Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 21, 1860, Image 1

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Presbytirfaiii ilanaero V•le Vtire #1••• ls c
prooloysorgiss Alivesallor-Velg ZElArlie.lB r
DAVID MoKINNEY and JAMES,. tasoN, Editors.
ruats.-mr ADvAailt;;
ei.i ., int
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.. ~
' ThO Heathen':
Wheie •GangetV turbid waters f10w,. ,
And *herb: Himat'ya's peaks' of • snow,
`Litt tlfeir.white oresteon hitti;" ,
WhO,noitott palms and ditront `grow,
; .Beneath the softest sky;,
In.that bright land of aunny.vaAse, •
The aephyrs fraught ,withariotirritul
And rthisper`harrid; - dfratiil tale L a,'
Of dark deeds they,harre seen.
There, Aneath the Banyan's ample shade, , r
In jungle depths and forest glade!!
Near by the quiet' stiroanil 4 )
And en'the-grassy dsplantide;''
The spires of tenigoegleiti
Theletnes - of 'oda bidet satiseleid things
To which man brings his , offerings—
The greater to the less—
Hit' doleful oty througli 'welkin. rings •
These have no power to bless.
Mora darlvadd , deerthe shaddivs fall;
And shroud'his soul; his sonstiti
In death s e - eittbraie-he lies ;
Release, •relief'. the hopeleee , eall, =
The Growler that' Union tbigt Inuit 416 didtv ut*
Take' up and Hound the BHA refiain;
Till o'er tha sea it rolls
A Mighty oall, it peals again,,,
From many Ohristiwoonla.
Does reoho sttll atone reply V
Is hope.itnd berpnotylirettiiihln
Ake theia v ridloblia lie'artd""
biSale - ths` mai, and stormy sky,
And , snit to•foreign Tarts ?
Will rioie4he Gospel - Wino bear,
To wrotohei tiestirimprh3onletherepi-
And give ritecokviviieir -
Oh, to the rosette new rtitiitr;
Nor to the siritooll be 'deaf.
Allegheny Oily.
Sbr thirPreebytexisarßstnibrriuidAdroartb: 4 i"*
Perhaps r seme one glancing at•tb.e hisad
of this artioleowill.say).4‘ Bll.nottrcad'ib)l4l .
bate so much said to profethdif."°" Nowthitt
gentle - his heart;' but 'it he refugee:to hear;.
he will not be likelyto reoeive-ityleither. froin•
God , or man:lF-Hie futuremit root 'bright) ,
But!. another may sapp, '" Prdfeeeets
hopiPthey . 'Willth lectitalt," They bare
so anconalateht;They discourage many froiri'
doitig ivhat tie. right." Now,. sotne.profee.4
eon are , very bad.' . There was once little
seleohltompsterof prcifessbrepohesen out*
the ithdle Chfirtill,l6r a Special ISUrpose, -yet
one; of them Acivil. Bat 'thole who
radii loved the Saviour s , didinot•leave him•
on that threountr " But somoptbfessors are'
so incontisteht, it they 8 can't "be isintte - rer'
Well, it is bard to think some professors Elk:"
°ere: could name a few I Wade,
Ontywhen. first called4o make a profes.•
sionotaid,dmile wasfiyating; Wilowirotritttleit
in life' watrehangingi - roundity kinds of
compallyl. , He Whuldlein thhllhurtili; but
he could'Uot &WOW Anties;iis he *lobed ;•
and, he intended , ti3 be more:Consistent...then
some-'others." I thought+ he wit no tinder
than Daniel, iwho had thdicartiof a btindied 9
andlifeutrProvincespiet owatitteiblittlitlir
man. But be grew 'older; 'warliOttlid, ,and
I thotight-the Clitirotivits'ablittf'tolt deisttl i
a member' , who ba example. But
really he came. to church less ihanlefore. ,
But he said .bithed•a .family;tand.was pobry
When they were providedtfor, he 'profesNalo
he wortld redeem I thought' it 'was 'a
fearfal tick to' put it off, because he alight
not 'get sicklor might die first; and'Ahen.
what weuld become of his soul. Well,
lived , to tell, with .complseeney i .how -much
betterihis children were eduoatedvand provio'
ded for; than he had bebriP• Yet he dienot
join the Church'. He declaret 'again he
would; hitt their preacher ma dull, read his
sermons, and there was no life irthe.ehurdr.
They •got a• new miniater- 7 aewilrtn; barnest
man ; the church' was revived - anti I really'
thought he might now come to Christ. But
he did not. The revival passed, and he now
professeChe *mild be a Chriatiari,. but 'he
knows too much' about church member
They are so inconsistent." 'But -I do - mot.
believelhe IS sincere in'this Fast pitifellaidir
beeittial,"l do not see that he likealhe
pinta some of the 'most godirnen; as Well"
as othaevery irreligious people.
I do think sante professions are not •sin
cere:ml,lo,. but these. were not -profeesibtittli.
Why noV , They Wre 'made sonietitharat
least •publidly, - and in favor of' religion, and
God heard - them': They ..were real pledgesyi
as any ever given in• a• congregation..'. Ah,
friend'l there 'ard.many. broken' mews Tebord.o
ed againsistyOu. , On high,- You artrettalrittl'
consistent. The beet men, the Most 'godly'
ministers, are losing °addenda in your Pro.
hookah God may say, ." out of thine own
month will.' judge. -thee!' He has haat&
your Avows made to men, andirt secret; rhadt
in clatter, and in slants's '; 'all broken, bride'
on. brother, you need the blood• of
Christescobthing else can atone for you.
toi t the Brea*tartan Banner and Advocate
L atter(' rfor-the -NowyrYear -to Kr
" Walk ik wiedom toward them that are withouk
redeeming the time."—Col. iv : 5
NO. 111.
We have a reprieentative character. We
are members , of a community. We 'have'
social duties'to discharge. in this respect
let your" walk" through'the' opening year
show to " those without," a more beautiful'
exhibition of the greet'Chriatien law of
/Ale worketh no to his neigh.-
bor, -therefore love is the. fulfilling of the'
law." , c'The' 'World look to Christians -for a
clopy26f thfaitilko. And if they 'see Chris
tians nifehtifitable,Unsympithising, and set
fish, what will they say of that Gospel
which has euch representatives
I. B e charitable, In the estimation of
Paul, the eloquencee`of angels, the knewP
edge of mysteriek, 6 the gifts of prophesy; tbe
faith of miracles, hie
,goods given , to the
poor, and his body to the flames, were
all nothing, without. charity. And that
whit:him puts above .angelie powers; minmo
ulous gifts, and a martyr's devotion, is that
quality in man ithiciCaufferith long and is
kind, which envieth not, vaunteth not it
self, Is not easily puffed up, seeketh not its
own, is not easily provoked, thinkrith no evil,
rejoieeth not in iniquity, Weil? all thinge,
believeth all things, hopeth all things. And ,
did you witness the fair defelopMent of this
law but for. one single year, I am sure tyou
would join with me in the prayer - Oat char
ity might have her perfect vorle.
2. Be sympathetic. The great nhirseter
istio of the Master, which goes right home
to the litere'is;
. ableto - sympathis'e, being •
I( in 'ill 'points' tem - filed' . 'ites
And 'whit'allidealtiOin• the'Maker
Of a 'totdrstoietalP oribbreirebristiab:"ChillV
ne. -- Instin'otitkely'Wethink; Can -thitlber'sa;
disciple Ofrllim *licOlept *with `Marrand.'
Martha ittrßethilay?=-Can'thiat e'reraisciple9
Of Him -who enjoins 4ipary followers,'
'as they+ go+ out into++ it, world of. Strangelym
mingled +joy and sorrow, "rejoice with themq
that da - rejoice, and++w,cep . with teem that
weer'!" Let no von fessiow +of- sin, or aux
ions question, for .salvatimylinger long on
any penitent's lip, frozen. your,
chilling demeanor. Let no, repenting. Prod,
igal, or weeping Magdalen, turned from
your marble liteh3, - or sptirded "Trait( your
loredifid,at Let' the''' . reCafd'
1860 tip le j ltia4en'fult breiceti hearts'
heated; 'sorrtiviiit 'Sainte einnfaited;' ilytog"
ribltaitlied; " sink'beiii"Mide'do44; , '
phans'bltraid''ft4 *let your °Withal' lytrill
pathitePoitY'aiinlightyttb the eatith."
Atinistif " with* preSOWVIW tlisj
igaiteri•lleintitirrekWaelyetit" "Nett. Wide'
Gift" to hit4ber an"+“
fa 11914 illustilitiduk 'of , his+'-'rovinAleatttifai
sympathrbrought + out+ + iv - living loolors ,
your :owrt life: That isi , he Chriat!like.f+9-
3. Be ::k'eenly' alive to all 'the' . intereits;H
social, civil, and ecclesiastical, of the corn , -1
triunity in which you Be public, spir,-,1 I
.APpreciate the
,clainni of society.,,on
pa*. Underitipd the eculiar+ Claims •of
the community immediately abeit you.
G}ivbeat energfii 'nearest bowie. LeeiiiciOnian Make' his own town,
church, county,""lnd tiO 4 Wider," - (as the
Germans , ray 'instead q'of our 4 4, andA'sci - -+
fetth.f.) , the, widening circle !in++ ! whioh-t his
influence.shalL T radiate, ; beginning. at ,:home,
and stronaest at. home.-
If a Night,,School „is the question, ; +or a
Temperance movement, or, a Singing Class,.
or Missionary Sewing.Cirole, Or. a
Young A+l:eh's"Liveitm, or 4 ''Circiiiting
britil,'"Whi enlist in `it with a 'heart 'end a ,
Rohl. We need public spirited men. , Men
wholidiiilVstind but fitfit 'thh fdarielr''
adycilitheadanit pilutiotetikeiverythiiik good,"`
bearhiWtnethe interests
lborhebdiftrst,'OtidAhailde'thil the' raete' We 't
need' meif, too, who'Whill'a tisbirthus' the''
.front becausethbytare Ohiiiittattr
beelike from ',fleapit( they *puld'ltativ"-
'the Amagtt Ref' - Christ 99 + (mere' forw'ard"
Movement , - for the +,goodo , of the ..ctottw ,
° lftinitpor+ ,the race: sr Be such. Thus iballq!
yottr,,Christian!!professiondbe+7 , honoredl 4 thel.
',Madre et oause promated+,!-and-Christianiq,v
trOUght,-, into :repute... Your
Thristianity. , broughtiinto repute; as II
• 41
zro4uotlye,, youthful uncrgykuot untold;
crabbed,..imbecile form ! "dead 9ertho-
We Want. men who shall prove r Mtr
redre,, before. all the.. world, that ' , our orthe- .+
'lltoy is aliying :orthodoxx... Just do, what
in Yop +lies„ each a Man, to, make your opht+
Mundy a model cominunitl,and,,yourchuroh
a +Model church. Let 1861 'Ael the,4ork • Of
'lB6O, kind
• '
Nor tie iiiie'bit'e` AdvOesie:
Mitch at Nebiaska
MESSRS. EDITORS :—Many of your read-
ens' will,
,doubtlese r repolleat apprimee
bOlYe Bei: H. M. Giliiier, through t4e
df your isihrer, on' behalf the
Presbyterian church of Nebraislit city; end'
hid arduous efforts tonliklifitimithans to save
ithd ehuroh edifiste from.upwasingeintcliotheril
illindse-i Those Tordonsnwhomoblysustainedm
)and assisted him, will- be , gladito-learnithad , ..
the building, s now completed, .ak a cost, in r
tall; of alinut •houstandtdollars, and was
deleinnly dedicated to_ the service of God on
last 'Sabliali; "init.) Mr: Giltner •
prealsliTtl i tife Odeasiorf, freM'
Psalm oxxvii : 1, " Eiiiept'the Lind build
thei hettiWtheY'llibortin'tiaitilblitwbtiiltrit";
eiceptthe Lordlteepthetitf, th'eWiltfilimatia
s in a very Apia% oandqrolidi triantraerthe
,o,Providence,ofs God,v land concluded with , '
aAbrief history of events in„connexion with'
his settlement emongthemi and their efforts •
to erect a plane:fir ,worship. The following
are' some of the facts mentioned, and while
they show „the liand of, God in all 'their
.triald ; alio*, no' less that g' He' 'death, all
This organiied, about" four
.years agd; in a small leg
members ;* 'they" barn, - since that "'time,
, obanged their place of worship fourteen
Now,th'i •
"with u . churtilv edifiete.‘ thirtPeight by ~ sixty'
feet; neatly , finished, and capahletof-seating
-abo'ut three hundred persons. The Sabbath.
School numbers seventy five scholars, and
eighteen teachers; i. e., that was the attend.
•ance on the ;I,ifille‘Perhelstirei4
‘or twenty forduhltildl4# ifere'pliiittlitilid at
henna. on account of indistiobitionpas ~ the
. whocipintnoughtUndliinnifteNtrefe'prailttig"
at thetfate } ." 'ln connexion with this lithe'
'another Sabbath School, in Kearny ,
City, (the part of the town-uext.the river,)
.having unrlsteragett of ninety- Vahoiarbt and
fourteetil tealsbdiie 4Connedtdetvith thede
.sehocad'ire ft* 'Bible` ishiedek thtafieofyoune
.nien and two of,young. ladies. The,congre..
gation has determined to sustain'their< min- 4
later the- Uoniingti-yearcanithout. further as.
sistance from our Board-of-Missions, and I
doubt not, in, a few -yearrygthe Church , at
large will reap more Orris they have sown in
planting, the Gospel there.
Nebriska City is, I think the , most int.
; portant - point in the Territory, - &nth Of' the '
the Platte'; and by this I mean 'that it now
ocoupielythat poeition, and hit likely to retain
The ditp is stipposed 'to-contain near, five
thousand •inhabitantd, and had two other
flourishing "Sibilath Schools; besldee those -
already' mentioned, containing - about an
equal number of children and youth, re.
oeiving - weekly instruction in Divine truth.
There are four places of public worship;
Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian; and Pres
In view - of these 'facts; the friendd 'of
Zion will , hive •no'eause to regret'having lent
a helping - hand - to that little church, in her
time of trial; especially when the predict.
tions of the enemy thkt the neat building
wouldsoon pass into other hands, hit*e 110 W
no prospect; of being falfillP.d for although
.they yet owe about $l,lOO, the Trusteed and
friends-have so' arranged: it that there Will
be no cliiiiiit'ttpon the 'building, and the
whole-debt they expect sodn to pay.
As an illustration - of what they were do
jog, I may mention that one of their reiti.
seas gave theni . one thousand dollars toward
the building, and one of the elderd, who is
not rich;-gave - about six hundred; and, others
according •to their abilityithus shirafitigthat
while some come West to increase their
•wealthi'etheris"there are, whose Object is to
do good and build up the' cantle 'of 'Christ."
,BAlraliG.—There•ie. no kind of revenge
solioerand.pitiful as railing ; every. dog
nen bark ; 'and, he that raffle,-makes another
noirie indeed, but not-a , better. •
la,*) , ZO ailts
FOR:Tark:utua -. .ENDINGAAAtioikv,,,JANui.R.:v 21, "See.'
From the ChriatLin Advocate anifJournal
Preehyterk of lßetiver' to the
Chnieheetiiidd* o'er-
You formally recognize& your obligatione
'in this„ matter, and solemnly_stipulated
'discharge them, at the call and installation
of your pastor. This, however, you seem to
have measurably fergotten. This state of
things cannot be otherwrie "than 'detiirnental
'to your' own in'teres'ts' and the Enter Pita of
your' pastor. Hence we" hive 'endeavored to
stir 'hp yduitianda'hy`ney 'remembrance.''
Presbytery "would; moreover, erribrsteeltas
opportunity 9 of'directing ywir attention "'to
the consideration' of the natrireof the
trait"betareeti yea and-your' paster:'' . There'
is a 'widely preVilen't miitrafelin this prang
;in the' Ohrirein trild)indef this nada& Many'
good u'Oliriatiani 4 mauPpose a:tit ey have odie
charged their ;pecuniary ebligationntolheir ,
pastor,when'they have anot. , Many flatter(
themselvea with considerationthat when'
they have punctually paid:the amounts Which(
they au bseribe,lonwhich is assessed.onthen4 ,
`they ,have discharged , their.duty to theirpaa
tor, CO far as money matters are concerned. - . 1
Bat this is a mistake. The pastor does not
contract with' the members of his charge.
individually for several specific amounts ;
which 'aggregatOd; mike up his fialarY—Lbut
With 'the - viholeeharke as a find; br tropare
' hernial). All tlia'petiortiirwho Make a. 'fir•
denier ''church theirplace of wershifir'are
con,j6intlY' oho 'party to the' Contradq'the
pastor is the other; and the call is the'arti=
ole Or botePoregreeirtent"betiveen
Oonsegaissitlyprthe moral andildgal Obligation)
of no individual' in thetpastoral charge , iiineto
till 061011 amount; atipulatedvin4thneall, id
paid according , to agreement. -Let us take
'an analagonnose for illustration—Suppose;
then,lhat A, B, and C, as partners, enter in
to acontract with D, for nine hundred bush-+
ela of wheat,,for which 'they agree, to pay
him $9OO. The • firm, A , 13 and- 0 agree.
among themselves that they will pay eqtral
shares, of the amount. D delivers the
wheat, according tooontraot., A and B each
pay hits three hundred dollars.' They* thus
fulfill the agreeirient'between - thimielvie;,`
but each Of theWishoth *wildly and fegal=
ly board" to D - for the PaYinent of the
remaining threethiindred dollars ;"for this
obVioue-'*fererdh, P ''did not eohtirlet with'
thern individttiltrj Otkrifoiritlr peril'
` Now, thia is preoilielfthecase with tlfe'
'People of a pastoral iiiiiiiVald"thiiiyaviistoti!
'They, as, partnerN.conj'olutlyk contraett that
`thy will -per him a. specified-tannic say $6OO
`or WI,OOO, per annum. -(Hencef in, order to,
meet ,this (copartnership. engagement withr
their pastor„they.enter intokanother contract,
among therneelveit. A peg $5 of
'the sum; ;o; $2O;, $3O ; E, 850,.
.A i pays $5, according, to Agreement,.. B„
slo,'o, $2O, and B, $BO. Thus far they do ,
well, for they fulfill the agreerdent which
they 'entered into among a theinieliree but"
still' they ' are all morally and legally bound
for ihe payment of the remainder of' the
salary ef tlibiriester,
not coritrilet.'ivitli k thereitidividuclly to 'pay
theee'reepititiVeltiiiiitie r bittbiabiltricteetfite
Ihdreedfifoilitlrthl 'pliY the' $6OO cif /1,000;
as itlieuilase(linay'lliek' Witli ilfelontritbt'
whichhfixteitlitidiiiroittiVivbieti each bnelifilf
to pay }the ( pastor hes'firothiritto'do? Hei
knows(no one individtuillyirso far-43+16'611P
' ary .is . concerned'' We tope,(othereforer
brethrearthat it(is-distinctlyobvions to each
of You; thaOno((memberoof yourscongregaa
tion lums discharged' his , pecuniarytehligetiod
to the pastor till the full amount of the
salaryia peido l Your have; doubtless;.
'been in the .habit(rof thinking .that, when
you pay the,amountmwhichf you agree, with-,
the congregatioi to pay; you haves discharged,.
your,peouniery obligation to your . , pastor„ end ,
your consciences have been at ease„ though
,mnch of his salary. inay . remain unpaid.-,
Heece, t we are'solicitous that you should be,
broughtTO truthful apprehensions In'refer.,
eine, to this'inatter=-that you:shoulo
to feel iliat you erti'inciiiridaillYlqued 1(4
by the' ordiciii`tle of Christj'eud'yLitii.
voluntery engagement yVii i r'
minititeilCifile4f. you jve
cannot resist"the
be peidOlhepichaltitly - "Paid.. 4 For 'therein
in your` bengregititiVto
It may *WWI o . 6lll3lVittilig
our'reMerketin"ihil' poistro6 eq'ttlitn'the
civil Cotirtsolikve rgiverrdbeirliWS Ifil'refer)
once to this (4matterro4 They ohaveiletildtido
that eieryiddifidttil who(nrakeeta parts' u'
lar society.. his place ((bf lworehip;
reopensible for the 'whole- of,.the ,. .salarynpro ,
mised to the minister who labors in, that,
You mayidleget that you doiuot
defraud' your MinittErri.Lthit yon" inteiedqbq
pay hiplometinie. -. Bat this'laliot
to meet Ysior obligatiipi. In. crier to thie f
you must, ay him: , prouiptly and , unfailitigir
on the• verylday'hia moneyla's:lna. „A. waini
of punctuality, iev-franglattirith'digtooit'lmil
nietoni k §ttifeellifeiisliegt Nth' tO hitti"find Jionf4.
Your paste r r as aeman,;has , lll , the'wants4
common tHe.mtist , havelloodUreitS 4
and rairdtiltratiy Ta aiiilahiust!iWoi'lde"atif
same for his family. As a minister, he
muit-4'hafe"fipapinernisd”CPeriediellarind' 'He' mustvAbonsetfiedtitti , ebiPP
tract fiabititillsivithsthef prodiic'er,qtbsotherP'
chautpthe groeinitthelatiorptirelshoefdalfdri
and thwboOkselleivirr , whicirinust be-niet.4
A failurerhowever,-on yourapluir teleal a sp
with•punctualitymour liabilities4olll6l; ne
cessitateva failure on his part rtoftmeeV his
liabilities to others. , Hence, he is compelled
to turn his -attention to some potheueeoupa.:
tion, order, , to secure .a .livelihood,F. or
forfeit his character as a punctual, honest! ,
man. in taking either of the alternatives,
`he would be dectornitifi l milepromptly and
bitteilid; thesVerylerhefoinWhoNts'
and want of putictualitylcerapelled" hito
it, taking•the'leadv 9 Should' he. eigaAe 4 iii.
another—oOcupationi the - eharicter) , Of' hie
ministrations must- neoessariirdepreiater
and you will , be the loserS. -Even 'the' MAIL ,
sciousness! of being debt; an d- the raniiety
of mind 'produced! by the •fear, of
meet • his pecuniary ngagsmente, , • mast
greatly disqualify .hiln for a successful pros' ,
ecution of his studies. His exercises -mutt
hence necessarily depreciate;
,andipti again,
will be the lasers:'in addition to this, the
want ot punctuality on your part, iii,paying
the salary you promise, carries with it the,
strong presumption to his mind, that you
care but little - for his intereitso 6 He tilnitiot
divest hiiriselVerthili'fetiling;-iind* in `con=`
nexion' withlt; of 'the conviction that you.
are but little profited by hie ininietratiiinek.
These ,eonsiderationa must chill his rfeelingsi
which, in, turn, must •chill his sermons ' . and ,
they will ohill-yon. But, above• all this, the
blessing of God will be withheld from you.
Listen, what he egyil--" Will ,a. man, Fob
God t Yet ye have robbed - the. Bat ye
say, `Wherein - have'we 'robbed thee 7'in,
tithes and ogerin'gs. Ye are cursed Witn'a
curse :I'lsr ye hiore'iobbed - ith k even this
whole nation. - Brit4l6'6'll'6:e tittielnie
the etorelintaie,nhat tilde inityte' meat' in:
hotiselandipiotdirike - notlitieVith - teiiitli'
the Lord of hosts, if I will not oile i n'you the
winillicik: elf ;heavedrhind 'peiir you out it
blessing; that there Mail nothereominough ,
to receive it. • •Audi twill rebuke-4he de-1
vourer for your saliee,,,and : he ,shall • not-
destroy the fruits - ofyour .groind ;: neither
shall' vine emit 114 trUit'beforelhe time,
in the'field,•efaith' theliord'of hostel"''." ,
In conclusion, brethlen, we would earnest::
ly warn you against.4arther delinquency.
In the event-mooptipedig 5.,. penicompli
ince with our rule, At t d , fail to
~bring, nn a,
bertififiation of 'full''''settlentient , with your
pnstor,'Preibyteiy nii34, be required to inter
pose yin-";the.exeraise-er its authority;' and
dissolve the relation -htwee° you and :your
minister: This 'would; ,e-a result which; e
5 ..„,
; 'would very MuCh` deplore, butfaithfulness
kto Christ, 'aid a'regard' o r theinterist i s of his
i causqim - peritiVely" de" es t& that'se' iholild '
take Tithe step, 'sho'uldkezpostulation . fail.
We would. try the . • Ider measures first.
ollenpo we, have enjos
,this After tiyou, a,
hope ihat 'you - will
and ffrimpt in the
the Lora, and that the
a baisti
to be a
'Preeh Demonstrations in , *
nia—The University of
preeaio~+—'('hd Perna 4 7 .
Deelaratipn" and .DI
10 —
tur 6T--- Pope and
Congress Tabdi, 'Cat
''•)*" PontifiPaiVorvett
„, w itar at Rome—The
SuesOrs—Field ter
Skating in-theTt
Prayer Meeting
—Their Adana!! eft
Maasettin..6 Th.eafre.-
agitation ..eggint
of the :I.Bt, of Septei
public 1 worship: t It
,krtippeib it . veld #,
eitly ,for no other obj
ciiurSuiencelitid-t anr
l in i stant, , a,igreet l Prol
by threS
Peeth. The impell
`lnd resolutions:lEm
wer(rnadoptFd.' A
Emperori 3 `~bat,,the 'a.
forbid alai !saving: ,
Austria Pie dterrifi(
Ihngarypsuppdttedt, i; %rally dreedit
and elhatieffi " The' aul s ViediA, l l . B pi?"
thre,elikci,': to ' iioietiile , t s , r 2 ...... .:, :
13 :PA/ MAP gaZI
Tian itiani4tigt to = he ' frolm lir 4:01d
to the. new . oemeteryp titrazi exeuber
that-Such aßthing +r idivell,Vailifilif‘
;Whbreiti surViVing d i , titliorili.'
quested it.' The n t 1.1, tt “ i ~.3.,.)
.4 1 *-AeTbe ,
of the family, 'bit old 'officer
),„ i
in the Austriandierx 4 Ithor ,
~, , t
its! thought that.he At
'lit; .I- in` ftleitZt '-' de eti
: IL; : staked ifot: ihiP'perfiiiision.i. "to'
I nVoid misdfliefr the -authokities Tel . their ,
Win:tine iwtthe dead.:of night. Tice etre
'hiOny WU nominally fixed , for .the ay. time,
"ling when "the "itiultitude went r, to the old
inieteirtherWere'Shoidthe empt-ktddib it
'.:IsTo ;sooner was this Mary Ttriehkadivii,ltliali
Vitals , flocked. to 'the fnellritotnb indlitetally.
buried it beneath a covering. of. flowers
=e. l'he Transylvanians, lire the Hungarians,
lira! resisting Austrig, aiso x and refuse to
consider questithis ui subdiltibrkty thiitti,' on`'
thelgrinViidrtlitetnlitiTnne tlifs le , tightrety 'mike
Awls . r) t tett:MAW freelyieleetedr parliaments
"in lypigatiyare are told, ?:the Anorianti..
hav6 a etas) I r not I ,beeri . able to find a dozen
or mentireritY SW°iifilii tial
even oont, nfi rii 9 "fo
morneuit, tha6Aothg-idtl4 ) 6f ni"dii i iifqo
denbermandlthe iittiiiiinrilff etainittitigcild,
JAWS. :: ' -- t.... ,. . f: I' • ' v. -
. The Univenity . - :of Pestht is richly on . z.
l'itaiesd, is thOroughly natiskal,iii : its - basis,
anal hititorl - anir nudes the reign of 'Mara'
TherelieV Wigs etionellie "the tritiversity b'f
' - A u '
e tilioleiringdourOf Httqaryint ,, Ten years
aka ' oppression 7; began; and the ' aim "of AntiO
'tria is to destroy-the, national-language;
She' iiiime - to the conch:4loE that c' the ITnn
, t , i
' giiiins are no longer Hungarians,. but der-
Ntiliritilv ind'friiiirillitif x. Air thetiGlerinati'
'tongue was intredioedintckhe'tiehoble and
rylijibliolta!aes. I,lOrtt of seventy five istibjeettf.
'Tor eilimiatiog qhlyliglit ?gib
i 'l i : HaO0140 The ettferte to ' t
titration; they agreett4:in‘ ;petition , ; they,
went IX) Vienna'; but neither the Emperor
nth.. his Minister wdrildßfeetlivirttillarP
'• '
The riiitior B &of the, yonng
intended she .abdieatidn' Is oentiadilitell, 'At,
i iSiluation of the Emperor is described ;
as o:"exoeedingly dangerous." A .eolliston r
*s•inuiiiheilll bet Ween the aiiiitatiraktriltPlitaii4 '
'dale classes, , The' ivedifki' i iigiiii3tilf n lifi;
Gdvekiiineht tare its own. friends..
.• • •
, A pitoSaßainott Out fotih by the EOM-,
i tsit POLY 4 : lreand, and alsO's . that :
'disloyal! feeling toward QiieenlYiotoria;
wast,thliniNtedsifit the publibmeeVingf thevaer
Tinteii) origoises and exposes . the fi rst ii
loottOittiithlte tisual metpiiesi 1
berreceiiv.ol " eql l o.44:ac
,fie 'article, "in this country, and in every
oliettened society, wittliW utmost oon
tempti- and Whileripowerlempflto - give s the
oligh test wiistanoe to ; the, temporaLpower.of
the Pope, it,will serve as 'a dipgraceful mon
sument of the - bigotry lOW igno rance of
,traniontabe Catholiorsm7,"and
,proof of the nioderatio'n and liberality saint
,tblin allows men, without the-sliglitest sense
value of the freedom they .ainasei
openly to proffer' their allegiance to a fele %
eign power, and 6116 the attitude of their
own! °GoVerntnilit - to - the intereet?"6(
power, the conditiOn of their • politiciltiup
port." Dr. Maohaleihas been , writinft froth.
St. Jarlath's," but in &somewhat deepoipl, •
ing tone, 118 he .00nsiders.that the Catholie
pkrty . Vas been 'divided; ind' is in a worse
Ago: ,••• 0 n the•othir hand . a larger number'
p i e Roman Catholic .gentry are supporting
„gip crusade in favor of the Tenoporal.Sover
eignty of the Pope, than was' at first ex;
. petted: There iriust be great hypocrisy in
snob 'apparent submission', and the frairew
must•have been' applied very-tightly indeedW
The parties' know well that the ;agitatiote
will end in thin air ere long; that it is
!I full of sound and fury, aignifying nothing."-
The Emperor of therFrenchis the' real die.
turber, although Ris.Holinessin consenting:
„to the•Congrees, intimated last , week a moot-
r ponfidence that, , " the elderst 'nu! •of the
Churoh," (a" beautiful b6y," as theymonld
say in -Ireland,) 'could:not possibly .do-ought
to injure the interests of the Holy.-Bee.
TILE CON1:110813 but wants a' fete 'Weeks*
time to' pawl itway; . in order to meit":"lt
will be study; that'
'Only "Cavont 'Sitting ' . ipii•arikinto
'Cardinal Antonelli and the Aiastriin'plerii-
Otentiaryl- Yes! Cavour; the' - detiist44 4
contriver of the Italian 4 war,'ind the iiiiroo
lientative"of ' the 44 exiiobiliittnibite,"llbibie
Tinminnel; is aetuallenominated
,I)03*1011S.OF 14161i1E3E8, - o'N'a THING
,relation at present'
iary and, Transylvq
th, and Austrian Op-
JEngplie—The Ronda
.4yrr t .,1 1 41 Rear ,Dis:
,fflldest Hon 1"--The
rod Antonali—The
sal Pope arid: Oce-.1
for „,andShriirttna I
The Reathir;
for - .4idercfarrY
Shia n
ihioli fregultibee
-site*lgi pawl
tied poll cssY
;velve t , aptiar;
orttso . : evefetetivu
' , EOn- the 71,itlf
Jetifik, *tteAd: l '
e ° *iii .
litfh l*Etls'
„3 5T
45---7- sp ot
18 "the.:t
PlenificrtetitisiV'ot I:ntohelii
-13 4 4triTiiirktiotti'd iAlierntifititiV"eoij
'vette -(,-,";the bark-of, , St:-Peteyelo) in'aider
; to some.Fratiee. Antonelli 4, Pope ; , is:
is the Jra3sa who rules the Pope and
, Oardunils, and " and hi e for.
tunes euditak'hy and bY in a " pontifical
blesiVlD nofvittleari Well;qherii
isiOraliigher than lthe' hightrittyzatcd , lwiser ,
than thit-ttiostforafty-- 'Yea, ,One,-,wllo 7‘,4talt-
eth the wive in,hia own craftiness," whose,
motineel ehali 'etana' l ' pietty certain
ihat'foiee iriltnee
or AnstriaVagainet thle"dentriii
Tut HOUSELEBB Pookltie - igint °cm
ink3rittentiott.'",uTliiiit time lilit:ltirAtifeaild'
`the famotis-artiitle„ in the !Ti.rnel,rwhiehTplie- .
itedrenah anTepidetnio blptieenee Ithe
Field Line Ragged Sehool and , kindred in
stitutiona. The result of the appeil foc
Tin WEATHER has been . fiira week past%
..7,, :cm
very Wintry and soveri3:',' Skaters /7 in thou
, sands' MVO, thebti hit, the SYriletitine 4 iti'
Parle,T•ohpeoiallyvan the tbord'wf'dayd'uOli
Saturday f uight, fine young . ! rnapil tw00ty: , .. 4
four years old, polished, by drowni,sg, s endial.
day or 'tiro previonsii, at, Hanap,stead„,t4e,
son af'ilividolflid innthesr,'iged'
aleo lost''b4e'lifl '
Such welitheras - thisiolibitemobliftfriptt•
thy mit, , the poor , suffering. A olotense
cold makes trolja,Bull gory, tendophtirted:
8 Fite,thoMover,, of the mnitiplied
Veit tpopulatiopt,- verys= - many dare* . )-.reitricte
ie r therpforei r ,plesyJinwto.tail. the
edirent of milder weather. _We 3. avecirery,
frosts. Ada; ilia:late. This
Sae iheYi Ohl lit
tvPinbet,) ofdititeWbathelothiii Vietgi. vd
910' lit I 0 ',I; . s
gj o THE . IEHVErIET .
KROLYT:B. 41T, ,
EF iti
relloiniosie iathdringloiliireVirgthughtlifolftniii'
'lll tondo* , <Theiwwre,upwanisibthi
':drild ReetOgis,,fgr w 41 1;
d ope „last w eek ; which has'been kept up,
siek4ilf in tile'laver ItOom'•, l Eietels"kron,'
week't week , 4 ever inficet'the first"iklath=
`ati6kwasdpromptidliby the'tidinks iSf the'
- 'lininticanawaltertinko ':There was
, and a mokt r devoni, spirit' , pre ,
,vai i led.
_7:cry many , requests :for prayer
were re adout on thi'ociolisiliii,ebthe of them
v'er'y' fOu'ellibe''One
'qnhool teacher, on behalf of the sch&iii
, 1 3v 4 i . tti whiek4iher id cOrdihatedotliatithet Spirit"!
, mitt bc , ,Roured.-opt buth, : !cm teacher: and;'
!-ChildienZ "'Another : was for "a clergyman
"of !the C ui h of , E trtaa;"
nriatlu'thhgriftlilitidlis frillig 'Meld' at
knifiletite,ol the truth awlivisfity Aging
, Abait c hn .maycomfir to beoa burnihg &taw
nhining light, :and be' a,
„blessing ,4o . ,lnjuiy,.l'
Anoiher was for " Rialiarst Tiirnnr, the
Senretary of the Pure. LitetcsiiiretoOitti,'
Iv,,tikkiao lo 4L;er*OVPlPNlAo4itio_o o ,ll,
m `the Lord's inryiew. IkthrhTiiiieniklters?
')Xisb , staied for.sPerriat of .911ria1/4109riag
j in the mi nistry ,
~whose testimony is much
fthit"th'elgOdirbf 434 world" AV'
thefr but' that) they' may.
be turned from darkoeini4ight,,and 'from
ififi ..Pnwer ; or Satan unto fkio4V T , ‘‘A
r dlingliter "`'desiies graya helOinif
mother, now tang
be Icing trust trifdllyiiiitiferkord'MlNPW
timer and reteri*yf' ),. One :Itterthefrowsasliza
prayer " for the conversion,. of a yontti... pire-,
Airing for the ministry at.the University of,
i I
3hy,'"lnd)) efippilMio Si - fyth ow 'Windy
dray be ,, kepthin. thp , love bf , itheltruthW-ming l
,g,ll B 4 44 0 ‘.1 ) R3rer - 4 6,, „madeffo. 1 ::?Youktklis
repaint. tn , r l or now in India, . the
service of heir 13111164 Y, that they maybe
' weri,
''Joiept4 DaniiiPihnd fbieirs'i-livitiontantw
givinge ' for lichooare)malkit*fitir thb
ici'l BftOWNLOW - 31.08,T1Es AND 4 sEikulsitsini
atis.boraFu,•the lax i epingslipts, hai„, r9Att,
ground in the Inetropocth The, ortres
Joremiliitil i atMiiiliilio',nei'Preibytetiiiii`o itich,.
'iliiit: Blihtititillierniirliiii .in e4itiinte
Tat ' , Abe ohsi>el'oof the' ! , Hola! lend Rev.- B!
),-liii r .: Noel. At the latter phre i Gin the,
evening, Mr Radcliffe, re
after, paching, /
;Jafei pittrei itaidusatAtAhtifi s siTsatOii: in
.114 1 ifeel6.y. 1 . 'There 'Wks 'milli( idieliA, la'
'viell Ali solemnity, - and as thitserrtwo ‘ %Lent
,„1114 1 e.,1teen : 49 owned r,of pod, i eleewhere f o ID
:fondly trust that their i ,visit - to :London, will
- (be I mercifully ,' used' io; st4e' masses.upmasses.-, TheiPdhjoiliiir fetiie / ikgei olisN/111 te' hii
, f ;:videdi ionites. Mid thtf Inteinfedted Till
9 ,fieb i lwis tvast.b-Preyet inUelviant•thwribeeti,,
to LURIA_ ,f,i piortear , in the, . n fork ., : : ,G od ; graut;
: t h4,.,04,,T. 616 4 , mil, PTeve„, that : the fields,.
- were alrea d y *bite' tollithirttreser . - `,V '
. cc. r. '.. .411;,. I"
In Exeter: Hall, - in '4iOnnexiolt with tlie
-yoitieel Men's Areociathid, will' 1e14 4 a
, Titeidaf /lie.' t liet,"'s !great filtillstilfgrto'
1,,,,1geir addresses from the . :twe...EvAngbliste.!
1 When ; .I. l went up. : stairs ; , to,l,Au ~c ommittee.
loin", I. found r y . , body c gentlezien:itipt
its arid' fervent pray er s b e ing offered in .
'"lnicislissfilnlor` a '' blithitngb e til?tiddlilitt B ' an'd'
spebineithd'ikorcts thittlifiglittioifie(StAlenli
Gef!prge .Hittihpbok; Esq., oeoupied4helohair
' of ilk° :meeting, and opened.. t,witly a
' eithenin words. ; The -.hymn' was t1:44 , sung,.
"0, : for i ii; thousand Alingites, h ``Sio.; . and
,prayitie•eififeid"b r y l the 'R i ev 'E. Ciorik Will, Nil
IndeVoihdisitnninister of Scottish birthiswhof
for' years -list:: been- specially blesselivVitif
r i .
spiritual frititA to, his, toil:. . , 4; . 1
c ' The, first, address. , was by , Vile
_Sin!: ,n#,
. Rev B. W J .'floel: ; !;'.l.t waileiiiguliflilitelee
and 'fiithful' in" `ire 'ghat:Ater: l .' 2 lC Wali'4 l
polemn%lealing iritlvtlMinipetritintreephing ,
.. , .
, ,to convidoe.tbdin of their - guiltiness bp an
enumerationnof,Ains committed, by di ff srent
classes, and espeeiiilly of disloyalty and want
, of Itiv'e to God sand "Christf, 'The dome 'of
~ the ihipinithfittiviii eat' ilorth' l'w itlil 1 tetriblii
fidelitt arid the. call , to •immediste“repento.
allele ' oonpled,- with. •.eneonvagements .was
lirgeq anfiAffeotionate. Ilfr, A oekdwelt on,
the feet that no rank, ,
or.,title, or, positiOU,
or gifts, - Oiiiild'siVis - i'inati "who Was Impeni!
~ 4 tent; from ' peiditioi4 l -""the proflikite 'Misr
quis wail's truly exposed tont ias' the lowest •
debauehee. that walks the,streetal in a eon,.
dil ion of abject poverty / and fl%
was it with the modern "
lady'Of beantifur bitelitioSkia, m itO
with the " Sa/onte;' l fair htt4ile)
Afteriiingiopthe^-liymnp Sinnbrieobets
the Gospel word"—which. aequiTed!ftesji,
emphasis•not oull : from multitudinous voices:
and the Pialincorgaii,` espepialli , 'iibizr
ibs Velli t rag
;of many dtaithi
presented- himself.-nEleivio, a shottratont,i
thick-set, man ; ,-with , Lelargeilip . ad,l3oversd
with . col' black del* ges n and shaven
cheek. His aspect ix 'War bltdhrEnnek abd
• beneviiltliolt"leombiliedr. - He 7 ritieikiiLuthe'
' purest , English, althOtigle Dbelievd a:Nottl7
ern Sootohman,,and hiss voice isiablolarlk
4 dear and i ringing. , ~119. , rwhee into ;
subject, and hie int sues earneidness
transparent. He referred to what -he had
'beixtliiinSBlf, and said that While' lie never
`cairasuitl'lfifidel the corimicialleitse of 'the
thrmvlct wheelie was awakened to •a Sense
of his,guilt•and danger, he found That he
had never. believed in God in the sense of
realization of his presence as the great
. 141 1 Am," and that in his first - agony he was
kept silent 7 for a time; hermitic he could nof
realize Goals leant*, land as ithmidiately
near. He charged this home on the
audience- r that coming to God,-.they must
helielre first ` that' he is`" He dealt also ,
witlititestaiPYArts,uatd 'dreatnerindulged of
hartOilbsing (all blitstdd,) independent of
riGodi;,T and , asked, with peculiar' -power ,
Alper 4,4cshiner had ever , said to himself;
as to the, future,"'l.,shall be soon with God
—see'Oliiiist;' &e. Very tenderly . did he
begani his addresa; which
watt intlVa nail td - Repetitatieeciand to
tilt,: in whom were'." durable
pokeb. last, first offering
a - younger man than Mr.
iiiand wiry in frame,' with a
kindlirrgloYe, and l, flexible- voice of much
oompiniti 'power. He trtferred th the
fact thit years before . he had been, living-a
godless Man in that very , neighb o rhood "of
Exe`tet; tidtiree-toving days;
to, th'S deatha 'kit entry companions
thetrgmee othat•tad Saved
himrseif appealsyweris striking, and he
pr,opind 42 meet the close, and
also neit'everiing, at the Lower Room ,of
the Hall
The 41,15v,p <l3rboll preatbed46
few j ihoppand ( people, Brittlolnjaaltestrb,
- 110 x.t°, on-the,ey,,,ening -a last Lord'is"day
J. W.
P 8 pita has j ust i
appeared n
4 fi l aribr i had de *.bd triiti4n'Auldir
zin'spiratiorrprinionmendiewt , that Abe Pope's
firture;d9faini9 l 467ehall-,- be confined z to' the
city Ri) . me itself„ and that he shall be
sovereigu'hy all the
CithtAIWTO The ItOttlighdlete and the'
peopliifof itheriLegiititnislarelnot forced ,
b 1431 0. ' tto:! their ,allegisnrcer. ''The Congress
oright. ( to agree, N to - Themes draws.
- frem ,this pamphlet conolusi n that at
dOrigiesactlfeilis will be " a cordialunder
-4tandille`iretti'enieTrankleLand England.' `
.„ Tor the Preettylida BLinit 2 iitedbioesti. "
I 'well' iii - Membiir with 'what "Inipresenfe
solemnity my beloveni t lintar;' DE 0
lilgliFretnaltbd r subjEliVgaProottilit
ittisirtili ed." "But` `deserves more aw
''ful nam li mal t be emphatmillpogdle&;
theilestroper. of ,the soul.Pl J.WAIcII:-
. - Tiredderte tie' Picture..
r.= Au editor of a 'religious pipet is i like 'al
otherse"ii)idreilifin f ililignilithe' that hill' owd
weiglit i i nal/F:liZvillilitigl Viff Aii.',lji'd ,tql - :,`a
pestl—Tie must keep goiog,if ,Early 4 an - d i late,
the Wholtrytiiiieshir aniutiti , keepAreadimfaul
And *line hiPviorknitadittiol ethili it' iihilse
tilifig) to his' ifdttSlilehiit',#ditd ;l 41'W rhie .
%stuff ' - "tfe iilife‘Oleaiiii 'ei - erfliod ,iti3whiit,
4 1 4 Pttbtiebie.aud: in,what , ,he doesinotpub,,
lish..yWwkenifiidres witiistekeivvise Ia wrong ,
'Ward/ler 'admit flinTiniptoptio arti altr.m"' ,Thele'
iris no , oharity , for his . infirmities, no all4allyle e `
‘ 4 °4' ''i',!tfO,,ibth6 l 4 , :4;etiulig ' *'e'At) ''. 114 4: 1 0
tenderness for for his4eelingsalikvery article,
mastObe.3 oho! tile. ~r ightt asubjectrtreetlie) it
Prep& iipicrittiktddibtajubtltha righlrlishithq
' Please those who have taste, and those who
I have-nonerthese*hit think;-and-thole who!
44:4 nok; those wlio z are Christiatis t ,and those
who pre,..not ;:those who silbscribe and pay, :
, and iifOse "WhedO. not;.those - who have
fainillOi,"iiiid ) theite l who' have funie.=lold'.
141 A pia* 'wale tifivfitialtlitlittle aid big, andsidht , 7He 'must- tread on no ione'w
ihPem .! .1 !Ilile i kit IMl l 4..)toesc 3 must, I. he- Public):
prepery..:4pd,many o i. iier things . , as hard
'to ''Ai, but too numerous 1;p mention. ',-
Ali Thitila' s ionly'W.Part tif one - side* of 'the
4ietiifelifi' in 4. editeitits life, There is
aaotherr at which' it , is:- more tplessaut to'
look. -
B . Fetching the Gospel every week, to ,
iherisTudis; many of whom never 'hear it.
frOurthe'iniliiit' Sdattering'light did" in:
&Alien oh•ttitoitkh) the iihit4; 3 giving Strength'
And editiOlatioirtcilnany w heart ;., an&exert--
big an influence for good upon society that,
will le i. felt .long after- he is gone. , Every
inteilibeeiad operation - Of the Church, the
, minVand Ilk:it' l l:4' 6464 reader; leek Ifs"
,Ro. t ivetu;"ltliaid'fhie . *iiiiiyvaihr add i:ierplsti. ,
ties, heis.bonstantly reeleiving letters telling'
in i. of the„ good. 1:9?!- isr f ,do,ingletters -of
'':ineoursginnent'and i sympathy ; and thus,
while - efel',.4li`eltave - st` talent for nothing ,
hatter, enjoy` the ' l lll6l4y' of `lidding 'fail t;-
.thonsted4stiprecisteithe labor, and sympw ,
I ~ this°, with ! the eilitoefino hititnriceasing work
for good. coireei n nothingfhlit:the evidence lief
1 ‘ 'has thltt he iidoing i good, couldsustain any
• ,iiiiin' i liti' tie - litierielis arid - trying work - of
, huildibk if a' religiiitifilaper.: Whorl deft:
1 p,ressell, gloorhy,oafiti alinastrdisheartenedp
he! receives A, Utter, ntelling of, some %afflicted
heart that haik been comforted,
,some chris
q'tiaii that hie" been aroused, or some sinner
that liiii'Veiiijecirivi l / 4 .iteiti"'tnai• evidence'
h "B"'fif b f; '"
lof t e ow r th aa el hat bile is
. .
preliehillWaniitinnti una r'eoiliforts hter* heart:.
Let eAlters,,look'open .this 'side of the pie
Aire anti for phei"..leward, to the other
jl work."4'
" I The innumerable fine and deheate three&
which true mini teity weaves, as woof and
.warpt; j oiiiistittiththe iltiength 4 of 'the social
fabrutu-(CetAtsydis love ands-ren
kredr active , and visibleT and. love ~;attracts-
to union .yndpnenles t en when oontiguoua
'' hater trope rash into mutual bosom s and
rfvrm raver and lake` : COnvintionirobser.`
ryvaile'ettiiiltriiiPmlin into Winhinitions,
„externittioefolighlieeAthenstafti (tit' bsoomie'l
". the barrel and, the : task:- --Bat-the-drawings
8t 'love wilt attract, even throngh impedi.
and barrier, like the inasnetto in
iiiinngh the VisArtirion -
CourteevLia esientially3 different from •po
liteneso l l etiquetteif-mimnersp - These may , .
heeome morco!nari-"J' supretne ,selPhness
ind hilre t d“; an i ethey pay bid Only
'prOfit. 2 doniteey' 4 has,
indeillirhoitkohiPfoint Manneil'amt" yet
Aoyer twayst w s ithisnitablei anitileoiroureont
4entigqiiienlV ItCourtesy 'jniterentrand
filv i er e pe attpal bilt, form e politeness
u ieeident ; "hence the are
the PR/!tST.Ae Bs ! of .tc"dotY , P o Pn'e ru!leass or"
, - I
'Courtesy esinnolobeotankhbaotnienined pit
nigthnot l% ofoitior-lata Aaer.3l Court b
~r eit—mere politeness ingli!""thit l frAzier''.
mini"ldie-uttiki la littePAplibt? -1 1" tie 'ere`
s itio ' tic other
, filly, an rn gun 6,
' To,' le o44'4'
f g a , t 1 :10mq
'''readt Chesterlield , 4 9 , teV,heoompila tiouriemisf
read - ofitielltible. ;0 Xbrahlitnpi fatherint
/ the
41.en:tite, lekirti t daga i n titth e irdiliitr i
. •
Li VI.. .f
r,i11 e0 P90 4 2 111 3 4,l4,B l Clolll4ltAkeito ecotditaU.
nkitnif 'betook .w ord,tones manned that ,
. •
.. •
Plillidelphia l South West Corner of Seventh} rind ChestnetSftets
By IlEallior at the Olen, $1.50 per Yee, tMpg . p ßom b igs
00. 0.-zg
Delivered in the City, 2.00
revealed their heart love and melted other
The writer was passing - once along a
narrow :pavement. A young man, in
coarse apparel, it our approach , stepped
aside, with great alacrity, and into the mud
edging the path. He did not bow, he
waved no hand, he moved without grace,
and yet the whole was evident courtesy,—
After passing, the thought arose, should
not acknowlege.and thank for behavior
so minsual in a young man in this bared
age. We went back. Offering our hand,`
we said, " Young man, shake hands With.
me !" "Certainly, sir, but frhy i do you
wish it ?" " Because you are a'
- i hearted fellow, and a true geageniani you -2
. gave all the path to me I" " Sir, .:I"..woald
step into the gutter for an elderly man I"
God New yon, young man"!" May you
tecotne a bilieverin odr Lord
:Whoid servant" I„profeSs' naiaelltp and mrs,3l3g
-Filentieekirtir:lietiefigt-iftwdr„ nevertfaieettoir
Tears stood in the eyes of both; and when
we said, our hands _nomad,. to be
- • e
a love-tie binding our hearts; and we were, . .
at that moment, improied 'as citizens
republioins,' "and witheur beeamieg Red, -
Blaek,,or of any-other , politioal
.Reader "Be courteous 1"-,--Chrigioa
Ohtirehes in the .IT,nited , J Statek kill their
Clergymen, but the deathis pot:Always
ed in the same way.
,it is a slow, sweetieurei ,
love.which 4eompanies them ,
lightful instances; it is a sordid; mean
lest in others; it is in a dull indifference on
• -this side ;flit is by , an exacting,
unceiaiiketiblethi 'tie Other'.
The great miss of those who ' - have akin-,
on . their hearts life's greatest and , ,seteeribtl , l l l
drop, go from
,one place to'.thepther,.P4iti-'
oised, - mi:sjidged,, overworked, underpaid, .
the' life .of an angel dertiandeirof then', but
,thelood 'Of a fait day them' If they '
~ttre impruile4they are 'put neidic.ifif they
are independent they are put dosfii; , if they q 9 (
" and th ere is no man that sinneth not,"
the rack and the fagget, l itywerdliof .oensnyeie
'are their fate , and whosoever essays to for,
give theni, must 'hipent=to find. that yirtne
econcnleillytidniinisteitd. to` him.'
matt judge 'of) the'eotirlithin of
gymen bythe kindness bestowed-on the felier.-1::5
-Tkepp,i o a great l lesson ,of ;common, justice..
-yet O a he learned by the'.,peopla in ; ,* r. )
.Air said to lie'lreite''all''" d
"'men.. In days of panic this 9 itcla 4aVrotitit
• maxim, presumed to be consolatory. Just
lei a elergyptaufhtxurhateinstheitiphn Antr
,in ,the r daphing , mtve,..andg s ,yrtry , 7
and Sessions , and trustees , iiiilite4ards, the, .
tiongregatiktiV in their kiln,' &Oft' tiverhadt ' '
thit. 3 42rilte l ly gyintilditi or yaitheliniti;
eXperitineiffailso They do-bbtter thariEtlzik
1: for the ,clergyman evetc-,:in • preWded,-, smoky
Lenden._,Last Stimmer x
.hlow ; p11 PtixtalL . -,
in Essex,
L' u dred and sixty-two of WO' _
1 - •'.„.klie Louden ..City Theee' men, not •
ikr - istiffuotattangiled in a
woik of, kindred, good and of heart-wearing:T
R anxieties , engardln cricket and other 0h...,
enjoyed right — gdid dinner, 'and
in aitentp-wlierelOh'ristionAiOunselitofieltided 4ol-7
7the day.
Let the press everywhere eneourage susz -, 7
taro, honor. the clergyman. ' It is a friend-
ship :Which is of the 'beat itervice 'we can,
render onr''kaee:"''N
Relintition` and Ohariater.l
ReputatiOU'in'd Chieriiiter are videly"dit:
feted' thingt, 'though they are eo °onion&
eenv.the minder of many; thatkttleysiono,.-- -
idifference' between them; , Cheract,erAivcsv;
in A man. It is the p result, mid the rem,* _ -
of "wisdoin, illtustraied in virtuous action in
piirsuit of greakandL.good ends . Reputation
lives outside of e WOll.
bylappoPulikspisech;tor bylaw initioirdflav
mountebank.- Charaeter is-inherent iw the- i
man, permanent; reputation is _,an eider*,
thing, , ephemeral, living for an hour, in,.
other breath A man may haVe
goodiihiirailter; arid no reputatia ;'
self- worshippers, th - er are nearly'cidentiiiiiLl
Charabtesiislis thing which will take care- ''"
of ;itself, and all character that does net v
take care of itself, is either very weak, or
iitterlffidtitious.' A min"'.whO does as i
to' the diaitegi 43:
of his Inagnient; and hie; consciefaie, T
achieve a character without giving a tiiiitight
to it, so -that - all attention bestogelupoqithe
direct acquisition of .charecter. befpre the
public, i 8 AU 4.: .
loons, 18 m u ch attention wasted , iinct so.
much-timeAtioWii their' woOki
-wre we know% linen' o'nd-ire
standard ineatcite theintaLGoki nc
' We do not like this ; it
r oamer t o
'of a spirit which bo,des
„ire, good to the
churches of our timeit 43^ Theeross on the
Ikreasti the' Orois , cd•ths °Bible; the Crosisleic
the bookmarker the Cross. lon the mantel-4P c
yieee? the 0r..0n the
,pulpiti the Prose on
the gable; the Oroea everywhere—is now the u me
rage of a portion of the Protestant world.
The l'Orbeit 8 84aily'pais' Urneifiki"
let merkinirkthat Going'this lengftletteiVy
would ) by ind )14 `go farther'? aid there
be no eitoppint we reaohPtin, "
Gate,"rand'find Safely
in the Vitieini We iiaylhaie tliibtneirdet?
.to thoie wfifAiay kitoWindthineat 'tile diiiP",
cloottitiOefihe Croix, on whiolCthe"Sore of"' ,
God 'expired in atoning of filen P ar '
Adviarto Yount Proneherti g 1193
Always remember 'tint a few 1 01111480 11 a: 3
well studied and wellndelivered;Neiltur
-1.•1 do much. more; good ,than. ' ,manzverniornr,
,Noy, r neeived an,4„pboAlyAelivered.. , Be .
deliberate and dietieet d in your, Fortanoni, f f,
tion • and at` the same , .timebe-natural, and T
easy...: Communion with God is the - ,,piaiw t . rirr
of all religious duties, -partierdatAy s
r- those of the pulpit. Neither preaehr z nor ,
prey. Very , loud, remembering that bodly.e.x. •
eratee profiteth little. Take . s eare ~of year •
beidth. To .do great goo#, fry to live a
great while. Bnowledgenntkesttliepreaoh.
er • therefore, improve revery = opportunity to
obtain. it
, Christ:
He b'e' Patlt,wi ai zhe mieledrr
If say -L
If anyireve bertameifP'fte"-*lfiielud '
If ink 13e litiiPwelle;h6te
t To - dead Itreinl tki Keitmenu eai "
,To , bliiid alien . gightratili)tiintitePneWil.
400 ,
J.TA0111; neen..juargy tromarkeiti;vilatAilThei - al
f tcHbe npgry o r,itlioutroin, hbitoybooro
angry at nothing but sin."