The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 13, 1865, Image 1

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The Tioga Coahty Agitator;. -
BY M. H. ow:14. _
Published every Wednesday morning and eattAtettto
subscribers at ONE DOLL.AIt AND FI.FTI"
per peer, .
al wave List AbI'ANCE. - •.
fau paper is scut p..-tagt frce to. 'cOunty
hers, though they intry.rece e their mail at post; 2cres ;
located in couuties immediately adjoining, fur - `9ve- •
far AOITATOII is the Official paper of 'hog 1.:ilo,,
and circulates in every neighborhood therein,
i cription; being on the advance pay system, it tu
lams among a class must tu the interest of edret en. '
to reach. Terms to advertisers as liberal as thee of
tared by any paper of equal circulation in Non; 'ern ;
Pennsylvania. , •
or A cross on the margin of a paper, dci cley
t h a t the subscription is about to aspire.
,or. Papers will be stopped when the subscrif- lion
ta per expires, unless the agent orders their ettul sou- i
Office formerly :occupied by James Lowrey; Es-. 1
Welleboro, Oet./4•1, 1885-15. • :
Tioga Village, Tiuga County, Pewee.
Prompt attention to Collections.
March 1, - •
''• - •
kFIRST LIOMFII.OII 111 1 84:1194.rft, ON TUX .d . 411b
Will attend to business entrusted to their ear' id
the counties of Tioga and Putter. [Oat. 18
S. F. Wit.aoB.. '
XTOTICE.---,Tbe.Lew partnership heretofore -exist
lug between the subscribers is hereby Aissulved
by mutual consent. - - - JAMES LOWREY; •
Welleboro, Oct. '65.- "S. 1", WILSON. — j-
No. 11- Lem Paul,St., Baltic ire.
Levin Gale, Attoroer at Edward Israeli-; try
at Law,
Rev. NOR. Riley, , D..D. , ltev. Henry., SR-,
eer, D. D., Confield, Bro.-.& Co., g ad
wig t lie Sherry, -John P. Rc )ext
Lawson. Esq.,i. S.' Sutherland, Esq.
[lar:Rwind is authorivid to trammel sny basi , lees
appertaining to this
- paper in Baltimore.]
Nov. 22, 1885-Iy.
JOHN S: HANN - : fi• '
Coudersport; Pa., will attend the several Qurts
in Potter and McKean counties. AU busineon en
trusted to his care will re6eive prompt attention{
has the agency of large tracts of good settliino4,
and will attend to the payment of taxes on any lands
in said counties. ,
Coudersport, Sept. 13, 1865-Iy.e '
WeUsher°. Pa
THIS popular Hotel, having been ted
and ,re-furnished throughout, is now open to the
public as a first-class house. A good hostler'
on hand. , [lan. 1,18831-
H. W. WILLIAMS, WM. H. Sutra.
- WILLIAMS -.3‘ ,
Main Street, Wellsbore,Ta.
January 4,-1885-ly.
S. F. "81iAIBLIIIT, -
Wellebstrro, Dec 7, 1.884.
_(Corner Main Stre e t and the Avenue.)'
B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor.
One'of the most popular Houses in the et•tivts , .
This Hotel is the principal Stage-house in .Wall - sl7
Stages leave.daily as follows : .
For Tioga, ,at 9 a. in.; For'Troy, at 8 a. M.; , Flier
Jersey Shure every Tuesday mid Friday ar2 p.
For Coudersport, every Monday and Thursday at ; e 2
P. , ;
STAGES Attatva:—From Tioga, at 12 t
p.m.: From Troy, at 6 o'clock p. in. Frgte . Jerstly
Shorn, Tuesday and Friday 1 I a. on.: From COderii
port, Monday and Thursday II twin.
N. B.—. Timmy Cowden, the well-known lydtle;•
will be fontid on hand.
Wellsborci, Oct. 5, 1864-Iy.
Cali ntl Icro. 6, Union Bloek, if you want eal
WATCH, where you win find a good aseortment I
• At_ I
I keep on hand E. 'toward ,Co.'s )novemedil_in
heavy Silver Cased , which for time has no 4kittal. ;
respectfully refer to It. H. - Cobh, Esq.,...Editor
tor, and Wn. Bache; ' , Esq., Presideot
ar —
Bank of 'Wellsboro..,
Also, the W. Eatery, - Bartlett Appletorr,' Teaccdc
Co., all are good Watches.'
Dinner and Breakfast Casten, Cake Baskets, EA on
Holders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Epcd :
&c., &c., &c. ' - '
India Rubber Chains, Rings, and Gold Alout / ted
Pencils. "
A good assortment of —CLOCKS eorkstenWO
All of which will be . sold as low es the 'can beTkoAt
We}Labor°, Aug. 30,1865-4 f.
OR SALE.—HOUSE cic LOT on Main Str +et,
adjoining Wright k Bailey's Store. 20 acrt
tad in Delmar, between John Graytiiid ‘ Merri - A,
Souse and Lot on Covington Street.
For terms, apply to HENRY SHERWOOD,I4)q.
Well:hero, Makr3f,, 18454 f, , •
Wholesale azie lietait nailer it
. . •
L S O,
Shop oi>1)o'or South of Smith's Law Offtelv.
Wellthoro, Aug. 2, IS¢s=-tt
has the pleasuis to inform the eitleens 'of .Thin
eouLty that they have the hest oppartunity ever fed
thew, to provre Atohrot3 pee, Ferip (A types,
Cartes de Visite, Vi;nettes, end all &Inas l
and popular card. and 'colored picture's. at his,
on 'Elmira Street. F. M. SPENC,6 -
513.1360 . d, Nor. 15, 18115-0,
is flow receiving fresh from New York, si 0b0i4..10t
Wioter Goods, comprising latest styles of 1 ate,
French Fiiiwers, Ribbons, and Plumes, whieb wi 1 be
told tor cult very °beat).
Ircilsboro, Oa. 4,1865-3 m.
1 forty different styles, adapted to sacred ritiqkt ei
cisr music, for SBU y, poo, inch. Th il4iite Ntd
or :17/GCT Afeliali, or other Sint preitartiits hwnrtyed
them. Illustrated Catiiloines Bent free.; Ade. ,
MASON k HAMLIN, Boston; or -MAtiON BBC;
ERB, New York. [Sept. A,-11340.4
AIRS. A. J. SOFIELD -WISHES TO .1 N C il i a , I -10 a E,t 3
- 1 1- form her customers that she is mow "reeeivio'g
from New Y4rk, a tine assoetment (written for The .Aigitaktr.) , $ $
- , MILLINERY GOODS, . • • . , • .r....xx9 - ix.P i .:: 4 r • •,=,,
which she has taken mu - ch'care in selecting - . Ladieii In MeLtory of Alm E311L17:,./euvgio.4.4.NeHAßD:
will find a superior quality of
, 1 ,
' 1 - ' 'Neter more afftictedone, ti4,"the flit:nog arelial of
MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS , • ;, ~, st , tire "- '- - • =•,- , •-•-•-, - - -
. . .. .•,
. MERINO HOSIERY, , ' -Ia svialiewed-•up , iu death,' can yen .look upon your
• 4 - `'-'' fissile; ,:- - .. : • i.i.:: - - 4 , :t ..-. ;.,m- - ;
Infante'Hooda.'bress Cape, finelinen Handkerchiefs '
r We praya:A that she,tuight live ! het our prayers could
and everything in the Millinery' line. ' " [octifi' l :- '; . 1.) , q. 2.11Ve• , . - - - -
. ~ -' ', The 'spirit fefidts hOuse bf cley , and she- 'rests in 'the;
-Oaf*, -:.•-, -4 - ~ '.-- •e,L) .',„,-. -„, : ..t;,,7i;
408 T. HN / WLItY, H. 11._01;nnipt,
--;0:- ''- -- -' 7 " :,• ! I •etauldttint.J. ::-;ii:' 1 '• f .
is 1., ; . ; f.
Special attention gii'en_ to collection: of Pensitlns.' 'T*His,haill.q, part wi l',i, tier, hut'll'au . roly ber gain.
Bounty, and Seel; Pfty„ and all elating itigairst4e NT:, As l you pass .10H
tional an 1 :State - tinvernmetiti. ' 2 one l ife'. • ,Lugg4 ii ;at.ti,:l.4ay , tiiii 8 ever
~ •i `P I - ':'_ .1.Y 0 4! In_.'Ver , • „
Williainsport, Pa., Nov. - 15, 18 . 65 7 3 m. 1 '
... -: May I. train u;q children In the *fty, fbat t ey way
'eiker there ' ' 1 - " G ==- ; '
_...' I' ~ UNITED TATEN ' DOTEL. ''bett4then the 'ee . eisSa of • lit& are past, and its atany
MAIN STREET, WELILSBORO FA il- iel43 " . "' lgi • •• --'' - • - '-• '
3 - 3 3 i ' Alay.v.e. shace the ehrtetian'e, boule, wpor it 43 0
- ,
' •D: 0. RITTER, • PROPRIETOR. '''• I. I
- . .; f - 1- •
Rasing leased this popular hotel property, (lately i ;they ;gathered round her lutd—saw the tear of sorrow
occupied by Mr. Nelson Austin) I shall endeavor
~t0. , , 1Z ~ ,. .0 2 ,i14-
make it truly, the traveler ' s home . Personal' //den- I it° 811‘ ',',"4.3' alladien-40 a better land I go,
Lion will be given to the table , and the comfort of;
_peopiimou . ; childrertylored , , ones, when . i.i , arthly i ties
inesta wilt be a prime object. The stables , will be ' are r ived; '" ' ' ' '' ' ' '' -
under the. care of; an experienced hostler. , . • ; May we all me9ta.bovo,a family ,in, Heaven.
. •.
Iffellsboro, Nov. 15, 1865-Iy. - Fares,ington 11111, Nov. 24; 1866. ' AL A.M.i
tillee s . C. N. DABTT,
AITOULD say to the public that he is permanently ,
iry- • lotatta inlVellsbore, (Office at) his reeideace
near the land Office inufHpiseopal Church) sihe rel will continue to do alltinds -bf work' eonflded to hisT
care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction ..whera the:t ,
skill:of the Dentist can-avail in the management of
eases peculiar to the Calling. He will furnish- I j 1
set on any material desired. "' • "- _
attended to on shortest notice, and done - hi 'thitest
and most approyed style,
by the the use of Ansestheties which are- perfectly
harmless, and will be administered in every case when
Wellsboro, Sept. 6, 1866-Iy. -
CALKINS & CONKLIN. flute Cole and c'alkins;)
..... Propril on
R. ' CONKLIIN. :having ihtid large egperienne
in:. some •of -the best Marble -Shops in the
-country in the artistic part of this business the pro•
prietors aro bow prepared to execute orderafor TOMB
I:STpNES, of all kinds, and I!tIONUMESI',S of either
. ,
in the moat workmanlike manner, and with.Oispatcb.
They will keep the best quality of Marble, of both
kinks named, constantly on band. ~
Stones discolored, with rust and, dirt cleansed kiill
made to look as good as new, I • .
Mr. Harvey Adams, of, Charleston,, is our. satiny
tired Agent, and all contract's made with him 01. be
valid. ;Customers can contact for work With 'him at
shop prices.
•-. , •
Tioga,TBept. 13, 1885-Iy. •
, .
Co,,Pliddlebuiy, Tioga Pa., = •
: t , .
situated on the Plank Reid, folir utile." from Tingit. ,
We•are - iprepared to furnish 100,00.0 Fruit Trees at
the following prices r
Appletrees—large siz e , '.5 emibt at theltui-ery ; 30
cents delivered. Common size, 20 cents at the Nur I
eery, 25 cents delivered. Pear Trees, 60 cents. - • I
SUMMER APPLES.—BurnhamHaivest,larly liar-'
vest s Cbenango Strawberry, Washington Strawberry;
Red Astrachan, Summer Bellflower, Summer Qiieen,
SuMmer King; Sweat. Bow, So - ur Bow.
I F,.. t.t. A PeLEs.--Famense, Gravenstein, 11,i ru bu, Rib
`sloe Pippin, Fail Pippin, Republican Pippin. Ha why ;
or Douse, Maiden's Blush, Large Wine, Ladies' Sweet '
[ ing, Lyman's Pumpkin, Sweet. - .
Wtscran APPLEB.—Boldwin, Bailey Sir.-et. Bleck I
Gilidower, Blue Pearmain, American aolneti 41.1.F5et..
Roxbury Russet, Rhode Island Greening. Esoplic •
Spitzenburg, Swear, Sweet. Gillflower, Swear, Swect,,,
Honey _Grenoing, Honey Sweet, Pound Sweet, Poura.:
}-Soar, Peek's Pleasant, Tallman Sweet, Tompkins Co.
King, Wagner.
. , .
PFAR3.—Bartlett, English '..larionelle, Bleakee4
iMeadow, Bella Lucrative, -Louisa Bonti, D Jersey,.
i Seekel, Beurre D' Amelia, Golden neurre, Flemish
I Beauty, °lout Morceau„Lawrenee. „
Also—Siberian Crab, Quincea„ and Grape ro o ts— ;
several varieties. C. A N..H.AMMOND.
Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1855-Iy. '
3TIT 241261 a. a zit
3 - U S'T R E I V 1,1,0.
Lii‘rrenceville, Oct. 4, 1885-4 y.
82.000 tteilL Tools. e e fi x. n perf ' e n n e ee7u n t i t i e! i. y.
11,t, preAdents.Crushiers. and Treasurers orthreo }halite
indorse the eirenlar 'Sent free with samples. Aderes.rtlis
American Stencil Tool Works, Spriiitglield, Vermont
November 1,1885-3 m.
. KEE NOTIONS, for solo by' , P: R. William,',
No 3 Union "thick, WellAboro, Pa. . : 7 t
jj ING'S. PORTABLB• - LEMOTAXIE the. Aid/..„'
jl prepardtion of the kind rnade, from ih. Irt9tf, , l
Ai on articleof economy, purity, and "deliciouinet , i,
it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by pbysi-:i
cians for invalids and , family nee. , Jrlep for
years in any climate, wbile its condensed form ren
ders it especially convenient for travelers. • All- 14161
use lemons are requested to giyo it a trial: ,-,Enter
tainments at home, parties, and picnics ibittld - not, be
witboaVt. For safe 'all Druggists and lint class ,
Grocers. Manufactured-only by 3.• •- • i
• LOUI.S..F, .34-ETZektft,
Sept. 6, 1865-17. No. 548 Pearl Bt., New. Xorlp,
ount •
•c 4
' IS
Come - One andr
O 4, - 9 7z. H.TNq
A Large 6t,o ' en of OLOTHS
Jaet "Received.
'fit is a sad affliction when one so dear in life,
t Ia snateLt'd from your aritiiiie;e-Lii &We loving wife.
Bat sa# '4.'ltireces will bei fitone,7. , I'll not, tnarwur nor,
,and peace
txPe e-tt an g.:=
= • MT LANDLADY.: "•• •
Mpltandiady „ Mrs. 4dilliga.".N. is 'pnao.i.oft., the„
i6ost-exkllent and. exemplary- women in
thel woirth nur~
i‘money fresh-sheets; bright. firesand ittZIO•
I , welbsupplied tabip, many, plena/44 Word/3r oulgl.
much ttiotherly, care gratuitously.
"What acharming.monian is the s4e.lama-,
iion :of :every new. boarder. :But spoor human.
nature:is rarely rounded to.full4wrfection,,and
good Mrs:. Milligan hue one theme-of discourse,
always ipreeminent. , Ulways fresh and new,,
Fitt) which, as...may; bo-:_suppused, -,she bores
everrune... Tbis:theale is a fire,,by which a.
considerable amount of her
was -iteseroyeti; and tali.dptes
the tire , : One boarder. came u week ,before the
great dire, and, another. a-fortnight aftert-sehe.
butight so,tanan...coal a -feii -days ibefore the,
iiertvtirk,i-and.-a - loud- of .pintro.wooli---just,.the ;
cloy- fullowitig-skiho. is sure-
_et it,t,Lecause,, sin ;
remember-of ,thletibg-the partieulara to the,
r a ,,n who sawedothe,pitie.:_wood.....Everyt mew.
pone r zis. grid- all shout the great, Are—how-it.
Was suppuseil to have originated, at -the time,
and rat the 'facts of -the ease, were afterwards
supposed-fa . be. and: last, not least, what. her
pri , bite opinion in-the Matter is.' upon all
beussiona-,-when-thetgreat _fire. rhrought _I up.
whit+ iiscirgint one to-five times .a day4iithtt-.
rine itheinisper,houSe. anaid,l is is/idled upon to.
ceStify--treacly' tar tha,:auo"rnentation-, of 1-ttfat
,youritt kidyr's'-iielfesteenr....Nuthingtpleases her
- 110 much as being the., witness-box,
and she svill•fly from pudding or pastry at, that
,oft, xopeated suainumst o -witli all the alacrity,
that a bird seek/id/a /nate, .1 • •
It was not always, howeverii that Catharine.
.attiewilied•-the calbof her mistress ria readily; or,
that-the **file. which , that eXcellent woman
non- cheers aas -so :aright. • .True, she - used to
l.rakietTery viten before Me fire, but it weal
m sort 'shallow itrtiticiak reffair, that. seemed.
to be . carefully 'adjusted to brow and lip, on
spdcia4r- - siid proper otwaaions---not . the. genial /
inanimation. that .comes out from . within.—
Neithertwas my landlady-always tidily, even
prots'ilytressml; as Mow--Trevious to-the lire,..
she' Was gentiritlty -very plainly • sometimes
unweithini eareletslyi:dress.e.i. The - run-down
slippers t kat Avert:Liu requisition , :before the' fire
have'-- . glven:tplatie i to: Lt.tots,,!fiell-fitting and
nett4l3l:l4-ee4i-the.ll4.lne- made - - cap. _to,. a pretty
nue'friair - the millinersithe old frock.icialnew
one, and the pin that fastened , the'•eollar,t -has
since the fire;been/i - euneeaded
kuntlhf ribbon: :
Mithty tevolutiontotako place now and then
in individuals as. well-as in continents, itnd the
fire which ieinOw -Mrs: - MilligutV,s donjon keep,
did nips: ‘nseured4y perify•the metal of which
that -peysonitc:rs originally composed,- - • •
firatiCame to her-house, She was awl
ItuYiestlitird-Workink, hard-scolding, and titer
-oughts womanto say .'the..tfrlith,
..ishel,itinted- -the household ot , dagonalty,!-and.l
, heFselr: coiitintially—sh'4 -*was I 'Wotting arid
iavitigffor some bletiSed'clay •oCenjoyinent that
was cothing, 9 iviisn'Or how she did' not 43top: to
• enquire Catharitie, h'er•:thiniestic i 4iost faith
ful end. 'Obedient . ' nit'w;''vtas then,'contintially
'fretted - "tirtd'' , '-gottded h y' tier 'tniiitrese, , lanllen,
carefeit's; rsointeinuis positively diselied ieut.
blame and no praise, -all -Work and no play,
were not-Suited to the nature of Vitibarinet
Salt a dezen' drf;sses; very beatitifut
landtadi 'had - previous to' thi -fire,
nut turned wrong side out, they haileon ,pegS
in die Wardrobe, lb be #bria 'When 2 the great 1
day'ortelastition and enjoyment. Should' dawn.
-A guild shawl 'anebeautifil bonnet' ihe owned
likeirise- 7 -they' were °nee exhibited to me,l3ut
too, were', reserved for that
mythical season which never embraced in
the e.alc'uhitions of any alinanac—Mrs.
Wore it very, plain and very eld.,ponnetit was
guild enihigh to - )Tear to market, or any other
plieelliat_sh'C'W Cl
ent—by-and-by she'ialdwear
ber'nloe one.' Often she said she wouldlike to
have ieine *new linen; 'Spoons or silver 'for the
fable—perhaps shd - Would get them - sometime,
but then she must put the Money that' night
•hate, procured them'in the savings 'hank, fur
: so 'she denominated the little paper which she
kePrin`he'r bedroom, and wherein she deposit
ed - ail the bank iibtes that by rigid economy
and hy'endlesti toil she could rake 'and' de , ape
together. And in no place; perhaps; was econ
, otay : pr'eit'sed down to • its. hardest -possibility
farther itian in the' aforementioned 'bedroom.
Tlie , 'earpet u was'a - Century olp—patched,' darn
ed; p c i_o4 2 centell Course, not 'very 'clean,' the
bealatid bedding 'Wife - equally' -antique—the
chilies .vdre mostly broken, and the• cradle had
lost 'one of its rockers, and 'this last was a
matter of` especial regret to my 'landlady, and
if 'She could have spared money-for anything,
uhe would have had the cradle repaired; "as it
ivas, her pretty little child was left in her
slanting cradle to moan butir alter hour alone.
Milligan Meant to he a good mother, soil
'barely hived her bahy; . hut she 'lnuit work
atoketie must'save, and she must no* and then
go` i :ipte`the kitchen to scold. ' "One of these
timee," she would have the' cradle mended,
and 'also a Whole - glass set 1h the - old frame,
for" ibe glass she titled was' cracked' and brok
ell'=-,a'_'part of it gone - indeed.' These two
thirigbl tint inclined to"believe Mrs. Milligan
'would have attended to prior to that Mythical
pdyiudin which ells was Ctilake - ctnfort. *_
Tile . blue or the baby; testified thatihti
Once was not so warm tie it should'bate been,,
anti its ciriis seemedtos.ty thOt it *as bungry,"
often. .Mrs, wished she Was i
attleto ilnVe things nicer,,and betier in her, own - ,
roam, and_to devote mare tithe to. her ba'hy-- ;
,then.„ii vr - as impussible; sometime she
assuredly would. And all this tinie there was,
one pair uf, stairsbelow,my lady's bedroom, as
pleasant And ,beautifulli furpished.,a one as !
could he desired--this, however, was her.spare
bedroom, to be used a few fifties io
,the - year
for visitors. She Was 'sometimes almost dis
posed to appropriate it to herself and her bab:y,
and,take some comfort as she wer - t,'along, but
it is probable
she never would have done so,
but for the great fire.
It was a.cold,'w.inter oiFttt, aqd my landlady
had ',been woiking and scolding more than '
L upus!, and was,sitting up; later. There Ivaia
bright fire in die - kitchen, for Catharine was of
,such a nature itiatalie, reqU r
in midwinter? Mrs: :Milligan .said she could
not hive all shereqUired, and consequently the
grate - hi—her room was black , and cheerless
What-made her so- late" den'tsknow-4veryi
titinfhail gone:utrotig , all day; , elie said, and•iP
she 'did sot work . -her •nailk• offriothing' , would:
ever be ddne•Liiorne fiiiks had servants that were
some little-hetP i ' she- tielievedc , she never could
bliss-had 7 a Mind to dismiss evary:wretett•
of •them and do everything herself, and—thew
may be' ghe , ibould :get through- sometime—as it"
was; We' had sainainy serittnts -to -waW on it
euak'iltalf -her iiniebut strpposed she
puld , •utt. take-a ctiyOef ileti7‘ off •Qathatine 'Was
Ijko any''other girl,' she'-cdald—Atiirs'-was• , the
lire, and the tea-kettle steaming , hot;:-but• ahtT
nevernould have a servant willing td- - do any
such little-faVorlor heir out of•teason: -- •
" at ire; -idie Othitinned; holding
out the wet Skirt tif ber'citeis before , the stove,-
and - roughly pashitig - Oatherine,cwho eat there,
wide; 'jest look!at;my-frttek"l.4 look. like
washer-wonnin,-`ond I might as''well iie :One•
for ell the comfort I have—get along Pto , bed
with you, you good-for-nothing—l don't- want
you in my sight, and &you are not up earlier
to-morrow morning than you were this, ytal
can.hundle•up your things and find somebody
n t iiWilling4o.wait•un.yott more than I .will
—for 'in future. 'am de.terminesis to., be- dif
ferent woman frotnlWhat I have been.
So she was,•lauCtliff :reformation
such as she then propased toherself. '• .1' ;
.• Itic certainly -ren. ;unpleasant.T.thingt..)to he;
awakened, in tbe.:middle of the .night by the
violent ringing of the door..bell:and. the crying,
under one's:, windows; , of fire I fired land .more
unpleasant is it if•it.happens to be taid-winter,•
,as well as midnight, and a•quantity of gunpow
.der or other explosive.material in your imme
diate!viainity:,. I had retired late and fallen
o r oleop . tothe :slow subsiding of the din of the,
,city, nrid - ,• with a. eomfortaliledegrealof- warmth
wrappedttrith iemy blanket,rwal. just ap
,proiretringilhe most charming portion of a
charming dream, when I was startled to con
seionsnesi-by the bursting. open of my door
end the, Itidetars outcry of, For the • sake of
,yohr immortal soul, rise up, , the.- house is
living blaze, froth TOW to , teellar ? '—irisa,quick, or
you will 'perish alive !" -Catharine, - for, it • watt
,she, made all the while such ludicroue_psturea‘
us I never saw tuir - dreamed- or, audit . ' ppite!Of
thd-esigeneyo of the ease,- I..made ti.tnemoian
-dum.of•her swaying and, diving and jumping,
an that in. the possibility ofleseapei I might
_draw material for daughter from memory, fur
the exhibition was- too good to ,ha :lost, and
just then there seemed , little, opportunity of
_doing thaisubjeat justice:. I verily believe ehe
,weulcl , have jonreed from the third, story win,.
._dow; but for my forcible detentiod.of her. As,
s o on as•possible I issued from my chamber And
looked thonddi expecting to see thttr shim • en, ;
.veloped in flames, but the,. only indication of
fire- I iStiir, was,sidittle smoke: •
.' , Let us-go below;' I sabh " and, learn the .1
eatenrof the danger." Bur, no, nothing.' aeuld
prevail on. Catharine • to budge an .inch, the
; same frantic gestures, the same wild exclama-
,tions of lunacy gontionctd, and were increased I
by the timing up .of my landlady, jest as I mas t I
about to tiesOrld. , JJ ..: :•;,
':,For mercy sake,
,bre,ak 1
, through the,sky-
',light and ,stun to the roof," she Cried. ..". It's I
1 the, only ehance,for our dives --w,hy.don i t,ypit, l
gel a ladder 2,,011y don't you break" the elty.:.
i liglit? the smoke is choking me—mercy I mer
cy I Won't,some policeman) help me-out ?••".. SO
the.two.wemen, rushed -,into the :firms of one
'; anotheri making all setts of lamentations and -
cries,for help—the,girl•hoftling in, her arms 'a
washbowl and polter - whibti she., was trying to
: save from destruetion, and the landlady_having
%about as judiciously selected two silver spoons,
one of her old 'boon; and : an iron tea-kettle.
And so, with naked! feet 'and in petticoats and
night4utpe, the two mioateri ascended the ladder
and disappeared i on the roof, - • ,, 1
, ‘_! Why.. don't you motel. Why _don't, yot4 I
come ?,fell faintly._ ear, as. I , descended I
-the stairs, still iin a good state of preservation,
as far esti:could see, I._:. - r .„ •.-,
.., . - ,_,
There was a, great::. noise of , firemen ; outside
, the house; , and the ringittg.of the bello r ancl,the,
I distressed cries .of, the two women on:the,roof.l
Inadmmeta•little afraid I- confess, bpi, the'-,way,
being clear to-walk safely oat of .the houtle,..l
was proceeding -to three,- when a, policemitas
who was stationed in the ball, begged politely '
that I would not distress royself r ae_. there wee ;
no cause whatever for alarm—there had been
fire in-the building•adjoining,-but it was then:
nearly; gotten - down.. r - . - . , •
I proceeded at once - to strike lights, see that
the' front door' was looked •and close the windows
one haltof which had been' thrown open by my.
landlady.- My neat endeavor % - :was to 43011 X. tier
' down from •thevoofi . but my eloquence proved
. unavailing the policeman above mentioned.waa
' kind enough to abcond . cmy ..efforts•with might
titoF Main, 'and thewoinen , were at length drag
'ged' toiektit-the wash-boirl wailiroken in the
laffray,•and , the tea kettle lost its spout:- -.: '. r.,.
- When list - the conviction was-forCed , upoti
. - thein that there wits - really no danger, both-fell
''into fainting fits, so glad ; were . they to think'
• they had nut been 'burnt up alive. 'lt Was some
' time before my Landlady was sufficiently 're.
covered to make`-with me an exploring expedi
,,-tion through the house; her -own bed-room was
I the first we visited—andbere,.qttietly asleep in
I the cradle; - was her baby'-:=forgittteri• till this.
: - -moment. Her • p trosysin of joy- Was alinost
equal to:tbat of hei• late' fear—just to think it
had not beet, barrit cip'alfve, art - d it 'might have
been as well es 'not if"the houie had burned
' dawn: In this apartment the feather bed and
l the looking 'glass and a small box in - which she
Was id the habit of 'keeping money, all - were
,L miisiiik; ;i,hbliet's hiad - ' heel in'' the house—my
''' landlady - Was juil ul l :sore : they would be us she
was that she was alive, and conse3uently the
nisi ,tititii ii,ife l ata, sty "she said, Wes to' run .be:
i - t.tal „FP'", f:"i'm ' .-2. , sl .f7 , t f., • -... '...:: ,; ;_i
luvir aid s ,t,. hall door was secnic—but
!by Ittudin.4 was no authority for herself that
night, and ss afierwarde appeared, she had set
the Jour-op inaLi The -first -tap a,f siffety+—and
fertheriaoro, a:sole means .preserving ,
her ,fenther-i.i t d and looking-glass,, she had
thrown them into.the street,. ' part of , the pa
per money box was . diseoyered on the hearth,
which made the supposition probal,lc 'that she
bad thrown thcm-Into4ho • fire. some in
stances-trunks had been unlocked and their
contents scattered about the floor-:-a few of her
dresses were gone from the wardrobe—when or
how she had disposed of them it was hard to
tell, hut on the'whole, such things as she
self find not dashed out' f the Window 4 s, or into
the fire were found to be safe in their places.
Such talk, and-wandering, and ,speculations
as Catharine and ,her mistress had, I never
beard, and I would belie gladly retired to my
own room, but they held me fast to tell first
what they had thought`iihont the house taking
fire that evenilig- - - 2 -whatlhey had dreamed, and
how - they had' been• startled • from sleep—the
one by the'cry.of fire _that seemed as ifit was
right under her own window, and she believed
it was; yid the other with - the first clang of.
the fille•belrL2slie" did not kndw what made her
wake- with'the ringing of the fire bellbat she
said =it appeared as' if. something :told . her the
-fire wee-iu her,own _house, end Ow screamed
as loud as she could for help and likely enough
that Was the means of frightening, Any some
thief that tvae'dlready'in - tfie houseithere was
-no reason for ittiPposing"that a thief-bad been.
in the inniseat all.:.-
kly,leeldladst told it016 , .,a1l her.dTeadful fright
might, have been preventedjf she, htl -not re•
tired'ses'oon, and she had a gseiit mind 'to re-
Main up hitige;." • Ctithainli'laid' u ntit *Ord,
tint it:Was evident her coned-vireo reproached ,
her for riot:having remained up herself to make
the tea-the ; fire lias almost- out in, the stove,
but,W batty that—it was the 3asiest thipg
. .in
the world to build it up,'sbe said:finA proving
the old adage true, that " where there's a WM;
there's tv Way,";the fire was blazing presently,-
and ihe , spou tlessatekkettle pn—it .3v.kuld
yet ,hold.water enough for
. onr tea, Catharine
She no goober went about spreadirigthe ta
ble then'tditif'.Milligan besought; her not 6'
give hertielfW nidoh-Irimble, but the girl per=
-sisted 'in her , benevolent - designs-,.-4t,was st,
pleasure4nad 49t itA'artihht.4oyiirrr-Sbo, was sue
-Et would he,morg refreshing to her., :lear,miss
"now gOod' of- yon," laid 'the landlady; ai
she sat down; her baby in her - lap; and poured
out the steaming beverage ; pot one' drop did
abe,taste, but she expressed herself , very touch
refreshed as she clippo , it up and
. down
her silver, spoon. 4t length she smiled, and
preparing for Catharine, entreated her to
drink ir, Widi such earnest cordiality, that she
.was led to exclaim, " briny - mistress losing
her senses`":
4. No, Catharine," she replied, " I have 'just
.come" td' sense ;: have 'I not!' been working
f und saving-all , my life, all what havalgained
'-by ?_. I.helievr, th,afire, w. 44 was:no ; Bra after
all, was a judgment sent upon me, and I @hall
.not nave money again to lie :.urot up by my
oven hands—l our alracifitgiact'aie old b d and
ooh "7aeg are gone, willrtry
to enjoy alittle—twerp day, and not a pinch
along and. no wait for eat_ time :th
will never,come."
So a fire Was made up at once in the spale
bedroom, - which' M. Milligan appropriatOd
to herself and baby . ; •In the morning she ap
peared in her new hat and gown.---the time she
•hod usually devoted to scolding. sbe ,bad be-:
atowed,ou her toilet,. and being satisfied with
berarlf, a smile came out in her face so Sweet
,and'pleasant,.that everybody 'was pleased with
hertilid to this dap we have one a the most
uniformlY;comfortable households anywhere
toi be-found. The secret is, my landlady does
herself as well each day----rta-sbe-can afford
to do, and• to others au•sint would be done by.
[Written for the Agitator.]
NOW L - bermail,,chief captain -of one- -of: the
of',Abrahauf; said, within tiimeeli; t
here are many valiant men at inay coypand,
both,teotmen and horsemen, whO were , Hover
discomfited by' "the f4e. There ' iss } forake'for .
many days i'ncfOr whit- 'dotty hinder tilde
shor4ltl'ntarch Against the foe, and put- -him. to
flight:; lend not•riursuiug: after him, until.
the day in which he shall. bow to the L rule of
Abraham." ,
And he ealledbis chief Offteeiti,'and alt' his
his host, and spoke" onto' them of 'his-Inner
most thoughts and they-with one eleacird erieg
Odt, - "Do thou, Oh..Sherrnao, as thou bast said,
Ind we will,.foilow thee, and will not be found
igitnting,in. the day of battle."
'And he 'gathered together his eli - Wriote, his
horsemen, and his belldWing engines, wherein
dwelt death., and mighty host,- and they
- marched:against. the pity. of _Atlanta,: and , took
'it. APLI, thpy passed Ahrough „pan,' ,cities _
the plains and took many captives...
And the Ethiopians lickedlo his standard,
and followed' after him;'6nd Vaaame=hiti.scildi6ra
and fought for him. -
And they went far and circuitously in the
tevolted provinces, and destroyed many. caties,
and brought terror to the hearts of the men of
• And it came to pass theithey 'halted below
'll city called Charleston, and the destroying
engines belched forth their thunders upon it,
and it fell. And the Jeffites fled therefrom, arid
it was. laced, under the rule of the men of lib
erty, and the bondmen beoatrie' free, and did
much good for Sherman.
Now'Oharleston- was the city in which . was
.Satan's seat,where rebellion, the devil's doll,
-was conceived,land brought .forth, and Sump
ter, one of its fortified strongholds, held by a
'small number of the braves of Columbia, was
besieged and taken by a numerous boat of
Jeffites, as Their first valorous act in -the rebel'.
ious cause of Jeff in the early days thereof.
And Sherman and his host, journeyed on into
the province of, North Carolina, and
. destroyed
many cities therein, and much forage, and food
for men. And the people were with Out suste
nance, and be - gave unto them. -
- Now about this time Jeff began to be very.
sorely troubled, and the evil spirit reigned with
in bim,.ancl he said unto his chief counsellors,
• What shall be done against the mighty hosts
of Abraham, for verily our,land is overrun with'
them.? • 2 •
' Let,,us„;r pray thee,,callApon •-ctur tonst 7
men, and cause. Ahem te_fighti our battles, for
us, sud patuctveneure, .we- way let. tutu aside
Rates of Advertisin.-
Advertiseznents, trill be °bur - r * ed $1: per square. et it
lines, one insertion, and $1.50 for three insertions
Advertleetqunts of less than 10 lines zonsidered as
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Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly advertisements :
' 3 .AfoN2ll9. 6 aroNTRs. ,12:2(0)ixiskr,r
1 Square, $4.00 $.5.75 $7.00 . -
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. „.,,
3 do.'
.. ...._...(.8.75' 10.75 - ' 12.50 j,
+ Column, 10.00 12.00. • 15.75: -. ..;:
i do. - - 18.75 .25.00. - 31.50: i ,
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Advertisements not naving the number b inners,
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all kinds of Jobbing done in country establishments.
executed neatly and promptly.. Justices', Constable's
and other BLANKS, constantly on band.
NO. 17.
the hostile, hosts of the -sons of. liberty." ,But
his counsellors said " nay 1 for they are many,
and Willfight for - Abraham in the day of bat:
tle,"- and there was a division. among them.—
Albeip.Jeff essayecl,not to ponder in his heart
how he might compass the death of Abraham.
1 Mr . Nasby Waileth over Noo Gersay..
ON; TH.F. WING, Nov. 9th, 1866, • "
.:haver wuz I in so pleasant a frame uv mind:
ez last nigbt: All wuz peace with me, for of "
ter being buffeted aboot the world :rot three-1 10
score years, at lest ;it seemed to me, ez
for chance, tired uv persecution' an unfortu
nate beiri, had taken me into - favor.
.solnrn promis from the Demekratic State Cen-
tral committy in the great State uv, N0p,91:-
au, that ez soon ez our candidate fur CicivernOr
,wuz dttay elected, I should hey- the- positicinfof --' 4
Doorkeeper to the bowie nv the Lord (which ist
'this State means the
,Ceputle, & which is cer
tainly better than dwellin in the tents uv Wick:
and groary keepers-on tick ez I dopy and tt.jeo-. .rtz
,dicious exhibition of_thispromis, bed proccored
forme unliMited fisilities for borrerin, whic r
improved very muditly.•- • • 2.. Lit r
• On-Wednesday I. wuz sittin. im my I' 001 42: Iteati
enjoying the pleasen retlecsban that in a few
days • I ooid be . placed atin'tti-
the contingencies no=forchune.- Wood Ipzia, _. •
'wood I that .L I bed died .then,and there, befere c
that dream uv bliss wuz roodrY broken.; - A
wikked boy` chm running past witha- paperi- -
which be bed ~brought. from the:next town.
Is!here there lives a, man who takes one. He. _
flung it though the Wintittw to me abd pasivnl
I opened -it eagerly and glanced -at the hod
_ .
• One long pieroin ehreek wuz heard thrOugh
that house, and when the inmates inshed.inte
• the room they founlimelinanymate on the Boor,
The fatakpapmlay near me, expla:inin the cause
the catastrophe. The kind-hearted landlord,
after feeling uv mq pOckets and•diskiverin that , - tv
the contents thereof wood pot pay the a;reara.•
'gee uv. my board, held a horrid consultation
mith - his wife, site the r opriety 'tty -
me to, he-insistin that it wuz the only chance
uv gettin . what wuz back—she insistin
wuz brung to Pd go on rennin up the bill big
ger and bigger, and never pay at list: Whiter ,
they .wuz argooin ,thi-,matter pro mpg cionij
happened to get a good smell uv his breath,
which restored me tO oonscousniss to itnnst,'
without further assistance. , - - •
When in, trouble my, poetic sole alit= Andy
vent in son. Did ever a poet Who delitad iti
tombs, and'dark, rollitr etreaufs, and constimp
tion, and blighted hopes, and, decay, and itick,
themes, ever.he' Bich a pi,4,of snbjecta ez he,
at this time V' Tbefolleritt may be a consolitiroti
I:4S the few liimokrats uir-tho North, who‘.haveK,.::
gone so fur into Copperheadism that ihey L
can't change their, base :
In the mornin we. go forth rejoioin iu bur „
strength—in the evenin we are busted and wilV.
' Man born uv woman (and Mat of them are) "
Inv few days, & them 'is so fall uv thlible.
thiiiiiirskareel worth. while, being born at ,
alc , ..
n October I' waded in seo knee: e ,
the waters ' uv afilicehun aresabout my chin
.... _ _ __
I look. to the east and Massachusetts rolls, in
Ablishun. •
To'tha west')' turn mk s eyes and Wiseimain' '
and Minnesota and 4 / l enny ewers Ab
,Southward I cur* , •my ,isap/okin gaze, and
New Yurk we had 16 !
Bojo; The, fought rtliantly,.an4 7e . put him ow
a platform, which stunk with, nigger—Jea, the
'savor thereon Was lOtideir• than the Abliehtin'
platforneitielf. ' - ' '
But behold ! the people jeer and • flout ami::1„
say; platform stinketh loud enough, b*
the.sruell thereof is ilo; the smell uv.the Afri
kin—it ie of 'tite rotten material uv which it is
~ . , . . . .
composed, Mad the - corrupshun they have plaid. u
on it,"—and No° York goeS AblishMM - ''..- -,, ~.,
Li Siochm held hiMself up Mid sed - " come anct.....4.
I .hoy." And ou - Pfolks, bought him aud, his tribe,. 7 I
Wit. he getting. net his pise.
Non GeisEris.susistizi !!
Job's cattle waiilain by murrain and herlei-'" 1
horn' and rich, and not livin near: 'NOO York .
thereof he eood not gel.
But Job hed eothin left—etill ha coca sea the,
hides and tallow! .
' Lazartis hed soris; bilt be had dome to HA
them • -
Noo Gersey was the hide and tallow nv the,
Dititoorasyomd 10, that is gone., :
What little is left uv Dimocrasy is all.-
sore,,but where,is the dorg,so low as tolick itY
NoB Gersey wui. ower ewe ! the
strong hand nv Ablishiniam hez liken
Noo Geigey'wuz: the Aryrat on , ' which • - opt -
ark-rested, behold I the dark waves xi.
inism sweep ever it 1
Darkness falls over we, like a pall—the shad
or woe encompasseth me.
DOvtl my furrowed heekt
uv anguish; varyin, size from-a Pew it`thsail
, ,
Nix) Gersey will vote :for the conetooshnia, , ,
Amendment, and lot the nigger will posies.
the land.
I See barredvisions !
On the Camden and Amboy, nigger. bralcaiii , •
men—and at the polls, nigger, l • ,
Where shall we find refuge?
lu.tha North? Lo it is barred agin
. •
In th e South? Id thei r epee 'the Neithiri
CopOtheed 6ndeth`no favor.' '
Neale° ? TThere is-war there .mo' _ere .f
miahtibe drafted. • . -•
. Who will deliver Ira ?. Who will plink
from the pit into which we.have fallen?
Where I shall go the' Lord only 'knows, but
my impression is South Karlin) , will be my fin.
tureshoine. -Wade Hampton is elected • Gem- ;
uor, certain, and in . that noble State one Inity„.
preserve enough uv the old Democratic Statsu
Rites leaven to leayen the whole lump—:
"Yak adote--I'm slots,
On the dark ?onto sea."
And into what harbor fate' will. dzies.ent
weather-beaten barlrkthe undersigned cannot
truly say. , • .
Noo Ge;any—fit,rawok ha . warld mt
stand it a year or two, bat idaubt it. '
Mournfully and sadly, T' q!.
, • *1: VETSOLtuti V 3 . 1141
LiiteViiiiter uv 'the Church of the New