THE AGITATIHI. LOCAL _A.ITD 11-I.EL-1.,Ab.F.0U8 Welleboro, Wednesday, Dee. 27. 1.866 .;15feW -A4Vertilte=43l2Ett!: Court Proclamation. Wool Wheels, .tc.—C. M. Crandall, &, Co. Ia Dironae—Stioriti Tabor. Administrators Notices--Estates o f J. A. Christonat, and Jacob Shipman. Orphan? CpurtSnle,—Ertate of R. Bobeiter. Si, 600 a titar ‘ tkaw Selling Cheap—O. Ballard. fits Jury and Trial Liet...l,,neat lame Net "in accordance with the time honored cus tom? 'Nit litcauee of the increased labor in - Volved' in the eulargemant.of the paper, we ehstil issea r no pa per next Week'. I!)tir new material `has not arritrod, but is on the read, ,snd will doubtless erflye in , ample time to presint the "Ani'r.s.rdit in a "ikeiirdre:ion the 20th of January„ _6o. to ail. a yaopy New Year, in advance. The Carriers of THE AGITATOR Will make their an nuli call upon their patrons 'New Year Day,. with. as Address of mash, lite'rary merit. We bespeak for them a generous recognition. Donation. ! —The friends of Rev. Mr. Smiw, pas tor of the Methodist Church, are invited - to attend a Donation Paity at the Parsonage, Weßebore, Wednes day evening, Jan. 3, 1866. The children ar- invited for Thursday, evening following. WI reniari here, upon our own responsibility, that the salaries of clergymen have not been increased to meet the advanced rates of living._ Theill - a .. .ries paid in Wellsboro are so small that we forbear. to mention their amounts. But on the occasion of this donation we hope thaethe people will -be both, generous and just toward One of the worthiest, and most useful of the clergyinen who have tarried with ns4'for years. If the people will be as liberal toward Mr,-Shew as he is liberal toward this community, thOt will do no- The appearance of the Presbyterian,Phercit bas been greatly improved by the painter within the last few weeks. TheialindiahowAr . well-in4oistrast with the eptiese white. This region was visited by a severe gale. from the south-east.commenolng atAnidnight of Zerwrdeyewld continuing with great violence up to Sunday noon. About eight inches of snow fell. The weather mod stated, daring Sunday night, and Monday was as soft as Apt*. - How. 6. F. WxLsort arrived from Washington on &antiley, and will spend the Holiday reties home. We never saw him looking better. _ TALKING TURKEY.—Our friends wereelfry solicit ous on our behalf all day Saturday. " Isn't itabout time you- had that Christmas Turkey?''--one, and another staked. "It will come," replieVej with a show of faith intended to be sublime. ' And it came ; 2 not as a belligerent Thet'tas we wet of came to us one morning of our callow ~ s outh-,but divested of his fiery red, featherless, silet E cadaver ous. '*hile we labored the door opened, t 4 Vanua.- TPA, mine host of the " Izaak Walton l[use," tered, bearing aloft (for he is a man of t4titude) a 12 pounder turkey, the which he thrust aOs without a word explanatory ; yet the gesture was the climax of eloquence. He talked turkey- 7 a tongue with which we are net too familiar, but which we compre hended at once. Like the larder of the 4- lainek Walton _Wine,' that turkey was prime. And though we shall Yot serve it up as he serves up front in their season--with the favor of life in the rintdng brook clinging to them —yet will it be most savory. So we returt thanks to the donOriwith 'w ishet the trout me' hold high carnival in Pine Creek. and, Long Run ,or many a year, and that Vermilyea Cron ,- b r ut half pounders, and plenty of them; and mt'Y thedear, congregate muebly there. - I Peon continues to sell Lest DeLaini i2s Bd. Best prints at 2s, and good prints at 2f.,..eenta. Bee special notice. i it We again notify those who owe us for I ' lsh jobbing that we Shall need every dollar due ue to : jest the ex pense of enlargenient and new material.; If forced to send a collector to them ten' per Oent:; till be ad ded to the debt. BURGLARY AND HORGE-STRALING.--AVUlTellpolld ent at Tioga writes : " Last Tuesday night, thieves broke into the - wagon shop of H. H. ED4and took . two or three chisels: with these: they briike into, the barroom of the Johnston Hodes, and ca \ '''''nd off the cash drawer containing -.5343. T t hey - alt took two overcoats belonging to guest's of the Ht lee. They next entered Watts's grocery and carried ff a box of cigars and a -lot of !sardines. Thenc i el jey went to,. D. L Aiken's barn, and took therefrom Leo horses, two bridles, and a saddle, and went on n . ;Lawrence ville, where they turuelLthe horses loose; land disap peared." [We warned the public agaii 3t burglars some weeks -ago. The local papers all a; sund us are filled with like accounts. to.] Yon can bay,standard Sbeetings at Se tents, good heavy 4-4 &beatings at 25 to 30 cents, y Parsons's. See special notice. : it • Slitter—What It i.oittlV. Ma Coss : Wt have often read ertiOjes - in the papers about the best way to make good batter.— Good yellow batter, golden butter, sweet batter, hard batter, salted just right; nothing like -it on the table with good white buCkwheat cakes fors breakfast. Bat what does it sort? We're bought it - for six cents, eight,ten cents, one shilling—pretty good price—Then twenty cents, , thirty,-forty, fifty cents—'awful ! Fifty cents for a pound of butter not larger than a man's /Ist ! Tastes of money as we eat it ! Noniense ! It costs something else besides money, and, 'l've been making some calculations about what 01 something else is. Yon see I milk - the cow—that' t I squeeze (that is not elegant)—well, I extract, 1 / 4 .hanst the white fluid from the lacteal glands. It' hat scientif ic? ' Perhaps you know bow it is do je. Then I churn ; not a dog, a sheep, or horse, bl 4. 1, a man churn, with an - old fashioned dasher chik s. Patient, philosophic, counting the dashes, and pt pgiug away, watching the dock, and = keeping:tallit..i t My wife corers me up with aprons and other of tits to keep the be-spattered grease off my pants 410 Ives - L. And then _l've counted also the Mortal jerk, WIWI, glips, tiliCeZcs I make at the old cow id golds t the extraot from which the butter is made. Now -:'in. a pretty good, milker, end can get as much at: ene of these grips and pulls as any other milkmaid. , The cream froth seven days or fourteen -milking. I have' ust claarned, to the tune of dash, dash, dash, patiently endured for two stud a half hours, three hundred dashes every five minutes, which makes, you perceive, just nine thousanddashes. Then thoseridlking gripe bare averaged to each milking five- - htinlired strong pulls, ,hand after hand, which makes, just eight thousand four hundred true-scientificVT s after the milk, not .0 f human, bat bovine kii nett. The straining and skimming, washing pansy pails; ands churn, and working the butter, devolvei an our help= peel, end belongs to the endless task 4-the kitchen, to which we try to give a wide berth. , -.:But there's much work with these milk dishes we l iosv. . Well, we had this week just three pounds of - food yellow butter, which giros von the result as ( lows : For every pound of butter two thc,ustind tight hundred nerd grips with a strong oblique dolt{ card pull.— Three. thou.sand dashes, with bespatters? ) clotlies and floor, besides the skimming - , straining, t 'sd cleansing of utensils. That's what a pound of butter eoste this time of the year, What say you - ?-,; 'How Much money is it. worth ? ; We hay.o. none,te; ieOL - With more cows and earlier in the Mall= , thto iti , not so much labor per, pound Bat can • we'- not here a C,CTIMIZZiOria Oriactiperti snaking in Ito chnty ,?f.. an tee calves in the petted BMWs to 40 Plc elPhitig, }tad the dogs to-do tbs eho.rningt --, ~ ~,'," ' - 3 '— ' - Yours Truly ' '' ' 'NOT TitYPECEED. The *a la:Imola: pion of Flunwilh-Igiuk oti) Shawls, 10., at Pusan*, §musipitsidAktica, The , ' Tribaue,-!-Ixi pleop of the customary pub illation of the Prospectus of this sterling journal, we propose to direct attention to its claims upon the pat ronage'Of every family in the North in our local col- Always in the forefront of the battle for the Right, mistaken, as we believe, sometimes, hot ever candid, straitforward, and manly, Tll£ Tarsurir. de serves, and shotild have,,the generous patronage of the friends of Idea, everywhere. It has from the first been the faithful, fearless, and unflinching champion of Labor, and as an Educator of the people has been moved by a never varying motive to exalt the race. rte fairneee toward adversaries has become proverb ial. . The Club rates for the weekly edition sire now $l.llO per copy. We earnestly urge our friends in every neighboillood to at once set about getting•ttp clubcto commence with the New Year. Subscriptions for the Weekly and Semi-Weekly will be received a; the Postoffice in this village, and also at this office: " A correspondent at Tioga takes exceptions - to the item published two weeks ago, relating ,to the closing exercises or Miss. ShermarA's School, as making in vidious distinctions between Scholars ! - Be. altsgeie that several beadles those named in that report, jus t as cleverly distinguished themselves. CHRIt3TNIAS AT THE - AdADENIT."- - The atndente o f the Academy observed Christmas in a moat inagnifl cent way. The seats were removed from the spaMotis chapel and the platform was adorned with a splendid and most fruitful Christmas tree. The crowd was very great and the enjoyment unmarred. The Prin . % cipal came in for. a goodly share of gifts, among which we noticed, with admiring _eyes, a beautiful morning coat faced and lined with crimson. Re - also received some hard hits in the way of toys, must of which reflected seriously upon his single-blessedness The music was excellent and the affair a splendid success. - CHRISTMAS WITH THE Poon.--The colored , people had a reunion at the house of Mrs: Campbell, closing with a nice sapper. The Christmas tree wail! most tastily gotten up, and bore a profusion of fralt. The arrangements were such as to reflect the highest cred. it upon the managers, taste and neatness being every where visible and supreme. The music, vocal, was good, and young and old seemed to enjoy the , no elision without reserve, The celebration of, chiift-. mail-this year, coming as it did with the proclamation of freedom to all, must have been more than usually suggestive to these people. - • No ADVANCE IN • PRICES AT PARSONS'S !---Althe' Dry Goods have advanced largely in New Yorka have decided that it is more for my interest :to sell goods freely at present than to mark up prices. My. stock is in such shape that it is not necessary for tool to be governed by New York prices at present. I. shall therefore continue to sell goods at the rates es tablished about Dee. 1, until further notice..-Aigoods sell very fast at this time of the year, it is not probe, - ble these prices will last longer than 30 days. Early buyers will do the best. .1. A. PARSONS, [Dec. 27.-tf.] 3 Concert Block, Corning, N.Y. _ SANTA.—This time honorrd old s - Saint. has made a preliminary visit to the Bookstore, and has made arrangements, with Mr. YOUNG to have his Bead Quarters there during the coming holidays.-- At his suggestion.'a large stock of toys, embracing the latest novelties, has been procured ; and preients to both old and young will no doubt be distributed from this stock :about Christmas. The public bad better call'and See. [Nov. 29, 1865-sw.] A Coteuh, Cold, or Sore Throat. REQUIRES ATTENTION, AND SHOULD 14.: CHECKED. Jr_ daLow&D TO CO2intlyE,, Irritation of the Lniigei a Permanent Throat Affec :ion or an ',Neurotic Lung IS OFTEN THE RESULT. - I BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES BATING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO TEE PARTS, VI.Fi IBLVEDLLTE RELIEF. .. - For Bro,;rhiiii. .etiohmo,, cotor,k, Cononmptive and' TAroall.oi,seasea,' "- TROO CiFS .6M UBEII. KITH ALWAYS 0001 l SUCCESS. Singers and Public Speakers will find Troche* useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal orient'. The Trochee are 'recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eininent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy' by a test of many years, each year finds theniin - new localities in various parts of the world, and the ,Troehett.. are universally pronounced better than other articke. OBTAIN Only "BROCiii'aff BRONCRIAI. TROCHES," BEA ado not take any of the Worthless may be offered. • sord everywhere in the United Staten, and in For eign Conntriea,at3s ceptayer box. - [1:0.0vv..65-etpir• • ITCH ! ITCH!! ITCH!! - • Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratal ."I"Kilkeaton's - Ointment __ Wits Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. - Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS; CIifiL SLAMS, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price , 6o cents. For sale by all Druggists.- For Sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro,- F - a. By, sending 60 - cents to WEEKS .1c POTTER ; Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass.; it will ,he forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. • 180ct65-6m. IKE EAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—Twenty-five acres JUL, of land near .Wellsboro, an excellent: soil ; well fenced, a handsome building site and fine view of the town and vicinity, a rmver failing spring of water, Enquire of JOHN_ DICKINSON, gsci._ Delmar, Dec, n0.865 7 3E11. SELLING OFF AT REDUCED I'iIICES-- ThOiinderaiioed would respectftilly tention of the publiO to his • - LARGE AND: CHOICE S QPIC • GROCERIES ',AND 110111 1 1 , 15,1310N114 consisting of - SUGARS, - MOLASSES, : • 1, TP-BAP.P9:!, SGAR,' An of which will be7sold . at greatly reduced_ prices for. CASE. .?Call and see for youreelres.". -; WellabbrO, Dec, 13, 180.' ' 'J. 17. 'JONES, S. CHEVALIEN'S EAIR T ON-I'C AND DRESSER, at WERE'S DRUG-STORE.' .4. A N A riaikrtment of- T4131,t 13LAS§if,A132, 110 o'B_lll7G.STOlit: . _ , j . aors DltiresT* SPECIAL NOTICE:. SYRUPS, .~:. ': . rrEAS,Ti COFFEE,. , - POKH,; • STOI4 Auld - "Y WOODEN VAltt; " - :,TANKEE 'NOTIONS, &c., DUV GOODS, GiItDCEREEti, SELL CHEAP, AND THE "PEOPLE' WILL BUY!, - WILL WY! DOWN - .Plafiza.t GOODS ARE NOW CHISA.P: 4 . - • ; :f; I I Have been enabled by die: SIREAT PANIC IN Ni* YORK, to bu,y, a great many goOds at V E R „"ir, P.R I . 0_ ,E 113,;;, and as is MFilidaidditolif,3Mite smile torAtock on hand correspond with present values. The reduction is large. -It will cristotaerti to inalca l their Fur chases now. It is very improbable 'that goods Will go any lower this fall.,!o,l:ave r_ educed prices as • - follows : • • . • 35 cent Prints. all the' beet makes, to 25dte. 31 cent . do • English and •Atriosk'g to 23cts. 25 cent - do' Fast- colors, -to 21cts. 56 cent ,bleached muslin, best grad* 45cts. 50 cent ' s .. ti• ARE RECEIVING A 114 e 1) EEMMIEMEI LAatek-AND Wm , sameirsis I I IZ • M E E 1! Wi : : ~- i If:. _FI.I r i: ' :" .4. U... :- r.. _ ... i 3 -1 7i 'l . ,C:rl 1 J - f ~1 a fltil ._....."s .'l.L4 ;'.l. ;4 4 .11:l i g() 9.X.1-,.P R i :i, ‘• ii• j.. `.i. ?...:J..... - - _.: i ' i. , , - ;:.i - :ii.i:-•:: ~;.'.J.,; -PRY‘ .q9OPSA iti*TS `AND SHOES; GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROOKEIVI.PAATII AkkiDi - _008( - S A, AN:p . ,9,I„ . L • W..4L PA PIM', ge 91 1 SM 8 ; 44 4. ? ‘, = WHICII WILL BE ••• . _ - DISPOSED OF _CHEAP; 225 325 3 50 0 . Ready :Pay Only 1 TIOGA, Oct. 4,1865-1 y _ • ;T4 a g AI,: in: _7 • 11) •Oa Ali • 11-2, 66 .AIS, OILS,. • - ;.- -- :1 2..:. Le:. _ .. , , -....,. GLASS WALL PAPER, titrstiniTs, r- - • - FAMILY DYES, ( "LAMP, ' ' t :4)LASS ' - PLATED TARE, such as CAMPs YOMIS; - - CAlit ' oBiltS, is • WRITING PAPER,, ENVELOPES, SCHOOL , BOOKS, PA-TENT..MEDICIIstES, Tea, Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Gin _ ger, Saltralus, Starch, TOILET AND WASHING SOAPS, and an endless variety of YANKEE - NOTIONS-. Tioga, Pa., pet:4, 1865-41,5 Not only give immediate relief, but are sure to effect a permanent eure in Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint. They are not a purgative, and therefore their use does not create a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sickness of the stomach, no griping of the bowels, and_are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. - They will immediately correct a-Sony Stomach, cure Flan:deuce, Heartburn; Sickness or pain in Otte Stem sok-Costiveness, Belching of wind, LiVer Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disagreeable and dan• gefOus - symptoms of the disease, which unfit ono for the pleasures and duties of life. Tliey are an - agreeable and wholesome-appetiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the - use of stimulating " Bitter" and all pur gative Medicines.. By their purifying, strengthening and invigomting_power they are sure to keep the di gestive organs in a healthy condition, thus preventing Costiveness; Diarrhoea or Dysentery. - -- - - - Weak and delicate persons,.who have, been injured byv-the use of,powerful and pargatives, will find them snriltirsafe-and euro.restoror of-the digestive-urgans Ito.their `original strength and vigor. - - - Prepared solely by the proprietor, S.- N. ROCKWELL, S. P. per, 21st and Market Sts.,Pbilad'a, Pa. -`Sea that my-Signalize is on, the Tace....of the box before purchasing... Beware 1)f - spurious imitations. - W.- D. TERBP.LL, Wholesale Agent, Corning, N. ta:33oltlVall-Druggist_ 4' „ r! - 8_ , ; • DM( GOODS4•II3IIZOCEMES, fie. ALL AND WINTER GOODS.—No. 2, Union Block. JEROME SMITH Has lately returned from Nair Yoe:till/II a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY.IFADE CLOTHING, BOOTS Jr. SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS lc CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS. AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stook of Mask sad Figured Dress Silks, Wonted Goods, 3ferinoes, Black and Figured DeLanes, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, As. Purchasers will dud that No. 2, Union Black. Mob, stress, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. • JEROME SMITH. • WeWham, Nov. 8, 1885- FOR A. FEW DAYS ONLY! And perhaps a few more to alike stragglers to come up to the main body of Our customers, .• •O. BULLAULD will offer superior inducements to the trading publkt, in the line of WINTER DRESS GOODS, CLOTHO, CASSIMERES, SHEEtINGS; 4 : SHIR , TINGS, , 'and - every thing in the line of Y' GOODS • miay kept in the'eciantry. • TEAS, COFFEES, SUGAR% ' and all the ' . ' /FAMILY GROCERIES, ; at reasonable prices,. - r HATS & CAPS, . BOOTS ac 11 0E S Call at once and buy your winter stock. 0. BULLARD..- Wel/A=4 Oct /-1;1885-. HEAR YE I HEAR YRl—The Polls of this Election are new open. C urt - it.oo x., Of WWI fa sale his entice ' 10001 l OF GOODS AT corr. All those whofeel anions to make a GOOD BARCiAIN, are invited to call soon, for , DELAYS ARE DANGE2iOUS. Call at the "REGULATOR," one Door &Wrath* the Post Office. O. L. WILCOX. - Yfellsboro, Ilor. 29, 1865. NEW IS TEE TIME Tll SAVE YOUR 41t 3 ighf BACKS. • - A great breakdown in the price of all kinds of Dry Goods. flare just returned from New York with • large ana welt selected assortment of , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which were b'ought for CASH during the late Patna at PANIC PRICES, which I am bound to SELL at PANIC PRICES. I am selling • Good Madder Prints, 32 Best 26 :Eitra Wide, English, •.. • 30 Best 3a _Muslin DeLainea, • • Bleached Sheeting's, 20 ta,3o Unbleached " 28 to' SO' Extra. Heavy, • . ", - • '35 ..Beat quality French Merino, . 10akiilhaF Double width Plaid Poplins, Yard wide Rep,6o . . Beat (high colored) Wool Detains; I ' 60 . .Singleiridth Plain Poplins, • 40 Yard wide Parentage, . 40' A'Laige Stock of FLANNELS, BALMORAL' - SKIRTS; HOOP' • SKIRTS, CLOTHS, FITItS, N 01401, 1 44, , WORSTEDS, A good. assortment GROCERIES, 'BOOTS k SHOES,' • Also, a large Stock of • :„ FEED, FLOUR & PORK, canaiantl7.o 634 . In fact, . - ALL THE NECESSARIES OF_LIFE._ -Customers in want of Goode will save money.b7 calling at the New Store and examine (koala sad_ Prices before buying elsewhere. H. R.,FISH. Tioga, Nov. 22, 1865-4 t. AOST ETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS.—Read E. D. N. SOUTHWORTICS LETTER. Proopeet Cottage; ZieorOiown. D. C., I April 2, 1985; • Messrs. Host's-nun dc Sutra Gentismen—agivea me pleasure to add my testimonial to that of others in-favor of your excellent preparation. Several yeari of residence on the banks of a Southern rider, and of close application to literary work, bad so thoroughly exhausted my nervous system and undermined lily health, and had become a martyr to -dyspepsia and nervous headache, recurring at short intervals, and defying all known medicines in the Minnie Addica. I had come to the conclusion that nothing buts spiel change of residence and pursuits would restore health, when a friend recommended Hostettar's Bit ters. I procured a bottle as an experiment it re quired-but one bottle to convino ma that I had found out the right combination of remedies. The relief it afforded me has been complete. It is now some years since I tried llostettettar's Bitters, and it Br but Jest to say that I found the preparation.all that it claims to be. - It is a Standard Family Cordial with us-aud even as &stimulant I found it; better than anyiblag else; but we use it in all billions and dyspeptic oases, from fever down to ague. If what I hays now said will lead any dyspeptic invalid to a sure remedy, shall'hava done some good. Ilremain, gentlemen, respectfully yours, Nov. 22; 18135-Im. E. D. E. N. Sourtrwours. A ,CARD TO INVALIDS A Clergyman. while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple 'slimily for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, end the whole train of disorders brought on by banefel and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al. ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit thenfilicted and unfortunate,l will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a staled envelopee, to any one who needs it x Pree of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope. switareecul to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. MAN,'-Stationßl D, Bible House, New- York City. April 1, 1865-Iy. IVIITP FS 1 MUFFS I 1 .ItrUFFSI-1r- The patent Excelsior Blur oark Da ottiliest only at, ellsboio, Nov. a. —•- BALARDB. - RINT3 oan now be ought fa . ? 29 owti it find- SPAUErIi . .SBUTTB. Oa aid milt= at lowrincilv4l*. 4 - • - ktitusr,66l4.