THE - AGITATOR -1 1. the Cours fined the defendants $25.00 and the costsof _ prOseention. 0C AD AND RI SCBICLANNOTTS 1 The Court was held by - his - Honor, Judge Williams,. 1 , _ who sustained himself well, and - conducted business witb fairness end despatch. Wellsboro , ViredaeltfleY, - Pee. •8„ 1886 New Advertieementi Liet of Lettors--Wellabore P. 0. List of Lettere--Tioga P. Q, Adutonistraturs- Notice—E. B. Garrison,.iiim'r. A d m inistrators Notioe—D. S. Petern,Adm'r. Admini-tratrix'e Notice—Fanny Mickle t Aden caution —JobnAwry. -- Notice to Bridge Builders--Commissioners Orphans Court Sale—L. H. Brewster, Adm'r. Drug' and Medicines—Lang and White. Arthur Morton, or tinning and eorrowieg.: - - Attorney at Law—LJalinsi Sherwood. Violin String', Bair Tonic tt Dresser—Dr Webk. Executors Notiee4Zoyt_Tubbe, John Tubbs, Exrl. P. CARD .ie veiling his -14 stook lif,yools a*d g b o er ec cost for cash. Now's the time to buy. . pe,ri o n's illagazino for January is a great triampb t , D ia blo Fashion Pitiie;..apie - niio pwtte'raeipel► typo; slid only $2 a year. Yolina has it. TWir.solvaa-Szturox.—Bev. j. F. CALitrst will ibrespbitrtho Methodist Church', Thursday morning DK. o'elook. • - - POIATIOX,—There will be a donation for thi bea• ett of Elder G. sk the buoys Potter; 341iddlebnry, gofSKedpevdtv,Eteeetilloey „20th; J. D. Jones's adsortizement,—selling off groneilei at redltt4 :.Pfgef'cotoss.s.pso late,-for this week., g a s s large lot of sugari, teas, ie., at iii4a - tfy ra Sued prices. PEasosAt.—Hon. L.P. Witamicier, one of the J a n. oof Montana Territory, reached his home in it is b or ough, Oh Sunday morning, after, an .Absence of sixteen menthe. He is looking well. . - We last week had the pleasmre of a brief visit fr".yik Prof. Allen of the &at... Normal School 14 biatiska Be is as fresl and teisifirascerer, and the)Mowfal t9l Ti a• hviiislatlyiottoh,li his head since r e met last The Tioga oo nt7, 410#* IDaleyention will be held at Mansfield, Vlectbactiday, Del. 20, 1885. All reel bar practitioners in the eounty,and those in adjelnig counties where no Societies exist, are invited lo attend. - - b.43Aies. D;Seeretery For luny month! ulseni - of desperadoes bas beta operating In Wayne and Luseene col:lobes. Their is. option is modes, higlArray robbery, arson, burgl4,), and larceny. Not. to -arouse _npueoessary fears, to put op.r citizens on guard, we utter a word of 41- tics in fawn. Lew. LissauS Pos. •SAr..—One of this _finest. Libraries in the tik.te can now -be purchased at a ie. aided bargain. This library cocaprisce aH.the Theifed States, Pennsylvania, Now York; and kiniaaahnsi it; . Reports, .1141 rell as the -Statutes at Large. Apply, pzil Hen. R. W. Wheeler, Lawrenceville, this county, : of the editor-or thin paper. CLattit's Soctast.a.—llnless more than human, Clark must feel flattered by his second . receWort`t-f WeHeber°. Saturday night. The atuilepee wes,•at • doubtedly the _largest and most discriminating evi r assembled thiw eiqage ea a like: cciagion..' T e ll s first reception of a public man may depend much - "( - 1 popalar cntiosity; but the Second deperida on app?s, eiative interest. . • The secret of !As great pepulatity lies his sia - lar faculty of becoming absorbed into ~.the spirit-1o! his song, big unaffected style, ffne eipressilon, anti = nimble enunciation, at entapanieikby ajroice of quieite melody_ under such control as‘to obey Abe voice of every emotion.- The world is indeed betihr ed by his singing, allied with the purl' end geittle spirit of his muse. Tho Acadeniyilizerciieo..—The _Friday 44-.,t -ning P. e.ntest of the sub-senior and junior eggs es of the Wellibord Aesidemy; will be rememberet,iiy pairOusknd pupils se ! - b - right. episode in the hiit4-1 of the Insiitation. :The nadieece woe:good, an le conduct •of -the exercises eueh-es to refluet great,it upon die' &inhere" :end itupils. The ezninieeifmonairted.of declamation and tiie e cliation poet .-; -Never were papas betterlilff in their respective,. parts , tban-Qn t was little of the hesitation and etribaritament sh ordinarily detract from the InjoYment . of the sineies tor on such occasions. Every pupil wit s ready 10-call. and not one had cause. to blush for the nino:lr in which he (.' .be acquitted him or herself. ' As this was a Erlste Contest; it wouit9 be improper for as to speak of -indivklual merit rsvcaled" by the emulative strife. We shall only generality. That limited numbs's- - could Teeetvoltriass'arda of prises; but very many fairly earned high praise who WHI - not receive 111" . usore'attbstitotis testimonials. -=All *flu figured on tint:C .: M . ll3;i° knee should - remember meets is never the hire of a day's stiinlication,';ind those who "dre) to receive this prizes,eltould.remea:ber that their merit Is oomparitiv . ii, not licralfivej—tenti that they- Lave, mach work .yet to 41 , in the of Stab:ire. Several who failed In obtaining-prise . .ase so closely irPon` theni that a step of two will them ktito".,licie,. ' '• = The exercises' - enlivened by very fine' - :ecal and instrumental music by Dliesei taw end 1,41 T. Mr. Alladt. chibr 1 4;0 ; the choir. ftweessee College, cl.c'et4: the evil:dug with a- lies poem, written fore ects . This poem abounded in sparklinglt!aetid.?Arect he hits et popular superstitions, and yibrated lr,orecn • the patitetio and the votestine'in ;s ome of its transitions were. too abrupt. owing to ebt Ito in construction i but as a whole the effort rereniti :fam ine poetic talent; and' it wee Ticl44d with :44 anent applause. . tRe . ported for the Agititor-) Court :Prouidiugo of rfOv. z.V6B. BASES rditi dR•\D Commonwealth ve. lijamßherweod. Meal It and Battery. Trua Bill. Tried before h petit jut ~, con victed and fined $2O and coats- ' • Coed' is. edllei /radii:kV: Lnreeny. Tried, convicted, and sentenced to 'the county ail for Com'th vs. Lewis Eadth. indictment, SeOrg tn. wbolerome meaty-Tnse bill._ Com'tb vs. Tioas.niad Ctia4, - Tice;: Indictnent, Ar son. - True - bill.-• .. • 7 5 - ' Com'th vs. Prank Wood. Indictment; -,stssistitig :14isarter tc:r 2 Arifpek.-jai1. , ... True lii,lL__„ petit Jury and senttc7 the - Refuge. - Y " Com'th vu:pa4d Costly stud Isaac Buttob. In. dictment, ranting ilib'vote of a ignored; audgohn lEass,, prosecutor, !opay I. l le costs. doni r th - 'vellittet Eiatafroek", - 7 naaeitit and b ttery.— True .bilL _ . 0 - ir'iiiiieriesnizi'Ticrisel,.,Bial?.birie.. :Ignore- taus. _ ' - Com'tti re. Aipbonza• Simplon, _ _Lerewli Trail I ' bill. - _ , _ Tine bill. weenverternesi ageinsi Boni for Assault and Battery : Balphiefilett, Tborans . ' &owl's/se Joseph Campbell. ; - Trate bilis w.eralret,urnua,against the following per. sons for Tippling: Daniel litaßirneji,itlixriee'Lling- Mainreasi:Bullerd, William Townsend: Com'th vs. Etonti & Walbridge. Assaalt and bat- tory. True biiL Coteth vs. ,Caleb 2Onettt,ea. John Kesler, -,-, , ,ecretin,g goods:, noTed. _ Com'th - vs..Tinke Etreater, T tuo bill.— Trierthd convicted convicted-of-the -lareeny. of...a.borse_ from the - pseitire — of Captain John Irvin. in Onion town shiP, and sentenced tb the penitentiary fo' ';flap year. and alLtoonths. , Com'th re. Goo. Leisenrieg. :,,Augast ossions. In dictmetit,ifeefiult and 'buttery.; Tried ROI convicte.l Akifiiit44s/tirjiti - - - • : , Yido4ll tippling Isles '*att r-whioh how Do - you Do? By the " Men around• T,'wn, 4 Well readers, here am I, Row do you like. my A, looks ? to be sare,after so long an absence I have grown. older, and perhaps Wiser—let. - others judgfl , 7.- 'Great changes have occurred sines my absence. Na. , clonal wrongs have been redressed, but not until the harshest mode known to mankind was resorted. to 1, the sword. Politically, too, we are advancing. Old [`party hackneyistn, fogyism.. and I'm a " damphool7, -because my tether was, system of politics has been swept by the.board by the bright effulgent rays of ffeedom'a beaming star. Thank God for giving us Abraham Lincoln and the will and power to dare to do right in the face of organized wrong. Hie life and 4eath Pas caused oppression's overthrow--peates.o. pia ashes. Let us all move steadily on until- , , I lion fallEtriamphsover the sins and wrongt.of past' ages. Religion too has received a new impetus. The of the clergy have been - on - sealed and right spe'aks out; while wrong sinks to her cavern recesses. 'Society to his felt the shock mid reeliteand fro .drunken matt.. (I say let her reel.) The shack"- lee of wrong are riveted strongly here and it will r2i. ,quire all the energy and persistent effort of right to -break them off but it mast be done—and-right here in Wellsbo . ro tad.. Charity_ hegina at home, and so should all. reforms: Rowdyism, aconndreliam and drunkennesS rules uumolested- here, veilhottt. rebuke. Wrong and wrong' doers I have "firmly "set my face against and therefore I shall fight you to the bitter sod. - , My whereabouts to you may be mythical; but rru , sayings I want you to take home with you and'heed them, for Imean just what I say; and' that -too for your good. If I cleat harshly with wrong and thereby tread upon - somebody's -toes so they ery out:--let thew roar; thereby society may, be benefited. Chronic die ease of .the body. politic requires some remedies in or der to'bring about a healthy reaotion and establish sound governing principles as regards justice and the . rights of Individuals. All persons should respect .public opinionsind the laws of the land, anti when men or women so debase themselves as to beoome objecti Of disgust to society their sets should be proMptlY reprimanded and 'they, made-to foil the whole weight, of the, Wrimp_they would inflict upon the eommunity; and-may thereby learn that such. oonduCt will not be tolerated „or ponn tenanoed,..and if such Warnings - . are not be, ed,, justice should be allowed to take its course. 13o:osote it bo. PARSONS sells Fast colored Prints for 22 cents 'See new advertisement. - - PARSONS veils yard wide heavy Sheeting! at-2 arid 6d, Bee new advertisement, PARSONS sells / D. S. Rip Boote,.RlchardFon'• wake for $4.00:. Brogarniof the setae make at SSTO See new 'nelvertfSement. ' • _ . PARSONS'selis 'Zesty gad Flannels, twilled,-a 45 cents. See new adyertisement.' PARSONS sells Heavy Sheep's Grey 'Pants Ciotti 9 shillings per yard. See new advertisement- -- PARSONS sells Handsome Dress Prints at 25 otemi. former pride 31 cents. See new advertisement. - PARSONS sells Handsome DeLainesst 31 cents See new advertisement. PARSONS sells Fast coed Prints at 21 cents.' See new advertisement. - • PARSONS sons- good yard 'wide Shootings at 2.5 cents. See.nevr ndriertiseniont. PARSONS sells Rich Dress Prints at 25 cents.• See new advertisement. PARSONS sells all Cotton Goods at greatly re .dneed prices. See new-advertisement. , PARSONS has rednced the Prices of DresGood and Woolens since Nov. 15, '65. See ne”leertise ment. PARSONS advises all buyers of Dry Good• to see that they get the worth of their money, as Goods are mach cheaper. J. A. PARSONS. Corning, N- Y., - Nov. 29, 1866-2 w. BOOK BINDING.—On a recent visit 'to •New York 1 made arritlitpenta to bare Books , Mag a zines, p er ). b lade outrun or cheaply Be they can be bouna anywhere atn now making up a large box of bintibm• DTA Pleliet‘ hgvina binding 'to do, will pleaaeleave: their!, Maw: sines &c., at the Book Store. (m nt before Deg 18th. Call and examine styles and prices. - ,- = - No t 29, 1865-3 F. Ilu-waYovaa, Booliseller. - - _ SAiVri bgnorrdAld fain t:b - as Triode a preliminary , dcir to rho Bookstamjinil has wade arrangernents,,yrit)r Mr,yorAtra„ r„9- Aye his Heed Quart Dre ehere daring thWicoming• hotiddYs.— his,saggertioni a_.,lprge Mock of.. tiiiya, the, latest novelties, her been procured; and :•ir - eseni , to bath old and voting will no • driddir,be' 1114 ffo,ut this stotk :about Christmas. The public ba, hiker call and Se e [Nov. 29, Irlits-sw.)' Soldiers Attention. =- preliminary meeting 'of the , Soldier,: of Tiogn oonnty will be held at the Court H 47441 in Wellebery. erf the evening . ot Wednesday, Dee. Bth, 18n5„foi the purpose of perfeeiting...ertangernents for a srautije. unidn' . ofithe '. R in Blue, whir have,partieiputed in the late battles of the Rebellion by, land • sinks* A reprokentations• fruit -every - vegiment or -parts-of regielents is required and' .a general attendarnie ie queened:. • , Many Soldlers. • Soh Orphanet -Committee, Ting 06 - Tnouni tiumr,-Vielleboro Chairman,— Mrs. Joe. P. Morris, Maneiteler; _ - Chas. F. Svian, Ttoga, " T ' - . Mts. Sebn Biekineon, I _ J. B. Niles, Niles Valley. • • iser ._ In Oesola„ 30th ult., by, Bar. B. B:Renalet, ROBERT WAGS, of Corry, , Pa., and bliss - BERME LIA G. TAYLOR, of -Goads. - - In Middlebury, 30th nit, by Thomas Vetoes. Esq. Mr. JOHNI-A. - FLETCHER, and Mist RUSETT44. MaM] In Richmond, Nov. 21, of typhoid fever, Mr. MY. RON S. CLARK, aged 21 yeare, 'two months, and 21 days. A Conah, Cold, or Sore ''rlsroal. REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTE:TION, AND SHOULD BE CHECKED. IP ALLOWED TO COETVittE, Irritation of At Lungs, a Pennant*, Throat :Affeci tioO, or an fnenrabie Lung Die ecnte is Arum THE ItZSULT: BROWN'S BRONOIIIAL TROCHES . "' 3. Vll 'bitticr nirtoeTtZi.. - TO GIVt TIfIiSDIATE ItELLEF. Bronchffig, itittrivta, .artarrh, ,costitr7i7dive and Throat Diatom,: - - Ino6cess A.HIL,T . M. WITH AILWA*6 GO!p singers' and P#lfe "Speaktera will And Trachea useful in ejearing *hen taken beforeJSinging or Speaking, and: the throat after_att unusual exer4Pa of hi vocial'ergane. The- Trod!..i.ff are recommended and prescribed •Itiy Rbybieinne, - and.haye bad iestitaaidars ffgln •etn ,kentl men throughout theetrautry„- _Betng--tee mrtie4e; : pt i r, tree-merit, arid iiarini proved.ther effiettoy ... of malty 'yeirEi; esdh sear finds them In nalooetities in — erageoe ports of - the warld;.and the Trorheil. s pre pionueneed bettor than ether OarAl' only . "Brtovi'S's - :dna - do not take any of the Worthless ;finitationei — ibat may be offered. - - Sold;yeryhere in the United Staten, and iarFor eiga Coantnee, at 35 cents per boi. Ilwavy6s 7 ,stal - rea I rreti:ll :viva Ul-- Scratch Scia,tc4-I,_Scralvii - *Wheaton's OintmAnt . WiirCure-the Itch br - 413 /lour 0. - Also mutter SALT -ULCERS, _CHIL BLAINS, and all Eruptions of b 0 ceuts. For sale by all Druggists. For Salel4 - Jolsii A. Soy:Vellsbortvßtf: - smiting 60,cents to WEERSIr; POTTE I II,pIe A g a u t, 2 ,llo34ehthglon street„ Boston, Slats., itorjlt be forwarded by maih-frtritsg — s4e - iatrtot Viiitterblaiter.:l:-..;.l - I . l * - Yr GetipliPS-,--GEROCIEItiEk-r&ea SELL CHEAP. _ •, , AND THE PEOPLE WiLL • WILL I:l3Yr. WILL EDT: DOWN GOODS ARE NOW IeiIEAP! I Hive been enabled by the GREAT. PANIC IN NEW YORK to buy a gr!tt onuyscic!d!iat V E 0„W: .1 , P,R IC E and as is my - 41 — rttlar ocatom, travii tnadii tny2stoidrd on hand correspond_ witb present values. The reduction lerge It • win 'pay-Ai:Casco U 2 - ID , r M 1 1 4 4, 'Pt / chases now. It _is very Improbable thut goods wiii go any lower this:fag._ !Wu: tulye rediaced prigs', as Z. _. 35 cent Prints, all the best makes, to 25cte. 31 cent do English-ond Amoski.g to 23ottv 25 cent do Taat"colorli,' - tO-21cts: 56 cent blegybOcumslin,.-beat grades,cts. Sit cent' v e t* : 44 cent"-, 404. 370 ts• 37 do do 31 do . if:, B'ch'd Muslins, arand'il , Sbeetings., .34 08.0.tatt ` 4 " Tae reduction is full as large in our Dress Goody Stook, except Merinoes, widola are still lose than - We sell floe yard_oride *eriociesin - all'eolors at 3 , • $.l-.11 ler'y rd. 70. pi wide Pni araettas t iedlieed t` O' 4 : le . "' ,_ l 6. extra " Plaids,, s! tre. " 41. - • _ All the grades of. All soas same Rroporpop— r W haTe ghee made come °hang:4'o3 — M= - Pletinel Stook! "ire new- lelFOur- It:44ns as follows: T., -; 4.9, Heavy Red Twilled Flannel, 45cte drii Grey 4. 7s. Fancy Sniiiing. • We bare also iidualsa life" joricei of Oar which'-cheiy /Nara bizt areas niuckelisitpiy..r. is• - . :-• $2 50 Bla . pit Aroadclutio, 1 , _ _ 225 $3 50 " " 325 ij4 00 " 350 •.: • •-••• : • • Ihese reductions mike I - Cheery - Dies; bell-al think' dm only way to sell goods is to sell with the market: and as goods are dicap in gew Y9rlc we eituktrall sell cheap. Merbbants who have Made largely — by the former rise in stock should not complain. Our„cock.ts full of Bergains,zgotew-ef 'which - hem not been 6ail'ilialin,f,lscartse they cannot be re placed at any lower figures; each - • •- - , • - 7 All Stfeeps'er& "s , --' , /kIA 9s ?oleo's ii-D-.-S - .l(iirloots, Richardson's make at, - s4 00 • Boy's D. S. Kip Boots,--fiine:taske at 300 Women's leather lined .Balmo!-als at 200 Hoop Skirts at 1 00 .Iladley's best Spool'Cottoii,- , Sets And hosts of otlatte , Bargains., , - I think -customers can safely make up their'. minds from the nbovo statements that we intend to sell goods this fell. I can aesnre them that if a large Stock or Goods to select from.•ex prices guaranteed to be nt the bottom of the market and good treatment largetitno.---.4athor buying or not, wi►i keep my loralm, - , • T. A. PAR:SONS, 1110:"3; CoD E CIL . Block. CurninaNjq : ,Nov. 2-2, 065, .7- y r ;p, PRLIMS Xllo .7 4tpiilph,;tll9 public' a4allea to Wy ' l "'- - • r. , DIIIVYNAKIPS 4379".9:E.WS which I have just purebesed New York City ill per„,ceut. cheaper than_ those who purehaSed I aereiTerint tioods-verY'.eheap, Large atiit-witi Seleeted COWIN:Me ° FALL- ANDTWINTEIV.BRESS - GOODS THE: k r i t v§l2.-TE:.t. _ _ ! • DIERINOES, ^ "' AI/PA - OA • P&RAMA?TAS, NOTIONS orlidniiiptions, t. HOSIERY: 05; Bulriya'Ns, J =y T 4I,IBBONSoic ; A. Larg9 Stock ~ • ''. l*os2a ;RS7I Ca . 7 _ r 1 AN 'II::: • •EFin‘Trints, last eplors,l2 _ ' • • '....t5,,9s IVI Brawn uE11 1 .1: 1 .,• t— .",,- ". • it..2. 8 4 41 11, 1 ).gt-, Alf Wool Shawls, Hoop Skir si_BoAtt4-Iglitresa' • ' • : 2 • ye ZUGARS, .TEAS; COFFEES; ~; . -7; {; o f - . 7 • I r ' 111 A BY itrr:GLIITIIIN SATINETS,_KENTUOKYLJEANS, Bra 4:INIEN'S 4t,llOX'S U 4. s, clt!a"P: Alf a'whfah:will 'Joe for, Omb,loie_ne than any other THE - botTNTY S. O. DAGGETT, ti 9 ; TUE BEE 1 `--• lIEW TORR. PRICES. :„Cq. ' I7 rIR CAVT ONLY. :MY ,STO43K SSZNG. CLOTHS OF ALL TH 'NHS,. CASSIMERE§, ITEM 141 TAT ; GOODS, -GROCERIES. ape. NEW .ARRANGEMENT • ; • PRIGE43,I _ ; =MI I. -1.::' . 11ALIIWIN:::41 ,GO4 Tzocta; Pc i: . 1- ARE RECEIVING A , ILAIRADN An WELL-sELXCTED =II JOCK OP!, IRE . DRY GOODS, •BOOTS ',l ' m') SHOES, GR~OCERI)iB, AEDWAtE, _ ,-131Wr&-_-jet-ND -P-41N_T I AND OILS, -.17,. ii:, 71V2A Lic-PAPE.R.:-• • • •.' G 1 -00k11.1-; 8, -- ' - WHICH WILL BE . . : . '0 I P 0 4.E D. 0-F.CHEA,P, 1111 , Ready Pay Only TIOGA, Oct.-4, 1885-1 y W .-. H .i. - • ;4 , _ 1.0 • ~s 41 - : --'- A-••• i 4 'l e - : 4 ~.,. d i ..• ~- C.) . , P - _ 0 6., 01-- • c. 4 %,_ r 1 1 4.: lir - es ~....,, 4 -, : , i - ". • , 14 to p 0 , 4 %..? . 0 7 :-Og .... .7.. 7- - ~1 , :„1..:. :It - ,:icvr:l o -- laiH• 0 , . • ei .. . •••,11., -... r 4 -•- ,e,_ ~ .c t ..„, - .: 4 4.:::..‘ .• ', . a ii , -. 4 2 . i - --- 4 e ct ' . . ' • 04) .111- v.., . : al ; :.....i z - i .,.. , ..,,a - .i. w _ ... •.. ...'-. ti 44 '4l =... t,: - .lk i izIA, !!" 'P . ' 1.1: ..: • - ,_:- :: _. • Nt in i 0 Gl4 0 ii .-:.%(.'• ac t :: P 1.: I ' r-i, _.? .4 • : . , , ._ Q • - ) , Z;C: - .2 .':11101-- - W :.!o'. •.::',':::,-1 7 ;.: .1-1:- 1 '44: 3 6 1.4.4 ' '" -gt '- ' • )114 In gel .."1; r).-,:u2:-._:. 1 . • ..4 . ha 1 4.- A cf .. c a , Q .. :.•''--)1001- - et- 7 e_ on 1 pol• 7- - -- g-:- -_. . 1 , 1 : : :: , - ... - V. - : .© 4 . - .: • ~,a r_ , • .•• . .. c- g • Pig ak ce ©. '' • et • 4 ;' ---.-- ....,•.... r 4 r - CI .1;4 4 -- -• PIZ : 1 .0 1 ' W...., cn ,GT.C.*:_*". , It. jit.:‘ , . 1 W 4 '. -. : . = I T...* • ,r - t , ...*:C71"•- !"- 2.f , .f,,j '''' ..- 40 6 4 : . ..- "1 - .. ,, f',.3'r '• -* ).6.4 - : ' ' -'- FLI3I s.''. :.-1,..P, r EELAROK, FRAM STOOK - OF : "::A T . - . • r • i ICELLY & PURVIS', S . ' IS pplaW-OFF LIKE k - Si ' I ii44 l * 11ttb BIM EIS .._ ,_~L._~. WIZ F 0 It DRUGS er. MEDIC NES. :- JOHN ROY 9 wHOLEALLE & RETAIL DEALER IN MIUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, TARNISHES, DYES, PUTTY, PERFUMERY, - WINDOW GLASS, FANCY GOODS, SPICES, . TOILET ARTICLES, _ PATENT " MEDICINES,- LOOKING GLASS PLATES, 43 . ,, -PICTURE 9 - .4455„ WINDOW, GLASS, ENVELOPES, CAP i; LETTER PAPER, INR.S, &o N. B. Physicians': Prescription! and all other Recipes will be carefully and accurately made Up from pure and reliable Medicines. . Weßober°, dug. 23, 1865. J. A. ROY. P R. WILLIAMS' HAS just received a Large and Fresh Supply of LINSEED 'OIL; MIIITE-LEAD, lc: ZINC PAINT, which be offers to sell cheaper than can be bought this side of the City. Ho ban also a rail lery stock of COLORING MATERIALS, such•-- • MADDER, ALUM, , NITRIOL,. • . LOGWOOD, &a' • •P which will be sold 26 per cent. cbeiper than can be Wight at ley ether establishment in the county. HOWE 4 STEVENS ; FAIIIILY 'DYE.. COLORS alwapeon .hand. . • Call andertlitnine my Stock and you will be sure to buy. • - - P. R. WILLIAMS. Wellsbort),"Ang. -- 23, 1866. - - g-tiv DRUG STORE.= Dr, W. W. WEDS & BRO. Have opened a brag end Chemical Store, on Main Street, let door below Hastings, where they intend to keep a full assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A good article of Medicinal Liquors and Wines. Prescriptions carefully prepared. Medical advice given free of charge. Wellsboro, Nov. 8-3 y. WII9I.,ISALE DRUG STORE— PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, witzTFOASEI LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, - • : STATIONERY, - FLUID EXTRACTS, ' PAINTS AND OILS,_ . PETROLEUM OIL, - DRUGS & MEDICINES, - ROCHESTER - PERFUMERY Sc FLAVORING EXTRACTS, - SCHOOL BOOKS, - WALL PAPER, WINDOC , :tSt,; - - DYE COLORS, - Farnishekat,Vholeeele Prices by Wf ,i' • Jan. Ifb 1865—tf, Corning, N. Y. NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS AT TIOGA - 77 • BORDEN: BRO'S, Would: respectfully announce to "all whom it may Concern," that they keep constantly on hand a large Jind well selected assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS- •AN - 1) WALL :PAPER, iIoYE STUFFS, FAMILY DYES; LAMP„• - , , GLASS WARE, _ `PLATED' WARE,' z` - • CASTORS,. • - • : SPOONS, TEA & TABLE„ CAKE DISHES, &c. WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, SCHOOL BOOKS, PATENTWEITECTNE S " - - Tea, Volifee', - Spice, Pepper, Gin lernlns, Starch, TOltti AND WASHING- SOAPS, savi an oodles, variety of YANKEE NOTIONS. Oot. 4. 1865-1145 Not' only — relief - , - Eut are sure: to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint. They are not'a purgative, and therefore their use does not create'a necessity fur the habitual use or Cathartics. They cause no sickness of the stomach; no mining of the bowels, and aro perfectly harmless fro -the moat:delicate. • • They will immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence% Heartburn, Sickness.or pain in the Stom ach, Costiveness, Belehing of-wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disagreeable and den. gerotts .symptdms - 13f the disease; which unfit one for thh pleasures and duties of - life. .They are an agreeable and wholesome appetiser, l i viithoid any of the injnriens effects which are sure to I follow the - due of stimulating "Bitter" aisd all pur gative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power-they are sure to keep the di gestive organs in a healthy condition, thus preventing - Costiveness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. - Weak and delicate persons, who have been injured by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them 'a mild, safe and sure restorer of the digestive organs to their orrginal strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, S. N. ROCKWELL, _ S. B.• Coy. 21.1 and Market Ste., Philad'a, Pa. See that my Signature is on the face of the box before'purchasing. Beware of spurious imitations. W. TtitlEtE'LL, Wholesale Agent, Corning, N. Y. Sold by alt Druggists. - Cornin‘SoW,2I7;,,XIVIMT, , -..-. C,. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, acc. FALL AND WINTER GOODS—No. 2, Union Block. JEROM.y, SMITH Iles lately returned from New York with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS Sc SHOES, GLASSWARE, * HATS 6c CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinos', Black and Figured DeLadner, Long and Square Shawls, • Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, tte. Purchasers will End that No. 2, trnioia flock. Main Street, the plum to buy the beat quality of Goods at the owest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellabor°, Nov. 8, 1886. F" A FEW DAYS ONLY! I And perhaps a few more to allover stregglers to eOuts, up to the main body of our abstainers, 0. BULLARD will offer superior inducements to the trwliag pu,1414, in tie line of *intitzu - CLOTHE, CrAI3SIMERES, BHEETINGII, - 'st SHIRT.iNG-S, and every thing in the line of DRY GOODS usually kept is the ocruntry. TEAS, COFFEES, SCGASS,'_ and all the FAMILY GROCERIES, at refutonable prioes HATS & CAPS, BOOTS .& SHOES. Call at mute and bay your winter stock. - ' 0. BULLARD. ) Wellsboro, Oct. 11, 1865. " A Complete Pictorial History of the `The best, cheapest, sad most sacceesibi Family Paper-in the Union. HARPER'S WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. - Critioa/ Notiocie of am Pram "The hest Family Paper published in the United States,"—New London Advertiser. " The model Newspaper of our our country--oom- pieta in all the departments of an American Family Paper—Harper's Weekly has earned for itself a right trl its title 'A Journal Of Civilisation.'_"—N. Y. Bora- ing Post .‘ This Paper furnishes the beat ilinstrations. Oar' future historians will enrich themsalies out of 'Har per's Weekly bog after writers, and painters, aad publishers are turned to dust."—N. P. Evangelist.- "A necessity in every household.".---Boston Tran script. . • " It is at onco a leading political itnd historical so. alist of the nation."—Philadelphia Pros. " The best of its chitin America."--Boston Trad . SUBSCRIPTIONS-4866. - The publishers have perfected a system of Mainly ' by which they can supply the MAEsatyrs and Wizit- s 1.. v promptly to those who prefer to receive riocticals directly from the Office of Publication. Post- toasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will' be supplied with a handsome pictorial Show-bill on application. - , The postage utt Haneares WEESLT Is 20 cents a year, which mu t ho paid at the subscriber's post-olliee. HAEPErt's WEEKLY, one year it An Extra Copy of either the Weekly or Magmas* will be supplied . gratis for every Club of Flee Sub 7.. scribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance; or Six . Copies for $2O 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly.ills near cloth binding, will be Pent by express, free of est penile, for $7 eaeb. A complete Bet,- comprisint Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate o $5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. • Address HARPER 41 BROTHERS, lanotss-3t Franklin Square, New York. dtraquestlonably the best sustained troll in tho World." Eanker'l,Npw Monthly Blagatine. .-, UritiooZ ISTotieta of ths Pry. It is-the foremost ,Magazine of the day. The /fee_ Side never had trinorerdelightful -companion, nor-thaF million a more enterprising ftiend, than Ilarpatoa Magesine.--difethodist Proteetant (Baltimore). The-most popular Monthly in the workL—Qirses- York Obiterter. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Harper's Magasime..a jour. nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 GOR-- iee—in whose pages are to be found someof theehol" . .:- cest light and general reading of the day. We spier ; of this work as an evidence of . the American Peoilfej and the popularity It has acquired is merited. Rub Number contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good woodcuts-, malt . combines in itself the racy monthly and the...Mimi' philosophical quarterly, blended with features of - the daily journal. Llt has great power-in the dis semination of a lovo of pure literature.—Tanstrares Guide to American Literature, London. The volumes bound constitute of themselves a 11- htury of miscellaneous reading such si cannot be found in the same compass in any other palgicaidotS that has ooze ander our notice.—Boston Corriar.: The Publishers have perfected a systerit of trit{iliar by which they can supply the Afagosime and ME M, promptly to those a ho prefer to receive their-perindk cals directly from the Office of Publication.. . The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 sents4a year, which must be paid at the aubserihsApOst.s. office. • ' " • TERM. Harper 's Magazine, line - year .94- An Extra Copy of either Magazine or Wsekry WLU be supplied gratla for every Club of Five Subseribeint at $4 00 each, In one remittance; or Six Coils. tot $2ll 00. - - - _ _ Back Numbers can be supplied at any. time.oa . A Complete Set, now comprising Vid umes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by fir. c riLig rimightat expense of purchater, for $2 25 pert mwi. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth ell sea, for binding, 58 cents. by mail, postpaid. Airdrie* . HARPER 2k. BROTUIRS, Franklin Square, New lOrk. 22n9v65-3t. PROPOSALS FOR STOCK.—Tho Direetdre :of the Lucky Oil Well Company," of Tioga, oil' receive proposals up to Monday, N0v.20,186,, for the whole or any pare thereof of 1760 obi - Wig. Reserved Stock of said Company par value-VG pg share. No proposals considered for Jetts that Et pet share. There is one well sunk on =thelease folk. ; depth of 920 feet with a floe show of oil, siroVe, fund is for the esteem purpose of tubing and limp,. log the came. proposals must be addressed to' Tioga, Nov. S. ALBERT M. BENNETT, BeN7 MUFFS! MUFFS 1l• MUITS 11 The patent Excelsior Muir can he obtained only . Welishore,-Nov. )3, DEPLLATCDS. _ AN Assotment, of TA PLR CiLASAITARS 101 la ratio at - _ RODE DRVO. 11TPIUL . 7 A , ry Times." TERNLS t . • IE9