p„ , , ~ ; •-, , 1 1 . ;.:4:4 q,: . -: ” ,' -. i,...... 1 01.0. .. ~., 1 . -..f -,-.1 •...: ..iil :h i . --,•• -, -:'.. ~ - ~ ~ , ~, . .1 ~.; i ,:, u 1 : • Pruliytiitl9,9ll9iirm•ro, Veit 7 /1/99* Pre5971991199 Vir • DAVID MoKINNET and iIAMES ALLISON, Editors. ntinitt-IN'ADVOO , r$ titan littl4 hn,'Clid Hymn „ Ent the Hfo 0r.,740t. Andrew Fuller, the following hymn is referred' td 'es beitik' a favorite of that ,enbinent • man during the Utter perialve = Years of hie - +lifer nod elyieciellf ea beimeaftenf repeated while patine his.'room in the agonies of his last illnese , Lididlitn in a vale of tears, Alas! how can I sing? My harp doth on the willows hang, Manned In every str ng. lldy music is a eaptivelt obs.l Harsh sounds my ears do fill; Bow obeli I sing limit Zien's den& On'this side tien'slill? Come, then, my ever dearest Lord, My svfeetest; Vhtedt Wend; Come, for losthwtheile Kedar tents, Thy fiery olusi lot send. What' have I here'? My thoughts` and joys Are all .before gone; My eager soul would fellow them, To %We' etdrnalihrone. What have I in this'barren laird? My XESUS is not hare ; Mine eyes will ne'er be blest until My. trettliiS dothuppear. My-Ideue is gone Up to heaven, Tovaiti a ptsd& %slim; For 't is his will that'whefe're is, There shall his servant be. Clinton I ski from Plikshistop, Iti grapearatfelny repast ; 1 My Lord who sends iiiiftknelhere Will Send for me dt'llist. rhare a God Unit abingeth not, Why. should. Ite perplexed ? My Godlbst nwnsitte in this world Will Own itutin'the fiat. Go fearless, then ) my soul, with God Into anotbei. rodm, Thee who Met journeyed*with tote, Go feast with him at home. View death with a believing eye, "It Beth att•atigera ; ' ' • And"thie kind angel iiilt 'Oder Thee to , an angel'e place . My...dearest friends—they dwell above;. .Them will-I go and *Ms Mdiartar frietida Will soon ocisseNiftelite.` Fear` noeftuf "'rend not the 'day of doom ; For he that in to he'tbr Jndge Thy'Saviour Ims bbooino. Tor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Lettere'for the New Years to ;My Coa gregatiOn. 40 Ptalk Wisdom toward them that are without, ' red4(itittig thttAime."—Col. iv 5. NO. IF. In all your Ecclesiastical relations, let Oft' New Year be 'the beginning of a new' life. What aegood' thing it is we have this eiOriting point 'bilking - "binik,2 l 4 . e May see the reeks on which we have made shipwreck, andlavoid themiin the foam, as we sail over much thesame sea. One year does•not differ -mu'eti rim eriothen Sider elemtpittilinis, &idea, and hills, will beieuch Ole Came'this year as last., Hence the ex. 13,erienee of the past is thafuture's This , retrospection is just building light. housed by the rooks on which we iheve , split, en that whenvie "ordeal the litormy' - onean'.of another year, we may steer Wide or danger. • Iktiow not the rooks, if any, on which-you havaetruck during , the year '59. •I will set= my light on a few, at random, so that if you have not struck-then] you may net Inaction.' Sot been active ettoudh as Christians and church mein: bets. You know how quick a Man freezes in these cold Northern Winters, Who is not active: Adieu inessential to life. The Pheart that doesn't beat, • doesn't live. For every grace of the - Spirit in you; there muettbe a inarlifeetatien. the"clikraie- Militia' of all life to manifeit itself—eo out ftom itself and become diffusive. This seems to be a law. So much soi that when= you reverse it and make life 'turn =back on Welt, it becomes death, life no longer. It is' not necessary that you go to the heart— the root or centre of life—and aim your deathblow there. Yon can kill itjust as well by keeping =it where it is, ,, cutting off the= °IMAM& by Whieh it wouldAlow 'out frail, itself. Benevolence which does not go Pit into retitled Beneficence, ceases, 'by 'tied by, to be even Benevolence `To wish. well tcea man, and refuse , to do well by him when- , you ought, destroys, brand by, the in -m of ' , even wishing well. The ad' n Bllilli4bo said to his starving and naked brother, go'in;peace, be clothed and filled, really wishing. he 'might be, feeling kindly, to him, no doubtibrrepeatifig that prettifies' aifew times, ^would not even- say, " Got in peace," but would Send him from his door with 'a ourse, nor wiiit hiin to be other than starved and naked .I Gpod qiialities in' the heart, when neglected, avenge .themselves by turning to the very = opposite. Love Wasted on itself, (maims to be love. Matey 01011 amuses itself with itself, which 'weeps writer own tears, and feels complacent at its din - tenderness, ceases to be even mercy= becomes an unfeeling, hardheaded coun terfeit. = So •novel readers, who weep over fictitious woes, which give them no Pipykir-t titnity 'Of' doing anything, become Milken : insynipattifeing, and hard hearted before a case of actual suffering. So it is with , the religions feeling which does not pass 'at ence i -whenever the opportunity offers, into action; it ceases to be even feeling. It dies for =want , of something to feedlupon ; be comes 'feeble from want of eternise. So we find 'after " Reilvals," as we call them, comes dectension, death, deader than =be fore the life; darkness deeper than 'before the light. We marvel at this. We stand lrefore it as a great mystery. We talk of the Spirit's sovereignty who comes, and 044 and goes, according tq his own sovereign will. But we forget this plain pritteifile: Man can't live on excitement. He cien'tgrow on rhapsody. He demands More substantial food than that. He must have 'theistrength of principle which comes of hard work inqlischarge of duty. Duty done is ' 'What Istrengthens faith, whispers peace to conscience, and clothes principle in mail of steel. "We — forget, too, that man can't always be iiived,eitement. It is trans ient in its very' iiattite. The waves of feeling lashed into jloountains by tite Spirit's breath„,must settle by and by. The' stream driven on =by 'the= breath behitid, must run slower by and' by unlade you open an Mkt for it. Take dOwn the barrier, and the wave dashes on; ,the shore and spends its force; but in the very act it did a good work, watered the 'thirsty ground, and that wave gone, leaves-room for another to do its work, without =falling, beak uselers on the wave 'behind. So letleiligious ox ditement 'Ties ,alwqie into 'action;. 'and its power continues;= not, indeediita t exeitement,' but as work; ,n 4i so noisy ) , is Miliii.bet•but, stronger and far snore useful. ' , Weintist , BENI e 1 active. There 1 aire two Ways in villich death power' One` la - when thefre . 4io` citioti; and then it roars,' Sed hisseii, and chafes vitt fearful friction, yet does nothing. , The other is 'Amu' in motion ' - 'then it works, noiseless,. powerful, useful. So let a Christian, under, intense,, religious 'feeling, apply this power to driving some great and good .work ,before him, end his, feeling lives, and never dies. But let feeling waste- itself on itielf, and the man becomes, inevita bly, deader than he was before. God gives feeling for ',ark, and when man makes it a 'plaything to#lnuse himself with, for a day, and please his self.righteousness with, God has so arranged it thatthefieling avenges itself, and.ceases to t Here the secret of Declension after 'Revival, "Faith without",eorks ie desid=—beingialone " Feel ing without action must die as a heirt without berating. Leto ovrevived church drr nothing Wore thin they did before, and it longberevived: Faithr must have ' wake ; life mustihave' inotitin ; feeling-must have action, as its correlate. Be 'active Christians, '`iU your would : ho Christians at 'an, But r have strayed very far, pinning this thought. In my .next, I will speak of some things in 'Nelda we shah:rho "'Yenta, Wily, H. For' the Presbyterian Bailiter`itital Advocate Coiniidhiation. The"sweet Plaliiiist of Thriel, who had liiineelf'been placed in aim* every `mitivaid condition, both of prosperity and adversity, 'to which luinan nature is subject, says, Blettseiliehel thatvotinsiterithrthhipoor, (or the Weak, or-'sick, as it is• in the .margin,) which proves that pit was intended term:ma in/end charity and kindness to/those in dis •tress generally., ,This grape Appears almost !exclusively peculiar to Christian morality ; that is, to the religion of they Holy Scrip tures, as very little on:the subject, or of the kind, can be found in all the writings of Pagan • moralists of antiquity, either Grecian, Roman, or others. Ohr - Saviour's golden rule, of itimiler im port with the words Of the Piebnist, quoted tbove, being edesidered Imo itotah-liupertor to any trelithen mrtizinse, thatilie• Roman , Ern !peror, Alexander Severna, who lived &Mort A. D. 230, though a Pager,,,,had it written 'upon the wells of his closet. And. who would not desire help in times, of adversity I Christ set us the example of denying him self lor'our sakes, iced liftimises alifeesing 'alto those who folio* his atePs. - Yet to 'be Christians who area not eoniiileicite Mies. They lee 'their' neighbbr in distress, close their eyelf, - -t tiethereSay, behrold,lV6 knew Whet; tlfe Priest And , Levite,:-puss by on the other side. 'Whoa° bath this world'ai goods, (says John, the beloved. disciple,) and seeth his brother have iieed,lirld ahutteith i lieWela of ceinpaliaion from ItIM, 'to* Abideth the loie of God' in hinr? ' What claim cad Stich a air , have to the ClisistigQz.awe, ditioh lase to the - Chrilitian'iritilWard ? indeedrctarity tethepoorsembe 'to' be 'the lowest Choistinn prac; antl'wheke thereirnone.kif thiltAs a test of Christian faith and love in persona ofeability, as and old Divine quaintly ex presses it, "'there is no true love to God at all." This sentiment is intimated by:Christ himself,. on the judgment seat, ,and yet the reward is the promise' both ,ot'thialife and thatlihichis to-Addl. '(Sil; Ps. xli : 1-3 ) To try the tip'`lrite of men, God' bath ap pointediliffeiliide in worldly circumstances; and while this appointment la a stuhAding block to the' covet - m*ooonm Jadeite/1 bidder to the conshinratejtririr)hearted"Ohriltian. It is , now.ta; apiiiti L trying 'Mason in our land to the rich aid.frosperntig; The poor, though continually-with,them -yet are more dependent sinA more ;necessitous, at :,some times thenrat others. Let those. who. have this world'S goods considdr at this • time. 'BonlePtilwFeats' ete; -ow currelned-wiiikelited-to me iiiii,rsayis my informant,' sitting with pothers tin the porch ' of • w pnblie, house,. in a email village, situa ted in a fertile country. • I observed two gentleinehlidieg the t- hottip,'WHom I knew asiesPectable add wealthy farmer's of the neighVorliodd, ' Mr. B radd 'Mr. C. Without 'dismthinting, they-. commenced a conversation with some pe r r :ins. near me. A small-:, , came ,out of A house. on the opposite.aide of the.-street, accosted Mr. B, the elder of, the two,- in a lo* to this ekedfather has been golf for some time, 'but is, llitter-; our faloily4ii: .entirely out of provieibni; 'we ••have - hotitiog le elk, and my father sent me- , •over to ask you to let him a`• grim of corn, And he says so soon as able 'to woricpbeGwill pay you for it." Mr.. B.'it answerwas, "No I -when my corn goes, the money must come," (a pet phrase with him) noticed, said my, in formant, When this speech was uttered, that Mr.-C., the other farmer, drOl3pBd his hend. The boy returned to the.bouse, opposite, and 1 the twoi t gentleman rode off. Abett three nehrs afterwards, a colored man, whom I knew asa servant of Mi. C , came up the village with •a large • sack of meal on his horse. He stopped opposite the sick man's house, took off :the seek, and carried.it into the house;.and that, said'he ) is all I know of the matter. • I would observe .that. all the, parties spoken of above were known to the writer of this communication, and that both of the gentlemen farmers are now in the eternal world; and theii reception et the judgment_ setat'iwoiligt; iii• are known only to the 'Judge of all the earth; and in,conchieion I wofild lifer 'the, reader of this to Luke x : 30-37. Q. Some 'say; gr I' would not -beVe,knowtr he was a churoli member ' ,but I saix knit at the communion table." This was a pity : it; so helps one; to watch- a person's conduct, tol know bis relations. Bat*bese fault was , it that pallid not know this profesitor 7 Hevr do you judge ? Do you expect them to wear particular fashion of drets? Why, no Yon would hsvethem rib 'gayer- than, others, and youPoomplain, itthey are more grave or solemm—Diyetrthink they should speak thrthigkrtheir . noses, or tlike in a par ticular kind of hinter Or should they buy and tell , at wprice set by the church 7 No, you don't Wight the 'chinch to meddle 'with business or `p'atitios. Now, , it seems to ins,' you would have church to be very much like other respectable moral .people: But if, they are , alike,•how willlou distin tdish,' inlets - you"' see , the 'profeetdor do 'some thing , that peculiar ? You know ,the kingdom of God is not mest,,and , drink. 'You could tell,how men differ hr these. But it consists in righteous ness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The peace, and joy, and righteousness; sato their ,tionice you cannot See and you don't like to ,hear, persons spank of , - inward joys, and int:dived of whick youvare - ignorant. YbUyetill tit linderitical. Olitint“saysi-the kingdour of God Cornett riot 'With tilieertra tidni for thelingdom of God ie *Mk( you lipw 3 1;4 8tat1,44. tie MUM "ONEATHINiSIFIB'NEtDFULt"' For the Freebiteriaii Bituner and 'Advocate .Those ,-Professoxs. IMIMEII PUBLICATION OFFICROMBETTE-BUIL FOR THE WEEICIMDINa heart and affections, and you cannot read. the heart, is it,strange that you do not know the Christian ivhen you meet him on the , road? It May even happen that some you., judge fav,rably,, are not high in the'estuna-, tio'n of God. The Lard judgeth not. as Man ; jadgoth. There is, not much doubt, but there has been a difference of opinion be; 'Mean the Almighty Searcher of 'hearts and' Most Men' "e6neerninfthe souls of some human 'kind. Though I have had considerable dealing, with' 'prOfessere,'and have a fair experience, of their character, would not 'pretend to eiyiiho are Chrtitiadand - Wito are not. Bee some I count of the church arnricittrheMen, and the "contrary. You teinehitersaielliel preaching to . 'the dry bones. They oaihe'te their place, anst theyfwere coiered whirsill ews, and flesh; and skin, a perfect form of` life, before .the breath, entered into them and made, them living• souls. And eo, theTro phesying among dead sools,:brings- their dis jointed, scattered affections, and ptesions, and principles, to` much of the ‘syiitein and, harmony of Pare morality , Witte there is no spark of"religiOn - nnii3ker u ng'thetiOnl Or 'these,' seine may fie 'thegitturbh, Some imt,' but iso. like liv big' Men, 'that these who_ can not see' the'throbbing-'heirt, 'feel' the, 'warm breithr can noG lietinguieli'the'livin'g 'from the dead: 'NOW; the Lord's' table' Id' the plebe wheretthis lifei and love are pre.. leased. It may-be sintere,it may not. 'We' do T notir nnw. God dries. >'Eutk friend, here is , an important'point i except yonfrepent,' you , can noble saved. Yon may - knoir this truth of your repentance - itniTfaith,thoirgh, no one else , can. Nor can you tell the-state of any other. * ln:keeping ; your man, learti, eterna,l. life .may be secured. To know the 'state of every ether eottl, would avail you nething. Every one has enough to do ,in keeping his own heart. A. For the Prebyterlan Banner and Advocate. Dedication and itevivid. The new and .neat' house of worship crested by the recently organi z ed tion of .Emlenton, Venango Veurity, Pa., was solemnly )-dedicated to the fworshipiof the Triune 9ed,,on Priday,,lth inat. .l a n this . sBleroniti F theßeir. John R Agnew, offered the invocation, and read the Word of God . ; Rev. tOyar YoUng; D , offered' the dbdioatory, proYer f the 'Rev. b. X J ni ti o ri n li ; i!! , op i t .D hp '.,. R i)r e e v aci m lie } e d asr t a h . e og d u et e e r a!!O f n Olin Eatbn, of and Ittihad:. orAlleglieriyitodk „plir't in the de'vOtionaf bervioes. Tura Wigledfsei'`Wire' and FOrWin i Otteto thelddinatiOn; tign inklia the cOngregitilin, 'the 'Rev. Mi.' Maser and Mr. 'Agnew,l.ihiellY 'by the'li.d.4 ter, andlthis gbocPsrdOd'sffiNn :began in" tit hibitagrowthrduring the 'meetings connected with the dedication; services. _The Lovills Supper „wee administered ,on ( Sahbath,the 15th, - . by pxs. c yorg. and ~ J unking and Mr.. Agnew, and eixteen, pcf„itnnis -were ad m itted _ on, profession of faith and repentance, and others were anxiously asking 3‘crat n2nst Nie_ao to he saved." This JittlPt tibk - deseivei encouragement., he a p have } elr*ady, under God z , done fa ‘ivOr'k in their *feebleiiess,"and,ciiightTo be assisted . ; in paying ttce balance of debt on their church ($500) as they have nobly lilfted theniaehrae. vlAirn'• Oelbert -11/Itt - Jkniesoilf. Attlew, firlird Or dained.on qtriaday. • The Sedabin 'now cow, aistslof Judge Junkin, Mr. AleirandeV; Craw ford, and the two , alrelidy , nam4. For the Pregiyteilan Ennrier int] !Advocate. New EiglealtdfUtrreVondefide. TEEEEHdY OF THE CHE4OHEE I4Moftenatiked what, upon the whole,,, Seelig now to be the tendency New:Eng land ithorelee it tiiiward or dOwiWird Thiels not f)ertialis an easy question 'Verb are Se Many cross eitrreitts` rithaf setting thringh the' dbilrehes, such 14tinatitableeernhimithins and' aittagen% isidi,' - that it requires a"Very Wee 'observer to &termini Whieh'way the reltienelaith is driffing 'Tllefelre Sadie things' ertecitir agibg, afiff'sdniefify ' • "If 'We loolvitt"thi"Thearogical 'Senkinariell we °Shall' find''a %ate ofctliings like this. -First, 'brew“Halien ‘a.llliears . tot he' itudeldr 'pitritlyisitv The' - Setrahtirr want' cf'fauds ; it lickswendosOmente.- Dr. Taylor is dead, and it is not easy to alit his. rplace. His- .son-in.law,k ~Noah Porter,.Jr., :has been ,electe4.but",hesitates ; to :accept. He would, perhaps, be -the ablest man ,to, perpetuate the. New Haven Theology.; % but there is veryflittle enthusiasm about perpetuating it in its peculiar form.,' Andover, in, our judgment, is just now the most dangerous enemy 'of the truth in the NeW England churches. .It has, more students, we believe, than the other Con- , gregatitinal Seminaries combined ; it has its hititory and old reputation ; it has, to great extent the 'con fide nee of tbe e'hurclieS: Ike Aief 'Prtifeasor, (Dr Patk,) is a Man' of ability, thdtiglf tank% India' of rhetori cian than . a logiehin or theelegian: Wbrkeearnditil -and, is''Open-htinileit' &eh: 7ottldljildgiq"*ith . Pocirisninthate "ITS' professes 'did CalVitrestio thetildgy ; ald-then laying' bold! of that grand deviimof errbriste, ".the ;Imperfection -,of- language/ 7 le, evis cerates-that theologyief-,all..its real , atrength.. You ; remember his:- " two theologies/. of the,lntelleet - and the Feelings.. ; Much `the ; Scripture is to be , interpreted, not as intellectually and strictly true, but as the expression of the strong and excited 'feel• lugs of the writerk qtrelihtsrtook to apply this theory to the doctiines of depravity, IStc. Ise anyrinan., now - ittrprised to -learn that' no-less , than • five ,of' his, stu dents; the -last year, rejected thepdootrine of. 'future punishment I , ,Bangor has been eupposed .to represent -a better theology, but it it ddes, it is so feebly that we hear little of it. If we may judge from an examination of one of the studints of that institution, to which ` we recently he toned, it offers very little hope as a refuge from Andover. 'The instruction from the theologicalthair of. East Vindior, we think, is now sound. Five years ago it was not:so. Dr. Vermilye , has succeeded Dr. Tyler. 'The difficulty' here is, that Pastoral 'Union who con trol the Seminary do not, we siippose, hold the theology now taught there. Whether they will. allow , it-to ire perpetuated, is yet to bo seen. A little incident transpirtd at the last'anniversary of the'Seminary,'whioh iserglidglift, It ,appeait' alit . an Old Sehool•kre4teiian "minister in the neigh- . , borhood, , hod (without Ads, consent, how etter,) been nominated for membership. When the “eledtitirr came; althoniti - tighly eulogized by the Meiners, he WWI rejeetoid on the ground that he was a Presbyterian, and• that-they had better , keep clear. of- union with such. -;Tho ,crearn - i , ofr.the' thing, 'howl ever, was, that they iintitedietAly , eleetCaza .New : Presbyterian, showing ithet , the rentipathy,of !the; body .•was not so. much I.to. 'Presbyterianism as to sound Galv,inistio tdoov 'trine.. .hare, heard poTberAf, the wiliremember, MUM is the orti New Englei wl'en ! Prpsz ";Lett Paul aniwer fde “I g t o od, id'd Ilinetrationt. agt definitely. On. the whole, our.own ie,, that ; the tendenoy is still. 4 . The - ctOnariotion forces itself sadly that New Etigland is under iiititition, not of mercy, but 'cif j When:the olond is to be lifted; n. any. For ourselves, we do note an et nntil,there . has been a l yst, l moreq...,'l irel6lsingsit -- of ' •ei"roc. We fi'eri ;, • ; Moist 'be before the , 'an be better."• 'Of th e suggsstions. • 4. rt, made in the Butner more thinriottr.yea',;) go; We'. do not repall, ouei that time, has ". ; ".t eon finned. And now, ;without .eta-:ng the kift'et'Oiliplitoy, We vesture the .; edicticM '&160 tpirif. he . ii.;•.ed out inightilrfrOin on' high; the day ig ~ : te!okoh log whieh wIH :witness at more : Arid ind r apallimg apo‘staoy from #te .f New EnAland has ever ... yet .trei. 7 . -;44liat iptistioy wl l the so 9 stiett oj' versalistn. Truly, yours, i i ; ".4 • _ • %-i• • I." , 7: :0 , From our London Correspo , dent:" A Remarkable Pamphlet—". The Pope and the Cmgrega," 31 - 4 Plni 4 l. citl4. APPre.4 ol lo7 lB `7 - TAt Irish Agitators—Opinions of the London Press— The English Pblicy at the •Coriyial—LOlasgout Sentiment—Rubin versus Atittria-;-The Austrian . Protestants at Pesth—" converactoon between an , Englishman and a Frenchinan "—:The Reputed ' Augtors--rht .N:abill ArnidnishaeMplatned— The ~ Conclusions"—Lord Palmerston on Cot tage Cleanlineis;rHome , Mortdityokodattatimat Def,ences : —The Free Church in . ,Col .with. the Civil COOti—,Spiiitual IndeP'etiareitee 'of Non-. Establiihed ChtfrMete 'in Perlil-LAISsisPIPPos4 Succeeded by -. a Greeh Chriftflab-" ''Lord Elgin's Addross, to-,Glasgow Stude44.Riniival-in Scotland -Profess o,: Biackie and, tie Memory of, tfi'doi4inti-TAa• Literary ,;, witort, Dec. ,24th, 1859. fi4upt„RoPs" ',AND' THE CcutHE,EBs,!': Vs( th ‘ e,tiths,,qt a : pamphlet whiedi-teppeneddsse.. iveok,irt,Paria, • and •which ,hanieprodueed to . A iiifilind sensation tbroashoulfarope, ~. Lie is regarded by most as expresebrg. the !Epp s pertir's , own efsotiments. ~, go, ' 2 Wilk 11410 i is cull to hiye ;leitietf., this ,tO 4 eAffrighted, 1 PilErir Nitneio ; bits; a rilih - , a 41, will, nut. ""ii h with iii - ' I lir *era muo wt e genera att Le. . This parophlet , begun! ntli t s . ipsessinne 'of :iiesit reverence. foi , 'Oil ,p,RaoY, . and ` . Jiff' in eloliiiiii "a"okiiiiiil4gykent (oregli jtedlieiti!) Of' Ate fo'filfibit Uitf . llie ' (1b air . :of `St. Peter. 'Bat: thee Irofitas,lthe iiitiiiing .00 1 g4aitlintit'edhW'ilifilitbiliry 'On mitiii •of 'faith, tied - the' iinfiliyali`lit-ihrti "the • Pope' is''placeiriii'atltikhe r ininetrue'intkii'd g revolted retbferefer Thil'tdrnizirt'l b ieian a mt' tifirs"?esphheis'hitn" ill' Alit' V11%1111811; inthiottitielir hiMltovtlikreleieiVateliiiiPeifila 'a Sovereign, Which,' as nlieldlird; Illilit! 6f Rook Child . ; he' cotilfhfcit otiliFfirlife'hlehei: ' (i im. , f... (e f., 'a 1 ' Of costae ill thin is Old atelYililtithdi" 4 03 sited, rather thaw fermall t , ari" ed), and iir ' ill ,raeant :to sprepare the - - or 'the) proo 'posalito-he made:: -What , -.44.4hia',Twtin•-ntripi eltanoe it iwplies the deattuatiort of the' tirr poral sovereignty of the Pope, although-eV 'ears the contrary : TheTope„beAng ',tent P n i t .:. l . lii YeMiPtfi" 1 :‘0s 0, 4 44.404.143,4gRi °f v ilie . i°:oile cif Illi• RTRagTi - 3 L 0 8 19442. tfleictOM, he la 4iiiitlvir - to . pik dOixt heir. relihilibla, " getidaii st .. tbert9 t i?river(tinpli • ilk 'Philigia'ifilialuatifirPreved ttet - Alitookni6 , be" riot" lidilptilt,'llie old" tiogin iOl Orvi t spfitde er e • vide s " ittiVeti4 4 "piitOrereigs .tifiriffatit iibi"VeriVid; in liee'it; that &It , ITlfii"'dittilfdit,''ltsfetYriity, 'elfilisl46' of liii?' 'Miff& i'refitt&C,lrtli •giVef it 'a :Irish ter:" rittSifsirdulid'ilielEtliftihrtity', l atid'in u tihark itself le lie't - lip ItfliisPetlit-leiVn9liidihkeit' 'Curt, . whit/Lei. [Eat - 60 '•dief '-i - 10.iii.''"Aid i whose costly grandeur is eatil•bb'littlitiiielli' nokby . ltswation• of:the iltotramallik bdtrby , OW ' *Quote!) , oontributiona of ~.the ~Ratho t hi, Powered., I . ~ ~ .. • ~.- ~ ?., , .-.- i An-for the ,. Roplan i peoplei there mould be, Municipal Inet, M, ittitiege secorded them, tend' 'they, , migh t, O flt ,pftiega„. politics. . But , lliey, would madly oiseogptheir time,smoog 'their, apteidid ".ruins" ie r artistie pursuits and above all, in becothinic rich as the par. ~ t .i._.vi, ft4,0,..r..., ~, 1, .., t, „ r. ~ ~ vey ra . . so anu urthl in tastes t tapir tons long- Tingi, - tida l 'ilidtigil expe'ne - es l of 'the c rowds 'irhO'whulit'reiiir'tcl i taitie trord'all lands. Like a bombshell, has this pamphlet' fallen into"th - littitistarijimiiltilrefifittf: i ,Tlre• - debial that lit-1i publitiliEd infdirlnit perial+Matolioneorlinepiiifticeriilk iiir , otilitnel ,beemade the meet .of,--and oreantim'e i 'llt% ' ,igitatiore is' being continued; :while .. - E agli i tiv 'iluddrishr•Romani Catholida4iyMen , are OAF 'under high pressure by-the , priesthoodi, add 'ire more demonstrative than -was , expected.„-. 'But lotwithetamiing , ell,. ls tbia,„trepidation lille the bearts'of Rome's;priesthood every-. where. The. Times sceepte, this Re i gidiletras. we inatiation . gist the Vol , N!'„, k pfettelp tr Edglieft Alibnioe s ici 'dial f, Auetina., . 1 M6iniii9 , 7iiii'tt'oilipg . A4.."4:;,pri f ) , IA: . Dates kiiiataitiiiiiieti. to the ray of ti;ir-ftil. fillment of such a iiiiir:amilie, even if Ft' kted • were" to. Wain' AftiNt,•4lB ifilvtiiiiit iouldronly kW one( out tof iiinimbeebtvicitiL , olio .PoVert,dreltesiiiitent - the , El otittibilhf. 114 , I ~presumel thitt' , our Cibinik trill' -if* directly 1 - interfere !in lthe rquestioniq eerie' to insist- that the f•peoplel of Italy, including those, of the , Legations .and the ißomagnsi shall be free 'to 'adopt their own -form -isf, Government. But his smatter. of thank!, fulness that • we? have : note Tory. Government in:power, whp..lkak-no real sympathy ' with Italian liberty. ~.Patiraeli,-heartless always,. and who is capable of no. real enthusiasm,. han always spoken on this theme in aMsnner. morally very unworthy, _and contemptible.; . and the Tories have it. In, their , Very, binfid, to be afraid of ,tihiege,.eyeti when Freed* le'ads' the ' Vin,` Mid - lieiilyils on .inslaed nations to thellind Of promise. • The Olitilh'itotkilltlig . divsliWili liebbiligniiii very' Otinigtobilf ire eddritflPto Lordtatfff Riifsell, ifalliiiiding him ler hiiraiielatidbil some months ago, at Aberdeen, that •the'. Itilianti , skobld:be , lettfainti al ' , free tlisefivole their : 6*n ruler s. " itniiiii, - by**iltittriief,' the'•Toixiii4e„ iiiPoliteif the eeiliel,Voliiiy.",:and: ridicules the ,old-fashioned ideas nf c Austria, in:proposing, as the basis of- a settlement ,of the Italian question; the rrestbratiovl'of the' eilled"pribees. ' ' ' ". . ' We hear from Taiiitit Of great °thee sion exeiiiiiied-the're 4 fljr Austria; lido thit the ;people iare aliatiatt' driten' to 'diefiair! Tlityiitith Of' thb•'dotibtry erekiiiglaiitig to' ()Oats! 4tilyp in large on mbers. Austria is idolised' ineuribleitinf , lretc. tiolitleal system; and ' heft I oonduntli totrard ' that , Hungarian ' Proteetastel arid , - to• thosist4f4 oliutherau Confessior4•ioentiouemtaiexei .indigns. tion of i the civilized• world. Nearlyoall• of thethree million of Hun-. garian Protestants have expressed their protest ,against "the patent" ,of . September lat. At ,:Peach, ..where a meeting of ibs ; Augsbiarg Protestants, wan lOrbiliden b y the police,, the Seal - dant „iortifitl' , „ftl, Loil rest . ii,:the . cinti , eia orpiAo ..oh4oh,' lee ihe'iiilli t trrOeitir aniig &Mile, 'AT 04 1 ; ititbiiiireitolbi *Mil litillifielastatrifil till doe - , ~ . ;, e. ., Ai' trt .12 ..t. t ~, ' . yr ; ~ i , t w4'4 w..) 'IA 1.31 ab WOl3 vi ..(tt:Lti or r.:74;i3a . Cu RECORDER. BD, P1 . 11)1 PA. :RATION Ili/ 4 *# fai Brig • Fiiinogiarr," is alietiii64 tah'officiiir . (litgreii preset obj ails to trail , 'a stopioioris, and to,prove iptir,itirtandins appearances, intentions toward her. The ;Clabe, ita Paris okiffeePeiidaht;' asbriiiea the ekes— ! one.- the glYreikeirman of 'the nge,i Illapo!tam birnealf, and the : other no less an " tagliihman " than Riehard.,Coh, 'den! The. latter is still in Parks, reowiering But it' ioistbde Ins3i*lniiiblitisite'df the', .13%441tri - phindeit ont.to - hithbowifinotr might be door by: ex! donations to do away with•alarms, in , which , never ,placled, credit, .and thus. ' 1.1 eilfeiiiii , efelation" may. have appeared in dime.'` Ipward. I,ap 'OUT D vibe Itme'nt. pin ow oipate it 4'lll do. 'ttist • , flAlltilllevetits,' the'‘Pirriealli Milling 6bYtakb~ it for •what it is worthi , and as ieditratingr peaceful intentions for the present. The, "4a Eoglishmatr" fi asksvestions on the alleged ‘ , F r o rga,Ootinisano L e of Freilali IfiTetiat,,i-overargint3R,val , . tow ; the 'flail of titled:Alta n o i c; iko Valid and •on 'all , thehh p,oiatg explaatiooe.laii Ig,i,ve,";wiSr !apparent frankness .. It is, showc /thai,yeare, ago, a revolution and, tratisforwal tii r d'orihe - Ir'elich ht l ijivair ailtiLthititliekr are' esiiitititit tAkti" thliteibefir' sity 'of 'lfribitig nival eta& of the. olti••sailing ships. 4s aifiraied-a=by` apperilif.tofigums—that this .transforniatioo was to fin niranted'in - a, swirl of years', from , the dais' OnwiA; and it a li - eitaiiilibilitiPriker `of ueiegilein ; I ' and 'that' the period' ir Opt otrifoltrded *hi& is covered. by the original, designv:' As to the huspioiows ftatbott9Rest !ray!, they / are de ifi'ined for' the conveyance of coal up , .ths atefili' aide tileignoitian ' dfteasr ffessgisi4JirMimertir . orilodiahis well as lialCrptilitbbiEl I 7 Egd .iti 'necessity wince' apparent from the,-facit ttint: , the 60f)ministry hid , it upder cop:i isederation - to nail coal " Contraband " of. ' i °to" d Atie Oresebtorposition efewireirff,f mimes inbilyttiS P4lloloctaffirldiDistr" nn4 the French Cabinet (i. ,6? ,e /s 4lr ErLivcr,),. are 'finiihiallifierMe, and 'the `'alfianee;ie throUghlifieit the Cougvess;:will 'virtually; adopt the; ivhst 41 , political although, Fran'oe• 'will spa,k• while England is silent, 8n b matters Cacho-, la, in - 11 . 6 Pr4oeuint - the CAI& phitbilikeE'ditipr fi scoffs %RA !Ile Emperor wishes ielfbse , :in - ortlrAhar• !France may. rev,ive..in -Sher commerce; : and that agriculture maybe developed. He is willing to wait a year or two ere developing his final pliAirtg4itrdLitNtfiair thift t.4 . 41as in : timated his rearneet.rdesire to promote the enctoeal of a ,ney,i L liniversal - Eat ibition t to o firie • 411 i. Engiand ; and _Plage finep. the - all (Wet' too. , Yet' ieviiv . not'"..bir: peace ' p'ii~tadBat to :fib'' estimate-of eithentbuttAnirori Or tuafilif derataoding .of Armsokints will tUltutinte4) , andAtprisatml, Itnder4e ono;. ; 1710t1On, til#t thti loreini4 is but ; "The awful Proe piophetii . of the storm." . Thus, lb) calmly '_ arig cheer i l y,; v iiiiiiraltliinititonif 64'61214 Of t . gotrot iitVid , aBoniiYdlfiti ; tifd! while' thebodinglitirt stilt anticipates thdt "great " - hioh ,eiterolv ^:- tribulation, ,sternly ,pioneny, 0 Millennial glory, let Obriatiana i7 bleas Clod , '' that mean time ple,aky i q olear;. th 4 spiv ; 'ttiiity'nitiliVilet,d' - relAI °thit ' the good eared' may g_hiffirdeetiindinte r extended ) Enropean field :than over Wilt*, and thalilhe Faure ie in'the hands of Him 11 iirhoeerplana,dahnot be fftelistedt, Lcian , Tel:rdilukleit: lllll V 3 W 6 l ifili k: • : ptigta l to ~ fitielairoierii'llid . dot lf M. oien With '' of ßoiniiep"iiiii ii d il . uriink' tO', it Obi 14triii intiktosiiiiieliiiiiiii ''keibil'ityilik e ' Unt. the ik'p6itailcui ,ot Toilire4el ) dw.eifillo' 1 fit' fihti"tidiffisk, :alai:les.' Be Foiaii- ; Ord , i forAiblx the' • b` of of'' d 6 ' on' the Wiiili:ff ' torthe 14orpli t aaa , gli , Pif Alierittioil a liiii" ! hiSiiiitk l by t c ,ilidenrogiiiiit "a 13hittige t liiift been tidi itabonapligheiliiillie dile otillrailii en iindlitiliappy ' 'Mildly iiiidel' iihe,4th e9W: • Tifere is'ilb doubt' whatefirOint'lliiejoiiiii' ~- S lliftatilify and 'Otiters -tr Of ' the o Fhaalilteal' • Philintlitepirife . 'of the' cl'aY, leciiinisetifiti I inittef is of vital impoitinee. tlVerfsenite ed'ilVellings' and - went of Ohitithliiiiise'Vr•tfili i , idiiiiiii drik-nelteliatiklegl,ide; 'mid !ibid. ' lately ,iiiiief the '4iice iiin of ti t iiii"iellgiiin I into' the' folif nittiili*Vettihedlu3 4 n. . Fins ' gig tifirthilf 4 cofiriethirida'leidi s iigirgrest 'h int0 4 64626/ 4 6 ; itll 3 di , Er - tiliit', L eitithe''oFibe ' noitillthi i pftfitieters of'Eligland,itlid that it I " will', prove - 'ta - hapiiy' ineithil 'of 'liaplig'imiay' 3 lab4teidi fain the &bib) Ildtsilks,linti - of • sin vitiiig tillifekeiii and moral eondition. Loid PalleNiciti; ' whiie' in cordial nutlet stiiiding•ifithifiiiiine, yet heartily apiiipyes' of 'tlie voltintetr rifle' mbiTenient,lnd, aptoke ; thus : , . 0 • • ,• • iii. e . it n i ty. , 4 ), ..,. The spat which . 1 eo has reeentiy shown by the immense eifteist of volunteer Oil. ganiiatibn, has produced a'greit effect, not only in this country, bit all over the-varld. : (pond! cheers.) ItAas tended to . inspire •tliii t i pepeot• whioh all nations feel, for a count9isfittehogith• out 4,13 sip:Naive' iatentithie, 'shows WIC it,„ . 4. difirminid to hold its ' ow' RA to defe l naltiat agginitiall - comers. (Cheers.) Again I'iiiiy•thst I •truet there,is nothingilin the' present state of things that betokens. they likelihood of any . 5t 0 . ... casion for that, martial spirit to be displayeti, Otliltrisiee thin by Blairfig that we sic - it:4040 defend ourselves. But it must be a great; vials faction to all of us to know that lie army and navy are id a stateted complete efficiency, acoording to the numbers to which, in a time of peace; they can be carried; and that there are means in the country, by which, If unfortunately unforeseen events ehould.,resigy it neggerearif,Twe could increase our armaments. Those armaments !night be'rapidly inareaseditO whiteviiilitti'eli geopies of the moo:lent might require: . , 'ThE Fuzz Caufteu is in loollision with. the. Ciyil Courts, and in the E . dinb u rgh, Court of. I:: , ieision a decision' has . been .pro's pounced, wiiibli, artheugh by no mania igaink . a iiiiied qtliation, is yet ilechiVai arida - Rai* 1 its ''it 'goes. The case *hid Wooded lb the present position of) affairsiis . I thtat of .a minister of the Free Church who ;wet libelled for immorality, convicted and 'depoied. He appealed pendente /di to the' ivil Courts; and tile . Gel:lend • Assiiiablii r'e'; Sainting:this &WS ' fresh 'offence, pronoutiketi sentence . of deptilitiom ..: The Lords of the •Court .oi Session nog, declare that if the Free Church ,iiitrier, 'with a man's civil rights ' by, any selitebep . they pronounce, Wins no inherent poirdt is 9 do elbi' It, likealliolliei'Dithteiltl4oobiltiiheral ;has no constitutional and legal rightttlint.to nrecute its decision. Qne Judge said that It was not,impdsthat At 111 " Fromghurch !had gone'beyotrfiiilowers i ß , C Ferefore hel'spiiiEnal , itriViliciiieiititbrreFid With ) n i the'. sere se ithatecondemnilaininiater cbuitt 'se leatored to hie ftli!freelY in the diner of be nevolonoc , - kurio,.ELunt bse'been delivering sitievan ~ gkt l ol l . l .o o unell'ibkrai4eatofrliaaJPllPPY:' Ifulxcre)ty., gin style is not , iollian!, Lint, hif - niiit4i'itoll;io and indiciado - %Ale edfiliafe'd aiid Itliiitighiftil a ininlV"Tliiiblii" also reverence manifested'Ui Tithe lotion, as for example, when he tells the students—" W i e,,Aeed opeluppit to pens. trate all the royiteriee of ( lod's providence only ttibetlaidary irldees,"andtaliganci - ehigiiaincel ,oftarfirsti oraewhen. he says that the best', 'proservation , from. error is " the, sincere sae: ceramic of the belief that all hranohee ; of the are derived' from the same th - alt Di' vide Sitirifferf% w halt wab'lffe'red for' die" parpdrte 'of-restoring *aims' go, eierywhere, AIM I.so ea dl~ dt i faa g d ) in '3O/idh maul not, only applies this •to thlrOpinitins of , th ose ite would degrade `siy inition - of die' ikeeYes,' but be also tells hialnfitiffut andientk that their Studies sue . cifin .the,Univereity itewright Writ, willl ;be f it; fit 'themllo pass o , portion,of ; their lives either in official emple , yment,io tite . pureßits of `eombiere4 ,Or in . musioni4 labors among barbarous tr& u ekifild'oilittlilestray of Brit aid; ;Sri We Oboileiket':trith' tie by , interai 'tional•obligations. 'A'Guifurl 'RwvlvdL contifititi to mini Ifeskitenpower in different:parts of Scotland. `Ati r l'Aupo, font rhoodred, persons, are &aid, to ' lbe t iruly 4 chans!a. tile awakening has been ;dier and powerful, IVitntrose, long ithWistiiit" of bolkleekftell'ilVelerilAiiiii, anifat r 'a -daft villige.'adjblding. 'lie Rev. Mr. !Amon iof Ftunitsta, visiting this ,village, ihas„salithit he•nsver saw such manifests ;tiona Devine power; that the blessitiie Ifillitig; like showeis 'of inimis upon' the 'people. THE 16MORY ,01 THE COVENANTEES in lbgAg- milde''increasidgly• precious, by 'tutor daliVered by p 41r. Dadde,tat Edinv iburghpand -elseirhere. Professor Blackiei. the,,Chairoaan y atAhe „co a Aludingilecture,, at Edinburgh', declared:o;4 the series had been eltiiiiidierlied all the; acotiricy of a Mi• this feitri)r l ifild Wei* of I- 0 fitilmeilic foietbrialipcweirof Dr: Guthrie; • Ete then-aided : 1 • . Mite heat" of Scotian*. continued: tho",Pro fespor, is right , and sonitik.tut,the question of the, Scotiiitit'ovetiabtern but mast unferiniately a nuMber of your liteiarpiteir who have %tittles figure, have been defective in that part ofAhpir work. (Lona cheers.) Stdat unfortunately , moat. of our leading literary men, 'Olio, in 'the prilienit/ day have often a great deel more, power than the preaoheCe—the men who write leading articles 'in; the Itlin'esis 'and 'the' Sdoismatis of the 'oia,f :these men have said nothing rirthe'Covenanteis, :or have said worse than nothing. . They have all • kidd - Of fa b sbiOnsibbl, West end notion that the •Goissmotera are iNlow kind of fellows, unworthy to Ale spoken of by gentlemen. Yon will ,find thi n e, If you begin with David Mime, end' name whOloieries of respectable names, not eicepting Prinehal Robertson. p.ou our own friend, Robert ntialifil, Was not altogether free from this defect. Walter Soott did nothieg, or on; thin subject. I love Walter Soott, but with all say love for him, I Says he trilitelP our goottiliit' Covenanters, our great `national heroes—theinen - who made the platform on A wlaiokyre• as Scotsmen and as Brito,ns now stilid=-(iitiple.use)-rtie'tieated our SiOtoh Cove nantiits molt shkbhily and sourvily. (Applause.) Then take other men. • ;Take my excellent friend, , JOffri Hilittirtei; nay leilin ,, ed, tasty; and'jo4r4l friend, Professor Aytoun ; and my mild, betibio lent, and pbilanthropio.friend, Robert Chambers . Titke Sheriff Napier. The whole .hppt,of them, seelne‘Slilt 9 Oll-I•AingArkghllaih tirlsel' f ineikl, l 'a Cavaliers, who had lualifigito 'do here, and as Renwioh said.by the Popish priests.= What did he : say, Mr. Dodds? . (Roars of laughter, in the midst of which, the lea4ned Professor turned to . Mr. Dothin, and' was reminded by him of the' allusion in his lecture, to which he referred.) I would cap to you all, even my own bosom friends, " If you wish to spout theie sentiments, begone: from &sottish, soils,, to the South of the . Tweed, 'and fork companionship with the miserable snobs wliii wtite 'the lading articles in the Times— (laughter and oheers)--4tho, belonging to the great and mighty nations, have nothing more noble to thaiirto• wilts paltiy sqUibs ant 'leading ir• tittles sliainst ne, becailie they are twelve( =Pons, ,and we are only tiro. I Putting aside the iod,ipstione-of national 'jealousy. ,in !the concluding sentepcee, ,the iidiiiiiiroedoie to tile milioory, of tbe.Oolii• nadieisl7by.'litiritry fairikitited i ,ift` thi,fiiregoioßti No'r is i there 'wattingigoad' .ressordoti dennoliatibh vfleoffing'Scoteh.. Ingo skt.the„,Loudirn : press, who hate Evan ! gojcil . • refigion, and so have no sy e mpoby with tholmiiis of the Covedittit. J.W. • Stick to Your Text. If baptid'io means titiply the act; to WI. merae ' and nothing mote; aswi. Caniorpatnii allsialaierstoniannstntihetooltel liftinPup"of the. subject in the fwaterairin gii* , :otort; niandedm It iisaimpouttibrisik psit . Ofi the , administraticin ofuthel ordinal:RA and often thimlardzatrpavrniik mote konw of a a midi , rokam im En eriinglal biWbfkitielrifons the histiwasn a - veryolstrg*lally,rand , .whea he , her,:he 'aald..to s'brother etanding 4 bjso‘t You must - helpine, I•osnooti 'raiire 7 tartnnrielier—all that! hebaraireominangeb 2, =biit'the raising kl"hit. , aNcwhiahqforbsti , no So`riptunilvsoihotitrid: do, was too much fbrliitil •.NOWlifcthW dent tirinimarsel /la zthay . .nommawd; sited &Sigh ifotawaed4itiTth'elsoitii pion d ,• obtrige, An - Madan. ' rani stickillo)youriteatiTruealviefie.ie riedi Lrli3 i'-..4. .( =II l!or zne Presoyzenan Boomer and Advocate. Stirpriaa Party.' Oa, the es-cuing of the 12th inst., the people of White Clay , Creek congregation„ in laige -numbers, convened at'the church, and hiving" Made . -the necessary arrange month, proceeded in a body to the house of their pastor, the Rev J. L. Vallandigham. The pastor absent, spending the even ing with a friend. They, however, took possession, and spread a table loaded with the good ,tbings that, in great variety and abundance, they had brought along with thent- In aehorttime, the,pastor appeared, (hav ing received notice that he was wanted at home,) and was surprised to find' hts - house parlors, dining room, kitchen; halls, stairway and study, filleewith the.g,ood people of hit charge, old and young, who seemed to be ; , enjoying themselves v,astly. After the, most , cordial greetings, the pastor and his family viereiniit`ed to tate their sesta at the table, and 'to becorim, fortthis -evening} the guisitril 'of their people. The whole company then partook of an ,ample supper f ,thAt handsome manner 'day Creek pt,m plis unaeistati'd, and having spent , several hours- in pleasant converse, after tr: short : address and prayer by itha pastorA repaired to their, respective homes. Teey left' behind them, however, substan-, tial ileu:trials of their visit---artiolet too nierdus to trierition—arnongthenii purse well filled with gold, presented on behalf i.of the , company ; by an esteemed and beloved Elder : ;l We believe that this was the first ,affort‘of„ the - kind ever Made by this people ; and it was completely ,tutecessfal. All felt that it 'was aldiftlaffilintitirtg, and kiiii,ifilijoal ,culatdd to strengthen - the tia of iffeotion that ought ever to subsist between pastor and Peolqe• &DA Tor the Presbyterian Fanner and Advocate. Bantalit' oil Extenipo.re Speaking. thoenrly -purchithed and perused the - Work of Saiitain on, 2 Eit l einporintioits , ' Speaking,, • tpublished: 'Ztir. • Oharlais Scribner of New 'York. ; , sit, down late tour, of the ntgbt,, after laboriOus professional engagementsthe day, to express inyUlighlratikbation in view of -whit fthis, public anon may` stationi plish in behalf of true:natural elognence itr . ' this country. One of thPiiiikninne:Jiernes .ofLantiquity ;e3r.pressed a determination,nemer . „ to go.i.nto the'water tiflhe itrourdiiain to' sivitn. Aid sunh at'insiAntiOl4'ititli. all' `tliB alisuidity initivespwoirld seem. to' illiterate *hit is 9 :found to obaraoterize too Many, of our pi Tanta for- the temple of fame. would be orators; but they. will not pe t , diligent in the use of tlitine esientiffetcrsulicieis. ion. f& end, inilependint of thisl leetintate.lineraint' for its attainment. VV Nile . habits of reading, thinking, and writing„ are necessary to constitute, the piod'aetideziit and fiiiiishet sehOlar, th e" habit" of Speaking from a probes's of mentkl , corn position, in addition =to the exercises already tl specified, must:be assiduotudy cultivated O wl the part of everyman who alma at eminent {usefulness any t ptqlo _position. ~,The art of *tali -neVer 4 dittoPiilkidffie hn man;9oioe, nor diminish•its power to cOili munioate intellivence- to -warm • the,sifFeo;" rifle, to arouse the passions, arid ;to move. the'greit iil j asses of "hun3anity - for gni - good and noble - - object: On the — other hind, " writing; from, its , tendency 'to , ' altertiady =et' expression, miay be ,marle,subordinate)tolthen highest exeellenee of , speech ,wttere, then delivery is free . and , untrammeled by the agonies of s defective memory The >inxnan vniceiethe'illoketisifil,' and' at-the - same - time, the most` cibmpliested,..of all instruments. A man. .may • understand 'the. organic 'An/chirp of, this instil:Ll:neat ; lie may be able to tell„ ) us he! voice is 'formed ) in what it hai r its)rigit„ :arid how,: itinliyiliOliiridullitedin all' its' still 'for tiiint 'of tlin 'pt. - act - HA thatefer - tends" tnperfection,the may never excel lis‘ st. phb-7 lie sper;ker; he May prove t f indeed: a mere blank in this departmertt .of literature. A confirmed dyspeptic msy Nble to furnish us with a 41ibutioireforEptidnvb# the di. gestiVet organs.; While niinanl ofttingreatirst eppatitutioeabvigor, the !very model ofyper 7 feet health, may, he ignorant of the first, prinorplei of anatomy or physiology iniolved in the - oonstlititien of man - himself. SO . is; tionofding .to With •regaitlo • ptiblienpeakingti The student may - become master, of all tithe, ; systems of „elsention i iti creation ; and - hey may spoil , himself in ,the e very process: of hip,deisitedaft4ininent Ile bersome' stiff and affected, extingfiibh the fire of his nature, and like Satiipac;ii, shorn of his looks,esacrifiee the great,sedrlt of his strength for , some, arnaginary„ . ageorc- PriOnent, et some. inetfeetive invention of art. DELTA. yorVierProlbyterian B4riler and Advocate: " 111P1eastmA8guinimv ' On the :mtirnink 'of the '3oth of ebeerki herilast? the,aftention.,of, the pfstor,of Blade ohyrch and hiikfainily, wait dr,ayn ,to long 'train, of net people, and eleighe filled with laniii:loOkihe'peOlile,,Old and YOung, coin is t'6Witiaz i our hthis , e: "gel Or el we had tune`' tolask , whatit begilifto'draw' upate,our gate. ,welodming thest; the road , in the opposite direction-was filled, with sleds and Sleighs, also, , as, it imon,,ap : ; peered, makin,g their way to the same point, until our' ratired'horde was suiroinded by twenty five or thirty, bringing, perhaps, bat hundred and fifty persons in all of whom we, aeßg plealatptipoun tentinees of our :parishioners - Looting around us'after they left, it ivas'evident the sleds' were not filkdlWith persons; in theirs proper plepes were deposited flour by,tlia . bas and barrel, meat,,pats, t !or,n, hifokFibertt., hay, coal, cindles, groceries,, various "'lest and servicible articles' of Weariilitlififfer for each inenibr besidifs hdd= l . .clothing and other-thinge good and useful . —mono than ,you,' Messrs, Zditere, like to allow,us specs, to enumerate—to Ai if of whibh was added a hands,ime eitue!of money: The pecuniary ` worth of- the ( isholvilienei is neatly. or altogether one huudred , "doilars; but the value is ioarfased.ftye:fold, Rhea we, regard it_ as it : was intended, as a token, of affection: After all bad partaken of an Oz .! , o‘liehtAlitiver prOviited• by 'our ati - elsetl igtf" legd - IPssilaftwastreadpanditthe Mild‘;;Byttiii) was sung, and prayeriffered... Shortly afteri.; the .eotapnni began, „to„,.dispsrse, Itaidtntbr : having spent a happy , day; I s eavingns;to wish that every pastor and lila finfily ishisv , “ MAIM' region." *Pere teliithially !wen provided ,for as we 'Die,' • that;oulitind .bettefaetogl might be- bl } a nnda ; ntly G nat only _ 4 n A. 06T, 1 .D, 1 4. 61 " 11Porp, '64,wfth riehes...Kgrase as ' hi Chrte~ Jesus " 4 - 4 VlV. 4 Miatitrit W . I.W 71. :W.) -4047a104 MEM A BUSY Bout,- r Oat z ji , 4 It 1 1 , , 8 brnaedin, l .34hliPErbk!' A briairssi 10 ; his Erosions to npg nt f_. iLlv o lfies i ,- ,•=rT , tgt .x... 0 ii_ii. , ar tau ~ w .., . inner to motto iir I•,_ / ; e NVELOIABI *IC). 888 INIMEI PM 4i:--~z .;~-.