ' 1579 •• 613 Hews it Fisher ~sl," 216 5206 " 790 Jame:. Wilson `4212 ' " 76 " 1 06 4213 I " 50 122 4216 ; " 116 4217 < " 216 4213 t " 166 ) 4 , 461. 1002 4463 " 4464 " 4467 i " 997 " 860 74 4468 " 769 29 158 H. P. Voorhees 69 60 ',lOO • Jackson &Bache 15 10 n a te, 456 D 8.11 DieXinionl6l 65 !. 21 cs - ZZ•Vii u '100. 7 4113 t 990 - 99 James Wilson 10 35 4215 d " 655 " 68 50 4218 " 232 " 39 68 4214 i! " 462 - 7 l, 7l, 02, 4462 365 73 4465 t . -" , - 4,4131 284 SAS rJen~as . Kmt~ll ' 17 : Pg. I 4208 n 4218 ; ' ' 28 11 4223 ±1 ;4224 : - 1."•. • - '5.•4 -":`':"-••• 85 , ••••. • • 1541 " '7B , 94- 4213 ' ..t - - 7 17 73 4214 ;• , 7' 6Q 3 b 3 " '''• - ="189 - . 45 13 ,23 'Pt" 56q-41bert. Leet 7;.'t 4428 960'182' - .Litnes..-WlPion' 14 82 4222 < _9,901;. : 7100 -"'; • ' 13 43- " . 16 - 11" 5.346 ' ertKeriirerly .267 82t = : 19 • - 4ainei 30203 4207 , '990 4 " -- ;688' W'l - 208 39 4201' 986 - 8 - 36 " 719 03 5892! 636 536 James Steele 2501 33 4223 990 1 100 James Wilson 25 81 4427 163 -38 73 15'44! - 75 13 59 '42n7 0 -`,—. 499. „ :88.19 A2B: 966 - 08' ) ""th" lb 4294! 990 100 " 35 46 50 " 567 4215: '‘'•:3s 49 5902' 7' 65 4202; - James „`54 6. L" 4 , " • 283; l'o6 16$ ' Jae: srawbridgd S 5 '47 ,1 . 44 p Township: - . _ - 113 39 2509 t:"Ai - - 73 '2512 079 ' 2613 2628 990 795 Tu. SS 09 s9i-90 2629. •...«,. , -97 543 : - '; 206 'l9O 10 13 1.77,UL .134M5, ", , it" 72630 1900.1;:gc(- ' ; ' ,11 1 1.1t 85 2634 -1900 41 213z., —, 1..-!::c7 - e2O: . 4, tra!•-sfro,;v_ryl: 3'2 OW I 32 00 32 08 - 32 12 853' 11l 117 8 - 66 40 98 24 19 12 _. la a~ 222 62 74 85 i , 53 60 1::,P 1 '222 SO 186 28 8744, 109 81 .* 38 200 01 189 17 157 42 211 84 VOB'BV _llB BO 73 34 24 7Q 41 78 868 40 72 80 F ~ iSB. V ]~~ 44 20 118 16 86 43 121 88 60 35 11 06 60 41 14 T 2 36 93 323 33 179 63 64 89 47 47 54 89 -118 60 16 22 6246 Sift /1 3 L'6 'ID 92 s 4 62 23 168 96 93 63 59 11 37 98 78.25 X 602 87 03 16 00 14 10 17 66 3 46 22 48 34 25 1 - -1. i 36 08 67 38 90 67 28 99 309 98 6 53 91 12 15 32 17 39 48 25 .Z 3 08 34 65 46920 vrkoirl 4,:r qp 16 16 2 3 9-03 et 42 :'1223, - - • „ , 23 '• 4.62, 1 , • 12 57 "=l&'29 El MEM „ ,_ .24i i O 78.15 78 15 -frs 05 2636 : 44 44 t• , _ 4 2f41. f 1• 17- - 115 - 8 . 3 - 1 2 6 42' -4. 14 4 26 43 44 46 46, 373 30 2644 " " - 280 32 • - 2645 " " - 373 73 2647 • " 2648. " 2650 • St 44 679 , 500 "' 4227 " 4228 " 4232 " 4233 " 4237 4239 4420 " •• - 679. • •, 679 486 81- 373 70 ", - 373 70 590 - " ' 51 60 237 James Wileon 30 14 718 - 62 20 115 f « - 21 68 106 -": - 20 OL 635 -- 102 54 199 24 41.81 101 14 ;-` , 7 , 474 ' 77 22 77 22 77 22 . 309 19 144' 45 7'7- 22 86 90: 4421 " 4422. " 4423 " 4 1 27 " 44tt - n 990 4428 966 4429 841 .. a 4438 990, „ 4439 'I 4951. • 4440 " 4441 " 4442 .. 4443 " 44447 4445 ••' 679- • - • • 4454 " 4484. ; 4 2629 " 712_ W. Williqk l EC 1 rtlif'Pk• . 5240 1089 688 George Mead " -- zfa 47 5253 " " • = • ••" 297 30 5254 " " " . 297 30 , Gaines l i ownshil:). 1299 1:000 802 W. willunk 2303 990 700 " 2304 1002 2305 '• l• • 372 , 1 122 164 m 2308 99Cr - '891!) 23481({02 85&„., 234 ?' 900 235'0' - 985 500 2360 990 "." ' - 89 49 2379 1002 " ; 526 30 2134 990 44 320 91 2437 '")' •,. • , 320 9.1, 2082" ; 1002 '5OO " - ,g3 57 2427*' 990 271 • - 96"46 2433 " " -,,213 77 2479 ." 740 -•• 141 35 2481 1002 691 • 1 " 82 41 2501 990 850 7 204 95 2335 1002 602 •7181 " • " 31 - 10 •-- . 35:82 1041 542 40 ftpbOro . 49 . lrwall 5.73 .041 542 280 !f 2356 986 100 W. Willink 2358 680 390 " 100 " 2297 990 YlOO z 4 - • " 480 " 2294 1000 316. . " 232 " 127.. 327 2356 1 989,; 'l5O " 2298 '230 . 6 11002 10,00 2308 990 100 t"., 1040 541 125 R. Blaciviten 2358 De 6 307 W. liVi!link 2348 990 100 2300 IWO " • Jackson Tawnahtp 3370 1099 •40 R. Gilmore 3363 " 40 3364 " 8 33611 • - • 210 , 3367. 3369 `. "‘ 4O 3358 ; , - 3308 1099 155'- 3358 " _l2O 3360 6 " 475 3363 : " 210 3364 ; ". 20 - 3366 .190 - ' i" 3367 " 120 , 1 ,, 3369 i " _ " • Lawrence 2beenship. 2305 ',! 4296 1100 _. 95 E. Willing 11 87 5624 1 " Ellie .165 50 5622 " „ 404 :" lB 38 3359 109,9 76 , „„1. '8 65' 4300 10371 220 .-Thomas Willing-- 27 54 180 . 2048 - . '5980 1028. Nioklin B,Griffitkil72 001 '4780 1100 270 Miller Alifurry - .69 83 597.6 ' ” . - Malin & Griffith 284' 70- 5975 _ 'l7l 72 5983 !_` 110 99 586 k John EL_lteseim n 1 71 540 —liz. E. Valentine 139,83 Morrie Townahip. — Jam'es'Wilson ' 86 - 77 " • -178 06' 119 06 1-Qs' 28 - 7 745 302 94 346 25 183 89 97 44 119.06 078 = 990 ' -4.nq i - 4880 4381 = " • 150 ~ 400 4884 • 4385 • •„, -4386 , 4, ' - .4413' .4414 "4 , - 4115 * - - - 54 22 434 i 9 " 100 - -12 03 4416 . " " '23B 10 4417 - 183,85- • 440 ' '46s' " ' - 133 03 " 17 -13.- -s." ' • „ - 474 " " 50 - " - • 1 67 5242 7.86 * George Mead 200 02 1691 990 119 - Bows & Biker , - 18 18 *1595 '6 50 " : • . 328 '4387' ''". " .'.Tamee - 'Wilson 38 95 .4388 " 59 63 1 4216 77d William Willink 59 72 4968 91 - -- John Barren '4217, • ainiee Wilson, -- 135 sr '4220- - 920 •:, "70 as 42,0 x. " - - • 193 78 ,4224; " -" - 38 55 ' 3855 " 50 " •• 10 98 4345 V- - 118 17 -446. " 168 "' - 66 12 4(64, 99 • " ." 757 U 223- - ~ " 48 73 _4864i -991. , '-• 840 - Janes *neon -64 26 , 4365: 113+ • , • 868 -4867: "- V _l5l 48 4388 "'-- " . ._l7B ,§7 4584' 990 ' : 100 - • , : Fisher 12 - 02 1585' " Li 185 90 '1586' '‘ -443-77-- 1587. -:":rq. 940 1 " 174 71 1588, " 790: - 8541 - 11591 "- 48' r 112 _O7 104 " r . " Li•` ," 15/ 48 " 4 • , a 100*“ {fl'..: 19 68 ERR 44 14 490 46 - 15 0 300 1898 ' 4 - 330 -" 11:idd1ebury Township. 4486 999 4()0 James Wilson 488 51 4487 " 640 " 608 85 4486 " 399 " 171 18 819 435 George Wood 99 72 450 - A. C. Crandall- -76 82 288 Losinger 80 99 120 Samuel Ring 33 85 100 H. R. Sark 11 11 4297 1 2443 f 530 , Thos. Willing 454 74 75 , A. C. Bush 12 89 60 03 373 73 256 31 188 75 77 23 77 23 77 23 77 33 - 11723 256 31 128 11 313 C. Bush- 90 34 4298 1099 140 Thos. Willing 31 08 220 A. C. Cole 11 39 200 James Wilson 19 10 200 19 . 'Rutland lbw/y.(7l2'p. IEI 3371 1099 .100 'R. Giihnire s 7B 3371 1099 343 /l 88 95 1404 " 147 R. Blacks ell 40 68 1217 " 30 Geo. Harison 894 3371 " 46 R. Gilmore 13 70 3372:. "35 ~ , 10 39 ' - . 'Richmond' Township. 278' 852 154 J. Lockhart 37 72 233 , 115 " 40 18 427 604 232 . " .36 10 4481 999 245 James Wilson 110 01 4482 ` E 736 41 M4B it ti go o it 73 .35 '93 - 37 05 274 800 - 27 John Smith 984 4484 " 512 James Wilson 154 35 4074 ) 1096 58801- - 550 f 777 Morris At Warder2B4 91 4A14 999 100 James Wilson 36 68 it ti 14 68 278 852 'lOO J. Lockhart 36 68 4481 999 120 James Wilson 44 01 Sullivan TownBhip. 3381 1058 342 R. Gilmore 65 58 3382 1099 334 64 02 3384 " 31 351 983 1026 100 H. Drinker 19 18 Shippen Townehap. • 1960 990 120 James Wilson 26 28 " "• 150 65 94 1954 " 688 129 00 340 340 J. L. Voorhees 59 41 " " 267 W. Willink 54 55 457 66 150 41 502 34 62 17 17 48 18 50 49 39 '424 93: 49Q 49 , 451 24 '4o' 60 .t, it it 191 23 22 44 2 / 2 98 , 2 " 203 63 2301 " . - " ' 182 87 6/ 2302 " 203 83 2355 889 140 " . 18 02 44 64 220 50 20 2352 990 6. 51 89 2367 °` 310 ti 29 11 (4, 200 " t 10 46 2448 " 500 lt 78 59 2368.- - " CL 472 27 2448 " • 490 46 ~308 97 4209 " James Wilson 622 A• 4211 " 931 `• 146 86 44 'CI - 59 14 26 4448 •" ~‘_ 394 04 4449 1002 ‘,l 440 39 4455 951 162 " 108 54 ll - " `` l2B _ 29 53 liIMMIII 1_ 'y if • " " 661 " - 484 . 53 4456 1002 . IL 272 57 4457 " 4t ' 292 58 4458 " 134 LI 26 46 it 'LI 300 Li - 78 16 " i `• 238 52 94 27 74 23 88 21 50 16 72 a 7 30 152 80 60 36 56 ex 3 88 63 , 22 11 . 46 70 28 65 17 19 4459 " 4i 418 83 4460 '" 875 - 586 26 195.5 990 200 125 70 5893 672+ 446-- James Steele 51 09 6084 393 358 Robert Steele 57 79 1027 549 350 R. Blackwell 56 00 1955 990 53 James Wilson 11 08 240 H. Baldwin 23 70 204 328 154 Jas. Strawbridge 61 30 585 367 360 Andrew Beaty 75 24 519 317 157 Jas. Strawbridge 62 64 3623 402 195 Robert King 77 62 4447 1062 James Wilson 422 70 4210 1902 - - ," - ,177 8' 5624'•11001, _3373 1099' 3372 " 114 50 23 88 10 86 34 96 13 83 57 . 3 20 4537. 18 35 i " 3 68 - 96 35 - -12t82 19 33 7 - 2410 - 51 98 32 24 - 58 71 5645 " 5644 " 5625 1100 5643 " 3373 1099 3368 " 75 35 se 7 18 '6B 17 43 0,5 30 54 164 40 91 75' Tioga Township. , 239 William Ellis 97 47 369 R. Gilmore 107 43 567 " 165 11 200 • " 5$ 25 447 William Ellis 100 46 269 S. M. Fox • 78 32 565 George Mead 161 44 281' J. W,Guernsey 81 82 1441 R. Gilmore 61 06 76 25 47 549 S. M. Fox 159 85 187 54 44 456 William Ellis 132 81 269 S. M. Fok 78 40 200 R. Gilmore 58 55 48 ' " • 17 94 187 H. G. Wilcox 514-5 Geo. Harrison l 4 {l 5625 1100 5643 1089 5243 1093 342 3368 1099 1218 1099 ' 160 5624 1100. 61 William Ellis 3368 1099 200 R. Gilmore 5644 " 340 S. M. Fox 5645 " 549 - Union Taumehip. 8241 1083 200. George Mead 5259 1100 165 - " 5840 " • 500 R. Coleman 4803 " 100 John Vaughn 2 " 279 Wm. Wilson 3 " 4121 " • 4. " 412/ " 412/ " 6- " 3621 - " • 7 : 44 2293 „ At 2 " " 3 " 68f " 689 " , 5 689 " 6 - 59 t " 2 I-• " 3I- 68 " , 5 4 6 .6 44 ac 6- 7 6 6 3 44 2 133 3 91 4 129 " 5 145 6 127 7 150 2 1371 •` _ 3 1371 " 4 " 1371 ' " 5 1371' - 6 - 1371 " 7 137/ 2 1371 " , 3 1371 " 4 1371- " 5 ' 137/ " 6 65/ " 7 1100 137+ " 2 " 137+ " 3 " 1371 " 4r 1371 " 5 ' 1371 " 6 1371 " 7 1371 " 7 301 ." 4608 1097 ' 73 John Vaughn 4610 1100 322 " :4612 " 114 44 4604 " 42 4606 " 20 4607 , " 190 4609 " 187 4610 ' " 137 4611 " 80 4012 " 56 • " - "6259 " 65 George Mead Ward Township. 1438 1098 174 Pt. - Conneßy 5837 1100 • R. 9•flerdan 5839 " 5836 5838 "- 984 1028 3393 1099 5244 ' 5262 " 4265 1 1086 „697211098 41 60 277 H. Drinker • 52 15 375 R. Gilmore 69 19 327 ' George Mead 85 51 333 " 86 85 400 " 104 30 847 Nicklin & Orifilthl9o 65 bleat, Township. , 1919 1099 90 B. .B.lacikwell 27 21 1113. 1097 100 " . 30 28 SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS! I t 74 98 22 96 2516 AND C,A1.1.6 OFTEN AT NAST & AUERBACH'S, CHEAP CASH STORE BLOSSBURO, PA. Where you can always find the beet assorted stock of . DOMESTIC FANCY DKr GOODS, CLOTHS NOTIONS, , READY-MADE CLOTHING manufhetuir under their own suporrisioa, GFNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, etc., etc. In their Merchant tailoring establishment they defy competition, having the best tailors of New York City, and an experienced Cutter, Mr. H. P. Erwin. [Feb. 21, 1866-ly Card; Staples & Sou, ARE PREPARED TO SELL AS CHEAP as any dealers in the county, a general as sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, EARTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything usually kept' in a country store, all of which will be sold as low as else- where, for r READY PAY ONLY ! No trouble to Show Goods. CALL AND -SATISFY YOURSELVES„ STAPLES A CO., grateful to old patrons for past -favors ' hope for a continuance of the same. Having formed a copartniuship with G. P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better' than ever before, as the new firm will have a larger assortment. COMPETITION DIWIED! CARD, STAPLES A SON. Zeeneyviile, Feb. 21, 1866.-ly. )111INISTRATORS' SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan? Court of Tioga County, the undersigned Administrators of the estate of Royal Rose, deceased, will on the 22d day of March inst, at the Roseville House, in Rutland in said-county, expose to sale at pub lic auction, to the highest and best bidder, the following described real estate, to wit: All that lot or piece of land in Rutland, called, the Burying Ground Lot, beginning at the south west corner thereof, thence north ni deg east 14 perches to a stake, thence north Hi deg west six perches to a stake, thence south 71i deg west four teen six-tenths perches to a stake, thence south 30 deg east six and one-tenth perches to place of beginning—containing 85.8 perches more or less. ALSO—another lot of land in Rutland, being lot No. 146 of the allotment of Bingham lands in said twp. and bounded north by lot No. 143 con tracted to Royal Rose and Erastns Rose, east by lot. No. 129 in the name of Rose .k Gila, south by lot No. 100 in the - name of H. Smith, and west by Bingham lands—containing sixty-five and seven tenths acres more or less, the same contracted to Wm. Rose, jr., on which there is about $175 due the Bingham estate for purchase money. ALSO—another lot of land in Rutland, being lot No. 50 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Rutland, and the same conveyed by the trustees of the Bingham estate to William Rose and Roy al Rose by deed dated November 7, 1849, and at the time of the death of said William Rose held by him and said Royal Rose as tenants in com mon, and described as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner on the north line of lot No. 32, thence along lot formerly in possession of Le mon Barns north sixty-two perchesand two-tenths —north 25 deg west 39.5 perches, and east 102.5 perches, thence west 85.8 perches to place of be ginning—con.aining stxty-one eight-tenths acres wtth usual allowance, &c., more or less, Said sales are to be made upon the' following terms : Fifty dollars cash paid on each lot at the time of sale (except on the -Burying Ground lot), one-fourth the purchase money on confirm ation of tne sale, and the balance of purchase money on eachlot to be paid in two equal annual payments with interest on thealude slim unpaid at the time of each payment, secured by Judg ment bond and MortgaLe, with other security if required by the undersigned. 54 44 15 76 46 60 32 83 57 23 98 67 159 93 C. R. SEYMOUR, 1 Mar. 14, 1§66. E. I. STEVENS. f ,dzara ROBERTS 4. -- STOWELL CO Will be found one door below 0 3111311 1 Tucker's Hard Ware Store, in the building formerly occu pied by Borst & Seegers, which building they have rallied throughout, andantend keeping CONSTANTLY ON HAND a general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES AND FRESH consisting in part of Alepice Mous Blacking Beef Cassia Coffee Candles Crackers Cheese Chives Dried Apples Eas. Coffee Farina Gelatine Ginger Hams Indigo blue Lead Mustard - Molasses Nutmegs Oysters Kerosene, Pork Pepper Powder Pipes Potatoes Prunes ' Peaches Pickles Rice Raisins Salt Sweet Corn Soda Carb. Saleratus Syrups Starch (corn) Shot Starcb,loloss Soaps Sugars Sardines Tobacco) Teas • Tomatoes Vinegar &c., &c., &c:, &c. ESPECIALLY THE AND SO FORTH! Which comprises everything designed for family use not mentioned above, • All of which we propose to sell as cheap as we We claim to have im fine an article of SYRUPS, SUGARS AND MOLASSES 97 97 34 68 sa was ever offered in Welleboro. 11111.• Rumen bitr the place—one door below Gunn & Tucker's. EMI We!labor°, Feb. 7, 1866 19 74 NOTICE is hereby given that the Overseers of the Poor of Delmar Have engag e d the professional services of Dr. N. Paoker, in behalf of the Poor of said township, for this en.tresst year, and no bills rendered by any other physi cian will be paid. Delmar, March 1,1866-3 t. 64 37 818 13 818 13 31 845 46 22 ME UNDERSIGNED having purchased the right of Farmington and Cbittham to make and sell Seaman d Henderson's Prtent Self dUr-. log Hand Loom. We are now manufacturingthe above Loom in East Farmington. Those wishing to purchase, will please call and examine our Loom for themselves, Fast Farmington, March 7,1868.-3 t. MEATS, can and live. ROBERTS I STOWELL. E. WARREN. L. H. CRIPPEN.