The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 27, 1865, Image 1

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    The Tioga Coutity Agitator
BY hi. H. COBB. -
Publi,shed. o very Wednesday merning and mailed to
Attbscribers at ONE DOLLAii. AND FIFTY CENTS
per year, always IN ADVANC,F.
The paper is ient postage lice to countylulizeri
beta, though they may receive their wail at PO: it offices
located in counties immediately adjoining, fd . i; conve
AOLTATOR is the Official paper of Ti:pga Co„
and circalates in every-neighborhocid--tfiereht.—sab,
s criptionsbeingnzi the edcarice'tiny •syeteta i at eircu=
bites anrong a class most to-the interest of ativeetiser, -
to reach. Terms to advertisers as liberal at of- ,
fared by any - paper of equal 'circulation in Northern
Pennsylvania.• - „ ,
Or A' cross on the margin of a pape“eriotea
that the sabseriptiOn ip about to expire. -
ar Papers will he stopped when the EtiUrscripiion
time expires, unless the agent ordeis their d-nntinu
W.• A. - NICHOL&
,Otrice foimerly occupied by .Tan4es LowtotEeq
Welisbiro; 04:11, ISBS-137. 1
Tioga Village,' Tioga CuLLDty, Venetk , • cr
Pretript attention to 'Collections,. t
(rce ex' *lt FROM .E9GON EY'S, ON iTur e'inpE)
- WElriiffefid TifibureirierS'extrurted- to - theft- rife
the ooriuties of Tiogriand Potter. • [Oct.? '65„ -
B. F.' Wrx,soN
SOTICE.—The Law paitnerebip beretOWe exist
- iarbetvreeu khe subscribers - is;ol,solverci
by mutual consent. JAMFS - LOVitrY,
Wellsboro, Oct. 18,:65. S. F. wiLscqq.
11. No.ll Law Bulleug,—SL Paul St , Bal tittiore::
Leiria ahoroer at Law, Edward lera6 fitt'y
as Law, Rev. J. MeV. Riley, D. D.. Rev, Lied ty Sh
eer, D. D.; Contield - , Bro. A; Co., F. Grove 4z, Cc Lud
wig a.. MoSherrY, John F. 'AlcJiltpn, .Esq., - ,_Robert
Lawson, Req., S. Sutherland, Esq . .s.l -
[Mr, ZW/SG is sauthorized to transact any kasiness
appertaining to this paper in Baltimore.]
Nor. 22-,
• ;
- WELDSBOR 0: PA. - --- :- --
1 lisse-rented the shop lately occupied bY
goig s and apt, prepared to shoe horses and Qxi o, Sind
to do all_kinFis of_ work pertaining to the husiiaess in
. ,
a superior manner.
144'4 overß . orren's Store, second floor,
:Aar:Cutting; Pitting, and Repairing done piii.innt=
ly and in best style: ' t"dec2o,'6s-1,
—_ - -
Shop Fret door north of L. A. Sears's Shoe Stop.
•.1 WELLSBORO, PA. •-,
liar Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done piomPt.
ly and well. [dce2UBs,ol3l -
- Wellabor°. Pa
Trpats popular Hotel, having been_ 'sit itted
A. find. 1-4 i-furnished throughout, 54 now &pen t .4 - fhb
public as a first r class bonne. A good-hostler i,trsys
on band. Nan. 1,16; 41
H. W. WthraAms,
• -ISatin,Street. Welleboro, Pa.
January 4,186571 y.
SECOP Ovea C. L. ii`ir,cox's Sroer.
Welliboio, Dec 7, 1864. - '
-- MS' Eit WOOD,i ,
ATTOti.N LAY -4. T :LAW: Court Street, osii e
the Court /10416 lit
5, Wiliiaepert, Pa. . 4
Dec. 6..1.86.5-4,
_(Comer Main Street widths Aventte,i; l ,,;'...,.:
itaaoxo, Pe.
• •
- -8.-B.sHOLIDAY, Proprietor.
Otte of the -most—popular ...110uSei iu the Nullity:
Thin Hotel is ths_principal Stage-house in Wegaboro.
Stages leave daily as follows :
For 'Flogs, at i 1 a. at. ; .For Troy, at Sp- m..o'or
Jersey Shore every - Tuesday and Friday ,at 2 it.. „m,;
For Coudersport, every Monday and - Thursday at 2
STAGES ARRIVE—From Tioga, at 12- 1-2 „VelOCk
p. m.:. From Troy, at 8 o'clock p. From-jersey
Shore, Tuaidiy and Friday . I i m. in. 1- From C4nders
„port, Monday and Thursday II
N, welt-itiown • tt.Ailerr,
be fo#ll4 on tiadd. -.
••. • _
1884-Ly. • - - . _
,) N
Call at : No. 5, Union Block, if yon watt ifj.good
WATCH, : where,you will find a good assortmeepof' ,
_ .•;
I keep on hand E. Howard b Co.'s movement in
heavy Bilker Cales, which for time has no equal. I
respectfully refer to M..H. Cobb, Esq , Editor Agita
tor, sad Wm. Bache. Esq., President let National
Bank of Welieboro; - - _ _
Also, the W. lvllery, Bartlett; Appleton;, Traii
Co., all are good W l arches:
Dinner and - Breakfast Castors, Cake
Holders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Sp'oons,
India Rubl,er Cbaiva, Rings and qold
~,Mt rated
) -
A good - assortMeite of CLOCKS on;
hand. - • - -
All of wEicii will be sold ea-low as they catitheiought
anywhere. - -'- -• • -
Wellsboro, Aug. 30, 1885-tf.
. .. ..,... . - . . . . .
IZAILIA: MrA.virorg Atious)r , :;6-
-. Gaines, Tinge County; Pa. - i -
H. C. VERMILYEA, " - PrOprietor.
Tats, is, a new hotel located _within easy ac
eau of the best fishing and hunting grounds in
Northern Pennillvamia, No pains•will he spared for
the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the trav
elling public: • - - , gaiai4, 4863.1
• " WM. -TOWNSEND, AGE: - r.
TiVholiossge • and: e tail Dealot
A 1., 6 0, •
Shop one Doer. South of-Smith's Law Office.
WellaborC.;ACti::2; 1865=tL '
ATANSVSICVaIp - 13 O Z ()DONT for Cleaning
rr Teeth, fafildiscat P. 4. Williams' DratOtora
form her customers that she is now receiving"
from New York, a fine .assuetment of
which she has taken much care in selecting. Ladies
will find a superior quality of = -
Infante Hoods. Dress Caps; fine linen Handkerchiefs,
and everything , in, the Millinery , -[octl O.
Special attention given to eolleollon of .Ponaions:,!,
Bounty and Back Pay, and all clainai against•tbulga.-
tional an . , State tiovernmente,-- -
Williatneport, Nov . . :15, 15157.3tu
D. G. RITTR, PRoPrinTin.;
Having leased this popper hotel- property,- -
occupied .by Mr. Nelson actin) I, shall, endeavor- to;
make it truly the traveler's home.. .I.!ersonal, atten
tion will be given to the table, and the comfort-of•
guests will be a prime object.. The otableb will be
under the care of an experienced hostler. :
Wellsboro, Nov. 15, 1865-Iy.
J. B—liites.
C. N. RT T ,
- VITOULD say to the public thathe 48 permanently
located in Wellsboro,' (Office at his; residmice,
near the tiand Office and Episcopal Church) where be
will continue to do all.ltinds :of wont :confided - to-11,0r
care ' guaranteeing complete 13 ati sfac o n where the
skill of the Dentist can avail in the.,-atanagetnerikot
cases peculiar to the calling. He, will furnish .
set on any material desired.. ,
attended to on shortestnotioe,tindAene in the beat
and most approved style.
by the the use ; of Ansesthetics which are perfectly
harmless, and will be administered in every ease whhn
Wellsboro, Sept. 6, 1665-Iy.
CALKINS & CONULIN. (late Cole and Calkins)
pßopr4 - .E.Tp - Rs. -
CONKLIN •having bad 'large- experienee
ITU in some of the best Marble Shops in the
country in he artistic part of this .bneiness the pyo
prieteirs are now prepared to execato.orders for TOMB
STONES, of all kinds, and MONUMEN7- either
in the most workmanlike manner, and with dispatch.
They will keep thehest quality.of Marble, of both
kinds named, constantly on hand. -
Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and
Made to look as good as new.
Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our autho
rized Agent, and alt contracts made with him will be
valid. Castomera-cancuntract.for _work kim _at
shop prices. - ;
Stpt.:L3 t 8.65-13, _
HAMMONIVE NIIIIER - 1 7 .4.1 - 1
C. _ -
Middlebury, Tieg t alL-004 Pa".; ; _i
situated on the Plank goad-four miles from-V4e
We dre - Freparecf ofurziah,loo.lloo,rttit Trees at
the f4l.lo.Ourpricea., y i I V, t . It . sr.
Wm. H. .8-1-TTH
Appletrees--large size, 25 cents at the Nursery ; 30
, eente delivered. Cptam9n ekse leate at z jbe,Nar
"sery; 25 Calts'detiiefed:' Peli;Trees,'so'vt.tts:-.7-
SUMMER APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Har
vest, Chenango Strawbetry., - ..Washington Strawberry,
Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen,
§ lll S l4, V*.i n iiklt -w *§- t ! ur ,, P? 7 ,- c's <ll
FALL APPLrs.--Fameuse,Gravenstein, Ramlio, Rib.
stun Pippin, Fall Pippin, Republican Pippin, Hawley
or D. use, Maiden's Bliialtriike Wine, Ladies' Sweet
ty - inari's Pumpkin Sweet. - - - , - '
WIXTEIVArTLEs.L-Baldwin, •Bailey S'siet;:liltio.k
Gillflower, Blue Pearmain, American Golden Russet,
Roxbury Russet, Rhode Island Greening. Esopus
Spitzenbnrg; Swaur,Sweet gweet,,
Honey, Greening. Honey Bwect i ,Pound,9,veci,=POund
Soar, Ye'ck's^ Pleasant,Tallman Sweet ToMpkins Co.
King, Wagner.
PRitts.:—Bartlett, _English ,Jaigonelfe,... Bleatlier'a
Meadow, Bella Lucrative, Louisa Bona D Jersey,
Seckel, Bearre Amelia, Golden Beurre, Flemish'
Beauty, GIOIA - More - eau, Lawrence. "
Also—Siberian Crib, Quineeri, and' Grape ioota--
several varieties. N. HAMMOND.
Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa.; -06t.'4,185b—1-y.,-,.
DILY 600D$;ftiOCEHIES, a&C:
L A W it rt iCE Y l / 1 q!: 1 1' C I 4
aiT,Vi , Ittaili-sq.aeZilo4l
•-pv§, , , -
-•i - .
- Caine 4)iie and • at !
8E F 4111: TO U-R SE:li WE'S
T •
GoEr TO °IltD E
514-3 Pk
J of 46144.
Oai: . 4 ' , 181 ) 5 -19. "2,"
undei'sikned lAtf - ihemgencY foethe rule ut the -
Company manufactuto Machines sewinir"vithafth4:
elastic stitch or lock stitch. The Machines hove tit .
k en: hi:gbes 44T:tit Win - , 'Art:001 1 nithiib
threeyears. I have the agency for the sale or Prince:
Ilurace Waters'sMelodeons.
Also; two 'Secon ' dhandltelud'ecinkiri - gOori order for
Persons wishing 7 atcythinifrithe 7 itlidre lino will
save twenty , per cent purchasing of me. "a•
Welisbore, ..B.;11,. HASTINGS. •
riptiE subseribei takes this met o tf- urn,.
j his old friends and customers that ho has tscz
'named' the - conduct -of :the - old-a OrystaVF(funtaia•
lloteVnitul.*ill hereafter give it his - en thi'attention.
Thrinkfitilaipaitfavors,lo solicits krene*arof the
same. ' ' --DAIitriYMART:
0 7C. I.!:
. ' : - •
The Ii
'Mir' MOLE' t tiP44 - ARIE
- eta w.c.b4A s*. itzr4••44.:
.P., ...:.%i
Just , Received.
%.i'E.Wliolto'; TIO - QA
,tk - A, - ,,,WEDNESDAY:_ , AI6ItNING,:DECEMB.EII . 27; 1565
Ohly the see, intonine —
Only - the'ssainsept moufe,
_Only the wild wind moaning
- `Over lonely house. -
-Darlseet,ef all Decembers , •
Ever my
4, - , 6itting' exhbeig..:
„_ .aanrled r agd helpless, alone.
B. 11..,Crirmin,
breaming of tno grayes Iptig
-Out in the damp and chill,
Pauses ty.i . lll/9e , ern-1111,13 ;
t The, other—,-elas! the pilloße .-
IZli thatctitiimei
• 'Rise and fall With the bilrolie,,
Aver our sailor's headl -'
Theirs the bereio_etory—, ,
frigate twin ! _ _
Theirelhe Clattn glad-:the I , ll PrYi
and :the Orown• ..:
Mine toliegevena latgajah'
Here by the-wintry sea; -
saii)3ilr: Dayton 'in — on'e,or tiffs
clerks, is they w_ere'aldne imthe spacious count
.ing,lonin" hicli,*as attached to the large-stare
ot*t4h..Ntr:D r ", wasproprietor, "give rneleave
'weily:r do nut think you. tfres's auffcientlyieti:
, teel ., t9 . , sypear as_ a . , clerk in- a fashionahle
• ..
deep . itathitigfilikd.tlN face - of 'Oe:.YOnny,
man, and, in spite of hia.e i adeavors to repress
it i !? tekr,gljatele4 inAis "Did
I not know your salary was sufficient 10 - piocu
more genteel habiliments, I woul.l increase
j "My salary is amply large, sir," replied
,roprtibed but with,that
`-iri'aepeliqden4e : 4t jfe'liiiVtiV'fiictiV Mkt
'weeny bad nut been able to divest him.
" Oblige me, then, by changing your apparel,
and presenting, a different appearance in the
future.- Tot! „are wanted .in„ the' store."' '
''el:iton 'turned - and iafe intOoyer,-Whci
muttered to himself as he took up the paper,
" How I detest these parsimonious fellows." .
Mr. Dayton was a man of immense wealth.
He wasa,widovyer and had but one child, a
;14411 fir ; *hid 4sitikh e • pifde la deal - 11,14
years. She was as good as an angel, and as
beautiful as she was good. She, was simple
in A tign tact and appear!inse. 7 ... Sute was . Laura
Dayton-lw-hew: Weston May-- first,---becaln"s
fattiaes.honee,.ariii whit
littittlegthatilie mitt tearned-tO love-her WithCa
offecthio:" 'Though -
,tinigaeS rsO , ier gave pt to ranee what; their
:heartatfelg7yet the language of their _eyes was
toe - Arety
.aqiirof honor, and although he perceived 'with
pleaettra that he must not be distasteful
,to her,
still he felt be must conquer the - passion that
tin Wed in bis heart. - - • •
not win her heart,". - he.said
t self. ; lam penniless, awl. ,her father,..Wotild
not. consent to our union."- Thus ho reasoned,
.. tnanfallY'':etnit 3 ivered subdue
C..oosidered;an - ill,fated pas ii,o:
lau,reibad surge of,:therri
-were4iiirthy-nf her, but. elie ri , fusektallrofttheth
with''erttle 'yet decisiVre'firmilebs. --
„ ; ,- , Her-fatbel was in ,tkiqdecline
wished to see her'happily settled ere: be depart
'atrfreni this world: llt wns floViong -before he
surniised - that young Weston'-was the cause - of
her indifference to-others. The plettsure which
she took 'in hearing him praiskOtrd Wash
Which mantled her, face - when. their eyes, Mat,
Served to convincedlio old gentleman tout they
.totik„more _than_ a common . ' interest - ,ln each
Other,:'_lfe'forbore to make. itny-ititnitrk4at the
-snljeet,'.itud_ witi . not i o displeased : at ,the
..jhoughkas, Weston :imagined ho %rook! be. •
Weston.M4 bad now been- -three years
Lids etnploy. - 31 r. Dayton knew - nutting of
good„ - morale,
and •plsasipg }ttaiiners , c inspired
. to
-esteemed .- a-placed-unbounded -confidence
' in him, and was very proutLathiin:'
ed . him to dress as welt as others, and oftk
A wondered at the scantiness . of wardrobe-4',
for although Weston-dressed moan
scrupulous regard to . n,eittness,. his clothes were
almost threadbirie;Whieh Mr: Dayton tho't
proceeded from a, niggardly disposition, and,
accordingly adidiessed hint 'tin the subject, as
before„ relotod. _
1 Soon after this conversation Mr. Diiyton left
I home on business.,_,Aeheyres riding through
1 a pretty villageftik-iiigited'it the door of a
I cottivra and. requested-a- drink rink. of. -water,
mistrees, with an easy p'olitenese : ;which tpld,
that she had not alwayh been the humble cot ;
btittadilv 40 . 1 . b i to enter.f ,He Oppildit[di
a scene of poverty and neatness met his gaze
o yatiall , never, before . . witnessed., , The
Ilurniture, ;cons' sting .of nothing more than mai
actually imeesein:yVatas en 'die - an ..and Aleatthat
I it cast an air, of comfort around. A venerable.
old 'roan' 4.tit nt he wind° Wi `steft' in his i
„hand.. .llis clothes were old and so ,patched
00444 seemed a. - - be ti 4 terPa
:eoutof many eolorEi.
This is your father, I presume," said be,'
:jiddreasiug her.' •
'" - It ie . ,' sir." - • -
He seems quite aged : "
He is in'his eiglity-Aird,yeir,indhisl'sur
vived, alt hie e.hildren - bat myself."
"Have you always . rdsideddere
fr No, Sir ;..rny lhusband4as linee Wealthy,
but endorsing ruined him, and we Were'redue
-I.ed_to..tiais state, . He soon after,died, and two
fo '
_-'",Have you any ehildreiti'liiiiigr?..;,_•.:..
77,, J l- 3:1,4, - ;Sii . l; who
.. is my unly : - sopport. - , My
.ownirealth- is's() feeble that I: cannot du inneh,•)
shd.fitthe'r being blind and deaf needs a- great 4., i..., ...%.,.,.. ._ .. .-- ~ ,
*deal - of. - attention. : -
.51y - eon Will "not - tell - me I AITECTIOLIn the intercourse of so'ciallife, hie : SOlarrY iii, but 1 am sure be tierida I it re by , ilie little , acts of -watchful , kindness,
me nearly all of it." ',... :. : ._. : -_,,,_ 1 - : :.• tre'curring'di - iIY and hourly,, end- opportunities
:. griTbeeche is - not at home?" - ---,.: - ---:-:-,:-.., i =of'doing kindness; if' . sought fori.are: forever
l',' :, ,Sir-, Id iii a clerk in Ne - Or Tork."'i ,! - i etarting;np--=,:it is .by w.erds. by; tones,, by: gest
t'Andeeiti Frei :what , ,it...hhi'lettnie?" 71 - ~..! ores, by
,dooks,"t110 affection-is N - ',ori: and
: f:Vi'eston-May.'.' : ••. - -:-„ :.._ •. „.. . :I . , , ,preeervo; „He who ,neglectslthese filfles,-Yet ,
-''' d-Wesioh-Briyj, Is it possible? Why he i s boasts that whenever a great fiai)rifice it) e - alled
-m”lerk. 7.-. I-- left him-in chaiga'..--4-: my 'store i
tor, he shall . be ready to - make it, will rarely be
:ntity;twe 'Weeks 'ago." ' t .: -.*'-''- - " .. 1 lovedl.:'- The likelihood •iti, - he-Will not make-it,
-.1. - &,wp le naii On a : follsiii ed j , a nd,
,Itli. 12! a:y len lett; land if hu,does, it will dutch Tather for its
, preitnising , ..herto call some oilier time-,, -.-.--..;:. towO•sak:tk . 9 , :ior - ,laje "igh4.n 3 ! - : '
!;.PToble,.(ellaw, l - 7 ' said lie Mentallf,lo , he.was ',,
ci.A . lif:slciviatil,o,p,g,,,ACtip4itfiiag4oil the The oldest lunatic on record.
iitill..:lftWoblii:rdliiw.i':=4 , .belitaigil: hilloiroi ... ~.. 'DV grind.
. .
heart, in the anguish,
What is there left for thee ?
Onty the'sea intoning,
Ottly the wainscot nionee - , -1
Only tho wild wind moaning
Over_the lonely ;
girl; and may .have her .and: part -of any
money, too. „Let,me see :7_ here he fell into a
thinking mood,_and by the tirne . be had reached
hope,he iitaformeda plan Which he had
deterniined ttcesedute. How 'it terminated we
shall see. Fall of this new--plan he entered:
the , was awaiting ; his
Cowing. . - t .
" ; So_Weston is, going to England,',' said he.
idlLaur;;dropping her cOffee'enp,
" going to , ngi anti
• be sure; what of it •
-Pt , Nothing,—only--vre shall he rather.low:-,
replied abe t , yainly, et4emor_ing to re-_
press her tears.
"Curve, come, Laura, tell me, do""you Love
weitOii? 'Younever`deoeiveil iind•Aoit't
'• - ' • - -
t•Rict—:-reelt,,l.:—L do loye at no aincero,--
- •.; • •
" : thoughteo," said he, 'he left - ;the
` 7 " i ilVesiori," - sticd'he, : •ai3 he e'n`ter`ad~fi,fie store,
expeat , t6-43.ilitAi , the 'countiy , shortly, do
. 1;
Yes, , Sir, in-stout f99r.y!,e4e.."
,‘lf it "toitlci.nqp be inconvenient I. wish Si T ttid . said Mr. Day - -
"I will, Sir, with pleasure, if it will• oblige
b!ltitewill,obligte.aie,.grently,JoF,Laura is to
be,rnarried in about six, weeks, and I wish you
attend the wedding." •
• LViira - married 1" so . i(f - Westok - shirting-
'as - if - Laura married ?"-, ; - • .
-- •
" To be 4u . rP- -What aila the boy ?":
"Nothing, Sir, only it was rather sudden
; t is rainerroudden; but I am an old man
aea' heeliave a . piatedpie before I
die. sin glad "yi)u:eati stay to-the weddin ."
caitiot - stay Vf Isaid;Weston;
fargetting , :adiaths !nod jest pyoyloiisly,oa,4l.
You cappot? ; why, you jest new said ypu
`" Sit.; 'bile mg business `iegtiiiea my
grid I inuat'go!'
"But you said you would with..pleasure. 7 "
` in anything else, sir,, but
ett, ; !niit
Weston, tellale fraolli,ildycitilo've
• •J • • '4 Jr.
"'Sint" 'W;qaton seemed -like= tone' waking
from a dream. ;; : _
."Do you love my
~!_,`.l . ff,ill,yop give me , your
her P"
;41 F . Da spoke earnestly:
'Mother I lihafto ydu kndiv-ef
Dayton.ripaittet; the; incident -alreadyi
related, and in conclusion said:
4 .4ild„nupt, mp hoyi I have ,wriAten,to your
other and offered . myself, sod - shelia accept
ed. What have you oeity; 7"
"'Thai I ani the — happiest fellow. on 'earth,'
and proud to eall• you , father,"' replied the
young man, -with a joyful face.
_few weeks after, a double wedding took
pjace Mr., Payfort's mansion, and soon.after
sign went up, Over a certain store, bearing,
the:natne_of DAj j :Tial.:&_ol)liPANY'." - -
Young we you-may all learn from this that
it is-not flue elOtheS that would - win for-you
Wu-esteem of' those around you.•
Narth.Caiolina Witness.-
They love "a. tomer I speciutteti .of •homawlia
tureiu North remembeil
the celebrated " i quulitiSOly Dillard Case,",
az t t) fiet:e receuify, reported ivhiuh"ia nut
Pur'behin~# it. Thp'' writer - gives it' iinitei the
head of teed proceedings? •,-:
wf'Aeidok for:work and :laboridone= fir cutting
ditch on ,defendant's Paynnnt
and set off, in bacon and i coinineal. _".
Plaintiff's son on the titandrecolleoeti,ilii•
ditching tierfebti - Y; but eeenrti bout
t thi bac - on. _ _ : . - -.
• "You,say'yout daddy did all this ditching ?
Do you knows •what be ge_t .furit 27 #4q,cire4
Colonel C. for defendant. '
", #ig never got, nothing, as ever heard; on
that's what he never got," • ane - iVereti
" Didn't 'your daddy get corn .
and bdhon froth
defen'ttiVnt; in. paying for _
." - .11 - avorlnttal of his getting nu ourn_harlay.!
What did your daddy 3 aud hid fatatly live
on - last summer
Vittles, utusify._
VLat so rf i r Co'l '
IV ill; t:ati d bread and semi: ‘l ,
otAiktiere !get thrit:inetit tioll brA44 l :ll!
" Welli fu§ 7l. frgl.ri ,one,arql
1,0,013%-ile:getvqme t,frotik,cl7fepdant ?"
to " mought.
:,S know that he,noug t. ht,,,lkt did het? that's
„pe,quqation:", _
and titen ltkaifk- yoil‘k*ovi
Witha6le l
- exeiternin t;liiict in., tailes
.tifthwitifirm— • • , -
" Anewertbe question, and, no inure of this
Arifi,j% lour
"oath. I:Ad •• yOu r y daddy, or
Aid. 1)e Of 'get, corn "and b'autin frOin tke•defend:
alt, fOrditcling ?"_ ' 7 :
"Well, now he'rnongtit ;"if didn't occur ex
“-zaetly;you • ••- • ;
Here liis,llonor.inteiferee, and witiv.zeterni
judicial frown addreasee.4-11 - e-Nitnews•_thus;
!!,:Witueskycuinust.anewer the question, or
Ale• court willpe...compollcd, to deal with you.
'Can't 3 - 66.tia4 yes - or no 1" • •
" reckob." - "- • • -
' :6 Wel i;"- flien: tie ewer • ~ e s- - or •no.- Did• or did
uot•yudr_•daddy. get eerie lei Amcor( from the de
- iced ant t Abe time , referred : tor inquired the
Wins now fully arouse& and conscious of
- ' - ... .
" , ‘Aitelt;=Judge;4 -caret %ezzsetly- remember,
you knowiseein' as hp* its. allAtin: bin gone
tend gat, up; but (plaptiagAtimself J fino9, a 8
one determined to s ont with it,), to the beat of
m,y,reeolleetion, if my memory Berveathe'right,
he inoiight;iiiid' then; again he ionoughtn't."
' — The plaintiff - saved his- -baco'ii. Verdietcae
edidingly.„-„ . .
Lbc ,, an- life by_runninir, away from home. Boi
leau, 1,.e are tdd, was driven into his career by
the hand of fate atiq the - peek of a turkey. St
tilla started in life' with - no other cause and
capital than an old uword, which he was adrift
enough to palni off for the divine weapon of
Mars: and Robespierre ~wed his political ea-
ireer to wetting his stockings—and there heard
1," Words which barn," that fired his aim], and
determined his course in 'life: My running
away from home
_arose fkild a, minor mortifi
'Cattini; caused by carrying a pretty girl over
the brook. - '
. • Dona Jaen. and myself were good friendi at
fourteen years of age,-and -we both regarded
With a little more
-than friendship pretty Helen
Grahatn,_"our oldest girl at school." 14'e
'retyped and danced together, and this lasted for
-aubh a length of time that it is' with feellings' of
bewilderment that I look back upon the myee
tery of two loversc!.Mtinuirig - friends. But the
time came, as must,'When jealousy lit her spark
in my boyish bosom, and blew it into a com.
-earning flame. - '
*ell 'du I remember how and when the
" greeneyed" perpetrated this incendiary deed.
It was on a cold October evening, when Helen
Donald and myself were returning, with our
parents, from a neigboring hamlet. As we ap
proached a ford where the water ran Somewhat
higher thanankle.deeP, we prepared to carry
Helen cease, as we were' accustomed to, with
liandsinterwoven, "chair fashion," and thus
carried-our pretty passenger .Over the brook._
Just as we were in the middle of the water-- 7 .
which was cold enough at the time to have
frozen anything like feeling out of boys lesti
hardy than ourselves—a faint pang of jealousy
nipped •rny ' heart. Why it was, I _knew not,.
for we bad oarried laelen..fifty times across the
brook era now, vgithout emotion,-but this even-,
thought or fancied that Helen gave Don undue preference by casting her arm
l aroinid his neck, while she: , steadied herself on
my Side-by holding the ear of my jacket.
No names can burn so quickly or with so
little fuel as jealousy. Before we had reached
the opposite bank, I was wishing Donald at
the " botttim of the sea." Being naturally
impetuous, I burst out with— '
“-Ye need- ha hand eo gingerly, Helen, as •if
ye feared:a fa," I can aye carry ye lighter than
Donald can half of ye."
i§urprised, at the
,vehemence of my lone, our
qup.en intaiposed With admission that we
were both Itiong, and ihai she had no idea - of
,sharifig•niY powers.? 'But Donald's ire was kin—
dled,•and he ntterly,-..derkied that.'
qualified to compare with him in feats of moral
courage.,.. On such topics, buy are generally
emulona and by , the time We reached the optic)-
site Side; it - Was settled that the point should be
determined by our singly carrying Helen across
the foxd in, ur arms. . _
Helen was to determine who had carried her .
most easily, and I settled with myself priiately
in adVancii, that the one who'obtainad the-pref
erence would really be - the persen who stood
highest in tier affections. The'reflection stimu
lated me. to -- exert .every effort, and I. verily
neneve-te- tMS say, that. / could nave carried
Donald and Helen en either arm like feathers.
But I must not anticipate.
i-We Suffered all'the rest of the' party to pass
quilitly.afong, and then returned to the ford; I
lifted Helen with,the . utmost ease, and carried
her like an infant to the middle of,-.the water.
Jealousy, had "inepired'
,Warinr love, and it
ivatfikith' feelings' unknowit, before - that I em.
braced her beautiful form, and felt the•preasu re
6f ifercheek against mine, All went swimmin ,,
ly or rather , wailingly, fqr a, minute. „But alas, :
in the very deepest part of the ford, I trod' on a
treacherous hit of wood, which • rested, I sup
pole, Oil' a - smooth 'stone. Over I *rolled; bear
ing-Helen with me, nor did we rise until fairly
soaked from head to foot.
I, need.not describe the taunts of Donald, or
the . more accusing silence of Helen. Both be
lieved that I had fallen froth mere weakness,
aneilly rival dernonstraticf his superior ability;
by bearing her in his arias- for a long distance
on her htitneward path: As we approached the
house, Helen, feeling dry and better humored,
attempted to conciliate Me. But I preserved
silence. rwas mortified beyond redress.
That night I Packed up a fevi things and ran
away: 'My mind, sensitive and irrita
tated,:exaggerated, the. negation_ which it bad
reOeived, and prompted me to a course which,
fortunately led me to better results than usually
,airend,sucli irregula - ritiee., I went to
litirgh;where" I found-an "uncle, a - kind heart
edithililleis•thati, Who gladly geNV me a place
in - his house, and employed me in his. linsines&
'Wealth Bowen in upon
.111 m. 13 scams ,- , his
perinen.—tvent abroad--resided four years, on
She continent, land finally returned to Scotland,
rieb,ii'diacafed,ln - sbort everything bat married.
'One'ecenino., while at a ball in Glasgow, I
was struck by a young lady of - unpretending
appearance,_but.whose remarkable beauty add
;brightened expression indicated a mind of more
than ordinary, power. I was, introduced, but
the Scottish'nanies had lop. , been Unfamiliar
"to my ear, and I could not - catch hers. It was
Helen something, in the face, - too, that Seemed
familiar—something suggestive of pleasure and
But we hecame well acquainted that evening.
I learned, •without' - diffieulty,`her histor:y. " She
was from the country, had seen educated, her
parents-had-lost 'their property, and she was•
now zovern'ess ilia family of the city.
was • fasqinated with her conversation, and
was continually-reminded, by her grace and re
finenient, of manner; That she was capable of
moving with distinguished success a far
- higher sph - ere than thUt which fortune seemed
to have' assigned her. lam naturally neither
talkative nor, prone to confidence; but there
: was that in this young lady which - inspired
both,andl:iionversed with her ae I hid never
conversed Nvitti any: Her "questions'or the ye
'dons countries - which I was familiar, indicated
a remarkable knowledge of literature, and an
incredible store of information., .
We progressed in the intimacy, and: as con
versation turned on the reason which induce
so many to leave their native land,
,I laughingly
remarked that my Own travels were owing to
falling with-a-pretty girl into.a ford. - -
= had hardly spolmn these words, ere.the
blood mounted to her face, and was succeeded
by quite u remarkable paleness. I attrib'uted
it to the heat of the rooni—lauglied - -"and at
"her request, proceeded - to give the details of niy
ford adventure with Helen Graham, painting in
glowing oolors.the amiability of my love.
Iler_misth during the recital, became . irre•
. _ . .
preiaible. At the conclusion she remarked:
-s" Mr.. Roberts, is it possible - you' • havelor
_ .
gotten me?
• ,
j:gitied an ins6nt—remecabered--and was
detabfeunded: The leay with wham - I = lid be
Tirogt,olik of
NO. 19.
inn"o~z/ I .I3a as Life
Rates of Adliortlslng,
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come accitiaioted' was Helen Graham herself.
I hate, and so do you; reader, to nedleasly,
prolong a story. We were, married—Helen and
I made our bridal tour to' the'old place:" A 3 we
approached in our carriage,l greeted a stout
fellori working in a field, or perhaps a small
farmer, by inquiring
some particulars relating
to the neighborhood. He answered well enough
and .1, was about to 'give him a sixpence; when •
Helen stayed my hand, and cried oat in the .
old style :
" Hey, Donald, mon, (liana 'ye ken y'er old
friends ?"
The clan looked up in astonishment. It 'visa
Donald Lean. His amazement at otrdappear.
anco Was heightened by its style; andit was
with the greatest difficulty that we coultlindisof '-
him to enter our carriage end answer our-nu
merous queries as to old friends.'
Different men "start . in • life" in different-1
ways. I heiie've that mine, however, is the tiqly '
instance on rettord,bf a gentleinun who ovieer
wealth and happiness to rolling over "witluti
pretty girl in a stream of water: -
7 1PLINTirlr * ADVENT/311E
"I never attended but oue temperance lea-;
ture," said our friend. B—•, with a peculiar
smile, " and I don't. think I shall ever attend
" You probably found it dry P'
" Well, yes—but that isn't it. The lecture
was well enough, but I got into such an_ awful ,
scrape after it was over, that I never think ef
temperance meetings without a sudden shed-..
der: I'll tell you r all a bout it. It. was in N—",
where I was something of a stranger, and the'_
night was one of the worst of the season. Ko
reas 1 how it blew I It was enough to take one's
breath away._ Well, the lecthre was over, and
making my way through the crowd ilingered- ;
in the doorway, contemplating the. awful scees,
when somebody suddenly thrust an arm within
my own, and clung to me with bear filth
" Where hare yen , been ? said .the . sweetest
voice in the world. " I have been looking for
you everywhere." -
Very much surprised, I turned my head and
saw—but I can't describe her. It makes me
sad to think how prodigiously pretty she was,
With her left hand she leaned upon my arms,
while with her right she was arranging her •
veil, and did not notice my surprse.
" You have been looking for me ?"
" Yes, and now let's be going," was herset:
ply - , pressing my arm.
A thrill- went to ray heart. What to make of
my lady's address I did not know ; but,..
company her. We started off in the tempo,
the noise of which prevented any. conversation..,,
At length she said, with a sereasa, ;
"Put your arm around me, or I. shall. WON
I need not describe to you my sensation as I
pressed her to my side anti trried on. It was
very, dark; nobody saw us; and allowingber
to guide my Stapp, I - fUllosied her 'Moth*
through two or three shorts streets, until Ali
stopped_ before . an elegant mansion. ' .
" Have you your key ?"- - she asked;
"My key ?" I stammered—" there must fir
aomer- naintcdsii."
.As she opened the door I stood ready to bid'
her good night, or to have some explanation,"
when turning quickly she said," How queer
you act to-night ; ain't you coming in?"
There was something very tempting in the:
suggestion. Was I going in ? A warm` honse
and a pretty woman were certainly . objects
consideration, and it was dreary to think ' of
facing the driving storm, and seeing her - ne
more. It took me three-qu'arters of ai3 eaon tO'
make . pp my, wind and I went, There was
dim light in the hall, and as my guide ran rit
pidly np stairs, why I could do no better than
run up too. I followed her into a very' cfailq
* 0 Lock the door, John," she said.
, ,
Now, if I were the only John in the` world; r
thought she knew me. I felt for tlini key, turned
it in the look without hesitatiOn, woisdering*
the same time . , what was coming - next. then
an-awful suspicion of some horrid trick flashed`
upon my,mind, for I bad often heard'of
ated men being lured to :their 'destruction
pretty women, and was on the point of 'opening
the,deot when my lady Struck Thew'
to my dismay, I disavered that IWasin al:Fed)
room,•alone, with a strange woman. said'
something, don't know what it was;liutifii
lady lighted the lamp, looked, stared'
_at'aie sir
instant, turned as white as a pillow . case',' sad
screamed, " who are you ? How came you here P
Go, quick--:leave: the room:—.l thought you were
my ,husband," and covering her face withihii
hands, she robbed hysterically. " • -
. I was nearly petrified.. Of course I bases
anxious to leave as she , Was to have me, But
in my confusion, instead of going 'ouratige
door I came in at,Lwalked into :a :closet ; find
before.' could .rectify my error_ there came a
terrible thundering at the hall4oor.
The lady's real husband bad come, arid she
flew to let, him in. Well aware that it would
be of no use toga out of the.housibiany
way than that in which I had entered it,ind
convinced• of the danger of: meeting 4 Fein who
might fall into the vulgar weakness - of being
jealous, I was trying to collect my scattered
senses, in darkness when the wrathful husband
burst into the room,,followed by madam;
light was extinguished, and while she. vali
searchine for a friction match" the gaff voile
raved and stormed, jealOus and r even g eful, , of
know he is here; I saw .him come "intolbe
house with you I You look the door I I'll have
his heart out !—Where is be ?"
" Hear me, hear me; I will explain," urged
the lady. r •
:As I was listening to hear theexplanatiOn,
the husband walked plump against me wad at
the same moment the light appeared.
"Well, we cried, deeply interested,
for we know that every word of his - story was
Artie, " how did you get out of the serape I":
I used a violent remedy for so violent n cent
plaint; : . Driven into a corner—MY life in din
ger=perceivini at a dance that Othello was
not as strong as :I was, I threW myself upon
-him, fell with him, and held' hini there 'until I
• had given a full eiplanAtion of the error, made
him hear reason, and tamed him to be gentle as
a lamb. Then I left; rather unearemonioUslY,
and I have never_seen Othello or Desdeminta
CONTENT3I2IIT:—The lovely biid of, Paradise,
Chris' lieu contentment,
,can - sit and' sing- in a
cage of a lotion and - cotilinemont, or fly' at
liberty"thidUgh the vest expanse with altanist
equal datisfnetion: while -"Even so, Father,
for, it seernetlk. good in thy sight," is - the ntaiisf
titite`he the celestial' song. '
When is a good.tane-iruist 'relished?' Ana.
=r-Whoa is is oppgrauke.,