Josh BiWags On Waterfalls. I rather like watterfalls I kant tell why, envy more than I kan tell why I love kastor ile = but kas tor ile is good for laziness in the system. I don't like laziness ov no sort—not even in musketers. I want my musketers lively. But all this is foreign to my purpose. I like waterfalls--they are so easy.and natural. They 'attack all the sex. _thdy attack with grrft,t fury, - wlaile others they' approach more like a _siege, working up slowly. I saw one yesterday. It want no biger than a small French turnip , . It had attacked a small woman ov only nine summer's duration. - She was full of recreation, and when she bounded along the sidewalk—it was on the west side of St. Clair-street, in the City-of Cincinnati, foreneSt Ba ker & Davis's yellow - sope store—the waterfall highsted up and down -in an oscillating manner, resemblin mutch the sportive terminus -of a bob-tailed lamb in a great hurry. The effect was purely electrick. I saw another one pretty soon, which belonged to a mature matron. She might have saw 75 summers; her hair was white as flour—Perkins " A" worth fifteen dollars a barrel deliverud but the waterfall was black. I asked a by standard how he mad account for that. He said " It was yOunger." I also saw another one pretty soon, which was the property of a gusher. She was about 19 years old, and waz az ripe az a two year old peach. ' . She swept the dirty streets like a thing of life. Men stopped to_ gaze as she passed, and take a new chaw of tobacker, Little boys pocketed their marbles in silence. Her waterfall was about the size of a corn basket turned inside out. 1. It - was 'inclosed in a common skup net and kivered with blazing diinopds of putty and glass. It shown:in the frisky sun like the tin dome on the Court Rouse, where the supervisors meet. - But I rather like waterfalls. • It has bin sed that they would run out, but this, I think, is an error, for they dont show no leak yet. In the language of the expiring -Cana dian on our Northern frohtier, I say— " Viva la Bag a tel." BEAUTY IN WOMEN.-A beautiful face and Ohre are the two things in a women that first attract the attention of a tram. The second is a fine taste, both in dress and habits, and the, third is common sense. What a man most dislikes in a lady is untidiness, slovenly habits and tilrectation. There is aLinedium between prudery and relaxed behavior, • which a man :appreciates almost by instinct. Place a4nan of genial disposition, with a disi• engaged heart, in the society of a woman of beauty, sense and spirit—not too much of the latter—and the chances are of \immediately falling desperattely in love. The poor wretch cannpt avoid it, and - in his frantic efforts to escape, he falls on his knees and at her feet and avows the, might and majesty of her beauty. All you have to do will ,be to treat the poor fellow as kindly as you can, and make no effort to please him. Let nature have her own way, and de pend upon it;you will - be fondly pressed to the warm bosom of some generous hearted fellow. BOOR FOR THE YOTJNG.—Just the kind to elevate and do them good to be had of Messrs. J. C. Garrigues & Co., 148 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. For real excellence and worth their stock has not its superior in the countty, and it has already acquired a wide spread reputation. In addition to their own publications, their collection includes the very best and most interesting ju venile books that have issued frcim the prominent publishing houses in this country during the past three or four years. Each book is carefully examin ed, and none passes muster and finds its way to their shelves that is !not of the highest order of merit. Parents and instructors of the young may rely upon it that no better books can be found to put in the hands of theiu chil dren. . A MAN, named Jameson, in Cincin nati, wishing to- curtail household ex penses, adopted a novel mode to effect `his object. He kissed the servant girl one morning, :when he :knew :Mrs. J. would see him-. -Results—discharged ser vant girl and twelve dollars per month saved. The national Guard of the State of New York numbers 45,910 afficero and men ; composing 112 Regiments, three Battalions, and Ave Batteries ; 28,000 of the men are uniformed and ,equipped. A New York millionaire, said to be afflicted with th leprosy, was cured by the President of the New York Uni versity, and in his gratitude tendered him a $5,000 fee, but the Doctor only accepted $1,500. • LINES OF TRAVEL. ERIE RAILWAY Trains will leave Corning at the following Lours: ' • intsrorsxe )00 SD. No. 1. Buffalo Express, ' 6:45 p m No. 8, Night Ettpress, • 7:38 a m No, 6, /dell, ' 12:28 am No:7, Ifightltxpress for 'Dunkirk and Butrald,..7:lB a in No. 9, Mall, for Entrain and Dunkirk.l. 10:23 a m No. 2, New York Express No:23et m No. 4,N Exprest, I`k34 a to No. B. Steamboat Express,..... ' &40 p No. 8. Cincinnati Emirate, 3:40 a to No. 12, Night Express, 11:41 p W.B.Bias, Pau. Agl. H. RIDDLE, Getel Sap't Elmira & Williamsport R. R. . . Trains will Arrive and Depart from Troy as follows : Moving Smith. Moving - North. Express . , 6:45x. )1 Express, 10:23 P r Mail, -5:58 •ts Mail, 9:30 P x Way Freight, 8:28 A xWay Freight, 4: P w Coal Train, ...$lB a it Coal Train, 4:25 ? sr Troy, May 16, 1865. D. 8. STOVER,O3up't. , Slossburg & Corning, & Tiogolt. IL Leave Corning. Arrive. Mail, 800 amiblail ' ' 500 pm Accommodation, 340 p m I Accommodation,lo 15 aea L. R. /311ATE13t11., Sup't:' . .. Atlantic & Great Western R. R. Trains'nll/ arrive and depart at Salamanca &stollen= New York Ziptess.. Westward. Cleveland Express Trans lease Akron, Ohio, dally - for New 'York. B. Y. Swarths, Snp't & Stria IL R. Phill4elphist Trains will arr. tad dela Mall Train. 8 47 p Express Tram 160 alx Express Than 960 p 81611 Train— .... 4,4 ars Mail Trsh. " 47 p m Expres Train 4 22 p m Express Train 7 20 a m Mail Train SO p m A. L. Trum, Gen'l IMPL. Oatwarisaa Rail nasal. Truths will arr.oad dap art at Williamsport se follows ElColtli Leave W'msport. Ar. PhMau. Ar. N. Y. 8 15 a m 7 00 P za 10 55 p m 9t5 a M . 1 50 p in 5 45 p m Leave Philadis. Leave N. Y. Ar. Sneepots. 8 15 a re 6 00 4 m A 22 p m 880 pm 12 00 m 'I V I% The day trains South and'north connect via k e and Manch Chunk: CM. 'WZBB,Bart. - H ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEIII THE ONLY:ANOWN REMEDY FOR DI . A.BETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE • _ BLADD.F.R, - INFLAMMATION OF THE For these diseases it is truly a sovereign rem edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise.— A single-dose has ,been kiowa to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips ? A teaspoonful a Miy of Ilelmhold's Buchn will relieve you. PHYSICIANS 4ND OTHERS I make no secret of ingredients. Behnke.ld's Extract Buchu is composed of Buda'', Cubebe, and Juniper Berries, !elected with great care, prepared in vacuo and recording to rules of These ingredients are known as the moat val. uable Diuretics afforded. Ie that which acts upon the kidneys HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injnr• ious properties, and immediate in its action. See Medical Properties contained in D4pensa tory of the U. S., of which the following ie•a cor rect copy : • " Bucuu.—lts odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish,"and an alogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of tho Urinary Organs, such as Grav el, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, MalbidQ Ir ritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts don. cerned in its evacuation. It has also been re commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheuma. tism,, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phys ic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. I am acquainted with H. T. Helmbold ; he occu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others bad not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. [From the Philada Evening Bulletin, .11.1nerh. 10.] We are gratifie4 to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. lielnaboldj Druggist. His store,-next to the :is 28 feet front, 230 feet deep, and fide stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Labratory in this city, which are also , model establishments of their class. The proprietor bas been induced to Make this etatemeot from the tact that his remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from - using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or. the Patent Medicine order—most of which are pre pared by self styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplesqprescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. to various means of effecting sales, such as copy ing parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. - The Spence of Medicine stands SIMPLE, !PIIRE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capitol. ' Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised medicine, or any remedy; unless its contents or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering.. lIELIKBOLD'S • GENUINE PREPARATIONS FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, -518pm&444am .800 pm RELMI3OLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New York; .10 55 a m —5 00am And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Rivet, Philadelphia, Pa. at Williamsport as follows Westward SOLD BY. ALL DRUGGISTS. ATTENTION SOLDIERS. WM. B. SMITH, Knoxville, Tioga County, Pa., (U. S. licensed Agent, and Attorney for soldiers and their friends throngbent all the loyal States,) will prosecute and collect with un rivalled success, SOLDIERS' • CLAIMS AND DUES of all. kinds. Also, any other kind of claim against the Government before any of the De partments or in Congress. , Terms moderate, All communications sent to the above address will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 17,1866. IFELBIBOLD% lIELTIMOLD'S 1116cmT. lIELDIBOLD'S sucnu. KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE 'BLADDER, STRANGURY OR PAINFUL URINATING PLEASE NOTICE PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY A DIURETIC ACTS GENTLY, FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FROM THE LARGEST MANUFACTURING CHEMIST IN I 4 RE WORLD. WM. WEIGHTMAN, i - _ (Firtri of Powers dc Weightman,) • Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. THESE - PARTIES RESORT _ A WORD OF CAUTION- FLUID. EXTRACT UMW, AND IMPROVED - ROSE WASH Established upwards cf 1:6 years Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD. Principal Depots. October 11, 1885—ly Stoves: Stoves 2.: AND HARDWARE! MESSR% GUNN & .TUCKER beg to annothics to the Tilsga County, that in addition to their excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and--Sheet-Iron Ware, they have, at a great outlay, stocked, their store on ~I)L9.I. N ,STREEy, WELLSBORO, with a complete nesortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SEWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS,' BIl".N, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS• CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, • BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE - BOXES,' ,AXLE. • TREES, ELLIP ., TIC • SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS, a new thing; and made for use. These o,ro but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite the publjp tocall and examine foe themselves. We aim fo keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all work - to order done promptly andwell. GUNN & TUCKER, Successors of Wm. Roberts. Wellabor°, Jun. 1 1.865-tf., FIRE! FIRE!! FIREIII - The undersigned begs leave to announce to the people of Tioga County that ho has estab lished an agency in Wellsburo, for the well known HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York That he is prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty upon as reasonable. c terrus as can be bad in any other responsible •Conipanies, AND ISSUE POLICIES-withont sending •the application to the General,Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a Cash Capital of $2,000,000, besides the Assets which on •tbe Ist of January, 1885. amounted t 0.,. $3,765,503 42 Liabilities 77,901 52 Its Officers are CHAS. MARTIN • - President, A. F. WILWORTH Vice President, JOHN McGEE Secretary J. H. WASHBOHN Assistant WY. This Company has taken out A STATE LICENSE, and monthly pays the per oeistage charged upon De Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and bindin ,, upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies which' have not taken out's State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal ty for so insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. _ _ Welleboro, Aug. 23, '65. W. R. -AMUR lic N. HAMMOND'S 1111ddiebtury, Tioga Co., Pa., Situated on the Plagk Road, 4 miles from Tioga. We are,preparettio furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees at the following prics Appletrees—laro size, 25 cents at the Nursery; BO cones delivered. ' Common size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered; Pear Trees, 50 Ms. SUMMER APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest, Chenango Strawberry, Washington StrawbetY, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, SummeilQUeen, Summer King, Sweet Bow, Sour How. FALL APPLES.—Famense, Gravenstein, Rambo, Ribeton Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley or,Dorrse, Maiden's • Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweating, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. WINTER APPLZ/3.—Baldwiii, Bailey Sweet; Black Gillflower, Blue Pearmein, American Gol den Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rbode Island Green ing, Esopps Spitsenbarg, Swaar, Sweet Gilltlower, Sugar Sweet, Honey Greening, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sonr, Peck's Pleasant, Tall man Sweet, Tompkins Co. King, Wagner. Press:-,Bartlett, English Jargonelie, Bieaker's Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey, Seol4, Beare TV Amalie, Golden Beurre,Plemish Beauty, Gloat Morceau, Lawrence. Aleo—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grape roots —several varieties. C. do N. HAMMOND.. Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. T.ILDEN'S' Concentrated Liquid Blueing for Blueing clothes, for coloring, and for ink. Six good reasons why it sells so rapidly: - Because it is better than any other kind. Because it is the cheapest kind of laundry blue. lug. Because it contains no acid, or anything that injures clothes or makes them yellow. Because it does not spot clothes, or make them streaked. Because it is so useful for coloring. Because it-makes a perfect blue ink when the directions on the bottle are followed. •• - Prepared by A. B. Tilden, Dansville, N. Y. For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro. Pa. Jan. 24,1868. N I V rAIVITD—Two smart, active • young men, from 16 to 18 years• old, to ledFn the Mer cantile baldness. Apply immediately to W. R. SMITH'S SONS. Jan 24,71866. . . KEROSIHR LAMPS at ROY'S DRUG STORK. FOUTZ'S (INLIBIATID lin and Cattle TER - , COUGHS, D) TEMPER, I VERS, FOUND/ LOSS - OF API TITS AND VIT. ENERGY, &c. use improves wind, increases the appetite-giv- A*mgoth glossy skin—an, transforms t h miserable skelet horse. In all diseases the Lungs r ,ll - , &c., this orti acts as a specit By putting fro. one-half a gape to a paper la a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevent preventive and cure for Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for 111, BEWAILED BY S. A. POUTZ Sr, E 4100., TNECEL WHOLESALE DECO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. For Bala by John A. Roy, Wellaboro `IMPORTANITOFEMALES . c itt ( d >, 4 , PILLS. PIIOCLARATION i—DR. CHESSMAN'S PILLS .—Tht combination of ingredients in thee° Pills is the resubof along and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate • ceretain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Me nstruation, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise,headaehe, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, 1.0., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruptions of nature. Dr. Cheeseman's Pills was the commence ment of a new era in the treatment of irregularities which have consigned so_mane to a premature grave: No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever on obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preps:ration ever put forward with immediate and persistent success. DON'T BE DacErvan. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the Best and moat Reliable Female Medicine in the World, which Is comprised in these Pills. have been a Standard Remedy iheC fe h r lle over thir t ytPyear P s i , lill and are the most effectual one everever known for all complaints peculiar to Pc males. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the , sanction of some of the most eminent Physicianain America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box. or fißoxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly secure from observation, by remitting to the proprietors. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anyiwbers, by adressning HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, !Proprietors, 28 Dey Street, New York. Sold in Wellsboro by John A. Roy; in Tinge by Bordenßro's; in Lawrenceville by W.G.ldiller.Hecteb yeow. -I Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a_ permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their me does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. Tito , cause no sick ness of „the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stomach, Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoms 'of the disease, which unfit one for the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effecte which are sure to follow -the use of stimulating,"Bitter" and all purgative medicines. •By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power they are sure to keep the digestive oritins in a healthy con. dition, thus preventing Costiveneis, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured by the use of powerful an&purgatives, will find them a mild, safe and sure restorer of the di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, S. E. Cor..2lst and Market Sts., Philad'a, Pa. See that 'my Signature is on the face of the box before Ourchasing. Beware of spurious ...4al - • W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, • Car Ding, N. Y. Bold by all Druggists. , Corning, Sept. .20, 1886-Iy. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRIOR The undersigned would respectfully invite the at tention of the public to hie 'LARGE AND OROI4 STOOK GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, conflating of SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, .PORK, . FLOUR, FISH; TOBACCO, SWABS, STONE Bc WOOD- EN 17ot, IrkiirlElT NOTIONS, &c., All of wbieb will be sold At greatly reduce!) pri ems for CASH. Call arid see for'yourseiree.. WeDebar°, Deo. 13, 1865. J. D. JONES. RE. CHEVALIER'S HAIR. TONIC AND mi. DRESSER, at WEBB'S DRUG &Tom/. A N Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE /1. will be found at 'BOY'S DRUG STQ,BE. PENSION AGENCY. To Soldiers And Their Friends. r RE UNDERSIGNED having bad now siderable experience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that line entrusted to his care with proMptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to the $lOO bounty, Pensions Bounties, and arrears of pay, col• lectedby the E undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Brad ford county, Pa.- Charges reasonable. GRO. P. MONRO. This preparation, ng and favorably sown, will thoi oghly reinvigorate Iroken-down and ,e-agirited horses, r strengthening id - cleansing the domach and lutes- It is a sure pre- , entiie of Till incident to Refers by permission. to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellaboro, Pa D. F. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda Pa.[Aprlll KNOXVILLE -FOUNbRY.-3 HEAD QUARTERS OF ME IRON BRIGADE Special Notice is hereby given to Returned Soldiers, returned skedaddlers, these liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so sboald es is invaluable. >yea the quality the milk. It has proven by'ac experiment to =ease the gran ity of milk and :ream twenty per and make the All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in oar line on short notice and at ter firm and eet. In fatf.ning `tie, It gives them appetite, loosens hide, and 'tea them thrive We would call attention to a few of the ar ticles of our manufacture. • THE PEOPLE'S PRIE!JD 0001 STOVE is still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE Our PARLOR, BOX, & COAL STOVES deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere Our IRON .4i WOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good as any if not better. ,We would call particular attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, as we are confident that they cannot be excelled. made and repaired on short notice. We intend to keep np with the improvements of the times. TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY J. P. nuais, Knoxville, August 2, 1885. EYNOLDS's TURBINE WATER-wing/a. The endersigned.bas been appaltited Agent for the sale of these celebrated wheels, which are be lieved to have proved to be the most powerful and economical in the use of water of any wheel now known. Applications by lettir or otherwise promptly attended to, and mills visitadaboals set up, and warranted, and Millirright won done in my usu.. al thorough manner. .1. a, PUTNAM. Tioga, Pa., Jan. 10, 1888—Sta DENTISTRY. essa„„ C. N. DA.RT T, WOULD say to the public that be is perma nently located in Wellsboro, (Office at his residence, near the Land Office and Episcopal Church) where'he will continue to do all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the ,Dentist can avail in the management of cases peculiar to the calling. He will furnish PILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortest notice, and d* in the best and most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Apreethetica which are per fectly harmless, and will be administerpd in every case when fet attired. Wtllsboro, Jan. 1,1885-Iy. AIRS. A. J. SOFIELD WISHES TO "TX inform her customers that she is now re ceiving from New York, a fine assoetment of MILLINERY GOODS, which she has taken much oars in selecting. La dies will find a superior quality of MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, - Infante' Hoods. Dress Cape, fine linen Handker, chiefs and everything in the Millinery line. Jan. 1, 1866.—tf UNITED STATES HOTEL. 1 Main Street, Wellaboro, Pa. • Having leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall endeavor toy aake it truly the traveler's home.— Piirsonal attention will bo given to the table, and the comfort of guests will be a prime object. The stables will be under the care of an experi enced hostler. • • Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. '1 WELLSBORO HOTEL. (Corne; -Main Street and the Avenue.) Wzra,ssowo, Pa. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. /PHIS is one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Hotel is the principal Stage-house in Welleboro. Stages leave daily as follows : For Tioga, at 9 a. m.; For Troy, at Ba. m.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday asid Friday at 2 p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. Briews AwarvE—Prom Tioga, at 121-2 o'clock p. m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m.: From Jer sey Shore, Tuesday and Friday 11 a. m, : From Coudersport, Monday and Thursday II a. m. N. B.—Jimmy Cowden, the well-known host ler, will be found on hand. Welleboro, Jan. 1,1866-Iy. . V V IA/ATOMS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, & PLATED WARE. Call at No. 6, Union Block, if you want a good WATCH, where you will And a good snort merit of AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES. I keep on hand E. Howard A Co.'. movement in heavy Silver Cues, which for time baa no equal. I respectfully refer to M. H. Cobb, Esq., Editor Agitator, and Win. Bache, Esq., President let National Bank of WeUsboro. Also, the W. 10lery, :Bartlett, Appleton, Tracy & _o., all are di good Watches. PLATED WARE. Dinner and Breakfast Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoon Bolders, Napkin Bingo, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, &0., &e. Indiaßubber Chains, Gimp, and Gold Idounted Penoils. Frg.mwiurr,:wep A good sianortgaent of CLOWEI3 constantly on hand. All of which will be sold as low as they can be bought anywhere. REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1866—tf. VANBDSHIBR'S SOZODONT for Clea ning Teeth, for sale at the Drug Store Of P. B. WII.LLUIEL AII(11:18T 11? 1866 HIGH PRICES END REDUCED PRICES MACHINERY Try us and be convinced ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any material desired. D. 0. RITTER, PROPRIETOR JEWELRY OP ALL KINDS N EW ARRAN T. L. BALDWIN & CO., • ARE RECEIVING A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. OF DRY GOODS, BOOTH AND, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS AND CAPS; PAINTS AND OILS, WALL PAPER, IliEl DISPOSED OF CHEAP; AND BEADY PAY OILY. TIOGA, San. 1, 1868-Iy. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! PEOPLE'S STORE, In Corning: We nave on band an makuilly LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FILL AND WINTER GOODS, adapted to the best trade of this place and vicin • ity, and shall be constantly receiving such ad ditions to our stock u the varied wants of our numerous customers shall demand. Our dock colorists in part of oar usual variety of DOMESTIC . GOODS, a larger atock of Mourning and other Drees 0004 than sTer before, among which are a large line of FRENCH MERINOS, AT •1.00 PER YARD. Cloths and Cassim,eres, to be sold•by the yard or made up to order BEAVERS, DOESKINS, & SACKINGS, for Ladies' 0/oaks and ornaments to trim them. FLANNELS OF EVERY VARIETY, RED, BLUE, GREY, YELLOW, WHITE, PLAIN A TWILLED, OPERA ' FLANNELS, SHIRTING FLANNELS. SHAWLI3,for Genii, Ladies, Misses and Children. Balmoral and lirp Skirts, HOSIERY ARID GLOVES, Of ovary variety, among which are ALEXANDER'S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, and GLOVES. BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBERS, Among which are the Arctic Rubber, a new and very nice article. DRY - GOODS, &c Our facilities for BUYING G00)03 are UN SURPASSED by any in thisi section, and we wish it understood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by quality of Goods considered, whitever others nay eay about it, and in proof of this we ask an 'RUMINATION of our GOODS and•PRICES, promising ourselves not to get angry far show ing Goods when no purchase 13 made. We shall give our customers the FULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should Goads advance we shall be com pelled to follow. We shall continue the system of - Oise Price and Ready Pay, ' *Me is steadily growing in favor. We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronised us and would respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, and two doors east of Hungerford's Bank. FOLEY Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, /866. GEHENT 1 TIOGA, PENN'A GROCERIES, &c., &a WHICH-WILL BE AT THE IN GOOD COLORS, A good.atook of any, SIILITII 4 WAITE, DISSOLUTION.—The co-partnership hereto. fore existing between the subscribers in the Tin and Stove intsinews is dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in the bands of Robert Kelsey, who will settle the tame and henceforth eirry on the bustneas it the old stand. D. C. LAMPIdAN, Welleboro Jan. 24,18. ROBERT KELSEY. A DMISTRATORRS' NOTlCE.—Letters of A Administration having been granted to the .undersigned on the estate of Jacob Shipman, Ifni of Farmington, deVd, those indebted will please make immediate payment, and thosehasing claims agatst said estate-wikpresent them to 0. H. BLANCHARD, GEORGE WHITE, LYDIA SHIPIdAN. 'Farmington, Dec. 1885. ISt* Adm'rs. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALL—Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga co., I will offer at public sale at the Court Douse in Weßobot°, Saturday the 10th day - of February next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, late the property of George Campbell, of WeDebora, deceased, to wit A lot of land in Wellsboro, beginning 42 feet east of the corner of Main h Morris st a. , on lot No. 9, thence east along Main-st 20 feet to the corner of, the Joseph Sofiald lot, thence along the line of the Sofield lot and across lot No. 9, 824. feet, thence on the line of the William Bache lot 20 feet, thence north across said lot to hfain-st, place of beginning, being 24 feet front and rear, by 621 feet across said lot No 9, be the same more or less, with all and singular the buildings and improvements. Terms cash on confirmation of the sale. T. P. WINGATE, Jan, 10, 1885. 3t A dm'r. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Patrick Redirgton, late of Delmar, dee'd, all persons indebted are requested to make immedi ate payment, and all claims most be presented, duly authenticated, to JANE REDINGTON, December, 20, 1885-6 t. • A dm'x ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of James Albert Chris. tenet, late of Wellsboro. dec'd, all those indebted will please make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate will presentthem for settlement to EMILIE R. CHRISTENAT, Charleston, Dec. 27, 1885-Bt. Adre'r. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned on the Oil taut of George Campbell, late of Wellaboro deed, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all claims must be-presented for settlement to T. P. WINGATE, Jan. It. 1866-6 w. Adm'r. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION baying been granted to the subscriber on the wets of Israel DJ. Dann, late of Rich:Auld. dee'd, all persons indebted to said estate -are requested to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same most present them for settlement to PETER V. VAN NESS, Jan. 17, '66-13wAt Adm'r. DEAD SOOT FOR LICE on Cattle and Horses, harmless to animals, but death to lies. Mix it with so equal quantity of water when it is applied:" Sold at ROY'S DRUG STORE, Jan.l7, 1888. Wellsboro, Pa. NEW MEAT MARKET WM. TOWNSEND, Aims?, WUlead* and Retail Dealer in FL 0 tilt, PORK, HAMS, AND ORO- .711. • A-I, 0 , FRESH BRIO, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c. Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Otos. Wellaboro, Jan. /, 1856-tf. TO. THE PUBLIC. -r AM NOW PREPARED to manufacture, at my establishment inDeerSeld, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Also, Ladies' BALMORAL SKIRTS t - to order, either by the piece o p quantity, to snit enstomk JOSEPH INGILAht. Knoxville, Jan, 1, ISM TIOGA• MARBLE WASIK& CALEINS & COMILIDT. Proprietors. (late Cole and Calkins) MR. CONKLIN havoog had large ex perience in some of the best Marble Shops in the country in the artistic part of this business the proprietors are now prepared to execute orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MONU MENTS of either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MARBLE, in the most workmanlike manner, and with dis patch, They will keep the,best quality of Mar ble, of both kinds named, constantly on hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and made to look as good as no*. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our au thorized Agent, and alt contracts made with him will be valid. Customers can contract for work wth him at shop prices. Tioga Jan. 1, 1868-Iy. I $1.500 w P h Eß ere til ta onr Wevan ao t ag an7.o l l:7- lug Machines. Three new lambs. Upper and under feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large. con missions paid. The only machines sold In the United States for less than 00, which are fatty ticenred by Howe, Monier & Wiison, Grover cE Baker, Stinger d Lb., and 13aehelder. All other cheap machines are in fringements, and the idler or UM' are liable to arreit, fine, and reapritonment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw A' Clark, Biddeford, Ilaihe. $9O tryyO new NTll a !— rti tar in 7 t wanted for Address BAILEY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. I AM SELLIN My Stock oiecoods 1•51 FIFTY PER CENT. THAN THIRTY DAYS AGO. gel.. CALL AND SEE 1 lie We!Ware, Jan.l., 1866. 0. BULLARD IMPORTANT TO TRES PUBLIC y a l—On ac count of ,the mildness of the w the subscriber has left over a large' stoo of Parlor Stoves, which he will sell at reduced prices, con sisting of REGULATORS, three sizes. GRECIAN COTTAGE, also 3 sizes. and 3 sizes PARLOR COOKS,—a new pattern, patented in 1884, where may be found as good stock of COOKING, PARLOR, Office & BOX stoves as was over exhibited in Tioga county. Also, TIN, COPPER, k SHEBT-IRON ware, English Enameled and Common Hollow ware, Butts, Screws, Hinges, 4 , 3., Ao. H, A. SAIEAD. Tioga, January 10, 1888-4 t WINDOW GLASS k PIITTY,foz sale cheap, at P. R. Williams' Drag Store. . PUTTY A WINDOW GLASS •t ROWS DR 1G STORM PURR GINOIR at ROY'Ellptte HOWL MM LOWER