tift Is Published every Wednesday Didruag; at $2.00 a Yiar, invariably In advance, by COBB & VAN GELDER. Y.fi.;;.iaLP GELDLIL -- - - - ..ek.."DV'TI , SIS.T. 3I 1e...A..TM.13. - I woI 3.w0. 1% wo. 9 wo. I 1 yr, 1 Square 1...... 52.60 5.00 7,50 10 00 12.00 2 Squares 3,76 , 8,00 12 00 15,00 18.00 1-k*Colnuin 7,00 110;00' 15.00_ 20,00 1 26,00 1-2 C01atuu.i.....12.00 tlO 1 Ccluuts , 20 ; 00 35.00 40,00 65,00 80.00 1 Squese 1 'lnser'st $l.OO-50 cts. emit ne . et-.le thereafter. 0, 41,044.4. idudatanatant and Executors thAtce $2,00 each. 8 °Si . 'F ra l a ° °f t 11 7:1 14611 P , C" ) Pe" , e ....----t- (-- Ink. :. ---e BUSINESS DIREO'IORY. W. D. TERBELL CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, an 1 dealers is _ Wall Eatsir4 Keresaiie LasapAoVitinddw Percnsery„Vaints and Oils, klit, Ad. Corning, T., ann. 1, W. A. NiCUOI S. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELO 4, AT LAW Office formerly occupied 6 it/raft-Lowrey, Eeq Jan. — 966-Iy. S. F. OH Al BLIN; BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. Sbop o ver C. 1, Wilcox's Store. • Welleboro, JUL I I/S: SIELEALIViIitiD 4 ATTORNEY AT I:AVV,'Cooft - efrat 3 Lo - pptisite the Court liouse;"Wititamaport; Ta;., Jan: 6, .16136-Iy* = •^.7' •- • .... 4 $3. W. Wittalcs, tQQ Sut;it. • ATTORNEYS AND 'OOIIIISELOi LB AT W Bounty and Pension AgenCT, Main Street Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868. JOHN I. NIITCHPLL, ATToß.zrty Atm zooltvgli, AT LAW Tioga VilhitifFroileTlVviif a. Proiup t attention to Galactic:n. Jan 1, 1888.-Iy. S. F. Wu.soN WILSON & NILES, ATTORtirilif 4 4 1 0011.4411ECL41111 4 AT LAG, (First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)i.— Will attend to business entrAted to their care io the counties Astftiogsiazd •Wellsboro,-Jan. 1866. • GEORGE WAGNER-*; bop Brat door - north of . kt 4. Solutes -Shoe-Shop. pit-Cutting, Fittipg, and Repair ing 'done promptly and. well.: ' • , IVellsboro, Pa.,' Jan. JOHN 8. - SHANGSPEAItic, - DRAPER' . AND TAILOR. StOp 'over Bovien's Store, second floor. „par•Cutfing, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and - in best style. • Wellsboro, Pa.:4BlE-1,18664y PIONNSYLV AN IA I,II.OUSE, couratiffilinis E AVENUE Jr. W. BII3ONY, Proprietor. Thli popular Hotel, Has beau re-fitted and re.furnisl ad throughout, is now open 10 the krst-lass house. A good hOstte;r_ Wellsburo, , Hewisr•, HAWLEY & CUM 1111 F, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will rlipaport -Ea.— Special attention even to collection of Pen sions.. Bounty and Back Pay, and all c~3itne against the National and Back- G.cornments. ' Williamsport, Pa-, Nev. 16,-18435-3m, JOSEPH MA POLE V, BLACKSMITH AND SHOEIC . : I have rented the shop lately occupied by Mr. C.Hoig, and am prepared to shoe hordes initt4 oxen, and to do all kinds of work' pertain 'g to the buil . ideiblatti 844610 elltetter. , 11, 7 Wellsboro, gisii,,Ten.RlLAJSfit3.-„ P. IZAAII WALTON 41.01 USE, " • ' anima, Tioga F, S. C. VER..;: PeoPitig.t tat.' This a new betel .inetilea Within !etti I.:eeli.etirrif the beet tahiog..and hunting grol, ode in'Siirth ern Peoneyivania: N.> petne..witi be.apared for the a*i,toteodatyat bf pleaii ire seekers and the traveling pnbiic, - Apo. 1;;1$85.3. I. HERVEY EVL ATTORNEY AND—COUNSEOR AT LAW, No. 11 Law Bu, lding,—St. Paul St , Baltimore. REFEBENCEB.—Lecin Gale,Attorocy at Law, ldwardibitaniktiii :tF4,l,*evi 4 Me K. Riley, D. 11. 4 ,11,..ge, Deign Sliceriu D., Con field, Bro:"It - 'to., ,Co, Ludwig McSherry, John F, McJilton, Law son, Esq., S. Sutherland, 'ii . Mr.'Ewomi is • authorized te-trantatet, any‘binanen.appertiiin ' ing'to thisvapeirin - Jaa 1,. 1-a6Crly. - t Y lOLIN 6 T G $-4-at ALL'S CELEBRATED VEGEt:t.BLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, can be hAZI et ROY'e Dnajp. ONCENTRATED LYE, for iMe at • Rprmaw STORE FLOUR AND FEED, BUCK WHEA.'I` FLOUR, Meat, Pork and SJ4I,, Coffee, Sugar,- Soap, Candlaa, Sideratam. Tabula and Kerosene Oil. Also, • MadkereL -White -Nab, and Tract; by thelookage:or notindc: = 4 °A 6, v/0: - N!4 .1 0.± 1- 0 1 :0 9.. Weßaborn, 1,4865. wH Et LB AR RO 4 CIIEE PRESS SCREWS, and ccaleboards for boxing cheese, also _ Powder, Shot aop Lead and pistol cartri las. 11,247 4 Y R are silio - iegirrits'foi cliTes'ePatir.eldio Drawer Also, agents for Ribbon S 'imps and Sea Presses. 'Reinember-*L.it GOOD 'Ttipkereq Hard ware Stoic, Toßalibro". _ ' ' Jan. 1. 18416.-.-19 PEn ESTATE' 'FOR SAS g,—Twenty-five 11, acres, of landite Virell4: to, an' eapellent. soil, well fenced,. nid.eogn,i 4pildinglige end fine view of the town sad a aarerfailing spring of water, ,to -, Eacptite. 4 '.111111g•TIMINSON, Esq. Delmar, Dee. i 3, 166,5-3 m. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.- F~AI