The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 10, 1866, Image 1

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    ittga ifitanttp-101/tor
Ie Published every Wednesday Morning, at $2,00 k
Tear. invariably in advance, by
41.1 t. 00114.11'S -N 011 DZ
Q rt.1 . 44"-Ml3.
6 nto. 1 Yr
7,50 : A.lOO 12,00
12.00 18,00
15.60 ;00 25,00
30.00 ' 4 1,00 45,00
46.00 ; 4 i.OO 80, 00
rts.eaeh we' k thereafter.
lrs Nutieeel.4 oo each.
lwo. j 3 mo.
1 Square.•. ..... t 2,50 500
2 Squaree ......... 3,75 8,00
1-4 C01umn...... 7;00 lO.OO
1-2 Coiumn ...... 12.00 20,00
1 Column 0.00 35,00
1 Square 1. ins...en $l.OO-501
Administrators and Extuutm
littirtiMfiraeb s
WHOLESALE DRUGG LI4TS, anl, dealers in
- Wait Wrikr: .teriosetie. bativpij.llndDitGlass,
PesfstdotS V4Vsank
Corning, ~ Jan. 1, IS 6.-
W A. NICU0114;
Office lermetly onea_pied i y JatneAk,esvrey,Fini
Wellgboro, Jan. 7866-Iy. '
S. i. SHIA a _
BARBER AND HAIR DRES?...:Ett. Slap over
C. L. Wjleox's Store
ATTORNEY' AT 'LAW, Coluit'Stih'et, , opporite
the Court'Houee,Villiatueport,•Fty:•'-=
Jail. 6; 1666-q*
A. "W. Wila..ta.-ai;
vr Lt. "Ante 4 - TIJI;
ATTORNEYS Aiirb - Olreh r •SEtiOirA-Alt LAW
•Boaety and Peneiou 'Agency, Lem Street
Wellsb"ro, 1, 18416.
.110111111 - I. lIIITCIIIEI.L.
Two Peun'it. Prouip
attention to Collections-.
Jan 1, 1866.-Iy. -1. '
S. F. W LSoN
AkrittM rt' it" mupesebthis AT LAW,
(Firtt dour trout Biguney',., un-
Witt attend to bu.riness entrutt4 to theineare
- in theouuntlea aof gaup& and../:'r-iter.:
lirelleboicriJata: i, INBfi.
1-411U0Katt , 1 4 1
iiLop s fait "jar Stiard'd
- .-ShottShop, Ftitiogoglliepair
' -ing-doie vriaaptly.atia iscll.
: • 'lrtltsbnro, Pa., Jan. 1, 11366.-ty.'
. •
A al
DRAPER ND fArLl.:' Sbbil ,
Store, second door.Cattitig; Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in beat style. -
Wellsboro;Ta:. - Jan. 1,1866-1 y -
ccAiiitt OF mATiristiftii a T 1 ?. AVENUE
J. W. 13160.`11r, Proprietor. This t" Tiller Hotel
has been re fitted and re-furnishes throngheut,
is now open-to the public , as first-class
.A vell:huitlerniways on trend.
WelksburA Jan. I,
Rent. 11.2.1fLENi •• CUMMIN't
INA %V IfjEle 49c
, ,
ATTORNEYS AT' LAW, W.iiiiiimpOrt Pa
Special attention given to. aolleatiun. of Pap
: along, - Boiiitj , and Back 'Pay: ssridfall
againet tbo National cai'Stalt Slaternmeraa.
- Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 15, 1855=3W
Abop latelyticeupied by Mr. P. C Hoig, and
am prepared to shoe horses 'and oxen, and to
do ail kinds or work pertaining to the bud
Welisbart E r,4„ 43- L 1 6 Y.'
Gai t ap.s„4kga Coal;d4, - Pa.
H. VERMILYEA, PRormei‘jt...._ This is-A
new' haat • located within -cafr, k anaess of - the
heat fishing and - hunting- t-i-unt'l's• in North
ern Penn-71 , 0nm. pain; 811 ba spared
for the-stosommodation of pliask lii . iif,pkers and
. 1866.1
••K. 9
No. PAW ..t', Baltimore.
HrsettEnets.—Levin Gale.. Atte, •th y at Law,
Edward Israel, Att'v at Law.'2l.l4v. J. Medi.
D.,t4t Agen D
field, Brb, A Grove Co.,' Ludwig /
MeSherry, John F. ?deJilton, Robert Law
eon. Esc] , S. Sutherland, Esq., [Mr.t..l:cu is
authorised to transact any Ihuriness appertain
ing to this paVer in 1341 . 1.ti.inerre:,)
Jan. 1,_1866-4,y,.: , _
V.T. T bi• T I N . G . 'S
-t• •- • - WESR'S - DtUG STORE
vEgEfit".l-9 1 `"
EB, can be t RD Y's Drag
CONCENIift-A4ED LYE, for aep. at
FLoput AND FEED, 131:1Q4c WITEAT
FLOUR, Meal, Pork ami Salt, Tea,_Bl9;,
Sugar, Snap, Candles, Ssleratus, 7Febacd&acid
- Keresene•Oii„ vrfrite„, Fish, and
-Treitt, by the psekttge•or,pigtiO,
7 .:_lif.i/161!or9; 41:1. - 1, 1863.
Wit - WE 1;41 R oV:sr..: CHEESE
- eleboards for
boxing cheese, also •
Powder, Shot add Lead
7, 2 f f A 11
oP =1 f or n Paten' Money t p , n B ey an D a ra s er e e l r d .
Presses. Remember—at Gunu h'facker's
were Blom WeneksaPt...— . 0
Jan. - I. . ,
1.1 (RI SE ,A ND 0 iMair) Street,
4- 3 1 adjoining Wrigbt &- Befit.)Ve.r .Store. 20
screerot laud in Dertnabittnelfc,..totna Gray and
Merrick. ki °use xqi Ggt 02-C.Siitufon Street.
For terms, - apply to.
• ' RENRI-.811 gat...W.o_oD, Esq.
Woliebcro, Jan. 1, 1860-a. :,-(
kartlie ' , pleasure to, inform t 6 a sitileis ;of nage
connly that - they:have tbeiest
,appartunity ever
offered thein, to procure - Atublitttp4s -Ferrotypes,
Gems, Cartes de Visite, Vi:tceritetf, stThi t all kinds
offarMrind Jr,,putar earl; and. colored pictures,
at his (irallory on Elmir a Sheet.
Nov. 16, 135-11. )4, SPENCER.
flp)subseriber takes this method to in
iarMfF tl frier e and customers that
tie has resumed the conduct of the. old . '" Crys
tal Fountain Hotel," andwiti hereafterilzire: ili
his entire attention.( Thankful for paetTicrei
solicits a ienewp thesayaa;
Welleboro, Nov. y. , •
. '
13 TrollfAtfLt :ItBAIONADE is the
- • K only preparatioii; 'kind made from
the'lfrult: -Assn article of economy, polfitY, - ti44l,
delicieninesi,itcannothe surpassed; an is recora
amended by physicians for ; i3t4lids and family ,
use. It will keep for years in - any climate, while j
lye condensed {oral readers it-especially , iso”ven.:2l.. l l)ll,ll4.SO bT-ot -.14..4+1.TAJZi7S 0 ,A11.1N..EZ.
Una for 'travelers. All who use leatopkcirti; te+ - O,lliOA-Ntifurty-,iifferent stylis; ittlilpred to
quested to give it a trial. 'EnCertainkilyo".9s VolFsecußtirtniisfej ftli4llo4-o $6OO each.
home, „parties, and picnics 15 ti9l l / 1 1. b 0 t 144.1!
..#lll4l:*,fitya.'trafdlirliftqr.*AitOr i , ether /int -
it. For sale by all ' Di:ukgrt:( l ; 'find E r g e ass : preautims - aatile44ll3qiij. Ifitistiatpd Catalogues
Gtoterf. ....Manufactured only by ' sent free. Address, MA/kill' illAAlarnifßad-.:
' i ' ''' ' - S , aoULS F. METZGER, ~m,- • ^,tiM sy,:, - *AVA ; LIESIPW . fiS,,New Inalc.c : "'l t
v . :lttp.l, 1865-1 y: .244:. 549 P.ettrl St.,N. Y iSePt. 13i . 86&-1-y4:V1
is , ~} /_e~_. i...~
—,.. a s
ri I HE UNDERJBIGED having purehatidl
1 - the well known Woolen Factory of Metiers-
: B'."-tthWeirion tA Od4ineelinotßi4,r, two'
miles east of Knoxville, takes this method- mf,.
informing the inhabitan ts of Tioga and adjoining ,
cotrajinKthlit , 47.loll 41*.1iiifite;tgil wool by thb.
yard or ON shares to suit customers, into
The machinery has been thoroughly repaired.
anti new \ machinery edited thereto, also an ire:
prevecloserv.witcal which _vrillenablii.ltjallo work.
the.lenttire tte'oebft. parrietkokateeo—
" 4 -•-.• , "f , r• - •
Roil Card i at'titili
which will be done in the neatest possible
ner, having added one new Roll Machine, Will
eittible higcte Afitipateh and accommodate people
weiwittlfardisinsif that' he"
has carried on the business in mannfactuiiiis
wonl i for._.lertnera in Bradford, and adjolitint
counties for the pairtvitinti years; be therefore
osn warrant all work and satisfy his customers;
using nothing
,in manufacturing but geniilii"
wool. JOSEPH. ,INGHAte"
'LA all confidenift say to the people of Wellehogo
Ind t4urroundinnntry that I have just returxia , "
ed from New York with
-Is 41
VAJI IA:, fiSTEl o llflooPv 8
consisting of
J. U. nixs
~d 7
iktiroulTh 4iiirdiGietitoOniitte a mall , wow
and cutnfortnble. Also,
• "3' 4-
BOO.fig - ' 3 SHOES,;
for MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN. =''i
''ffji l liftlAP§:: 4 ld-f . - - -ia
a, alaci
too,tturomoajtcliiitction. All of which
at prices calculated to carry out my rule of,lauli- ;
asLPrOßto kolOdi 44111.011, lea
Please to call and examine my Stock. Re
member the place,
Welieboro, Jan. 1, 1866. G. P. CARD.
.0118 B T'S ;
fp. • FkilitaftlAUSAlS
L •
" When you have anything to advertpe, tali
the public of it in plain, simple language."
I am manufacturing goottcustom made Boots
and` Sh,sei,'arbicte 114itl reit
.at—Tair irlic es , and
ulp foritgA /Yr "PAYP'ttich Werk cannot he
sold at as low rates per pair as eastern wade
slop-work, but it cnn and will be sold dt prices
which will enable the purchaser to protest his
feet with gdod substantial boots nioreleheaply
tb /I in with a poor slop-shop article, which, even
aliti - iti - wa.u.ootiCittlriit:prtelaisqlk e first
iyerke.seryiee.,,is but-g-tionbtfarl protection'ib
cr et itire di if tee n t r 7 ii . "'Fit me:
•'-'llliik ); :aii4V-114esitins Wanted,
in the red and short blue, for wide+ ' , will pay
cash and a gnnd price. ;1.4
Ibef-Uides a,nd Callbking Wanted
• • - alsbis4, barb.
Sheep Pelts Wanted, -.rj
for which I. will also pay cash and the highest
market price. '
An assortment 01 sole, upper, ealiskins and
linings, pegs. thread, nails, awls, knivelitnie;,
1.0411111VoWl&c., - iiic. f - i keptanc,tiWo hand,
-which fwillselliheo f0a„140,. op ogaltairS
Sanelf betweei Wileof's s :6l4kAullard's:
Q• W. SE/1163
N. B. I can't give credit, because, t, he
plain, baven't got it to give. eq ,: -I
lire!labor°, Jan. I, 1866. • . ~
lA.TitiolosE vi
z. 6 * 1 .4 - 4
rritEA3 NDERSIGN ED having f
A- a co-partnership under the name airidiial;
cati found /m at the old stand, corner of Main
and 61fill St s, where they will keep coiiiidditlY
• on band a general assortment of .
ra • BpOa i rIQPIS, L.:l3Ult 0,1?
.I7.OZ (IY.A
obitftiolt4o4oooo,:they will sell so cheap
for Cash. as to make it an object for dealers to
buy here.
LADtAVIDISRS, BALMOR iatiirc - '' '' ,.V . 1";,, , ,,,
& CALF, &
A 3.....: .lan : e ::,ii. :.
/ 4
...,c, .
:i - Trenolcitad aßilatock eapstaintly•.oiakiteiP2'',; [ : ;. .i i . "
" le ' Pillq l oa- ! 11 ..- 611 2 111 i 1 .0k ht. MIVES , TS . l' '
and - vats: -, --.' --, - , - -,-,-
I. LOGHRY, Knoxville Pa:
17-4- ;:o - a- wren
Kiwaviae s —lan. 1, 1866—tf.
i_., r is .~ z:
(Lii-j Quti
k ; t.;
i ',- - i - • i
~--~ `1 ~ 'f.-
FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds
S'E.PIEMBER Ist 1860.
u ~$
B' 0,91, Shoe and Leather Store.
is ul
ff. LOGORY do CO:,t::"/
Our Stock congas in part of 454-iii
of our_own manufacture. Alto
;•a -.1
• • '.• .'='. .. LASCit ._&,,, if Ott C '
I: •=" • . ' --• •i• - i r
cOE.A.A.,NeiVJEtI). hi,;.. have ja,gt — ret•cied and
ofirr:x, 9, t), e z ,,igh:4),ii4 ii of tio l lii" C.;ctiity, at the
lomeot. eil c :l),privry. !,,iirge tliVewerraiiortet, stock
of;tikv. lotio.P 3 :cirl , fi"ss il";d: ,- :: ' • ':
... .. . ,
nitucis lirr,bicritEg - ,:t DYE' STUFFS,
PialVO4 Oil ): 5;ut)3, 41, 4-Ailaiv::. ILiire - & Stevens
1.. elittiOyl) 3 ,p t i. y,tterit Medicines, Piirfinvery,;
I.d ..1:-',,I,4*,:-.; ,, ap,„ Ilair.. O t i s all(' PAnii;l•l4,
... - ..--.....,1:,?ab.m. , 1„ ilnil: Siti,cullip.dimb 5c , ,;14, 1 , ~
..",it , l - , - ,iiriiting rapiociEn e1,,1,4, - :;,B14,11k ' ,„.
;:—.. •
..„,f . 11.pohb. ap.l illiii.liiih_egs' , of ' , f.
••E- •• •.. I_, all ~IFiAllo, Dii'rieV,'"cur '
TBfia: '' • ' -
.... • -
rid Antoo rn ,Albu e, O,old Penn
• kitni6 vt.Toyb,
• - Oikire of beat , •
• ;-` ; - :
. rit6l 4f."0 -
Pharos, ta"
_O9 ne gaus
nurvitf.i.; AC CORD RONS.,
nod nil kind:- of Ml:intent Instrumento no,d.AuutVal
;All z 66 moot . pi)pulor-abeet
r iiitenye bEt'idl• I „ ,
'B • 1=
A.A 7 .11 ?If UldIE
! - -
lirrengomenl.e lergoat'tono-r
uSo,,tztritog , irquee to ; Non 179 tk k •can:filliii6b &It
- ' - • r•
~ .
• in g ,
" IA SR A SS , --41 VD. - , 511, - .Y1'12 .r.VD S.' -
d;Eta' - -•••
ttivt- tedor.
gel s ?*purckinti r
14,id11,1 , ,,f.h01e?„ A rt Tylto
( ..It
" F•FER - . t
t , a
' _e
:1(214 1;,1.1- •
1. ° 6 t‘_ l 4. •
end Fresh
,L ZINC PAINT. which he offers to sell cheaper
than ran be bought_ this side of the City.
has also a very large stock of -
,v c'Ei~RFNG M~il~Ra4
wiiieb will be eel() 25 per cent. cheaper than een.
be bought at any other . celabliehinent ithAtte
, ,
•. • •
olwaye on Van d. •
Call a n d examine my Stock and yea will, ti o
t ar e tay, " P R WILLIAMS.
Wetiatioro. Aug. 2:1, 1865.
f ' ° l6r!Affti e fatirit- ?; - . 1,V4P.Bit it 8110..
Have opened a Drug and (Mende -zb•re, - ori
Main Street. let door below flu-tinge, %here.
intend to keel.' a full as,orrraent of . _ „
RUG:4 A 1) 411FDICIV-ES --
A go44,art,talkyr i lediciuof 'Liquors and Wines..
Prescriptions cm-A . 11,y prepared.
Medical advice given free of charge.
WellAiiro. Nov. 8-1 y
Would resre,tfully atinaunco to "ail niintn - it
may coneett..: char they Ycet, eon:ttantly httud
a large and w i ell selected tise.dtreent of
~.~• 3. - - '
7 ' l Ah Aik.ty-si's,- - , of you siot_li :say
Asliettil :13 . ifj-fritri , Moy
i • ' ••• ' t''''' '' L '` ' : L '''''' 2 'TMI - use's» yoirUe and we 'Ai know
so litiiii3-bbrz you "R 0......, ,
-, ik:,.1,: .1 i ,•... , e,..0 L:..,A,,, , , 1..,,ir. , :.'i -,--- Eiai l i lls ,i o ies i i ht ,..,,, 4 t.1 7, - ,,- 1 „,-,
GLASS 4W J A-KE, pLATED AKirti - 4 t-',7 . 2tbat'vioats'.ollTbriisr.. rind tond*.ouirba,
-'" '"-'` ' " - t -; Andolt Ffr`yiAt could turn"ifie'tutile4 'i
, I .-
suutesC,4OSTORS., tiP0011.:S: '': j 'I.) kioifiitlid - citehlfar tPirier 'i6e7le'-- '' i= ',---
.."'''''''' '''' "'"-- lH' teeeniti:-the lineh , eie t: l4 'ilarli.--D' -' rl
EO,IiiKS, . .1 So wunterfeited greu,ed told torn. t: ' ' • •
.$) e 1
r '''' ""'"" ~ 7 1:-thit at lead quarrei!,:(riffere tlie'y malrePerii;)..l
gAKE DISIV,§I Sca. It' ''''''ti't atlaicyhe\i'lle:sitate tii rtikVen? b."
f.... ~., .• -I. . •-
: r 1 '"'..1.40; if *Cottgrees you'd tig'iee'
. .. wint i vritmas npAltimitv
..I -4::: : .;-:i
I T : Lo ioi * m a n k .., th th e frt.
i ed L uitn Aul r ty" . c_ree, . 1 3
~, , , , ,
„. g VI
, I)SC t lin do vet !mix 1:19
~,..4,-,,,,4 , .,
,' "l'' . r An fiqutif Annoy' with foes niid-tettitOrs,.
44 ENWELOP I I3B: 80i 1 i0dLySIKSIUrkiEN ~, ' '' "rttlnitalii'RF well; bu'efffn e will'i , iww.:'' .. '
.. ...., • .. ...
ii' : .., 4 1.5,... la
..t—,.. .. tr •.".',:-,,.-'" . Ana twtilre't.nuntlati hence w.e, nit - shall til k b,
P Al' LN -14 iivii..r)irmi
„, :.s ,-....,.-, : , , ;Joins' thiugu, tlie,t. now .look-rather Ipuzzlnog";
t:-.;:!. " - '.,p s. r ' ' ' 'Then lei -us' all—rettun our muslin.
'lresk, Coffee,sibice, Pc pater, Criii•
uer, 4 gOtteilittiktr, - fit At' ifs 4 - ... tG
1- 1 ° 1 0 11411 0 0 .1. 'Oill'Oliii;
d an
ASu.ts as nd ,, iltas l i i itie t.7... (Af t
J 4; 1
voskik,.., ,
.1 4
4 folx,i.ataa 1317 3:Ri,
l' -- t't-.- -k-''-iittil.Vis
; -
C A K E*Ht j- -.".
• L" • "•
:::,Wellsboro, Oct- li.:l6,lB6fhei
„- •A -
:).\ - % - Fi,i,',Lsl3.l,')Fto;
.. pat : 1 J A.N . :::: : is),;'., isqq....-
each as
.1 a....
• • New Tear Address. '
, •
T le: 014 lifuatllitiiith that the new may live,'
'And Aat the'Old bath lea.% the Neershell give
• .
:The bag,le'"! braY itndbrarh of "rolling...drums ' '
- Have cedrhil to weary, and the new year copes -
tistreiiwiih'iirdthide,rieb with budding tripes i
Of all tutu value mist, while treason gropes _
In miter darkness, striving'still to'save '
tdome barharoM3 relic trotn its - traitor grave, ' ' -
Fierce to oppress, eager to erarh the - right, -
Arrogant :Ain, though bathed in, fife light, 1 .
1. Stillhuly pettil,ggiug for the wrong
:ALI slow to comMtoi justice. - Net fdi long ; ' --
'Shall thir "ehildre; the nation's blind has behght
'She preephte butin,Of liberty; and baue,:htz.
I:Thtit treason dards" or foreign tee; mii.i'llrl. ..,
t Shall bar its progress; as the years inn . thrinigh
Zfilik: chlin4ing reasons, brighter 'iltiii Alai 'grow ,
ifin rodian(Godde , -s Freedom, who. aithitugh
lier. littddi be ttrow ii with wreelts - and'
boiler, " v V '
, ....
Shall silit march on o‘er.thupires, hinge and
it?6,img •
• Ring .nnt t.o.tht,y„ tunuy peal
n t,
„Ernit pkvtlry,bQii,sy . in ttleiting, -• •
Tilt ev es .
,1050 bnart l ehttiLleo /,
, That Ftne4C44tai trner birth ? " , ;
A,Ftt.od k er yiht,unti we tuny Odin,
- ,Tititt.preutfet , 1,14;F., the highest, tiawe
tiNNAI4 the of ;the
pCfne bitter_ trial days aro-past -; •
And. rirlitreci blutek that flawed like rain
L Ilea nut been pouratliu ea rth
--Peaee.settles•en the land. at last, -
• • • And yule lugs-hura.i *hike those Vilna krieed
Sheik gathen net tuithe Christunts
1" • " ;Where , gladdet.ea• &nattier-a. rvus and Aires
Meet an this happy Year...ere.
VTo4tightobenopth the' glinting stars. a ,
x+a Tali nadny to wolee•sball tu l te r t4;
•••• Whltelatheredsoontl the,rucial.hearar•-•
zWe•balt turgat'llta uatiou:s.nlars 4 "
And twiny a tuutheris ' =
iilltit , a;itaartiis. with thu.daud,to,night,
% •- • •A ad' :nab y nt-sister's. uyikgru rt. bright
hose -said ds,r iek_u
: ir•
-i-::"lAlriarr.ty-filie, you
-4.ltabolvagiuning of. tiva.o44,
some guive tnial4les to leen&
Some ntaims to press...that:way lie l.r.Aught
...With danger to another shoin,,,,,
-; •
.:..-Whose skilled builders-drew
Whose inerchant.ptiness.hailt. spa atatfued
-•• -Suth-lpirates as the Shenandoah. . -
. •
' Yutt crammed-Der tiara with ",,Neutral laws"
" AgHtinst the-stoatarh os oar 4 easit ;"-,
• . Your statutes wete butr,hin pretenee
- - And only value t Cur their Hawk., •
Yrtn.pinyl - the Algerine,,lohn Bull; -
Ilnir.tai your cruisers, on„, our, track,
And furehlted clubs-to Break ant hack" '
• • -'duel whenlyou4Alit uttr lianas were full: - •
Yon little thought four year. du he -
:. . ~The lite-time of 1143 etars apd
• While yet the war-stainer! strjcisslindititve
- Shouldpioutlly.ll.±al an e ' vard! 'ea t
- And a0.5u0, did is tocio4l..4l)lvg ;
turned:l4oo P . A in-our-rived,;
Ititninutti - yilar , nal ipp'es greed4 , :l
itoU:kneeled oi tol 1 , 4 Itelour king.
fitit friend: you-mikkt have wade
Of this free-netinn, but you eh - use
'Veurf r riandnutuoog ear bittifues,
Your bounriwittvyouf.irade.
z ThouFand , of loyal. wen. and Erin!,
Strtlr Underneath the ocean'a waxes,
- rot in Iffitaelesi; graves,
- 'Who Ihul'heen living be; for-you.
Yol;"Borep . t olir commence from , thtfteui....t'
T1;11 have a ct m inercenf yaur.own,
And ^ eust!hat, gray with ages grown,"
- 11id> us t•rre4 — such ferrate:a ne there.
wh'o say-we favor sirifep'
lifft•te,toldant aaelling hie*. f
13,5' rtaf foe 7
R fin au is agiiiiisethe nation's life;
ter =• ft: • * • e *
_Be thine, oh silty-fiVeic the mee(
thifoght• And flee'irt
ThOu relief—J`
' tifolig thie = yeat4., the first and chief,; ; .
.•:, - ' - 4nd•i'as
the e . enjuries"roll on; : -
The'rtfiapyite and Marathon' .;
Sbpil pie before the deeds sablinfe • -1
- 7'haegitti tby &trials for all time.: •
;tiVO - 4te tee-pear these hugaseeeiets
Ty ate their gratideurp ages hence,
When time and distance lend a- hue
• f3f ueltd'eothantment t' ibe'view,
' Let lulu.' e gencranolis toy
For'we haitled in our day—•;•
Lot I .irst,rgiirrg nations then decide - '
'lf it were seifishnef.s arid pride, - :4 - -
Or ii — the udnce wtieh Preednin„dowers
Virentihei their own es well us ours,
• •
-/St al a . / ftlit S..
. -•-
. _
: , /.. -- ,m14.04410004 -f
, 4 1,1. 713KtIVD,A.113'EbLUS IVABVS . NOLUALE
;;: ;
P=Nixtien-Mr. Greeley wat,in-J , California
`oNatiedis:.nwaited pirery town.
end= po'Werfill -leaders • lid the
ofthe Pe.ei fie Railroad,
wliicii litid'gfeatly 'endeared thin =tt~-ttie
tifizens of the Golden 8t419,,,And there
ltore,thexisniade of;,ln when he
. .
one' town the enthusiastic populace
tore -Mike elebrated white -eoat
monfearried them home to- remember
hittr by. " :
The citizens of Placertrilleprepared to
1 Tiltc,:the_ great; journalist ;and. an extra
",'"Wltir extra relays, of horses, was
cliaxtnrecl'of the _California :Stage Com
pany to'elirr,y laimirOM. Folsom to Pla
y •, -distance. forty miles.: The ex
', tra Was in: sonle way delayed, and did
riot leave FoL4sim until-late in the after
noon.' Mr. Greeley was to be there at
•seven:olclock that evening by the citi
zensnMacerville, and it was altogeth
teratecessary that he should-be there by
that hour. - -ziorthe Stage CoMpany said
to‘lienry"",Mottk, the driverof the extra :
- ".4enTry,,trie"great maii•r:mtist be there
',Y`Seiren• o'clock to-nigfit;" - and Henry
answered; `I, The 'great-man SHALL be
,Eliere.r• .:." - '
1 1%0_roacN . were in an 'awful State, and
IlUi l i.l4l . theillfittely.P4o;
out of Folsom
" Ey'4:4o),reir - are you
aware - that Lmust . be at ,Placerville, at_. ii-lart.te... estate, and- the. quarry psed
seven o'clo3k to-night?" into the hands of a nephew, Mr. Yiest
"I've got my orders?" laconic-ally re- and Mr. Woodivard, lon ,, in his employ.
turned Henry Monk.' • '' • They sold seven acres of the land Where
'Still the coach dragged slowlY for Ward: the ledge comes to the surface, for *40,-
• "-Sir," said the great Printer, 't this 000 . per acre, and it has since been put
iis riot a trilling matter. l i . Mllka hetheke into :Mock and sold at the rate of $lOO,- -
at seven." ' , - 000 per acre. The present proprietors
, ~
- Again came the answer, " I've kot my, have just . commenced ,to work it, but
- orders." -- " ' ''' - ' • i have this year taken out some $lO,OOO of
' 13ut-the speed "was , not , :increased, and • the stone from a ledge that seems inex - -
Mr. _Greeley, chafed away -another half I haustible. A hundred thousand will
. when, as he was again about to I 'soon- be taken from it annually.
remonstrte with the iirivei; the horses
Suddenly started into a 'furious run; and
all sorts 1 c%neouraging yells filled the
i i
-air-froth he throat of Henry Moak..
" That . 'js right,, my, gop fellow!,"
cried Mr.
_Greely.. " i'll give' pin ten
'dollar's Mien . we , get "to' Placerville.
'Now we Trre - S-oingi
- 'They were: indeed - , and at a terrible
- Crack, crack ! . went - the._ whip . ; and
again "'Olaf Voiee" Split -the alt. " Git
lily! Hf, yil G'ltritg I Yip----yip !" -
kniFi on -they • tore over - stones. and
:toots, up -hilt and ,down; at.
ar rate of
sped .never -before achieved by stage
Mt. • ••Gittript_ ..
. hitLtial - t h een ' I;butiing
I , fi r l7elra faTtl t b 4 Pl e at i i t inVfi l h e w o e i d 1 e t i o'
get hig tic:ad' mit - ot Abe - .'*lndow; when
thita: we
getttbege, by-seven ii we,
dc}-- 7 on't- go 44.,) last ?
" P - Ve.g(it bay inVers That was all
Henry Monk said ; and on tore the
• It/lvtis -becoming . -serious: - Already -
"the" journalist Nl , •as' :extremely' sore from
the-terrible jolting; and , again his head
'nnkhr hale iieen seen the 1 . window'.
"Sir "'-ht= Said r dinirteare—are -AAR
if don't get'there at' seven!'t
1 "I've got' my -- Orders."' 'Fresh-horses
forward again• faster. than befliro; ,• Over
rocks and gaps, on one-Tof NVlrich
coach_ - narrowly — escaped turniwz•
". - 3 • • 3 ,
' 44 See heie -shrieked
don't earet if-kire don't- get .there at
" I've'gOtihy orders! I work ;for the
California Stage Company, I do! That's
'What I work for.3--They said, " CZ- it this
man through-q seven.' -An' this man's
goin' through. YOU bets ;3 Oerlono• !
Another frightful jolt, and Mr. Gree
ley's bald-head suddenly found its way
through the TboT or the coach, amidst
the crash of the sulail -timbers and the
ripping of strong. canvass.
• "stop! you—trianiac I)! he roared.
Again answered Henry Monk •
"I've got my orders : KEEP YOUR SEAT
3 Ak• Mud-springs, a village a few miles,
from Placerville:therinfet a lar4: - e dele
i-giittorot-the;:eititenscrt-Placerritle, who
had" come` edit to' meet - 'the Mibrated,
Printer, and escort him to town. There
was a Military coMpany, a brass band
and lit six-horse wagon -load of beautiful
damsels in Milk-white dresses, retire
§enting all,the Statesin the %non. :fit;
- was' nearly dark now, but 'the:delegation
weyelmply provided with torches, and
bpafires blazed all along the Wad to Pla
The citizens met the poach hi the out
skirts tif. Maar: Springs'', and - Mr. Monk
reined hillizAJtitn-covered ste'eds. - -
"Is Mi;.. Griieley
,on board?" asked
the chairintiti.of thb committee.
"Ile - n - ag a feli - miles bilekl" said Mr.
Monk ; "red," he added, after 'looking
down qtrou*li ,the Whkeh fearful
jolting; had - nide in th'e - eotlelk-roof,—
" yeo,ean see him_!, He is there!!'
re'ele.y sal it, f,W chairman of
"the einninitteedirentittg hiMsellat thC
window bftlig , Mx; Greeley, slit.
we are come to uiceif. Cordially welembe
yousir!L--why ! God `bles - Me, sir, you
are the nose!" '
,9atm.y. orders !! cried Mr. Monk.
"My orders is as 'follo*S - : - " GU' him'
,therts, eve).V." It NY txnts a. quarter to
seven. .Standout:oft - tie :way:" -
•exclaimed;tlte, - iomatit te
man, gewing.the oirdeader by the reins,
iwe. come to escort him
into town.....LoOkrat - the procsion,.sir,
mid - Atte brass-band r andlhe;people and
the yoinig -winnen., ,;
.•",Pvilgot my orders!", screamed Mr-
Monk.• My:orders don't say nothiu'
abotitile brass...ban-cloud:young women.
My orde.rsiirkv, Githiiiithere by sevin.
Let guthemlinesliClear the way there
Whob-pe! KEEP Yolk SEAT tioRACE?"
and the .:coach - dashed, wildly through
the procession,upsetting_• portion of .
the :brass band, and VioJentty =razing
thii - m*on which- containetl litlebeauti
-41.31,t0ung wonaeli in white..
I.l.:ll . aars _hen_ce, gray-naiml who
e little - boys in. , this ,processiou,.w•ill
• tell their grandchildren how, this. stage
i tore- through . Springs; and
!..4lorace.•(.l.tveleyls -bald head ever - and
, anon showed itself, like_ a wild al:Tali
' thin above - the catch roof. ,
T Mr. Monk was on tinie„.. There_ is a
traditionfthat Mr. Greeley Was - very in
iditna.nt for.-a while; then he laughed,
'and finatlY-PreSented Mr.. Monk with a
bran new suit of clothes.. -
~".j ~
Mr. MOnk himself is Still in the em
ploy of.thh California:Stage. Company,
and isirather Jowl of relating a story
:that•haa madeihim lamousAill over the
Pacific coast; But -he says he yields , to
•o elan iu .hia , ...adadration for Horace
a late number of ;the Maneytester,
rot, we' find the 'following- in a letter
from a correspondent,'Who <writesfrom
Francestown, Hilsborom - ch county N. H. -
OUr reade - ra interested n - k. the .
paragraphs we"-here present.:
A-king:tithe aa:o there came up from
Dedham", MaSs.- a family named Fuller,
that pureThasett -lands in the eastern part
of-the town. "- They - did -n - Of succeed so,
well - as they anticipated; the little.
property they honght eonsumed - ;
the farin Was mortgrged. Of his"
consumption_ claimed all but. one, And
'he left - for Boston to labor,-that the farm
of whose 'Value none then knew, might
be redeemed. One ditY, as a field was
being soWn,:the harrow tooth struck a
soft stone - and 'then it was discovered
that soap stone wasto be had there. -
At first it was-used for tinder-pinning
door steps,and the like; and afterwards
pieces were sent. o BOston to be worked
into fire places, and.ilually - it was known
that the best stone in the known world
was on the Fuller farm in Francestown.
It Wag Soon,largely used - for stoves, and
by-a-patent- for setting them uP,Torter
Dodge, redentlytleceased was inadetich. --
The Octet Fuller : died:, raised frotnpov
erty to -- an of $40,000. His son,
Colonel Fuller,:lsOcceetled, but declined
to work the-mine elttensively, preferring
to keep his wealth deposited tlrre,
rathei. tlidiif'o:litingc it into coin to be
deposited vitiewhexe,, He liowever, left
-7-1-4 \liqtator
• In, the autumwof 18.57 L _spent a few
days in a country parsonage, and ou the
Sunday morning at breakfast, the pas
tor's---wife received a letter, which her
tittering told us must be a tit-bit. • "Ali,
uncle," exclaimed she, "here are (deli
cle doings exactly. to your taste."' The
writer, a*lady iu a distant country,
narrated that the had 'lately come in
to' the next parish a new vicar--a very
flue young man, wilo at school had no
superior either in tilreekor in his box ing,-
and whaatoe,nuiversity won honors
for his classics and silver cups for his
boating. He Wa.s beginning in • earnest
theAVol.k. of au evangelist among a long
neglected, vicious and brutal people.—
He had a plan and a will; but many
worthy folks were fearing that his zeal
was without knowledge—or wisdom, at
any rate. One" of his first measures
Was to open a school in a remote part of
the parish and get the room licensed for
week-day preaching. But all the drunk
ards rose against such unheard of pro
ceedings. They 'would run after •him
cursing -and- hootinc , , and discharging
volleys; of sods- _mid - . other missiles.
Finding remonstrance vain he adopted
-another course on the - Wednesday even
ing in the week befOre I heard the story.
Making a stand in the middle of the
road at the entrance of the hamlet just
as the storm arose, and looking the
savages in the the.', ,he addressed them
thus in a firma, quiet voice which coin
Manded ' their attention: "My good
fellows, I have borne this patiently for
some time but now I must put, a stop to
it; .and I'll do so in your own way.—
Choose your best man, and we'll tight
it out. If - I beat, you'll give up you
know." They looked at him unbeliev
ingly ; but throwing his coat on a. bush
he added, " I am in earnest; send your
man," The radians laid their heads
together; and then a burly , riant step
ped forth and stripped, and made a
furious dash at his reverend challenger,
'who quietly parried the unskillful blows,
and played with them for a few seconds.
But, then, a fist was planted in the
peasant's chest, and he lay at full length
on the ground. Quickly gathering him
self _up, however, he skulked away to
his companions. "Now send your next
best and I'll go through the lot of you."
Again their heads drew together and
another and 'another threw down his
ineket ; going. to work, however, with
a,nore cautious energy. But at owe a
stomacher stretched him_On the road.
"Your next." Once_ more a conglome ,
rate of dense pate Ff was formed. " Bill,
thee teck him." Bill eyed. the hero
askance, and '-hook his head. "Thee,
Jim;" a shake of the head from Jim
also. " Dick, thee'l teck th' parson?"
a shake more decided, and a stiff "Nay,
nay; Pse see thee hung fast." ' And
now the first one who was vanquished
stood forward and, like a brave man,
'called out, "I say, parson, ya're a rare
young un, yo ar,. I'se tell thee what;
we're going to hear you preach." And
they all followed him along the little
street, said the writer,' and heard the
Word quietly, adding; it retintins to be
seen what will become of the fight.-
- What, did,come of it I heard, a long
time afterward, that front that day the
Men doffed their hats„ and the women
courtsied, and the children looked awe
'stricken, when they Met or passed him;
that.the church and schools were filled
that the beet-houses Were nearly -all
shut up, and that a _great moral and. re
ligious reformation was in progress.—
That' gentleman `had previously been
the-instrument ofa like- change in an
equally demoralized parish. I May add
that a few years back he was deemed
the fittest clergyman in the church to
go out as bishop tuft scene of great per-,
sonal danger in a heathen country.
A DEAF CRIER.—An old court-crier,
who had grown grey in -the cause, - and
as-deaf as- a:bectie, was-in the habit of
:calling thallium:3 of-. witnesses- (which
he generally managed t& get. wrongi
from the second story window pf the
court house, in such listenrian voice
as' to -be heard with - diStictness for a
square or more. --On one occasion, in
the-course or- a very- ; serious and some:
what important suit, the presence of
witness' named 'ArabelleHanks, vi-as
needed. -The - Crier; Bice- a parrot, -sat
nodding on his perch, when he was
Aroused-from his .slumber by, an order
from the Court to call the Witness.—
T i ooking ;Anxiously at the Judge with
his hand to his ear; in order to catch the
sound correctly, he said : - _
" What, yonr Lordship?"
" Call Arabella Hanks," • said the
Still in doubt, the poor-crier arose
'troth- his seat and said again, with a
much puzzled look, " What, your lord
, shio,7'
Call Arahellii..Hanks, crier, and de
lay-the business - of the Court no longer!"
• said :the Judge, much provoked.
The old- crier, thereupon, with a cowl
ten.afite..which indicated both doubt
and desperation, proceeded to the win
dow, and-in his loudest voice 'Called out,
" YALL'En l ally Shauks ! :Yeller Bel
ly Shanks ! Yeller Belly Shanks ! come
•It is-needles:
_to say that the serious
ness Of. the: whit-room 1,1 ! -- ag Convulsively
.dispelled - ; and tiniet ww;_restdred - only
to be again di,turbed by -the laughter
caused by the crier, who in answer to
the Court - as to whether or not the wit
ness replied - , said, " - Nti,:yonr lordship ;
and I don't believe there is such a
son in the county, for Pire- lived -here
foxty years, stud I never Ireerd if him
A W niE Is TROITIALE.--‘ Pray tell me,
my dear What if the cause of" those teiir4?'
Oh, such a disgrace !"
" What is it my dear ? don't keep Me
in suspense." - • "..:
- ".oh, I have opened one df your let
ters supposing it to be addressed to my-
Self. Certainlyit lOokecl more like Mrs.
than Mr." - -
'--" - fa that all What harm- eau there
be. in a. wife opening her husband's let
ter* r •
" No handirt the thing itself, but the
couteuts. Stich a disgmee - 1 ,"
" Who has dared to-write me a letter.
unfit to-be read -by , Jny.wife ?"
The Proprietors bove stocked tho aetablishment witk
a large assortment of modern :3 tyl4
sad are prepared to execute neatly, and promptly,
Deeds. Mortgagee, Leases, and a fall assortment of
Constables , and Justices' Bionics, constantly on band.
People livinr at a dbstance can depend on having their
work done promptly, and sent back in reins
air Orrtcx—Roy'o block, Second Floor.
NO. 1.
" Oh no, it is couched in the most
chaste and beautiful language, but the
contents!" the contents!"
Here the wife buried her face in her
handkerchief and commenced sobbing
aloud ; while her husband eagerly
caught up the letter and commenced
reading the epistle that had nearlbro
ken his wife's heart- It was a bill from
the printer for two years, subscription to
the town paper.
During the winter months raranatu
rally resort to barn and ricks - both for
shelter and food ; andare consequently
a great nuisance to farmers. For the
benefit of the readers -of the. Michigan
FARMER We give them the preparation
recommended'for their destruction by
- Dr. tea, a celebrated German. chemist.
This compound is a. deal. shot,and if
used will send them to parts unknown
quicker than "Costar's Exterminator,"
as iteontains much the same ingredients.
Farmers, if you-are- troubled with rats,
try it—you can obtain the articlenat any
drug store:
- Melt hog's lard in; a. bottle. plunged in
water-of temperature of Mix< dwrees
Farenheit ; introduce into it a half an
ounce of phosphorus .for every pound
of lard, then add a pint of proof spirit of
whisky : cork the bottle firmly after its
content. have -been heated to 140 de
grees, taking it out of the water and agi
tating it) till the phosphorus becomes
uniformly diffused, making a. milky
looking fluid. The spirit may be poured
orlon the liquid cooling, and you then
have a- fatty compound, which, after
being gently warmed, may be incorpo
rated with a mixture of wheat flour or
sugar flavored - with-oil of rhodium or
oil of anise seed, etc, and Idle dough, on
being made into pellets, should be laid
at the rat holes ; being luminious in the
Clark, and agreeable to their palates and
noses, it readily eaten, and proves cer
tainly fatal. The, rats issue tronx their
holes and seek water to quench their
burning thirst, and then commonly die
near the water.—lMiahigan Farmer.
Jeff again conspireth again! t Abra
ham. And it came to pass that. Grant,
one of the chief captains of the host of
Abraham, had beseiged a stronghold of
one of the southern provinces and Jeff
was exceeding wroth thereat.
And Jeff, being tempted by the devil,
sought again the life of Abraham.—
And he called together his chief coun
selors, and said unto them.
" Inasmuch as the armies of Abra
ham are more powerful than our own,
and have laid waste our country, and
he himself hath freed our bondmen,
and taken captive many of our fighting
men, now let us, I pray thee, wilily and
craftily, destroy his life, and the lives
of his chief counselors, and of his
chief captain ; then will doubt - and dis
cord, grow up amongst them,' and there
shall be none left to direct his people ;
and we will rise up and possess the land,
and be rulers over this nation." •
And the saying pleased them. And
they said with one accord, "let it be,
Oh Jeff, as thou bast said."
And he sent abroad his devices
throuehout the revolted provinces, say
ing, " - Unto the man who will take,
forme the life of Abraham, .1 will give
more than-thirty pieces'of silver; and
he shall rule over the half- of thy king
dom, and sit next me at my 'table; and
be called nv, cousin."
And the saying pleased-many; and
they sought how. they might. destroy
_ Now there dwelt, in - the-chief city of
the northern provineeg, tr young man,
by profession an actor; and- he played
before the people,, and-;got much gains
thereby, and his tiame,was Booth; and
with Booth -dwelt wickethaese, and the
devil entered Auto him, and he sought
in his heart . -how -he- might betray the
chief ruler : - - •-
And he said unto Jeff, "Oh Jeff, live
forever, Illy wisdom,-and- tlw counsels
shall preserve thee, - and thy kingdom
shdil be built up, to be moved nb more
forever, for will take Plr thee, the life
of Abraham."
And Jeff-an - swered- and said, "Do
thou Oh- littioth, a thon—hast said, and
thou shalt receive much-hoilur, and thy
exceeding-great rewurcLu-._-::
. Now Booth went his wajr + and con
spired wifh=many othenr,-- . Who vowed to
assist him in escaping from the wrath
which he knew woniri be kindled
among the friends of Abraham.,
After these thingS. Booth came unto
Abraham and said unto him : "Come
thou this night to the entertainment
that I shall give ! for the-benefit of th 3
soldiers, snit bring -with-d:4 thy chief
captain t ;" - and= tee• - prdirered much
friendship to Abraham.
And Abraham went; - And lo! when
he was seated, Booth Itew_him and fleet.
And his fiends-helpe4 him , to escape,
and were hanged therefor, befdre many
A nd - the oldiars of Abraham pursued
after Booth' s - and overtook him, and
slew him.
And other of the conspirators sought
the life of - Abraham's chief counselors,
and maltreated them, and wounded
them sore; and they also were hanged.
Nov with this thing: Jeff was well
pleased; mid -- the - - men of liberty,
mourned the loss of Abraham many
days. _ _ ,
MEET 4, AitLoßoNr& the Scribe.
It is now_ abOitt tWo years Since this
tattle word - hag becorde grate- promin
ently asaiieisited. - in the 'popular mind
with:the fenaakiellet.." One:can indeed
hardly pei7u,se — au attiete on the fashions
Of the day:Vithout .raeetirig,,it at least h
half a dozen - fimes, and e'ver-f lady out
shopping Seems in quest ar .10 buttons,
bracelets, ..broocifes,pins,"'. c. But
when we. - siSiC "what - this let really is,
whence it'-comes, - who invented it, few
are able-to:giVe a satisfactory. reply. It
may therefore not be. auks to explain
here. the. nature of this important and ?.
popular article.
Jet, be it known, is a natural, not an A
artificial - substance._ Externally it
ranks next to- lava or polished coal, be
ing in fact a species of earth - coal, near- i •
ly related to the brown, although some a
naturalists - pronounce it to be hardened n '
pitch.' Itburns very readily,:gives out p
a greenish flame, - and diffuses a resinous ' a
odor on combustion..
..axtrernely fragile,
and brittle, it Weighs somewhat heavier 4,
than water, audls found in - France and
span in the Itiwer, and in :England in
the upper strata of the Jura formation,
usually hetweeti or in the immediate 'f
vicinity of brown - coal deposits. The='
substance is - brnugfif - to "the surface in
Wtgo blocks, whose, handlitig is very
I Death to Rate