THE - - y A 11 LOCAL AND miscELLANto Wellabor°, Vireduesday, nee. 20, 1.8435 i New flare rtis etaent s . . . A u ditors'l 4 rotices-4:-B:Niloi. , ,'; -,, mo o , Wagner's Card. 3. B. Sbakaliear's Card. JosOb Mitirdtelt Cfr4. __. . , Auction—N. Arisen, H. Bronks,Adines. Divorce Notices—Sheriff Tabor. A drar'fi Notice , .—Jani ,Reding ton . Orphan's etiprt flales—Batates of P. Radiagton . A - - - --- , Norman Francis, Christmas 1g65.-L-P. IC Wilharns. Saw Mill for sale—lL C. Bennett & Newhall. `,.. A MERRY CRRISTXM3 to you all with plenty/Au sat, warm clothes 'and fires, a foot of allow, aad t ty remembrance of the poor ! Several communications have to go over again: hie week. Oie, aril - utter, is gdod enough to keep, but we reelly ?ranted it to appear this week. TEE OIL HENTERS.—Work is resumed at " Jai. ib's w e n," near this borough, and a depth of 660 , 6t bee been reached. The hitt haipassed.throngh i me v - ery coinpaet sand and Slate since the reincaPtiot : , suppoie that work - lias been suspended - at.'_ the other wells in this county, as we have had no re orb for two weeks. .- , • , - •• . • . „ We are=requosted to annyttnee-.. that Au /V 4 ng class in German will be instructed by the PritiCipal of the Academy during the winter term. Lessors -in Frehei will also be giiren if desired. THANKSOIPINC!.-Thu holiday wits pretty trull ob served in this vicinity. Rev. J. F. 'Whine prei Ched very able and interesting' eerrnon - irrthertiettliihst Church-r-a discourse peculiarly adapted to the"Occa,- sion—which was well received and appreciated: F,_-; orrespciadet4 ut Mairtsbar Ix: tea us that Mr. L. D. Seeley, of that place last week' ed a calf, 5 months-and 25 t d ! sysold,,shicklreight I as . follows : Live ...... Veal Hide Tallow • ... We agree with our _correepon dent, that Mr, Segly°B calf will hardly be beat. , The Winter terra of theAcadetny'begiinWelneaday laity with flattering prospects-- The Principal is one of the most energetic and - enihiudiatic of edacittors, end athat,taii!ed where earnestness and ihfe H of character ire appreciated. • Oar Academy is i Iya - on the high road to prosperity, and there is no lioubt tat brat Mr, IraaAllen and his accoraplialm47-isaist ants will keep it there. Fiamt.s.tea FESTIVAL.-A Festival for the ' ?enefit of the "Wellsboro Fire Company" wilLbe he)i in the Conit noose Friday, Tat. 12, 1866. Oyster Sapper and. Dance in the Evening !ilia $2. WESTWARD, Hoi—Oar much esteemed foi7eMan, Mr. Joins C. Root., who, boy and man, appchtice and foreman , has been in the "Agitator" Of& e for mine years, left for Kansas last Friday. He grn a irr to the Daily Free -Press Office,'Atchison, Minas, o f which his brother, said our old friend and ctre,Teipon_ dent, islahlisher. :lie - lakes - with - him sehat every young man, may,byequal fidelity and indastry, com mand, the best wishes -of all who know - him; at & the regrets ef many, ourself among the number. A tfaer hearted, more faithful and honest, and honorableTiaan never *Wired. Such a men must prosper estkelever he goes. And laity he prosper abundantly in t home. • Ptyalin Rennex. 7 -We are not particularly diogns tad with the man who, a week ago, paid his indebted ness to us in part with a One Dollarnate on the rEgg Harbor Bank." N. J. ought not to be reckoned a " bad egg" singe the election.. But Idiether Thompson does not know of any *ocb bank , in ',Jersey, or Aye whims and eft are troubled tp redeem, or OW re- - deemed. . . , And then,cmother - men—a very good sort of Sian, too, did-ns_the favor be.glayfor hie paper with! a•two dollar 'tote on - the Allegany County Bank.q, - of Maryland. -We pas 4: ir,ont to 41 gentleman, who -{vied to pay: it oat 'to foother gentleman ; end failed...z.Tbe other gentleman raid the bill was good, but dip' iank ens not. We don't quite understand how that: Mid be. However, the note came beck ptatested,,ii,,ftwe redeemed it with .a.„greenback. We are lookini for the man who will do it to as in ,tbat, - eoct of way.= Be shall be knownns . the " Coming: Man."'' , Mean while, we have deposited the lest vetoed defunct note with Sheriff Tabor, where it will remain fora sersou able length of time for redemption-by the man who came the little joke on us. If' the o'reasonef:ile time" goes by and the pate is not redeemed, we efralsrafes . ...--Mr. Hugh Young's riew cola-in-1v Ad vertisetnent is unavoidably crowded out oar next issue. ,Mr. Y., has ,a.-splendid stock ikrist- Inas GOods Wand ,i'Toys, Pictures, 'AJaurus,- Gift Books, awl Keepsakes, besides till the late4t. New Works at Publishers Prices. 11r, P. R illiams bat , stock at Toys, /yours* and. cut/ery, suitable. for gifts, Alurbsg.,:the NLitisfield Itemst., A correspondent sends us the following ; ' NEW HOTEL.-Mr. L. Cummings is putting new hotel... The first story is up, and the cri/cil t is , rapidly progressing. Mr. Cummings has• prc, wed, and put is motion an eight-horse-poirersteupPi lgine with a planer atinehed, and he is now "vigoroul ,at work in dressing out the stuff for his huilding.:', The location'of tins betel is a good one, ind much needed. Ix PROSPECT.—Dr. Elliott is making arraftideents for putting up a time brick, fire-proof buil4ipei for a drug rutd.bookstore in the spring, _ Adams 4t Son are now getting coat';titritter: for knew store, which is to go up in the spring. .• NEW FIRY.—Prof. White has entered into-Partner ship with W. Lang under the title of Lang svbile : This new„firm intend keeping a good stock Or Dtngs, Paints aid bile' sa Whit' na'a - fair assortment of musical-instruments giiditione aiid impm*lLacnts bava been made in the-building forMerly ozotitp.ii by W. Lang, which render it quite confeao A new firm has-been Toruradiatid;'s. nour Ars Peitts given to the tanning business of the place; Octtiedre additions, we 4fritin #:are-to :-; osamort.,4lr. Young, the ' entitep! icing Book Dealer And Post Master of Wolishoro, , ht nated to the Normal Literary BociAty of _foe , State' Normal Sehdol - seven nicely bound volumet of the '!PentisylveniaSchool Journalr," =or which, he will please acct the hearty thanks' a# the Society.— Reader,-go thou And do likewise. Urfrzfisiitsi -.The building .in priicess of creition for a iymnasium for the State Noma al School: it: now - 4013 4 1 kUsidiand fernislisid.Withi.l4 excellent apptratus for both heavy and lightzymnastica. If is ronaly treat to bee the-students practising m this depr;rdment for PbYlisal,training• , 2'attstil,l3nsto(ii.,--The" lirst 'ter4 of this ler' of this institution bus just closed. There have -ien in a tblidear.e.l3o (Afferent pupils. The - school' jug remarkable success; and is \tinning fo; itself golden opinions both at home and abroad. T,Ne. sec ond term opened on Monday-tho 11 inst._ Thi, great . demand is niair' - for room. Every available the building is-ticiet-required, tlnd ati/l-not tu4gh to Meet the-pressini (loudest/4. - A-etudes-of--igeotrs-s.ra ing-giWi Lo.tlie4fool in the "lighter gy,muastie . s," - by a graduate Mani Dr. - - Dio Leiris'alnuWation of Roston. t All of whicti,svill be sold at greatly radioed prices lisigrausmiliet bare purchased houses an ots in f ior Ca 13. - Call and sea for yourselves. Om borough feu phei-,,pu_ipoiti of routing iterAi edg.... 0 / 41 ktbr. - Deeo- 1 51?1 07- 1:7 1 :7 1 .YrITONEti; ' '' itutsrs." rent itltB. CEEIVALLENI3 - BAIR stt Ihnisia 4 DBiES . WcaT glikarDinfelMita : • •.4% A IcEw xt0z.zr57.. .7 7. . , -B e ,Aws"-- Itat teen sent by the Publishes, Messrs. Beadle &Co. Ncw York. There ie room for just such a monthly as this, which contains much first-rate light readinglaomo solid, and good woodcuts. It is beautifully gotten up, and fur= nished at 25 . cents a number. It will 'not supplant either the Atlantic or Harpers, but will fill a place which neither occupies, and which ought to be filled. SuCcess to "Beadle's Monthly." Hugh Young has it for sale. A correspondent writes the following : EDITOR AGITATOR—SIR : During the Winter sea son cattle aro - often troubled by having chaff in their eyes..: d have teen some trying to get it out with the hooks of a sweet-berry briar, which is brutal; others spit tobacco juice into the eye. which is apiece of the Lime cloth. I have succeeded for many years to get If out wittt toy tongue. Lot the animal be tied in the atemobion, or held - by another person.- As soon as the tongue touches the ball of the eye the animal seldom moves. Coel Dithers of ten relieve each ether under the ground when they have nothing else clear enough_ to introduce to the tender eye. Thus you see that though the tongue is a fire, by making the right use of- it in the right time it can cool an inflamed eye. Charleston, Dec. 6, 1885. D. G. EDWARD& Having jastyeturned from New. Ye4t :1" make this as my report as to the Market, ,to. According to the judgment 'of most merchants, goods are now about as cheap as they will be this fall. I found that a large portion of my stock- could not be replaced at as low prices as I am nowselling - them at, viz: Flaneltq Marinoes, Paramattas, Black Silks, ctn., but I intend to make nu change in prices at present, preferring to sell-out clean. Some Goodsare cbeape! and I offer the following bargains . ..forllhis, week.: , Bleached IS:tulles; good goods,-yard wide,24era.;.• extra,. " , 35 eta., Fine Brown Shirtinge, 20 eta. • ,t It • extra, 25 eta. Best Deßaines, _ , 3l eta. Brown Canton Blangells i - - . : 31-ets. Handsome Balmorall, high colors, -$3 00 Woolen Dduble Shawls ' ''' $5 50'— 1 ease 131ankets at a reduction of from.s2 to . ss.per pair. _ _ .. . -- For further particulars see new advertisement. It will pay to make purchases of needed goods month. - - - -- , J. A. Passom. Corning, N. Y., Dec, 13, 1865. . ,SA4ITA time honorrd old' Saint "has' made a-preliminary visit to the Bookstore, and, has' made arrangements, With ISir. YOSING to hare his H9ad'Quartorathere during the coming .holidays.— At his suggestion,-a large stock of toys, embracing the latest novelties, has been procured; and presents to both old and'young will no doubt be distributed from this stoek;about Christmas. The public 'had tettar'eall and see. _ [Nov. 29, 186.5-sw.]. ..939 ib; .--3:15 Boos Bun:min.—On a recent visit to New York I made arrangements to have Books, Magazines, Peri; oilicals;&.o.,bOund or rebound as promptly and as cht - opts as they can be bound anywhere else. I Susi nowmaking up a large box of binding and 'parties having "binding to do, will pleas 3 leave their ilaga. tines Sc„ at the Book Store , on or before Dec:_ 18th: Calland,exaraine styles andpricea. • • - Nov. 29, 1865-3 w. Rusin YOUNG, Bookseller: In Middlebury, Dec. 12, by Rev. Chu. Weeks, Mr. LORENZO CATLLN, of Charleston, and Miss SA.i RAH LYON, of Middlebury.. At the Parsonage, East Charleston, by the same, Mr. ALONZO _BORDEN, and Miss ARDELL HAG ADORN, all of Charleston: - In Lawrence, 21st ult., by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, CHAS. 11. TREMAIN, and Miss THERZA M. GUILES, of Lawrence. • ' - In Charleston, 13th inst., MARY, wife of Stir. Ira A. Nitchail, in the 45th year of her age. ; • This estimable- lady bad been a great and constant sufferer for two years, all of which she endured with remarkable patience and resignation. A C_osouls, Cold, or sore Throtifi .R.EQUIHES ILIMEDIATE ATTENT/OH, A-vp SHOULD ,BE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO COHTINEE, -- Irritation of the Lunge, a Permanent Throat Affee- Won, or an Incurable Lung Disease , BROWN'S BRONCHIAL:TROCHES, Dow v.t-rccr =NC 6 • _ TO_ TELik 4.17 VP For Bronchitia, A.thma, Catarrk, Conen - mplite 7 ,rnd Thcat 'Diseu#ef, TIienCREH ASS„ USED I , WITH A LWATIO pGOOD itTeEtifi _ 13 tugCru,sand Public Speakers: :will find- Trochee useful in clearing the vde when taken-before-Singing :or- Speaking,-and .relieving the throatlrfter an unusual exertion of--,tlie vocal organs. The Trochee are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials frun eioinent men throughout -the country. Being an' - 'article,.(if true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a feet of many years, each year finds them in 4 - Jew-localities in various parts of the 'World, and the :Trochee. are universally pronounced better than other articlen: OBTAIN only "BROWN'S Baal:water* Trtociris," •and do not take any .of the Worthless Imitations *tat May be offered. Sold everywhere hi the United Stitte,6,en!fin eigti Cotintries,at;3s cents per ho'it. ..[4.!,,Dvy435-11] ITCH 1 -TCHII ITCH I f!_ Scratch ! Scratch I , Scratch 1 ViTheaton's, _Ointment; Will Cure' he ;tehin 48 Hoare. Alio Ouies SALT RHEUM,, ULCERS; L. !MAINS, and - all Eruptionti Of the Skit'. ' Priel/150 cents. For sale by all Druggists. For - Sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro,Pa. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A - POTTER. - Sole Agents, 170 Wasliington,street, Boston; Mass., it will be forwarded by nail, free of_ postage, to _any 'kart of the United States. -- -1800.65-6 m. --TIIIrrEAD--E-F , T T-F,-Fali,-.SAI..B.—in - qaty-firres .ef land ,Dear_Weltsbcrro, ,es eel ien t roil,-well- fenced, a handsome building site and-ilnO - aiew of the town - and vicinity-, a -never failing erring of water, Ace. Enquire of JOHN, DICKINSON, Eeq. Delmar, Deo. 13,1865-3 m. • SELLING OFF AT R . DIJO.RD --PRICES= . ...._ The" taiddeigeed tirmaltlzespeotfn/ly' irii:ite the at tentitillot tii.o.ptiblie to bis L.Mi-(E AND CHOICE' STOCK OROCERIES ANAge-,FILOVISIONS conaitting,af SUGARS, - • MOLASSES, _ • t-i: SYRUPS, IRE TOBACCO, SE&R.B,:. sToiTia - Ad WE .01. FL R. I Z., r) - IS OFTEN THE RESULT ==! ' , II TEAS, e C P- F M: r‘." IMES SPICES; ?Lac : 44PEW - i4''Au, YANKEE' NOTIONS, I DRIE GOODS, GROC . EM.II.Ip?, &oz.. SELL AND THE PEOPLE WILL BUY ! 'WILL-BUY ! -WILL BUY DOWN ••:, • . - • p,4o§ GOODS Aitis Now 00114 4 GREAT PANII - N: - NEW YORK; to buy a great many goods at VF, LOW PIL ..- - and as is my regular custom, bilis made ihisto - ck`on . hand correspond with present yalues t -The-redgetion is large. It will pay all customers to make their pur chases now.: .It is very improbable tbut goods will gu any lower this fall 'We bare reduced-pßeati-'is follows: ~ 35 enti-Printei.,"* - the best reakee q to 25cte. ' 31 cent do Engtieti Bind Al ' lloElVg to 23 - cte. ,25 cent do Feet colors, to 21cte. _ , 56 cent' bleiched - -inuslin,.beet grades, 45etri. 50 cent— .. _ do 40cte. 44 can't' eletG -37 —4a -"' 31 do do Breh'd Stlsaarags, 34 seats. s?qE: :Ths,reduetion.ll.lall as:large is our Dress : o 6 oi ..Stook, except Merinos., wbteh ere lain less the* NEVW:IYOR.IE P4CF,S.: • Weekil'fine yard 'wide Merinoes in till colors • $1:12 co.-per- yard. -P re: *id v i''ttfi*kt t as - ;' - tedu 6~ extra "'Palate: - " - =- 'Ss ss. Plaids, ' All the grades,of Alpdedyin:same - proportion. We have also made some changes. in- ourPlannol Stock:no* sell oar Ilasialestia:, 4s. lieEtvg_4eciywillied,Flanngl,- 45et! 4s. Grey 45 ' .-.7B.:Fatay Shifting, ...We have also radricad the prices of one Balmorals which'-ware cheap befditit are atair`iiarek eratifiv: - • . r - 7-• - $2 54 Black 8r0adc10t139,..; —:• „ 2'25 $3.50 - ". f.: - 325 $4 00 ''• 350 redoctioni make a - beavyloss; lmt as I think way to sell goods id to sell with the market, and as goods are cheap in New York we must all sell cheap. Merchants who have made largely by the former rise in stock should not Complain. Our stock is full of Bargains, some of which have not been changed any, because they cannot be_ re placed at all y lower figures, such . aj - 201 :- - 98 Min's f D. S. Kip Boots; ilinh — aidiftein* make .at $4 00 Boy's D. S. Kip Boots same make at 300 Women's leather Ined * Balmorals at 200 Hoop Skirts at 1 00 Hadley's beat Spool Cotton, Bcts and hosts of other Bargains. I think customers can atifell Malta up.their minds from the above statements that we- intend to sell goods this fall. I can assure them that if it. large Stock of Goods to select from, at prices guaranteed to be at the bottom of the market and good treatment at all times. whether baying of not, will keep my 'at:cc:trade, - -- • J. A., - -PARSONS, N0..3, Conceitl:Block. Cor:ning; N. 'i„; . Nov.r22, 1885. NEW PE. qr, I!RidE3l - attention of. the pOtiliO' ie called' to my stooll'o DILI GOODS ' & GROCERIES which I have just purchased in Iklew _ York City 4+5 per cent. cheaper than those who ,purchased lam offering Goode very Cheap; • • • • '..:.:` - .: 'I -,::. :L. *4 T ---; .. - . - ",,i ,- ....isiY:Tea , oo:kic7:.• ,-... . ' 13 Large 404 -Weil Seleeted CONSI - Siii.lo OF FALL AND WINTER - DRES GOODS i..'it . .75::::., :.,(.:(2 0F ..T1 E= , ":::',-. -: F .- ~.:... tql:T.4l:: ...', 7 'T.- c: NEWEST :: STYLE.Si;e,P, -.17 MERINDES, .7A; ,"; - - SI - k ktirkiialt of all Colorer ' NOTIONS of IV' Dpftri ption's; GLOVES, ' - • SS 'T.AIMIJN G - PUTTONS,. - TA:' Litge" Stook" of'' --.7 _.: ~~_~ 00"XES. - T--/EV - -0, - ;' .d