The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 17, 1866, Image 4
The Irish Zinn Many of Sir Boyle Roche's blunders are happily preserved. "Sir, I would give up half—nay, the whole of the con stitution, to preserve the reinaindor." This however, was pirliaruentary. Hearing that Admiral Howe was in quest Af the French, he remarked, .I.olue what pleasantly, that "the Admiral wo t uld sweep the ,F'reticli ; fleet 4itt' ,the I thk By-and - -by can dangerous times or dissatisfaction, and honest men's lives I were insecure. Sir Boyle writes from the country to a friend in the capital - this discouraging view of his position; " You mayjuite? he,slxyrbi" of our state, when I tell "yoit - thiit - I"'ivrite with a sword in one hand and a pistol in . the other." On another occasion, when the famous lettws to the Public Advertiser were a R:t* universal arterition,.Sir ,BO le 'Vita Icreita't44 complain liitt4ily of= he attacks " of a certain anonymous Writer called Junius." It was Sir Boyle who recounted that . marvelous performance in gymnastics, when, in a tumult of loyalty, he" stood prostrate tit *sleet of his sovereign." He it was who denounced in writhing language the apostate politician who "turned his back upon himself. He it was who introduced to public notice the.ingenious yet partly confused metaphor- of the rat. ." Sir;" said he, addressing the Irish House, - I smell a rat. I, see him floating in the air; but mark me, I shall nip him in the bud." There was his famous speech which con.folif4ed generations ; 't donot see; ; Mr': tieititer, shoilld put our-. selves out of the way to serve posterity l What has posterity ever done for us?" He was a little disconcerted by the buret of laughter which followed, andsoceed tq;explain:his .mean4ngi ,`,` pos7 Miff"; - not - nae -- oui estors, but those who are to cone immediately after them." His invitation-to the gentleman on his travels was hospitable and well rrTfc 3 l4, /• 1 3 0 1 )4 !; 11 1T lord , if ever you come within a mile -of my house; you will stay there all night." - It was Sir Boyle Fho stood for the proper dimensions df the wine, bottle, andproposed to parliament that- it shoulimadetdriaptilafiryi 'that every quart bottle should contain a quart." - Very pleasant, and yet perfectly intel ligible, was his meaning--though it un happily took the bovine .shape—in re buke the shoemaker when getting shoes for his gouti-lliak:- - )Ittold you to make one larger than the other, and insteadof that you have made one smaller than the other—the very opposite." A man once*,pplied to be shipped be fore the mast. "Are you an able seaman or a green hand?" asked the shipping-mOter. " Why, o no, not an able seaman ; but yet d.! I have somMtarrortnerr." - "Ever been a voyage?" "No." " Ever been on the, river craft?" •:No." : l t Mre.ll,4lWwhat dnyou,now about the sea'?" _ "Why, I've tended saw -mill:;" LINES OF TRAVEL. .17 a EIIIIRRAPILW2II% Trains will leave Corning at the following Lowe No.l, Balalo Express, 6:45 p 43, No. 3, Night Espresa, 7:3B'a iti No. 6, Mail,. 12.19 a - ni• N 0.7, Night Xiamen for Dunkirk and Buffalo 1.18 a ti No. 9, Mail, fos.Buffalp and pqnkirk 1..;10:213 a tn.. N., - NAJAVART, No. 0 2, New York Enron, tiig4Po3praot, !to. , 0, tiftltxproas, No. 8, Cincinnati Express, No. 12, Night Express, —. W. R. BULII, Pau. Ag't. Trains will Arrive and Depart from Troy aajollows e.; 77*ftligrdigitbi, 4,lF.T4ngforat Express, Z 4 P ipress, Mail, _/5:60•x M ail, Et:39 y Way Freight, &SS aat Way Freight; 4, r C0atTnt1x;...........1....ih/S au coal *415 P )C - Trey, May 111,4866. = . D. S. IMMVfilt,, Supt. "." Itiossbiarg & Corning, & Tiogn . S ., - Jewno Corning. Arrive. - Mall, 400 a m - 5 30 P Accommodation, 340 p m fAccommodation,lo 15 a •fn - • L. 11. SILATITICE., .3np't.` Atlantic & Great Western R. 11- , Xl4 .14 1 itittelm4 dot 4t kiliansawas ram: IM;M Westward . . Clorela.u7ress 10 55 a m tom l -. 1 .1 00 a In 4eAkiiat, 0E16; Eialti3i 1 1 e* i4 , 1-"le H. F. 8w ream,, Sup% FlE;M;; 1;:m. Express Train 1 60 a nk Express Train 9 50 pm s93l9!Pdp 5%m4 . , Catawba* nail Road. Trains will arT r and depart at Williamsport as follovii. = Leave Trinsport. Ar.lads. Ar. N. Y. kirke, a - i,OO p ;10 65 p m , • - 945 - am - - 1.50pM 545 pm ,LopacPbp.,cia Leave N A. W'msport? - • .I.loalmh f • 600 aim - 6 .22 p me' 380 p m 13 00 rn -145 am The day trains South and north connect via Quakeke and Xetich 9hrmlt. , GEO. WEBB, 6.0%. - CI it N. l HAMMOND l 'S NURSERY.— •WO I EI . Biliddlebury, Tioratt CD., Fea.i Situated ttn thleriertk Road, 4 miles frOJTiogf We are prepared to tiarnishloo,ooo Fruit' Triaes tollit par g ries~ Appletreec—laxge eize,l2s cents atlhe Nuivery; 30 aslatedalivered. Comwsiati size, 20 cents at the Nursery, 25 cents delivered. Peat:Trees, _5O cts. SUKKER APVLEs.—Burnham Harvest, ,Early THArewat,,,4lhettango Strawberry, !Waatil(gton Strawberry, Bed Astrachan, Summer BelilloWer, Suniffier Queen, 'Sumintiriring,'SWeet Bow, Sour PALL APPLEEk.--Famensa, Gravenstein, - BariVo, Itibiton Republican Pippin, Hawley or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, stillits".§weeting, LyEnati's Pumpkin Sweet. tn-Winstaft I lia . Pawat.—ltablwiti; Roileq Zsreet . , Black Gillflower, Blue Pearomin, American Gol den Ituseet,llpabury Russet,tttcode Island Green. Bpitzenbrat, Swaur, sweet Gilifloaer, Sugar Sweet, Honey Gleaning. Honey SwiAt, rely4SitkeV-rofiiid Four, Peok'g Pleasant, Till - dternlYerslai, Toinpkirs`Co. Ring, 'Wagner, • PlCA:U.—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleak wa Meath/10411a Lucrative, Louisa. Bona Jer . Beurre D' Amalie, Golden Beurre,Fleo isb ..13m4,,f310ter. Morcean, Lawrence; Aho=Blberiaz Crab, Quinces, anti Gripe rota —several varieties. • C. & HAMMONI'., , .)Middlelrary; Tioga- Co., Pa., Jnit: 1,-11168-Iy. TWIG& .11LIABLIS WORKS. CALICINS & CONELIN, Propriety Coto and Calkins) IVER.. CONZLIN haven , ' '' lad 'etx . ILL peanut. iit seize of the best Marble I - pops in the country in the artistic part of this bur *sae the proprietors are now prepared to execute tt , tere for TOMB STONES; of all kinds, and MONT . -, MENTB of either RIIThAND OP. ITALIAN in the most workmanlike manner, and Witt.dit. pitch, Ahoy keep the best q ua liti o f lfar ble, of both kinds named, constantly on hatO. twos rititicAored with. rust and dirt clef seed nst thide to loAr as 'good as new', hir:Essrey Adams, of Charleston, is• oar an. htorized Agent, sad all cutspmtil ma de wit] hin t 11 be valid. Cmitonseri can contract for ; '-cork th him at shop prices. Tiogs, Jan.l, 1866-Iy. NiMMMEIMI CLMBOLErsi EXTRACT BUCUEI I) I A.BE T E litß!ThAlOpi_OF, NECK OF THE 814D1A4 , PiFIe4AMAPOpT, OF VIE 1 PAINFUL URINATING. . • 1—.1.z.t: For these diseases it is truly a sovereign rem sdy, anti too mach ointatit be stein its praise A single doe bee been known to relieve the most urgentlarapiodsir • Are you troubled wink that distressing pain in -the smalrof the back and tluough the hips A teaspoonful a day of Ileltubold's Bucbu will yolieie you. ' '- . . PSYSICIArS ANIIS PLEASE NOTICE. r mike - no 'feast' Of lagradieratt. lifehnbold's Extract Buchn is composed of Buchu, Cribetis, end ,Funiper , Berries, *looted with great care, prepared -in vacua and recording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. ; 'Those iniiedientilitielinowtr is tire -moistal uable Diuretieififforded.- • .1 4) . ) A DjilUttElle • . _• which acts sport the-kidneys. RELDIBOLD'S EITIULOT BiiLHU 'See Pil 40IC 41 Properties contained in Dlsfapsa -1., tory of the U. S„ of which the eull'nviliikis d'cor _rent copy: • " Ituctry,—Us odor is strung, dit/nsiand p g -I somewhat aromatic, its 'taltiFtlilerlsh r% — pi au• slogans to that of mint. It is given chi :in :complaints of the Urinsry Organs, such as Gray -41,--tdranior driiaih of,llailmiffirer, /forbid Ir witation of the Bladder sand Urethra, Diseases of the Preefrate,iteudakteusion.,, thr,ih.a incoptinentes 3;l' . Urine, frorriti — l43ss of 'tdherti - the'parts con. : :erned in its- evacuation. It has also been re l . Ominended, in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheutiia .eism, -Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." IN :Hy) FOR FURTHER INFORPiATIQN f r- • .e• 0 . • Profeileot Dames valuabie tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phys. ' See uny - and ill :Standard 'Works on Medicine. icrm a in T7 .".12:34 a nr 3.60 y, m. .3.1.0 11:41 p R. RIDDLE, 9erel I am acquainted with B. T.-116:030w; he occu pied the drug store oppdsits my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not .been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise, - - r *Port a a Ninth and Brown Stroote., Philade/Ada. .[,From t/e._ Philad_a Bveniyls,Lfe;in, Af,:tcr i h Ip.] We are gratified. to .hear of the continued sec t:eta, in Hew_ York, of oar townsman, Mr. H. T. Heimbold, Druggist: His store, oast to the Metropolitan. Hotel,, is 28 Seet - front, 239 feet deep, and fire stories in height. It is certainly a 'grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of tris'aitielen. He retains his Office and Labratory id,this city, which are also model establishmente of their class. The propiietor • has been indneed to make Shia statement..ttonlA, fact tkiet his remedies, alttoonghadvectiaed, are . 518Ax&4414AM 4 3 00 AA, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order—most al-which stre pre- pared by_ self styled nectar", who are too ignorant to read a phy;sician'ti simpleit preireription, ranch less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. ac Zile B.! B. at Willtainsp)rt a, f 011991 - Weilt%vvu•ci Mail TrilL .3 47 p m Exprea Trait' 4 22 p m Far/teas Trata 7 20 a m p m A. L. Timm Gaul Supt. to various means of effecting sales, such as copy ing parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. nii..baistrose of Medicine stands SIMPLE, POE ; and MAJESTIC,-Lhailng Pact for its „Buis, Induction for its Pillar, Truer 'alone for its Capitol. • :thetitt Ii ti?oikaportatt;dad-ttbe afflicted shoed& not . use an :Advertised nwriliolue, or any remedy; unless its contents or. ingredients ere known to others besides the munufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the tinalifitstfordi of the party so offering. , . HELIIIIIIIOILIVS • GENUINE PREPARATIONS .• • • _ And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, e 104 South Tentk Street, Plificickligia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL 1111.110618T5. _October 11,1865-1*: A - PRIZE AND HOW TO DRAW IT. chdice collection - anger@ Recipes; is found in a little circular called " The Family Casket." A'suisply or these little papers has just been re ceived at Roy's Drug Store; they are distributed free of charge to the lucky customer who thinks to call for them. • EII T E WASH LIME.—The beat quality nt Rhode Island Lime -for white washing, at Jan. 1, 1866. ROY'S DRUQ. STORE... .~.:~.~= .1" - • "HO. t HIELMIs(JLU's BIJCIHII` 11 ELM BOLD'S SVC II 11. '() NIA6i it 61 ay, -.1444 KIDNEYS,, CATARRH4()F-THE BLADDEtt, toTRicN'OURY OR AtTs - 1 pleasant in taste and - odor,lreelrom all injur ious properties, and immediate in its action. • FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, FROM a THE • ' LARGEST MANUFACTURIII3, CHEMIST IN THE WOULD. WM. WEI - WIT/KAN, (Firm ef'Pocyera & Weightmaud Minufdatuting - ' ViieMista GENUINE •PREPARATIONS, THESE PARTIES' RESORT A WORD OF "C-Auzitiltr. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHIT, FLUID FT:•;i4IOiitS.APAII:ILLA; AND IMkROVVD 'ROSE WASH Established epwaids cf 16 years. Prepared by" ! S HELAth OLli. - Pirineipal Depots. HELMEOLIYS DRUG -AND • CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New Pork; Stoves: Stoves:: ILA W, Ali i a ) MESSRS. GUNN & TUCKER beg t 1) full:10E1110e to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to their excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, they have, at a great outlay,-stocked their store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with A,pozqp4le asportlgent of - Shelf Hardivarp, df following article¢ : CR0)V134418. X CUT, 31E114,, 14,19'AND' - BUCK S&WS; 'BUTTS, 'S'IIItAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, • AUGERS, ki TbasTr - , .SHOVELS, SPADES, fOREB, " BENCH-SCREW S, —Wg4lti_ 4 39l34W S, s'OARMAGE „BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, • PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIE': . . , , SPRINGS, HQRSE SHOES HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN - POPPERS, -- SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, i PISTOLS, QARTRIDOES, PONDEkt - AND. , CAP& PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS, a new_ j,i)ipz,_ and made for am Thu° are but a. Ifewsef stook of Hardware. - - . We invite the public tdcall and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best sitialiti af• goods in uur line ; and all work to order done pvoutplaudwell. GUNN it TIICIKEIt., Gl's-assort' of Wm. itabeita. WelLshoro Jan i 186.5—tr FIRE 1 FIRE!! FIRE!!!- The undersigned begs leave to announce to Vie people of Tioga County that be has ostab- Hatted an 'agency in Wellabore, for' this well known ROME INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York That he is prepared to insure all kinds of prop• arty upon as reasonable terms as can be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES without sending the. application to the General Oilice. This is one of the richest Companies in the "United Statee, having a ClaolL Capital of $2,000,000 4 besides the Assets which on the let of SaritnirY, 1865. amoanted to i $3;705;000 42 Liabilities 77,901 52 Its Officers are CHAS. J. MARTIN President, A. F. WILWORTH Vice President, JOHN McGER Bearetiary, J.'s:. WAS BORN- - = 6 Affilietleit Seel. This Company bail taken out A STATE LICENSE, mad Monthly pays _the per mintage : c,iyirge4 upon its Reestipts which is made necessary. by the laws of :Panneylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies which have not taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penal ty for so -insuring. But_ Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21; 22, 23. Wellsboro, Aug. 23, 'B5. W. H. SMITH. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVESI!!-- D. C. LAMPIIIAN & CO., WELLSBORO, PENN'A, respeotfully inform the publio that they have remored their NEW STORE TIN SHOP, 'tOlboboslatiog lately.ocoopted by D. t..Roborto, iitid'oittrteep on bind ond'frarniah to order, TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE, COOKING .STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, THEE EXTEN- SION-TOP, & THE AMERICAN AND NATIONAL COOK STOVE. We shall ldeal ou the briii i h spstem, and will not be undersold. Ortr mertto is ' small profits and quick sales." MILK CANS, kept conetatiely cei bend . • ' 'D. C. LAWMAN 4- CO "Welbibbra Jab 1' IteS&-tr•-'- z. .LO- THE :PUBLIC. T AM NOW PREPARED to mituufactote at my establishment PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS„ - BALMOR'AL SKIRTS to order . , °inlet by the piece or quantity, to suit customers. JOSEPH INGHAM._ Knoxville,Jan, 1., 1868. .ITRH I "ITCH 11 - ITCHII9' - • Scratch !- Scratch! Scratch ! Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Mum. Alio cures SALT BREWS, ULCERS, WiIL BLA.IIOB, and all Eruptions of the Skin: Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. • , For Salo by John A. Roy, Wel!sboro„ Pa. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS POTTER", Sole Agents, ITO Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by omit, free of post age, to any pat of the United States. 1800t65-461n. I====s==e====l roRTANIn FEMALES SMI A 7 4i e 4,0 ItOCIAMATION CIIP,ESEMA.N'S PILLS lia .—Tht combination Of ingio 'l3nts is tha'o Pins is the resat-of along and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate; ceretain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstniations, removing nil obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise.bea‘Mabe, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous aft: , flops, hygeluick,. fatigit4 pain in - the-back and limbs., tc.., disturbed sleep, which arise . train interrui tons 9f nature. • • Dr. ufleesenian's Pills. was tbo commence ment of a new era in the trertment of irregularitise and obstructions which have consigned so many to a , premature grave. No female can enjoy good health 1 unless she Is regular and whenever en otstructitm. titleitirpitiee the -genera. health bez,lan to decline.: These Pihs form the finest preparation ever put forward with immediate and persistent &access. Don't at Dfczivrb. Take this advertisement to your Druggist. and tell him that you want tbo Best and most Reliable Female Medicine in the World, which is compried In these Pills. have been a Standard s lily Chessman's Pills .tutmeey for toyer thirty years,and are the most effectual otielitvetever'known for all complaints peculiar to Pe nialee. To all clagies' they are invalimble, inducing, With cerfaitity,yeriudical reanlaaty. • They are known to_thanstands, have wed, them at different periods, throughout the country, having the - sanction of Jonas of the most eminent Physiciensin Apaerica. Explicit directions, stating when they should slot not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box. or °Boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly secure from observation, by remitting to the proprietor.. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by adreasnlpg HEMMINGS B lIILLYES., 'Proprietors, , 28 Day Street, New York, Wellebore' by ...rohn A. Hoy ; - in Tioga iy •Idordearo'i;ininwrenceville by W. G. Miller.llott6s , - **-' • . Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effecta_ permanent D.yspepsia and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, and there fore their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. ' They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. , l'hey will immediately correct a Sour Stomach; cure' Flatulence; Heartburn, Sickness w pain in. iheHtomacHt-Costivenets, Belching of irind, , Li s eer Complaints, Headache, and in fact &lithos*" d :a greeable and dangerous symptoms of the die se, which un fi t one for the pleasures and datie of life. , They are an agreeable and wholesome appe tiser, without any of the injurious effects which are JeurisAttfellow, the Ties. of ethaulatigg ". lintkaillArgeßve ntedit/ipOst their RutifYings strengthening • and inflgOsiting ,PPWer ,te7 Ault sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrbeea or Dysentery. Weak and delicate persona, who have been, in jared by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them a mild, safe and sure restorer clothe di 4,pstive organs to their original strength and vigor. Piligthr ehe-prepadeter) -- ~ • " ROCKWELL, S. E. Cor..2lst and Mark - et Sta., Philad'a, Ea. Bee dint my Signature is Oit — the' (tic° Of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurious imi tations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Cor ning, N. Y. Sold by all Drugitiats. Corning, Sept. 20, 1865-ly. LA WRE,NCEVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA lii YTHE PLACE.' TO ; ; - xviT, - ,01 . .) i ( 7 )4;..,c0u5i 42? i JUST RECEIVED. etteiolie*One and all AND ,gFiE FOR yot4tLvEs,: CLOTLIING GOT UP TO ORDER, WARRANTED TO FIT. dl Large Stock of SLOTHS Jiait - 1 . '404064. - CONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF 15/LLSPAUGH St SHUTTS. Lameatevilivion.3,oB6447- NEW MEAT MARKET WM. TOWNSEND, /Lamm. sii Ewen voila h. FLOUR, PORK, i 14.418, .4/111). ORO CERIES, .-`*e3r.T.,933oitcp, ALB 0 , FRESft BFO', li&fiticiN, BUTTER, &c zr..l 'EfarDoor fic;l of ihnitYs - Law Office. 1888-tf., SEI,LING' OFF AT REDIJORIVPRICS. The uudersignedmould respectfully invite the at tention of the ptibliele his LABO-E4.NI) CHOICE - STOCK ; ; •' • . GROCERIES dr. P ROV 11110111 S ' " ebitisting of — • I MUM, - MOLASSES, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SPICES, , PORK, FL014., TOBACCO, SEGARS, STONE do WO(* EX WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., All of-which will be sold at greatly reduced pri loutgat pew. {.Cali fed see for yourselves. Wellsboro, Dec. 18,1865.' J. D. JONES. AME C SIER, at ;IBA D11171:31 ) . STORE. ME A FULL STOCK LEE PENSION AGENCY. To Soldierit And Theis Priends; ►I t.JN DERSIUN ED having had eon siderublv orperiouce iu prucuring Pensiou - antl.Blielt 'pay ut- Soldivrv, qtriiind to all lusitioss iti tbatlittc_Ontritstsit to his care with prouiptuess nudlidelity. ALL SUUDIBES discharged by rett.uu of wound: are eutitled to that, *IOU bounty. Pensions, ilouuties, auct arrears id pay,tol lecteoby the , undersigned. Persons wishing to outifer with tun will please call or address Ws by letter at Sylvania, Brad ford °manly, •Pa, Charged' eeasonable. GEO. P. hIONRO. Refers by permission to • i 4. Curd, County Treasurer, Welleboro, D. P. Pomeroy,. Troy, Pa. A. Spalding, Sheriff, TOwande Pa 1241111 KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY.- HEAD QUAATIIRS OF TEE IKON BRIGADE %AUGUST let, MO. • - / • -:,- Special Notion intbareby given to Returned Soldiers, returdsd ikedaddlers, those liable to amt., and, to exempt', that the 'Wv ,, v is atido4 and so should 111011 PRICES ENO Ali will' take notice that we are pr.4.,.ed to servo those Wanting any thing in our line on short notice and at REDUCED PRICES ' e would cal[ atte fli j to a few :of Ciao tide, - -our manufacture: • THIPPEO 'LE'S FRIKND COOK STOVE is mill la groat 'Tor with %boo& thistrits an FIRV4T,f El, OVE OOH Our RAMA •80XL.,, STOVES" detei:l;6 ' 4l - ttoiWito ileforWpWrciiiiiiiitsbrowbert.. Our Utclgkr WOOD BE A M MIL" are as good us any if aot better. Wo would Van parttattliet atteittitou to Our ROAD SCRAPE:ILS, as we are eooticlient that they ' cannot be ericined Id A.O, N E .R, Y, made and repaired on short ndlVost. We intend to keep np With tl. improvements of the - • • Tik us and biaonvineed •'.T.E.pms CAST( ON DELIVERY. J. R. Miss, Knoxville, August - • R:EYNOLDS'a. TURBINE WATER-waingLe Tio?..undoreigne9l- has beeoi-aßpoiniad-Agent for t.tio;ziisairit-ibtre eeleliratefd 4tibeete)wiliel are be lieved to bare proved to be themoat powerful and Aqopomical in,the,use of water of any Orel now 4 0 !9. Applications by letter or otherwise promptly attended to, and mills visited, wheels-set up, and warranted, and Millwright work done in my usu al thorough manner. 3. G. PUTNAM. Tioga, 'Pa., Jan. 111, 1868-Sm - - DIONTISTRY. C. N. JD A 117 • WOULD say to the public that he is perma . nedtly located in Wellsboro, (othee at his 'residence, near the Land Office and Episcopal Church)-where be will continue do all kinds of work sonlided to hie care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the management of cases peculiar to the calling. Be wilt furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any material desired. •FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, , attendidtci on shortest notice, and done in ate best and most approived style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the txe rule of Aumsthetics which are per lectly. harmless, and will be administered in every case whhca desired. M= MIRS. A. J. SOFIELD WISHES TO inform her customers that 'llllO is liow re• ceiving from New York, a fine assoetment of : MILLINERY GOODS, _ which she has taken much care in selecting La dies will find a superior quality of MERINO. UNDER-WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, ' Infants' Hoods. Dress Caps, Moe linen Ihindker 'DMA and everything in the Millinery line. 'lad. 1 186t—tf ,1610ITE01 STATES HOTEL. Maio-Street, We!labor°, Pa. *IVES, llfizippar:sTon. Having Leased this popular heal property, (lately 'occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I *ball endeavor to maks it truly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests will be a prime okect. gyp sables. will Imunder ‘ the care-wfAtn exPeri.. WadVottlez Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. WELLSBORO HOTEL. (Corner Main Street and the Avenue.) • :irst.tpaltte, B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor. THIS is one of the most popular Bonsai in the county. This Hotel is the pritiaipal Stags-housa in Wellaboro. Stages leave daily o! - fon° , 1' • for root, 'it ;'Fos TiOY, at 8 s me For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p. m.; For Coudersport, every Monday and- Thursday at 2 p. m. Staelfa idaturvz—Prom Tina, at 121-2 o'cloelt p.m.: Prom Troy; at 8 o'clock p. m.: Prom Jer sey Shore, Tuesday and Priday. l ll a. m. From Certmiereport, Monday and Thn O day II a. m. Cowden, the will-known lost ler, will Da found on hand. Welleboro, Jan, 1,1888-Iy, -, IariTATORES,.-CLOCKS, JEWELRY, & F F PIATBD WARE. Call at No. 5, Union Block, if you want, n 'good WATCH, where you will find a good assolt inent of AMERICAN & SWISS WA.TCHES.- . - I keep on hand E. Howard & Co.', movement in heavy _ Sllver i :whislii„f9,r time - has no equal. litipeOffunP reretiftet Eg g' , Editor, Agitators and-Wm. 'lama lit National Bank of Wellsboro. Also, the W. nary, ;Bartlett, Appleton, Tracy Co., all arejoi.d. Watches. - PLA.T.ED WARE. Dinner and Breakfast Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoon Solders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Spbons, dc., do., &v.' _ Indiaßnbber Chains, Rings, and Gold Mounted Pencils. . HEAVY PLAIN' GOLTPIetAiGS. JEWELRY OF ALL ,KINDS. • •, •4 gdod assortment of CLOCKS coretantlx, on hand: All of which will. basold as lo w al they can be bought anywhere. : REPAIRING ON SHORT NOTICII. WellshOro, Jan. 1, 1863-tf. A. FtLAGY. lr,rlailltliElßWS Bn 0 1 ONi - tor Clea ning Teeth, for littlest the Dttag Bffre of P. R. WILLIAMS. =1:=11111!IMIZEI AD,MISTRA'fOR RS' NOTICE.— Letters of Italia/. been granter!, - to t h e audereigned un the estate of Jacob Shipman, late of Farmington, dee'd, those indebted will please make immediate payment, and thesehaiing claim ag,iiiast said estate will present them to 0. H. BLANCHARD,. O:EORGE WHITE, • LYDIA Farmington, Dec, 188.5. 13t. 4 Akinfrs. DMINISTRATOWS NOTlCE.—Letters of adminiatration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Arno. Rathbone, late of Richmond, dec'd., notice is hereby. given to those indebted to make ift,mediate payment, and tboio having claims to present them properly au thenticated for settlement to Dec. 8,1865-8 w" p PECUTOB'S NOTICE .—Le tters testa -1:4 twittery having been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of Robert Tubbs, late of Oceola, deed. notioe ss hereby r given to those in debted to make immediate • payment, and those 'baying claims to present them properly authen ticated for settlement to HOYT TUBBS, De6:43, 188540' • JOHN TUBBS, j :FETTERS •OF ADMINISTRATIO;C. ILI having been granted the subscriber . ou , l i lse estate of Caleb 1). Garrison, leto of deol,, all persons indebted are requested to wake insinsuitate paytueztr, end those baying claims will - present them for-settlement to - E. B. GARRISON, Rutland, Dee. 8, '6.5-6w. Adm'r. TOTICE /Br HEREBY GIVEN that Duster Robbins, 8 I) Cudworth and others, have applied Lathe Court of Common Pleas of Tioga bounty for a charter of incorporation under the llama and style of " The Sullivan Freewill Bap tiaS4hureh," and that said Court have Axed on Monday the 29th day of January current, at-the Outsrtatinse, for a hearing in. the premises, when said charter will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. J V DONALDSON, Janoery 10, 1888-3 t Proth'y. 4.73-ZJABATAIj,S SALE —Pursuant to an order ,of the Orphans''Conrt of Tioga - County, I _will offer at public sale at the Court Boni° in ,WellsborO, Saturday; the 10th day of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. 41., the following described raq estate, late of George hiller, of Debritir, de alas' ed, to wit; An equal undivided ninth part of a certain lot of land in Denier, bounded north by Hector Hor ton end Mtn. ffixnuntx, north and east by Robert Campbell, south by .1. W. Catlin and P. Hough ton, and west by Oliver Bacon and 51, W. -Well). erbee—containiug about 130 acres ; to be sold for -the use of Mary Alice Miller,-subject to the fife estate of her mother, Juliette Miller. Terms cash. • Jan. 10, 1868.3 t AD Y INLITRATOR'S SALE.—Pursuant to an order of 'the Orphans' Coakt of Tinge co. ! Will offer at public sale at the Court House in Wellaboro, Saturday the 10th day of February next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, late the property of George Campbell, of Wellaboro, deceased, to wit: - A lot of land its Wellsboro, beginning 42 feet east of the earner of Main k Morris' its., oh lot No. 9, thence east along Main-M-20 feet to the corner-of the Joseph Sofield lot, thence along the line of the Sofield lot and across lot No. 9, 62* fret, thence mi the line of itio William : Bache lot 29feet, thence north across said: lot to Main-it, place of beginning, being 24 feet front and rear, by.62i feet across said lot No 9, be the same more or less, with all and eitigolar the building( and improvements. Terms cash on confirmation of the sale. , , T. P. WINGATE, Jan, 10, 18 . 45. 31 . A ain't. IMPORTANT TO TEE :PUBLIC I ! !— On, ao. I.croffat , et Aho-mildoess , of. the weather, the eabseriher has leftover large stock of Parlor Stoves,, , which he - will can at reduced prices, con sisting of REGULATORS, three sizes. GRECIAN COTTAGE, also 3 size's and 3 sisal PARLOR COOR%—a new pattein; patented 41 1664, where may be (baud as good a stock of COOKII3Q,,PARLO,II,, Office & BOX - iOved as was ever exhibited in Tioga county. Also; TIN, COPPER, & SEEET- - rRON ware, English Enameled - aad - Common Hollow ware, Butts, Scrams, Hinges, bc., &c. E, A. SMEAR. Tioga,4anuary 10, 1888-4 t NEW FALL AND WINTER GOOIA! PEOPLE'S STOItt, In Corning! We now have on hand an unusually • LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FILL AND WINTER GOODS Adapted to_the best trade of this place and vicin ity, and shall be constantly receiving inch ad ditto:Ms to our stock as the varied wants of our macrons customers shall demand. Our stook eouvists in part of our usual variety of DOMESTIC GOODS, a larger stock of Mauritius and ,other Drees floods *art was before, •among whiah ars a large MA of FRENCH MERINOS, .: - Air_sLoo PER - YARD-. Cloths and CaS eres, to be sold by the yard or made up to order BEAVERS, DOESKINS, & SACKINGS, for Ladioa' Wake and ornaments to trial than FLANNELS OF EVERY VARIETY, - - RED, J ADE, YELLOW; vrniTm PLA114;1_1& tWILLED, OPERA' FLANNEI4S, 3111 R-TING • ',FLANNELS. IpiAlirtAtorGents,Ladies,blissoindChilfireu Ba'twill and Hoop 'Skirts, EitkiEUX AND GLOViS, of ovary variety, amour bah ikro - ALEXANDER'S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, BOOTS, SHOES, & Among-which are the Arctic Rubber, o new ana very nice *Wale. DRY 'GOODS, Ica• Qnr . fkoilities for BUYING GOODS are lIN SURPASSED by any in this - section, and 'we wish it understood-that • We do not intend to be UNDERSOLI) by of Goode 'conitidered; whatever others may say about it; and In proof of this we ask an EXAMINATION of! our GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not to gee angry for show -44,G00de when no purchase is made. We shall give our customers the FOIL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the 'Market should there be any ; urd should Goods advance we shall be com pelled to follow. We shall continue the system 0 One Price and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor. • We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tinge Co., who have patronized us and would respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and see SUL Store opposite the Dickinsoit House on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, awl two doors.east of Hungerforci's Bank. ,SBUTAI & WAITE, Corning, N. Y., San. 1, 1866. D. 8. PETERS, Ad,u'r iHECTOR HORTON. Guardian AT .THE IR GOOD COLORS, ALicooct stook of and GLOVES any, EEE! if FIEII upttia S Lirt.--atiptaratlterice of an or er of the Orp • att's Cotrrt or: 'Lo g . ~.uuty, bearing data the sth Jay of June, lad:), the following described real estate, lute the prop kr, 1 of , dliontaa B. latautlenough, deed, will be offered at public aisle on the prewises, uu the 24th day of dauttery next at d cyclock P. X, A lot of laud lying in the township of Coving ton, liege county, bounded oil the north and east by other landa of tlaw astute of seid 'ft:wines B. lioodenoug.s, an the south by the highway, called the Douglas Hollow road. and en the west by lands of Harrison Johnson—containing twenty flee acres. Twiit: , of Sale—One-half cacti on confirmation o f the ogle, wid the residue In 0130 year there after with interest. ALPHEI,IS W. WILSON, BUTLER SMITH, kclux'rs - of estate of Thos. Goodimotigb, dec'd Den. IS, 188.5-3 t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —Pursaant' ro an order of the Orphane' Court of Ttoga Coun ty, Awed Nov. 29,1805, the following described real eatete, late the property of ?atria Retinsg on, dec'd, twill be offered at public tale at the Court Rouse in Welleborough, January 20, 1866, at 9 o'clock, P. al.. to wit : All that lot or tract of land situatod'in Delmar, in Tioga county. Pu , beginning at the Nir. nor oar of a lot of two acres of land conveyed by Anna Morris to Wtn. Riley by deed of 3d May, 1853, thence south 88 deg east, 59 rods to a post, thence south 1 dag. west, 14 rude, to a post, thence by lands of B. F. Kelsey, north 89 deg. west, 53 rods, to a punt, thence by lands in posseassion of J. B. Shaltspettire north 2 dag. east, 15 3-10 rods te the place of be ginning,—containing Ave acres and 52 perches; Also—all that other lot of land rituated in Wellsboro, Tioga county Pa., begin ning at a' post in, .hence south 45 deg. east, 15 2 10 rods to a post, thence along lands first above described north 88 deg. west, 9 9-10 rods, to a post. thence north. 45 deg. west 8 2-10 rods to said Walnut--t.. thence along the same 7 rods to the p/iscaot begiuntitg—containing one-half acre of land. , Terms cash on confirmation 01 , 431110, JANE ItEDINGTON, December, 20, 1865-38. Adm'x. rpIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Bon. Robert G. White, Pres'. dent Judge for the 4th JudiciaiDistrict of Penn sylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Caul, Esq.'s ' Associate Judges Tiogn, county, hare issued their precept, bearing date the of Noy'r, 1865, and to- me directed, tar the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and temnie. er, at Wellsboro, fur the Cqunty of Tioga, on the sth Monday of January (being the 29th day,) 1588, and to continuo two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro ner,Justices of the'Peoce, and Constables in acd for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records,inquisitions, ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behttlf apper• tain to be done, and all witnesses and otherper. sons-prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors aro requested to be punctual in their attendance et the appointed time, agree ably to notice, Given under my hand and seal at the $b riff Office. in Wellsboro, the 10th day af December in the year of oar Lnrd. -'ne thousand eight hundred and sixty-Eve. LEROY TABOR Sheriff. ORPRANS' COURT SALE.—Puranant 4o an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioas Coun ty dated June 10, 1885, the [0110%114 described real estate—lite the property of Norman Pranci ' , deed, will be offered at pablia sale at the Court lluase,Tbutslay,' Jun. 12, 1822, at 2 P.131„:40 wit : A lot of land in Delmar, bounded north by Ira Wetherbee, east by Wm. Francis, south by Win. Eberents and west by Win. g i bereutz and Wm. Stratton--containingnbont SO_ acres about 4U acres improved, frame house, frame barn, corn doge 'bearing date Dec. 4, 1865, the following mn"b deed. reel e4a4e, late the property of Rhoda Tiobelier, dec'd, will ba offered at public sale on the premi ses, January 20, 1868, at 1 o'clock P. 11., to wit: An undivided half part of a tract of land in the township of Rutland, Tioga county, bounded as follows : North by lands of Andrew Robelier, east by lands of Charles Shermanand Seeley Wil liams, south by lands of Jones Wilson and, caw by lands of H. P..TanNess--containing 50 IICIISII, about 25 area improied, with frame house and frame barn thereon. Terms—one-balf cash on confirmation of, male, and We balance in ail months thereafter, with in terea t. CON TINE CONNICLLY, Rutland, Dec. 27;65, Adm'r Rhoda Robelier, dec TN DIVORQE.—To Phebe H. Levria: Take notice, that @liver A S. Lewis, your husband, ilea applied to the court of C3ID MOO Pleas otTiogs county Pa , for a divorce from the bonds of mat. rituohy, and that the said court have appointed Monday, the 29th day . of Jan. a nent for heanng the said Oliver A. S. Lewis in the premises, at which time you can attend if you think proper. LEROY TABOR, Wellsboro, Dec. 20, 1865.4 t Sheriff. TN DlVORCE.—Lucinda Kilburn : Take lia r tice, Hiram Kilburn, your husband, has ap plied to the - Court of Common Pleas of Tiogi county, Pa., for a divorce from the bonds of mat rimony, and the said court bare appointed Moo day, the 29th-day of January next, at Welishore, for hearing said Hiram Kilburn is tbe premites, at which time and place you can attend if yc; think prOper. LEROY - TABOR, Wellsboro, Deo. 2.0, 5565.4 t Sheriff. IF _EWERS O ADMINIWTRATI,ON baying xj bean granted to the undersigned on the wail of Patrick Bedington, late of Delmar, deo!d, a persons indebted are requested to make immedi• ate payment, and all claims must be presented , daly authenticated, to JANE REDING TON, December, 20, 1866-6 t. Adm'r, ADMISISTRAIMIX NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration baying been granted to tht undersigned on the estate of James Albert Mi... tenet, late of Wellsboro, dec'd, all those indebted will please, make immediate payment and thos4 baying claims against said' estate will present then ,for settlement to EMILIE R. CRRISTENAT, Charleston, Dec. 27, 1865-Bt. Adm'x. AUDITOR'S • NOTICE.—The nuderiigzei having been appointed an auditor to diitr.- bute . dpa fund ip the panda of John A. Baldeo Warren L. Davis—administrators de bonis lan of Ezra Davis, Sr., will attend to the unties of Li.; appointment at his once, Wednesday, Jan. 2 4 . 1866, at I o'clock P. M., when and where all pet• eons interest() d are invited to attend. JEROME B. NILES, Wollaboro, Deo. 20,1804.-43 Auditor A'Up !TOR'S NOTICE.—The undersign?: ; he ug been appointed an auditor to man' distrlba on of the proceeds of the real estate James ' reit, deceased, will attend to the dutai of his appointment at his office, Wednesday, Jan I: 24, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where persona interested are invited to attend. JEROME B. NILES, I Wellaboro, Dec. 20, 1866.-1 t Auditor IN DWORCE..—To John J. J3aelpilt You in hereby notified that Rebecca J. Bassett, y° wife, bp her next friend, Simon 11. Landis, bti , applied to the Court. of Common Pleas of Ticp county, Pa., for a divorce from the bonds of 033: , rimotty, and that the Judges of said. Court bac: appointed Monday, the 29tb day of January 1966. for a bearing of the said Rebecca J. Basset: ttte , premises, at Wellsboro, at which time oal place you can attend if you think proper. LEROY TA.BUb, Wellsboro, Dec. 27, 1965-4 t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE tern of administration having been grain ed to the underblzned on the estate or Rop Rose, late of Rutland, deed, notice 6 heron' given to those indebted to make immoba. ) payment and those baying claims to prauut tbea propegls. authenticated:or aettlement MAESETT ROSB,) C. S. SEYMOUR, }Adrn . r 3 . E. I. STEVENS, Rutland, Nov. 22, 1865--6t 9 7- A DMIIIISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.--Let ~i ten if administration having , bon, to the under signed VII the estate )e,'" -Micklei date of Charleston, dee'd, notice hereby given to those indebted to make Payment,--end those having claims t a i re' 4 ' them properly authentic - U(4 for lettlem to - •• • . FANNY BUCKLE, idle s ' Dea. 6,1865-6t'