The Tioga Coutity Agitator BY hi. H. COBB. - Publi,shed. o very Wednesday merning and mailed to Attbscribers at ONE DOLLAii. AND FIFTY CENTS per year, always IN ADVANC,F. The paper is ient postage lice to countylulizeri beta, though they may receive their wail at PO: it offices located in counties immediately adjoining, fd . i; conve nience. AOLTATOR is the Official paper of Ti:pga Co„ and circalates in every-neighborhocid--tfiereht.—sab, s criptionsbeingnzi the edcarice'tiny •syeteta i at eircu= bites anrong a class most to-the interest of ativeetiser, - to reach. Terms to advertisers as liberal at of- , fared by any - paper of equal 'circulation in Northern Pennsylvania.• - „ , Or A' cross on the margin of a pape“eriotea that the sabseriptiOn ip about to expire. - ar Papers will he stopped when the EtiUrscripiion time expires, unless the agent ordeis their d-nntinu .. W.• A. - NICHOL& A T L TORNEir AND COUNSELLOR AT - ( :)AW ,Otrice foimerly occupied by .Tan4es LowtotEeq Welisbiro; 04:11, ISBS-137. 1 „irouNruiercUELL„ A TTORNE AND ‘-COUNSELLOR AT . :4,A Tioga Village,' Tioga CuLLDty, Venetk , • cr Pretript attention to 'Collections,. t WILSON '& NEILES, ATTORNEY & •OUNSELORSAT-VAAV, (rce ex' *lt FROM .E9GON EY'S, ON iTur e'inpE) - WElriiffefid TifibureirierS'extrurted- to - theft- rife the ooriuties of Tiogriand Potter. • [Oct.? '65„ - B. F.' Wrx,soN SOTICE.—The Law paitnerebip beretOWe exist - iarbetvreeu khe subscribers - is;ol,solverci by mutual consent. JAMFS - LOVitrY, Wellsboro, Oct. 18,:65. S. F. wiLscqq. -- J. -HERVEY A TTORSEY AND COIANTSELOR AT . LAW; 11. No.ll Law Bulleug,—SL Paul St , Bal tittiore:: REFERENCES: • • . Leiria ahoroer at Law, Edward lera6 fitt'y as Law, Rev. J. MeV. Riley, D. D.. Rev, Lied ty Sh eer, D. D.; Contield - , Bro. A; Co., F. Grove 4z, Cc Lud wig a.. MoSherrY, John F. 'AlcJiltpn, .Esq., - ,_Robert Lawson, Req., S. Sutherland, Esq . .s.l - [Mr, ZW/SG is sauthorized to transact any kasiness appertaining to this paper in Baltimore.] Nor. 22-, • ; JiOSEPII , MANLEY, BL - A.CKSMITH. 6z- SHOVIIt - - WELDSBOR 0: PA. - --- :- -- 1 lisse-rented the shop lately occupied bY goig s and apt, prepared to shoe horses and Qxi o, Sind to do all_kinFis of_ work pertaining to the husiiaess in . , a superior manner. JOHN ARSPE ARE, - DRAPER & TAILOR 144'4 overß . orren's Store, second floor, - WELLSBORO, PA. :Aar:Cutting; Pitting, and Repairing done piii.innt= ly and in best style: ' t"dec2o,'6s-1, —_ - - ',.,GEORGE WAGNER,. - • TAILOR Shop Fret door north of L. A. Sears's Shoe Stop. •.1 WELLSBORO, PA. •-, liar Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done piomPt. ly and well. [dce2UBs,ol3l - PjatINSVLITANIA HOUSE, 0013,NAtt or MAIN STREET AND THE AVENUE, - Wellabor°. Pa J. W. MOONY, Trpats popular Hotel, having been_ 'sit itted A. find. 1-4 i-furnished throughout, 54 now &pen t .4 - fhb public as a first r class bonne. A good-hostler i,trsys on band. Nan. 1,16; 41 H. W. WthraAms, WILILIABIS 4 TTORNZYS COUA ffELORS AT:1" BOUNTY & PENSXON AGETIOY. • -ISatin,Street. Welleboro, Pa. January 4,186571 y. S. F. SHAIIBLIIII, BARBERj& 'HAIR-DRESSER, SECOP Ovea C. L. ii`ir,cox's Sroer. Welliboio, Dec 7, 1864. - ' -- MS' Eit WOOD,i , ATTOti.N LAY -4. T :LAW: Court Street, osii e the Court /10416 lit 5, Wiliiaepert, Pa. . 4 Dec. 6..1.86.5-4, WELIASBORO : HOT 7 " _(Comer Main Street widths Aventte,i; l ,,;'...,.: itaaoxo, Pe. • • - -8.-B.sHOLIDAY, Proprietor. Otte of the -most—popular ...110uSei iu the Nullity: Thin Hotel is ths_principal Stage-house in Wegaboro. Stages leave daily as follows : For 'Flogs, at i 1 a. at. ; .For Troy, at Sp- m..o'or Jersey Shore every - Tuesday and Friday ,at 2 it.. „m,; For Coudersport, every Monday and - Thursday at 2 p.m. STAGES ARRIVE—From Tioga, at 12- 1-2 „VelOCk p. m.:. From Troy, at 8 o'clock p. From-jersey Shore, Tuaidiy and Friday . I i m. in. 1- From C4nders „port, Monday and Thursday II N, welt-itiown • tt.Ailerr, be fo#ll4 on tiadd. -. ••. • _ 1884-Ly. • - - . _ WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELFFT'I) ,) N - PLATED WARE.— •• - Call at : No. 5, Union Block, if yon watt ifj.good WATCH, : where,you will find a good assortmeepof' , AMERICAN SWISS W.AIGHES.,_ _ .•; I keep on hand E. Howard b Co.'s movement in heavy Bilker Cales, which for time has no equal. I respectfully refer to M..H. Cobb, Esq , Editor Agita tor, sad Wm. Bache. Esq., President let National Bank of Welieboro; - - _ _ Also, the W. lvllery, Bartlett; Appleton;, Traii Co., all are good W l arches: - PLATED WARE., Dinner and - Breakfast Castors, Cake ,Basicete,,SpOon, Holders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Sp'oons, India Rubl,er Cbaiva, Rings and qold ~,Mt rated Pencils. HEAVY PLAIN' -GOLD -RING& JEWELRY OF "ALLKIN* ) - A good - assortMeite of CLOCKS on; hand. - • - - All of wEicii will be sold ea-low as they catitheiought anywhere. - -'- -• • - .0014realteS'Effild' Wellsboro, Aug. 30, 1885-tf. . .. ..,... . - . . . . . IZAILIA: MrA.virorg Atious)r , :;6- -. Gaines, Tinge County; Pa. - i - H. C. VERMILYEA, " - PrOprietor. Tats, is, a new hotel located _within easy ac eau of the best fishing and hunting grounds in Northern Pennillvamia, No pains•will he spared for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the trav elling public: • - - , gaiai4, 4863.1 N E W I.IA • " WM. -TOWNSEND, AGE: - r. TiVholiossge • and: e tail Dealot FLOUR, POR.k,'HAAIS, & 'GROCERIES.. , A 1., 6 0, • FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER;v'tc,...•-. Shop one Doer. South of-Smith's Law Office. WellaborC.;ACti::2; 1865=tL ' ATANSVSICVaIp - 13 O Z ()DONT for Cleaning rr Teeth, fafildiscat P. 4. Williams' DratOtora ftL. A.. J. ISOFIELD: form her customers that she is now receiving" from New York, a fine .assuetment of MILLINERY GOODS, which she has taken much care in selecting. Ladies will find a superior quality of = - 'MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS, - MERINO HOSIERY; Infante Hoods. Dress Caps; fine linen Handkerchiefs, and everything , in, the Millinery , -[octl O. ROBT. HAWLEY, -- - 7 ATTORNEYS- AT ILAIY, WIL Special attention given to eolleollon of .Ponaions:,!, Bounty and Back Pay, and all clainai against•tbulga.- tional an . , State tiovernmente,-- - Williatneport, Nov . . :15, 15157.3tu STAYS UOTEX: . itIAM S'iltEET WELISBORO D. G. RITTR, PRoPrinTin.; Having leased this popper hotel- property,- - occupied .by Mr. Nelson actin) I, shall, endeavor- to; make it truly the traveler's home.. .I.!ersonal, atten tion will be given to the table, and the comfort-of• guests will be a prime object.. The otableb will be under the care of an experienced hostler. : Wellsboro, Nov. 15, 1865-Iy. J. B—liites. DENTISTRY. , --• C. N. RT T , - VITOULD say to the public thathe 48 permanently TY located in Wellsboro,' (Office at his; residmice, near the tiand Office and Episcopal Church) where be will continue to do all.ltinds :of wont :confided - to-11,0r care ' guaranteeing complete 13 ati sfac o n where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the.,-atanagetnerikot cases peculiar to the calling. He, will furnish . :'ARTIPICIAL - TEETH, --.- set on any material desired.. , • FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortestnotioe,tindAene in the beat and most approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT' PAU by the the use ; of Ansesthetics which are perfectly harmless, and will be administered in every ease whhn desired, Wellsboro, Sept. 6, 1665-Iy. TIOGA MARBLE - WORKfi. CALKINS & CONULIN. (late Cole and Calkins) pßopr4 - .E.Tp - Rs. - - CONKLIN •having bad 'large- experienee ITU in some of the best Marble Shops in the country in he artistic part of this .bneiness the pyo prieteirs are now prepared to execato.orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MONUMEN7- either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MAii.',:LE; in the most workmanlike manner, and with dispatch. They will keep thehest quality.of Marble, of both kinds named, constantly on hand. - Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleansed and Made to look as good as new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our autho rized Agent, and alt contracts made with him will be valid. Castomera-cancuntract.for _work kim _at shop prices. - ; Stpt.:L3 t 8.65-13, _ '.Propr*or HAMMONIVE NIIIIER - 1 7 .4.1 - 1 C. _ - Middlebury, Tieg t alL-004 Pa".; ; _i situated on the Plank goad-four miles from-V4e We dre - Freparecf ofurziah,loo.lloo,rttit Trees at the f4l.lo.Ourpricea., y i I V, t . It . sr. Wm. H. .8-1-TTH Appletrees--large size, 25 cents at the Nursery ; 30 , eente delivered. Cptam9n ekse leate at z jbe,Nar "sery; 25 Calts'detiiefed:' Peli;Trees,'so'vt.tts:-.7- SUMMER APPLES.—Burnham Harvest, Early Har vest, Chenango Strawbetry., - ..Washington Strawberry, Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Queen, § lll S l4, V*.i n iiklt -w *§- t ! ur ,, P? 7 ,- c's