The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 10, 1866, Image 4
BUSVAIECES' Al3otiT EACH OTHER.I ` - 'IIIoT man in ten thousand sees those,with whom he associated as they really are. if the prayer of Burns was granted, and we could all see ourselves - as others see us, our self-estimates would in all probability be much more erronc= - ons than they are now. The truth is, • -that we regard each other through a va- ' - • riety of lenses, no one of which• is cor rect'. Passion and prejudice, love and hate, benevolence and envy, spectacl -our eyesi and utterly prevent us fro obserVing accurately. Many of tho... we deem the porcelain of human clay - are mere dirt ; and still a-greater num ber of those we put down in our ' black -books' are no further oil : from heaven, and - perbhance a little nearer, than that; censors who condemn them. We hala itually undervalue or overvalue each other • and in estimating character, the shrewdest' of us only now and' then= make the true appraisal of the virtues and defects of even our closest intimates. • It is neither just nor fair to look ht character.from.a standpoint of one?s, own selection. A man's profile may be-up-. preposessing, and his full face agreeable. NVe once saw a young man whose tim idity was_ a -standing- joke with all his companions, leap into the Thames, and save a boy from drowning while his tor=- mentors stood panic, struck upon the bank. The merchant who gives clirt answers in his counting-house may be a tender husband-and father and a kind helper of the desolate and oppressed.--, On the other hand, your good humored person, who is all smiles and sunshine in public, .may carry something as hard ) as the nether millstone in the' place - , -where his heart ought to be. , Snell anomalies are comnion. _ There is this comfort, however, for those whose' Audgmerits of their fellow mortals lean - to the kindly - side, such mistakes go to their credits in the great account. He who thinks better of his neighbors than they deserve, cannot be a bad man, for the standard by which his judgment is - formed is.the goodness of his own heart: Itis the only who believis all mew', base,—or in other words, like them selves. Few, however, are all evil.— Even Nero did a good turn to some-, body • for when Rome was rejoicing over his death some loving hand cover , gdito gralirMithAloWerS: Public men are seldom or never fairly judged at least while living. However Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injur pure they cannot escape calumny •, how-, ' was properties, and immediate in its action ever correct, they are sure, to find en 1, 0 7 ,,, gists. Histoa may do them, justice ; iaut-theithriirelyietit while aliVe, either from friends or foes Pride is as cruel a beggar as wat t :And. si..4itreat - deal more ailiCY Wiltit you have bought one line thing u must buy ten morethat yo r appeaf _ture.may be of a piece. It_ is easier Suppress the first desire thau to satisfy tha False happinees renders men 'stern and proud, and that happiness is never .:icommunicated._ 'Proc. happinesS retb: dere them kind and sensible, and that hELppin*is always shared. LINES OF TRAVEL. =UR, RAILWAY Trains will leave Corning at the following booty! 11103TRLED BOUND . .. .. . . . , . , No. 1. Buffalo Expresa, 6:46 p 2 ,:, , ?to. B, Night Expreea, - 7:3,5 a !- No. 5. Mai1,..._...... ~ , 12:25 a i No. T, Night Express for Dunkirk and Buffalo ' 1.15 a . a No:0; Mail, for Buffalo aral Dunkirk 10:23 a •II • ELS?W&RD BOULT No. 2, New York Express, No. 4, Night 'Express, ..... No. t 5, Steamboat Express, Cincinnati Express, .No. 12, Night Express, ..,, W, R. BOA, Paio. Ag't. Elmira & Wi Trains will Arrive and Dep Moving South. Express, 6:54 ew! Mail, 5 - 50 A m Way Freight, 8:38 A x Coal Train, B'lB A st Troy,ibtay 16,1666. Elloosbnrg & Corning, & TiOga R. R. Leave Corning. Arrive. gap,. '8 00 a mlting 5 00 13 m Accommodation, 340 p m i Accommedetion,lo 15 m L. H. SHATTUCK, Supl.' Atlantic & Great Western R. R. Trains will arrive and depart at Salamanca as follo;is Eaatward. Now 'York Express Mail Westward Cleveland Express.:, Mail Trains leave Akron, Ohio, daily for New York H. B. Swarrara, Sup't . ' - Philadelphia Ttaina will err. and depa Eastward Mail Triin .3 47 p m Express Trait 1. 50 a m Express .50 p m 31a11 Train ...... 43 a m Catawiasa Rail Road, Trains will arr.and depart at Williamsport as follows . . , Nonni. . .. . Leave W'mBport. Ar. Philada. Ar. N. Y. 8 15 a ta 7 00put 10 55 pru 9-45 a ni 1 50 p m 5 45 p te?'• Leave Philada. Leave N. Y. Ar. W'mspol 4 8 15am • 6 00am 6 2.2 p iv , __ 830 p in 12 o 0 in 1 45 a •ti The day trains &nth and north connect via Quikene and Etatich %mak. - GEO. WEBS. Sup.t. C. & N. }LOMOND'S NIIRSERY;- . . . BLtddlebary, Mao Co., Pa., - Situated on the Plank Road, 4 aailee from We are prepared to furnish 100,000 Fruit Trees at the following prices : Appletrees:-large size, 25 cents at the Nursery; 30 cona - delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the. Nursery, 35 - tents delivered. • Pear Trees, 50 cts. Sturman APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Harvest Chenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflowgir, Slimmer Queen, Summer King, Street Bow,Ata, r Bow. FALL APlPLyS.—Famenee, Gravenstein, R ana u, Ribston Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pip' Hawley' or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large W e, - Sweating; Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. ' WINTER APPLES.—Bildwin, Bailey Sic st, Black Gillflowar, Blue 12'earmain,,American den "Russet, Roxbury Russet,Rh ode Islandotae4i ing,,Esoeas Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet GillfloWer, Eugar , .Sweet, Honer Greening. Honey SWeet, Pound Sweet, Pound Sour, Peck's Pleasant, Tall loan Sweet, Tompkins Co, Kink, Wagner. tßAßlL—Bartlett, English Jargonelle, Bleaker's Meadow,- Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona I) Jersey, Seckel, Beurre D' Amelia, Golden Beurre,Flerni,h Glout Morceau, Lawrence. Mao—Siberian Crab, Quinces, and Grepkroots —.several varieties. C. & N. HAMMOND, Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 18664.-. - TIOGA MARBLE WORIE., - CALEINS & CONKLIN. Prouriet4F, s. (late Cole and Calkins) MR.. CaNKLIN haocug bad large . x- XT.'. phiTence in some bribe best Marble Sb ' p a - -in the country in the artistic part of-this bush; ,sa the proprietors are now prepared to execute col..trs for TOMB - STONES, of all kinds, and' MOI 1:1- MENTS of-either ". • • BUTLA.ND OR ITALIAN MARB k LI, in the most workmanlike manner, and with is. patch, They will keep the best quality of bid, of both kinds named, constantly op hand. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and made to look as good as now. - - Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our_en thorised Agent, and all contracts mado with'him Will be valid. Customers can contract for work - with him at shop prices. Tiogi, Jan. 1, 1866-Iy. DURE GLEIGER at • ROY'S DRUG STOW,. ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER; iNFLA-MS : ATIOiT OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY OK PAINFUL URINATING: I For tbese diseases it is truly a sovereign rem edy, and too much cannot be said in its praise.— A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the• small of the back and through triu hips? -A teaspoonful a day of lielmbeld's Bodin will relieve you. PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS,. I make no secret. of ingredients. Belmbold's Extract Buchu is composed of Buchn, enheba, and Juniper 'Berries, selected with great care; prepared in vacua and recording to rules of .• These ingredients are known us the most va nable Diuretics afforded. RELIRBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII " Bucur.—lts odor is strone. diffusive, and somewhat aromatio,lts tas e bitterish, and an. alogoas to that of mint. is givun chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Or ans, such as Grav el, Chronic Catarrh or th- bi .der, Morbid Ir ritation of the Bladder an Ur hra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retentic or he Incontinence of Trine., frOirl a )013:8. f±tp in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It has also been re commended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheuma tism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." ( FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Pbys ie, of Philadelphia. .10:23 Seat .12:34 aith . 3:40 gm -3:40 a.m pat B. RIDDLE, Gent] Sulit lam acquainted with H. T. Helmbold ; he occu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and .was sncoesstul in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have bebn favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. sport R. - U. art from Troy as follows :- Moving North. - Express 10:23 r Mail 930 P 'Way ..... n Coal Trani— ' 4:25 P .et D. S. STOVER, Snp't. [From the ihiludu Evening Bullctih , 2lacrh We are gratified to hear of the continued sue ce'ss, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, next to ,the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit bf his articles. He retains his Office and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. _. 5 18 pmd: 444 ain 00 pirl 10 s§. a . h ..5-008 41 The proprietor has 'been induced to make this• statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are & Erie R. R at Williamsport a fsvlows Westward Mail Trait. - 3 47 P nit Expres Train 422 p.m itxpretsT%in 7 211 a in Mail Tr. , " 6 930 p m A. L. Truat, Gen'l Supt. -And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the -Patent Medicine order—mosi.of which are pre pared by self styled Doctors, who aro too ignorant to read a physician's simplest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical prepar ations. - to various means of effecting sales, such astopy ing parts of advertfsements of popelar remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science -of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capitol. , - • • 'lleilth is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless its. contents or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer; or until they. are satisfied,of the qualifications of the party so offering: GENUINE PREPARATIONS AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH 4 -4 Established upwards cf 16 years. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BrOqdway, New York; And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT 104 South - Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. .... SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS - _ Ca- A PRIZE AND HOWHOW TO DRAW-fl. A choice collection of useftil Recipes is found in a little circular called The Fatally Caskist." supply df them little' pipers has just been re ceived at Roy's Drug Store; they are distributed free" of charge to the lucky customer who thinks to call for them. . _ WULT E WASH ..141.Af.P.—The beet quality of Rhode Island Lime for white washing, at Jan. 1, 1866. ROTS DRUG STORE. ELPIBOILD'S HUCIIU. BUCHU. II E LII.IB OLD'S RUC HU. z , %TIE ONLY KNOWN .REMEDY FOR . -DIABETES, KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE ' PLEASE NOTICE PHARMAQY AtkD CEIRMISTRY- A DIURETIC Ia that which acts upon the kidneys ACES GgNl'4Y, FOR IRE SATISFACTION OF ALL See Medical Properties contained in Diepenaa tore of the U. S., of which the following ie a cor rect copy : See any and all Standard Works on Medicine = * z I FROM THE LARGEST MANIIPACTURING CHEMIST IN THE 'WOULD WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of •Powers & Weightman,) Manufacturing Chemists, Niuth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. GENUINE PREPAtiTIONS,- i THESE PARTIES RESORT A WORD OF CAUTION. U;E L 3111.8.0 LD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA., 'Prepared by H. :T. - HELMBOLD. Principal -Depots: October 11, 1865—1 y Stoves: Stoves : : AND HARDWARE: 's MESSRS. GUNN & TUCKER L beg to anoonnokto the citizens of Tioga County, that io idditiori t their'excenent stock of Stoves, Ttu•Ware,Brittania, nod Sheet-it an Ware, they have, at a ;peat outlay, stocked their stare on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with 5 complete flesortntent or-Shelf- Iltirdwaxe of which weenttaferate the followjug articles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT MILL,: HAND AND BUCK SAWS, •• BUTTS,.-STRAP HINGES,: - ' - CARPENTER'S TOOLS, -11> ;PUMPS, AXES, - AUGERS, - - RUTS, BITT-STOOKS,: RATCHETS.; MAULS *RICOVELSSPADES, 'FORKS, wOOD 4 scittivs, 'CARRIAGE 'BOLT* PIPE BOXES, AXLE ' J T.REts,'ILLip- . TIC, SPRINGS, paRg,.4sjIOE,§..HOOP, BAR - &BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE , SAISAGE'CUTTERS AND 46FERS COMBINED. Also; PISTOLS, nt;PARTRI,IDGES, POWDER AND OAFS. • :r.rrrmrq . urr . m ire* thing, and 'Made for use.' These are but few of the many articles composing our stoc. 91(41azdwa.r.6.i. We invite. the public toilet! and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all work to order done promptly andwill. GUNN dc TUCKER, Sites:MOTO of War. Roberta Wellsboro, Jon. 1. : 1865—tf. ; FIRE I FIRE I ! FIRE I ! I _ The undersigned beg() leave to announce to the people of Tioga County that he has sada lished an- agenoy in Wencher(); for the well known - HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York 'Thtit he is prepared to maitre all kirlde of prop erty upon as reasonable terms as can be bad in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICiES without sending the application to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a Cashh - Capital of $2,000i000, besides the Assets which on the Ist of' January, 1865. amounted to $3,765,503 42 Liabilities ...4 p 77,901 52 Its Officers are CHAS; J, MARTIN " ' ' President, A. F. WI7.WORTH -Vice President, JOHN MoGEE. Secretary, J. H. WASHBORN , Assistant Seey. This Cdmpany - has taken out • • • • ST.A.TE LICENSE, 'and monthly, pays the per - cottage charged upon its Receipts, which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make its poli cies valid and binding upon the Company. All policies issued by Companies. which ,have not taken out a State license are declared null and void, and the'parties are liable to a heavy penal ty for so insuring. See Purdon's Digest, page 858, See: 21, 22, 23. 'Welleboro, Aug. 23, 'B5. W. H. SMITH. TO TITS - PEOPLE OF TIOGA OWN TY: _ . Get the but and only authorized Life and Pub lic Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, impartial, 'truthful; 'l5O pages, with beautiful engravings, good paper and binding—by Hon. H. J. RAY MOND, -M. C. Some important things are copyrighted and cannot be used in any other .work. Wait for the Agent and see RAYMOND'S before, you subscribe. E. R, VAN HORNE, M. D. - ; Agent, - For Lawrenceville ' Tioga , Richmond, Chatham, 'Deerfield, tlyrifer,Wearfrd and other towns. 18y0,5—#., STOVES 1 _ STOVES STOVES 11 1-= D. ILADIPMAN & CO., PENN'A, •„ respectfully inform the public- that they hive removed their NEW STOEE & my - SHOP, to the banding lately *coupled by D. P. 4ohorta, and will beep on hand and furnish to ordtp• TIN, COF:TER,; . & SHEET-IRON WARE, COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, THE 'E76.TEN SION-TOP, & THE AMERICAN AND NATIONAL COOK • STAVE. WAthal deal on the Cash System; and will not be undersold. Our motto is " small proing and quick sales"- - MTL , I CANS kept constantly on band. J. D.., C.: I 4aP4PKaN a Co Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1868—tf. TAT THE - PUBLIC. lAM.NOW PREi"..tiRED tii`mlinufacture, at my establishment inDeetterd, - - PLAIN AND FANCY 'FLANNELS, Also, Lad ies' B A LAT 01? - 41 SKIR TS_ ! ..' . • • to order, °Marty the-phiee -or- quantity, to suit customers. JOSEPH INGHAM: _Knoxville, Jan, -1,1866. IMPORTANTTOFEMALit ) - -- % 7- 4 1 F,ESE/ 1 11 4 A) - io, i , r i l ' 1" •-' . 4 1i. ' 4 , t N 4 1 1 4. t (( /4 ~ -, •:,,„i ' ' 4 t 4 ' s , 1,4, , \ • ( i V 44 : • \ ':". l • '41 6 1 - 4C - L•,,-%' PROCLAMATION CIIEBBBMAN'S PHIS' .—Tht combination of ingis lints in tha , ie Fills is the reerd-of a long and extensive practice They are mild in their operation , and cannot do harm to the most delicate; Germain in correcting all inagaLatitles, Painful Menstrnations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or othererise.healaaho, pun in the aide, palpitation of the heart. whites, all turvaus affe2- tions. hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, hc,,,dispatbed sleep, w &Lich arise from interrui Mons of suture, " e ' • • Pills wee ihe commence ment of a new era to the treatment of irregularities and obstructions which have consigned so ninny to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever en obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with immediate and persistent saccess. DON'T 4.F. Deceit - so. Take this advertisement to your Druggist. at, i hint that you want the Best and most Reliable female Medicine in the World, which is have beers Standard Remedy Fills. ' e o eSenl ver thi an ny 'll yea P rP,and are the most effectual ri lte it!tif rej er yC ev ful tr knowp frail complaints-peculiar t, Fe males. .Tiall - clesses theY are - rovaltutble: inducing, *ith eertaiirty, periodical regularity. They' are knoan , th - thbusanda, who have used them at different poriods, throughout the. cenatry, toiling She saustion of some •oLthe most .eminent ; Physiciansin Alva/ea. PPirpOit tllrectione, stating when they should not pot be iased, Witt each itox—tfiel Price' 'Otte lkillar per Box, iiirfatoxis foi roottairldng from 50 to 80 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly secure from obeervation, by remitting to the proprietors. Sold from_ Druggists generally. Sent by express au) when ,by airessning - 111:1TCHINUB ,t HILLPhit leroprietors. 28 boy Street, New York., Bold in Welibbers) by . John A. lioy ; in Tiogs by Bordenßro's; in Lawrenceville by W. G. 311lier.11ocif5— yeow. . . . . -Not ,unly give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a permanent ;ogre in Dyspepthi and Liver Complaint. They are not a purgative, mid there fore their use does 'not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sick ness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. ,They wilkimmt4liately,correct a Sour Stomach, curd Flatulenea, - Ifeihlbtitn, - Sickness or pain in the Stomach. Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Heltdache, and in fact all those disa greeable and dangerous symptoms of the disease, which mitt one for the pleasures and duties of life. They' are an 'agreeable and I, wholesome appe tiser; withottt' any' of the injurious effects whit% a's'sure to - follow. the use of stimulating "Sitter" and all purgativi atedicinei. - By their purifying, strengthening-and invigorating power -they are sure to keep the digestive organs in a healthy con dition, thus preventing Costiveness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery.' Weak and delicate persons, who have been in jured by_the nee of powerful and purgatives, will safe and: sure-roisterer of the di gestive organs to their original strength and vigor, Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. D.OORWELL, S. D. Cor. 21st and Market Ste., Philadta, See that my Signature is on the face of the bor before' , purchasing. Beware of spurious ',mi. tations. ;- - - W. D. TREBBLL, Wholesale Agent, Cor niug, N. Z. Sold by all Druggists. Corning; Sept. 20, 1865-Iy. LAWRENCEVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA IS THE PLACE TO 42.031111 g ZEIBILIF 8 A FULL STOCK JUST RECEIVED. Lorne One and alll MEI SFR' FOR • YOURSEL V ES, CLOTHING GOT UP TO ORDER, AND WARRANTED TO FIT. A. Large Stock of CLOTHS Just Received. CQII4 AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. IMILLSPAUGH Sr. MUTTS. Lavirrencoville, Jan. 1,1866—1 y NEW MEAT MARKET TOWZYSEND, A9EZIT. Wholesale and Retail Dealer FLQUR, PORK, HAMS, AND GRO CERIES, ''" vi6rix..l4:,eilizso-ao, . ALSO, -RESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTEgotc., . • ..... Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Offiqe. Wellabor°, Jan. 1, 1866-tf. vrIISIC.—Mies F. I. WOOD, of Messaebunetts, i s g pending,the winter in this village, and . is ritiw,prepared'tiigive instruction', either on the Nalodeon Dr' Piano. Having had considerable experience as a 141/sio teacher, she hopes to be able to give good satisfactionto patrons. Those wishing to employ her services are requested to apPlyimmediately at the residence of Mr. Hese kiah Stowell, Sr. Terms liberal. • Wellaboro, Dec. 13; 1.885-3t* NOTICE. -The Stockholders of the First Na- aonal Bank of WeUsborongh are hereby notified that an Election for Directors will brelteld - at its Banking Howse on the second Tuesday of lanuary; 1866. - Dec, 13,1865-4 t. J. L. ROBERSON, Cashier. FOR SALE CHEAP—THE MACHINERY 01? A FIRST-CLASS CIRCULAR. SAW MILL. Inquire of the subscribers, at their Steam 4awmili in qbarleston,or of G. P. CARD, Wells bore.l:Hoid for want 4 nse. ' - ,L-C.Hkistri.lNTT A NEWHALL. Deo. 20,-1865.-at. TTO II SES & LOTS FOR SALE.— A Dwelling-arouse and lot, with a good barn on Pearint., neer the Academy ; Joe 3 n,dely refitted and in good order. • ,AlSo ! —A small' bons@ on Craton-IL Prices low, end terms easy. Apply to L. BACHE. Wellshoro, Deo. 27, 1865-tf.* AIRS. HAIR TONIC AND DRESsigtAs ! WEBB'S DRAG STORE. A N Amortment ofTABLV GLASSWARE Xl_ will be fciund M $0713 DRUG !nom. SOLDIERS' PAY BOUNTY AND PEN SION AIUENCY.- SNOXVI L LS. TIOQA COUNTY The undersigned having been specially ti ecrise.i by the United States Government to pro. cure the BACK PAY, BOUNTY, AND PENSIONS, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to all interested, that he has made arrangeutentS viith 'parties 'BPWashington, by which he is‘ able to procure Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give par ticular attentions to all such claims that may be brought to him. Being provided with all the requisite Forms, Blanks, de., del, he has sups ritir advantages in this branch of business. Sol diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their ad vantage to apply to the undersigned at --Knox ville, as the examining "sur, z eon for Tioga county resides there-Also, Judge Case, before whom all applications forpensious may be made. 1. Soldiers enlisted since the 13th of April, 61, in any kind of serrice,lslaral or Military„ who ire disabled -by ilisease 'Or wounds, are en. title to Pensions All soldiers who serve for two years or during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to full Bounty. t Also soldiers who have been wounded in battle,, whether having served two years or not, are -entitled to full Bounty. , 2. When a Soldier has died from an cause, in the United States :.ervice, Since Apnll3, leaving a widow, she is entillel to all pay dye hint; difo to from $l3 to $l6O Bounty. The bounty, varies according to the act or orders under which the soldivranlisted, She is also entitled to a pension. - 3- It the sokiier left no widow, his children are entitled to the ray and beauty and the pension' until they are sixteen years of age. .4. if u.e soldier left „no. tallow, legitimate= child, the father . is entitled to hiS pay and bounty, provided be lives in the United Slates 'and has. not abandonecithe support of his family. ; 5. If the soldier left no widow, legititiate child, nor father, or if the father pas abandone'd the support of the family, or if be resides oat of the United States, the mother, if the resides In 'the United States, is entitled to the pay and bounty, and if poor and dependent, in whole or in part, on her 'son for support, she is also en titled to a, pension: blethers whose huldiands or former husbands reside out of they United States •or have abindoned -the support . of their families;'shouthirife to the undersigned at once, or the father may get the bounty without the lane being known. 6 All soldiers who have lost an arm and one leg, are entitled to Twenty dollars per month. Prisoners of war are entitled to Three Months I extra pay., Ibis (also krepsred to settle Mears; Quartermaster. Ordnance, and Commissary ac counts, and procure Certificates of Non-indobt einem. in the shortest poi - Bible time. Also Arti ficial Limbs for each as have lost them in ser vice: Terms, moderate. I swill-be at uo , office on Monday and Satur day': oiesch week,-to Attica to.: this business. July 26, 1865-Iy. WM. B. SMITH.. REFERENCES: Wellsboro, J. F. Donaldson SberW.Stbwell. Addison, N. Y., W. R. Smith Washngton, D. C., Tucker &Lloyd. Knoxville V. Cosa PENSION AGENCY: To Soldiers And Tiiiir Friends. rpliE UNDERSIGNED baying had eon. siderable experience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back p.ay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that line entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by - reason of- wounds are entitled to the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, col lectedby the undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Brad. ford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. OEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pe D. P. Poineroy, Troy, Pi. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towendn Ps.[April 1 DENTISTICY. C. N. DARTT, WOULD say to the public that be is perma nently located in Wellsboro, (Office at his residence. near the Land Office and Episcopal Church) where be will continue to do all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist •can avail in the management of cases peculiar to the calling. He will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, 410 t on any material dmdred. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortest notice, and done in the . best andmostapproved style.. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Anaesthetics which are per fectly harmless, and will be administered in every ease when desired. . Wellsboro, .an. 1, 1865-fty: MRS. A. - J. SOFIELD WISHES TO INA. inform her customers that she is now re ceiving from New York, a fine assoetment of MILLINERY GOODS, which she has taken much care in selecting. La (Hes will find a superior quality of MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS, MERINO HOSIERY, Infants' Hoods. Dress Caps, fine linen Handker chiefs and everything in the Millinery line. Jan. 1, 1866.—tf UNITED STATES HOTEL. Main Street, Wellsboro, Pa. D. G. RITTER, PROPRIETOR. Having leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) l shall endeavor to make it truly the traveler's home.— Personal attention will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests will be a prime object. The stables will be under the care of an experi enced hostler. , Wellabor°, Janll, 1866-Iy. WELLSBORO HOTEL (Corner Main Street and tTte Atente,) WELLasoito, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor THIS is- one of the most popular Houses in the county. This Hotel is the principal Stage-house. in' Wellsboro. Stages leave daily as follows For Tioga, at 9 a. in.; For Troy, at 8 a. in.; For Jersey Shore every Tuesday and Friday at 2 p, ui.;,For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at 2 "p. m. STAGES ARRIV E—From'Tioga; at 12 1-2 o'clock g y m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. m. • From Jer -zeigheie;`lTuisiderand—Friclay-ltw. nr.: From _Coudersport, Monday and Thursday' 1.1 a. M I , this well-known host ler,, will be found on hand. Wellsbero, Jan. 1, 18661-Iy. WATCHES; CLCCKS, - 4WELRY, & PLATER- WARE. Call at No. 5, Union Block, if you want n good WATCH, where you will find a good assort ment of ' AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES. keep on hand E. Roward A Co.'s movement in heavy - Silver Cases, which for time has no equal. I respeCtfully refer to M. H. Cobb, Esq., Editor Agitator, and Wm. Bache, Esq., President Ist:National Bank of Wellsboro. Also, the W. Ellery, :Bartlett, Appleton, Tracy A Cd., all are.good Watohes. PLATED WARE. Dinner and Breakfast - Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoon Holders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Ac., Ac., Ac. Witt Rubber 94itips ! Rings, and Gold Mounted 'Pena's. ' HEAVY PLAIN GOLD RINGS. - ' iEWELRI OF:AtLE KINDS. rk ILO A good assortment of CLOCKS corstantly on hand. All of which - will be sold as low as they can be Jitinght anywhere. REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NO TICE. Wellaboro, Ism 1, 1805-if. A. FOL 117:• ADMISTRATORRS' NOTlCE.—Letters ot Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Jacob Shipman, lute of Farmington, deo'd, those indebted - will please make immediate payment, and thosehaying claims against said estate will present them to 0. H. BLANCHARD, GEORGE WRITE, LYDIA SHIPMAN. Farmington, Dec, 1865. 6t.* Adm'rs. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of A administration 'Hiving been granted to the undersigned.on the estate of Ante.. Rathbone, late of Richmond, dec'd., notice is hereby giyen to those indebted to make inamediate payment., and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for settlement to Dec. 8, 1866-Bw* D. S. PETBRS, Ado* PECUTOR'S NOTICE.-17Atters testa m,ntary having been granted rd the on drieigne,l on ilia estate of Robert Tubbs, late of Ocean, dec'cl.Trotice is hereby given -to.thoSe, in, debted to make imumlinte payment and tbp , e having claims to present them properly authen ticated for settlement to HOYT TUBBS. 1 Ex'ra Dee. 6. 1865--6 to JOHN TUBBS, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—L t A ters of administration haying been gramOol M the nodersigited on the estate of Nelson Au-din. bite of Charleston, township dec'd. notice As here glgen to those y indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to HIRAM BROOKS, Adm' NATHAN AUSTIN, Nov. 22, 1865. - . "FETTERS -ADM P4S I I it ATION J-4 avint r been' eriinted" tl.e subseritier he estate or - ow& D. Gaithori; late "of Rat'and, deed, all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to • E. B. GARRISON, Rutland,.Dea. 6, '65-6w. . A dm'r. NEW FALL AND . WINTER' GOODS 1 AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE,' In CoruttrAt We now have on band an untnnialiy LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FILL AND . WINTER (inn, u4kipted to the best trade of this place and 'dein ity, and shall be constantly receiving such , ad ditions to our stock as the varied wants of our tiumerona customers shall demand. Onr'atock cOrisieta in pall:of our usual variety of DOME§TIC . GOODS, ~ . . a larger stock of Warning and other Dress Goods than ever" betere t among'which are a large line of FRENCH MERINOS, IN GOOD COLORS, AT 01.00 PER YARD. A good stock of Cloths and Cassinteres - to be sold by the yard or made up to order. BEAVERS, DOESKINS, & SACKINGS, for 'Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments to trim them FLANNELS OF EVERY VARIETY. RED, BLUE, GREY, YELLOW, WHITE, PLAIN & TWILLED, OPERA. FLANNELS, SHIRTING FLANNELS. SHAWLS,for Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, HOSIERY AND OLOYES, of every variety, among wit:doh are ALEXANDER'S - KIDS, BUCK MITTS, and GLOVES BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBERS, Among which are the Arctic Robber, a4tiew and very nice article. - DRY GOODS, &c Our facilities for BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSED by any in this section, and we wish it understood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by any, (leaky of Goods considered, whatever others may say about it, and in proof of this we ask an IPLAJILLNATION of our GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not- to get angry for show ing Goods when no purchase is made. We•shall give our customers the FULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should Goods advance we shall be com pelled to follow. We shall continue the system of gone Price and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor We tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co., who have patronizid as and would respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and see us. Store opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, and two doors east of Hungerford's Bank. SIIIITIf . & WAITE, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868 KNOXVILLE - FOUNDRY.- HEAD QPARTEBB OF THE IRON BRIGADE AUGUST 18T, 1866 Special Notice is hereby given to Returned Soldiers, returned skedaddlers, those liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so should RIGEL PRICES END All will take notice that we are prsprTed to nerve those wanting any thing in stir line on short notice and at REDUCED PRICES. 3 We would call attention to a fewi (I the ar tides of our manufacture. • 4 TRE PEOPLE'S FRIEND COOK STOVE is still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE Oar PARLOR, BOX, & COAL STOVES deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere ,Our IRON 4i WOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good as any if not better. We would call particular attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, as we are confident that they cannot be excelled MAC Y made acid repaired on short notice. We intend to keep up with the improvementsi l of the times. Try us and be convinced. TERNS CASH, ON DELIVERY. I); . sirEs; Knoxville, August 2,.1865. , 11)114A.ii'S ' LOUR pursuance sf an order of the Oryban'e Court of Tiuga county, bearinggdate the sth day .f June, I,,es, the following described real estate, the prtq,.. arty of Thomas B. Ootitlchough. deed, will tiered at public sale on the preutiees, on ale . 2.4,h ' day of January next at I o'clock P. M., to wit . A lot of land lying iu the township of Cotta,. ton, Tiuga county, bounded on the borth cart by other lands of the estate of said Thi Anti , B. Goodenonv, on the south by, the highway, .celled the Douglas Hollow road, and on the went by lands of Harrison Johnson—containing twenty Live aerie. • Terms of tialc—One.helf cash on continuation a the sale, 'taut' the roaidue in one year there. after with interest. ALPHEUS W. WILSON, BUTLER SMITH, Aders of estate of Thus. B. fioedencugh. de, 4 1:14C, 13 , 1.885-3 t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Pursuant t, order of Nov.he Orphans' Court of T.o za c oati , ty, dated v 27, 1365, the ft.ll6wing de-,shed real estate, late the prop: Try of Patrick lied nz.. on, dec'd, twill be offered at pall° sale at ),;.; Court House in Wellsb, , rough, January 20, 156,i, at I o'clock, P. M., to wit: All that lot or tract of land situated in Delmar, in Tioga county. Pa , beginning at the NE cor. nor of a lot of two acres of iand conveyed cy Anna Morris to Var. Riley by deed r.f 3d May, /353, then, e a , uth 83 deg east 0 ro la to a l osi, thence south I. deg. west,..l4 rods, n. a post, thetin, by lands at B. F. Kelsey, notch 89 deg. west, 51 rads, to a poet. thence by lands in I ossesss;cia of J. B. Shakspearti Borth 2 deg. east, 15 3-10 'rod., so the place of- be. ginning,—containing five ofd acid 02 perches; Also—all that other lot of tail :bunted in Willsboro, Tioga county Pa , begin ning at a post in Walnut-st., thence south 43 deg. east, 15 2 10 rode to a post, thence along lands first above described north 83 deg. w e ,,,; 916 , 10 rods, to a post. thence nortb 4 deg. wen 8 2-10 rods to sat.l Walnut--t., thence along the same 7 rods to the phoeol beginning—centainil g one-half acre of land. Terms cash on confirmation, of sale, JANE REDIN,GTON, December, 20, 1865-3 t. Adufx. rpIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION, A. Whereas, the Bon. Robert G. White. Pre.i. dent Judge for the JudicialDistriet of Penn. sylvenia, and Royal Wheeler and l'ict9r Ca,, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tiuga county. bare issued their precept, bearing, deri the' 10th day of Nov'r. 1885, and to we directed, tor the hula-" ing of Orphan's Court, Court at Coratuon Pleat Generrl Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Teruab er, at Wellvboro, tor the County of Tinge, on the oth Moakley of January (being the 20tit tSt'6, and to continue tau weeks. Nutire is therefore hereby given:to the i•.. ro . our, Justices of the Pea',, and Constable- lu a.,1 fur- the - county of Tioga. to appear id their un proper persons, with their recoro3,inquisition!, c a aininationti and rerneinbrancea to tin - thu,..e thin;: alga' of their ofifee,; and in Chide' behalf upper lain to be done; and aft witnesses and other per sone prosecuting in behalf of She Commonwesith against any person or persons, are required to to then and there attending, and net to depart their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctua in their attendance at the appointed Iliac, ngtr. ably to notice. • • Given under my—hand and'eteal at the ,been Office. in, the 10th day of Itte. , :ni.t: in the ,year of oar Lord • ue thousand eig._ hundred' and silty-Gee. _ LEROY TABOR Sheriff 1 - 1 11PHANS' COURT SALE.—Puisuant ki order of the Orphans' Court of Tiota Coot. ty dated June 10, 1565, the followlhg deserdti real estateu-late the property of Norman Fratic dec'd, will be offered at public sale at the Cour House, Thui slay, Jan. IS, 1860, at 2 P. NI . Wit : A lot of land in Delmar, bounded bath by fra Wetherbee, east by Wm. Francis, south 11 Wm. Eberentz and west by Wm. Eberentz ant Wm. Stratton—containing about 50 acres, abou: 40 acres improved. frame house, frame barn, non house, apple orchard, aid other fruit trees there. .n. Term's made known on - day of sale. I. M. BODINE, /Dec. 20, 1865..3t Adro'r. ORPHANS' COURT BALE.—Pursuant to an order of the °rheas' Court of Tioga county, 'bearing date Dec. 4, 1865, the following described real estate, Into the property of Rhode Robelier, deed. will be offered at public sale on the premi -see, January 2U. 1866, at I o'clock P. 11., to wit : An undivided half part of a l tract of land in the township of Rutland, Tioga'county, bounded as follows : North by lands of Andrew Robelier, east by lands of Charles Sherman sad Steley Wil liams, south by lands of James Wilson and west by_lands of R. P. VanNese--eontaining 50 acres, about 2.5 acres impoved, with frame house and frame barn thereon. Terms--onahhalf cash on confirmation of sale. and the balance in six months thereafter, with In terest . . CONTINE CONNELLY, Rutland, Dee. 27185. Adsn'r Rhoda Robelier, de TN DIVORCE —To Phebe H. Lewis: Take notice, that Oliver A S. Lewis, pant husbase, has applied to the court of Common Pleas of Tic , Ei county Pa , for a divorce from the honds of 11131 rimony, and that the said court, have appointel Monday, the 29th day of Jan., nelti for heariet the said Oliver A. S. Lewis in the premises. 1: which time you can attend if yon think prncer LEROY TABOR, Wellsboro, Dec 20, 1005.4 t Sheriff. IN DIVORCE.--Lneinda Kilburn: Takena tic°, Hiram Kilburn, your husband, ha; 3p. PHOCt to the Court of Common Pleas of Tien county, Pa., for a divorce from the bonds emit. rimony, and the said court have aproinfild Mon day. the 29th da3.of January next, at Wellston, for hearing said Hiram Kilburn in the preelbe tit which time and place you can attend if y: think proper. T,EROY'TABOR, Welleboro, Dec. 20, 1885 .4 t Sheriff. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION bar:: been granted to the undersigned on the eArt of Patrick Redington, late of Delmar, dee'd. persons indebted are requested to make immei . ate payment, and all claims must be presente. duly authenticated, to JANE REDINGTO December, 20, 1885-6 t, ADIVITICD3TRATRIX NOTlCE.—Letters Administration baying been granted to ut undersigned on the estate of James Albert Chn tenet, late of We'Rabat°, dee'd,, $lll those indebta will pleaoo make immediate payment and tho.: having claims against raid estate wilt preetft the: for settlement to EMILIE R. CHRISTENAT Charleston, Dee. 27, 1885-Bt. Adin't AUDITOR'S 'NOTICE. The undersigtua having- been appointed an auditor to diem. bute the fund in the hands of John A. Belden etc! Warren L. Davia—adnintstratorp do bonis of gem Davis, Sr., will attend to the duties of ha appointment at his office; Wednesday, Jan. 24 1866, at 1 o'clock P. 3f., *lien and where all Fp sons intereste d are invited to attend. JEROME 13,,NILES, Welldboru, Dec 20, 1865.-4 t Auditor AEDITOR'S NOTICE —The untiersigm: - haying been-appointed an auditor 'to mak distribution of the proceeds of the real estate Janos Strait, deceased, will at,teniiil to the dutie of his appointment at his office, W.einesVay, Jar 24, 1066, at 10'o clock. A. M.. when and where al persons interested are invited to attend. JEROME LI, NILES, Tirellsboro, Dec, 20,1885.-4 A Auditor IN DIVORCE.—To John J. Bassett. You an hereby notified that Rebecca...l. Bassett, you wife, bp her neat friend, Simon- if. Landis, be applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tiogi county, Pa., for a divorce from the bonds of Lew rimony, and that the Jodges of said Court hart appointed Monday, the 29th day of January 156 6 for a hearing of the said Rebecca J. Bassett n the premises, at Weilsboro, at iihieh time a place you can attendif you think-proper. • LBROY TABOR. Wellsboro, Dee. 27, 18854 t. - Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Le ters . of administration bating been grail:: ed to the undeni.tned on the estate of lioys , Hose, late of Rutland, dee'd, notice is her' given ta • indebted to make immehau _payment and those having 'Anima to present Oa properly authenticated fps settlement S.) MARIETT ROSE,I C. U. SEYMOUR, Adm'rs. B. 1.-STEVEN, - Rutland, Nov. 22, IsBs-6t* A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.—Let . 11- tors of administration having been granted to the tinder signed on the notate of lE ,l '' J. Mickle, late of Charlento°, dad, woke . '$ hereby given to tho s e indebted to make nutuetittot payment, and those having claims t pre,ent them propeily - authentimireti for settlement to . FANNY MICKLE, A dca Dec:6;1866-6W • •