Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 14, 1860, Image 1

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Prnlbytuisa litssasr• w•i. VAPOIIIo •17 I
presbyterisit Advirostof You. Ind; shoos
'k 1..
• Only a Picture. •
Ortlya plaPitil-lvand. is that all ?
Only a pioture upon the wall: •
The So beaming, the cheek hright,
The eye Bo daboing with sunny light,
I almelit fancy my baby boy
Ishirringing to me in his pride and joy--
BUt: 'Us only a ploture,upon.tbe.
A silent pioture—and, thata,alll
Only a look of silken bah.
Laying alone in its oaabet,th.nml•
Where le the head that in sportive glee
Was wont to tosalt so oarelese and free?
The,baby head that upon, my. breast:
So lovingly nestled eaoh nighi to restl,
Only a look of its silken hair
Is lying alone in its casket there 1
Only„ti,shoe thatis soiled and torn I
But,where Istlie foot thatthat.shoe, has worn,
The darlingloot, so .dimpled and small,
That made mini° so merry in chamber and Wal—
t), to entail of that little step one sound,
How wildly now would my pulses,bopiail
Bat there's only a shoe.that is soilethand torn
The foot comes no more thatthat shoe pis worn.
Only these rellos—and notbing more ?
Can nought to our artnsAhe lost restore ?
Mt:tittle° hopelees yeexu, as the youßep,ge by,
For the , bonndinipetep an&tbe beaming eye ?
And of all that beauty, and life, and , grass,
po fondlycheriehed,, retain no trace
Save these silent relics ? o,.negermore
Will, Wet grave to our antis the lostmestore
0, Woe for lent,-when from snits store
It points to these tokens, and nothing more
When.oe vacant hall and silent stair
But eoho'tlttgroans, of its wild despair:;
And from,all.the voices in earth and. sky,
Comes baok no word,to its wailing cry,
Save the mournful echo—" 0, nevermore
Will the grave to thy arms the:loecrestorel
0, joy for love, when h yearns,no more,
For, that which ,the grave cannot restore!
Whenit upward , strAtchpe its•drooping,wings,
And in darkness and sorrow still sweetly singe,.
Of the brightness; and 11103,0 that better home
Where,the,lost exelound i and no partings mime;
0, joy for love, when its priceless store'
There safe is garnered forevermore.
/Or the 'PreebY4lrlen Banner, and, law: Hate
Letters. for the New Year . to, My Cour
" Walk in wisdom toward them that are without,
redeeming the time."—Col. :5.
I asked you, in my last, to give dirigprkt
heed to the `Apostle 's
direction as to yo7i,r
"walk," in all your personal, elocial, stud
ecolesiastioal relations. Consider , now your
personal relations.
1. To your mon Homes. We naturally
begin at home. Home Ls, the school for
both Church and State. As-the _hopes •of
the people are, so, will- their Churches and
States be. The " Church in the house" -is
the hope of the Church in the world. The
politics of the fireside is framer of the
politice , of the 'State. Purify theee, springs,
and all the stream will be pure. Fill the
hearts of parents and children with the
wisdom of God, and our churches, schools,
and halls of legislation, will 1:m wonderfully
fulkof the same wisdom. It• is with lesson,
then, that our, first solieitudeF,ie for sour
homes. As the new year dawns, we thick
of horrie. (1.) In the year 1860, then, let
home %3e the happiest spot on earth. From
the fires of ince and intemperance,, kindled
, on so many of the " high-planea" of -our
land, let the footsteps .of, husband, brother,
and friend, be turned by the light of a
cheerful 'lime. How .often, „slap, have I
seen home, the gloomiest spot on earth. All
sulkiness, sullenness, and nervousness, Were
saved up for :home. Kindness and politeness
were companions of strangers. Churlish
nesi and booriehness were dwellers at home;
Such things ought not to be. No place on
earth ,should be so " sweet" as , " home."
"Those that are without," look to Christians
at bore. They want to see how religion
worktt at home. And so long as religion
shows se gloomier homes than the world,
you need not be surprised to find your
children choose the world. Let the lightof
the New Year, then, shed a fresh illustration
on that beautiful sentiment, " Home, sweet,
Home," (2) Let the .New Year see the
reign of religion in year homes. Let
religion be the well ispring,of all home joys.-
When the kindness and love of 'the family
°kale are the fruit of that love which is the
gift of the Spirit, I know of no place on
earth so near to heaven as the Christian
home. "Peace of conscience and joy in
the Holy Ghost," are, then, the-source of
that peace which broods and that joy which
flutters' in the sunfighk;of lame. Seek to
make your home religion.em,inently source,
to all, of joy and peace. 'Strip it of all that
is sour or crabbed, repulsive'or cold. 'Make
the hour of Family Worship and •the Sab-
bathe Catechizing, the pleasantest hour of
the week; when instruction and devotion,,
wisdom and piety, reverence and cheerful
1103511; shall be beautifully blended ; when
alPthill feel, even to the sunny•haired'boy
of two or three Summers, who sits on his
stool by the fireside, that this' is an hour
sacred to that Spirit whose fruits are, "Love,
Joy, and Peace." How vivid the recollec
tion of eateehisings different far.; when the
rod hung over the, task, and the reprimand
stood ready, provoking, mistake—a memory
wilier wears, even yet, a sombre brie over
all these precious 'doctrines of our Church.
Let your home-mligion, ; in the, year 1860,
he a sunnier, presence And let, not the
manner of indoctrinating turn your chil
dren against the very doctrines that' must
save their souls. (3.) Let intellectual en
joyments lend a charm to your home circle.
No joys are so refining as the intellectual
joys of the Christian family. And nothing
so'llfredittally banishes peevishness, pew
knee,' gloominess, weariness;
gossip, meal, and a ths:wand'other
" devilte-T'.which crowd the mind lett
"empty, " swept .and garnished "—nothing so
effectually talfintellectual resources. These
are the " strong- man armed," that keeps
the house. I pity, the man who, in the
solitude and retirement of a country home,
has nothing laid upltt store to think about.
And I pity the toarg mite is so stupid as tol
train np his children in the same menta
inanity, leaving their Minds open for the
entrance of every wished passion, simply'
because there is nothing ,in them; and
"Nature abhors a vacuum. ' Let this be a
year of family intellectual eulture. During
the Long 'Winter evenings between this and
Spring, instead of this ' datinbue silence
around the fireside, with. hauls holding' the
head that is bowed in atojitt iliought be
tween the knees, Vonjaring:nrillii: that , will
never come, let mime history- bc -in course
of perusal, some instructive • biography, or ,
book of travels, or the weekly= newspaper.
Theme will ohne a thousand phantoms,
woke an- unwonted.cheeriulnessi , and con
crete-A store of wisdom ,which, in society,
the Church, or the State, Will make: you
and your children far more happy, useful,
and ,respected neighbors, Chiistians, or citi
zens. Satan has, always work enough `for
idle braisrs no less than idle hands, to do.
I think the great lack of , our , rural' papule
,lation is the lack of intellectual culture—
systematic reading and thinking. Hence
our agricultural districts do. note exert:one
tithehof the influence, they ought to exert,
either in Church or State. The .New. Year
is a good time to begin a reform here.
In my next, I will speak of our social
relations, as mambers.of conainttnity.
Truly, yours,
'Siam thi - Olirloilan. Ads-Coate and Journal
The, Presbytery of Ileaver to tint
Churches under our -Care.,
BRETrlnii---W &address you in referenge
to a mater in Wok tmt)?, your own inter•
sets and the interests of your Tastor are
deeply involved. We are sorry' that it is
necessary. We wouldhavegreatlyrejoiced
had sour , sense of justice eapersecied this
necessity. You , recognize PreshyterY as a
Court of Jesus Christohat acts in 'his name
and under his authority. Whenever it does
not transcend-its legitimate prerogatives, its
eriactmente eheuld have, a bindilig, fore° 0n..,
your corteciences. This is true in relation even
to those prudential Presbyterial regulatiena,
which are not explicitly enjoined in tiod's
Word, but which may be.regazdedisis neees
,sary in order to secure a faithful compliance
with any of his ordinances.
Suchis the , rale requiring all the church.
es uoder our care, to send up to each,apring
meeting, a written certification from their
respective ~Treitumws, of. the full, payment
of, the salaries promised to their respective
pastors. This rule is designed not only to
stimulate i you to romplitude rin the dis z ,
'charge, of yourlecuniary obligation to him,
"who is over you in the Lord," but sisal°
secure, official, information of your prompti.
tudiand fidelity in this matter. - Your mon.
tract -with your pastor is not a. private
.agreement between him and yourselves. , If.
this were so, you might , juatly regard , the
inteiferenee of;the Presbytery, without 'corn
plaint. from ,one or both' of ,the contracting
pastiee,..llo an officious intermeddling in mat
tars which., do not belong• •to.them. But,so
far from- this, being the fact; you.enteredin.
to a contract with yotir pastor through the
Presbytery.' It is therefore not only Our
right, but our duty, to demand,estiesictory .
evidence ; that you are, faithiully fulfilling
the' engagements into which yott voluntarily.
entered. This is what we' ask in requiring
you to furnish us with an official certifies=
tion, annually,- that you have met , in-full
your, dues to 'your pastor: With this requi
sition, you; have failed to comply ;, and in
this you.have disregarded:the anthor
ity of a Court ofJesns Christ, to which you
owe, and have promised obedience. This,
failure, moreover, renders the presumption
legitimate, that you have likewise , failedtto
discharge your pecuniary obligation to your
paetor, acoording to your agreenient, and
have 'hence violated a positive ordinance,of.
the.Lordlesua. We earnestly, entreat you
to look, at,this ,matter with'prayerful delib
eration, and if you do so with the'Bibleats
your, gOle, you mot ,bepenetrated with the
corivietion,that your ,fallure in, this regard,
is sin against Christ.
It is the appointment of the King-and
Head , of-the Church, that thoseiwhoi employ
their, time and energies in preaching 4,he
Gospel, should receive a competent support
while—"`Even so hath
the Lord• ordained, that .those .who ' presh .
the Gospel, should live of the Gospel:"
This appointment proceeds on the obvious
and genprally'recognized principle of justice,
that the workman is entitled to the products
of his labor—that.the : laiwer is. worthy of
his hire. This: principledi- to obviously
justrthat it is at leaat,partialiy recognized,
iriull the relations of, life; and througiall
the ramifications, ot society. Hence, asks
Paul Who goeth a warfare at any time at
his own charges? Who planteth a vine.
yard, and eateth not of tke fruit thereof ?
Or, who feedeth a flock, and eateth, not.of
the. Milk of the flock 7"
Now,,the 0-oyern,or of the world
has'embodied this obvious principle ,of jus
tice in the laws which- he has promulgated
for ourlukdance in life. Hence, thin same
Apostle continues, "Say I 'these things as a
maul" Am I only, guided by the diotates
of reason r and,the instincts,of humanity, in
giving ntteranoe to the declaration, that la
borers in all departments of industry have
.a right ,to compensation—have a right' to
a support from their labors ? "Pr saith nut
the law the same 8150 -Mir it is written in
the law of Moses; Thowshaltsnotlauzzle the
month of the, ox that Areadoth. out the
Here you see that Go4l.'extendsthis,prin
ciple even to the brute creation. The lux
tienaianimal, that is coercetitulabor in the
service of man, acquires by its.labor the tight
tolie , fed, and this support cannot .he with
held without .sin. May we not, then, well'
say, in, the language of Paul; u translated
by .MaOknight,, ".Doth God take care of
oxen only ? •Or doth be comnand this
ohiefly for , 043. r sakes , ? por our sakes, cer
tainly, it was written, because 'he - who
ploweth, ought to plow 'in hope; and he
who thresheth in hope, ought to-partake •of
his own hope "
If, therefore, God has ordained every
man who is engaged in secular employments,
whatever they May be,- shall receive a coni
pixilation for his labors, would it not be Y 4
marvelously strange if he should make no
provision for the maintenance of those whom
he requires to devote allitheir time, and all
their talents, and all their energies, in the
ministrations-of religion ? It most 'certain
ly would. -110 loaking:intkOte.easzed vol
ume,. we find, that hp lowniado express. pro
, vision for the support of his minietors Are
you not aware of this, so far as the ministry
under the former dispensation is concerned ?
44 Do you not know, that they which noinis
ter about holy things, live of the things of
the temple T and they who wait at the :altar,
are partakers' with the altar ?" The pri.sts
landLevitervere to receive for their main.:
tenet= a tenth of all the productions of-Is.
• reel: In the eighteenth chapter of Num
bers we find that the Lord declares to Aaron
" Thou shalt belie no inheritance in their
land' neither 'shalt' thou have any part
among them : I am thy part, and thine
inheritance Among the' children of Israel.
And *behold I have given the children of
Levi all the tenth in-Israel for au inheritance
for the service'which they serve, even the
serviee of the -tabernacle of the congrega
'tion." This tenth was not to be.poid of the
refuse, but was to be given 'of the choicest
prodnotions of the land. 4 4The-firetlitit
of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thy oil, and
the first fleece 4:3t .- thy sheep, shalt thou give
'him; for"the Lord thy'God bath 'eh6adri him
out of all thy tribetytea.stanikia.minister in
the,,xiame of ~ tbe lord,rbint Aga ltialeonefor
* is the provision-'whieh , Jehovah .
tide tinds;r; the law for vie 'maintenance .'
thiVie , who., rx inistered. in' holy things—
Ck**, TW*43OlB MEEK:WT.7I4" "'ONE , THING,
"Eve.n. so," says Paril,in the langnage We
have already quoted, " Even so bath the
Lord ordained, that itho I WIIO , preneh the
Gospel itbmilti live of .the Gospel:" i There
is, probably, a,„referepet; here .to the tenth
chapter. 'of, Mattlew, ~vibere, Jeans, having
endowed,: his twelve disciples 'with miracu-,
ions powers,.' and.' commissioned them :to.
preach the GosPel of the . kingdom, " to the
lost, sheep `of ' the house of Israel," said,
" Provide ,neither gold, : nor,silver.,,nor4uries
in , your purees.; nor ticriP for your ,journeyi
neitheer , two. coats; neither two shoes, nor.
yet staves ; for" the toorkwiari is worthy of
his meat."
It, isweedless to.roultiply quotations„ sines ~ - fronkt () ,W ,
enough. lan, already been. addneed ,to, „estab- Miriam, as ip. ,Cet
lish beyond a reasonable dbubt, that it is an =Flock:, "op
ordinance of ''Ohrist, that . his ministers' tin- , f if .artitt
der the Gospel should 'receive, iiea' co ripen ' : „L s .. f t f i g ;
sationt fer.their labots;;UnNaciequate support, .
.2- rv in g _H n i.; i
and 'a sufficiency to maintain , them, ie . corn.. and the Congi
fort,' when , ineapacita . for. service ~ bymthe, . . Cta/ea and `Si
ravagestof disease, , ortles infirmitiesrot age; p Cas . 6 '
a te n D d e j ; i
But even if there were no Diviusappeintlripht, . 2P:wide de;
nn: the subjeet , ,,,reaSert NIA 'the. joettitlets ;0f,,. the' Xidtiappid .
juatice-3would 1 auggest the , obligation. , Let , The Winter St
ootrunon.sense ,take, the tbrone,ofjUdgment, 7 Sues Cana/.
and, say, if it , be . not fine ) that -a man who
has spent from se.ven,to eight -rains of his
youthful dap:l,in close and. wearisome. appli
cation to. study, and , from one,to ,two thou,
sand_ dellars of his yatrimotiy, or. hard got
earnings inpreps.r,ing himself, for efficiency
and usefulness in the ministry, anti Who,,
when he has entered on the work, must burn
the , inidnight=i , oil,' in the,severest. labor„to
prepare', for:sthe pulpit—must visit his peo
ple from house to -house-must . visit the
sick, , and comfort the dying- 7 -must." bsin
stant in , season, and out of season.; reprove,_
rebuke, olxhort with all 4ongsufferiug, and
doctrine."—must ~. endure,: the., incleiuencies
of seasons. in tmeating appoilitments--menst
ineur.the expenses incident to attendance on.
Courts tCjadiehtute-r-grust, in.. short, em-.,
ploy. all his, ime, all 4 his ehergies„and althis
talants, often toiling . with, weary frame,
aok4eadt and sipk jOhis work of
faith, and labor` of love. Let dolmen
sense take the bench of decision, and de
clare if it be not a requirement'of justice;
that:sneh a man shoUld receive a•aufficient '
pecuniary compensation to support him free
from the embarraistnetits' of 'debt, and , the i
duns of creditois, and that he should 're-•
ceive it from those-for whose gob&he labors.
The dictates of reason, and , the , instincts of
justice, unite' Vith-the King , and-'Head of.l
the Church; in declaring-that. the minister 1
of the Gospel- has.a • right 'to. ,an adequate i
pecuniary- . support :- has a right- , to a :salary 1
sufficient to support himdree.frota, the. pinch-,
ings of want, and the. annoyances officredi
fore;Ancl,to lay l past-sompthing for tko, s timo ,
. isiOrpAss,.aitcl•fer the time of old,age, or 1
for, his widowed:, wife, and helpless children.
Let it be ,borne in mind, that the salary of
your. astor is not a gratnity : ---is not a char- I
ity, but a debt:due for: services which eter
nal justice and the ordinance of Christ
require you: to pay. Failing in this, you
violate, the ordinance of Eteaven, and' are
invelved in'the guilt of dishonesty
. • .
For the . Preabyttrian Banner ` snd Aclvocate
AbOut. the Sibbith.
It irkof frad.o9minem9l:4oB
orestion, and. ja i l memorist.of .ihe , r9furxer
tion of Christ.' It .is a day ,of s .sitered reet,
and is designed as a season , for the s2eoial
service of God. It is a wise and benevolent
institution, and is worthy of the' most Dare=
ful observance. All are under moral obli
gation to ketyp holY. God requires all to'
hallear erifories his jug requirement
by his own example. It is lamentable that
ench vast multitudes, even in Gospetenlig,ht;
erred countries, have+Flaweqqceptions with
regard to the nature and object of the SO•
bath; ind , various are the ways by Orhich.
they 'desecrate' it whilit-perhaps - they think
they are , doing.nothing that is a-violation of ,
it. Many pers6ns Who 'profess , to lomand
serve God,Fel'aiin 4he liberty doing<some
things on the - Sabbath which are most cer
tainly directly' opposed to , lis , will; they.
vainly imagine they are morally justifiable
in going• to or.fromihome,
having ;secular: objects in view; if ,,
tend church. by themay; And .theizprsoticel
would seem to indicate• that they.. consider
it quite proper to consult their neighbors,
and makezarran gemen ts with them at Plinrehf
on the Sabbath, concerning ,rnany.,,things,
which. are ~,purely secular, It Is wrong' to..
economise tiage ~such.a..manner. It is
not Lunfrequsntly, theta visitto the
sick is postponedAratil the Sabbath, in,'order,
to obviate„ any inconvenionee, by going at
another tune. Some may be seen taking
short excursions_for pleasure and recreation";
some on the streets, and elsewhere having
social 'intercourse with their neighbors.
These things are,sometimes true of Sabbath
Sohool;teachers. •
Many professed Christians seenicto.have
no conscientieus scruples. with, regad to
economizing time, by making.a convenience
of the., Sabbath_;,.and other Ihinge besides
those, mimed, might be, specified to illustrate
Buchan idea, but perhaps many things will,
suggest, tbertiselves to the "Minds of these
who read, this; that will make it obvious.
It is selfish, and anindication erbilich
maining imperfection, for us to be reldetaet
to devote one seventh of our time wholly to
the • direct 'and 'pedal service of , God.
Oar-Sabbaths are fast pulsing: - away, , and.
shouldbe.spent the-best possible manner.
—in a manner that will meet with the ap-.l'
probation of ourrheavenly Father,,. and that,
will afford us ,sweet peace of, conscience.
If we, pend our Sabbaths properly, we do
much toward cultivating communion with
God ; ,by so doing we Improve a favorahle
mimes of grace. Let, all God's children
guard . particularly against misspending any
of the, precious moments of the Sabbath,
and,then when, their earthly career is over,
they will enter on the enjoyment of in
eternal 'arid more glorious Sabbath'; let theta
be watchfal,. careful, and prayerful at all
times, and especially so on the Sabbath, so
that wben they close their eyes'in death,
they may 'awake in the roansionstof 'glory, ,
and join the happy, the blood-bought throng
of the redeemed who are raising , the sweet
est-strains of melody in praise to God.
for the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Dr. Thornweirs New Theory.,
MEBEIREI. EDITORS :—The novel position
that the Church has no right, to recom
mend any benevolent enterprise which has
for its object the communication of, other than
purely spiritual good, seems in direct con
flict, witk many passages. of Sorinttire. But
there is a Single ilecZaratioe of Christ'whiA
oppoars to me qUite conclusive egg* it
" Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit'
the kingdom prepared for you - fibin'tbe
foundation-oUthe world. For I .was•anthun
gerediand ye gave ins meat;
and- yeilave , me ,,, drirek ; =I ;was:a stranger,,
an & y a p g oo k ane4n, .maked, and ye cloOte4
ma y t 86 0,..;, • A
cannot , _ bez denied that ethis f pram
contains moat scar appeal , to . the .fol-
lowers of. Christ,
good to othois•-i
ROW then oan;it .
to call the' atte
iropewativ,e a
iojanotions ?
scheme is, a I
bodies or' Soils
of whom are'i f
would dictate ti
its approbation,
Lot i s ,.l6th, 1859.
The e spp!,oB l o)l ) 9f , . i 9f,4. eyris Hold
DAYS, is made minifist.-by variont indica- .
tions in and. around 4111,11detrblioliii'4 First
of .all, we had last aliFekrstaie.great%annnal
" Cattle: Show," at -334er43tyeet Baz.tarito,..'
-which, oroyvds daily ‘ p i fir a nightly reipaingii.., ..;
Here :fat oxen—oileakeoaartifkoiableAfo r .
making them marveloimimipthorip,wagl,i 3
—and here also pigs so„ oripas as, to i lke, _peg- - i ,
nigh sightless from thst,yer•eurgaNV.rrios.
as well, as by the spro , 9 , lpoy.whieb...resmits .
from their excessive ding, exeAed the ,
aeoniehntent of the Olio., Sheep....nnd k
fowl were also, e*hibi d b y , d a ylight : „
•gaidight, and unit Veitswe shall have prize... .:liefand mutton ba n ng up at butchers' :
'clofirs, bedeplied'with eta iind orni4litti
of 'ribbon, . blue 'and '4d,'' all'4ver,tOrilopC
'ln addition to the Ofttle Slinit,'llle 'Mit"'
great Cattle Market liesivbeen•heldi ifil - prdg
;peat of Ohrietmas. Bitht • thousand' beastep ,
beeides vast - numbere'ciiPsheep, , weie on,this
!stands. Next Monda.y4bere will•baanother
,moneter market, of the . . ? mime .(leaoriptinn.
Thelholly kaneheare4ll then, begin to: ton,
Bant u out by the greenlgronereo:to pniaratel't
*wee, togathermitb,,tb,o4evitable:cc,misto.;:,
toq,". suggeistive Alf tsgc:deki Weraimeatr 4nidd
of matrimonial alliances,
' Thq supplies of turitoLeeptiups,e44o. T .
doh from vailoospartit of r Epg - land, iseeeitilly
from ' Lincolnshire ' , ate Ilini4 f4biticiiisly
'large, statistics; litiViter g ,' OA on thia
subject . ; giiiag" . defipitelle;iii - of, the nrir . ri ,
bete offewl consinmedll t illiflilbtropolitarisi,'
throughout a year.' T filE a' 4h6ltiSiile sales-
*man has given the -tintrilli;ri 'fir 1854'.'
Among theiteins-iiieV Pirififtesi' 125,0001."
:larks, 705 1 ,000;•:Pigedoi""400:000; fowls,
2,000,000; geese, 100(000T tWilti'duaks,
200,000 ; turkeys, 104;000 ;siabbitigill.,•3ooj-" , *
000: •These; figures.. tits' .tiodseedurit of
what is sent 'direct to' theSretaileis;or oftthe t
thousands which chaugehilantleiin Abe (falai
of. Christigas : ptemPts•loh t lov, • '. :1 ( -.1
The -turkeyFreame4cereitfraikSAaterioW,t;
and .was so called-tecausetisome.. ceuturigi: , 1
ba A, . ev.ery thi rig ..,w hi eh waltinesit an.d:forJrign .11
.was.oNlled m twakey,': And the riglies.l men..
in , 'London wete.efoi4Jed 1-• gi, XaditYA ; MCC:* '
chants," who „argosies limited, from.,,the c ,,,
Levant. There ,are georelly,,at,,Qhooo4,s,
times, some one.or,two c giant,,• peulterer'..s shop, with.,gag,rib.,
bons on their feet, and, larp roel04 1 4:S1 1 ,:
their white, breepts, These,Nr4tiorkftfilto'••
,argi, teeidee ,fetch ~,gyeat t ..
priees. gi When . Oreislied,", t ao,l a *iter ;op
this,e,ubjeni, "they pore like giskr.iliieli
than tuilk44,. and theirleo 011. calf!) Wilt
sheep ,
,that:, drumsticks ' of 'birds: 'I 'li4vii "I
weighed a little ' blab!: of tliteijilid'a - iiilf . '
years old, to get an idik,Of the'coi4tirative''
size of these monster birds ' • our owe:
species ; the . child thotiiir :of " an itierage •
size, only turned' the tiltaliiPat t'iAlitkilii - '
, pounds i"
• It is a Curiotia fact that .besidesr\being,
:useful in a onlinarywolet oft view, the,turke.y -
'has. otherxuses. It is -welL kn otv..n, that :this,
bird has a most powerful gizzard—powetful.,,
ensligh, as the Italiap,, phy,skr,tlogig,.,tkilitia-,
zani, : heq,eborrn, to,.gki.nd,down even - ikeedle,s,
andAanoets : .0104 3 iptiAn. it. , Advatitue
1hf1ib4 4311. 40 1 1. .Of * 5 Ston e - and 'orVak
Aeali,.skrirrref;:tfi .. thiitlaicr..been folie l d,
;prniiiietti ruins e lioixiii i 'aerholireum,.
.I,4lo — Polupeii,,, hai,k , ,i( d ull;.' semi ' corroded'
appearance on Iheii garface; caused by 'Ol'W"
.rtist of time. Theieupply oP these veritable
,ancient'gems id' tut .limited, , ssii.that , thii-
Italian dealers .make fac similes ,in their
workshipe, to silltas real antiquities.. But •
how to , give the , corroded...ap . pea,sanoct i .,was.
the di ffi culty, , tillisomecingenlousie.cheat .der.
vised the method.ot,putting,themdowii into,
the .gizzard of a • liveoturkey, and , ,alloyjAg •
them, to/remain ;there. till 4110 4 tKitUratiltg and ; ,
grand ing _ ac tion., r ot, , its k top:th i nning ~ hail,
given the false.,gem •tlaeoreSigheettiWeharac: , ,
44 *01.! 90.11e-rlatfKaiL*oll.4sol2ll43,o by
Now that ari?liidy ii in - vciktiei in Summer
'kbaiii, ` " among 'Mies: 'and 'others; Antlieyek
leatheris 'are used )or Tirittint•Oil the artows.
Other inietii: for -sta,ffingitedlii.andi-making
indiflok file'ii,lare iiiditaittidl - Theoirriterbfpom
whom I •borioWl thilsiinformatikt--zinterest.
ing, verhipsi.:,lto.l9qoinevitt4iroderatili
eludes his artiolee, A ' The IndianAtitiabitgits.
of wild:tuakey couptr,ips nsostheife,iohept
, to make e into oapos l and, oloaks,,ts 'pato?' g 41 0 ,,
=en dkAnto ,a,,ikeorprii. paiie,,of Atie m itiner ,
barkpf.the tesiberzy,tree r , The ikailvet of,,
il ia
Lo,tilskit l 4..4ukke, fAillb...cot gq .;._,,Otiqs i .4 4 ~ 9X,
four.taik,joie,e4 b9gekhert4oe : ;•TeßAß, . ,
..used.fOrmerly . to,,consprAct. a ! paraeel.,
n, exip
is a.bint for a ,new fackhien.iist Spr i i44,9i4;
.thetre,:are plenty,of ti keys' tailts to be i ltsta
suggests a naine4with:whicaLthe..4.3epJuntimit.,-
now, plimiingwwity Augt e lkeep . won, t ass2eN t f
Christmastin*,.. l 4l gents(
nature. 'lTie Brioeb.ridge one
of the me t s . t.,ohartnim 1ift.,1404 1 •0 * krAft 14
real 'Eoglish • Oliinttpr„ a mong
,Ilkwgrntyr ,
anal their depefideliti; that was exerwritteny''
We owe , mnoh go. this' finest )
for preintititig and 'chrisliing marril '` good "I
wilt between England and Aineiitilt:
decease Moirnedt, literiery
associates here,'whe eiill
Ru oa ' CARDINAL WI/Ail/at !
Eminence is really gone to Rome, and we
have indica#ons sufficiently pia& that` he'is
not likely so come back to 'England; or—to
play at Romish theatricals' on Christmas •
day, or ether festivals. His " Aggression"
of 1851 le's, matter of history. It was a
ludicrous piece' of bombast. It roused an
antagonism to the pretensions , and.olaims,.of._
Ultramontain Poway, whielktended , t9make
Englend ,utore, .intoneoly ; PotOtant. It
'flarnielled nObIe. ,O IPPII9 I O9- t9f 8 9WiRg
broadcast the,, ,Ewtrigoliel and
Protestant truth ) sod for exposing • pAtil.,
.ft •Q l P , ,kiNt mqP it Yo 6 4 l
literaturegot . „4„praefical_obemetv, ,omts,,
existenoeltolitlog Cuiiisull'iLletter,fronocßome,i;
1040pifiitig tot `England •••issa restored 'to`
her licoper 4, •orbit."`' HO' Was; and ,is,
. _
„: T 31 1
r .. . '
, • •
• :V: Si 7 '7:
;,,PriallUlPP- 9Pr . - • THMI ONEAr-lIING L 3130-'a
grant h ifflolainaTMlllo.,2llM4llllßGH, TA.
0 ,1 ;..
temporal „
vet oppoituniiy.
kir the Chtneh
-mam berk tt . di so ;.
INAR4 I .Oi O , B oT , -
. 40 7 Colpialfickar
ifit either Abe . ,
lrhtteL'mj , eiti6slr
OvAltieunisof •
the refusal of
v--Cattle Market
and " Turkey •
Mill rfqrSpit
and Washiti;yrtiin
fence betmem
fly—The Afqrtara
kitunggrY 4
-Sereri Miaiures
4 : 4,11
ituetorieistujitther thin. sit: orktor. • Elia:
,•:erst 9,020,44
1 110, thew wo.e., a
,w„ciAk.prktentgweri lt and,
love of show about Ins public( appeitTanees:
: H a le 'pretty' ihiehe Wail' a haid
over the -PapallioterFy, •and that the Irish'
portion of AlieKiprielShood .lid not- veryi
'gcogi.Y;adiniM 40 10 ; 7AdstaYe!
;131tranoatanists.'. The ,plea of " the 11111 . 4 ,
,ot health rw eitiriogn mild elhist"'
Itaiiie "Hi 'hie
delegited his piiwerß to an gooliSittatio here..
What eoenestand, adventured . he> and ~other:
ineoAkere,of. the Saored.Collggia may heyeAo,
witnees •
! eswit!ijn, a feiv
n • ;:- .* • i
years eo opine
THE KINGDOM od NAPLES chime ,to :
kave fVP.X.ProrntiffTelAt 043.. FAktls.,Oil . -
. o!,:idid'Spain does' 'lke eame . ''The Pre
tinstoriiO4 the lititei to 'assume, .irt'iteir
• deerepitude , end deelyo... the , . posjtiozi of .iil
Am; . to .PoYrdro33seimaratteletdtikbin ?.arid
..:.„ . . tv. e it p ticein 0 1 aro
,41 ii tliii min' ioleVil fielttig . hilt 'W 1,-i
:with •Me . 'ode L tibolti", c likirbaQliising , th&
;Oth'ersto filch the:twee: of the : partyaineek
iipgleogest :t4a,hiqt. op the qotho,drdi flog.-
Great disgust and 'alarm reign amoNg,;oo l
IRriests, by reason of the frequent S'agp
ilegfois robberkOf•ohnrches: : The foihiiiing
*vivo' itample : • . i:- , ., .$,- ..1,
AI tobbery which has, prodaoed considerable,
ensatlon, saes , a cuomunicatime from,
wsa'ls sly effected ttie ollurckrOf tkiffii
donnir•dilla Grads. ' the same - ohurch Aribe pie
lard on the very,same,daj i last ,113ay !‘ on
casion the king hplaced prom his privy purse
all the 'valuable articles stolen, and a subScrip';! ,
tion was opened for purchasing the house adjoin
ing.the churoh. and - t throjigh„yr,Ai i cii the, rettobers
htid'ente'redVilMilUg a -TiOlelinian Oldivr2ll (Al
the present occasion ethlely'o?ollowed a different
plan.; onto h the band n o,cppeee,led , hjmse i lf.. / inAhe
Church, and after the doors had been ,ilosed, un
siirevied `the" tiCli froirtii et" 41611 leiriato
13trade Toledo, which is the. one •,mostlfrequekted ,
in, the capital : .
_All the , valuable articles in the
weivrosiiied.aff; th'e T cliaiity baes
openiand 4 imptied:eithirteen lamps au'dtTeighteeit
beige 11 . 1,4394 d stolend ;l and MI ;
Madonna "ooMpletely etripped: The dresi; Omit,
nuanced with precious siones,:whicit vtasVgiveni,byti
th.e, Qu,len.; fdopirris j oisfwwtud
0014, the'croiintm the — hea.l ibeSirgin
slime triulpeetbd by the -ihtibhrit,.."'"The'iohirgh •
etude 9k 0 44 3 PfeWnlT 1 4g 0 ) 1 9.9: •.•
• Ati.C.o.&ft ESPO N DEMOB bbotelkein,DroilaallenJ
. c1,4)4‘4 1 4.f9t4,§iAT9r..P. FfA!IfP6X/x4Will'Avi
Ptin z a o k 4!? e l PP l) 9M d * r rA c a
'Teeing m eet ing' or expreestng eypipa
thy with , the Pope, had deolaniirthlit". the'
sect'. tLeitiangeite l al
14KILIShillsktli7ihinlgetting thel•lmxtauli .0f
t i ?P‘ (, irPqb.I I RTiVWF 'VP" I)\93*eguizAcii
the;,ptideria euorrqge opainitora; to
collect money for' the purpose of arming
Cadet - re; 'rebels; arid banditti' of the; worst`
description, ,age.instok pesos 51oving.nnthAtia-:
mace; sovrSigin"d +t 9s474pßi4 :4 BiF ;Cm lipg,
takes. the. Aro,_4oollllß to : -Trask .
in,eent to the first lett er; chart ie sent a ego.
ond. O. "`nos knOsiilig 'that the first
was genttine;"" Kit had not only the postmirk,
but also the papeiluidithaname-fol Sir Slit.
ligiell,reeidepeq.,a,pd,4g4tApy,p, eggyhyP i d,o9,,
I t ilt n iiKu " !S 4 # o 4"?"in:
riiply in e second, he ad duces.
this l iVrthatMird t ab -, t• ~uey'hlid,piov[blWta
ally ' , accepted tb's PresidenOy of aliCoiCulie:
iaei.wltioh Asa& to* prosidsa arms fon the I.oea
toOttilialPriAlykißildbrtromMe " oPmPo i ßp
and.. Ta m sochtlfrim." It,is "h ypuorirty
for men "eaininingthetkame of Etranseli=
tolia found " ' encouraging treason Or •
sedition.f.t:' Sir Gulling then remindre•Dr.(
oq,Shitthehlutd...eott 4 sArtwexedotbet
isluthgant,nda t heehaci for, eaying that .the;
8c7i4e!i.' 3 0 , /q,,lian i g.° hal .°s 3o Pragid 001a
wittiest. 'to, Provide iiiisraffireining, 'afresh'
lila: date de:
thing:if tile
SAFICL).4.koII .PRotriA lo l , 4 B APLl+PohagAPit
;hitt Abspoter , as v an
msor kot..qf thq Revolution of 1.68'8,',
t> tint bstl"e mine GroVilithentif•he:
scigdestructiVe -to '
Ithartypeoliphibticailyaroidbal, that.resisk
Pea way, 49 4, 4 11 0 P
4 Are4tsr.AL / 9Akj,f4s e 3 , Pata i4 - t ' l SR 4 If
the Ro m an 'States. The Ar9hbishopgaib•
Wei" in lirs regf, and'ireolines enter
eootroveraf.abent.`ihet POpeis Goveiniant: 4
laysthere piaatoWsig :theiPopofx tovri
eriMell.k.....eflual to PlPekhibili.:P*Ph-Eslisk
ipresen _pribiny. Ali 'obargetifoinef
.the:POpe•are 'the !alabiiiations of maii Tows''
Audi indigeons writer anions oply for. the! '
)4eatruotion, of -.theaineotrues; Chnroh built, on,
his migwewrp,l' I i fang , ,
thex . m:s ,goveuußemp,,,ilB, op t t ; ,, ? r,g‘C a n r 2,l,to f ,
iitheles model' of ' ihrtatiau 4ii,trie, a
'arid - institntiens.".
finimaintainsithat the Biitish Constitution, its exustence "to :a. Catholio King,"
'(King Johu, extorted ,Pope's
imipjon t !) and'the Catholio,(liberal) gi :Baroge
'Of;litnnpriede." He then' pronounces a
Inkii'the Irish nation,' "Mob has
'given innumerable saints and martyrs ; to
hen144:7, , Irislo4, oaDRO 1 .K 7 40 - 614tTr
ri °)P1404 1,01 . 1 4V 1 1 9 0 P104').1 1 P, -11 1 ,9!7-
in:pos.4l;dt* prilf . ilega, and in an abo t. tid-'
anCe - of 'the tdewCol'ifeaveri." So thinks
Archbishop` Callen. . • .
Sir. Culling introduces the Moque! apse
." 0301 * nt gititAtigi t.i s 9og.ftPse3r:
13 q11! n . 8a Mi lla kt , kittco w A- i rhlini'Mk#Pri
Rorpr 'lay, in keeping a Christian servant;
thirshe, 7
tize'd 2- it, ilia do miihieggregenetatedr it
mint ibe) biOnght tupza,kohvisitiaul!' also
maicktajna that Als, paggilikags,, keep, g;chrkt,,
frifti/41S1 1 41 0 .Nte L OOrPfofflke , t4iilb ‘4,4 th at,
they are very " ungratep:". Well 'may Ire
exclaim, Oreclgt Jisilaeue "Butrifieroat;
gullible Hebrew- Will -anotainly--not swallow
this Hibfiviiag m tikip. 4,4 3 q . 8414a tl/ue l •deals
with it :
You justify the 114hrtaia case. I beg to ask
how niitioj , educated peishnstyou to agree:.
with you ,Y ', .
tlunicipal aothorities,, Pnrliftmentary person
ages, Elie literature, the science, ithe liumsuity of
this kiligdona; unit4td; to sign Ahe ,protest „ lately, ;
pl i ped,in, the, Moils of, ksr Majesty's Secretary_
of state tit. Foreign Affairs. Where' are the per
sons equally entitled toqitilheard who will end.oriik
your sentpuents t„,You i sax,,that, hlthepgti a Jew
ish:4lnd in the Roman States, if once baptiied,
valet , he Asisen..froM Its parents, •yet , itds forbid
baptise it. without its piyents', consent.
When why was not the woman punished' who did
ac T A person of hbandoned life (that foot has
etimp,m.vad on oath ; before Cardih#l,Antonepi) 7 .:
a tr . ioltter, on, your ottru . , showing, of the 'Romp
lair concerning baptism -not only haii-she not;
been punished—not only has she not beea,disbe
lieTed, but the, unappported testimony, of that
miserablescreature.hhii been used's'i the one`eoli
tary instrument for robbingorespeotable parents,
of their,offapring.,With,ench ofinie 7 begging,
Mr. Langdon's pardon—it is perfeCtlY absurd to
compare ;anything that ever happened,; or; that
ever. can happen ~under,firitieh rvieykett. in Pr,.
Same manner, you me Co say, it is mere
trifling to compare the *texiitenne Of 4 0 Protestant,
Olsuroh Establithn2ent in treland—whytt_cver_dif
ference of ()Pinion there may be shoot' the cow;
motion of the Charah Eind , State in that country=
with such a system of tyranny as eslatHiblWas,
The. Mortar a case is only one
.of7a thottrtnal,
()aunts' Whicih against the
don., Still, agthat:; woo' boldly; averf,that
alo i nels etumigh
,to_popvist re. Glyernmettt7hioli'
is' 'responsible " for iig i holdleqo.eodef.r
It:w daytfonßome,, anal trastmot 4
l ' , 9% t e nt i w k e triSAPl4%st t i 411 4 1 3 149V1re
ornMeni ' pmests - have to 'e
thingfor Irelaad, timt eta MAO' PasAiat p aiu&
"Iltilade'pia; Soiith"Vest . Corner of Seventh and Chestnut' Streets
!Lot the Roman Catholic priestkood, is the mnliex.
and?. diet guardiiin or 'the libertiea of
hAlitliqtrAnkrYtAttn• ' • -
4.Ttie'rilordifitt, PRIMATE of Ireland, Dr.
. Iremntly.o.flieke,:eternly against the
g i tkpnrsqi-,4"po!nOtt, :at a, public ,. meeting.
Bete is a arlimen
; • •
If all the °Obeli . ° bishops of the world were to.
F;nithiale•in FianCe simultineotisly, there'
ie L not sailiwspaper An Fiance dare declare the
fact. , (Oh, ob.) This is the freedom of the
' pt 7 Ceis in France, in that great 'country, the head
of whiottifighth•for. freedom•itrother countries.' I
cannot speak for the Pope, or for any member of
the Roman 'Government, but beyond that circle
• iheris-is , onlY one opinion in Rome, that Napoleion!.
is,7sponeible for the state of Italy to-day,•that.
every Wary done 'to the Pope is ascribable ie,
him? (Cries of "Heir, hear.") It remains foe
kiMMOW to v redress all this. We shall leave him,
now 'to the, hopes of his friends, and the fears of
those who distrust him. If he shall, in the Con
: geese, make reparation for what he has done we:
' shall applaud him; but if,.on the contrary , , he
shall rise from 'the Congress atter.puttinethe sea
44 411 .00: 0 0/1*Augoblonttyitite aoliVascrilegiou
:..,.;IkM9'4lol l title to
~record the :net o , th magna from the Papal throne.
it does not require the spirit of prophecy, bat'
'only a, glance at-. 0. e,pust, to . say,. that from that
41i.ji IC will be seen,the star of Napoleon is no
loiter: in. tlie• . aieeedant. (Cheers.) 'lt will be
qpigt,that the inegidian of hie,reign is past—that
he is a fallingilim. It will .not be immediately
&err, but.on the man.
occasion when he shall at
, tempt, to play,thegreatEmperor, his position will
be ,mp i nifesteci. •,There will, be no. more Solferinos
or 'Magentas—it will be either a Waterloo or a'
• •
prelude to it. (Cheers.) ' '
I ''' ll l/HE RUSSIAN 'Word denies that China
1 has t quarreled with ; the Czar, or disputes his ,
ri,g,to,4eithe,tersi t tmles ceded, to hirn. :
,The l
IpAng li .y 4 sn i. pitror, of Austria, it is rut:p.*o,,
i ie rather inelined r io ib'dicete in fator Of his .
' infiiiiiiiiiii'r Tiiii;%4Oini 'alleged aie, that
himei3s the•Empirtizoing to , wreak and ru•
in;and3were.heAn cal:more, private position '
ly,copid dre .N
ts.mselA to two darling oh.
jot without
. .44liarption;, namely, the
slaughtering et.girile,`.and "the tailoring = :
d'eparinient) of . Austrian arMy, 1 e.,
changing oi.idireoting the •fasbione of milli
; tilityiAtitibnms• - •: IThist seems, a very,. unlikely
Leto/14.7 1 m04 01 , lieubpeci that in,the.
f ell" .of tousle Joppph,, “„tiqemy„..lies the
Wild 'tat wears lie erdern.'"' Hie bigotry,
and ' iltictritiVeJliriell "nigh reined bim al.
i roadp-MPeinonally he 'is -pare in life, and
moat A affeetienate• in , hie ; dosneetio •relation,
ships ' • :but, .the, q centralising ., " eyetem
coukeil with tbe intolerance shown towara
Protestant's, hive done immense mischief.'
The.ilungarians , still continne.their demon
, strationsoin everyvpossible way. . The Ans
. trim povernmAnt , Its so gr,el4,4,;innoyed by,
Shit revelations on this subject 'which ap-'
, pear. in the Times and in Frenob papers,
tliat s'airintliii` lag bee'n addressed to' its dip
' louratiooagentsiftti.'explain :that •it is:' not
• ageinatßrotestaatiern,,lnt igainst, attempts
toteyer.throw„re, Imperial ,system..(ocatrali
zatien,) tik cuesalon is directed.
' 7 iteaidiccie. i' girrition - Of,*foity thousand
men is tli'be cistibliehed 'in Hungaryl rind •
mar tiilfJlawis+to be declared 'if' necessary.
, The .Austrians having kidn t apped a Greek
,p, r ,ip t ikungtry, for.,his loud•tongeed
Pat rstirp,,,,, . have, , reproduped him. The
modn, els *of tho'Greek faith threatened to '
! affieia . Ent' i the. l . l oiiii . : 7 lls llie . "Heat 'Of 114'
Greek fointiVf`freligintlr , Tlitiold'iMadto
'silent, and wilhntif telkiiiiithenhe;,4aMts;
ken :
...4 1 4q45117.115 4?1,%7;n4;11? bet:1 .,4 4 , 1144 toi
nucleipieiss for" treason v:cavil' cpco•
operating in ;protests. against the..Audriais
measures , bearing on the Lutheran ClOnfito
WINTER .has ) soareelylet itled , MUNI
though oirosiderable sibeenriaa'of
Oc , d hear ; of . heavys now JOth
Nimh of Eogland,:,witttn,thp
last week...,
guiployment in,EnglantLis general, both in.
tormandeouotr,; arid' pauperism has been
ileir.this year thaA'fatitt'oopsiderable peyiad.
frag,,v4a, iwrial seems to. have. ceased
almost entirely
~ ong I . .ni4,ainess. men; •aoll'
thtf ots,.:lWpf • steels#;iiio:
8 1 ;m iii., 03P 410*(7typeOgrx.v4•raPiAlh,.
, t 1 i44 ie repoisdauk I#4!enoli or. ratheft.
Napoleonie,assuranoes, save as respeotsilt
Otated—perind. Nevertheless" prospirit y .
the' wealth of the natwo' op*
aßNrjli ikkiAst , wA 9
r e 7 4nseg. s aPlr botiv .
taxgi 9l4 ,, The. Timesictointe.oute thakt aut4las ,
nation, , add to its wealth v fihan
.millisineristerlitegJevers'yetr, that if a•hoetilei
pOjeer . sereible t h), luit - Poßdon or ErigliP4,
irrth ion e posit orpaiing snob a rae Bol :9-%
thieollow.lrioktil. would make an .enernyl
l'hsinferenee..ha that .-as a matter of pre
oautionwod selfdefenoe,•we should , be thorn
otighli Flied
:Tsailstingoi bit> B . inaz OA ittr. PaontaTi!
8 0 lo ng eeieted bylEzigtand;• n ee * likely to.
PrA 0 ,04,.11 8 0? - eidiAlE,t4o ?OleAf i qwPii:4l 3
beep • preening .the Tar.ltish eFirfemakept.ko
iespe,a,firman • for.ite being proceededgwithz:
Commerolatlmen, and the deoeased . - Ste.
phenion, tkO'kreat Engineer; have been at.
wapp,„494:400,P51it al a aPeou ,ll itißn 1 , 1 1 41 4
FrPoe seens, to-049h.
importance to itpand i to make it.a politioal
matter.• It ieprobable , that England wil t
ghee Wily,' but it•ielmery probable that ;the'
Prßjtpt..:oo)l pi fil)iire' either in etees.
: 6 2.n4r-1 1 ),P4X04 1 .. J. W.
• Tedidiatitiel'=OfihirEirly:Pre r ap4e7.
Whom sehishop.ovpreactiter,traveled, he
! ollimedcno anthorittto:exereiset the duties
:ortilefuilotienel tiriAm.,:he 'irks -invited .. BY.
. attioo polio
l idea. , .of,Ak . ..Bishoptetrltome, presuming. to
intatel—tco , s feoevegation , .in Africa.
Nothing k howevsT,"iitel More miunotr-thsn
then ilLiPrAotio,•_..Tbe: 0 1 Autolies , Puinghi
themsiedifying.,. ,&nvlsase,tha:.bielhop was,,
sioluor *absent, otwof •the. deacons; or some.:
times, a short'hatid,Writer, deed to read a•
hOmily that iiidlVeen PriachiCand i perhaps
plib a bab.ed b
homily that lad been. reached
by the biushocefi4heichnreb. •
" have. t great'obliOons primititre
not 51es, for :tBeY very early addressed,
themselves to tile down the homilies of
public , preschers. Sometimes, , the hearers
employed , them, sometimes the preachers,
and aometiweepthemselves. For this pur
wsl6l% OkbiAls, waxed, and.styles,',64,lc,ipouded irons, or gravers,
into, the: •pasembly;_ttnd .3 stood round the
preacher , to 'reemrd-what *he said.
"The deacons placed .in
themselves round
. pulpit, and „before 11,ron one of them
cried, with a loud voioe,,,Eiience, Hearken,
or something similar.. This was repeated
often when 'necessary p I suppose at proper
or* *here the preaoher , stepped. Their
.!wem Rife!eo:frPul cnqs.; f e #7,
• 1 1 1 9149 CUBWRI
It :might' do some 'drowsy folks good , to. be,
alarnied•every five omen minute.with, .1/find
tplidt you are abotit. Let us listen. Attend
to tl.lirjoico God.
fit i llereAigerf4 in,unli in : pipit sio•
tion ; •-• the. ;greater part used .very ~moderate:
, and-Soberigitstate: 2.. Paul, of Samosetivosed
I t o stamp with his foot, and strike his thigh.
I irith ., hiiialsUil , , lialihrolultimitelflitioliTo
[ OrAi lt k9 l 4 r ff a lji i t tr *
4IB). O 9OPAMOMIIea: , T4eY , .t
uttion khestriostsnd
• • ,
ayl4lltail, or at the/31200e, aro
Dopr,ored in the oity, • 2,00 ig 44 t?ortg A-Abag
and yet 'in every' °lurch the people were
allowed and - even eichOried to applaud die
• preacher by shouting . : and !gapping their
hands-at the close of. a period, as 34 the
theatre' , or in the forum,. - The first preachers
delivered their sermons all eittempore, and
they 'studied, ~while' they Praititfpd,.ithe
countenances:, of their. auditors,to see
whether their doctrine was understood'. 4-
- " Sermoni those days werea~li k in the
vulgar tongue. The Greeks preached in
Greek, the. Latins in Latin, for the pieaeheis
meant to be understood. limy did not
preach by the clock, so to speak, but Short
orlong, as they saw - oiciaithi:
used: to leave off, when the people's z.hearts
seemed properly affected with.: the subject.
Ito judged of this, momotimes, by their, shout,
ing, and at other times by their teats.
Their sermons were nendly about in .hour
long; but many of them maybe deliberate
.l,,k'lrthilminovedTitniff4Ohotif, ria Aland
iiilleintitinvetrz4Z/15i ro_eiit -14,1isft(4i40 . oft
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate':
MESSRS EDITORS was much plowied
with your remarks in regard tu 7 the ; polony
of Father Chilaique, in,Kaakakee.
We, who are .laboring and toiling, to lai
the foundations of our beloved Won alidd
the moral wastes on these 'broad and- besitti
prairies, know .by, painful experionoe,
the very circumstances in whichthat Colony
is placed. All, th,e, prominent families in
my charge have been compelled,to borrow
money ,at three per cent, per inoiath,, and
give deeds of trust and have Drily been able
this season to pay the interest, and theylliad
'to renew upon the same terms. The failures
in grops.for the few years past, have driven
them to this. T,he oonseqaence is, that their
pastor suffers. We are but one of
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
When this -subject. W41:6 once fender; dis
elusion, in the
,General Assembly, an oldpr,
remarked, that he had enjoyed as =roil,
religious feeling in the' dancing room as any
where elie.
My beloved old pastor, Dr. Obadis.ll Jen.'
flings; replied with great gentleness and,
amazhag effeot, 61 . 1 have , : no • doubt , of it,
sir." ' J. W.
I ) ol4oeites in Religion.
" Not., forsakiog the assembling of our
selves. 't4ether, as the manner or some:i.El,,
'exhorting one another; and 'so maih'
the more, as ye see the day approaching."
'‘ I believe rill - stay at home• to day, as it
icratay, - and-I dou't like tn.gO 'and spend city
time-listening to Bro. W.,for he can't preaely
much anyhow.V—.Fair Wectelaer
"Prsy without ceasing.; in . everything.
give thanks; for this is,the will of God in
Christ concerni n g you." L— Paid.
Jesus, .
earl t find. tulle, to pray, ; and • ,
have so manithings to attend to, and bay
mind is snake - IxUp:With tile bniiriesi'lif the
day that -1--ana.inct-pripartott.tte*ayel#,s„),,
Worldly mindedness..
"See that mine/rim:Mei Aril for evil unto
aoy aim, but ‘ever follow that:which - is goal,
llut t ltlimong youraelvea•and tp all, nilet_t. ; , r7 i.l .
• ''.biyarie4)orilas done niejo
and' him setisd 59 badfy,that ettiod
it any longer ; make him kiwi , ' thit I
have rights:as other nied, nod: hine
respect them } ''',—Revenge. _
! 4 Repent and be baptized .every one of!the tisane of. Jeans Christ, fora the re
mygtion of sins,• and• ye shall receive:tile gift
of.the -Holy Ghost."—Peter.•
1 4 ,skt ? noks," kopCbl t ptism, 4
if: thel3pirleof does, its work upon the
Bitinefii 'aittwaieforixis and 'oeitai.O
nies are-tioiTotAnyithei.q==Skepticiini.
'Strive tote , itMolii fi fe , gate."—
G l Arigg. . ;IR • . i
will baniade holy and liapilinnd
.therw is no nee ofetriving, as there is no
." Earnestly contend for the faith' once de
livered to the saints."—Jude.
"Don% preach dootainal.sgmotts, or yon
°#.94 PrP07774 . 00,0r0
'MIS. • •
Withdraw. yourselv.a.frorn every. ; broth
. 'Talketh " hive no f§l-
lowskiiiitith the untriitfal works otlarZ. ,
ness, bat rather reprove them."—PauLl/21:
fr,912.1, 81. 1 .4 Lr
dots alllhe injury he can, aid i rihtideire
had betteirlet him alone."--:rrimaier;
"Seek ye first theiiingdom of Giod,•aitd
his righteousness."—Christ. ' ,
• "As , soon asvyou get settledin-life it will
be easy for you to serve Gosl, but yourpau
aot.welL do it befoTe."—Satan. • . 1/4)
"Thepthet preach the Gospel should live
of the Gee* • •
"I.think 'that they. ehonld preao for no=
thing, or ' ; 'at least, Should follow: some other
business for tlieir'livin4."--Covetoitam' ess.
Pun. at Home.
Don't be afraid of a little . fun 'at home,
good•people . Do n't shut up your houses,
lest , the sun ..shduld fade. your.carpets ; and
your hearts . , lest a hearty laugh should shake
down,son)e of the musty old cobwebs there !
If you to ruin your sow, let them
thinktbid.all mirth .and social enjoyment
inuo:tbel on the threshold..without,
wherrthey . acme home at night. When
onoesi h'ome ia regarded as only a place to
eat,' drink, - tand :sleep in, the work , is begun
that ends- in gambling-houses anddrecklete
degradation. Yong-people must have fan
and relaxation: ecorpeoth_er4; if Ahoy do not
find it at.their own hearthstones, it w,ilLbe
sought in other, and perhaps lees profit'able
places. Therefore, let the fire burn brightl'j ,
at night, and make the home nest delightful
wtth:all those little art. that parents so per!.
featly up deratapd. Do n't remelt ttte,..buciN
ant r apiritm, of.your childrea; half an hout
Of niernment round the lamp and firelight
of home, blots out the remembrance Of
many a care and annoyance during the day,
and the ,best safeguard. they can take with
them into the unseen influence
of a bright little domestic sencture..-7Life
Peace is better than joy. JOy /13 an an
easy, guest, and always on tiptoe-to depart.
It , tires and wears out; and let keeps , us
ever , fearing that the next •moment it •will „not, so; ,it,.estnes more
qtgetly , , it stays more
,o,on,tointiAly, ,and, it
never exhausts our stren gth, nor gives ns
one opixidita forenaiting.thonght: L' Therefore
• letAul pray peacAll• it•isithe gift orliad
174t0pait . 4 3 4494 4 1 14 bkalindininf;ilM4 W 1 RP
tehlatrgailk '93/0/?***. 6 14/ 111 .'"IPtA PPe'N
RYA/IVY& • irig4,lwilig flee ,AcifBb
,ns ',hue t arry bilue world.. •
st.hvß z..4e