The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 28, 1866, Image 4
FENS confirmationi H ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEttl.— of the oft.repeated fact, that a Man fre quently suffers as much from imaginary I evils as real ones, we extract the follow ing paragraph from a country paper. A New England farmer started one very cold day in winter, with his sled and oxen and into the forest, a half a mile front home, for the purpose of chopping a load of wood. Having felled a tree, he drove the team along side, and com menced chopping it up. By an unlucky hit hebrought the wliole weight of the axe across 'his Riot with a sidelong stroke., The immense gash so alarmed him as to nearly deprive him of all strength: , He felt thewarm blood filling his shoe: With eat difficulty he suc ceeded in rolling .. self on to the sled and started the oxen forborne: As soon as he reached the door, he called eagerly for help. His terrified wife and daugh ter, with much effort lifted him into the house, as he was wholly unable to help himself, as his foot was nearly sever ed from the leg. .He was laid carefully on the bed, groaning all the while very bitterly. His wife hastily prepared dressings, and removed the shoe and sock, expecting three a desperate wound, when lo ? the skin was not even broken. Before going out in the morning, he had wrapped his feet in red flannel, to protect them from the cold, the gash laid this opentoliia view, andhethought it flesh and - blood. His reason not cor recting the mistake, all the pain and loss and power which _attends a real wound followed. •CONCE.RXING DOORS.—When you go into a neighbor's premises, be sure to leave the - doors as you find them. If you find the door shut you may reason-. ably suppose_that your friend wanted it -shut, and thereforeyou have no right to lease it open ; and if you find it open, no matter how - cold the weather is,- do you save it open; for it is but reason able to 'suppose that it was left open ford some good_purpose. And the same is - good for all places, whether they be houses, stores, - factories, offices, or whatever they may be. Remember-the rule—it has no exception ; leave the doors as you find them if the owner of the door dries not - know how he wants it, how do you know how he wants it? A FACT.-A man once drove up to a New )3fainpshire tavern, and coolly ask ed for a cent's worth - of hay. The land lord led his horse to a shed, and Men filled the wagon withloose hay. Veßn while the owner of the horse called, for a basin and soap ; and after washing his face and hands throughl,v - , wiped him self dry on a `sptuady' clean towel, laid down his cent, and was moving off: "I say f" said the landicnt. ; `vcon't you. takt - o..drink, before you go ?" seein it's you, I don't care if I do," Was the reply ; and bach he went, and took a drink. "You don't - live in these parts, I be lieve, stranger," said the tavern-keeper. "No," was the reply ; "I'dont ; but I go by and as you've treated me so well thistime, I'll call and pat ronize you again 7' TZTTAZD JEN EINS.—OId Col. Higgins owned a Bock of hens, which he was very careful to keep shut up du ring planting season, and his wife would let them out occasionally to enjoy them selves in the garden. The Colonel see ing them in the garden one day sup posed of course they belonged to his neighbor; and greatly enraged at the destruction of his property, he seized his old musket, and blazed away at them, and sent a lad with the dead chickens to his neighbor's house, with a message couched in language rather more forcible than polite. The next day the operEition was repeated, and so on for several days; and the Colonel was greatly astonished at his neighbor's si lence and good nature, as he never sent back any more than very polite thanks for the " gift" as he expressed it. Well, it happened that the Colonel went to look after his hens one day and found very few in the pen. After looking and wondering. for s while, the reason for his neighbor's good nature dawnedup- On him, and he was heard to exclaim; - (.1 have been trillfng my own hens, and that old rascal has eaten them The 'old fellow never beard the last of than , hens , and was never known to 'shoot another. " Tell me angelic host, ye messen gers of love, shall swindled printers here below, have no redress above ?" The shining angel-band replied: To us 'is knowledge given; delin quents on the printer's books can nev er enter Heaven." iprif INTER GOODS FOR THE MILL v v ion at No. 2, Union Block. JEROME SMITH Has, lately returned from New York with a splen did assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING,' BOOTS & SHOES, GLASS WARE, HATS & CAPS. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . SATINS, TWEEDS . AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH 'CASSI DUKES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Bilks, Worsted Goods, • Merinoes, Black and Figured • DeLeiner, Long and Square Shawls, Irsdiss' Cloth, Opera Flannels,Re., Re., to., Re. Purchasers will nd that Onion Block. Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROhIB Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866. F WEitIEILS, WOOL.= WHEELS;- WHEEL - HEADS, SNAP-REELS, FLIERS, &C., IC. rr2O.II4OI3ITED would respectfully se :lnce to the MERCHANTS & DEALERS of Tioga and adjoining coanties, that they are new engaged is the Mena:famine of the above named articles, and are prepared to fninish them at WHOLESALE PRICES, Employing note bat Experienced Workmen, and using may the best materials, we are con fident we can furnish you with goods that will snit your customers. Every article warranted to give entire satisfac tion. , Ali Goods packed in el:4oas order and sent by rail or otherwise. Plow address by mail, when list of prices, " Cerrißeziples," &c., will be forwarded. C. Lt. CRANDALL do CO: Montrose, Pa. Dec. 27, N. B. Ours is the only establisb.ment that manufactory% the Celebrated Crandall Wheel - Wertsusted to last TWENTY YEARO if won tvotl. .. .z~~ WNW if ELMBOLD'S BUCHII. FIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S BUCIFIC THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRAViikIIRY OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseases it is truly a sovereign rem edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise.— A single dose bas been knotrzi i to relieve the most urgent symptome. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips A teaspoonftil a day of Heinibold's Buchu will relieve you. PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS PLEASE .2\ 7 OT - ICE. ;.1 I make no secret of ingredients. Belmbo Extract Buchtt is composed of Bacilli, Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepared_ in cam° and recording to rules of PRARMACY AND CHEMISTRY These ingredierits are known as tlie most val. nable Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is.that which acts upon the kidneys. . HELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW A CTS , ,, GENTLY, Is pleasant in buts and odor, free from all injur. ions properties, and immediate ia.its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensa tory of the 11 S., of which the following ie a cor rect copy : • " Bccnr,—lts odor is strong, diffiiiive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and an alogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly is complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Grav el, Chronic. Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of. Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It has also been re commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rhenma: tism, Cutaneous Affections, and DropsY." • - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Bee Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Di. Phys ic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. PROM THE LARO,EST MANUFACTURING ORB UST IN TUE WORLD. ato acquainted with H. T. Helmbold; beacon pied the drag store- opposite my residence; and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. • WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers A Weightman,) Manufacturing Chemists Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [From the Phitada Evening Bulletin, ilaerh 10.] We are gratified to bear of the continued cue bass, in , New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, neat to the Metropolitan Rotel, is 28 feat front,. 230 fat deep, awl fire stories in height. It is certainly a grand eatithlishment, and speaks favorably itlf the merit of his articles. He retains bin Office and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that . his remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—most of which are pre pared by self styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's timplest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, such u copy ing parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capitol. A WORD OF CAIITION. Health is most important; and the &filleted should not use ,an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredients ere known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. uzLianoLD , s GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT BIICRII, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, IMPROVED ROSE WASH Ertab/isheci upwiuds . cf 16 year. Prepared by H. T. HELMT OLD. Vrincipal Depots. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND, CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New York; And RELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. October 11, 1865—1 y ATTENTION SOLDIERS. WM. B. SMITH, Knoxville, Tioga County, Pa., (U. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney for soldiers and their friends throngbent all the loyal States,) will prosecute and collect with un rivalled meson, SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES of all kinds. Also, any other kind of claim against the - Clorernmeut s before any of the De partments or in Con greBB. Terms moderate, All ( , ccurantinications sent to the show, addrstb will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 17,1868. 44)-•!_r7 IL.-xii , ,i , tt-,k,-o>et., Stoves: Stoves:: AND HARDWARE: ;MESSRS. GUNN it TUCKER beg to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that In addition W their excellent stock of Stoves, TinMaie, Brittania, Sheet-Iron Ware, they have, at a great outlay, stocked their store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete asiortment of Shelf, Hardware, of Which we enumerate the following articles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS; X . CETT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, • BITIS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOCrit SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEIN'S, WASHERS,. PIPE BOXES, AXLE , TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS • , SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Mao, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGUiGi; a new thing, and made for nee. There are but a few of the many articles composin4 our stock of Hardware. We invite the public tocall and examine for tbetnielvei. We aim to keep the beat quality of good" in out line; and all work to order done promptly andwell. GUNN 4:TUCKEIt, Sticcesson of Wm. Roberta. Wellaboro, Jun..l 1885—tf. FIRE! FIRE 11 FIRE! 1 1- _ The undersigned begs leave to annOnnee to the people of Tioga County that he has estab lished an agency in Wellsboro, for the well known ROME INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York That he is prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty upon as Tessa:table terms as can be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a Cash capital of $2,000,000, besides the Assets- which on the Ist of January; 1885, amounted to • 83,765,503 42 Liabilities. 77,901 52 Its Officers are CHAS. J. MARTIN • President, A. P. WILWORTH ...... :.. President, JOHN WORE Secretary, 3. IL WASHBORN.... Assistant Sec'y This Company has taken out A STATE LICENSE, and monthly pays the per tentage charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. AU policies issued by Companies which have not taken out a State license are declpred null and void, and the parties are liable to heavy penal• ty for so insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. Wellborn, Aag. 23, '65. W. H. SMITH. C ri &N. HAMMOND'S NIIESERY.--: Middlebury, Tioaa Co., Pa., Situated on the Plank Road, 4 miles from Tioga. We are prepared to farniah 100,000 Fruit Trees at the following prices : Appletrees—large size, 25 cents atthe Nursery; 80 cants delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 50 de. Stneztza. APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, Stemmer Ring, Sweat Bow, Sour Bow. PALVAPPLEB.—Famense, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribston Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Bewley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sending, Lyman's Pumpkin -Sweet. Worm AsTzes.—Baldwin, Bailey Sweet, Black Gillflower, Bine Pearmain, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rhode Island Green ing, Rolm Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet Gillflower, Sugar -Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Pick's Pleasant, fall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Paaas.—Bartlett, English Jargon'slle, Bleaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bonn D Jersey, Seokel, Beane D' Amalie, Golden Beurre,Flemish Beauty, Glont Mormo, Lawrence. Also--Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. ch. N. HAMMOND. Middlobary, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1,18664 y. ITIHE LADIES' FAVORITE. TILDEN'S j. Concentrated Liquid Blueing for Blueing clothes, for coloring, and for ink.. Six good reasons trhy it sells so rapidly: Because it is better than any other kind. Because it is the cheapest kind of laundry blue. -Because it contains no acid, or anything that iajnres clothes or makes them yellow. Because it does not spot clothes, or make them streaked. Bemuse it is so useful for coloring. - Because it makes a perfect blue ink when the directions on the bottle are followed. Prepared by A. E. Tilden, Dansville, N. Y. For sale by Jolon\A. Roy, lirellsboro. Pa. Jan. 24,1880. "NTZCLIOLS' PERUVIAN BARR & PROT OltinE OF IRON, for sale by [jan.Bl, '66.] BORDEN BRO'S , Tiogn. 117EltosINE LaiPs at Bora DRUG STORE TOB-WORE, IN THE BEST STYLE, and U with donpatch, at THE AGITATOR Mao. FOUTZ'S CSVPIIEtfiTZD llohm,.tliii_lialtio Potlars. „_,..,,,- 4 - '1 , :r,y 4 ,” This preparation, 1 ,e. -z .•• • • • ! .• • - '••-f j long, and favorably s,...rtfet.', 4i. ::' -':' -, r1i,...i., ' " , t 'known, will thor y' ' •-;„ . .^-,'116 ' oughly teinvigorate 1 t • , ,M,...- -'t. ', in oken-down and .7 ~, ' 1a,,--sph Rol Itcrses, 1'...-/' ' , .l • tI . , Lt - sti engthening and cleansing the stomach and intes . ,A. . t Vk ti'"' 4 , Atiti t e:,, , ,..,, , t1 5 ,,,1 , ;01'?' - his a sure pre ‘''''',-ti-;''A.:45..i-,--- rentive or all cliS eases inci A gnt ...: to this animal, such as - YE LLO 14 WA TER, HEAVES, COUGHS. MS TEHPER. FE VERS. FOUNDER LOSS 'OW - A PPP.- T iT il A.ND VITAL rINERGY. Sc. Its use improves the wind, incicases the appetit , ,gives a smooth and, glossy skin—nut transforms tis e miserable skeleton horse. To keepers of 0313: ti is plenum tion is invaluable. It increaszs the ciaar.tity and improves the quality of the milk. It has been prowl' by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent - and Make the butter Puma and sweet. In fattening cattle, ft gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive In all'iliseasw of the Lungs, Liver. &C., this article act; as a sp:cifie, Lly patting from onl-half a pap - ,: to a paper in a barrel of swill t} abort diseases will b 2 Or entirely preVetil„,_,_ . given preventive and earl for the Hog Cholera. P4^_o3 25 Cuezr, per o: 6 Pape - is for $l. ramp.,:uv S. A. FOUTZ 3311,0., AT TrEIB 111101,ESILE PUFO AND 1111)1CINE DEFOT, No. 116 irfanklin St., Baltinipre, Md. For Sale by .Druigukts and Stureizeep.,.: through out the United bylobu A.. Ar k - 0 R I.IFERGOVE ;Tot ~`~TIkENOTII TO THE TO WEA E AGE D! This preparation is unequaled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. The aged should be certain to make the Blokrene a household god, inasmuch as it will render them youth ful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the days of their pristine Joy. It not only tes but Strengthens, and is really an Invaluable blessi capes—tally to those who have been yeduced to a condition of senility, sell abuse, misfortune, or ordin ary eiakttess. .No matter what the cause of the impo tency. of any human cretin, this superb preparation will remora the effect at once and forever. ••iineartunts cures impotency, General Debility, li'er tonaincarascity, Deepness, Depression, Lora of appc tite,-Low Spirits, Weal:nese of the Organs of Genera tion, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Emaciation, blued. It has a most (UllllllOlll, desirable and novel effect on the Nervosa; System; and all who are in any way pros trated by nervouS disabilities are earnestly advised to seat a cute in this most excel lantgad marginated pre paraticm. - • • Parsons who,by imprudence, have lost their suattral vigor, RE arill And a speedy and permanent cure in the BI OKNE. _ . The Feeble, the Languid, the Dispelling . , the Old should giro ibis valuable discovery a trial : it will be found totally different from all other articles for the same purposes - To Ireogoloo.—This preparation ie invaluable. In hereon - weaknesses or all kinds, es it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand torde;and will give relief in Dys pepsia, with.tbaliirst dose. A brief persistence in its use will retiorate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and bruaisti Dyspeptic, forever. One Dollar per Bottle, or six Bottles for $5. Sold by Dtugg;ists generally. Not only. give immediate relief, but are ewe to Wed a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They aro not a purgative, and there fore their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and &reportedly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomach, Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoms ofathe disease, which unfit ono for the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure tofollow the use of stimulating "Bitter" and all purgative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power they are sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrhcea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, safe and sure restorer of tho di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, E. E. Cor. , 2lst and Market Ste., Plaited's, Pa. See that my Signature is on the face of the box before- purchasing. Beware of spurious imi. tations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor ning, N. T. Sold by all Druggists. Corning, Sept. 20,1805-Iy. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED The undersigned would respiotftilly invite the at tention of the public to his 1 \ LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK F GaosaragEsa . ct PROTTISIONS, consisting of SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, -TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, PORE, FLOUR, FISH, TOBACCO, SEGARS, STONE it WOOD EN WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &o, " All of +which: will be - sold at greatly reduced pri m fo!PASH. Call end see for yourselves. Wellsboro, Dec. 13,1845. , J. D. JONES. 11,1" OuRVALIEN'S zurd - IoNIC AND ITI.TIRUSSTR, at ITZLIWS-DRTIO STORE. A r Asaortatent of TABLE GLASSWARE vilfbrifotutti at ROY'S DRUG STORE. WOMB IS /SDRBIC. GIVEN, that an elec. .01 Lion for Directors and other officers of the Wellaboro Petroleum Company, will bo held at the office of ;no.. N. Bache, Esq., in We'labor°, Monday, March 45th proximo, from two to six o'- clock P. M. By order of the Board. rib. 7,1866. M. H. COBB, Seo'y. =IIEO=I PENSION AGENCY. To Soldiers Sod Their Friends. rpHE UNDERSIGNED having bad eon siderable experience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business to that line entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to the - WU bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, col leetedby the undersigndd. Parsons wishing to confer with me will please call or address mu by latter at Sylvania, Brad ford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. OEO. P. MONRO. . Refers by permission to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa. D. P. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. IL Spalding, Eherlff, Towanda Pa.[ April 1. KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY.— HEAD QUARTERS OR THE IRON BRIGADE AUGUST l'aT, ISO Special Notice is hereby given to Retnr;►ed Soldiers, returned skedaddlers,thosee liabis to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so should HIGH PRICES END All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in our line on short notice and at REDUCED PRICES We would call attention to a few of the ar ticles of oar manufacture. TEE PEOPLE'S FRIEND COOS STOVE is still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATE)), OVEN : 9OOE STI)VE ,‘ Our PARLOR, -BOX, it COAL STOVES deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere Our IRON & WOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good na any if not better. We would call particular attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, as we are confident that they cannot be excelled. MACIIINERY made and repaired on short notice. We intend to keep up with the improvements of the times. Try to 3 and be ewsvineed TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY. J. P. BILLIES, Knoxville, August 2, 1865: R EYNOLDS's TURBINE WATER-wan:ls The undersigned bas been appointed Ageht for the sale of these celebrated wheels, which are be lieved to have proved to be the most powerful and economical in the use of water of atty wheel now known. Applications by letter or otherwise Promptly attended to, and mills visited, wheels set up, and warranted, and Millwright*ork done in my usu al thorougb manner. J. a. PUTNAM. Tioga Pa., Jan. 10, 1868-3 m r-va---74v , - • nENTIESTRIF. tairo l ii k a - C. N. DARTT, NvouLD say to the publiC that he is perma nently located in Wangler°, (011ie* at his residence, near the Land (Mice atid Episcopal Church) where he will continue to do all kinds of work Goaded to his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the management of cases peculiar to the calling. He will famish • ARTIFICIAL TEETII, set on any material desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortest notice, and done in the beat end most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Aurestheties which are per featly harmless, and will be administered in every case when desired. - Washer°, Jan. 1, 1865-Iy. IVIRS. A. J. SOFTELD WISHES TO inform her customers that she is now re calving from New York, ft fin. assostment of MILLS ERP GOODS, which she has taken much care in selecting. La dies will find a superior qpality of MERINO ENDER-WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, Infants Hoods. Drees Caps, line linen Handker chiefs and everything in•the Millinery line. " Jam 1, 1866.—tf •415 r VNITED STATES UOTEL. Main Street, WeHaber°, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. Having leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall endeavor to make it truly the traveler's home.-- Personal attention will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests wilt be a prime object. The stables will be under the care of an expert. need hostler. Wollsboro, Jam 1,1866-Iy. WELLSBORO HOTEL. (Corner Main Street and the 4ventire.) WELLSBORO, PA. B. B, HOLIDAY, Proprietor. PHIS is one of the most popular /rouses in X the county. This Xiotel is the principal Stage-house in., Yirellaboro. Stages leave daily as follows : For Tioga, at 9 a. rn. ; For Troy, at 8 a. m.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. STAGES Anarra—From Tioga, at 12 1-2 o'clock p. From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m.: From Jer. soy Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. m, : From Coudersport, Monday and Thursday II a. m. ' N. a—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host ler, will be found on hand. Virellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, & PLATED WARE. Cali at No. 5, Union Block, if you want a good WATCH, where you will dad a good assort ment of . AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES. I keep on hand E. Howard. it Co.'s movement in heavy Silver Cases, which for time has no equal. I respectfully refer to M. H. Cobb, Esq., Editor Agitator, and Wm. Bache, Esq., President let National Beak of Welloboro. Alio, the W. Ellery, ;Bartlett, Appleton, Tracy A Co., all are„good Watches. - PLATED WARE. .Dinner and Breakfast Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoon Holders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and l i T Spoons , Ao., Act., &c. dia Robber Chains, Hinge, and bold Mounted P oils. HEAVY PLAIN GOLD RINGS. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS. & good assortment of CLOCK'S corstantly 'on band. All of which trill be sold as • lo* as they can he bomplAanywhere. BaiIRING DONE ON BRORZ' Nov= Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1586.-tf. A. HOLEY. ArAITBIJSIEIREIS SOZOD ON T for Clw- V Teeth, for sale at the Drag Store of p.R.wlstriata„ = I=l HEREBY OFFERED for largo! and Cheaper' Stock of DRY GOODS, 0/I.Q . CERIES • ROOTS, SEIM, CLOTH- Mammoth Combination of 4 Stores in One, at BILL OF EARN NOR A. HEW DAM LONGER as follows :. All-core Merinos]. yd wide, $,lOO Best Deleine reduced - from - 45c-to-30 Good.riCh " • " " 35 to 25 Best Calicos " AI 30 to 25 Good fast col. Calicos " 28 to 22 Handsome Madder_ Calicoes " 25 to 19 Beat Standard Sheeting- " 40 to 34 Good " " Iyd w " 35 to 29 " Brown . " 8-8 "w " 30 to 25 Heavy red twilled Flannel " 56 to 90 Fieiiiitiful Sett Furs " $l5 to $lO Heavy Over Coats " $l5 to $O9 Good Working Coata " $OB, to $5,50 Brown Sugars reduced " 15 to 123: . New Bright Salt per Barrel, $2,85 Good Kip Boots, $4,00 God Kip Womene-Bootg, A lot of Woimens' Morocco Boots, WE ARE UNDERSELLING ALL OTHERS. Qiva na a cell and be convinced Jut. 1, 11166 NEW PALI. AND WINTER GOODS 1 PEOPLIEVIITORE, in Corning FILL AND WINTER WOK adapted to the best trade of this place and vicin ity, and shall be constantly receiving such ad ditions to our stock as the varied wants of our numerous customers shall demand. Our stock consists in part of out anal vanity of a larger .atock of hfournlag and other Drina Goods than ever before, tunong,rorbieli are a large line of BEAVERS, DOESKINS; & SACKINGS, for Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments to trim tb•m. RED, BLUE, GREY; YELLOW. WHITE, PLAIN & TWILLED, OPERA FLANNELS, SHIRTING FLANNELS. SHAWLEVor Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, of very variety, among which are ALEXANDER'S lUDS, BUCK MATS, and GLOVES. Boors, SIXOES, & RUBBERS, Among which are tl Arctic Rubber, a new and awry nice article. 0611/Qin:les for BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by quality of Goods considered, wbatover others emy say about it, and in proof of this we ask an EXAMINATION of our GOODS and PRICES, priatisincourseives tot to get angry for show tog Goods when no purchase is =ado. We shall give our =Women; the FULL SRNS'S= OF MIT DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should Goods advance we shall be com pelled to follow. Wo shall continue the system of We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tiogo Co., who have patronized as and would respect fully invite those Who 'dare narar done so to call sad see Os. Story opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors west: of the corner, and two doors east of Hungerford's Bank. Corning, N. 7., Jan. 1, 1868. REWARD ING. lio* can lts roma st * 1111? :OW Vlllys, Solis AMMON, N. Y., ON TER BRIE RAILWAY.' Children' " Shoes, 22 W. R. SMITH'S SONS. ADDIICA N. it- AT THE We now have on hand an unusually LARGE .ASSORTMENT OF DOMESTIC GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS, 111 GOOD COLORS, AT IMMO PER YARD. , A good stook of Cloths and Cassimeres, to be sold by the yard or made op to order VLA/MALS Or EVERY VARIETY, DRY GOODS, ac any, One Price and Heady Pay, which ds steadily growing in favor. SUITE( & IiVAITE, •etf Sentig At Reduced Prices, AT J. B. BOWEN'S Jan. 18, 1886 ETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION beeb ag j_j been granted to the undersigned wpm' the estate of George W. Mack, late of Westfield, de. ceased. all persons indebted to said stetson are re. quieted, to make immediate payment, and tho u basing claims against the same ;meant these NANCY A. MACX, JAMES XING. 2d, Admini Jatt.-31, 18.66-41w.4 Marble Sboi. WELLSBORO, TIOGA COUNTY, PENN'A. MESSRS. lIOIG & WARRING having associated themselves together for the pus. posis of carrying on the manufacture of MARBLE WORK, are now prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS, REM) STONES. MAN TELS, TABLE TOPS, &e. &c , with dispatch and in the beat style. Rutland and Italian Marble worked to order. It is our intention to dcr a leading business in Tiogst County. Orders solicited, and all work warranted to give 9ati3faction. P. C. TWIG, Tan. 1, 1866. A. S. WARIMG. To CONSUMPITirE9.—The advertiser, having here restored to health in a few weeks by a very trzpts remedy, after having suffered for several years r l zt, severe tang affection and that dread disease, Coasump. lion—is anxious to make known to his fellow.snff e r, r , the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the pra. acription used, free of charge, with the directions preparing and using the same, which they will Red a =re cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Cough and Colds,and all throat and long saections. The only ohject of the advertimr in sending the prescrintton to benefit the afflicted and spread information •whicb ba <maestros to be invaluable, and he hopes every muster will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing ant marprove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescript: G s rag, by returh moil, will please address iter. Zy. WARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Mingo Co. N. Y. (Jan. 31. '66—ly.] EREOR3 OF Y013111:—A Gentleman who su3tutl for years frmulliervou3 Debility, Premature Decay arid all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the askant suffering humanity, send free to all who nevi it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rel. edy by which he liras cared. Sufferers •cc.bln to T•c,!•. by the advertiser's experience Can do so by whireshoi JOIIN B. 0GD.E.N.13 cbamber3-3t., N.Y. Jan. 31,'65-Iy. rIIR CONSE4SIONS s EXPERIENCE OF AN l'i VALl.D.—Published for the benefit and as a oaun. - .2 to young ruen and others, who suffer from Natrvens bility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying u the same time the means of self-care. By ono who ha cured himself atter undergoing conald,ruble quiwkery By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, single les, free of charge, may be had of the author. NATHANIEL SIAT3AIB, Zig.. Brooklyn, Map CO N. T. Ljan. 31. 't4-1.1.1 CiTRANGE, BUT TRUE —Every ymig lady and ;ea tleman in the United States can hear sonlothLog their advantage by rotnrn mail (Imo of charge) by ec dressing the undersignod. Those having fears of being luorabugged will please oblige by not notoingthis CalIL All others will please address their obedient /errant, THOS. T. CHAPMAN 831 Breadway, New York $1,50 San. 31, '036-ly $l,OO DEAD SHOT VCR LICE on Cattle and Horses, harmless to animals, but death to lice. Mix it with an equal quantity of water when it is applied. Sold at . ROY'S DRUG STORE, Jan. 17, 186 d. Wellabora, Pa. NEW MEAT MARSET W.M. TOWNSEND, ACIZZiT. Wholesale and Retail Dealer ii. FLOUR, PORK, HAMS, .AND GRO CERIES, 1771E11,14313021.19, ' ALSO, FRESH REEF, MUTTON, BUTTER, Shop one Door South of Smith's Law OfDec Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1888 -tf. TO THE PUBLIC. T AM NOW PREPARED to manufacture, at my establishment inDeerfield, PLAIN AND FANCY ItLANNELS Also, Liaise BALMORAL SEIBT3 4 to order, either by the piece or quantity, to iii onotomers. JOSUE( INGII.II .finozville, Jan, 1, 1866. 11064 MARBLE WORIL\'. C&LHINS & COVIELLAT, Prosirietart hats Coto and CaltronJ) CONILLIN havoug had ]5:7,3 JAI- parlance in some of the boat .11arble S, a, in the country in the artistic part of this bunny the proprietors are now preparea to emecuts for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MO:ir MENTS of either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MARBLE. in the most workmanlike manner, and with .+ patch, They will keep the best quality of ble, of both kinds named, constantly so likod Stones discolored with rust 2nd dirt eleatitt and made to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is °oil thorised Agent, and 211 contracts made with will be valid. Customers can contract for vi wth him at shop prices. Tioga Jan. 1, 1365-17. $1.600 v, P E R. r,,,, Y t 2 O A L ou lT r e n 7 72 a n 0 t4., - ; . Rig Machines. Three new kinds.. rpptr any! feed. Warranted five yeara. Above asiary or Iry missions paid. The only tnachinea sold in the - States for leas than '4O, which are fa ay Zaata Howe, Metier inl3-on, Cr9rer „Bak,. .fm.' Ch., and Bachdder. Ali other cheap machines fringeratntl, and the ,tel.'er or nJer are Litt to : 0 fine, and impruon warn& Circulars fore. Addraas. Ilion Shaw St Clark, Biddeford, bialne. 1,90 A .. 51ONTFC—A4E:,fT3 'ranted or r: trrely new artirler. just out, Aiiiirea GABBY, City Building, Biddeford., Maine. dee.27,14-iewly. I AM SELLING OFF Ny Stock of Goods FIFTY PER CENT. Lowzit THAN THIRTY DAYS AGO. lip. CALL , AND UV lid Virell4boro, J 1132. 1,186(t. G. BIILIO • WINDOW GLASS A PUTTY, fag iill6 at P, R. Williams' Drag Starr. UTTY A WINDOW GLASS "0 ROY'S DRUG STO raleQmv u lat ROY'S DDa 6103$