Thp Cheap Postage Bill The bill from the House of Representa tives providing for a reduction of the rates of postage, has been so materially altered i l l the Senate, with regard to the rates of postage on letters and newspapers, that We have prepared a statement Of the substance of those provisions as they now stand in the bill ns amended by the Senate: With, regard to letter postage, the Senate bill pro-• vides, that from and, after June 30, 1851, in lieu of the rates - of postage 'now estab lished by law, there shall be charged the following rates, to wit: For every single feller in manuscript, or paper of any kind 'won which information shall be asked, &a., conveyed in the mail, for any distance be tween places within, the United States not exceeding 3,000 miles, three 'cents, when the postage shall have been prepaid ; and far any distance .exceeding 3,000 miles d o able these rates ; for every such single letter, when conveyed wholly or in part by se a, and too or from a foreign country, for a ny distance over 2,500 miles, twenty cents; and for any distance under 2,500 miles, ten cents. A single letter is one not exceeding half an ounce ; double and tre ! ' ble letters pay double and treble these rate's. The rates of postage on newspapers may be stated thus : All newspapers, not exceed: ing three ounces in weight, sent to actual subscribers from _the office of -publication; shall be charged as follows : Weeklr• pa: pers, within the county where published, free ; for any distance. not exceeding filly miles out of the county where published, five cents per quarter ; exceeding fifty and eat More than three hundred mileh, ten ; :ms" per quarter; over three hundred and n3t exceeding one thousand miles, fifteen cents per quarter ; over one thousand arid not exceeding two thousand miles, _twenty zeros per quarter ; over two thousand add not exceeding four thousand, twenty-fi4e . tents per quarter ; and for any greater dik. :mice, thirty cents per quarter ; semi-weel 'y papers to pay double, tri-weekly treble, and papers issued oftener than .tii-weekl . Y, five times these rates. i For any other book ; paper, magazine; -kc,, not exceeding one ounce in weight, Sere shall be paid for a distance pot ex. ceeding 500 miles, one cent. Oyer 500 and not exceeding 1,500 miles, 2 cents. 1,500 " 2,500 3 .4 2,500 " 3,500 " 4 " " " 4,500 " 5 For each additional ounce or fraction the rates are proportionably increased. R