Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 04, 1860, Image 3

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Philadelphia Press, in the course of its obituary
notice of Macaulay, says:
"Twenty five years ago he . was one of tie
worst•loeking men in the House of Commons.
Stature rather below the middle height; fig ure
bulky and ungraceful ; features fleshy, sallow and
inexpressive; rough hair of a sandy hue •'
firm and.well out; large and remarkably lustrous
eyes; attire extremely careless. Such was Me ?
osulay at the age of thirty five. His facelighted
up when he spoke—partloularlY when making one
of his Parliamentary orations, which, h owever,
had the fault(altnost unpardonable by an English
to w el:10e ) of being carefully prepared before
hand, and committed to memory. .11143 voice was
between a lisp and a burr, sad his utterance was
thick and husky for the first fire minutes of deliv
ery. After that, his voice"sounded grandly and
clearly, and a pin could he heard in the House of
Commons while he was speakiog.
"Macaulay's personal appearance greatly im
proved with advancing years. He became
slighter In his figure•z—leas pudgy, in fact; the
deepened lines, of hie facie, marked by thought,
added it; his sand-colored hair be
.came nearly whitto
Gold from California . . $43,751.0.,
Kansas . • - 68,919.21
" "'" other sources . . 76,829.24
'Total . . . . $173,499 46
Ourhig last year 12 276 pieces of gold have been
001nd, valued at $178,459.68. Of silver there
Were coined 208,000 pieties, valued at $72,660.
Of copper cents there were 2.200,000 pieces, val.
tad at $22,000. A very small amount of the
gold resolved from our mines is converted into
coin. Most of it is used in ingots, especially that
which is exported. It saves a considerable ex
pense to its owners in paying it out in this form.
Vmomm Amuse.—The two houses of the
Virginia legislature have recently passed a bill
authorizing a loan of half a trillion dollars for the ,
purchase of arms and munitions of war. The
buildings of the public armory at Richmond are
to be put in complete order, and a master armor
er engaged at a salary of $2,500 The Gov
ernor Is authorised to purchase all materials and
munitions and patent rights in newly invented
arms, that may be necessary for the operation of
the armory.
discovery was lately made in an old house, for
merly a portion of a religious edifice, in Oxford
shire, England. While pun% it down, the
workmen came • upon a secret closet, or, • oratory,
hidden in the thickness of the wall, and covered
by a panelling of the adjacent room: ft lirroVed
to be a place of deposit of a small , librau of the
earliest Protestant theology of the time .of i the
Reformation, concealed, `no doubt, when the pos
session of such works was almost, sufficient to
doom the owner to fire and fagot, Some of jehn
Rnox's writings are specially mentioned, and a
"Complete Copy of the Pirst English 'Si" Coyer
dale's translation of the Bible" If the latter
work answers the description, the discovery will
be very valuable, as no perfect copy of this Bible
has yet been found to exist, and one, the title and
first leaf wanting, but supplied in lac sisal, sold
for £865, or $l,BOO, in 1864.
THIRI are in circulation in Great Britain ten
million sovereigw and about one hundred and
twenty million shillings.—The growth of the
English race is attested by the act that, when
George 11/. ascended the throne, in 1760, the
population of the British empire, inolnding 'the
colonies, did not number tulle millions, but the
populations in the Old and New World who now
speak the English language may be estimated at
sixty millions.—ln our. large cities many boys
and girls are found in wet seasons sweeping the
street crossings. In -the city of London these
little mud larks: number_from live hundred to six
hundred boys, Their earnings and pickings ;are _
estimated at about $16,000 a year.
Presbyterial Notices.
The PRESBYTERY OP IOW& stands adjourned to meet
In West Point, on Tuesday, the 6th of March, It6o, at 7
+o'clock P.M. A. o..M'OlilletiAND, Stated Clerk;
sr 1
OdDIT'S LADY'S Boos..—This long established
monthly foontinues to ; be a favorite Tithithe ladies,
owing„ to theyarlety of its contents, and its many
useful receipts. The number for ,Febriary, is
out and for sale at Hunt & Miner's, Fifth Street.
Legislative Visits:—
The Tdigislatir4 4A , KentuoktinatlTininessee
have been visiting the Legislature of Ohio, at
Coirittibus. The Orszette'says: ' •
Cznormisr, January26.—Thee Kentucky, sod
Tennessee, Legislatures .reached Columbus at 3
°Wools this afternoon.. and, were, conducted to the
Hall of,the.Hopseis of Aeprutentatives, where i ihey
were re c eived . General Anoint
Convention.' - They were heartily welcomed id Isis
addrees_ by Governor Dentileon. _Governor Ma
gofilt:respentied i 'returning geatefuLthapkg ii4he
name of the people of, his State, for this most
cordial welcome. He had expected a warm
come from the people of Ohio, but he. was Unpre
pared for such a, greeting. He will take lActiue
thito welcome to the people of Kentucky, and tell
them that all son-have to do to keep the Govern
ment together, is to see each other oftener, and
to know each "other better. Governor Magian
introduced Col. Newcome, of the Tennessee
Legislature, who responded in , behalf,of . Ten.
!lessee. He saidAhat While Xongresefteannot
assemble, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky can meet.
and greet each other as brethren. He eulogized
the .Union and Constitution. His speeds was
received with great applause. After the adjournl.
meat of the.Conrention, the meeting extemporized
numerous Optimises, which were received with
great enthusiasm. The best of feeling prevailed.
The advantages of social visits are great. The
traveling; , the good fare, the company, &e.,
hilerito, and disimse men, to judge of each other
more favorably. Prejudiees are removed. Truth
finds access to the understanding. We are per
suaded that if the , " people" of the South knew
the real eentinents of ”,peopiti" ',pi' the
North, all fears of invasion, or of interference
with their interests in any vitiy, would speedily
'rota the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate.
A Lady's Expeilenee in Sewing IlachineL
EDITOR ADVOCATII ::4Zeverend Sir ::=-As iniron
of your readers may be contemplating the pur
chase of a Sewing ,Machine, f bnt are at a lose to
decide which to btiy,"where Io many kinds are
advertised in such Mowing .language, and all
claiming to be the . beet,, I deem it important_ to
state through your' colunins“thi result of. my
Sewing Machine experience, had during the.past
few menthe—although that , TeiPiriencie"was
bought at a dear cost.
would first say, tbat I am a poor woman with
a large family, whioh is mainly depondent npon
my needle for a support, and as the prices
by clothing dealers for the manufacture of their
goods are very low, I found it difficult to . earn
more than two or three shillings a day by hand
sewing ; which rendered the purchase of a ma
chine a great necessity. But as my capital was
very small, I deokied to buy a cheap machine ;
and after looking the market through, 1 decided
to buy one of the' thirtplive dollar machines, and
did so; and in j astioe, I would say that it did do
some kinds of work very well; but as I wanted a
machine fin. all kin* of work, Montoi it entirely
inadequate to my wants ; it ,wee constantly. get
ting out of order. It liled - my . Ratietioe to its
utmost, and brought' to lighrinore 'Chiletian
graces than I supposed • I possessed:- I finally
became heartily sick of my purchase, although I
tried faithfully three months to 'conquer its imper
fections, and finally was forced to abandon it, after,
a loss in time of more than the (mightnt cost of the
machine. But during , the time'that the timeline
did work, I °mild see that a good maehine
be of great advantage to me, and I resolved to
have one at any rate, and wrote to a friend living
in a distant pity for her advice este which one to
buy. She answered me by saying that she
been using one of. Mr. !lowa's' Mitchinen for five
years, (Mr. H; is the original inventor of the
Bowleg Maohine;) and had never hadany trouble
with it, and advised mety all means to get one
of that kind, if I could. An agency , for the
Howe Maohthe had recently been-established in
Pittsburgh. I sought it out, stated my ease to
the agent, who generously and promptly let , me
have the machine upen very favorable terms.- I
have used the Howe Machine long enough to
speak confidently of its merits. It did not take
me more than an hour to ; understand it thorough
ly. I have not had one minute's trouble with it
since. and never expect' fo"have. It is strong
and durable, and looks as if it might Wet a life•
time I can do all varieties of work on it; and I
am now able to make three pairs of pantaloons a
day, or three coats, on it: -I regard it as the
most perfect Sewing Machiee‘Lever.sarr, and as
indispensable in my family as fire' in' Winter or
light after dark. ,
I deem tbis notice but an sot ,of,JIP4PIe justice
to the lady readers of the Atftwe'alsow well as to
one of the mdat important improvertietits of the
age, and the petiole*, manager of
burgh oboe., &team hiaattabiewros.
[The advertisement of 'this 'Oen be
found in another cfoinnin.—Ens.
The' January number of this Magazine is on
our table, with 163 usual variety of dontents.
The articles are nine, viz : St. Stephens Part I.;
Norman Sinclair, an Autobiography—Part
Mr. Bull's Song—The Sly Little Man; The Ele
ments of Drawing ; The Last Frenoli Hero ; The
Luck of Ladysmede—Part ; T.he Public, Ser
vice; Rambles at Random in the Southern
States; The Voyage of the 14 Fox," in the Arctic
Seas. Published in New York by Leonard Scott
& Co., 79 Fulton Street. For sale in Pittsburgh
by W. A.' Gildenfenney.
Dope's COLLEGE, Iron Buildings, Fifth street,
Pittsburgh.—The Principal of this spleridid estab
lishment, perseveres in the very pleasant practice
of doing more for his students than be promises.
That (Solent training for business for whloh this
College basso long stood pre eminent, terminates
with a two days' searching examination, and all
who pass this ordeal Satisfactorily are awarded
(with their diplomas) copies of 11 Duncan's Gems
of Penmanship," the most elegant and costly
work 'et' the kind' out, and an interesting, and
honorable memorial of the agreeable termination
of the relations of Professors and students.—
Ihrreatracia, Tuesday, January 81st, 1860.
Pme—sB.oooB.Bo per bbl. , •
BAoorr—Shoulders, 6c.; Bides. 5%; Hams, 8%.
BUnta—Roll, from store, 170. per lb.
Cases-10e. vs /lb
Dann Faurr—A pales, 2.00 sis busb. Pesohea, 4.00.
nowt—Sales from store of super. at $5.25; Extra, 5 50@
8 62; Extra Varna', 5 87W 00, and some at 0.12; and fancy
brand*, 6 25(4 OM. Rye Flour, 4 75.
Gads—Oats, on arrival, at 50o', and from stare at 530550.
Coro I melee at depot of abetted and in the ear, at 70@72c.
Barley: males from ilret hands of Spring , at 65038, and
prime Pall at 75@77. • Eye, lions store, at 1.00. Wheat: .
prime Red Winter at depot at 1.85. _
GhtoOsituna--New Orleans Sugar, 0@934 tit lb. Nolasees,
Bkagtic per gallon.,Ceffee, 3.4491‘130.
howwv-650 1119 bbl.
liar—At scales, 19.00@22 00 per ton.
llmam aim Lvaresa—Greett beef hides 15(47. Green
salted hides, 84@0. Dry Flint, 17. Rough. country
leather. is dull at 26@27. Braised Leather is quoted an
fo , lowil: Red Spanish Bcoe, 21.0526e.14 lb.; Slaughter Sole,
21432 e. IR lb.; Upper Leather, 04.00042 00 IS due; Bridle
Leather, 47.00052.00 f dos; Skirting Leather, 32@340. 11,
lb ; harness, 28@30e. IS lb.
hoes—Sales of live at 04 gross, rind 6063 net; and €.34 for light, and WAG for heavy.
Lama --No, 1 keg, 1134@1.% Ifl lb.; head and fat Lard,
lama—Louisville, 1.26 per bbl.
Mass Poae-16 00(417.50 per bbl. '
Om-,No. 1 Lard Oii, 88(4900.; Refined Coal Oil, 80038 e.;
, Linseed Uil, 58400 e.
PoTATOCS—Wbite Pinkeyes, and Neshannocks, 600. per
beak. Reds, 40@i450.
Basin—Clover 4.65.9 k, bush. Timothy, 2.0090.35; Flax,
I , lsw Teak, .Tantiat7 80 —Flour : sales of 250 bble. at 5 BO
46 76 for common to choice extra. 'Rye Flour, 8.74)4.45
'for common to choice superfine. Buokwheatt.Fibur,'l 75g5
1 8734 Cornmeal, i18 ,70(144 . 50 , for Wendy wine. Wheat:
11d01.1$ for Obio Spr ing, aad 1.141.2 I for aillwaulde Club.
Rye, 90093. Barley : State, 78. • Corn', 78081 for new
white and yellow. Oats . 44445 for. Western tla i nlidian and
State. Pork: 17.26 for old, 17.65%18.12 far mesa 12.00a12.50
for old prime, and' 13 76 for new do. Beef, 4 0,e14.15 for
prime, 5.00a5.25 for mess, 9,0049.15 for repacked' 111e134, 10 50
all.oo for extra de. '
hiILADMPEILI., January 80,—Flonr: anger., 6.50. 'Wheat:
red, 1.32a1,84, and irhite 1.40a1.60. COCA: 78a7e0. for yel.
lOW, and 71144 for white. Moveraeed, 5.00a5,75, and Tim.
othy, 2.7.644.00. Lard.o.lo2o.
This great-medicine has supplanted all others
for the cure of diseases of the Liver. Its effects
are so salutary and speedy, and at the same time
so perfectly safe, that it is not surprising it '
'should supersede ail others. Invented by a very
distinguished physician of Virginia, who prao•
deed in a region , of country in which llepatis, or I
Liver Complaint, is peculiarly formidable and , 1
, • .
common, and who had spent years in discovering
tie ingredients and proportioning their quanti
ties; these Pills are peculiarly adapted to every
form of the disease, and never fail to alleviate 1 1
the most obstinate cases of that terrible com.
plaint. They have justly become celebrated, and
the researches of Dr. M'Lane have placed his
name, among the benefactors of mankind. No one t ,
having 'symptoms of, this formidable complaint `
should 'be without these insraluable Have
Yen a pain in the right side, under the edge of the
'ribs, which increases, with pressure—unable to
lie with ease on the left side—with occasional,
sometimes constant, pain under the shoulder- ;
blade,, - frequently,;extending to the top of the :
shoulder? Rely upon, it, that although the latter f
pains are sometimes' taken for rheumatic, they t
all arise from diseases of the Liver; and if you
would have relief, go instantly and buy a box of
Dr. )4''s Liver Pills, prepared only by Pled=
ing Brtie.; e Pittsburgh.
It s ..
Purchasers will be careful to
_ask for DR.
factured by FLEMING BROS. of Pirrammon,
PA., There are ,other Pills purporting to be Liver
Pills, now before Abe public. Dr. AVLane's gen..
nine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge.
can now , be bad at all respectable drug stores,
None genuine without the:eignetture of
Aortign Muttiligtutt.
The steamer /Toys Scotian, from Liverpool via
Queenstown, has arrived. The news is unimpor
The funeral of Lord Macaulay took place at
Westminster Abbey on the 9th inst.
The London News comments on a summary , of
the President's Message. It says there is DO rea
son to'oomplain of the manner in which the Pres
ident `deals',with the general relations between',
Eng!RUA and . the United States..
Among the pall bearers at Lord Macaulay's
funeral, were the Lord Chancellor; the SpeaVer of
the House'of Commons, Lord John`Russell, Earl
Of Carlisle, &o. Among- those present were a
great number of gentlemen of eminence, both in
politics and literature. The funeral Was essen.
daily private; and although divested of all pomp,
was very impressive.
An election at Reading had resulted -in the
choice of another Jew, Mr. Goldschmidt, as a
member of Parliament
A large Papal , demonstration, presided over by
Dr. Cullen, bad been held at Dublin, bat it is re
presented to have been a failure,
A Paris dispatch says It was becoming every
day more doubtful whether the Congress would
assemble, and a Paris correspondent of the Lou
don Times says the chances of the Congress
meeting are of the.most shadowy kind.
A , French journal is of the opinion of the Na
tional, which was supposed to speak with some
authority, and believes that if Italy decided for
the annexation of the North and centre of the
Italian peninsula, Eogland would gladly accept
the combination, whilst France would accept it
with still greater eagerness, on condition that
Savoy and Nice would be restored to her. Opinion
does not anticipate that the Cabinet of Turin would
abject; and after arguing that neither Austria,,
Russia' or Prussia has the power, will or right to
interfere, says that it is assnre,d that this combi
nation Is seriously entertained' by the Govern
ments of London and Paris •
'Lord Cowley bad returned to Paris. The . Pa
tric says that his mission to London was truly one
of importance. He is represented author
ity to have announced that. Count Walewski's re
tirement very materially facilitated the relations
betireen the cabinets of France and England.
M. Thouvenal, the new foreign minister, was
expected to reach Paris about the 15th. Count
Lulletoand bad been appointed Charge d'Affairs,
ad interim, at Constantinople. fie was the first
Secretary under M. Thouvenal in Paris.
The appointment of McMahon to the command
of an army in Italy, numbering fifty thousand
men, was regarded as a sign of warlike compli
A chapel in connexion with the English church
in Faris, after being opened for two years, had
been suddenly closed by the French authorities,
it was believed on account of a abort service bay
ing been given in French for the beef's of British
subjects who do not understand English.
The Univers is the only paper allowed to pub
lish the Pope's discourse. The impression pro•
doted by the imperial mission is generally
favorably regarded at Paris, and it produced
nearly as much sensation as the pamphlet.
The Gazette de France had received a first warn
ing from the Minister of the Interior.
The agitation against the Concordat was
increasing. The Austrian public openly speak of
the propriety of selling Venetia.
Employees and some Governmept officers have
received orders not to take part in public conier
elation respecting the events of the times.
The news or Count WalenittPs resignation had
produced a very painful impression on the Pope.
He called together the principal members of 'the
sacred college, and declared to them that be
would never fail in the mission with wbioh God
bad entrusted him, but like his predecessor; Pius
VII" he would suffer exile and even martyrdom
rather thitit do so.
D r. M'Lane's Liver Pills,
nEmzrip . l3l*o B.i WR9PARKTORII..
Prance. supports the protest of Piedmont
against the enlistment of foreigners for the
Papal army, and partictilary against the whole-
sale introduction of Austrian recruits into Ann
The theatres of Venice bad been closed, owing
to political demonstrations.
Letters from genes speak of the,possibility of
hostilities being resumed in Italy.
It was believed that the Papal troops, rein.
forced by the Austrians, would enter the lega
tions, and in that case, Sardinia would send a.
force to the aid of the Roman insurgents. '
The King of Naplea was , reported to be largely
increasing his army.
The Pope is said to have addressed another
note to all the Catholic pbwers except Sardinia.
Rumors had been current of An intention on
the part of the Pope, to quit Roil*, but the Paris
Patric gives a denial to the report.
The aspect of the Italian question has caused
much rejoicing, both at Venice and Milan The
first Electoral College of the latter place obese
Count Devour as its 13cliditte, afuir „previously
obtaining his consent.
The Prussian Ministerial organ, though still of
the opinion that the restoration of the Grand
Dukes in Italy would have been the most'desirable
solution of the Italian question, gives up the
project as impossible, and thinks annexation to
Sardinia as by far the best thing.
New pamphlets against the temporal 'power of
the Pope bad been published ;in the legations and
India and China.
A Trieste dispatch gives additional news from
China and India, under date of Canton; Nov. 26,
and Calcutta, Dee. Bth. The treaty between the
United States and China, had been put in force.
Part of the English troops designed for opera
tions igainal the Chinese, had alreadj left for
the North.
Dispatches .announoc.that Jung Bnhadni was
operating against the rebels in Terai.
tcial oticts.
To Presbyterians Emigrating
WANTED—In the towns and country of Marion
and adjoining ; counties, Illinois, .Affechanirs, Deal
ers, Farmers, and Laborers, of a
, trne missionary
spirit,-intlastrious habits, and capital, to take
possession, in the name of the Lord, of `a `moat
beautiful'productiie, healtkful, "andlirondsing
land. Address for, particulars, Rev.: L. W.
Shryock, Sandoval, IS.
Burnett's Cocoaine.
Premature LOBS of the Hair, wbioh so common, now-a.
. ,
days, may be entirely ' prevented by the use of BURREPKII
09,9411114 . , : It has been used in thousands, of oases where
the hair was coming out in ha (Hulls; and has neverdailed
to arrest its decay, and to promote a' healthy and vigorous
growth, • It is, at the same time, unrivalled 'as' a dreising
for the heir.
, A single application Will render it soft and
glossy : for several days. See advertisement Jag 3m
ARA. Wt an exPerieneed Naive and Ye
nude Physician, has *Soothing Syrup for children' teeth
ing, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by
softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—Will allay
alLpain and regulate the borate. Depend upon it, moth.
emit will give rest to yourselves and relief and health to
yeur infants. Perfecti,y safe in all caw. See adverthe
inent. ' . fe2B-ly
- arrieb.
ity Rev. D. W. Cooper, Novemher 10th, Mr. hturrts
flatroxwarr to MAO MART BARR, both of Mbland County,
Ohio. -On-January 19th, , Mr. IMICANIIM. ROPP to .Alias Etna ,
unn Fume, both of Blooming throve, Richland County, O.
At 'West ,Alexander, Pa., Januery oth, by Rev. .Wm. H.
Lester, Mr. R. Bums HOLLIDAY, of Washington County,
Pa., to Mies CORDRIAA, daughter of A. D'Olare. of West
Alexander. On January , 18th, Mr. Anweraono to'
Miss Bynum, daughttr of. Robert Stewart, all of , West
Alexander. , .
0n Minder evening,'Jenuary 24thj by . Rev. John Milian , Mc
ll Rev. TWoltse CICIPBILL psetor-effect of the 'First
Presbyterian church of Sandusky City, Ohio, to Klee jasmine
M..GORMLY, of Allegheny City, Pa.
On , by Rer. J. Mansell, Mr. XAMIB 4100E1 to
MISS'O4O , II4RINI Lows, of Beck's Jinn, Allegheny Co., Pa.
On the 22d ult., by Rev. William Hunter, ,Mr.
NDRitsorrof Beaver County, to Miss Rmemnrir CULL; of
Waahington County, both of Pennsylvania.
. .
CAnnauaaerzits, ORATE; additioriat remark,, nva cents a
lint, nine wails being a tine. J • . •••• • •••
Dmn—Of yellowlever, at Montgomery, Texas, November
letb, Mrs, E. E Gairritt, wife of J. M. Griffin, and .formerly
.Mice Allison, of Waynesburg, Pa,
Than—At his residence, in York County, Pa, on the 243111
of July, WO, Kr. Maxon= Gatassam., in, the !6=th year
of his age.. Also, on January I.oth, in .York County, Pa.,
Mee GAIBELFATE, in the 29th year of her age.
. .
Dan—Suddenly, December 14th, at his rasidence near
Blain, Perry County, Pa., Mr. JoesPa Woons, .in the 59th
year of his age.
The 'saki et of this notice was' a native of Juniata
County;where he was married in 1827, to '4iss Swish Smith,
who died within one year from the time of her marriage.
In 1828, he' moved to Terry County, where be was math
married in 1833, and became a member of the Upper rive
liyterlan church the lame year, end lived a consistent life
until he was called, as we trust, from the Church meant
to the Church in heaven. On Saturday, Sabbath, and
Monday preceding big death, he was at church eOn Bab .,
bath he sat at the communion tattle, but before another
Sabbath his 'teat was 'vacant; but we trust that he 1988
then sienna hie Father's table in heaven: Woixis was
a man of remarkable industry and energy of character. He
Was actively engaged almost to the, close of his. life. On
Monday, the 12th, he went h me from church, and'spent
the remainder of the day in active employment. Tory
early on Tuesday morning he was taken nick. with violent
vomiting, which continued about an ,hour, and during
which time a veiti in big head was broken. This' as' soon
succeeded by a state of insensibility, which continued to
the last ; so that he spoke only a few words from the time
he was taken ski( till he died, which waaabout twenty foni
hours. -.Almost the last words he uttered seemed like en
intimation that hi thought hie end was near. He leaven a
wife end six children, who deeply feel their loss, and, all ot
whom are living at home with their mother. Three of
them, together with 'their mother, are members of the
Church. 'Be ye also ready; for in such an boar as ye
think not; the Son , of Man cometh."
(over. Home Dry Goode • Rom) PINTILANCE ON
seam or 4 rtn e sq M ull i a es i s t e rL f g r t o tr t t h:u s tr, d an ets fo ti rm c elasticity,
which will nor . rip,..8V012 -If every fourth stitch be ene
They are unquestionably the' best in the market for
family' use.
-sir- &BNB FOR A. CIRCULAR. 101
contains the folloiviog articles:'
I. Inductive and Deductive Polities. . •
IL The Physic() Pliilos :phy of Often.
111. Classification and Mutual Relation of the Mental
IV. The Text 'of.Jeremish.
V. Primeval Period of Sacred Ifietoiy
Dinner's Chrietology-
471". Whit is ehriaiianiiy
Shcrt Notices
Literary Intelligence.
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton, Review is, edited
by the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D. and is published quarter--
by, in January, April, July, and October, et three dollars
per annum -
1 Subscribers for one copy, whb remit three dollars in
advents, to the office of publication; will be entitled to pay
ment of postage on all numbers Matted atter the receipt of
the money.
2. Subscribers who remit five dollars in advance, to the
office of publication, will be entitled to one copy for two
years, postage paid.
3. Six or'more persons uniting in a club, and remitting
in one sum to the office of publication, at the rate of two
dollariand fifty cents moll, will be entitled to'payment
postage, on the numbers leaned afier the receipt of the
money. Payment at club.rate will not be received from a
lees number than six subscribers -in one association. If
payment in delayed by members of a club until after the
expiration of the year, the full price 'of three dollars will
invariably be charged.
4 Theological Students, Missionaries, Young Men's
Christian Associations, de,, are fatnishad with the Review
at two dollars per year i• or $2.25 by mail, postage paid.
5. All arrearages are cherged at three dollars per year.
The above are the• only terms upon which the Review is
furnished to subscribers. .
Subscribers and Presbyterial Agents are requested to re
mit by cheek or draft, to order of
821 Chestnut Streak Philadelphia..
SW- Where a chorli cannot be got conveniently, money
may be vent by mail, to a regletered letter, at our risk.
Will positlyely cure
MLITT, de.
Reed the certificate of the REV. J. H. TURNER, pastor
of Bedding M. IL church
PHILADUPfiItA, Aprll 20th,1859.
Da. IWILISON:4Dear Sir: —Having, need your ' Glerinan
Bitters ' In my family frequently, I em prepared to say
that It•has been of great , wile*. I believe that in most
CMOs of general debility of the system, if is the safest and
most yaluableiremedy et which I have any, knowledge.
X ours, respectfully, Ii.,TURN RR,
720 North Ninnteentl(l3t.
Far sale by Prthgeds and Dealers eyerywh'efeL .Priee 76
,ainti leer betl2s. 1•41 t
JOllll 7 S. DAVISON)
93 Weed Street,' Pittsburgh.
Prof.. Taylor 10010. 12mo.
. . . .
"Prof Lewis is one of the profoundest Minters awl west
thorough scholars of the age. 'llls mind, though spade,
tive, is reverent Re loves the Word, and se. ks in all hle
studies and writings to commend it to `the love of others."
"We have been more than pleased with this work.
Svery page bears the marks of a master, a scholar, a toil
clan, a 'man of faith It is' an ofiginal and powerful
argument for the inspiration of. the Bouptures.. Theodore
Parkeriem; Btrauseism, and all that dem of lathe. are thor.
ought, refuted . !It goes 'to the Bible iteelfi as tut Dishing
conclusive proof of its Divine origin and authority. It
vindicates plenary inspiration. It espialus the.'nattural:
nese of the human and the Divine, as these are mingled
together in the sacred Word. The perfectly human is
shown to be proof of the perfectly I)lvtue."---ehrlatian
Discourse, tio the late J. W. Alesauder,D.D. +lSeao., Belt
edges, 25 coats. ,
Oosmo'a visit to his Grandparentt 40 cents.
Memoir of Mary 'Winekm, by her Son.
Girinne,s's sermons.' 1 00. '
Magdala and BetnenY, by thelley. B. o.ldalari... 40 eta
Memoir of James Wilson, by Rev. Or. Hamilton. LOO.
Sprague's Annals of the Pulpit Vol. VI. liaptlite. 2.00
The eaptlvi orphan, by the Rev. Dr Tynst. 1.00.
Ryle'a Notes on Lnke. 2 yols. 200.
Siege on Corinthians. 2 vols. 2.00.
Thomtion's Seasons.. Illustrated. 460. .
Old Gingerbread and the Boss 26 cents.
Kate : and NA.; or, Prevarication. 50 cents.
The First and Lest Journey. 15mo. 40 cents.
Willie and Unica. "18mo. CO cents.
Brook Farm. 110 cents.
Round the Fire. A Series of Stories. 75 cants..
Little Willie: 18mo . . 20 cents.
Bills Randolph; or. The Good Part. 75 cents:
The Little Lychetts. Illustrated. 76 cents.
'Unica. A Story for Girls. 18mo. 26 cents.
TIONEI, AND OFFICES. Eight Lectures By R. D. Bunt.
logdon, D.D., Garrard Coll; ge. Bvo. 11,1
These themes are Aiscussed with *keen and philosophic
insight, in a loving and reverend spirit pand from a stand
point of profoundest sympathy with: Mai wi doctrine isild
"Ministering Children." Six illustrations. - 80 cents.
"This beautiful volume is by.the author, of 'Ministering
Illtildren,' one of the sweetest of books in little and itifin
stice.• It is an account of visits to the Poor—the, best way
to win their leant! and gain their conild•nee—stid the
good thus don'ts those who from atie, or other causes, Ars
detained from the house of Grid."—Chririsnkilirror. ' '
TUE VIBES WAKINO:3. With Hymns; and Bongs.
By the author of " Voice of Christian Life in Bong" Mats.
: We know not to whom we, are indebted for 'one of the
most elevated and refreshing hears of spiritual thought and
emotion we have ever enjoyed, but the anther of this little
volume of GYMnN'and Bongs deserves more than the coln
mendation of the oritio—the gratitude of the ,Ohrbetiau.
TIM lover of poetry , will find here many a' gem, 'and the
lover of the higher baramny of Divine truth, will 'find
all:nest every page a mine
of precious thought. With the
evangelical fervor of Boner and 14Theyne, the author unites ,
much of the strong metaphor. the chaste richness, .and the
subdued pathos of Hehle."--.ludependeut,
TIME TO THE RF,SOUPI; or, Work While it is Day,
With an Introduction, by the author of,! , English Hearts
andlfaiids." lerno. 75 cents.'
•• • - , • - • • • ••.• .
THE WISING' LINK ; or, Bible 'Woieitlethe 'Monies'
of ths_London , Poor: 12mo, ~75 cents. , . '
"This is in truth, ; one of the most interes ting, instruo.
taw,. and,graphio books we have aver , read. , We questio%
if brighter instances of true , devotion to.the Saviour are 50,
he found bn record than those which ere combined in this
volume. Let those who, are wishing; for opportunities' of
usefulness get this book and read it, And they will very ,
soon see that if they are not lab, ring for (lAA itisnot'for
the want of. opPortunities."—ahrisymi Instructor
THE LIFE OP THE ASV. mottoo mum grin
Petersbu.g, with a review of his character.. By the late
John Angel James. 16mo. .75 cents.: ,
"The biographer has performed his office wito Judgment
and fidelity, and has given us a condenser-se:OOMA of one
Of the most useful ministers of his age - He has left him to.
speak for binilielf and tell hie own Story.
Such a man's BP should he a study. * . if• . tan.
not without hope that this volume hatilts mission to stir up
alk it like his own. * ► * , ,
"She m a n who writes ono good popular, weird religions
tract. has done a. work worth living for, though be did
rothing else: There ie a time '• , otning when the author of
the " Swearer's Prayer" (Mr Kaitl) . will have more Joy -in
his simple leafietthan Milton in the production of "Parte
eise.Lost ''-*-Rer. J. A. Jeanie, Review.
VEIS-P•ftEolol3l3 ,THINGS OP GOD. By Octavio' Wins.
low. D 12030 75 cents,
"The eiperienoso.and spiritual Christian, in this volume
will find a eongenid companion in hours of devotional and
meditative. retirement.- It. is not a systematic treatise of
theology, nor doe's the author indulge in profocind discus.
sion or labored thought, but be unfolds th n experimental
principle in the precious things of the ttibk3, and has done
this so well as to have made his: volume pradons."—Rich
niond Christian advocate. • • -
Non - attic Fortp•aecynd Psalm.' By R. Macdutr, .D.D
.1.6m0 AO cents. , , .
• "If we:resi it arittially: t is: - Micah-which to udmire
most, the grace or frebhoess of the style. The, opulence of
the writer's fel:MY...arid the tenderness °Utile eart ate so
interwoven that we know not,which we. f now; as he leads
us with bnunding steps through landscapes fresh, green and
vocal with nntrire, and warm and hright-'"witli• grace lint
every gift of fancy, and facility of style is. made, the hand
maid to deroutsympathi and godly aephat oil. We cannot
help thinking how -h,ppy such a heart mtpt lye. and bow
happy in the power to communicate the thoughts " which
are the sweet breeding of heaven's grace and-eitita's beauty
In lovely harmony.. .Such a book as thie,isA banquet , from
God's gardens , culled by one skilled in the botany of the
skies. , '-;-1 4 1.rY. Ohronicle.Y - " •
IDOLS IN THE HEART. By A. L. 0.-11' 18 me., 50 eta.
THE CHRISTIAN'S MIHROItr or,: : Words in Season
BYA. L„ O. E. Done ,80 cents. , -
BY . . AU T H O R. . .
TEM S AME B . • i
The elarethent Tales. 60 cents. • , % • '
The Adopted eon and other Tates. 60 cents.: :
The Young Mg - ern '5O ata.
The Giant Hiller and Sequel. 50 cants7'
Flora a d °tires Tales. - 60 sent& .
The Needle and the Rat. 60 cents.
Eddie Etienne and the Mine. 60 cents.
Precepts in Practice. 60 cents.
The Giant Killer Alone.' 30 cents.
The Roby Family. A Sequel to the shore. , 30 cants
Wings an 4 Stings. 25 cents.
Waiter liinnieg. 25 cents. .
True Heroism 25 cents.
Rambles of a' Rat: 30 cents.
The Story of a Needle. 25 ants,
The Two' Paths 25 cents.
t.ld Friends with New Faces. 30 cents.
We would rather be 'A.L. O. E than Thaelreray or,
Dickens. We have n.t the least idea who - or chat the
author is, epresonted by those four letters; hut nue, thing
Is Sartain, he (or she 'nerhaps) 4 s exerting a p'wer far more
In be desired than the reputation of the mere novelist, how•
ever dazzling that may be Who shalt .undertake even to
guess how many young minds, on both sides of the Atlsn
ticihavereceivedpermanentimpulsesin the paths of vie
tne and piety,th.o go ton 'kg nence of the charming books
which have appeared Under this authorship P.—Christian
Oar Any one or the above .works will be sent by mall,
postage paid, uport teecipt of price. febt lt
Establiihed by the Gerierai Assembly in 1838,
Publish a great variety of Works of Standard Religious
Literature, Doctrinal ands_Practical
' Their Catalogue imitates 513 Books, Including 285 mit•
able for the young, to which they - iire-constantly making
Alec 235 Doctrinal and Practi'al 'Nimbi, and a variety of
one and two page Tracts in packages.
Psalms and Hyman, Made Books,
Cateubiams. - Question Books,
Church Blanks ,; -
Sheet Hymns with and witbont Music,
Sabbath Schnol Requisites, and
German Books and Tracts.
• A'number of their illustrated booke are bound in elegant'
and costly styles, white many of the practical- Works are
issued in paper covers, putting them within the reach of all,
The latest Issues are
Annie Leslie; or, The Littia'Orhan. 18mo., pp. 107.
Price 15 and 20 cents : . : • .
• Benoni ;
.or. I he Triumph of Christianitvliver
By Rev. Dr: Barth. 18nicx, pp. 127 i. Price 20 and-24 cents.
. , • 18tio: TRACTS. -
•Oalvlnism , Vindicated. Pp. 88. Price:4 cents.
'TheLord'aDity and the - Laborer's. Right to its Rest. "'Pp.
44 Price 4"cents.-
Sunday Law ,s • or, Shall the Sabbath , be Proteetedl
From thitEibiloal Repertory. Pp 87: Price 4 cents.
12ato. TRACTS.
No 281 The Thief on the Cross ;- or, The Way of Salve.
tion by Grace. Pp. 20. ,
No 232. Tbe Power and Claims of a' Calrinistio'ldtera.
tura. By the Rev T. V. Moore, . D D. Pp. 40. _ •
Book of Minute's for &Takata; 2,3, and 4,qulree. Price
$2.50, $3 00, and $3.60.
• Church attester. 144 pages. Price $2.50. -
The Sabbath , Schwa- Visitor, .
An Illustrated Child's Paper. is, published on the Ist and
15th of every month, on the following terms:
For a sines copy, 25 cents. For six copleeto one address,
81.00. I . w.enty.capies to one addries, $B.OO. Forty copies
to one address $5 Oa.' - -
And any additional number of eopies'at the same rate..
For 10 copies, $2 For 40 copies., $7 For 70 copies, $l2
a: l6 3 ." '4B' :.8 ' " 18
" .2d ,"4 " 52 9 a 82 "-34
di 26 it 5 60 •Tr 10 sr 8 8 e; 15-
" 82 " " •65 • " U Q 100 Q 17 :
Payment invariably in advance.
It is sent free of expense for transportation , to the follow.
ing places :---Cartei & Brothere,'63o - midway; New -York
Guiteau & Sullivan, Baltimore, Maryland. Rey, B.. Wayne
New °ileum. Gonisiana Board of Colportage, 45 St. °lair
;street, PitLhurgh. Pennsylvania J. D. Thorpe, Cinch;
nail, Ohio L b. Warren. Louisville, Rentuaky. Keith dr
Woods. St. I anti, Missouri: B. Orangle. & - tM. W heeling,
Virginia. W. J. Holmes, Chien Illinois. Moore &- Niers.
Troy, New York. Rev. A Kennedy, London, Canada West.
say- Trill catalogues mail ed whenever requested. Ad
dress orders to - .
JOSEPH P. ENGLES, Publishing Agent.
No. 929 Chestnut Street, Phila.,' •
Offers, as suitable far individuals, churches, families, and
Sunday Schools, a large caristy or
Of thews, • large number is intended for Chlidran.and
Youth—the volumes being handsomely illustrated by fine
engravings, ivilatid in elem. type, 4tid well bound.
'The assortment etworaces over four, hundred 'end fifty
Besides their own pnhlicatiOns, the wiety have orf hand
some of the hooks and colored engravings of the. Religions
Trod. Society, London weiloll.l 0 - lOred'Views, and a' large
assortment, of Bibles of all prices and styles of binding.
Fbbsorlptions also received for the A MERIOAN 1111&
SEN , IBIt' and TSB OH i ILD'a PAYER. monthly periodicals
which are held in the highest estimation In all puts of the
American Messenger,
40 6 copies to one address, 1 year, $1 6 .00
Si 66 66 • 00
The Child's Paper, 10
,1 4 , 4 , . tro
1 0 , it , ,
Orders may be sent to H. N. THISSML'L,
No. 979 tibOitnuT %It IrT14:11a
AM. evert-invention bre its enemies have-heard
locom Mem denounced. and tbe magnetic telegraph , called .
a nuisance. Ibe world, liiiwever; seems 'to' hare iiiireed.
fle74 eon., In relation to this great cosmopoliten remedy.
The human race are a prey to countless diseases, all of
which are cue trotted and cored by liollowar .
e.Ptile. ' '
liold az the suaitulactory, No 50 Malden tone, New York,
and by a Druggheant Um, Wm, and $1 pit bez.
The EDINBURGH ACADEMY. Wayne County, Ohio, is
now offered for sale, in consequence of the Proprietor hav
ing been celled to another field of ministerial labor. This
institition is located in the .village of Hdinblirgh, six
miles from Wooster, near :the, Cleveland, Zanesville and
Cincinnati Railroad. It Is easy of access from ail parts of
the ()wintry, and surrounded by an intelligent Prewmterian
community. The building is large, part of which is Sited
np fora dwelling, and several rooms for the accommodation
of students. The location is the most beautiful in the
coon y.
It will be sold on the most reamiable terms. If not sold
before the fIRIT DAY OP APRIL . , It will be for rent
For ovum and particulars, eddrets
ja2ill St
The constant and widely extended demand for tho
SkORIID MELODE IN by A. 8 Heroes. induces the Pab
liehers to bring ite now welloestabilehed claims to favor,
ntore fully before thoce of the public
" Who. Love Good Singing,"
And who have not had the good fortnoe to become ac
quainted with this admirable volume. It is on a NEW
SYNTEX OF NOTATION, and Is designed for the uss of
To obtain a knowledge of Music by the old (or ' , mod
note) method, seems as 'perplexing and difficult a task to
many personas to learn the Greek language, The system
adopted in this work g eatly abbreviates the lime required
to understand Music. by removing a number of useless
and perplexing distinctions, which the ioventer of this
method thinks have too long encumbered this useful ■nd
delightful science.
The improvements referred to consist chiefly in the fol
lowing particulars
' FIRST. In Correcting the position of Letters on the Staff.
SECOND. In diaoarding the theory of the Minor Scale.
THIRD In abandoning slate and Sharps as signilintit4
to determine the key.
FOURTH. In using but three varieties of Time Instead!
of nine
Firm. The shape of every note in the Beale indicates
its name.-
By the old mode, three. not only differing, but monied:
lug, theories in the principle of setting the letters to the
St If in the same time, are often used! Why embarrass
the leirorr with three systems, when cue answers every
By the new system need In this book, months are made
equal to years In the' old way of learn ng Meny new
pieces, destined to please as long sa Music lest. may bd
found on the pages cf this work, and also many of the old
and tried melodies, hallowed from aamelated recollemiotis
of sanctuary delight*. far more welcome to the heart of the
stoishiker than others frequently substituted for them
Copies hate boon sold.
The mechanical execution Is superior, and the pries ninth
lower than usual for books f like else.
It may be had of Booksellers in all the principal cities
and towns. or may be ordered direct from the Publisheri.
Oupies 0' BACKED MELODBON. for examination, reel,.
postpaid, to Teachers, Leaders of Choirs, eta., for Tb cents'
I emitted In postage'*tamp'.
'MOOR E, WILSTAufI, KEYS & CO., Publishers,
• Cincinnati, 0.
&Ur /or sale by JOHN H. MELLOR., and R ikY & 004
pittsbargh. ja2X3t
if:MX.IE7TM 0000AIN1E.
A compound of Cocoamnt Oil, he , for dressing fha Mob.;
/or efficacy and agreeabienee•. it le without an equal.
It prevents the bair how falling off
It promotes Its healthy and rigorous growth.
It is not greasy or sticky.
It leaves no disagreeable odor. "
It softens the heir when bard and dry.
It acothce the Irrltered scalp 'tin.
. It affords the richest la•tre.
' It remains longest In effect.
It costs fifty cents for • beirmint bottle.
Butztett's Cocoaine.
The following testimonial is conelndee pf ita effleacy in
the case of
Boerox, October SO, 1859.
MD*IRS Joecre nuinerr k Co.:
Oentlemeo :—T have need your COOOAINZahInt Mx weeks,
and its effect is so marked and extraordinary that 1 diem
it my dui, to Mats it to you.
My world complaint for several years has been .Dandruff,
with itching end irritation • f the .calp AV., brushing my
hair. my coat oollar would be covered with the white scales,
(dandr+.ff) which looked like a shower of snow.
My barker treed v • riots applications without effect. His
abum of your 00e0Allel, and his obstinate refusal to nee It,
provoke/ me to procure and try it.
I have need less than a bottle. The dandruff. 'and the
irritation which caused it, have entirely disappeared, and
my hair wee never bettre in so good condition.
Your obedient servant, • A. A. FULLER.
Burnett's' Coconino
The following testimonial is couoluxlye of iG efficacy in
the ease of
Rearm, November 24, 18b9.
Gentlemen:-When I first need your Coooeine, I b
been bed peren years. In the meantime I hsl tried it
dean different, prep anti°. a, tmeofally recommended for
baldness (end all claiming to be infallible,) without any
beneficial effect.
The ladies of my household 'Urged me to try , YOnt
Cecoatoe, which I.dld to Osage them. not having, myself,.
any faith in the power of man to restate my hair. I have
need the contents of one bottle, and my bald - pate , Is cov,
erect all over with -young hair, about thrii eighth/ of an
inch long, 'which appears strong and healthy, and deter
mined to grow.
In a word, your Cocoldne Is excellent—the best prepara
tion for the ; hair I have ever known. :and the only one
which accomplkhes more than it prof/data
• Ver3 truly:your'obliged and obedl. servant;
Messrs. Joseph Burnett tfib., Boston,
Burnett's Coconino.
The followinghwthnonial is conclusive of iti.eflicsay In
the case of
ss of Hair.
B Oa ToN, Ju1y.1.9,1.857
Minn. dosith Euitancri &, 00.1'7 " !
I cannot remuee isstate the military effe'et, my own+
aggraiated case, of your excellent Ham'oll.--40oconine
for many mentbscmy.tatir had bsen felling off, until I
Was tearful of l-etiokit entirely The skin upon my head
becmzia gradially more and more,inlimed, So that I clu id
n d touch it without pain. This irritated condition I at
trilinted to the use of vast me alvershed hair w shes, which
I h.tve dote bem told cont*ln campldne spirit.
By the advice of my physi lan. to whom you had shown
your process of purifying the oil; I commenced its tee the
last week in June. The first applicatbrk allayed the itching
4iod Irrltitioet to three'or for days the redeem asql Oe
demata disappeared, the 'hair ceased to' fell,. And •t have
now a thick growth of new heir. I trust that others, sim
ilarly afflicted will be Induced to try the same remedy.
.Yours, very , truly, , SWAN It R0PE.. ,, ,
Burnett's Cocoaine
A single application renders the heir (no matter ho+► stiff
find dry.l wltacd &easy fOr several days. It is concede
by all who have - need it to be the best and cheapest Hair
Dressing in the World.
rar.Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT a CO., Boston, and
ftr Bale by all dealers generally, at 80 cents a bottle.
• . •
Publiahera and Boonsellers,
NO, 25sours-sirrii„sts4ET, A BOYS ORESSTT,
Will Shortly Pub/i4h . •
EDITH'S MINISTRY, By }tartlet O. McKeever author of
"Sunshine'," • 6 The Flounced Robe," etc., eta. McKeever;.
Aware of the folly which teats certain weak minds' to
attach a degree of the life of a single woman., the
writer of this'woin me has eodeavored to depict I character
.purified and ennobled by , early trials, not unusual or agar
gerated; a chancier which has its counterpart around tts,
in many a happy hoMe..
She tom endeavt red to show that although denied by
Providence those natural ties, so sweet when hallowed b y
true piety,Abe may still gather around' her 'it circle of
lovitig.heerts, who reverence her name and rejoice in • the
sunlight which she everywhere creates.
Let our sister Ninths and Aunt 'Marys learn that there
is no need of tapeless and , pet cats, to engross their affec
tions, when' there 'are. so many orphaned,' helpless, or
ignorant children around them; let them 'alio learn that
there is no time for periehness or discontent, while so
maurneeff their affectionate SB , 7IOEIL If they would keep
`their hearts green,
: their spirits young and joyous, let them
mingle freely with youtti'minietering to their happiness's,
soothing their tricoblesinint directing their young steps; if
they would be saved from gloomy discontent; lee them
frequent the homes of the poor and suffering, and they
Will learn there lessons of holy gratitude, woich will make
thigh creloinne in every household, as the blessed
of rich stores of human happiness—[From thetPrefsce,] .
LINDSAY & BLAKISTON also publish, by the same,
SUNSUTNB; or, Kate irintrin.: In Ono volume, lento
Yrlce:7b, cents:
THE trIeNTNOKU. ROBE, and.• What it Coat. /Onto
Price 75 contr.
Thesei instritetive, and highly' entertaining
,voltunss, have received the most favorable notices from the
Press,' throughout the conntry, and ire justly becoming
popular. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, „ Philadelphia.
.1 r r I I
FO - .11, SALE.
'Wishing to reduce my stook' of Renting Pieties. I will
Beil the following deetrahle lot of New and Secondhand
Pianos now in stor. and ready for examtuatiou and gale at
the extremely low prices annexes to them, sad those who
d> purchase may be assured that such an opportueity is
lo.dom oftwed. On those marked for CASt,nodissannt will
Those for sale on credit Tante M'owrais only will be
given. and most be settled for by note, payable in the city,
or a.dicconnt of three_ per-cent.. f. , r_osteh. The following
A new and ' eleoati• 7 octave Rosewood Louie XIV.
Piano, with all the' latest improToments, ,
poissly for the , nbsedber, and will be warranted.
The factor Lulea of this 4yle le $600; for gala at ' 086
Another of the same style and, pike, . , . 886.
AnOther from the tame' maker, in an elogant Roes
wood Oise, manufacturers' price $876; for . 280
An elegant Rosewood 7 octave Piano, made by Enter-
son, Salton ; in perreot order, and in sus lass than
one year: the price when new was $B5O, 240
A richly carved 7 octave, new and large scale Rosewood
Pomp, made by a. H Gale, the New York prise of
which onelestego wee $460, •_ • • . • _ 290
Two elegant Rosewood 7 octave Pianos, carved sr uld
logs ; scale from A to A ; made by Gale & Co , and
considered by good jadges es among toe drat of the
New Yoik makers at the low pries of . . . 276
One same style, 6% octaves, . . . . • 260
One elegant Rosawood Weltering & Son's 7 octave old
Peale in nee not more than .six months, the retail
price of which is 11876, . . : . . 990
Mahogany, doublaround corners, 8 octave made by
A °bickering & Bons, . . • . . 160
A Rosewood 6 octave by Wilkinson, . . 150
A Mahogany 6 octave, Wilkins & . • 185
A Mahogany 6 octave, °bickering & fitswart, ' 60
A Mahogany , 6 octave, by Scnerr, X6O
A Illahouny 6 'octave, land & Bre., . . 40
A Rosewood 6 Octave, Oblekerionr, ' . 160
A Rosewood 6 octavo, MAIMS tt °lark, , . 120
Sir Packing Boxes will be furnished, and the Rhinos
Parked, free of charge, tir go to a distance.
fe264Y ' 81 Wood Street. ~
. 'NA ICU , W , (socanfilifutt fro
w. - SEVIN, MAOKIIoWN t 00;) •
, wiloLittierLE •,suaolB - T,.
dud 'danufootur-r of CARBON' oud COAL 167
Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. •
Whit* Le...14 . ' Window maxi, at
Illarehallaville, Ohio
. .
" Daring the hat fourteen yams Some font* hundred patents
base been granted on taventione designed to lighten the
drudgers of family sewing; and at Ihe same time to ; p-o•
duce a machine that could be profitably usedfor mannfee
taring purpoees; bat,: Mini* to say. 'out et 'this large
number of Sewing Machines only ome half damn bare
been proven to be of practical' value; and of tbbi small
number not ore has in it. rnmbi ed the advantages of a
Dually and mannfaCturing machine There aro lane,
beavy,..noiey, cumbrous. and complicated machines, de.
s i gned for heavy work, that answer the purpose yerynelil
*bile there are °there of light Mechanism and delicate
adjustments, which perform on light work to atm hump
and while the former are exclusively confined to beavy
Merk,ithe latter are of little value except on light fabric's"'
Therefore I take great pleasure in stating the important
fact" that Mr. HOWE,' the inventor of dewing
Machines, has recently perfected his Shuttle Machine so an.
to combine, in a =WS moaner splice and with far lees
machinery, the strength and durability of the macriftici:
taring machines, and at the earns time peepseeiug that.
delimcy of. Movement and ease of operation peculiar to the
family machine., and nal& renders this tee only machine.
in market capable of working EQUALLY WELL TILE
MGR /BST AND HEAVIEST" gABILIOB, anti .is th.retore
designed for
For Shlrternakere, Fest-makers, Tailors, Shooblodens,
Gaiter litters, Barnessmakers, Carriage-trimmers, as well
as for all varieties of FAMILY SEWING, .
loth* only one that can give stVisfaction ; and they will
be sold for ONE HALF THE MONEY chantti for any.other
machine capable of doing as heavy, work in as good a
Manner. These inichinea cannot be got out of order `by
'any fair means, and they will be fully warranted for one or
more years ~They will stitch. hens, tuck, cord, bind, gather
aid fell; WITHOUT hTlNH—make the lock•etitch seam
(alike on both aides) or great beitut‘', strength and elas
ticity, and which cannot be rippsd or raveled.
The public are cordially invited to call at my rooms, NO.
ep .fdeltHEC SPREE r, up statr, and thoroughly teat
these Stichtnes on all kinds of work; don't be satiated by
Merely seeing a Machine sew on a rag, but bring along
your lightest and heaviest work. and put the Machine to
the most rigid tests. • •
Active and reimunsible Agents are wanted for the Bale of
Outgo Miehines, npou'llberal terms. Please send for sam
ples of cork and particulars of agency. Ad tress • • '
ialraut• Pittsburgh, Pa.
. Him LtS .11:017BN&L 04 161.161611 . 11 . •
. ,
1t alms to show how health' may be preserved, and die
man avoided, by the proper use of t - orl, rest, warmth, a r,
nd exercise; and M.w, by these same natural agencies
• eany acute ailments and chronic maladies may be certain ,
*nd safely removed., without suffering or expense its
reat popularity and increasing patronage (its circulation
Wending t different and distant conntries,) ere evidences
tit' its general appreciation. One Dollar a year Address
its Editor, Proprietor and Publisher, Dr W. W. HALL, 42
ire Place, New Yorlt, author of .. Brincbitla and Kindred
Illnesses," ' 9th edition ; " Oonsiimptbn," 2d edition;
t• Health and, Disease," al. editiJn. within a year. One
4 Didier each. . ja2B 2t*
Laa lax sonPs
?OR ipso.
Jar Thew, Machines, which have gained euoh an an
reputation overall other idachinee on account of. F. r
1.; Beauty and exCeitenee of stitch, &Sin on both sides 0 1
ibe &brio sewed. . .
2. Seononsy of thread:
EiAllinilloity and thoretighneeiof isinstroetion:
6.jportability,tiaa of operation and management.
6. Speed. •
6. Quietness of movement:
T. Strength, iirminiii; and durability of seam, that wii
jot rip ormiver.
6. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials.
8. OomptiFtireasindelegause of model and finish. ,
re now offered,
• At 'Redn.ced Prices,
§treet, Pitta'hurith..
V - IFUNDERIBER Gi. . •• •
3:) Pi ' I S ,
OFFICF, alo.- 104 FOURTH iliftitEr; between Wood
/yid Smithfield Streets., ...
' - ifrom9 ,o'clock- td., to 4 o'clock P.M.
inotTrrsn as.o El Of &TRH OVAL its antic es U.
LISHMANT---Lccated at liaysville Station, on thy
, i i ittsburgh, Ft. Wayne end Chicago. Railroad.. and Ohio
• tver , ten' miles West of the City This Institution coin
t. I nessupeitor advantages, for the aticiesstut trial:teatime
v: impiete cure oil Macaws We would especially invite th 4
mantle:l of females who have suffered for years, and hays
t most despaired If ever finding relief to our est.blisk.
I; ent. We can' recommend thisinstf tation to female
o s with great confidence, as in our .long experience is
ewes peculiar to their sex, we have had an almost uni .
llrm success. We will gladly . give any further infa•matlor
qi those who desire it. Address Box 1304 Pittsburgh, Pa
apt • • '.H.FREASR. D.,- Phyeicians,
14, at• 'a 'n D
1. Money le received every day,. and •lu any amount
rge or small.
FIVE PERCENT. interest is paid for money from the
a The money is alwitys' paid back in' GOLD, - Whenever it
i,i called.for; and without notice. • , •
4. Money is received foci Executors, Adnriristratora
Nardiais and others, who desire to have in' a place of
l•rfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it. •
5. The money received,form depositors Is inveeted•in 'S&L ESTATE. MORTG siES,DROITND RENTS, and such
iher, drat ciao securities as the Charter directs
O. OFFICE lIDITES—Every day froni9 till 5 Alec*, and
II a Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening.
• • ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President
Wittram J. Run, Secretary: •
ler OFFICE: Walnut Street,, South-West Corner of
Vkird Street, Philadelphia • - • - ' fit2B-1,
ff ID liCe OIL le ALWO
t een Market and Creestunt Street", Philadelphia, have for
y and Green Salted Patna Nips, Tanner's 014 Tinier*
3 d therrter's Toole at , theloweet prices,and upon the best
far 'All, kinds -of Leat3air in the 6110 wanted, (CY
Gehthe revert higheet market hetet will be ve in - oaeh:
I; )reii in exchange for tildes. Leather stored free of charge,
r. I d sold on ' • ja29l,
f .'.
. ` ~ ~'~
• mein SY
Thi n ey have tbe MLA, tEtOtir PRAMA', are made of TEIli
1 ;%,18`r az ILSON ND MATHRIAL, and possess at Meat DM
-111.4A TEES TONE of those oflray,other maker. .
Alithe' greatest fieribrm , ra on the Pique,
p re them them the decided. PREFERENCE- OVER • ALL
EEIIB. In the Eastern cities, from Boston to Baltimore,
ityCSTSINWAY PIANOB are all thti rage, and to-toy are
t. i thyoging their instruments for those of that celebrated
,inntectors Both for the purpoee of instrumental made,
8. d 'ofvocal, as an accompaniment to thevoicithe Steinway
1' witostar surpass al I , that this country or Europe can pro-
C.' k ce. 'They are Warranted for five yPars..
Sole.lgents for Stet-way's Piano's. fyr 'Western Pennsyl
1' nia and Eastern' 01011,` No 68 'Fifth Street; Pittsburgh,
IS,Sdorw to Ma50nk.11.2211.... ;. aulgarn
!, ar.,v AEG ..fa IL: A Y
I •
0') is just rtasomeilfrom the Eastern (Ulan, and la now re:
. his •Fall and Winter stock of Clothe, Caksimeres,
Ili-stings, and Coatinmt, of every variety and style, adapted
14 V thebest city and c luntry trade, which will heMade up to
i'Ver with.promptness and dispatch, and at rates as low
any other similar establishment in the city.
.•;-LiN 'APOORD. - - JAMES 8. NM ORD
M , I 2 OC) — EVID CSC Ot)
131 'Wood Rtreet Pittsburot
II ire now on hand for Spring ekes, as large and complete
aissortment of Goods as can be feund in any of the Asst
.. lattice, consisting of-
Fur, Silk, and. Wool Hats,
t.,1 every style and quality; CAPS 'of every quality and iy, 'est fashions; Palm - Leaf, Straw, Leghorn , and Panama
'FLATS; Straw, and. Silk BONNETS, eto etc. Persona
‘ , islilitg to 'purchase either' by Wholesale or Retail, will
d it to their advantage to call and examine our , stook.
I f; & Jo T• NOCOLINCT.,
111 if I`Yartfrlltt s r r
I ,0.7 L, 121enwilat%klr(O ig
MEN'S "ti'VM.A.I%
I li mprisin g the hitest Importations of Cloitue, Cassimeres,
stings, do., which they are prepared to make to order in'
e t.t3 le and at Bach prices ae cannot fall to please.
/Choir Stock of
t lt i and made under - their • own supervision, is got up in a
setry superior manner, and will be sold at the LOWEST
f PRICES. ' manly
I , ! I": - - - - W. W. WADS
/- :12 . nlealie ? Wil l nAt
4 !.ODS, flowers, Ruches, and Amoy Pam, Nos. *and 81
I rth-Fourtb Street. (nearly oppooßo Woreholts'. Hotel,)
li FluiplottlO ' ' &Vas.
, Ineitatlet SEWANG
Our Machines are vastly ancerlor to any other.
sod delicate sewing Machines made to nicotine the eye
owely, are recommended : . for itnilly use. ,They . will not
Waster the nurpo!e. • •
Family Sewing Machines
sight to be stronger than any other, - as venter variety' bt
icregnired, and they :go jnto . leas skillful hoods,
Whoever buys one of our Machines knows to a certainty
k will
ball and uamine'befors pnichliksing;
1104 i 82,11fairket Streit, Pittabitriih,, Pa,
H. SMITH,. Merchant, Tailor,
t NO 114:5ArY/MI:021:0_ sr,
qe Jost refused Xasterii Cities, ,witb a well
Ite6ted stock of Clothe,Maimerei; Slit and Velvet Meth
v pit-sipt !Ira be nude up to orderl a . the
sibitapproved . styles,an reieovable terms..
Alio,Went'itlersiiibhAg_Gooda jilt received; and
Wier. kbladdipfb pc..stiWylps * I AA ,
•7 111
ThiHatinsa le published weekly, in the shies 8 Pita
bnrihand Philadelphia, and is adapted to general atolls*
in the Presbyterian Church.
CIT GUMS of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED In either of the cities,
For eight Mites, or less, one insertion Sc, Dente; eacb 'nth
sapient Insertion, 25 Dente." Rich additional line, beyond
eight,B cents for every Insertion.
for eightlinee, tnreementhe,sB.oo. Zech additionel
23 cents.
Tor eightlines t _ One Year, $ lO.OO . . lath additional Hr.. $1
aAnbt 3 Of two ffi a, year, and $1 for eadi. add!
tional line.
nosintas liontratt,of ten limo or, lese,Ois Aollat. Facat
additional line, id cents.
Commoncatione recommendatory of Intentions. fee •
Hog Practice, Scifoble, dcartc., beirig,defiiiinid for dap prou •
' , nary beneflitof individuals,oltonid be paidfor.esßusibese
BMW/. 3y mail, where no good opportunity le anon wire
at hand. Drab or notes of the larger denominations ore
preferable, where they min be conveniently obtained.
PAIMORA sending no twenty subscribers and upward'
will be thereby entitletto a paper without charge T
N.B.Witen Presbyterian familiesare very mail; diorperred
they may be accommodated at the Olubprice,even though A
few of the twenty be wanting. Let all be oupplied,if P , Pgl •
ble. ThiPeon we shallfavor, to our itinestability. Let the
supply be rota - but every paperpaidfor.
for Two Do llars paid, we will send Seventy numbere. et
for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers ,Thisis forthe sake et
easy remittance.
If Pastore, in making up clubs, find some. persons sot
ready to pay at once; they may yetsend writhe Parries at th e
Club price,'on their own respmisibitity to pay us shortly. It
is desirable that clubs date their subscription periodi at th
'Wasp Simo ^ - ' TT f rART , FAT'..". Atipoi,4•4". p
No, oticists. co,:t h o,
~c)vv NESS and I.NFLUS
aintior EBB, or Itar KM:44ton of the
l'broat, Slueso the Racking I:Plugh la
PRONG , _ nsuniptioti, Bronchi* WhoopftmOongh
uth ma,-Catarrb, RPLICVID„ by Etaqwws
'' , 4?" . 4/111.Nker BROS ORIAL TROCHES, or Conan Lox,
"A simple and elegant combination for Hoven& kg" ..
G. r Blanton, Boston:
' "Have proved extremely serviceable for Homiesses
• ". 6 6 • • ROT. HertitY WARti Remain.
41 1 recommend their nee to Primo sParixras " '
Rev. B H . Cairene New;fork:
" Most saintaiy relief in Bronchitis."
Rev B. Amnon. Sioni.torre. Ohio:
"Beneficial when compelled to epeak. auffericen from
COLD." Rey B. J P. dioceses, r t Lords.
" effectual in removing iloareenees and Irritation of the
Threat. WitiOMMO4 with SPLAZtIOI Ca& Strolsos."
Prof. Si. STAO2 NdirN, LaGrange, Oa.,
Teacher of Music, Bout - hero female Collrge.
" Great benefit when taken before and after preaching. es
they Prevent Hoarseness. From past effect, I think.
they will be of permanent advantage to me" • '
, Rev Wow. ET. A. bf
' President Atherm4Joilege, ?e l m
.II Bold by 'all Drnurgists at 25 cents per box. ' '6 •
Aleo„Banwide LtIVIITE TROCIWS. or. Oathartie Lounges,"
for Di spetada, Indigestion, Uonelipettin, Headache !anon tr,
AffeetiOne, &a! ' - n'l9
Late of the firm otßirkpat.• Late with Oilleeple,Zeller &
rick & Man I
or. Co., Philadolpbia,
icao ILYA All H. 1111118PATR CIE & 00.•
5.4 . , WII,OZ-ES A,L 8,.,G R O.CE R ,4.,.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,.
And D'a'me In
Yo: 299 Liberti sGreet, weeite head of Sortithifetd,
PlTTBfildnilfl, PA.
Particular attention-paid to.tlia sale of Country Produce.
apa.ty .
.114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh,
(nearly opposite the Custim llocae,) has ja,t opened a
very choles selection of
of the latest inspottatlose. Also,
New -crimper, Cuba., Coffee, Crushed, and Poleerizod
Fogerty Eke, Rico Fine*. Pearl R. d Corn 4 tarch, Farina,
Yeast 'Pow& ra Bacraroni Vermicelle. 0 cox. Broma,
Extre; No. 1. and PpiCeil tlho.,olitte; Pure Ground rtilowr;
Pantile Almond. Toilet, Palm German and Hada Boot*
Catbonste of sods; Orilini Tartar; Extra Fine Table
Salt; Pure Extraote s ota Star. 311 old and
Dieu d Candles: anger-Cared Dame: Dried B rf; Water.
Buda.Sugd, and BottaCrarkrre; &irate.. Prate, Be , no,
Irew,This , took has been purchased for Otdri, sod *lll
tae offereit to the Trade, 'cod A tm to gmoilma at eery mod
erate advance*, from whom wwrespoottally iselielt a rharn,
of patronage. j%14 tf
- ,
emote's. FAMILY AGGOOlffelfElsll.
Receiving and for Sate at • Loa 'Prices,
JOHNi A. RENSHAW, 253 Liberty Street.
Tne attention.ut thn Pil ho P4erellYir
is invited to a eupetioi aseqatnent, including
100 adj..? ottitsri oft/gv 4.N0 BLkCK Tom,: ';'
&Meted with the greatest care from the latest lamortatfona
of the new crop Also a large ktock af. ,
J 494. Met,' MO - trtit u vet," evFtreN; '
, endli general apeortinant of doe` Family Groceries, Fruits,.
'Spices, dm., of every deccripticia.
datalognon containing iku attended lief of my aMok, fur
niabedby mail, if denim/
Sir No charge for outage.
°. `''f
• at
.A..neeident* ilappen,,evet reel7 7 vvelefed famairet, ri
very . eve +some cltrap,,and convenient way 631, repels
T -
Ingureitere; Toys, Crockery,' Ate, ' 1' '
'tenets all 'such eivergrlcies, and' no household can afford-ht
'althea it. It in abeam; ready and' np. - tp ;ttli stiuking, ,
There is no longer a neeeenity for limpini chairs, Splintered se
neerNhandleis dolls; and broken cradles.' It in-just the artleli:
for eons, *hell, and other ornamental work. so. popular with tadieS .
of refinement and taste. '
This admirable preparation is used cold, being cisernicallylept ,
in solution, stiti possessing ail the valuable gnat - 410*M' the, beet
cebirieticialceis' Ghia.' It may be watt In 'the place or ordniarg
inuellage,being vastly motendhesive. - • 51
` USEFUL IN. liVNlt'it HOUSN.i,
N. b.—it Brash accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 ends.
Wholesale Depot, No. 30 Platt-et, New York.
NoZ No. 3,600, Now YOric.
.Pnt up ter Dialers Edemas containing tour, eight, and Canton
doceit—a betuttiful - Lithographic Show-Card accompanying - each
. .
. . .
.ficir single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED SLUE ,
wi l l save ten timid Ita cosi annually to every homeholiLatat'
Sold. proniinent Sfatlonera, Druggists,. Hardware and
Furniture, Dealera, Grocers, and Fancy Stores.
Gountry.merelaudavitotdd'maka a note of SPALDING'S 'PRIi
PARED GLUE, who making up.sheia.list...". 11.1011 Mind sig
*kr- Wholesale Minot remoi,d frgat No. SP Platt Street,
to NO, 48 CEDAR. BTltglt r:eri York.
deal. i 7•
1 , 0 // ,
Double Kntry Book-Heaping, Writing, Commercial
Arlbommic, and I,ectu,ea.
Venal thee to complete a full course, from six to ten
weeks. Every student, upon graduating, is gua'aoteed to
be competent to'manage the 'Books of any Business, and
qualified to earn a solar) of from
13500 to $ 1 11000.
Shidents enter at any time—no vacation—Review at
FIRST PREMIUMS for Bast Businves Writing for 1859,
received at Plitsborghi , biladriphia and • dile atat Fairs.
.also at the principal of airs of the Union for the past f„dur
dyye Ministers' eons received at half. price.
• Oiradars, Specimens and Embellished View of the
College, ieciese Svedetter stamps ro
ra26 Lf ' V W IMAMS, Pitt:o . mm%, Pe
tivlTTsimution.rmstatat COLLEGE—
, - REV. I - O. thttS'IING, A.. bi n erosidont, assisted by
a lia.ulty of eleven totchets.
Superior advantagee are afforded for obtaining& thorough
.Academic - and Collegiate education Every effort will b.
'made to secure the happiness and improvement of all who
may uttenu. The,. olleglate - *ear begins August 81: Secoqd.
Bosion,'Dectimberl; and the third, March 2t. Tuition vat
- ries from $8 to $lB-per session. recording to studies. Pot
fUrtherinkomation apply to the President, or to Pref.'s=
J.: Ptttsburgh,, Pa. snIS
it.eßb2tLtotori zaisTr.Term,
kMi. SANDERS , DIESENDORF, Principal and
Professor of Languages.
John Simpson, A. 8.„ Professor of Mathematics and As.
trouniny. -
Samuel Glass, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology.•
Rev. Jane a Y. Ashenhuret, Professor of Moral and Nat.
'Oral Philosophy.
Jame, Yocum, M. D, Lecturer on Chemistry.
idr. Peter Zabner. Tutor.
Mr. J. e. loyenbe. ger, Tutor in Mathematics
Mr. Z. W. Annentrout, Lecturer on Hook keeping.
' Mr. Henry L Grebe, Professor in Music
• . Thitlnatittdion its located in the quiet and healthy vit.
lege of Hayeaville, Aehlind Co. ()hie During the bat
year there were over Tyo Hundr • .d Students, Male and Aft
male, in attendance 'lllipinines are awarded to young ladieg.
who fluieb the course 'of studies laid down in the Cataldgue.
The branches taught are the following: Arithmetic,
. Maher Arithmetic, and Mental Arithmetic, ~Geography„
'English Gratern47,,, 'Apetris, Orthography,. BMA Seep ;
log., Algebra , geometry: Trigonometry, and all the
higher mathematics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Alarm-,
omy. Entany, Physiology, History,,-Mental and Moral
Science, German, rinch,'Splitileh, Halls te, and "the Latin
and Greek Authers usually •r,ad in 041ege.
c; For Seventy-Five'Dmiers, advaneit,it student shall
rev/4V°, goodAroard. aroom lOrnished with bedstead, table.
claire, Mime and'Nei, and tuition in any of the shore
branches tor Twotteasione Of Five V enni. each ; Or an pe'ety ,
two Dollars and Fifty Cent. paid, on the 20th of Oeteter, ,
' neat, all the above items will he bienisheillor the irbrter
ftesion•of ltive soothe.. , • A
the taxtlieistinn Will open October 47th.
!rwi isebdenti itilltatnitny tboi &me 'rata, tourtty WA.
their owu bedding, jihfcb pen,entaily be brought tn. Uric
trunks. 'Stilderits aroidniitted at' any time. ; •
Mipstrailliou-tei Overt:nu. the. Ilene englitelodeou t
utsdereiPeXarges.' * D.T.2I:IIIWOBS I PrifidPol•
$1 50 per yes
" "
2 .00 M sa
sp 8