Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 03, 1860, Image 1

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presloyteitlan Alinestog Et4Tirjpgas
tER 11 80-13 aDVABOX,";
Original °tett
iiiletktand 'Church. Yard
What fon'd iiniolleOdis , now gather around me,
While sittleialOne in the place of the dead;
Where-the nalies of bred ones departed surround
me; •
While tOinknown regions their spirits have fled !
At ink feet lies the duet of my once , loving
Long, long years, have passed since his lose I first
knew ;
Yet still in my eyes will the blinding tears
As the past rushes lividly up to my view.
I can see him again ae be called na around him,
And bade us farewell e;e he paea'd from our
eight ;
I can see him as death's ley fetters had bound
him, •
When the soril left the clay for the mansions of
light I
Sleep on, dearest father, thy slumbers unbroken,
Until the last trump shall awaken the dead ; 4
Then hear the glad sentence so joyfully spoken,
" Come, 'enter the joy of thy glorious Head l"
Era then I del sleep, and my Spirit ahall meet
Where death never more shall 'divide us again';
In yonder bright heaven, I trust then to great
Where sorrow ne'er enters on Eden's bright plain.
Here eleelie the dear pastor, whose kind adin9ni-
tione •
Tint led me to'Jestm, my Saviour end tied;
0, with what emotions think of his teachings,
While stiiing to walk in the way that he trod
Here, too, stood the church, where my vows fret
were spoken
Before men and angels, my Saviour to serve;
Where often my spirit, in anguish was broken,
While melted with Mercy I ee'er could deserve.
0, sweet were the' seasons, I've spent while
The God of ray fathers in that hallow'd spot—
When bending in deepest contrition before him,
And-viewing the price which nay ransom has
That lov'd pastor's voice in my ear is resound
As tnem'ry revisits The scenes that are past;
As he spoke of the grace to lost sinners abound
Thus cheering the heart by dark aliadoits o'er
But these scenes are all padt; and' *hat sad deso
Now macho the - dear spot where my eyes fondly
gaze ; '
But my ears are still blest with the news of sal.
Antfmy heart still enraptur'd with anthems of
In a more lovely place, do the toilets now sesem
To feed on the bortutieif of God's holy Word,
There too, at his threattnings, do proud slums
Tho' yet but the voice of a stranger is heard:
Msy Jesus still water this vine of hie planting,
And visit In mercy theSe film') of his hand ;
May the prayer of his servants be answered by
A. shepherd to guide them through this defier
land. Maar.
Nicktwills, 1869
Dr the Pieebiterian Banner and Advocate
A Pidd to Cultivitte.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—Having recently
visited, as 'a Supply, a portion of our Moun
tain Territory, permit me to sketch, briefly,
a Domestic Mission Field, which, I earnest
ly desire, may catch the eye and heart of
some one of our Theological students, who
either is, or expects to be, licensed the com
ing Spring. The field referred to, lies East
of Uniontown, in the Presbytery of Red.
stone, and chiefly in the Counties of trayette
and"SOmerset, Pa.; though it might readily
and profitably be extended to adjacent por
tions of Preston County, Virginia, and Al
legheny County, Maryland. We have, in
this Territory, two small churches, Peters.
burgh and Mt. Washington; the -former in
Somerset County, the, latter in Fayette
County, Pa. Both these churches were or
ganized by the writer, when pastor at Union
town, some twenty-three years ago, the•
former with about forty, the latter with
some thirty members. The writer was the
first Preebyterian minister who, ever
preached to the Territory above mentioned,
excepting an ocoasional sermon from some
traveling minister who may have lain by on
the Sabbath. Arid when,shortly after their
organization, his engagements at Union
town forbade his going to the Mountain,
he was succeeded, on 'the Mountain, by
Rev. W. W. McLain, who; for bide pats,
most faithfully led them, in connexion with
the churches of Springhill and 'Laurel Run,
of this Presbytery, into "the green' pas
tures, and beside the still waters." The
Divine blessing resting on the labors of the
sainted McLain, gave considerable enlarge
ment to these little churches; but having
accepted a call to Mt. Pleasant, he was
obliged to leave them, and after a brief but
successful pastorate in the latter charge, he
fell asleep in Jesus. Since he left the
Mountain,-now — some ten or twelve years,
supplies, " few and far between," have been
the only provision extended to these little
mountain flocks. And owing either ltoltte
distance, or the fatigue and labor to be en
countered, or want of 'sufficient sympathy
for their spiritual necessities, nearly one•
half the supplies appointed by:Presbytery
fail to reach them. With so little attention,
they must of course dwindle. Death, as
elsewhere, is doing its work; removals take
place; and but few, if any, additictis are
To my certain knowledge, persons pre
/erring our Church, have .connected with
other churches, simply because we give them
so little attention, while the churches al•
ready formed; seem to be destined to extinc.
Lion. Yet those churches live, and bail,
with great eatisfection, the occasional` visits
of our ministers:' Dr. It. J. 13reckinTjage
uttered truth• when he said, $s one of the
hardest things in the world to kill is as
Old School Presbyterian' church." With a
membership, at one time, of more than
fifty, Petereburgh has dwindled to less than
a dozen, and yet oontainiCOne member and
an elder, who alternately pay the supplies
from their own pockets.
I have said, the field maybe conveniently
and profitably extended =to two. adjacent
counties of Virginia and Maryland, with
no risk whatever, in crossing ,Mason and
Dixon's line. Without knowing it, at the
time, the writer once, in. rnid.Winter,
preached in Pennsylvania at 10.2 t., 31. 0 in
Maryland at 1 P. M., and in Virginia at
6 P. M. ;I. e., in three States in one day.
In alleviation-of the onerous labors of the
field, , it should be said, the people generally
are remarkable for their hospitality and
kindness to ministers.
Now, Messrs. Editors, should Presby
terians abandon ,the cultivation of such a
field ? With a beginning so suspicious and
encouraging, can we innocently yield to ex
tinction the interests of our Zion through
out this Territory? Shall the venerable
Presbytery of Redstone, "the mother of us
all," fail to make suitable provision for
4 g thoitelew sheep in the wilderness ?" Shall
her " hick of service" in the cause of
Domestic Missions be'thus made manifest to
all men ? No member of Presbytery, with
the facts all before him, will say " we have
done our duty to this Domestic Mission
It is said, we cannot find the man for the
field. But harienfficierit • effort been •mede
for this purpose ? Has Presbytery, for
more than ten years past, done more than
appoint a few supplies; nearly one-half'of
which were never filled 7 The sheep upon
the Mountain lit cannot be disguised,
have been sadly neglected ; no man oared
for their souls I True, 'they are generally
poor; but "to the poor the Gospel is
preached." Is it the' will of Christ, or in
accordance with his Spirit, to exclude them:
from Presbyterial attention, beicause of their
poverty ? Assuredly not.' Occasional sup
plies cannot build them up. Mt. Washing.
ton ) on'account of greater protimity to
ministers supplying, has had much more
preaching than' Petersburgh, and is . Conse
quently looking up. At their list.commun;
ion, the writer received on profeSsion, four
DEW communicants, three of whom were
barized: Still, what is specially needed•
and desired, it a minister of their own, giv
ing hie whole time to this field. Nor can I
doubt that, with. assistance from the Board,
a missionary shill find support. The post,
I admit, is klaborions one • but shall that pre
'vent .its occupancy "Tell it not in Gath,"
gito Has 'the spirit of Franeke . and Oberlin
died out of the Church ? Is there no
youthful. aspirant to the Ministry in our
Zion.postessed•of sufficient heroism to en
counter the labors necessary to feed the
sheeli and enlarge the fold upon the moun
taina ? No one prepared•to " 'endurnhard
lien like a good soldier of Jesus Christ ?"
Did Peter, or Paul, thus shrink from mall,
severer labors in the Master's cause? Did
the beloVed McLain, who for nine years
blew the Glospel trumpet all through those
mountains ?
Besides, a. permanent settlement in this
field would hardly be expected. Au un•
married man would probably suit the field
better than one with .a family; and when
one retires from the post, he might be sue•
ceedid by another.
• Patient eridurince, respectable extempor
aneous powers—above all, an heart filled
with zeal for God's glory in man's salvation,
determined to know nothing, and preach
nothing' but Christ and him crucified, are
of course neoedsiiry qualifiatitions for `suCh
a post as thii. Permit me to, add, that just
such a missionary field as this would furnish
an admirable introduction to a different
sphere of ministerial labor in older 'and More'
settledportions of the Church. The self.
.possession and freedom of utterance, insen•
sibli acquired in such a district, would he
of vast importance. The simplicity of
mariner prelialent in such regions of conn.
try, encourages just such self. poiebasion.
Ornateness of language riould not here be
highly appreciated; yet, the more good,
sound, hard, Scriptural sense, the' better:
This latter aspect of the subject, should
commend - this field, with special interest, to
our candidates for the ministry. I add 'no
more; except to express the earnest hope
that:some one of our young, men in our
Western . Theological Seininary, now li
oensed, or soon to be licensed, possessing
much of 'the noble, self sacrificing spirit of
Paul, will, after reading the above, ex-
I claim, ,4 Lord, here am I; send me."
Any additional particulate, so'far as practi
cable, will be cheerfully furnished by the
writer to any generous, de*oted aspirant to
the ministry, who may be looking forward,
with deep 'anxiety, to the period when he
shall enter
t praetioally upon the aolemn func
tions and-responsibilities of an Ambassador
of Christ: = Very truly, yours, D.
For 'the Presbreirtab.Bluner and Advocate.
',UARDINGTONi Off10;-Feb: 18; 1860
MESSRS: EDITORS :—Last 'Saturday and
Sabbath we spent at Dehiware, the seat of
the 0. University.; and perhaps a notice
of what we saw there, may not be uninter.
estiug to some of your readers. This insti
tution is the acknowledged
,stronghold of
Methodism in Ohio, and as might be expect.
ed, they concentrate their energies and
efforts in sustaining and building it up. As
a consequence, they are, making a ." fair
show." The Presoot Cabinet, purchased " at
a cost' of $4,000, - would reflect honor en any
of,our older Eastern Colleges. The Library
room, too, is a most beautiful piece of archi
tectural skill. It was built' mainly by the
donsitien of one'man (Mr. Sturgis) and:both
it and= the Cabinet room .are said to be the.
finest of the kind outside•Of the Eastern
cities. So much for externals;,and- as An
usual, %here so much attention is paid. to ,
the "outside platter," other more important
parts ,sulfer. The Prefessoxial corps is said
to be strong, but there are evidently some
things wanted before they can turn out en
ergetio, working men-such as the - world
needi. They may be well educated in " the
books," but if so, they beconae such by dint
of their own perseverance, and fixed deter
mination to do se. All Other inducements
and incentives are' wanting. There are no
honors given—no contests •between Literary.
Societies-Lnothing to stimulate to active
efforts,at excellence either in scholarship or
literary performances.
Great interest and attention, however, are
given to religious culture, and God seems
to be acknowledging their labors: For
some ,;three weeks they have been s 4 getting
up ".:a great revival, and much of it, we
trusti has. been " got down " from above.
Some forty to sixty had joined the church,
and the "mourner's bench" was crowded
by scores of " mourners in Zion "—we
would say , toward Zion. , There is also a
considerable interest in the Rev. Newton's
church, (New School:) About twenty-five
were received at a latePommunion season in
his country coagregation. Is not this
special encouragement to Christians to , pray,
more 'earnestly than ever, for the outpour-
ing of the Spirit upon our Colleges and
Seminaries, and I would not forget, as too
many do, our common schools.
"Even before they call I will answer."
Let 118 expeetgreat things at the hand of
the Lord. J.H.W.
Tnosn who keep themselVes pnreinlimes
of common' iniquity, God will : keep safe in
times of common calamity.
THOSE who make God and hie ESMO their
prides, may make God and his name their
From our London Correspondent.
The Breach Widened—Gallicanism vs. Jesuitism and
Uctramontanism—The Ancyclicai Letter and the
Imperial Rebuke and Reply—The Conversation
between Napoleon and an American Gentleman—
,' Alamo, a Priest than a Sovereign"—Sympathy
for the Pope . in " Worda" .What is' Wanted is
" Rept"—Prench Policy toward Italy—The Glas
gow " Guardian" and its Italian Correspondent
—Reasons for Imperial Sincerity—A " Religious
War" and its Isaues—The CommerCial Treaty—
" Dame' Cobden -and he Pupil" The Lesson
Rook and Cobden's Luggage at St. Cloud—Sokol
arship and Sacred Philology—Air. Roberts' Book
on The Original of Nortek:cc' Gospel—Postseript:
LONDON, February 3, 1860.
THE BREACH between the Pope and, the
Emperor grows wider, every day. First of
all, the Univers, the organ of the French
Jesuits, is suppressed. Its fanatical 'editor,
Venillot, has been breathing out threat-
ening and slaughters for
and years,
herettes—has been trying to bound
on the Popish poirers to invade England—
has indorsed the -minx:lee of La Salette and
the blasphemy of the Immaculate Concep
tion. His impudence was but ,
the true
representation of the Ultramorttanist party.
They tried to me Napoleon for their ends ;
Dow-they find that he has used them for his
own purposes, and then treads 'then' in the
dust. Although , the Univers isle' be pub
Halted now at Brussels, yet the fact of its
suppression in France remains. It is not a
matter of, congratulation in itself, for even
the abuees of the press • are better than a
despotic power that compels it .to be silent
when it would speak. Ati a matter, how
ever, of Christian casuistry, I think t would ,
not be hard to prove that the Univm was a
fire brand publication, most murderous 'in
spirit; necessarily revolutionary -in its ten
dencies, and anti-social in the strongest'
sense of the term. But without dwelling
on this, it 7 . 8 sfippressed, and what your read
ers will see- to be all important in the fact
is, that it indicates that Napoleon has pro ,
claimed open' war with Ultratoontaitism—
has draNtrn the award; and thrown the 'scab
bard away.
the Bishops has given another occasion to
the Emperor 'to show his policy and' his'
power. The Constitutionel publishes the
document, and subjoins an editorial which
is evidently, frotntype and'atyle, and indeed
from its manifest character, an Imperial
proclamation, of the determined, yet calm
resolve, that France shall not be Ultramon
tine, -but Galilean, in the - historic sense of
the, term. Bat what is more,-this . 'article
denies, formally, the powerof the Pope even
to settle "questions of faith," in which, it
is said, "his authority is only absolute when
conformable to the sacred canons, and in ao.
cord with the Universal consent of the as
sembled- Church." And if that be true,
much more must " the competency of the
Court of Rome" be denied and abjured
when "a pelitiCal question - is under consid.
eration." That "could not: he admitted
without disowning all the traditions of the
Church of France," its well as " the' memo,:
rable declaration of 1682, to which the .
name of Boussuet is so gloriously attached,
in which it is said that St. Peter and his
sueoessors have •only received power from
,God for spiritual thingadtat&which, concern
salvation, and not temporal or civil things."
And so the Popais told that he, as a tem
poral sovereign,- speaking in the name of a
temporal interest, yet using the forms and .
claiming to speak-in such a matter, as "the
head of the Church" has' been guilty. of
"an abuse of jurisdiction." Is not that
plain speaking Is it not also a very logical
conclusion from the premises—which, at
thofigh ambobiti manibus, every Ultra
montenist would deny as at all admissible,
are yet strictly in accord with' the struggles
of the Galilean - Church against' the' Court
of Rome ? Well may the 'Emperor re
proach the Pope formoving a spiritual ques
tion;.(and "lowering" it thereby) with-the
fortunes of those princes, who, in Italy,
only maintained themselves. by the =arms •Of
Austria, and could' not-return- there except •
at her back. And so the Pope's reason
for refusal to permit the Romagna to be
free, is quoted, namely,,that. he could not
abdicate that portion of his territory " with.
out detriment to the rights of the Princes of
Italy, who have been unjustly despoiled of
their domains." But " the _Emperor thought,
it was more advantageous to give up the
Romagna than to reconquer lint the cost of
the bleed of the people," (the Perugian
massacre here hinted at,) "by foreign in
ferveritieti." He bad told the Pope so, sin.
oerelY, in a letter worthy of the Eldest Sen
d thn Church, and the Soiereign of France.
The Pope hatin right to reject the' advice,
but hen mustlake the consequences. France
will not " desert her' task of moderation.
At Rome" (only there,. observe,) " she
,would still 'defend . the ,Pope against nuar•
ohy, but if ,the ;authority of the
Holy Father-every where else is destined to
go through: other crises," (the doom of the
Pope's temporal sovereignty thus not only
indicated, but virtually pronounced,) m the
responsibility must not fall on the generous
nation which has done every thing to obviate
them, and which will be always ready , to
grant that 'trinity , support which is ignored" Such, then, is the substance of a
newspaper edible of the' greatest posaible
interest, an" in this unpretending
says the Times, "'vie 'find a State paper 'of
great iniportance; Well considered, clearly
arranged, logically reakine'd, and'. evidently
emanating from the' ltigheat' itutharity - in
A conversation, - alleged to- have taken
place - between the Emperor. and' Mr. Sew-.
ard, An •American statesman; .appeared 'yes.
terdaytin the Tides, copied, I believe, from
another source. It was to the effect that
Mr. 8., being an old acquaintance. of the,
Emperor, went to the palace, was cour
teously., received, bad questions asked him,
about Mr. Webb and other parties known
to Louis Napoleon when .a sojourner in the
United States; and then, when Mr. S. re
ferred to a visit paid by him at Rome, to
the Pope, the Emperor said, ", Ah 1 and
what did, you think of the Pope.?" "
thought him," was the reply, " much
the priest than the sovereign." Em
peror exclaimed, " Exactly eo ; you have
hit the right nail on the head. That's it ;
be is more the priest than the sovereign.
That is what I always thought." Whether
this-story . be aphobryphal or not, 'one thing
is certain, that priestism, is now at. a ,die
corint'over'Europefand " grows striaßby de
grew:vend-beautifully less," s daily.. In Ire
landi the Catholic University languishes, and
the recent collections made for it were small.
More " words" have been all that the
Pope has received in the wity'df sympathy.
The Ditnilaik . Democrat bitterly complains.
of this, and'suggests.that'a collection should
be madelorthe exhausted Papal exchequer'
on Patrick's`` day, (March 17th,) which
would - be pretty sure to realize *large sum,
say, „440;000. The fervor of Irish Popery
generally waxes cool when Tint-" is called
for. Daniel O'Connell extracted that com
modity with a success peculiarly his own. .
But ere be died, be found it diminishing
every week, and were be alive now, all his
parney '? could not succeed in . raising the
wind for Pope Pins IX, Indeed,
and confusion of the party are pal
the world. Revenge they wilkha ,
can. A sanctified ;anaemia 'nay
for Bonaparte, and it is possible ;
some party 'nova during the Bedsit'
liament; tho , 12 ll:Mine/0i of Orillifir`i
on a oriels: But' still, the iiiiti
punish both the Tories'and thelh
new.eleotion, and the hated Palen
/Lunen would rule more strongly,'
FREW= Pomar toward its)
fairly developed, The British
large majority,.has been' hitherto
ploicins, bat it is worthy of node+
opposition to most• sections 'of tl
press, that excellent Presbyter
The Scottish Guard ian, has all
views as to the origin and aim of
policy in Italy, such as seem now
tied` by' the issue.' A recent' I
that paper contains a letter from 4 6
gent . Italian," to the: same effi
writer goes so . far as
tion that Napalean was all along, a
only for his own personal intereit,
the general . good of nations." Ht
the invention of enemies, 44 the •
tion of domination to be shared
in order to excite the fears of
Witted in polities." He refers,
titln of his views, •to "Orsioi's-J
(the Emperor,) and printed by
eve of the execution of that
high-minded patriot—the cause
Mons. being, I fear, recklessness •
by Christianity."
"In that letter," it is ad(
almost appears aware of the del
=test' intentions of Napoleon
sas*ers a possible objeoaon
Could that letter have been for
on ? I thought it not poseible; bt
would have done so, either to forr
world bis future purposes and vik
boozle men, in order to be able to
ly and' holdl,y for his wicked purpi
first hypothesis the letter ceuld'ar
cause, if it hinted good toward Ita
aelt would have written that letter
apprised of'the lofty intentions
thought before the rnostreekletls'h
and. therefore, it is not probable
should have forged the letter whir
_ _
had easily from the doomed pattik
made him slake of his intentions;
it was to be' preferred by him, 'se
the world iwkis. case, evenifilei
pled, to be accompanied by the •
than the curses of the, dying m'an.
hypothesis, that he wished to rat
in order to - strike the' blow more
liberty, the forgery *as impossil
body would have believed, even
that Napoleon would have done
effected for Italy. All atrocities
been supposed of him than • tin
indeed; infect, did not' believe' or
letter. I was struck, on my Tor,
ordinary way in which the man
intentiona'to the world, end from
letter was'fixed in my mind.
Another reason assigned for lief . in the
Emperor's sincerity, ip'b!ised o ,c,c the fatal
ily alliance" (with the daugh .fte tle King
of Sardinia, married Id 'rid ; 'Jerome;)
it which preceded the' politicar( The 'Na.
poleona; if they had'' beOn pl . ' .1 faille 'to
Italy; *mild' not - have' hkd' fee . 'to incli
a' connexion with! one'et= tbe 4 desVof the'
royal dynaities of Europe; Would 'one:
try to becotne-therrelation , re er,„onlyi:
to undo him ? If this' Wire : Oen- possible;
would the King have lit'rerplia , oWn- &tigh
ter, without the most evident 'guarantees;
to one who, if not his•friend;.„ would lave
been his assassin'? Would such a,manlas
Cavour have been deceived?",
The writer concludes his very suggestive
otter as follows :
When Bologna shook off the Papal yoke, I ,
thought directll that the affairs .of Italy were 'se:
seining a new aspect; it berametben a religions'
question. Napoleon since that timel has notonly
had to contend with the Eurepean - Powers politi
but with the roman Catholics of the whole
world. These were the tiro 'main, reasons that
induced him 'to deiire to conclude - the treaty 'of
Villafranca, after to the world that
he could be a conqueror. Since that time the
great agitations tif.Europe have become more re
ligious than, political. 'Since that time 'the
cleverness-of-Napoleon has been pinto a:wonder
ful test; and after a .thousend uncertainties, in
the opinion of the weilif,.hei Mow proves equal to
the cironuistencti. T, indeed; never despaired` of
the Emperor, even afterthe - peaee oftVillafratunw
not only for the antecedents,, in Italy ,:;following
closely his conduct, hut, if I am 'hot mistaken, be
cause Hoesitth did niit Stir 'after hiving beendis-'
appointed, and did not raise the outcry of indigl
nation, when he found ; at.onee his hopes baffled,.
regarding Hungary. It was not noticed, but I
then thotight it WAS the eireigeW reason for
speaking in• favor of Naptdeon.; he must have
succeeded in persuading thellungarian patriot of
his sincerity.
He mayliave been deeeived in his schemes, but
every day shows he wairnot insincere', His fault
was that he thought - it possiblOto combine the ,
Papacy with the regeneration of Italy. .It has
been the mistake, too, of pleat. Italian philoso
phers, and of great men Of that 'unhappy land.
Now he ahows that 'he hart' feund nut hia Ude-
take. Let what will - come,' he has - decided upon
a more open. and resolute course. The: Papacy
challenged.him,as a foe after,the 'famous pamph
let, inwhich hoshowed that tie was not sulitervi
eat to it ; he has bravely Occiptes - thOolialleitge :
the Roman wcirldia rising itt - Europe,4hOProtes•
taut -is opposing it ; the war of nations with
nations, and of the people even of thosame hation,
it not political but, religious;'England has to fight
against her Roman subjects'; Austrutraises the,
fanaticism- of the Catholic order;'the Bishops of
France excite against, her ruler all the " believ
er's;" the Pope' aspires' to - martyrdom ; many of,
his satellites do the same Tli,e war; Iregret, is
now a religions war:—bettreett darkness and light,
—betweenTroteetantism and Catholicism--and
fear sad results if the Emperor should be ;fiiiind
to" have advannes . tea far. 'lf he retire' again,'
War will :inevitably - arise , But since I
have "found
,thathois not otbadlaitli, as hawse
aerated I trust to' the Eniparor'S geniuilo ease
Italy and Europe. ' •
The' , Religious War,"' inindeed, began,
but thank God, even that, is full. of hope
and inspiration to all true hearts: The`more
this question of the Papab , ie agitited, the
better. Infituation is upon the • Pope and
his counselors, and judipial blindness
doubtless mark the polioy until- indignant
Europe'•sweep them and their , sborninso
tiona utterly 'away: Verily on the back 'of
the thundercloud now freshly gathering,
Faith's eye discerns the 'rainbow of cove
nant mercy for the true Church of God.
accomplished fact. " Dame Cobden andler
Pupil,' was the suggestive illustration" of
Punch, list week. There sits One-of the'
old,school " dames," (now'fast disappearing
from English villages,) who were wont to
teach the little ones. AV book, marked
" Free Trade," is open, and over it stoops
the'! Pupil," the Emperor minoinized into
a very little fellow,, most attentive and do.
„There is no doubt that Mr. Cobden
completed the work, of_the EmPeror's con-`
version to a Fret ilia , or rather
that he so "crammed," his Pupil with'
factivas to makthim-resolve east once,-
and qualified him also , to - unawake!! ,proteo
tionistarguments. A story ie told of Mr.
Cobden going over to Paris, some months
ago, with tons of Inggageollut Which was
sent direct to the Palace -of Saint (Bond.
These-hales and boxes contained all, manner
of specimens of. British manufacture for
the "Pupil's" study; and his " progress "
was so satisfactory, and his convictions so
entire that now France and England will
receive mutual benefit& It is not improba•
hie - that this event will be the precursor of
to a 1
if bey
pax, by
I Par
b lug'
wou d
at a
In and
a more liberal free trade polioy on the part
of other Continental Governments. Some
of your readera who have traveled over
Europe, will remember the wretched ant
lery and other thinge, with which they
were often served, because Magni& articles
were either -shut out altogether, or loaded
With heavy duties.
ceived a valuable contribution from -thy pen
Of a Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Alex
ander Roberts, M. A., of St. John's Wood,
and a- member of our London Presbytery.
Mr. •Roberts, even before he left-the• North
of Seotlandi was muchgirien to ei
suits. In *the Metropolis; he has had greatly
increased advantages for research. The
title of his book (appropriately •published
by Bagster & Sons,)idi " Inquiry- irtto the ,
Original Language of St IVlatthetr'serdsliel,
with Relative Discnssions 'the Language
of Palestine in the- Time' of Christ, - and'on
the 'Origin of the -Gospels." Its object is
"to vindicate and uphold the Greek origi.,
nal of St. aatthew's Gospel." This he
rpaintaina againatlatfprinidably heist,e(wri
subject The first 'is,,that Matthevi *rote
in Hebrew only ; flat is, in the modified
form of Hebrew, the Aramean, or Syro Chal
daic dialect, which is supposed . to have been
the' ordinary , 'aligns& of- Palestine'in the
days of Christ. Grotins, Walton, Mills;
Michaelis; March,' Eioirhorn; Campbell,'
Weston, TregelleS,'Onreton,`and - many oth
ers, have 'maintained this opinion. Mr.
Roberts states that when he read- the argu
ments of Dre.• Davidson' and •TregelleY -on
this subject; they appeared *to him' to- settle
the qtrestien. But on further reflection,
viewing the . .whole evidence be 'came to an'
opposite conclusion. A second opinion, "of
very recent origin," i is, that:there were two
original ,Gospels written -by. Matthew,- one
in Hebrew, and the-other in •Greek,. as Town
son- pats it " There seerns more' reason
for 'allotting • two' ,- originalirthen for contest
ing either , ; the . conseet:of antiquity plead-•
ing strongly for the Hebrew, and evident
marks of originality for the; Greek. Gueri.
, ke, °bitumen, and Thierseb, on the -Conti
irenVand Kitto; Herne; and - Lee, in' Great
Britaib; have been the tealons trunporters of
this view.
n now
ri lab
, held
y 'a
As as
d re
Tim other remaining 'opinion 'is; than
wrote in..Gre'ek only defended by
„Enemas, Calvin, _Lightfoot, Wetsein,•.Lard
ner, Halls, Hog, Be Wette, Oredner, and
Meade Stuart'. Mr. Roberta pants out bow
the question has been "perplexed' by its be
ing,}made.the 'foundation o'n the" part of Ro
manists of the pretensions of "The Church,"
as. the authoritative settler, of the-Canon-.of
Scripture. Romanists eagerly urge that
the'original Gospel was written in Hebrew,
and that the Gieek is only a translatien;
which-'"his ',authority 'simply " beeinselhe.
Church says so I But Treteiitente , also, in
Order to maintain the supreme -authority of'
Scripture, and opposition to all mere, eccle
siastical claims, and assuming the idea that
theta must have 'been two originals, or elie '
that. the. ciriginal'aras pure, have supported;
their position. "on grounds that cannot be ,
maintained in argument." Mr. Roberts,.
seeking then to decide 'the question by-Ata
„denims only which is not to be found in what
ancient writers hail in the iater
' nal proofs, Buell' -" the' striking: -and im
portant, fact that oar present-Gospel °MeV
thew.abounds, in , verbal, coincidences with
the other Gospels, all, of _which are now
universally' lamented to, have been written
in the Greek language:"
Mr.' Roberts' work consists 'of fiie chap;
ters. I. Statement. of the Question arid-of
the, method in which this inquiry is con-,,
ducted. Of this I have just given an-anal.
yeis: IL Language of Palestine hi the
Time of 'Christ, General Observations; Hie.
torical Proofs of-the Prevalence of Greek,:
and proofs of thatame . from the.writings , of
the New Testament.. The object of this
Chapter is to prove chiefly from the New TeS.
:tamest itself, that " Greek was widely dif
fusea, well 'undisrstoed, and commonly ern
- pleyed in• Palestine in the time of: Christ,"
yet not denying that the Arameam was made
nee of to a considerable extent. The condition
of the Jews both in Palestine and out of it
was;' that•theyiuiderstood both the Greek
the common language' their own-`vernacular'
language, and just 1111" in Canadai at the Cipe
of Good Hope, and Guiana, different 'WV
guages are used side by side. The reading,
of this chapter produces a strong_impression
in falior of the author's vieis. CbCpter
presienti general . evidenee that Mittheres ;
Gospel': was written in Greek, from a conk;
parison of tbe first three Gospels, and, &om
its .oin special structure. Chipter IV.
gives the - External Evidence in Testimonies'
favorable", in adVerse'statimetts of Ancient
Writers; and in - Remarks - on Cureton's
Syriac Gospels. Mr. Roberts maintainer _
and poWerfully argues , versini Cureton, that
the Syriac. is a translation from, the-Greek.
Cureton charges errors on the Greek trans
lator., Roberts, by a lloae examination,
finds. the 'errors to be those of the- Syriao
version, as he .endeavore to point out in its
" additions " and mistranslation," aped
mews of which are tiven. •
The last , Chapter of the work is' the best
justification of -the , publication of a look
the readingof which- is a fine, 'bracing- er.
&ease for Any student; an (which proves the
author , to • be as - good A- scholar and =linguist :
(German, Syriary Hebrew,: and•Greeki - are
all familiar to him,) as he is a faithful-pastor,
an , able> preacher, an honest inquirer, a
thorough logician, and a most, modest and
worthy man. It is entitled, "Result, 'of
the Preceding Inquiry." After showing
that• thee idea that Matthewvrote `Be-
brew as well as •in Greek . ; is inerettiatter
of tradition- without evidence, and elearly•
gratuitous, he- arguirstfengly against' Tie--
gelles; and' writes witli'llignified severity-of
the tendency cif Curiston'irpositions. The
latter tries to: prove that 'Msitthewls -Greek.
Gospel is full . of errors' and =therefore-must
be a translation. And yet' he calls it g 6 cati
onkel." . Thus - skeptictim is engendered.
Andsnother result of a successful investi;
gation of such a theme, is something most
practical - and , important. "It , may- - be ridi
anted by some, as a sentimental weakness;
but for our yparti" says Mr. Roberts, " we
are , not ashamedt.- to confess; when we
read the G-ospels - and reflect tbsitin these
thelpiscinia:Aierbirolthe Divine manhave
been recorded) the book , is invested-with a
new interests and , we feel 'as if introduced
within the very- °kale' of the &View's
hearers, who it is said, all bare hiinteitneeba•
and wondered at•the , gracibuis *HA
proceeded - out of his' mouth." I trust-that.
this - work - will , receive the attention' of
scholars and critics on the - other glide ofd's
Atlantic. J. W.
P. S.—The Free Church has Agreed to
comply with the requirement of the Lai
Conrts to produce their oontritat with 'Mr.
.MaMillirt. This contract bound lira not
to appeal `to the oivil Courts, and its - breach
authorized his degradition.
* The' 'S c ottish
Dissenters• are comm ons comir Cdlltie on the
question thurraised.
The Hungarian Protestant Deputation' to
the Emperor of Austria ~ have, been 'refused
Philadelphia, Sonth West Corner - of Seventh and Chestnut 'treets
an audience I Francis Joseph, build and
bigoted, rushes on bits Two
France of:ies Saioy ; Sardinia resists,
England dieepproires, and Switzerland fee* s
for her independenee,-should this. thing be
done. There is uneasiness abroad to some
" And When I'm to Die,''
During the Jut two or three years of
Rowland Rill's life, he very frequently re
peated- the following lines :
And when I'm to die,
• . 'Receive me, I'll cry,
For Jesus hie loved me—l cannot - tell why ;
But this I °Wand,
We two are so joined,
That be 'II not be in glory and leave me behind."
" The last time he'occupied my pulpit,"
writes his friend: and neighbor, the Rev.-
' if
George. Clayton when he preached excel
lently in behalf of a charitable institution,
he retired to the vestry after service, under
feelings of great exhaustion. Here he Je
mained until'all but ourselves hadlettifie'
place. At length he seemed witdrYikine'
rtatustorio iodnmolk&l# 004. 6 0iii0;
take-his departnie, intimating e ther, ,it,:.was
prohably the last time he should preach in
I offered my arm, which he de.
alined, and then followed'him, as he'passed
down.the .aisle of the. chapel. The lights
were nearly extinguished; the silence -was
profound; nothing, indeed, was heard but
the slow, majestic tread, of his own , foot
iteps, when in an undertone he thus solilo
Andlthen I 'in to die,' Bzo
To mrheart thieves a some •of° unequaled.
solemnity, -nor can ,I ever recur to it without
a revival of that hallowed, sacred, shudder
,nylnpatliy which it first awakened.n
When'thegood old saint lay literally dy.
ing; and . apparently unconiciotte, a friend
put his , mouth close to his — ear; and slowly
repeated hislavorite
"And when I 'xn 41'0,
Receive lie, I'll cry," &o
The light'came back to his fast fading eye,
a shale- Overspread his face, 'and- hii lips
moved in the vain attempt : to articulate the
words. This waa the last sigauf censcious - -:
ness he ever gave.
We could almost wish that every disciple
of Christ - would commit these lines, quaint
as theyare to memoty, and• weave them:
into the "web of his Christian experience..
Confidence in Christ, and undeviating ad•
herence to hint ? can alone enable us to
triumph in life and death.—Beicher's Life
of Whitefield.,
The See'mien of the Soul.
Who is so unthinking . as not to be some
times impressed' with that great Mystery of
ouripiritlial being, its utter isolation 'from
an pill-surrounding -universe. How perfect
the seclusion in which every individual
finite soul dwells apart from every other !
We 'do, indeed, hold' an imperfect inter-
Millie by telegraiihio• signals passing
through•matter, but walls. of adamant could'
not-more ,effectually separate ti's from. direct
spiritual communing than the State in which
God has created us. , There something
impressively solemn in this deep seclusion,
this eVerlasting loneliness: No other soul
knows -ne other-finite spiritual eye has
ever seen' us; the nearest, friend has only
inferred our. existence ; like , the natural
belief in a God, "our invisible things are
'underitoOd from the things that 'are seen,"
even our inwird- power and humanity.
The' thought is sometimes , our pride rit
places in such gloomy grandeur each sours
inviolable individuality. It may aleoc give
rise to a feeling tinged with melancholy.
0, could• abdther know us, as we are wine
time's- led to exclaita,just as we. know our
selvei; we. would be willing--even that he
should .know our sins; • could. he also -feel
and know_to the fullest extent, All the pal-
Rations to which they are entitled in human
There- is' one soul that knows person
ally; intimately, theroughly—xnews .us- not
by media, by signals outward or interior,
not induction, from effeots,-or fore-knowl
edge from causes, hit by direct and hi
' mediate' pretreat, 'by 'lnote - ththi presence,
even by spirit-pervading interpenetrating`
: spirit; not only by-aw occasional or partial
beholding,,• unintermittedrknowl--
edge, of, our all, our sense r our. memory -our
intelligence, our consciousness, even when,
leastiiensiblei least knotrri, Mast conscicine`
to 'cittteltes "Thou' haat- Tiostessed- *my'
thodulnowest , ray thought; .wheit-I
awake lam stilt with thee." And' then' to
think, of this soul thus ; perviding all other
sonls---forining the universel meditim, if we
makusw-a term" se: intMh - ,profaned,' of all
- spirituel exietenicesk an'd=yell losing nothing
of that Alistinct pisrsonality pre ,
Rents to each, not impairing=in the' least that
distinct individuality with which every-finite
spirit stands before the Infinite. There is in
such' a View, all that the - highest philosophy
- eon' demand, and yet all meet's- Our
lowliest human thought, our deepesthumin
sympathy: - -Taylor Lewis.
A. Pulpit Baptism.
Iffy- sermons-yesterday were abbot' fully'
written, but I was :too full of' my subject to
regnirelheir aid. 0, 1 like new light to fall
upon my texts in the pulpit: It makes
notes appear mean, paltry things I remern
bar; when living with the Bei.. Dr. -Dickson,.
in Edinburgh,-that he handed. nie' a serniou
to read, and• I went•to church expecting. to
hear him preach it. He took the same text,
but not an idea of what he had written and
I read' did he utter. At dinner he; asked if
I bad 'obeerved: -anything at-ohurch- that
seemed strange. I said I did. "What
was it ?" said he. " Why, doctor, you took
your Saturday.evening ,text, .but uttered not
one idea upon it Yonlailiviiften to preach."
I' I thought yorilvoirld- noriea it " said he ;
"I got such a new and precious view of my
text when in prayer, that 1 prit• not my ser
mon-on the Bible, but spoke• just as saw
and felt." Hie wife said : " Well, . doctor,
I wish you would always preaCh as you see
and feel. I should'isee the until better and
come home' feeling•better thew when you
read what you•have- written-on low text."
This.will happen sometimes, • but not always.
When at Great Balaton, England, I once
forget my text, and in my first prayer had
such' still- and glorious view given me of
those 'precious words, "Therefore' let- use
come boldly :to . 11 -throne of grace;"- eta., I
could preach from them- all day, I saw. so
ranch and felt so much in , them. But. God
had a poet treinbliiig sinner to save that
day, by that' lord, who' &aid, ' 6 I could
perish-pray, I dare. , not." , And God'
showed that trembling penitent, -then and
there, that there- was neither necessity to
perish nor to restrain prayer befere him. 0,
the joy that - sniff rejeiged 14 before the ser
mon was ended; to which full expression
the house of the the pious
Deacon—Kalil' at its close 0, I leve tbe
pulpit baptism I I think God has some de
sign in it: for good4o souls ; and that is the
sugar that -sweetens my -soul.—Christian
By Nail, or at the &See, 111.50 per y Te a r, t SEE PROSPECTS&
Delivered in the City, 2,00
Emily iTayer ins wxsiverm.
Rowland Hill was once driven by a storm
into a village inn, and compelled to spend
the night. When it grei late, the land
lord sent a request by the waiter that the=
guest' would go to bed. Mr. Rill replied;.
"I have been waiting a long time media,*
to be called to family prayer!'
"Family prayer I I don't know winiti;
you mean, sir; we never have snob things.
here."- -
" Indeed I then tell your master I cannob
go to bed until we have• family prayer."
The waiter informed his master, who in
consternation bounced into the room occu
pied by the faithful minister, and said.::
" Sir, I wish you would , go to belt 1 can•
not go until 1 have seen all-the lights out, I
am so afraid , of fire!'
"So am I," was the reply; "but I have
been expecting to be summoned to family
" All * very well, sir; but it cannot be
done at an inn."
"Indeed I then pray get my horses; I
. •
cannot eleep in a house where there ie no
-• • . ...IWO'
The: host - preferred to. diem's' s ha .
prep- •
dices,..rather than his guest, and said, "I
have no objection to have a prayer, but I do
not know how."
" Well, then, summon your people, and
let niaee what can he done."
The landlord obeyed, and in a few mo
ments the astonished domestics were upon
their knees, and the landlord.ctalled upon. to
" Sir, I never prayed in my life; I don't
know how to pray."
" Ask God to teach you," was the gentle
The landlord- said, folding his. hand 4
Clod -teach .ns how to pray."
" That is prayer, my friend," cried Mr.
Hill, joyfully, " go on.'
" I am sure I don't know what to say now),
"Yee you do; God•has taught you- how
to pray, now thank him for it! '
66 Thank you, God Almighty, fore letting
us pray to you."
"Amen ! Amen!" exclaimed Mr. Hill,
and then preyed himself.
Two years afterward, Mr. Hill found4d
that , same village a chapel and school, as-the
result.of the ,first effort of family prayer at
the "Black Lion."
A Diffieulfy Considered.
A gentleman, on being expostulated with.
on his own neglect to seek earnestly the sal-.
nation of his soul, excused himself on . the
very"common, but insufficient plea; "That
the Christian world was divided into !so
many sects, that he should be at a loss -to de
cide with which one to unite."
The reply he received was substantialy as
follows`: "You greatly deceive yourself if
you regard this as a satisfactory excuse for
an, irreligious life. Yon make that a pri
mary, which is only a secondary question.
There are various sects which have distin
guishing peculiarities, but there is a great
foundation—'repentanoe toward God, and
faith our Lord Jesus Christ'—ori winch
they are agreed. Now, your first consider'
ition-should be to get a safe standingren
that foundation, and then you will be able,
without danger, more deliberately to deter
mine-with which sect to unite. You may
lose' ell, even the precious life of your mil,
if you- wait, in - your present perilorts - situa
tion, to settle this really secondary quest.
don. Look at that vessel trembling under
the power of the gale, her sails rent, her
seams opening, he rudder lost, and - she driv
en • helplerPly toward the rocky shore! Of
what are her crew thinking? Is it not the
main and absorbing object with every one
to secure a safe footing on shore ? Suppose
one of them, with death staring him in the
faee,'shetild refuse to make an exertion for
his safety, beCause he had not determined
whether he should be entertained at this
house or that which he descries on the land. ,
This is your case. Get on shore first, set
yonr foot firmly on that rock, then you may
safely take time to decide to which hones
you may repair."
"Eyes on the:People."
Deaden; L -" Why don't yon look about
more:on your congreg ation when preach
leg? They like to •have- your eyes on-the
peoplo. When you , first came 4o us, you
looked ns right square in the face."
Pdstbr ift -, —" I will .tell you ; I haveeyes'
thik tare easily imbed- lam sorry, but they
are growing very weak and sensitiVe.. They
can bear- light, heat, fine printy and the
glare from-,enow •or sand. But as soon as
they fall On one man leaning on a pew .baok,
or %,gazing .at the fresco; on 'Soother, with
hisqaoe In - his white- handkerchief ; or one
person looking at his watch - every five min
utes, and- another pulling on and off her
gloves—they become so weak that it is im
possible to lift them from my manuscripts;
and worst of all, is to see any good deacon
turning the pages' of his hymn book over
and over, as he would the pages of a new
volume of poems; It is my weakness not to
biteable to keep my eyes on the people, when
they are not`keeping theirs on the minister.
It is my weakness also to see everybody in
the church~ who is listless "
The good deacon saw himself in the car•
Tier of his 'pastor's eye, and was satisfied
He bas stared ever since, and the people
have an "eye to - the sermon."—True
ness. .
Christian Comfort.
Let tbe',course of your tribulation be
what it will, I , in me ye shall have peace."
11Cw is it, then, perhaps you will ask, that
Christians are not always rejoicing ? How
is it that, we so often see them bathed in
tears, and scarcely bear anything from them
but sighs and complaints ? It is easily
enough to'be accounted for. It is because
they love'the'world, and the things of the
world' so much, that they have no room or
relish for Divine consolations. To be sure,
where Christ is, there is always ground for
comfort; but Christians are not alwaye fit
to be comforted. They may, through-mere
inattention to spiritual things or too fond
attention' to temporal possessions and enj,ny
ments, be so sadly- diclined as to require
reproof 'rather thin comfort, and what they
want, Christ gives —Lavington.
Why put into the Church.
If Ohrist.puts any one into hie church, he
puts him there to work for him. It you are
really a member of his , church, you were re
deemed by his precious blood, and renewed
by his. Holy Spirit. Did Christ. die for you,
did the Holy Spirit give you a new• heart s
that you might enter his church and fold,
your arms in indolence, and give your sae ,
dons to earthly things, and leave to others
the self denirl, andlthe spiritual labors whinh.
the church was instituted to pertortb ? Wt•at
would be dotteby the church for the humor
of,God, and for the salvation and happiness
of men, , if all the. members of the amok.
were, lihelourself