Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 04, 1860, Image 2

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    Namur an Pboratt.
JAMES ALLISON, }lmarose.
WIBILIIII. SLAIN la advance; or is Gleba
01.00; or. delivered at resinous, of Subserfe
hers. oa.ou. See Prosyeseltec On Shard Palos
Ann M w 'AL ohould lr. prtan4
while before ebe year expireac that ire mud/
snake full errangoneents,fer usteadYlloPlelie
WiLAPPAII. Indleates that we
desire a renewed. If, however. in Who bent
K lialifitago this signal should be 011lIttilde we
liege our friends will still not forget as. •
11.1111IT.AnOZ/I.—Bent payment by safe
hands. wits. convenient. Orc,eneed by meant
anelesiag with ordinary eery and troubling
nobody with a knowledge, of 'what you are
doing. Pot a largaamonett,ollll4 ft Draft, or
lisrge Noise. Foroa. ortw. pnyersteend Gold
.r smell notes.
eo !MAKS OftelleHe e Road pontos* steal%
•r holier still. mood for sera plorri say ell
•r eoronty sealers, or $1 for 'ably - threo
DIRBCW udi li•ttara sad Castamailealtlow
It* DAVID & VO., Plttakaralts
December, is received. We defer the usual
notice till next week.
Rzv. GEORGE W. SLOAN.—The name
of this missionary was Swan, in .our
notice, a few weeks ago. He expects, in
company with In4thren Spargrove and Evans,
to start, from New York for Washington
Territory, on the sth inst.
A PRESENT.—The Coshocton papers state
Jest Rev. Wm. E. Hunt, Pastor
,of the
'Presbyterian church of that place, was
" among the many " favored with a New
Year's Present—a well filled purse, quietly
sent in, by ts the young people" of his
CONEBRENCIE —We see in the Presbyter,
a call for a Conference% of the ministers,
elders, and other members of churches in
the Presbytery of Columbus,to be held at
Columbus, Ohio, commencing on Monday
evening, February 6th, and continuing for
two days.
The Southern Presbyterian Review.
The January number has just reached our
table. Its contents are : I. The Synod of
Dort; 11. Symbolical Import of Baptism;
111. Moses and his Dispensation;
Priest but Christ; V, Private. Christians in
their Relations to' the Unbelieving' World ;
VI. 'The Present and Past Physical State
of Palestine; ` VII. The American Board
and the Choctaw Mission ; VIII. The Raid
of John Brown andthe Progress of Aboli
tic& ; IX.: Notices of Recent Publications;
X. Periodical Literature.
are pleased to learn that there is a prospect
•of this important , institution obtaining a
President. Rev. Wm. L. Breckinridge, D.
D., has been called to the Chair; with hope's
on the part of friends that he will not, de.
cline to accept a position promising a very
great amount of usefulness.
The ~Princeton Review.
.Thitev,pr. We 1001153 Quarterly •vottes :to: us
rich in thought, orthodox, lueid, eloquent.
The number now-on our table contains,
Inductive and Deductive Pobtios; IL The
Physico-Philosopby of Oken ; 111.. Classifi.
:cation and Mutual Relation of the Mental
Faculties;.lV. The Text of Jeremiah;
V. Primeval Period of Sacred History; VI
Dorner's Christology; What is Chris.
thinity . ? short Notices; Literary
To Parente:
.3irotrire kinfily invited to read the little
artiole on our fourth'psge, which *i address
"to the Ladies. We , knew not who -is the
*tabor, but we know that it .contains
precious truths , and wise counsels. The
parent who has let his child pass the 'first
twelve menthes of its life uncontrolled, has
lost the most, favorable opportunity for fit
ting that child' for enjoyment in time and in
immortality. Parents, be wise. Let your
love 'be judicious,. Train. the child' aright
from the.vety '
Deith — ort Minister.
The Presbyterial Exiiiiitor informs its
readers that Rev. Oliver Bronson, the elo.
Tient and beloved pastor of the Presby.
terian church of Janesville, Wisconsin, was
removed from his_ earthly labors to the
Ohnroh above, on the 10th inst., ; . in the
thirtyfourth year of his ,age. funeral
was largely attended by members and min•
inters of the several churches of the place,
the sermon being preached , by Rev. Mr.
Buchanan, of Milwaukee. He was a son
of Green O. Bronson, of New York, to
w hick` place his remains were carried.
Father Chhtiquy.
A privateletter informs ue that the Pres
bytery of Chicago .is to meet `shortly to
receive Nether Chiniquy and his Colony into
the Presbytcrien Church. Another state.
-anent ie, that one third of the people will
',suite with the Baptists.
The Colony are French Canadians,
manista till lately. Mr.'.Chiniquy is their
pastor and leader. Some time ago he
became convinced of the errors of Roman
--ism. He diffused , light among the people,
-'and - 'the shover notice indicates their ad
The United Presbyterian Quarterly.
We have received the first number of the
-new Qaartetly of our United Presbyterian
4 brethren. It is printed from good type, and
on, good paper. Our friend, Dr. Kerr, has
Amen, quite successful as to the general ap
pearance of the first issue of this new
'enterprise. It was received when our
columns were nearly full, and therefore we
can only give the contents,, which
The Bible on the Sooial Relations, by., Rev.
J. T. Cooper, D:D.; IL Review of Letters
on Psalmody, by Rev. J. T. Preasly, D.D.;
Bible Revision, by Rev. David lifaeDilli
D.D.; IV. The Ancient Church,* by .Rev.
James Harper, A.M,; V. The Early Scotch
and Sootolvlrish of Pennsylvania, by Rev.
George 0. Arnold, A.M.; VI. The Sabbath
Question, by Rev. James Grier, A.M.; VII.
The. United presbyterisn phureb, by D.
Kerr,D.D.; VIII. Short Notices. Editedand
published in Pittsburgh, Pc, by David - R.
Karr; summisted with Dia. 'a. T. Wilily,
J. Rodgers . , * and L. a Oiark, at 0' Per
The People..
The people, in the most extensiveaecep.
tation, are the mass of hinnarOeinvi. In
the distinctive and more common use of the
term they are the inhabitants of .a .country..
in contrast with the rulers, as " Princes and
People ;" or they are the inetnbeistoris're=
ligious community, ,or of a worshipping
congregation, al, .diekinguished from their
officer's and teicherti. Thus, in Scripture,
" the Priests and the People," or, amongst
ourselves, , "`Ministers and People," or,
At' Miniiitere, Elders and People."
The time was, for long, when the People
were regarded as a class, to serve and obey.
Kings and Princes claimed to rule by Di
vine right, and Ecclesiastics regarded them
selves as the vicegerents of God. But those
days are rapidly departing. The extrava.
gent assumption; received Ha death wound,
at the Reformation, and, with some alterna•
tions, it "has ' been waning, century after
century. It is destined to perish, and, we
hope, speedily. The indications of this are
manifest. In England, =for centuries, the
people have been the real power, and, with
an * accelerated rapidity, they are advancing
in the directness and,perfectness of its use
and manifestation. In France, for ,seventy
years, the people have had power. They
have been fitful in its exercise; lawless;
rabid, destructive ; then divided and snit?
dued ; but, upon the whole, there has been
great progress. The present Emperor site
upon his throne by a popular vote ; and his
Legislative Council hold their places; throngh
the form at least, of a' general election. :
The masses there haye„new quite as much .
influence in the- government as they have
intelligence and. virtue rightly to rise. In.
Germany, Kings and Princes seek diligently
to discover what the peOple wish, and what
they will bear. And even in Italy popular
feeling has become an item of vast import..
anoe in thearrangementif 'National affairs.
The great meetings now . held, in Europe by
the "'powers that be,"'ire :no more called
Councils of. Kings and &Venn. They
are Congresses of Nations. And, though
the people directly do' not send representie
fives, yet their desires greatly affect the de-'
liberations and their interests take a high
place in the results which are sought.
; In Ecclesiastical` affairs, , also, the people's
gain hits been very 'great: The Papany, `his .
been stricken in its vitals True it 'still
makes its ghostly pretensions ; and in some.
places it rule,s Aomiriantl. but, for the most
part, it is shorn of its - glory and is waning
apace. Protestanidom - 4ostolical
Suceeesion doctrine which is next of kin to
the Papacy, exists,,htit it, is not extensively
prevalent; and it is detaining. And irt
most churches' the" pOpular -element is
strengthening at the expense' of the official:
Ecclesiastic!' are losing power,. and 'the
people are gaining, influence.
Whether. the danger of carrying this doe.
trines of "The People" 'too fat for -the .
people's own good, is imminerit, maybe a
question: It, is a possibility. Changes are
oft too sudden to.bc healthful, and too great
to be long endured. Demderacy 'may. be
carried so far as to become- a mob, and da
stroy society's best interests '''tuad Congre
gationalism may beeotne so rampant,,as,by
repudiating a divinely ordained ministry;=to
exclude God from a 'duly recoinizeecen
trol of his Church.':,, The vox:Pops . €4 vox
L?ei doctrine belonge, not to . the teachings of
God's unerring truth. . is ,pet
lure. In some things God-'-makei . his will
knOwn through the expressions of popular
desire ; but he, still claims,that he is Law
giver, and his will as revealed by prophets
and apostles, and, written and 'proPerlY at
tested, is the rule by which.; we are.tnahide.
"Powers" he has. himself , ordained, both
in Church and State; and Under him they
rule. He is Lord of both earth and heaven
Head of the Church below as really;and
fully as of the Church above.
Minietere of ,Christ should bear this in
mind. They are servatite of the people; it
is true—servants in the senee of doing good
to all. But ae io receiiinginetruetione, and
yielding obedience, and rendering an ac
eount, they are' the eervante of Christ.
We <have intimated that; the, current of
public sentiment, is now, netting strongly
in favor of the People. In this Presbyte
rians greatly rejoice They - help 'on the
Oven:mut. Their ininistersare often land
ascormselors.-,,..Occasionally,these . go so far
as , to give, their discourses , a_ alight ftinge of
the voLc,populi sentiment; °revert a sprink
hug of 'human philosophy. And, it is not
much to be' wondered at, w when contend:-
ing for the people against i:he unwarranta
ble assumptions of masters,-1, social, civil,
and Ecclesiastical, they should, in , the'arder
`of their zeal, seem to trench' on'ihe'preraga
tivs of tliepeople's
But this is to be guarded against. We
may not tolerate in ourselves, On a ma.
ment's forgetfulness orthe - Sovereigrity` of
Christ'`'---net'eien el Seemingdeparture fioni
a strict and full maiblinance of his honor
and prerogatives. .His autliority is perfect.
All who rightfully , officiate in the' Church
have their authority from Min. ' Barely the
ministers of the Old Testament Church were
.not selected, commissioned, • and enjoined by
the people, neither in Patriarchal nor 'in
Hebrew times Noah -was not; nor
obisidek; nor Abraham; nor Aaron • nor
the Priests; nor the Levites., All were of
God. And the first ministers of the New
Testament Church did not .derive their
functions from the people. Jesus himself
called, and instructed, and ;commissioned
them, and held them to account to him.
And the permanent commission to teach all
nations, was from him, and the substance of
the teaching Was to be, his command&
And the ascension gift—Chrk's great gift
to ignorant and strayingman—was, ".pastore
and teachers for the work of the ministry."
And there fe no intimation in Scripture,
that the ministers - of religion should ever
'derive their authority„ from! the people or
,exereise their functions. under popular
direction. They were Christ's
ministers, preaching his wind;• doing h'is
will, responsible to him; hie imbeeitdors.
They were to beseech men in'Ohiist's stead.
Clearly, the true minister has his authority
to teach and rule in God's house,' from
above,'and, not from beneath. Ilt; 4 has it
from Christ and not from man
It is tree
,that the People have some. part,
yea, a very important part, to perforb.
They are not signcired • by 'Ohrist, nor are
they to suffer Ihrimselves - fro'sbe ignoredin
the - ottring- of that bingdom - Oetibieh
'Christ is the ',Head and they the members.
When the ya!atint preeerof:Judsairas to-be
Milled, the "disciples" gave their " lots ;"
but they first prayed the Lord to show
thereby which Ae had chosen. Hence
Matthias was as really the called of Jesus to
the ministerial office, as was Peter yreviously t
'`or Pita afteitraffe'."'"When f 'D'ZiaCies; 'Were
; , needed„ " the inultitude , of the disciples,"
that is, the people, were to 'select men
,haviag,certain pascribed qualifications for
tho office; But still,' those 'who were
selected - had to he ordained by the apostles.
And when Elders were Ateeded, also,
were designated 'by the pe'ople, but weke
ordained by the ministry.
The ministry are from Christ. This truth
the Presbyterian Church fully recognizes.
The Presbytery commission the candidate;
and this after a very diligent effort to ascer
tain whether he has a Divine call. 'A part
of the trial is, ordinarily, the satisfying of a
Congregation so that they shall desire him
for their pastor. But this part of the eiri
deuce is not essential. It did not occur• in
the case or Timothy; and so now, the
Presbytery, without any intervention of the
people, becoming satisfied on , sufficient evi
dence, that a man is called of God to preach
the Gospel, ordains him as an Evangelist,
and send him foith to. herald the glad
tidingi. But always, whether a call from a
congregation shall intervene or not, the
presbytery Commission the man as from
Christ, and charge him as from Christ, and
declare him to be an ambassador for Christ,
and responsible to. Christ.
`• The'people have rights. These we would
maintain, end, would urge , their. full ;and
wise nee. They may select whom they will
and can obtain, from 'among' Christ's min
isters, as their pastor. And they are to do
this judiciousiy. They may, and should
search the Scriptures, and see whether what
they hear from the pulpit, is, in reality:
God's truth. They , may, and should, try
the spirits whether they are of God: It
any man bring;' another' Gospel," they may
and should reject him.
fWe would, then,, maintainrithe people's
rights. But we would not put the people
in the place of God. We would not de
throne Jesus. ,
Death 'of Rev. joseph Addison Alum
. der,
SoarcelY have, the ° team of friends,
mourning -the death• of the. James W.
Alexander, D. D., -become dry, before they
are made 'to flow afresh, because of the loss
Of his learnedan d able brother. He died
last Saturday, at his home,
. s in Princeton,
New Jersey. Some time previously be had
suffered greatly irom hemorrhage, but all
feirs of a fatal termination at present, had
been laid aside. However, his work had
been completed. Relatives, friends, and
the Church,, would, gladly have detained him
many years longer.
Dr. Addison Alexander was born on the
24th Of April, 1809.: He 'graduated at
Princeton• in,1826, receiving the first honor
and pronouncing the valedictory at the
graduation of his class. He was soon after
appointed a tutor in that College, a poet
which'he declined, and united with Prof,
Robert B. Patton in the establishment of
the Edgehill Seminary, for boys, at Prince
ton. In 1830rbe was tippointed . Adjunct.
Professor of Ancient Languages in his alma
mater, which post he resigned in 1833, to
visit Europe, in order to avail himself of the
advantages ~ o f the German, Universities.
He spent a °season at tbe Universities of
Halle and Berlin, and returned this
country to accept a ProfessershiP of Orient-
al Literature in the Theological. Seminary
at Psinceton, to , which he - had been appoint.
ed during his absence, and with 'That Insti
tution he continued, with some changes in
the title of his ProteSeeiship up to the time
of his death.
• • ^trt
In the year 1821-2, he was a pupil, of
the Senior Editor of this paper , under
whose directkon he read part of the usual
course of- Latin, Greek, and Mathematics.
He was, even thus early, an indefatigable.
student His compositions were of un
common merit for one so , piing and though
of, the most modest demeanor, and. retiring
habits, he , then gave unmistakable 'evidence
of that profound' scholaiship and con•
summate ability, for which he Aiterwards
besameeo Stinguiehed. ;
His advantages were great. From in
fancrhe was surrounded by; friends of the
, intellectual 'culture, and adorned
with mo at fervent and loving piety. His
father, the late Rev. Archibald Alexander,
D. D., notwithstanding the many public
duties to- which he Isms called, did not
neglect the heads and hearts of the mem
bers of • his own fimily. them he be
stowed the most issidnotm care.,
.Dr. J. Addisen Alexander had all the
opPortunities and advantages to be derived
from Princeton ; its'institutions, rte libraries,
and its learned men. After be united with
the Chureh, his love of sacred learning, and
all that tended to its practical application
became almost a passion. Iu poems of
time, 'he 'liras made -Professor of Oriental
literature in the Theologicid Seniinary.
! Here his native ability and the remake of
previous studies, werey soon apparent and
in-a short time it was admitted, on all hinds,
that he ocoupied'u place in the 'very • front
!„rank of Oriental 'scholar's. His great work
lon Isaiah gave him : high reputation with
schools and scholars ofr the Old World.
This was followed by his Commentary on
the - Psalms, more pciptdar, but` o less learned
than the former. Afterwards he published
Commentaries on the Gospel_ of Mark and
the Acts of Apostles. These received the
highest commendations. For several yeais
he has been intently etigaged in -collecting
and arranging , materials , for important works
on 'other. books, of the Bible.
At the time of his death, Dr. Alexander
was Professor' of Hellenistic and New Tests,
mer!t. Literature.,. 'As a reviewer of books
on Biblical learning, and, philosophical, sys
tems, be had no superior: His . knowledge
'of the*Greek and Latin Classics, the Semitie
`languages, and of French - and German; was
profound, accurate ; and appreciative in the
highest degree. He was a preacher of ex
traordinary, and, at times, of overwhelming
power. His'expositions of the veered text
were ralways able and suggestive, and in
enforoing the truths of 'the Gospel he Was
pointed, faithful, and often. startling. In
his later years his applications ,of the
precious •truths of the Gospel were especially
dip:* 'peres.neitre, and: tender':: In 'eituy
thing he was a therniigh men, be did
nothknk 1 10# 1 0 11 0;{ -##-:llb49Tred: every
thing Pre mere pretence.,
Greatly will the death:of-this good
be regretted by the hundreti that have sat
under hie instructions, by the thousanOs
that have listened in rapt attention to his
sermons, by vast multitudes who have
learned - hisand
' Cy so'holars in every land. Princeton has
leintained . 'a : gielt . lofis ;'' our OhurCh 'has
sustained-a-great loss; none of her sons is
at,onee .able to fill ~in every respect, the
'breach that has been Made; the whole
Ohuroh has sustained a loss.
But the Lord will not forsake his people;
he will still raise' up able and faithful in
stinotors: He is smiting us very severely.
In addition to the removal of several other
godly and devoted ministers, within a short
period, a few months ago. Dr. James W.
Alexander went to his reward; a few weeks
ago Di. Hope tell "aresep; and now Dr. J.
Addison Alexander is no , more. Surely it
is time to cry, c( Help; Lord, for the godly
man faileth." It' it high time for us to
awake and 'cry unto the Lord to spare his
servants, to bless their labors more abun
dantly, and to send forth laborers into his
vineyard. Though he smites, he will hear
For' the Preebyteiinn Banner and Advocate.
Neither Careloneness nor Worse.
An anonymous writer in'the Banner and
Advocate, of , Jahnary 28th, deciaree that in
some of the editions of the Shorter Cate
chisms, published by the Presbyterian Board
of Publication, the word "EXPRESSLY" has,
in the fifty-eight answer, been exohanged for
",Parsorix.rx.!' He says I' I have exam
ined several digerent editions of the Cate
chistwpublished iby, our Board, and regret
to Bnd this ; reading in all.. Not that the
change is inaterial, but it is made without,
anthotity:, I hope' it is accidental, but if it
be the beginning of editorial emendations
in our 'Stan dards,-; I must protest , against
Now, M e ssrs Editors, on reading this arti
ole, I went immediately to the. Depository of
the Board in this city, and carefully examined
every- on of the editions, some eight or ten ,
number, of the, Shorter Catechism now
published, by ttour Board. The result wall
that not one of them contsins
. the word xs-
PECIAILY . iII ' the fifty eighth answer of the
Shorter Chatiohieliir but all - of 'them con
tain the word'EXPRESSLY jnet where your
correspondent Standard Bearer says it
ought to be., iequiry, , l learned that tbe'
word ESPECIALLY bad, for a time, crept in
te one edition, appended to the Arno. Hymn
Book. It'was merely a typographical error,
and the very 'day it was:discovered, the ste
reotype plate was cOrteoted. This was the ,
whole story. We cannot imagine upon,
What facts Skindard Bearer founds his as
section, that having examined several
editions, he bad fliand the change made in
all, of them. And we hope, that for the
sake of trnth,.you will insert the above cor
in regard to the possible disposition
hintid at, to make's' "editorial emendations
in'our Standards,, ' the writer, having ample
opportunities. to know the feelings of all
connected with, the Board upon that subject,
can assure " Standard Bearer," and the
Church at large that there is no member or
officer of the Board of Publication who is
not quite as jeahnii as.`he, or any minister in
our communion,' can be, to: preserve oar
Standards, from , all surreptitious and franda• .
lent changes whatever, or who would for a
moment think of tolerating any , " editorial
emendatfons of our Standards.", r
ti In 'regard to this; and all such charges
against any of our Boarde, as to any of their
productions or operations, we respectfully
venture to inquire
. of " Standardßearer,
whether, before, spreading snob inquiries,
of suppot3ed facts, before the' public in the
columns of a newspaper, in a way adapted
to impair confidence, it would not be a wiser
way, better adapted to advance the benevo
lent operations of our beloved Church, and
the'oanse of Christ, first of all to oommuni
cite' with the Boards themselves, and see
whether some explanation might not , be
possible which would prevent all necessity
for any such publication.
Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 1860.
',Those who occupy an editorial chair
often find,themeelves in circumstances which
are embarrassing. Friends, good men and
reliable, send communications embracing
some statements which are not. quite cor
rect. Shall we alter them,? Or refuse the
articles,? Or seek explanations ? Or pub
lish as we receive ? No invariable rule can
wisely be adopted., For ourselves, we , like
to give good men a pretty large liberty.
The " Member of the Board," who writes
se above, is a highly' reputable gentleman.
" Standard Bearer" stands equally high in
the Christian community. Each is reliable.
How, then, is the difference—perhaps some
will say, the coptradiction—to be accounted
for ? We shall try to explain.
g 1 Standard Bearer " says :
"I haie eiamined several different edi
tions of the Catechism published by our
Board, and regret' to find this reading (es.
vecially) in all."
These " editions " were probably issues
of the 24m0. Hymn Book, the one in corn
mon_use, put out in different years, and put ,
up in varied . buildings, But all these edi
lions were printed from the - same stereotype
plates. Thu!' the statement is literally col.-
'rect. The defect in,t that he did not exam•
ine editions of the Catechism from different
" A Member of the Board" says :
T.'went immediately to the Depository
of the Board in Philadelphia, and carefully
examined every one of the editions, some
eight' or -ten in =Mbar, of the Shorter
Cateabinta `now' published by our Board.
The result was, that not one of them con
tains the word ESPECIALLY in the fifty
eighth ansWer of the Shbrter Catechism, but
all 'of them contain the word EXPRESSLY
jnet'where your eorresponAeot, 4 Standard
Bearer," says it ought to be. Oa inquiry,
I learned that the word ESPECIALLY had,
fora time, crept into one edition, appended
to the 24m0. Hymn Book. It was merely
a typographical error, and the very day it
was discovered, the stereotype plate was
• This is very strong; and it is literally
truthful, We presume, in one sense of the
word ." edition ;" that is, as expressive of the
size of the books. But the real fact is, that
some twenty, or perhaps fifty editions of
that size have been issued, and in some five,
or ,six, or more stylei of binding. The
words " now , publielted," must , also be inter
preted in a peculiarly restrictive sense, to be
truthful, because books re,ceived from the
Depository, since we sent forth "',Standard.
Bearer's" article have still the word mama'.
ALLY.. "Now published," must hence mean,
no tv passing through the press. And the
statement, "I learned that the word ESPECI
ALLY had, for a time, crept into one edition"
must be so interpreted as to admit that the
erroneous ward isin all the Hymn Books of
the common; sizeivihieh have left the'Depos
itoiy from the time the - Catechism was first
prmtedWith = the :Hymns, ir NT= TB PIM^
We are glad, however,. MIK the correction
is now made; and we- thank a Standard
Bearer" for calling attention to'the subject;
and " A Member of the Board," for his
speedy response. We do so because truth
an 4 onr-Churek Iro,gginers,,o7.,the—Niof
We will say farther; that 'we have ex
amined copies of the- Cateohism issued= by
the Board, - from plates. The two
Primers are correct; each having the word
EXPRESSLY. The two Confessions of - Paith
are correct. The large Hymn Book has the
word EXPRESS; the ,r.v being omitted. The
24m0. Hymn Book has' especially. This is
to be the,more regretted, because this size is
the favorite one. Twenty copies of it,
doubtless, circulate, for one of any other
size. •
The corrected edition, however, will be
" now published ;" and parents and Sabbath
School teachers, who may still use their old
books, at least, those of them who take the
Balmer, will know that ExPazasix is the
true, reading and the churches will know
that their loved Board, though liable to
mistake, are yet rectus in their purpose to
maintain our Standards. Henn, good is
done which could not have been aooomplish
ed by private communing& with the Board.
In reply to the inquiry of " A Member,"
in his last paragraph, which is wridently
intended as ai reproof to us, before all , our
readers, rather than to our correspondent,
we would say
' L A wrong done on the part of the Board,
Calculated to do a public injury, should be
publiely corrected_
2. Confidence in the Board is to be main.
tained, not by collusion and concealment,
but - by openness and a manifestation of real
3.' To communicate with the Board itself,
privately, is exceedingly:ineffeetive. This
we have been well taught. . And " A Mem
bet." himself is a new witness. He went to
the Depository, and was shown copies of
some eight or len editions, or the Catechism,
not one of which. had the word ESPECIALLY,
but, all had xxPRESSLY when, at the very
time, they
sending to the Board of
Colportage of the Synods of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, for, circulation in the churches,
an in voice of. Hymn Books having the Cat
echism with the erroneous printing; thus
inducing him to make a public statement
adapted to produpe,s wrong impresaion, as
to facts.
STERLING, ILL —A letter from Brother
Erskine brings the delightful intelligence,
that a very powerful Work of grace is in
progress in ' his church and in the , communi
ty. Some twenty.four persons had attended
the ingairy , meetings; and were in
dulging a hope. Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of
Aurora, was assisting- the pastor.--Exposi-
DELHI, Dinr.&.—We see it stated that
there are at Delhi, a thousand native eon ,
verts, waiting to be received by baptism:into
the Baptist church. What a change must
be there, since the horrors of the rebellion
and siege, two years ago !.
SPRING linx,VA . .—Rev. J. H. Flattegan,
of Kingwood, Vs, - writeirtei under dite of
the 25th inst., as follows : '
I would say the Lord has 'seen fit to visit
the little; church at Spring Rill. I closed a
meeting there last week, after spending
eleven days,with them. The congregation
all the time, notwithstanding the inclemency
of the weather, continued large, and great
soleimity prevailed. We hope that many
can date that meeting as' the time' when
they were caused to pause and consider, and
give themselves to. Christ.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-A private note
from the pastor, informs us that.this church
is making very encouraging progress, And
that the new building will soon , be ready for
the. roof. This will be cheering news to
friends at a distance, who have contributed
sodiberally to this worthy object.
DEB ON, Esq., have been chosen Commis
sioners, to represent the Presbytery of Salts
burg in the next General Assembly.
REv. Da. Sirrizs,has seeepted - -the invi
tation of the Synod of'. Georgia, ; , and will
soon enter upon his work; as one Of the two
Evangelists appointed by that Synod. .
Ou LONDON LETTER 1328 'ROL arrived.
The fault is likely , in the United States
The Quarterly takes its place, on the
&et page.
Mr. 3. C. GILLAM wasordained and , ,
stalled over Mt. Eaton church,' by the
Presbytery of Coshocton, on thel.9th
ult. Sermon by Rev. J. A. E Simpson.
Questions, prayer, and eharge,iip the
people by Rev. R. W. Marquis, and
charge to the pastor . by Rev. M. W.
Brown. Mr: Gillam also takes charge
of the church at Berlin; (hie Post Office)
and a Committee was appointed' to instal,
at discretion.
Mr. jowl H. COBLE was ordained by the
Presbytery of Louisiana, on December
30th, and installed pastor of , the church
of Bethany, La. •
Mr. BA UM W. DAVDS ,ordained by
• the - Presbytery of Central, Miss., on De
cember 16th, andinstalled paitor of the
Peoan Grove church, La.
Rev. P. T. Prarzbes pastoral relation to the
church of Charlotte, N_ p., vies .disiolved
by the Presbytery of Concord, at its late
Rev. A. Y. Lomannom's Poet Ma address
is changed from Sommerville, to Ringgold,
Catoosa County, Genrgia.
Rev. JONAS DENTON'S Post Office ' address
is changed from Needham, New Jersey,
to KnOxville, Tiogs County, Penns,
Rev. WM. B TIDBALL'S Post Office address
is changed from Spout Springs, Vs., to
Concord Depot, V.
Rev. E. T. BAIRD, D D.,, has declined the
joint, call of the churches of Maoon and
Centre Point, and is laboring as the sup.
ply of the churches of Bethel and Mt.
Rev. W. T. 'MoELxoy has received and ac
cepted a unanimous call to become pastor
of the church in - Maysville, Kentucky.
Rev. WM. STormicaT's Post Office address
is. New Store, Buckingham, Va-, instead
of Fort Union, New Mexico.
islatures'of Tennessee, Kentucky, the Muni
cipal authorities of Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
and a committee of the Ohio Legislature,
partook'of a grand union banqiet on Tues.'.
day evening at the Masonic Temple. About
seven hundred guests eat down to the sup.
per , Yesterday afternoon , they went to
Cincinnati on the mail boat, and, thepce they
are Invited to Columbus by the
of obio. This mingling of our lair waken;
may do good in binding these "central' States
in closer bonds of union.---Presbyterian
Bodkin and Nel l England. -
The following.. account onthe origin( and early
history of Harvard College, taken from the Boston
JrrlM*.er,ipt,. will , be.. read with,,interest g atievery
thing connected with, this ancient institution of
learning receives. ittention in all parts of the
Harvard College. as is well known, is . the, oldest,
educational institution in the United Etatek,
ing been founded and endowed by the English six
—yearszafter-the:first:settlement-of:4ll4szpart of the
country. The first donation made was £4OO,
Oct. 28, 1636. In 1637 it wall ordered that the
college should be built at " Newetowne," but in
1639 it was ordered that the college
,be built at
Cambridge,' and Called Harvard College, in honor
of Rev. John Harvard, who left by will £7OO to
endow it. As soon as Harvard's bequest was
made known, a Masa of pupils began a course of
study in the College under Nathaniel Eaton, noted
for hie severity. At first it was little better than
an Indian school, great , efforts, being made to
educate the aborigines, to qualify them as teachers
of their own race, but only one Indian was ever
graduated. • The first President was , Bey. Henry
Danster, who held the office from 1640 to 1664.
The first Degree of D.D. ' was ' conferred on
Increase Mather, In 1692. In 1764 the library
was destroyed by fire, and 6,000 volumes were
lost, including the books given by Gale, Harvard,
Dr. Lightfoot, Bishop Berkley, and others. Only
one volume in the collection of Mr. Harvard was
saved. Rev. James Walker, the present head of
the College, is the nineteenth President ot the
University. The buildings are fifteen in number,
fourteen of which are in Cambridge, and one in
Boston. The buildings in Cambridge occupy
fourteen acres of land, tastefully laid out, in the
very centre of the city. The number of actual
graduates of the College, not including the alumni
of, its professional schools, nor those who have
received its honorary degrees, exceeds seven
thousand, of whom some two thonsand six hun
dred are still living. The libraries of the Univer
sity contain one hundred and twenty three thou°
sand four hundred volumes. There are now
thirty three professors, eighteen tutors, proctors,
&c., and seven hundred and thirty students, of
whom four hundred and nine, are undergraduates,
three hundred and eleven attendants on the pro
fessional courses, and ten resident graduates, for
the year 1858-9.
All doubts with respect to the Presidency, have
been put to rest, by 'the unanimous election of
Professor 0. 0. Felton to that office. As Profes
sor of Greek, this gentleman has attained a wide
spread celebrity, and high hopes are entertained
of his success in his present. position. Bat the
history of 'Colleges in this country does not
establish_ the fact that the Men 'Of most learning
make always the best presiding officers. Admin
istrative ability,lnewledge of human nature, and
force of character do more to insure success' in
such a station, than :a greater amount .of, book
learning, where these qualities are not so promi
The Rev. P. D. Huntington, D.D., has resigned
the 'Plummer PrOfessorship of &tiered Rhetoric.
It•is alleged by some, that this step has been
taken, owing to the disaffection of other members
of the faculty, on account .of the late change in
his, religious views. And others say, that great
hostility has been manifested toward him, from
the same cause, s 'on 'the part of Many of the
students, opposed to Evangelical religion. What
ever may" be thf cause of the resignation, great
regret has . , been occasioned among the warmest
friends of the institution.. And if it shall• here
alter appear that the true calms are the ones
mentioned, a storm not easily quieted, will be
soon raised.
Bev. E. E. Bale, of Boston, now on a visit to
Florence, Italy, Writes home that the Bible is
freely sold in that city, :and that 'a company 'of
Italians meet regularly for its study.'
Near& ,Gould 4 Lincoln issued a little volume,
a sh ort time ego, from the pen of Prof. Phelps,
of Andover, entitled, "The Btill Hour," that is,
meeting with a very extensive sale. The sub
ject of which it treats is Prayer; the manner in
which it is discussed may be learned from the
following table of .contents
1. Absence, of,God in Prayers 2. Unhallowed.
Prayer. 3. Romance in, Prayer. 4. Distrust in
Prayer. 5. Faith in Prayer. 6. Specific and
Intense Prayer. I. Teroperament of Prayer.
8. Indolence : in Prayer. 9. Idolatry in Prayer.
10. Continuance in Prayer. 11. Fragmentary
Prayer. 12. Aid of the Holy Spirit in Prayer.
13. Reality of Christ in Prayer. 14. Modern
Habits of Prayer:
The book is a 16mb., and costs only thirty
eight cents, but . is rich in Metier.
The Never of London bag given notice that the
wants of the; sufferers have been provided, for,•
and that no more contributions are necessary. •
The : people of New Haven have been greatly
annoyed by discovering in their midst an organiza
tion of thievie, comprising some young men con
nected with the most respectable families in the
The Baptiste of New England are making an
effort to retie 'sBoo,ooo for the farther endow-.
meat of Brown University, B. L, and Waterville
College, * Maine. One object Is to secure scholar
ships to the amount of at least one-third of this
sum, to aid deserving yining men, of , moderate
means, in seeming an eduistioti of the highest
order. And it is intended that one.half of the
amount thus appropriated will be - designated for
ministers' sons.
Considerable Religious Interest exists in- some
of the New England towns and cities; but noth
ing that can_be properly called a general revival
of religion is prevailing. In many places the ,
Gospel is preached with - more than usual earnest
ness ; and a strong desire for the pure Gospel that
was formerly proclaimed in this region, periades
many hearts. Various devices have been tried
for the purpose of substituting something else lin
its place, but all have failed and always .must
fail. The Gospel is theonlypower to salvatian.
New -York.
The Imp orts for January have not fallen off, as
compared with other years, as was expected, but
give evidence of strong confidenee on the part of
merchants that the business of 1880 will not ins,
less than• that of ,1859. During the first four
weeks of the last month, the, imports footed- up,
$12,001,098, which is an increase of $1,198,808
over the importations of January, 1859, and
$8,903,8131 over those - of January, 1858: The
imports of the last seven znonths, beginning with ,
July Ist, show an, increase of $20;827,989
those of the,preceding year, and of $21,875,125,
on those of 1857. This is certainly a large .in-_
crease ; and while it may indicate large business
transactions, it also Suggests the fact that these
large imports must soon be paid for, and that
mostly in specie. But if the 'people will have
foreign goods, and that of the, most costly sort,
merchants most not be censured for gratifying
the tastes of their customers.
The Bicise Law does not seem to have been
much regarded by those to
,whom it was intended
to apply. Last year only three himdred and
fifty seven tavern-keepers took out &Iwo, and
several of them refused to pay for it even after
it had been granted. The• District Attorney. has
entered six, thousand suits; and one, thonvand
judgments' , against the violators of the law,.
amounting in all to about . $50,060, have been
already ebtained, meetly by default., Bnt' little
hope is entertained that any thing more than a
very small , part of, the fines will be collected.
Archbishop Hughes and the Suffragan Bishops
of New York, were lately in . council, and have
issued an address to their followers, in which, the
clergy and people are exhorted to promote Catho
lie education; for the purpose of raising up a
native priesthood. These officials - then pass to
the consideration of European affairs, and de.
nonce in strong language the suggestion made
in the, French pamphlet that has lately awakened
so much attention in Europe, concerning the,
depriving of the Pope of his temporal authority
in the Italian StatPs. They do not 'believe thii
famPhlet to be the' production' of die . French
Emperor, or that it expresses his sentiments on
the subject. They: say, that the adoptiOn of this
• preposal, would be a reversion of• the sacred
rights of the, Roman Pontiff, and they claim the
right of access to him on soil of which he is the
ruler. Prom this, it is avident that the Arch
bishop doei not design keeping himself so remark
ably clear ,of political cOmplioatione as was*inti=. mated in his: :late annanneetztelit, with respect to
the ifetropolitanAccord. D
A member of the Editoria/ staff of the Trauma;
ban been looking into the records, and Comes to
the conolusion thafthe Sheriff's fees for the city
of New York amount In , a single year, to t h e
handsome aim of. 560,000.
The Marine insurance offices suffered largely
last year. The losses of one comyney , alone, is
tfelve nieltll l liVe''Tererted $500,009. And
anothifr.cpmpiny tql reliable data,
there is reason to believe, the losses in this way,
of 1859, exceed the losses of the exalt* interval
t/,Te# I§ 2 § 44 1 € 501 i14 fM ..4
The extent to which some of the.Sundtax.Papers
are is enormous. This circulation is
not confined to this city, but they are sent abroad
into all the principal cities of the Union. The
Sueda.w.kercuryints a circulation of one hundred
and thirty-five thousand. Mr. Bayard Taylor,
the noted traveler and public lecturer, who has
lately taken,.so much pains to show that Humboldt
was not a Christian, and to ,justify him for not
being snob, is one of the star writers of this
The Bazpera will publish, about the first of
March, the first volume of a new History of
France, by Parke Godwin. This is a work on
which the author has bestowed much care and
great labor for many years. He was formerly the
editor of Putnam's Magazine, and is a writer of
great clearness and force.
The Appleton have in' press Marshmen's Life
of Havelock, which will at once supplant all the
other memoirs`of this great man that have yet
appeared. The author's opportunities for know- -
ing the character and learning the life of his hero,
have been unusually favorable, and a work of.
wide popularity may be expected. .
contribution* are being . solicited for the ,pnr
chase of Dr. Abbot's Museum of Y Egyptian
Antiquities, that it may be retained in this city.
No doubt the requisite funds will be secured.
That reliable and instructive journal . , the
Scientific American, does not seem 'to have any
great_ opinion of the Winans Steamer. It uses,
the following language
It has been said that this vessel is so conetnict
ed that its speed is not affected by waves and:
storms at sea. This statement we cannot credit
such a result is a mechanical hipoesibility.
Every vessel, no matter what its, form may be,'
is just as much affected in its speed with, waves,
as a locomotive would be in running over a cobble
stone parement. When the Winans steameris
completed, as contemplated, it will be a hello*
parabolic spindle, four hundred feet long and
only sixteen feet in diameter; a more defective
form'and size of vessel for useful purposes amid
not, in ourjudgment, well be imagined. -
. The propriety of contributing to. the American
Board of Foreign Missions, was discussed at sev
eral:meetings of the •Plymouth church. At; last
the pastor, Mr. Beecher, made a long speech de
fending the course of 'the Board en the sli4ery,
question, and recomniending contributions tri be'
made to it: Mr. Theedore Tilton, the
pendent, replied, urging that the funds for Foreign
Missions should be only given to the' Amen
can Missionary Association, of which Mr. 'Arthur
Tappan, B,mm:ober 9f this chenla, is -the ad;
and front. But the ; views of Mr: Beecher pre_'
veiled, and the American Board was adopted,
although, the right of members t 4). contribute to;
the other- Association was not , doebttsb .14 1 4. 14 .,
part of the contributions Will certainly take : this
course.. • i 1 ,Vt
Prayer Neetjtegf eontinned,te be belkhkatrrgak
of, the churches eviry day, for iousitiati.efto
the week df prayer, wit much ifiteiest. - The
Fulton Street Prayer Meet - Otis still held every
noon, without any dicretisi in the attendance.
-‘.; Philadelphia. I
Pkiladelphilna seem to hare grown tired of the
eontinned extension of the - passenger railway
system. The Councils belie PassaVa 'resolution
forbidding the 'construction- of any more: railrolds
along the, streets: This kind of stock, owing to:
the useless multiplication of roads, is now very,
dull, and- speculation in this dlr . Action has ceased_
Prof. 'tames P. Espy, who died at Cincinnati,
on the 26th ult., was, for a long time, a resident
of this' city. Thirty Years ago he wee' a `school= . '
master here, and not a few of the leading citizens = '
of the present day, were at one time numbered
among his ptipils. Many years since, he .Im* a
a course of gratuitous lectures before thelrank- -
lin Institute on his Theory on r Storms," which
afterward caused him to be called the 4g Storm
King." Afterward he became an indefatigahle
lecturer in support of his theory, and wite inset:VW
with'' , great favor' by Scientikm men in England'
and. France. His religious views seem tolisve
been about such as are entertained and preached.;
by .the Rev. W. A. Furnese, E.D., a sort of,cross
between I:Tnitarianism and Universalistn.
. .
On last Sabbath morning, the Hon. Henry D._
Gifyin, an accomplished scholar, active 'politician,
and entsprising citizen, died at his residence, in
this city.' had been an l itlmosennbioken“
Series of suc ce ss. He was born in 1801; grad.; ,
tutted at the University of Pennsylvania in 1819 ;
was Attorney of the Vetted States for ?ennsyl
minis in 1832;_ Solicitor of the, Treasery of the
United States in 1837 ; and Attorney General of
tlie 'United States in 1840. , - Het &leo wrote many'
articles oWpolitics and•general literatire, for the
American Quarterly, and the American 'and Dona.
made, Reviews._ Mr. Gilpin left , behind him a
library of rare excellence..
The present Catholic Population of PAilaio?phia
is estimated at one hundred and thirty thousand,
for the ar:kens:iodation of which there ari'twei;ty
eight Catholie"eherehes.
The CAru lion, Intelligence?, the organ 'of the
Reformed Duteft'Ohurclif, this speakiiif an aitiole
in the last number-of the New School Pre.s6versW
Review, on Old and New School Theology
Old • and New Theology_ : ,betrays :the
idioworacies of, its anther ,Onst /iiritesina ant
diabetue,) in the feeble and dyspeptic style, the
laborious effort to -lbw impartial, and the dismal
incapacity to comprehend and state an opponent's
Per Abe Presbyterian Banner and ddrazte.
.."; Testimonial.
The , ,undersigned Committee t. appointed . by
Unity and Waynesburg congregations` the
Preshiterian Church, to Make an exPreiniion of
their ; feelings, on the death of, our late pastor, re
port the following :
Wireases An inseritible Providefinii in his
wisdom, has seen fit to call away'hy death, from
our midst, the Rev. S. H. Jeffery,.our late pas
tor, who has ministered to us for six' years, and
whose faithfulness as a Pastor and friend has en
deared him to us to such a dogrel). that we feel
that indeed our loss has heed great, and would
seem tole ablest irreparable ; and that in ex
pressing our feelings of love...and regard for his
memory, We but, expreniss the sentiments of the
whole conniunity in Which he ministered ; there
:Arsolved,, That in this dispensation of Provi
dence we have lost a faithful pastor, who, under
all cirointarices, was a true servant of Christ,
and failed not to declare the whole truth, always
holding up Christ and his Cross, as the only way
of salvation to a perishing
Resolved. That we, deeply sympathise with the
family of the deceased in their afilic'tion, and
would commendlhem in ner prayers to' Rim who
has said be would be a husband, to the widow
and a father to the fatiterlesa,"'
Raobed, That these resolittionti . he recorded
on the books of each Ouch,. and a• copy be
handed to the family of the oleceaSecl,
Resolved, That a copy be sent to the editors of
the. Banner and Advocige.for publication.
Unity congregation. Titip, " IC
O. Veaciavn,
m . Diuen.
Par the Preebytertazt Banner and Advocate.
Church Extension
szoilirs pox. a-extumm i 1860.
Zanesville cong...zan-syille P'l4,
North liratoh,.,Qhio P'by,
Upper. Buffilo, Washington Play,
Little; Setae?, fleaVer P'by,
Bei.ver Falls , . do: do
Frankfort Springs, Washington PIT,
Savainiah, Richland P'by,
Yit ~
1-11uoKine, the autbor.oe,the -History of Civitiza
eon..iok Engtand.:bas been_ foxed.
blangemons or - anii 'llia refer
_ J [tn& to Ohristiatii4rilithat 'work law - been so con
WAYNXSBIIR66 Dec: 14,,1859
T. H. NEviN, Iteceiving Agent.
$lO 00
12 00
15 26
5 0
12 00
6 00
6 7