Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, December 31, 1859, Image 4

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ottrg 4l
Cradle Selig.
Evening is balmy and cool in the West,
Lulling the golden bright meadows to rest,
Twinkle like silver the stars in the skies,
Greeting the two little slumbering eyes—
Sweetly sleep I sweetly sleep I
Thy watch the good angels In Paradise.keep
Now all the flowers are gone to repose,
All the sweet incense onpa_peacefully
Blossoms rocked , lightly on'etiening's light breeze,
Drowsily, dreamily, swinging the trees.
Sweetly sleep I sweetly. sleep I
Thy watch the good angels in . Paradise keep. ,
Wise little elves, by the light of the moon,
Slog to my darling a Itillaby'soon ;
Rise from your cells in the cups of tbellowers,
Weave him a golden dream all the night •hourel
Sweetly sleep ! sweetly sleep I •
Tby watch the good angels in Paradise keep.
Weave him a rosy, and weave him a mild
Heavenly Sprlng.time, the'beatitiful child,
Leading in slumber that-teoft4 tittle hand, •
rar into dreamland, the magical land.
Sweetly sleep !'‘sweetli Bleep !
Thy watch the good angela in Paradise keep.
Sleep till the flowers are opening once more
Sleep till the larlritt the morning titian Boa*,
goltleh bells'heivOly,ebitne
ilireelaprweleomea-the. atornizig'ripiinie I,
7.2.ieeny 'aleop.l sweetly sleep t
I Thyliatetk 'the gowl.angela-la-PerrailiMiifiti:
Per the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
411ketehes of ;Bow England' tile.
Money Voted Early for Harvard • CoUegs—The
Aral Development of CTnitarianism in Maass.
ehusetts—Red. Abiel Rolenee. D.D., - and Me
"Autocrat of the Breeikfast Table"—Sectarianism
Ruinous to the - Prosperity of a College—:The
New Folgland GaUaxey, 4-e.
The' Pilgrims not only made early. pro
visionl for ;public, sehooLs r -hai,a 'also; lot., a
olas,ical.,axid liberal - eduerition of their Irbil
dren. - 13ostoni was-fmstmeettled by the colo
niets, in' HMO; the' charter of the . €Msa•
chusetts:"Oolony,„wae,;-gtien . Only :two.. - ee.ars
before,..and in 1636, only six years fronrlbe
eettleopnt of Roston ; and
.eigha_ after..the
date of the l ctiaster, we..find,, in n the •B rut
volume of `th-illilleoords ittilliteldeusetts,"
the r_followitig ainishi the =d` Inge , i,fl the
"General Court :" "Tee .
,COurt -greed , to
give £4OO , :toward -a .soboch or college,
whereof, X2OO to be paid the, next year,
, anti,C2oo.*ben - the work , iteltrished,'-and
the next. Court to.appointmkere.•and; what
The next year, 1637,vvrtrfin&the• follow
lug in theli." dOinge; : ".'The 'Collage if or
dered to be at Newtown." ."The 'name year,
a Committee avas.,appoiated,to.,take order
" for the 'College. itt ,Nriwtowa,"':of, which;
Mr. Winthrop+, theeDereityi Mr. eDattley,
the Treasurer, Mr. lrellingham," , :eind
others, were members. 'ln 1638, "the
General Court ordered ihni.lthe Collegeetbe
at Csinbridge, - end be; evitedi by the - .name
of -Harvard "Prom" -this 'timer ..forward,
denetions and - grointeh'evi been alit:kit:Ai* .
eakeiiklyisatmle•sto‘egamesd.CiAlette ta koa4Y :
the State and by iiaividnala, until at pies.:
ent, it has•linorti ;funite- - thin its Trustees
- know how to use.
It-rie-aow, aheut 7flftyi irate ;since Abe
Pit shientehd*Profeeticrettif3llfrel&Goll(ge
, beoame Unitarian, sena e.thet;:githeelogioal
Sebool cotineeted with . t,he i Ciii4eke,:also,
became , Unitarian. IThoughliteirebutelitele
over. fif ty‘y ears 'eine°Unitukuliiitn.,:klicid
itself - ,ppnly . at 11.gyi4 Odin, titt . toti: an - yd,
ita vieiaity , yet' its;exiated,,..iri.- canamieno,.
there, before that,time. Tl,ooeiiiitliretfik
ing , hadilongi beetratisegreatrdisixinnt.• - eke
clergy owareldniikft.ialiat4aa,theri oillaid
_Arminian, in sentiment,' and' few - ofhtbei
pulpits ~ p resented ,en.y. thing-ebut a Ariel'
moral essay. Thelitherited ArtOrleae.iddiag
lye in linking together ChurchLand , Statte---4
zuean,-iby Tretkiering . church-morainal - t ip a
pre( retittierite for .elligibility to - office, 'thus'
'herding tint a' - fe3eitid An . hypoifiisje; aad
bringing intoithesohurehlunoonverted men;
,and,ewhen .once: instils Church, tnoebintpre•
vented- their entering-the pulpit ' - tine r iat'
this lie rio d,'.. , many. of . the :-chii toll art./atm!.
pits wen& fillid ,, witib.anen.having,ffioNteepert .
mental ;knowledge of true 'piety. 'lrma
" like people; like priest.' • 043o6h4Ittm
b44editiagether. , The same effeet"wran t pro
ducted that always is, when Church and
State are united=the Church -always be
comes corrupt. Never has-the .Im/hallowed
arm of civil _power.. been .strettilied out to
extend the boundaries of the %Church, but
she has drooped and withered, and all the
true 'friends 'of 'Zion have " hung their
harps upon the vrillovis . '-'—zasiiehen Constan
tine gave ministers high salaries, rich vest
ments, and goldenepulpits; teligionatsighed
arid retired from public view.
The breaking 'out of Unitarianisiroiras
like. the overflowing , scourge, .sweeping ;all •
before it. Every Congregational 'church.
(answering .to Preebyterian in- , Perinsylvenia,
and ,called Presbyterian by all other.denom
inatiens,).in-Bostonr witha , single , exception,
went over to Unitarianism. That- exeep
tion was, the "Old 'South," •-and that vas
saved by a single man. Hareard , -became
the:J*sllTO 0, 11E1d-the- torrent - thneratarted 'fdatu
•the,seetrieh places,. soon , overspread the Com
meneeeilth. 11'0er:tied-most of-the I,talent,
refinement, education, and wealth, of the
community with it. The cry of bigotry
was raisedinekall the ministers who re
fusetqq e e nge. titk Ahune $f the new
,4 4 7 11.
rel : inn4iit :of ,alot, sikosches
we 'ears..Ntlus ' , 4oWits./..0f , the
Crotte*ifled, or eve theirrsincimit places
of worship and thefr lands, a \ erti-gb out and
erect new ones. Meet •of them preferred
the.latter, and hence the divisions.
Paaill Harvard, like Boston, became Uni
tarian. It Aid so, as far as the College was
concerned. Bat it should be added that
the putter- of - the church in - CitribitAgel,
Rev. •Abiel - .Holmes, D D., the author of
" Holmes' Americsan Annals," remained
faithful to the creed and practices ‘of , the
"Puritans," 'and' was exiled from the
house of worship in which he had -long
preached, and compelled to .go into• a' small
one' erected principally by charity from
other °butane. And, would you believe
it' ; ;the poly. OM, and for many years past,
the only . surviving child of •this !pious' and
veneribleDoetor of Divinity, is the " Au
toorat,"*Who hie, figured so extensively in
the Atlantic. Monthly, and ridiculed and
-vilified -beyond all -others, .the religion of
his :father. If • there be a man on ,earth
who-hetes-religion, and bates the' evangeli
cal-ministate-and .churches, -that-roan is be
lieved to be Oliver Wendell Holmes.
This is the judgment of those' who halve
known bite from boyhood He does not
only improve every opportunity to fling at
evangelical religion, but goes out of his way
to oonjurnup something to make piety blase,
and Pandemonium laugh, considering the'
descent of the Eno, and what be•inight - and
ought to have been, we may well say,
" Fuciiis daytime Averni."
Three things have contributed to make
him what 'l4, in.. First, his ' mother was ,
Unitarian, oreke,ptitral, and he is an illus
tration of what a mother's training will . do.
Next, be had too much money left him,
which turned, and gave the vertigo to a
head never overstooked with brains; .and
lastly, being possessed of a certain -kifeL'of
will, which is rarely, if ever, -joined -with
good judgment, he has been flattere&h,y _the'
unbelieving 'fathers and contempors,rietwof ,
hie own time, till he really' believes she :
the Dryden of themgetiAid :ithat " wis4m,
wilbdie with him:" - - •
Considering the noble stock from, which' he
sprang, we may well say, " 0 Ltteifer, Bon.ofi
the morning ; I '"liiidee•
echo AbertirklarAtinn -),ofylAotrig,t,wittlhe
addition of a negative, "The-boy has" not
mvirtne by, his mother's iside."
During the , alteoet- fiftvilears that Ha
lyard, waa'nnder , UnitWaiati °outran:elusive
• 'ly:- , =that ie, frottiliffiYst - showing . of this
tereni; withili , ;-tite",;daett eight .or.tten'
'years, ishide . :9l%;"'Cotnnuinni3aith' :has
. ,been , wedgieganto the;Oloardnii Trnetees,"
alien of , other oleaaminatiOn'e-Lrthe, itunlier
Hof , pupils , ,w i es' - cpustantir decreai!ing. "This
• was •the ;legitimate effeotoof Sectarianism.
It ehould, be:added thnt, -, Whinfthe', eon
gregationabohurehesqhmo :forsook I , the. - Pil•
grime f44l4i;thenl3eoist,,blethodist,,
, in aoliketp
Wnif "Atifiat'iltegirtl•
"I:KinesCClbipel ":uhadl tooPzetteir.inoney,
ai4t*iiisia4 , l44lileiViiieala r ;fi t obtoul'ta a
the :Ifiztliyritild , 'With Wthel
colle g e and the modern " Athena." The
/its,* s'eipurgi tea ,G iftWitlidriOieif to I
ibis cb/y the,anomolpofp.EpiecoptlvforetP,;
with Unitarian sentiments. =tiltei. -I Dre.
.: 1 4$11#11a , &Va l , Stillman, ' t or the ''l3llPtist Ide- •
, nettnisi4irr did vretp3lrtpytird. , tiatititalultig:
theiliti•iiitinties of iii the oily oftiroetot
• ..../Inanywon emillameadvatheawNstoaarkaglan d
Gallazy,„kpaper published in Boatog aboutl
thik - feritid;• L'BitekidAbato,
he - will find-the samwviews expressed about
the religiotMie:the gidaldlicjaLdr Vitiliktfie
tenteirebitterbeetrittithd theee7of , thi "A 00.4
-, trpflelllttttkfttgbilari;• s illia:'Ordt7;l44o;',VOlhei
beeome quiet:end•nruelventwe
OlVtitablarlathave"tha -alki ) thill'OeC 04*
peat& of those same nerro,hvit wore% etilitlbd )
parrot:like j -by Oliver Wendell. Hamm
* • ,
I II 4
Dr t t 37.1••
••• • el •
u •
the i • . .• I
five ehiipee're , Ode toiorfarigY ' l l6l look * of
psiderthatliedlotiebidtbightedittikedtittel, eel
be closed hisoßible' , aed • utteriog three;
weidel,,i6olr'ed•;i2p f in'hikidEAVe u ftee. He
- ted.:oom meddation.• . ..Pernik° - 'boy
-loved-praise,. as Irmo, boys-do. But Eta mo- i
well hie
. EaEit ofAreadtat
toliy; fasied:Alit`tisitg.)4B4eadiegi
ailailikhist; 4dd - thin, wheaiiiilC.ef;aiiigneg•
leot, he would-take—a`anddeni start, and Alio I
over foot oilfive ohaptere, 4 tedvleOlnikat be f
bad retrieved Axial pestwoegligatitie. Bat(
ifrerastipboOkiiitgoittleigood Idtltrbe JJ
too:hasty,4rregular, to-makeia deeplimpres-1
Thle,little incident to.; think.of .
some hints abont:-reading<the BiblemPidoh j
I here'iiffer to' my L. Read
'this Bible reiiiiiirty. ;A;' , ltoOd".' , niini...r- i ikd
seep/ I lime esteemed , 'the wirordev'tsf:my
month more than my meoieearikirotd,
Sys the true idea. , The - Viblerirdailrbead,
to be taken regribith 1fii0144141106 . 4 I
groi thnteby.
_ho , '..P.PA,Ciette"l 3 We.' 1 1.F_0 1 0 4 "'„he
&bib. readibgetecNthezmatining," it . wiii•gnop de
'liim "any good. 'sHiaty;Xelarog:;44iiitriiii
many obaptersif at Kama *lot , no advantage.
Itlin* alittioat.ivltiniernedtAinkln
, remeinber it. '- • ' • -'
3. Read. th e
aterely, because. father en snetbearisishuryes
G a 30 . 014 1 540; ;kW*
odaepeek a.ltotyougitrndiormßible. *hen;
lingnio)tivjet4erying—:Omintilltei; bare's a
- lelirsifrOurfather„to me, for-ni, nalneAHn
the outsides I..alwais fel to wish she inapt
ear Father id hia*c. IfeWl,, and so read,
lid 'you gieiv-ireary . *
ThaleweibiniOtersioestovAhhfortkonois: Will
not (4,little
read every day, with. great stypiti9o, , !.this
bmd iPf Tq fs il•' 4 ° ! se s t 4 e i ft taPt do
.aonietirries„talieher'llitle. ilge:every morn
eingp.andisit,down , to , read weisipter,i , without
citing Itor 'Una to 'tell'` her to. - do . it.
This is a better -habit 4han far he
only read oefunictuagy,..and had' be
often remindid4f.l42iiiy: often,
and love to readodearobitdren, and you will
not forget it. -
1.4 4 . /• : 4 ,
lug' the- greatilitidrei 'for - rah/hie - infer:nation
respeciaughthig*eati , thst.existe throughout
all the East, and'Aspeeially thrdiA 'Fenn.
eylvania, ••I take , this -method 'of cottunuti
eating such information-as•LposeesepreePeot
frig thieseetion ofhthe•Weet, and'eblioit'the
travof your columns for•theinirpose.
The prairie:Soli here* a rieh:blahlr loam,
:mixod with -a .-virry. , sanill portion •of . fine
white land,tand generally • anderlaid•rwith a
stratum •of flintigravel ofsabout'a foot id
'thickness ; • •th - soil:•is: well , ad apteil. to u the
all cereal grainefoviseetrlent rootsogrtlitie,
iierhape r •the :SAE ;adapted -to
skindeq'of aptportion'ofthe•Thriteitfttites;
all:kinds of :grasirkgrow Inatutently.
The oli oast te isfssilabrioistaitd,ferriperete for
the 38th parallel. Up , to this date (Ni3vem.
ber 23d)-we4ere-had only-two -cold 'days,
ind-the-reat:of the Fallresenlbles tiitfoh Oka
Indian" Summer •of :ther'•Etst ;'tworrien and
children sit in Abeir with the
doors '404, ind'Obitionitllyyoneee'
out •at-work. • We -do-not expect' to
commeniieltedhigqilr.Ohiietiiiiiit,lior do we
expect toleeflonger than the middle of
Water is•plenty, and...pings: 'mummer
cue ; but I prefer the well Witer,,blitaiired
by digging fromeight to twenty five:ftet.
Maiketir are tgirti', Oral ly' good r and conveni
ent of aOOOllB. 'Wheat is always ',Worth $l.
Corn in the Spring • and 'Simmer is always
Worth from forty to fifty cents per' babel,
ando sornetiaimit irreven higher filge. fifty,
Barley fifty, and Oats thirty ceritishl
; potatoessabOnt fiirty; otittoet
and turnips twenty cents per bushel; beef
fourAo-fireppork five, and butter fifteen-cente
per *id; eggs eight to ten cents per dos.
The!heitilth oftbeicotintrrissinainly good,
though fever, and ague continues to visit oo
°eel:mol'y those who disregard the laws of
health; but for all chronic: diseases, the air
of this section of Aliiirourioseems to be a
perfeot specific, bringing back often in a sin•
gle season, ' [Kith health and Vigor; yet I
would have•all distinotlito underitand that
they must expect to •eubmit to auseelima
ting process.
As a stook country, - it '.far exceedst•the
Eastern States; the luxuriaatitpaaterage:of
the prairies lasts eeveiCireititiliqf direigbt
months of the year; en* °raw theleeding
Months are: so openotri;to:rafiinitanti4.less
Red:than:tin:rains& 'Orthifit ltfi a iftiV
For wool growing it-ought tif be veryfine,
though no attention, bee yet be,' giviti. to
this branch of husbliidri. 4
The prides of land varraceording to im
provemente and location, from (510' t 0 1.1615
per :acre, , which,• on :pretty• welikimproved
traets'of' Medium eizi 3 2 ie4ftlalf,loloo44
More than the costiofimprairikinsat•
Sithoolti And ohurehes are touch 'heeded;
and'to have them, as in our older States, vie
must, at least, inipart, have' a differsat pop
ulation, as the pioneeis rarely value these
'things. We . are, I believe,' the only Pren
byienan family within ten miles of •this
1 . Univeamliamkeppsars , to prevail to a great to be the WWr and better
'church sconversation.
Witqltrthodef :the ' Mittbodist '' I ' edifying He was an able and devoted adva• for;
.his pleasing
dding much toward correcting this evii. elite of temperance.
ri /S o lT. w . was an ardent, Christians patriot, and ' ventured
The Pacific fßailtesd is , . now completed
G itia en f o n the cause of his coontrrin • the'wer of •1812,•un.
from Eit. 2 Lietb!,. ; er a tliiiVerliiei . PPi's to SYrs"
for Harrison ; and on account of his. high quell&
cone, in fiforgattethintind'oirtoilitan eas y ail jt no.w. lon g a member and• g%,erl 12 co
the . reslble post, R he di w in all made
id Co mmissary.
access to tide' . portion of the •Sta - te;
:suns roan e moon '......iy:",wistir ,difiai Ration of Dunlap's °reek; but .11rIng within-the/Um: l ts of e
. '1
- Sl ' - C it y Y , what is now thaohurch of Welellandtown, when that' was :
4irougirtheifeintre 'of that vatit'dilitrior lyin gmight,
he became a ,Ruling Rider of it. He •
'between-the igiatiouri:.and, , Osage liveray- and • iti fo d ' r eedrbe h le t gal L edah the ",nnraing.father "of that
I . !tillohr;olii " yißliitr ;4biacreY 'pole; qtaiiteatt. church, his
to supply its wants. a nd
w P a n s ". . CO W IIII ".81 / 4 11 .°Pa P n l i t : d anT fr a 7, i i i i i' l
t i I . 1) :
g o
o r h a n t
i r
y li i g,
-, o,..,Pettis, Baline;^ciidi Cooper
counties rre.tyt din i
... t .: .. ,
defiant& igebleir is iiilue during, thil last' five
years, and do more in the
'next five, years Yours,
High Point Co.'; MO.
..,.. t . :...:, •...!<,. ~ ::•Ii •
..,.. •,,,„ • . .... ... rt• • . _
..vrauesia Imer •
- ,4 What , rtioei !allow pre*tiiniAvith
no rtf :0 . :144.444
,an,j.r.npa,tien t, magter, The fry y.lyttei' is
moffittlearer , protif , ef se; *ism% benevolence .0 in
: 1 4rAtitte;%hiatilifiAlikelft,
ty, i in event/toy koyoung
101111(1;1W. !iiriagned,Ut. To
itlierOtieof"ifkibbitififjuo k 610; ;ial/ : 4firthe
highvat vietttsaetiiiiiiediffirm him. "Sfooe,
Witaltlke; tPeOennitY
. 009.0Faine
(tin - toThysitral - erpiscc:thoynthor of - no,
tare has' fiAlellice`
1 1104ttchrititikii010d. ;
tat as liiissisiliateseland "integiVeatteu
creases, thisiapatitattieuvialpttise disappears;
'P7I,/in-voltioint'Pbriba'ld4! Wft'wo z!PJ:O n gile l - dint,
•1111 41WakettiOgrilVigli0Uall"Olttlirter840 3 60 5 in•
Ttieecti*Otiy9 OtirVirty!rep lj eliirtheAlktg.!
gegtion ilia' Neiiiiiyares'ationfieteiltinga
tht/Eo,!:gitlifiliOlhni u .oohe"
4.lritakel and , shise.tralllohlbs•Pare eonriarrap
idly into popnfili,liyor.
Whoever arouse thiti
dyspeptic; eonsumpit vairemOdeugefieration
14 ' 6 ui°" 3 / 4 1 g00 4 . ° 040. 1 gaiiii , iirA * *, 1 :4 6 ,
serive•rit ?bunion ~ ,,. .1311ratingtiiruadmirableigor
„them, though, .bylio smeans.
geheralTvie. , ", Atittidtatik:ihvolvesidiehltd ;
ties in Sprillg,"Siiiiimer; and AutumwF and
an iaveptiou fottila , ying. to a.itoolifirrhßtt;,
each Winter, as 'Weld , ice, to last the
Tioiliad;443 Ffirdifilairdertifitin. "•'• '• •
The , nervous tdread-among. our.ooottntry ,
!Wcltheri:dfA,along4lteikltlifttr, fittohlO,,
dionor.toNiliem. , E•Thercillfferenecinin
VihtlAt*! l l44ll l fiTagd . -Nirsiktiirlf6trialtib:
retries. , .Fittgiattct,#,Aitroolhe'veßtitinbritOs
, '. ll :AoM.iittkrtie*. , V*" . o 43 4o,lo:oo, T .sn:
ildiling , ,to the outfit of heiiltnewlycmartfed
b atttigEWit.eloien ; ; '"fldriiiif Ito&l,viallkngt
T r earaitthAtritielaugirter*lllibow
ble.parent of ;fittight6riahntilit 016/th - tint'
to , grow to maturity without learning,•if
,teitible; the t rait of l'la74lPg,
itleepwelthivEisescOpriostiesedlityladits l °Witli
most ihvigorating effect. Alinost any out
?referred, io. the;.na see mlyospers , of^ wdalsoe,
iirVO.ked 'eh,
ista i resphow tosst ; edNidefqldl With. teison bus
brbathS •
•'; n en ''.l"°lt'" YetP lll iiaiatna
• gre— .o.....sterrio-enr oft religions'
teemniailption-44e ittei 3 Orjs!" inintoity-J"the
is..lasgely due to, the ; neglect . ofirsightdl,ltifd
:strengthening t exereise--iumthef lopes- air
ViSrey 'o l ooi4OgiNg:VtiVea44,*ithiod .
`bores•to.the.setionereetcrietion , th'ittalniiirty
of ideveloping - the ',body , of Ais lauld•Grna
Zod crateful PrOvision aitionhitier , Tegnlarlyttie
made forrtheronetssr forathefother.
V„ 7-
- . 1 1) I :U4
• :.‘•
(AnnfraNirie#4B**l; "
rinnar sonweesit a
tine, MAE untrikbatag
Dun—On the morning of Novemberlffcliffifauldatithter
of Samuel Newell; or aged! 28 years.
her disease wami ' eakilitiPtion. * Me - was kink' 111, and
suffered much, bdt4444vii. difilotleiNiittli meekness sod
patience. She was alwaYs The
Lord doithigl doni."
0 6 yotioi'Of'41eViiit4Preribyte . iiiii.Ciiiirth, end. give good
evidence that she was a true child of God.' Thu i firmly
-but nieekly:lrtiiting in her peaceful' spirit' took its
flightfro**th to thVireeence of•her. God and Brivlour,!
Ink; Whose hands she had committed her all. Elheludi lef t
a large circl!, of friend!, who will mourn her early death,
• '-'l3l6±.—.lfier;Bhelerstet,Ffoviiinfieslll64Mitilaitteinlisk&s,
In the 36th year of!tircatc.
Mrs. F. wee • member •of ibe Ptesbiterfau church of
Carrie's Ers. 40 a obilatlielAilliiieedj Ceresi of a deep.'
toned character, restlegmetfthe.baels dootrinal,truth,:
wblo6; l lhOnliektaifeNf 6n-tatllA PeclibAiefitem.'
Asa wife, ebe was kind and dutiful.- de smother, she wee'
'affeetiossate, gentle,. and dewourl. iShe,enjoyed aniformiy
good'health nacilwitthbf efeW days of iber t'death. 'in the •
ideridhiU of hr.; her "Lewd grid `maStei hai eeiameet
her tUrme to celebrate:the pralseaoPllim who red oented hex
by ids own blood. Previone to' berndalobitiolfitubelim
deredi moist! allpropiiitakihd advice tn her
children. Brads provideneeMelendefent, of , himairtfie
. , •
likee' been 'esieied.' The hisband . leboreft of a oorapanion;
the children, of a mothei's love-and of -a • mother's
are. Their 100-is'iter Unspeakable gain. Bhe Is' abdent
from the but present" with the lard. Blegiartire
the dead Which die hi' the Lord." . • S.
•Ihez--At Indiana, lhasernberjitb, 1R6147..Pdre. IReacur,
iitfa of J. J. Young, Beg., sod daughter of, Alexander
at'Oonnell, Eeq., /n the 24th year of her age.
Thia lovely young women Iliad early ; given 'her 'heart to
the Saviour, and for the- lasteight -years 'of hbrilfs Wig' •
consistent inebiber • tif the' Presbyterian &arch Vof 'traits
bare llei:•1171etion wwt ievereitudprotteetediletaheren
duiedUll With - font a mnrmurT rauffeettil 'at all *tintee. a
spirit of oalm• submission. to, her heavenly:Father's will.
When: death approahbed, she 4efirlesair welcomed 'lds
**dna% 'She - abtfolitafed for "months 114 ‘POira• of her
affliction, and had her house fully set In order. ro sorrowing
friends she maid, " Dry up your tears; -weep , not . teente,
bat prepare to meet heir!„ f i erfebtly'ciftriaelons to
the feet moment, phaveasedilitough the "valley of the
hope of eariaal die en.d.gbiry,thiffengh his morfnanieflittee-
Diro—eatui!try mornhigi Oetotron litr. • Nan=
PARK' WzAT,!ged 88 'lien sn d rnionttua.
- Mr; Wiley was ordained siltriting Slider In Centre ehureb,
June 10, IRIS,' only a uttitridure than'fbur 'month 1 before
Ms death. H. was also diiiint itiegAMsion„ . 2'reaSurer of
the. congregation, and • litaxiarisitehdeni • of ~t he 'Babbith
School, to 111 . of which duties he attended ika,erslifirirhinli
ahowed,it w as a laber of lore, son of Mr.
Jamie iley - iewelder in the' mine' eliiirchiiiiho bsd'two
iions'oectstlymea'imat' the:Beiielerelnitkliiiii;
whom have got:talon* torest. -though ettll
a young man, bad endeared himself to a wide dreie: of
friends both in and out ortite'Clnurch. He was a man of
hiolice and dais' biith gferiiivideiVoertfuif
was burn' of 'God. Mis - laielbSkiwife, two and
many relatives; to moarnihiiriesseand*theetairehminglei
h4eteirs"with thetb r et the r friende,
well as theirs. Bet - Clod, has. taken . ..on hisiither ilia. : to
Joa D— sander
lOtBhr .o , fo Ih ß m at b h e rllays9fited T ra rwn l. s ta td r p , rao e.
galley Oaantyi-Pa. •
The unexpected death of this lovely women, has cast a
deep gloom or t ar ( thd*Wbole amninnity; Never gay, but
always cheerful, ehe.rziado her home happy. For more
than thirty . yeaie the i bitea'a member, in 'fall coMmu•
Mon, of Bethaty church ;"and'ittOse liholincheber best,
bear their oheerful. testtoronyto her - Christian walk and
conversation: . Bile has lefts butibind
and a large circle of friends, to monmr, her sadden ds
partilie; tint not without hope •thit their loss -her
eternal gain. ~She being dead, yetspesketh. A'voiewsaye,
"Be ye Mao ready,", tp.• " Write, tßlaued sze , theldoad
which die in th.a.L.ord4
Dun—At t~a~A3aa
171:, Sorter,
on the Bth bat, mz.vrookiosVALacei,. the 88th Yearnt
hie age.
The dereaard was an earl, Settles«hriVei tarsi • Pen ay lin(
ribs, and was familiar with the toil arid trials of thoee'Who
epic:hied the foresee and the solI IM the use of the Ang/o•
Brom tar'. lindoWeewipriiiobla
the mem( ty, and bleseweiiiiiia,ki4re•tif:•tinali;4l
hh leisure hours to the study *foe
solid reading, ring 111
correct optigims, and,,q:ori ai. .71641. d....,. Rang
profound thinker, he had no love for ilipmme7 aracps ! , i ,
dilitirsAo •l o tiorthe 9 ! 6 j i!r
,usainimp aupoatioirottigh' raipeotibility
apd hallaant* . levy naoclesf'Skid. - afabler• ehiiiifa' I
- ,1144,301 :in aredOte and stirring
/ 41 ".1 11. 4iiiitialkii filings, he was illegal, beloved, and his
• tlllitediblitionng, all deeming ttredigives
be had a cordial raped for all good - Mai - of whatever
name. The loss of hie eight; which marred - some eight Of
Taal, years before ale death, was a sore privation, but was
. . .. • -
borne with exempla r'
y_ Though his bodily eye
could not see the Debt of day, yet' hie eye of faith delighted
to behold - We ilorfOils Sini`Of itighteousilesi,larid With 41/11
to wee contented and happy. B.W.
Dtxr.--On the 'l3th of October,
,st the house of her
.fitherOloril4iteepli. Dian; hit Derry Towiiship';:liontour
C”rinty,,l'il; kin. gunner,' Uaoea ISHIDDSBe, after a linger
ing and painful illness.
aIADY jeans aie'age,hafi .piofeiused her filth in the
Eaviour, aneftili diksieiiilititknto be Me; and in her last
awes end' deathodielgave decided proof pf the genuine . -
item of betopraandika - The'thofight:oVieitving Verlittle
bey; isbniOliiier'ilPiearti ohlrlitireft . Of b6tli fatbei and
mother, wairtolhar,;'atinste al anuree%!of -distressing solick
Mode. But toward the last she said be hardly' coat her •
thought, as she. could most cheerfully leave him in the
Jiiiiidi 6f - that Saviour iiiirviiiirisil liar PVC iiilTatfOli and- 1 - illrblid'Ea"olsslne tirtr r alnailegiOlfhWetit'illm.
end with : the last effort of departing strength abe placed
her baud, together,' .in ilie ittittile. of Illiyer, and like
Stephen of old, calling upon God, and saying, lgrd Jesus,
resolve re - y - Spirlt, elle fell ahleep: The victorious triumph= 7
log of faith over the htit dneitty, in anktit,Appinlldg
grandeur was exhibited in her case so that those`sibo ' . tQi r irtritFlc42Yest dirrOi &-Ql4 - lifl; 'hißi
Dan—October .1163 IA ktio ) rykiisbilinship, Montour Clo
pa., ear. Joroc ! !, Osiu;,siged , ef• years. ..; ~ •
. .
~1 Tbii diekse,i liralibotitirefiy , 9estavirviiiiiiiir,viiitiWil
of that time an elder; otstuk.Detryligstittinsti `church;
Perhaps few nieWlfele Vex 1 Ityn Mttidre inoffensive and
...unble,talsW-Ille. 0 ilatrae,a Tan of vary retiring : disposti
1i0n,., . ,. . ,
and perfectly^3freelfrom istermeddling, yet• very
detSrlsd lards zallAptie rfenversation, which drew z tri him
many warm‘friends, WithOutviiiiring up. enemies. Be
adorned the doctrine of ei?iist, In ell meeitneas..and in
-.tilenses, arytgitve,ainple . evidence thrOugh life that tie was
''an Israelite indeed,rintlthom - there was no'grollo.i' Helfai
49131 - 46111 1 /1:151 4 tlitlldeVeiritit; - Otimi - p; laving a ",go?d,report
.of all 'niin,;"tind of the troth itself" Dorini hi's last
Maw, whiehtcolififituk,Wth biit'skih - 01% Vltava. oTiar .
tharestoration, about a year—his flimily,in the meattline,
being;oi-dy lidloVd:liie Lliad; - iikettie l iiii4 113e61 in
the midst It'tlibl- Uniting AdrelibiAraihig brighter and
hrighttNwltlleveryLiblastr and tredeolingimortlittir , re
'With the image of tam wgoAtAEla the refiner and
pnrisiord envie 4:ee haiivii (ridblegnetitrit7igildreni
wink a circle of friends tomourn•hle lose. -- I
,L, 1 4 1
~.DII D - 4 0 , tabil• tithi ' llist-4thiallii.daigilter. tOt Nr-Min
. 14 . s iVaiiirY . : 0( ibArAi aged 5 3 18111 . '- , - :•; .. - ..: . 1
'' I sli,o4flia l lifietiFf ii.f thll44liNigiiilA i lf , itlipArtilitd
Ai4gitydl 3 t4twaSlitieli iiia.'pga'14.., 4 4i,..,. ',.p..141'6.4.4. ,
;far and beirittifaivini . title intik' ivinicletiiini4dlvisneed dbd
iitilit . ToiTaitiiit*b4i)iee:rloi qisafergaihtelllr',
'ioittoput*d- 444 : s!itiii',l64l,i'eiit;'. ,`:,;...:.' iiiiiyAgOi-
Ibie,!eitsti m enbe notkortirkeidairration , foVell hr s hri 'knew
lie: etitViligitieni/Wr;aiVirieilliithrialiAn)..'en; ,
It46'ii - !;:ft41441040ii;t.4: i:4. A o;Orriliiaiik,
to wliostuitheyg can' apply, , and , a -iappy hllavenly. -Mane,
'ir - bild'lltWllsitlliiilleititbili'llivitisidiglirells. • '' e
, . .
qinkbalbrth Iciseriduiyalchrtfoitahawi,
Pat lettoubfirupw'intw,g iiiiriserw c Mfd Ike.
t' The deemed Ind been toismete&irtth rthe - Pres u
s 1 etic r e
1 4.4 1 ; 0* $44, 0440.,44".*Nhy
aumbletaid - ouvusewrilembtal;lind , a mottlO.example. •'We
bilee i rSaithietio l liBllB4B 3 thitelthi 3 flitt#
144;111: i ii 1 / 4 11414,ffie
eannotairrerdesbeief4 thioughont•theirboltrolth34atter
td i ,"' thatfike on6374:2ltot, ; lllitlhlt r ilei
••be prevailed .uponito •abient hintSof from the'house:of
the Lord," althosgh the ;Fa;
r ads sieknesetwes ofittort-'d6ratiOn,l•7b4•Tbrief-al , wail the
pain. ' IlttritelAY
..filendsanxiously githsieedarinind lAtoduciCiiiht
' , 044,14.46 tad voi/o.sfe hetlien4igatneastOktililliif Ogshe
ma o l ikka ir ot. o4 4.? ; ... ip,9 14 , 44 44 t i *
ciwitv; i 4a
lbehidilPfrit pdttlf,l4litatitirag the ,
41.1 , A;740.,41
4 nere,-itith -the rkidesimedhttallepastligai,tto , fpritise God
ittelPilrllfil: Sad Wand;
ttitldr givlowstarive - 111.a.Alielitly
mons*? ,Our temporillosehas been blifedernatgain.
',Drin-Ahr _Friday evening, Decemben loth; In]
Idon roe Caostp Ohio, , afitoutedrheumettem after a Short
..111neta, , hirsdklazartor, melte of-DrA lit.^bl'Oullough, 4 aged
28 yeers,•9 motiths,endliPdays.
The deneased" ; was Woratf . hY her. '=Her
hospitality and kindn eta -will-not soon be forgotten. Whist
most affectionate and kind in all the relations of
was unassuming and, retired.,4Bhn.,we ri reare d up under
Preebytertifiltifi l iStwe t , jail of ma. she was, on
prof/1;161m of her faith, received CoinitOnie'it the
Presbyterian church of Brallsville. Prior to- her connex,
loa 'With the church, and ever` slitce'; sbeirsie'fitll'eildence
that!'tihe 'my a living, pita/di r t-eta,: and'4e4Ote".l bit'rhtlan.
-In this afflictive dispensation of Providence,- , this bereaved
family has loot a 'mei:nor' in whnitilias combined all the
sympathy; tendetnese, and' loie 'oral triftiatill'itinther. A
husband, with two children, and numerous other
mourn her &teepee; but they have the happy consoialion
that "their loss is
. hee'ditypeaktible gain." Ihe'"xiiits
fro4t .
. ittourn-not,-YelovefPonealelt behind,
But wait by faith the Master's( time;
`llhcgraetrsithtini the , tre'mbling Mind,
While mercy athlipors, I ant thins. 'OX.
' ' NWT .3300 :4::
.umsrarriwre4averamat, emusstamr.
Boolinellairs ind Publisher; 26 South Slxth•Bonitiabc;ve
• Mutant, bare jag publlabed
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author of a'Biogrisphy,', Igloo.
Tile° St'.2sl. • • •
This interesting volume embracesaketche ofi th •• biAn
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' On Pereontil find StidarHaliPitiess.
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Demirel Soden - F.
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Trot AFTER TR17171.
In one handsome 12mo. volume.
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book conducts sister ant Of, her dilMilties; who
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By the 4 Rev. JACOB:
olliO ABBiO TTIit" -hatbox, of- the "ROO
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• . • .•' 3i 4•4.:. • . :••
tVids* 106 J O H N.
:ltnitildeftse.ipmpfkirbrlidTriol!:,,Psioeo3o .
'The °lEU`tales.
WI anti. *kir:o* . or viiiitnu. tofiiiiii" let mangy.
tot, , 3ewo ,Allarticatect atm:dos/ens by Lumley.. Prici?
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• • • '' "The'
*VAUD kfiuntoN. ieSIII.;'6I
• • , AuPTII./4°;.:.„Stie •
if` *oar_ alt• etch;
n ;pup -rev Nvid Blstlnvg.Oliem-=.l syluulrlautir
semi egxpi.Y.pll),S ; Ty BAR:
ttitatroigagl : titiva'on . large
MitauilvOlft_tootc4 JuaanDecabil/forßookrialtabla for
,the HotSdeye , .wbioh they. offer at low price&
Addieis • - BHELMPreOO:: Yank:l4m,
' • Daman Street; New York..
T Luc Pdcwitrtit7lPOlLlnion:
Tiblitiwir of the'Press Is beyond all calculation. I
0niy51A12,78.031 its influence nßonzial,,,,,sec_tgAnd
Yericalhaff 6 VOlnfilindiraesr — gifdWilesionerr hind
the necessity of using the Press to propagate and defend
their opinions and measures. They ail have their organs,
from the daily sheet to'ibe stately•quarterly,
lie our wish; however, to intinfere'-by this`pnblicaz
Lion with any other, but to supply what seems to us to be
a special and pressing want on this coast It is believed
-there is uo tiortion.of our whole continent, Where a work
or tliii kills ie mush needed at in California. In pro•
,portion to the:Dumper of inhahitante, ,there,;more
nand' and more capability of reading,, and more need of
Preadtor alba right kind, 'than inYanylothenr. Part of the
devoted • f I ft rAtilFiti'EDtharicfß f 1 '' Gibe to the expo
sition of God's Word, and the preaching i or. the GOspel,
according to the fitandards,of our Church. We Wieli_to do
ibyrthe:Priissfor loon' 'fillidwOitilene; jest 'What:we do for
Calvarypongreotlon . every Sabbath ; that,,, to. expound,
'iltilitild4ind preach to' thenithe Word'of the Living God.
We ,would, if poseibleatindek,sennons; to be, read, th e
'Lcirdre'day, in theionety pace of onr.vitileyfil and mountains;
where'there is tiOpeator or evangelist , to-oPen Aferbionth
and show the,way,,or salvation ,; and. into the frowded.viP
lage'bt Malts, faimers;:and travelini,"Wheii' is' Yet there
Is no house,ll,wilVehip; desire, to send!the, Zspoerros, - ,:to
open to thein the ScrlptuYea, and preach unto them Jesus.
It 11'well %north Chit a large number erthi half iniiiien of
minis that are on this coact . do not ii,ttend anyichurch or
'Meeting-house; 'Marty 'thousands of Chem never hear a
Jarman ;preached. from year to year.. We 'would .ftirnieh
them with ouch reading as would remind them of their
laxly Enimebf 'their Ynfithabrite dittietbeni
to seek and serve the God of their. father:, . , with a ,perfact
heart and a willing thliad: We ' hope - edbody our
. sops otottipg trdthil :truthi calculated th bteti the .
mind; elevate chi heart, and purify the afteetionst. truth'
drawn chiefly from the Word of and preeinted In a
plain, clear and forcible Jityle_,,that they may be suitable
for all classes,and be reedbilll the. members of a family.
We ake the. Extrfres.inhidonary,,thatonsyl
''Preach 'evdn Where" the 'eolperioneihrthelvangellat do
riorgo. '
Our own:time and brain-VIA/are 'etieerftillyleverr to. the.
work, for the sake of trying , to.'Jnbach in from
the Press, especially to those who are,pot *Rhin the and
Of ChtrvOiceof-tlie priether. o Theldittesindipub•
dtMlier ^ do not Preiel — ; looney iby the iwork.: They
desire only each aid from their. fellow-citizensbe will meet
the expenses of publieatlon. - ,NOrouti dollar Of,the:iiilt4
.hforlPtionf will.beapfirbeated UrtibiredithWitirteate use.
...All that is apbscribed!beybnd. the Bata chat; Vila; vent
„extend ins, ,the circ ul ation
c:attlezdrivet*'fiririars, rifAA..trave i leit.
• Einenba ifilrber %timed P11112i , %16 tbrie
..exiteuini in advance.; ..Et wltltmai3e ir?octivovoliditiiPot over
, lartdretklifget..,ltie very neatlylirintedilazulcon pod
. "The , pdstagie prepaid to. part Of Via ~IJ.nfel'id
teCliVolts die t fof eictilatiniber. " %babe
dollar pieces, or drafts on the San - Premised iliPress Com;
pardes, can be, sent at our risk, by mail. Pour numbers
have been issued. The w.ork. chin be furnished to subscribere
from the beginning.
......Toomy friends . and the Christianitoff!ithe.bletsiod old
Stares," I ,would say, that though Califoruitt
isti is. making
' them tick we Br - Spook in tattling bp 'Chran thetitn •
tiOnS, f wff ' need'not only yotir prayers andey4itby,'bul
irteed. your ooiatributione. J As a' tniasiena..y....xigency,. it is
Moult to see how lon can do se, three n
Sh otheettay, ie 'yen can 'dhhy'inliiiiiibinifdr. thin work.
Ej e tthethibf ihsEciet 011ie, 'ion 'eau Vend itoid piersich to
,thoasandsethat have been - tangbt.tonsta;bsittenotettend
chureh,.and, indeed have none to go to m ,
'Aki/&!..ltdiaterei,eld era, 'ehurefi' - officers alid ' Aere; Whinre
'friehdly:teihts •Work,r ere inifted;thiet pro.
curing enbacriberit . 'A, liberal commission: will befallowed.
Life is short. The night iiimeth soon, when no man can
work. Let us work o wliletthivdajlastil Will you help?
W. .a SCOTT.
Ban-,Fraithisco. October/DM:186B. r.n612.6in
. „mom!, SiCirneservative of Ranh and a Remedy
for absserl. .complete treatise op, cold,:apthortus!,.llOt,
tripoi;kait, an -• maid hatbs, aid the use of Water generelly.
JohnnßelLiM Fellow of the Collige - Of PhArciana,
eta., eta. Isroni 'Volume. Price $1.26.
- .61,00110L, Its Place and' Power. By: /ones Miller, 71F.
M. 8 E., 'Professor of Surgery in the . University of Edin
burgh. Price 60 cents.
"I never got a patierit Sy`tater drinking, but thousands
by strong liquorsl"—Da. Gasooar. ,
Tbis,little volume was,, prepared hy.,,,,Proiessos-Miller, at
the Matinee of *The Sco ttish Temperance; L4aue." lehas
already passed though rttristaszt spawns In Sc6tbilid; sind
It is, well deserving of equal favor in this country.
TOMACOO, Its Use and Abuse. By? John, Liaers,' Late
Yrofoestir of Surgery to the Royal'Oullege of Surgery, etc.
'PtiCeMi cents. ,
Thiel Effie work Is ' reprinted from the glows ,EdixibOrgh
Mditlop; in the - pilfacete , viiitch the 'AIM? lemifks
"It budifficnit to. -estimate either (the/Jett:alone - muse,
quepoes produced by babl taaoking, , or, the number , of
its *titling all CI
ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO . Por eh; cosidni ' ence "of.
purchasers.: the gablishershave bound•thelworks , of.Protb.
Millar and Lisars In one volume, 16mo. - Price 76 cents.
3 'o
•4115 i P• Copies sent by 'nail, free of poatage, apofreeelpt of
retell price, by LINDSAY Bei TON,
• Pub 26 SouthtSixth Stieret;' hila,, Pa.
•FRANKVIN KNIGHW44B' . 110'68i:filmy, N. 'Y.
ArilaPiwiltiou of New and Jtevised
Iditiori. By David N. Tord. — Moe tas.oci. This exposition
-Proceed* upon Principles r iliftsitireition reiefiled iti` the
,tieviptureirOi maelvee,. and is regerded .as thejtooet clear,
ionsistint,,and eitisfactory work that bail ever been
ptibliMi 'on' the 'so Die&
The Coining and Beign of Christ. By D. N. Lord. Price
i jazwk:P 2l & tha t.OZPara h i:taAiJl.LPßKSWedswikbPrsys
tnartite I.thgdortt — of rigtuonsoese stray he the earth.
Geognosy; or, The Facts and Principles of Geology
against Theories. tiy D. N. Lord. Beeond Edition. Price
$1.26. This work presents an unanswerable argument, on
scientific pounds, against the theories of the antiquity of
the earth.
The - Otialio - feiletica and Lairs of Miriam - five Language.
By D. N. bond. Fourth Edition. Prim f,.!. 00 An lat.
' etie 'MAY and inteiprefaticm 6114 &r.iip.
tures. • •
The'Preidnia'BenAY ger.
Edward Winthrop, or; 16 cinata.
A demonstration: ttiat the,greq, prloeholpe. by,,,whioh, the
Symbolic Penile,* ere to b.• areghrea Iwthe
Word of fat& ,
„, e1
An the et 4 eteetifiktiftit44s.o4.o. =use,
When an ordered, on the of
ftpdaTiopice ß ef i littrivait i i,
'..t.AlTtrros Birk ViddL;
t etty
of the try (upo wor n
ere sent to Subscribers' h
resat* of retail price,) by mail let
; oral&
. •
• THENEW ittallibAt tisticiciftbric: •
. •
A pOpniar .DictiOnery of einem! Knowledge.. 4 Edited' by
George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, aided by a numerous
sellenteOrpinfirriterelifill'lbtiiiihes or licienciN'Mr. and
Literature. This woriefie tieing pUblished in abohtil leirge
ratan volnifik. , each cotitaining" tven-liolhinti rift!.
V 01,,. 1., IL, TV., V., Vi...;•end , are now risedy;' h
coutaiolug'pear 2,500 original articles. An additional
pnbli, hed oncelu about thr eemonths. .
.'Price; in Cloth, $3.00; Sheep, 3 .60; Hair moro., 84.14;
Half Bosnia, 4.60, each.
',,The New Anterican•Gyolopedia is , portlar. without being
superriclaLlearned but not pedantic, comprebenidve but
stalielently detailed, free from personal piens and party
prejudice, fresh and . yet accurate . It is, kcomplete state.
mirnt of 'MUM is known npou every important toilet/Ith.
In theuboris'tf &mein intelllgeisee. Everyinifcrtant
cle in it has,, been specially written for its. pagea,,by pen
tihtik;e:sutlbritles upon the topics of which they
. 41431*.
They are inktirlid 'to bring the" euhjeet RP to the , present ,
moment—to state just how it stands now. the'sbitisti- 1
eal Information is from the latest report.; the geographical
aoc : opnts keep: pace. with the:httest. Srplorations; :historical
matters include the fresheet.Austmlsws ; the biographical
notices not only speak of the dead, but also of the living.
It tea Lbrary:of itself: • • r•- •
ctelog a Political History of the UnittVl States, from the
orranitation of the Met Federal Congress In 1788 to 1856.
• Edited and compiled by Hon. Thomas H. Benton, from the
Official Records of Congress.
Tbevvork will be completed in 15,royal!xtavo volumes of
714 Pages filial, If of w hich are now relay. A additionhl
volume will be published once hi' threirmiiittia; '
Price, in Cloth, 13.00; Law Sheep, &SOL 1lL09;
A Way"of Praettrage the C''''clakekiii" eletie' Debates '
Form p club or tour, and remit the Dried Soar bo o ks,
beeerit 'at the 'remlftex 3 i expellee' for
oarriage; •orlor tens eubsciftdmveleveii copies In cloth win'
be sent at our expanse for carriage.
Or a Rietory of the Working of the' Aineritiat'
;meat.for „Thirtyyeara,lfrom ,18M ,to 1860, Chiellycialrero
from. the Congress Debates, the private!, papers•of,,generat
JiietiOn,lin'd the inieches of 'Bnßirrisitcir with Me
actual view of With* Etlittolibarrriptii
niustratkong, and some wotieear of eminent 'deceased' oon
temP'oyarios. By Hon. Thomas H. Benton. .
Complete in two , ioltunee, rciyinaivo, of aborit - 760 pain ll'
Price, in Cloth, $6 00; Sheep, 8.00; gall Mor., 7.00.
Of utaserlea,.l.reland, Scotland, and logland....:By Wm.
'hona E. Burton, Comedian. Banb,ellaturi. with ,upwardaff Bre
OVl,eifine and 14
atied.: -Conipletie teni '
Moe, in Cloth, r7•.00; Sheep; 800 ; Mal Calf,lo 00. •
• ktoomsettoli ef-the'Bresechae ortWe
eminent 9Aptors ,pf,Amerino, with.
p ßiafgraphlciii Birettleesiit
and NOtee. Zomok kitcnw, Cotnolete in two
'Mad:RI& .04iitey'iltii ,
Pliaoteutolth,ls.oo ;Sheep; 0:00; Halr mi0r.;7.60:
za.l .1
-ot iit i b rdor at siirt *Az y. 4 rewittlin thirstkirli ekwe oi)
• Teerwie.inaile known.npon application toibnApib.
IR* Vs! 41. 1 & *it 711
-11m-11 ..5 a ff
rumor slnknie,Anicarlizs,
P 0-114 ii 0 .
SEND' Fijlt—roniaN44
, ;fli-theeief ktachtnes,.. which.
sir.6ttier WA. - thilliorct
1. Beauty and excellence of etiteki . ealiliiiimit Of
.1116 *Ma Pawed. • •
l f ~eonomy of thread.
I. .Amiliciti and thoroughness of oonstaractioa,
eaiie of `operation' mid 4:iiinairinCenb. •
6. Quietness of movement. • '
7., Strengtb, &ruinous, and durability of emiro, that wii
not or ravel ,
ioreargp.t.poraita wagacibtristakinavidah.
Are now offered, •• . • •
Act R.e duce C. Pikes's,
BY , •
• rotes; err
fel9-1y 68 Fifth Street, Pittehprgh, P
At.APPL qNrir9air
to' the tarrielature of Pennsylvania . ; 'it its' next Bed
bon, tbe Matter or a Bank In the city of Pittebttrek,
to be inn* . mb
Commercial Bank of Pittabugh,„Aal L i;"gayir i , recii r 4 i liidaiaiiy 1141 Bana
!Dilann anlinbjeerto •
Ginkrarßauldniftiorbf 'lB6O.
es' — NBVINTMAeIEBOWIf-& - 00. 7 ) •
And Nanufaotar.r oLoEitlkiNftaitl GOAL OILS, No. 167
Liberty Street, Pittebnrib, Pa. ,
P - mrsWhite eLosdjf Windt:W(lkm* rind • kilns Ware, at
ttneaP 6 o • • . :6 i felKYr..
e. . ,
')Zir "i7J61.44/1 WATER gleam
• . liGnit i littr" t .. trififtfr 'iltattlrd . th .7
T i
ktatotrighicPt... : , .kW — synb' Lind tA3hicag a o cliair ) cd4bd%tdo l ,
l ik
ver, ten miles West of the City. Thls instlVNui_ Top
binessuperior advantages, for the successful trMtisimitand .
1 pompietepure or di/case, We- r ivonld cespeadallxinvite the
"WitiMtion of females irliO H ave e griffons' 4 for s ai d have
- Sibnos t• 'despaired. at' - a Tar itina big rellef o lo our restsblilik
went.. We can zrom mend this institution to female enter.
lies with great coitideicA; se 'in iMeliirig eznerfinee in
jneelMiee . to their ea r ,. weacare :had an almost .unV.
iblie au We will guidli give any ifcirther I ofti*it,ton
to th ose Wbo . deldre IC. lAchlrass :Box 130 47 elttbbtrgii,"Pa.
.11444 f H. PHRASE, K. D., Physicians.
.. .
• • . RULES. •
I:,motie l , is received every day , and in any amount
„,g. FIVE PER CENT. interest le paid for money Item the
"day It le put
The moiler's alwaYirpaid'ack in flOLV'whettevetoit
is, called for, and without notice. -
7 '" , tf-"biOney is 'idCeivect"fAini 'Eigenbace. 'itainT •
zptbetu, ,who i o•lealre Ao have it ini,a,place'of
fiiiifeet4a - fety, 'an a iiliere Interest s can be obtained for IL ,
' tab::The winneym received , forns , depewitar' s ' ifireitedln
dttailritreliblie l eekiiiitlee'iltherChiker directs: ' !
6.,ClifFiclf! . ....HOURS-:)3yeFy,day : trom 9 till 6 o'clock, and
on lifisidAys aoutTbilieasys tlli S o'clock in theevening.
IPlON.rlE.lffilllYsLi -,, Bstticlß;Pi-ealdent.
ItOBERT BELEM - D(IP., Vice President
Wirdask-3.-Rssn, Secretary -- -
OFFICE: Walnut St reet,,. South-West Corner of
'Third Street, Philadelphia.; e' ja2ll-1.
.4.1114,22, 1 71“212.
D. AMICK it 801 , 4 ,N 0.2 D St„,,be
'rbwrien Nor et and ClNietialatift ;PI; Ara, kiihis' tot
Jude • ~, .
BAY til/VD l Vatiff r aikftiffkiVO ...
ti.nnn Tinclote&DDMlkunsel
entOniriere Tools at tneulreet prilisou n d. um, the 4*
•t.i_ 111 i:
-wereV AA: .-A. Wigthlfrgeht,ip.,resAmAid.for
tsfrinviwritisriat bar en cash,
takeinfike*PiAgefirtllideint Lrettn-stoirel free of charge,
and sold on commission. ja.29.1y
:Lit Z.) :417.4J i
~• , 4 ' Yvi 0 rottlii , -,:n ..4.-.., .
1 . 9. itlaad
TE n r llilill. , Pi 404 111 .09 .:1 1 . 1 4CW YORIEs '
Asir, BEYOND -AiLfiallEloloif,
They have the FUEL ditON:EDAITE; 2re rintde UPTIeII
BEET. SEASONED, MATERIAp, und,posteue at least : DOD?
`BLIS TITS TONE anti* oiiiWiither'iniiker.. ' • ,
- '..elPths'greatiet•peiformire crake Piano,
. FIrR e tG I N I ATI'D '"A IVI E R MAN, . •
- g.ite them - itteiii theiiicifeed Mil i titilltdit OVtIC: :di
,ftVa ElliftBal In dre Esstenateittes,•lfrom . Baltiaaidui
,the STEINW4T ; TIASOB,sre all tilt rAge.valld.-ms.P.E.eN
exch.iiighig their Instiidifents - for 'those of .that cote ute
, likifilactbry. ' . l2Bthitii thelitiliCie'Cif'itieta t umentaTitiviliai
and of iocal, - ,ss azoneconipiniiiient to the roicellio'Stelialliy
?Janos far surpass alLthatthis cocultry or Europe. can pro
uce. They are arrauted for five Teem.- '—o.; i
'' ' • ' ~' • 1 .0. ilizeraYit,
Sole Agents for Steinway'sfPfanp's tor. twootern:.Peties3l.
yenta, and Eas.o,hio,,No. b 3 lifth Street, Pittsburgh,
ries rdorir' ioldaeoiii . - Eall: , , - ..sillAlini,
IN Anr / 141,1 3 r A lta :0 Ft. -P I-4111 0.11.
• ."Nylibltt ifA*6 - X(10/43,-:
The ettbscrlbecrhatilveit mis.defised;4lllfect!frasit "Web'4
* the, PIR.B2.,BURELY..of.the,.NEW L SOAL.H 4VL
'CLO.OHIKUTICH PI/50.8,40 Which , the attep,tion of,por=
- Ohissisii keeP`Atiteny ievited. Tinisn 'a is'isatlefidn tea
superb - lot. or thelisevinrcOtave new; stifle Stitt tilliss
_Pianos; xeceived j from the manufactory of 01310K101,ING
Is t ;SONS; all of 'wbiehisie euP . P ed to purchaser's at ton .
"Pactovje Pitiol;ifeliveved at'Pitfabfirgh free of the` eiPcsise
'ofifeelght.or and every itustrbinent WARRWNTEb.
The, improyemenbtreeently,pade by ChicHarinfk
'isitlitir royals. totem brakeless Pipes, have, been most saeslhhlyappliedLo thairneri6
Aciculate' intended! to meet , the: wtinbs or pc* tilushns '
moderate *sans. Thelmpsovement oonsistaln eilcomplOte
is called the. SCALP; being a radical
iheigilllionglioitihe Into 'Pianos.
the Plands•nowbuliand, from libels/use thin; WITH
be sold at a
t . tftana ,,,imin c l a Ksptemi l wailit a tiF.
$7 OO , according to thiT4wor74.ll.lca 60 10
. The rabseTtber has also the exclusive agezittintlacity
for the safe
,:4,tli •
Molodeon;Vand 'Organ - Harmonium's.
• ,
The Afeitidiniiitlid tfrgin riiiniiontume of Mason *
Hamlin ern prossoltheed anOerionto all :othara; by Doctor
LosrettAgennik; by Wil4Nadsl4o,H . tale oelebratod tat
of .Di7 ,- Arezand - ces retinrch, Ness,
,Tork by ,Thelberg, the
'wOrld-finiieiiedlPeanitit; by George T. Webb, itinelaVe
tety and nharly:all• the' dteUngtiNhed artists • and "ire - detail
00ND:thee of the country., They have received the •
at every exhibition, over all'epla
HarmoniumsThe,prief 8.9 f Apulia:l, and d .
'a Melodeons an
ar' a's fsllOws *
. 1 4% 'Oittie - 80
6 "
5 " , ENO's-Amt P6stable, -126 r
6 " Pfitni:B4le - gilodisons, - A . 100
• ' 2 " " 1111W11 61, I&ci
„:oipan.Efethlionitnne, iitur e.tfims, : . • 200
• "
milB ." and 400 •
'Chi: s es, and irktoleeslriii - selGh*ri.
' •For'silieority by : 'JOHN 4 liiittl43*,
d~f and
lefe .
bfekaleobe And Orgarianiii'dittnins;
• .• : : YT: •• Weed'. kit..;Pitteborah, Pa. •
5CA!",11,117 :Jig. . 9 . .
riRAPEit .:AN.D.
•• 7 ' 'no: 19 sriatt, • " da. ,H'"-
MO just returned them the Eiden/ Ottlea, and is now TO
adving his and 'Whitir — sixiek - of Cloths, Camimeres,
iteetings, and Cost/age, et every , cariety and style, adapted
to the beet city and cotultiy. tilde. Which will be made op to
order with promptness and dtspatoh, and at rates Si low
as iifinygothhr ilmiter eistablishinra in tbe city.
.14 1 1 8 1 1 / 9 47 ' • • tei•
angelica's .11mbadtrliAtitlrtfri'
itYR ':F A,lll . G
. '
`olll"Blidlitadifd Vatiy itialita t to `Ohti:
and : dentate dewing 1. hiachtheit, -, tnade to Tinian' the 'eye
nterely, th AT!, recommended for Wally ale. They wilt not
aintwer e purpose.
FtfaCFamily - Sewing l
hili es- . • . •
ought to be sir:haat , than any other; at gtaater .
work it required, and thej g 0 into lert . eltiElfUlthaqa.
Whoever buys one of tittree knowa to , a oortiuta.'
It will
P 5. 117tl it Al
.YHE: . W ORK '
d i ll.ibaCall and .=amine beforerepuea k%
re - a.t
2,1 ''.. . .
triiitaigisaltit Haza 4m ‘ , lit'
~ . .
a!Lie ' AND iIiIIEZNIR' ' Pllllllitlijklr imin. l
18514 . • ...- - -7 '
• : „,_, .
. H. tlirrir - lhiblii(nt tiklior: , •• IL
NO. 84 wn.pc imultr,r- . ..•., -
has just returned from the NaaterniAgge,...Vt4--....n_
eelooted stock of Clothe, Oseelmeres,'s/Ittlfl4 vifnX4lll
Veetioga ; a ll of which will be madootp-tik offer lit
moat approved styles, on reasonable'. to
~..ratic: . • ,„-_,..ri
Ole, lient'a PurniehhitfilooddJumeretrael/4b•'"
Whiter. • ' ' TB, NC' W a flitiat ....
• :i":00.1t35... • 0 9
rut -A4Pia;*. :GOODS;
131 . Wolxl - Street,- Pi Bi~e now ttsinfo, .
nisin n- n
~AGcloin wwmw any of •tlut
alien M In
. 6 : 41 " con q l P o .lo4:. ir•ki
op'*,wai.; lineSoifa
ateiVaiki-6..iiirPghgTh_,ll4llPw,"tV: 43rjaner-7-14-1-'
HATS r'Siiiw 211* orke,'4'3ta
wishing to puichaat lioy int:Resale or jteta,
, find it to Abiruidliromige to• es 11 • sindnxime.'W'sac„
. „.,
,_ ,
i rgi • "a'• ; '
• Corner of Liberty and Sixth Streets, Pittsburgh,
have received their FALL and,WINTXR STOOK OF GOODS
aciiiPrisiSg"fie-hheie lidWhisficlits , Getiltafi s;
vestisge,sac; irhiehttbay.aVeipreparedttermAeltd'oderlia•
wetyle and at, tuck pooikap.wapt Wt.° please. ~.
Their Stock Of • .
• k, iew ac . 0 4 . •
Out and made under their own an ...IfimWagetuipifin-a
very superior manner, end will - hi sidd et the Lowstar
()Agri PRIORS.
-Er,. imam .....umeranciloongsbNids .
ar)s . : 3 MLEMI 4 -
,Itagtriewart tirV
re &Ott
o ll *
Northeironatti Street, Wanly opp t sd"
• tblot
Raving retired front the,practiee of medicine, I may h e
permitted to say that tt has : fallen to the lot of bat few
%terror:ma to have enjoyed so liberal-or large a share of
obstetrical practice as my own haa been for the last thirty
or forty yeere.
The experience of that long period of active life, and the
fact or my having been twice, since 1830, associated with
Dr. It . A. Wilson , In the practice of medicine, (in both ft
'period of five years,) enables me to judge Pally of the merit,
of his pills.
Bo convenient, so efficient, and yet so 'safe did I esteem
these pills, that for the last five years in pretctlee, for the
, cure of chronic diseases of whatever . name . and those of
'feniales in particular, I have: need more of them than all
other medminee. Like every other medicine, these most
fail In some Instances, but in my heads there has been less
Aisalppintmankmicimoretifr--"Muksgis administration
of - this-one' remedy- p- fhan- of otherte=ite good effects
sometimes quite astonishing me.
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine, either
before or aftervarturition, the Wilson's Pills were Jost the
thing I wanted. ,
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness, or inactivity of the liver, constituted the
disease of my patient, the pills were just the thing
wanted. .
nesiated a case' requiring an edinienagogne, the
son's Pllls:wenejast the thing .I. wanted,
, If palpitation, headache, flushed ,countenance, or other
itidicating,a distarbames of the circulatory a n d
'secretory 'systeim, daboyfaibriy patient at the turn of life,
the-Wilson* Pills wersidnstrthe thing
~ „Arm, withont respect to 4e name adiaease might happee
to wear at the time I bare Dad it l ionde§ treatment, particle,
`tar - indications or symptom. atiiing•were always most
promptly and most bappilymetby the:Wilson's Pills.
That so, great a number or. diseases,_ and sometimes `SiPparently:opPrisite once?, in erhiCh I have used those pills,
should he mired more readily . ,by these „theta by any other
remedy, may it first seem strange and irontradietory, but
:why it is an, is as aleir to raj:mind as- that a greet many
persons should become ; thirsty, from, as, many different
Icausria, and yet irritquire that c ommo n and` indirreatest of all
,blerstlritpt. Seater s to quench their thirst,. , , ,
" In itontineion, it is due the repernitidncif medicine and
tte.pabdlo to-say,. decidedly and unconditionally, that the
,Wilson's Pills ere the only combination I have ever met
Within inylinar emirs* of practice' that 'really POssees any
thing carat:lye as specific for sick-headache.
yoiers, de., D. 11; NILO ADAMS.
AVaisciree Pruat . —lt will be seen by our adverffein g
F:olomos that these tslla. haye c st recommendation more
valuable' 'Hari 'araY *MeV a common nostrum could ever
attain' Dr..; Adams; whoillteetw these, lea. Gentleman well
known to,Many of oar citisene. He is a physician of good
'reputi,.and hes filled-various public stations with oredl4--
Pittsburgh -
B. 1421(AHNESTOOK. Proprietors , Pittshurgh,
-Jrir Sold by Druggists errerywhice. an2o-6m
u S • i rs b — vir ,
eurporinhard. Narita land N,male Physician, pre
mate to the attention of toolbars her
.1 Rt. vif
, For childrerpTeethiltg, .
,whichjgreetly facilite*Ales ,of teething, hy soften ing the gums, redacting . " all "" atiOn—will allay ALL
PAIN antrapannorikisetiosoind -
an , ,Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to youraelvee,
„ye .bate,put. up prid thisserticiefor over ten years,
'inn' say In omortimucs 14 gild Vintli of it, what ire
havetterer,been able to„ say•-" of any, qthetmedleixis---nev
ei has it FAILED; in a sin gie instance, to EFFECT A
OURS, whin. timely used ppinever 411 A. - We :know ,an in ,
stance of dissatisfaetieuAly,• irriy , one who need it. On the
coritiiry, all are 'delighted V" with its oPeritions, and
speak in terms of highest co commendationof its magical
effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter
what we do know," after ---- ten yeate'_experience, and
tedge our reputaton for i gti the MC/Orient 'of what we
am Amore. &Duvet tv inktanco where the in
fant ,is ; ring
,from pain P9ntid exhapeiloe,,,,,• relief Will
qiefdturd in 'fifteen of twentYr-rnlinlltei after the eyrup
410,67altuibie nroparation Mthe rof one of
.New England; and his Been • " need 'kith ziever•lhiling one
THOufl ttc.101%,,C410 . F.3.
It not only relieves the hp chiltefrom min, tut hivigor.
"itteitle atomhoh ababowsis, , tdritiota")lll4. ty ,lantb•gives
91R7snkellargy trftbe whole system. It almost in-
G 7,11
GV3 . C P •• 1 •
iand overheats " If. not epeadilyi raw tidied, edied, endln death. ~W,e 1:re;!_ Leis it the, t and,scassi
'remedy in' "tile imildpiti `An Anakite of DYS It AND
,DIAREILEA. , ..CHIL MEN, • whether, it -Arises
from teething," or from any other amuse. We would tuiv
to erary mother who his a jell ckidd suffering from an, of
the foregoing .complatnle---, 104 do not let year. prejudice,
"nor the prejudices of ahem; hand bet Ween your suffer.
in 4 child and the relief that it wiILbe.BURE--..yee, ABSO
LUTELY SITRE—to follow the nee of this medicine, it
timely used. Pull ,directicrmi "for rising will accompany
each beWiLttiNone- on
r MINIS the fio;e1holle of Clift
40e: PEOWEINI3, Nevrin York;ls ratite onadde
Peri '44\
Bold 14 Wanda thAtit
et , _
Principal No. • :New 'York.
fel9-I,y ;
11 ; , -^A, i•o' . - 1 4 , - a 1 - L .,- i• ,;.•
' - Ilooriu'ltini;i; . '' •
. . :• 4 7...., ;.„,., :. -,. . .
".• • ,
. •.+1 ithir • •
• -
~il2lo l6 2l. lo" k bWitirtS
Va le ial marB
i i 6 i c, laa nag tgreat
'. 4 l:6l:7 4 6afigii - yeara of iiiaL d
te rendered by them in all moos.
• LTEO sui
1 4g144441fral
.%..: * ll 4 Pal's!' :64 the KithotiThr
sad aIl dinioso arLdnafrom a disordered liver, or weak
, - _
Otinhactiiiiiii 'Bisset - Ye tiau,
* 4.s Paz
"•1Et101111 1 411: smintairsnieltverin ACM
gee our Mumma tn. Pnot: 'nue; Wcagte per Bottle.
Roolland's.Batsamip Coplial
9-iy , • ni
oCoup, Pnentacinie, &oitient Cenzonaption,
and lute perfbrmed the most astonishing curessera known
' ,•, °f ,;
CONEMIPLED 466•Nsiiittprwit.
Asa marri. Cordial it is . l equalled_ Plum 76 cents
per With,.
bolsigria k P9‘ 91 i41!tr , 43 1, !H# Plx, 0
~P,ft:kci,4PPerlese needs
eginnit;ndailcin ., hem They are 4ei r etwe, ara
—prapired with great exactnera,..eFid ire`singaripoldell. No
?ill , can be found. ..k9c5„2.5 cta. per box.
T medicines'hemedicines'are Dr. C. M..4citsan
Co, Philedelan and totils;Tdo.„ and are sold by
4reggiirta and in_madic The sig
nature of C. M. JACILSON will be on the outaide of each
bottle or box.
In our' , , Everybody's annually, you
find' tem3inoi I - Mt:ken from all
anitry. - ThiseArdisaii2efire . giini*wiy by
Neonagente;' , -
ly,ocl. ; • 7 •
Dl2: . :114% W&
.., utv i t,ii .:- r•,...: 1 4 1 115tr e :• .
1. .:.`; '3' , 1 , ' !a: 3 , S
i ra
TT :'
DYSPEPSIA• ii:-e)A-0/11L'
f *
'Slitiptottit 'cif a Eltiakid nYet
DAM in the right :side;initiiii /bee* of
E the ribs, increase. on piessdregi 'sometimes
the • pain is in the left , side; - patient is
rarely able to lie-on the .left side; sometimes
.61c. tisain is felt . ander she shoulder blade,
A0d...-itNqueritlys extends Jo _the top of the
_;slistul4cri,lo4o4. sometimes e, mistaken for a
1 1 :1 1 eRnwiRi t „ -., The. stomach is
-trietFcsar*Jals..of ,appetite and sickness,
aL' e aY7- 1 . IPige.4:ll arc costive , sometimes
with lent. the ncid is troubled
app4:•(.• •• ,a •
limit prim, accompa ni ed 174,1 x ,g, heavy
sensation in the baCh.pasi. there is gene
lolly .a considerable.loordf memory, accom-
Jpinied' with a pltisftil leamtitin! of having
- lifeundOhs Viviiidcdis Ott to have
been done . A 's7ght,rilif"eoligh is some
. tittles ail attendant."pre' ;tient 'complains
Of westrinaeseiily startled,
his feet are cold or Ind he com
-117k15.„0f,!, ricw:: a er.,sation ;4 . f the skin
. , sissr#.i_ertisisk; .IthOug he is satis
iedthit:exmcisetar'oidd be'-lot.neficial to him,
: yett he but !raireelc iip fortitude
enough to try it. fact, he distrusts every
crenstdy: Sevirel of The ißove symptoms
• ate' ad.thedilum's-d; biir 4 cases hive occurred
• Where' few of diem existed, yet examination
•of the body,'! after death, has shown the
write to havelecti extensively deranged.
Aocer i mro Frvint, when taken with Quinine,
7ate:grstd. lictiv,e of the most happy results. No
bectitrtgAd*tic can be used,-preparatory to,
staking Qtagine.. We -would advise
ioAr_eilaicted with thii disease to give
them w rautiitar..
Address.a orders to
- FLEMING Ikntaiihemi, PA.
P. ere and ordering from other" *V`
, Nirmitag: Bros, will doireA sifte'iSSE °Mere itifftl2MY,
sad.,toicks sone but Dr.., ArLataes, ,, ,preßsead by .e'ketine
- .Pitsboryb.;"Pi. to' thODIS*I.OIIAtO girl" them
str*, Idn Jsrenerti par/ poit ctoany part of
the United States; one Doi of Pine for twjdee a n s.-omit
labta g e stampe, AS. cinS - 41a1 of l'inidfitat' kir 'fourteen
J.91%,-ir!ituno? ~AtThßednres C ana da MUM be 'C.
mpanteeCC j twenty oasts Sates:
al Boid!byt Mere
t• i r t, P as lt" . ”W• t.:.a ;Silk si•.2
7 " I eggICIT