THE AGITATOR. LOCAL AND MIBOELLAV-E 0'913 Wellabor°, Wednesday, Nov, 29,- 1885 -New AdeFertieementa.' ' Sewing Machines, Melodeons, &c—E. H. Hastings. ga r ay--Newberry Close. : . New Goode - at Peace Prices—S. 0 'Daggett. Welleboro Academy. Hear Ye, Hear ye—C. L. Wilcox. A Prise and tiny to - 4MT ittc;Dr. Soy Hon. S. F. Wrtsox, M. C., left for Wasltinglon on Monday, tenter upon the dleeherge of hie duti4l4. Rev. Tries. B. HtD3Crlt will preach at the Itittthu dist Cbnrch Saturday; Dec. 2, it, 2 B. 31., surfk..tiab bath morning and evening, following. We are requested to announce that owing to Imo fessional ' angaismettie,:Dr;laoliiton, advarireed to lecture in this plane Friday evening, oannot be "then present All'those interested in the subject of Music are re quested to tweet at the Presbyterian eirarch., Friday ive zing, Deo.B, for the purpose of organithrkl- a Singing School. - Famtlici willinir s otlTke stildent; of the Acticittay to board, abir-parties 'having' rooms to let 0)1 1 )61f baardidg, wilki-oufer a *or by matting ratilir. Allen, the YriaeipaL - - _ - The meal: Sunday Warning , stiridnesi of _St. 3 ml's Spisoopel Church will be held by the late Rector, when the pulpit is otherwise vacant, while he retaking in the piece. The nigheserviees Will bidisoontinted. On Thursday, Dec. 7th, (Thanksgiving Day). Kleine service and a sermon may be expected at 10} o'clock - „ Q.M. TEE RADIATOR Coal Stove, which never gets red hot, yet gives off the greatest amount of heat of any stove in use, may , bCipeen , in operation at INiard's Saloon, and ordered at Gunn & Tuckers. • ..e, Tt.r-Tor Bvestwians.T.—Mr. A. Russell, proprietor of the louring miii.lateiy owned„ by Messrs: %right is Bailey, has brought us a mask of the handlomest buckwheat flour willavw aeon, It is as -white as wheat, and as aloe as the nicest. If Mr. Russell does sash work au Mitt Idstet fill of patronage. SPR/Piii BALASCICB.-84) Many people atik ft).l,tiese indispensable neoessariss , in a well regulak-' ed:hilase held, that we can do noobetter than •to reuclast,:end them to can at Messrsietetua dt Tucker's' new: gard ware Store, where they,oan be procured. Iss, tact, their stick of shelf haweie •ie complete, line far ahead of anything ever offered in this village. Diit "OlLAlunina."—Pansping develOped ". . , W fair show of oil at the Lucky near nowt , i s tgi to Sunday morning, wen tb• sucker rode bioks'i l y The coed-bags hold well, contrary to information tssetsred last week.. • : The Farmington well is itutaping at 650 Erie .iWitli -t• i better promise than ever. ro The Westfield Well is down 429 feet, the ditr giving off a strong odor of pittoleum.,: -A gook'vein of gas and a stualllhow of oilvverefound 3§l:feet The parties -great faith in elthriat'stateess.. The work at Jacob's Well will be resumed hj - Schieffelih in a few days. The suspension is glued' by relaying the bitts and jars, The last roc),,vetia slate, underlying 19 feet'of light grey' sindito4 The ;alb Lick Creek well is. going down skl t irly, We have no details. Quite an excitement about petroleum is said obe prevailing at the well going down at Alba, Brif4fora county Parafine is reported Rs found. et.,the Barker Well, ~,; a., j. + ;r. CBANGFS or Mrsor, D. Eigch— kite have removed to Bath, N. Y. where they *to have charge-of the Orphan asy tam - founded:by •.tun. I. Davenport. Oar renders hre tfamiliar witt the charitible labor: of Mrs. Hotebkisi, Who has hill S for four years•past 50:entirely , identified with:Ali t - .oeat work of the &WWII"' COMIBMOII in this covaly. , While we regret to.lose so valuable n worker off // ;liar itv, we congratulate•the little folks who are to'64 un der her matronly, care in having ,secured a fir:Ural:id. fast friend. Among - other changes of residence we ma ofioo Jas. I. Jackson, Es., who has remered to a net';,set. tismjat at Lincoln, Del. From what we are ti., learn of tho enterpriserit offers unusual advan of climate, market, ;Ind sell. Jas. Lowrey, Esq., for many years one of ;if , first lawyers of the Tioga Co. - Bar, bats removed (tcrilar - lington, N. J. Rev. P. Reynolds, litiptist),who has heel s tioing missionary work in Charleston and DelfraarAr,the last two years, has accepted a call from ..she. „laSplint Church at Ransonaville,Niagara,Co. N. Y. Mt. Rey. acids takes With him ' , the , beet :wishes of a 4iost of friends, and while we regret to lose him, we cot 'knit°. late him upon having entered a field of leas erecting . labor. - " = Capt.- Rees G. iticharde le dant to remora to Ohio; where he it to engage in baeinesa.l Swoon attend him. • • PAn.uttY.-..-Thu Mt 7 of Trehtolii J., has failed. We have seen. a number of theselnotee in simulation in this section. They axe now ,sortb isn, and persons should be on their guard aktainst Atm. --L7mira AAgraser. Rei. J. D. Eitt.s,"wtrolocated at the late lOlloti oi . the Sant GinesCe Conference, bits bought itt- !tape : . per establishment at ifiliord, Worcester C 0., ., iass , and will act as riitos An* publisfierat that *Hoz here after. POW abler writers are to be found in or tat of the church. We wish him great . ,euccosa.—Provthern Independent, Aubursi, 1.. • Wellsboro Academy—Closing Ezekvisits of :Pail Term. 1805. , . The Fall Term will cloae_Tuesday, Dec. The following public exercises will be held, which, II are cordially invited to attend : Jusior Pries. ,C?stteet, Friday, Dec.• J, i P.'411., at the M. E. Church.' ' l lleciesitions and`DielimatiMit by ten or . twelve sub-senior girls and about an ',Anal nutabote of:junior boyte. 'Two priges ted for.' ,James Zi. Clark, the unrivaled vocalist, is expected to be present on the occasion, and sing-two. or three stirring songs in addition 4o musk! 'by the choir. A Poem will also be recited by A. E. Hooker, Emi t , of .Genesee cellege. - ' E.ralnina teen of Classes—Monday afiernooriy Dee: 4, and Tuesday, forenoon, Dec.,o., The teaehen will be gritillot to see many of -their - patron's - and Mend at these examinations. Senior Ladies' Prim Cotten—Tuesday dieting at 7 o'clock, In the M. R. Churlth. The Seniof of the.Aesticany will compete for two prises, (4tie of which la offered - for the best written edeej, ad the other for the best read essay. 17:s Merit fly astd, tie Roll of lionarti!_lottpr consisting of the 25 students 'whose at t ending! '4 the highest,—will be read on this evening , . The/udent whose name stands highest on the Roll Of .ffodor re-. olives a prize for best scholarship. This, anti, the 4 prices mentioned, together with two or three ,kmaller ones, will be aiiarded on this occasi o n. The Axerci. sec will be enlivened by good music. , In accordance icith Abe expressed-wish citizens, an admission fee of 25 cents will be charged to each of the Prise Contests. ThO funds thus obtained, af ter defraying necessary egpeoses, to be used,:gi pur chasing arl'Orgitt:qii PilleTedeen for the Acade A . y. • ' Tickets to be had at the Post Office, and at the door. '.IIrAIYIES' et; CLARE, • • • ' TILE . CBLEAATED • .fOCALIST COMPOSER, Will hold &nimble. lia. Tiogns , Coiinty;i4'-thi.;' ales . and *lees following r - - ' - Blossburg, Saturday: evening, Nor.-25. Ooeola, Tuesday evening, Nov: " Knoxville, Wednesday evening, Nov. 29. . Westfold, Iburedity'revenine,.tior, WKLUlSORO,'Sattirdaterrol • ; 4 Nov. 15, '615-3t. •' ' - ' PARSONS sells Fast colored Prints Tor, 22 cents. DAV - GOO S,‘GROCERLIES;' Ace. See now advertisement. PARSONS sells yard wide heavy Skeetinge at 21. .<_. and tki. See new advertisement, - ~ PARSONS 2ells i t D. 5. Kip Boots, Rieliardsim'e make for $4.0 . 0. Brogans of the same make at Sii,itici.— See new advertisement. I PARSONS sells Heavy, tied Flannels, terllled i; 1 , at 45 cents. See ilenr - adiertiscment. PARSONS sells Heavy Sheep's Grey Papa Cloth '9 shillings per yard. Sep new advertisement., PARSONS sells Handsome Dress Prints at 25 center former price 31 cents. See new advertisement. „. - - PARSONS sells Handsome DeLaines at 31 Gents, See new advertisement. PARSONS sells Fast cord Prints at 21 tents. , .Bee new advertisement. MI .PARBaNS:sella good yard wide. Bheltings it 26 cents. See now advertisement. , PARSONS Belts Rob Dress Prints 426 cants, See neer advertisement. -PARSONS sells all Cotton Goods at greatly duced prices. See new advertisemen PARSONS has reduced the price! DresaGonds and Woolens since Nov. 15,'85. See new advertise. meat. PARSONS advises all buyers of DryiGooda to sae that they get the worth of their money, as Goode are ,much cheaper. ' '- " J. 1. Pansois -1 Corning, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1865-2 w. Book BINDIN - o.—On a recent visit to New York I made nirangeruente to have Books, Magazines, Peri, udicals, &c.,"hound or rebound as promptly and as cheaply as they can be bOund anywhere elre. lam now making up a large box of binding and partied having bindin , " to do, will please leave their Ideas, sines Ac„ at the Book Store, on or before De e , ltith. Call and examine styles and prices. Nov. 29, 1866-3 w. Hnon Yonan, Bookseller._ . - - SANTA CLAns.—This time honorrd old Saint has made a preliminary vklit to the Bookstore, and ; has Made arrangements, with Mr. Yeariti_ to belie hi Head Quarters there during the coming 'holidays.— At his suggestion, a large stock of toys, embracing the latest novelties, has been procured; and,presents to both old and young will no .doubt ,be distribeted from this 'stick about Christmas. The public had better call and see. [Nov. 29,1885-4w.] Soldiers' Orphans' Committee, for Tina Co - Norm; Arias, Wellsboro, Chairman, ' Mrs. Jos. P. Morris, Mansfield, Chas. F. Swan, Tioga, . Abs. John Dickinson, Wellsboro, • Niles Valley. A preliminary meeting of the Soldiers of Tioga °minty will be held at the Court Ronne in Welleboro, on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 1866, for the purpose of perfecting arrangements for a grand re union of the " Boys in Blue," who have participated, in the late battles of the Rebellion by land and sea. A representation from every regiment or, parts, of regiments is required and a general attendance re• quested. > Many Soldier's... In Fall Brook, 22d inst., by Rev. J. P. Thomas, of Ohio, Capt. REDS G. RICHARDS, of Charleston, and Miss KITTLE C. REES,,of Fall Brook. May they no sorrow ever know; - _ No blighted hopes,:no wo " And may they ehoosti the narrow way - That leads to everlasting day. J. P. T. [We ecingnitnlate the Captain upon. his enlistment under the banner of St.,Benediet. A little while/go he was a prisoner of war, subsisting on eon meal and hdpes of escape. 'He' is now thi willing captive ot the sworn foo of disunion, and, 'fudging by the con• tents of the - nice . box sent this deponenMegbqiatAttg on the fat of the land. km voyage I ED.] ' At Tioga,22d inst., HOWARD FRANK, oaly scat, of Albert-M. and Fannte Bennett, aged 2, years awl 9 days. , , rs. ' r " GOD (teeth all thlags well I" USTAAT.—Cume to the premises of the bubaeri rj b2r in Middlebury about the Dth of goxeiniier,.a. KED YEARLING BElFER—brockli fgoe - d:, 'Tar mark orCriiht hip.' The owaai ie requested to pay eharir find take hir- ' Nov. 29, 1886-at - NEWRERRY `,EIeOSE. PRIZE AND HOW TO DRAW- choice A collection of useful Recipes is found in n little .ciurcular called " The Family Casket." A supply of these , little papers has just tfeen received at Noy', Drug Store; they - are , diStributed free of "chnrge to T he lucky customer who thinks to call for them. • W PER -BARROWS, snaleloa liE ESE rds chee.r, also _ - Pawderi Shot and _Lead and pistol cartridges, , - Q. /7 N T it C , KE R are also agents for Miles's" PatentVoney Drawer., ' Also, agents for Ribbon Stamps and P - eni Presses,. Remember-Lai Gluon & Tticker's Hardware Store,. •WillsbGro. , , .. : :1 A' 011,2 h, Cold, or 'Flora . SOre al. e': $.t,.....7.31*EDrAiE ATTENTIO7, I,ICD EircULl; ':DE - CHECKED. 111 ALLOWED iii'CONTINCE Irritation of the Lange, a Perionaaaa Thwat .:Affec :, tion, or eta , incuriebte ;Lung Dieeone' . _,, BROWN'S BRONO HI-AL - TROCHES HAtE;iI ti 2:MIZE? LIFLUENEE TO THE PiitTS4 For: Bronchitis; Asthma,• Catarrh, Consnmptire and Throat Die . t!ciaet, • TROOCHES ATM ViEellh7R ipWAYB Gobt , ei:ccvp, . • . . -• •• • I Singers and Public Speakers will find Trachea useful in clearing the voice- when taken before Singing or S 1 I:.?iffilg,ii d relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of th vocal ergane. The .Troch,, are recommended and " e. , .‘aribad ;bp Phyaietana, and have had tetithooniala from eminent Men throughout. the country.,--_-Seing-_an article.-of time merit, lint),,hazing pronmi their fff!":M.T i lby'il. teat, of many year's, each year finds them in new I”exlitieS in various part.' of the world, and the .Trucker a j e universally pronounced better than other UktictitY:... OBTAIS only " DROWn'S BnO3CHIAL TOUCHES." and do not take any of the 11'4rthiessiaiitntie. , 1 that may be offerili.'. - - Sold everywhere lit the,linited States, nnd' en For. eign Countries, at '35 cents per box. [I n 0 . 1.'1 65-dm] AGENTS.WANTED i go A Dap asy Made' By selling Engravings, Card Photographs and Sla iionery. Our Stationery: Pile - kits-Aimed "all others ; each Package contains Paper, Eat-elopes, Pencil, Pens. dc., and Jewelry worth a dollar at retail. Price only 30 Cents: We will send Agents 100 Statioper3.: I Packages and a Silver Watch for,Sl7. We also pub., lisp splendid 6teel Engravings , and - Porn...ill, bitillb. , l graph Prints, .1.c., very popular and - salenhle: Will send a tine aesorltnent of 101) tor $13,04 flint , will re: aline $5O, or a $lO lot that will sell for $4O - 1 4 r over. -Will send a sample lot for $5 , hat will sell for SM. :Sand Stamp fur Catalogue, Terms, &c. HASKINS A . CO: 0 '3B- Beekman' Street: Nov. - 22,180-6m. ' . ' " ITCH 1 ITCH 11. ITCH 11 I- • . . - . Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch - Wheaton s Otntme.nt - Will estreithe Itch in 48 ', Also .eures SALT RHEIJIYI. ULCERS. CIILLi ' ; BLAINS, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Priee",btf cents. For sale by all Druggists. • - •t; I . For Sale by John A Roy, Welisboro, Pa. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, dies:.. it wilt be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any-part the Ihaited States. 180et6f4-6m: J. HERVEY EWING, - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, II No. 11 laver REFERENCES: Levitt ealk'Aitaroar at Law, Edwari 4r.orrict - t'y Bt Law, Rev. J. McK. - 2silefrDAY.l.-Iter. Henry 81i. D. V., Copfield; Rfci."&. ig - k..)keSherry , ~u J t o k gl ssi McJiltoa.,"'EN,; ; lciliertit LawsonLawson:timid...Esq.: _l_ [Mr. Ewnts is authorized to•transe,9l- a ß y z. iya k iplim ppertsiaiff,.o.o4po4,aclii ; Biatlitiore.r NA'S; Soldiers Attention. MA .RIb 37:0 IMMM =1 1/131F.DIA2Z RElLitr. NEW AREA",NGE4.NT:!":, 1111 .. of I: - ; ice. 1.1 I= ~ - :.i.' 'I ti-i'j .1... L '..i.,1 T: h.- 'Bl . - r. )7J, SIMMI:EIRMiI - TIOGA-; MZEI!REI ARE itaiiiiiia i 1 LA iIE AND :w LL SELECTED STOCK, •*Y., DRY GOODS, BOOX4r4NA - 409E.4, GROCERIES, gARDWAHA _,; _ CROCKgRY, ,HATS AND CATS, PAINTS 'AND OILS AL WALL ;PA PER,i . r i 1 •.! QR),OEILXES ; , : ,ter, .WILL BE DISPOgE:D OF Ready., r'Y TIOGA,,9OG-4,18#1k..17 . . . .. in ,:-1 • „..,..., , la .:-..: .. E. , , _ ,-. 4 ,;,•... 7 _ 4 , 1 ' ,. ,L ;. "4: ,,. ‘: . • _• y :.:-.1,-', `ti , ' 4 ,• . - W - , iii ' 7 • -"'.. ". ' , A 1 ' V . ' '' ' :,'" ' -..' 4 f •E. • -: 4 -•Ow . ''' " 0 oill , . , • . ' V • E'l 4 gr a l ilw - . CI ft --:, •• 4 0 . = , n 9 - -.. fism 0 xml '- l' ': • 1 -4 e, rt g 12 . - , ilt+lP ''l 4 , • &h..; 0- 11: - g -.-.--s - -.-..-- -11 • hi — lO , --ed N--.-• , --- , :-:, 1 k lO iso f.. 6 ._; .f:„. -6 .=r.) .., . ~ 4 4 a l 0. 6 -2 --: g 1114 W.l MAC. 1 ‘. I ,Z .;-, • _: ....I'S 1 .- '• . - .1114 r 1 ' 4. ,_ :i t - . tii ~ - . k•„,;• 0: A ' .1: - .J - _ L Iji .:,`. . t ' wa ... i ., - ill - rAi - ..1-2; : i.;i: . r....1t .5. rel, W . 7.0 i_.., ~i p .,7...1,, ftl i . . R ll. ' .." .1,r . 1 i , — Ei ti 11 1 1, _;C) : '•:' - A l i if; , ~... .- - ,_,EO4 ; . I . ( 1....,_`-, '. pil 54: 71.,,4a. 4 P . t i g wit i 4 p - • _ , r 4 41: itt 7 e. " rL "In - 5 Aa r Oc - g ` Ol 121 " too, ai# rs , w - 'l4 T 6 gi o n o 741 iN n ; . '51.01011 • • CZ,I - ' :44 f 7 -7: ;4 C 4 El $lO lEMI CM =3 T J;Lft t .7` :LARGE, FRESG STOCK . OF ' DRESS. G00N.., MO KELLY fit . . 1917311V111S L' ,c , OlNfii 4.IFF, ;.0 =II =lll MEE MEM ll= ( iiJ % __ i F 0 R • ' - U I' .11 >7l li I MEM INN fit - A:M DRUGS & IVEBDICIINES. JOAN A.' , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS- AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, 'PUTTE; - PERFCMERY, - WINDOW GLASS, . • -- • rANCY COCAS, : SPICES, • • 'TOILET ARTICLES, - ....PATENT MEDICINES, - • LOOKING GLASS PLATES; ' '= PICTURE :GLASS, WlNtow. GLASS ENVELOPES, „C,AP 86 .LETTEIy, PAPER, N.,8, ,Phyelelans' Prescriptions 04_ all. a_ther Recipes will be carefully and accurately made up from para and reliatile Afedioinec e- Ang. - 23; - 18tb. At-ROY. EU R. WILLIAMS HAS jusrreceived a Largo, and Fresh Hupp* of LI,NSEED OIL, WHITE LEAD, * ZINC PATN';, ,hts offers to sell obaspet that. oat bb bought tLla Sidi of the City. He has' also a - very large stock of, • ,-LCQLORING• ItIATERIAI&J , MADDRR, - 1 • = c'• -,:if I ; i C 43 % ) kg..44.& t• , • iNDIckO, • VITRIOL, - LOGWOOD, &0., whioh will be sold per. Dent. cheaper than can be bought at an y other establishment in the county. BOWE 4 , STEVENS!. E FAMILY DYE- COLORS alwapa Milhaud, • F " Call and examine my Stook aid you will'be sure to boy,.-- s - - • P. ; Welliitaio; .h 44:lB, 1885. NEW DRUG STORE.— W. & BUm* . Have opened a Drug and Chemical Store on Main Street,-Ist door below Hastings, where theyAntend. to keep a fall assortment of •;- - • - , ' DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ' A good artiole,of Medicinal Liquors and Wines. Prescriptions carefully piepared.. Medical advice given free of charge. Wills6 - 'io Nov, 8-ly , W . 6 1,4 § ED R :Cr PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT," ' • THADDEUS PAV,IDS' INKS, CONCENTRATED . MEDICI NE - - • G.INcINNATI WINKS it BRANDY, WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, • * ...,,,PATE,NT, , • • • • STATIONERY," - • "f RA.CTS,„ _ PAINTS AND 'OILS, PETROLEUM ; bßucts_& MEDICINES, _ROCIIEgika:PERFUAR,It ' ' ' 'eFEAVORING EXTRACTS; " 5011.044.--ix.fa, - - WA - tt PAPEB_,_ _ WINDOW GLASS, , „ • .. DYE COLORS, I Furnisbed'atWholesale Pricee,bs NV: D. TERB ELL, Jan z 18,1865—tf.• - Corning, . N. Y. r — - 'NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS AT ' , TIOGA-. _ BORDEN . BRO I S 5 W,01,0 respegtfplly; announce to ," w 0n,,h0n5 ft:tuay /Concern," that they keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of . . DI,LUGS MEDICINES, PAINTS, :OILS, GLASS AND - WALL PAPER, Dym stuFri,- 1-- , .__ - FAmmitiltEs,- - LAMPS, GLASS WARE; ' I PLATED WARE, such as • SPOONS,' , TEA #:TASLE, r , FORKS.• -':: - - - !-: ry.y„IIPE?, ; SRIIO9 ipojcp, , 3 PATENT . M to Tea, Coftee, Spice; Pepper, Sihreh,- TOILET AND WASHING 'SOAPS ' 'end an ondlesi : yatiety of : - .1 7 :ANKLE NOTIONS. .. Tioga, Pa4lOct.4, 1865-13015.. I Nut only give immediate relief, but 'are "sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Com ..plitint. They are not a. purgative, ancf iiieraore their use tfuei not create a-necessity for the habitatl use of .cathartics, They Cause no sickness of the stomach I.ti.gifitftig of the boweler,'and - are perfectly harmless to the most-delicate. - - , 1114-win immediately correct a Soul Stonier'', cure' Flatulisneei Heartburn, -Sioknesi or pain in Ihe'Stom.' nch, Costivenees, Bolchtng of wind, Liver Complaints, Ileadache,-and in feet all those disagreeable and dan: gerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one fur tho pleasures and duties of life.• - - - :,They are_an agreeable Wholesome appetiser, without any of the injurious effects which 'are sure to follow the use of stimulating - " - Bitter" and all pur ,gative, medicines. By their purifying, strengthening -and invigorating , POwer they'are sure to keep the di gestire" organs in li-healthy condition; thus Preventing Costirenete, - Vier:tin or Dysentery. Weak and delicate poisons; who havo been injured by tlieMsi'of Powerful and 'purgatives,fitid them a mild, safe and sure'restCre'r of 'the geitivo- organs to their original strength anclArgor,„ Pfeparetfuelety byltheproPrretor' • - • • - a. T. ROCKWELL, • " 1 , 5.432; Cbt - 21si ) and Market Ste., Philad'ir. See that my Bighritiare is on_ 'the, - race of. tbo box. • ore Turchastug.._ Bewaraof spurious 11 ist gy. Ttql l /44LP , WP*4*.44 4 .n. t.i.c141 3 3K Olt da ,:tst ' o, ' s,. ly. EDBY GOODS, GROCERIES, ace. VALL'AND WINTER GOODS.—No,2, Union Block. J , EIIOME SMITH Hag lately returned from New York with -a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS' & - SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, • • GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, 1 3 / 4 100DENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES! DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, CASSIMERES, PULIt CLOTHS. Attention ie galled o his stock of _ , BlaoTt Si'ha -- - Worsted Goods, Merinoes, and f Figured„.BoLainea I#ongstitd Square Aluttek; Ladies' Cloth, Opera Flannels, *cr, Purchasers will find that - No. appLion - Illoe4c. Maiu.Stroot, Is the plade to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. ~ JEROMP.ehIITN. Wellaboro, Nov. 8, 1866. OR A FEW DAYS ONLY 1 end perhaps aletr..!”re alllow stragglers to come up to the main body of our customers, - -0, BULLARD - will ofer superior inducements to. the trading public, in the. line of WINTER DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSISTERES, SHEETINGS, H. I - 11, T I I‘l' GS and every thing in the line of DRY GOODS usually kept in i ttseountry. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, and all the FAmutar' . _ at reasonable pricei. HATS- do CAPS, BOOTS & SHO'ES. Cal Lat or and buy your whiter stock. - 0. BULLARD. Oet.ll', " A Complete P4tori t nistory of the . • "The best, cheapest, and mos t mcceesful Family, Paper in the U nion. • HARPER'S WEEKLY, ‘ i 'EfhENISiDLY ILLIIBTiATED Critical Notice of the Press. "The besti,Patily Paper published in the United States."—Nrio London Adrrrtioor. " The model 'Newspaper, of our our country—oorn plefi in all the departments of an American Family _ Paper—ilarper's Weekly has earned for itself a right tti its title Journal of Civilhation.'! "—N. Y. Even ing Nat.:- ;!‘ This Paper furntillatta the best illuptrations. OUT future historians wilrenrleh themselves out of liar per's Weekly long after writers, and painters, and publishers ere tamed to dust "=.1 4 7. - 7; Etimsrelitt. '"A necessity in every household."—Boston Trott- "It is at once a leading political and historical an &let of the nation."—Philadelphia Prete. ," 'Malian of its class in itmerioa."—Boefon rrav'r. SQDSCfIPTIONS.-1866. - 'The publishers have perfected a system of mniling by which they can supply the MAGAZINE and WEEtt- LT promptly to those who prefer to receive their riodieala directly from the Office of Publication. Post masters and others &strew; of getting up 'Clubs will be supplied with a handsome pictorial Show-bill on application. ,The postage en HARPER'S WEEKLY is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscribees post-office. TERMS HAAPER'II WICYSLY, Ong 00 . - An Extra Copy of eithin the Weekly or Magazine will be supplier) gratis for every Club of Five Sub soribers at St 00 - each; in one reinittancei or . Sit Copies for $2O 00. Btialt Numbers ciati besupplibd at any time. • The Annual Volume ! of -Ilarper's,Weekly, in neat .cloth .binding, will be sent 'by express. free of ex pense, for $7 each. A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of the rate of $5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Address' -HARPER BROTHERS, 15n0v65-8t -- Franklin Square, New York. "Unquestionably the best sustained work ill the World." Harper ;New Monthly Magazine, Critical Notioce of the Pros. it is the foremoet 'Magazine of the day. The fire. aide never had a more delightful companion, nor the million a more enterprising ftiend, than ilarper't Magazini:—Mettliodisti Protestant (Baltimore). _ The most popular Monthly ,in the world —New =York Observer. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of 17rtrpir4 Magazine—a jour nal. with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 cop ies—in whose pages are to bo found some of the choi cest light and general reading of the day. 'We speak of this work as an evidence of the American People; and the popularitrit has acquired is merited.. Each Nninber contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts, and it oombtpeslit itself the racy 'Monthly' 'and, the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features Qf the daily journal. It has great power in the dis semination of a love of pure literature.—Taouteun's Guide to American- Literature, London. ' - - The volumes bound constitute of themselves a li brary of miscellaneous . reading such as cannot be found in the same compass in any other publioation -that has came under our notice,—Boston Courier. SUBSCRIPTIONS-1860 ` . This`P t ublishers have perfeettid a System of mailing by which they can supply the Magazine and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodi cals directly tram-the Office of 'Publication: ' • The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents year,,whiphinuat he, paid at the subscriber's post. office. Vkards. Harper's Magazine,, one year An-Extra Copy of either Magazine or Weekly will be supplied4rfAis (or. every club of Five Subscribers it $4 00' eaob, in one remittence;:br Six" Copies for $2O (N.:, BaokNumbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Set, now comprising .Thirty-one Vol awes, in neat cloth - binding, will be sent by express, freight at exPease of Purchaser, for $2 25 per volume; single volumes, by mail, postpaid, S 3 00. Cloth ea ses, fay-binding, 68 cents. by mail, postpaid. Address KARPER & BROTHERS, . 22ner05-3t. ,' Franklin :::quare, New York. ,PROPOSALS 'FOR STOCK.—Thc Directors of the Lucky Oil Well Company," of Tinga, Pa., Will receive- Proposals up to Monday, Nov. 20,1805, for the whole, or 'ivy part thereof of 1250 shares. Reserved Stock of. said Company par -ialue $lO per share. No proposals considered for less then $1 per aharo. where ts - one well - sank — on the - leasoto tte depth of 020 'feet with a -fine show of oil, and the fond is forithe. express purpose of tubing-and . Primp. fug the same. -All' proposals must be addressed 'id Tioga; NO, 3: - ALBERT M. BENNETT, See. MUFFS 1' MUFFS 11 MUFFS 111 - .. ILL _ • - • : . , , The . lisit4rif4alaToTlSTEid — Wittee4iStily it - Wipilebore.4 Nov: A.— J. • : ' = DULLARDS. delirs*Ptkr:4l444!-ICtii , "Assw ARE will be found et BATS DitlN STOP. ACJ4 = • s -,1 VA '4 Scrof.min. ; - rid f. FrQ 2.1 4 , I have sold Jars, "i ' t - t t— Yo•-t but never yet on: and full :-..ttiaraetion to tt.., t ,ok It people try It, ther t , ,ere I , n oeu uo n-te.4l Int t ;:t before in ovr " /kruptions, Pimylas, Blotones,, Sore 4, and rill 1):-. ." " I only do, my duty to you arid the )uhtie, sidle" t i 4d my testimony to that you publish of . ypur BAus.t utt.t.A. Mr dingtiter, i ten. • aillMing humor to lter 14, ft, g , .1 M. which we were unlide to un til PARtulSit lu been vott: wit: n . - Prom ...Vra-Jane E. ;:;re,',11 , : e.;-: try,' Wily of Den Cope • • "My daughter lii, • • •.-4 %lona eruption, very i Y -•!, afforded :my rvhci 'anti mcie uur .. • ' which soon completely cur-d her " Prom Charles P. Gage. Ike teirreio - •- ;2 ..Veirrny 0 . • Co., :/1 an ivlrc!ure.•.• ,,s4 4 1• g Nashua, Fr' "1 had for scvrt y, ; a ver:. 'iH my filet', 'Which ;rew con•-t.: v-orFe or• I It I my ibatures and became .1.1 vrt,,l almost every th;ng a man of both nrlyt, tine, but without any mile; 1 ,•i. t. C. It.n .1 i too:, • .-- 841.tt9AY.tiftl.I.A. It In metlimi... yon told the It m;"ht for a tie!. . ..• r.,* new skin began to forth ia..cs.'r •the "ar..l 404 - ; tinned =tit my lace is as FmOotii :u y llow.i`s • am without aurayniptorn: of the .lire';.- thnt /, I enjoy perftet health, And without-d e tr .; l• - • SAIISA PA RILLA." • - - • Eryslpeles Gen err.l Debility Put ify the tico'd From Dr. "01 ,;',„,1,1 " TIE. AYZit.. I seldom to 11.‘4..), e &rafttiotts Sores by ti.e nerseverl,- It nr y our RILLA, and I. have just now cured an - .tt.iek Of Atoll/aft 2 1 ' . ' Erysipelas with it. No aliersinve wt• p.1.,c , o! equal: :is; SAttSAPARILLA: YOU ieno ‘upplic , t rb flik , 'preft.46l.l“ ue well as to the poEiplo " . From J. T. John , tc,,,Ohio. "'Per tWelve verra:-1 ha I thu'yellow Vt! -, lpeitts on 'tity" rigid arm, durtig which Lam I tr.ati tie 4 est.tbri.c..l physicians I could reach. and took buirircds - riollAr.i worth of medicines. Thr tdepti 40 bed' Ara tine cords became visible, cud the •101 tors that ray eta must be amputated. itykia4 your S %re %.!..11101. , ..1. Took two bottles, and some of sour 'Tot,•-ti!;!r they have ourcd,mc. lam uow as e oil a.rl sonad ns liby body. I3cing in a public phi:, is known to cr. ry • body in this community, and excites the wonder at From /Am. Zicary Libor°. .1f 1' JYeireastle, C. rr. a teadt mentor of tic Orpachon 7 'arliwrient. "I have used your SARSAPARILLA. lt my newly. cur debi/ity, and for pnr;rtifiztj Lye blood, with results, and teal comidoneo Sn commr-udinetilt to the afflicted." St: Anthony's Piro, Rose, Salt Rheum, Sedd Soro eyes. From garrev &wasp, Esq.. able editor of Me Mak /tanned' Democrat, renneptraaiti. 6 . Our only child, about three years of age, was at tacked by pimples on his foichead. They nqualy nomad %mt . " tb.ey fOrmed a loath one' .tad viruLA N. lush coeer- his lam, and actually blinded his eyes for mithe rys. A skilful physician applied nitrate of Itiver and r remedies, without any apparent eileet. For fifteen we guarded his hands, lest with 'them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound whi t /, coveted Ida whole face. Raving tried every thing vise we had any hope from, we began ,givieg ronr 3-titSAPitiLS.A. and applyin g the lodide of pota..ll lortan, you dirket. The sore an to heel when we had given the iirstb.,ttle, and was we when we had Ilnlxhed tit, second. ht , eyelashes. which had come out. gr.`ll' ae he 4.4 now as healthy and fair as any other. 'rile Wl.a,le neighborhood predicted that the child must Syphilis and - Mercurial Disease. From Dr Hiram Stout, in' St. .1.044.1, M'lssouri. . 4 1 find your Stinstir..LraLLA 4 more efiertual remedy forthe secondary symptoms of Sypilitls and for sypidlitfis disease than any other we possess The profession are tit dabted to you for soma of the beat medicines we have." Prom A. J. French, M. D., on eminent physician of Lam mince, Mass., taw is a prominent' member of the Lewis iature of Massachusetts. " DR. AYER. My dear Sir : I have found your 8.1113.(. PARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis. both of the primary and smsmulary type, and clTeetnal iu Poine em es that were too obstinate to yiehi to other tartnedien. Ido not know what we can employ with More certainty of inic eVSS, WI/CM a powerful alterative is rennin:Q." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lieu!, 51 New Brunswick. N.. 1., ling droielfululecrs on his legs, (. 3U KNI by tire stelae of mercury, cc inercurid/ disease, whichi.,:frev: more and more airv,ra vatecl for years, in spite or every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the perseverti. , use Cl' ..I,'Nutirs, SARsArsaiLL.t relieved hint. Few ca ea can befounif more inveterate and distressiw thau tins. awl it Wok several dozen bottles to cure luta. - - Leneorrlacaa, Whites, Female Weak:eyes,. are generallrproductal by internal &re - Wow - Ulceration, and are very, often cured by the alterntire oirett of ta. SABRAPARILLA- Some eases retmire, however ' in aid t or - the liassAra.un.LA, flea skilful appliaation local re.- Mies. Front the welt-knotris and wieldy-celebrated Dr Jacob ...4forrin, of Cincinnati. ‘' I have found you'r Sett3a.PAILILL.I an excellent altera tive in diseases of females. Many eases of Irregularil,Y,- Leueorrhcee, internal Cloeration, and local debility, aria. lag from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when its effeet. is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes. My daughter and myself have been cured or a very debihtatinc Lencorrhew of long standing, by two bottles Of your SAINAVAZILts." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Cemph... , int,Dnputisia r • newt Disease, .Nsuralgia. Wilell caused by Scrofula in the system, aro rapidly surad by this EXT. SMIX.IYA/11L.L.X. „_ • AYER'S 'CATHARTIC Pi - I,ES .pottest to innar.y adva.ntages over the other purges_ - fives Vie rintrket. tins their stpettor virtues are so universilly . knOivn. that we'neoll. not d o tno than, tizt.itsikut,e -pc,;;;lie ; heivttntlity ntaintainerit equat - ITC - TITC - ti,LIC rice - itittlitat they may be depencle:l or to io atl th.;: cney have ever -done.' _ Prepare 4 -T. Ik'r - F.R. M. P.: & 3111Wd.. ; Sold by J. A. Roy and P. R. Williams, We'Moos; Dr. 11. IL Borden, Tioga ; 8. S. Packard, Covington; C. V. Elliott, Mansfield ; S. X. Billings, Gaines; mid by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 2g, 1864-17.1 TT OSTETTER'S CELE-GRATED STOMACH BITTERS.=-Read E. D. N. sountwoarws LETTER. Prospect Cottage, Georgetown. A Apra 2, IBM —essrs. ROITSTTZR t SIRT11: Gontivnitn-4t gives lie pleasure to add my testimonial' to that of others in favor of your excellent preparation. Several pieta of resilience on the banks of a Southern river, and of close application to literary work, had so thoroughly exhausted ,- my nervous system and undermineti'my 'health, and had become a martyr to dyspepsiaand nervous headache, recurring at short intervals, ani defying all known medicines in the Materia Medina. I bad come to the conclusion that nothing but a. total change of residence and pursuits would restore my health, when a friend recommended 'Hostetter's Bit ters. I procured a 'bottle as an experiment: it t*. quired but one bottle to convine me that I had fount/ out the right combination of remedies. The relief it afforded me has been complete. It is now some years since ,I tried Hostattetter's Bitters, and it is but just to say that I found the preparation' all that it Maims to be. It is a Standard Family Cordial with us, and even as a stimulant I found it better than anything else ; but we use it in all billions and dyspeptic) oases, from fever down to ague. If what I have now said will load any dyspeptic invalid to a sure remedy*, I shall have done some good. I remain,lentlemen, respectfully yours, Nov. 22, 188.5-Ina. E. D. E. N. Sournwoatii. A Cler&man, whiii residing in South Armadas as tt, missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Deetty, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by banetlal and vicious habits. great numbers have been at. ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a detdro to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine" in a sealed envelopee, to any one who needs It, prim of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope. addressed to yourself. Add - rasa,- JOSEPH T; INMAN, IStathil D, Bible Douse, New York City. April 1„1865-1y. ..,t4 O. APIRS I T RATE 'FARM FOR EALE.--THR. 11117BSCILT: her will sell on reasonable terms, hie Laza in Debn kuown as the Moses Miller Farm, ISingl on the State no leading west from Wellsboro. said rarto contains SO wee, 40 of which aro improved and tinder good cultivation, and the balance covered with first rare rail timber. sawing tisk -tier and harl.l wood: The firewood alone Is salllcisnt to pa, the price for which the farm will be sold. It is only tbzwa nal.l from Welleboro, on a first rate road, where 1$ Moil wood is selling at $2 per cord It has a good orchard, a new 20x40 foot barn and a fit* onably good house. It is a first rate De.fr_x_Putu_Air ants wanting one 6f that size, the milk-producing quality of the grass not being exceeded by any farm in the country. The inaikot for farm produce is all the farmer could ask, Egg, selling in Welleboro at 25 cents a dozen. chickens at 20 rents a pound, butter at 40 to 50 cents, cheese at 20 cent* apples at $1 per bushel, and other produce in proportion. -Any person - wishing to purchase Can call on .1. Susar. Reg , ellPboro, or on the subscriber, now lansberincoq Marab Creek. CHAS. Y. OItINNII4. Delmar, Nay. 22,1566.-tf. 17STRAT I—Came into the enclosure of the Stthecrther fa jej Covington, on the 10th of October lout, a two year 014 BULL, color bright re 4, with white swirls!, ten. The owner will please come forward, prase property, and tales his away. WX. 11. JOTLNBON. :CY?. 22,..15.711t,* W I) I ZiP.. 4 - 4 7 .. 8 I...Afiii , 4 -115.1"11% foa r eale , sheep . R. Williams ' Dow btoro. cz A CARD TO INVALIDS MOM El