The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 07, 1866, Image 3
(yip r ft i$ = rJI WEDNi**'s7 1,..1866 New Advertisements. • Dry floods—W. R. Smith's Sons. Farm for. tett-4. W.e titnni y., Bard LOot 'Werren WelieUfro-Acsidetny Exhibition. Stores &.Tip Ware—Roberta & Kelsey Farm for eats—John 'Preach. - • New Goods—Van Name & , y9eirbam. Dry Goodr—.T. - A Parsons. T. L BALDWIN & go., of Tioga, advertite to sell at auction • everxday this Reek, commencing s t I o'clock and ew:Maass until 10'`P. N. They bares large stook wbiob wit) be sold rigardleee of cost. - • _ • Doseram.—The friends of Rev....W. Wtot.ttais s ra invited' to attend a Donation Party at the house ofltix.liosalelliiguroe, iri r Deltnar, Wednes day afternoon and evening, March 74th - inst. ' Naw PotrtitikkekerE-a--A 1444 4611 ea tablished at..Lai;ab's Creek, in thin county. It will eacomittodqte a neighborhood, badly aaeaaa edited iat:6o43 l ' l- •' - • ; r lqws D EPOC—The t• • ego. of tha Tioga Post office can procure any of the daily and weekly papers, eked all the 'popular magazines at that Itpst-pffieetof Mrs.ETZ, the postmistress. We direct attention to the pregramme of the Wellsboro Acudent¢;•'lie iftercises • ptenoire, to, b, un usually interesting; and, an opportunity is now presented our citizens and the friends of edu cation generaily, .to testify their .appreniation of the labors of tte*aceotnPlished` Principal-and his assistants in establishing a Erst class school in our midst. Let ere*bOdy - go. - • - Som.—One 'hundred pieces of New Music em bracing the latest and best songs of the day, and arranged for the Piano and Melodeon, jnet received It YOUNG'S .I , OOE STORE. .WlllO the Social Hymn and Time Book, "Praises of Jeans." EiTaiamond's Hymn Book) new Life of Zion, New Olive Branch, and otker Mimic .Books. constantly, on hand arid for sale at Publishers' Prices-. BLAMLVS MONTHLY rather more than folfiAs its promise to the publi e. .Wo used to think it im possible to keep-house , without the ..Ationt(C and Harper; it novel , seems as necessary to have Bea dk's Magazine i in addition. The price is only $3 per year._, Hugh Young has them on sale at the Wellsboreugh Book-Spire. . • Ors TOMCG FOLKS, Ydoth's Magazine, it creases in attractions as the months go by. rt should be found in every house where, there are -children ; -and if. it mete se patronized a great many boys would be paled from evil cour ses. For sale by Young, at the Bookstore. s2* per sear. 3 , .iff,RRIACk.E.S. .: In WillmarNiagara Co., N. t., at the residence of the brides' father, Feb. 22d,.1666, by Rev. P. Reynolds, Mr. Darer= 'L. 'Kimball of Oceola, Ti nge Co.. Pa., to Mies Julia A. Kimball. NEW YORK MARKETS Corrected weekly by ITISOELLALD vti TILACY„ Com mission Merchants, 28 .Totith Wtn. Bt. N. Y, ' licit: rip @ 'bbl . - ' ' . r,20 @ VA 9 Flour, (family) 8,40 is 8,90 • - Wheat @ bush. 2,35 igi 2,40 Barley .... . 90 @ 1,15 Oats .52 Corn. 76 .ig i Si • PorkAfiesh,) lb ' ........ Lard El=! ITI=I Hops SPECIAL NOTICE Dar GOODl.—goods are now cheap. Is it not wise to buy such goods es you need. I sell good Printe at 15 cts. handsome at 28 cts, merimadk 25. cts. Good iardwide-sheefitnis 25'cts. - ,. best yard wide sheetings .28 cts. Detains 28 eta. Goocl. black Thislins 25 cts, .eitra 2s 3d to 31: Ken atekey Jesus 3s, : 410,tber,goods equally cheap. March ..1.„ 18645. „ . J. A." PAII.Ei ON 5, - • , Corning, N. ..1", No ADVANCE IN PRICES AT PARSONS'S I—Al though Dry Goode have advanced largely in New York, I have decided that it is more for my inter est to sell vs* freely at present tha it to mark np prices. My stock is in such shape that it is not aseetssi tor Mt. to - New York prices at present. I shall therefore continue to sell goods at the rates established about Decem ber 1, until floyther notice. As goods sell very fast at this dale or the year, it is nor probable these tban 30 dart. • early bnyers will do the best" '•• •"• t. A: BADS )NS, [Dec. 27.—td] 3 Concert Block, Corning, N.Y. BATH Oarnen ASYLIIM.-A correspondent of the Rochester Advertiser gives sort4s interesting the Davenport Orphan AO , lum ei litra,"lP.l4 - iildOtt mai?' irove'latirTsst4ng -to our readers. the ; , Institation• lost $2.5,00, and sixty attres.or: ;Ira ths.v.iCheeo deeded to it by the founder, Mr. Davenport. Stp,ooo is on inter est for the expenses, and $lO,OOO is to beexpend .ed:enitet groungis nexrt-season- The ,p flingis fire proof, of four stories; and nceOritniodate seventy-fivechildren. 'Pbese children-are com fortably clothed, lodged and fed, the discipline is gentle, but thorough, and the coarse of editcatiou irai broad ati•ln tiny Seminary in L 1418011.14 Mrs. 1: Icorcnniss, ;;r9lllnoitzt to our peo ple for her Ktiae labors in ) ,:the field c, , of publi charities in our midst, is thie, matron of this Home for the Orpban. The cdrrespondent pays both Mr. yt Mrs. Hotchkiss, very high compli ments, as peculiarly fitted for their charge. Miss Saida - Magnus., also stell_known. to ow :people, is a teacher in the institute, and has already won golden opinions by reason of her accomplish ments and excellence of heart. T IST OF LETTERS remaining in, the Poe Office at Wellebnro, Mareh.'s, 1866: • BakstDios. ; - Bainicle Cash Jacob S Smith: Darby C H Smith' Was-R: Zinn 3 3 Sherwood Wm ' Field Miss Joe P Sherwood Lydia A Hawk Lucretia. Turner Beuj Kimball Mie S S Walker Mary M Lamb Wm F = Wilson Mary M Robertson Mary B ' Wilson Daniel H 19 , Rees Maj J J Jar- To obtain any of these letters, the appli cant mast call for " advertised - lettem", i give the date of this list, sad pay two centeroi advertis ing. If hotealled for within' Mae month they will be ant to the,Dead Letter, °Moe. _ HfIGIFYOUN ( I, P.M. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Tioga, March HEM : Bailey Horace King Geo W Cunningham Rachel Llloyd oit Cokrin Stephen hteebrmick R W Pottengood Rebecca Mitchell 'Mrs Hanna h- . gazan {anal - fiess John. - - °int% atly'otthase lettemite appli cant meet call for "advertised lettere," give the date of this list, and pay two cents for adverife. - lag. If not called fer 'within one month• thy will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. SARAH M. ETZ, P. M. \elf ' ' 45lOOdSl CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST. ArAR NAME A WICKHAM. now offer (far. Cash or ready pay)a good itiaortment of - - D 4. 9 „•0 0. . AM•rally ktpt In a country store, and at lower luises than asually;offered. Taking the quality. 01 Goods into consldersition they -are unusually_ law pe-pe w Call-and see for yourselves. • Ivro Muth Isti 1866. - • 0- 9 i7ciowillriserri itidcbtedso s nose -_or BoultArcearifeettlw; uwe are about closing *Air TSTRI Y cash bi4ineu. • WRIGHT - it EU LEY: Vaitt,*aim-ar,-Teou" FARM FOR SALE.—A farm of 125 acres or thereabouts is offered for sale, situate two ,n4e.s from Wellsboro, the county meat of this "tirtiaHßett.iiioltiwiliteet-ihid4iiitheastsubeeing-. districts of Pine Creek. There, is about sixty, Bores improved, with a good ttotise and barn, bend a number of good springs of water. The timber land is covered with valuable timber, and the 10. catiOn'ffor bit that :Wishes a. flood farm near thriving and enterprising village cannot be sur passed. For further particulars, as to_ price, terms, Ac., apply to C. E. Brewster; Wellsbbro; or to the subscriber at Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y. March 7, 184111-tf. J. W. GUERNSEY. , THE IEFF/DERSIGNEDAteving- parebasedthe right of Farmington and Chatham to...make and sell Seaman 0. idenderson'a Prtent Self Act- Lpom. We are now tnEuntfactueingthp abovi'Ltotn'" East' Parmingfori. 'Those 'wishing to pnrchaFe, will please call and examine our Loom fnetbeinsilves, ; • '' East Farmington, Mirch 7,1866.-3 t. WARREN. . - L. H.-aRiPVEN. OST !—ln We'labor°, A TAAVELINe -LED .I.4 GER, abc,ut 6xlo inches. Said Ledger con tune sundry iceotirits in favor of C. D. Coming: N. T. Whoever will return= •it-A6-tbe Agitator office. or to C. D.'Sill, Corning, by ex press, will be liberally .rewarded - for his trouble. March' 7,1866. . • A Couggh,Cold, or kore 'flak - oat, nrkita4TE AND 8130gLD 3EaliEl): 1F .I.T.LOWED TO CONTINITS, Irritation_ Of the 'L t d ngs, a Permanitac riroat Affection, or an incurable Lung ,Disease - faS oritor StE BROWN'S.33ll9l4QiiiiXis raga E 9. TiaNTSO A DIAECTTSTLIIENCR - TO THE PARTS, RIVE ME - , LlnkanaDuirx. eaLrEr. For 'Bronchitis, -- Asthintir, attarrh, Contritapilti ' -XhroarPa#irt,' I .B .OOD!SDG A4RG q*Et) WITH ALWAYS GOOD at-CO/VI.- • Singers and Public •Speakers. ,• will tin& Tr ocries ;mini ixi clearing the voice,whcp. taken beforeflinging ot i Speaking,and riving the throat after en unusual eaertion the vocal organs. The .- g"rochetittrerecotamefided and pres cribed by Physicians, and h's.VV - hid testimonials from eminent men thrOugnouttho country.! Being an artioleof true meriti ttnd haying prove4,their effieacy by a . ..teet of many yrra, ' , Etch. year finds them in new ..locnlities variou s parrs of the world, and the Trochee are universa lly pronoun ced better than other tinkles. 1 'Oexirir Only' " liittiwtes EirteiibantiqTatienate,t't and do not 'Mike any cd thelWorritisie• imitations that may be offered: . Sold everywhere in the United Statee; anti ;in Foreign 'Countries, tat 36 teat per box. , - • ilnorv6s-6m] • • ITCH 1. ITCH I 1 _ITORi I 1 Scratch ! Scratch ! _Scratch ! Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Uinta-. -- Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all Eruptions of -the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. For Sale by 'John - A -Roy, Tireltsboro, Pa: 7 By sending 60 cents to WEEKSPOTTER, ,Sole Agents, 110 Washington *street,' Boston. Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of post age, to any part of the United States. 180465-6 m. . - ROBERTS, 4:,:STOWEIft . • . , Will be found one door below Gunn & Turka'e Hardiare Store", in the building formerly' pied by Boret& Selgere, which building they have throlighout,ditil intend keeping EMI 11 . 3 %22 E 513 20 @ ---10 CONSTAN,TL,y. L c0N,..1-1,1) a genet t ai assortment of • -4. r yar , 4 FAMILY GROCERIES AND FRESH .. i . 1 ~ f . ? ii:4114(4, ,;,-:: -..1 i 1. i consisting in part of - t ' ' i'• ' ••• -:I - .1 T , r - ' ~ s , :A l i:4,lj t; 4. ilk 11 ..„ , ~.. cc ~ k „. 4 Cassia Coffee #dlifis n '- V rAker's • Cheese Cloves Dried Apples ES'S. Coffee Farina - = 1 ftaelatine. • clinger i • .11am*. Indigo blue Leadzi:..,Mustard ' Idelalses Nutmegs- laysteasei 7 Kerosene,. Perk ::•, Popper Powder.. Pipes ':. Pets4el4 Prunes Peaches Pickles Rico Ratios -- Salt . --Setent Corn Sedik•Carb• Saleratus Syrups Starch (corn) Shot StarehAployup Gimps . c „ -,3pgart t i. 2 : I,fparditios Tobsceo Teas Tomatas ” 'Vinegar :ir..,* 4 -_s!: • OIC., • WC. ESPWAUVT SHE )4ND 5 ? 'riF?Rn" Which comprises everything 'des i ig r ned for family u tt e . Tifi?!Vitev9l( All of which we propose. tot sell as cheap as we _ . We claim to have u fine in article of • 4 T 2• , SYRUPS, SUGARS AND MG:LASSES as war Wines offered in4Weliebowi7 -Ouirtßemem bertisa plan t . sl oos below Gunn s t Tucker's. (.4,IIiinVERXIS t j STOVELL, Wellsio4rk R WILLIAMS Difigg Alma "4 , Patsint YANKEE , t NOTIONS :PERFUMERY, FANCI I AT NEW YORK COST, " if4IVA 1:.1 . 9+,3es wit Tiatlolll6 TrifilkiDAYs He 'ha's ev4rAtiingeivei.loopttinii? FIRST CLASS toßthi lr 'SilYnt: Welleboro, Feb. 7, " " 4"i WHAT ISIT WHAT. IS7n ''NVEit is if Vhichit as marveloitilti ankmagi 'cinri'airt7' - • 7. ), ,y7tutfis it which-the more yen nee it thus : Vetter you liken 7 • s - What is it that-cavesefelie-latne-to What is it that cases the pains of Thoumadsm *hat to it that loosens •t heistiff job:an ? •••,, AVhat, is this chemical compound that is culled r itOinfaihlevernte4yr for "Ne•iralgisr,ateig direct 1+ tiport"thetervhs and giving almost instant re llef : curing all sorts of aches and pains as !,1 by mails ? It ig • SALUTIVIE,II Off now at Boy's, Drug Store. .[Feb. 14) TAISSOLULIOIL,Mte copartnership hitherto IL/ . existing between Abe . subscribers in the mer cantile business is this_ tlay,(Feb.l9) assolded by • m mat enniserrt; thehusiness-toftis iiinaimiefi .a t itie Uhriteild bY:Crill.),- Ifinno4ii4ehtefi - to - tho firm will please, cell- upon tim eitil geode. : • ". /(114t1;___: Welisboio;rib:2l;'6o;'7ol3N T. `PIAI,VIB, M!!! can atid, live. i. I .).It< Ktfill SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS!!! •, - • N A t•-• " 4 41411113 , AV+1 2, 14 - ,_ • la 4;. - 1(h: •.-0,11 - EAP CASH ..ST-ORE " 1 8L0591313R0, , iiiiw z re'f)(:ii 'rain fled tbiir bist tisioned titoek ut , -DOMESTIC FANCY DRY QOODS, CLOTHS NCTONS, 'READY- MADE 'CLOTHINGh ' coseutectured•under their-own supervision, . -It PFNTS' FURNISHING .41Q0K. etc„ _etc hi their Merchant tailcirtug efiaNishinent they' defy reiaipetltle% hartelf t)itk beat of brew Yurk.Vity, Ara 4pF expepeered'Otifter; Erwin. [Teti: 21, 11036-11 Card, Staples & Son,' 4E' , .PREPARED 6.E I& a 41EAk -as aby dealers iu.the county, a 'general sa l; ortment of s • ii - ATUtitiB; . !.GfaxEßim READY-MADE CLOTHING, HAT* CAPS, BOOTS' & SHOES, FUR NISHING4-41-00DH,-4bt tf E .RTHERN, STONE, AND GLASS WARE, in short, everything a - country store, all of which will be sold as low as else-' where, for a aI .5 ro • •READY- -PAY' , ONLY !- No trouble` to Show Goods.:.- • . L . • ,e , ,CALL. AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. • QTAPLES CO., grutefuf iu old patrons ter past favors, hoye for a continuance, of the came. Havink - farmed enpartnerstiip'*6itli" A. 'P. CARD, they feel confident that they can do better. than ever bdfliiihial therne* Britt will itILVW a larger . aisortnient? . . - COVPETITION DEFIED! CARD, STAPLES Ac SOIL. Heeneyviile; Ehb..i21,11:366.-4y. 47. AD M INTST.KATOR'S' SALE By virtue, of an ostler of the Orphans' Court' of Tioga ConnO, the iinderbigred Adniiimistrators of the estate of Royal Rose, deceased, will on the - 7th day of March next; at thOßoseville House. in Rutland in said county, expose to sale at pub. lie anetiiinytt thii highest and best bidder, the ollowing described real estate, to wit: _ A lot of land in - Rutland, beginning in the pn6lic inao' , leatling from R0143411/0' to 'Bradford count, by the residence of Charles Sherman, In the - 'Si Oh" line of , said .Sheratan's land, thence north thirty-six and a half deg. west 78.2 Perch eis:JO'nearqi smell ;creek t thettee ! north 751 deg. crest, .54 'paella, thence - north flitteen• deg. west along said road 18.2 porches, thence north 54. d's. 'east, sixty-two - perches,- theaicenorth twenty-six deg. forty-ix perches, thence north 41 deg. east, 42 patches, thence north 1.2 i deg. west 28 perches, thence north 21 deg east 18.4 perches,-thence east 156.2 perches, thence spuds 21 perches, thence west-seventy-six two-tenths perches, thence south along lands. in. possession of Joel Rose, George W. Ven'Altets' . thiii4ltirriseSeper, 245-perches to north linepf Ahares Sherman's land, thence Ai-. teen fireheeld place - 6f hegintingeontaining i I.33.apressuore or less, besides the following•eX-. .n.eptiontepd , res.eryntipng therefrom; being ell -improved, with an old dwelling, shoe shop, black ! -eolith shim, horse barn ) shed, and other outbuild ings thereon ; -excepting, out of the above descri -I•bedint of land one acre sold and conveyed to I Harris Soper, another acre of. land near Ism Creek, also sold and convoyed to said'Soper, and a lot of 151 perches of land neat north of Mill Creek, east side"of said road, soltlland conveyed to I. M. Barden : -1, acre of land next north of the saidßarden lot, Sold to S. H. Haiens; the hotel let tin she comes in Roseville, on which -is - - the • Roseville House, containing one acre and 108 ps: of land as herein often advertised and described; . the Watkins At Strait Store lot • on the corner of .the Blusireend Bradford county roads { contain; ing 8 perches of lane'; I acre - of land - on - which {Here is a hOhle, cm' the north -aide of said _Brad ford'eo. 'road and-east of said Watkins .& Strait store lot, sold to Marietta A. Rose, them wife .of -decedent; i acre text east of lad, mentioned lot on - north-side of said road. sold to E. Rich; i of lin tore pert east-of said- Rich lot. north aide of atiislyesd, Sold to Charles Sherman; i acii4lng still - farther - eestion north side gf said Bradford I - • county Yea (I,' soli - to 'E. Backer :e ati °filet , let on eastside,i.C.theßlmira , .road in Roseville, - sold to and in possession of J. or A. Simpson , contaiu- • tug ab bot 80 perches ; another lot on east side of said Elmira road, containing 144 perches, sold, to Myrna Mille; • another lot next north of said Mills tot on east side Of Said - Blinira foral, - contal- ' Ding one.dia and 109 perches, sold to 'Oriel Lu cas; another lot containing k acre, on east side of laid 'road, sold to Polly Stout; another lot' of laiid'On east side ofsaid reed, contracted to Lon- " son Rose, containing about 20 ncres ; and:also the lot ilereinafteradvertised and described-as the Fleiryini - GiolindLot,cOntitinindahonttgi.Baeres. Two apple orchards and other fruit trees on the titnic+ lot to be Sold. ' ALSO--Will expose -to public sale, another lot of land in Rutland known as the Roseville Hotel Lot;liettnded and described as follows: -Begin ning it the northwest' corner of S. R. Havens lot on the"east side of - the Sullivan road, thane's along said rattd,north 5 deg east 18 perches to a corner in the - Bradford County'road, theince along said road 14 perches to ",Vetake, thence south 5 deg „ west, 20 perches to a stake, thence north 841 deg ; west along north line of said - Havens 'lot to place ____,_ _ . ___. _ of -beginning, acreloB - verelfes'of land more" or-lees, - with large.hotel_building, call ed the Roseville House, a frame barn and sheds, ecamhouse,icetiOuie, Woodshed, other outbuildings ALSO—another lot of land in Rutland bound ed as f a ll awa: beginning aothe, southeast corner thereof; thence along north line of lands,of,Eres t#'llbee West 148 perches, thence north aleag the eiiiit's Line ' of A :1 Buckley's land 45.5 - peaches, y east.' airing land of-I. Newbury 443 Perch es to the northeast corner hereof, thence south , ' along the Backer lot 45.5 perches -to plate of be. L'euifing=eontaining 40-acres -and one' hundred ant) SIX perches more or lesi. - ' " . ALSO—another lot of /and in Rutland, called thelfurying Ground Lot, beginning at the south'.. west borntr thereof, thence north 714 deg east 14 perches to a stake, - thence north le3 deg west six perchei to a stake, thence !anti] 71.1 deg west four teen 'alltienthit Derelict to a stake, thence south, 30 deg east six and one-tenth pereheslto place of beginning—containing 85.8 perches more or lbss. ALSO—another lot of land in Rutland, being Ifitisio..l.44tof -the allotment of. ..Bingham lands in said twp. and bounded north by.lot N0,,143 con tracted to Royal Roak and- , RraStus Rose, east by , ltit NO- 12,9 in the'neme of Rose A, ( file, south by, aNci. 100 . iii the name of H. Smith, and west by' Bingham lands—containing sixty-five andseven tehl_tioneres more or less, the same sentracted to Wm. Rose, jr., on - which there is' about $175 due the Bingham estate for purehabe money. ALSO—another lot of land in Rutland, being` lot No. 50 of the'allottnent of Bingham' lands in Rolland; and the same conveyed by the•trnstees of the Bingham estate to William Rose and Roy al Rose by deed datbd Noveinber 7-,7849; and at the time of-the death of- said William , Rose held by him and said Royal Rose as tenants in com mon, and described as follows : Beginning,, at thecionthWest corner en,,the north line of lot NO. - 32, thence along lot formerlyin possession of Le mon Barns north sixty-two perches and two-tenths , ---north 2.5 deg west 39.5 Qerches, and east- 102.5 perches, thence West 85.8 perches to place of be ginning—con.aining oight:tenths acres wtth usual allowance. de., more or less. Said sales are to be made upon the following terms: Fifty dollars cash paid on each lot at the time of sale (except on the Burying Ground lot), one-fourth the purchase money on confirm, ration of tne' aale,.and 'the balance of purchase money on eachiot to be paid in two equal annital,' -payments with interest on tha. whole. au at unpaid et the time of each ply-ment, Feel:med.. by: Judi- - ' 'meat -bond: -tied *riga. e,,trith .otb er, saga ri - 6 , if,- required by the undersignelL .. ..,.:.- 1 ;4 ., -., :•- . C. ii, BEYUGHR, 1 . Ad - 7 Fear. 1 4,1868 . E. I. ttrovrNa.- i , ,mrB-:,. ROBINSON'S BOOKSTORE, - NEWS-ROOM ti o• 1 .t.:5:111j3,1,1i ANA PVEiI WAROIOUSE No. ritarket.ot., Corning, N. V., and PostoiXite Building. • - V6: 4 4 . - MEE EDWARD B. ROBINSON Rettrrad acknowledgments to his friends for lb. hti eialPatipriagge beftow4d for theitst sight years, c4ling . particular attention far t4r:Sikkesenterwozi to Womb iishmiteit, which. Saving hean;#noplatelz renovated and tarreiteritiedi nos!: titittetl 'MET. withitutth combina tion ot attraciions in Literatige arufdst aeu4not to lamer thwrablitorneWhlcti hopetrmay sup ply the' general ward or tbiestilon as it keeps pace with the Advancement of the age: - ,1 1 1 4.4 J 4 (14,1 - • KOATION • _ ri , : • Books & Statiotitery. This departnietit comprehends the most desirable col lection of works by ancient and modern authors, Prose and Poetry, Classical and Historical, Fiction and Fact, AB new Books received as soon as published. A large stock of School Books used in city and country Schools A full etoek of Blank Books of all descriptions; Tuck Memerandmas; Time Boots and Diaries; School SW-, dozier - 11u 'enaleka - variety. The Stationery departmeW comprises Cap, Legal; Bill,,Letter, Note, and Billet Pa per of all kinds Envoi shape! and sizes, Pen holdere,Yencile, Inketands,—and, in fact, everything in the 'hue, ;••• v• • , Partiouttriittentieb aele4itiii of Ladies' Statitintty,, W.C.hoicsasiortmento - ovbialtfattletept. •'•••=s :•••T .;..;.=• 5 g kC--•, - '.:l ii: l, ; ::: ::: '•:i -1 :,:12 .1. PeeiVi• ii - ei - iiii.tnaiii i ' - ' 4 'i..72 Thii department is the Specialty of the concern, and is under the kliff.soltet supervision of the undersigned who hap given 12, years attention to this branch' Here apk! found the entire. publications of the New York, ndston, and Philadelphia Preis, daily, semi-weakly, and weekly editions together with the principal American and loreign Magazines—orders for all of which,are ex ecuted st publishers' prices. Unusual facilities are af ferped for the execution of 'special orders, returns - be. ingjeceived lima New York (mice each day. Subscrip tions taken for any periodical published in the United Staten or Europe. cubscithera uu the line of the Erie Railway (including, from /icon to Rochester); also on the 'Vega Railway, from Cornini/ to Somerville, can have dailies, weeklies, monthlies, or Lila: numbers of any serial delivvred by-my agents, an the clue. , WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. A large and carefully selected assortment embracing the best and most desirable patterns at various prices from /oc to $1,60 per roll, leaving no excuse to fend/lei fOr neglecting wholesome improvements 01 the walls of their houses. Borden for the same In gilt, velvet, and satin...extra-and narrew An elegant assortment of We n low Shades, white slid tyaff,, , l4o greert,, blue, buff and figured Curtain Paper, and -Putman's approred Cur. Min' Fixtures, Fire hoard Print, Curtain Cord, Tassels. ,PICTI4 I O ANDP/C 9 nIKE . ..FRA4tOi• Always open for inspection, and sale, a gallery of Bat Oil painting!, Steel eagrarings.andlrenettlithograpbh. A great rariety of colt:Teti, ?tints, illustratfey, of tb• scones and battleaof the lete tygtble RebellierOzetli :.tembytimettbotialmi attists, for 'g - ;tailgate of Intel.- *** tp eyeiy American Citizen. A Intge•einl varied as sortment Picturerrameettonsteizo4 ana 4 styles - in chi-ding most unique patterns of Orals, gllt, Rosewood, , Walnut, &e-. ac. Picture* framed to order ' in say tied - rod style at abort notice, alai on moat resoluble terms. STAIDAY SCHOOLS. Special attention is devoted to this-important bran& and it is Mended ski all timer to be supplied svith the latest publications or this class of literature. S. S. Li braries furnished at wholesalerittes, and subscriptions taken for all kinds of Sunday_ School papers and pro cured Gee of postage. Gift books, eruboetid -Reward Cards. Certificates of Membership. Singing itooke.Gol den Chain,-Shower Censor, Chime Bell„end various others. Altogether acomplezo stock of bunda:,- School Paraphernalia. ENE Ell 11,..1X11111cA - I; fIVIE P A 'HEAT. • This will comprisathe.ordinary Catalogues offered at Muelt - Stores, such an Guitars, 33ii1401E, ,kcedrd cans,"FltitinaseCtitrionets,„ Flutes, to. • Tlie best quality of Indian and ;English Violins, Quitat and _BanjoAtnlngs. ,Sheet klusie kept, constantly "on hand. All the 'new,and . popular wings and Instrumental Music received as Siam as: issued.. Teaehers supplied it tl usual discount. Musical- Instruction Boaksof all kluds Music and Books mailed tree at market prices. Also, ':SRetit tot the - ziostvcrimlar manufactuters of Planar,' phickerings, Boardman & Gray, Sc., and Prim as celebrated Melodeons and Ilarmoninuisi None who take pleasure, to preservingthe lineaments of their friends In the form now mast Convenient and most in vogue. can afford to be without one of these beautiful and appropriate receptacles of Card Photo , graphs. A splendid assortment of Albums, le tall styles and prices, from 60 cts. to $2O, to suit the kaste and tibibtlVAlld'gze •• lira.. A complete stock of Mirrors of ell sizse,and pri ces. Picture Cord, Wsuunda, Knobs, Le., Ac. Air Large andsmall Bibles, Hymn Books, CaHicalo Bible,mar ifo,ltel and Catechisms. - r i.-+-+v' _~' < ,ri• • rarliciLiCaigEous. Law. Blanks, Slarrias - .Catilica es - . tsruier's Tape, Seals. Gold Pens, a complete stock of Pocket Books, La diee' Trairsltng •,..9atchela„'lo3s, Children's Games, Dis• sected Slurps and PfetdreS, - Backgammon Boards, Chess and Chequer men, Dice, Writing Decks, Portfulios,Draw. lug Casee, Ladies' stork Boxes. Baskets, Tissue Paper, Notes, Draft's had Receipts, in 'Book and Skeet form, In voice and Letter Tiles, Black. Blue and Carmine Inks, 4E151 Yens, Pens, _Mourning Paper and Envelop* and tkonan and one articles too numerous - to Mention. Xis-Books Bound in any style that may be desired ; -4 =Fa - pr9init3tryTh - tten . trett to Y. lOARSONIIS COLUMN. AVING found the Tioga AOITATOR 13. medium -for Milady • • tug, I prepyee through the coming year to increase ME ' I . MY ADVERTISEIAENTS LARGELY ~ I 4tviiiithineinful attention., of the. eegagiunity to tketpvlkremisisg,,ttk, mak4 theca , ai t topte" skim mentit,ophOte, as to., Phi it qacri4 and state of de,tta., fitikavoidim ail bragging and long winded yarns. ; My ezperience•ba.4 been, that liberal advertis. leg if based on truth, pays well; and 1 think it Wise to follpw ,it up. Any clne that hag . n busi nese worth bringidi before the. altentieb 4 of the community, cannot well make it too plain or wen knows. • • • • I hereby return my thanks to the Citizens of Tioga County -for the very Moira' share of trade I have received for the part ten years, during whiAt time my trade has steadily increased ; and I freely acknowledge thit my. Tioga County trade is quite a large portion of it r illtiod to try and deserve it still more in the future. .. :~r My cuittookercaa4 4esaa4 on alaay► ilsoiling a large stock of SE:A:§oNABLi `GOODS, at priees-suaranteed to be at the. bottom of the market, and with attentive Salecrosn aa thearpremptly., f , In alb cases where there is,a,chance to receive stock under market prices, (which Ireqiently oc ours,) such bargains will bagioen tbt my cuato mere. 2 also em enabled-by-niglargelaleir.ito bay a great many Goods from first hands, saving New York Jobbers profits—enabling me to offer such Goods at much less than market rates. - I diaim'eteveral advantages over most Stores, via LARGER SALES IN PROPORTION TO ,EXPENSES, A LARGER STOCK . OF GOODS SUITABLE TO CUONTRY TRADE ilitiglNEg CONDJNTED -NEARER TO A CASNAIABIS,' 1." titan most any store in the trade: - For farther information, see notices 'of Prigsit case total eoltuan. :ion can bey ataadird Stiostipp - eats, good heavy .44 shootings at 25 to 3,0 cents at my afore.- - „ • There is no advance in prices of Earl& / 31 ,4 1 4'"' . 81 1 a! ", 4 N l q. 934:111°P.1: il , outtuue to, sell best Delldnes 2s U. 'Bast prints at 2a.'_ and good Prints it 20 cants. See opeolal 'notice. Jan. 11, 18136. ;ILI.i.HM. FOR SALE.— Near the "residence of H. H. Potter in Mid dlebuty township, Tioga county, Pa.. containing abut sixty acres, about fifty acres improved; a two-story frame house, nearly new, a frame barn and a good orchard, partly young trees thereon. • •Terms easy. Inquivi of Henry Sherwood, Esq. Wellsboro, D. C. Scudder on the premise - I, or S. 'Bennett k Co , corne`r Canal ct Second.sts.. El. mira, N Y. SOLOMON BENNETT. • Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 21, 13611-2m* rl l O FARMERS' 1 If you want to save 'honey and produce, buy TOW; SEND & TRULL'S CUTTING BOX. It does triple the work of any other, and cannot get Out of order. It is the best thing of the kind in the market. For sale at Tom:mead's store, Wellsboro, or at Robert TruWs Sbop, East Charleston. Feb. 14, 1886-4 t WOOLBN FACTORY FOR SALt.—Situated in Wellabor°, Tioga, County Pa. Said Factory has a Roll Cardin:: Machine, a Spinning jack, ewe power looms, picker, and Fulling Mill, —all in good order. The Factory has a good 5 horsepower steam engine and waterpower by which it may be driren. Also—one acre of land on which the Factory stands, with DAB House and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. This establishment will be sold at a bargain." The location is un 4 orpassed in the county, and the run of custom large For further particulars inquire of . JACOB HTLTBOLD, ORRIN HUTA. - Weßsboro.Feb. 21. 1988--4 t :, - Air 'Corning Jourpol,' • Elmira Advertiser, ; arid Addis= Adyertiser,' publish S dusts and ilstindlle to 'this office for oolleiltiok MEM MI _ I~_2 S IRE J. A. PARSONS, Co*ma, IT. Y, WM. TOWNSEND, ROBERT TRULL. I CONCERT BLOCK, 1=ISM=E11111!ilIMIE!=1 ~) r . /- NO. 1 & 4 • CORNING. . I. 6Titrilit'i " Co6l4l l / 2 % N. IIIM!I i_ - . - ; i 'I: It. ;.:, I-1 !. , . 1 RE GUiL A , TiOa S TLOBAR. 11=ZI1=1 .. 's.. ~ ~ .~: A WORD TO .MY OLD FRIENDS and the community generally. Not being a.friend to long and windy advertisements and large *X.. penditurel to the Printers, I herewith submit a, condensed statement of facts al a small cost, with the understanding that the surphuscapital will be befteLemilbied-rin ?editing tbiaprialaaf:4,o* tta my customers. My stock is fall and complete to supply all the wants of my old customers ant Many new ODIN, both in the Mail and. Job Trade for the ap proaching cold weather. Having ALL wpp.i, :q)I,q.SILMERE • at Si. par yard. Naraganiett Jeans suitable for winter wear at 4a. wood yard• wide Brown Shoot ings at 2a. Prints IS to 25 cents per yard. CHOICE DRESS GOODS from-2s 6d to 4s per yard, quality equal to those pricey six years ygo. Dress Goods at. lower pri ces as well as a splendid assortment of fine goods at less pricos than can be bought in the State.— Among them may be found ALL WOOL AIERI.NO.ES at 5s to /2s per yard. Bmpress - Cloths plain and figured. Merinoce, Bombaxines. Alpaccas, Scotch Plaids, Mohaires, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first alarls' gauntry store. Ladies' Cloth for Claokings at va rious prices, including Wash • ington Water - Proof Union Bearer, _ . Awpskaaux. and Castor Brown, and -many 'other , matron to !neutrals; whimsy Black Beaver 'at 13,00, (Gents sno Cassinters equally cheap.) My Boots, Shoes, and arget Stock, down stairs was j rioter .more full and complete, or at gratin* induoolpents , to the purchaser. Bargains may be found at the BEG ULATO.&: In Hats, Caps, Glcves and Mittens; also, in BRA 'HORSE :13.L4NITETS. The &dr:stage to my 6ROCERY CUSTOMERS EIMI are not to be misunderstood, when the steady and ,unexampled Wormse of business is token into the account. I say without the fear of con tradiction, that with the large purchases lam making froth month to month foi cash, I can will to the country trade as low as they can buy in ohe city, including freight, -which gives meow opportunity to offer SUPERIOR AD V AIV TA GA'S ..,-: .: . „ - - - ;14. .c.:::.':.q . ; ,•;:,—,:'- VI • to the Retail trade, whioh I am doing and bound to do as testimonial of my 'gratitude for their many Among sad very liberal patronage. - _ * Will a, ;Ay club:marl the benefit of any chingelp ttii inarkecierain posted in *notion and other Men ftotallay today by talogintrob and crtberville: Caning, Jan. 1, 186,5. • - WHOLESALE DRUG STORE, (,N.Y. =I T I MMS AND MEDIOINNS. PAINTS -1-:"'AlfD THADDETJS DAVID& INKS, CONON . - MATED MEDICINES, QIN- KEROSENE LAMPS. PATENT MEW- AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, 'WINDOW GLASS, Sold at Wholesale Priem,. Buyers are musts& to 44/ and pc gOotatiosa Sifore salmi ihrther Fast. W. D. natant; a Co. coratag, N: Y., Jan. I, 11386-1 y REAR YE ! HEAR YEl—Ths PoNA of tide Election are new open. • C. L. WILCOX, Of Wslinboro, offers for ;sal* hii antis STOCK OP GOODS AT 003 T. All those who fool anxious to make a GOOD BARGAIN, are invited to call loon, for DELAYS ABE DANGEBoVS. Call at the "REGULATOR," ogle Door &boy, the Post Office. C. L. WILCOX. Weiiaboro, Jan. 1:29, 1896. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAYE YOUR GREENBACKS. A great breakdown in the price of all kinds of Dry Goods. I have just returned from New York with a largeand well selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Which. were bought for CASH during the late Panic at PANIC PRICES, which I am boand to. SELL at E;ANiC PRICES. I am selling Good Madder Prints, - Best " 25 Extra Wide, English, SO Best Muslin DeWoes, S 5 Bleached Sheeting', 2O to 30 Unbleaohed • 20 to 30 Extra „Heavy, 35 Best quality French Merino, 1.0 shillinggs Double width Plaid Poplins, 624 Yard wide Rep, 80 Beet (high colored) Wool DeLeins, 00 Single width Plain Poplins, 40 Yard wide Paramalta, 40 A Large Stock of FLANNELS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, CLOTHS, FURS, NOTIONS, WORSTEDS, ie., A good anon/neat GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, Se. • Also, a large Stock of FEED, FLOUR 1 PORK, always on naafi. In fact, ALL THE NECESSARIES OF Lam Custom* min want of Goods- will save money by calling at the New Store and easialne Goods and Prices before buying elienehen. . • Tlogo, lan. 1, 1666.' H. R. FISH. ANNOUNCEMENT! • wl have reduced tha price of roar $1 par barrel, Feed and meal SO owe per nisi, and shill sell, FOR CASE ONLY, C. J. HILL FLOUR, WRIGHT BAILEY'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, SPRING WHEAT FLQUR, BUQK. WHEAT FLOUR, GROUND FEED, CORN MEAL, BRAN, ago., ie. . CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. •• • • WRIGHT 4r BAILEY: Wollaboro, Jan. 24, 1888.. WHAT THE ILLUSTRIOUS ABER NETHY SAID.—"WeII, air whatti the matter 2" said Abernethy, the great Roglish fur goon, to a cadaverous-lookin;; patient, wito had called to consult him. "Oh, nothing serious," _was the reply, "my stomach and liver are out of order, dust's ••Do you call that nothing 30- rims 7" said Abernethy ; "I tell you, sir, that when these two organs aie out of order, as you call it, there's not a square inch of the body that fa not more or les_s diseased, nor a drop of blood in it that is in a healthful condition. Nothing can be more true, therefore it is of the veiy high - eat Importance to keep the stomach and liver to a vigorous condition. If the one is weak and the other irregular in its action, tone and control them with EiOnETTER'S CELEBRATED , STOMACH BITTERS—the most genial vegeta ble Restorative and Alterative that has ever been admia l lstered as a core for Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. It is recommended by distinguished surgeons and physicians of the United Stairs Army, by officers of the Army and Navy, by our ftrst authors, by eminent clergymen—in fact, by thou,•ande of the most intelligent of every class, as an unequalled protective against epidemic and malarions dise.ises, and as a perfectly innocuous, but at the same time powerful, inrlgorant and alterative. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION baring been granted to the undersigned upon tha estate of Vincent Dailey, late of Ooeoln, deceas• id, ell pers me Indebted are requested to make immediate payment and those hsvingelaioas may present them to PERRY DAILLY; • °sepia, Feb. 7, 1866—* TIT HOLLANDS HARNESS•MAKER, MANSFIELD, TIOGA COIINTY, PA. Having curried ma the &boy* businees for the 011C0 of fifteen years, hetwisktes to !Sara his sin cere thantte to lib patrons for the liberal sup. port received during that period t and feeling that he hes given general satisfaction In the peat —which fact is shown by the inereesed demand Itrirts - Itarriesses—he bogs leave to announce that be is now prepared" (by the employment of Bret chute workmen) to execute all orders at short notice, and will not be excelled by any establish ment in the country. jile 6 Harness/a always on hand. Call and see him Shop opposite the Mansllald Dotal. Nebruary 14. ISM H. GM. CINNATI WINES A 41 ,110 SHANDY, WHITE WASH LINE, CINES PETROIXtrit OIL, ROCHESTER PIM PIIMZRY AND DYE QOLORS,