litern officers are proverblal - for — shock - itig uniforms and, in a majority of instances, it is rather difficult to distinguish them from the privates. - Among this class 'is a Brigadier General named James Morgan, who looks more like a wagon master than a solditN. On a certain occasion, a new recruit who .ht,.A just arrived in camp, lost a few articles, ei::1 was inquiring around among the " Vets" hopes of finding them. An old soldier fon6 bf his epOrt, told the recruit the only thief in the brigade was in Jim Morgan'e tent„ be re -omit immediately started for Jim's (Oaten, and poking his head in; - -asked. " Does Jim Morganllie here?" - " Yes," was the reply, " niy l mune •4e Jim Morgan." "Then I want you to hand over tbot books . you stole from me I" " I have none of your books, my mau." "It's an infernal lie," indignantly ekolaim ed the recruit. " The boys say you are the only thief in the camp ; turn out them books . , or I'll grind your carcass into apple sass,," The general relished the joke much, but see ing the sinewy recruit peelitloff his coat, in. formed him of his relations .to the _brigade, and the recruit walked off, merely remarking; "Wall, blast me if Pd take you for s Briga dier.. Excuse me,' General, I don't kit' w the ropes yet." TIMMEARINT HOUSE .—I n the viol thy of Sunrise Valley, Nevada, is an extensivi . -quarry of gypsum, perfectly cbrystalized, drid s't trans parent as blocks of ice from the oleare ; pond; The rook naturally breaks in squares,:m.A.with out cutting can he used for building purposes. Several houses will be erected of this material, and it is thought that no windows be re quired, as the blocks of gypeum will admit light. A building coustrulted of this material would certainly present a splendid an& fairy like appearance. . • Tax sheep fever in Vermont continues. A ram lamb was lately sold for $l,OOO, tWso yiar lings for $2,500 each, and another fOr—s3,ooo. The be li ef that this-world is ultithataly to be destroyed by fire is supported by the dis Ovary that each a fate has befallen far larger planets than ours. French astronomers assert that no fewer than fifteen hundred fixed stars have vanished from the firmament within' the lest : three hundred years. Tycho- Brittle -gives an inigisting account of a brilliant star of the largest size, had become the special „object of his daily obseuation for several mot,Ths, dur ing which the stir gradually became Oiler, un til its final disappearance. La Place state that one of the vanished fixed stars of the'iorthekn hemisphere afforded indubitable evierice of having been consumed by fire. At I,ret the star was of a dazzling white, next of a% ;11)wing red and yellow luster, and finally , it• became pale and ash colored. The burning of ihe star lasted sixteen months, when this - satin:: visitor to which, perhaps, a whole series of 'planets may have owed allegiance, finally departed and became invisible forever. " ' ' AR UNTASHIONA.I3LE OLD Env: pr.—The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette tells the following aneedoter6f Gen. Spinner, the Treasurer of the United States: " The simple-hearted old fellow is.unftshiona ble, in that he cannot forget that there hits been a war. A repentant Alabamian reacf"kkl his hand across the table to him the other' day, at dinner: "Don't you remember me, G)neral? I used to sit with you In Congress. d'vtn tb 1860." " I remember you, well enougt. - You stayed here a good while after 1860, - "wilked through all oar camps, and saw altogether too much before yoti left. If you were goiik to be a traitor you might have had the grace'lo go a litle earlier, so that your old friends' shouldn't be compelled to suspect you of being a spy." " Bnt, General, no man regretted this thing more than I did !" " Why in the name-of man hood, didn't you stand up igniriat it? BnCno, you had to go with your State, and get office under the government .of traitors ! and now you come up to this mod-sill, Andy 'Johnson, to be pardoned. I'd hang you, that's Ithet,l'd do with you, old friend as you are!" LINES OF TRAVEL.i ate & Williamspo Trains will Arrive and Mostns South. -644 P. U. ..510 A.X. ..8488 ♦. x. ..9tlB A. N. Exprais, 11211,„.. Way Fretght,„, Coal Train, - Milli priee. - . • Katie Depart.. . Brain the North,...—l:Bo A. K. For he North, .9:55 2 . :11, " " South, 9:55 It. K. " " South, 5:80 A. K. " Mutt; '.5:45 P. K. s " " East-- 7:15 A. K. : ". Wert, .5:80 T. x. " " ITeet, ...... —7:30 A. m. - tram RAILWAY Trani wal lease Cong* at akout the follQwinkboure: No. Buffalo Express, No. 3. Night Express, No. 6,1416 E; N 0.7, Night Brpresa for Dnnklrk and Buffalo, No. 9, Mail, for Buffalo and Dunkirk.....-., ..... . No. 2', New York Express, .4.10:23 a. in• No. 4, 'Night Express, ;42:84 a. m. , No. 6, Steamboat litpress, , - .. 3:40 p. m. • No. 11, Cincinnati Express, , 3:40a. m. No. 12, Night Express, 11:41 b. m. A. T. COCHRAN, Agent aS Corning. Blopiburg & Corning, & Tioga Rai/ Road Leave Corning. Mall, 800 a. m. 500 p. m Accommodation, 340 p. I I Accommodation,.lo Lsa. L. H. SELATTECM, Supt. SOMETHING NEW-PATE'ERS A MOTHERS READ - ' - Thejlegadeao.decuLtlesigned.for_childreti,..tauLto fourteen years of age and costing from •48 .to $35 only, according to size. The Tone . and finish is equalto the Large Melodeon, and warr antees. Every child can now harp A MUSICAL - INSTRUMENT' t that is a real joy to the household. I st , ,, selling large Melodeons, 5 octave, as low as $75, atiti6octaye as low as $lOO, and warrant, These prices' rise be yond competition—small profits is my motto. Pianos of the best makers from $275 to $6OO, and warrant all 7 octaves and rosewood. To. Leaders of sands, I will furnish you. 131*1 er .- 42krrman Silver Instruments, fore per cent. cheaper than you can purchaiciii New York, saving trangprtation, and .13esides iOr..Can teat the Instrument before Paying. Either Ebrattond, Martin ', lailinoreis' or Wrights' lhatrutnedt) as you may amol3: ,1144.0 BOOKS OF AZI. Band - Mimic, Month Pieces, and real Turkish Cym bals-4verything pertaining to Band Musio on hand and for.sala. Every order promptly atteniledlo at 01100. J. C. WHITE. Maristeld, Pa., August 2, lB6s—eow3m. rr ERG'S PORTABLE LEMONADE pie the only .JCI,L preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an•article of economy, purity, and delicionsnees, it cannot te surpassed, and is recommended by physi cians for invalids and family use: It will "keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form ren ders ifespecially convenient for travelers. All who use lemons are requested to give it a trial. - Enter tainments at home; parties, and'plcnics ebb - cad - licit be without ft. For-Bale by all Druggists and first-class Groeere.' Manufactured only by • _ LOUIS P. METZ - kin., Sept:6, 1865-Iy. No. 649 Pearl St., New York. _— Tirnostsx • - BOY ' S DRUG IVIVAIL JCL . /- -- A -TRUMP BARD I.: (2.REAT -BARGAINS I 1— I would in all confidence say to the - people of Welisboro and surrounding -country that I have just returned from. New York. with - - : I,A.ROE STOCK OE. GOtili% - consisting_td. _ . REAIIY liallEr-CLOTHING -for Men and Boys:- • ir o ati : AND- UNDER SHIRTS. _ . everythitig to make a man walla ad comfortable. Also, _ A NICE LOT OF CASSMERES, Also, a large stook of 'BOOTS Sc .SHOES for MEN,- WOMEN, and CHILDREN. Hats, : d too numerous to mention. AU of which, - at prices calculated to carry out my rale of business.: finfail'Piallti - and Quack Please to call and examine my Stock. Rememb‘ the place, . THE CHEAP Wit STIRS, RODS BVILDaO. Welfsboro; Sept. 20,1885. CARD. R. R. Timor - Table. .'1 from Troy as foil' ,ws Mowing Express, ' 0; 2 8 Y. X Mail, -- DM r. x Way Freight, 4: Y. X CAXI4 Tri____ll . _ - ____ - - 425 P. X .... -.: +l, ' 4 ,'" IVI —, • 6:45 p. m. 7i38 a. m. .4.124P . 3 a.m. 7118 a.m. ;',.:10:23 a. m. ITEM CASH paid for all kinde of GRAIN, HIDES, and FURS. CHAS. &H. VAN VALKENBURG. lebor6, Deo. 21, 1884. . FLOUR AND FEED, BUCK WHEAT FLOUR, Meat; Fork and Salt, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Soap, Candles, Baleratus, Tobacco and Kerosene OIL , Also, Alackorel,, White Fish, and Trout , by ttle package or pound. CHAS:A: 11 - . 7 V 4 9 N VATEMBIT.G. - Vi'ellsboro, June 28, 1885. W HITE WASH LIMB.—Tar BEST ••• • 1 1. - - -- VLOTIIINGOECOOS'S - &. SIEHO'g-; WONDER OF WONDERS I _ . _ 120,000_ WORTH , D R D S I Soots' To ItE - SaLD' AT . REDUCED PRICEg:' ;: If you want to buy G 1,11 T N.fx Call at WILLCOX'S. PRINTS will bo sold for 25cte. for : .Ao days. DAMAN& cheaper than elsewhere. STOQA BOOTS - for $3,75. - , -• WOMEN'S StfOES, sl,so — only'fot: 30 days. Wellaboro, Sept. 20, 1865; C. L.-WILLOOE. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS.m EMI DISTINGUISHED' ARRIVAL. W. T. MATHERS Has just - returned from New York, with an enormous Stock of • - • - - • GROCERIES et. PROVISIONS, and is offering them to the public for LESS money than they have been sold since the WAR. GREEN TEAS-JAPANESE OOLONG, IX : PERIAL & YOUNG HYSON, of variant qualitieiv from 7be. to $2.80 par lb COFFEES-JAVA, RIO, LAQUIRA, n kernel and all the varieties of pound Cogeea. SUGARS-GRANULATED,, CRUST, POW DEFIED, and all the grades of COME SUGARS; alsq a large and' plendid assortment of BROWN SUGARS, - .i cannot fail to please dtugomers if they will call and examine our Stook, either iw-price or quality. SYRUP •& MOLASSES, varying In Price from 650. to $1,50 per gallon FISH-WHITE FISH, TROUT, CODFISH, SLUE FISE I / 4 and various kinds of MACKERBL. Also a good stock of Brooms, Market Baslhrts_, orn Baskets, Axe . Helves,_ Wash Boards, Soiub Bradlee, Bed Cords, Door Mats, Buggy Mats, Mop Handles, Pails; also Nnicemesortment of Bird Cages. Vier Ladies will please remember diet W. T. - Math.: era keeps J. B. Stratton's • CELEBRATED YEAST CAKE, T. Kingsford k Son? Corn Starch, Sago , Vermicslla, Tapioca, Macaroni, nil kinds of SPICES, CLOVES, CINNAMON, .GINGER , --! NMMEG, &c. Altio Black Bunt and Yellow Snuff, a good assort ment of FLAVORING EXTRACTS & TOILE'T SOAPS. W. T. RIA.THER4 keeps constantly on hand the best' brands of Balers ins, Sdda, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda for Washing; also the best grades of - FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, by the barrel or sack, the beet qttity-of Kertisene Oil 'and Lamp Oil. The last but not least to mention is, W.F. MATH, 7 FRS • • - ' WILL NOT BE IINDEBSOI:O 11 Goode to be ALWAYS AS REPRESENTED or no sale. The highest market price in Cat& paid for Butter and Eggs. ' W. T. MATHER& Wellsboro, Aug. 23, 1865. New Flour and Provision 'Store. •_ CHAS. do 11. VANVAICENBURG wishes to in- IL/ form the citizens of, Wellsboro and the sarrouna ing country that they hive recently started anew FLOUR AND PROVISION 'STORE, in the building formerly known as " Osgood's Store," where they may be found at all times ready towait on all customers who may favor them with a call, and sell them the choicest kinds of FLOUR, MEAL, BUCK WHEAT, PORK,. /co., at as reasonable rates as any firm in.this place. a& at- • - Bora DRUG- 14TOItE. DELY GOODS, GROCIELIIIFS,_&C. NEW F 414. AND WINTER GOODS! BM PEOPLE'S STORE, in Corning We - now bqra on,han4 an unusually LA.FtsW MSORTMENT FILL AND WINER GOODS, adapted to the best trade op thia place and vicinity, and shall be conatantly receiving such additions to our stock as the varied wants of our imam:irons cus tomers shall 'lemma. . . Outidookl ionlifitlin, pail of °magma iiifity.of — “DOMESI 4 IO tr-OODS; a larger stook of Mourning — Rd other Dress Goods thaaavei before, among whtoti area large line of FRENCH. MERfNO§, -IN-000D-COLORS, - AT 6EOO PER YARD A goc4Av t too . k, of OM 4: EAPIgE,RXS: to be sold by the yard or made up to order BEAVERCikiItSXIN4-BACKINGS, for Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments Co trim them,. FLANNELS OF EVERT VARIETY, RED, BLUE, GREY, YELLOW, ;WHITE, PLAIN & TWILLED, .OPEiti: FLAN NELS, SIIIRTItt4CFEANNILS: SHAW:ri,S,A - }o33liita, Ladies, Misses and Children 'Battrotal, ankElo r of)._SIAOB, HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, oP etory:iVaKuEong Itliqph Wra " ..k "" 2; ALEXANDER'S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, •and BOOTS. ; SHOES, -& RUBBEKS; Amon Ichich - crerttre-Arctic - Rubber, Rubber, - s Iratni - v nice article. : Z DRY GOODS, Ont facilities -fur-BUYING :GOODS are UNSUR P kSSED by any in this section and wa wish it no derstood that,-•- We do not intend to be UNPERSOLD'by quality of Goods considered, whatever others may say about it, and in proof of this we ask an . EXAM'. NATION — o - f — oorT GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not' to get angry for showing Goods-when. no purchase is made. We - shall give our customers' the FULL BENEFIT 0, ANT. _PECLTNKintf J the Market should, and should Goods -ad vane vie shall be-compelled to follow; We' shall continue thcsystem of . ' _ • _ :oiiel‘Prliee and Ready Pay, which is steadilrgrowing in favor We tender.outjhtinks jo the citizens .of Tioga Co., who have patronised ne and would reepecefully invite those who have never done - so , to call and see' us. Store opposite the DiekinkonHouse on Market Street, threo doors west of the corner, and two doors east of 'Hungerford's Bank, : _ SMITH & WAITE, Corning, Oct. 4, 1885 - flpr 'NOXVILLE BOOT,- SHOE, 4: LEATHER Ilk STORE.— The undersigned having formed a co-partnership under the name and title of .• I. LOGIIRY, ar. CO., , can be found at the old stand, corner of Main and Mill Streets, where , they- will keep constantly on hand a genera) assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, . - of the best quality, which they will sell so cheap for Cash; as to make it an object 'for dealers to buy here.. • Our Stook consists in part of MEN'S, .• ; - BOY'S, CALF, KIP, & 'STOGA :BOOTS, of mfr oirn 7 mannfacture. " • LADIES' GAITERS, BALMORALIpp, CALF, & MISSES. WAS.. French and Oak Stock constantly onlindlor sale. Cash paid at all times for HIDES, PELTS, and FURS. , • 7. . 7 . - TERMS—CASH as; ,DELIVERY. • 1. LOGHB.Y, Knoxville, Pa: 3:IIfOMARDSON, timira, N. Y... Knoxville, August 2, 186b-tf. September_ Ist, 1863. FROM THIS DATE, YOR READY PAY ONLY •• CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES;' Leather, .Findings, Br.c. CASH PAID:FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FURS. D FRANKLIN SAYS: • • "When you have anything to advertise,tellthe public of it in Plain, simple language.". - . I am manufaetshing good custom made- Bcfots4 and Shoes which I will sell at fair prices, and only for ANADY PAY. Such work cannot be sold auto low rates pen pair_as .eastern. made,_but it can and will he sold at prices which will enable the pur chaserto protect .his feet li(itliFicied substantial boots 'more cheaply: 414 - witic: pouf, slop-shop article, *Welt, even if--Wo*FtlidtertOzlellinpieces witTi lie first weeks service, is but a doubtful protection in wet and cold Weather. Try ree k - - Bu - and D oeskins Wanted , in the red and short blue, for which I will 'parcash and a good price. Beef-Hides and Calfakinii.iVanted; or which I.will also pay cash. - Sheep Pelts Wanted, faiwbioh . l will also pay cash and the highestruar ket price. An assortment of sole, upper, calfskin's and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls; knives; shoe-hammers, so., etc., kept constantly on hand, which I will sell cheap for cash. Shop on Main Streetbetween Wilcox's and Bullard's. G. W. SEARS. N. B. I can't 'give credit, because, to be plain, ./ haven't gotit to give. Wellsboro, Sept. 9, 1863. T O TEE P,EOPLE OF TIOGA COUNTY Get,the best and only authorised Life and Public Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. impartial, truth. fnl, 750_ pages, with beautiful engravings, good paper and binding—by Hon. R. J. RAYMOND, M. O. Some important things aro copyrighted and cannot be need in any other work. 'Wait for the Agent and see RAYMOND'S before you Subscribe. E. R. VAN HORNE, M. D. ) Agent, For Lawreneeville, Tioga, Rielmond,Chathimi . , Deer field, Clymer, Westfield and other tgrni. Knoxville, Ang. - 2, 1866—tf. - • - .ANBUOICIRK'S' OZODONT- for Olimniig . Tooth, for sale at P. WiAltesue I= AT THE GLOVES 11111 FOVNDRIES & PNAC : INERT KNOXVILLE' .FOUNDRY.— HEAD QUARTERS OF , THR IRON BRIGADE, AUGUST jar, 1865. Spacial Notice is hereby given to Returned Sol diers, returned akedaddlers, those liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so should HIGH KUM END. All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in our line on short notice and at REDUCED PRICES. Weelionld call atienilen4e — A few of the articles of oaf' in'ankfaettiie. ' •'" ' • ' i•-"• THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND 000 K STOVE Is still in great favor with thcise desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE._ Our ?#-. W n S! ~ / M X t C ff4. l7 F B deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere. Our IRON & WOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good as any if not better. We would call particular attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, as we are confident that they cannot be excelled. MACHINERY made.andatpaired on !hot!, , `Wriiiiteiurrd• Kelp le with' the iniprovetnettitr the times. Try us and be convinced. TERMS CASH ON .DELIVERY. J. P. BALES, Knoxville, Auguie2, STOVES & HARDWARE. STOVES S rotts - ri - TsCrVES I I— _ , • D. C. tittli'MArlirda- 04), / WELLSP . PAP, PENN'A, respectfully Atiltiriii thiPthey have re moved their NEW STORE tt• .17.0 BHOPr tia the building lately oesuplad Roberts, and will keep on Iliad and rurnia b to order, TIN, COPPER,=-Si 43HERT4H014 WARE, COOKING STOVE, PARLOR STOVES, THE EXTENSION- 'OP; & THE AMERICAN & NATIONAL COOK STOVE: We Anil deal on the rash System, and will not be undersold. Oar moieo:le gklimall profits and quick sales." M. 1.1, .0 A: N ; kept constantly on band D. C. LAMPMAN .t CO Wellsboro, Sept. 6, 1860—tf. StoVes: Stertie4! AND HARDWARE: MESSRS. tiUNN & TUCKER beg to an nounce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to their excellent steel of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-I-on Ware, they have, at a great outlay, stocked their store on MAIN STREET, IVELLSBOBO, with a complete, assortment, of Shelf Ilardware, - of which we enitmertte the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, 'CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND ;AND-BUCK BUTTS, STR4.P CARPENTER'S TOOLS,T PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BUTTS, • : -BITTIBTOCKS, HATCHETS, UHIPELS,, - . SHOV.LS, ,SPADES, - FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS; CARRIAGE BOLTS, - BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, RIPE ;BOXES,:`AXLETRSES, ELLIPTIC SPRINGS, HCIR - SFAH.OEK . HOOP, BAR, .& I'ND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, •'' CORN"-POpPEEA SAUSAGE OUTTOS AID STUFFERS .! , • COMBItED.- Afo, o - .. .. PISTOLS, PISTOLi i eititTRIDGES, POW ; DER iNIrtAPS. •-:- '-,. . PATENT BARN. BOOR ';_RANGIN'GS 1 a new thing, and made for nee. These are but a,few of the many articles comp osin g 6tir stock of ifard „ MM , . . , We invite the r pnblic to call and - examine for them selves. We aitn4p keep the best quality of goods in our line paid all,work 4 order done promptly, and 'well. ^7 - 7' ' ' GUNN & TUCKER, " 4 . 7 :.,;: Emcees/Joni of Wtp: ,Roberts., Wellsbixrc, Nov. 8, 188.5—tf. - ~_ NIANtiFACTUREO, &c. DEES - MVO. WOOLENJFACTOaIf. T"andernifned having puichased the ll knowt Woolen Factory of Messrs: E. &'B. S. Bowen onlhe ,Cotranewine River, two miles east of Knoxvlll6,:takes - this method of informing the inhabi hmts of Eqpt aug adjoining -counties 'that he will manufacthfe wool-by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, - . CA'SSIDLEEES,' I" ' DOE-SEINS, FULL •OLOTSS, of all kinds The machinery - has been tgoroughly %repaired and new machinery added thereto,also an improved new wheel which wiftenable work the entire les ion. Ed will pay : particular attention to' Roll Carding dr. Cloth. Dressing, which will he doiterin the neatest possible manner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and aeeommodate.people from a distance. He would farther eav tbg4 he_has_c_arried,on the busi ness in mastufeeturing wool-for, farmers-7in Bradford and adjoining chatifies for the past twenty years therefore con warrant all work and satisfy his cueto. mere, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. , ; - _ JOSEPH INGTEAS; .Deerfield, ..414 1865-1 y TO THE PUBLIC. TAEC now prepared to manufacture, at myeatablish -1 wont in Deerfield, • AND , PifiNOY - PEANMELS, *' Ladies' BALMOR4L ;SKIRTS to order, either by the piece or quantity, to suit sue tomera. JOSEPH INGHAM. Enoxville o ruly_lfl,A63. , _ 17RE tat G ; ; OE BOY'S DRUG 13T0RD, PENSION AO'T S lINSUR/LNC'E & FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE! !!- - - • The undersigned bap leave 16 announce to the people or Tiego County that he has established an agency in Wellshoro, for the well known HOME INSURANCE COMPANY; of No 'si*Ork.: That he is'prepared to insure all kinds of property upon-as reasonable terms as can be had in any other responsible ,. Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIEB withding:tho application to the General Office. This is one of-the richest Companies in the United States, bavinga Oash.Capilal of Two Million Dollars, beeldatrthe Assets *Web otiihe 16t orlariunry, 1866, amounted to 82,765,503 42' Liybilitiea ......... ;.... • Its officers are' • • - WARM ....... A: P. "WILWORTH • • JOHN McGEE J: H.MAHHBORN takin out A STATE LICENSE, and monthly 'pays the per centage charged upon its Receipts which is 'Made - necessary by' the laws of Peendylvanla, in ardei to make its policies , valid and hintlineupon the Company, All policies issued 14' Companies which have not taken out a State license are declared' null - and void, ntid the parties are liable to a heavy penalty for so insuring. See - Pardon's Digest, page 85S,'Bee: 2-1; 22, 23. - ' • ..r. Welleboio, Auk. 23; 1865. - W. H. SMITH. S O l ttr o ff:'.!AL - BOUNTY' AND -PENSION kAro, ' AWL ,4'1064 UItVTY PERIVA: The niidettrigued having been epeciallilicenied by United States Government to procure tile BADS PAY, BOUNTY, AND PENSIONS, of leceltseiliall4_ditabled soldiera, gives notice to sit interested, that he has made.iirrangements with par ties in Washington; by. which , he is able- to procure Back pay„ Bounty ant/Pensions, in a veryshort time, and that he will give particular attentions - to all such claims that may be brought to him; - Being provided with all the requisite Forms, Bla n ka, &e.,fteet, ha has superior advantages in-this branch of business. Sol diers entitled to pensions; willAind'it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining wargecm for Tioga -County resides there. Also, -.ledge Case, before whom all applications for pensions may be made. 1.. , Soldiers enlisted-since the I 3sh of April, 431, iii anykind of- service, -Naval or Military, who are dis; :Shied by disease or wounds, are entitled td.Pensioes: All soldiers:who serve for two yearsor- during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled li, full Bounty. - Also soldiers who have been wounded•in battle, whether having served two years or not, are entitled to full Bounty— • •• 2., When a poldiershas died from any cause, in the United States,service, since April 13,:1861, leaving's widow, she_ is entitled to all pay due him; also to from $75 to $4OO Bounty. The bounty varies ac cording to the act or orders under which the soldier enlisted, She is also entitled' to a pension. 3. If the soldier left no widow, his children are en titled to the pay and bounty and the pension until they are sixteen jeers of age. - A - , If the soldier left . no widow, legitimate child, the father is entitled to his pay and bounty, provided he lives in the United States and has not abandoned the support of his family. 5. If the soldier left no widow, legitimate nor father, or if the father has- abandoned the sup port of the family, or if he resides out of the United States, the mother, if she resides in the United States, is entitled to the pay an - bounty, aita if poor and de pendent, in whole or in part, 'on her son for support, sheis also entitled- to a , pension. Mothers- whose husbands or former husbands reside out of the Uni ted States or have abandoned the' support of their families, should write to the undersigned at once, or the father mey get the bountywithout-the facts being known. 6. All soldiers who have lost an arm and one - leg, are entitled to Twenty dollars per month. Prisoners of war are entitled to Three Months extra pay.' He is also prepared to settle Officers', Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Commissary accounts, and procure Certificates of Non-indebtedness, in the shortest pos sible time. __Also Artificial Limbs for snob as bare loss them in service. -- • Terme, moderate nvill be at my office on Ildonday and Saturday of each week, to attend to thimbnainese. July 26, 1665-Iy, W.H. B. SMITH. REFERENCES: Wellabor°, Y. F. Donaldson; Sher iff Stowell. Addison, N. Y., W. R. Smith. Wash.. ington, D. C.. Tooker A Lloyd. ~K noxville, V. Case: PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLDIERS AND THEIR FRIENDS THE undersigned having had considerable expe rience in promising Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers; will attend to all business in that line entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounfieillitiff azrears ui pay;OolTeCted by the undersigned. Persons wishing to eonter with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to - H. H. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa. D. P. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. • A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, To'wenda, Pa. [April 1. PROTECTIVE WAR CLAIM AND PENSION AGENCY OF THE U. S. SANITARY COM: MISSION.—AII the 'paperi and correspondence re ctnired to procure .Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay, and Prize Money for discharged SOLDIERS and SAILORS, and for the RELATIVES of Soldiers and Sailors dying in'the ierviee of the United States. prepared and"-forwarded, and the proceeds of all claims, when colleCted, remitted to the parties FREE OF •CHARGE. Office 1307 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Or for farther information or assistance apply to Lucy 'Moons HOTCHKISS, Welisboro, S. E. Mounts, Mansfield, As/iodide Managers for Tioge. County. PATENT MEDICINES. IMPORTANNEMALES ) -- -- - - --- 0 - EsEiv - 1- - Ait L (A V 1 • - If?' " ' 4O ((( PILLS' PROCLAMATION CEILESEMAN'S PILLS.—The nombination of ingredients in these Pills Is the remitt of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate; car taro in correcting all irregularities, Painful lienstrnations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or other - wise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, he., disturbed sleep, which arise from interrup tions of nature. Dr. Cheeseman's Pills was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of irregularities and obetrac Mons which have consigned so many to a premature grave. No female can etijorgood 'health' unress alie - rarigular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health beii gins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with immediate and persistent success. DON'T se Drumm. Ta.keithis advertisement td your Druggist, and tell him that you want the Best and most Reliable Female Medicine in the Wor,iti, which is comprised in these Fills. Dr. Cheelieznanas Tills have been a Standard Rem edy for over thirty years, and are the moat effectual one ever ever known for all complaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, peri odical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughput the country, ha. ring the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not not be need, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, or 6 Boxes for $5, containing from 50 t0.,60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, secure from obeetvation, by remitting to the proprietors. sold by Druggists generally. Midicattle& - - HIITCSINOS k HILLYtit ; Proprietors, 28 Dey Street, New York. Sold itillirellsporo by. Jobs.A..ltoy; in •Tioga by Borden gyro's; in Lawrenceville by W. cl.3llllcr. -11oct85-Iyeow. HALL'S CELEBRATED VEGETABLE SICILIAN FAIR, RENEWER, citribe had at ROY% Drag Store. ' CONOBNTRATIP for_ole ' ' ROTS "DRITO ATORTs HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU.- BEL MBOLD'S BUCIIII. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLWS BUC HU. THE, ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIAWETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE 77,901 52 BLADDER,,,STRANOURY OR Vico President, Secretary, Assistant: See'''. For these diseases it iftruly d sovereign remedy, an d Too mach eannet be said bkits praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. _ _ Are you troubled with that distressing-pain in the small - of the back - and through this hips? A tea apooilfrol a day of Irelmbold'e'Buchu will relieve you: PHYSICIANS • AND • OTHERS I Malta lio"tieCief of ingredients. lielmliold'ikx: tract Buchu is composed of Buchu, Cubebs, and Jta niper great care, prepared in odeuo and recording to rules of • „ • P HARMACY -AND. CHEMISTRY. These ingreslieftts.are_kactivia as the_moss- valuable Diuretics 'afforded. Is Au& ;Ili& acts zpon kidneys: ' HiLl63oliPli NOEL Is pleasant in taste and odor; free from all - injurious properties, and immediate 17k., its It 44,i9 FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. S., of .which tbe following is a correct copy: " Bncuir:—lts odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analogous to that of mint It is glean 'chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Trethrst, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss Of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia. Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FUR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Practice of Pliysic. • See Remarka made by the celebrated• Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all-Standard Works on Medicine. - ittfVtiriTt9llll: OftWl:o34llKil Ism aClatilaiD tad with H. T. Halmbold; heoecupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was suc cessful in conducting the busdness where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favora bly impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers h Weightman,) • Manufacturing Chemittts, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [From the Philadelphia Eoeniegßulletia„ Maoris 10.] We are gratified to beer rif_the continued success, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Beim, bold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 2S feet front, 230Iftet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He re tains his Office and Labratary in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent ~,Medicine order—most, of ,which are propared by self. styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a phy 'sician's simplost prescription, much for competent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. ----- THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, each as Copying parta of 4vertizements- of popular remedies, alit& finishing with certificates. - - - - The Sclopca of liedAcina stands SlfdPtE, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—int'ving Fact fOr U.S . Basis, Induc tion for its Pillar,'Truth aloha for its Capitol; ' A WORD OF CAUTION: . Health ie-most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, makes its contents or ingredients are_ known to-others be sides the Maparactuter, , orAtntil z tkey are satis4mi. the qualifications of .she party so offering. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID EXTRACT BIICRII, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Established upwards cf 'l6 years Prepared by H. T. HHLAPQL.p. ..POncipal Depots, - HEL'SiBOi.D'S DRUG OM. CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, New York; • And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South• Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pct: SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTIK - October 11, 1885-Iy FOR THE LADIES:—BABBITZS (MEHRA.- TED SOAP POWDER, or washing made eau and 'ataina rinnevisk.froin Table -Linen, -Napkins, los For sale at Roy's Drischtnrn.. : _ ADIIO3I,f4TRA.TRIX'S NOTICE.— Letters of ad, ministration" having )Seen granted, to the under signed on the estate, of Abraß. Palmer, late of kftd dlebury, dee'd. notice is hereby given to those in debted to make immediate payment and those having present them properly authenticated for settlement to NANCY ANN PALMERvAtisn's ' Middlebury, Oot.ltl, 1866-tlt* - . . PAINFUL URINATING PLEASE NOTICE A DIURETIC ACTS. SENTLY; FROM THE LARGEST IN TOR WORLD. GENUINE PREPARATIONS, HEILIIIBOI4.D'S AND IMPROVED ROSE- WASH