The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 27, 1865, Image 2

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• WAtI.INGTON, Dee. 18.:1865.
Wia.uxE SttgaiD, Secretary of Stele of
Urtite4 States, to all to crtic4 these
preieras may come, greeting :
Krow, , Yz, That _whereas the Congress of
the ,United Status, on the - first of Felaruary
last„paAsed, a resolution which it in thiltvortie
follong, naMely : ,
"A,resOlution eabmitting to the sever4i Leg.
ir*iirei of the ever States a proposition
to emend the Constitution of the United
Stites. , _
" - , 5304i4ci by the Senate and Hoitee of Re
prgetntgliw of the United.,..%tes Of America,
in. Pongrele :11.eseIntled, two-thirde cy. both
Houttes concurring, That the followhagi,article
bepropotted_to the Legislatures of the,several
States as an amendment to the Conititiition of
the Plaited „States, which, when fatffied by
thratiourtbui of said LegialatUres, shall be
valid to all intents and purposes as a - part of
the isid - Constitution, namely :
" - Airtnmr. stir. Section:l. Neither sla
very, nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for-crime whereof the party shall
have hien duly convicted, ,ball exist within
the ti nited States or any plane subject to 'their
"Pea. 2. Congress shall have powto en
force this article by appropriate legislti
And whereas it appears from 41041 docu
ments on file in this department trfat the
amendment•to. the Constitution of Kthi,United
States;--proposed as- aforesaid, hast: bolo rati
fied by the 'Legislatures of the Stages.-)f Illi
nois, Rhode. Island, Michigan, Marilaed, New
York, West Virginia, Maine, Ka:Y-4as., Massa;
chusetti, Pennsylvania, Virginia, )bio, Mis
souri, Nevada, Indiana, Minnesota;, Wisconsin,
Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, 4'onnecticut,
Georgia, New Hampshire, Nora "-Carolina,
South 'Carolina and Alabama-41 all 27
4ind whereas, The whole nutnber) -z ef States
la the United States is, thirty-six ; ;
- And - . whereas, The' before epePiit ily-named
Stites,' whose Legislatures have - r itifted the
said prOpeeed amendment, constif }te three
fourth* of the whole number of Sf. ies in the
United Stites ;
therefore, be it known ti at 1, Wil
liam" H. Seward, Secretary of St Ite of the
United States, by virtue, and in la irsuance of
the etszottd section of the act 4)f Congress,
approved the -twentieth .day of I pril, 1818,
entitled.:"an-act to provide for the publication
of4be Isws.of the United States, and for other
phrpOMs" do hereby certify that the amend
ment aforesaid has become valid to all intents
at►d purposes as a part-of the Constitution of
the United States.
In testimony,
.whereof I hare hereunto set
nig hand, and caused the seal of - 'he Depart
ment of the State 6 be affixed.-
Done at the city of Washingti this 18th
day of-December, in the year of ou ._fLerd 1865,
and of the independenceof thelit ited States
of , Axerict the ninetieth.
t Secretan fol . State.
of the me.; - cruel and ontrageoue 'clisel of des
ertion that we haie ever been calftl upon to
chronicle, has just come to light in;.;his village.
Miss Nancy Layton, a lady recent employed
Xi's sea - it:tetras in the clothing et ire of C. M.
eedward &C., was married on- r".,%lasy„ night
last, to Man calling himself Harry Harris,
who has been employed about the village for
six month, past as carpenter. Ef.n - rris has been
very assiduous in his attentions to Miss. Layton
for some time past, and she supposed him, as
did others who knew him, to be _,so honorable,
industrious man. The lady bad about $l5OO
in the hands of friends in this section, that bad
been left herby her father. Over eleven hun
dred dollars of this money had _ been collected
ita~sinoe the mariaage, iti gt eenbsas, and drafts•
paysible to the order of Harrls. 'Yesterday
(Wednesday,) the couple took the afternoon
freight train for' Elmira, with 'aft the money
and drafts safely in ,Harris'..pdai , ;et. ' The os
tensible object of the trip was tol:isit Philadel
fide. where Harris pretended M7have friends.
44-rieing in Elmira Harris direed his wife to
resunin in the cars while he wen` out to attend
tp checking their baggage, teltng her they_
wonlit - gd on' in the same trial:6 She did,so,
eirtdtkat Wius the last she saw. -n't her husband.
was switched off 4. q.sual, and she
si4n learned that she had beetnieceived ; that
to so to Philadelphia• by .eiCtit route it was
ntreaaary to'change cars at The bag
gage, was found upon the 't latform, Harris'
trpnk with her own, but Hari is himself had
iikysteriopsly disappetired, aril': ill efforts to find
kihn were unavailing.. The diluted wife was
left without a cent of money pay her fare
bs fr. to this place. Some of tier friends went
up to lattiira to day and retuned with her on
tke train this evening. The .tnatter has been
platted in hands of the police, and $5OO re
witid has been offered for the arrest of Bathe.
Wistkins Express.
Exutieentteatv Butoot; 'ACCENSION AND
Wednisday of last week Mr.
we, the balloonist of Centric Park, together
'Mr. Sohn . Van Tine, es': iinneilmen, and
*.'sfeeeph 'Bedell, of Flnell lig, L. 1., made
iiii)secent_tiom the amphithe* n. Note, cloud
blponied the sky, and the gen 081 opinion was
that, - the balloon would not gi out Pf sight.—
Piu'llOteadily in the air, i6-)truck a south
rostarly', current, which ear d it over the
upper part of the city to the P ntaey shore of
the North tivei. At this dm( the balloon was
elevation of a little mor , than two thous
04feet, se that the city, with its hurrying
:teseeetsgers and bisy trasc, ti s, plainly visible
to the voyagers. Wishing tnitord his'passen•
ors a view of the east side of the city, Pro.
Twtor Lowe lightened the balidn, which imme
diately !wended till between . one and a, half
*,two miles high. northwesterly
'44'lcent:of air seised' uptay./ . is balloon and
carried it over East river to 16g Island shore,
When the string wa.spulled, a i 3 irdeiscending
`the billion' struck the origine !' current, which
)srotig4 — it back to 58th t rest and Third
Avenue, within four blocks c':the point from
,idilab it started. Probably ; balloon ever
wended so high and remelt , . i 3 so long in the
sir; (two hours), and yet can I back so near to
`the starting voila., It wad ;owed back and
anchored whitbin the atarligitheatra without
say of tae passengers being !obliged to leave
'the car:
Smola ACCIDENT PROM A'PDN.-Mr. Thenies
gown, of Wateor. tesicehip, Met with e serious
occident from a gun on Friday last. The gun
beifut into pieces: one pieee passing clear
awn* bis arm tear the elirne. It wee feared
that be would lose his arm-put we learn that
he is libel) , to recover without iazorting to am
putation. The bone of hie ark wo o n o t br o k en ,
but woe injured by the piece i bf metal paseing
through,--,Terse Shori
A poirerfal r4vival of relict as is io. progress
St ELMOM, trt.l...r flo lobo is of Bev. 1.1. P.
With statics toward none, with ca - Aurrr for saa,, with Dm
neas in the P.I4IET, let us strive to finish the work we are
in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who
shall have borne thebattle, and for his widow and or
phans, and to do all Which may achieve and cherish a just
and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.—
enaettett LLISCOI.II--MARCE 4,1865,
Let' us thank GOD and take courage I Slavery
is at last forever abolished by Constitutional
amendment. We publish elsewhere Mr. Sew
ard'e proclamation of civil freedom to every
Man, woman, and child in the republic. ' This
is a memorable year; a year of grand triumphs
in the cause of human progress.
We see that Son. S. F. Thum is put on
two of the standing Committees of the House
—Pensions, and Publie Buildings and -Grenade.
We are 'under renewed obligations CO our
brethren of the press for generous congratula
tions upon the projected improvement ."'of the
But for the purchase of a pair of chickens
probably thie article would not have beers writ
The case is this: !There is a great dirt about
high prices for
, everything eatable and weara•
We. Everybody gruMbles. We have grove.
bled—and kept on buying—until grumbling
come to be a sort of habit. We called at the
meat shop and asked for steak, or chop, or roast,
as the case might be ; and twenty cents a pound
—tbe invariable reply—went to the marrow of
our pocket.
Finally, people began to ask us if we couldn't
do something to bring down the high pricea;
and we thought not. But happening to pur
chase a pair of chickens, and to pay for them
at the rate of twenty cents a pound, our indig
nation arose like one regenerated, and caused
us to inquire into the philosophy of present
high prices.
Looking at the Towands, market rates we
find that Potatoes are 7 . 5 cents a bushel ; here
they are $l,OO. Chickens are'l4 cents a pound
in Towanda, and 2.o.cents here. Turkeys are
16 cents a pound in Towanda, and 22 cents
In York, Pa., Potatoes are 60 cents-a bushel,
Chickens 50 gents to $l. Per pair, beef from 15
to 18 cents, pork 14 to 18 cents, mutton 12 to
16 cents, lard 20 to 25 cents (30 cents, here),
an so on:
Why should Wellsboro be an exception ?
whY should we pay more for eatables than they
do in Townada and York ?
We answer : Because we have no outlet or
inlet by rail, so' as to bring produce and goods
down to market prices elsewhere by competition.'
Let cis look at the case dispassionately.—
Remonstrate with the farmers and they reply
" You traders charge us more than traders in
Corning and Elmira ;If they put it on - w-uni
we must put the tariff on our produce. ; ' -
Just so. We do not begrudge the farmer
such Prices as he can get for his produce. , For
if the farmers are prosperous the country cadet
pros Per. ' But we ask them candidly to say if
twenty Cente a pound for chickens—which cost
nothing to raise and fat—is not asked and taken,
simply because they have the consumer at their
mercy ? Do they pretend to say that it costs
even one cent a pound to raise abiokens?
We guess not. Chickens are the scavengers
of farm premises, and may be considered clear
On the other hand—it is an apparent fact
thavour traders take a similiar liberty with the
consumers of their wares. They do business
away from the great bights-els of travel to and
from trade centers ; and, like other people who
aspire to ' make money out of business, they
sometimes charge exorbitantly because they
have the consumer "on the hip." We suspect
that both parties speak the truth of each other ;
but this recriminating system of doing business
by barter, breeds bad blood between parties.
It ought to be abandoned. The farmer may
justly charge market prices for staples, leas
the cost of getting his stuff to market. And
the trader may charge market prices (New
York) for his wares, with the cost of trans
portation, waste and breakage,. added. Thus
—if beef is worth 20 cents in New York, the
farmer may properly charge 20 cents, less the
cost of getting his cattle to New York ; and if
sugar is retailing at 18 cents in New York, the
grocei may charge 18 cents, with freight and
wastage added, here in Welisboro. ,
Bat are the prices fixed by this standard
either by farmers or traders ?
We guess not. New York- market governs
the butter trade, and nothing else. We send
butter and cheese to the city,,but not beef, or
poultry, or potatoes.
We have tried to set a good example before
the people in this respect. Paying, on an
average, for the last -three years, 250 per cent,
more for paper, ink, and material than we used
to pay ten years ago, we only advanced on pa
per 50 per cent and our advertising and job
work 25 per cent. And while there has been
no competition with us for three years, our
prices for advertising and job work have been,
and still are, from 25 to 50 per cent; lower than
they are elsewhere. We put the 'Agitator dein
to $l, in 1855; and the farmer,. brought as a
cord of wood for $l. We raised the paper to
$1,50, in 1863 ; and the farther brought us a
cord of Wood for $2.
Now we ask for a candid opinion : Have we
not tried the experiment of selling , below, the
market rates thoroughly ? And con one man
say that he met us half-way? It has cost us
three times as much to print a paper, these
three years, as it did ten years ago ; we only
charge half as much again now. line any far
mer or trader in this county .met us half way ?
Not one. So, the excare•that these high pri
ces, on,both sides, are based altogether upon
high prices for everything, is not valid. The
truth is—and none of us are privileged to,
blink it,—mea take advantage of each'itther, to
a greater or lege extent; everywhere. Our iso
lated position, away from commercial highways,
pilte ue at the mercy of each other i and the
„quality a human mercy Strained: We like
to " eock it" to each other when, we buy imad
. _
DEC. 27, 1 865.1 So /1312th for a pair of chickens:
Should you invite a man to sit 'down at your
table and partake of .the best ,Your larder af
forded; and he should beaten to accept your
hospitality ; and having picked a bone should
fling it in ionr face—Sou would not have a
very exalted opinion of that ungrateful and ill
bred guest, nor would you - hasten - to proffer
him your hospitality again.
Or• should you find a man shivering, in the
winter cold, thinly clad and badly shod,i and
should invite' him to enter • your house and
warm hie'ehivering body ; and having done so
he should curse your house, and all who dwelt
therein—pa would not sit down and write an
essay on Gratitude as- the main-spring of hu
man character."
Or, should your neighbor destroy your fet;ces
and crops, put a torch to your barns and gran
aries, and tut the - throats of your children-;
and you, having overcome him, should invite
him to return to reason andgood citizenship ;
and he, in the hour, of his subjugation should
solemnly promise to live hereafter in peace with
you and yours, yet should employ the first hour
of his release and pardon in cursing you—You
would not descant upon the beauties of pardon
to high offenders against the laws and'he be.
heats of Order. .
But if you, , yeurself, were an ingrate, a mur
derer, an incendiary, and-a- defier a , - law mad
order, you would be the apOlogist of snob men.
You would, preach moderation in de'aliag
with such offenders, and find some lawyer-like
excuse for such outrageous conduct.
Just so.
Therefore, we are in no wise eurprised to see
that the sympathizers of treason in the North
entirely overlook the fact of the baseness and
black ingratitude of certain prominent rebels
who have been all submission until pardoned,
and have gone out cursing the Government
whose clemency they sought and received, with
the pardon in their betide and the ink not
yet dried upon it,".
We say again what we have said before—that
the clemency of the President was well exer
cised. It was well to give to the world some
idea ofthe unutterable baseness of character
which resulted in the most inexcusable treason
the world ever witnessed.
Should you awake some night "and find a
robber departing with your valuables, we are
not certain that it might not be ,well to offer
him your carriage in which to carry away his
That might 'shame him somewhat; or it
might send'a shtift of remorse home to his reek=
less soul; and he might soften so much as to
leave your mall change with you so that, you
could make change with your butcher.
However—opinions, like tastes, differ: Some
people would insist on a gag-bit for such pe
riod of time ati.might be sufficient to bring on
a couuria...4
Many times a day we are asked " what will
they do with Jeff Davis ?" and—" Is there any
danger of Congress letting those (tnisconstruct
ed) reconstructed rebels . in ?"
There can be but .one reply to the first ques
tion, as we see it; and that is: "Jeff Davis
will be deliberately tried for treason, and if
convicted, as he must be, hung." We say this
not because we know anything beyond what
every man may know ; but because this is the
only reply that any roan's self•respect will ad.
mit of being made. If a 'man guilty of -the
highest known crime and so smeared from crown
to heel with the blood of innocence as is Pattie,
is to be turned loose upon society, then , what
crime should be punished, what man can com
mit crime punishable "'wits death ?
And as to the latter question—it is not at all
probable that any State will be permitted a
representation in Congress until it brings forth
fruit meet for repentance. That is, it must re•
pudiate—at once and forever—Slavery, and the
rebel debt. And it must also make some. pro.
visions for its liberated slaver.
Reconstruction is a work of time. The wire
edge of defeat cuts the rebel lenders to the
quick. • But the 'Union lives in the hearts of
the masses, and therefore can nver die.
XXXIXth Congtess-- -1a Session.
2101 , IDAY, Dec. 18. SENATE..-A bill WSEI intro
duced extending the privileges of jurors in tri
als for public offences against the United,States,
which provides that they shall not be held in
competent for having formed an opinion from
current news, or newspapers. Resolutions in
reference to, the death of the President were in
trodnced, providing for the proper observatice
of the 12th of Fe huary next.
House.—Credentials of members elect from
Arkansas were referred to the seleotCommittes•
A. resolution giving the opinion that no State.
lately in rebellion should be admitted until it
had repudiated the rebel debt and, and refuses
compensation for freed slaves. Bills were in•
troduced as follows: to prevent any , advocate
of polygamy from holding office in Utah; and
one to consolidate certain sections of the bank
ing law. Resolutions were offered as follows :
instructing the Freedmen• Committee to inquire
into the expediency of additional legislation to
secure 'full political rights to colored citizens
in the late revolted States; tied one calling for
information why' Jeff, Davis has not been tried
for treason, was ltiid over. A message was re
ceived from the Preside:it relating to the con
dition of the late rebel States, upon_ which a
long debate ensued. Thaddeus Stevens made
a long speech, Very able, but impracticable.
Tunanav, Dec_. 19. SENATE.--A resolution
authorizing the President pro gem. to appoint a
special cozamitte on Reconstruction we.a passed.
A bill granting a pension of $2O per month to
those' who have lost both feet in the' service )
also paced. The' theseage - of the President,
coecerning the condition of the late rebel States
was received, and characterized as a white-,
washing document' by Mr. Sumner. • He ex
plained that be meant no 'reflection upon the
Fresdeo. —— - •
nonsu.,Credeptiajs of members *sleet froth
Louisiana and Virginia was refPreilr The Cosa
raittee. on the Judieiory reported a resolution
proposing to the State legislatures km amend
ment to the Constitution providing against the
assumption, either by the general or State gov
ernments of debts contracted:in aid of the re•
hellion, which passed—yeas 149, nays 11 (en
there are . eleven open traitors in Congress I).
WEDNESDAY, Dee: 20. Sratlerz....--The bill to
abolish all political-distinctions of color in the
rebellious States was called up and debated by
Mr. Sumner with usual asperity. 3/ P. tn.,
the Senate adjourned to the sth of January.
Honsc.—Mr. Stevens, of Pa., introduced a
bill to double the pensions - of sufferers by the
late war, and to enforce confiscation to provide
the means of paying them. Resolutions de
manding the speedy trial of Jeff. Davis, and his
punishment if convicted together with his
accomplices, were ordered to be printed. The
House adjourned to .Jan. 5.
A DWELLING-ROUSE and lot, with a-good halm,
on Pearl-st., near the ,Academy. House entirely re
fitted and in good order. " - -
Also—A small bonze on Craftoi-st. Prices low,
and terms easy. Apply to L. BACHE.
Wellsboro, Dec. 27, 18136-tf.*
j.& ministration having been granted to the under
signed on the estate of Jacob Shipman, late alas
mington, deed, those indebted will please-make im
mediate payment, and those haying claims against
said estate will present the to,
Farmington, Dec. 1865. 6t.v• Admen.
RPHANS' COURT SALE:—Pursuant to flu or
der" otrthe (Kiang' Court of' Tioga county, bear
ing-dati bee. 4, 1865, the following described real es-7
tate, late the property of Rhoda Robelier, dec'd, will
be offered at public sale on the premises, January 20,
1866, at 1 o'clock P. M., to wit:
An undivided half part of a tract of land in the
township of Rutland, Tioga county, bounded as fol
lows: North by lands of Andrew Robelier; east by
lands of Charles Sherman and Seeley Williams, south
by lands of James Wilson and west by lands of H.
P. VanNess—containing 50 acres, about 25 acres im
proved, with frame house and frame barn thereon.
Terms—one-half cash on confirmation of sale, and
the balance in air. months thereafter, with interest.
Rutland, Dee. 27,'65. Adm'r Rhoda Robelier, deo.
now Stock of Goode
Virellsboro, Deo. 27, 1885. .! BULLARD.
, ' Whereas, the Robert O. WhitC;_ President
ge for the 4th Judicial District of - Pennsylvania,
and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case ! . P:Sq.'s, Aslo
elate Judges in 'liege county, have issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 10th day of ,Nov'r i 1885, and
*,,..... _..14.........-a, 4. + l --. 4 . , ,1ding of .Ornban's Court,
Court of Common Pleas, General Quarts s..eione
and Oyer and Terminer, at Wellsbdro, for the County
of Tioga, on the sth Monday of January (being the
29th day,) 1888, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the
county of Tioga. to appear in their own proper per
sons, with their records,inquisitions examination sand
remembrances, to do those things which of their offi
ces and in their behalf appertain to , be done, and all
witnesses and other persons' prosecuting in behalf of
the Commonwealth against any person or persons, ire
required to be then and there attending, and not to
depart, at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc
tual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree.
ably to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Ole*,
in Wellsboro, the 10th day of December in the year
of our Lord ^ne thousand eight hundred and sixty
eve. LEROY TABOR Sheriff.
1.600 P rile ft re to sellour W°
wa o n s t nn age BtB e Xi r n y g .
Machines. Three new kinds. 'Upper and under feed. War
ranted Ave years. Above salary or large commissiona paid.
The only machines sold In the United Slates for less than
840, which are fully licensed 14 Efoice, Wheeler Wilson
Grover cE Baker, anger Cb., and Bac - Adder. other
cheap machines aro infringements, and the seller or user are
liable to arrest,j/ne, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Ad
dress, or calf upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or at
No. 823 Broadway, New York ; No. 236 Carter-st., Philadel
phia, Pa.; N 0.1 1 .0 West, Cincinnati, Ohio; or at
No. 8 Spalding's Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y.; or N 0.14 Lom
bard's Block, Chicago, Ili. dec 27, 65-lswly
geh A MONTRI—AGENTS wanted for six- entirely
lir new articke, Just our Address O,T. GASSY,
Catty Bnlldtng , Biddeford, Maine. de0.27,435-Worly.
THE UNDERSIONED would req.:tfully an
nounce to the
of Tioga and adjoining counties, that they are now
engaged in the Rta:unfacture of the abovsammed arti
cles, and ;are prepared to furnish them at
Employing none but Experienced Workmen, and
using only the best materials, we are confident we
can furnish you with goods that will suit your cute,.
Every article warranted to give entire satisfaction
All Goods packed in shipping order and sent
rail or otherwise.
Please address by mail, when list of prices, ‘‘ Card
Samples," .Ete., will be forwarded. •
Montrose, Pa. Dec. .27,:65,3m. •
N. B. Oars is tho only establishment that manu
factures the
ebiated Crandall Wheel•ftead.
Warranted to last TWENTY YBARS if well • used.
IL) triALlTlON.—Whereas, my wife; LAURA: CORN
WELL, has left my bed and board without just
cause or provocation. I hereby forbid 411, persons
harboring or trusting her on my account, for I will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Richmond, Dec. 13, 1865-30
STRAY'.—Came into tho enclosure of the sub
scriber about' the middle of August - Last, one
two•year old lIMITER, small size. The owner is re
quested to prove - property, pay charges; and take her
Westfield, Dee. 13, 1865410
,e1.9.17r lOS,—Where, my wife, ANN, has loft my
/ bed and board without lust causm or provocation.
I therefore, hereby forbid all persons harboring or
trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of
her contracting after this date. .
Rutland, Deo. 6, 166.54te ; 30301 McAVOY.
E.,mAsil . LIME . THE BEST
quality of R
bode Island Liras for wlalta wash
FLIERS, &a., &C.
, filOw
TIECEMBER.— the month for :Almanacs.
If Customers who call at itorki Drug- Store are
supplied with Almanacs free of charge.
OST.—On the 4th or sth day of July, Last, be
tween Wellabor° and , the Marsh Farm, a small
account book, containing accounts. The finder will
be paid for his trouble on leaving it at the Wellsboro
Post Office.' - L. CLEVELAND.
Dec. 13; 1835.
- USTRAY.—Came into the enclosure of the sub
-2E4 scriber on the 6th inst., two Yearling Heifers,
one spotted. the other dark red, The owner is re.
quested to come forward, pay charges, and take them
Wellsbore, Dec. 13, ISBS-St.
NIUSIC.—Miss P. I. WOOD, of Massachusetts, is
spending the winter in this village, and is now
prepared to give instructions, either 06' the Melodeon
or Piano. Having had considerable experience as a
musio teacher, she hopes to be able to give good sat
isfactiou=terpetrons. ' Those wishing to employ her
services are requested -,t9 apply Immediately at the
residence of Mr. Hezekiah Stowell, Jr. .
Terms liberal.
We'labor°, Dee. 13,1865-30,
NOTICE. Stockholders of the First National
Bank of •Wclleborongh=are hereby notified that
an Election for Directors will bo -held at its Banking
Rouse on the second Tuesday of January, A. 1). 1866.
Dee, id, 1805-4 t. J. L. ROBINSON, Cashier.
under thvdirection of C: WHITE, in the hap
list Church, blanadeld, Pa.,
on Wednesday evening,
Dec: 20 , 1565, consisting of Grand Choruses from the
celebrated ,Opera of Faust, Glees, Songs, Duetts, -
Songs with Chorus, Pianoforte Solos, and four band
Pieces , with a few Pieces for Piano, Violin, Cornet and
Bass, including the celebrated Trinity Chimes. The
Songs and Choruses are .nearly or quite all new, and
The proceeds are to procure a carpet and suitable
chairs for the platform in the Chapel. Therefore,
friends of the School, give ns a good house . and we
will refund you in good current notes, High and Low,
Soft and Loud.
Admission-25 cents.
In harmony we live,
And Melody we give
Mansfield, Dee. 1.3, 1865.-2 w.
-1,11 lug of a County Bridge across the Cowanesque
River onpho site of the late Bridge at Nelson town
ship, will be let to the lowest responsible bidder by
the Commissioners of Tioga County, on the premises
of said Bridge, December 2lst, 1865, at 1 o'clock P.
M. Sealed proposals will be received up to that time,_
and also plan of Bridge will be exhibited on the
premises. 11f. ROCKWELL, •
E. S. SEELEY, Commissioners.
' E. HART,
Dec. 8,1885-3 w.
quire of the subscribers, a t their Steam sawmill in
Charleston, or of G. P. CARD, Wellboro. Sold for
want of use. L. C. BENNETT tkiNEWBALL.
AUCTION.—The -subscribers will sell at public
vendue, on the , premises in Charleston, Thurs
day, December 28, 1865, the following personal prop
erty, of the estate of Nelson Austin, dee'd, to wit;
I Mowing machine, I light wagon, I Horserake, 1
ILL) , Fork, 1 Cultivator; also, a quantity of House
hold Furniture, comprising a cooking stove, parlor
stove, box stove, bedsteads, bedding, crockery of va
rious kinds, dc., de.
Terms—All under $lO, cash ; $lO and not exceed
ing $2O, three months, and all over $2O such credit a'
may be agreed upon on day of sale.
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock. forenoon,
Deo. 18, 1855. Admr's.
'65. CHRISTMAS '65.
HA. I , • HA. I: HAW,
80, Little Folks, yen can get a peep at the old fel
low at Williams% and a huge lot of , nice things he
has . left there for you.
Besides lots that the infant mind never dreamed of
in its wildest momenta of fancy.
Have you , seen those
and those superb China Vases, sad Necklaces, and
Port Monnaies, and Pocket,BoCoks? Then he has the
choicest lot of
and s splendid lot of
2 14 44 1 ' 12 7 2 & PE.Man7SL AIiZARCAN
Manufacture, all of which are Tory appropriate gilts
for the Holtdays.i.
December 80, 18681
Of MANSPIELD, 'Pa., have just received and offer
to the inhabitants of Tinge county, at the lowest cash
prices,a large-and well assorted , stock of the follow
ing tls,,to, lass goods:
Paints, Oil, Putty and Glass, Howe & Stevens' Parra
ly Dyes, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet
Soaps, Hair Oils.and. Pomades, School
and Miseellaneorta Books, Writing
Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books,
and Blank Deeds of all kinds, Dia
ries for 1868;Photograpb and Autograph
Albums, Gold Pens and Pocket Cutlery, All
kinds of Toys, Tobacco, Snuff & Cigars of best brands.
Pianos, Melodeons, & Cabinet Organs,
and altkinds of Musical Instruments and musical
All tba most popular Sheet Music always on hand.
,- • ,
By ail:easement's' 'irith' the lergeat manu
facturing holm. M Now York, wa can furniah all
a tylus of .
required in
Parties wishing Instruments will save ten per cent.
by eommunicating with' as before pnrchasing , else
where. All Instraments.deliveredv
Pianoi Malodoopf ta , font iwipitpogable tion.
Ageto 'for, the 0101:14.64,Siorenoi
chines- di • Warn.
*31664.16;Pcii. 6;1865-6m
Kraosnur, MUG:VS - it'
ministration having been granted to the ander.
signed on the estate of James Albert elniqteunt,lata
of ‘Vellsboro, dee'd„ nit th4so InJobted will Weals
make immediate payment and thwe haling claims
evilest said estate will. present them for ultimata
Chorlest,m, Dee. 27,1865—tit. Adnex.
UDITOR'S NOTICE.,---The undersigned having
.tt been appointed an a dditnr to distribute the fund
in the hands of John A. Heiden and Warren L. Ba l l s
—administrators de horde, non of Ezra Davis, Br.,
will attend to the duties of his appointment at his of
fice,: Wednesday, Jan. 24, 13dd, at 1. o'clock P. Si.,
when and where all pumps Interested are invited to
JEROME B. N.tyE!,,
attend. _
WelLib(,ro,Dee. 20, 1805.-4 t
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned having
been appointed an auditor to make distribution
of the proceeds of the real estate of James Strait,
deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his <ale, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 180.0, at 10 o'clock
A. M., when and where all persons interested are in—
vited to attend. JEROME B. NILES,
Welsher°, Deo. 20, 1805.-41 Auditor.
DIVORCE.—To John J. Bassett. You are
hereby notified that Rebecca J. Bassett, your wife,
bp her next friend, Simon H. Landis, has applied to
the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, Pa., for
a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the
Judges of said Court have appointed Monday, the
29th day of January 1866, for a hearing of the said
Rebates. J. Bassett in the premises, at Wellebore, at
which time and place you can attend if you think
Wel'short), Deo. 27; 1565-4 t
TN DIVORCE.—To Phebe H. Lewis:
tine, that Oliver A. S. Lewis, your husband, has
applied to the court of Common Pleas of Tioga county
Pa., for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and
that the said court have appointed Monday, the 2gth
day of Jan., neat for hearing the said Oliver A. S.
Lewis in the premises, at which timo_you can attend
if yon think proper. LEROY TABOR,
Wellsbore, Dec. 20, 1565.4 t Sheriff.
DlVORCE.—Lucinda Kilburn : Take notice,
i.air f un Kilburn, your husband, has applied to the
Court bf Common Pleas of Tioga county, Pa., for a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said
court have appointed Monday, the 29th day of Janu
ary nest, at Wellsboro, for hearing said Hiram Hil
burn in the premises, at which time and place you
can attend if you think proper. LEROY TABOR,
Wellsboro, Dec. 29, 1.885.44 Sheriff.
granted to the undersigned on we estate of
rick Redington, late of Delmar, deed, all persons in.
debted are requested to make immediate payment,
and all claims must be presented, duly authenticated,
December, 20, 1865-t3t. Ades.
ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an or.
der of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County, da
ted Nov. 27, 1865, the following described real estate,
late the property of Patrick Redington, dec'd, will be
offered at public sale at the Court House in Wellibo
rough, January 20, 1866. at 1 o'clock,..P. M., to wit:
All that lot or traet of land situated, in Del Mar, in
Tioga county, Pa., beginning at the NE corner of a
lot of two acres of land conveyed by Anna Morris to
Wm. Riley by deed of 3d May, 1853, thence south 88
deg. east 59 rods to a post, thence south I deg. * ls t ;
14 rods, to a post, thence by lands of B. F. Kelsey,
north 89 deg. west, 58 rods, to a post, thence Viands
in possesssion of J. B. Shakspeare north 2 deg, east,
15 3-10 rods to the place of beginning containing
five acres and 62 perches; Also—all that other lot of
land situated in Weltsbora, Tioga county Pa., begin
ning at a post in Walnut-st., thence south 45 deg.
east, 15 2-10 rods to a post, thence along lands first
above described north 88 deg. west, 9 9-10 rods, to a
post. thence north 45 deg. west 8 2-10 rods to said
Walnut-at., thence along the same 7 rods to the place
of beginning—containing one-half acre of land.
Terms cash on confirmation of sale,
December, 20, 1865-3 t. Adm'x.
riRP,HANS' COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an or
kJ, - der of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County da
ted June 10, 1885, the following described real estate
—late the property of Norman Francis, deed, will be
offered at public sale at the Court House, Thursday,
Jan. 18, 1866, at 2 P. M.. to Wit :
A lot, of laud in Delmar, bounded north by Ira
Wetherbee, east by Wm. Francis, south by Wm. Eb
erovits and -crest by Wm. Eberentz and Win. Stratton
—containing about 50 acres, about 40 acres improved,
frame house, frame barn, corn house, apple orchard,
and other"fruit trees thereon. Terms made knows on
day of sale. I. M. BODINE,
Dec. 20, 1885. 3t Adm'r.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—In pursuance of an
order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga county,
bearing date Use bth day of June, 180, the following
described real estate, late the property of Thomas B.
Goodenough, dec'd, will be offered at public sale on
the premises, on she 24th day of January next at /
o'clock P. Al., to wit :
A lot of. land lying LIIf the towwahip of Covington,
Tioga county, bounded on the north and east by
other lands of the estate of said Thomas B. Ovode
nouga' on the south by the highway, called the Doug
las Hollow Toad, and on the west by lands of Harri
son Johnson—containing twenty-five acres.
'rehas of Sale—One-half cash on confirmation of
the sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with
interest. ALPHEUS W. WILSON,
Adm'rs of estate of Thos. B. Goodenough, deed
Dec. 13, 1865-3 t.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE---In pursuance of
an order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga county,
bearing date Dec. let, 1365, the following described
real estate, late the property of James B. Cady, de
deceased, will be offered at public sale, on the premi
ses, on the 29th day of Dec. inst., at 1 o'clock P. 11.,
to wit:
A lot of land situated in the township of Nelson,
Tioga county, bounded as follows : on the north by
lands of S. Bogart and Silas Pinch, on the east by
lands of Phillip Hanvilla, on the south by the Cow
anesque river, and on the west by lands of Lucretia
Mack and the Cowanescpse river—containing about
eighty acres.
-ALSO-1-anotber lot of land situated in Nelson
township, aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of
James Paul and J. M. Hammond, on the east by lands,
of Morgan Seely, on the south by the Cowanesqui
river, and on the west by lands of S. Crandall and
Brothers and Frederick Thorp--containing about
thirty-one acres, with about ten acres improved.
Terms of Sale—One-half cash at the time of sale,
balance one year thereafter.
L. H. BREWSTER, Adm'r,
of the estate of James B. Cady, dec'd.
Dec-, 6,1865-4 t.
: ministration toiving bean granted to the under
signed on the estate of Amos Rathbone, late of Rich
mond, deo'd., notice is hereby given to those indebted
to make immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them properly authenticated for settlement
to D. S. PETERS, Adm'r.
Dee. 6, 1.865-61r*
ministration having been granted to the under
signed oo the estate of Willis 3. ?dial°, late ,of
Charleston, deed, notice is hereby given to those in
debted to make immediate payment, and those haring
claims to present them properly authenticated for
settlement to FANNY MICELE, Adm's.
Deo. 8, 1888-Bto
been granted the subscriber ou the estate of Ca
leb D. Garrison, late of Rutland, deed, all persons
indebted are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims - will present them for settle-
ment to
Rutland, Dec. 6, '65-6w
EXECUTOR"a NOTlCE.—Letters toataniontary
having been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of Robert Tubbs, late of °coola, dtie'd, u otue
is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate
payment, and those having claims to present than
properly authentleated for settlement to
Doe. 8, 1863-BC►
ministration having been granted to the under
signed on the estate of Nelson Austin, lato of Chvia'
ton, township, deed, notice is hereby given to the:e
indebted to make immediate payment, and thoie
having claims to present them properly. anthentizated
for settlement to HIRAM BROOKS,f Ad e,.
Nov. 22, 2583. NATHAN AUSTIN, t
ministration having boon granted to tha under
signed on the estate of Royal Bose, late of Rutland ,
deed, notice is bpreb7 gi;en to those indebted to
make imrdediate payment and those having eisiat's to
present them properly. suthentionted for 'settled:mut
to , , . lAtiprf
- . EirilLol:7l4,
12 . 24320, j
Rutland, Nov. 22, 1842—dt*
A dm'r