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Terms of Publicatft on: . - . • - - The Wenr:ssoito' AnvnTITIISER is published every Thursday mornings, and furnished to subscribers at 81. SO per annum if paid 'in advance; or $2 if payment be delayed over the year. ,No subscrip tion taken for a shorter petiod than six months, and-when for that term only, payment , must- be mode strictly in advance Or $1 will be charged. The 'foregoing terms will be strictly adhered to. Norpaper'will be discontinued until paid fOr, un less at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at fifty cents per sq,uare, of fourteen lines, for first insertion, and twenty l fiee cents per square for every', substiquent one. Yearly advertisements inserted at a, reasona ble discount on the foregoing rates. llTTransient advertising payable in advance. ItTAll letters must be post-paid. • TO ADVERTISERS.—The cireulationbf the t.WELLsnotiovon ADVERTISER" is LARGER than that of any other paper in the county. ;It cir culates extensively. .throughout Tioga. and Potter counties. Farmers offering Farms for sale, and Merchants, Mechanics, and Business men gene rally, will consult their own interests by AMER- Timm in this paper, ,the circulation of which is already larger, than that of any other in the coun ty, and is rapidly increasing. Terms moderate. The tinned States and Ma- cedonian. AN INTERESTING SKETCH The subjoined authentic account of the battle between the United Stetes frigate and the British frigate Macedonian, was writ ten by an old sailor, an Englishman, who was a boy on the British ship at the time of the battle. .His name is Samuel Leech, and his simple, truthful narrative, possesses a greater degree of interest thin the more la bared efforts of professional authors. The Sabbath came, and brought with it a stiff breeze. We usually made a sort of hOliday of this sacred day.. After break fast, it was common to muster the entire crew on the spar deck, sometimes in blue jackets and white trowsers, or blue jackets and blue trowsers ; and at other times in blue jackets, scarlet vests ; and blue or ,white troivsers, with our bright anchor buttons glancing in the sun, and our black, glossy hats, ornamented with black ribbons, and the name of our ship painted on them. After muster we frequently had church ser vice read by the captain; the rest of the day Was devoted to idleness. But we were destined to spend the. Sabbath just ixetro duced to the reader, in a: very different manner. We had 'scarcely finished breakfast be fore -the man at the mast• head shouted, " Sail ho !" The captain rushed upon the deck; ex claiming, " mast head, there !" - ‘. Sir?" Where, away is the sail 7". - - TVe precise answer to - this question Ido not recollect, but the captain proceeded to ask, " what does she look like?" " A .square rigged vessel, sir," was the reply of the looit out. After a minute the captain shouted again, " mast head, there !" " Sir ?" " What does she look like ?" " A large ship standing towards us," By this time most of the crew were on deck, eagerly straining their eyes to obtain a glimpse of the approaching ship, and murmuring their opinion's lo each other on her probable ,characters Then came the voice of the captain. " Keep silent, fore_ and aft." Silence_ being _secured, he hailed the lookout. To his question , of " what does she look like?" the lookout replied, " A large frigate, bearing down upon us, MINI A whisper ran along . the crew that she was a Yankee frigate. - The thought was confirmed by the command, ," All: hands clear the ship for action, ahoy !" The drum and fife beat to quarter—bulk heads were knocked away—the guns were released from'their confinement—the whole dread paraphernalia of battle was produced, and after the lapse of a few minutes' hurry and confusion, every man and boy was at his post, ready to do his best service for his country, except the• band who, claiming exemption from the affray, safely stowed themselves away in the cable tier. We had only One sick man on the list, and he, at the cry of battle, hurried from his cot, feeble as he was, to take his post of danger. A few of the junior inidahipMen were sta tioned below, on the berth deck, with or ders, given in our bearing, to shoot any man who, attempted to run from his' quar ters: Our men were all in good spirits ; though they did ,not scruple to express the 'wish that the comity , foe was a Frenchman rn ther than alratijiee. We had been told by the Americans.'oOboard, that: the frigates in the American 'service carried more and heavier metal * than ours. This, together with our - eonsciousness•of superiority over the French at sea, led' us to a preference for a French antagonist. _ The Americans, - among our number, felt quite discouraged ,at the necessity which compelled them to fight against their own -countrymen. One,of them, j named John. Card, as brave a seaman as ever trod a plank, ventured to, present himself ;to the captain, .as- a prisOner, frankly declaring his pbjections to fight..,.The captain, Very ungenerously, ordered him to his-quarters,, threatening to shoot him if he made the-re quest again, ~Poor fellow ! he obeyed that• unjust command, and was killed by a Alit from his own . countrymen.. This fact is more disgraceful to the , captain of the Ma cedonian. than even the loss of- his slap. It was a gross and palpable violation of the rights of man. A's the approaching ship showed Ameri can colors, all tiOubt'of . her character was at an end. "We must fight her," was the conviction of every breast, Every possible arrangement that could insure success, was accordingly made. The gims : were Shotted; the matches lighted—for although Our guns were furnished with first rate locks, they were also provided with matches attached by lanyards in case the locks should miss fire. A lieutenant then passed through the ship, 'directing the marines and boarders, who were furnished with pikes, cutlasses and pistols, hoW to proceed if it should be necessary to board the enemy. He was followed by the captain, who exhorted them to fidelity and courage ; urginig upon their consideration the web known motto of, the brave Nelson, " England expects every man to do his duty." In addition to all these preparations on deck, some men were stationed in the tops with small arms, whose duty It was to attend to trimming the sails and to use their muskets provided we came to close action., There were others also below, called sail trimmers, to assist in working the ship, should it be necessary to change her position during the battle. • Ify station was at the fifth gun on the main deck. It was my duty to supply the gun with powder, a boy being appointed to each gun in the ship on the side we engaged for this purpose. A wooden screen was placed before the entrance to the magazine, with a hole in it ; through which the h car tridges *ere passed to the boys. We re ceived, them there, and covering them with our jackets, hurried to their respective guns. These precautions tire observed to - prevent the powder from taking fire before it reaches the gun. Thus we all stood awaiting orders in motionless suspense. At last we fired three guns from the larboard -side of the main deck; this was folloWed by the com mand, " Cease firing ;' you are throwing away your shot." Then came the orders to "wear ship," and prepare to attack the enemy with our starboard guns. soon after I heard a fi ring from ,some other quarter, which I at first supposed to be a discharge froth our quarter deck guns, though if proved to be the enemy's cannon. A stratiae noise such as I never heard before nexCarrested my attention ; . it sounded like the tearing of sails, just over our heads. This I soon ascertained to be the wind of the enemy's shot. The firing after a few minute's l cessation, recommenced. The roaring of cannon could now be heard from all parts of our trembling ship, and min gling,as it did with that of our foes, it made a most hideous noise. By and by I heard the shots strike the sides of our ship. The whole scene became indescrib - ably confused and horrible—it was like some awful, tre mendous thunderstorm, whose deafening roar is attended by 'incessant streaks of lightning, carrying death in every flash, and strewing the ground with the victims of its wrath ; only in our case, the scene was rendered more horrible than that, by the presence of torrents of blood which dyed mid decks. Though the recital may be painful, yet as it will reveal the horrors of war, and show at what a fearful price victory is won or lost, I will present the reader with things as they met my eye during the progress of that dreadful fight.: I was busily supplying my gun with powder, when-I saw blood suddenly fly from the arm of a man stationed at our gun. I saw nothing strike him—the effect alone was visible—in at i instant the third lieu denant tied his handkerchief round the wounded arm, and sent the groaning wretch below to the surgecin. The cries of the wounded now rang through all parts or the ship. These' were .carried to the cockpit as fast as they fell, while those more fortunate men who were killed outright, were immediately thrown overboard. 'As I was stationed but a short distance from the main hatchway, I could catch 6:glance at, all who were carried be lotv. , A glance was all I could indulge in, for the boys belonging to the gunsti et to Mine were Wounded -in the.eart parrof the engagenient, and I had to spring with all my might to keep three or fonr guns sup plied with cartridge:4. I saw 11YO of these, lads fall nearly together'. One of them was struck in the leg by a large shot—he bad to suffer amputation above the wound. The other had 6'grape or canister shot sent throtigh his ancle. A stout Yorkshireman lifted .him in his arms and hurried him to, the cockpit., Ile had his fooi cut off and thus made lopie for life: Two 'of' the boys stationed on the quarterdeck' were They were both Portuguese. A man who saw one of theM,liilled; • afterwards, told Me that -his, pOWderotght-'fire and lit4M, the 1 10 1 1 almost_ Mr hip 'ld this pitiable : situation the,, agonized thY 'lifted 'up . both - . hands as if imploring reiref, when a ,passing: shot'instantly cm.hirn in two., , was an eye witness to a sight ehually're vOlting. :A man named Aldrich had onePf his hands 'Cat off, by a shot, and almnst at the seine moment he received another shot, Waif tore open his, boWels . in a terrible iIL Mapper. As he fell, two or ,three men entight him in their arms, and, as. he could, riotikie;,threyv, him overboard. „ Qne.,of the officers in my division'also, noble hearted fellow, named . Nan Nivel!, A grape or WELLSBOROUGII, TIOGA COUNTY, PA., TIICIISDAY MORNING, JiNt. 5, 1851. canister sh' - ov.struelt him near the heart ; exclaiming, "0, my God !" he fell and was carried below, where he shortly idler died. Mr. Hope, our first lieutenant was also slightly wounded by a grummet, or 'Small iron ring, probably torn from a hammOck clew by a .shot. He went below, shouting to us at the top of his voice, and bidding us to fight with. all our might. There was not a man in the ship but would have rejoiced' had he been' in the place of our master's mate, the unfortuate Nan Kivell. The battle went on. Our men kept cheering with all their Might. I cheered with tilem, though I confess I hardly knew, for what. Certainly there was nothing very inspiriting in the aspect of things where I was stationed. So terrible had been the work of destruction around us, it was termed the slaughterhouse: Not only had .we several boys killed' and wounded, but several of the guns were disabled. The one I belonged to, had 'a piece of the muzzle knocked out; and When the ship rolled, it struck a beam of the upper deck with such force as to become jammed and fixed in that position. - A twenty-four pound shot had also passed through the screen of the magazine,' immediately over the orifice through - which we passed our powder. The schoolmaster received a death wound. The brave boatswain, who came from the sick bed to the din of battle, was fastening a stopper in the back stay which was shot away, when his head was smashed to pieces by a cannon ball ; another man going to complete the unfinished task, was also struck down. Another midshipman also received a severe wound,. The unfortunate ward room steward, who attempted to cut bis throat on a former occasion was killed. A fellow named John, who for some petty offence, had been sent on board as a'punish menf, was carried past me" wounded. I distinctly heard the large blood drops fail pat, pat, pat, on the deck b ;, his wounds were mortal. • Even a poor goat, kept by the officers for her milk, did not escape the general coinage ; her hind legs were shot off, and poor - Nan was thrown overboard. Such was the terrible scene amid which we kept on shouting and firing. Our men fought like tigers. Some of them pulled off their jackets,. others their jackets and vests ; - while Some still more determined, had •taken off their shirts, and, with nothing but a hadkerchief tied around the waist- bands of their trowsers, fought like heroes. I also observed n boy named -Cooper, sta tioned k at a gun some distance from the magazine. He came to and fro on a full run, and appearing, to be as " merry as a cricket." The third lieutenant cheered him along occasionally, by saying," Well done my brave boy; you are worth your' weight in gold:" I have been asked what were my feelings during this fight. I felt pretty much as I suppose every one does at such a time. That men are withont thought when they stand amid the dying and the dead is 'toe absurd an idea to be entertained a moment. We all appeared cheerful, but I know that' many a serious thought ran through my mind ; still what could we do but keep up a semblance, at least, of animation"! To run fiorn our quarters would have been certain death 'from the hands of our own officers: to give wily in gloom would do no good, and might brand us with the name of cowards, and insure certain defeat. Our only true'philosophy, therefore, was to make. the best of our situation, by fighting bravely and cheerfully. I thought a great deal, however, of the other world ; every groan, every_ falling man, told me that the next instant Fmight be .before the Judge of all earth. For this I felt unprepared ; but being without any particular knowledge of religious truth, I satisfied myself by repeat ing again and again the Lord's Prayer, and promising that if spared I would be more attentive to -religious duties than ever be fore. This promise I had no doubt at the time of keeping ;. but I have learned since that it is easier to make promises amid the roar of battle's thunder, or in the horrors of shipwreck, than to keep them when itlitn ger is absent, and safety smiles upon our path. While these thoughts secretly agitated my bosom, the din of battle continued. Grape and 'canister shot were pouring through our port holes like leaden hail, car- rying death in their trail. The large shot came against the ship's side like iron hail shaking her to the very keel, or passing through her timbers, and scattering terrific splinters, which did more appaling, work than even their own death giving blows. The reader'may forte an ideaaf -the effect of the grape and canister, when he is told that grape shot is formed by seven or eight balls confined to an iron and tied in a cloth.' These balls are scattered by the exploston -of the powder. Canister shot is made by filling a powder canister with balls f these also scatter with 'direful effect 'when "disl Charged. What then with'iplinters, Can.' non balls, grape and'canister, poured inces:' santly upon us, the reader may be assured - that the work of death went on in a man- . ner which must have been satisfactory even' to the king of teirctra himself.- Suddenly the rattling of 'the' iron 'hail ceaed. We were' orderpd to cease firing. A - Rrofound silence ensued, briiken only by stifled groans of the brave sufferers below: It was'soan ascertained that the enemy had Shot:ahead: for chip purpose of repairing dainages, for' he Was not so disabled but She could sail without difficulty; while we were so cut .up that we lay,helpless. •Qur bead braces were shot and. main topmasts were gone; the mizzen mast hung over the stern, having carried several men over its fall ; we were in a state of complete wreck: A council was now held among the offi cers of the quarter deck. • Our condition was perilous in the extreme; victory and escape were alike hopeless. Our ship was disabled ; many of bur men were ,killed and many wounded. The enemy would without doubt bear down upon •uS in a few moments, and as she could now cliocise her position, would without-doubt Fake us fore and aft. Any further resistance was, there fore, folly. So, in spite of the hot brained lieutenant, Mr. Hope, who advised them not to strike, but., to sink alongside, it was de termined to strike our bunting. This was done by the hands of a braVe fellow named Watson, whose saddened brow told how severely it pained his lion heart to do it. To me it was a pleasing sight, for .1 had seen fighting enottgh for one Sunday, more than I wished to see again on a week day. His Britannic Majesty's frigate Macedo donian, was now the prize of the American frigate, United States. From Works of John Adams. How Washington was made Com- mander Every post brought me letters frOM my friends, Dr. Winthrop, Dr. Cooper, Gen. Jas. Warren, and sometimes from Gen. Ward and his aids, and Gen. Heath and many others, urging, in pathetic terms, the impossibility of keeping their men tegether, without the assistance of Congress. I was daily urging all these things, but we were embarrassed with more than difficulty, not only with the party in favor of "the .peti tion to the' king, and the party zi) were jealous of independence, but a third party, which was a Southern party against a Northern, and a jealousy against a New England army under the command of a New England General. Whether this jealousy was sincere, or whether it was mere pride and a haughty ambition of furnishing a southern general to command the northern army (I cannot say,) but the intention was very visible to me Abet Col. Washington was their object, and so many of our staunchest men were in the plan, that we could carry nothing without conce ding to it. .Another embarrassment, - which was never publicly known, and which was carefully. concealed by those who knew it, the. Massachusetts and other New England delegates were divided. Mr. Hancock and Mr. Cushing hung back ; Mr. Paine did not come forward, and even Mr. Samuel Adams was irresolute. Mr. Hancock• him self had an ambition to be .appointed corn mander.in.chie.f. Whether he thought an election a compliment due to him, and in tended to have the honor of declining it, or whether he would have accepted it I knoW not. 3 4T0 the compliment - he had some pre tensKis, for, at that time, his exertions, sacrifices, and general merits hi the cause of his country had been incomparably greater than those of Col. Washington. But the delicacy of his health, and his en tiie wont of experience in actual service, dough an excellent militia officer, were decisive objeationz-ttrlitm canvassing this . subject, out of doors,. I found too that even aniong the delegates of Virginia there were difficulties.. The apes iolical reasoninginnaong themselves, which should be greatest, were not less energetic among the saints of the ancient dominiOn than they were among us of New England. In several Conversations I fotind more than' one very cool about the ' appointment of Washington, and particularly Mr. Pendle ton was very 'clear and full against it. Full of anxieties concerning these eon= fusions, apprehending daily that we should . - hear very distressing news from Boston; I walked with Mr.' gamuel Adams in the: State House yard,' for a little exerCise•and* fresh air before the hour of Congress, - and, there represented to him the various dan gers that surrounded us. He 'agreed to them all, but braid—" What shall we do?" •I answered him that he knew that _I had taken great pains to.get otircolleagues to agree upon •some• plan, that we' Might *be unanimous; but he•kneW that they would pledge themselves = to nothing-; but 'I was determined to take a step which should compel them and ail the other members of Congress to declare _themselves t,for or against • something. ' 4 I• am determined this morning to make ,a direct- motion Atoll Congress. should adopt . the -army. bef9re Boston, and - 4ippoint*Col. Washington .eem mender of if.'" . Mt.. Adams seemed fo-lhink. very seriously of it,-.but said.nothmg.. Accordingly, When .Congress...hadassero , bled, - I rose in my plabe,Jand In . as short a -speech as •the - . -- iubject would:admit; -repre seated the state of .the colonies; theouncer-• tainty , in' the , minds.:ef. -the -, .people,•4heir. 'great eXpeetationand 'anxietyitthe:distreittes orthe army, the danger of ifs:diasoluthan;L . the diffidully of _collecting another,•and the probability that the British,. army • would take advantage of our . delays, march out of Boston, and spread desolation es far as they could go. I coucluded witka motion, in form;* that Congress.' would . ndept the army,' at Catiibridge; - ; and appoint a general; that though:this - Waitriot': the proper:lime to - nominate agenera4 yet; as I had-reason believe this was a point of-the greatest diffieulty,-1 had no: 'hesitation' - to; declare that I had but one - gentlenitirt in army' mind for that important command, niid'that was gentlemanfrom Virginia, - yvhocwas among us, and 'very, %yell known to all of us, a gentleman whose experience as an - offteer,. whose independent, furtune, .g - ret4 talents, and excellent universal character, . would command. the approbation of all .America, and, unite the 'cordial exertions 'of all the colonies J3etterthan any other pet-Son in the. Mr.' Washington, who sat near the door, as soon as he heard me allude to . . from his usual modesty, he darted: into:the library room. Mr. flaneock, who was our President, which gave me an op portunity to observe his countenance while I was speaking on the state of the colonies; the army nt ,Cambridge, and the enemy— . heard me with visible pleasure; but when I came to describe Washington for the commander, :I never marked a more sud den and Striking- change of countenance. Mortification and' resentment were expres sed: es - forcibly as his face. could exhibit them. Mr.. Samuel Adams seconded' the motion, and that- did not soften the Presi dent's physiognomy at all. The subject came under debate, and several gentlemen declared themselves against the a ppolntrinent of Mr. Washington, not on account of any personal objection against him, but bechOse the army were ;ill from New England,' find a general of. their own, appeared to be sat isfied with him, land 'had proved themselves able to imprison the British army in BoSton, which was all they expected or desired at that time. Mr. Pendleton, of Virginia, and Mr. Sherman, of Connecticut, were very ex plicit in declaring this opinion. Mr. Cush, ing and several others more faintly ex preised their opposition, and their fears of discontent in the army, and in New Eng land. Mr. Paine expressed a great opinion of Gen. Ward 'and a strong friendship for him, having been his classmate at college, or at least his cotemporary ; but gave no opinion on the question. The'stibject was postponed to future day. In the mean time, pains were taken out of doors to ob tain a unanimity, and the voices were generally so Clearly in favor of" Washing ton, that the dissentient members were per suaded to withdraw their opposition, and Mr. Washington was nominated, I believe; by Mr. Thos. Johnson, of Maryland, unani mously elected; and the army adopted. Yankee Trick on a Hoosier. Land lord. In qUite a little Ohio village, many years ago, there: was a tavern where the stages always changed, and the passengers ex pected to get breakfast. The landlord of said 'hotel was noted for his tricks upon travelers, who 'were allowed to get fairly sated at the table, when the driver would blow his horn - (after taking his horns,) and sing out, " Stage ready, gentlemen," where upon the passengers were obliged to hurry out and take their seats, leaving a scarcely tasted breakfast behind them, for which, however, they had to fork over fifty cents! One day when the stage was approaching the house of this obliging host, a passenger said that he had often heard of the land lord's trick, and he was afraid they would not. be able to get any breakfast. "What ? how 7 No breakfast !" ex claimed the rest."-- "Exactly so, gents, and you may as wel keep your seats and tin." . " Don't they expect.passengers to break fast ?" " Oh, yes ! they expect - you to it, but not to eat it. I etn under the impression that there is an understanding between the landlord and driver, that, for sundry and various drinks, &c., the latter starts before you can scarcely commence eating."' _ " Why; what on airth are 'you talkin' about ? Ef you calkelate I'm goin' to pay four nine.pences' for my breakfast and not get the valee - on't you're mistakin' !" said a voice from the back seat, the owner of which wasone Hezekiith Spaulding—though, tew hum" they call him Hez" for short. "I'm gain' to get my breakfast here, and not pay nary red till I do." " Then you'll be len." '," Not as you knows, I wont!" • ." Well, we'll see," said the other ;• as the stage.drove up to the door, and the landlord ready. to " do the hospitable," says, _ ."Breakfast just ready, gents. Take a wash, gents ? Here's water . , basins, towels, and soap." ...After performing their ablutions, they all proceeded to- the dining room, and com ' menced a fierce onslaught upon the edible's, though " Hee! .took his, time. Scarcely had-they tasted their coffee, when they heard, the unwelcome sound of the •horn, fled the, driver , exclaim, " Stage ready !" Up rise .eight -grumbling passengers, pay .their , fifly cents, and take their seats, . • ~ "All•aboard, gents V' inquires the hest, . ~!‘ One missing,", said-they. , ;`.'Proceeding. taAhe - dining room; he finds fiez very coolly helping himself. ~to_xtri im.• mons° piece ofsteek," - thesize or a - horse's • -beleft, sir Stage is goingto .I . g , Willi, haint , got nothin' to say 'agin it," drawls out Hez: " Caret wait, sir—better lake your seat." " I'll be gall-darned of I dew, nuther, till I've got my breakfuss ! I paid for it; and I'm•goin' to get the valee on't l 'and of youltilkilite I aint, you're mistaken." 11 So •The stage started, and leit , Hez, who continued his attack on the, edibles. Bis cuits, cofree, 6ze., disappeared rapidly, be fore the.eyes of the astonished landlord. it r iIIOLIE,NO:: , .. , " Say, 'Squire; them t h ere c ages ' is East—fetch,ds.a tiot he igrist an ',dn. ~. (to the waiter,) "'noth.er eup - athEito Pass them: egos.' RaiSei.yotir:owri 'Squire ? this is 'ilti'ai.in' ,. nide.hain.,: 'bout here.tolerable'eheaPi'Squiiel - got much maple tiinber irk diesestirtS, ye r Dew - right,smart. trade,''Squire, calkelate don't lay your nivn,‘eggs, -, i ye V' and tbus . liez kepi quizzing the,ll, lord, - until he m ade, .a' hedili :!'rte.al.i ~.ri...1, " Say, squire, now I'M 'boui...toCO.OV payin'• my • devower tew this ere' tablet, ef 'you'd jest give us a bowlnfnbread „ i milk tew sorterl'top off willi; . l'l, bd.' ki oWeegea - tew ye'.'.'. ..,.- .., , „., ,1,,,i So.out goes landlord and waiterlari bowl of - bread and Milk; andset.therti fore him. • • ' ' ; .: a. i ' " Spoon -toll, of yOuplease."' '..!':-„'., i' But no spoon-could be-found.:.•Lina: was sure - he had plenty of .silVer Oness ing on the table when the stage sitipPe, " Say, you! dew you think thentp*, gers is goin', to pay you for a.hreakfa r ss not °it no. compensashrin ?" . , ,1, . • ... "A h ? what ! Do you think any ol( . passengers took them ? '..;:' 'I " Dew I- Oink ? No'l - don't thick i I'm saran. Ef they are nil as' greeo - 'bout here, I'm gain'lo locate i d diately and tow wonst." . - ,• • •:!f - ‘: 1 , The landlord -rushes out to the stable 4 starts a man off after the stage which i' gone about three miles. _ The mien :. takes the stage and sayslomethittg , t o driver in a low tone. .He • imMedi turns back, and on arriving at-the- It , Hez comes out and takes his seat and.se: . "How are you gents?.. Prirre.tteP.... tew see you." .i".. . -• s 5 "Can you point, out the,mon: you : (1 has the spoons 1" asked the landlord. . 4, " Pint him out ? - Sartainly I . lteO. 'q 'Squire, I paid yen few. ninepenCei.ltf breakfass; and I calkelate /,gotAe Itf, on't. You'll find them spoons' in the: fee Pot !" - - :.! ! ,.,.4 Go ahead—ALL ABOARD, DRIVEL. ~t Spirit l o:rthe Time; . . . singular ilDi rem mstance. , - I; • ' Some years since a family (Mr, Ad.tt ; l residing on Clarke's Bay, a sma)l_,is. : which then formed one of .I. ) l6.puiriri m e o 1 treats of ,the neighboring inhohitantS,;4 ticed in ' One of their children a - Simi 1 habit of retiring from the table with' ' meals untoucheikand 'disappearing; not 5,.4 knew where, to enjoy therri....'Thia'Pli',- I without remark for some time; untillta ,::- 1 tinuance in- spite of the retrionstiatie&Ol;, -1 1 , *eats,. and the Singular secrecy Obs.e' liy her with regard to her place of 'ectiic;' 1 ment, when: questioned, arousetreurini! 0 and made them 'determined:6 wateki: detect, if possible, - the place _ and' cans her ccncealment. - She was followed by :-= father, Who saw her : refire inte,the dee. • ,?:, recesses of the adjoining woodland, and,i' , :.,i . at a fallen tree, whichwas-rendered.cl pletely hollow from decay. , This ,sltei peatedly tapped with'asmall stick,,wh4 large rattle snake rifer a while appeti- .:;,: and glided,slowly towards her. -. SheA i ded her dinner_ in two-equal portinPs•:': which they, mutually partook, she reproV .'„ .1.t..• ..-11st. urplligsi. %Up nu VLICIGI ;10. - . 104.1 . - . 4 , his head beyond the boundary of hie.sb);i, Alarmed at 'her critical ,situotion., andli --"' 'formidable nature of her- quaodurrt aCqui, - 4 lance, her father approached and deb. the tears tears and'entreaties of the poet' '4. 7 ' - 1 who bitterly - wept its fate, - 'destroyed ' , ' l,f l dangerous- rePtile.• 'She - Was takett"lo4 AI disconsolate; for - some - timo'pined,'andl- I not . long survive her - unforttinrite -*tilt: - It merit. ' ; - Whether• the •st - td fate Of . this !clam.- 4, child had aught to do viiill the eingtitai, sf tachment . lthuS-- formed by - her' tei-an aril{ 1. between -which and our - own speCieot, -',.,, seems-ever to have existed • a'spirits tjf:Ll gust and enmity, or whether-more than . common circumstances of naturally -a dental acquaintance was involved , 4lf6' we leave t 6 others better-skilJedAn 'sue . : n a tural lore. than oursell i es; . to - deterrhi. , But the former has ever been the impress, / cOoveyed . by the style of, the which cencludes with. theActAhat :".:,i did notiong survive it;'—Son,„ : ., ! .: ..4.-!, Boys ont after:Night. . 1. , , . 1, ‘I.4T, '.l We have.on,severat occasions'eadeave :3 to s impress parents Land . those living-Choi.l i of youth, with the.importanco of :heePi --:, them at :home:after night-1111h ;,A few;ov,T,', ings since,.in passing 4 group of .orekvp-' we. were :attached : by the obscene:and.;W: lane expressions which fell..from,itheir,lif,'- and we think if their parents ; hadltetn! ~., their font language, they- would' hnvo- remorse' fOr" their gross - nigFeet of iheir t. ' '.; sprini.• '' If the parents orthese 1)6)4; iiill, exercise, not only, their enthority,- bur 114 love they - should bear - I helr '.c hi Icli6, N '5:4 . frould seek'tos Make 4otnea'plab of NM,: ne.sa'and - :.inneeenl r enjo) . rnent;lnSteildit 4 sending . ' them' ont'id grovel in' . o6iil ) fanity, 'obscenity' arid "senitiality; = lAttst your' Children' with ' some. plettiltiii %mitt Show them rnir by your condu 'J a deep ; interest in, their hi by se ...,, I snerifico of - your own limo : p out tho l i t p nod you will soon - win their offectious,-.. lend them to find other pleasures than:lig!'" found hi lawless revels, amongst:rode.col: panions about the streets aller,night, '...2.4 .11feadville Gasetteit TUE progress of some metria;.sity that they keep ahead of 'common seam: t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers