Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 04, 1860, Image 1
MRIMom7_ . .". :-• ...• ' .' - ',' - . - v--, '-', „: 3 , '.,..-,- --- ir ,--- f7'..7:7;; '', 1 7 7 - 7 :77- :; -.7 7•1 7 ' . `` 1W 7 - '-'•-• . 7 . , • A' ' ' A. -.: T . r •. 1 . y ... „ ~., , c r , ) r . ' 7 .11 ~ ._ -4 f, 14_., 0 - ..1.., e; 4. '*—, ' ' ' : ''''.... ' .... . 4 '''- ,' ' t '' •Ol ' ir ' diliii '''' ' a',. - '' . ' ''l' . , : '... ._''''4 ,' . -' . 4 -ri '' .7. ''' :2 ,,, :I.'i 1. - 7 iAO . -7" .' ' -'' Lt '•' ' r ' ' : , '''' 4 . t . : t`' ii:'''., ...: 7 i 6 .'!') .t 4 - 4 1 . i f‘ , ',• : ' R . p , „ .. . . '''''' - ' • t I t i L .. .. „,, , ,C .. , ..,.., . •, .•.......,„...,....._. z -. 4 .. .4t'”, , ~'; :71%'1. •', ''...`"•' .• ': •.t.' .:-•' / '' ' , •',' •••••• •-• : -..,.. 4 A. 4 Eat[ t$ toritinortorkui isamrs V IhYI ~gyp ratesbyterlas Adivesatimi Vitt: .1.4151‘ DAVID McKINNEY- and JAMES ALLISON, Editors. CEBalb.-Lir ADVil.lO,lt. . r rtglitaki - VO'ett-D, " Remember Lot's Wife." 44 iletnimbni tat's wife," was the Saviour's nom i na gall 1. f , • . , Tis thiiiitwho were seeking the heenly land ; .„ av . Itilidediblir that monument 'standing', there still, I t titl-iiiiiiit of his wrath, who obeyed not his l ' ) 'will. Nfbile dwelling in Sodom, that, land full ,of lifor nature depraved, and her heart all Unclean She worship'd her treasures of silver and gall, Nor thought of destruntiw,widah God had fore told. Bat God in his moray looked down from above,' Au angel was sone with a Message of love ; She fled at the , warning, Biospe for thy life," But ah I 'She looked book I 'Colt' "'Reniimber Let's wife," 0 ye, who have storied for Cahean's fair :land, I .PpY,yeu give heed to the *irefi,e9m,ffißTll Forget all the One and, thefollige.,Of Let not your hearts wander, "14 , n2grober. Lot's, wife." Thpugh ioutlea hopes have vanished, its gny.vis ions fled, Though.friende you have loved are now low with • the dead; Though eile be upon thee, 3'o ~flee kife, And look not behind , thee, "Remeinber Lot's wife! • Young Christian awake and , examine :thy heart, Does Jesus possess thy affections in part.? And dost, thou still long for 'the pleasures -of life? t InAids !there is danger, .oslteinereber Lot's wife." Bikt 9, 1 , 1 k 49flit 0011 nover,attemptid to flee FTOm dititrtMthin ?'I tremble for thee • Merl ie danger behinfl thee, "Leap° f?F thy life," The prise is before thee, 4, Reme*er Lot's wife." Remember, 0 sinner, the hour is at hand, When yen ihellobe called In the judginent to Tour eine will debar you forever from life, And then, if not now, you 'll " Remember:LoVe Sugar Mil, October, 1859. Ravin; di iiieratnre 'Saienbe „ al* Art. 1f1711122 it [BY OUR LONDON 0011118PONDINT.) LONDON; 6th, 1860. < In the department of ART the leading ineideut of the last year, has been the sale of Lord Nortkvick's famous. collection at Oheltenham. The numismatic department was the most recent; as to sale, and was pe culiarly rich. Day after day there ispPeared in . the Times a regular caialogne "; of coins diapeeed of, of rarest value, and in many ease% the Greek legend on each wswgiveu accurately. 01 course, a goodly:number of lice paint , Inge and coins of Lord Northwiok, will find their'Way to those private collections which every year are becoming more premier's, and which, as.l have repeatedly indieated,form the true, National,Gallery, of England. But in addition to this, valuable additions , hive been recently made to the National. Gallery properly so called it Trailer Square; These are two R cturess of W'atertalls,by staiob Ruysdaei; and a Holy Family and pilafs:, and Virgin and Angels, by.the early, ItOirs artiste. The large.picture of ;the, " Battle , of. Trafalgar," has been, lately repaired. It is the largest canvass ever painted by that remarkable *Alit, Turner. It is worthy of notice, that not thig picture only , bat others by the same hand, have t been fond to need earefut restoration. This, it appeaTe f ,pan done " safely and well." A competent critic says, "a careful relit ning will preserve a Turner, even' if the sub. jeet is not restored ; end though the pictures of Reynolds, and fifty other artists fade and crumble into ghosts of pictures, our great landscape pairkter may ,preserve, big. glory for the thousand years which Napo, an artist, was, not long enough for real; glory." Maßifio,,eet frescoes are about to be planed in the barristers' Hall at Lieopin'e. 14„., The Hall itself is a modern erection in the Gothic style. The design of the fro:0 is, to present a group of all the great legiets and legislators , of, -the-world. Here are Mena, Zoroaster, -Corsfuoins,,Moses, Minos, Lyourgus, Draisoilioloni , Nurna Pompilius, Tarquin, and Justinian ;' here also, Alfred, , Qharlemagne,liohammed-- 7 in word, ,every' celebrated person whose name =hawbeen, pro. served by history, as a founder :er,iMprOver ofthe laws. The grouping of the figures is, deprilked as very graceful. Lectures are being delivered in the South , lieneligtott Museum, by Mr. Robinson, Fel low of -the Society of Autiquatiee, on the, Fine Airs, 'and art collections. Mr. It. is the official keeper of these collections in the, Museum, and is admirably fitted for his poet. I trust, that every American. lover of art, will not fail to visit South Kensington Museum, when he comes to L0u40,12. In connexion with ci Schools of Design" all over the country, and liberal rewards 'to ex cellence, from an annual grant of. ParliamnAtt A:rt, as applied to drawing, to manufactures, making rapid progress. The misitors ti:r the Kensington Museum, during the i period.Which has elapsed since its open leg, !lava-been one million, one hundred ,and ninety.nine , thoOsand nine hundred andlfor ty.four. The illpstrated" works of the Christmas season are marked.hyextraordinery genius in the conception, •ansLby,unparaliele.d lance in the engraving Woild engraving is indeed a great snow lin 'England, and pre sents ipt astonishing onntoet with the mis, erable attempts of even fifteen Years ago, The artists receive exoellent remuneration, • and the printed page is thus I , illuminated" by the artistic commentary, of many a true poet•painter, who otherwise might have pined in neglect and obscurity. • One of the Christmas booksof the Tract Society, is a collection, of . the ,fitteet of these wood engravings, mostly illt,trative of sacred soenes,,into z a quarto,volnind: Hera ste drawings from the best of the obVitiso !ere, and,,some .of the •very,beat woodmut proofs-from the tracery of Nicholls and other en:duel:lt men. - The Scotsman mentions that the Chan- Geller, of the, _Exchequer, Mr. Gladstone, and Sir Danbar,ißar't r one-of the Lolls of:the Treaaury, recently visited thet a Ns. tional Gallery. ,of Scotland, , whicoh,•aa , many of your readers lrnow, , fieds; a fitting 'shrine in the beautifully classic, and graceful building at the foot of the Mound and near to -Prinnes . Stre4o. Gmat .satisfaction was expressed by the visitors at the condition of! the gallery, and 'its progressive wealtb in , art treasures. 4 remarkahle ,man---Tainter, engraver, • poet, and muaidan,in one—has recently died at„Varis, aged one,hundted years... He was totally,unknown to the. public, because he never wouldisonsentto'fiblish prodtio gone. In hikboyhoeslAtemame .to-London; and , tdbk lessons from.the 'celebrated' seulp-• tors, Flax:man And PAWL •He was...wont to pass.the greater part•of his copying the painticis of our great mestere especially those of Raphael. Ile caused ji house, to be hrtild,on one at the. Boulevards, and an nexed,,to it -a vast painting and two pieture galleries. There he ' labored inces santly, year after'yeer, in painting and en graving, in composing poetryand setting it to.musio: Here, was „enthusiasm indeed. He had. warm domesMo.;affectinns, and ; left , : forty-nine portraits of his wife, taken on successive birth days. He executed one of these the day before he 'died; with marvel ous fidelity. this MINT is not but M. Lambert, of ;the Courier de Paris fully vouches that he was a real per= soilage. His son, aged seventy-five, and a:grandson, aged fifty, propose to exhibit his • paintings and engravings, and to Pl'o4o l his Pet r y '14 1 4- Tusk , . Great an ; Amity will doubtless be excited, thereby Theatres are regarded by many as de veloping artistic power, but the evils imo elated with them=including the license to fell strong liquors, and the presence of bad characters—still make them tainted scenes. increasing power, of religion and meralp,,, has - thVitreP) 44mi • great improvement' has taken pbtee in many, respects. Macready,lowever,Aried in , vain to root out the toleration Of the. social evil, d 'he has (found successor Who ' an,„ as Manager, could grapple with it ; auccessfully.. 7 r Many .thentren, also, are of low character, . and art is degradedmien,spoken of in Anti .connexicut. The- l old adage.that."vide.his so hide ns j a,vielage, that it needi l i on)y tdpe seen,'? is found - aid , tte. , be quite sound; S li t 3 TVS on `l s .l l kqk 11uting : vitforlim youthiand beauti, it!. km:Leh more likely the fancy: smitten, and the appetites sho t s the moral mise struck ; with the result of extravagance Andilleentiontme4 The experience that...w& gait in , a-theatre is but a transitory glimmer, and - Lhas very little effect' n the soul. • It is nothing more than a reflection, "whibh 7 'sensible objects Iliterate • .M4ll whilet soono our anim al. . MATTIt; mpirits are etunnlated by the brilliancy,, gaiety, and abandonment of such moenes. those keYeaPn4ed4o, t ve ; ry,little..thouglA is_empioyed.en the finkliNseenefil of distress, andi imprisonment that,ithe , :citaracters may endure. Indeed the Morakdoes , not fit, be. esinielthe answer of the 'sensualist' will be, not tVit'entih a courts- must bring such a result, but,, tient a little Ange l and .tact, in not goingtoo.far t or having .pJenty: of money, will avoid the punishment. So writesa thewtrioaL Oda and man of the• worldi =mho pleads , that ig the''grand- drams may 'and does affect •the mind," brit' !ho doSs not inAioate any poeaible Srawhen, thee. shall be , :separated froin adjunote and , PlPPapiems—hip tin of ev 11 7 ,..if,,n0t to„every, one r y4to very nIPY• BooleidasticalArehitecture is stiß , ocoupy ing, considerable attention'from .Traotarian Ghuichmen, and arehmoiogists, properly so I 0 4 1 4 4arcT o6l6 9 1 1 1) 1 31 4b.11. 3 t).,.5.,90P1is little prkpote hat, lat4ly , 1)(1M pu l i hketl. in 1 plreanh. • It-indlcaties,tl.4, a .doeument has ; . redentlyigomeAd light' from` arnongthe ° arch ives of Bruges, whieh establishes 'beyond a denht • that the decoratiourto Weod'engrav: rug, W,hlch once adorned Melrose Abbey were, in great part, the work , of Flemish artists.: ; This document . is - the sward of arbitratoreinu disputer whioh arose between , &Scotch monk and•nierchant, acting as the agent of the Abbot of Melrose; and a Mein ish Maiter.carver who had contracted to execute a large, pertlon,of work for Melrose.- Abbey. That, German and Flemish arohi t , teats had , muoltio !du with. most , of our anoient - ecolisiastioal buildings; - is 'not doubted by those who havemoet investigat-- ed the `Subject: The various' Scientific Souieties regularly in the metropolis. Among theme. , Societies p the Geographicatisone,of the most, interesting, in eonnexion with the appearance. before it of the discoverer of the Franklin relies as well as the communications' ee. euMionally received from Dr. Living:Rona. LITERATURP, generally, is in a flourishing. condition, in almost every department; Among .the most esteemed, book. , of -the season, is Sir-Emerson Tecnent's Ceyloii." This gentleroan,lormerly M. P. for Belfast, and a native of that town, wes,for some time. Colonial Secretary -At Csylon, and gathered.. stores Of ,informatien f which, coupled with beautiful illostrations,- as. .:well as an elegant 'style of writing, furnifili , ithe ' "upper' n , te thousand'" and' the oiroUlating libraries with a maguificient volume. The first . edi tion was exhausted in 'a.few days., A story its„ told ,of ; one, greut i publisher—Murray-- being offered the book, and declining the MS., and that Longman & Co. thereafter accepted it At all events, both inithor and publishers will reap a haudsome profit. The,,Widow of the late James Ilitiettglson, the .A.fricati traveler r hauedited and published a volume fromler husband's pen,rig.Travels in Morocco." In consequence of - the Span ishvoriMade 'against ,the Moors, everything peffitidirirto'theni Wry st OMB - • " 't . . 'f rrmw, IZ ."4NE., , TEING,HAV . E' LORD:" -"TEUEVONEfth-HiNfia Da." oig THE ..WSW EN., -. S,ATUR"D *z VEM ..;V:•116 AR . Y . I`B#4 • this moment. Riohirdson had not a high opinion of the MoOre„ . although they like the English 'better than any other' people. A Cave, in his prefaoe to this book,, Plitt the sweeping query, "Why should we respect the national existence of any °° m ". niuptty of Mohammedans?" lie even goes so far as to - advocate: a ornEtidl; MohammedanThe * races Critic, without endorsing th,is opinion, depreoires English jealousy of the Spanish expedition,. and, seys' . ," it 'is undeniably line that thel4o harnmedan race sten& in a position Of Cow er. g [ entre toward Christians of all creeds. Englishmen will be long before titeY forget the treachery and cruelty of thefr am media fellow subjects- , j India, and Y , the worthleisness of - their allies in T k " No doubt this is true, as is also the elate ment that "it would be for the bine ‘ fit of - the human race were the religion J . Islam to disappear." But no tittly,Christitinn* nation will_ take, up the sword for this purpose. True, we had' to use it in India but it, was to suppress and punish a cruel and treacher-,, ons uprising. God 'in his providence, is . eauping ,both r‘ Popery and Blohammedanism to waste away„simultantionsly. It is very evidiut that in . this' Spanish business,; Itomieh and:Moorish , fanaticism are helping , on their: respectiVe systems to' the criers Of, , their doom. The Publishers' Oircular states that the I year closes with some books of firs rate importance.` Among these, in The r ology,,, are enumerated, "Tke . Church Hist ory of Scotlerid time the 'Commencement a, the Christian Era to the `riesent:Oenteri," by e the key. T. Cunningham. The author of die work avoids the controversies` of Non. Intrusion and Eisruption tithes, by stopping ' helf'a 'century back. Next 'hi mentieilea . " The Divine Life in ~Mt,e," by the ReY. J. Baldwin Browne, ow ef l .l,he London Con gregational ministers, ?h° inz Nl4°AcrrP jects s.,he " forensic "Ake ; of justificetiow altogether,andmho is taken , to task4by the , and Baptist Magazines, for bill eulogy, of Professor Miurioe. It would unjasp, I ,ejievp, to . ,5,7 ttis : Atr. Brown,; rejeotedi, the. idea, of Christ's'; substitution,: but he is very obscure in his teachings onl tbo,subjecti and somewhat-perilmisly; &fear, approaching the • verge of the Negative Theology: Tho:book--is highly .;praised, for. its=r originality. = Artibt, of Glasgow, zihu given us , and, Traits of; the, ()Kris, tian Life," in hie: ,own-;sententious -.way. The. u, SP.TiIIoPP 4y.9ll9rBe,RAPTtgANM.the irp,ductioNof rifins ;member . Methodists, who at .present in meat inf laritYr to 1 4e- Gliretaar .140 enumerates, among the *arks Of ii , firstirateil importance," . Rev. R. Steel's (Presbyterian- Minister st Chelleoliatn,) it the Prophet;" also, Wilkinson's. Revival," , and "::Weir's Irish Revivals:" . ,The,former. views.,thaillster Awakening in. its physical: , aspects, in a frientlly and philossphie spirit, while the latter `treats 'of the 'ante cedenti of . the Aliakeettig, gives infoitnatien . as to the great . Revival among the Scot ch` Colonists in trlster;ivri hundred 'yeare : ago, and traces the wallet in the Marvelous' workeef '1859; gives full inferMation of its . origin and early „Progress ; (wahine, heeides,' thirteen chapters of Tour of I.Personal Observation aed,lnqui4; and in its. r third, and ineoluding . prt, presents, authentic god ; auntie*" proofs`, 'in socials and sp iritual •- 4 • sults, thatthe Awakening is indeed o f" God. There are two chapters `devoted to the' " Physiological .4goiesiits:',' of the, Revival. The first of the Works 'sells for o.oo' the second it $1 00. Of the second, the; Hon. and Rev. 4aptist. Nos], (yip 'Writes ths., preface,) says that_he_ cannot pretend to aaanythin g ,to.its4stortl4l an :that it rfl is wanted, beoinfle not connected. narrative -ofi , these,triinsiotionslas yeteappeaged. ;'Buccal:*l geliera Christendom, for January, says ; is by far the most - complete on the, subject," and - W'rititiO 2 ' 4, with a sound and discrirriinating judginint, and-with • ientk - 'BYTPatitY'llitk the. Of these-.two.lbcieks onttheaßevival,Chaprnan & Hall publishes the Orst, , i , iind•Hall; "VirtrirOSt Co., the second. Probabljr,' the former house has r an igspoy. the United 44t.fs. Scribner,-of New York; is, the agent „for 'lle second named , publishers, Oliphant's work on China and Japan, is written by a Christian and 'an iniconiplisherr gentleman!. He . was with Lord Elgijit r for some time. Captain M'Clit,lpak: 'S Di t ary,of the Fox," is sure of a Feat : sale. yrinity, College, ` has ,peen , giviog him a literary, degree,: as one: of ,distin guished sons, while Trish. eclat is. thrown' on the of ono oft her'Aifigliniio..; tweak , LL.D., famourr'Crimean , nor reiPondent of the .rtintee,)' by the inibliCa tion ,of his " Diary in India." hid an• . • -'. 'XI` , optspOnniy, this week of looking over this Work, at the great publishingions, of Messrs. Atontledgc & Co. It has a number of val., uable pictorist illustre t tions;•but. its, main` charm is, the vivida vis of the letteppress narrative. • Muir& Routledge have,publishedia'bean tifully illustrated catalogue, and:the ' variety and vastnisianr their 'atocklii Soinethiai truly iarielotui.' Mr; nentley, 7 3rtea:Litit *hides Livekpf. A.robbishops Oacterbury,by Dr. Hook, (formerly Vicar of Leeds,):no doubt; sufficiently High:Oburah,andf, , Laudf can in -its '.sympathies: The , indefatigable veteran', Lord Broughain, is about to publish " 'biota PliYsietal and 'Mathematic:ll.9; Dr. Olasgow 7 gives us an, siastical Cycloptedia or. Church . Lexicon, to getlierwith-a , Commentary on the:Ephrisians. The p. Matinee has written s man: nal of Morel and Metaphysical Philosophy. Messrs Itiibetes announcements com A e somerbeautifully illustrated books, and also Sermons by Daniel Rees, famous: Welsh minister; Through the Tyrol, by lAA. New man Hall (wife of the ministel, of: Surrey Chapel ;)and the Romance of :Nattral,ais tory, by. Mr. dome. Captain tlaynt , 'Reid, formerly-it an American Rifle Regiment in the laet ° lMeii• PUBLICATION OITION, GAZBTTE . =Din' `STRIET;4IIOVI P PITTBMIGN, A. can war, 4T I +1 ,Rth , th or '..`. heJtsfle 'Wager'', ' hike produAed „s i new Christmas book for ?oys,,, and Also the ' Wo°d,, angers."„eaPillq Al ? Reid- is the . eon of 1: e 'Senior, Uler i k of the Iriehßeneral liese,m jy, and, yo a utast Ig!fil*i o .l 7 4ritPr• Ine,r°,,, fl.PeeltiV4 Saxon. ring in his words. Hie,: Oturisa ,and .perilti are perhaps somewhat too melodramatic.. ..,.- -,• ,1..4 •• But he ()Couples a high lace An the literary, world ji Thacherays 4i Cern ' 'll kagazine ”r is it• a is ( great suocese. First o ill,' ii large penny worth," very Oil and well printed, with tw0.... illuctrationa,,.kg e s, map, of the Arctiegogiow tr theik gixen i alsiagwith a`,•.PaPgl47fqo l3 4 , 4o l Pi !‘ 0 1 in!'4•Pri9Pl WI : tied; ; ," The. Search; •for 'S - , ', • from the4privitejeurnaVartio , offieiriltifet, ::. iFi7i:''' ThWoliegayliiiiWer Fhegini t a, litelY; 1 • / "a,.v.„ 7 , 44 , 1 ,, - , %. ..: -, 'l ,_ A, ,, lri " ," Lovel the Widdwei." and Fattier, Front • 1 I , t , ••,•41'4-4' ,F 1 c' , l* (.k. V! la lt tl. ( f i k1311,948 24' #l?CkTrAii iteTtiPaCßA4,3o' i arritesenlinauguritiVe o' ,+t .4± '4. - ~.; ~, Fp, I had foiscaetionlo Ica' it rciretialey'athe' it great, London book , b , ding house—tins v t . •.4-4. - •• ~,0 4!, 4 -, it , •• 4:;; .1.....1140 ',T ;•• - 4 1 it: week. b .one of the Ins, I .eaw„ anim a ,, 42 engen Pul'OPPOf. Ate. ern. gi ll, Allgtziner in sheets; beluga put *idly into ',"oovere. Smith, Eider St Co., the Publishers, haie theii`lionie id'Obri'llift,inLike l ea r " 'they 7., ~-,1 iilßOtAilPitA l 4il.‘ Mgr l 4,l'9,fia Pui 3 iikkfrL.i They are..., the,,patroneqef, ,-the'" celebrated , Oharlotterbronti. . 4The3 arei 'Mho publishing 4 two - new'tdoks; 'by Sii"4ol4P'Bifinilig,.'oeh on' Ofilia, and ine"Ottigi"A 'Argil V the Philippine ' . ~,,, =;1 1 1. ' .f.,ALLN 1 'Nfst?, .13.548=-59- ,These two c , • , t 1 the, - media , ' - . , 0f 4 , llo4kenefialaernentst off Fen ipectiVe , ea - Heithen , andlfolrliande ';or' sunny dayi in the SaliehieNde and • • ' - • ' Jordan, by Captain Briggs, of # ' l 2 ' yn g i # l -F r h l A4 ' Of Eiiesitkte. of St, Parl'n, Epistle to i the I Corinthians;: by the hite.lßee. ii;:t.W. i Rob 4 Orttioni' of 'Brighton. The fecundity ofi Vie mind of this remarkable idin„if tent:esti: mated by hie short oareeton n eatth, 4 and tike; ~ • .-.4 - ...•., ...•., 4 , 4,4 - PufneSqu.o , P.C.OkuP, 3 49Picif94 l W , l o 4 ll l;an - b appeared. ,The•beauty of, the stylepandAbio originality 4 - of tbe vvieWn"of ( the "4 anther ate' alike tranirent, But his theology ishidil' 'Sally unsound , is to the. doctrines of. Juittfl, cation, ; and • titquAlltat...P 14;•-ini 4.40.).. most. ceductive•of 'all , the:"..writerst of the "Negai4 five": . r. School: - Wheiii'lheAtielit's frOr the' " sdbjentiOn "'iiiiii;lleial4ilt Of'ilikiiinii, • • 4 , • 1a...4! 4 • "P' ',: '' , ,l: life, nothingean belmorerupsiesaitm- • , Messrs, Trii). ne.rp.ot Rattallter4• . Pivi, and Sampson; Low, 0f.... 'udgatel4llall, ,, ltill f ' if ' * Alt '' import largely the - best , meri an w s. , l .4. , •- , .4,- ; , i 4 .o', - Death has ( Wein - btri riiiiiongst - ' literary ~ „-,m, ~...'••. '7,ralf., ° ~ , I°., ° i nen J " Tin g t3io PAYtao ' 44 3 44:Mf4t4e1P• . . are, Leigh - Hunt,beautiful > ' writer, litereai•dlituabo nd ithOiliatt4) , . .., ~ trions Macaulay: With - regard to'tlie lat', ••• .il ts .4 4 p' .'t ^:fril -‘ 1 , :,;t:), ter—in addition' to notices in 'any, ordiriaii , -- IN ,rytr, ti•3'l'l" "` , I "11 , 3, V weekly letteHot. me': eiy . . that ;,•there. is sufficient Trident and Inlay , for ltieLpreek, to brilg the'llistorysteltbelclose , of ihedife of King WllliainV - iniii, "'" ilia?' viewed in thee, light, of the Revolution, end its hero, it nay ! *.e- e. e' - - 1 , assume, something. likely' eharaeter,-4of corn- pleteuess." . . - - • . . , 'Biaosulay!s annestors, , :from; they grand(l father upward were n die's o f' - 8 00 an . His 'lrie` ' Bl-3 4 T erne Awn -alarm r. hookas loot, Babington,p„wetlthy.pmehaßt--,hnee hie Christian" distinguished student at Cambridge In Aninst 1825 appeared the article op . Milton bur9fi Revieu:— : thk first of ensaya.' Yu' 7 $3Q ` he y entered 2 ? arliaweoti,` and made grcaty speeches, on Reform and` , other topics., In 2.834 he Went to'ldia, as ', a member of the - Supreme 'Coucil o f dar; 1 / 4 T •-• i`f ) ontta. He 'returned within three yea& His Laysof Rome 'Ancient' appeared in 1842. The first tti'VolUtni o History were published 111'1849; the lad two 'in 1855 . . ' . • . 1 " ojihii,.lo l ' ).-0 - 1 .e - • 1 , .... .. .... .. Ttitaie 'gave 'Weil l '''''tteil t ' thi - oilia'" hairy fivrq.c .., w ritten 0. • n„-., ,-,17..,.. I. 0 - ev t ietatiti ItiViiii Pf_?...,. tkep!ifiiiiiirilikli Ifigni 1 , 7 , f' ) - IS p.-' :; ()dia.-Al:4i lar , ,, -. 7 1 .! . : r e , lilidcl. ~Ys. St fg Optgin' o ei So is it with Wij_ ... iiiatiVreso'oitgal ii Ding . iaLlryiag e --t 4l; ha f 1iet .. ..... 1 s nim'ellliar tr ie i lilla . 1:1"'" 4n*Vis,4fra t Y ' x• •- - re g I'd lei,. . , ~; rli : ai,ii In fo :bine tiiem i irly oa; Ack;* . Vl. ll omillai9 ' ; ', o. l tie " gtoP" r lg. ' ififo u' 4l ' and heritage., .. . 4 .4 1 W8 -. f4,-.. • • LIT ,;. ; tar..fherjr„mltriro.lria..F.ll,R,l ttit. 44 1 tew ittr t °- C r' , .f a. • Lt. P•3l (if ). • ~ Ll' i l l i " Walk wisdom towar4 them t h at li r et ! , ; M redeeteig ttie!tihiel"=ool. 17' "thellrlnfif ctoti'" "y Ott ,ChUroh lies nearer the heart of the Chriik ;tian than Ofotikgod/soinustiet4itinlaetir quielror r akd ipp, i re c offeetn t ally ,ThiP APIAIiP,t-l*Waint I hPres 49M0 find the tittiAket . it ,, :tetPllo39l4 . lw,boae. heart, in tY4lleflitPtigetitaiulsowit.9lo; labors the P#llroftte,r efT ttiesrPOlVW tOkete , ,, our fetketek, wt ) rel ll Ped i APb:_9ll,l` mothers wept, eßft 31 1 7thYrieTe ?: ". ;birtio.llgeßfi;3 bitm e more Pt ol .nig94:lttiMiltke 'l 4 trA l . ;hAti5e.. 11 .4. 1 f 3 4 4 16 . 09 31. Ul k4P t iPS4P. 9°. i t M 40 4 1 1 / OrkikkalliZe4M ;r,...TA9R 9 n alttltueN4-Jugiej 9 0 :4 1 900;‘,0 111 - ( 1 )r- 1 1PA114%, aPtoti , v.!rthßP, jP.-.9 1 4 4 ).0T 2 Fe. :lupen a-01 chffrchlY:Fßeeiki I,iPge for ttie• 1Y9r 81 4P., 4 4 ( ill!‘ 1 Let, Po efmti thing trlti ,ak , 4Pri4, Makh g64#91f0 or etorng,gl Inf#,49F of-5 1 9 01 9,ien0e, 1440 question as you must ans wer not like, thi frembcrot skis W ri,g ) .liagr ihe one may the'other ie in'the house of God'f;thliV l ll, an Sibligiiiow . you , oireqo God,,nranto:theopreaoher or, theughurobt And remora*, „G,pd' i s,,, ,spraetinies works marvelnuslyjditi, unproMis• ing'instruinenti ‘ ''Tire . dill; the dry the weak, have - beirakin mighty ' by''ttid Spirit'S'power:onkth'em; • -And rx-you please; how much empty , pews,: and; liatiamt hearers,-have, to do with dalk.iteirtipmuld prosy prachers. Thinit hew it. wing' of ` fancy , breaksthe HOU: and ' 146' At - the fires - of.enthudalkir is the zpreichiierflandfr-kihere ;Vie iterthba• are made)—the .thought that , .afteF ~a 11) his' hutch his 100,01 his enthusimalitif they, go witUhimiete the pulpit 4 . 41, rill be wasted on empty'VeUre and sleitir Veil.= I ere. sirs, am mire, :were our benies only fllledi,t froiri sideito side, every -Sabbath; with ( ~ wide awake,' thinkipir,,,,hearem, we 4v9,uld-haTO verb du. ll .,trlikellers and' .prosy_ eerPTB: Fi t s , e in the eaier'e heart' kit:idles die IMMO (2) Be active before going to the harisi), of worship::. A l etiverforewhat aniater, ?2.nSFti.„'_".YNT<•e.Eß'Yk.+~'7atAq`c!{'firt".*f,. , . , f*-'SkkMly{k4o'xi . ,q =I ' , have, an hour's time for prepa,rs , tto . n before entering 'the house, of; God,., Bei muchiliergle in' preparation 1 Wheti some' one abed Daniel' Webiter the 'best rule far successful keeei4Jithe,reugArrepraCielt t air- S uppose the. 'preaeher..entore the pulpit without. beedified? ' preparation, ow will,,e earer 86 pose thefarm` s a r tti, hisseed wi t ho ut p 0 TS 1 preparation;,what p would;' -yau say of his chance .for wrap Z ;Suppose- a ship.master, PeteitG,elm,Witite9t. preparation., what Mould_ you esy of his ehappe,for the farther eitore r enters the bailee of GliniithOnt" preParlitioki,, what would '`you` say of ;his chances: to have; his -'tiffentione lifted, ,heavenwartb? Prepare, then, for 1 poi:ship. before you,go to, the house of, wor-, th, O .i Let thP hour b 4 iste worehip be ePetlik in_meditettnn and 'prayer for ,thie Ea. - chow' heartiofigetivoishiper'.z -, Thisfolbttd ;Old. pollee from familyadtars, over a our: mon. gregations, would eleintr3p,-,as4 usienternidl t liFeavAr . ligory God fr end v retcro , f rain on ire thirsty, hill of gion. ys rz, t H ave lm tiaMeriti t forxpreparationqtfairratt 'welt air before lee °tune. f."1:31-et r.yourA east c into; the spirit of If9 r s ll APlfilte V l ` beglettbe teerMbiP. ; For; this, you-most ,be,,in time. Afeey,thitige on, I 'balk) ;Oiled the :frame • ihiehl6ileirril, Wit 'Eine no*,- inthe etillitisscOf3tlie ;eabottiarY, I ay.ltil.,P4o. ehinitecoyaringthittfraniev- When , 1E or Or wentitiOsrlWateilleete44ll#o43l-feit five; minutes before ; Ivgrrehly begins,. land; fit' the gtiffne'ss, isrgaiim Whim many hearts for a blessing o title presorts?, I sinkon the/ 'Nord (preached; .11 cannot '4ll 1 1 19. f, teeotir the awed of aPe/Literfelid! berebjefd , w4n9sitbeEe E'Peth - 4 know it' does. - But, if, the hush of the, hour be, 1, broken by• a storm of in-rushingteet, or the I slamming of shuttingdoorsi-with the rustle ol f ormdiggaregiesk tbeh w4l - 9401ot! feet !like worshipers, agd, goysequently, are only in name.. l , This may seem fo r yon a little thing I 1%11 you' t evil.' I thfi r effeeic , ofsa'4earishing ser:: Too ) *jolt wee .begingii,gi tot tpubon,Ao 0 9 1 r1e1 0 ! . . 1 ! 901101trii,Prp,,141 40 1 41 A in. inorent,, a, foot ' or. the rly.! a oil Oa a stove B ove.e always in time, 'pen, - Weitinti ee'warslup riot che'were-ip' Wafting forlyouv,i j_..„,(44 #l!„iwt,i_ye.,., aut . J.9,-mA , , worship. Praying the oongre ition and 1e,1117-ng singing,2- whilt the oongre f4 klitio `sings ; thickip , judging, Viicrtm • Raiviniiiatooreutedtthitirkirigeotteregatians ; What a disgrace it is on ouydogiosiMiro,logyf tha t At' rittrAvgg into. the .4N39? at' massve doe rinep, beg usethe neoßle *can't, t i • falfdw yar fviir Div y' ott :am& 7011i: 71 Othnikqc". l the determinatiori.that:lyouwillnfollow the prey chtls,,e.yeu ,ttlyugh„lte go - down, to ',the f v :1 1 4 11 . ;I;bullittel.oB.l Look him straight in the: aN4oinitehOliffiVe first sinteilW; then de' ientdtlo.ll4lteleMittlitae.Y.seliferVoe theafirst last, 'sad ithealinig,lkiToriel„ ih*P i T.l 1151 2 ,tatieektbeirt 1 / 4 4! 14. your he a d on the aelkheoic, before o fl n; elope yar eyr onte f eto ; oen, them to i# l , • . ft yens, gra yolk Deign ors .dr 'or: ndighblirfaftide,laud thirkeactietratlibtir will iyi.vaip t , t4 -Irowwill be oCthe,nutit. haring, -,heat~?, not," neitlier do pey understand.", In short, remember that so soo~i skthili" eroline'the u thielhald - of the ski/6444'; joie areloininittelf iforil4 qt.:tiedvi Anikniomin Shduldi dare worship 4ink,Plit With illative{ mindwand,theart with soul OlekelkAgbY,llo,'Ailvfei 'PfeeePee-, i CL c; _ NW r , '" r;i•.4"j±.V7 -, :' , C; , / . 9 - . ~.1 ~: - NW this Pigabkteisiin Banner antAdiotsaie. - Professor., usu. , 1,, „: ". 1 A f. , -; rif ...-i nu -1. . . W „en , thm o k a„ man R,,,a profm,r, 4 ,1 iiiiiiirs stliWatt'hiln."' Viiiii'm illeititnlv'to tier yeryfiniutionislil bitf*, thonghtlt 'Ave' bad 1 Boum iprebidifs experiendii withipirofessorit, I , 4P(11/45, 8 41PfidA DV% belWlSek le „Illikkeek a T f t i "4 - 7...:;f1 , Y° str A t t! ,ll ".lllY , Mrs . * ll'y, apd religion are i ' m'ore esteemed in the 'ofiscl'ilia theit°l3oitrinee t BCtilie Pill' m • ake 1 prifaiiiiions:(withent.ha r vitie-tlid imility: A ' eeriiiiptemen niade•_aisoieran profession that i kßnPiiinfe g0.,04f9E-xpu9,4;ipightlia4.ooem l , !pawn k wilt a,miiiiiiter. Fop ! c he , { chaygitif me f retier Zi`entt - 0 . 4r regnlii ides. '' Ili is not alone. I know friffrdiiizeitiliefelineLimit memberl of thervhureh uitheir r who de -the nmperthing4:-.Wholptotesslall itindslofibe ' i nCNRICAPe , !! !i1 1 ,49g0t0l liclllPrPles, beAeni : Pat B , o ejOieli.:)!Vdi Ti'li f fiM b . u ts- r OtT 1 eli,rgeliii muol4, often mm.o; than tin eel ! lingnid. "others. " I -tiink= the' one= 'alf s Wllli hiiectoltlims of their benevolentinteiliiong • hiyvelebeated me., < Britil . do 'mot suspeotlial IrAloraAr° mf°lkiAr4 3 .(. 36 o ifiPeil!)* only .;wheys tigireare,.nisp l ipllius eirotimstanoes ; Beam theicaiS'iliany'who d l e b reai kindness to reli gious enterpillia lis 'this way.' We laill miniii 'who! haiieldoid. veryAilibbral,. thfuge, 4134ellArvP1 kisd':3r.l4lloll/IktiMoo-:. , Wkilo 1 eltiej PrA9igT2;7974.44ig5n 1 0 11, 2 e Si** I e t it is only ` ; w ell soniethiug indicates s ! iiiiklilillii i iihiticiieethailii ibiaia l sii i iplia "" Wiiltl 2 l 'lwo latoffeiaiilictiireaeoiE o /Now il 4 hopin the.oonseidieticin t may Anii4mor- , 14pried.',/.9ll;don4helieye,yon•alwa_yesuar4 I ft , PM(Vmsrf : , ,Xelie'llY-mfAmr , you PM. I often.; ktt ,tp..n pint majority 9e PasCai itifeili"l,llerellltothipg inismeloniin the I biroit c nistanto&i, ton dki:tiot: abSiiiiiit, - -hutJ this '.. boutrary:- Suppose- you 7meeibizu wpublio i :C ,f ei man grave, sorimAsi maim, atmi t kinti, I NA?, d9Plt,n9,tirptar,,Slrb o . l 4kk selm) pipits up, the Bible atidoietly, r attentivel • y ieads. Ten ' ! UV , line: Yin Ihink Itii =a prniesisor; and 'ails 1 tliipoibdilihniiive , 'emibdenoi ifilliiih. lam ititOtelliNikentfor a minister, whene.trairel-,1 ' P,Milileligx4l/aing t o lo,tll‘Pd• ffilelVbl ti all izi l gqq l ifin fe frAlq li CTP - . .illii. oiticto.At , /ei,lie ont, J frOli r ii a Hebrew' Bible I chiliad? -triba l iiiirYiii `..- Well therelviii an old mad,; toraioWed :infidel, in the stige;•whOnwairgii•f 1 -seg•outioibuytsbeep, mull W 44 fewrbuodredt ' dollar ~ with *M.W, 11 0n..,Ak 1 4 0 ,P 5 4.- 1 4iP1 • eitunipy,uni,„ for .ing4h., a libte:n i tl ten#ll4 man touched me 'on thrinn;loa me aide, lindr giving :line ' their/ limier cit'filiHnloWied Aeneas, proposetietbrat4etwolelneuldetaken' • !MoMrki.elmrellvtatf 4 beliemmaurialidele ) PAA7irleligim's PeffßOFtinids do , IIIPTIARto thing- ' :.'' ii . iielt,'lalWalli 'aitseitltiVi' it - iiiii.'''l4 taeiejiAilaiiiiiik Ws inifbniattitil-j;i'agi.l Aciamotitisiige thitlou decide - againstlao r)igiose .people: • !rho .(oreilit of , your own ' -4 1 ,rl!hed,ppi,tioni.depepds, on finding them . I;iiity. Would each Atalon be permitted 'to bear evideti4e;',ine s ?tide, in any nouit rt " jaethie. Bittlilijid 'you sileYeet 7J Do Aprofeedore',futiiielvt;-larger :prOPOttiou , lol ~111Winals, t han nomrprofitsseria ,' 1 . • I •Till , R l 9, 4 l ,l ll.uggp i ,stim to you thP-PRO ...m„li, inv. that Icq AniPaqt,,knaPife 3',9'q bete! - gar' l e ii it ,en i nity '"gti , piet-Glici; and ' 'you iiii . d 4 lilseVcohreilif inJeounieninifs”, BY Aiding .fatattliitir hie people- 1- Jist ill ~.iTolopFs brobtwagepooted j , ;Land could nob isPe4 ( P1aw417.7• 4 _, 6 90°,4491°A 9 4 0 441, 1 ; oaine i thpy hatei mm., ' ', ' A: • al • r- .11Z7 V ,..:1..; - Turilly'of f ilie An' ail 'Cb iletiiitni q is, that it lifts liiiiii iip ttilthelidniiiiitV 0 the universe i overall, fiii thigliiry. v! ! Pf.i-E) i RENO Olt • 50' per Year, By Nall,, , or . nespzery Delivered in theVity, 2.00 " ," For the Prestryttriett Banner and Advocais. "The Week of Pieper." KEt2:88118. .EDlTolts.:—l herewith send you a notice 'of the obserVanee of " The VirdiliVe Prayer Meeting" in this place. The;publication of it may go' to'show that though, comparatively, we' may . bet" little among, the thousands .of Judah," the Chris tian people here are not without some good iregree Of' intereetin the enining:of Chriat'S kingdOin-; also, -that- they indulge` some humble -hope tthat , thaltiquestlhey make-in relation .to -the Second Week in January, 1861, shall bo acceded to; and, that by the opening' of another year, we shall thus be nerditted'agitia'in unite in prayer 'with all the goad of earth for the still killer coming °Elbe,: kingdom; of our Lora and ef 9 4118 t" - 6 -e' i 1; e 41 a trayer e ' o another at:elk in' the strening:; one At silt o'clock .each.. evening during the .These, : .were all . well attended.. :At our 'Ooieunieetings, during the week ibere wernliimblibly from two hundred and Afti:tn . fecir - five hundred per. eons present-4aryingi with the Weather, and with the size ; of the house:in Which 'we, were tAllenelnble.xlanlign:Ant. five Altnroo ehurelre, , On Thanksgiving howevery the ''Convocation for 'and Piaise," fare ekeei'Nd the' other roeeetings; bothvin numbers :interest: = It was behrilinliontlnhuroh,. which will seat, it is Ttifflfktrti B PrlPlbuPArld persons q o ll2fosta: ley 4 but on that there were probably. eigliN4itindiedoOitne biindred people witk. ini walle;:whileie is said=over' two died) were odunted , retiring Tor wantof ioom, kisl.,Ne,.. ; knoitn .this : in !canon, ,a second tnesting,:might,have been organized in t4e, basement; "IR itti4ncieetings,frorii day to day much' missionliFf,'"lbfolinittiiin'' gifin: 'The spirit ) of t Phrilltiap - union ; was : evidently etiengtherd,,;,and we trust that the spirit of o'nlargedChrittlan ,phiAnifirepy received* nevi iuipulbe among ' kingdOM come." o :A: 0 . . me . . • Mi. Bien/ant i lora, Jan. 21, 1860. P r y AB.„ . AN tqw4,,J . , The di erent churches yleaaaiit_, • Liiiiii,;dtderlEint!ii'`OSTiiiiig dtir iogithegidodtP: week 'of 'Jen., 1860. After shedding Monday .as each .ehureh preferred,i, si Won ,graya.Fletipg was, held, daily.- Thssokrtstiege,werdwell t attended and of'. introit. At The close of the last meeting, on Bali. bath the 15th,Nrhenathd large ehiireh in which it ; wae held *as so orowdedtthati . han• drede i who esnie were, unable to enter, it • .Msaiimcf, That tae request siV'bhrietianS throighOut the woiid;io obseivdthe Week' in 1861—beginning with' Rent:lay, ,Tan:-7tk—'4ln like' manner 'an' the Mifennarien : *Nerttiern44aproposeil, the East week shonid be °tont:Ted,: , of ;meeting.. 7 1E:eniiii,';Phstor of Bandit church. E Pa Innana,Pastor of Aititirylit:T. &well J. Q ?ammonp, Untter4ty , Charge, atz.p. • J.J Da , of 'o4ngiegationst :church. 1 W. AYSAinniii, of , OhrisiiiinOhurai. j..ft:BO-00, of kt , ,P. chap* Pia° Bonn, of Prot. 808. ohnron. Hags* S.!..vion, or U. P.- church. pra. shun*: . Timp n ri- Sraa.ano, Chairman. Pi*Lte lorayer Oar Episcopal friends sometimes ask why we Stand in prayer, ra tg er an k n ee l. Oar an c iWer is that 4 stitiding.ietlie spontaneous pontfurti of xeveretioci Wisp' rine and the presence of , a superior. It , is.* R o .47lRiV't Pw4 l lfor.l l 4l l Ao FtgemblY, wherever, or ho we v er it Tsy ‘ be brought,to glSthee. It is' iiEloriptural posture: The people of IsraeFetcrOli *Tee tlieyworilliPped tlt qgtr.gineri , ,o6.the . Shekinah:in.ttahe ~talvrnaple, . 10... %hey stood ddringprayer of lhet teliple,'" (1 Kiiii' P vii ) f StoodAutitii`a-pliftviif -it, it -144`it. They also stoo.d: lwliers-Jeloshaphat, nest prayer, for thpm , in a tirne•of lianger e g Chron. xi: 5,18 God seems to reeogpise it in Jet' : wteen'he says , "though Moen and Samuel 'stood befoie me, yetiify mind oould;not tie toward tliispeople: Seem! ,have s used it .when 'tend up and thou regardeiot not b. 40b six : 20. Oar Lord , distrpctly Teecsigtiiied it Wherilhe isaid;. Mirk 25,' - ye :stand praying, forgive:U i.Bolrh the Pub lioan ; and P,barisoe stood.wheittAbep.prayeid in the temple,' ll k : this; !kaki 4 1 .9.10. 0 P11 3 ( 1 19' 2 . ouetom of, the Jewo;oo rt),,mixqm 1,411tk 5, "they levet to prviiiindiog in the sydigliele; and two eorn'ere m ef the : atrial!' to be 'seen. of e.metia.' 'Trelichp Ilan:lett it -EpimooPalian, ssys,Pio -his :erposition , ,of the parable, of,:4he , ElmOsoe. and- Poblicop, to pray Abiding waV i tat moo nor, of ,!.#e 4e e lro." It was also the manner 'by the ttiVe Chin:61.24166C ofithi by! Bingham; . the. atighes t inthoritymooog our; IFIP:PrP4 Awed:4l l ,n/in 9 1 01/fif.0(1)4511,9- eisati~il.4uktigoiky,7—.Pergrod •Posbitmirt. I= ,1 . ., . :. , . ! '/lte libidos Tide. .. . .. •:;Whel:!,...t. ,l3 er.lilde.lhliOnt,i , :yett,.lkave, notioe,d, '. l ,49Hy9tire&oble mneg, the rooks, little pooh s 1 vilth‘litile,ikshes in them. To the shrimp in I 'ililb : itle . i.eil; hialtiet depth" of salt' Water ie .1 ,Vitiheionettillfda:this . time-lierinW..' He his! 1 AO dealiegismititiiis.. - neighbor,sbrimpin the AdOecamkt pool s th ough it . may,.ho: only..* ley, 11. inefiee, ,r0c,,.. Ind ; that . divide them. Ba j a, .iiitetrtbe ruing &leen bikini do 'lap, oi;eri Ithe'clilarkin of iiiii h iniking - plaee; 'one' pull jogs ealtoihewlftliair. Varilme tenants Meek; •attd : by; stud by.itin .pliee , of :that little- pat6b b l of.,.etspoli,ng T watav x , they: have tha r aogateal oundless fieldf to 'milli ,10.. , When .the dial iiiiikg4iheis religion " le ow - the l / filitlif i iill .iiiiiilkile fain& itienliad, -liefe l i s feseindl ltheieraleirAn.the little elaeding:poelsithikti 1 14tudf=theltbesoli,i , having' nor dealingeowithi AcM..migitbstrii of.. tho.adjoining:, mls, 041. 1 tog : them . Sa maritans, and fancying , f, gyip their' iiihrliitle - O fl ointnianity inolit'dee illibiti viirerpie6iOnein - GOd'e eight.` Thikr:fiiitiit,l lifer sitime that there , is I Vast' sedreapititivel etkesn -rising r -,every , ripple tbribge , it :nearer -, a mishty oommunioe--.-eyen,thisommna.l ion of sainte--vibieli je to .sagOr all, minierl 1 6onsiileritions end" to 'enable the; &heti of ait Ipeole4-tli e , Chris tiaintlie Cliinet•lnvirs'ilf 1 101". -denominations—to' 'some 'together: . 4 Nhen, likefa. flood . , :the . Spiria r klarayin-ahei . lkisietTl.-ShlMh•Ti l \, : 11 0' . paini`will ' j o in to saint , end all trillvoine 4o 1 -iiid; that iv theiilitle pOOli ilia peristea, .7.itielnot bithedebOrehing" Stibithhr'idiettift; ' InOt kbealletidirliii of faithlyirribblifri butdiy, ti the-influx of. i that boundless; ses,i whostgisd waters tone% eternity, and? in whop! ? elpyi depths the ssints of heaven is welt ; bi r ths c , lini . iii6Cerealt heie - room iiioiigli Id . itiagei .Are 4 renv'sbitithes frail:Ml stifiding ticikile coloog4helbeinh,v,aiitirrjnetienougb - soff thiii s m o r imptA,..t9.4l..tegAketev-inoteloi ,iy i ni g ,. anl g , l the, , ebb i tide a period o f,. the L thiireh's'''his6gl. - Bit( t4y form a very AlittliYelelloiellif-Litie' liiiMt V littlittle; eta itithitivititayilichttag , sileA itidiewof Philadelphia l Sauk ,:West'Corherof - leventh and Che,§tritirrei =MEI! S=F:===M WHOL3I NO. 884 FINN® universal light and love, which, as it leap in over the margin of the little pool, will stn its inhabitants with an unwonted vivacity, and then let them loose in the large range of the Spirit's own ' " communion: Happy Church 1 fartheit down upon the strandl nearer the rising ocean's edge I Happy Churck whose, sectarianism shall first be swept away is this inundation of love and joy; whose communion'firs, break forth in that purest and holiest, and yet most compreheneive of all cominuoioni —the communion of the Holy Ghost.] Wtoild to ' a ' CliiireVirer Rev. , James Hamilton, ' ;! The Xonii4+43oneettiti 4 , «[.., -a What Christian - heart-does not beat high atethe'lhought) of tii dita)Vilt pliarliing infartiYantaigki.4 ,ll 6ooo l **** i hly.l9o3g : the, hp rdera 3 ,0 f.; heathen t iefia thick ; _clouds ...are„,,edgedyv,ith white sad! felitqlQ to e- ten 'the' that nfain 116,. aeffutocoalletethefil selves for rolling ripilairct oildulegub'etvall leys to the day. It has--been said that " -beside -every group oil Wildirt3XittveluAthe Ethoologioali depaytment the,, pryeta l l Palace the missionary could place con traetidg group of their' Christian country isie'n." sin tr rhe Ofel'Boiik l the`Book 'of our . Redeemer's gift - and 'our ? fathers faith, * * * has. been' gradually ascending; taking to itself new tongues, spreading open its ,page in every land,Print ed in.9„h l inese carom -piandernsLin,t4 y ed man's Wigiarn,„Sought racy in Behares, a school Wok 'in Tee*, eagerly 'bought' ifi 'Conirtantilmple, loved in-the kloola of Kafir land ;(while the ' - voiee of the dead:from Assyria to Egypt have 'men 'lifted up tp hear it witness.' ' Among the . ladictirerv - ii liefening Ind 'a surname; amid the strange, fascinating roar of advancing frobi - the 'West, is heard ilitiv ,eringl-tere and there, _a 'faint, ruddy •flesh, as of life, seems to announce that the swoon of superstition, unbroken, for ,a yearei ere long, pass The'Alt insportioiePieliminarj , victory thaiihria to be won over'anti-Ohristian .prejudice l on this part.Of the:oe s w lords of rindia, , is nollonget doubtful. Still , farther. East_ than Inds China lias'heard tidings of. a ,true Celestial empire, froM the lips of : . apostolic Min, who have dist • behind theirC all the refinement and isoilal -pleasure of 'Europe, as I Paul cast . i bahind,,,,himithe philosophy - or,,Gferice and the lordliness of Romp.. . p eantifulfisi th)n, return of the Christian morning from We West to the Eatit. Christianity does not now'goifinith iigiinstlielatfiginis?a; 'airVithe :olds Crusading days, clad - in , visible „neuter, andn.bearing an earthly, sword. : 7 Itfi otos gently, like,/the : . 1 . 1 awn, itry weapons . thrtehet is of 'light„,. Wearing ,the, breattplatst and loVe, and foi lielgiet the "litipe of Sa..- irrithiri. Clothed thuilnllielertior ofkldd, it :faith; does not waveri and love .contirrien to burn, it reit/ conquer,.4-rßaknese6.'harvat teristica of Christion,qivilization. • . The Apostleship s Temporary Moe. The •grounds of , ' the - presumption of this remark:arei (I).that Abe twelve .Apostles see referrell to,in tbp ItAtxg:ftataeut, as.x knewp Nit k of mee, hmit4in numher, and hot to ' be,incivieCeicept in. the eitrior diriatty calm whiCh' he himself •derieribesi as 's, relarkible 'exception—(i) that some , lbf• the 'powers exercised by We original Apostles, are no longer in existence that come, whibh still exist, are, pxsv oised" by Pieibytire, ih'tsvere in apostolic times—(4) that those whiTh'iie thus exercised - by-Pieebyt i ere, - are in them selves the mostgetkehtill a n the existence of the' church—(s) tiot l the,office; of Preabyter has !peen, continued in Ake ()hard! fp! the vory. purkoose 'a . ..5*64041g 'the Aposties these' tiihotioris,siri l d' with a rienf ai3tiob Iciest rbbands7-=- - (6) .that thilad.vocates dor :the perpetuity,of AV Amospolio,offLop;ere . us4 'Reed - amoag.thern- i mi s , he irsot ra rif i vo i ll i ctw:l m O n g,l o rind 4 this want 'Ofitgrgehenearira l 'frog' tLesileieh 'Of goriptiii . Fe;siOt the' finpossebil• 444 ' fi xing: in" by'44which a line 'ineY bel drawn; between the powers which ffe i ,thup,:xootinued, rand those which have ceased been transferred,p Presbyte,rs.-- , .Princeton Review. • M=MMEWM=2I To;the = The iateltev. Mr. `James; when air.oici waniby. •reason of the ; infirmities of imp, could not dormuoh, work for Christ out of doors" Brit this fee — lizig liken ies;,licoo:Old . 1 glorify suffenng pattenay what gent riled 'Was piorasid - -toilily:fiiieforhim. He wrote on klhis subjeethi 7 • .r !,` I .i% 12 Oltillinioirollll4o.lVloll - g i g .., eni q^ t 4 ). IrOtt° o° -16 • 14ps , grime we lit _to 93! wa de. The • "iiesseig hasEbeeti but it has letft - meno lopkeiP strolfg I avon,theverge of old age, b andoi subject of not,a few of its infirmities. The, _evening of life 'is come, and with it soms..of its _clouds Should these olondifillfWe'irilr,"cinli 'furnish a new theatre . on 'whieh to display the luster of my setting me-an opportunity Of glOrifying Cprigt ,by, the - passiveTirtnes Christian obraoter they ought tr be mop welcome than oven a' cleaielisky• ' We remember that Dr. 7 A.billiisider,'in his "Religions Experience,;' 'by no . menus iin unoommonibingfeeolitOlutistians Asclin in mirittisliky4 Rilpd, and as gm7.,,itat,lPF o .. 0 1krist• J Letlut'!igiid reiditte..thein be i?d zlertfiecii, if not rnttheiriaiiiiio' -ranch ofer o,briet,:gladly - sigrert :aica Attie withoht - itiiiteßex thei , hedreniji Fidler is pleased to lay upon ns. Tll,oFirt die. Let MOIL then _tli . mre and more in earnest spcideir?:f A 1 sie.runins out. .11 . . . . 1 . , : • • 4, ~..., , .P.lft 6 . 1 frrkiki s-.1.'„) 7; 5t3 I,- 861 "09 , 91,0 0 , /111*P.1 his 4 41 .11111510 1 0 d iii iiild - Aowo it Iston,iptate. There -*vie ov min , litayingTiiiligtriall,%f ..Boalpsuledbie 'years,' IMO fdditotti 8 t ' nifit• tentiod: 'I found ilia he; Was a merohept ,Alio, had stnessed four, hwidred thousend Afire' worth, of earl ppisseslii t r,, but was not yet "ric - bloWard fi od ''"--,had said 'no'ilo treasured in heiiiii. Saki iiti some of. my friends; " I-Itnnet ko . and 3 iikeilt , to :-.him." ".No, no, fol yonr: IT lon Cfik! only,. 4riverhilll frgin. th??:ohligehi; And . 1 - ri e rt i lp i f 3 1 ° ‘", et him..-g0f93!.31 4 4 1 i. } Pl.4d , 1 b 1 ; 4 " 1.' J3 b Ul l i trif i llte scs hril e i' g: . ' ol h i tt ,ibindly, , by- the hind, And •.11idflig Mf.cjii., • hAvtiy?tt, made- tbd inatieirfrof youi "soul's f 2 4.11t551 6 F11itef1.'42..M1.T. 3 1.?:' _.T.4. , !4_*ns 1 11 1 imuellat , e l Y, littitfC, it t . tatkp old n py , s,a, hat " had 'rakelY • wdlit• °cats. ~ , , 611;" 'laid e, ;4f6strii l feiiirilidlelitii ( tstifindttitii, i q o 336 re thiatititi men itiiiitive sidlliTto ting , dii.biily 11ia:4%0345' mittibrindol ithinki iod4di it." Alk.M a d'of,V 3 4‘lN ?.1 1 P371 1 _ 1 4.3Y, 1 *Ag 11 4•)E!d Sostll 4 4; oftenTroye, if we r.,, , am,hipifut In - ibisddiy eipeakiiii ). to our ' unconverted fellow-travelers to eternity. „ E=&E ES OEM