The Wellsborough advertiser. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 28, 1850, Image 4

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    Irke_-roveist BturiaL/-
Rest theeoovetiline we hayo Laid thee
-Where' the Wild! wood maketh shim . ; -
Tears perfunie.the - bedve made thee,. „ •
Where the withered foliage lies.
Distant from thy native dwolling,
• :Where wo china thy requiem; ; ,
Few the hearts`, with sadness swelling,
, Few to join Oe.funeral hymn.
On the nmrroW we must leave thee,
Lonely in thy woodland grave,
Where the vine a tomb shall weave "thee";
Creeping where the branches wave. •
All thy love let nsture breathe it,, •
When the vernal hunt* return— -
Write thy narne with flowers, and wreathe it'
Round thy,lpnely forest urn. '
"Flow dreadfUlly late you are, my dear?"
said Mrs. GraysOn, the wife -of the printer,
as he entered his own door at half past eleven'
at night. " I have watched and watched:
for you so long, That I began to feel uneasy."
" Uneasy—l !should chink you would
have became accustomed to irregular lours
by this time;" replied he, seating himself
upon the chair she had handed with a sigh.
"You are wearied °id," said his wife
mournfully, as he pressed his hand to his
throbbing temples; you are working your
self to death, and what it is for I Cannot
"I wonder hoW I can help it," he replied
in that desponding tone which proclaims one
miserable alike, - both in body and mind. l 'l
am half dead with fatigue, that is true; hilt
there is no remedy which I can perceive ;
for with all my efforts I am behind, and
have been utterly unable to get the paper
out to-day,"
"The job of advertising you did yester;
day, I presume is the cause of your being
4so late," said she. "fray, did Mr. Q. pay
you for it—five dollars was it not ?"
"Yes, but he said I must trust him awhile;
as money was so scarce."
"Did you ever hear anything like it ?"
cried Mrs. G. indignantly—" money so
scarce ! why this is the hue-andcry from .
one end of the •
country to. the other. I
wonder how the people think the printer is
to keep up the expenses or the office—type,
ink, paper, fuel, rent, workmen—and sup
port his family, if every human being thinks
the plea, Money is scarce' a suffcicnt ex
cuse for defrauding him of his honest dues."
" Defrauding is a hard word," answered
the husband musingly, "and yet, to put a
man off with promises, and perhaps never
pay it unless compelled, seems very like it.
Did . Mr. U., bring grain to-day 1" he enqui
red suddenly-changing the unpleasant sub
"No, I saw him hauling a load to Mr.
—'s, but ho brought none here. You
were in hopes that advertisim , c' for necessa
ries would have 'the desired effect, but you
see there is nothing more easy than to be
" I think I was mistaken when I selected
my occupation," resumed the printer bitter.
ly. " Half the talent an& energy (not to
mention the labor) expended in any other
pursuit, would have placed me, ere this on .
the high road to independence. My Weis
one of never-ending drudgery, and yet how
little do those of our patrons who are roll
ing in wealth, ever reflect on the printer's
usual wants—his many privations, or the
shifts he is obliged to resort to on account
of their want of punctuality in _making
payments. But I must not sit here talking
all night, as I shall be obliged to arise be
times in the morning in order to 'get the
paper out as early as possible."
don't come?" said old Squire Burley, the
Crcesus of the village of N., as be sat toast.
ing_his boot on ,the polished fender before :a
huge fire. "his pretty near tea time, and
it snows so rest 'there is no getting abroad I
wonder what that lazy editor can be abouf
"This is about the twentieth time this af
ternoon you have wondered the same thing
Father," said his daughter 'nester, who 'sat
at the window Occupied with her worsted
work. "I never knew that a newspaper
was essential to ,your comfort." •
" Essential to:my comfort, Miss ?" repeat
ed the Squire, turning towards her with some
asperity, " I wonder who ever said that it
was ! Th,ere isl a difference in a thing's
being essential to your comfort and being
_punctual. to your Wand a lover of punctu
alitria °Mem." .. . . . . _
': Just so I thick; my dear," chimed in
Mrs.. Burley; speaking from the depths' f a
cushioned-chair,l where she cOnifort
embodied; hef felt half buried in the tufig
flowers of the stool which supported them
and partiallyy - d9ing over her knitting work.
" dust so I thiok, if a person don't get a
thing" When they I look fur it; they don't want
it at all, and as the paper is very irregular,
if I were you I i would .stOp• it. There .is
Mr. M., takes•seiveral city papers ; . you OM
borrow them, Ii dare say, when. ho • getS
through with
_rending them."
"I belieie I will," said the Squire, beat ! . •
log. the Devil's Tattoo with his foot, there is.'
no use in putting up with everything?' • ;
'.' I hope yott 103 . 0 Stop it far:such a tri
reason, Father," 'cried Hester with a.
pleading voice" why we could get no local
-intelligence whatever ;, and how, do you
know but Mr. "Graysoner some of- his fami
ly are ill, that 114 hos:been unable to getout
to-day ? Poor tan he looks as though he
had the consumPtiorr already, standi ng over:
his case as hoes ; and in my opinion no
one can be mor industrious and try broiler'
to do his.dtity: Printers have a hard lot of i l o
it any how—a life of ceaseless slavery, with
little thanks'andless Pay:" ' —•- ' :
y•: "People are, of expected to" thatilCi p ind
t ay_both, my, r,"i
observed Mrs. Burley,
with a smile of s tisfaction: • •
Father, hav you paid Mr. Grayson
regultirl,io7 asked'. HeSte - r; 'WM a - Misthie
'Vous glance directed towards her parent.
„Ssaket srwhtlfbtiishirtg,
and fidgeting.on- his chair c "IdOn't know
as I have. r - He , !tomtit 'Wen printing 114
three or four'yeaYitOrl never asked me fdr
it but once 61 twltei'and ididn't,happen to
have the change'ati tliO,:ilirit i e—lieWever, 1
shall go up pod`payi him . off and stop the
paper to-morrow' mOrning."
" Man's inhainonity to limn;
. ,
Makes countless thousands mourn, " ! , •f - t
,_ • t • . , , "
_, • . , I o,_
repeated Hester, slowly, P ar don , -
dear Father," sheleentinued;-more quickly,
as'ihe noticed hiltisirig,.angeri''" pray al ! .
low (fie Cfov Wordi4-they . att.thes93 Ida
nerthirik,theSe PerscinsVpoSsesSetlof*Citlth.
an . clinankSetikce-Sef comfort 44 ha'pOtteS4,
can sympathize stiffieiently,with"oegt ! . 9 Air.
Grayson's situation. - Bee how hops tied:
down witli'his occupation---what healiy ex
penses he is obliged to ineui- , --and what care,
attention, what,great mental exertionn red,"
quires to cater for the tastes of Is-'hundrecls" - :
of reader*, and this attention whether. ie
clined_or not is continual. The poor editor.
is alloWed no respite ;• holidays and seasons
of enjoyment may come to all but him,. for
the public,are like•the daughters of the horse •
leech, their whole cry is " Give ! Give !"
and the slightest omission of what they sup
poie to be the duty on his part—or a single
exhibition of the frailty; to which he as well
as all other's are subject-,-or most trifling
failure in what, they consider .the terms • of
agreement,iSfollnived by an immediate .
drawal of patronage; and while his wants
are totally disregarded, their portion of the ,
contract is. broken With Alte:treatest of im
punity; Patrons 'mfotild' - do well it seems to
me, to consider that the obligation is mutual.
A good newspaper is worth to any family
treble the sum ust'ally paid for it, and the
editor who is wed-ing 'out hiS existence in
the effert to instruct, interest and amuse .his'
readers; is in every way worthy of a sup,
port liberally andipromptly bestowed:" •
" I auess you Must be thinking of taking
one of the craft y' urself, or you would not
Is f o
defend themso " annly," said the Squire,
quite restored, to d humor as he looked'
at his graceful chi d, and rather pleased than
otherwise at theueney of her language- r
" but as we h3ve already had a ..summons
to Ted, suppose e adjourn . to the supper
table." ,
"They certai y are the victims of the
greatest possible njustice," continued Hes.
ter, as she rose to follow after. " I recol
lect reading a notice in a country paper the
other day, where the editor says, " We are
out of everyt hi ngg-bring on what you please
in the way of payment, fo r' nothing can
come amiss." "Yet [ dare afflrm, the most
negligent among those subscribers would be
the-first to cry out if their particular tastes
and wishes were not consulted, and to throw
up the paper for any cause however trifling.
The best method in my opinion • for ob
taining a gelid paper, and for iesuring good
punctuality, is for all interested in its suc
cess. to ful fi l at a proper time ,
their part of
the obligation. Let each one at a stated
period pay , his subscription—his item of
the means necessary to bring about a result
so desirable—and my ward for it, the prin
ter would not be weighed in the balance and
found wantitg."
Fascinating a Ball.
It is said that bulls are fond of music, and
that a man can fiddle his way from one end
of the field to the other without danger,
provided he keeps up a jolly tune. A. couple
of Irishmen,_ this spring, were hired on a
farm in Westchester county, and were much
annoyed by a bbll, on. their way to work,
that they had to take something of a circuit
around the field, where the animal was
!TrejitiCT's: .'at, one morning,
" I've got it Phalim, dear ; we can chafe
the bull,. an' cross his field.".
" An' how will ye do it, Pat V'
, g Mighty airy : I'll take along my fiddle,
an' fascinate the baste. Pll give him Oar,.
Owen, an°. St. Phtriek's Day' is Morning.
Won't he be frisky ?"
Pat was as good as his-word. Off both
started to' work. and reached the dreadful
field. Plialim's courage began to ooze out
a little.; so he got behind the stone fence,
Pat gallantly entered- the ; field. The bull
was feeding at some distance, and Pat began
to play. ; The creature raised- his head,
listened for a moment, and then with a wild
roar made, for Put.
In vain i .did,PatChangc the tune. It was
of no use 4 and the bull was within a few
feet of him when he took to his heels. It.
was too late, however, and, Pat found hirtif:'
self stretched out sprawling in the top of
an' apple tree, 146 thick branches of , which,
sustained him in the air. - On a' bough near
birn.hung the fiddle.- ''Fortunately Pat hail;
received no injury save -& few scratches.
Phalim slowly raised his head; and looked
over the wall, •
Pat; - Pat! have ye fascinated the bull
N 4, be jabers! D—l a bit of it ; but
the rascal has fascinated me and the addle
both !" •
Their .employer seen reached the spot;
and, Pat after descending safely; told his
storY,,with . jthe utmost
" Ah r said the fernier with the.greatest
gravity, "you didn't play the.right tune.
He is an American: bull, and - won'utilisten to
anything but ,Columbia. and; Yankqe
Doodle." Whether Pat ever tried tlidse
tunes, iiarinforrivitt did not tell us:
a boy angry with - his-parents, disobedient
and-obstinate, determined to pursue • his *tin
course,-to be 'his nnrii:::•maSter— , setting at
nanght,-. the experienee.;of„nie, and disre•
garding- their admonitions and. reproofs—
unless his:enurte of-conduct is 'changed,
need not inquira, 4f -What his end• be ?"
He 'not •only disobeys , ii 4• parents and
sults his..frielidS; hitt he„disregards. the voice
ofGod,and iapursuing thapath.which leads;
direetiY ihi'vti to the gates.of death and. wog
7 "ffis " Publication.
. 11ypr.r.gapp.o Auv tivor4 is published every
Thuriday!WeriAing, _Oind furnished to ,subseribers
of-. 81 1 49 P04'444 1 4 ,if paa..ip: vac or $2 if ,
paymen.fie,dtilayed I ever the, year, : lip ..subserip.
. that tilien, forca.shpyter perind : thau'•six •montbs,
'arut when ler i thrit, terra -nay, payment . must be
made stricay.ta:,4.ldvarkee -or: f4l!,will , be charged.
Tie, fercgoing terrosyill, be' strictly adhered, to.
ii#aPO.r•vvill Ilsi„discontirtued until paid for, nn
ess at, he .olotien of he - editor.
• 4.ovittisprnsrs - 1.411 be .inserted. atfifty cents
en !cciu4re,..qr, F 3 F,te,ch lines, fir firStinsertion, and'
wel4y; s,per square' for every subsequent
.ne; Yearly , berti se meets inserted at a reasons:
10 &meant 9 ilth.fore,eing rates..,
trTian4e tidkrtlsingpayable jri advance..,,
07 All 19tto . meet be postpaid. „ , ,
. ,
HART I in - 'RIG liti NE
si'ittigr arid Art.
INITAnY, 1551..
Of lil
. .
G 1 EAT, tPt
• s °IS mr 'Os Mumma announce
,completed such arrangements for
g volume as shall make it decidedly.
ormer issues.
ths►t' they.linv
superior to all;
The gtlitor
the control of
Department will continue under
PROF. J o NS. HART, of PhilaAelphis, •
- • MRS. C. • - KIRKLAND, of New York,
Who, besides he constant contributions from their
own pens,wil - continue to secure for it that unri
valled srmy,o writers which has given to this
Maagzine su • D. 'superiority over all its com
petitors..! , " •
The propric ,rs are now Making an arrangement
which, when .mpleted, will secure for their work:
a series of articteoun subjects, and of style and
character, entirely: different , fkom the usual maga.
zine productions. They. will, recommend them
selves to the reading public for , their brilliancy of
style, as welt as for propriety of the subject chosen.
But in no ddpartmcnt of the Magazine will there
be such marked improvement as in _ .
in this respect the proprietors possess a peculiar
advantage. Mr. jowl Sanratsi, Mezzotinto En
g-raver, being one of the proprietors, gives the best
fruits of his sown skill every month, besides su
perintending and directing the other embellish
ments. To catty into effect more fully their views
on this point, the proprietors have during the last
season sent' Mr SAMUEL SARTAIN', son of the for
mer, and himself distinguished as an artist, on a
spatial mission to Europe, to secure for the Maga
zine some of the choicest ailistical talent in Lon
den and the continent. During the year 1851, Mr.
John Sartain himself also proposes to visit Europe
to:carry through the plans already. projected, and
tolmake still more extended engagements. The
pirticulars of these arrangements *lll be given
from time to time.
The Pictorial Embellishments now preparing
for Sartain's Magazine arc of a character at once
strikingly beautiful and novel. In addition to the
rich and carefully engraved Mezzotint° steel plates
of Mr. John Sartain, many of which will be from
Original Paintings' by the first artists of Europe
and America, there will be-an interesting series of
subjects illustrating the
combined in the same pictures. :The Magazine
will also be enriched by a nninber of ILLII3IINATED
PRINTS. produced by the beautiful art of CHRE3IO.
PRISTING, which will add greatly to the splendor of
the work. In this particular branchive have made
arrangements - with the house of B. IDoarinoizr, of
Frankfort,Germanyi who are preparing for our
January number the most brilliant embellishment
in colors that has ever graced a Magazine either in
this country or Europe. -It-is entitled "The Sea
" and will of' itself he worth as a Holiday
Gift the price of a volume.
In Line and Stipple engraving, the highest
talent has been secured. To assure the patrons of
the Magazine of the peifection that may be ex
pected in this department, we need only state
that the
has engaged to execute a number of superb sub
jects on steel, expressly for thus work, in a style of
unsurpassed beauty. - These, together with other
eminent artists,of both heinispheres, whose labors'
will continue to adorn the work and enhance its
value, must afford sufficient assurance of the ex
ertions of 'the proprietors to render it deserving of
the still increased favor of an appreciating public.
Portraits and sketches of distinguished individuals,
and views of plates rendered remarkable and in
teresting by their association with genius and
worth, will as heretofore form an instructive
feature. -
. ;." ttifc.f the superinienTetCrtingAtalit .
we' liinte, prepared for the forthcoming volume an
entirely new Magazine Literature. As
our work is intended not only as a vehicle ofpolite
literature, brit also for readers of a more serious
cast, such as compose the great body"of the Ameri
can people, persons who want a periodical for in.
erection as well as amusement, we have prepared
for the year 1851 a series of illustrated articles, to
be , .
Designed and executed under the superintendence
OF. CHARLES HEATH, of London, as artist.
of Pittsfield, Mass., Author of "the Doctor's third
- ; Patient," etc., as Literary, Editor.
These Engravings are not mere fanciful pictures
taken from any quarter and called after Scriptural
names, but are prepared with great historical fideli
ty from a careful study of the recent explanations
of Palestine, as well as the more ancient traditions
in regard to the Holy Land; including also copies
of - Many of the most celebrated paintings of the
great masters. : Nor, are they merely beautiful as
works of art. -Their character in this respect - is
kept insubordination to the higher object of incul
cating moral and religious truth. The prominent
facts and teachings in: the life of , tleSavionr, and
particularly the instructive lessons - contained in
the Parables, are -presented -to , tha eye in a most
impressive manner. Tho EngmVings are to be
accompanied with appropriate explanations and
comments by .Dva TODD, and original illustrative
Poems,. by clergymen -and others of different raj
gieus denominations.
We shall give no less than Six or Seven of these
engravings, and' Three of the original Poems,
every • month ; .the whole to be connected into one
continnocs and instructive article by Dr. Tone,
More than,Eightypf the engravings are already
so for completed as AO, enable us. to annonce their
subjects., Other _particulars in regard to ibis ex
traordinary -acrid; wilt be given hereafter.' The
series will make;undonbtedly," one of the most
valuable_and• beautiful contributions :to periodical
literature ever prodacmlin America. The volume
containing them E ithert-bound up, will be of per
mament.valtui in a househedd, particularly wero
there „are, zoung- persons- whose taste. and opinions
are jusLbeing timed.:
_ .
Single-subscribers, - - • -1 - 83-00
Two copies, . - - - 85 OG
Five -copies. • , - - SIOYOO •
Ten copies, snit= extra copy to the
person sending the club of ten, - - $2O 00
These terms.-will. . not be departed from by any
of this Philadelphia threeldollar Magaziees,
Address, , . JOUN BARTAltilic Ca,
••i • : 'Nell or Rent.
THE subscriber wilt sellurnent several Houses,
au the alite - - O. L. GIBSON.,
Wellsboraugh,-0ci.24; iesci.
For .1850.
, .
lAA TCIULD respeettifity inform their. .custrimers
;1`1'• and tlie.public'tenerniiy; that they are now
receiving, at their old stand, a. idto .assortment of
1111 Itlar • GOHDID*; . ' •
suitable for the SPRING .5- SUMMER ; MADE,
which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to
give satisfaction. . .
We would ask from the Lamiss a careful exami
nation of our stock of ,
consisting, in part, of plain, foulard and tessne
SILKS; plain and embroidered Swiss Muslin;
plain and fancy.colored Ramps and Lawns; plain
and fancy colored Do Laines; Linen, French,
Scotch:and American Ginghams, &c., &c.
a great variety of • .•
Shads, ArtiJieials, Parasoli, Glaves '
Collars, Ho
-45-c. In filet, you can find anything' in
this', line you 'want, at prices to suit.
qENTLEMEIF please call and make a personal ex
amination of ! our stock of
.Wei kayo alsp a largo and, general assortment.of
(all new and desirable.)
Shirts, Bosonts, Collars, Praweis, Wrappers, Hok,
Gloies Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Suspenders, &c.
HATS AND CAPS of the latest styles.
Persons wishing to purchase any of the above
articles cannot do better than give us a call.
In addition to the above we have a large stock of
Crockery, Hardware. and Wooden Ware.
Roots and Shoes,
Iron, Steel,Nails,C4 and Parlor Stoves, Ploughs,
Salt. Fish, and many other articles too numerous
to mention.
We .would. take this occasion to present our
thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed on
our establishment, and would assure the public
that[we will leaie no honorable efforts untried to
retain their CONFIDENCr. and SUPPORT.
Tioga, Mar'B, '5O. J. A. MATIIEWS.
LAUDIS, on. THE AnifteicaN Boos
The opinions of eminent musicians who have
examined its pages, fully warrant the assertion that
thisis the most attractive and valuable collection
of Church Music, ever published in this country,.
In addition to a copious selection of the best old
tunes, it is believed that it contains a larger amount
variety of truly beautiful New Music
than any previous sinillar work has done. Most
of this is drawn from, the highest sources, as the
compositions of Beethoven, Mozart, Gluck, Handel,
Bach, Mendelssohn, Schubert, &c.
ganist and Conductor of music in Mercer street
Church, and Profeslier of music in Rutger's,
Spingler, and other Institutes, says of this work.
" Both for beautiful and tasteful melodies, and for
rich and truly scientiOc harmonics, it is far supe
rior' to any similar work with which I am acquain
GEORGE F. Hansa, ESQ., of BOSTON, Organist
to the Musical. EnneArtos Socirry, also to Old
South Church, &c. - , expresses the opinion that " For
originality of style, and excellence of harmony, it
is the best Psalm Boojt ever published in the coun
uzi . Numerous other eminent Musicians express
themselves quite as strongly of its merits.
Also, just published,
A new collection of Popular and Social Songs,
original or selected, harmonized and arranged tbr
Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Base voices. By GEORGE
These works aro for sale by Booksellers gene
rally. Published by MASON & LAW,
Sept. 10-3 m. 3216 Pearl street, New York. •
Life Insurance, Annuity and
east. Company..
General Office—No. 28, Merchant's Exchange,
PTIHIS COMPANY is organized upon the mix
.L I ed principle, stock andmulual, which combined
feature offer to insured members double the usual
security. The cash system of payments has also
been adopted, thus avoiding the heavy drawbacks
created by unpaid premium notes. This company
mirikiailif-Bw r gefigentraw ,Tie
Philadelphia, and ranks as one of the most respec.
table and responsible Life Insurance companies in
the United States.
The subscriber has been appointed-agent for"said
company, and is .ready to receive applications for
insarance at his office in Blossburg, where all ne
cessary information upon the subject will be given
gratis. - •
- Life insurance is very properly arresting the at
tention of the world. By the payment of a mode
rate-sum a man can secure to his family and rela
tives, and those dependant upon him for support,
an adequate provision against impending poverty
and irretrievable distress, resulting from his, death.
Is it not a duty we owe to our families to make
such a provision? Then embrace the present fa
vorable opportunity, friends, one and all.
Blossburg, September 18,1850-Iy.
'V HE subscriber hereby tenders his grateful ac-..
kilowledgementS to his friends and the public,
for the very leral patronage heretofore entended
to film' in his lina of business, and would respect
fully solicit a continuance of favors from his old
; 1 customers and the public general
ly. , He, has now on hand - , ,
Ilillits. s . 4 addig A lIANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF
of good and sybstantial make, as well as light and
fine, His stack has been selected and made up
wits great 43, and is well adapted to the wants
of this commanity. He is prepared to manufac
ture every vatiety of
Men's Boots : Shoes, from the common Stoga up
the finest COe If and Morocco;
Ladies ,Missel 'and Children's Boots, Slippers and
()alters, of ny do e;
Men's superio water-proof Boots and Shoes;
Boyi's and eighteen's Boots and Brogans.
le has no articles in his live to sell at cost, with -
the 'expectatidn of snaking large -profits on such
articles as Am.lare not,acquainted with, but intends
to sell all his work at a small profit for ready pay .
or a short credit.
Ho would Say to all, COME AND SEE! be
forelyou purchase 'elsewhere. Call at the sign of
the { 'BIB BO T," on South Main street.
iirellsboreu h, August f.),L 1650.' '• ' • '
ester Saloon /
I:4Y A. JA SSON, opposite J. Goodrich's Ho.
tel, Tin Village, where can lie found at all
times, Fresh ystcrs, Hot Coffee, Cakes, PieS,
Crackers, Cheese, &c.
N. 8.. Gro p ers and, Tavern-keepers furnished
with Oksteraand" Clams, at,a,iiinell , advance en
NeW York prices. . . Tiogeit3ept, 4, 1850.
Hungarian Boottg,,
T HE attention of Lumbermen is .partieula ly called to this' kind if Boots:
Noiember 14. M. SIIEftWOOD '
10100 T, AND SLIDE MAXER, and. dealer in
,R4dy.mado Boots, Shoes, Over-shoes, Lea-
Oer; Findings, Brapking,"&e. Shop on Main fit,
two doors east of Nichols' Store. _ ' •
Wellsboreugb, Nov. 2i, 1850.:
• • •-` DEALERS iN
DRY GOODS, • Groceries, Hardware, Pork,
Fish, Flour, &c. '
I17!' Country Produce received at market prices
in exchange for goods.
At Lloyd'si.Pine Creek, Sept.' 4, 1850. '
CUTLERY, &c.—Also a general' assort.
meat of Stoves, Sheet Iron,C opper , Tin, Hollow
and Japanned Ware, Iron, Nails, and Steel . ; Car
riage Harness, Trunk TrimMings; Shoo Findings,
&c., &c. Wellaboimigh, March 27, 1850.
T. L. BALDIitIN & CO.,
DEALERS. hi Dry Goods, Gioecrics, Ready-
Made Clothing, Hardware, &c., &c.'
Tioga Village, May p 2, 1.850 l
ASHIONABLE TAMA: and dealer ill Rea
dy-Made Clothing. 'Shop' on ' Main "street,
one door east of Nichols & Wood's Store..
Wellsborough, May 22, 1850. . :
for Sheep Skins; he also keeps on hand at
his Shop, north end of Main street, at all times,
au assortment of LEATHER, which will be ex
changed-for Cash, Hides or Produce.
Wellsborough, August 14, 1850-3 m.
.10AN N. 11.4CIFFE;
Office, north side Public Square, Welisbo.
rough, Pa.
Refers to Messrs. Phelps, Dodge & Co., N. Y.
city ; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia. Aug.l.
All business entrusted to his care will receive
prompt attention. Office the same as occupied by
R. G. White, Esq. Wellsboro'. Aug. 8, 1849.
AUQTTONEER.—WiII attend to all calls in
, his line of business in Bradford, Tioga and
Potter counties. Weltsborough, Aug. 8, '49—tf.
LAW.—Will attend to all business in the
counties of Tioga, Bradford anePotter. Office
on Main street, first door north of L. Bache's store.
Wellsborough, Aug. 8, 1849.
WANTED! 50,000 lbs. of GOOD WOOL
immediately, at the above factory, to manu
facture on shares or by the yard, or in exchange
Cloth. The subscribers having recently erected a
large and commodious new building, on the scite
of the old one which was destroy9d by fire some
time since, and have also procured, at heavy ex
pense, an entire set of new Machinery, combining.
the latest improvements, for manufacturing cloth,
all of which is now in successful operation, they
therefore feel confident that every satisfaction will
be given to all who may favor them with their
Cloth Dressing,
done at the shortest notice, for cash, wool, grain,
in fact all kinds of merchantable produce at mar
ket prices.
CLOTHS of all kinds manufactured in width
from nine to eleven quarters.
None but experienced, workmen are employed in
the abore factory. E.- BOW EN,
Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa., March 6, 1850.
Wagons ; Buggys, Cutters,
Sleighs; eke. •
SHOP on Main Street, nrar the Academy.
ARTT & GRAY would inform the inhabi
.l.l tants of Tioga county, that they have com
KING BUSINESS in Wellsborough, and that
they aro now prepared to execute all work that
may be entrusted to their care.
will be kept on hand and for sale. They would
invite those wishing to purchase to call and'exam
_ii..'s tbmnapl.ra hrtfhni ourchasine elsewhere.
Persons ordering vehicles can rest- assured that
their orders will be promptly attended to, and that
the work will be made in a neat and durable man
ner, and of the best material that can be procured.
done on the shortest notice, and most reasonable
terms. -
9J All kinds of Produce received in exchange
for work, at the market prices.
June 4, 1850
THE subscriber would state, in connection with
the above, that he is agent for Marcan's cele
brated Machine for washing clothes, for Wellsba.
rough, Delmar and Charleston. This Machine
was patented on the of January, 1850, and is
of er washing machines
ii i,
fast taking the place of all
now in use. It is especially commended for the
case with which it works. Call and examine.
Wellsboro', June 4,'50. H. N. GRAY,-Agl.
/- BORST has fitted up anew and convenient
_LY_L.. Store, next door to the Wellsborotigh Hotel,
on Main street, where he is receiving and will keep
for sale a large stock of
well assorted, and of excellent qualities. He will
also keep
Flour, Pork, Hams, and Fish, ,
and a general supply of PROVISIONS and other
articles suitable to the market. •
By always keeping a full supply, and SELLING
Low, he hopes to, receive a liberal patronage. -
Wellsborough, July 24, 1850.
Dissolution of Partnership..
THE copartnership heretofore existing between
L. I. Nichols and J. D. Wood, is this day,
dissolved by mutual., consent. AU accounts, due,
said firm must be' settled immediately.
L. I. Nichols having purchased- the interest of
J. D. ‘Vood, will continuo - the business hereafter.
Sept. 30, JB5O. J. D. WOOD.
THE subscriber having been appointed , a local
RANck COMPANY, hereby givei public notice, that
he is ready to receive applications for Insurance
in said company fitim this time forth.
Ile also hereby gives notice, that amottscssment
of two per cent. has been levied on all the premium
notes now in force, belonging to said company,
bearing -date prior to the' 6th of April; 1849,
and that ha has been appointed Receiver of the
owe. Pr9mpt,PaYme4 of the:Paid assessment is
requested. IL xi. SMITH.
Wellaborough, Aug. 8, 1849: '
FLOUR always kept on hand at the atom of
Aug. 28. , G. D. SMITH & CO.
A. Congressional, Agricullurdl and. Lite.
HE undersigned submits to the public his pro.
Oafish; for the GtirDE and' its • reports for the
next session of Congress.' -Congress has now so
liberally patronized the undertaking that it will he
-established-as a standard work worthy of 14 effi.
cial imprimatur, unless the undersigned fails in his
dilly: This will not be the case if earnest effort
can veil. The GLOBE is the only paper that-will
furnish full reports of the proceedings and debates
of the twO Houses of Congress;
and having recd. .
wed their sanction as such, the best Reporters will
be engaged to write out the debates of each day,
which will undergo the revision of the members.
The work, after passing through the tisity:Glione
and receiving correction, will be presented. ns ;fi n ,
ished,in the CONTIESSIONAL GLOZE and Arre.vni x .
The debatea will probably increase in interest
during the next session. The one subject which
engrossed the last, will doubtless give way to
others .of great variety, which, in this progressive
country, the conflicts of party and the ambition
for place and distinction, necessarily produce.—
Vast interest will 'be at stake ripen the decisians
of the next Congress; and there is great talent in
both branches, which will be evoked in theiedis.
cussion. All the honors of the Republic, depen.
dent on the succession to the Presidency, as well
as all - tlie great and permanent interests' which' go
to, the advancement of the power of the country,
will give impulse to the action of the next session
of Congress.
The DAILY GLOBE will be published &illy during
the session of Congress, and weekly the remainder
of the year. It will contain full and faithful re.
ports of tho prdeeedidgs of both Houses of Con.
gress; and miscellaneous articles on those genera)
subjects to which it, is devoted.
The Wergry GLOBE will contain Agricultural
and miscellaneous articles; and will occasionally
give debates of such importance as command uni.
versal interest.
The price of the WEEKLY sGLoac is reduced to
ono dollar,
.with a view to obtain a more general
The CoIcGRESSIONAL GLOBE will embody, as it has
done for the last seventeen years, Congressional
proceedings and debates exclusively.
The Arrempix will embrace the revised speeches
separately and the messages of the President of
the United States 'and..the repOrts of the Heads of
tho Executive Departments.
The CoscnEsstwat. Gtonz and APPENI)Ii will be
published as fast as the proceedings ofpangress
will make a number. Subscribers may expect one
number of each week during the first four weeks
of a session, and two or three numbers of each
week afterwards, until the end of the session.
Complete indexes to the CONGRESSIGNAL GLOBE
and APPENDLC will be sent to subscribers soon after
Congress adjourns.
Nothing of a political party aspect will appear
in the GLOBE save that which will be found in the
Congressional reports. A paper assuming to be
an impartial vehicle for all sides, cannot maintain
its character if the editori \ al, columns reflect a
party hue.
For one copy of the DAILY G c tOBE (daily during
tthe session of Congress ; an weekly du
ring the recess) a year, $5 00
For the DAILY GLOBE for ess than a year, at
the rate of 84 eents a month,
For one copy of the WEEKLY GLOBE for one
year, 1 00
For one copy of the 17 '....-NORESSIONAL Gwee
during the session, e 1 SO
For ono copy of the ArPrignit tl6 4 ring the
For four copies of either, or part of both du.
ring the session, 5 00
For ten copies of either, or putt of both du-
ring the session, "10 00
The prices for. these papers are so low, that ad
vance payments are indispensable to carry them on,
and no order will,be attended to unless the money
accompanies it. -
Subscriptions may be remitted by mail, at onr
risk, in money at par•in the section of the country
where subscribers reside.
DAILY GLOBE, as they may elect, will be sent to all
editors who may publish this Prospectus as often
as three times before the first Monday in Decem
ber, and send us one copy of their paper contain
ing it distinctly marked round with a pen to direct
our attention; to it JOHN C. RIVES.
Washington City, Oct. 30, 1050.
WE call' the attention of the public to the ar
ticle heading this advertisement, and invite
all those, however prejudiced, to witness its opera.
tion. We do not hesittp_te say that it is the most
complete Churn ever invented.
Ist_ This Churn wax PRODUCE nvi-rra, gather
ing it in a mass, from sweet milk, in FIVE TO
TEN MINUTES! And from cream prepared as
families usually prepare it, in much less time.
2d. The utility of this invention is apparent, as
better Butter can be produced from sweet milk or
cream, than cream soured in the usual way; and
by means of this Churn, a little girl or boy can
perform, in five or ten minutes, what has hereto
fore required the labor of-a woman or man for one
or two hours, and Somstimes half a day.
3d. By simply turning a thumb-screw, the in
side &Sher is taken• out; leaving the butter and
milk in a plain wooden box.
4th. It is the cheapest Churn ever invented, as
the simplicity Of its construction (although embo.
dying a great philosophic principle) makes it but
little work to manufacture it.
sth. It is a common sense churn, as all will ad
mit who, will examine it_
The subset ibirs having purchased the patent
right of this valuable improvement for 'Flop
county, will manufacture and keep constantly on
hand an assortment of Churns, which they will\
dispose of on reasonable terms, at their shop near
the Wellsborough Academy.
May 8, 1850
THE Third Term of this Institution, under the
charge of Mr. ANDREW UPSON as Prin.
cipal, will Commence on the 4th of,November
next. Mr. Upson is a graduate of Yalo College,
and comes with high recommendations front that
Institution as a scholar and teacher.
The Trustees fbel a pleasure in recommending
this school to the continued patronage of the pub.
lie; as they aro determined that itshall fully sus.
L a i n the high character for usefulness which it has
hitherto maintained—and that no effort on: their
part, or that of the Principal, shall be Wanting to
insure this result. •
Primary Department, $1 50
Geography, Arithmetic and. English Gram
mar, ••- . - .... . 7 ..... 2.00
Higher English Branches, • 3.00
Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c., - - . 4.00
Languages, Drawing and Painting, - • 5.00
Music (with use of piano) extra, &00
•Wellsborough, Oct. 24, 1850.
4k' assortment of' Temperance Publications ott
.L. hand, amongst which arc— ,
The History of the Bottle; Powerof tho Pledge 7
Temptations; Gertrude Russell; Teniporonallel
odies ; PieterialAltainac ;,Organ SongstAnf V.Xit•
choirs •Essays; , Nott's Lectures; ViutliCation of
the Sons; Sewall;, Plates of the Stonnach; _Ocitifi.
cites of Membership ? &c. For sale lir"
Juno - 12,1850. ' R. ROY, /Abruricm.
Sous ,of ,Temperince.
1 50