The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 07, 1866, Image 2
of judicial proceedings has been intcr- 1 on a single slip of paper, and for State ruptedby the rebellion, and wherein, I officers on another slit, was considered. in consequence of any State or 1004 On a motion to make the law general law, ordinance, police or other regula- some debate took place, when the title tion, custom, or prejudice, any of the ' was changed to make it general, and civil rights or immunities belonging to the bill was recommitted. white persons, including the right to {This bill should pass. It is ail non make and enforce contracts, to sue, be sense to go to the polls with a single Peaties, and give evidence, to inherit, handful of morphine powder papers in purchase, "lease e _Bell, hold and convey hand. We can think of no possible ob real and personal property, and to have jection to the bill unless it be one in full and equal benefit of all laws and , vogue among trickstersi -The present proceedings for the security of person system is not only cumbrous and ridicu and' tietate including the constitutional Ilous, but it opens the - vay to fraudsupon right of bearing arms, are refused or the voter by the,designing of both par denied to negroes, mulattoes, freedmen, ties. 'en.] refugees, or any other pereens, on ac- A bill authorizing Commissioners' count of race, color, or airy previous clerks to administer oaths and attirma condition of slavery or involuntary ser- dons, passed the Senate. vitude, or wherein they . or any of them On tne 16th. Mr. COWLES introduced are subjected to any otiaer or different a supplement to the act to incorporate Punishment, pains, or penalties, for the , the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek, and State commission of act or offence, than are Line-Railroad company, explanatory of -prescribed for white persons commit- that Part of the charter which relates to ting like acts or offences, it shall be the• the Tioga valley. duty of the President of the United Both Houses adjourned to Friday, States, through the Commissioner, to Feb. 23 extend military protections.nd juriidic- ' -- tion over all cases affecting - such per sone so diecriminated.against. Sae. 8. That any person who, under color of any State or local law, ordin ance, police, or other regulation or cus tom; shall, in any State or district in which the ordinary conree of judicial prooeedingS has been interrupted by the rebellion, subject, or cause to sub jected, any negro, mulatto, freedman, refugee, or other person, on account or race qr color, or any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude, or for any other cause, to the deprivation of any civil right secured to white per sons, or to any other or different punish- Merit than white persons are subject to fortis oommissionof like acts or offen eeeephall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, au be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or im prisonment not exceeding one year, or both ; and it shall be the duty of the officers and agents of this bureau to take jurisdiction of, and hear and determine all offences committed against the provisions of this section,, and aLso of all cases affecting negroes, mulattos, freedmen, refugees or other persons who are discriminated against in any of the particulars named in the preceding section of this act, under such rules and regulations as the Presi dent of the United States, through the War Department, shall prescribe.. The jurisdiction 'conferred by this and the preceding section on the officers and agents of this bureau shall cealse and determine whenever the discrimination on account of which it is conferted ceases, and in no event to be exercised in any State in which the ordinary course of judicial proceedings has not been interrupted by the rebellion, nor in. any such State after said State shall have been fully restored in all its con etitutional relations to the:United States, and the courts of the State and of the Unitid States within the same are not disturbed or stopped in the peacable course of justice. Sac. 9. neaten acts, or parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of - this act are hereby repealed. 7.2XIXth Congrese•••let Session. Our summary commences with pro ceedings of noonday, Feb. lam. Senator Sherman occupied the Senate Session in fin elaborate speech apologi-!, tug for the incoherent and intemperate speech of the President, on the 22d. „We said that the speech was most unfortu nate, but deprecated the issue sought to be set up between the President and Congress. He said, among other things, that he would never consent to the abandonment of the freedmen to the barbarities of the evilminded in the South, and would never vote to repeal the test oath. Since he proposes to act as peacemaker between the Presi dent and Congress, we should be glad to know bow he is to succeed iu the facitof the President's: condition that thelate rebellious States should be at once admitted to the hand of Congress ; , for not .one in thirty can take 'that oath. • • . I On the 27th, the militia bill was re ported in the Senate. As reported, the exemptions from duty are lessened, . A resolution asking the President to fur nish the Senate with copies oral' papers relating to the appointment of persons as Provisional Governors, and the oaths they took when inaugurated. Several petitions calling for equal rights and a republican form of Govern ment for the South were referred to the special COnimittee of fifteen. A reso lution of thanks to our soldiers and sailbra was oared by Senator Wilson, and adopted without a dissenting vote. The House resumed debate upon the proposed amendment of the Constitu tion, pending which, adiourned. • - On the - Zith, in the Senate, resolu tions asking for the speedy trial of Jeff Davis were presented. The House concurrent resolution providing that neither.souse will admit Sehators. and Representatives from" the rebel States until Cons via, shall officially declare the restoration of the same, was debated nail adjournment. .In the House the Constitutional amendment was taken up. A despatch from the Union members of the Penn sylvania Legislature endorsing the ac tion of Congress, was read. • March 1, in the Senate, a resolution was reported from the Military - Com mittee in favor of disbanding the State militia in the rebel States. Theconcur rent resolution to exclude rebel Clai mants to seats in Congress was debated. The final vote was to be taken March 2. In the House, the Senate bill to pro tect all persons in their civil rights was reported with amendments. The Mis bellatieons Appropriation Bill was taken tp, amended so as to prohibit pay ments of money to disloyal persons, and passed. A resolution declaring eight hours a full day's labor was introduced and reffered. Pennsylvania Legislature The Legigiature has taken a recess of one week since our last summary of its proceedings. On the 13th of February a sharp de bate took place upon the bill to fix the labore c i day, in Philadelphia, at eight hours, Ur. 11,sacx opposed tine bill as introduced, because it was only local in its operation ; and because it seemed impracticable. He declared himself the friend and advocate of the working men, but thought it improbable that men could command the same rate of Wageb for eight, as for ten hours labor. The bill was finally prostponed. On•the 14th, the Local Judiciary Com mittee rdported a bill to extend the Previsions of a law increasing - the fees Gi ju.t‘taces of the Peace and Constables to Tioza and Potter Counties. 7x.rr.'114..NN introduced a bill to reduce the expenses of Public Printing. An act relative to marriages, provi ding that any person knowinglyjoining in marriage'persons in a state of intoxi cation, of unsound mind, or under the age of 21 years, Without, in the latter case, the consent of the parents, or guar <llan, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine not exceeding $5OO, and imprisonment -not exceeding 6 months, both, or eithei• as the courtmay determine ;—passed finally. On the 16th, in the Senate a bill pro viding for voting for all oounty officers Vat Nitatox. WELLBBORO, PENN'S WEDNESDAY; MA:RCH, 7, 1866 With newt toward none, with pasurrr for Att. with j finances In the wont. let us strive to finish the work vto are in, to bind nit Alta nation's wounds. to care for him who shall have borne the battle, aud•for his widow and orphans, and to do all which may achieve and cherish ajtst and lasting peace among ourselves ' and with all nation s —A. Livcoty—ll Attar 4, 1185. CIRCULATION 1,820_ TO THE CITIZENS OE WELLS - BOROUGH. Admonished by the frequent and ur gent warnings of eminent medical men in the public prints I most earnestly urge the citizens of Wellsborough to give unusual heed to the rules of health at' the opening of the present season. The conditions of health, at all times, are cleanliness, rational diet, and cor rect habits of body and mind. But more especially is it necessary to preserve these conditions,at the present time. There is hardly room for doubt that the cholera will invade the seaports, and large inland towns the coming summer. The immunity from itsgr'eat est scourge td be enjoyed by villages remote from the seaboard will depend upon the people themselves. If they obey the plain laws ofhealth by preserv ing its indispensable conditions, they may reasonably hope to escape.• If we negleet these 'conditions we invite cholera; and if we invite cholera; it will came. We have to guard against the universal tendency to diseases of the bowels which. always marks cholera seasons, which diseases are ever liable to degenerate into cholera itself. For these reasons I have thought it my duty to invite attention to the con dition of the village, its streets, lanes, and private prernisep. We have no board of Health, and ,but doubtful au thority' for the appointment and com pensation of a Health Warden. The duty of caring for the Public. Health devolves upon the corporate authorities as elected. They will endeavor to dis charge the duty with an eye to the:. greatest good to the greatest number. That weinay not, as a; people, have cause for bitter regrets for neglect of plain duty, when regrets will avail nothing, I most . earnestly recommend to every householder the utmost cir cumspection in regard to the following , particulars 1. The thorough cleansing of back premises of the waste and offal which has, accumulated during the winter montlie; . and the strewing - of lirite there in in such quantities .as shall -correct the tendency to miasmatic generations.. 2. The thorough cleansing of 'all vaults through the liberal use of lime, or other disinfectants...," and -deodorizers. 82 The speedy reinchal • of • all :water • closets without vaults, `and the sinking of vaults thereunder not less than four and a half-feet deep. 4. The speedy preparation for a. safe carrying- off of slops and waste from kitchens; where there - is little drain age, it will be found best to carry this kind of waste away from the house, and spread it broadcast on the gardens, This prevents an accumulation in any one place. 5. The speedy removal of the accum ulations in the rear of the stores and groceries, and the construction ofdrairis to carry off standing water. A proper regard for the health of ones 'self, and his neighbors, requires prompt and' willing compliance , with these recommendations. There is no time to lose. FACE TO FACE WITH THE. FACTii These are comfortable facts: That Freedom is immortal , That the American People can unmakt., as they make, their rulers; and that the Provi dence who takes . note of the fall of a sparrow will not abandon the nation which has so triumphantly passed through the Red Sea. Otherwise, Freedom had been help lessly slain during the last five years. In that period what powers of endur ance this free Government has shown.* A million armed traitors sought its over throw, and failed. The assassin struck down ABRAHAM . LaNcomq, whose name has essed into history as the Great and ood ; and still Freedom survived. It cannot die.; for its roots take hold of the consciences of men, and conscience is ooexistent with immortal Being. So, notwithstanding the humiliation of tho nation in the person of its Chief Magistrate on the 22dof February, we still do not despair of the Republic. In a postscript to our leading article last week.we admitted the existence of dan ger that Andrew Johnson might forget his solemn pledgestothe American peo ple. We did this in view of the fact that no man who acknowledges a mas ter in strong drink can be trusted fully. And that theTresident was intoxicated on that occasion is evident from the reckless language of a 'portion of his Speech, as well as from its incoherency. Let us face the facts and make our selves master of the situation, We last week said that we. laid no great Stress upon the veto of the Freedmen's Bill. We intendthat the true issue' between the President and Congress shall he un derstood. It is not related to the prin ciple of the vetoed measure at all. It is entirely disconnected - with that. The issue whieh, - the:residentanakes with Congrem is the immediate admiss ion of the represen ta tires of the rebel States into Congress. - That is the issue forced upon Congies hy the President. And Congress refuses to perhtit, trait ors to participate in the work' of recon struction. - The Union men in Congress do this remembering the words spoken by Andrew Johnson on the•.nocasion of his nomination as Viee-president in• 1864. And thatthelieople. may decide Tor themselves .as to whether Andrew Johnson has tailed to fulfil his promises to the great Union party,-we , reproduce veratint, his wordS upOhthat occasion: Bead them and decide for ,yoursylves., He said: • "But, iu calling a Convention , to restore the State, wboi shall restore and re establish it? Shall the man who gave hie induence and means to destroy the government ?_ls, botu participate in the great work of re-organization? Shall he who brought this misery upon the State be per mitted to eontroll its destiniei ? If this be so, then all this precious blood of our bi-are soldiers and of. fleets. so freely poured out ,iitt Mice been wantonly spilled.' All tlieglgrioue victoria, AN oar noble nr mite will go for nought, and an the battle fivide which have; been cowl, with dead Heroes during this rebellion will have been made memorable in vain. Why all this carnage and devastation!' It was that 17 saw.. might be put down and troitbie, punished. Therefore if say that traitor's should take a back seat in the work, of restoration. there be but fire thousand men in Tennesseeloyal to the Constitution, loyal to Freedom, loyal to Juetic - e, thesi' true and faithful men should control( the work of re organ= ization and re-formation, ABSOLUMLY. 1-eay Ora the traitor bar ceased to be a sitizeivand in joining the Rebeltion bus become a public enemy." Andrew Johnson said this in reference to -the reconstruction' of Tennessee. This was on , the 10th of June,.lBo4l. .It was his 'response to the nomination ten dered him by the Union party These were bold sentiments, and they 'were the sentiments of the entire loyal popu lation cif the country. And we know that they are the sentiments of the vast majority now. Therefore, when the President forces the issue of the admission of unrepen tent rebels 'into Congress, upoh Con gress,. and specifically objects to legisla tion because, in his own language, and at his own suggestion, these traitors are made " to take back seas in the work of restoration"—we cannot excuse him, nor apologize for him. Nor shall we. For if there is one thing to which we cling more than tutiny other, it is that' no -leader in ' the' rebellion shall ever have more than the right to live and die within the republic, without a voice iu its councils, or a vote in the election of representatives to sit therein. There we have stood: There we *ill stand with the loyal people as we believe ; but if not, then we will' stand there in a minority of one, sustained by the con sciousness that unless the crime of treas on be defined and punished Now', the nation must enter upon an era of con vulsion the end whereof no man can see. And so long as Congress stands there, the people will stand by Congress. Thank God that we have such a Con . giess !; Whh sustains the President as against Congress ? Every Copperhead paper in all this broad ' land; every ingrained ' traitor, from Jeff Davis 'doWn to tfie scum of faction in:the North which discouraged enlistments and encouraged desertion and skulking; every leader-of the mob :which_ murdered helpless negroes iti the streets of New, York 18 . 6a...1'he pa pers which landed Jeff `Davis and damned Abraham Lincoln in the same breaththese-every one' of them—are loud in . their praise of the President. Do you say that Andrew Johnson can ,not-heXpthis? Listen : • • " • Were every horse-thief,-gambler, and house-burner to join in a chorous of praise and approval of any man in your midst, could you help saying that that man must be held and deemed in har mony with the criminals who were so loud in his praise? Think of that at your leisure, and answer when you please. This is not to say that Andrew John ion cornniunion With traitors. We do not believe that. But it is to say that Andrew Johnson is in danger of forgetting his pledges to the people ; and it is to say that excess may, at any time, carry him beyond the place of hope, and leave him to perish in the, hands of his new admirers. • . It is our duty to sneak - without res.; erve in a case like this. We are not of those who make haste to condemn` pub lic `men on slight evidence. We are not of those who requirb that public men shall come up to our views in every thing. They, being in position to over 100k a wider held, are often better judg es"than others who are not so placed. But when - a-public inan 'abandons the standard around which he rallied stag friends, we shall not follow his exam ple. We say still—" traitors must take back seats in . the work of 'restoration." M. H. COBB. Burgess We wish it were right to dismis that' intemperate harangue of Andrew John= songs from memory. But when a Presi dent charges upon men of probity a , design to assassinate him, he goeS be low oblivion.. ,lite forgets that the very, men :oho applauded the assassination ett; Abl'aharn L'incoln applauded him on that occasion. He forgets that he is to-du the claimed head of the party which breeds assassins. Assassination?_ If there be a man on this earth incapable of compassing such a monstrous crime, that man is CHARLES SUMNER. Rath-. cal he is ; but he is a upright and open hearted as:the best. And the President knows this as well as any other. And Wendell Phillips & Thaddeus Stevens! Who that knows them, impracticable in much, stern and unbending in all things where principles are at stake,: but will at once acquit them of any des— ign to compass by personal violence. the destruction of any man ? These indiscretions are to be regret- , ted 'and condemned. Not et'en the President is privileged, to banciy: theta in speaking of public men. 'Each of these men had criticised Mr. Lin, tOrlikqhrit, had spoken of Mr. Johnson; but you cannot find a word on record uttered by Abraham Liheoln in repli. He lived aboveosuCh lithe things. He was too sereneto 'furs ; too well convinced of the HO_ ousness of his motives to be troublabtCritieism. Never did he retort upoit any CritW or He lived them all down; and will live when his vilifiers are dust. But one such soul could wey minklein 6iirthly affairs In a half-century. He'tould be crowded. We elirse with another . e - .4t ra et from Andrew Johnson's speech on the oc casion of his nomination in 1864 : Before 0480 -repenting robots can be " trusted Lkir THEM I3RINGt FORTH THE - FRUITS OF REPENTANCE.", We notice that the,COpperhead sheets in this district are very violently 'exer cised iu regard to Mr: Wilson's course in Congress. The charge is that he sustains the measures of the Union ma jority in that body. i Well:--he was elected to do just that. His constituents expect, him to vote to keep the rebel States out of Congress until said States-areait to be represent ed. The masses - are not in any hurry to receive back. into communion, men whose bands are red With the . blood of loyal thousands. We all reniember Andersonv‘dle, and Salisbury, and Belle Isle, up here in the •mountains : And we are going to fight, she devils who perpetrated these murders to the very moment they bring forth fruits meet for repentane& Att.: 4vEts elect ed in spite of the votes of the_ rebels of this Congresssonaildistriet ;_ana. iwe re joice that, he will do his whole duty without reference to their pleasure or displeasure. . A first rate measure is now befora ‘ the: State Legislature and weliOpe there is. backbone enough in that body to pat It` upon the statute book.' - It` proposes to avoid the litigation arising from the re fusal of.election boards to, receive the votes of deserters, and skedaddlers from the draft. The preathble recites the fact that under.the Constitution of the State none bat citizens are permitted to vote. Therefore„those who became aliens under act' ,of Congress and the President's proclamation ought not to enjoy the privileges of 'citizens in this Commonwealth. .: There is little doubt but _that this measure wilt become a law, and •up ward of thirty - thousand skedaddlers will thereby be punished as their crime deserves. I3y all means let the -Jai - be enacted. The people will enforce it. Doctor Mott need to say that roasted beef, serenity of mind; cold water baths, and an amiable and . pretty -wife would mike alniost any man healthy, wealthy And wise. - Welliborough 'Academy , The Winter term of Wellsboiough Acadetny will close Tuesday MarchlB,lB66. The following in teresting entertainments will be given in the Court Rouse, to which tho public are cordially in- Ist, Friday evening, March 9. 2d, Monday afternoon " 12 3d; 'Tuesday afternoon " 13 .4th, " evening " 13. - The afternoon exercises will consist of Recita tions, Declamatiods; reading of Essays and Pa pers, sensible and funny, Dialogues, short Speech as by visitors, Singing, &c., Ao. These are free to all.: Let the hall be filled. The evening entertainments will be old fash limed "Eilipttions," with. new fashioned addit ions Sand, improvements, oonilitiug of Declama• Lions and Reeitationi, Dialogues, Colloquies, Bur reiques,',Comedies, Dramas, Charades, Tableaus, • On Tuesday whiling will be read the Merit Reward and Roll of Royer, and tumorous Prises delivered. Dr. Webb. Capt. Shaw and Ladies, and others, will add much to the interest of these entertain ments by enlivening them with spirit•stiring mu itip-..Vocal-and Instrumental. , • Ii CiDpsisibliralui Of till ptfrlicipants - to render theie exercises interesting, amusing, instraetire, and ennobling. Admittance to each exhibition 25 cents. After defraying expenses; the sutpina receipts to be used in paying-for-She Academy Organ; and the balance, if any, will be , uSed as a Prize Fond for .the benefit bf.stectbintt of Wellsboro AcademY. Let ill_stay away who are too giaie to laugh, . oT too.rond . to cry, All others .should come end be blessed - in re ceiving as well as -giving, ' • The afterziobti exercises will consist of -Reading of Essays and Papers—serious. OR SALE —A farm 7§ miles South of Wells -12 borough:containing 481 acres. Said farm is situate on the west side of the road leading to Babbs' Creek, is well fenced, well watered, and has about 12 acres of good firewood. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, ' - JOHN. FRENCH, on of MH. BACHE in Wellsbero. March 7,1868.—tf. A GENTS 'WANTED I . CA. 'NOW, IN PRESS, and will - be ready soon! • , . BRADLEY'S - HISTORY OF THE WAR • Complete in two volumes. Als9 Wined com plete in ONE VOLUME. The best, cheapest, most interesting, popular and valuable History of theltebeltion published, which is fully attested by the enormous sale it has reached of 309.000 Vol umes, and is now selling with increased rapidity. .Sold only by subscription. Exclusive territory given. .For fall particulars send for circulars. • Address—AMERICAN PUBLISHING _COM PANY,,I4B Asylum-St., Hartford, Conn. Mar. 7,-4w, SCRANTON k , BURR, Asti. NOTICE is 'hereby given that the Overseers 111 of the Poor of Delmer have engaged the professional services of Dr. N. Packer, in behalf of the Poor of said township, for the current year, bills rendered by any other physi cian will be paid. Delmar, Mardi 1,1866-3 t. FARM FGR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his farm, situated on pelmet. road, Delmar.township, Tioga.county, Fa.„ two miles from-the village of Wellaboro. Said farm con tains lle acres, SO acres improved, Well watered , and well fenced." The buildings are good. The orchard on the farm is not surpassed in quality and variety of fruit, by any in Tioga county. The above farm will be-sold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire of Wm. Hardin, near the premises, or of grown, Welisboro. March 7, 186r-l`w. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN to Thomas E. Mitchell and all other sportsmen, that any person hounding 'deer, rabbits, or other wild game hereafter on toy land or premises, will be the full extent of the law, Charleston, Feb. 21, 66. ERASTIIS law, - W r ANTED— A. Girl to do Housework, Apply to . ; J. B. CALKINS, . Presbyterian Parsonage. Wellsboro. I'ITILE MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET J. ORGANS' forty different style., adapted to sacred seed Secular music, for $BO to sBoolesioh. TAiriy-Five Gold or Biker Arad*, or other first premium's awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent Ne. Address, MASON. A. RAMUN, Boa ted, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. [Sept. 13, Isos-Iy.] •_.. 1.0;00) PROPI4 • 4 THE YEOMII RY OF TIOGA COUNTY 1 11 , • .;SIEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN !1 Lb FREE, and profitably employed, Will want - • I ii DRY GOODS & GROCERIES the wi'ols`oeifiti4wl:4l a 1 ii - ti. 41-4 1. i t. !Y,3: ; 1; 4.• , - . 1 W HAT OF I*AT ? tbelr" fait,and mostimpoirtiuK•llWi t ry WHIRR CAN THE LARGEST ASSORT- • 'BIENT; - THE BEST ooODS, PRWES, be found ? That's the, question !-and tits =Mr teat W. R. Smith's sons, ADDISON, N. Y The proprietors of this concerts en "RILL seotrzin" and do nut propose to keep very silt about it either,-as our hosts . of friends and custo mers throughout . Tiota County will be made titrare during the season. The editors 4f Ulf `,;4.lotittor"kiladlY, rpfusio to allow us to monopolize their paper, therefore we can give you but a few- 'items as samples of prices —asking all to bear in mind, that if goods decline a fraction our customers eball hart the IIILL *sa wn whenever they call at the "Peoples' Store," Addison, N. 1, 13 Mammoth combint4ion of FOUR STORES th t ONE, and run on , the "SMALL PROFIT-AND QUICK SILO, /1.1414aRY8•7 w. u. smith's *mak Below are our li CßOUlifil oi? Comiroa.r." for a few days longer. 50 'Pieces yard %Side ShoedOgle, 250 50 " " Stark A " standard,'34o 35 " 1 '; Pasito ff " 1 " 340 100 " Elegant newrDelains, best 301310 50 " Latest Styles ,- good, . -250. 50 " Madder Prints, .• .. . 180 150_ Handsome ": . . . . 220 206 " Sieudalft 2543 550 Yde. new atille Carpets, just from Loom 600 to $l.OO per yd. 350 Yd,. 1.100 1 . Oilcloth, elegant designs, A • $l.OO and 'upward..." 1000 Hoop Skirts, and great variety, $l,OO, $1,25,.51,50, and upwardil. • 300 Hoop Skirts for Mises. and 'Children, .180 sett and npwards... 400 Bright Balmoral Skirts, $2,00, $2,60 $3,00; and upwards. ._ • 750 Pail Cassimere (our own mike) $2,60, $3,00, and upwards. 900 daislantre and SilleViiti; $1,50, $2,00,. and upwards. 700 -Overcoapi, Sacks and Dress Coats OA, • $7,00, and upwards:l- ' 108 Pr. (9 cases) Itiobarison'a li ira Sjpga Boots, $4,00 pair and warauted at that. 100 Pair (renewed Stook) worms' Morroo '' co BOW, ajob lot at perpati,;? 150 Pair Misses Morrocco Shoes, closing out at 25 ets per pair. 400 Pair- Gents and Boysi Kip and Calf Boots, $2,00 and upwards. 375 Gents Wool and Fur Soft Hari, no to $1,50. 200 Setts Ptinkhursts White Stone Chios Ware, bowels French Pattern, 25 per cent redaction. 800 Gallons splendid, Molasses, (new cross) 15a per gallon. • '• ' 9000 Lbs. Sugar, ranging from llio *own to 18 - 6"whito; ' 500 Bbla. /lour, „b 5, sa# or pound very cheap. 800 BBLS. SALT AT ACTUAL' COST, TO CUSTOMCRS 600 Lbs. good Freak Teas (more ordered) gOo: co Sl,6d, . We are sots Agents' in this plies tot BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC HOOP SHIRT !!! • Also, THE SILVER SKIRT, Positively the newest Skirt out, and really .1-44 4, 1 `1 - PERAFEtCP OEM ! We shall continue to Wan against "Elan TARIFF" on mil goodie in our The residers of the, "Agitator" and others will find, ALL OtYli Pilaff:l=Mß worth attention. • Offr - apode shown by willfag-azoi -impudent talesmen."' 4 " 4. TAILORING j- CUTTING don q on Saionf*l pinaiplu and short noting. Doultvi!lt A.ddlgsln wittiont giving U a tall. ' W. it..BMMOB BONS. ADDzIos, N. T., Mush 1,186 L 1.•• , 71 ROBERTS; KELSEY itt% ‘ EIDING, Are now prepared to tarnish the public with anything in their liqe of business, in quantity as large, in quality as good, and as cheap in pars as any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. Tim pay particularatteption to the l I STOVE AND TIN WARE BU IN , -;,. ;,i,,,41 , : ~•...- f.:4•V,' - 17,1".“, , Pf:, and intend to keep a full assortment of everything lin titillate. - ' •'' ," , i ',•, , I, WilLg ''SIAbK,TO OLDE4,!: Pug!'PUY, 4e4 1 4 111 444, Le ere eatlefactiati. ortopie4 is tim best, manner with diiptialk, )9#4,Rws # sTONYEI.L... l!irelfaliorough, March-7`,-1866. EMI IS HEALTH > WORTH HAVING 7—lf it is, -proterrith It is &jewel as easily lost as. sir tut, sad 'in some -cases' as difficult to recover. Nature, in our climate; and especially at this season, requires to be occasionally reinforced. Bat everything depends upon the tonic used for this purpose. The medicinal tinctures, all of which are based on common alcohol, are danger ous. Quinine, as everybody ands one wbo takes ranch of it, is a slow poison. One safe protect ive from all nichealthy atmospheric influences ex ists, and one only. This powerful preventive is HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, a compound of the purest stimulant ever manufactured, with the most effective tonics alteratives, and depurators that chemistry hasset extracted from the botanical kingdom. Conva lescents, languid and Teeble from recent sickness, will and the Bitters an incomparable Restorative, not disagreeable to the taste, and eminently in vigorating. io other' stimulant produces the same effect as this Stomachic. It does not excite or flutter the nerves, or occasion any undue arte rial action; but at once soothes and strengthens the nervous system and the aninial spirits. GOO DS ON A SPECIE BASiSI ! c T. L Bunn- & co., FROM TB/S 'MY „FORWARD; `UNTIL VISPOBED OF, WILL OFFER THEIR .ENTIRE STEiCK ; se, •:4 1.1 , t,:.> 4;; DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, • HATS ANA ME CArt HARDWARE , CROCIaIq, toir i ßiadY Pay.' Pitb. 27, 1866-i1 TOR BALI. 1866 1866 . BY B. C. WICK AM, A T 818 NURBBRY. OF FRUIT AND OR NAMINTAL TEBBE, IN TIOGA ;- 60000 Ape Trees. 1.0,900, rear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, atakOIIINASENT63444BES Ik Ell/RI,BPERY. The Froit trees are composed of the choicest uarietiesogood; healthy, some of them large and In bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do,welL to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 361¢ Delitered at the depot the of charge. Tiop, Peb. 2S, 18156-Iye XETBAY.—Came into the enclosure of the subscriber is Deerfield, on 'the llth of Oe. tober last, a 2.. year-old dark brindle STUB, with white stripe on the bask and tar mark on last nip. The owner can have the same on pay ing_ *barges. GEO. A. SMIT H. Feb. 28, 1866-3t* ' ._ I AGENTS WAISTED TO TARE ORDERS for the best selling book now published. THRILLING STORIES OF THE GREAT REBELLION. ** ris i ng heroic edyeiturte and hairbreadth socePl:s ef Soldters, Scents, Spies and Refugees ; diving exploits o ass nalasig =Mat, Desperadoes sad others ; Tales krgrl4 Ptbr i lterwen; Stories of the Negro, Re., With es of and aferrinientiu Camp told Field. g=o l, Charles h. Otwuse o WO of the V. 13. Arno , . y illustrated with rings on steel end In allitokora - and tot&adtaNtt2sad oo* Liberal terns off- sea • CUL Coaubllshers, 1 . 47 * 1 W154t. 134 L. Tbl4st,, Philadelphia. • FOR THE MILLION REPAIRINO CALL AND SEE UB. •• `, -.. TIOGA, PENN'A rur.,. •~ gin • I WALL _ PAPER, ic., M. EIIN ' ' =8 EMI AT 001 IT 4. a 4 4. 4. - ,f4a>; ...... a . t d?EK;HX, SCHOOL BOOKS, XlSGELtZeitti*" BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, MAPS, NOVELS, YANKNOTIONS, POCKET KNIyEt4, •FANCY ARTICLES. iTalom Block, Weilobar°, pa, FIZIa HUGH `YOVNG, ZALBit in the &Dove articles;begs isave to aa- D bounce to the thatikohasiaall weak and now anent for en le at Swinger 4 Put Nut /*wit VISIt tat year. The largess stack of WALL AND WINDOW PAPUS invsight hate tide oeustir, Also . • CURL UN FIXTURE* ofth• . 11t and best pilbalia: . Ji a. Di • r 4 444 i • t ya THE LATEST PURL/CAT/6Na of dro Voodoo, ligow York and Plaladdlphla Praha, kipt on baud, vapid fht PO)llfßou:ft, TWO HUNDUP NOVELS now on hand, Including eh. work of ltiolcans,accut But War, Cooper, Collins. Rends, Waal, Doer and otters. Aso, Yhll Sift. of A• BEADLE'S, lIAWLEY'S AND MON ROE'S DIME NOVELS & SONG BiX)ES PHOTOGRAPHS AND -INORAVINGS, I ti of lowarA 1 all elliesead Pricer, smbfactiotal tbslydLne Gone r* Journalists, Authors, and 111Adb=thil PRA.NOS' CEROMO UTIK RAMIS, BEE orolikractog ovor Nolltelarout outdo4o. 1 404 lei iiitt it Ate casts itch, or MU coats • dcotea, costslavus of whiftb v u m h hai r . i wtt e... No keeps eons . . • PHOTOORAPHIC. AkLSIMS Fin %Valk holoi.trace lan Want•U Asap. atillintalbdy elm S boretht. - • STSI49SOOPES ; STOSUICOFIC 'PICTVBEIS, MICROKOPEiIo, • • IKAILBIDOSCOP.E.S, • sat a tarp Tariacr alma vsluial• Tays. la th**9l of SQUASE,ittpanc, soL- Dleftlo . OR GLAfRi) PIC _ naZ .17LM=3, Puss Putout*, Paula, rtaimida,Pictuil Cord, Books, Mr atesh ta annimined to any country toira, sad 'pan ma VA,* sr can 14 siriatird. - LEGAL, CAP; ttnLti,- LETTER it AND NOTE PAPERS, • - of 116-ay deseriptkor 1 ~ Ws will tall School Books sad itatApaparY to Do / ' art at 10* ant advattas oral ailrinalasal• Trado Priors, wb7oh la mach batter than thy eate do b 7 MO' lag to the City tor mall otqatitlid. YOUNG'S STATIONERY EN:VEL • a now unto* coalman* olz law*, connownConwßeci ii 24 t 6 ; 6 6 k 6 t 6 itx. ll Coltoanacioiri; oinwee Nolo ; Sue 43-Whitie • ; $ hag/ litnoolopen; 2 Load Pozen Pondlfeaor sad 210 8012 1 11.14.1j0k1. tart 7 Dints wank of InoStglal for Twinaty AriroGlob. A LiberakEdscm*kt tam . AtimuTLllo-tt. EMI FMIEJ = IP 5 =II H ._, Btozies. OPE,