Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 03, 1860, Image 2

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    Xinntr Abboratt.
JAMES ALLISON, tr* 9 / 1 11 !rAll-,y
'initragN 'LITTLE,
airaiaael Sr la snail
sum ar t dolltveradtat residues. et ll*bowie
berm,Oe. Oleo Preaysataaa. ea 91 , 11 re
.1111.11111 21 1 1 11 P AL skinolli 'be prompt; a Mile
while before Um year expirea, teat WS *Y
make fullarinuasimeasta for a steady supply.
1/1111 RAD WitAPPlin indleatee that we
Mesita a rairewal• If,. however, in the haste
Of asaildrig, eirli Areal 'Mould be omitted, we
hope our Ilriends will still not forget 11111,
IaniuTIPANOBar-Srad payment, by safe
hairdo; 'when senvonlent. Or, soul by wall,
onelosing with ordinary ear*, awe troubling
iteloody wftbk knowledlge of what yen are
doing. ,Wer a ,large amount, lead a Drafter
large aster. Per oneortwo popezeosiad Gold
or small notok ,
WO **KR CRAWOBIg 1•11111 portaportarapft
•r boater for more pa *rat sayAl
or Dovolatpuumborsi*r $1 for r4kroo
MEADOW Lottora amid Cosamilaulestless
I* DAVID! AtICIDDAY & GO., PlittAllnarglis
. .
ded to its mental foroe, by engaging, Rev.
Alm W. Mears, as Associate Editor.
Cunningham has; declined the appointment
u one of the Thiangelists of the Synod.
Dr. Stiles communed his labors on thit Nth
inst., at Aigusta.
INSTALLATION.-Rey. S. B. Reed of the
United Presbyterian Church, was installed,
on title 28th inst., , by the Presbytery of
Monongahela, pastor of their Fifth church,
in thiet city.
.Y.—Danville was
visited on,Wednesday, the 22d inst., with a
destructive conflagration that destroyed
some eighty houses, and property valued at
nearly $300,000. The fire is said to have
originated in the dwelling of Prof. Jas. C.
Matthews, consuming it entirely. In its
progress it burnt the Court House, the
" Branton House," a Presbyterian,: an
Episcopal, a Reform, and a Baptist church.
We trust the destruction is not so great us
was at fast supposed. _
—This Association held an interesting
meeting in Or. Howard's church, Second
Presbyterian, on Monday evening, the 20th
An eicellent 'address was made 'by
.the. Rev. Mr. Mattoon, a Foreign Missionary
of our Board, from Siam. At the conclu
sion, an earnest appeal was made in behalf
of a prayer meeting held at the Relief En
ginen Honse,,on Pennsylvania Avenie.
Supplying Vacancies.
On our first page, under the heading, "A
Field to Cultivate," are some good remarks
on the subject of paying` attention to poor
and feeble congregiktions. Every organized
church is under the watch and care of a
Preibytery, and , every Presbytery is bound
to extend its care to each and all of its con
stituent. churches; and it should be here,
as in the family, where the parents pay the
more 'aseiduous attention to the young and
the feeble, and call upon the older , and more
vigorous to render all needed and practica
ble aid.
All Presbyteries admit.this theoretically,
but;practically' the work is not done. The
feeble are hat to look after their own wants,
, or 'perish. We say perish, because, hard
as it may be kill a Preabyterian church,
it is' not imPoseible. Many are becoming
faint for Want Of nourishment, and every
year some die Let 'Presbyteries awake.
We commend the- article to which we
haver alluded, to our younger. brethren.
' Itoteeted.
The, imputation is often cast upon the
South, thatlemale slaves are not protected,
by law, against-their masters. The Central
Presbyterian, 'of Richmond, Va., noting
some matters' between the Nei Malt paPers,
says : u The . penal statute by which the
white and the free woman's chastity is pro
tected, gives equal protection to the chastity
of the Maya '.woman ';•- and its violation by
the master, is not the slightest extenuation
of the crime. Such is. the law, (in Vir
ginis;) and we presume it is the same in
every slave State` in the Union. The right
of property, in a slave giyes no right to the
wit tue of the slave, any more than it-does
to the life of the slave."
Having , copied, as an item of news, a
miles orqUestions, put by the independeiti
to the Observer, one of which may convey
the injurious imputation, we are , pleased, on
so full and satisfactory authority as the
Central, to give a prompt refutatiork!
An Interesting Scene.
The,pastors and Sessions of the Presby
terian Ouches of Louisville, lately decided
to, hold a quirterly communion together in,
oms of their, churches, going round the
whole of the churches, as far as poesible,
once a year. The first of this series of
meetings was held, last Sabbath afternoon
in the First Presbyterian church, at half!
p a st threiveplock. The large house of wor
ship was almost completely filled with tom
municants, many of the members of other
evangelical churches of the city being
present, and partaking with them in the
solemn and delightful services. We do
not remember over to have witnessed a larger
number of communicants at the table of the
Lord at one time, unless, pethape, it may
have been during the sessions of the Gen
eral Assembly, or on some Inch public
occasion as that.—Presbyterian
Ratio of Increase in Chinches.
The writer of a sermon lately published
in New York, the object of which is' to
strengthen the faith, of the Church in the
itineramoy,,presents some interesting data in
support of hie theory, He takes, several of
the leading Churches .of the country and
runs them through a comparison of results
for fifty years—from 1800 * to 1850. He
finds that the Protestant Episcopal Church
had in 1800, 254 ministers; in, 1850 she
had 1,526; ratio of increase, 6to 1. Con
gregationalists at the , first period had 400
ministers, at the second 1,687 ; increase, 4
to 1. Regniar 'Baptists had 1,284"; at the
end of fifty years, 5,142 ; increase, 4 to 1.
Presbyterians, ON and New School were in
ministers 300 strong; in 1850 they had
4,196; increase, 14 to 1. The Methodist
Episcopal Church had at the first period 287
ministers, at the latter 5,646 ; ratio of in
wean, a fraction over 19 to 1. The ratio
of increase in the membership of them
Churches during the same period is equally
remarkable. Protestant Episcopalians had
an increase equal to 6 to 1, Congregational
ists a fraction over 2 to 1, Regular Baptists
a fraction over 6 tol., Presbyterian's a flan=
tion over 8 to 1, Methodist Episcopal Church
nearly 18 to 1.--Pius, Chris. Advocate.
Controversy on Romish• Indulgences."
An'interesting controversy, of 'which our
readers may desire some information,. was
carried on during the last few weeks, be
-o,nan ?ref- .1:1044,11914 the cefq,&,Y4),,9f
this city, on the subject of " Indulgences,"
as belonging to the Romish Chnieh:
On Thanksgiving day last, Prof.
Jacobus delivered ; to his people a dis
course on " The Christian Sabbath,"
in which—as he noticed the lax views
of the Sabbath - obtaining among ne,
he referred - to the 'loutish views, as they
had been set forth in the Catholic—re
marking, by the way, that, the Amish
Church "could sell an indulgence to com-
mit sin." The discourse was published, at
length in the armlets. This drew 'forth
the wrath of the :Catholie; but' without any
'explicit mention of the grievance 'Of whieh
they would complain. Whereupon the
Dispatch suggested that if, iestead ,, of mere
denunciation, the Catholic would point, cut
the, passages complained of, it would preba.
bly find the Professor both ready and able
to defend himself, and make his points
good. The Catholic then undertook to
specify the clause above cited, and this
brought Prof. Jacobus forwayd to maintain
his, position, that the Remit& Churoli as
`everjr, one knows, has , trafficked ,in
gences," involving the leave to commit sin
for a price. The Catholic, of mune, denied
some of the most' familiar facts ' Of history
touching the rise of the P r o t es t ant Rolma
tion, Dr. Jacobus , adduced testimony abund
antly. ' The 'Catholic , then fell back. upon'
their Catechism, to show thatthotigh infect
there was an exchange of the indulgences
for MONEY, yet the money was only " alms,"
and the indulgence was only ,a "remission
of temporal penalty"--(including in what
is "temporal," all the pains` of "par-
, gatory," which sometimes stretch through
twenty or thirty thousand years, as they
pretend.) Still the Professor, brought for
;award historical facts, asagainst 'all•defini.
tions. ' The 'Catholic 'demanded i "authori
ties." The Preheat)* brought: forward'' the
testimonies of Catholics of that time, charg
ing the aboriainations upon , the Pope him
self—that the building of St. Peter's Cathe
dral was the fruit - of the " traffic," as all
the world knows,' &c. Then the ". Catholic
contended that the traffic was an " abuse"
by the Pope's agents, for which, the Pope
himself was not,reeponsible.'
The Pope's own letter; wait then produced;
showing that he recognized the traffic, and
that 'he s had authorized Arohbishop,Albert
to carry •it on in .Germany, and that
Pope drew on the bankers of the fund for a
certain stun, "for a secular purpose, which
was to be alloicir the Archbiehop 'in the
final account i The Catholic then, excused
the transaction by pleading that. the 'Arch
bishop owed the Pcpe a debt, and paid His
Holiness only what was due `to him • and
that the,Pope had no right to overhaul the
money transaotionnof his debtor! When it
was replied that this was a loose , morality,
the Catholic answered that, in all probabil
ity. the Pope, trhen'that,letter was written,
had not yet . heard of the abusee, there being
no railroads nor telegraph's in operation at
the "timed ana it was only, a , month after
lather's Theses`were posted at Wittemburg.
Moreover, the Catholic insisted much on
the intimation of D'Aubigne, that the. Arch
bishop (the'Pope's ; debtor,) had paid his
debt before. the Indulgences were published.
This - seethed; indeed, a happy= escape, a's it
indicated that that debt ;to .th6` . Pope
not paid with Indulgence money after , all.
Whereupon-Dr. Jacobus gives the paesage,
in full, from D'Anbigne, showing that the
Pope had granted to the Archbishop "the
contract for the sins of the Germans," for
the express purpose of collecting hie, debt,
and that the Memm , Fuggers (bankers,) had
advanced to the , Archbishop the moiticiy to
pay the Pope; Ipon the security of this con
tract for - Indulgences,• Whibh the Pope grant
ed, with, this eXprCIIII OinderptanOing, and
with a bargain to divide, the ,profits--show.
ing, from various admitted'authorities 'that
a "Tax Book of the Roman' ChanderY,"
containing the fixed tariff on all the sins of
the Decalogue, was issued by the Popes;
and that; at least; . , twenty: seven editions of '
it were published 'at Rome, 'Besides other
editions in French and German, for other
countries where the . traffic was carried .
The testimony, of awl , writers of that 'age u
are referred to, andicited in the originals in.
Bayles - Dictionary, (an' aokuowledged au.
thority,) besides other celebrated weal,
was , given to prove, this important,' hiptorigal
fact, fully establishing, of course, the poet
tion of Prof. J. that such a traffic, was
known to the Romish Church,
, and that
they Could sell an indulgence to commit sin:
This last confounding proof threw the
Catholic into quite a fury,, in the .midst •• of
which there escaped some very unbecoming
words, such as " vulgar," " scurriloni,"
U garbling," " misrepresenting," " ont•Her.
ode Herod," "poor French," " lieges," " an
ti-Popery," &c.; And oddly'enough, this-out;
burst opens with the old remark, that
"when a man ie pushed to the .wall; and has
nothing more to say, he : : commences to,;;
abuse. his adTereary.", That ," Tax:Book,"
with the array of historieal- citations i and
references; proving its existmnoe and• most
comilusively 'establishing the traffic, meld
an " explosion,":and, as was: very' mitural,
the public, aruinfgrated that Prof. J. is not
to be noticed hereafter! I
Mime and Toieign
The number for, , March, 1860, as on our
table. '• • ' '
With the month of February closes the
Fiscal year , of this Board. For the neei'
year the Board bespeaks; increasedliberality; ,
its appointmente and appropriations. for la
bor, have been greatly augmented.
The Record notices, with, Much. gratifica
tion, the favorable working - of - the plan Of
Syetematio Benevolence, in Sabbath Schools.,
The Sohools of one church have given,
during the year now closing, .$382 'and of
another church $125; and of anOther,
where the previous; year not a dollar is re
poried as from the whole congregation, the
contribution- is now $1.12, from the Sabbath
School alone.
Special Reports from the Missionaries Ire
urged, as speedily as practicable, so, as to'be
received by the 20th of. March.,
RTIOSIPTS January, at Philadeh:thia„,sQ,6324,
at:Louisville, 42,668 ; at Mew °Agana, $2,982
We ars sorry to learn: that , ,the taxeellent,
Corruponding Secretary of this Baird MS'
been suffering under ill health; for Kane
two months, so u to prevent his attendance
upon his duties as• was his custom. His
health is improvink, and he is relieved in
his labors, by Rev. R. Watts, who ta'kes
charge of the correspondenoe of the office.
The number of new candidates for the
three quarters of the outwit year, is one
hundred and thirty-three; that is, within
eight of the whole number for the previous
RZOSIPTS in-January, at Philadelphia, $13,740;
at Pittsburgh, sl32;.at Louisville, $,130.
CHINA.-7-Tha intent 1:10We is from Canton,
Nov. 26th. Three persons had been re
ceived to communion,at San-poh. Mr. Mar
tin and family expected to , leave, for this
,country, about the middle ofjan'y, partly to
recrnit,their health. Mr. M. earnestly ex
pects permission to. resume 'his - work. in .
-China, after:a ,short visit here. Mr..LOWrie
was about to visit Japan, in hope of beim
fitinT his health. The •mission families,
generally, were well..
hints.:,- 7 ln letter's front; tabor of the 2d' of
Deceinber, and from Saharunpur of the 17th of
December, mention fs made of the general meet
ing of the . mission, which bad just , . closed; as
;having been unusnally.lnteresting. Mr. Mor
rison bad got as far as Labor, elk his way to the
meeting, but was prevented from getting further
on account of sickness:l The health was improv
ing at the date of our letter. Mention is made
of soyeralcandidatee for baptism at Labor; and
it was, thought the people ;; were, giving more
serious attention to the preseitink of the Gospel.
ArR10.A. , 7-Letters from Monrovia of the Bth of
December, and from Corisoo of the 14th
,of No ,
refer to a growing dispdsitien on the
part of the native populatien of Libeila to receive
religious "instruction A missionary has , been'
appointed by the churches And; Sabbath , Sobools
in: lidenrovia,-,,t0, labor among ~them.:At
Cerisoo the Missionaries were in the enjoy
ment of their usual health, and the special
work ar grace still wore a very encouraging
aepeot. AF letter Itad 'also been received from
Mr. Loomis, dated Cape Palmas, December
Ifith,mentioning the safe arrival of himself •and
party at that place. ,
80IITH Amman/L.—The -report in 'relation to
the burning of Bibles in front of the Archbishop's
residence in*Bogota, is gonfirmed. A large num.,
bar of Voltaire's and Itiisseati's Werke, and Bibles,',
were biareed in the, sittie`pile; and what is very
remarkable,. these .Bibles were all of Roman
Catholic editions; thus placing these infidel
works and,their own Bible on the same. footing.
Mr: SharPe confidentlybelittles that God will
overrule this' for good. *pie this outward op.
position is boldly going on, indiVidual members
of the same community are ` , ,clitietly 'seeking the
salvation of their, souls. , ,
INDIAN Mustoss.—At most of the stations 'the
missionaries are well, and prosecuting their
work as usual.. At the Seminole mission there
are some tokens of, the Spirit's presence. Three
individuals were recently received 'into the cam
mullion of the church by baptism; and several
`Uthers were irofessintoontsern• about' the salva
tion of , their souls. .Mr.; Rainsey was .about ,to
remove to the country i recently, occupied by the
Seminoles, whilst Mr. 'Alley and family were to
continue a while longer at Oakridge.
ItKONIPTIC, in January, $27,112. '
• . .
Many kind' re4ponses' have been made to
the pall for aid to the Co'portage Fund • but
still, the receipts are inadequate.
A ;"Children's Systematio Benevolent
Scheme" has been issued, on a card four
inches by six in Size, and printed 'on both
sides, which may be , a great aid in giving
form and iegularity to oontribtitions.
'REcsms--Doastior_ti3, $2,930 ; sales, $8,877
The Committee recommend to oongrega•
Alone which are about to erect new churches,
the jexercise of great' care and judgment in
the selection of sites, and in getting a Plan.
From want of due attention, to these things,
many an enterprise languishes.
RECEIPTS in January, $4,•314:
The ,Ohoetaw Mite)ion.
IThis , Mission; Worn-readers:are aware;„ ie : the' "roost "floririshing any which have
been undertaken by Frotestunt churches,
among the American Indians. It was .es
tablished ~ by the American Board, before
our owrvehurch had engaged directly, as an
Ecclesiastical organiiation, in the Foreign
work. The Choctaws are, to some extent
slave holders. These, when giving evi
denoe of regeneration,. were admitted to
sealing. ordinamies. The missionary
xedieceiiefl them with the full approbation
of the Board.
Tbis course of proceeding was not pub
licly called in question till 1844. At, that
Liza a memorials were presented to the Board,
complaining that tiliirerY was tolerated.
; , The memoriali,Were .referred to ten distin
;'guisbed members, as a Committee, of which
Dr. Woods, of , Andover, was Chairman.
:This Committee reported the next year,
`" Weßbelxeve, in,ipanimous opinion with
ilhe.iiissionaries, that any express directions
from this Board requiring them to adopt a
, course otprcceeding, on this subjbct, essen
tially-different from tliat which they kaye
hitherto pursued, would be fraught with
disytrous conseque n ces ; _to :the Mission, to
the Indians and to the African race'aMong
A, pamphlekwas slat out the same year,
'whioh says : •••
• "The Prudential =Committee and the
missionaries have regarded it as "a funda
;mental principle,. from which they have
k neveir swerved from the beginning; that in
lacccirdancle , with the tenor of =the foregoing
"'Report, the ordinanceirof Baptism 'and the
Lord's Supper aressosto be administered to
;professed convertsuntil they • give evidence
of repentance and faith in, Christ; and.
Ithakthese ordinances are not to 'be with
„held from such converts after the evidence
;of their regeneration is satisfactory to= the
!missionary.” • - • • •
This position .of the Board ie so Scrip
ttirid that Dr. Chalmers of 'Bilotland "lista
of it.:
"Slavery is a great evil; but. it ; does not
follow , that there may not be A Christian
slaveholder, or that treated as An sad
cast from all the distinctions and c all the
„privileges of a Christian, Society. We
;hope that our, Free Church will, mover- be
/ forced, by.olamor of 'any sort, • to adopt a
I,n4w and faotitious, principle of administra
fion, for which, she can see no ;authority
' in
,the Soripturee„and, of which can
, gather no traces in the history; or, practice
•of the churches ip Apootolie times.
I mist repeat, my convictiou r Abet slavery
'will not be at all shakeirrit t will be strength
' ened, and stand ;its ground, if assailed
'through the, medium pf ,that most question.
able and Ambiguous principle, that slave
holding is itself cgronnd,of exelu eion from
the,P hristian Sacrament. o Distinction. ought
to be made between the character, of a, sye.
tem and the character of •, the persone whom
circumstances have implicated therewith.
A purely and administered church
will .exclude from ,the ordinances, net,anY
mamas a elaveholder, but every man, whether
a slayeholder, or not, as licentions, as intem:.
pOrate„as,diehoneat. We admire the •prac
'deal wisdom of the American _Board, la the
deliiersioe they have come to, fully per
mit* that any essential departure from
thin plan of operation would tend -to defeit
the conversion' of the'heathen."' '
After the recited aotion of , the; Board
*high ,seeme to
_have, been
.puenimous, the
••missionaries pursued their. workfiti' peace,,
'for three yeird. l •Btit ity Vide, 1848, Seine
tally B.' B. 'Treat' ifddiesetid a letter td 'the
missionaries, requiring the ,-exelnsion of
slaveholders from the communion of the
Church. With this requisition they could
not comply. The matter continued to
be agitated . , until the Annual Meeting in
Philadelphia, last Summer, when the Mils.
Ilion was out off.
The missionary brethren, being Old School
Presbyterians, naturally applied to our For
eign BOard for a connexion, and were moat
properly received.
The Minion consists of seven stations,
three out-stations, seven missionaries, twen
ty-three asSistants, five native helpers, three
boarding,echools, three day schools, twelve,
(shun:hes, and one thousand three hundred
and eixtytwo communicants; and requires
an annual expenditure of $7,000 to $B,OOO
for, its sustenance. To meet this additional
Dell, our ~as per , their Circolar pub,-
T.A if
Hailed a few,, , weeks .ago, appealed to, the
churches forinereased contributions.
TO give,-s peedy and effective aid to' the
Board, in 'flag lMatter, the Synod of Noir
York pledged itself to special- efforts;' and
in fiirtherince% of "the purpose an address to
the churches the Synisi, signed by Daniel
Lord and Gardiner Spring, is issued; and a
meeting, to consist' of two representatives
from each Chniroh, lit called, to assemble in
the Leetsire'ROom t of the First Presbyterian
church, New York on the 7th of March, to
agree upon a ,plan of operations.
- Doubtless the work will be promptlY done
by the churches called ,thus to act; and the
liberality of i eibeir Churches will inerease i the
;Boar'd's to meet
. pressing demands
for new =missions.
Boston and Neiv England.
Takingicare'of the Patariers of the goodly city
of Boston, las become a great and expensive mat
ter Of late yeiirs; owing to the number of officials
of one kind or anotheit, the high salaries, and
the costly,style maintained in various ways. So
grievous 'lave the expenses become; that'Peleg
W. Chandler, Esq., lately saki: " Sell the Pauper
eetabliehment; and put the money at interest, and
it will support every pauper at the , 'Tremont
House "--=the best' hotel in the oity.
Theseighth .volume of Bancroft's History of the
United. States, andthe second' which treats of the
Revolutionary 'War, will be issued in a few days,
by Messrs Little, Brown 'd•
Professor Felton is the twentieth gentleman that
has filled the'offfee of I:.retildent of Harvard Uni
versity, since its first establishment tvrci hundred,
and twenty years ago. Four of the ex Presidents.
are now living; vir, Josiah Quiney; Edward Ever
ett, Jared, spiiiks, and James 'Walker. Intima-*
fleas are _now threw'' out:that Prof., Huntington
will probably withdraw his resignation; of . the
Plummer Professoirehip t and of the office of preach
er to` the Uniieraity;' it the earnest solicitation of
warm friends to the Inatitution both. Unitarian and
Orthodox. •
~The Orthodox do not wish him to re
tire, and the more far-seeing among Unitarians,
are afraid that no Other than an Orthodox man can
receive the confirmation of the Overseer& The
Corp Oration itself is .itrongly. Unitarian, but the
Overseers appointed by,the Legislature are largely
Orthodox, and 'hive the` power of vetoing any
selection made by Trustees. And if they
must have Orthodox man, the Professor is as.
little objectionahltas stay other that can be pre
sented. It is also said, that the opposition felt
toward him by some of the students on account
of hisevangelicaVviews, is gradually dying away.
-And At be intimated that the Professor himself
.conld not unite with the Orthodox Congregation.
alists, because oCthe coldness with which he was
treated. by their leading ministers while strug
gling. to reach thipplatform of evangelical truth on
which he now, stands, and that on this accountihe
"asked to bereceived into the ministry of the Ppis
oopaltDhurch.' 13nt - vre'doubt the fortaer declara
tion very much Professor always had a ten
dency towardllitiargical services; and even while
he 'was ranked among Unitarians, he prepared •a'
liturgy for the usa 'of the'Oluipel.
All that portion . of the late Mr. Prescotes Li
bricry, which related exclusively to'the reign of
Ferdinand and 'lsabella, amounting to two hund
red and eighty-two volumes, including five vol
umes of manuseripts, have been transferred to
the library of Harvarcl. On this subject, this is,
undoUlitedly;thefmest collection ln the world. As
fatback as January 29, 1848, Mr. Prescott made
known his' desire , to have such a dispositionniade
of this part of his Library. '
Andover -Theological Seminary bas received,
since its establishment,from the North church, of
Newburyliort, Mans., no ,lees thnn $160,000.
However, this was mostly given by' one men, the
late William'Bartlett, who established the Pro
fessorships now filled by the - Rev. Messrs. Shedd
'• notwithstanding the decided Adv ones in Doe'
tritie;,that has been, manifested of late years, in
Many of the, churches of New England,: there
are Some professing to 'be Orthodox, that still
stand at a great distance from the Saybrook
Platform-and the Weitminster Confession. And,
in Some places, the advocates of, sound doctrine
are treated with no small degree 'of derision
and contempt The Neaten 'Recorder has a letter,
which, the editors assert, Comes with a well
known name, givinran account of the installa
tion of a young man over the South church, of
Hartford, Conn:, 'in which` there is a report con
earning the answers of the candidate tothe .
questions propounded, that is • startling.' That
we may make no mistake, we:give the extract on
this part of the . subject in fall:
The exaMination"was"public, a large audience
was present, antler course the views of the Yeung
man were ne,secret. • , ,
He rejected emphaticallY the verbal inspiration
of the Scriptures, He r was not (dear on, the
Trinity—doubted &Ste the nee of the word per
sons; and stated that the unity of God meant one
All sin and,holinessrre affirmed by lam to
be Voluntary. God itai no holy nature. Man
hai no sinful nature. Every man, has ability (in
the sense of adequate power,"), to fulfill the
the commands of God, 'even to sinless perfection
'lathe present, life.
The Goapel is not 'absoiutely necessary to the
salyation of adult heathens '
some are undoubt.
edly saved without it., God will give all men a
fair chance, and. Christ.died with the same,design
for., all. - Hence, if all men have not had a fair
dance in this life,
,they will have it after death.
The candidate stated openly that ha inclined to
9iti belief that after >death, and before the final
judgment, there, was a state (Hades) for all souls,
where some who had-died impenitent—some, even
who had rejected Christ:in this life—would have
- a new offer of Christ , and salvatioi, and the gift
of the Holy Ghost, and be saved ;`so that if called
to the death-bed .of an impenitent sinner, and
knowing that he had hut.a short definite time to
live; 3 lie would not•shut him up to faith in Christ
within that time, or final ruin. •
• , These views were in direct conflict with the
articles of ,the ehurch,,to which every member is
required to give his assent. Yet they were not
regarded by the Council as a diaqualification fort
the pastorship.
This church - has peen heretofore considered
one of the soundeet, Si it is one of the oldest in
,the 'State;'and` tint% a mart' entertaining such 1
views should be accepted as pastor . , almost
surpasses belief.
New York
The late Nerds from , :Europe have entirely dissi
pated any hopes= that may.have been entertained
by some with , . regarCto . speculating in brea d-,
stuffs. ' The Saporta ofillourgare merely nominal,
and are falling below those of last year. Bo that
the good people in thet 1 4 frosted district" around
Pittsburgh, whoa's, crops were one or list - year„
t hy , the untimely ?root; need , no longer entertain
fears of exorbitant.prices inrth'e flour market be
'foie ihe eiumine harvest. •
• •,,
The B irth• a,y, ofWas :vim was variously
1 we
r b celebrated, displays, speeches, aid
antaitaitiniente. lint in the evening, an immense;
Union Mass Meeting Ives held' in the 'CeoPer In
stitnte, and was made the.occasion of inangur.
sting, in this city, the on the platform
of 4. The Unicitt, the' Conatitution, and the 'En
forcement of the Laws," which the Observer has
been commending so highly for some time. Mr.
James • W.. Gerard presided' and addressed , the ,
meeting at considerable length. He was followed
by the Hon. J. Morrison Han* of Maryland,
in a speech of considerable length, in which he
appealed to the conservative pert of .the North
to maintain the rights Of the Sonth. He was
,by the Hon. George Briggs, of New,
York, who gave a history of the contest for
Speaker of the House of . Representatives, and
defended his own action in voting for Mr. Penn.,
Ington. - The'old hero, General Scott, - was pres
ent, and was frequently and, enthusiastically
Cheered. Mr. Theodore E. Tomlinson made an
impassioned speech, and declared his willingness
to vote for General Scott for the Presidency.
Letters were read from the Hon. J. J. Crittenden,
Edward Everett, EX-Governor Hunt, Hon.
John A. Gilnier, of North Carolina, Hon. Horace
Maynard, of Tennessee, and others, approving .of
the, present movement, and expressing most
patriotic sentiments. Many of the gentlemen
connected with the proposed formation of this
third political party,' are men of, great worth, high
station, and wide influence, and of purest patriot
-18131. But after all, it is not likely that any large
organization can be effected. The great political
contest =of the year will be-between the nominee
of Charleston and the nominee of Chicago. Be
tween these.two, the great body of the American
people will be divided, and no third * candidate is,
likely to cause any extensive diversion.
The habit of Salting the Streets for the removal
of ice and snow, has been under discussion for
some time,. and at last an ordinance has heen
passed, forbidding it to be done any more, except
on the railroad tracks. It is charged that salting
thistreets is injurious to the hoofs of the horses,
the' shoes and. 'clothes of Pedestrians, and to the
general health of theitity.. For it is asserted by
competent authority that this mixturehffects the
purity of the atmosphere very injuriously.
The Adulteration of Liquors is carried to a
fearful extent in .this metropolis: The following
item from the Nevr York Chron icle, may be of int
portance to those moderate drinkers who persuade
themselves that the liquors in which their indulge,
are really what they profess to be:
44 A well'known' deale the senn-mednomal
beverage' of ''Schiedak Schnaps' has recently
favored the public with a pamphlet furnishing the
results of his own experience and observation,
'proving the criminal practice of the liquor trade
in the general adulteration of liquors, and the
extensive concoction of spurious article& He
states that ' While the returns of the New York
Custom House show an importation of twenty
thousand half casks of brandy, thirty-five thou
sand quarters, and twenty three thousand eighths,
twenty:or thirty times that nuieber are sold to
retailers and country dealers - as genuine French
brandy. Three—fourths of all foreign brandies
and gin are imported for the express purpose of
adulteration. The Custom House hooks show, that
one man Who has sold thousands of gallons of a
certain kind of foreign liquor, has not imported
more than, five pipes in five years.: He gives a
list of the vegetable and mineral poisons- and
acids that are employed, in this w,ork. He also
states that the greater portion of the imported
brandies is Whiskey sent from this country to be
returned with a French brand as genuine French
liquors. ,
The Century charges Profeasor Henry D. Rodg
ers, State Geologist, of Pennszlvania, with the
wholesale plagiarism of at leasi, nine-tenths of
his work on the Coal Fields of North America
and Great Britain." The value of the work is
not disparaged, but this wholesale plunder is de
nonneed. • The msps prepared by others, with the
utmost care and accuracy, and the statistics col
lected at the expense of much : money, time, and
toil, on the part of others, are laid, hold of, and
apPropriated without a single word of. acknowl
edgment. The article in the Century concludes
with these significant words
" Tardy as justice is in. each cases, we trust
that it will in time reward those who deserve the
credit of the severe and meritorious labors of the
Pennsylvania survey, and strip from the brow of
the great plagiarist and.fillibuster the laurels that
he has stolen from,others."
Those possessed of the magnificent volumes is
sued by Professor' Rodgers, , under the auspices of
the State of Penneyliania, if the Century be cor
rect, may congratulate themselves in having the
results, not of`Prof' Rodgers' 'labors, but the
"emits of the 'labors of an indefatigable; corps of
Engfr4ers,. for eight laborious yearn, under the
auspices of the " American Iron Asiociation."
Mr. John Bose, a retired merchant, whose de
cease took place some weeks ago, made a bequeut
of $300,000 to the city of New York for the edu
cation in agriculture of indigent white Children,,
upon the condition that a like sum for the, same
purpose be giren by the city,, or, raised by chari
table contributions. 'lf this 'purpose betrOt car
ried put, the $300,000 are , to go to the American
Colonization Society, for carrying free blacks back
to Africa, and providing them with the necessary
support. The deceased was a f bahhelor, and a
bachelor brother of,large wealth' is constituted
his sole executor. The remainder- of the estate,
amounting to $550,000, is placed in the liana of
his brother for`benevolent purposes.
The,entire Number of Tews is _England, is, only
thirty•five thousand, while this city alone lute
forty thouiand. They have twenty one regular
synagogues,, and dering the prumipal- season of
religious services they occupy; in * addition, be
tween thirty and forty halls. The Jew has, never
been exposed to the insults, or made to , subnAt to
the civil disabilities, in this country, under which
:he has groaned and writhed in other jands. -
Mr. Daniel Fanehawi one of the oldest and
most respected printers in the United States, and
a wealthy and infinantialcitizen„died in this city
on the evening of Monday, the 26th.of 'February.
Be commenced his career as a journeyman in the
office of the Evening Poet, where he rose to the posi
tion of foreman. Afterwards' he started the print-
ing business for himself, and was for many years
printer to the American Bible and Tractßocieties,
and many of our readers will recelieet the imprint
once so familiar, in all the earlier banes of those
Soeietips—"D. Panahaw, Pritqir." Mr.Fanshaw
was proverbial. for his strict punotuality in settling
with the hands in his employ every Monday morn
ing, and on Saturday evenipgs it was his iniari
able custom 'to hand one two of his neatly
printed. tracts to, each pf the employees, exacting
from them the proMisathat they would read them
on thPSabbath. In this simple way, it im said,
he did a great deal of good.
Afeeari. Sheldon and Company have jest publish
ed, In one tasteful volume, the entire Life of Dr.
Judson, by 'Dr. Wayland, with the exception of
the Appendix, at the low, price of $1.25. The
same hone has also in press, and will soon pub
lish, a new Life'of WishingtOn; by Edward Ever«
ett, that is destined to an immense sale. Mr.
Everett contributes the article On Washington, to
the Encyclo:peilia - Briteirdia,'w'hioh lie repub
lished in the forthcoming voluine. The same pub
lishers will soon issue a Lie of David, King of
Israel, with geographical, histerical, and topo
graphical illustrations and notes.
The Rev Nr. Guiana's has commenced hie labors
here, under circumstances very favorable. His
reception has, been very cordial, and he has
already preached in the pulpits of
,New and Old
School Presbyterian ministers, - and of Baptists
and Methodists.
Mr. Wm. Howell. Taylor was ordained and in
stallapastor of the Pirst Presbyterian church,•
Clifton, Long Island, on the , evening of February
28. The Rev. Hrs. Krebs, Potts, and Hoge, offi
ciated in these services. 'Phis church was lately
connected with - the New School Presbyterians.
The Birth• Day, of Washington was , celebrated
is this city by the CounoiM having Washington's
Farewell addrees,read in their hearing by the
distinguished, sad venerable Hon., Horace Bla
ney, now over eighty years of age. Mr. Binneye
throughout a long and honored life, has occupied ,
a prominent place in Society, in the .courts
justice, and in the halls oflegislation.
At;the Miffed Stoical *ink the ritedali struck it
`honor of Waphington,- 'and which have been' col
looted with ;tor rough care by Col. James' Rona
Snowden, wore plaeeeilr' the of `diiiiti;
in the preim= of the officers' and workmen of,
the institution. A . ,
Airriter in the 'North Ameetena proPeses the
removal of the Navy , Yard . to Chester, some fif
teen miles further down the river. lie asserts
such a measure' to bo'neeeitaary, thartber"part'ef
.the city in which the llavy Yard now is, may be
properly iniproved, and that it will be for the
advantage of the Government to have it some
where near the place designated.
Great regret is expressed by many at the De
parture of Mr. Guinness from this city, and many
prayers go up that his labors in New YorkAnay be
abondanly blessed. His visit to this place, and
his labors here, will be long Temembercd..
The Philadelphia Methodist Epiecopal Conference
will meet, in this city, on the 21st inst. Much
interest is manifested with respect to the choice
, of the General Conference, at Buffalo.
The three great questions likely to be discussed
there are, the proposed new rule exoluding'slave
holders 'from the fellowship of the Church, the
propriety of lengtheningibe term of service of
a minister; in one place, from two to five years,
and the introduction of laymen to the Confer»
PORTLAND, UnGON.—There are 'a few
Presbyterians in , this place, and much mate
rial on which to operate. The place
promisee well, in a variety of aspects. A
a pions and entertaining preacher" would
be welcomed and supported.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Statistical Report, of Colleges and Semi
The committee of the students of the
Western Theological Seminary, on the state
of religion in Colleges, report that they have
addressed letters of inquiry to all the Col
leges and Theoloecal. Seminaries of the
United. States, so far as they know of their
existence, but out of the whole number, have
received answers containing statistics from
only fi fty Colleges and eighteen Seminaries.
The additional. information which they give
wirier very much; some give no details at
all, while some give such as are of no inter
est.. Many, of Our moat important institu
tions have given us no ,anewer, so that our
report must necessarily be very imperfect.
The, majority of those heard from, report
the state of ireligion as " good,"a " encour
aging "—some speak of, it as " tolerably
good," or declining, and, several of them
ask an interest incur prayers. •
llowdoln College, Me.,
Wateretle - .College, Me..
Dartmouth College, N:
,Middlebuiy College, — r.
Univ. ofiVermont, Burlin gton, Vt, -
"Amherst College,-Mase
Harvard Univ, Cambridge, Maus,
Williams College, Maea.,
Brown University, Providence, R. I i •
Wesleyan University, Middletown,Ct t
Yale Colleee, New Haven, Ot:,
Hamilton College, New York,
Rotger's College, N. J.
Allegheny College, Pa.
Franklin and Marshall Coll, Pa.
` - Jefferson Col„ Pa.
Pennsylvania Cot, Pa.
Univereity at Lewisburg, Pa.
Washingtou College, Pa.
Westminster Col., Pa.
Washington College, Md.
Hampden Sidney College.. Va.
Randolph Macon College, Va,
~ Washington Ooliege,.Va.,'
Davidson College, N. 41.,
University of North Caroltna, N. C., -
Charleeton College, EL C.,
South Carolina College, S. a,
Mercer University, oa.,
University of Alabama,
Florence Wesleyan University;;Ala.,
Miesiesippi College, tdiss.,
Semple Hroaddus College, Miss.,
lientenary College, La.
' Lagrange College, Tenn.,
. Georgetown , College, By.,
Dennison University, 0 ,
Fumes College. 0.,
Preablin College, 0.,
Heidel,erg - College, 0, .
Kenyon College, 0.,
Marietta College, 0,
Oberlin College, 0.,
Western Reserve College, 0.,
:Wittenberg College. 0..
• Hanover College, Ind
Wabbeb College, Ind.;
PacKendrie College, Illy
Shurtilif College. Al.. .
University of Michigan, Mich., '
Kalamazoo College, Mich.,
Beloit College. Wis,
Lawrence laniiiireity, WIS.,
,Wisconsin University, Wis.,
Jewell College. Ma,
Mises:mid University", Mo.; '
$ Moat of Profeitorg.
Bangor Theoloaleal Seminary, Me.
New Hampton Theological Seminal.',, N N.,
„ Methodist, General Bible Institute, N. IL,
lvewien Theological Institute. Napo.,
Theol.lnst 'of Connecticut, (Bast 'inndsor,)et,
Theologksal Department ;of Yale Pallege,• Ct.,
Auburn Theological Seminary, N. Y.,
Hartwieh Seminary. N. Y.,
.216cboster,Theological Seminary, N. Y.,
Union Theological Seminary, 24. Y.,
Ref. Pres. Theological. Seminary, Ma.,
United,Pres. Theol. Seminary, Pa.,
Onion'Theol. Seminary, 'Va., .
Theological Seminary of Mercer University, Ga.,
Theol. Department of Kenyon College, a,
• Theo,: Department of Oberlin College,
Chicago Theol. Seminary, 111,
Danville Theol. Seminary, •
* Doubtfal
Rev. JOHN , M. Slizitwoot•'w. 'pastoral rela.
tion- to the church of Washington, N. 04,
has been dissolved.
'Mr. JAMES A. MOINTTItt was ordained by
this Presbytery of Fort Wayne, on the
25th of January; and installed pastor of
the church of Decatur, Indiana.
Bev. J. L. KING'S Poat 0E1.4 address is
Americus, Ga.
Rev. D. CALDWEVAIS Post Office addrees
is changed from Barclay, Black Hawk
County, lowa, to Chatham, Buchanan Co.,
lowa. •
Rev.; W. H. ROANZ ' has. removed' from
Carepille to ' Magnolia; ; Mississippi, and
taken charge of , the church in that place,.
in connexion with a school. -;
Rev: 'Davin 'WILLS, of 'South 'Carolina,
has received and accepted a call from 'the
chin& of Macon, Georgii, - made
by the removal of R`ev Rr. L. Break t o
New Albany, Indiana.'
Rr.v. RrußrN Aigsgs' Post Office address
changed from Fairmont, Va., to . Newois
tle,.Craig countY, Va.
For, the Presbyterian Banner end Advocate.
MIMS. EDITORS :-L-Please acknottledge
the following donations to the Board of
Colnortage, made during the months of De - -'
January, and Februarys
Betliany congregation, Ohio Presbytery,
$16.84; I.'Rev. David McKinney; D.- D.,
$lB 88 ; Johnstown cong:, .P'by,
$30.94; ' Salem oong.,
313 00 ; Elder's Ridge mutg., Saltsburg
p'by $4.46; 'Erie °mg:, Erie'P'by, $4.00.
Pittsbufgh, Feb. 27, 1860:
For the Presbyterian Beiiner and Adeeeste.
Donation Party.
AgreeablY to a few days previous arrangement,
the Presbyterian ' congregation of Licking,
Clarion County, Pa., paid a friendly visit, on the
15th instant, to their beloved pastor, thd Rev. J.
Maisel& Nor did they go empty handed, but
evinced their substantial frierhiship by taking
with them a 'variety of articles to, add to the
doniestic comfort of the family, (athoniting to
about $137.) The good feeling 'and "Cordial if.
`fection developed at this meeting betWeei minis
ter and people, and the members. toward
Other, was truly gratifying; and augurs well for
the pace and harmony of this, our beloved
church. After partaking of a- sumptuous dinner,
handsomely prepired by our , :estimable; ladies e
beautiful t eloquent, and impresilye .address was
delivered by Mr; kiateer, with warm 'exPriksioni
Of thanks for this gratuitous,
'unexpected, and un
sought for demonstration ofhis people's-kindness
to him 5 and!lhis Coucluded, with prayeg
and. Singing &hymn. It might propriety he
,eaid;'as of old, " See hoe these Christians love s
one another." W. C.
ANZITOAN tiOLLEGIVAT 15 1 03111.—The fallowing
is a curreirt, theestutilents van ant now in
the new College, and there is every prompter of n
lance increase in the number in the course of the
present pear;.Edward M'alynn, &herr Ektony
'Reuben4. Pttrsonif;'New Mirk City: ?atria Ri
ordan, Michael Riifford..Chicago, Illinoisq.
Merryweather, Clandiart Northrup, Charleston;
South Carolina; ; William Pool, Savannah, Geor ,
gia ; Michael Corrigan, Newark, New Jersey ;:
Ambrose , !Albany, New'firork; Thomcsi
EflibrieY,' John` Cassidity, San Francisco, Califor
nia; Anthony Zingsheim, Alton, Illinois.
Da: Damns has finished his great work on
, Egypt. The illustration* are nearly one thousand
in number, making twelve efephast fadisi volumes.
They_nre,ezeonted in colors. •
Tin Wit to appropriate $lO,OOO to the compier
tion of the monument to Henry Clay, bee passed
the House of Representatives of the Nentsoky
Legislature by` vote of eighty-twe to three.
';:Tar Rely I:OWD= AND IEI emiDATE.—The
Washington.correspondent of the
-New York
Comniercial Advaitiser, writing ,on Saturday,
says :
t , This evening, cove just learned, a polit
ical friend said that he would call to-morrow, to
give hiti views -On the 'formatim of Committees.
Sir,' replied Mr. Speaker Pennington, you will
excuse me, but at home I am in the habit of at
tending church, and to morrow I hope to be able to
"hear,Dr.„Garley. At soy rate I shall not transact
any busineee, but on Monday i will be glad to see
you.' This is an encouraging sign herr, where
the afternoon of Sunday is too often devoted to
political confabs, by those highest in authority."
11lostrati. Pnvoa, Ctitatints, 0. JENnmas WISH,
and some other Virginian duelists, have been
amnestied by the Legislature—a special act being
passed. removing their inability to hold office is
coisequence of obedience to the Code of Honor.
Could not a.few influential murderers or burglars
procure the passage of special acts in their be
half, in like manner ?
,LIMP Sootah statute of 1228 reeds
as follows : tt It is statot and ordaint that during
the reins of her maist bliesit Magestie, ilk forth
year, knoWn as leap year, ilk maiden layde of
baith high and low estait, shall has liberty to
bespeak ye man she likes; elbyit, if be refuses
to tak hir to be his wit he shall be mulcted in ye
sum of ane poundis (el) or less, as his estait moi
be,' except and awis if be can make it appear that
he is betrothed to , ane women, that he shall then
be free."
PET= BATBR, Esq., who succeeded Hugh .
Miller in. the editorial chair of the Witness, the
ponerfal organ of the Free Church of Scotland,
has now left the' ifithete, and proceeded to Lon
don, having been appointed editor-in-chief of the
new journal, the Die& which is intended by its
originators to rival, and,. if possible, surpass in
power and pbpularity the far famed London
Geoige Trott!), Esq., has been engaged as suc
cessor to Mr. Bayne, by the leadere of the Free
Ms Bemoan Timm —The Gentleman's Mag
azine, for. December, takes up the subject of Bun
yan's alleged plagiarism from De Gaiter',lle, and
demonstrates the .following points: 1. -That De
"Pilgrimage of the Sow]e" bore no
more resemblance to the 4, Pilgrim'A Progress'
than Danin'a Inferno " does. 2. That his
p. r
m OQ
g .
" Pylgrimage of Menne," which, in its general
subject,. slightly, resembled it, was only translated
in manuscript up to the beginning of thetixteenth
century; that . . a small edition was then printed
by`Fawkes; hut' that it was not . reprinted, and
before. Bunyatkis time was an exceedingly rate,
book; so rare that thire is not the slightest prob..
ability that Banyan ever saw it. 8. That ,in
every instance *here there is the slightest sinii
laxity. that, similarity is only such as would be
likely to result the fact that both had been
diligent readeis of the Scriptures, and that both
were familiar with the romance of chivalry. • Con
sideredmerely as a defence , of Bunyan, from the
literaiy pohit of View; it iiinipregtiable.
PnracaTow Cormsaw.—At the first roll-calf of
the term - just commenced, there Were three hun
dred and eight , preeent, though not all the old
students had ae yet returned. The highest num
ber last year was about two hundred and, eighty.
The PRESBYTERY OF SCHTITt.F.R mill meet at Gales
burg, on Tooakty, April Ilkb, 1880, at 7 o'clock P.- M. Corn
niissionOrs', rallik seven cents Ter:member of each" church.
Seeidonal Records and Statistical' Reports expected.
T.,5.„ V A tl".r. Stated Clerk.
PICRSBITERY OF 'REDSTONE will meet at 'Union
town., on the Second Tuesday of. April, at 7 o'clock P. Id.
• Written reports of CongregationakSettlements with Pastors
.and SeatiliAtipPifes,LSMaional *teivrda;. and 'Statistimil Re-
Ports, from each congregation, are required to be presented.
SSissional Reports on the State of, Religion are to be Re
warded to Rev. R. M. Wallace, Chairman
~,of the Committee
on the Narrative to be presented to the General Assembly:
• JOHN M'CLOTOCR, Stated Clerk.
- -The PRESBYTERY OF CEDARNITLE will meet in lawn
City, on Tuesday; April 3d, at 7 o'clock P. M.
The,chnrches'areassessed for Commissioners' Fund,, as SfoP
lows: Muscatine, $10.00; Daxenport,lo.oo; lowa City,,.5.00;
Marion, 2.00; Linn Grove and Linden, 2.00; Tipton' and Red
Oak, 2.00; .LeclaWe - and-Princeton, 3.00; Walcoft wad adue
Grate, 2.00; Vinton, 3.00; Cedar Rapids, 3.00; Mesta:nits
vine and Lisbon, 3.00; Toledo and Salmi 2.00; Sugar Creek,
1.00; RermaarLoo; Newton, 2.00; Suminit, - 2.00; - Etiirview,
L 00; 'Unity, 1.00; De Witt, 1.00; German. church, Muscatine
1.00; Monterania and ItUllersbnrg, 1.00.
E, L. BELDEN, Stated Clerk
re•neta, on the. First, Tuesday of March,. at, .2 o'clock P. M.,
In the Leature•roomt'of the Preebirterlan' Mire.
vllle to dismiss the Rev. J. A. Brown, to the. Presbytery'. of
.Cosboeton. &Mils DANIS, Stated Clerk.
A l
The PRESBYTERY OP lOWd :nand's_e4joorned. to,meet
in WisTivalticitir *hire/W . 410H0; it 7
o'clock P. M. A. C. IWOLELLANE, ntated.Olerk.
Stbs PtiartuttitL
Elairis.-=:Attention is called to 'tie - 4111mM°
articles of Mr 'Shields, on ihis subject, in the
present and.folkiwing numbers..
work of
progTese,s, , but not mach of an important char
aotei,besyet been matured 4.. •
HAT 401/831, PHIEADIILPHIA.-rThe :advertise
ment of lar.,ltteckridge is in another column.
Ne have been assured upon the. moat reliable an
tlority,-#Mt the felled 'confidence may be Placed
every statement made by this• gentleman.
Marchants!will please obieree. ' '
SCHOOL Booss.--The attention of teachers,
school direofors; a n d Others, is called to 'the, ad.
vertisemennt of A. S. Barnes &Barr,' in A pnolthor
COhIMIL These` gentlemen are of high character,
and pnblisha series of School Books second to no
other ittthe land. Send for a catalogue. Their
books are for sale in Pittsburgh, by A. H. Eng
lish & Co.
Tice Ecnacvm, for March,.contains two bean
tifnl steel
_engravings; :one, , Alexander. 1., Em
peror of Russia; the other, Peter the ..Great
saved by his -Mother. The ieleptiouti .rfram the
foreign_ journals are seventeen in' number, and
are, 118 usual, excellent. We , direct attention to,
" Inspiration of the Boriptures ;" " Our Earth—
past and Present;' wßain's ;Psychology ;"
" Historic Phenomena of Human Races ;" and,
" Recentßaligious
AttentiOn is called to the advertisement of this
work of ~Art,; in another column. The original
painting of which the engraving is a foe sisals
was painted by the celebrated , Rembrtuadt
pale, in the city of , Baltimore, in 1820, and
bas been visited, studied, and admired by tenteof
thousands. The - original :is valued at $25,000.
The advertisement contains a full and,reliable
desdription‘of :the engraving.
Dr. PriMe,'.llnrace Greeley, and many others
assure.theNulalio that money ,Sent WI Dr. Colton,
as directed in the advertisement, will certainly
secure the engraving.
The akiteit got't printer—pro:htbly.
After Many:4llOttingei, 'Governor Fork of
Ohio; wee dieted, by &majority of one. On the
following day, Mr. Ruffin. whose name had been
otnitted,"444 liberty to record his votst..,. This,
if granted, would vitiate the election, as it would
be cast foraanother person. The matter was laid
over. tut little business is being transacted.
Inthe Senate, :the Mexican treaty .is under
consideration. -Its acceptance in very doubtful.
TheAditinjipition presses the , matter bard, but
the Reputlionns find many :serious - objections.
The - factliaatit requires two thirds to; confirm a
treatyAeakes the power Otiejection in the bands
Of the vnerinblicans. The main• objection; is,
that Juareziswith whom:the treaty' was, made, is
not iriesident of Mexidd; de. ftlfC'nor• 'de facto.
But heitheills his rival , Mirinnon: — There is, at
ltese'rit,- no adequate authority in either, to bind
the Wedeln:
Presbyterial, Notices.
e -
- _The Court of Death.